Page created by Melissa Mason

“I am a strong believer that what makes us stronger

                                                                            as a team and firm is embracing a diverse and
                                                                            inclusive workplace that brings different experiences
                                                                            and views into the Boardroom and challenges
                                                                            traditional thinking.”


WELCOME                                2    The new financial year is finally upon us, enabling us to reflect on the
Message From The MD                         good, the bad.. and the ugly to best prepare ourselves for the future.
                                            With the recent celebrations around Pride month and NAIDOC Week, we saw a
BUSINESS ADVISORY                      3
                                            time to reflect on our role in the community in raising awareness about diversity
Planning For A Successful 2022
                                            and inclusion and making a difference through action.

SUPERANNUATION                         4    I am a strong believer that what makes us stronger as a team and firm is
Four Critical Superannuation                embracing a diverse and inclusive workplace that brings different experiences
Changes                                     and views into the Boardroom and challenges traditional thinking. Our Diversity,
                                            Equity and Inclusion Council are striving to actively promote diversity and inclusion
                                            initiatives through a planned framework, targeted at embracing our team and what
PKF WEALTH                             5
                                            makes them unique.
Four Investing Lessons From 2020
                                            In providing more than just lip service to these causes, we were pleased to
CORPORATE FINANCE                      6    recently support the Australian Indigenous Education Foundation to help
PKF Advises Camplify                        Indigenous children access quality education throughout Australia.
On ASX IPO Listing                          Our engagement and push for a more diverse business community in Australia,
                                            led to us thinking about innovation. Innovation is borne from thinking differently
TAXATION                               8    and it is innovative thought that we focus on in this issue of Pulse.
Fact or Fiction – Are Tax Incentives
                                            Look out for insights into how strategies can mitigate potential risks, a feature
Fuelling The Ute Market?
                                            on Camplify and their recent ASX IPO raising over $11.5 million, a different take on
                                            the new ‘hype’ that surrounds the new Ram Utes or as you might call them ‘Super
AUDIT & ASSURANCE                      9    Utes’, in which buyers are utilising tax incentives and stimulus and some insight
The Value Of Story-Telling                  into the value of storytelling in today’s society.
                                            We also take a look at Baraja, a PKF client whose
PKF PARTNERSHIPS                       10
                                            innovation in their world leading LIDAR technology will be
Mark Hughes Foundation
                                            utilised in the driverless cars of the future. This technology,
Beanie Week
                                            once perfected, will be utilised by some big brand names.
                                            Very exciting stuff.
BUSINESS RECOVERY &                    11
INSOLVENCY                                  With the Paralympics approaching, we’re proud to get
The Personal Liability Virus.               behind PKF Ambassador Lauren Parker, a truly inspirational
Beware, Get Tested And Stay Safe            person who will be in Tokyo going for Gold. We’ll be              Lauren Parker
                                            cheering Lauren on from the sidelines and hope that you
                                            are too.
IT                                     12
What Is Ransomware?                         Finally, congratulations to Cameron Williams of our Tax
                                            Team who was recognised as our Employee of the Quarter.
                                            Cameron is a fine young man, going places and well
CLIENT PROFILE                         14
                                            regarded among the team.
                                            Happy New Financial Year from myself and the team at
TAKE FIVE WITH..                       16   PKF – we hope that it is a prosperous one for all!                Cameron Williams
Chris Weatherall From Sydney’s
Corporate Finance Team.
                                            Kind regards.
TAX DIARY                              16

                                            Steve Meyn
                                            Managing Director
“Taking the time to sit down and whiteboard the above will show
                         up not only issues you may have forgotten about, but it will also
                                         highlight the positives that came out of COVID.”

                                                                                Jackie Marriott Principal BUSINESS ADVISORY

Planning For A Successful 2022
With the unprecedented financial            One of the biggest struggles most            This exercise relates to just one of the
year that was 2021, many owners             industries faced through COVID               many stressers owners face, but it helps
                                            was cashflow. With the removal               identify that you can get in front of a
are questioning how they can                of government assistance, many               problem before it becomes an issue,
position their business to not              businesses may now face a more drastic       in a few easy steps.
only survive but thrive in an               strain on their cashflow than ever before.
                                                                                         Taking the time to sit down and
ever-changing environment.                                                               whiteboard the above will show up not
                                            Things you can implement now to              only issues you may have forgotten about,
Whilst some businesses have faced           avoid issues in the future include:          but it will also highlight the positives that
an extremely challenging 12 months
                                            • Set a realistic budget/cashflow            came out of COVID. This might include a
of trading and intense struggle, at PKF
                                              forecast for the 2022 financial year       new market you have not targeted before,
we have been fortunate enough to see
                                                                                         an employee that really stepped up and
entities thrive in their new environments   • Find out what your break-even              showed their worth to the business, or
and quickly pivot their products and          point is and have all members              even that your business faired much better
services to a new market. How have            of your sales division understand          than your competitors. You can then build
they done this? Through planning.             these base targets                         on these wins i.e. moving your marketing
So with the new financial year upon us,     • If the forecast reveals that you           resources to target these new customers
now’s the time to catch your breath,          will go into negative cash at              even further or giving your gold employee
reflect on how your business has fared        some point – speak with your               that promotion and recognition.
and determine what strategies you             banker now to set-up the
can implement to set yourself up for          necessary funding. Even if you                At PKF, we specialise in
a successful and prosperous 2022.             don’t end up using these lines                completing strategic planning
It’s easy to fall into the trap of just       of credit, you are assured it’s               sessions that focus on the
‘keep on keeping on’ but taking the           there which might                             reflection exercise above. If
time to focus on this important exercise      well avoid some sleepless nights!             this is something you would be
can highlight weaknesses in your                                                            interested in discussing with us,
business and reset your goals for                                                           please get in touch.
the next 12 months and beyond.

Questions to ask yourself include:
• What did you implement in your
  business that caused a positive
  impact? Can you take this forward
  into future trading?
• What struggles did your business
• What could you have done to
  pre-empt this?
• Did your competitors do something
  different to you and what was the
• Which of your people shone through
  the tough times and what can you do
  to reward and retain them?
• What can you implement now and

  who is responsible for this action?
• Who do you regularly get feedback
  from and how is this obtained?

“The introduction of the transfer balance cap and subsequent increase has
                                                  added significant complexity when it comes to an individual’s ability to make NCCs.”

               SUPERANNUATION Partner Daniel Clements

               Four Critical Superannuation
               A new financial year brings with it          The introduction of the transfer balance      • $1.6 million if, at any time between
                                                            cap (TBC) and subsequent increase in            1 July 2017 and 30 June 2021,
               changes in superannuation. These
                                                            TBC has added significant complexity            the balance of that account was
               changes elude to the evergrowing             when it comes to an individual’s ability        $1.6 million or more.
               complexity of super contributions            to make NCCs. It’s more crucial than
                                                                                                          •    etween $1.6 and $1.7 million in
               and the changes to concessional              ever to check with your Super Fund
                                                                                                              all other cases, based on the highest
                                                            administrator before making any NCCs
               and non-concessional contribution                                                              ever balance of your transfer balance
                                                            to ensure you don’t inadvertently exceed
               caps heading into the new year.                                                                account.
                                                            your cap and face excess contribution
                                                            penalties.                                    You can view your transfer balance
                1 Increase
                          in concessional                                                                information using the ATO online
                    contribution caps                       3 Increase in Transfer                       services (accessed via myGov).
               From 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2021, the             Balance Cap
               concessional contribution cap for each                                                      4 Increase in Super
                                                            The TBC is a limit on how much
               year has been $25,000. From 1 July                                                              Guarantee Rate
                                                            superannuation can be transferred from
               2021, the concessional contributions         your accumulation superannuation              As an employee, if you meet the
               cap changed to $27,500. The increase         account to a tax-free ‘retirement phase’      Australian Government’s eligibility
               is a result of indexation in line with       account.                                      criteria, you are entitled to receive regular
               average weekly ordinary time earnings                                                      superannuation contributions, made on
               (AWOTE).                                     The general TBC is currently $1.6 million.
                                                                                                          your behalf by your employer.
                                                            From 1 July 2021, it has been indexed
               Your cap may be higher if you did not        to $1.7 million. Now that the general         The minimum percentage employers are
               use the full amount of your cap in earlier   TBC is indexed to $1.7 million, there         required to pay is set to increase over
               years. This is called the carry-forward of   won’t be a single cap that applies to         time, with the increase to 10% occurring
               unused concessional contributions. You       all individuals. Every individual will have   on 1 July 2021. Below are the present
               can check your available concessional        their own personal TBC of between $1.6        SG rates, as well as the currently
               contributions cap using the ATO online       and $1.7 million, depending on their          legislated future changes to the rate
               services (accessed via myGov).               circumstances.                                from the Australian Government.
                                                            If you start a retirement phase income
                2 Increase
                          in non-concessional                                                                If you have some questions
                                                            stream for the first time on or after 1
                    contribution caps                                                                         about what this means for you,
                                                            July 2021, you will have a personal TBC
               From 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2021, the        of $1.7 million. If you had a transfer            get in touch with your local PKF,
               non-concessional contribution (NCC)          balance account before 1 July 2021,               SMSF team.
               cap for each year has been $100,000          your personal TBC will be:
               or $300,000 over 3 years when using
               bring-forward arrangements. From 1 July
                                                              Financial Year                                      Super Guarantee Rate
               2021, the NCC cap was increased to
               $110,000 or $330,000 over three years          1 July 2014 – 30 June 2021                          9.5%
               when using bring-forward arrangements.
                                                              1 July 2021 – 30 June 2022                          10%
               An individual’s NCC cap may vary for the
               following reasons:                             1 July 2022 – 30 June 2023                          10.5%
               • If a bring-forward arrangement is
                                                              1 July 2023 – 30 June 2024                          11%
                 currently in place. I

               • If your total super balance is greater       1 July 2024 – 30 June 2025                          11.5%
                 than, or equal to, the general transfer
                                                              1 July 2025 – 30 June 2026 and onwards              12%
                 balance cap ($1.6 million from 2017–
                 21; $1.7 million from 2021–22).

“Arguably the most important part of investing is the art of acting
                             afree of emotions when making decisions. This is not easy!”

                                                                                  Andrew Russell Financial Adviser PKF WEALTH

Four Investing Lessons From 2020
2020 was a turbulent year to say              was pre-COVID and the US market is at
                                              record highs, up roughly 25% of what it
the least. By February, COVID-19
                                              was in February 2020. So, what can we
cases were getting closer and                 learn from 2020?
closer to home and by March
essentially the whole world was in             1 Do not panic!
lock-down. “Unprecedented” was                Arguably the most important part of
the buzz word of the time and the             investing is the art of acting free of
share market did what it so often             emotions when making decisions.
                                              This is not easy! March of last year
does when there are times
                                              was a time like most of us have never
of extreme uncertainty… it                    seen. The toilet paper bandits are a
crashed. In the US, the S&P                   perfect example of human ability to
500 Index dropped 34% in just                 act irrationally during times of distress.
                                              The same goes for investing, if you
33 days between February and                  have a long-term time horizon for your
March. At home (Australia) the                investments, selling during a crashing
S&P/ASX200 Index fell by a                    market will only realise your losses from
                                              paper to cash. Don’t sell if you don’t
whopping 36.5%. For many, this
                                              have to.
was another layer of stress to
add to the daily hardship that was             2 Diversify
                                              As the saying goes, don’t put all your
Unfortunately, for the investors who          eggs in one basket. A well-diversified
sold their positions during 2020 to           portfolio is what is achieved when
‘protect’ their money, ironically, this did   assets are allocated effectively across
the opposite. History tends to repeat         differing sectors to reduce sector risk
itself, and just like every other stock       and stock specific risk. To use an
market crash, the market has now              extreme example: imagine if you went in
fully recovered. The Australian market        to COVID with a portfolio full of tourism      months. Entering buy positions during
currently sits slightly above where in        shares, it would not be pretty. Compare        the panic of COVID or any crash is not
                                              this with a professionally diversified         for the light-hearted and may not be for
                                              portfolio of multiple shares across            everyone, so:
                                              varying sectors. In this case, if a share or
                                              even a whole sector tanks your losses          4 Talk to your Financial Adviser
                                              will be mitigated across the rest of the
                                              portfolio.                                        Experienced financial advisers
                                                                                                have just what you need,
                                               3 What
                                                     would you do in                           experience. From the dot-com
                                                   hindsight? BUY                               bubble, to the downturn of 2003,
                                                                                                to the GFC, an experienced
                                              Hindsight is good, but foresight is               financial adviser will have
                                              better. Remember this for the future:             worked during at least a few
                                              every stock market crash in history               market crashes and will know
                                              has recovered! The COVID-19 crash                 what to do. They will be there to
                                              presented a massive buying opportunity            cancel out the noise of fear and
                                              to score premium investments at a                 doubt that inevitably comes with

                                              discount. From mid-March 2020 to                  uncertainty and rather, provide
                                              now (June 2021) the Australian market             rational tailored advice to deliver
                                              is up 45% and the US market up 84%.               clarity on your financial situation.
                                              That is a staggering return for only 15


               PKF Advises Camplify On ASX
               IPO Listing
               PKF has advised long-term client           The Corporate Finance Director that
                                                          led the deal, Andrew Jones, described
               Camplify on their Initial Public
                                                          Camplify as the perfect example of a
                                                                                                      “We felt the business was
               Offering (IPO) raising $11.5 million.      client that benefits from the mid-tier      at a maturity level in terms
               Demand for the campervan and motor         accounting experience. “Camplify was
               home sharing community was high            born from entrepreneurial spirit and has     of its operation, and from
               with reports stating that the IPO was      grown to become Australia’s largest
               over four times oversubscribed with        and most trusted van sharing platform.       a corporate perspective,
               customers looking to buy shares.           PKF and Camplify were the perfect fit
                                                          from the start of our relationship when      to be able to take on that
               PKF’s relationship with Camplify has       Camplify were reasonably new to the
               been built on strong foundations. Audit    market. The nurturing of the relationship
                                                                                                      next challenge. We’ve got
               & Assurance Partner, Martin Matthews       through collaboration and utilisation of
               began to advise the innovative business                                                an unbelievable opportunity
                                                          a PKF brains trust means we are
               in 2018. The relationship grew to
               encompass a full suite of offerings
                                                          proud, as a full-service accounting         now to really take this thing
                                                          and business advisory firm to stand
               including audit services and corporate     alongside them whilst they celebrate             to the next level.”
               finance advisory that led to the listing   this remarkable success”.
               on the ASX. I

Camplify founder, Justin Hales said the     current boom in the van travel market,
company is excited by the listing and       they have the opportunity to test out
he thanked new shareholders for their       the camping world, by being connected
support.                                    with a unique holiday experience they
                                            will never forget. The site operates on a
“We felt the business was at a maturity
                                            global level, giving caravan, motorhome
level in terms of its operation, and from
                                            and van owners the opportunity to
a corporate perspective, to be able to
                                            share their much-loved holiday treasures
take on that next challenge. We’ve got
                                            across Australia, New Zealand, UK and
an unbelievable opportunity now to really
take this thing to the next level.”.
The PKF team acting on the Camplify         About Camplify:
engagement includes Martin Matthews,
Andrew Jones and Scott Henderson.           Camplify is on a mission to become the
                                            world’s largest and most trusted caravan
Originally founded here in Newcastle,       & motorhome sharing community,
Camplify now has a community of over        making ‘van life’ accessible to all.
50,000 holiday-makers and with the


“The biggest factor is that Utes are a popular vehicle. The instant asset write
                                                    off/temporary full expensing stimulus has helped but other Government
                                                    spending, consumer liquidity and economic optimism have and will
                                                    continue to play a substantial role.”

               TAXATION Andrew Porvaznik Partner

               Fact or Fiction – Are Tax Incentives
               Fuelling The Ute Market?
               It is a scene you see every Friday
               night at the local pub – a group of
               tradies discussing the tax savings
               from buying their latest Ute.
               Or perhaps the discussion is
               around the latest aggressive
               looking Black Ram DT Luxury
               1500 which fits all the family,
               bikes, luggage, and dog(s) for the
               six-month camping holiday.
               So, are tax incentives such as the
               “temporary full expensing” (no threshold
               from 6 October 2020) and prior to that
               the “instant asset write-off” ($30,000       and Master vans. The flow on effect of      a $30,000 write off helped our LDV Ute
               threshold from 2 April 2019; the             Ute and van sales is clear to see in the    market.” Roger said.
               $150,000 from 12 March 2020) fuelling        aftermarket accessories market with
                                                                                                        Roger said “the feedback from the
               the Ute market growth? We sought             record sales and profits for the likes of
                                                                                                        Dealer network was that any tax-based
               input from the senior executives at Ateco    the ARB group.
                                                                                                        incentive is a difficult one to explain
               Automotive Group (who import and
                                                            In my view, the growth in Ute and           to customers.”…“No Dealer wants to
               distribute Ram Trucks, LDV and Renault)
                                                            aftermarket accessory market is creating    be a tax adviser, it’s a simple as that.
               to bring perspective to the discussion
                                                            thousands of jobs. Local manufacturers      Even our lawyers are paranoid about
               being played out in the media.
                                                            of products like tow bars, bull bars,       how we portray any tax benefit in our
               Dinesh Chinnappa (General Manager            exhausts and canopies have never been       advertising”.
               of LDV) considers that there are many        as busy. Consumers are not prepared
                                                                                                        Both Dinesh and Jeff are seeing an
               reasons behind the growth in the “Ute”       to wait for imported product. In a very
                                                                                                        emerging trend of home renovators
               segment. These include that the Ute          tangible way, the range of Government
                                                                                                        trading the sedan for a Ute. Shows
               is now a mainstream vehicle and an           incentives and spending is working to
                                                                                                        like “The Block” have a big impact for
               alternative to the large SUV – it is no      create jobs.
                                                                                                        the DIY builder. There is nothing better
               longer just a work car. Customers are
                                                            Jeff Barber (National Manager, Ram          than having a Ute to be involved in the
               seeing affordable Utes (such as the
                                                            Trucks Australia) pointed out that the      building project and perhaps, parking
               LDV T60) with the same luxury features
                                                            pickup cab chassis (4x4) segment has        in loading zones. “You would look out
               as top of the range SUVs, particularly
                                                            been growing steadily since 2016 when       of place at Bunnings in a sedan these
               with regards to performance, safety,
                                                            it represented 12% of all vehicles sold.    days” says Dinesh.
               technology, and comfort.
                                                            In 2020, that number has increased to
               The impact of COVID-19 is also               17%. Growth, yes, but not what you             So, there are many factors
               acknowledged by Ateco. Utes are key to       say is astronomical tax incentive fuelled      fuelling the growth in the
               the “grey nomad” market given towing,        growth. In a very short time, Ram Trucks       Ute market. The biggest
               storage, and off-road capabilities.          has become the iconic “head turning”           factor is that Utes are a
               Easy access to cheap finance (banks          large Ute in the Australian market.            popular vehicle. The instant
               offering attractive small business finance                                                  asset write-off /temporary
                                                            “If anything, Federal and State
               packages) and high levels of consumer                                                       full expensing stimulus has
                                                            Government spending on infrastructure I

               confidence and spending are a positive                                                      helped but other Government
                                                            and housing-based incentives are having
               impact on the Ute (and automotive in                                                        spending, consumer liquidity
                                                            a major impact on the Ute market.”
               general) market.                                                                            and economic optimism have
                                                            suggests Roger Zagorski (MD of the
               The explosion in online shopping and         Ateco Group). “Ateco was seeing an             and will continue to play a
               the need for couriers is also fuelling       upsurge in demand well before the 2            substantial role.
               the Ute and small van market. Renault        April 2019, instant asset write-off was
               is seeing strong demand for the Trafic       announced – but the initial increase to

“As a risk and assurance professional, the best forums, courses and lectures
                  have involved review and analysis of real scenarios, where risks have
           eventuated, life experience has been gained, and ultimately lessons learnt.”

                                                                                        AUDIT & ASSURANCE Amy Daley Manager

The Value Of Story-Telling
One of the most impactful things
I’ve read to date, is how we use
stories to connect and make
sense of the world: “The stories
you experience shape your
perception of the world, and your
perception, ultimately shapes the
stories you tell.”
As a child, stories encourage curiosity
and imagination. They also help us to
learn the intricacies of communication,
social norms, along with the potential
impacts of our actions and behaviour.
Throughout history, quality stories have
been able to transcend generations.
Fairy tales, nursery rhymes, and poems
have helped us to create and share                • Being absolutely glued to my seat          • What language is being used?
memories, develop empathy, and most                 at last year’s Risk Management
                                                                                               • What’s not being said?
importantly how to overcome adversity,              Institute of Australasia’s conference as
and demonstrate growth and resilience.              anaesthetist, and 2019 Australian of       • What’s missing?
                                                    the Year recipient, Dr Richard Harris
Being captivated by a story has been                                                           • What were the decisions made along
                                                    shared his perspective of the behind-
described as ‘illuminating the city of                                                           the way?
                                                    the-scenes emotions and decision
our mind.’ - With our brain functioning             making of the Thai Cave Rescues; and       • What are the learnings here? and
on electrical pulses, when we hear an
engaging story, it quite literally ‘lights up’.   • Having the pleasure of meeting, and        • What are the practical next steps that
                                                    working with non-executive director          can be applied to help us achieve
Often, we might not remember the                    of PKF Sydney and Newcastle, Kylee           reduced risk exposure, and improved
detail, but we do remember how the                  Dare. Kylee generously shares her            performance, and resilience?
story made us feel.                                 personal and professional story and
                                                                                               In addition, we must also ensure
As a risk and assurance professional,               experience, and is a passionate
                                                                                               we actively cultivate, and invest
the best forums, courses and lectures               advocate of Diversity Equity and
                                                                                               in both our tribe and professional
have involved review and analysis of real           Inclusion. Any time spent with
                                                                                               development. Engaging with a diverse
scenarios, where risks have eventuated,             Kylee leaves you feeling supported,
                                                                                               range of individuals, and reading
life experience has been gained, and                motivated, and privileged to have such
                                                                                               widely, encourages us to stay curious,
ultimately lessons learnt.                          a powerful, generous and inspiring
                                                                                               empathetic and focused.
                                                    leader in your tribe.
Some recent memorable examples for
me include:                                       As competent professionals, we must             With our ever constant
                                                  continue to listen closely to the stories       competing priorities, I’d highly
• Ex-Wallaby captain Dean Mumm                    we hear. This includes slowing down,
  sharing his personal challenges,                                                                recommend taking a few
                                                  removing distractions, and taking time to       minutes out of each day to
  inclusive of testing his limits with a          consider:
  venture to the North Pole to raise                                                              slow down, and let yourself get
  funds for his charity Borne HMRI                • What is really going on?                      absorbed in either telling or
  as part of our Greater Bank Risk                                                                really listening to a story.
                                                  • Why am I being told this information?
  Professionals program which aimed

  to get staff across the organisation            • Does this get us closer or further away
  thinking differently about risk;                  from our ultimate goal or destination?


               Mark Hughes Foundation
               Beanie Week
               Purchasing a MHF beanie each
               year has become a tradition
               that most Novocastrians (and
               Australian’s) have jumped on
               board with to support the amazing
               cause that is the Mark Hughes
               Foundation, and PKF Sydney &
               Newcastle is now different.
               Every year since 2017, our firm has
               put its hand in its pockets and bought
               beanies for all team members, This year,
               our team put their hands up to volunteer
               their time in packing beanie orders.
               We’re astounded and proud of the
               impact that the foundation is having
               on a national level.

                  By purchasing a beanie this
                  winter, you can help raise funds
                  for brain cancer research and
                  the amazing Brain Cancer Care
                  team who provide support to
                  brain cancer patients across the
                  Hunter. I

“If a director has personally guaranteed business debts,
                             delaying a decision to appoint an external administrator may
                                                  have increased their personal exposure.”

                                                        BUSINESS RECOVERY & INSOLVENCY Senray Loy Senior Manager

The Personal Liability Virus. Beware,
Get Tested And Stay Safe.
                                                                                          personal assets and in which case, if the
                                                                                          business has not been able to service
                                                                                          the loan and continues to accrue interest
                                                                                          and charges, it would increase the
                                                                                          amount the director would have to repay
                                                                                          personally to the financier.
                                                                                          You should seek advice if either of these
                                                                                          scenarios is an area of concern.

                                                                                          Director penalty notices
                                                                                          The Australian Taxation Office has not
                                                                                          been actively pursuing outstanding
                                                                                          tax debts since the pandemic started.
                                                                                          However, it now appears that the tide
                                                                                          is changing and the ATO is starting
At the start of the COVID-19                  impact it may have on their personal        to ramp up its collection activities. It
                                              financial circumstances, especially under
pandemic, the State and Federal                                                           is essential that directors make it a
                                              the following circumstances:                priority to lodge Company returns on
Governments introduced a number
                                                                                          time or risk being personally liable for
of excellent measures to assist               Personal guarantees                         tax debts such as PAYG withholding,
businesses from collapsing. These                                                         Superannuation Guarantee Charges
                                              If a director has personally guaranteed
included monetary assistance such             business debts, delaying a decision
                                                                                          and GST under a “lockdown” Director
                                                                                          Penalty Notice. If this is of concern, it is
as JobKeeper, cashflow boost,                 to appoint an external administrator
                                                                                          essential that you seek urgent advice.
the introduction of a moratorium              may increase their personal exposure.
                                              Even if the company was able to
on director insolvent trading,                                                            Insolvent trading
                                              negotiate a debt deferral during the
higher thresholds for responding              pandemic, the debt remains and may          The moratorium on insolvent trading
to demands from creditors and                 have continued to increase due to           expired on 31 December 2020. If
enacting the National Code of                 the accrual of interest, fees and other     directors are continuing to trade, they
                                              charges. If this is an issue for you, it    have to consider whether the company
Conduct for commercial tenancies,             would be prudent to review all personal     is insolvent or is likely to be insolvent
to name a few.                                guarantees you have executed and seek       prior to incurring any further liabilities
                                              advice on the next course of action.        as a claim may be brought against
These measures provided directors
with breathing room that allowed them                                                     them should the company be wound
to weather the storm without the need         Security against personal property          up. Directors need to be mindful of
to rush and place their business into                                                     monitoring the business activities and its
                                              As with personal guarantees, a director
external administration during the height                                                 performance to avoid this situation.
                                              may have had to mortgage their house
of the pandemic.
                                              to obtain a bank loan, overdraft or bank
These measures have since expired or          guarantee for the bond on a commercial      We are here to help
been wound back. For those business           lease. In circumstances where a director
that have not adapted to the current          delays the appointment of an external          If you are a director of a
environment and have been reliant             administrator and the business has not         company and have concerns
                                              been able to meet the ongoing rental

on these measures, the directors of                                                          regarding the ongoing viability
these companies must consider if              payments, the landlord can call upon the       of your business, please contact
it is necessary to appoint external           bond to cover the unpaid rent.                 the Business Recovery and
administrators if the business is insolvent                                                  Insolvency Team at PKF. We
                                              Another example is where a director
or is likely to be insolvent. Directors                                                      can provide expert help with the
                                              secures a business loan from a financier
should not only consider the financial                                                       available options to stay safe
                                              to fund the business. Again, the loan
position of the business, but also the                                                       from the debt virus from the
                                              may have been secured against

“Ransomware attacks can be very hard to detect and stop outright, if the attacker
                                                    has enough time and resources to focus on your specific organisation for an
                                                    extended period there is a possibility they will gain access.”

               IT Manager Joshua Gambrill

               What Is Ransomware?
               Labour has recently introduced               2 Phishing
                                                                      scams — In general             What can I do to prevent
               a bill to parliament which would                the aim of a phishing scam is          Ransomware?
                                                               to send a legitimate looking
               require all organisations over                                                         Especially with the remote access
                                                               message (email, sms, voicemail,
               $10m turnover to notify the                                                            attack above, Ransomware attacks
                                                               zoom etc.) which encourages a
                                                                                                      can be very hard to detect and stop
               Australian Cyber Security Centre                user to provide usernames and/
                                                                                                      outright. If the attacker has enough
               before they pay a ransom to                     or passwords. These usernames
                                                                                                      time and resources to focus on your
                                                               and passwords can be used for a
               recover access to their files, so               variety of purposes but some of the
                                                                                                      specific organisation, for an extended
               what is Ransomware?                                                                    period there is a possibility they will
                                                               most common are Ransomware,
                                                                                                      gain access. For most small and
                                                               theft of cash and theft of personal
               Ransomware is software which prevents                                                  medium organisations, having a few
                                                               information. In their use of
               an organisation from accessing some or                                                 basic items in place can make your
                                                               Ransomware the usernames and
               all of their data until an amount is paid                                              organisation a lot less attractive target
                                                               passwords can be used to connect
               to the people who are holding the data                                                 for attackers. Things like: multi-factor
                                                               to an organisations network in
               hostage. There are a number of different                                               authentication, building good password
                                                               the same way a user would when
               methods attackers can use to infect                                                    policies (including password blacklists
                                                               working from home.
               systems, but the intention is always the                                               to prevent people using Password01),
               same — block access to files and make        3 Remote
                                                                    access —                         locking down remote access to only
               an organisation pay to restore access           The COVID-19 pandemic                  those who need it and keeping software
               rather than lose valuable information.          brought many opportunities             and systems up to date, are all simple
               In more recent cases, attackers have            to work differently and this was       steps that make access for attackers
               threatened to release confidential              no different for Ransomware.           much more difficult. In addition,
               information or intellectual property to         With the rise in working from          ensuring backups are not accessible on
               competitors or the public to prevent            home and the sometimes rushed          the organisation’s network can provide
               the organisation from simply restoring          out nature of remote access            a recovery path if you are attacked.
               backups and not paying.                         solutions, there has been an
                                                                                                      As with any business risk there is a
                                                               increase in attackers exploiting
               How do you become a victim of a                                                        trade-off between the likelihood, the
                                                               vulnerabilities or using stolen
               Ransomware attack?                                                                     value of the data your organisation
                                                               credentials (see phishing scams
               In general there are three main methods                                                stores, the cost of downtime and the
                                                               above) to access an organisations
               used to hold files hostage — malicious                                                 cost of prevention but, the cost of a
                                                               network. These attacks can be
               software, phishing scams and remote                                                    successful Ransomware attack can
                                                               some of the most damaging and
               access.                                                                                quickly add up even if you don’t pay the
                                                               difficult to recover from as the
                                                               attacker can take their time looking
                1 Malicious software — Malicious
                                                               around the network, documenting
                    software was previously the
                                                               the software and systems in            How can PKF help?
                    most common attack method.
                                                               place and planning the attack for      Prevention: PKF have worked with
                    Generally this software came in
                                                               maximum effectiveness. These
                    the form of an email or link. The                                                 several clients around providing an
                                                               attackers will often identify the
                    software encrypted every file on                                                  independent review of the IT design
                                                               backup location first and ensure
                    your computer and/or network and                                                  and technology in place and advised
                                                               the backups are made unavailable
                    would include instructions on how                                                 on where it can be improved to provide
                                                               along with the rest of the
                    to pay to get the files unlocked.                                                 more resilience and visibility over things
                                                               environment to make restoring from
                    While this does still happen most                                                 like Ransomware.
                                                               backup more difficult than paying
                    modern anti-virus products are
                                                               the ransom.                            Cure: We have also assisted
                    generally quite effective at blocking
                                                                                                      organisations work with their existing IT
                    this type of attack so phishing
                                                                                                      providers after an incident has occurred
                    scams and remote access have
                                                                                                      to provide assistance with the recovery
                    become more popular. I

                                                                                                      and post incident reviews to see where
                                                                                                      processes and technology can be
                                                                                                      improved to prevent future incidents.

                                                                                                         Get in touch with our team today
                                                                                                         to see how you can get better

“There are a number of different methods attackers can use
  to infect systems, but the intention is always the same —
block access to files and make an organisation pay to restore
         access rather than lose valuable information.”


“Moving from a smaller accounting firm, Federico and Cibby realised their
                                                 business needed more than a ‘traditional’ accountant that worked on their
                                                 quarterly BAS and tax returns.”

               CLIENT PROFILE

               BARAJA – Driving The Future
               In 2016, Federico Collarte and            on their quarterly BAS and tax returns.       Baraja’s world leading LiDAR technology
                                                         Considerations of Big4 accounting didn’t      will be utilised in the driverless cars
               Cibby Pulikkaseril, founders of
                                                         feel like the right fit for an innovative     of the future. Their partners include
               Baraja came to PKF with a dream           start -up. Nicholas’s expertise and his       manufacturers and tier 1’s such as
               to be the leader in autonomous            experience working with innovative tech       Veoneer and Hitachi which has led to
               vehicle technology. Today, they’ve        start-ups assured Baraja that the service     major growth for the company. With
                                                         they received would be fast, flexible         Baraja we’re that bit closer to efficient
               secured $40 million to build
                                                         and fluid with the ability to pivot when      and safe technology for the future of
               the next-generation of LIDAR              needed.                                       autonomous vehicles.
               technology to make that dream
                                                         “It’s all about being able to grow with our
               a reality.                                clients. If we can’t solve a problem, we
               PKF Business Advisory Director and        find someone that can. There is no one
               start-up expert, Nicholas Falzon was      size fits all approach and we don’t try
               first introduced to the team at Baraja    to use the same strategy and methods
               when the business was awarded a           with everyone. We have strong networks
               $1million Commercialisation Australia     and utilise the capabilities within PKF
               Grant and realisation struck that they    whenever we need to” said Nicholas.
               needed strong advisers surrounding        “We’re both working at the cutting edge
               them.                                     of our individual industries, constantly
               Moving from a smaller accounting          learning from each other, researching
               firm, Federico and Cibby realised         and developing new techniques and
               their business needed more than a         strategies that we can apply to help
                                                         achieve our goals” said Nicholas.              Baraja’s world leading LiDAR technology
               ‘traditional’ accountant that worked I

Tax Leader
       Newcastle, NSW

    What Are We Looking For?
       Significant complex tax                    A thought leader with                      A flair for business
       experience with a proven                   a talent for explaining                    development and client
       track record in delivery                   complex tax issues in a way                involvement
                                                  that anyone can understand

     Are you a tax superstar looking to work alongside Newcastle’s most experienced tax leaders? Whether you’re local to
     Newcastle, looking to return home or want to make a move (and a great lifestyle change), we’d love to hear from you.
     With a great blend of coastal beauty and big-city convenience, Newcastle is the business hub for much of regional
     New South Wales.

     Working alongside our Senior Tax Partner of 30 years experience, you will have exposure and guidance from
     Newcastle’s leading tax and advisory professionals.

     The successful applicant will:            • B
                                                  e able to demonstrate tax              • Prior experience at a Big 4
                                                 theory through storytelling                 or mid-tier professional or
     • H
        ave the ability to inspire others                                                   accounting services firms
       and lead                                • H
                                                  ave a strong desire to grow               preferred but not essential
                                                 and develop both as a person
     • B
        e a talented tax professional           and in your career                       • CA/CPA qualified
       able to simply explain complex
       tax theory                              • S
                                                  trong collaborative skills,
                                                 an enthusiastic work ethic and
     • E
        njoy networking and                     excellent communication skills
       have a knack for business

        Achieve More                              Stay True                                  Be Remarkable
        Take your career to the next              Stay faithful to your values               The opportunity to excel
        level working with inspiring              and mould the tax division                 and have an impact in the
        leaders who will challenge                at a Top 10 Accounting firm                businesses of clients and
        and motivate you                                                                     lives of team members
Tax Diary
     “At PKF we think it is important for our clients to ‘get to know’ our
       team, so we took five minutes to chat with Chris to find out some
       interesting things about him.”

                                                                                                                    AUGUST 2021

Take 5 with...
                                                                                                                    14    Due date for lodgment of the
                                                                                                                          PAYG withholding payment
                                                                                                                          summary annual report (for
                                                                                                                          payments not reported and

Chris Weatherall                                                                                                          finalised through Single Touch

                                                                                                                    21    Due date for lodgment and
Take 5 has shown the team at PKF                               Q         If you could go back in time,
                                                                                                                          payment of July 2021 monthly
                                                                         what year would you travel to?
that there are a lot of things that                                                                                      BAS and IAS.
we may not know about someone,                                1970 – I’ve been to Glastonbury festival
                                                              several times but wish I could experience
even if we work with them.                                    what it was actually like it is early years.
                                                                                                                    28    Due date for taxpayers in the
                                                                                                                          building and construction, courier,
                                                              600,000 also attended a festival on the
Q    What is a little known/interesting
                                                              Isle of White headlined by Jimi Hendrix
                                                                                                                          cleaning, road freight, information
     fact about you?                                                                                                      technology (IT) and security,
                                                             and The Who that year and Concord
                                                                                                                          investigation or surveillance
I am a saxophonist and have played in                         made it firsts supersonic flight!
                                                                                                                          industries who pay contractors
jazz bands for many years
                                                                                                                          in these industries to lodge a
                                                               Q         What would you sing at Karaoke
                                                                                                                          taxable payments annual report.
Q    Do you have a career highlight                                 
     so far?
                                                            Anything Arctic Monkeys. I’ve belted
 ompleting my first M&A transaction in
C                                                             out “I Bet That You Look Good On The
the old library at Lords Cricket ground                       Dancefloor” a few times.
dressed in black tie and then celebrating
at an evening dinner straight afterwards!

Q    If you could live anywhere,                                                                                    SEPTEMBER 2021
     where would it be?
                                                                                                                     21   Due date for lodgment and
Tokyo – I visited a couple of years ago
                                                                                                                          payment of August 2021 monthly
and found the people, culture and food
                                                                                                                          BAS and IAS.

PKF Sydney & Newcastle Contacts
Andrew Beattie                                Anthony Sullivan                               Chris Davis             Nicholas Falzon
Business Advisory                             Hospitality                                    Wealth Creation         Innovation, Research and                                         Development
02 4962 2688                                  02 8346 6000                                   02 4928 7000  
                                                                                                                     02 8346 6000
Andrew Jones                                  Bob Bell                                       Clayton Hickey
Corporate Finance                             Business Advisory                              Audit and Assurance     Sarah Scott                                              Chief Marketing Officer
02 8346 6000                                  02 8346 6000                                   02 4962 2688  
                                                                                                                     02 4962 2688
Andrew Porvaznik                              Brad Tonks                                     Daniel Clements
Tax                                           Business Recovery and                          Superannuation          Wayne Gilbert                         Insolvency                               Integrity and Risk
02 8346 6000                                                      02 4962 2688  
                                              02 8346 6000                                                           02 8346 6000

                                                                                                                                     FIND US ON
PKF Sydney, Newcastle and Central Coast are member firms of the PKF International Limited family of
legally individually owned firms and do not accept responsibility or liability for the actions or inactions of
any individual member or correspondent firms.
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