PD PA AP Maxum II Reference Manual - Maxum II - Industry Support Siemens

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PD PA AP Maxum II Reference Manual - Maxum II - Industry Support Siemens
Analyzer Overview            1
                                                    Electronic Compartment
                                                    Component Descriptions and   2
                                                    Maintenance Procedures

Maxum II                                            Specifications               3

Maxum II Reference Manual


Product Descriptions and Maintenance for Maxum II
Airless/Airbath Model Gas Chormatograph

PD PA AP Maxum II Reference Manual - Maxum II - Industry Support Siemens
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             Siemens AG                               Document order number: 2000596-001                 Copyright © Siemens AG 2007 - 2017.
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PD PA AP Maxum II Reference Manual - Maxum II - Industry Support Siemens
Table of contents

1      Analyzer Overview........................................................................................................................................7
       1.1               Introduction..............................................................................................................................7
       1.2               Analyzer Specific Documents..................................................................................................8
       1.3               Parts of the Maxum II...............................................................................................................8
       1.4               Isothermal Oven.......................................................................................................................9
       1.5               Switching and Sampling Valves.............................................................................................10
       1.6               Operator Controls...................................................................................................................11
2      Electronic Compartment Component Descriptions and Maintenance Procedures.....................................13
       2.1               Power Supplies......................................................................................................................13
       2.1.1             Power System Module...........................................................................................................13
       2.1.2             Replacement Procedure........................................................................................................15
       2.2               Power Entry and Control Module...........................................................................................18
       2.2.1             PECM Overview.....................................................................................................................18
       2.2.2             Feature Additions...................................................................................................................19
       2.2.3             PECM Functions....................................................................................................................20           AC Input and Distribution.......................................................................................................20           Oven Temperature Control....................................................................................................21           Communication and Power Distribution.................................................................................22           Onboard Solid State Relays...................................................................................................23           Oven Functions......................................................................................................................24           Electronic Enclosure Environment.........................................................................................26
       2.2.4             Replacement Procedure........................................................................................................28           Troubleshooting.....................................................................................................................28           Removing The PECM............................................................................................................30           Installing The New PECM......................................................................................................31
       2.3               System Controller Version 2.1 (SYSCON2.1)........................................................................32
       2.3.1             Description.............................................................................................................................32
       2.3.2             Mechanical.............................................................................................................................33
       2.3.3             SYSCON2.1 Components......................................................................................................34           Communication and Control Board (CAC3)...........................................................................34           CAC3 Status Indicator LEDs..................................................................................................35           SIB.........................................................................................................................................36           Ethernet Port Expansion........................................................................................................44
       2.3.4             Maintenance Overview...........................................................................................................48
       2.3.5             Service Procedures................................................................................................................48
       2.3.6             Replacing the Lithium Battery on the SYSCON Module Introduction....................................53
       2.3.7             Procedure...............................................................................................................................53
       2.4               Analog and Digital IO.............................................................................................................54
       2.4.1             IO Card Common Features....................................................................................................55
       2.4.2             Digital IO Card........................................................................................................................58
       2.4.3             Analog IO Board.....................................................................................................................59

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Table of contents

      2.4.4              Analog and Digital IO Board...................................................................................................60
      2.5                Detector Personality Modules................................................................................................61
      2.5.1              DPM Types............................................................................................................................61
      2.5.2              Base3 Detector Personality Module (DPM)...........................................................................61
      2.5.3              Replacing a Base3DPM.........................................................................................................66
      2.5.4              Intrinsically-Safe Thermal Conductivity DPM (IS-TCD3)........................................................68
      2.5.5              Replacing an IS-TCD DPM....................................................................................................70
      2.5.6              Replacing a TC-DPM.............................................................................................................71
      2.6                Sensor Near Electronics (SNE) Software..............................................................................72
      2.7                Solid State Relay Module.......................................................................................................74
      2.8                Solenoid Valves.....................................................................................................................76
      2.8.1              Solenoid Valve Control Module (SVCM)................................................................................76
      2.8.2              Replacing a Solenoid Valve...................................................................................................80
      2.9                Electronic Pressure Control Module.......................................................................................81
      2.9.1              EPC Module Description........................................................................................................81
      2.9.2              Replacing an EPC Module.....................................................................................................83
      2.10               Color Touchscreen.................................................................................................................85
      2.10.1             Description.............................................................................................................................85
      2.10.2             Maintenance Overview...........................................................................................................85
      2.10.3             Replacement Procedures.......................................................................................................86
3     Specifications.............................................................................................................................................93

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PD PA AP Maxum II Reference Manual - Maxum II - Industry Support Siemens
                      Do not connect analyzer to the internet.
                      This equipment must not be connected to the internet except by a secure connection using
                      a network security appliance administered by qualified IT personnel.
                      Failure to implement robust network security may expose your company to internet hacking
                      attacks that could result in theft or loss of sensitive data, equipment damage, serious injury
                      or death.

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Maxum II Reference Manual
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Analyzer Overview                                                                                          1
1.1              Introduction

                     The Maxum edition II system, also called the “Maxum II”, represents a significant advance in
                     process chromatography. The Maxum II combines the best of the Siemens Advance Maxum
                     and PGC 302 gas chromatographs into a single platform analyzer. From oven and electronic
                     components to software and communication networks, the system is modular. Pre-configured
                     application modules are available for many common measurements.
                     A Maxum II system offers a wide range of detector modules including Thermal Conductivity,
                     Flame Ionization, Flame Photometric, and the Pulsed Discharge Detector (which can operate
                     in Helium Ionization, Photoionization, and Electron Capture modes). All detector modules are
                     available for both air bath and airless ovens. The Maxum II oven is designed so it can be
                     divided into two independently heated isothermal ovens for parallel chromatography
                     The Maxum II Maintenance Panel provides maintenance personnel with access to all
                     maintenance functions and data. In addition, the Maintenance Panel displays both real time
                     and archived chromatograms. A PC-based network workstation runs the Gas Chromatograph
                     Portal software.

Analyzer Specific Documents
                     Included with each analyzer is a custom documentation-drawing package. This package
                     provides drawings and information pertinent only to a specific analyzer. Contents of this
                     package are application-dependent and vary for each analyzer. Typical drawings included are:

                     ● System Block and Utility Requirements   ●      Applicable Wiring Diagrams
                     ● System Outline and Dimensional Drawings ●      Oven Plumbing Diagram - Sensor Near
                     ● Sampling System - Plumbing and Spare           Electronics
                       Parts List                              ●      Recommended Spare Parts - Analyzer
                     ● Sampling System Dimensional Diagram     ●      Manufacturing Test Charts
                     ● Sampling Probe                          ●      Stream Composition Data
                     ● Electronic Enclosure Section - Internal ●      Database

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Analyzer Overview
1.3 Parts of the Maxum II

1.2            Analyzer Specific Documents
                    Included with each analyzer is a custom documentation-drawing package. This package
                    provides drawings and information pertinent only to a specific analyzer. Contents of this
                    package are application-dependent and vary for each analyzer. Typical drawings included are:

                    ● System Block and Utility Requirements     ●            Applicable Wiring Diagrams
                    ● System Outline and Dimensional Drawings ●              Oven Plumbing Diagram - Sensor Near
                    ● Sampling System - Plumbing and Spare                   Electronics
                      Parts List                                ●            Recommended Spare Parts - Analyzer
                    ● Sampling System Dimensional Diagram       ●            Manufacturing Test Charts
                    ● Sampling Probe                            ●            Stream Composition Data
                    ● Electronics Compartment - Internal Layout ●            Database

1.3            Parts of the Maxum II

                    The Maxum II Gas Chromatagraph is completely enclosed in an air-purgable, metal cabinet
                    with hinged doors. Mounted above the isothermal oven is the electronics enclosure and
                    regulator panel. The analyzer may be mounted on a wall, in a rack or on a floor stand.

                       Electronics                                                       Regulator
                       Enclosure                                                          Panel



                    Figure 1-1       Maxum II External Component Locations

                                                                                               Maxum II Reference Manual
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Analyzer Overview
                                                                                                    1.4 Isothermal Oven

Electronics Enclosure
                     The Electronics Enclosure houses all the electronics and pneumatic modules required for
                     performing all temperature, valve control and analysis functions. The Electronics Enclosure
                     modules are interconnected using simple cable connections made to each module. All modules
                     can be easily removed and replaced. The Maxum II software recognizes each Maxum II’s
                     application, hardware components and network configurations.

                    International               System Controller (SYSCON) For Communications,
                    Power Supply                  Human Interface and Database Management.

  Relay                                                                           8-Channel Electronic
  Module                                                                          Pressure Control. Up
                                                                                    To 4 Modules. 2
                                                                                   Channels Each For
                                                                                   Control Of Carrier
                                                                                     Gas Pressure


                                                     Detector Personality Module (DPM)
                                                        for Detector Data Acquisition

Figure 1-2    Electronics Enclosure Component Locations

Regulator Panel
                     The regulator panel contains space for seven gauges and regulators. The base Maxum II
                     comes with two standard regulators and an electronics enclosure fast purge. See the custom
                     documentation drawing package that was shipped with the analyzer to see which gauges and
                     regulators are mounted on the analyzer.

1.4              Isothermal Oven

                     The Maxum ll has a wide variety of isothermal oven configurations. Both air bath and airless
                     ovens are available. All air bath configurations are available with Vortex cooling for sub-
                     ambient temperature operation. A program temperature oven option is available for Maxum II
                     applications where isothermal, multi-dimensional chromatography is not practical. Typically
                     the program temperature Maxum II is used for Motor Gasoline (ASTM 3710) & Simulated
                     Distillation (ASTM 2887) applications.

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Analyzer Overview
1.5 Switching and Sampling Valves

                     Oven Configurations

Split Airless Oven
                                                             Single Air Bath Oven

Fully independent dual ovens with separate oven doors. The
                                                             Large, spacious compartment for complex applications and
oven uses cartridge heaters in each side to heat the oven
                                                             for ease of maintenance.
enclosure and its components.

Programmed Temperature Air Bath Oven

                                                             Dual Air Bath Split Oven
Provides a programmed temperature gradient for applica‐
tions requiring this.
                                                             Split Oven Configuration: Offers two temperature zones for
                                                             one or more applications.

1.5              Switching and Sampling Valves

Application             Model         Description
Vapor Samples           Model 50      10-port non-plunger diaphragm. Contains no moving parts. It will operate over 10
                                      million cycles on clean samples and can operate on carrier gas or other bottled inert
                                      gas with negligible consumption. It does the work of two Model 11 valves and is half
                                      the size.
Vapor or Liquid Sam‐    Model 11      6-port diaphragm–plunger valve high reliability and life. Used as a liquid or vapor
ples                    and Model     sample valve, column switching valve or a column back flush valve. Process lines,
                        11 LDV        columns and valve-to-valve tubes can be connected directly to the caps of the Model
                                      11 LDV (Low Dead Volume) version of the valve.

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Analyzer Overview
                                                                                                       1.6 Operator Controls

Vapor or High Pres‐      Model 20      The air-pressure actuated, diaphragm valve provides uniform sample volume, low
sure Liquid Samples                    internal volume, high pressure up to 1500 psi, 10350 kPa, fast switching (millisec‐
                                       onds), reliability, and durability. It functions equally well as a liquid or vapor sample
                                       valve, column switching valve, or column back flush valve.
Liquid Sample            LIV           The liquid injection valve can be used to automatically inject a constant quantity of
                                       liquid sample followed by fast, complete vaporization. Small gas quantities can also
                                       be injected using the valve.
Vapor                    Valveless   The device has no parts to fail or wear out and exhibits essentially zero dead volume
                         Live Column for fast column switching and sample injection with capillary columns.

1.6              Operator Controls

Color Touchscreen

                     The color touchscreen displays all mainte‐
                     nance functions and data in a graphical dis‐
                     play. In addition it can also display both real-
                     time and stored chromatograms. The stored
                     chromatograms include voltages and cycle
                     times for future comparison as well as zoom
                     and pan features. Operational and routine
                     maintenance tasks for the analyer can be per‐
                     formed from the color touchscreen interactive
                     display screens and menus. System security
                     is assured with multiple levels of password
                     protection for all analyzer-operating func‐
                     A color touchscreen emulator (also called a Human Machine Interface, or HMI, emulator) is
                     available from the Maxum Gas Chromatograph Portal (GCP) software. This emulator allows
                     a user to perform color touchscreen tasks without being located at the unit.

Status LEDs

                                      Purge (Flashing Red) Purge pressure lost

                                           Fault (Red)           "Failure" status is active

                                        Warning (Yellow)         "Maintenance request" status signal is active

                                          Power (Green)          24 V power supply is on

                     All LEDs are on during power-up boot.

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Analyzer Overview
1.6 Operator Controls


                    The Maxum II uses a PC based network
                    workstation for programming and data
                    processing. Analyzers can be program‐
                    med and monitored from a single location,
                    and, like the color touchscreen, the work‐
                    station includes graphical displays for op‐
                    eration, maintenance, and diagnostics. It
                    also supports PC printers to print chroma‐
                    tograms and alarm logs in order to meet
                    record keeping requirements.

                    The Maxum II workstation software, Gas Chromatograph Portal (GCP), is designed for PCs
                    with Microsoft® Windows operating systems. PC workstations can be connected through
                    existing LANs for wide access to monitoring or maintenance tasks. The graphical interface
                    recognizes and displays all network hardware. The system monitors the alarm status of all
                    analyzers connected to the network to centralize system maintenance. More information can
                    be found in the GCP Help Manual.

                    Chromatography Software
                    EZChrom© industry specific software is incorporated in the GCP software. This is a laboratory
                    quality application builder developed by Scientific Software, Inc. and includes custom features
                    for the Maxum II. Using EZChrom, it is possible to set up methods and component peak
                    identification. More information can be found in the Release Notes file supplied with the
                    EZChrom software (under the Maxum EZChrom directory).
                    EZChrom allows a user to choose the best peak gating and basing methods automatically. It
                    is also possible to:
                    ● Re-process captured chromatograms with different methods
                    ● Measure unknown component peaks automatically
                    ● Record multiple detector measurements simultaneously.

                                                                                           Maxum II Reference Manual
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Electronic Compartment Component Descriptions and
Maintenance Procedures                                                                                         2
2.1              Power Supplies

2.1.1            Power System Module

                     The Power System Module (PSM) is a 110/230 VAC switching power supply that provides 24
                     VDC operating system voltages. It also provides 110/220 VAC conditioning. The 24 VDC power
                     supply provides high speed switching with power factor correction and universal input. The
                     PSM is a stand-alone system consisting of a power supply, filtering, circuit fuse protection and
                     a power monitor board.

                                                                  Line Voltage Selector Switch
                                     Power                        Fuse Holder

                     Figure 2-1   Power System Module Location in EC

AC Line Input
                     AC power input to the power supply is from the Power Entry Control Module. A line cord from
                     the PECM plugs into the front AC receptacle of the power supply. A primary Line Voltage
                     Selector selector switch (located above the AC receptacle) must be set to match the primary
                     AC voltage input from the Power Entry Control Module.

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Electronic Compartment Component Descriptions and Maintenance Procedures
2.1 Power Supplies

Output Connections
                     Output 24 VDC is supplied to components within the Maxum II via a cable harness that exits
                     the backside of the PSM. The cable terminates in quick disconnect connectors. Typically, a
                     white connector supplies 24 volts to the SYSCON2.1 cage and an orange connector supplies
                     24 volts to the PECM, where it is distributed to various modules in the EC. DC/DC converters
                     in the modules generate the other voltage levels needed by various circuits.

Fuse Replacement
                     The Power System Module is equipped with a fuse (Siemens Part Number A6X19905350).
                     This fuse is located on the front of the PSM just above the power cord plug. The fuse is a 250
                     V, 4.0 A, “slow-acting” type. Although this fuse rarely fails, replacement is simple (disconnect
                     power to the analyzer first). To remove the fuse, unplug the power cable that comes from the
                     PECM. Access the fuse by removing the fuse cap with a large blunt screwdriver.


Voltage Range                            115 VAC (85 to 140 VAC), 230 VAC (185 to 264 VAC)
Line Frequency Range                     47 to 63 Hz
Nominal Input Current                     2 amp @ 115 VAC, 1 amp @ 230 VAC
Nominal Output Voltage                    24 VDC ±3%, 1% ripple plus noise at a bandwidth of 30 MHz
Nominal Output Current                   6 A @ < 104°F (40°C)
                                         4 A @ 104° to 150°F (40° to 70° C)
Static Load                              0.2 A; 0.0 A open circuit permitted
Dynamic Load                             Between 0.2 A to 3 A in the load range. A maximum load of 2 A at 1.8 kHz is
                                         switched. Switching is controlled by pulse width. Precision range is not exceeded
                                         in this operational mode.
Overcurrent Cutoff                       Cutoff starts at 6.4 to 7.5 amps. When current drops, device switches on.
Overvoltage Cutoff                       Cutoff starts at 27 to 31 VDC. When voltage drops, device switches on.
Overtemperature Cutoff                   After temperature decreases to specified tolerance, device switches on.
Power Fail Transitions                   Occurs 20 ms after a primary power failure. Should a power failure occur, a low
                                         20 ms signal is generated.
Electric Isolation                       Input/Output: 3.7 kV
Dimensions                               Length: 10.24 inches (260 mm)
                                         Width: 2.36 inches (60 mm)
                                         Depth: 3.54 inches (90 mm)
Cooling                                  Convection and conduction through aluminum mounting plate.
Output Wiring                            Cable harness

                                                                                                 Maxum II Reference Manual
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Electronic Compartment Component Descriptions and Maintenance Procedures
                                                                                                    2.1 Power Supplies

2.1.2               Replacement Procedure

Power Supply Location

                       This procedure assumes that power is off in the analyzer.

                       The 24V power supply is easily accessed at the top of the electronics enclosure.

Replacement Steps

                       Voltage dangerous to life exists in the electronics enclosure. Failure to follow proper safety
                       procedures may result in injury or death.
                       Turn off line votage to the analyzer before disassembling power-supply components. Even
                       though nothing appears to be operating, AC voltage can still be present on many of the
                       components in the enclosure.

                       Obtain all permits that may be required to perform this work.
                       Observe local codes and obtain any required permits before starting the work.

                       The power supply has an integral bracket that slips under flanges in the top of the enclosure
                       on the right side, and by two muts on threaded studs on the left side. Slots in the bracket allow
                       removing the supply without completely removing the nuts.


             3                                      4       6

                                                7                                      7

                       A.                                   B.                                     C.

Figure 2-2       Removing the Power Supply Module

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Electronic Compartment Component Descriptions and Maintenance Procedures
2.1 Power Supplies

                 1. Ensure that power has been disconnected from the analyzer.
                 2. Open the electronics enclosure door.
                 3. Unplug SYSCON power cable from the bottom of the SYSCON cage.
                 4. Unplug the PECM 24V cable.
                 5. Loosen nuts (1 in photo A above)
                 6. Slide the power supply forward enough to disengage the power-supply tabs from enclosure
                    tabs as shown in photo below. (2 in photo A above)
                 7. Tilt the power supply clockwise to allow the tabs to clear the flanges. (3 in photo A above)
                 8. Drop the power supply off the nuts. (4 and 5 in photo B above)
                 9. Before completely removing the supply, unplug the safety ground wire from the spae lug
                    on the back of the enclosure. (See 7 in the photo C Removing the Power Supply Module
                 10.Slide the power supply out of encloure. (6 in photo B above)
                                                                                   g   fla
                                                                                           n   ge
                                                                                                                                      cl o

                 To PECM power connector                    To safety
                                                                                                                                                     selector switch
                                                            ground lug
                                                            on back wall
                                                                                                                                                      Fuse holder
                                                To SYSCON
                                              power connector                                                                                 Line-cord connector
                                            on bottom-left of cage

                 Figure 2-3   Power Supply Module Details

Reinstalling the power supply
                 The new supply is installed using the steps in reverse order. It may be necessary to slightly
                 bend the flange edges down to allow the supply bracket to engage the flanges. See C in the
                 photo Removing the Power Supply Module above.

                                                                                                                         Maxum II Reference Manual
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Electronic Compartment Component Descriptions and Maintenance Procedures
                                                                                                 2.1 Power Supplies

                     Verify proper position of line-voltage selector switch and fuse value. Incorrect settings can
                     damage the equipment.
                     See the information packet that was shipped with the analyzer for information on the individual

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Electronic Compartment Component Descriptions and Maintenance Procedures
2.2 Power Entry and Control Module

2.2              Power Entry and Control Module

2.2.1            PECM Overview

                    The PECM3-CTL board mounts on the PECM-SSR board. This assembly provides a variety
                    of power and control functions. The connections are shown below.

                            AC in                                                 MWH out
                                                 LWH1 - LWH5
                                                     out                                             HWH SSR
                                                                                                     power out
        UPS input                                                                                               Purge Air
        for 24vdc                                                                                                Switch
                                                                                                                        24v in
                                                                                                                            HWH SSR
                                                                                                                            control out
                                                                                                                               Temp RTD in
                                                                                 u les
                                                                                                                            I2C bus
                                                                          mo d          t
                                                                              tr o l ou               MW
                                                                                                           H                  Air bath heater
                                                                           on          in
                           F2                                           Hc        trol                                           monitor in
                                          er)                        H W H co n                                              Solenoid
                            i th out                                   HW
                        (w                                                                                                  control out
                     F4                  ver)
                                    t co
                          w i th ou
                        (                                                                                                 Atmospheric
                                                                                                                        pressure sensor
     PECM-SSR Board                                         i   n
                                                  on   trol                                                          Purge disable jumper
      Filtered                            H/M                                                                       Purge signal out
      AC out                                                                             I2C bus    (Ribbon-cable
      to 24v                                                                                         connector to
      supply                                                        L1 MMI                           PECM-SSR)
                                PECM3-CTRL Board                    LED out

Figure 2-4   PECM3 I/O Connections

                    The PECM3 assembly part number is 2021828-002. An upgrade kit, part number 2022019-001
                    is available to replace earlier units.

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Electronic Compartment Component Descriptions and Maintenance Procedures
                                                                                2.2 Power Entry and Control Module

2.2.2            Feature Additions

Improvements in PECM3-CTL from PECM-CTL
                     ● Seven I2C connectors are provided compared to 4 on the previous PECM-CTL, eliminating
                       the need for a Wiring Distribution Board (WDB).
                     ● An Atmospheric pressure sensor has been added.

Improvements In PECM2 Assembly from Original PECM
                     The PECM design has changed since its original release. The newest version of this part is
                     also used as the spare-part replacement for the previous version. The original PECM was a
                     single electronic circuit board with a metal protective shield. It provided connection points for
                     the electrical power coming into the Maxum GC and mounted low power electrical relays which
                     could switch power to any electrical heater with a power rating of less than 200 watts.
                     The newest version of the module, PECM2, is a two part circuit board. One part connects the
                     electrical power. The other part includes certain electronic circuits. Key features of the newer
                     design are:
                     ● Easy access (no cover)
                     ● Two on-board temperature control circuits. May allow elimination of a DPM that is only used
                       for temperature control, such as for heated valves or the methanator.
                     ● Additional medium-wattage heater circuit
                     ● Four connectors providing I2C and 24VDC power distribution have been added. This
                       replaces some of the functions of the Wiring Distribution Board (WDB).
                     ● Includes solenoid valve control which eliminates the need for individual SVCM controller
                       boards. When converting an older analyzer and eliminating original SVCM controller
                       boards, additional long cables are required.
                     ● Improved low-profile fuse holders
                     ● LED indicators for air pressure switch on air-bath heater circuits
                     ● Built-in provision for connection of Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) for 24VDC circuits.
                       The heaters are powered through different connectors to minimize the loading of the AC
                       power needed for running the 24VDC circuits.

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Electronic Compartment Component Descriptions and Maintenance Procedures
2.2 Power Entry and Control Module

2.2.3         PECM Functions       AC Input and Distribution
                 AC mains power is wired to TB1 and TB2. TB10 is an optional connection for an uninterruptable
                 power supply for the 24 V power supply output, as shown in the diagram below.

                 The power switching circuit is designed for either 115 VAC or 230 VAC. For safety reasons,
                 the PECM is not designed to convert DC to AC. Attempted operation from a DC source will
                 damage or destroy the PECM. To generate and control 115 VAC from a DC voltage system,
                 the customer must use components external to the PECM.

                                                        TB10*            TB1                TB2
                      *TB10 parallel-connected
                      to TB1 if UPS is not used
                                                        HN             HNG               1  HNG






                                    Filtered AC
                     J1                                                                                                Low Wattage

                   H 1                                                                                               Heater Relays 1- 5

                   G 2
                   N 3                                                                                      F4 10A

                 AC Filter Plug                AC Chassis                                                            Medium Wattage
                 (for 24V supply)               Ground                                                                Heater Relays

                                                                                                            F5 6A

                                                                   Hot                Hot



                                                        16A                                          16A
                                                        ABH2                                         ABH1



                                                            Air Bath Heater Power

                 Figure 2-5         PECM AC Power Distribution

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                                                                                2.2 Power Entry and Control Module


                         Circuit                 Fuses for 115    Fuses for 230 VAC
  F1    AC power circuit 1 - Oven heater 2            16 A              10
                                                 (1901693-001)     A(1901694-001)
  F5    Medium or low wattage heater channel 6       6.3 A              6.3 A
        - MWH/LWH6                                                                                )
                                                 (1901695-001)     (1901695-001)
  F2    AC power circuit 2 - Oven heater 1            16 A              10
                                                 (1901693-001)     A(1901694-001)                 )
  F4    Low wattage heaters 1-5 - LWH1 - LWH5         10                10
                                                 A(1901694-001)    A(1901694-001)                 )
  F3    Power supply (24 VDC) - FILT AC              3.15 A             3.15
                                                 (1302004-033)     A(1302004-033)                 )

                                                                                                  )          Oven Temperature Control
                     Oven Temperature Monitoring and Control: The PECM_CTL board has two temperature
                     monitor and control channels for use with the high-wattage heaters (HWH) and medium-
                     wattage heaters (MWH). Each channel includes;
                     ● RTD input
                     ● Mounting location and connector for set point resistor module
                     ● Comparator circuit
                     ● PWM control signal output
                     ● Control input (can accept an external control signal from another module if desired)
                     ● Control output for High or Medium Wattage Heater Solid State Relay module
                     ● AC power output for High or Medium Wattage Heater Solid State Relay
                     Each circuit consists of two series-connected solid-state relays. One of these relays controls
                     the 1400-Watt or 650-Watt AC heater to maintain the set point temperature by monitoring the
                     air bath RTD and heater pressure switch. The second relay is used for safety purposes. It
                     performs an emergency analyzer heater shutdown if an over-temperature condition is
                     detected. Both relay circuits are completely independent of each other. However; in order for
                     the power circuit to be energized, both relays must be enabled. Temperature controls are
                     monitored by the Detector Personality Module and routed to the PECM via a dedicated cable
                     and connector, or by the temperature-control circuits on the PECM-CTL board itself. No other
                     functions are connected to the temperature control circuit. When over temperature is detected
                     the PECM over temperature circuit inhibits the SSR from powering the heater and stays off
                     until power is reset. Alarm conditions are reported to the SYSCON over the I2C link.

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2.2 Power Entry and Control Module

                                   PECM                                                           Air Bath Oven

                                    Temp                              Analog                     Temp Control,
                                   Setpoint                                                      Temp Limit,
                                   Modules                                                       Overtemp RTDs

                                                                        SSR Pair                 High-Wattage
                                                                                         Digital Air Pressure

                                                                      Airflow Loss Temperature
                                                                       Shutdown      Control

                                                               Line                              Heater
                                                                          SSRa      SSRb

                 Figure 2-6        PECM Heater Control Functions       Communication and Power Distribution

                 The 24V power supply connects to one of two parallel power connectors, TB1 and TB2 on the
                 PECM-CTL board. Another module can be powered from the other connector.
                 Each of the 7 I2C connectors also provides 24VDC power to the connected module.
                 A separate connector powers a 24V fan.

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                                                                                     2.2 Power Entry and Control Module          Onboard Solid State Relays

Low-Wattage Heater SSR Control
                     The PECM has six solid-state relay circuits. These circuits can control low wattage (10 to 250
                     Watts) air bath heaters, heaters in the heated Flame Ionization and Flame Photometric detector
                     housings or in heated sample injection valves, and can be adapted for on-off control of a
                     sample valve or other device. The output voltage from each relay can either be 115 VAC or
                     230 VAC depending upon the mains supply voltage. Available outputs from the relays are on
                     TB3 through TB8. Corresponding inputs are labeled LWH1 through LWH6. The LWH6 input
                     controls the medium wattage heater (MWH) output. When a relay output is used for sample
                     valve control, the supplied jumpers must be inserted in the corresponding input LWH1 through
                     LWH4. (See Additional Relay Outputs below for using the individual SSRs in outputs 5 and
                     6.) For safety, since the power switching circuits are primarily designed for low-wattage air-
                     bath heater control, each circuit has two series-connected SSRs, each being separately
                     controlled. The jumper ties the two relays together to function as one output when they are not
                     used for low wattage heater control. The circuitry is similar to the 1400-Watt High Wattage
                     Heater Power Switching and it is controlled by signals from the Detector Personality Module
                     (DPM) heater circuit. The diagram below shows a simplified schematic of the Low Wattage
                     Heater Relay Circuit LWH4.

                                                                                                      AC Power Input

                                                                                       R47 10kΩ
                      LWH 4A On

                     LWH 4A Enabled                                                    SSR4A      1

                                        5V             J6                 10kΩ                        5A
                                               1 DET/CTRL A
                                                          SSR EN A        R54
                      LWH 4B On                3                                 4                2
                                                   DET/CTRL B
                                                                      4          4                2
                      LWH 4 Plug Det                       SSR EN B
                                                   Plug Detect

                                                   GND                                                                 TB5
                                                   LWH4 CTRL PLUG           5V                    1
                                                                                                                       1      Line
                     LWH 4B Enabled
                                                                                                                       2      Neutral


                     Figure 2-7        LWH4 Heater Circuits

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2.2 Power Entry and Control Module

Additional Relay Outputs
                 Relay circuits LWH5 and LWH6 when used for purposes other than on/off control of low
                 wattage heaters can supply four separate outputs. A simple jumper on pins 1 to 2 on output
                 connector TB7 or TB8 makes this possible. With the jumper in place, each connector will
                 provide two independent outputs; see the diagram below.

                      Relay AC Supply Voltage
                                         TB7 (LWH5)
                                              or                     Heater        System Relays
                                         TB8 (MWH)

                                                  A&B Common      Unused

                                                  AC Hot
                   State                          SSRA Hot                        SSRA Load Hot
                                                  AC Neutral A   Unused           SSRA Load Neutral
                                                  SSRB Hot       To LWH Hot Load SSRB Load Hot

                                                  AC Neutral B   To LWH Neutral   SSRB Load Neutral

                 Figure 2-8   LW5 & LW6 Relay Circuit Jumper Connections       Oven Functions

Temperature Monitoring and Control
                 The PECM_CTL board has two temperature monitor and control channels for use with the high-
                 wattage heaters (HWH). Each channel includes;

                 ● RTD input                                     ● Control input (can accept an external
                 ● Mounting location and connector for             control signal from another module if
                   setpoint module                                 desired)
                 ● Comparator circuit                            ● Control output for HWH SSR module
                 ● PWM control signal output                     ● AC power output for HWH SSR

                 The HWH control path is shown below.

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                                                                                           2.2 Power Entry and Control Module

                                       PECM                                                           Air Bath Oven

                                        Temp                              Analog                     Temp Control,
                                       Setpoint                                                      Temp Limit,
                                       Modules                                                       Overtemp RTDs

                                                                            SSR Pair                 High-Wattage
                                                                                             Digital Air Pressure

                                                                          Airflow Loss Temperature
                                                                           Shutdown      Control

                                                                   Line                              Heater
                                                                              SSRa      SSRb

                     Figure 2-9        PECM Heater Control Functions

                     Each circuit consists of two series-connected solid-state relays. One of these relays controls
                     the 1400-Watt AC heater to maintain the set point temperature by monitoring the air bath RTD
                     and heater pressure switch. The second relay is used for safety purposes. It performs an
                     emergency analyzer heater shutdown if an over-temperature condition is detected. Both relay
                     circuits are completely independent of each other. However; in order for the power circuit to
                     be energized, both relays must be enabled. Temperature controls are monitored by the
                     Detector Personality Module and routed to the PECM via a dedicated cable and connector, or
                     by the temperature-control circuits on the PECM-CTL board itself. No other functions are
                     connected to the temperature control circuit. The connections are EMC filtered. When over
                     temperature is detected the PECM over temperature circuit inhibits the SSR from powering
                     the heater.
                     Alarm conditions are reported to the SYSCON over the I2C link.

Solenoid Control
                     Includes solenoid valve control which eliminates the need for individual SVCM controller
                     boards. When converting older design and eliminating original SVCM controller boards,
                     additional long cables are required.

Air-Supply Monitoring for Air-Bath Oven
                     The 1400-watt heater assembly is used in many air bath configurations (single isothermal;
                     dual isothermal; or Programmed Temperature Control). A single heater is used for the single
                     isothermal configuration and two heaters are used in the other configurations.
                     Additionally, a “medium power” Solid State Relay Module (temperature control relay module)
                     is available. These smaller relays are capable of controlling the 500 watt air bath heater
                     assembly. This can be used in single isothermal configurations where the controlled oven
                     temperature is 70°C or less. In addition, the “medium power” SSR Module can be used to
                     control the two 250 watt heaters used in the Maxum airless oven configurations.
                     See the PECM3 I/O Connections diagram in PECM Overiew for connector locations.

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2.2 Power Entry and Control Module       Electronic Enclosure Environment

Purge Monitoring
                   The PECM monitors the state of the purge condition for the analyzer. If a loss of purge is
                   detected the purge switch is enabled. The purge control alarm signal is controlled by the
                   SYSCON. The purge signal cable from SYSCON to PECM plugs into connector J1302 on the
                   PECM2. Connection SW1 on the PECM2 is used to connect atmospheric reference for the
                   purge switch.
                   When a purged enclosure is not required per the safety codes, connector J2 on the PECM2
                   can be used to disable the purge alarm. See the PECM3 I/O Connections diagram in PECM
                   Overiew for connector locations.

Atmospheric Pressure Monitoring (New for PECM-CTL3)
                   This sensor allows a Maxbasic program to measure the ambient atmospheric pressure for
                   custom applications. A tube must be connected from the sensor (J44 on the PECM-SSR board)
                   to the exterior of the EC.

                   Maintenance Panel Level 1 consists of LEDs on the outside of the analyzer door. It is intended
                   for use in GCs that are not equipped with the full feature Maintenance Panel. The PECM
                   supplies the control signals for Maintenance Panel Level 1, if equipped. For PECM-1, the
                   Maintenance Panel Level 1 connects to position J17. See the PECM3 I/O Connections
                   diagram in PECM Overiew for the location of connector J17.

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                                                                              2.2 Power Entry and Control Module

Physical Location
                     The PECM is mounted to the left inside wall of the EC cabinet. All fuses and electrical
                     connections are readily accessible.

                     Figure 2-10   PECM3 Mounted in EC

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2.2 Power Entry and Control Module

2.2.4         Replacement Procedure

General Precautions
                 The PECM is the entry point for the line voltage for the entire analyzer.

                 Specific additional instructions are provided with tags placed on the Maxum II and in the custom
                 application drawing package noted below. Installation must include all of the items noted in
                 both of these as well as the manuals. The tagging and custom application drawing package
                 are unique to the particular Maxum II.

                 ● This procedure must be performed by a user who has detailed knowledge of the Maxum.
                   If a customer does not have the knowledge required for this procedure, then it is
                   recommended that Siemens Field Service personnel be contracted to assist.
                 ● A tool kit including both standard and metric wrenches, Hex wrenches, and nut drivers is
                   required to perform this procedure.
                 ● Before beginning replacement, be sure to save a current database of the application to be
                   reloaded after the PECM is replaced in case this becomes necessary.

                  Voltage dangerous to life is present on the PECM. Failure to observe proper safety measures
                  can cause severe injury or death.
                  Before beginning to remove or install the PECM assembly, the power must be externally
                  removed from the GC. AC power comes directly into this board for regulation and distribution
                  in the electronics enclosure, so power must be removed and secured/tagged to prevent
                  inadvertent application while this procedure is being performed.       Troubleshooting

PECM Status LEDs
                 The PECM3 should start automatically once power is applied. If the unit is not operational after
                 applying power, then review the information below to aid in correcting the problem.
                 The most common issue with replacing the PECM3 is cables, wiring connections, and jumpers.
                 Check all of the cable connections to ensure that they are seated and connected properly.

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                                                                                 2.2 Power Entry and Control Module

                     The alarm system can also provide direct information on alarms for an error. Review the alarms
                     to see if they provide an indication of the problem. Each alarm has a written description that
                     may provide an indication of the problem area.

                     The LEDs on the PECM board can help with LEFT Heater Status                                                                                                                              RIGHT Heater status
                     troubleshooting problems. There are two
                     sets of LEDs: one on each side of the front     Heater 1 Air Pressure                                                                                                                    Heater 2 Air Pressure
                     board as shown in the diagram to the right.   Heater 1 Power Activate                                                                                                                    Heater 2 Power Activate
                     The bottom set of three LEDs is the same as

                                                                                                                                                                 PECM-CTRL PCB
                                                                      Heater  1 Temp Limit                                                                                                                    Heater 2 Temp Limit
                     used on other boards (described below.) The       Heater 1 Overtemp                                                                                                                      Heater 2 Overtemp
                     left set is for the PECM software. (The other
                     LEDs are not used for PECM1 replacement.)
                     The corrective action to take for each of the                 Normal                                                                                                                     Normal                                                                                         Temperature
                     LED indications is noted below with a correc‐PECM Status        Fault                                                                                                                    Fault                                                                                           Controller
                     tive action reference number on the diagram                  Warning                                                                                                                     Warning
                     at the right. The normal state indication is
                     shown in the diagram below.

                                                                    PECM LEDs

                     State 1

                                                                                                                                                                                                              State 5 - Warning condition; data good temporarily
                     1. If all units in this state, then power to the analyzer and/
                        or board is not active
                     2. Reset the device or cycle power
                     3. Check power connections to board (AC and 24VDC)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   State 6 - Fault condition; data invalid
                     4. Replace unit
                     State 2                                                                                                      State 3 - Address assignment

                                                                                                                                                                                 State 4 - Normal operation
                     1. Reset the device or cycle analyzer power
                     2. Replace unit
                                                                                      State 1 - Power off

                     State 3
                                                                                                            State 2 - Self test

                     1. Reset the device or cycle analyzer power
                     2. If all modules are in State 3, then SNECON is not
                        communicating (check cabling and connections)
                     3. Replace unit
                     State 4 Normal Operation
                     State 5
                     1. Reset the device or cycle power                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Fault
                     2. Check communication cable connections                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Warning
                     State 6
                                                                                      PECM LED Interpretation
                     1.   Reset the device or cycle power
                     2.   Check communication cable connections
                     3.   Check for missing Temp Limit setpoint boards
                     4.   Check for shorted or open RTDs
                     5.   Replace the unit
                     6.   Replace other connected units

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Electronic Compartment Component Descriptions and Maintenance Procedures
2.2 Power Entry and Control Module       Removing The PECM

                 Before starting this procedure, follow the steps in the General Analyzer Shutdown Procedure.

                  Voltage dangerous to life exists. Failure to follow proper safety procedures may result in
                  severe injury or death.
                  Before beginning to remove or install the PECM assembly, the power must be externally
                  removed from the GC. AC power comes directly into this board for regulation and distribution
                  in the electronics enclosure, so power must be removed and secured/tagged to prevent
                  inadvertent application while this procedure is being performed.

                  High-voltage circuitry. Failure to follow proper procedures may result in equipment damage,
                  personal injury or death.
                  The cable harness connectors and the chassis plugs associated with the Heater circuits are
                  marked with orange identifier tags. Before reconnecting any connector or plug to a Heater
                  circuit, ensure that the orange identifier tag on the connector or plug reads identical to the
                  orange identifier tag on its mating connector.

                  Observe proper fuse values to prevent equipment damage or personal injury.
                  The PECM1 is used in applications with both 115VAC and 230VAC power. Before installing
                  a replacement assembly, ensure that the correct fuses for the particular application are
                  installed in the replacement PECM3.

                 1. Open electronics door. If the latch is locked, use 4mm (5/32’”) Allen wrench to unlock.
                 2. Label all cable connections before disconnecting if they are not already labeled. Be sure
                    to read the Warning below concerning those tagged with orange labels.
                 3. Unplug cables from all PECM connectors.
                 4. Unplug the atmospheric reference tube from the purge switch. (labelled “Purge SW”, tubing
                    connection next to the back wall of the EC, on the PECM1.
                 5. Use a 5mm nut driver to loosen two hex nuts at the top of each side of base plate of the
                 6. Slide the PECM up and then lift the PECM off of the mounting bolts.

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                                                                              2.2 Power Entry and Control Module          Installing The New PECM

                     1. On the replacement PECM3 assembly do the following:
                         – Set the Purge Disable jumper JP2 to the same setting as the PECM being replaced.
                         – Install the appropriate fuses for either 115VAC or 230VAC in Fuses F1 and F2 and install
                           fuse covers.
                         – Move jumper cables or termination plugs to the replacement PECM.
                         – Move the TL/OT modules from the old PECM to the replacement PECM, in the mounting
                           locations marked “TEMP CONTROL 1” and TEMP CONTROL 2”. These are required
                           to avoid false alarm codes.
                         – If Heater Termination Plugs are installed in the old PECM instead of cables at the
                           positions marked “TEMP RTD 1” and “TEMP RTD 2”, move these to identical locations
                           on the replacement PECM. The plugs disable the PECM temperature circuits, including
                           the LEDs.
                     2. Ensure that there are no wires behind the mounting position of the PECM.
                     3. Because the atmospheric Purge switch SW1 is near the back wall after the PECM is
                        installed, if desired, the Purge tube may be installed on SW1 before mounting the PECM
                        in the next step.
                     4. Install the replacement PECM on the two mounting bolts.
                     5. Tighten the two 5mm hex nuts.
                     6. Start at the back of new controller and plug in the following cables (see the connector
                        identification illustrations)
                         – If not already connected in step 12, connect the Purge switch SW1 (tubing connection)
                         – Relay power plug TB9 and Heater Relay Control cable
                         – Fan power cable plug J18, and 24VDC power cables to the orange TB1 and TB2 on top
                           board (there are TB1 and TB2 AC connectors on the bottom board as well - see
                           illustration at right.)
                         – I2C connections (J24 - J26, J30 - J33)
                         – Low wattage heater connections (TB8, TB3 to TB5, and LWH1 to LWH6)
                         – AC inputs (TB1, TB2, & TB10.)
                         – Heater pressure switch (J10) (If no cable, then a jumper is needed.)
                     7. When replacing in a unit that has a MMI-1, then connect the MMI LED cable to J17.
                     8. Connect the Purge Signal cable to J1302.
                     9. Move 24V cable (from power supply) from WDB J1 to PECM3 TB1.
                     10.Add 24V power cable, 2021837-001 from PECM3 TB2 to WDB J1.

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2.3 System Controller Version 2.1 (SYSCON2.1)

                   11.Ensure the correct fuses are in the correct positions, as shown in PECM AC Power
                      Distribution illustration.
                   12.When the procedure is completed, follow the steps in the General Analyzer Startup

2.3           System Controller Version 2.1 (SYSCON2.1)

2.3.1         Description
                   The System Controller (SYSCON2.1) is a combination of two interconnected boards that
                   together function as the control processor and motherboard for the Maxum analyzer.
                   The SYSCON2.1 consists of two boards, the Communication and Analytical Control (CAC3)
                   board and the SYSCON Interface Board (SIB3). The CAC3 contains the processor and
                   memory functions for the SYSCON2.1 as well as control of external Ethernet communications
                   (via the Ethernet Switch Board). The CAC3 is mounted on and operates in conjunction with
                   the SIB3. With the exception of external Ethernet, the SIB3 contains all interfaces provided by
                   the SYSCON2.1.
                   The CAC3 on the SYSCON2.1 stores the analyzer application database, combines all data
                   results, and performs additional high-level data processing and calculations. All network
                   communications, maintenance panel and analyzer functions are also coordinated by the
                   SYSCON2.1. The SYSCON2.1 provides communication between the Controller Board, I/O
                   Boards and the EC operating modules.
                   More information about the SYSCON can be found in the System Controller version 2
                   (SYSCON2.1) Installation Manual (Siemens part number A5E02643617001).

Additional Functions

                   ● Processing and communicating the             ● Display and operator control
                     measurement values                           ● Controlling associated systems, such as
                   ● Controlling system functions, such as          gas supply
                     calibration                                  ● Generating reports

Software Support
                   The SYSCON2.1 is supported only by software version 5.2 or greater.

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                                                                    2.3 System Controller Version 2.1 (SYSCON2.1)

2.3.2            Mechanical

                     The SYSCON2.1 board pair resides in the SYSCON assembly. This assembly is a pullout,
                     drop-down drawer located on a slide rail assembly mounted to the upper wall of the Electronic
                     Enclosure. The SYSCON assembly is a card cage housing the SYSCON2.1 boards, the
                     Ethernet Switch Board, and any other associated hardware such as I/O boards.

                                                                                                     SYSCON2.1          External
                  Intrinsic-Safety Ground Connection Points                            Ports            Cage              Ports

    TIB Door Assembly

                                                                             I/O                Display Cable Routing
                                                                          Connectors                Into SYSCON

Figure 2-11   SYSCON2.1 In Electronics Enclosure

                     The Color Touchscreen cables directly to the
                     SIB3 through an opening in the rear of the SY‐
                     SCON assembly.
                     All PC boards in the SYSCON assembly are
                     visible through the front of the drawer for making
                     all I/O connections. Interface connectors to the
                     front panel display, and communication connec‐
                     tors are also located and labeled on the front of
                     the drawer.

                                                                           SYSCON2.1 Drawer

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2.3 System Controller Version 2.1 (SYSCON2.1)

2.3.3         SYSCON2.1 Components       Communication and Control Board (CAC3)
                 The Communication and Control board (CAC) is a standardized, single-board central
                 processing unit for intended for use in Siemens products. For the Maxum family of products
                 the third generation of the CAC board (CAC3) is used.
                 The CAC3 includes an on-board 10/100 Ethernet controller, used for connection to external
                 Ethernet. This is connected via a short RJ-45 patch cable to the Ethernet Switch Board, which
                 resides in a card slot on the SIB3.
                 More information and details pertaining to the CAC3 can be found in the System Controller
                 version 2.1 (SYSCON2.1) Installation Manual (Siemens part number A5E02643617001).

                 Figure 2-12   CAC3 Board (Part Number A5E02599492004)

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You can also read