Output-Constrained Bayesian Neural Networks - arXiv

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Output-Constrained Bayesian Neural Networks - arXiv
Output-Constrained Bayesian Neural Networks

                                         Wanqian Yang * 1 Lars Lorch * 1 Moritz A. Graule * 1 Srivatsan Srinivasan 1 Anirudh Suresh 1 Jiayu Yao 1
                                                                         Melanie F. Pradier 1 Finale Doshi-Velez 1

                                                               Abstract                             two domains where the ability to encode such con-
                                             Bayesian neural network (BNN) priors are               straints is crucial: (i) prediction of clinical actions in
arXiv:1905.06287v1 [cs.LG] 15 May 2019

                                             defined in parameter space, making it hard             health care, where constraints prevent unsafe actions
                                             to encode prior knowledge expressed in                 for certain physiological inputs, and (ii) human mo-
                                             function space. We formulate a prior that              tion prediction, where joint positions are constrained
                                             incorporates functional constraints about              by anatomically feasible ranges.
                                             what the output can or cannot be in regions            Our contributions are: (a) we introduce constraint
                                             of the input space. Output-Constrained                 priors, capable of incorporating both negative con-
                                             BNNs (OC-BNN) represent an interpretable               straints (where the function cannot be) and positive
                                             approach of enforcing a range of constraints,          constraints (where the function should be), applica-
                                             fully consistent with the Bayesian frame-              ble with any black-box inference algorithm normally
                                             work and amenable to black-box inference.              used with BNNs, and (b) we demonstrate the applica-
                                             We demonstrate how OC-BNNs improve                     tion of constraint priors with a variety of suitable in-
                                             model robustness and prevent the predic-               ference methods on toy problems as well as two large
                                             tion of infeasible outputs in two real-world           and high-dimensional real-world data sets.
                                             applications of healthcare and robotics.
                                                                                                    2. Related Work
                                         1. Introduction
                                                                                                    Most closely related to our work, (Lorenzi & Filip-
                                         BNNs combine powerful function approximators               pone, 2018) considered function-space equality and
                                         with the ability to model uncertainty, making them         inequality constraints of deep probabilistic models.
                                         useful in domains where (i) training data is expen-        However, they focused on deep Gaussian processes
                                         sive or limited, or (ii) inaccurate predictions are pro-   (DGPs) rather than BNNs, and on low-dimensional
                                         hibitively costly and decision-making must be in-          data from simulated ODE systems, whereas we con-
                                         formed by our level of confidence (MacKay, 1995;           sider high-dimensional real-world settings. They also
                                         Neal, 1995). Domain experts often have prior knowl-        do not consider classification settings.
                                         edge about the modeled function and the ability to
                                         encode such information on top of training data can        (Hafner et al., 2018) specify a Gaussian function
                                         thus improve performance. However, BNNs define             prior with the goal of preventing overconfident BNN
                                         prior distributions over parameters, whose high di-        predictions out-of-distribution. In contrast, we use
                                         mensionality and lack of interpretability make the in-     ”positive constraints” to guide the function where it
                                         corporation of functional beliefs close to impossible.     should be. Also related are functional BNNs by (Sun
                                                                                                    et al., 2019), where variational inference is performed
                                         We present an interpretable approach for incorporat-       in function-space using a stochastic process model.
                                         ing prior functional information into BNNs in the          Their view is more general—and accordingly, more
                                         form of constraints, while staying consistent with the     complex to optimize—while we focus on constraints
                                         Bayesian framework. We then apply our method to            in specific regions of the input-output space.
                                           * Equal contribution 1 Harvard University. Correspon-
                                         dence to: Wanqian Yang ,        3. Background
                                         Lars Lorch .
                                                                                                    A conventional BNN, operating in the function (or
                                         Presented at the ICML 2019 Workshop on Uncertainty and     input-output) space X × Y , typically has a prior over
                                         Robustness in Deep Learning and Workshop on Under-         parameters p(W ), where W are the neural network
                                         standing and Improving Generalization in Deep Learning.
                                         Long Beach, CA, 2019. Copyright 2019 by the author(s).     weights and biases. Given data D = {xn , yn }nN=1 , we
Output-Constrained Bayesian Neural Networks - arXiv
Output-Constrained Bayesian Neural Networks

perform inference to obtain the posterior p(W | D) ∝                   knowledge in weight space while retaining the
p(W ) p(D | W ). The posterior predictive for the out-                 weight-space prior p(W ). Intuitively, g(W | C) mea-
put y0 for some new input x0 is obtained by integrat-                  sures the BNN’s adherence to the constrained region.
ing over the posterior distribution of W :
                                                                       It remains to describe how g is defined. For positive
                                                                       constraints C + , g measures how close φ(C +
           0   0
        p(y | x , D) =                  0   0
                                  p(y | x , W ) p(W | D)d W     (1)                                                     x ; W ) lies
                              W                                        to C y , for which natural choices of distributions ex-
                                                                       ist for both regression and classification. For nega-
The space of W is high-dimensional and the relation-
                                                                       tive constraints C − , we define g as the expected viola-
ship between the weights and the function is non-
                                                                       tion of C −             −
                                                                                  y given φ (C x ; W ) using a classifier function.
intuitive. As such, the prior p(W ) is often trivially
                                                                       Complete definitions of g for positive and negative
chosen as an isotropic Gaussian:
                                                                       priors are provided in Appendix A; details on infer-
                     p(W ) =       ∏ N (W i ; 0, σp2 )          (2)    ence procedures are provided in Appendix B.

                                                                       5. Demonstrations on Synthetic Data
4. Output-Constrained BNNs
                                                                       This section provides proof of concepts of OC-BNNs
We consider two kinds of “expert knowledge”: posi-                     using 2-dimensional synthetic examples. Refer to Ap-
tive constraints define regions where a function should                pendix C for experimental details and Appendix D
be, and negative constraints define regions where a                    for additional results. For regression, the posteriors
function cannot be. This delineation is not arbitrary                  are visualized in black/gray for baseline BNNs, and
— the level of prior knowledge (strongly vs. weakly                    blue for OC-BNNs. Negative constrained regions are
informative) and the task (regression or classification)               red; positive (Gaussian) constraints are green. For
may suggest the use of different prior constraints.                    the classification example, the three classes are color-
Defining constrained regions Formally, a positive                      coded red, green and blue.
constrained region C + is a set of input-output tu-                    OC-BNNs model uncertainty in a manner that re-
ples (x, y) defining where outputs given certain in-                   spects constrained regions while explaining train-
puts should be. Conversely, a negative constrained re-                 ing data. Figure 1 demonstrates this for both the
gion C − is a set of tuples (x, y) defining where out-                 regression and classification setting. Correct predic-
puts given certain inputs cannot be. We will use C                     tions are maintained with similar uncertainty lev-
when describing properties of constrained regions of                   els as the baseline while constraints are correctly en-
both kinds and denote C x for all x in C and C y for all y             forced with uncertainty levels changing to reflect that.
in C . Given this formulation, it is our goal to enforce               These examples demonstrate how OC-BNNs enforce
                                                                       constraints without sacrificing predictive accuracy.
        p(y0 ∈
             / C+    0    +               +
                y | x ∈ C x , W ) p (W | C , D) d W ≈ 0
Z                                                               (3)
        p(y0 ∈ C −    0    −               −
                 y | x ∈ C x , W ) p (W | C , D) d W ≈ 0
Note that (3) is simply the posterior predictive distri-
bution conditioned on C . The generality of this ap-
proach allows for the incorporation of very compli-
cated yet interpretable constraints a priori, such as for
example arbitrary equality, inequality and logical (if-                Figure 1. On both tasks, OC-BNNs reduce uncertainty in
then and either-or) constraints.                                       constrained regions while fitting data well. (left) 1D regres-
                                                                       sion. The constraint is composed of two negative regions
Constraint prior We connect the weight space of
                                                                       (red) separated by a small gap. Uncertainty of OC-BNNs
the BNN with constraints through the distribution:
                                                                       (blue) drops sharply in the constrained region compared
                   g(W | C) = g(φ(C x ; W ); C y , θ )          (4)    to the baseline (gray). (right) 2D classification with three
                                                                       classes. Constrained region enforces the prediction of green
where φ(x; W ) is the BNN forward pass and θ is the                    class in the green rectangle (baseline depicted in inset).
set of tuneable hyperparameters of g. Accordingly, a
constraint prior pC (W ) can then be constructed as:                   OC-BNNs encourage correct out-of-distribution be-
                    pC (W ) := p(W ) g(W | C),                  (5)    havior. Figure 2 (left) depicts sparse data, along with
                                                                       out-of-distribution positive constrained regions. The
achieving the goal of expressing prior function                        posterior predictive in-distribution closely mimics the
Output-Constrained Bayesian Neural Networks - arXiv
Output-Constrained Bayesian Neural Networks

baseline, while the posterior out-of-distribution (OOD)                            filtered         unfiltered
learns to avoid the constrained region. This demon-                            BNN OC-BNN BNN OC-BNN
strates that OC-BNNs function well away from the                        ACC    0.745       0.741 0.881       0.878

data, which is important because we typically want                      F1     0.805       0.801 0.882       0.880
to enforce functional constraints when there is a lack                  VIOL   0.151       0.149 N/A         N/A
of observed training data for the model to learn from.                  ACC    0.660       0.665 0.647       0.649

OC-BNNs can capture posterior multimodality.                            F1     0.746       0.748 0.725       0.736
While negative constraints C − do not explicitly define                 VIOL   0.132       0.126 0.117       0.039
multimodal posterior predictives, a bounded con-
                                                               Table 1. Results for the MIMIC experiments with and with-
strained region does imply that the posterior predic-          out filtering out the points in the constrained region. Ac-
tive might have probability mass on either side of the         curacy and F1 score remain unchanged when using OC-
bounded region (i.e. for all d dimensions of Y = Rd ).         BNNs. For the experiment with filtration, the violation fac-
Figure 2 (right), demonstrates that we capture chal-           tor decreases by a factor of 3 when using OC-BNNs.
lenging posterior predictives.
                                                               within the constrained region. We train our model
                                                               both with and without artificially filtering out all
                                                               points within the positive constrained region.
                                                               OC-BNNs maintain classification accuracy while re-
                                                               ducing physiologically infeasible constraint viola-
                                                               tions.     Table 1 displays experimental results, with
                                                               statistics computed from the posterior mean. In ad-
                                                               dition to standard accuracy (ACC) and F1 score, we
Figure 2. OC-BNNs capture important posterior qualities
                                                               measure the violation fraction (VIOL), which is the
such as correct OOD behavior and multimodality. (left)
OC-BNNs (blue) maintain the same in-distribution uncer-        fraction of predictions on held-out points that vio-
tainty as the baseline (gray) while adhering to OOD positive   late the constraints. The results show that OC-BNNs
constraints (green) on either side of the plot. (right) OC-    match standard BNNs on all predictive accuracy met-
BNNs (blue) posterior samples go both below and above          rics, with significantly lower violation of the con-
the negative constraint box (red).                             strained region for the case where points originally
                                                               in the constrained region are filtered out.
6. Applications                                                6.2. Human motion prediction
6.1. Clinical action prediction                                We evaluate OC-BNNs on data of humans conduct-
MIMIC-III (Johnson et al., 2016) is a benchmark                ing various motions available at (Kratzer, 2019) as de-
database containing time series data of various physi-         scribed in (Kratzer et al., 2018). This data contains hu-
ological measurements and clinical actions prescribed          man upper body poses across many reaching tasks at
belonging to > 40, 000 intensive care patients who             a frame rate of 120Hz. The poses are provided in the
stayed at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center             form of upper body joint angles.
between 2001 and 2012.                                         Problem formulation Given a subset of trajecto-
Problem Formulation         From the raw time-series           ries in (Kratzer, 2019), our goal is to predict joint an-
data, we construct a balanced dataset for a time-              gles 20 frames in the future from angles at the current
independent classification task of hypotension man-            time frame and the numerically computed joint veloc-
agement. There are 9 features representing various             ities and accelerations. In the following, we limit our-
physiological states, such as mean blood pressure and          selves to abduction and flexion (further denoted as Y-
lactate levels. The goal is to predict if clinical action      and Z-rotation to match the nomenclature in the orig-
(either vasopressor or IV fluid) should be taken.              inal data (Kratzer, 2019)) of the left and right shoulder
                                                               during right-handed reaching motions.
Constraints     The constraint imposed is that for
mean blood pressure less than 65 units, some ac-               The joint angles in the test data were perturbed with
tion should be taken, which is physiologically realis-         normally distributed noise (µ=0, σ =2 degrees) to
tic. We apply the positive (Dirichlet) constraint prior        simulate a scenario in which a human motion predic-
(Appendix A), as well as the weights-only prior base-          tion model is trained on data recorded in a high-end
line. In the given data, some training points fall             motion capture lab, and then used to predict motion
                                                               from data obtained by noisy wearable sensors.
Output-Constrained Bayesian Neural Networks - arXiv
Output-Constrained Bayesian Neural Networks

Constraints Several anatomical feasibility or func-               7. Discussion
tional range constraints for each of the joint angles
could be applied, e.g. as described in (Namdari et al.,           OC-BNNs prevent constraint violation while fitting
2012). We derived constraints on the joint limits from            low- and high-dimensional data. Our results high-
the reaching motions provided in (Kratzer, 2019) as               light that incorporating expert knowledge into OC-
the empirically observed extrema across all motions,              BNNs helps enforcing feasible and thus more ro-
which is modeled using the negative constraint prior.             bust predictions. Results for both datasets in Sec-
                                                                  tion 6 demonstrate that constraint violation metrics
OC-BNNs prevent infeasible predictions. We com-                   are reduced significantly, whereas accuracy metrics
pare a BNN and OC-BNN using the negative prior                    are nearly unchanged. This affirms the behavior ob-
and the empirical bounds on joint angles. Both mod-               served in the synthetic examples in Section 5.
els are compared in (i) RMSE using the posterior pre-
dictive mean (RMSE) [1·103 ], (ii) held-out data log              Training data in constrained region can outweigh
                         2 ) with posterior predictive
likelihood of N (µ pp , σpp                                       prior effect. The clinical dataset results show that the
mean µ pp and variance σpp (HO-LL), and (iii) poste-              presence of data in C reduces the effect of constraint
rior predictive violation defined as the percentage of            priors. This is expected and in accordance with the
probability mass in an infeasible constrained region              Bayesian framework, where the likelihood effect will
(PP-VIOL) [%], each evaluated at all target points.               crowd out the prior given enough training data, and
                                                                  also suggests that the practitioner can use OC-BNNs
These metrics are summarized in Table 2. We find that             even for situations where the constraints themselves
OC-BNNs reduce the possibility of making an infea-                may not be fully satisfied.
sible prediction to less than 0.001%, substantially im-
proving on BNNs. Figure 3 shows exemplary motion                  OC-BNNs can facilitate data imputation. The fact
predictions obtained with both BNN and OC-BNN                     that OC-BNNs model uncertainty correctly in con-
for five consecutive points in a test trajectory.                 strained regions without losing predictive accuracy,
                                                                  even for high-dimensional datasets, show that OC-
                             BNN          OC-BNN                  BNNs can encode imputation in input regions with-
                 RMSE          0.929          1.252               out training data. Rather than directly modifying the

                 HO-LL      1718.409       1342.602               training set through imputation, prior beliefs about
                 PP-VIOL       0.046          0.000               missing data can instead be formulated as constraints.
                 RMSE          7.320         12.127
                                                                  When to use which prior? In the regression setting,

                 HO-LL       101.129       -683.697
                                                                  negative priors are weakly informative whereas pos-
                 PP-VIOL      18.447          0.000
                                                                  itive priors tend to be strongly informative – one or
Table 2. Results for human motion prediction. While pre-
                                                                  both of the prior types can be used depending on
dictive performance and held-out log likelihood are similar,      domain knowledge. While the negative prior for-
OC-BNNs (negative prior) reduce the chance of predicting          mulation does not apply to classification cases, this
an infeasible position to 0.0 % while BNNs make infeasible        does not pose a problem as negative and positive con-
predictions in 18.4% of cases.                                    straints are complements in discrete space.

                                                                  8. Conclusion and Outlook
                                                                  We describe OC-BNNs, a formulation to incorporate
                                                                  expert knowledge into BNNs by prescribing positive
                                                                  and negative (i.e., desired and forbidden) regions,
                                                                  and demonstrate their application to synthetic and
                                                                  real-world data. We show that OC-BNNs generally
                                                                  maintain the desirable properties of regular BNNs
                                                                  while their predictions follow the prescribed con-
Figure 3. Consecutive predictions of right Z-rotation during      straints. This makes them a promising tool for set-
an exemplary test trajectory with 10 frame gaps. The pos-         tings like healthcare, where models trained on sparse
terior predictive of BNN (black) and OC-BNN (blue) given
                                                                  data may be augmented with expert knowledge. In
the input state 20 frames earlier are plotted along the y-axis.
While both BNN and OC-BNN do not perfectly generalize
                                                                  addition, OC-BNNs may find applications in safe re-
to the test set, the expert knowledge of valid joint positions    inforcement learning, e.g. in tasks where certain ac-
enforces feasible and thus more robust predictions.               tions are known to have catastrophic consequences.
Output-Constrained Bayesian Neural Networks - arXiv
Output-Constrained Bayesian Neural Networks

Acknowledgements                                             A. Constraint Priors
MG and FDV acknowledge support from AFOSR FA                 In this section, we describe the detailed functional
9550-17-1-0155. LL and WY acknowledge support                forms of our positive and negative constraints and
from the John A. Paulson School of Engineering and           priors for both classification and regression settings,
Applied Sciences at Harvard University.                      noting aspects important for inference.

References                                                   A.1. Positive constraint prior

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Kratzer, P. mocap-mlr-datasets. https://github.              is a known ground-truth function described perfectly
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                                                                                                   N (φ(x; W ); y, σ+ )   (6)
  combining motion optimization and data driven                                     x,y∼π (C + )
  dynamical models for human motion prediction. In
  2018 IEEE-RAS 18th International Conference on Hu-         where π (C + ) is a sampling distribution for C + , which
  manoid Robots (Humanoids), pp. 202–208. IEEE, 2018.        is necessary for tractability if C + is large or infinite.
                                                             π (C + ) itself can be user-defined as the domain al-
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  scent: A general purpose bayesian inference algo-          tuneable standard deviation of the Gaussian, control-
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                                                              g(W | C + ) =     ∏          ∑ ωk N (φ(x; W ); yk , σ+2 )   (7)
                                                                         x,{y}kK ∼π (C + ) k =1
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 ods for supervised neural networks. In Network:             where ωk are the user-defined mixture weights.
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                                                             Classification      y describes the classes that the
Namdari, S., Yagnik, G., Ebaugh, D. D., Nagda, S.,           BNN is constrained to for the corresponding C + x . In
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                                                                     g(W | C + ) =        ∏          D ir(φ(x; W ); α)    (8)
                                                                                      x,y∼π (C + )

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Output-Constrained Bayesian Neural Networks

lation of C − :                                                            As the presence of g(W | C) increases the magnitude
                                                                           of the prior pC (W ), empirical performance typically
                               h                             i
g(W |C − ) = exp         E         − γ c x, φ(x, W ); C    −
                                                                     (9)   improves by using a smaller step-size than with p(W )
                    x∼π (Cx− )
                                                                           for the same dataset.

In (9), c(x, y; C − ) is a classifier function that encodes                Stein Variational Gradient Descent (SVGD) SVGD
softly whether or not (x, y) is in C − , which allows                      (Liu & Wang, 2016) is a VI method where a set of
black-box use with any inference technique:                                S particles (in our case, {W s }Ss=1 ) are optimized via
                                                                           functional gradient descent to mimic the true poste-
                         J   Kj                                         rior. SVGD combines the efficiency of VI methods
      c(x, y; C − ) =   ∑ ∏         στ0 ,τ1 f j x, y k           (10)      with the ability of MCMC methods to capture more
                        j =1 k =1
                                                                           expressive posterior approximations. p(W ) is substi-
The definition of c(x, y; C − ) assumes that the nega-                     tuted by pC (W ) in the computation of the functional
tive region C − is defined by J sets of K j inequality                     gradient:
constraints f j (x, y) ≤ 0, i.e. C − =          C−j with
                                                    j =1                              1 S h
C j = {(x, y) | f j (x, y) ≤ 0}, which can define arbi-                    φ̂∗ (W ) = ∑ k(W s , W )∇W s [log pC (W s )          (13)
                                                                                      S s =1
trary linear and nonlinear shapes in the input-output                                                                              i
space. στ0 ,τ1 (z) is a soft indicator of whether a con-                                     + log p(D | W s )] + ∇W s k(W s , W )
straint of the form z ≤ 0 is satisfied, a more generally-
                                                                           Our implementation of SVGD uses the weighted RBF
parameterizable sigmoidal activation defined as
                                                                         kernel k ( x, x 0 ) = exp(− 1h || x − x 0 ||22 ) and adapting
 στ0 ,τ1 (z) = tanh(−τ0 z) + 1 tanh(−τ1 z) + 1 (11)                        bandwith h as suggested in (Liu & Wang, 2016) as
                                                                           well as mini-batched data D for tractability.
If all constraints for at least one infeasible region C −
are satisfied, our prior knowledge is violated and
c(x, y; C − ) is far from 0. Otherwise, at least one con-                  C. Experimental Details
straint of all infeasible regions is violated and our                      C.1. Synthetic Examples
prior beliefs satisfied; c(x, y; C − ) is close to 0. Con-
trary to other classification functions, the product of                    For all experiments, the BNN used comprises a single
two tanh functions with different scales τ0 , τ1 enables                   hidden layer with 10 nodes, and Radial Basis Func-
a sharp and steep overall classification of violating                      tion (RBF) activations σ ( x ) = exp{− x2 }.
values in z > 0 and a smoother and flatter classifica-
                                                                           All regression plots show the posterior mean function
tion for satisfying values in z ≤ 0, making gradients
                                                                           (bold line) as well as the confidence intervals for σ =
less vanishing for constraint-satisfying, i.e. region-
                                                                           1 (dark shading) and σ = 2 (light shading).
violating inputs. We use τ0 = 15, τ1 = 2.
                                                                           Figure 1: (left) The constrained regions are y < 2.5
B. Inference                                                               and y > 3 for x ∈ [−0.3, 0.3]. The function gener-
                                                                           ating the training points is y = − x4 + 3x2 + 1. The
Constraint priors can be substituted for the tradi-                        negative prior formulation is used. (right) The input
tional prior term p(W ) with any black-box sampling                        space is 2-dimensional and there are 3 classes (color-
or variational inference (VI) algorithm. Here, we pro-                     coded) with 8 training points in each class, generated
vide a summary of the algorithms we use and de-                            from the Gaussian means (−3, 1), (0, −3) and (2, 3).
scribe the trivial modifications used to incorporate                       The constrained region is [1, 3] × [−2, 0] and defined
constraint priors pC (W ). Note that the general form                      such that points within the box should be classified as
of pC (W ) is not normalized, which does not pose a                        green. The positive prior is used. HMC (10000 burn-
problem for inference in practice.                                         in, 1000 samples collected at intervals of 10) is used
                                                                           for both examples.
Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) HMC (Neal, 2012)
is a MCMC method considered to be the “gold stan-                          Figure 2: (left) The positive constraints are y = − x +
dard” in posterior sampling even though not being                          5 for x ∈ [−5.0, −3.0] and y = x + 5 for x ∈ [3.0, 5.0].
scalable. We substitute p(W ) by pC (W ) in the poten-                     Both constraints are Gaussian with the σ = 0.5. The
tial energy term U (W ) computed at each sampling                          3 training points are arbitrarily defined. HMC (10000
iteration:                                                                 burn-in, 1000 samples collected at intervals of 10) is
                                                                           used. (Right) The constrained boxed region is x ∈
         U (W ) = − log pC (W ) − log p(D | W )                  (12)
                                                                           [−1.0, 1.0] and y ∈ [−5.0, 3.0]. The function generat-
Output-Constrained Bayesian Neural Networks

ing the training points is y = − x4 + 3x2 + 1. SVGD
with 75 particles is used with Adagrad.

C.2. Clinical action prediction
For all experiments, the BNN used comprises a 2 hid-
den layers of 200 nodes each and RBF activations.
SVGD is used for inference with 50 particles, 1500 it-
erations, Adagrad optimization, and a suitable batch        Figure 4. (left) The same training set as Figure 2 (left), but
size. The size of the full dataset is 298K; this reduces    with negative constraints defined out-of-distribution. OC-
to 125K when points in the constrained region are fil-      BNNs fit the sparse data while avoiding the constraints.
tered out. Details on the prior formulation for can be      (right) Positive prior with mixture of two Gaussians. Us-
found in A. The Dirichlet parameter is set to 10 for        ing SVGD, individual OC-BNN samples (blue) capture both
allowed classes and 0.01 for forbidden classes.             modes.

C.3. Human motion prediction
For these experiments, the BNN used comprises a 2
hidden layers of 100 nodes each and RBF activations.
For inference, we again used SVGD and Adagrad
with 50 particles and 1000 iterations. The negative
prior used 50 samples from π (C −
                                x ) and γ = 10, 000,
see Eq. 9.
We randomly chose a subset of 10 right-handed
reaching trajectories from (Kratzer, 2019). This data
was randomly split into 5 training and 5 test tra-
jectories, which amounts to 243 train Markov states
of sensors for training and 142 states for evalua-
tion. Given this problem setting, the regression task
had 12-dimensional inputs and 4-dimensional tar-
gets. The number of training trajectories was kept low
to increase sparsity and the difficulty of successful ro-
bust generalization.

D. Additional Results
D.1. Additional Synthetic Examples
Figure 4 shows additional examples for out-of-
distribution and multimodal behavior. (left) Out-
of-distribution negative constraints. The negative
constraints are y > − x + 7 and y < − x + 2 for
x ∈ [−5.0, −3.0] and y > x + 7 and y < x + 2 for
x ∈ [3.0, 5.0]. The training points are identical to
those in the left plot of Figure 2. HMC (10000 burn-
in, 1000 samples collected at intervals of 10) is used.
(right) Multimodal positive constraints. The two pos-
itive functions are y = −0.2x3 + 0.5x2 + 0.7x − 0.5
and y = 0.2x3 − 0.15x2 + 3.5, both for the domain
x ∈ [−1.0, 1.0]. The training points were arbitrarily
defined. An equally-weighted mixture of two Gaus-
sians with σ = 0.5 is used as the positive constraint
prior. SVGD with 75 particles and Adagrad are used.
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