Operator awareness FATIGUE MANAGEMENT & COLLISION AVOIDANCE - Hexagon Mining

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Operator awareness FATIGUE MANAGEMENT & COLLISION AVOIDANCE - Hexagon Mining

   Operator awareness

                                                                            Safety focussed on collision avoidance and
                                                                             fatigue management remains a top priority
                                                                           in the mining industry, and the technologies
                                                                                 available are now achieving impressive
                                                                                             results, reports Paul Moore
       he integration of the most promising          fleets,” said Ola Rollen, Hexagon’s President       Newcrest Mining’s Lihir gold operation in

T      technologies into the mining industry’s
       key suppliers is a natural progression.
This has been seen in fatigue management
                                                     and CEO. “Our combined expertise will enable
                                                     us to better meet the increasing demand for
                                                     ‘zero harm’ safety goals while providing a
                                                                                                         Papua New Guinea recently went live with a full
                                                                                                         installation of GE Mining’s collision avoidance
                                                                                                         system (CAS)

solutions with Caterpillar and Seeing Machines,      natural bridge to fully autonomous systems.
and with GE Mining and Optalert. Last year this      This is key as more and more of our customers       follows: “It’s 6:00 am on a Wednesday. A crew of
trend continued when Hexagon AB, a global            express interest in moving beyond automation        miners is starting a shift of seven, 12- hour work
leader in digital solutions, announced the           into the world of autonomous technologies – a       days for a major oil sands mining project in
acquisition of Guardvant, a global player in         trend we are uniquely positioned to embrace.”       Canada. In two hours this group of fathers,
operator safety solutions for the mining             Headquartered in Tucson, Arizona, US,               mothers, spouses and friends will experience the
industry.                                            Guardvant is now operating within Hexagon’s         highest level of fatigue risk during their work week.
   Guardvant’s flagship solution, OpGuard, is        Mining division.                                    That’s not a hunch. It’s a quantifiable fact proven
used to detect and respond to driver fatigue and                                                         through the power to ‘see’ and measure fatigue risk
distraction – the most common underlying             Caterpillar’s impressive DSS results                across this operation.”
cause of accidents. To further mitigate operator-    in oil sands                                           “It isn’t a matter of if one of our operators will
related accident risks, Guardvant’s fatigue          A recent case study from Caterpillar from the oil   fall asleep at the wheel of a 400 ton (363 t) haul
monitoring capabilities are complemented by          sands shows the power of fatigue management         truck, it’s a matter of when,” said the Mine
collision avoidance and proximity detection          technology. The company sets the scene as           Operations Manager. “We won’t eliminate that
solutions, which provide drivers with 360-
degree situational awareness. The combination
of safety-enhancing technologies keeps drivers
safe, equipment protected, and productivity
   “The benefits of Guardvant’s safety-
enhancing solutions are applicable to any
industrial worksite, as well as improving
transportation safety in industries such as
trucking & hauling and aviation. Its market
expansion plans are now supported both by
new product additions and the ability to
leverage Hexagon’s wider market footprint.”
   “Guardvant’s highly dedicated and
experienced team is a natural fit for Hexagon.
We share the vision that driver-assisted
solutions are an integral part of safe, efficient,
productive operations – whether in mining,
construction, agriculture or any industry facing
the inherent challenges and risks of operating       A Caterpillar fatigue monitoring analyst overseeing data coming in from mines worldwide

40 International Mining | JANUARY 2019
Operator awareness FATIGUE MANAGEMENT & COLLISION AVOIDANCE - Hexagon Mining

risk, but we’re doing everything in our power to
                                                         Data from a 90-day fatigue risk assessment
protect our people against it.” So on this day
the crew is starting its shift with a discussion         Statistic                   Phase 1               Phase 2                Phase 3
about fatigue. Routine educational sessions are          Total Mobile Hours          2,966                 1,981                  2,005
part of the company’s robust Fatigue Risk                Total Fatigue Events        63                    31                     9
Management System. Operators are empowered               Average Fatigue Events      0.020                 0.020                  0.004
with information to personally manage their              (per mobile hour)
sleep health, but they’re also provided peace of         Distance travelled while    1,611                 922                    369
mind that technology will protect them if the            fatigued (metres)
formidable force of fatigue bears down.
    That technology is the Cat® Driver Safety          the monitoring centre and reviewed by a safety     protocol involves direct human contact with the
System (DSS), an in-cab fatigue and distraction        advisor. If the analysis confirms a microsleep     operator, possibly a break from driving, but
monitoring and mitigation device. A camera that        occurred, the safety advisor contacts a dispatch   never punishment. “When the DSS alerted me, I
utilises non-intrusive facial mapping technology       officer on site to communicate the incident.       didn’t believe I had really fallen asleep – until I
watches for physical signs of weariness. If the           What happens next is dictated by a Fatigue      saw the video,” said one operator. “Often we
operator nods off for a couple seconds –               Intervention Plan designed with guidance from a    don’t realise how fatigued we are, and likely
experiences what is called a ‘microsleep’ – the        Caterpillar fatigue management expert. The         don’t even know we’re falling asleep.”
system activates a rumble in the seat and
audible in-cab alarm.
    In its initial pilot test of the technology, the
DSS was installed in just five of the company’s
haul trucks and a 90-day, three-phase approach
to quantifying fatigue risk and mitigating
incidents ensued. To see and measure the scope
of the problem, for the first 30 days the in-cab
cameras recorded microsleep events, but the
alert systems didn’t activate to alert drivers. In
one month 63 fatigue events were recorded.
Operators travelled 1.6 km while sleeping.
     A three-phase Fatigue Risk Assessment
uncovered its scope of risk (Phase 1), started
mitigating incidents (Phase 2) and initiated
comprehensive fatigue risk management (Phase 3).
    “Seeing those numbers made the threat and
ability to reduce it so obvious that our senior
leadership committed immediately to using the
technology across our fleet,” said the mine’s
Technical Services Manager. “When I saw
operators falling asleep at the wheel, I couldn’t                    A leading global supplier of unique system solutions
in good conscience turn away from this                                for the mining industry from energy distribution to
system.” The alarms in those first five trucks                          automation, communication and transportation
were activated and fatigue events diminished by
86% in the next 60 days.
     “Of all the safety hazards on a mining site,
fatigue is a unifier – because no one can escape
it. At some point, every human gets so sleepy
that decision making, reaction time and overall
cognitive power is compromised. For miners, the
potential for reaching that ultra-weary state is
heightened because 24/7 operations require
people to work when the human body is wired
to be sleeping.
    Similar in concept to a safety harness, the DSS
serves as personal protective equipment – ready
to catch operators if they fall. The system also
includes living, breathing protection in the way of
safety advisors who work in a 24/7 Fatigue
Monitoring Centre. When a DSS unit activates                www.varismine.com | 1-877-658-2747
because the operator’s eyes have closed for 1.5
seconds and the truck is moving at least 10 km/h,
a short video clip of the event is captured, sent to

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   Analytics from the Driver Safety System                                                                        systems to specialised headbands worn by
(DSS) have revealed previously hidden                                                                             operators. The headbands monitored the
trends that are shaping the organisation’s                                                                        fatigue levels of 20-25 open pit operators
incident prevention strategy. For example,                                                                        per shift by taking Electroencephalography
data from this site shows the first day of a                                                                      (EEG) readings. The device, which fit into a
seven-day shift is the most likely time for                                                                       standard hard hat or cap, is similar to an
an operator to succumb to fatigue.                                                                                Echocardiogram but it monitors electricity
Longitudinal reporting shows precisely                                                                            emitted from the forehead rather than the
which hours of the day and night are high-                                                                        heart. The EEG results appeared on a
risk for each crew, and which hours                                                                               monitor mounted inside the cab of the
operators are most alert.                                                                                         open pit haul trucks every 2-3 minutes.
   The company tracks every data point                                                                            Drivers experiencing high levels of fatigue
possible and continually refines its                                                                              would be notified by alerts from the
management system. It’s become a                                                                                  system. If a driver received three high-
passion, because many here bear                                                                                   fatigue alerts without taking a break the
                                                     Barrick’s Cortez mine recently completed two
emotional scars from a time before fatigue was       important pilot projects to help its people            system would flag this for a supervisor who
taken so seriously. “Three years ago we had a        combat fatigue in the workplace                        could then intervene and assess a driver’s fitness
fatality, we lost someone we loved, and we                                                                  for duty.
believe it was due to distraction,” one crew         Barrick Cortez addresses fatigue                          The projects helped employees self-manage
member shared. Distraction is a common               Barrick’s Cortez mine recently completed two           their fatigue and determine when they may
symptom of fatigue because operators often           important pilot projects to help its people            experience a fatigue “wall.” Seeing the results
move around to avoid nodding off, so the DSS         combat fatigue in the workplace. The month-long        and acknowledging how their fatigue progressed
watches for both distraction and fatigue.            pilots involved haul truck drivers who worked on       throughout their shifts helped employees
   “If we had the DSS at that time, there’s a        day and night shifts. Among the key findings           identify the most opportune time to counter
strong possibility our co-worker would still be      were that day shift workers hit their highest level    fatigue by drinking a glass of water or taking a
with us today. This initiative is very personal,”    of fatigue on the last day of their work week.         quick walk. “Many participants have
the crew member added. That loss catalysed a         Night shift workers, however, experienced high         acknowledged an increased awareness when it
culture change in this organisation, which like      levels of fatigue as early as their second work        comes to their personal fatigue management,”
many in the industry once perceived fatigue as a     day through to the last day of their work week.        Tueller says. “This awareness will help minimise
sign of weakness, something shameful. The way          “Fatigue is a term used to describe a wide           fatigue-related incidents.”
management has responded to each DSS alert           variety of conditions,” says Justin Tueller,              Cortez is evaluating data from the projects and
has shaped a new attitude about fatigue and          Industrial Hygiene Specialist at Cortez. “We           determining whether to proceed to a site-wide
forged trust between leaders and operators. “No      summarise it as the feeling of being tired or          implementation. This would see the SmartCap
one has ever been, nor will ever be, punished for    weary because of insufficient sleep, lengthy           system expanded to more equipment such as
having a fatigue event,” said the Technical          periods of mental or physical work, or prolonged       loaders and graders, and the use of the
Services Manager. “The technology will only          episodes of stress or anxiety.”                        Predictive Safety testing tool in other divisions
protect people if they trust the purpose, and you       Cortez identified fatigue as a key risk to          such as Cortez Underground. The tool may also
have to earn trust – you can’t buy it.”              worker safety and the pilot projects are a             be adopted at the Goldstrike mine.
   Within two years after the first DSS units were   proactive way to address the issue. A person
installed, more than 2,000 fatigue events were       struggling with fatigue will show slower reaction      SmartCap taking next steps
recorded on this site. That doesn’t surprise         time, make more errors, and experience                 On the back of a major update in late 2016,
management, nor discourage them. In fact, DSS        decreased cognitive ability. The type of shift,        SmartCap says it has seen significant growth in
alerts have prevented about 500 km of fatigued       number of breaks, consecutive shifts, and hours        the mining sector. Daniel Bongers, Chief
driving in that time. “Imagine, two, three years     worked per shift influence the risk level in the       Technology Officer at the company told IM: “A
ago we were driving hundreds of kilometres a         workplace.                                             large copper operation in Mongolia has
year while asleep,” said the Coordinator of Mine        One of the pilot projects was called the            expanded its use of SmartCap to protect
Operations.                                          “Predictive Safety” pilot. It involved short two-      operators in the open-cut HME, long-haul
   An effective Fatigue Risk Management System       minute tests on tablets conducted before and           concentrate transportation and its bus fleet for
delivers benefits beyond its primary objective to    after shifts at the Cortez open pit. Each shift, 20-   workforce transport. They have achieved
protect operators. Reduced berm contact and          25 participants filled out a sleep questionnaire       significant reductions in incidents across the
prolonged tyre health are typical outcomes of        and took an ‘alert monitoring’ test which              board, with a total elimination of fatigue
increased operator alertness. Over two years this    calculated reaction time based on how quickly          incidents for SmartCap users. Similar results
company reduced equipment maintenance                participants completed the questionnaire. The          have been achieved by an iron ore operation in
spending by $500,000, savings management             results were entered into an algorithm that            South Africa, who have successfully transitioned
attributes to increased operator alertness. The      produced each employee’s fatigue level. There          to the new SmartCap product suite after years of
organisation is growing, and with each acquisition   were three levels: guarded (low fatigue),              incident-free operations using the earlier
or expansion comes new assets. Every one of the      significant, or high.                                  generation. Utilisation has increased as a result
haul trucks is upgraded with a DSS, an expense          The second project was called the “Smartcap”        of the improved comfort, and the greater usage
management doesn’t hesitate to make. The power       pilot utilising the namesake technology from           and engagement with the technology has led to
to see, mitigate and manage fatigue risk is saving   Australia’s SmartCap Technologies. Using               near-immediate increase in the effectiveness of
this company much more than money.                   Bluetooth technology, it connected haul truck          responses to early warning alerts.”

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Operator awareness FATIGUE MANAGEMENT & COLLISION AVOIDANCE - Hexagon Mining

   However, Bongers added that perhaps the most         GE’s CAS goes live at Newcrest Lihir                    order and the first deadline. Fortunately, GE had
notable trend of late has been led by a multi-site      Newcrest Mining’s Lihir gold operation in Papua         deployed its solution on other customer sites
deployment in Chile that have taken the next step       New Guinea recently went live with a full               around the world and could adapt quickly.”
in data-driven improvements by providing                installation of GE Mining’s collision avoidance            On the bigger picture, GE says it has a clear
individual assistance to workers identified by a        system (CAS). This follows the CAS being fitted         roadmap to evolve to the Level 9 Intervention
high SmartCap alarm rate. “Their formal processes       to equipment in the Telfer open-pit mine                Controls — an industry goal, and an international
have helped uncover underlying health issues and        (Western Australia) and the gradual installation        standard tabled by the Earth Moving Equipment
impacting lifestyle choices, and the follow-on          of units at Lihir. Since installation over a year ago   Safety Round Table (EMESRT), of which Newcrest
treatment or education is having a positive impact      at Telfer, vehicle-to-vehicle collisions have           is a member.
on their risk profile and rate of fatigue               reduced by 33%, Newcrest said in its recently-             “Managing vehicle interaction risk (which may
interventions, and providing value to both their        published sustainability report.                        include L9 intervention controls) is now also a
customers and employees.”                                  Proximity detection technology has been              key initiative with the global body ICMM , who
                                                        progressively rolled out across the company             are targeting 2025. The system being installed at
Antofagasta’s Critical Control                          following incidents at its operations involving         Lihir is currently rated Level 7 Situational
Management                                              collisions or near misses between vehicles and          Awareness, and already incorporates some Level
All International Council on Mining & Minerals          other vehicles, vehicles and pedestrians, and           8 Advisory Controls capabilities. In order to
(ICMM) members implement the 10 principles              vehicles and infrastructure.                            address the significant challenges in achieving a
that underpin its Sustainable Development                  Supported by Newcrest’s Executive                    Level 9 CAS system, GE has developed
Framework. Principle 5 requires companies to            Committee, a working group comprising                   proprietary software logic that is able to interpret
continually improve health and safety performance       representatives from Newcrest’s Group Safety,           and anticipate the complex scenarios presented
with the ultimate goal of zero harm. The Health and     Technology & Innovation, Group Supply, and key          during normal mining operations. This enables
Safety strategy of Antofagasta Minerals is focused      stakeholders from each of its sites, developed a        the GE CAS system to operate seamlessly with
on Critical Control Management. The Mining Group        strategy to deploy the technology and identified        the operator and confidently act as the last
has identified 22 fatality risks, all of them with      solutions suitable for use in surface and               barrier, should the operator not take the
defined Critical Controls and verifiable on site by     underground mining, supplied by GE Mining and           appropriate action. GE is committed to delivering
workers. One of the main risks to Antofagasta           Newtrax Mineprox, respectively.                         a world-class Level 9 CAS system to the global
Minerals is Equipment Loss Control, which is a             Newcrest started implementing GE Mining’s            mining community, in their efforts to continue to
factor present in 20% of the high potential             CAS at Lihir back in October 2017. Around 1,500         support the mining companies in their efforts to
incidents recorded in the company. Therefore, the       employees were to be protected in addition to up        reduce the risk exposure of operators.”
Mining Group is permanently evaluating the              to 250 vehicles.
performance of the control and seeking for                 In addition to the GE Mining contract, Telfer        Anglo deploys Komvision at
improvements and optimisations.                         and Gosowong (Indonesia) underground                    Mogalakwena
   Fatigue is a major cause of accidents associated     operations have awarded tenders to Newtrax to           Anglo American Platinum recently brought two
with operating heavy equipment and has been             deploy Mineprox on the mobile mining fleets.            KomVision-equipped Komatsu 930E mining
seen to be present in fatal accidents that have         Contractor mobilisation at Telfer commenced in          trucks into production at the Mogalakwena
occurred at Antofagasta Minerals. For this reason       September 2018. And there could be more                 Complex. The Komatsu KomVision technology is
the company decided to implement a critical             contract awards on the way. Newcrest said:              a significant step towards improving safety at the
control that allows the effective management of         “Given the anticipated automation and                   mine as it gives the truck operator a 360-degree
fatigue in operators. A study that considered the       teleremote system programme of works at Cadia           bird’s eye view and significantly reduces the risks
most used technologies on the market with               (New South Wales), the business has adjusted            associated with a man-machine interface.
respect to fatigue and drowsiness control was           the criteria for its proximity detection solution          The new system has an additional eight radars
carried out. The result showed that the solution        and is expected to award a contract soon.”              – over and above the current standard of front
most align to Antofagasta Minerals Standards are           GE Mining told IM: “Our initial success at           and rear radars – and six cameras that provide
technologies with real-time feedback, helping           Newcrest’s Telfer mine, with the relatively smaller     zero-metre visibility of the truck’s footprint.
operators manage their alertness and alerting a         deployment of 140 vehicles, led to the expanded         Mogalakwena Mine General Manager, Richard
control room for continuous monitoring.                 technology rollout at Lihir of 250 vehicles. As         Cox said: “This technology sets a new
   The fatigue alert system consists of a device        mentioned, since installation over a year ago at        benchmark. It improves our ability to integrate
installed in heavy equipment and a sensor that          Telfer, vehicle-to-vehicle collisions have reduced      into future collision avoidance systems. In line
operators must wear in helmets, caps or                 by 33%. We are also currently installing GE CAS         with our strategy of FutureSmart Mining™, it will
headbands. If a fatigue episode is detected, an         at the Newcrest Cadia mine site, a third mine,          generate close-to-real-time health and
alert is emitted to the operator and the control        based on the success at Telfer and Lihir.”              performance data that will support us in
room, generating different actions according to the        Previous to the progress with Newcrest,              optimising our operations.”
alert intensity. The system was defined as a critical   Pilanesberg Platinum Mines (PPM) was in the                Anglo American Platinum’s safety strategy is
control, implying a mandatory use of the sensor by      process of evaluating CAS solutions when the            based on four pillars – systems; people and
operators, a continuous system operation and            Department of Mineral Resources for South               behaviour; engineering solutions; and wellness
verifications by supervisors and executives.            Africa’s North West province, where the mine is         in the workplace. The Komatsu trucks are
   The fatigue alert system as a critical control is    located, set a deadline of April 31, 2016 for area      included in the significant investments in
being implemented in Centinela with a focus on          mines to outfit 25% of the fleet with CAS               engineering controls that the company has made
operators of heavy equipment, mainly haul               solutions. “With the clock ticking, PPM selected        to manage risks.
trucks. Subsequently, the critical control will be      GE’s CAS to meet the mandate. The timeline was             Chris Griffith, CEO of Anglo American Platinum,
standardised in all Antofagasta Minerals assets.        aggressive, with just three months between the          said: “Investing in this technology is a major step

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in increasing safety levels at our mines. We          access the right data
remain committed to our objective of eliminating      at the right time,
fatalities with a zero-harm mindset. We put           gaining unprecedented
safety first and believe that every employee has      insight into a wide
the right to return home unharmed every day.          variety of safety
And we recognise that although we have made           scenarios and
significant progress in improving safety over the     performance trends.
years, there is still much to do. This technology     Based on situational
will eliminate a number of risks and we look          safety data, users can
forward to benefitting from the improved safety       identify and analyse
and operational features of these trucks.”            the root causes of
   “The case for innovation in mining remains         failing operational
highly compelling. To deliver the step-changes        controls.
required to create a truly modern, safe and              Seeing safety data
productive industry on a sustainable basis that       at a granular level
society demands and that our customers expect,        empowers users of MineEnterprise CAS Analytics        Hexagon’s Mining division recently introduced
                                                                                                            HxGN MineEnterprise CAS Analytics, a web-
the industry must continue to evolve. Therefore,      to drill down to locate vehicles operating under      based reporting and analytics platform that
Anglo American continues to invest time working       risk and vehicle types exhibiting higher-than-        adds a powerful layer of safety to its portfolio
through how innovation can help the industry          average numbers of incident events. The tool’s
address its major challenges. Through                 alarm analysis module used together with              safety incidents and their effect on productivity,
FutureSmart Mining, the company has                   situational analysis can help to reveal hazardous     contributed to Hexagon Mining‘s release of a
successfully drawn on the expertise of diverse        locations and operational flaws: dangerously          consolidated system. “It makes sense for safety
stakeholders, including employees, partners in        close interactions at dump sites and low visibility   and operations data to be in a single repository.
academia and civil society, peers in the mining       at poorly designed intersections, for instance.       Now customers can quickly make sense of that
and parallel industries.”                               MineEnterprise CAS Analytics‘ optimised             data for greater insight into how operator
   The company continues to focus on driving a        mobile interface delivers real-time safety            behaviour, environmental conditions, and road
more sustainable approach to mining through           information on tablets or cell phones to              conditions affect mine safety and productivity.
cutting-edge mining software and other                supervisors in the field. This helps strengthen the      “It’s one more way we are helping customers
technology-led innovations. Production Manager        integrity of daily, weekly and monthly performance    to run safer, more productive mines using
Judd Barlow said: “We are proud to partner with       indicators for safety process improvement.            digitally integrated technology. The latest version
Komatsu as this technology allows us to maximise         “Accessing relevant data in real time is the key   of our FMS system informs controllers of the
capacity and safely deliver on our promises.”         to operational safety success,” said Safety           location of all vehicles equipped with our CAS,
  Cox added: “What excites me most is that            Product Manager, Marcos Bayuelo. “HxGN                and of alerts if, for instance, visibility is poor.
these two vehicles offer a fully integrated system    MineEnterprise CAS Analytics provides all the         Controllers can warn operators to pay more
that will deliver on our safety requirements,         dashboards necessary for monitoring and               attention, or enforce a lower speed limit to
while reducing maintenance and downtime.” The         minimising accidents while also offering the          improve safety.”
new trucks will be the first earthmoving vehicles     tools to build and manage customised                     CAS is used in more than 25,000 mine vehicles
at Mogalakwena to fully integrate a range of          dashboards. The technology needed to create           in over 55 mines worldwide. Besides CAS anti-
business improvement initiatives, including:          reports for short-interval control, daily and         collision alerts, the latest version also alerts for
n Collision avoidance ready technology                monthly safety management tasks, fleet                rollovers, potential obstacles, and over-speeding.
n A tyre monitoring system                            management, personal protection, fatigue              CAS symbols are integrated into the Jigsaw
n A safety standard fuel saving card and              monitoring and vehicle intervention – it’s all at     platform so that users of both systems require
  extended fuel tank                                  your fingertips!”                                     minimal training during the transition.
n An optimised payload system for payload                Mine vehicle operators face numerous                 “Additionally, vehicles equipped with just CAS
  monitoring                                          distractions. Busy pit traffic, blind spots, poor     are visible in our FMS – one controller, one FMS-
n An Ansul foam fire protection system which          visibility because of bad weather, fatigue and the    CAS system. For instance, now a contract light
  combines dry powder with foam                       monotony of a 12-hour shift can all conspire to       vehicle equipped with CAS is visible in the FMS.
n A lightweight bowl                                  divert a driver from their task. The last thing an    The controller’s life becomes much easier when
                                                      operator needs on top of all that is a cabin          tasked with monitoring so many types of vehicles.”
Hexagon adds to layers of safety with                 cluttered with display panels.
CAS Analytics                                            In keeping with its commitment to help mines       Netstar responds to industry need in
Hexagon’s Mining division recently introduced         with a digitally integrated strategy, Hexagon         South Africa
HxGN MineEnterprise CAS (collision avoidance          Mining has now also embedded collision                Ensuring safe working conditions for the mining
system) Analytics, a web-based reporting and          avoidance technology into its fleet management        sector is a challenge, particularly when it comes
analytics platform that adds a powerful layer of      system: one solution that allows heavy and light      to complying with regulatory standards such as
safety to its portfolio. MineEnterprise CAS           vehicles to be seen and heard, no matter their        the Department of Mineral Resources’ collision
Analytics monitors and controls critical risk         location in a mine.                                   avoidance system requirements for mine
events by connecting a multitude of data sources         The integration means an improved user             vehicles.
via live dashboards, visualising all aspects of the   experience, greater oversight for dispatchers,          Pierre Bruwer, Group MD of Altron subsidiary
CAS.                                                  and quicker communication of vital safety and         Netstar, explains how the company has stepped
  All mine stakeholders will now be able to           operations data. Client demand for data about         up to the plate and developed a unique and fully

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compliant solution that helps mitigate some of        have created a fleet
the potential for accidents for mine fleets.          solution that makes
   “Our system for surface vehicles in mining         mining – a core part of
operations was developed by us and is a first for     South Africa’s economy
South Africa. We are proud to be able to offer        – safer,” adds Bruwer.
such a solution to the mining industry and be         The real-time solution,
part of finding solutions to ensure safe              however, is also
conditions for people working on the mine site.”      relevant to other
   Netstar’s fleet solution for mines, recently       sectors, such as
unveiled at Electra Mining Africa 2018, the           warehousing,
largest convention of its kind for the industry, it   distribution,
says benefits mines across South Africa and the       manufacturing and
globe, and speaks to Altron’s vision of creating      logistics. “No matter
innovative technology solutions that aid in           what vehicle you use,
creating safe, compliant and secure working           our solution will be fit
environments for all.                                 for your purpose,”
   The solution was developed following the           Bruwer concludes.                                    At Polyus Olimpiada gold mine in Russia, the
Department of Mineral Resources’ 2015                                                                      whole fleet is equipped with Orlaco cameras,
                                                                                                           radar and monitors including the Cat 785C truck
legislation amendment of the Chapter 8 Act,           Orlaco RadarEye tech at Olimpiada                    fleet as well as IZ-Kartex rope shovels
which made it mandatory for all vehicles on           Orlaco, the global supplier of camera-monitor
mines to be fitted with collision avoidance           vision solutions for mines has come up with a
proximity systems. This law was enacted to            solution where its RadarEye camera technology           Orlaco’s RadarEye camera systems are
improve safety on mines, especially when              can integrate with any monitor in the machine:       deployed widely in the global mining industry,
vehicles as tall as 30 m are in operation, such as    “If workplace safety is an important issue for       such as at the Polyus Olimpiada gold mine in
in open-cast operations, as well as aiding in the     you, your fleet will no doubt be equipped with       Russia, where the whole fleet is equipped with
reduction of injuries associated with pedestrian      camera monitor systems. You can now make your        cameras, radar and monitors including the Cat
mining accidents.                                     machines even safer by integrating RadarEye on       785C truck fleet as well as IZ-Kartex rope
   Bruwer adds that the system provides drivers       your monitor. This active detection system is now    shovels, whose operators can now view the
with a 360-degree view, via an in-vehicle display,    available for all existing Orlaco monitors and       engine, cables, dipper and counterweight, all on
of the proximity of other vehicles as well as         third-party monitors.                                their monitors. This gives them the control they
pedestrians and is particularly effective in dusty       “RadarEye prevents collisions by actively         need to remain flexible in all conditions and keep
conditions and at night, when visibility is           warning you about objects and people around          the constant flow of dump trucks driving up and
significantly reduced.                                the machine. You therefore know what is              down the mine filled up.
   “The system works by alerting drivers audibly      happening in the vicinity of your vehicle and can       The fleetwide installation followed a
and visually ahead of potential issues, which not     work even more safely, comfortably and               successful pilot in 2016, after which all
only reduces accidents, but also improves             efficiently.”                                        excavators, loaders, dump trucks, bulldozers,
operational efficiencies. Furthermore, the system        RadarEye provides additional safety for the       pipe layers, motor graders and other mining
provides real-time data and connects through a        greatest risk areas around vehicles, from trucks     vehicles were equipped with the Orlaco system,
variety of options, including cell networks, Wi-Fi,   to mining machinery. For example, in the case of     totaling 1,500 cameras and 320 monitors. This
Bluetooth and radio,” as additional fail safes.       loaders, which constantly drive back and forth,      was done by VIST Group, Orlaco’s Preferred
   As the Department of Mineral Resources’            there is a high risk of collisions around the        Partner in Russia.
requirements ramp up, so will the system be           machine due to the limited view from the cab.           Orlaco states: “Since installing the systems,
upgraded to ensure compliance. By June 2019           “With RadarEye, you can ensure that people or        safety in the mine has increased. There have
the solution will have the added functionality to     objects that are too close to the vehicle are        been fewer impacts, collisions and cases of
be able to take over control of a vehicle and slow    detected in time. A clear audible signal will warn   damage, and loaders have not been involved in
it down if the operator does not acknowledge the      the operator, and the hazard area will be            any incidents at all. This has helped reduce
presence of a vehicle, person or object, referred     highlighted via an overlay on the monitor.”          downtime for vehicles and therefore increase
to as a level 8 intervention, and by June 2020,          Thanks to an SRD interface, RadarEye can be       efficiency. Drivers say that they no longer have to
the solution will be able to automatically come to    integrated with third-party monitors that have a     twist to look behind them while reversing,
a stop without human intervention, a level 9          PAL/NTSC video input. This means that RadarEye       resulting in fewer physical complaints. There has
intervention.                                         can now be used independently of the SRD             also been a drop in stress at work thanks to
   In addition, when coupled with Netstar’s other     monitor, and standard camera systems can easily      improved vision. This is part of the reason why
fleet functionality, the solution enables             be expanded with active radar detection. “Using      PJSC Polyus is going to equip its vehicles in a
companies to optimise their fleets as it monitors     the box, you can integrate radar alerts directly     second Siberian mine with Orlaco’s vision
driver behaviour, which aids in cutting down on       into the view on the existing monitor via visual     solutions for heavy duty vehicles. Loaders may
excessive fuel usage, alerts managers as to when      overlays. Audible signals can also be used. Via      also receive an additional camera to gain a view
maintenance services are required, and provides       the SRD interface box, you can now also connect      of the area beneath the bucket toward the front
valuable data that will aid in the event of an        the DVR One Channel recorder to RadarEye to          of the machine. With this, the Russian gold
insurance claim.                                      record camera images. The system can be further      producer is once again demonstrating that it
   “By incorporating telematics and collision         expanded using master/slave cables and a             takes mine safety and the working comfort of its
avoidance software into our current toolkit, we       switcher to add multiple sensors and cameras.”       employees very seriously.” IM

                                                                                                                         JANUARY 2019 | International Mining 47
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