Pivot strategies as an alternative for statistical machine translation tasks involving iberian languages

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Proceedings of the Workshop on Iberian Cross-Language Natural Language Processing Tasks (ICL 2011)

                 Pivot strategies as an alternative for statistical machine
                      translation tasks involving iberian languages∗
           Estrategias pivote como alternativa a las tareas de traducción automática
                                estadı́stica entre idiomas ibéricos

Carlos Henrı́quez† , Marta R. Costa-jussà? , Rafael E. Banchs‡ , Lluis Formiga† and José B. Mariño†
                                Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-TALP
                                     C/Jordi Girona, 08034, Barcelona
                                     Barcelona Media Innovation Center
                           Av Diagonal, 177, 9th floor, 08018 Barcelona, Spain
                                        Institute for Infocomm Research
                               1 Fusionopolis Way 21-01, Singapore 138632

                 Resumen: Este artı́culo describe diferentes aproximaciones para construir sistemas
                 de traducción automática estadı́sticas (SMT por sus siglas en inglés) entre idio-
                 mas de escasos recursos paralelos. La estrategia es especialmente interesante para
                 España, un paı́s con tres idiomas oficiales (catalán, vasco y gallego) aparte del cas-
                 tellano, en donde es difı́cil conseguir corpus paralelo entre cualquiera de los tres
                 primeros pero es comparativamente fácil hacerlo entre castellano y cualquiera de
                 ellos. Tal particularidad nos permite aprovechar el castellano como puente o pivote
                 para construir sistemas que traduzcan entre catalán e inglés, por ejemplo. Estos
                 sistemas son de gran utilidad para los idiomas minoritarios pues ayudan a darles
                 una presencia global y a promover su uso. Como caso de uso, se describe un sistema
                 catalán-inglés siguiendo la estrategia pivote de corpus sintético, la comparamos con
                 una aproximación de cascada y comentamos sobre mejoras adicionales que pudieran
                 implementarse para este par de idiomas en particular.
                 Palabras clave: idioma pivote, traducción automática estadı́stica, corpus paralelo
                 escaso, cascada, pseudo-corpus, modelos de traducción, frases, n-gramas
                 Abstract: This paper describes different pivot approaches to built SMT systems for
                 language pairs with scarce parallel resources. The strategy is particularly interesting
                 for Spain, a country with three official languages (Catalan, Basque, and Galician)
                 besides Spanish, where it is difficult to find parallel corpora between two of the first
                 three mentioned languages but it is relatively easy to collect it between Spanish and
                 any of them. This characteristic, however, allow us to develop machine translation
                 systems from major languages like English, to Catalan for instance, using Spanish as
                 pivot. Such systems help these minority languages giving them global presence and
                 promoting their use in content collaboration. We describe a English-Catalan base-
                 line system built following the synthetic approach, we compare it with the transfer
                 approach and comment about future enhancement that could be implemented for
                 this language pair.
                 Keywords: pivot language, statistical machine translation, scarse parallel corpora,
                 cascade, pseudo-corpus, phrase-based, ngram-based, translation models

Proceedings of the Workshop on Iberian Cross-Language Natural Language Processing Tasks (ICL 2011)

1.    Motivation                                              as follows. Section 2 reports a brief descrip-
                                                              tion of the phrase-based and Ngram-based
    Spain is a multilingual country with four
                                                              translation approaches. Section 3 presents
official languages: Catalan, Euskera, Galician
                                                              the pivot approaches used in this paper. Sec-
and Spanish. Catalan is spoken by 11.5 mi-
                                                              tion 4 describes the English-Catalan SMT
llion people, Euskera by 1.2 million people,
                                                              system. Section 5 compares the pivot strate-
Galician by 3.2 million people and Spanish by
                                                              gies in terms of translation quality and Sec-
400 million people. Given the high number of
                                                              tion 6 presents the most relevant conclusions.
Spanish speakers compared to the other lan-
guages, Spanish has much more linguistic and                  2.     Statistical Machine
data resources.
                                                                     Translation approaches
    The quantity of resources is relevant in
statistical machine translation. The more pa-                    As mentioned in the previous section, we
rallel text we have, the better the transla-                  are working with two SMT systems: the
tion quality. In order to face the lack of re-                phrase-based (Koehn, Och, y Marcu, 2003)
sources in translation, there are many re-                    and Ngram-based systems (Mariño et al.,
search works on pivot approaches which con-                   2006; Casacuberta y Vidal, 2004), which are
sist on using a pivot language to perform                     briefly described as follows.
a source to target translation (Bertoldi et
                                                              2.1.     Phrase-based
al., 2008a) (Costa-jussà, Henrı́quez, y Ban-
chs, 2011). For example, in order to translate                   This approach to SMT performs the trans-
from Galician to Catalan, we could use Spa-                   lation splitting the source sentence in seg-
nish as pivot language. There are much mo-                    ments and assigning to each segment a bi-
re resources in Galician-Spanish and Spanish-                 lingual phrase from a phrase-table. Bilin-
Catalan than between Galician and Catalan                     gual phrases are translation units that con-
directly. The same could happen when inter-                   tain source words and target words, e.g. <
ested in translating Catalan, Euskera or Ga-                  unidad de traducción | translation unit >,
lician into English. In this work, we introdu-                and have different scores associated to them.
ce a state-of-the-art English-Catalan trans-                  These bilingual phrases are then selected to
lation system recently built for the free web                 maximize a linear combination of feature fun-
translator N-II1 .                                            ctions. Such strategy is known as the log-
    The main differences with the Catalan-                    linear model (Och y Ney, 2002) and it is for-
English SMT system presented in (de Gis-                      mally defined as:
pert y Mariño, 2006) are that in this pa-
per we use an extended corpus and we pro-                                              "   M
pose to build a hybrid system which uses                               ê = arg máx             λm hm (e, f )       (1)
an Ngram-based system for Catalan-Spanish                                                  m=1
and a phrase-based system for Spanish-
English. The Ngram-based system outper-                       where hm are different feature functions with
forms the phrase-based system in Catalan-                     weights λm . The two main feature functions
Spanish (Farrús et al., 2009) while the op-                  are the translation model (TM) and the tar-
posite occurs for the case of Spanish-English                 get language model (LM). Additional models
(Costa-Jussà y Fonollosa, 2009). Additiona-                  include POS target language models, lexical
lly, for the Catalan-Spanish system we are                    weights, word penalty and reordering models
using a further competitive system using ru-                  among others.
les and statistical features (Farrús et al.,                    Moses (Koehn et al., 2007) was used to
2011).                                                        build the phrase-based system.
    The remainder of this paper is organized                  2.2.     Ngram-based
   The research leading to these results has recei-              The base of the Ngram approach is the
ved funding from the European Community’s Seventh             concept of tuple. Tuples are bilingual units
Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant               with consecutive words both on the source
agreement 247762 (FAUST) and from the Spanish Mi-             and target side that are consistent with the
nistry of Science and Innovation through the Juan de
la Cierva research program and the Buceador project           word alignment. They must provide a uni-
(TEC2009-14094-C04-01).                                       que monotonic segmentation of the sentence
     available at http://www.n-ii.org                         pair and they cannot be inside another tuple

Proceedings of the Workshop on Iberian Cross-Language Natural Language Processing Tasks (ICL 2011)

in the same sentence. This unique segmenta-                       step. At the end, mn-best hypotheses are pro-
tion allows us to see the translation model as                    duced, which are reranked by using Minimum
a language model, where the language is com-                      Bayes Risk (MBR) (Kumar y Byrne, 2004),
posed of tuples instead of words. That way,                       allowing the introduction of additional featu-
the context used in the translation model is                      res such as new language models.
bilingual and implicitly works as a language
model with bilingual context as well. In fact,                    3.2.      Pseudo-corpus or synthetic
while a language model is required in phrase-                               approach
based and hierarchical phrase-based systems,
in Ngram-based systems it is considered just                          Instead of considering the two language
an additional feature.                                            pairs independently, this approach produces
    This alternative approach to a translation                    a single source-target SMT system. Assuming
model defines the probability as:                                 we have a source-pivot and a pivot-target pa-
                                                                  rallel corpus, we build and tuned a pivot-
                                                                  target SMT system and we use it to translate
             Y                                                  the pivot part from the source-pivot corpus.
P (f, e) =         P (f, e)n | (f, e)n−1 , . . . , (f, e)1        This results in a source-target synthetic cor-
             n=1                                                  pus (hence the name) which is finally used to
                                          (2)                     build the source-target SMT system. For the
where (f, e)n is the n-th tuple of hypothesis                     tuning process, we could also use a synthe-
e for the source sentence f .                                     tic development corpus but an actual source-
   As additional features, we used a Part-Of-                     target corpus is prefered, if possible. A sim-
Speech (POS) language model for the target                        ple variation for this approach is to build a
side and a target word bonus model.                               pivot-source SMT system in order to transla-
   We used the open source decoder MARIE                          te the pivot part of the pivot-target corpus,
(Crego, de Gispert, y Mariño, 2005) to build                     and use the resulting source-target synthetic
the Ngram-based system.                                           corpus to build the final system.
3.     Pivot Approaches
                                                                  4.       Building an English-Catalan
    The best approaches to build a SMT sys-
                                                                           SMT using Spanish as pivot
tem through a pivot language are: the cas-
cade system, also known as the transfer ap-                           We present an English-Catalan SMT ba-
proach and the pseudo-corpus or synthetic                         seline system, using Spanish as the pivot lan-
approach. Other pivot approaches do not out-                      guage. In this case, the parallel corpus avai-
perform these two (Wu y Wang, 2007) (Cohn                         lable for the Catalan-Spanish language pair
y Lapata, 2007). The cascade and the pseudo-                      was provided by the bilingual newspaper “El
corpus approaches have been evaluated and                         Periódico”2 and the English-Spanish corres-
compared in works such as (de Gispert y Ma-                       ponds to the train corpora provided during
riño, 2006; Bertoldi et al., 2008a; Bertoldi                     the 2010 WMT’s translation task3 , i.e. Eu-
et al., 2008b). Consistently, both works ha-                      roparl and News Commentary. We followed
ve shown that the pseudo-corpus approach is                       the synthetic approach described before to
the best performing strategy.                                     build the final system. Therefore, the Spanish
                                                                  part from the WMT Corpus was translated
3.1.    Cascade or transfer method                                into Catalan and a English-Catalan phrase-
    This approach considers the language                          based SMT system was built using the resul-
pairs source-pivot and pivot-target indepen-                      ting synthetic corpus. Table 1 shows a sum-
dently. It consists in training and tuning two                    mary of the statistics of both corpora. We
different SMT systems and combine them in                         also used the Catalan-Spanish baseline toget-
a two-step process: first, we translate a source                  her with the Spanish-English baseline system
sentence using the source-pivot system; then,                     presented in the 2010’s WMT (Henrı́quez Q.
we use the resulting sentence as input for the                    et al., 2010) to build the other direction and
pivot-target translation. A common variation                      compare the different approaches in it.
for this strategy presented in (Khalilov et al.,
2008) considers a n-best output instead of the                         2
single-best during the first translation and                           3
then produce a m-best translation in the last                     task.html

Proceedings of the Workshop on Iberian Cross-Language Natural Language Processing Tasks (ICL 2011)

     Corpora                  Catalan      Spanish                  Pivot approach        Direction   BLEU
   Training sents.              4,6M         4,6M                      Cascade             cat-eng    21,63
  Running words               96,94M       96,86M                      Cascade             eng-cat    24,29
    Vocabulary                 1,28M        1,23M                   Pseudo-corpus          cat-eng    23,19
 Development sents.             1966         1966                   Pseudo-corpus          eng-cat    26,97
  Running words                46765        44667
    Vocabulary                  9132         9426                    Cuadro 2: English-Catalan results
     Corpora                  Spanish      English
   Training sents.             1,18M        1,18M             5.     Results
  Running words               26,45M       25,29M
                                                                 Table 2 shows the BLEU score of the cas-
    Vocabulary                 118073       89248
                                                              cade and pseudo-corpus approaches in both
 Development sents.             1729         1729             directions. The test set was the one provided
  Running words                37092        34774             as internal test set during the WMT transla-
    Vocabulary                  7025         6199             tion task. It is also important to mention that
     Test sents.                2525         2525             the score was computed using one reference.
  Running words                69565        65595
                                                                 The final quality of the Catalan-English
    Vocabulary                 10539         8907
                                                              system is determined by the quality of the
Cuadro 1: Catalan-Spanish and Spanish-                        Spanish-English corpus, whose baseline has a
English corpora (M stands for Millions)                       BLEU around 24 (Henrı́quez Q. et al., 2010).
                                                              The Catalan-Spanish baseline has a BLEU
                                                              around 80 (Farrús et al., 2009). Also there is a
4.1.       Spanish-Catalan baseline                           negative effect given the difference in domain
           system                                             between the Catalan-Spanish corpus (a regio-
   As mentioned before, the Spanish-Catalan                   nal newspaper) and Spanish-English corpus
SMT system (named N-II) is based on the                       (Europarl).
corpus provided by the bilingual newspaper                       Using paired bootstrap resampling
“El Periódico”. It is a Ngram-based SMT                      (Koehn, 2004), we can see that for these
system that includes several improvements                     systems, the Pseudo-corpus approach is
specific to the language pair: a homonym                      better than Cascade with 95 % statistical
disambiguation for the Catalan verb ‘soler’                   significance.
and Catalan possessives, special considera-
tion for pronominal clitics, upper-case words                 6.     Conclusions and further work
and the Catalan apostrophe, gender concor-
dance, numbers and time categorization and                        We have presented an English-Catalan
text processing for common mistakes found                     SMT system built using Spanish as pivot lan-
when writing in Catalan. The full description                 guage, given the scarce resources for English-
can be found in (Farrús et al., 2011).                       Catalan.
                                                                  Similarly to previous research work, we
4.2.       English-Catalan system                             have seen here that, in the particular trans-
           description                                        lation task under consideration, the pseudo-
                                                              corpus approach constitutes the best stra-
   Once obtained the Catalan translation
                                                              tegy for pivot translation. Although the cas-
from the Spanish section of the WMT corpus,
                                                              cade approach clearly performs worse than
a phrase-based SMT system was built using
                                                              the pseudo-corpus approach, it could be also
Moses as the decoder. Apart from the base-
                                                              beneficial to consider a system combination
line pipeline, the system also includes a POS
                                                              between these two strategies to further boost
target language model computed with TnT
                                                              the quality of the translations.
(Brants, 2000), numbers and time categori-
zation similar to N-II and the parallel corpus                    Further work should focus on building
was aligned considering the Catalan lemmas                    Spanish-pivot systems between all the offi-
computed with Freeling (Padró et al., 2010)                  cial languages and English, as well as among
and the English stems of words obtained with                  them. The similarities between the languages
Snowball4 .                                                   (except Basque) and the availability of para-
                                                              llel corpora between Spanish and the others
       http://snowball.tartarus.org                           encourage the approach.

Proceedings of the Workshop on Iberian Cross-Language Natural Language Processing Tasks (ICL 2011)

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