Open Source PPE Project - A report by Benchspace - Benchspace Cork

Page created by Eric Bauer
Open Source PPE Project - A report by Benchspace - Benchspace Cork
Open Source
PPE Project
A report by Benchspace.
Open Source PPE Project - A report by Benchspace - Benchspace Cork
A National
Witnessing the challenges                      Face shields are an essential component
facing other countries during the              of PPE for healthcare providers treating
emerging COVID-19 pandemic                     patients with confirmed or suspected
                                               COVID-19 infection. In Ireland, this
allowed Ireland to plan in advance
                                               includes the large number of frontline
its response to the crisis.
                                               healthcare workers in COVID-19 testing
                                               centres, community assessment hubs
Shortages of personal protective equipment
                                               and nursing homes.
(PPE) were highlighted as a critical issue
for frontline healthcare staff - placing
                                               In anticipation of the needs of these
these workers at high risk of infection and
                                               healthcare workers, a number of
reducing the ability of healthcare services
                                               manufacturing companies in Ireland had
to save lives. Governments and public health
                                               started developing face shields. However,
officials were faced with the considerable
                                               it would be weeks before these were
challenge of obtaining sufficient quantities
                                               available to the Health Service Executive
of PPE on competitive international markets.
                                               (HSE) for purchase. Because of this, a gap
                                               was expected between the immediate
                                               needs of Irish healthcare workers and the
                                               availability of a reliable supply of PPE,
                                               including face shields.

PPE Report
Open Source PPE Project                                                                     01
Open Source PPE Project - A report by Benchspace - Benchspace Cork
The Open Source
PPE Project
In the fourth week of March               The Open Source PPE project began as
2020, as the number of COVID-19           a collaboration between these two groups.
cases in Ireland passed 1,000,            We combined our expertise to bridge the
                                          gap between the immediate needs of Irish
several organisations in Cork were
                                          healthcare workers for face shields and
working to meet the needs of Irish
                                          the anticipated arrival of a commercial
healthcare workers for face shields.      supply. To achieve this we were joined by
                                          a coalition of nonprofits, industry partners,
One such group of engineering and
                                          the Irish Defence Forces and over three
regulatory professionals from local
                                          hundred 3D-printing, collection, and
healthcare industries had started
                                          assembly hub volunteers.
prototyping designs and working with
healthcare organisations to test them.
                                          Together these Open Source PPE
At the same time, the staff and members
                                          volunteers built a nationwide manufacturing
of Benchspace - Cork’s shared
                                          network, established three central
manufacturing hub - brought together
                                          assembly hubs, and in just seven weeks,
a national network of 3D printers and
                                          produced over 50,000 face shields for
established a crowdfunding platform
                                          frontline healthcare workers in COVID-19
to finance face shield production.
                                          test centres, community assessment hubs
                                          and nursing homes.

Open Source PPE Project                                                                   02
Open Source PPE Project - A report by Benchspace - Benchspace Cork
The engineering, and regulatory experts of the
Open Source PPE team worked closely with the
Quality and Safety Department at the HSE’s
Cork/Kerry Community Healthcare, to identify
                                                             Visor                                            Visor
a face shield model for production.
                                                             Template                                         Template

The engineering, and regulatory experts of the Open
Source PPE team worked closely with the Quality and
Safety Department at the HSE’s Cork/Kerry Community
Healthcare, to identify a face shield model for
production. This involved infection control assessment,
clinical approval and in-the-field testing of several
models. From this process the Verkstan face shield
design was initially selected.

Throughout the project we received regular feedback          Verkstan Face Shield                             a Face shield
on the performance of these face shields. This led us to
switch to an alternative design on Day 12 of production.
                                                             • Open source design developed by                • Open source design developed by
This newer N3DPS face shield had a larger gap between
                                                               Swedish company (3DVerkstan)                     UK’s National 3D Printing Society
the user’s face and visor, providing more room for wearing
                                                             •   •
face masks or glasses and reducing fogging. The visor
                                                               otroliga-kraften-inom-3d-branschen/              /medical-am-covid-19/
attachment to the frame was also more secure.
                                                             • 2 components: 3D printed frame                 • 2 components: 3D printed frame
                                                               & A4 Size Clear Visor                            & A4 Size Clear Visor

Open Source PPE Project                                                                                                                                   03
Open Source PPE Project - A report by Benchspace - Benchspace Cork
3D Printers
A Micro-Factory Network.                      volunteer was just 10 years of age.
                                              Many came from Ireland’s engineering
As stay-at-home restrictions                  community; after Engineers Ireland
                                              promoted the Open Source PPE project to
were introduced across Ireland,
                                              its members. As the network expanded, it
we opened a national campaign
                                              was joined by volunteer organisations with
to recruit volunteers with access             access to large numbers of 3D printers.
to 3D printers.                               These included schools, libraries, institutes
                                              of technology, universities, industry and
This began with a simple social media call,   the Irish Defence Forces. Where these
reaching out to Ireland’s maker community.    organisations could not participate directly,
It soon grew to include local and national    they generously loaned their 3D printers to
newspapers, alongside radio and television    volunteers in the network instead.
coverage. In the first few days of the
                                                                                              Instagram and
campaign, 80 volunteers signed up to          Many volunteers went beyond 3D printing         Facebook call out
participate in our micro-factory network.     to provide online technical support, develop    to Ireland’s maker
This increased daily, to a network of over    our website, coordinate the national            community.
300 volunteers nationwide.                    collection service and establish assembly
                                              hubs. The Open Source PPE project
The majority of these volunteers were         could not have happened without their
individuals with home-based 3D printers.      contributions.
They included hobbyists, professionals,
students, and families. Our youngest

PPE Report
Open Source PPE Project                                                                                       04
Open Source PPE Project - A report by Benchspace - Benchspace Cork
Open Source PPE Project - A report by Benchspace - Benchspace Cork
Volunteers with 3D printers from across the
country signed up to help. Many were searching
for opportunities to contribute PPE to the national
COVID-19 response but were unsure of what to
make, or how to get it into the hands of healthcare
workers who needed it. The Open Source PPE
project tied all of these pieces together and made
it easy for anyone with a 3D printer to get involved
and contribute. We supported each volunteers
with an online technical support community and
a production tracker where they could easily follow    Day 1-3     Day 4-7     Day 8-14
and compare their contribution to the project.










           Day   Day    Day    Day     Day    Day
           1-3   4-7   8-14   15-21   22-28    29      Day 15-21   Day 22-28   Day 29
Open Source PPE Project - A report by Benchspace - Benchspace Cork
Timeline Day 0-27









  Day    0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10    11   12      13   14     15   16    17      18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27

                                             Covid 19 New Cases               New Frames Printed












  Day    0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10    11   12      13   14     15   16    17      18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27

                                             Covid 19 Total Cases             Total Frames Printed
Open Source PPE Project - A report by Benchspace - Benchspace Cork
Timeline Day 27-54









  Day    28   29   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39      40   41     42   43    44      45   46   47   48   49   50   51   52   53   54

                                                 Covid 19 New Cases               New Frames Printed












  Day    28   29   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39      40   41     42   43    44      45   46   47   48   49   50   51   52   53   54

                                                 Covid 19 Total Cases             Total Frames Printed
Open Source PPE Project - A report by Benchspace - Benchspace Cork
PPE Events and Media Day 0-54
                                      Blood Bike Services &                              Switched                                                  Irish Defence
                                      Southern 4*4 Response                                                             Online
                                                                                      production to                                               Forces Assembly
                                    start national collection                                                         Production
                                                                                           N3DPS                                                      Hub opens
                                     of frames from printers                                                          Tracker v2
                                                                                                                                                     at Collins
  Call for Open                                                                                                        launched
    Source PPE
                                                     HSE Request
  on Instagram
                                                    Support from
                                                   Irish Defence                                                                                                           Echo Live
                            Go Fund Me            Forces for PPE                      RTE National                         Twitter Micro                                                           Tipperary Live
                             Launched                  project                            News                               Factories

                                                                                                                                                           Twitter Irish
                                                                                                                                                          Defence Forces
                                         96FM Interview           Hub Opens at
                                                                Garyduff Sports

 Day   0        1      2        3        4       5      6       7     8      9      10     11     12       13    14      15        16    17       18     19    20     21     22        23    24    25      26     27

               Volunteer                                                              Travel restriction                                          Announced
                Assembly                                                          extended to 5km from home
               Hub opens                                                                                                                        shutdown of
              at Limerick                                                                                                                       3D printing
                                                                                                                                                 operations                                             Total Frames
             Institute of                                                                                                                                                                                 Printed
               Technology                                                                                                                       to printers
                                              RTE National

                                             Irish Tech News

 Day    28        29   30       31       32       33     34     35     36     37      38     39       40    41    42       43       44     45       46    47     48    49      50       51    52    53      54

                                                                                            PPE Event                     Media
Printer                                                       Resource
Statistics                                                    Statistics                                      52,023           Total Frames

                    Frames                           Frames
                                                              3D Printer Filament

244                          4                                 1,040KG          1,040KG                           343 km
individual                   individual
                   0-250                      1,000—1,250                                             Cork                      Belfast
printers each                printers each
completed                    completed
                                                                                                                  343 km

35                           1
individual                                                    Estimated total weight              Estimated length
                 250-500     individual       1,250-1,500     of filament used (kg)               of filament @330m (km)
printers each                printer
completed                    completed

                                                              Print Time                                        Visor Material
                                                              Estimated total                                   Estimated area of visor

                                                              of print time                                     material used (sqm)
individual       500-750     individual      1,500-1,750
printers each                printers each
completed                    completed


4                            1
individual      750-1000     individual      1,750-2,000
printers each                printer                              1,084
completed                    completed

                                                                   DAYS                   YEARS

Collection Team
Two voluntary groups, Blood                      Blood Bike South
Bike South and Southern 4x4                      Blood Bike South is an out-of-hours urgent
Response took on the challenging                 medical transport service, part of a national
task of organising a collection and              network of Blood Bike Groups (Blood Bike
delivery service for the hundreds of             East, Blood Bike MidWest, Cú Chulainn
                                                 Blood Bikes and Blood Bikes South
stay-at-home members in our 3D
                                                 East). Coordinated by a Blood Bike South
printing network.
                                                 volunteer, this national network contributed
                                                 to the Open Source PPE project while
Within just a few days they had implemented
                                                 simultaneously maintaining the out of hours
a nationwide logistics service, coordinating
                                                 services they provide to public hospitals on
with the National Blood Bike Network,
                                                 a daily basis.
Bike Marshalls and Bravo Charlie Tango
motorcycle volunteers where necessary.
                                                 Southern 4x4 Response
Between them, these teams collected face
                                                 Southern 4x4 Response comprises a
shield frames from volunteer printers in every
                                                 group of trained and vetted 4x4 owners
corner of the country and delivered these
                                                 who offer severe weather and off road
to central assembly hubs. Many of these
                                                 transport to support emergency services
collection teams were on the road seven
                                                 and communities in Cork and Kerry. Their
days a week, often at their own expense.
                                                 drivers visited printers two to three times a
To help us manage this national collection
                                                 week and like so many volunteers around
service, one of our volunteers built a website
                                                 the country who helped neighbours,
to track the quantity and location of printed
                                                 relatives, friends and strangers found the
face shields, schedule these for pickup and
                                                 experience very rewarding.
organise the resupply of 3D printer filament.

PPE Report
Open Source PPE Project                                                                          11
Aula Max and independently run by
                                                                          Assembly                                  volunteers from LIT. These assembly

                                                                                                                    hubs worked together to complete the
                                                                                                                    final steps of face shield manufacture,
                                                                                                                    packaging and distribution to the HSE.

                                                                               Collins Barracks,                    Towards the final weeks of the project,
                                                                               Co. Cork.                            members of the Open Source PPE team
                                                                               Garryduff Sports Centre,             worked with local industry to produce
                                                                               Co. Cork.                            injection moulded frames for face shields.
                                                                               Aula Max, LIT,                       Over 10,000 of these were also packaged
                                                                               Co. Limerick.                        and distributed by our assembly hubs.

                                                                          Before delivery to healthcare workers,
                                                                          all 3D printed frames had to be checked
                                                                          for quality, paired with two clear
                                                                          visors, and packaged. This work was
                                                                          completed at three central assembly
                                                                          hubs. The visors required for this were
                                                                          cut and processed by Watermans and

Irish                     On 3rd April the HSE requested the Defence
                          Forces to assist with the Open Source PPE
                                                                          Carrig print in Cork, who generously
                                                                          volunteered their services.

Defence                   project. In response, they established two
                          3D printing farms in Collins Barracks Cork

                                                                          The first assembly hub was established
                          and the Curragh Camp. These used the
                                                                          by a team of volunteers from DePuy        DePuy Synthes Cork
                          Defence Forces’ existing 3d printers as well
                                                                          Synthes Cork and the Garryduff            The Corporate Social Responsibility
                          as additional printers and material acquired
                                                                          sports centre. This pop-up factory        team from DePuy Synthes (a medical
                          specifically for the project. In total the
                                                                          was operated 3-4 times per week by        devices company in Cork) offered their
                          Defence Forces 3D printed over 3,000 frames
                                                                          groups of twelve volunteers. This was     logistics expertise to the Open Source
                          for face shields. This work was carried out
                                                                          followed by a second site opened by the   PPE project to develop the assembly line
                          by members of the Ordnance Corps and the
                                                                          Irish Defense Force in Collins Barracks   procedures that were needed to clean,
                          Communication and Information Services
                                                                          Cork and operated by young soldiers       check and package face shields before
                          Corps. In addition to 3D printing the Defence
                                                                          whose training had been suspended in      delivery to the HSE. They also brought
                          Forces also built up a logistics and assembly
                                                                          response to the COVID-19 pandemic.        together over 100 volunteers from across
                          hub in Collins Barracks Cork.
                                                                          A third assembly hub was opened at        their company and the Garyduff Sports
                                                                          the Limerick Institute of Technology’s    Centre to run our first assembly hub.

PPE Report
Open Source PPE Project                                                                                                                                   12

                                                                   Corporate Donation

Fundraising                                                        (Aspen Grove)

and Financial                                                      Corporate Donation

Transparency                                                       Corporate Donation

For each Euro donated to the Open Source PPE project we
                                                                   Public Donations
were able to produce one face shield. These were donated
to healthcare workers free of charge.

We fundraised a total of €50,870 to finance the purchase
of materials needed for manufacture. Members of the
public donated €34,563 to our crowdfunding campaign
and the remaining €16,308 was donated by local
healthcare industries and businesses. Many businesses
also donated their time, services and materials for free.
                                                                   3D Printer Filament
Of the total funds raised, 96.2% (€48,956) was spent on
purchasing raw materials for manufacturing. This consisted         Visor Material
of 3D printer filament (31.9%), visor material (59.5%) and         €30,288
packaging supplies (4.8%). The total of all other expenditure
was €1,833 (3.6%). This consisted of crowdfunding fees             Packaging
(2.4%), website hosting (0.3%), shipping and admin costs           €2,429
(0.9%). The balance of funds remaining at the end of the
Open Source PPE project was €81 (0.2%).                            GoFundMe

                                                                   Website, Shipping & Admin

                                                                   Shipping & Admin

Open Source PPE Project                                                                        13
National Efforts                                                  ACME Blinds:
                                                                   10,000 frames
                                                                                                                  CALT Dynamics:
                                                                                                                   10,000 frames

  Capacity Per Day

Future Plastics:                                                                                  Key Plastics:
 10,000 frames                                                                                     5,000 frames

                                                           1,200 frames

                               of Limerick:               Merv Colton:             Cartolytics:
                                5,000 frames              1,000 frames             500 frames

                                                                          Cork Institute
                                                                          of Technology:
                                                                          500 frames
                                               Community School:
                                               200 frames

                                                                   Fablab Nerve Centre:                                              Shnuggle:
                                                                   150 frames                                                      25,000 frames

                Blocblinds:                                                Sligo Institute
              400,000 frames                                               of Technology

  Open Source PPE Project                                                                                                                          14
Achievements and Thanks

I am so proud to be part of a volunteer                A testament to the spirit                               I have heart and lung conditions, and all
effort that sprung up in such a short space            of togetherness in crisis.                              this mess is to protect people like me.
of time. The organisation involved was                                                                         This project provided me with unique

colossal and the leaders made it look easy!                                                                    opportunity to contribute, to provide
Huge thanks to the bike marshals for their                                                                     some help to people who are trying to help.
efforts, chats and positivity.                                                                                 Much appreciated!
                                        Tom English                                              Mark Carr                                            Josip Almasi
                                           Co. Clare                                            Co. Kilkenny                                              Co. Cork

It was inspirational and super well organised.         I am very glad to have been able                        I was the second youngest printer part of
My 14 year old daughter was really happy               to have played a very small part in                     this. And honestly this was probably the
to play a part in helping out. We bought               a monumental effort. If in the future                   most fun I have had in ages, just the sheer

a second printer to increase production,               there are other schemes I would                         amount of knowledge
and will donate this to her school whenever            love to be involved.
they go back to school.
                                  Les & Ellie Mahon                                            Paul Howarth                                       Harry O’Connor
                                            Co. Cork                                               Co. Kerry                                             Co. Cork

This project showed the power                          Our staff were proud to have                            I’m very proud to have been part of such
of community spirit and what                           been of some help to the project.                       a well run, well intentioned group. A very
can be achieved.                                                                                               good memory to have in one of the worst

                                                                                                               of times.

                                        Aoife Devlin           Tipperary County Council Library Service                                                Mary Lynch
                                           Co. Cork                                       Co. Tipperary                                                  Co. Clare

Project Contributors                                                                              + 200 Anonymous Printers


Aaron Barry                Darek and Paulina Halka   Facebook Cork            John O’Connell      Miriam Nugent              Sean Forsyth

AlanJ                      Darran Kerwick            Fachtna Roe (TCFE)       John Walshe         Miroslaw Jutkiewicz        Sean Smyth
                                                                                                                             Grange Community
Andrei Calistru            Darran Shortt             Farivar Kaghazchi (Fa)   Jonny Rowan         Niall O’Connor
Andrei Reaboi              Darrell O’Brien           Fergus Somers            Joris               Niall Whitty
                                                                                                                             Sebastian Knapp
Andrew Cashman             David Furlong             Fingleton White          Josip Almasi        Nicolas Wijnstekers
                                                                                                                             Sgt John Meere
Aniket Latpate             Dean Gallagher            Finn Yore                Karl Grabe          Nikk George
                                                                                                                             Shane O’Donnell
                           Coláiste Dún an Rí
Aoife Devlin                                         Frank Courtney           Ken O’Connell       Noel O Flaherty
                                                                                                                             Simon Kenyon
                           Derek Farrell
Aoife for CCAE, UCC+CIT                              Gaetan Meister           Les & Ellie Mahon   Paddy Fagan
                           Fire1Foundry                                                                                      Stefan Bondorf
Ben Lenihan                                          Garry O’Mahony           Leslie Simons       Paddy Foley
                           Dermot Saville                                                                                    Stephen Martin
Bob Finley                                           Gavin Pay                Lorcan Murphy       Patrick Gaynor
                           Don Kenneally                                                                                     Stephen Moroney
Bryan Alexander                                      Harry O’Connor           Mark Carr           Patrick Rooney
                           Donnacha Kelleher                                                                                 Tal Eretz Kdocha
C. Mulder                                            James Temple             Mark Gaffney        Paul Howarth
                           Ed Doyle                                                                                          Thomas J. Fleming
Castleblayney Youthreach                             Jay Bradley              Mark McLoughlin     Paul Quinn
                           Eddie Connolly                                                                                    Timothy Buckley
Chris Allen                                          Jeffrey McCormick        Martin O’Driscoll   Pawel-Donabate
                           Eimantas Kozeniauskas                                                                             Tipperary County Council
                                                     and Eva McGrergor
Chris Fenlon                                                                  Mary Lynch          Piotr Wieczorek
                                                                                                                             Library Service
                           Elise Kenneally
                                                     Jens Köpke
Ciaran Patterson                                                              Matthew O’Neill     Raf Peeters
                                                                                                                             Tom English
                           Emmanuel Stone
                                                     Joe Fahey
Colin Russell-Conway                                                          Michael D. Murphy   Rafal Szczepanik
                                                                                                                             Tomasz Nicinski
                           Eoghan Lenihan
                                                     John Alfred              (MeSSO CIT)
Colm Gibbons                                                                                      Richie Cunningham
                           Eoghan Mulholland         Adare, Co Limerick
                                                                              Michael Gargan
Conor Burke                                                                                       Robert Roche
                                                                                                                             University College Cork
                           Evan Dargan Hayes         John from Gypsy
                                                                              Michiel DeLepper
Conor O’Neill                                                                                     Scott Phelan
                                                     John O’ Shea
                                                                              Mike O’Sullivan

Project Contributors
People                                       Ogranisations

Fergus Somers       Hyacinthe Jacquet        Irish Defence Forces      Garyduff Sports Centre   CIT Interior Architecture

David Scannell      Commuity Outreach Team   Blood Bikes Ireland       Watermans Printing       UCC & UCC Library

Ian Barron          Diane Fehilly            Blood Bikes South         Carrig Print             JB Roche

Michiel DeLepper    Victor Twohig (T&T)      Blood Bike East           Engineers Ireland        Bike Marshalls

Martin Horgan       David Kyle               Blood Bike MidWest        Aspen Grove Solutions    LIT

Sean Walsh          Pat Crowley              Cú Chulainn Blood Bikes   3D Fuel                  Bravo Charlie Tango

Alan O’Halloran     Martin Lehane            Blood Bikes South East    Cork City Libraries      DePuy Synthes

Deirdre Hourihane   Paul O’Brien             Southern 4*4 Response     CSN College

Sean O’Sullivan     Luke Harman

Thomas J. Fleming   Michael McLaughlin

Seán Elliott        Kevin Geary

Enda Moynihan       Ciaran O’Loughlin

Nicky Bent          Marc O’Riain

Martin O’Driscoll   Gavin Russell

Conor O’Neill       Owen Kelly

Bernard Yore        Deirdre Breen

Wan Waterman        Cathal Brown

Jay Bradley         Colm O’Neill

Joe Fahey

Eoghan Calnan


By mid May 2020, the HSE                     The Open Source PPE team would like
Cork/Kerry advised us that                   to thank all those who contributed to this
commercial suppliers had begun               project. Many had family or friends who
                                             were frontline healthcare workers; many
to meet their demand for face
                                             were cocooning to protect themselves,
shields, and as such we could
                                             and others contributed to this effort despite
wind down our voluntary effort.              uncertainty about their own employment
                                             and financial security.
The Open Source PPE project had fulfilled
its purpose, to supply face shields to
                                             The response to the Open Source PPE
frontline healthcare workers until the
                                             project was extraordinary; every request
arrival of sufficient commercial supplies.
                                             for support was met with overwhelming
What had initially been conceived of as
                                             generosity and motivation. That Ireland
a small project, which we hoped could
                                             has such a pool of selfless, skilled
produce 10,000 face shields, had grown
                                             and experienced individuals who will
into a national operation with over
                                             respond to a crisis such as the 2020
300 contributors making 50,000 face
                                             COVID-19 pandemic is cause for pride
shields over a 2 month period during the
                                             and confidence. This was a demonstration
COVID-19 pandemic.
                                             of community, institutional and industry
                                             collaboration at its best.

Open Source PPE Project                                                                      18
Benchspace Cork CLG

Unit O15
Marina Commercial Park
Centre Park Road
Cork City
T12 YAE4
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