Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources - September - December 2022 Program Brochure - Fuquay-Varina

Page created by Herman Lowe
Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources - September - December 2022 Program Brochure - Fuquay-Varina
Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources
             September - December 2022
                        Program Brochure
Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources - September - December 2022 Program Brochure - Fuquay-Varina
INFORMATION        Fuquay-Varina Community Center                        Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources
                               820 S. Main St.                                    Administrative Office
                          Fuquay-Varina, NC 27526                                      405 Spring Ave.
                               (919) 552-1430                                      Fuquay-Varina, NC 27526
                             (919) 557-3112 Fax                                        (919) 552-9140
                                                                                    Hours of Operation:
                           Hours of Operation:                            Monday - Friday          8:00am - 5:00pm
                  Monday - Friday         8:00am - 9:00pm                *Hours subject to change due to COVID-19
                  Saturday                8:00am - 5:00pm
               *Hours subject to change due to COVID-19 or                             Administration
                           program demands
                                                                                     Jonathan Cox, Director
                        Labor Day: Sept. 3 - Sept. 5
                           Veterans Day: Nov. 11                                       Anthony DiMarzio
                    Thanksgiving: Nov. 23 @5pm - Nov. 27                   Assistant Director - Athletics & Recreation
                        Christmas: Dec. 23 - Dec. 27                   
                        New Years: Dec. 31 - Jan. 2
                                                                                          Chris Newsom
              Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources Staff           Assistant Director - Parks, Grounds & Public Buildings
                      Recreation Program Division
                                                                          Trey Baggett, Events & Marketing Specialist
                   Mark Hassig, Recreation Superintendent              
                                                                    Gerard O’Connell, Senior Recreation Support Specialist
                Leslie Poole, Recreation Program Administrator       
                                                                                       Parks Division
              Tiffany Trice, Senior Recreation Support Specialist
                                  Jacob Ritchie, Assistant Parks & Grounds Superintendent
                   Donnie Dix, Recreation Center Assistant
                                                                           Tony Smith, Parks & Grounds Supervisor
                        Athletic Program Division

                  Adam Hairr, Athletic Program Administrator
                                          Inclement Weather Procedure
                                                                               In the event of inclement weather,
                Thomas DeGruchy, Athletic Program Specialist              cancellations and closing will be posted to
                                     the Parks and Recreation webpage under
                                                                           the “Field Status” icon near the middle of
                 Sidney Peterson, Athletic Program Specialist
                                                                         the page. Visit A recorded
                                                                          message with weather information is also
                   Josh Hardin, Athletic Program Specialist              available by dialing 919-552-2698. Updates
                                     are made weekdays by 4pm and on weekends
                                                                        by 8am. Any decisions made after these times
                                                                          will be made at the field by officials and/or
                                                                                         Athletic Staff.

Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources - September - December 2022 Program Brochure - Fuquay-Varina

YOUTH & PRESCHOOL                              4 - 19
Youth Sports                                    4-5
Open Gym/Pickleball Open Gym                        6
Youth/Teen Tennis                             6 & 20
Mobile Music Education                              7
Santa Calls & Holiday Fun                           7
Cool Rhythms Drumming                               7
Tae Kwon Do                                         8
Ninpodo Gendai Ninjutsu                             8
Dynamic Martial Arts                                8
Young Chef/Storybook Chef/Teen Chef        8, 9 & 20
Heartsaver CPR & BLS                                9
Create & Learn Virtual Classes               10 - 11
Physical Fitness Fun/Gymnastics                   12
Outdoor Adventures with Rebeccah             13 - 15
Time Travel/ NC Wildlife/Trash Trek          15 - 16
Tent Care/Backpacking ABCs/Backpacking 101         17
Big NC Tennis                                17 - 19

TEENS 		 		                                          20
Teen Council Events & Fun                            20
Haunted Trail Info/ Volunteer Meeting                20

ADULT PROGRAMS                                   21 - 24
Adult Sports                                          21
Workout Room                                          21
Pickleball                                            21
Big NC Tennis                                         22
Zumba Gold                                            22   Town of Fuquay-Varina Elected Officials
Beginner Bellydance                                   22
Bird Walk                                             22           Blake Massengill, Mayor
F3 Men’s Bootcamp                                     23
Women’s Alive & Wellness Workout                      23
Zumba With Erin                                       23        Larry Smith, Mayor Pro Tempore
Gentle/Mindful/Flow Yoga                              24 

ACTIVE ADULTS (SENIORS) 		                       25 - 29        William H. Harris, Commissioner
Games                                                 25
Current Technologies                                  25
Technical Help Desk                                   25         Marilyn Gardner, Commissioner
BINGO Potluck HNTPP                                   25
Line Dance		                                          26
DIY With Fuquay                                       26          Bryan Haynes, Commissioner
Healing Rhythms/Fitness Drumming                      26
Open Gym Walking                                      27
Men’s Coffee Time/Walk Coffee Social                 27           Tracy Watson, Commissioner
Active Adult Golfers                                  27 
Eat Smart, Live Strong/Stay Strong, Stay Healthy      28
Acrylic Painting		                                    28
Day Trips                                             29

FACILITY INFORMATION			                          30 - 31
SPECIAL EVENTS                                        32
                                                                (919) 552-1430                       3
Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources - September - December 2022 Program Brochure - Fuquay-Varina
                      WINTER SPORTS REGISTRATION                                             WE NEED YOU!
                    Winter Youth Sports Programs                                          VOLUNTEER COACHES
                    Registration Opens: Sept. 19, 2022                           All coaches (head and assistants) must be approved
                    Registration Closes: Oct. 1, 2022 @ 5:00pm                   by the Fuquay-Varina Parks, Recreation & Cultural
                                                                                 Resources Department (FVPRCRD). Coaches will be
                    *Late fee of $10/residents and $15/non-residents applies     subject to background checks. All coaches must submit
                    after registration deadline. Financial hardship discounts    applications prior to the league draft date. All approved
                    are available for residents and non-residents (must          coaches will receive a Town of
                    qualify for public school system free or reduced lunch or
                                                                                 Fuquay-Varina coaches’ shirt and wristband. In order to
                    provide copy of Federally issued Medicaid card)
                                                                                 register as a coach, please visit and
                                                                                 complete the coaches’ application by hovering over the
                    Cost:                                                        sports tab and selecting coaches application. Follow
                         Sport              Resident         Non-Resident        the instructions on the screen. Coaches must complete
                     Skills & Drills          $50                $80             all steps in order to be approved. When completing
                                                                                 the background check portion, you will need the
                       Basketball             $60                $90             organization (Town of Fuquay-Varina) and the good
                     Cross Country            $40                $70             deed code (xd4cwoa).
                     Dance Troupe             $50                $80
                                                                                      INCLEMENT WEATHER PRO-
                              SPORTS INFORMATION                                             CEDURE
                    Fuquay-Varina Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources         In the event of inclement weather, cancellations and
                    promotes sportsmanship, fair play and fun through a          closing will be posted to the Parks, Recreation &
                    variety of youth sports program offerings. Children will     Cultural Resources webpage under the “Field Status”
                    have the opportunity to develop new skills in a safe         icon near the middle of the page. Visit www.fvparks.
                    and positive environment. All participants will need to      org. A recorded message with weather information is
                    complete a registration waiver and provide a copy of their   also available by dialing 919-552-2698. Updates are
                    birth certificate. Program participants may be responsible   made weekdays by 4pm and on weekends by 8am. Any
                    for providing additional equipment depending upon the        decisions made after these times will be made at the
                    sport.                                                       field by officials and/or Athletic Staff.

                    Register online by visiting and
                    selecting                                                      FINANCIAL HARDSHIP ASSISTANCE
                    the “Register Now” icon in the middle of the page. If        Financial hardship discounts are available for residents
                    new to FVPRCR, you will need to create an account.           and non-residents. In order to be approved for
                    New accounts are approved daily by staff. If you register    assistance, participants must qualify for free or reduced
                    for a new account after hours, your account will not be      lunch through a public school system or receive
                    approved until the next business day.                        Medicaid. All financial hardship requests must be
                                                                                 made when registering in-person at the Fuquay-Varina
                    Register in person by visiting the Fuquay-Varina             Community Center. You must provide a copy of the
                    Community Center located at 820 S. Main Street,              free/reduced lunch form or a current Medicaid card for
                    Fuquay-Varina. Hours of operation are Monday – Friday        approval. Funds for non-resident assistance is provided
                    8:00am to 9:00pm, Saturday 8:00am to 5:00pm &                through Non-Resident Scholarship donations and is
                    closed Sunday.                                               based on the availability of funds.
                                                                                 Fees after discount $10/residents; $15/non-residents
                    *Hours subject to change due to COVID 19

                                                                                               REFUND POLICY
                                                                                 Full refunds will be awarded to participants who
                                                                                 have made a written request to the Athletic Program
                                                                                 Administrator prior to the formation of teams in the
                                                                                 respective league. All written requests submitted
                                                                                 following the formation of teams but before the start of
                                                                                 scheduled games will receive a 50% refund. No refunds
                                                                                 will be issued after the start of scheduled games.
                                                                                 Medical hardships, at any time, will be evaluated on a
                                                                                 case by case basis. Late fees and convenience fees
                                                                                 are non-refundable.
Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources - September - December 2022 Program Brochure - Fuquay-Varina
Skills & Drills Basketball                    Ages 4 - 5
Age Cut-Off Date: Jan. 1, 2023 (Hint: Player age on 1/1/23)
Program is designed to be an introduction to basketball.
Players will participate in an 8-week program with pre-
planned 45-minute instructor/coach led practices. At the end
of the season teams will play a fun game scrimmage to cap
the season!
Skills & Drills meets one night per week from 5:45pm-6:30pm
or 6:30pm-7:15pm at the Community Center starting Nov.
Parent’s orientation video is posted online and will be sent
out with team assignments no later than Nov. 4th.
Coaches Meeting: Nov. 2, 6:00pm at Fuquay-Varina
Community Center (820 S Main St)

Youth Basketball League                      Ages 6 - 18
Age Cut-Off Date: Jan. 1, 2023 (Hint: Player age on 1/1/23)
Practices begin week of Nov. 28, 2022
                                                                Photo credit: Wendell Jones
Games begin week of Dec. 12, 2022

Evaluation Dates
6U Coed - No Evals
                                                                                DANCE TROUPE
7U Boys - No Eval                                              Dance Troupe                                    Ages 6 - 14
8U Boys – Nov. 1, Last name A-L 6:00pm; M-Z 7:30pm             Age Cut-Off Date: Jan. 1, 2023 (Hint: Player age on
8U Girls – Nov. 5, 12:00pm                                     1/1/23)
9U Boys – Nov. 2, Last name A-L 6:00pm; M-Z 7:30pm             Program is an intro to hip hop/game day team dance.
10U Boys – Nov 3, Last name A-L 6:00pm; M-Z 7:30pm             Participants practice 1-2 times per week and perform
10U Girls – Nov. 5, 9:00am                                     intermittently throughout the season (determined by
                                                               coach) at basketball games during half time. Typically,
12U Boys – Nov. 5, Last name A-L 10:30am; M-Z 12:00pm
                                                               team performs 4-5 times per season depending upon the
12U Girls – Nov. 5, 1:30pm
                                                               number of dances the team can learn.
14U Boys – Nov. 5, 2:00pm
15U Girls – Nov. 6, 3:00pm
16U Boys – Nov 7, 6:00pm                                                       CROSS COUNTRY
18U Boys – Nov. 8, 6:00pm                                      Cross Country                                   Ages 8 - 16
                                                               Age Cut-Off Date: Jan. 1, 2023 (Hint: Player age on
Coaches Meeting                                                (1/1/23)
Age 6U Coed and above – Nov 15, 6:00pm at Fuquay-Varina        This 6-week program is designed to teach the sport of
Community Center (820 S Main St)                               cross country. Including all, but not limited to stretching,
Team assignments emailed by Nov 18th.                          proper conditioning, necessary nutrition, and correct
                                                               running practices. The program is designed to teach
Draft Dates                                                    all these aspects through instruction, running, and
Held at Fuquay-Varina Community Center (820 S Main St)         entertaining games. Participants will have 2 activities per
                                                               week for the duration of the program.
8U Boys – Nov 5, 9:00am
8U Girls – Nov 7, 6:00pm
                                                               Team rosters & practice schedules will be emailed to
9U Boys – Nov 5, 10:30am
                                                               parents by November 18th.
10U Boys – Nov 5, 12:00pm
10U Girls – Nov 8, 6:00pm
                                                               Activity Dates: Nov. 28, 2022 – Jan. 21, 2023
12U Boys – Nov 7, 7:00pm
                                                               Meet Dates: Dec. 17 and Jan. 21
12U Girls – Nov 9, 6:00pm
14U Boys – Nov 8, 7:00pm
15U Girls – Nov 10, 6:00pm
16U Boys – Nov 9, 7:00pm
18U Boys – Nov 10, 7:00pm
                                                                               (919) 552-1430                                 5
Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources - September - December 2022 Program Brochure - Fuquay-Varina
                                                   2022 FALL OPEN GYM SCHEDULE
                            Monday                  Tuesday              Wednesday                  Thursday                Friday
                      Active Adult Walkers                           Active Adult Walkers                            Active Adult Walkers
                        8:00am-8:55am                                   8:00am-8:55am                                  8:00am-8:55am

                      Pickleball (18 & Older)                         Pickleball (18 & Older)                        Pickleball (18 & Older)
                       9:00am-11:45am                                  9:00am-11:45am                                  9:00am-11:45am

                       Adult (18 & Older)       Family/Home-School     Adult (18 & Older)       Family/Home-School    Adult (18 & Older)
                       12:00pm-2:00pm            12:00pm-2:00pm        12:00pm-2:00pm            12:00pm-2:00pm       12:00pm-2:00pm

                       Teen (Ages 13-17)                             Family/Home-School          Teen (Ages 13-17)    Teen (Ages 13-17)
                        2:30pm-4:30pm                                   2:30pm-4:30pm            2:30pm-4:30pm         2:30pm-4:30pm

                     *Times subject to change depending on program & facility needs

                     Pickleball Open Gym                                                                              Ages 18 & Older
                     Pickleball is a combination of tennis, badminton, and ping pong. It may be a silly name, but it’s a serious sport!
                     It’s fast paced and easy to learn, great exercise and lots of fun! It is America’s fastest growing sport. Please wear
                     tennis shoes.
                     Fee: $10 Residents ($15 Non-Residents) Monthly
                     Drop in: $2 Residents ($4 Non-Residents) Daily

                     Family, Homeschool, Preschool, & Track-Out Open Gym
                     Participants are required to bring their own toys. No toys with wheels allowed. Food is prohibited in the
                     gymnasium. Children must be supervised by an adult at all times. Wear tennis shoes while in the gym.

                     Teen Open Gym                                                                                          Ages 13 - 17
                     Registration required. Parent must accompany youth to register for an Open Gym ID. Replacement cards
                     are $5.
                     Fee: Residents - Free; Non-Residents - $10 per month

                     Adult Open Gym                                                                                   Ages 18 & Older
                     Registration required. All players (Resident & Non-Resident) will be issued a PRCRD Open Gym ID card
                     and MUST present this ID at the front desk before entering the gym. Replacement cards are $5.
                     Fee: Residents - Free; Non-Residents - $10 per month
                     Drop-in Fee: Non-Residents $4 daily

                              FLYING FEET RUN CLUB                                                  YOUTH TENNIS
                     Flying Feet Run Club                      Ages 4 - 11         Youth Tennis                               Ages 6 - 12
                     Learn a growth mindset through running games and              This program is for entry level players looking to
                     drills! Empowering Young Minds of all fitness levels to       advance their skills and learn the game of tennis.
                     succeed in running, wellness, and life! Price includes        Players will learn basic fundamentals in a positive
                     all six classes, a T-shirt, and an earned medal.              learning environment. Skill development will be built
                     Days & Times: Saturdays, 2:00pm - 3:30pm                      using USTA Net Generation’s drills and games. 6 week
                     Session 1: Sept. 10 - Oct. 15                                 session with 2 day rain make ups.
                     Session 2: Nov. 5 - Dec. 10                                   Day & Time: Saturday, 9:00am - 10:00am
                     Location: South Park                                          Session1: Aug. 6 - Sept. 17 (No Class Sept. 3)
                     Instructor: Sheila Haunert                                    Session 2: Oct. 8 - Nov. 12
                     Max: 10                                                       Location: Action Park Tennis Courts
                     Fee: $120 (NR:150)                                            Instructor: Jessica Rigney
                                                                                   Min: 4 Max: 20
                                                                                   Fee: $75 (NR: $94)

Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources - September - December 2022 Program Brochure - Fuquay-Varina
      MOBILE MUSIC & EDUCATION                                                HOLIDAY FUN
Mobile Music & Education for Kids Ages 7 - 13                    Thankful Turkey                    Ages 5 - 8
Mobile Music and Education for Kids is an activity program       Thanksgiving is the perfect time of the year
developed from educator Wanda Micheal’s “Whole                   to be thankful and to show gratitude. This
Child” teaching philosophy by engaging students through          adorable thankful turkey craft will be created
art, math, science, exercise, and lots of fun! Wanda’s           with glue, cardstock paper, googly eyes, and
work in education and diverse learning styles has been           scissors. Please pre-register at the Community
featured in The Carolinian Newspaper, VoyageRaleigh              Center or online.
and SHOUTOUT ATLANTA, and her recently published                 Date: Monday, Nov. 7
Musical Education & Fitness Walk interactive game                Time: 2:00pm
is available wherever books are sold. Now, she has               Location: Kitchen
developed a program that will engage your little learner         Min: 4 Max: 15
in both mental and physical fitness! Mobile Music and            Fee: Free
Education for Kids strives to meet the educational, health,
and developmental needs of students through creative             Ornament Party                     Ages 2 - 10
activities and physical movement. Important skills and           Usher in the Christmas Season by coming to
topics include: Introducing basic concepts in music, math,       the Community Center and making your own
science and fitness; Develops coordination, strength and         ornament for your tree. Refreshments will be
balance; Enhances vocabulary; Improves mental flexibility        provided so please pre-register.
and critical thinking skills; Develops focus and attention       Date: Monday, Dec. 12
to detail; Improves communication skills; Develops core          Time: 2:00pm
and back strength; Improves spatial awareness; Enhances          Location: Kitchen
reading comprehension; Improves hand-eye and foot-eye            Min: 4 Max: 15
coordination; Promotes teamwork and cooperation with             Fee: Free
others; Teaches test-taking strategies. Other great activities
include an introduction to the five families of instruments
(instruments are provided) and The Magic Box, which is a
                                                                            COOL RHYTHMS
lesson on self-esteem and anti-bullying practices.               Cool Rhythms           Ages 11 & Older
Days and Times: Saturdays, 12:00pm-1:00pm
                                                                 (Special Needs - Therapeutic
Session: Oct. 1 - Oct. 29
Location: Large Conference Room                                  Drumming)
Instructor: Wanda Micheal                                        Therapeutic drumming class for special
                                                                 needs students using hand drums and
Max: 20                                                          percussion instruments to help with focusing,
Fee: $160 (NR: $200)                                             hyperactivity, coordination, cooperation,
                                                                 listening skills, and brain integration. Class is
                   SANTA CALLS                                   most beneficial for those with moderate needs.
                                                                 Class is taught by Dori Staehle, percussionist,
Santa Calls                                      Ages 3 - 7      drum teacher, and drum therapist with Next
Santa Claus has contacted the Town of Fuquay Varina to let       Stage Drumming. Instruments provided.
us know he will be calling children ages 3-7 years old to find   Days & Times: Wednesdays, 4:30pm - 5:15pm
out if they have been naughty or nice. Please register your      Session 1: Sept. 14
child today for this very special call as space is limited!      Session 2: Oct. 12
Register by 5:00pm, Wednesday, Nov. 30th                         Session 3: Nov. 16
Dates: Tuesday, Dec. 6 - Thursday, Dec. 8                        Session 4: Dec. 14
Time: 4:00pm - 7:00pm                                            Location: Jimmy Johnson Room
Session 1: Tuesday                                               Instructor: Dori Staehle
Session 2: Wednesday                                             Max: 10
Session 3: Thursday                                              Fee: $3 (NR:$5)
Fee: Free

                                                                                 (919) 552-1430                      7
Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources - September - December 2022 Program Brochure - Fuquay-Varina
                                      TAE KWON DO                                           DYNAMIC MARTIAL ARTS
                    Tae Kwon Do                              Ages 10 & Older       Dynamic Martial Arts                        Ages 7 - 14
                    This class is designed to teach traditional Chung Do Kwan      The martial arts are a great way to exercise and build
                    Tae Kwon Do, which is the same style of Tae Kwon Do that       self-confidence. Our Instructors have experience in Tae
                    was taught to the Republic of Korean armed forces during       Kwon Do and Jui Jitsu and blend these arts together
                    the Vietnam War. This art, as it is called by name, involves   into a fun and challenging experience. Dynamic
                    using the hands and feet for self-defense. In addition to      is Christian based, and exists to equip students in
                    good exercise and self-defense, students learn courtesy,       physical, mental, and spiritual conditioning. Students
                    integrity, perseverance and self-control. This class is        earn belts at a belt test at the end of each semester.
                    open to adults. Uniforms may be purchased from the             Uniforms consist of belt & t-shirt (both provided) and
                    instructor, and there are opportunities for promotional        black exercise shorts or martial arts pants.
                    testing (promotional tests are optional).                      Each class consists of physical exercise, small group
                                                                                   Bible study led by the Dynamic leadership team, and
                    Days & Times: Tuesdays, 5:30pm - 7:30pm                        martial arts / self-defense. Special class times are
                    Session 1: Aug. 16 - Aug. 30                                   dedicated to sparring and grappling throughout the
                    Session 2: Sept. 6 - Sept. 20                                  semester.
                    Session 3: Sept. 27 - Oct. 11                                  Days & Times: Wednesdays, 4:30pm - 6:00pm
                    Session 4: Oct. 18 - Nov. 1                                    Saturdays, 9:30am - 11:00am
                    Session 5: Nov. 8 - Nov. 22                                    (Sept. 14, 21, 24, 28, Oct. 5, 8, 12, 19, 22, 26, Nov. 2,
                    Session 6: Nov. 29 - Dec. 13                                   5, 9, 16, 19, 30, Dec. 3, 7, 14)
                    Location: Activity Room                                        Session: Sept. 14 – Dec. 14
                    Instructor: Sean McLean                                        Belt test and graduation ceremony is on Wed. Dec. 14.
                    Fee: $30 (NR: $38)                                             Location: Jimmy Johnson Room
                                                                                   Instructor: Brenner McLean
                                                                                   Fee: $80 per semester (NR:$100)
                          NINPODO GENDAI NINJUTSU
                    Ninpodo Gendai Ninjutsu - Martial Arts Program                    CONSCIOUS WARRIORS KARATE
                    Ages 11 & Older
                    Ninpodo is based on the martial skills practiced by the        Conscious Warriors Karate              Ages 4 & Older
                    legendary warriors from Japan called Shinobi. The              Providing structure, discipline, and help boost
                    instruction provided includes hand to hand combat,             selfcontrol and focus. Martial arts are great self-defense
                    oriental weaponry, tactical and physical training. The         practices, and provide a good alternative to team
                    hand to hand techniques include, but are not limited to:       sports. Martial arts can help kids and adults feel more
                    strikes, kicks, throws, joint locks, chokes, pressure points   confident. Classic karate is a sport everybody can
                    and others. The weapons training covers over 15 different      learn, and as the instructor with 30+ years experience
                    weapons, including: sword (katana), staffs (Bo, Jo,            I can adapt to different learning curbs and individual
                    Hanbo), nunchakus and knife (tanto). Professor Quiñones        needs. Please note this is an ongoing class with no
                    (Hanshi) is a martial artist with 30 years of experience;      starting or ending sessions, belt and promotions occur
                    certified in the US by the World Nindo Ryu Federation and      with attendance and skill requirements are met.
                    in Japan by the Genbukan World Ninpo Bugei Federation.         Day: Thursday
                    There is a ranking test at the end of every four sessions.     Beginners Time: 6:00pm - 6:30pm
                    Martial arts gear and examination fee not included.            Advanced Time: 6:00pm - 7:30pm
                    Days & Times: Mondays, 7:00pm - 8:30pm & Saturdays,            Session 1: Sept. 8 - Sept. 29
                    9:00am - 10:30am                                               Session 2: Oct. 6 - Oct. 27
                    Session 1: Sept. 12 - Oct. 1                                   Session 3: Nov. 3 - Nov. 17
                    Session 2: Oct. 3 - Oct. 29                                    Session 4: Dec. 1 - Dec. 15
                    Session 3: Oct. 31 - Nov. 28 (No Class Nov. 26)                Location: Large Conference Room
                    Session 4: Dec. 3 - Dec. 19                                    Instructor: Amy Bendura
                    Location: Activity Room                                        Fee: $60 (NR: $75)
                    Instructor: Juan Quinones                                      Drop-in: $15 (NR:$19)
                    Fee: $40 (NR: $50)

Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources - September - December 2022 Program Brochure - Fuquay-Varina
Chef Jr                                      Ages 8 - 12
Join us this semester celebrating our Fall holidays in the
kitchen. Each class will immerse our young chefs in a
world of culinary creativity and discovery. In addition to
developing cooking skills, we will incorporate elements
including: kitchen safety, presentation, proper food
handling, cooking & baking techniques, food preparation,
and so much more! Please advise of any dietary
restrictions at least one week prior to the class and on the
day of class.
Day & Time: Wednesday, 3:00pm - 4:00pm
Session 1: Aug. 24 - Fabulous Fruit Salad with Peach
Filling and Watermelon and Mint Spritzer
Session 2: Sept. 21 - Apples! Apples! Apples! Applesauce,
Caramel Apples and Apple Cider
Session 3: Oct. 19 - Mummy Breadsticks, Spider Deviled
Eggs and Witches’ Brew Punch
Session 4: Nov. 16 - Pumpkin French Toast Sticks and
Pumpkin Pie Punch
Session 5: Dec. 14 - Gingersnap cookies and Hot Cocoa
Location: Community Center Kitchen
Instructors: Lynsay Stappenbeck
Max: 10
                                                                                HEARTSAVER BLS
Fee: Free                                                       Basic Life Support (BLS)                 Ages 13 & Older
                                                                This course is geared towards healthcare and future
          STORYBOOK CHEF JR.                                    healthcare providers, and prehospital providers such as
                                                                EMT’s, Paramedics, Firefighters and in-facility hospital
Storybook Chef Jr.                             Ages 4 - 7       providers. Basic Life Support (BLS) is designed to give
Calling all Junior Chefs! Grab your aprons and join us          you the knowledge and skills that may help save a life.
while we mix, chop, grate and stir to create yummy healthy      You will learn the skills of high-quality Cardiopulmonary
recipes inspired by our favorite children’s book. So, let’s     resuscitation (CPR), along with the importance of and
grab our favorite books and some healthy food alternatives      how to use an automated external defibrillator (AED), and
and nurture both our minds and bodies. Please advise of         obstructed airway management for all ages. This course
any dietary restrictions at least one week prior to class and   is taught by a certified American Heart Association (AHA),
on the day of class.                                            Instructor. At the completion of this course, participants will
Day & Time: Wednesday, 2:15pm - 3:00pm                          receive an AHA course completion eCard.
Session 1: Aug. 24- And Then Comes Summer - Summer              Session 1: Wed., Sept. 7; 5:00pm-8:00pm
Fruit Kabobs with dip                                           Session 2: Fri., Sept. 16; 9:30am-12:30pm
Session 2: Sept. 21 - The Leaf Thief - Apple Donuts             Session 3: Sat. Sept. 17; 9:30am-12:30pm
Session 3: Oct. 19 - Crankenstein - Slime Popcorn               Session 4: Fri. Oct. 7; 5:00pm-8:00pm
Session 4: Nov. 16 - Thankful - Thanksgiving Turkey             Session 5: Sat. Oct. 8; 9:30am-12:30pm
Sandwiches                                                      Session 6: Thur. Oct. 13; 5:00pm - 8:00pm
Session 5: Dec. 14 - Santa Rex - Santa Fruit Pops               Session 7: Fri. Nov. 4; 5:00pm-8:00pm
Location: Community Center Kitchen                              Session 8: Sat. Nov. 5; 9:30am-12:30pm
Instructors: Lynsay Stappenbeck                                 Session 9: Thur. Nov. 10; 5:00pm-8:00pm
Max: 10                                                         Session 10: Fri. Dec. 9; 9:30am-12:30pm
Fee: Free                                                       Session 11: Tues. Dec. 13; 5:00pm-8:00pm
                                                                Session 12: Thur. Dec. 15; 9:30am-12:30pm
                                                                Location: Kitchen
                                                                Instructor: Melissa Harrison
                                                                Max: 6
                                                                Fee: $68 paid directly to instructor upon arrival. Cash or
                                                                money order only.

                                                                                   (919) 552-1430                                 9
Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources - September - December 2022 Program Brochure - Fuquay-Varina
                                                                              Scratch Ninja 1 & 2                            Ages 7 - 11
                                                                              Computer - Mac, Windows PC, Chromebook
                                                                              This class uses Scratch, a platform developed by MIT,
                                                                              to teach fundamental coding concepts. We start from
                                                                              the very basics, no prior coding experiences needed.
                                                                              Students will learn core coding concepts such as
                                                                              sequence, loop, and conditional. We will also use a wide
                                                                              range of Scratch specific capabilities including motion,
                                                                              sensing, control, and more. Your child will have a lot of
                                                                              fun as we build a new project in every session ranging
                                                                              from animation, games, to storytelling. Students not only
                                                                              learn coding but also start creating from day 1! Building
                                                                              on what students have learned in Unit 1, we continue to
                                                                              cover important computer programming concepts such
                                                                              as variables, messaging, and events. Again a new project
                                                                              is created in every session. We will build fun games and
                                                                              stories. Students can choose their own themes based
                                                                              on their interests, while learning new coding and scratch
                                                                              capabilities. They are challenged to be creative and solve
                                                                              tough problems while learning the deeper computer
                                                                              science concepts.
                                                                              Day & Time: Mondays , 4:00pm - 4:55pm
                                                                              Session: Sept. 12 - Oct. 31
                                HEARTSAVER CPR                                Location: Virtual
                    Heartsaver CPR                   Ages 13 & Older          Instructor: Create & Learn
                    This course is designed to give you the knowledge         Min: 2 Max: 8
                    and skills that may help save a life, and how to act      Fee: $131 (NR: $164)
                    in an emergency. You will learn the skills required for
                    Infant, Child, and Adult Cardiopulmonary resuscitation                     AI EXPLORERS
                    (CPR), along with obstructed airway management,
                    and how to use an automated external defibrillator        AI Explorers 1 & 2                            Ages 9 - 13
                    (AED). This course is taught by a certified American      Computer - Mac, Windows PC, Chromebook
                    Heart Association (AHA), Instructor. At the completion    This is the first class in our fun and engaging series that
                    of this course, participants will receive an AHA course   introduces students to the world of AI. Students will start
                    completion eCard.                                         to learn the key concepts of AI, and moreover, get first-
                    Session 1: Wed., Sept. 7; 9:30am-12:30pm                  hand experience with cutting-edge AI applications for
                    Session 2: Fri., Sept. 16; 5:00pm-8:00pm                  image recognition, chatbots, machine learning, and more,
                    Session 3: Sat. Sept. 17; 2:00pm-5:00pm                   all in an age-appropriate way. We also build a small
                    Session 4: Tues. Sept. 20; 5:00pm - 8:00pm                imagine recognition program in the class. With our small
                    Session 5: Fri. Oct. 7; 9:30am-12:30pm                    class size, world-class curriculum, and team projects,
                    Session 6: Sat. Oct. 8; 2:00pm - 5:00pm                   kids will also enjoy ample opportunities to exercise their
                    Session 7: Mon. Oct. 17; 5:00pm - 8:00pm                  creativity, critical thinking, and communication skills. This
                    Session 8: Fri. Nov. 4; 9:30am-12:30pm                    is a continuation of our AI Explorers 1 class, perfect for
                    Session 9: Sat. Nov. 5; 2:00pm-5:00pm                     students ready to explore more areas of AI. For example,
                    Session 10: Mon. Nov. 7; 5:00pm-8:00pm                    we discover how humans and AI can work together, and
                    Session 11: Thur. Nov. 17; 5:00pm-8:00pm                  how AI is able to win over human masters in games. Plus
                    Session 12: Fri. Dec. 9; 5:00pm-8:00pm                    we build a small AI system that plays games! We will also
                    Location: Kitchen                                         go deeper into AI and robotics, and introduce deeper AI
                    Instructor: Melissa Harrison                              technical concepts. As always, this class features plenty
                    Max: 6                                                    of hands-on experiences, creativity, and fun.
                    Fee: $73 paid directly to instructor upon arrival. Cash   Day & Time: Mondays , 7:00pm - 7:55pm
                    or money order only.                                      Session: Sept. 12 - Oct. 31
                                                                              Location: Virtual
                                                                              Instructor: Create & Learn
                                                                              Min: 2 Max: 8
                                                                              Fee: $131 (NR: $164)


                                                                                                                                 YOUTH & PRESCHOOL
Minecraft Modding Quest 1 & 2                 Ages 7 - 11
The class starts from the basics however it covers those
pretty fast. For students who are new to coding, we
recommend taking Scratch Ninja 1 & 2 first before taking
this class. You need a Windows or Mac Computer to take
this class. Chromebook is very slow for running Minecraft.
iPad is not supported. Let the fun begin! We start from the
very basics of the coding concepts in this fun-filled class.
Students solve puzzles by coding an agent in the Minecraft
game to move, take actions, and react to the environment.
They are also given the opportunity to build open ended
puzzles on their own. We will cover core coding concepts
including sequence, conditional, loop, and more. All the
puzzles and projects are designed by our curriculum
experts exclusively for Create & Learn. Students start to
spend more time building open ended projects in level 2
which allow them to expand and be creative even more
easily. We also advance to teach intermediate coding                   ACCELERATED SCRATCH
concepts such as variables, event, and function. Using
Minecraft as the platform, students can code to place and      Accelerated Scratch 1 & 2                     Ages 10 - 15
break blocks, build structure, spawn animals, develop mini-    Computer - Mac, Windows PC, Chromebook
games, and a lot more. They will feel empowered. Not only      For middle schoolers that are new to coding.
can they play Minecraft, they can create their own favorite    This class covers most of the foundational computer
games as well!                                                 science and coding concepts Scratch has, such as loops,
                                                               conditional, variables, and sensing. Students deliver a
Day & Time: Wednesdays, 4:00pm - 4:55pm                        project in each session ranging from animations and
Session: Sept. 28 - Nov. 16                                    games to graphic designs and storytelling. Students will
Location: Virtual                                              be challenged to be creative and solve tough problems,
Instructor: Create & Learn                                     while learning deeper computer
Min: 2 Max: 8                                                  science concepts. In this part II of the Accelerated
Fee: $131 (NR: $164)                                           Scratch coding series, we cover the more advanced
                                                               coding concepts in Scratch, such as functions and lists,
Day & Time: Fridays, 5:30pm - 6:25pm                           while continuing to explore cool features Scratch has
Session: Oct. 21 - Dec. 9                                      to offer such as cloning. Students will work on a new
Location: Virtual                                              relatively complex projects in each session including
Instructor: Create & Learn                                     animations, games, and storytelling. As with all of our
Min: 2 Max: 8                                                  classes, there is lots of focus placed on creativity, critical
Fee: $131 (NR: $164)                                           thinking, problem solving, and fun!

                                                               Day & Time: Tuesdays; 7:00pm - 7:55pm
                                                               Session: Oct. 4 - Nov. 22
                                                               Location: Virtual
                                                               Instructor: Create & Learn
                                                               Min: 2 Max: 8
                                                               Fee: $131 (NR: $164)

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                                                                                        TINY TOT GYMNASTICS
                                                                               Tiny Tot Gymnastics                           Ages 2 - 3
                                                                               A great time for bonding as your student develops
                                                                               coordination and gross motor skills with the use of tumble
                                                                               mats, bars, and themed obstacle courses. Your student
                                                                               will leave class with new tumbling and balance skills.
                                                                               Student should wear loose comfortable clothing and be
                                                                               Day & Time: Thursdays; 10:30am - 11:00am
                                                                               Session: Sept. 29 - Dec. 8 (No class Oct. 27, Nov. 3 &
                                                                               Nov. 24)
                                                                               Location: Jimmy Johnson Room
                                                                               Instructor: Maggie Witter
                                                                               Min: 6 Max: 12
                                                                               Fee: $96 (NR: $120)

                                                                               Day & Time: Thursdays; 1:00pm - 1:30pm
                                                                               Session: Sept. 29 - Dec. 8 (No class Oct. 27, Nov. 3 &
                                                                               Nov. 24)
                                                                               Location: Jimmy Johnson Room
                                                                               Instructor: Maggie Witter
                                                                               Min: 6 Max: 12
                                                                               Fee: $96 (NR: $120)

                                                                                  INTRO TO BASIC GYMNASTICS
                                                                               Intro to Basic Gymanstics                     Ages 4 - 8
                                                                               This class will teach basic structured tumble, balance,
                                                                               and coordination skills. We will be using mats,balance
                            PHYSICAL FITNESS FUN                               beam, bars , and themed obstacle courses to introduce
                    Physical Fitness Fun Class                Ages 6 - 10      fundamentals of gymnastics. Students should wear
                    Great for Homeschoolers and anyone with extra energy       comfortable but fitted clothing for this class.
                    to burn. focus will be on variety of gym class skills,
                    some weeks basic sports skills, coronation relay skills,   Day & Time: Thursdays; 11:15am - 12:00pm
                    group building games, always fun always action.            Session: Sept. 29 - Dec. 8 (No class Oct. 27, Nov. 3 &
                    Wear loose fitting clothing with socks and sneakers for    Nov. 24)
                    lots of movement in the gym.                               Location: Jimmy Johnson Room
                    Day & Time: Tuesdays; 2:00pm - 2:45pm                      Instructor: Maggie Witter
                    Session: Sept. 27 - Dec. 6 (No class Oct. 25, Nov. 1 &     Min: 6 Max: 12
                    Nov. 22)                                                   Fee: $96 (NR: $120)
                    Location: Community Center Gym
                    Instructor: Maggie Witter                                  Day & Time: Thursdays; 1:45pm - 2:30pm
                    Min:6 Max:12                                               Session: Sept. 29 - Dec. 8 (No class Oct. 27, Nov. 3 &
                    Fee: $96 (NR: $120)                                        Nov. 24)
                                                                               Location: Jimmy Johnson Room
                                                                               Instructor: Maggie Witter
                                                                               Min: 6 Max: 12
                                                                               Fee: $96 (NR: $120)

                    *All programs subject to change based on
                    restrictions and guidelines set forth by the
                     Governor and CDC as well as the Town of

WELLNESS IN THE WOODS                                        FUQUAY’S MINERAL SPRING

                                                                                                                             YOUTH & PRESCHOOL
Wellness in the Woods                         Ages 10 & Older         Fuquay Mineral Spring            Ages 2 & Older
Be with the trees and let them inspire and calm you as you            Our town is known for its mineral spring, which
use all of your senses to become more immersed in healing             was discovered in 1858. The spring is believed
nature. Listen to a few seasonal quotes and nature poems, and         to have healing powers and people have come
spend some quiet time taking in the forest environment. Please        from far away to partake of the waters. Explore
wear long pants, bring something to sit on, and have plenty of        the spring up close and delve into its history.
water on hand. For ages 10 & up. Children must have adult             We’ll track how water moving underground and
accompaniment.                                                        through rocks can emerge on the land and cycle
Day & Time: Sunday; 4:00pm - 5:00pm                                   through its watershed, and discuss aspects of the
Session: Sept. 4                                                      Fuquay Spring’s chemical properties as well.
Location: Carroll Howard Johnson Envioronmental Education             Day & Time: Friday; 5:30pm - 6:30pm
Park                                                                  Session: Oct. 7
Instructor: Rebeccah Cope                                             Location: Fuquay Mineral Spring Park
Fee:$8 (NR: $10)                                                      Instructor: Rebeccah Cope
                                                                      Fee:$8 (NR: $10)
                                                                        WEEDS & WILDFLOWERS WALK
Birding Basics Hike                             Ages 2 & Older
Birds come in many shapes, sizes, and colors; make unique             Weeds & Wildflowers Walk
sounds; and are found in surprising locations. Explore their          Ages 10 & Older
habitats, behaviors, and adaptations. Discover which ones live        Weeds and wildflowers grow in diverse locations.
with us year-round or are migratory. Learn ways to identify birds     These common plants can be our teachers and
and how to use binoculars, and get a birder’s life list to take       show us abundance and generosity in the ways
home. For all ages. Children must have adult accompaniment.           that they share their gifts of food, medicine,
Day & Time: Saturday; 10:00am - 11:30am                               beauty, and wholeness. Take a walk with an
Session: Sept. 10                                                     herbalist to explore edible, medicinal, and other
Location: Fleming Loop Park                                           useful plants that grow locally. Plan to hike
Instructor: Rebeccah Cope                                             approximately 1 mile. Bring drinking water.
Fee:$10 (NR: $13)                                                     Day & Time: Sunday; 1:00pm - 3:00pm
                                                                      Session: Oct. 9
                                                                      Location: Carroll Howard Johnson
             THE AUTUMN EQUINOX                                       Envioronmental Education Park
The Autumn Equinox                              Ages 2 & Older        Instructor: Rebeccah Cope
Celebrate the arrival of Fall by going on a sensory hike with a       Fee:$15 (NR: $19)
park naturalist. Search for park wildlife and observe seasonal
changes, while learning about the history, cultural traditions,          HARVEST-TIME ON THE FARM
and science associated with the Autumnal Equinox. Listen to fall
quotes and poems, and share a few of your own if you’d like.          Harvest Time on the Farm               Age 7 - 12
For all ages. Children must have adult accompaniment.                 The harvest season is a busy time for farmers.
Day & Time: Thursday; 11:00am - 12:00pm                               Put on your straw hat or sun bonnet and head to
Session: Sept. 22                                                     the park on National Farmers Day to learn about
Location: Carroll Howard Johnson Environmental Education              what farm families do to harvest their crops and
Park                                                                  get ready for winter. Explore how families tend to
Instructor: Rebeccah Cope                                             their farm animals, collect and store fall produce,
Fee:$8 (NR: $10)                                                      and prepare for the county fair! This is a drop off
                                                                      program, but adults are welcome to stay.
              FAMILY NATURE WALK                                      Day & Time: Tuesday; 11:00am - 12:00pm
                                                                      Session: Oct. 11
Family Nature Walk                              Ages 2 & Older        Location: Falcon Park Picnic Shelter
Take your children outside to spend some quality time with them       Instructor: Rebeccah Cope
enjoying the great outdoors, while getting some fresh air and         Fee:$8 (NR: $10)
exercise together. Develop their interest in nature and listen to a
park naturalist as they share stories and fun facts about nature
and wildlife. Children must have adult accompaniment.
Day & Time: Saturday; 1:00pm - 2:00pm
Session: Sept. 24
Location: Hilltop Needmore Town Park & Preserve
Instructor: Rebeccah Cope
Fee:$8 (NR: $10)
                                                                                 (919) 552-1430                             13
YOUTH & PRESCHOOL                                                                  SEASON SIGNS & SIGHTINGS
                            MISCHIEF & MONSTERS
                    Monsters & Mischief                    Ages 6 & Older       Seasonal Signs & Sightings             Ages 7 & Older
                    Don’t go out alone after dark on “Mischief Night” - join    Head outdoors to identify tracks and read the signs
                    a park naturalist instead for a guided hike! What lurks     that wildlife leaves behind. Go on a guided hike to
                    behind trees, hides behind rocks, slithers across the       find seasonal wildlife and discover how a tracker
                    ground, or hunts in the dark? Explore the creepy critters   can observe changes in nature to determine where
                    that come out at night and the weird ways they move         animals have been and what they have been eating
                    about. Children must have adult accompaniment.              and doing! For ages 7 & up. Children must have adult
                    Day & Time: Sunday; 6:00pm - 7:00pm                         accompaniment. Plan to hike the 2.2-mile Red Trail.
                    Session: Oct. 30                                            Bring drinking water.
                    Location: Hilltop Needmore Town Park & Preserve             Day & Time: Saturday; 1:00pm - 3:00pm
                    Instructor: Rebeccah Cope                                   Session: Nov. 19
                    Fee:$8 (NR: $10)                                            Location: Hilltop Needmore Town Park & Preserve
                                                                                Instructor: Rebeccah Cope
                               THE FRUITS OF FALL                               Fee:$15 (NR: $19)

                    The Fruits of Fall                   Ages 7 & Older                  FAMILY NATURE QUEST
                    Forest fruits grow in many forms, such as nuts, pods,
                    capsules, and achenes that entice the wild animals          Family Nature Quest                    Ages 2 & Older
                    that disperse them. Experience the colors and scents        Enjoy nature as a family and invite your friends along to
                    of autumn on this naturalist-guided hike, where we’ll       explore the outdoors together while playing a fun group
                    examine fruits found in the park and explore how seeds      game. Gather clues for a scavenger hunt to liven up
                    are naturally distributed. For ages 7 and up. Children      your walk in the woods while learning valuable nature
                    must have adult accompaniment.                              skills, discover native plants and animals, and observe
                    Day & Time: Wednesday; 1:00pm - 2:30pm                      the changes of seasons. For all ages. Children must
                    Session: Nov. 2                                             have adult accompaniment.
                    Location: Carroll Howard Johnson Envioronmental             Day & Time: Friday; 1:00pm - 3:00pm
                    Education Park                                              Session: Nov. 25
                    Instructor: Rebeccah Cope                                   Location: Hilltop Needmore Town Park & Preserve
                    Fee:$10 (NR: $13)                                           Instructor: Rebeccah Cope
                                                                                Fee:$15 (NR: $19)
                               FALL FOLIAGE WALK
                                                                                      WELCOMING THE WINTER TIME
                    Fall Foliage Walk                     Ages 2 & Older
                    Mother Nature puts on a colorful display in the fall,       Welcoming the Winter Time
                    especially in the tall trees - from bright yellow and       Ages 2 & Older
                    orange, to scarlet and rusty red, and dark purple.          Take a brisk winter-time walk with a naturalist to explore
                    Explore this amazing seasonal event during a guided         the seasonal changes that can be observed in nature,
                    hike and discover what these natural colors tell us about   discover how wildlife prepare for the cold, and look for
                    the environment. For all ages. Children must have adult     animal tracks and other wildlife signs. Make sure to
                    accompaniment.                                              dress in layers! For all ages. Children must have adult
                    Day & Time: Saturday; 11:00am-12:00pm                       accompaniment.
                    Session: Nov. 5                                             Day & Time: Sunday; 1:00pm - 2:00pm
                    Location: Carroll Howard Johnson Envioronmental             Session: Dec. 4
                    Education Park                                              Location: Hilltop Needmore Town Park & Preserve
                    Instructor: Rebeccah Cope                                   Instructor: Rebeccah Cope
                    Fee:$8 (NR: $10)                                            Fee:$8 (NR: $10)

            SCHOOL OF ROCK                                       TIME TRAVELING WITH RANGER DAN

School of Rock                             Ages 7 - 14      Time Traveling with Ranger Dan                Ages 7 - 9
Explore the kinds of rocks and minerals that are            Have you ever wondered why dinosaurs translated from
found in the park. Take a hike to search out big            Greek means “horrible lizards”? What about why both
boulders while learning about the three rock types,         male and female Egyptians wore makeup around 3100
rock identification strategies, and local geology. For      BC? Were the Chinese the first to create what we know
ages 7-14. This is a drop off program, but adults are       today as “fireworks”? How about why gods, goddesses,
welcome to stay.                                            heroes, heroines, and monsters played an important role
Day & Time: Wednesday; 2:00pm - 4:00pm                      in Ancient Greece? We’ll discover these answers and
Session: Dec. 14                                            more while traveling through space and time with Ranger
Location: Carroll Howard Johnson Environmental              Dan! This weekly program will be for two age groups:
Education Park                                              7-9 years of age and 10-12 years of age. Registration
Instructor: Rebeccah Cope                                   is required for this program. A take-home activity will be
Fee:$15 (NR: $19)                                           provided.
                                                            Day & Time: Friday; 10:00am - 11:30am
    TALL TREES & EVERGREENS                                 Session 1: Nov. 4 - Digging up the Past
                                                            Session 2: Nov. 11 - Catering to Royalty
Tall Trees & Evergreens               Ages 6 & Older        Session 3: Nov. 18 - Great Wall of China
The trees may be bare, but there is still much nature       Session 4: Dec. 2 - When in Greece
to enjoy! Join us for a winter-time hike to identify some   Session 5: Dec. 9 - Wild Wild West Wonder
favorite tree species from our area and explore the         Location: Large Conference Room
seasonal strategies different trees use to survive the      Instructor: Daniel Vestal
cold. Learn tree lore and tips for identification, and      Min: 6 Max: 12
create a tree bark rubbing to take home. For ages 6         Fee: Free
and up. Children must have adult accompaniment.
Day & Time: Saturday; 1:00pm - 2:00pm                       Time Traveling with Ranger Dan              Ages 10 - 12
Session: Dec. 17                                            Day & Time: Friday; 1:00pm - 3:30pm
Location: Hilltop Needmore Town Park & Preserve             Session 1: Nov. 4 - Digging up the Past
Instructor: Rebeccah Cope                                   Session 2: Nov. 11 - Catering to Royalty
Fee:$8 (NR: $10)                                            Session 3: Nov. 18 - Great Wall of China
                                                            Session 4: Dec. 2 - When in Greece
                                                            Session 5: Dec. 9 - Wild Wild West Wonder
    WREN KING OF THE WOODS                                  Location: Large Conference Room
Wren King of the Woods                Ages 5 & Older        Instructor: Daniel Vestal
December 26th is traditionally known as Wren Day in         Min: 6 Max: 12
some cultures. Explore the history of this day while        Fee: Free
enjoying a brisk walk in the park in search of these
small brown birds with a large attitude. Sing a wren
song while hunting for evidence of winter-time bird
activity. For ages 5 and up. Children must have adult
Day & Time: Monday; 11:00am - 12:00pm
Session: Dec. 26
Location: Carroll Howard Johnson Environmental
Education Park
Instructor: Rebeccah Cope
Fee:$8 (NR: $10)

                                                                                 (919) 552-1430                          15
                    NC Wildlife - Living Wild! Series               Ages 7 - 9
                    Have you ever wanted to know the difference between
                    venomous and non-venomous snakes? How about why
                    some animals can camouflage so well, for instance, the
                    praying mantis? Or what makes owls such great birds of
                    prey? These questions will be answered and more. This
                    weekly program will be for two age groups:
                    7-9 years of age and 10-12 years of age. Registration is
                    required for this program. A take-home
                    activity will be provided.
                    Day & Time: Friday; 10:00am - 11:30am
                    Session 1: Sept. 2 - Slithering Ss!
                    Session 2: Sept. 9 - Camouflaged Predator
                    Session 3: Sept. 16 - Who’s There?
                    Session 4: Sept. 23 - Spinning Webs
                    Session 5: Sept. 30 - Absolutely Batty
                    Location: Large Conference Room
                    Instructor: Daniel Vestal
                    Min: 6 Max: 12
                    Fee: Free

                    NC Wildlife - Living Wild! Series            Ages 10 - 12         THE ASTONISHING & AMAZING
                    Day & Time: Friday; 1:00pm - 3:30pm
                    Session 1: Sept. 2 - Slithering Ss!                             The Astonishing & Amazing              Ages 5 & Older
                    Session 2: Sept. 9 - Camouflaged Predator                       Have you ever wanted to know a brief history of your
                    Session 3: Sept. 16 - Who’s There?                              favorite comic book or graphic novel
                    Session 4: Sept. 23 - Spinning Webs                             characters? What about if there were animals from the
                    Session 5: Sept. 30 - Absolutely Batty                          natural world that are super as well? For
                    Location: Large Conference Room                                 instance, just like Superman has super strength
                    Instructor: Daniel Vestal                                       among other attributes, the African Dung Beetle
                    Min: 6 Max: 12                                                  can lift 11 times its own weight. Or just like Wolverine
                    Fee: Free                                                       has regenerative abilities, the Axolotl can
                                                                                    recreate lost limbs.

                                   THE TRASH TREK                                   In honor of the spirit of Halloween, we encourage
                                                                                    families to dress up in family-friendly
                    The Trash Trek                            Ages 5 & Older        appropriate costumes. This is a two-part program and
                    Have you ever wondered where your trash goes once               will focus on families. We welcome all
                    waste management picks it up on trash                           families starting at the age of 5 and up! Registration is
                    days? Or what happens when trash and recycling don’t            required for this program. A take-home
                    make it to waste management sites? Or                           activity will be provided.
                    do you want to find other ways to help your neighborhood        Day & Time: Friday; 5:00pm - 6:30pm
                    keep it clean and neat?                                         Session 1: Oct. 21 - MARVELous Mutations vs
                    In honor of National Recycling Day on Tuesday, November         Distinctive Characteristics
                    15, 2022. This program will focus on                            Session 2: Oct. 28 - Heroes UNITE!
                    families and we welcome all families starting at the age of 5   Location: Large Conference Room
                    and up! Registration is required for                            Instructor: Daniel Vestal
                    this program. A take-home activity will be provided.            Min: 6 Max: 20
                    Day & Time: Monday; 10:00am - 11:30am                           Fee: Free
                    Session: Nov. 14
                    Location: Activity Room
                    Instructor: Daniel Vestal
                    Min: 6 Max: 20
                    Fee: Free

            BACKPACKING 101
Backpacking 101                      Ages 13 & Older
New to camping and don’t know where to get started?
Learn what to bring on your next backpacking or
camping trip. You’ll have the opportunity to try out
various types of backpacking equipment, from water
purification and stoves to first aid items. You will even
learn about some great gear hacks to avoid paying for
costly camping gear!
Day & Time: Saturday; 10:00am - 11:00am
Session: Sept. 17
Location: Falcon Park Hut
Instructor: Cameron Gatlin
Min: 6 Max: 12
Fee: $12 (NR: $15)

Tent Care Basics                     Ages 13 & Older
Just purchased a new tent and unsure of how to care
for it long-term (or even short term)? Or maybe you’re
in the market for a tent and have no idea where to
start. Learn how to choose the right tent for you, how
to set it up, break it down and even get it back in the
                                                                             BIG NC TENNIS
bag when you’re done! Feel free to BYOT (bring your         Big NC Tennis Academy                        Ages 5 - 18
own tent) to this hands-on course!                          This is a 3-hour class divided into 3 unique parts.
Day & Time: Saturday; 10:00am - 11:00am                     The first hour will be a comprehensive dynamic
Session: Oct. 15                                            warmup, followed by endurance, agility, strength, and
Location: Falcon Park Hut                                   conditioning. The second will focus on our skills of the
Instructor: Cameron Gatlin                                  day, a mix of perfecting fundamentals, adding more
Min: 6 Max: 12                                              complex and difficult shots, and placement. The third
Fee: $12 (NR: $15)                                          hour will be live ball hitting, rallying, match play, or
                                                            games. This class is for players who are playing UTR
          BACKPACKING ABC’S                                 tournaments and are looking to improve their UTR
                                                            number. Big NC Tennis host UTR tournaments every
Backpacking ABC’s: How to Properly Pack a                   month and students will be encouraged to play in
Backpack                   Ages 13 & Older                  those tournaments throughout the season. Work ethic,
Packing for any trip can be stressful, especially if you    discipline, honesty, and responsibility aren’t just words,
are planning to hit the backcountry for a couple of         they are values to live by. Students will be required to
days. Did you know there is an art to efficiently packing   conduct themselves with outstanding character both
your backpack for wilderness trips? In this course, you     on and off the courts. We believe that sports are a
will learn the fundamentals of properly packing your        fundamental tool with which to instill these values and
backpack that will save you time on the trail, as well as   they will be strictly upheld in our Academy.
ensuring minimal impact on your back and joints.            Day & Time: Saturday and/or Sunday
Day & Time: Saturday; 10:00am - 11:00am                     2:00pm - 5:00pm
Session: Nov. 19                                            Session 1: Sept. 3 - Oct. 30
Location: Falcon Park Hut                                   Session 2: Nov. 5 - Dec. 17
Instructor: Cameron Gatlin                                  Location: Action Park Tennis Courts
Min: 6 Max: 12                                              Instructor: Coach Cole
Fee: $12 (NR: $15)                                          Max: 18
                                                            Fee: $150 (NR: $188) for one day a week;
                                                            $200 (NR: $250) for two days a week

                                                                           (919) 552-1430                                17
BIG NC TENNIS                                           BIG NC TENNIS
                    Level 1                                  Ages 5 - 9     Level 3                                  Ages 5 - 9
                    The first level class of the Big NC Tennis’ “3 levels   The third level class of the Big NC Tennis’ “3 levels
                    to play” system! Great for first time or more           to play” system! Is for students who are ready to
                    beginner tennis players. This class will focus on       start playing matches. We will begin to work on
                    hand eye coordination, footwork, and skills games,      strategy and ball placement. Students will be able
                    along with basic tennis techniques including            to join our hitting sessions and play recreational
                    forehands, backhands, volleys, and serves.              tennis matches. Our last level before tournament
                    Goals for level 1: Learning the basic tennis            and Academy level tennis. Goals for level 3: Begin
                    vocabulary, Understanding basic rules,                  playing matches, Proper forehand, backhand, serve
                    Consistently contacting forehands and backhands         and volley technique, Demonstrating respect and
                    with follow through, Demonstrating respect and          work ethic both on and off the court, Demonstrating
                    work ethic both on and off the court.                   and understanding the importance of honesty in
                    Day & Time: Mondays and/or Wednesdays                   tennis, Demonstrating a respect for the game and
                    4:30pm - 5:15pm                                         self with outstanding court conduct.
                    Session 1: Sept. 5 - Oct. 26                            Day & Time: Tuesdays and/or Thursdays
                    Session 2: Nov. 2 - Dec. 14                             4:30pm - 5:30pm
                    Location: Action Park Tennis Courts                     Session 1: Sept. 6 - Oct. 27
                    Instructor: Coach Cole                                  Session 2: Nov. 1 - Dec. 15
                    Max: 18                                                 Location: Action Park Tennis Courts
                    Fee: $75 (NR: $94) for one day a week;                  Instructor: Coach Cole
                    $120 (NR: $150) for two days a week                     Max: 18
                                                                            Fee: $85 (NR: $107) for one day a week;
                    Level 2                                  Ages 5 - 9     $140 (NR: $175) for two days a week
                    The second level class of Big NC Tennis’ “3 levels
                    to play” system! For players who can consistently       Level 1                               Ages 10 - 13
                    make racket contact with the ball, and have the         The first level class of the Big NC Tennis’ “3 levels
                    basic swing motions for forehands, backhands,           to play” system! Great for first time or more
                    serve and volley. If you are looking to add on a        beginner tennis players. This class will focus on
                    consistent serve and basic rally play, this is the      hand eye coordination, footwork, and skills games,
                    class for you. Drills will be geared more towards       along with basic tennis techniques including
                    live ball play, and we will begin to learn scoring      forehands, backhands, volleys, and serves.
                    and rules of the game. A great class if you are         Goals for level 1: Learning the basic tennis
                    looking to fine tune shots, but aren’t quite ready to   vocabulary, Understanding basic rules,
                    start competing. Goals for level 2: Understanding       Consistently contacting forehands and backhands
                    the rules of scoring, Being able to sustain at least    with follow through, Demonstrating respect and
                    a 5 shot rally, Understanding the importance of         work ethic both on and off the court.
                    work ethic in athletics, Demonstrating respect and      Day & Time: Mondays and/or Wednesdays
                    work ethic both on and off the court.                   6:00pm - 7:00pm
                    Day & Time: Mondays and/or Wednesdays                   Session 1: Sept. 5 - Oct. 26
                    5:15pm - 6:00pm                                         Session 2: Nov. 2 - Dec. 14
                    Session 1: Sept. 5 - Oct. 26                            Location: Action Park Tennis Courts
                    Session 2: Nov. 2 - Dec. 14                             Instructor: Coach Cole
                    Location: Action Park Tennis Courts                     Max: 18
                    Instructor: Coach Cole                                  Fee: $75 (NR: $94) for one day a week;
                    Max: 18                                                 $120 (NR: $150) for two days a week
                    Fee: $75 (NR: $94) for one day a week;
                    $120 (NR: $150) for two days a week


                                                                                                             YOUTH & PRESCHOOL
Level 2                          Ages 10 - 13
The second level class of Big NC Tennis’ “3
levels to play” system! For players who can
consistently make racket contact with the
ball, and have the basic swing motions for
forehands, backhands, serve and volley. If
you are looking to add on a consistent serve
and basic rally play, this is the class for
you. Drills will be geared more towards live
ball play, and we will begin to learn scoring
and rules of the game. A great class if you
are looking to fine tune shots, but aren’t
quite ready to start competing. Goals for
level 2: Understanding the rules of scoring,
Being able to sustain at least a 5 shot rally,
Understanding the importance of work ethic
in athletics, Demonstrating respect and work
ethic both on and off the court.                                  BIG NC TENNIS
Day & Time: Tuesdays and/or Thursdays
5:15pm - 6:15pm                                  High School Beginner Class                 Ages 13 - 18
Session 1: Sept. 6 - Oct. 27                     This class is designed for students new to tennis or
Session 2: Nov. 1 - Dec. 15                      still developing the shots required to play on a high
Location: Action Park Tennis Courts              school tennis team. We will work on serves, forehand
Instructor: Coach Cole                           and backhand technique with our objective being to
Max: 18                                          consistently rally and begin to play matches! Goals
Fee: $75 (NR: $94) for one day a week;           for High School Beginner, Learning tennis terms,
$120 (NR: $150) for two days a week              Consistent rally’s, Demonstrating respect and work ethic
                                                 both on and off the court.
Level 3                          Ages 10 - 13    Day & Time: Mondays and/or Wednesdays
The third level class of the Big NC Tennis’      7:00pm - 8:00pm
“3 levels to play” system! Is for students       Session 1: Sept. 5 - Oct. 26
who are ready to start playing matches.          Session 2: Nov. 2 - Dec. 14
We will begin to work on strategy and ball       Location: Action Park Tennis Courts
placement. Students will be able to join our     Instructor: Coach Cole
hitting sessions and play recreational tennis    Max: 18
matches. Our last level before tournament and    Fee: $75 (NR: $94) for one day a week;
Academy level tennis. Goals for level 3: Begin   $120 (NR: $150) for two days a week
playing matches, Proper forehand, backhand,
serve and volley technique, Demonstrating        High School Recreational Tennis            Ages 13 - 18
respect and work ethic both on and off the       A class for high school players who aren’t quite ready
court, Demonstrating and understanding           for tournaments but are playing or ready to play
the importance of honesty in tennis,             matches. Focus will be on rally’s, live ball drills, and
Demonstrating a respect for the game and self    further development of groundstrokes and serves with
with outstanding court conduct.                  spin and aim.
Day & Time: Tuesdays and/or Thursdays            Goals for High School Rec: Students playing in
6:15pm - 7:15pm                                  matches, Understanding the rules, Demonstrating
Session 1: Sept. 6 - Oct. 27                     respect and work ethic both on and off the court.
Session 2: Nov. 1 - Dec. 15                      Day & Time: Tuesdays and/or Thursdays
Location: Action Park Tennis Courts              7:15pm - 8:15pm
Instructor: Coach Cole                           Session 1: Sept. 6 - Oct. 27
Max: 18                                          Session 2: Nov. 1 - Dec. 15
Fee: $85 (NR: $107) for one day a week;          Location: Action Park Tennis Courts
$140 (NR: $175) for two days a week              Instructor: Coach Cole
                                                 Max: 18
                                                 Fee: $75 (NR: $94) for one day a week;
                                                 $120 (NR: $150) for two days a week

                                                                      (919) 552-1430                        19
TEEN CHEFS                                               TEEN COUNCIL
        Teen Chefs                             Ages 13 - 18       Teen Council
        Join us this semester testing our culinary skills with
                                                                  The Teen Council helps the Parks, Recreation &
        savory dishes inspired from around the world. Each
                                                                  Cultural Resources Department increase community
        class will immerse our chefs in a world of culinary
                                                                  service and recreation opportunities for teens. Teen
        creativity and discovery. In addition to developing
                                                                  Council participates in all special events, organizes
        cooking skills, we will incorporate elements including:
                                                                  events for teens, promotes the department, recruits
        Kitchen safety, Presentation, Proper food handling,
                                                                  new members, and serves as exemplary citizens.
        Cooking & baking techniques, Food preparation, And so
                                                                  Meetings: 2nd Monday of each month
        much more!
                                                                  Time: 6:00pm - 6:30pm
        Please advise of any dietary restrictions at least one
                                                                  Location: Community Center Kitchen
        week prior to the class and on the day of class.
                                                                  Fee: Free
        Day & Time: Wednesday, 4:00pm - 5:15pm
                                                                  Contact: Leslie Poole;
        Session 1: Aug. 24- Hawaiian Chicken, Cilantro Lime
        Rice and Grilled Pineapple
        Session 2: Sept. 21 - Shrimp/Pork Lo Mein with
        Sesame Garlic Broccoli                                           HAUNTED TRAIL VOLUNTEERS
        Session 3: Oct. 19 - Chicken Pesto Panini with French
        Onion Soup                                                Haunted Trail Volunteers Meeting
        Session 4: Nov. 16 - Taco Bar with homemade tortillas     The Parks and Recreation Department is looking
        Session 5: Dec. 14 - Gingerbread Layer Cake and Hot       for volunteers to work the annual haunted trail.
        Cocoa                                                     Volunteers are expected to attend to meetings and
        Location: Community Center Kitchen                        to work the event on Oct. 15.
        Instructors: Lynsay Stappenbeck                           1st Public Meeting: Tuesday, Sept. 6 at 6:00pm at
        Max: 10                                                   Fuquay-Varina Community Center (820 S. Main St)
        Fee: Free                                                 2nd Public Meeting: Tuesday, Sept. 20 at 6:00pm at
                                                                  Fuquay-Varina Community Center (820 S. Main St)
                         TEEN TENNIS
                                                                                 EVENTS & FUN
        Teen Tennis                            Ages 12 - 18
        In Teen Tennis we will work on better ball                Coat Drive
        placement and control. Class focuses on serves            All throughout the month of December the
        and competitive drills. Singles and doubles play is       Community Center along with Teen Council will be
        also developed.                                           collecting coats for donations. Please drop by your
        Day & Time: Saturday, 10:00am - 11:00am                   coats during operational hours and we will be sure
        Session1: Aug. 6 - Sept. 17 (No Class Sept. 3)            that the are delivered to someone in need.
        Session 2: Oct. 8 - Nov. 12                               Dates: Dec. 2 - Dec. 19
        Location: Action Park Tennis Courts                       Location: Community Center
        Instructor: Jessica Rigney
        Min: 4 Max: 20                                            Thanksgiving Potluck
        Fee: $75 (NR: $94)                                        Bring your favorite dish and celebrate Thanksgiving
                                                                  with Teen Council.
                                                                  Date: Monday. Nov. 14
                                                                  Time: 6:00pm
                                                                  Location: Community Center Kitchen
                                                                  Fee: Free

                                                                  Food Drive
                                                                  All throughout the month of December the
                                                                  Community Center and Teen Council group will be
                                                                  collecting nonparishable food items. There will be
                                                                  boxes located at the front door of the Community
                                                                  Center. Any donations will go to the local food pantry
                                                                  to help someone in need.
                                                                  Dates: Dec. 2 - Dec. 19
                                                                  Location: Community Center

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