PLATO: Pre-trained Dialogue Generation Model with Discrete Latent Variable

Page created by Jeffrey Lane
PLATO: Pre-trained Dialogue Generation Model with Discrete Latent Variable
PLATO: Pre-trained Dialogue Generation Model with
                                                                         Discrete Latent Variable

                                                                   Siqi Bao ∗, Huang He ∗, Fan Wang and Hua Wu
                                                                                  Baidu Inc., China
                                                            {baosiqi, hehuang, wangfan04, wu hua}

                                                                   Abstract                         This pre-training and fine-tuning paradigm also
                                             Pre-training models have been proved effec-         sheds interesting light on the tasks of natural lan-
                                             tive for a wide range of natural language           guage generation, like dialogue generation. How-
arXiv:1910.07931v1 [cs.CL] 17 Oct 2019

                                             processing tasks. Inspired by this, we pro-         ever, previous study demonstrates that there are
                                             pose a novel dialogue generation pre-training       some deficiencies on the performance to apply di-
                                             framework to support various kinds of con-          rect fine-tuning of BERT on small conversation
                                             versations, including chit-chat, knowledge          datasets (Rashkin et al., 2019; Wolf et al., 2019),
                                             grounded dialogues, and conversational ques-
                                                                                                 where possible reasons might be three-fold: 1)
                                             tion answering. In this framework, we adopt
                                             flexible attention mechanisms to fully lever-       the underlying linguistic patterns in human con-
                                             age the bi-directional context and the uni-         versations can be highly different from those in
                                             directional characteristic of language genera-      general text, resulting in a large gap of knowl-
                                             tion. We also introduce discrete latent vari-       edge or data distributions; 2) the training mode
                                             ables to tackle with the natural born one-to-       of uni-directional dialogue generation is also dis-
                                             many mapping problem in response genera-            tinct with that of bi-directional natural language
                                             tion. Two reciprocal tasks of response gener-       understating as applied in BERT; 3) unlike most of
                                             ation and latent act recognition are designed
                                                                                                 the general NLP tasks, there is a one-to-many re-
                                             and carried out simultaneously within a shared
                                             network. Comprehensive experiments on three         lationship existing in dialogue generation, where
                                             publicly available datasets verify the effective-   a piece of context often has multiple appropriate
                                             ness and superiority of the proposed frame-         replies.
                                             work.                                                  In this paper, we propose a new method to
                                         1   Introduction                                        tackle the above challenges, aiming to obtain a
                                                                                                 high-quality pre-training model for dialogue gen-
                                         Dialogue generation is a challenging task due to        eration. First of all, to reduce the gap between data
                                         the limited corpus of human conversations, com-         distributions, large-scale Reddit and Twitter con-
                                         plex background knowledge, and diverse relation-        versations are further utilized to pre-train the gen-
                                         ships between utterances. Recently, pre-trained         eration model (upon the basis of language models
                                         large-scale language models, such as BERT (De-          pre-trained with general text). Secondly, to mit-
                                         vlin et al., 2019) and XL-Net (Yang et al., 2019),      igate the difference of training modes, a flexible
                                         have achieved prominent success in natural lan-         paradigm integrating uni- and bi-directional pro-
                                         guage processing. Such models are usually con-          cessing is employed in this work, which is inspired
                                         structed based on a massive scale of general text       by the latest unified language modeling (Dong
                                         corpora, like English Wikipedia or BooksCorpus          et al., 2019). Thirdly, a discrete latent variable is
                                         (Zhu et al., 2015), where distributed representa-       introduced to model the one-to-many relationship
                                         tions can be learned automatically from the raw         among utterances in conversations.
                                         text. By further fine-tuning these representations,        Each value of the latent variable corresponds
                                         breakthroughs have been continuously reported           to the particular conversational intent of one re-
                                         for various downstream tasks, especially those of       sponse, denoted as latent speech act. Distinct with
                                         natural language understanding, such as question        those controllable dialogue generation based on
                                         answering, natural language inference and so on.        explicit labels (including emotion, keywords, do-
                                                 Equal contribution.                             main codes and so on) (Huang et al., 2018; Keskar
$()|", #)                            $()|", #)
                                     " exempted!
et al., 2019), our latent variable gets                                  "              !
from the restriction of human annotations and can
be learned automatically from the corpus in an un-
supervised way. To pre-train the$(#|",  !) #for dia-
                                     model                           $(#|", !)   #
logue generation, two tasks are introduced in this
work – response generation and latent act recog-        Figure 1: Graphical illustration of response genera-
nition. Both tasks are carried out simultaneously       tion (gray lines) and latent act recognition (dashed blue
under the unified network architecture with shared      lines).
parameters. Conditioned on the context and la-
tent variable, the generation task tries to maxi-       • The response r is one piece of appropriate reply
mize the likelihood of the target response. At the         towards the given context.
same time, the recognition task aims to estimate        • The latent variable z is one K-way categori-
the latent variable w.r.t. given context and target        cal variable z ∈ [1, K], with each value cor-
response. Apparently, the accurate estimation of           responds to a particular latent speech act in the
latent variable is a key factor to boost the quality       response.
of response generation.                                    The probabilistic relationships among these ele-
   We conducted experiments on three different          ments are elaborated as follows (graphical illustra-
kinds of conversation tasks: chit-chat, knowledge       tion shown in Figure 1). Given a context c, there
grounded conversation, and conversational ques-         are multiple appropriate speech acts for replies
tion answering. Experimental results verify the         (represented by the latent variable z). Condi-
effectiveness and superiority of our pre-trained        tioned on the context and one chosen latent speech
model as compared with the other state-of-the-art       act, the response is produced as p(r|c, z) (gray
methods. Our pre-trained models and source code         lines). Given a pair of context and response, the
have been released at GitHub, hoping to facilitate      latent speech act behind them can be estimated as
further research progress in dialogue generation.1      p(z|c, r) (dashed blue lines). As such, our pre-
                                                        training of dialogue generation contains the fol-
2       Dialogue Generation Pre-training                lowing two tasks – response generation and la-
Given a piece of context, there exist multiple ap-      tent act recognition.
propriate responses, leading to diverse conversa-          We propose a unified infrastructure for the
tion flows. It is widely recognized that the capa-      joint learning of both tasks, shown as Figure 2.
bility of modeling one-to-many relationship is cru-     The backbone of our infrastructure is inspired by
cial for dialogue generation system (Zhao et al.,       the transformer blocks in (Dong et al., 2019),
2017; Chen et al., 2019). To this end, we pro-          which supports both bi-directional encoding and
pose to encode discrete latent variables into trans-    uni-directional decoding flexibly via specific self-
former blocks for one-to-many relationship mod-         attention masks. Both two tasks of response gen-
eling, where two reciprocal tasks of response gen-      eration and latent act recognition are carried out
eration and latent act recognition are collabora-       under the unified network with shared parameters.
tively carried out.                                     Their detailed implementations are discussed as
2.1      Model Architecture                                Given the context c and a specific speech act z,
                                                        the response generation can be estimated as
In our model, there are the following three ele-
ments: dialogue context c, response r and latent                   p(r|c, z) = ΠTt=1 p(rt |c, z, r
Figure 2: Architecture of dialogue generation with discrete latent variable.

             Latent                                                    Context                                                                           Response

Input         [!]     do      you     have     a      pet      ?      [EOS]     i      have       a      cute    dog      .      [EOS] [BOS]     that     is    great     .     [EOS]

Token         E[!]    Edo     Eyou    Ehave   Ea      Epet    E?      E[EOS]    Ei     Ehave     Ea      Ecute   Edog     E.     E[EOS] E[BOS]   Ethat   Eis    Egreat   E.     E[EOS]
Role                  EA      EA       EA     EA      EA      EA       EA      EB       EB       EB       EB     EB      EB       EB      EA      EA     EA      EA      EA      EA
Turn                  E[-2]   E[-2]   E[-2]   E[-2]   E[-2]   E[-2]    E[-2]   E[-1]   E[-1]     E[-1]   E[-1]   E[-1]   E[-1]    E[-1]   E[0]   E[0]    E[0]    E[0]    E[0]    E[0]
Position              E0      E1       E2     E3      E4      E5       E6      E0       E1       E2       E3     E4      E5       E6      E0      E1     E2      E3      E4      E5

Figure 3: Input representation. The input embedding is the sum of corresponding token, role, turn and position

context and target response in the training data.                                              • The input is the concatenation of latent vari-
The latent act recognition shares network param-                                                 able, dialogue context and response. A special
eters with response generation, but has separate                                                 end-of-sentence [EOS] token is appended to the
self-attention masks for bi-directional encoding.                                                end of each utterance for separation. Another
As shown in Figure 2, with a special mask sym-                                                   begin-of-sentence [BOS] token is added at the
bol [M] as input, it keeps collecting information                                                beginning of the response, whose final hidden
from the context and target response (red lines). In                                             state (i.e., output of the last transformer block)
this way, the corresponding speech act for the tar-                                              is used to predict next token during generation.
get response can be recognized as z ∼ p(z|c, r),                                               • Given that z is one K-way categorical variable,
where p(z|c, r) is the estimated posterior distribu-                                             its token embedding E[z] is mapped from the la-
tion over discrete latent values.                                                                tent embedding space Ez ∈ RK×D . For the rest
                                                                                                 tokens in the vocabulary, they are warmed up
2.2     Input Representation                                                                     using BERT’s WordPiece embeddings.
For multi-turn conversation modeling, elaborate                                                • Role embeddings are employed to differentiate
designs have been made on the input represen-                                                    the characters evolved in the conversation. The
tation in this work. The network input includes                                                  role embedding EA is added for the response,
the latent variable, dialogue context and response.                                              as well as dialogue utterances generated by the
Following the pre-processing of BERT (Devlin                                                     same character in the context. And role embed-
et al., 2019), the input text is tokenized with Word-                                            ding EB is used for the other character. (For
Piece (Wu et al., 2016). For each token, its in-                                                 knowledge grounded conversation, EC is used
put embedding is the sum of corresponding token,                                                 as the role embedding of background knowl-
role, turn and position embeddings. One visual                                                   edge.)
example is shown in Figure 3 and details of the                                                • In the interactive conversation, there are multi-
embeddings are described as follows:
turn utterances and we employ relative order in           variables:
  the assignment of turn embeddings. The turn
  embedding for the response is set to E[0] , and                                         X
                                                              LBOW = −Ez∼p(z|c,r)               log p(rt |c, z)
  the turn embedding of its last utterance is E[−1] ,
  and etc. Our utilization of relative turn embed-                                                                   (4)
  dings instead of absolute ones enables the model
                                                                                          X             efrt
                                                                         = −Ez∼p(z|c,r)         log P
  to assign turn embedding E[0] to the response                                                        v∈V     efv
  consistently and helps response generation ex-
  empt from the disturbance of its round number             where V refers to the whole vocabulary and f is a
  within the dialogue.                                      function that tries to predict the words within the
• Position embeddings are added according to the            target response in a non-autoregressive way:
  token position in each utterance. Note that for
  the special token of latent variable, its corre-                  f = softmax(W2 hz + b2 ) ∈ R|V |                 (5)
  sponding role, turn and position embeddings are
  all set to empty.                                         where hz is the final hidden state of the latent vari-
                                                            able and |V | is the vocabulary size. frt denotes
2.3     Pre-training Objectives                             the estimated probability of word rt . As compared
                                                            with NLL loss, the BOW loss discards the order of
We design three kinds of loss functions for di-             words and forces the latent variable to capture the
alogue generation pre-training : negative log-              global information of the target response.
likelihood (NLL) loss, bag-of-words (BOW) loss
and response selection (RS) loss. Brief illustration        2.3.2   Response Selection
is shown in the last column of Figure 2 and de-             Response selection helps distinguish whether the
tailed descriptions will be provided in this section.       response is relevant with the dialogue context and
                                                            consistent with the background knowledge. Mean-
2.3.1    Response Generation                                while, its score can be regarded as an indicator of
                                                            coherence during dialogue generation, helping to
In our model, the response is generated condi-              select the most coherent one from multiple candi-
tioned on the latent variable and the context. The          date responses.
widely adopted NLL loss is employed in the pre-                Particularly, the training of response selection is
training:                                                   carried out together with the bi-directional encod-
                                                            ing network of latent act recognition. The positive
  LN LL = −Ez∼p(z|c,r) log p(r|c, z)                        training samples come from the dialogue context
                            X                               and corresponding target response (c, r), with la-
           = −Ez∼p(z|c,r)         log p(rt |c, z, r
2.4   Pre-training Procedure                           2) Response Selection
Our pre-training model contains 12 transformer             – Calculate the probability for each response
blocks, with its network parameters initialized us-           p(lr = 1|c, r) and select the one with highest
ing BERTBASE . Large-scale conversation datasets              value as the final response
– Twitter (Cho et al., 2014) and Reddit (Zhou             It is worth to note that the above fine-tuning and
et al., 2018; Galley et al., 2019) are employed for    inference procedures are set up for the dialogue
pre-training, which result in 8.3 million training     generation without any specific objectives. If there
samples in total. For each training sample of con-     exists a specific objective within the conversation,
text and target response (c, r), it needs to pass      such as letting both participants know more about
through the network twice to accomplish the tasks      each other (Bao et al., 2019), the fine-tuning can
of latent act recognition and response generation.     proceed to maximize the pre-defined rewards with
And the pre-training steps are summarized as fol-      reinforcement learning (RL). Under such circum-
lows:                                                  stances, our latent discrete variable can be natu-
1) Latent Act Recognition                              rally treated as action within RL, and thus the re-
    – Given a pair of context and target response,     sponse selection can be straightforwardly solved
       estimate the posterior distribution p(z|c, r)   by selecting the action that results in the maximum
    – Randomly select r− and calculate LRS             reward.
2) Response Generation
                                                       3     Experiments
    – With the sampled latent value z ∼ p(z|c, r),
       calculate LN LL and LBOW                        3.1     Settings
3) Optimization                                        3.1.1    Datasets
    – Sum up to obtain L, and update network pa-
                                                       To evaluate the performance of our proposed
       rameters with back-propagation
                                                       method, comprehensive experiments have been
   The hyper-parameters used in pre-training are
                                                       carried out on three publicly available datasets.
listed as follows. The maximum sequence length
                                                       • Persona-Chat (Zhang et al., 2018) provides both
of context and response is set to 256 and 50, re-
                                                         manually annotated conversations and corre-
spectively. The number of transformer blocks in
                                                         sponding persona profiles (background knowl-
our model L is 12 and the hidden embedding di-
                                                         edge), where two participants chat naturally and
mension D is 768. The batch size is set to 64
                                                         try to get to know each other.
and K is set to 20 for the discrete latent vari-
                                                       • Daily Dialog (Li et al., 2017) is a chit-chat
able. Adam optimizer (Kingma and Ba, 2015)
                                                         dataset, which contains high-quality human
is employed for optimization with a learning rate
                                                         conversations about daily life.
of 5e-5. The pre-training of dialogue generation
                                                       • DSTC7-AVSD (Alamri et al., 2019), short
was carried out on 8 Nvidia Telsa V100 32G GPU
                                                         for Audio Visual Scene-aware Dialog of the
cards for 3.5M steps, taking approximately two
                                                         DSTC7 challenge, is a conversational question
weeks to reach convergence.
                                                         answering dataset. In DSTC7-AVSD, the sys-
2.5   Fine-tuning and Inference                          tem need to generate an answer given dialogue
                                                         context and background knowledge. There are
Our pre-trained model is flexible enough to sup-         two available options of knowledge utilization:
port various kinds of dialogues, including chit-         1) using single-modal information of text only,
chat, knowledge grounded conversations, conver-          including video’s caption and summary; 2) rely-
sational question answering and so on. The fine-         ing on multi-modal information, including text,
tuning on small conversation datasets can be car-        audio and visual features. The single-modal op-
ried out following the training objectives defined       tion is adopted by our method in the experi-
in Equation (8). As the fine-tuning process reaches      ments.
convergence, the response towards the given con-       The descriptions and statistics of these datasets are
text can be obtained through the following infer-      summarized in Table 1.
ence procedure:
1) Candidate Response Generation                       3.1.2    Compared Methods
    – Conditioned on each latent value z ∈ [1, K],     The following models have been compared in the
      generate corresponding candidate response r      experiments.
Baseline. Sequence to sequence with attention                        where WG and WK refers to the set of non-
(Seq2Seq) (Vinyals and Le, 2015) is employed as                      stop words in the generated responses and back-
the baseline for the experiments on Persona-Chat                     ground knowledge respectively.
and Daily Dialog. DSTC7-AVSD has provided a                       • In DSTC7-AVSD, the MSCOCO platform
baseline system, which is built upon hierarchical                    (Chen et al., 2015) is employed for evaluation.
recurrent encoders with multi-modal features.                        It compares the generated response with six
State of the art. The Persona-Chat dataset is                        ground truth responses, using metrics of BLEU,
also utilized in the ConvAI2 challenge (Dinan                        METEOR, ROUGH-L and CIDEr.
et al., 2019a), where the team of Lost in Con-                       In human evaluation, we randomly select 100
versation (LIC) (Golovanov et al., 2019) obtains                  dialogue contexts and generate responses with
the best performance. LIC is also one transformer                 compared methods. Three crowd-sourcing work-
based generation method and fine-tuned upon the                   ers are asked to score the response quality on a
pre-trained model of GPT (Radford et al., 2018).                  scale of [0, 1, 2] from four aspects – fluency, co-
For the dataset of Daily Dialog, its best results                 herence, informativeness and overall. The higher
are reported by the recently developed method –                   score, the better. Details about the criteria are
iVAEMI (Fang et al., 2019), which generates di-                   given as follows.
verse responses with sample-based latent repre-                   • Fluency measures whether the generated sen-
sentation. In DSTC7-AVSD, the team of CMU                            tence is smooth and grammatically correct.
(Sanabria et al., 2019) obtains the best perfor-                  • Coherence evaluates whether the generated re-
mance across all the evaluation metrics.                             sponse is relevant with the context and consis-
Our method. To better analyze the effects of la-                     tent with the expressed information or back-
tent discrete variable in our method, we also com-                   ground knowledge.
pare to the version without latent variable (Our                  • Informativeness assesses the information con-
w/o Latent), under the same training settings.1                      tained in the generated response.
                                                                  • Overall represents the general evaluation, where
3.1.3    Evaluation Metrics                                          0 indicates a bad response, 1 corresponds to a
Both automatic and human evaluations are em-                         normal response and 2 stands for a good re-
ployed to assess the performance of compared                         sponse.
methods. In automatic evaluation, the following                   After collecting the assessments from three crowd-
metrics are included:                                             sourcing workers, the response’s final score is de-
• BLEU (Chen and Cherry, 2014) measures the                       termined via majority voting. The average Fleiss’s
  n-gram overlap between generated response and                   kappa (Fleiss and Cohen, 1973) on Persona-Chat
  the target response.                                            and Daily Dialog is 0.515 and 0.480 respec-
• Distinct-1/2 (Li et al., 2016) measures the gen-                tively, indicating annotators have reached moder-
  eration diversity, which is defined as the number               ate agreement.
  of distinct uni- or bi-grams divided by the total
  amount of generated words.                                      3.2   Experimental Results
• Knowledge R/P/F1 (Dinan et al., 2019b) mea-
  sures the degree of informativeness w.r.t. back-                The experimental results on Persona-Chat and
  ground knowledge, defined as:                                   Daily Dialog with automatic and human evalua-
                                                                  tions are summarized in Table 2. During auto-
                        |WG ∩ WK |                                matic evaluation, BLEU-1/2 measures the over-
              Recall =                                            lap between generated response and ground truth,
                            |WK |
                           |WG ∩ WK |                             Distinct-1/2 assesses the diversity of words in gen-
              Precision =                                  (9)    eration and Knowledge R/P/F1 evaluates the infor-
                              |WG |
                                                                  mation expression w.r.t. background knowledge.
                         Recall × Precision
              F1 = 2 ×                                            However, the results demonstrate that no method
                         Recall + Precision
                                                                  can consistently outperform the others under auto-
    Our w/o latent’s network parameters are also first initial-   matic evaluation. As shown in the empirical study
ized with BERTBASE . The pre-training is then carried out on      (Liu et al., 2016), there is a weak correlation be-
Reddit and Twitter, with the objective to minimize NLL loss.
The fine-tuning follows the same objective as pre-training on     tween automatic metrics and human judgments in
down-stream datasets.                                             open-domain dialogue generation. As such, it is
Dataset                 Type                  Knowledge                    # Train                     # Valid                   # Test
                          Chit-chat                                       8,939 dialogues              1,000 dialogues          968 dialogues
 Persona-Chat                                  Persona profiles
                         with persona                                      131,438 turns                 15,602 turns            15,024 turns
                                                                          11,118 dialogues             1,000 dialogues          1,000 dialogues
  Daily Dialog             Chit-chat                  N/A
                                                                            87,170 turns                 8,069 turns              7,740 turns
                                                  Video caption           7,659 dialogues              1,787 dialogues          1,710 dialogues
 DSTC7-AVSD         Conversational QA
                                                   & summary               153,180 turns                 35,740 turns             13,490 turns

                                       Table 1: Summary of datasets used in the experiments.

                                                   Automatic Evaluation                                         Human Evaluation
 Dataset          Model
                                    BLEU-1/2         Distinct-1/2      Knowledge R/P/F1          Fluency   Coherence Informativeness      Overall
                 Seq2Seq          0.448 / 0.353     0.004 / 0.016      0.004 / 0.016 / 0.006      1.82        0.37            0.85            0.34

 Persona-          LIC            0.405 / 0.320     0.019 / 0.113      0.042 / 0.154 / 0.064      1.95        1.34            1.09            1.29
   Chat       Our w/o Latent      0.458 / 0.357     0.012 / 0.064      0.085 / 0.263 / 0.125      1.98        1.36            1.04            1.30
               Our Method         0.418 / 0.324     0.014 / 0.081      0.162 / 0.542 / 0.242      1.99        1.51            1.70            1.50
    Dataset      Seq2SeqModel 0.336 / 0.268
                                       BLEU-10.030 /BLEU-2
                                                     0.128                  BLEU-3
                                                                                -           BLEU-4
                                                                                                 1.85      METEOR
                                                                                                             0.37         ROUGH-L
                                                                                                                              0.44       CIDEr
                 iVAE Baseline          0.626        0.485
                              0.309 / 0.249 0.029 / 0.250                    0.383
                                                                                -            0.309
                                                                                                 1.53       0.215
                                                                                                             0.34           0.487
                                                                                                                              0.59       0.746
 Daily                MI
 Dialog            CMU 0.405 / 0.322
         Our w/o Latent             0.718 0.046 / 0.246
                                                  0.584                      0.478
                                                                                -              0.394
                                                                                                   1.91     0.267
                                                                                                             1.58           0.563
                                                                                                                              1.03        1.094
              Our  w/o
          Our Method    Latent      0.780         0.638
                          0.352 / 0.275 0.045 / 0.253                        0.530
                                                                                -              0.441
                                                                                                   1.97     0.293
                                                                                                             1.57           0.607
                                                                                                                              1.23        1.235
                Our Method          0.784         0.637                      0.525             0.435        0.286           0.596         1.209
                 Our Method
Table 2: Experimental   results on Persona-Chat and Daily Dialog with automatic and human evaluations, with
                                 0.925      0.843      0.767      0.689      0.361     0.731       1.716
highest value written Bound

    Dataset               Model           BLEU-1            BLEU-2          BLEU-3          BLEU-4         METEOR         ROUGH-L        CIDEr
                         Baseline           0.626            0.485           0.383             0.309        0.215           0.487         0.746
                          CMU               0.718            0.584           0.478             0.394        0.267           0.563         1.094
 DSTC7-AVSD          Our Method             0.784            0.637           0.525             0.435        0.286           0.596         1.209
                    Our Method
                                            0.925            0.843           0.767             0.689        0.361           0.731         1.716
                    Upper Bound

 Table 3: Experimental results on DSTC7-AVSD with automatic evaluation, with highest value written in bold.

       Context                       breaking news on the presidential race that could change your vote
                                     i m not voting for hillary i m voting for trump
                                     i can t believe this is happening
 Generated Responses                 it would be interesting to see the results of this election
                                     trump is a role model that the news media mafia hides
                                     i will be voting for hillary
       Context                       i plan on walking into the appalachian mountains and never coming back .
                                     i've been to the appalachian mountains a few times . it's a beautiful place .
                                     i've never been to the appalachian mountains , but i've heard it's nice .
 Generated Responses                 i wouldn't want to live there .
                                     don't worry , you'll come back .
                                     that sounds like a good plan .
       Context                       that from 2004-2012 five people died just from consuming monster energy drinks .
                                     monster energy drinks are disgusting .
                                     i've been drinking monster energy drinks since i was a kid .
 Generated Responses                 that's a lot of people .
                                     i've never heard of this .
                                     [ relevant ] ( http : / / en . wikipedia . org / wiki / monster _ energy _ drink )

                            Table 4: Examples of response generation with our pre-trained model.
Persona Profiles [P2]                                                      Context
                                                    [P2] hi , do you like bbq ?
                                                    [P1] hello yes i love bbq
                                                    [P2] i love restaurants with bbq , they are a lot of fun .
 i love trying barbeque restaurants .               [P1] my poor toes are so webbed
 i am an administrative assistant .                 [P2] really ? afterwards , i go and play racquetball to loose some calories .
 i am looking forward to retiring in five years .   [P1] cool i like to paint
 i like ot play racquetball .                       [P2] what do you do as a profession ? i work as administrative assistant
                                                    [P1] i dig in people trash for things to build
                                                    [P2] sounds unique but that is more of a hobby instead of a profession
                                                    [P1] true . i paint for a living
                      Seq2Seq                            that sounds like a lot of work . do you have a job ?
                         LIC                             yeah it is a lot of fun
                   Our w/o Latent                        do you have any hobbies ?
                    Our Method                           that is cool , i am looking forward to retiring in 5 years

                               Table 5: Case analysis of response generation on Persona-Chat.

suggested to treat these automatic evaluations as a                    answer. The results in Table 3 demonstrate that
reference and put emphasis on human evaluations.                       our method has brought a new breakthrough for
   During human evaluations, it is shown that our                      DSTC7-AVSD. Additionally, the upper bound of
method obtains consistently better performance                         our method is also reported, under the ideal sce-
across all the metrics on Persona-Chat and Daily                       nario that the optimal candidate answer can be se-
Dialog. The scores of fluency almost approach                          lected.2 The incredible results validate the great
the upper bound, revealing that our generated re-                      potential of our approach.
sponses are very fluent. The informativeness as-
                                                                       3.3         Discussions
sessments indicate that the information in our gen-
erated responses is significantly richer, as com-                      3.3.1 Case Analysis
pared with the baseline methods. Our responses                         To further dissect the quality of our pre-trained
are coherent with the context and favored most by                      model, several examples of generated responses
crowd-sourcing workers. The ablation study with                        are provided in Table 4. For each piece of con-
our method and our w/o latent also suggests that                       text, our model can produce multiple responses by
through the incorporation of discrete latent vari-                     assigning distinct values to the latent variable and
ables, remarkable improvements can be achieved                         five candidate responses are selected for display
for dialogue generation. Besides, it can be ob-                        in the table. It shows that our pre-trained model is
served that the generation quality of transformed-                     able to generate diverse and appropriate responses.
based approaches (LIC and our method) is sig-                          Interestingly, as the training corpus includes con-
nificantly better than that of RNN-based methods                       versations from Reddit threads, some URLs may
(Seq2Seq and iVAEMI ).1                                                interweave with dialogue utterances. It seems that
   The experimental results on DSTC7-AVSD                              this pattern has been captured by the latent vari-
with automatic evaluation are provided in Table                        able and sometimes our model generates related
3. Distinct with the above chit-chat datasets,                         Wikipedia links as the reply.
there are six ground truth responses in DSTC7-                            In Table 5, it provides the cases of our method
AVSD, which makes the automatic evaluation be-                         and compared approaches on Persona-Chat, where
come more effective and align better with human                        two participants chat with each other according to
judgments. In the experiments, our response se-                        their personas. As shown in the example, partic-
lection is strengthened with an extra ranking step,                    ipant P2 needs to produce a response towards the
which ranks the candidates according to the auto-                      given dialogue context, conditioned on his/her per-
matic scores and selects the top one as the final                      sona profile. The baseline Seq2Seq tends to gener-
                                                                       ate common replies with low informativeness and
     It is a normal phenomenon that the performance of our
w/o latent is close to that of LIC. Both of them initialize                 Given a dialogue context and background knowledge,
network parameters with pre-trained language models, con-              our model is able to generate K diverse responses. Each of
tinue training with large-scale conversation data as Reddit,           them will be evaluated and the one obtaining the best score
and adopt NLL-related objectives.                                      will be treated as the optimal candidate answer.
BERT Fine-tuning    58.466          31.891           18.044
 GPT-2 Fine-tuning   28.390          19.182           14.359
    Our Method       14.180          12.541           10.930

                               # Training Dialogues            4   Related Work
                       1k              5k              11k
        Seq2Seq      169.668         80.535           44.183
                                                               Related work contains pre-trained language mod-
                                                               els and one-to-many modeling in dialogue gener-
 BERT Fine-tuning    58.466          31.891           18.044
 GPT-2 Fine-tuning   28.390          19.182           14.359
    Our Method       14.210          12.634           11.598
                                                               Pre-trained Language Models. Pre-trained lan-
                                                               guage models, which are trained with large-scale
Table 6: Perplexity of different pre-trained models on         general text, have brought many breakthroughs on
Daily Dialog, with best value written in bold.                 various NLP tasks. These models can be roughly
                                                               divided into two categories according to their at-
                                                               tention mechanisms. GPT (Radford et al., 2018)
poor coherence. LIC and Our w/o Latent are able                and GPT-2 (Radford et al., 2019) are representa-
to produce some coherent responses, whereas de-                tive uni-directional language models, where one
ficient on informativeness. In comparison, the re-             token is only allowed to attend its previous tokens
sponse by our method is not only coherent with                 and the objective is to maximize left-to-right gen-
the context, but also expressive of the background             eration likelihood. BERT (Devlin et al., 2019) and
personas.                                                      XL-Net (Yang et al., 2019) are bi-directional lan-
                                                               guage models, where bi-directional context atten-
                                                               tion is enabled for token prediction. The latest uni-
3.3.2     Comparison of Pre-trained Models                     fied language model UniLM (Dong et al., 2019)
                                                               is able to support both uni- and bi-directional at-
To further analyze the effectiveness of our pre-               tention with flexible self-attention mask designs.
trained model, ablation studies have been con-                 Recently, some attempts (Golovanov et al., 2019;
ducted on Daily Dialog. The compared methods                   Wolf et al., 2019) have been made to adapt gen-
include the baseline Seq2Seq, direct fine-tuning               erative language models GPT or GPT-2 for dia-
of BERT, GPT-2 (Radford et al., 2019) and our                  logue generation. Whereas the special issues of
pre-trained model. And there are three different               conversations, such as impacts from background
sizes of training dialogues: 1k, 5k and 11k (total             knowledge and problems of one-to-many relation-
training data). The experimental results measured              ship, are not fully considered and tackled in these
with perplexity are summarized in Table 6. These               adaptations.
results demonstrate that our method outperforms                One-to-many Modeling. Given one piece of con-
the baseline and other pre-training models consis-             text, there exists multiple appropriate responses,
tently with lower perplexity across different train-           which is know as the one-to-many mapping prob-
ing sets. Even with the low-resource data of 1k                lem. To model this one-to-many relationship,
conversations, our model can still obtain promi-               CVAE (Zhao et al., 2017) employs Gaussian dis-
nent performance.                                              tribution to capture the discourse-level variations
   Several interesting conclusions can be also                 of responses. To alleviate the issue of posterior
drawn from these results. Firstly, the compari-                collapse in VAE, some extension approaches are
son between BERT and GPT-2 fine-tuning indi-                   further developed, including conditional Wasser-
cates that uni-directional pre-trained models are              stein auto-encoder of DialogWAE (Gu et al., 2019)
more suitable for dialogue generation. Secondly,               and implicit feature learning of iVAEMI (Fang
our method obtains better performance than GPT-                et al., 2019). Besides the continuous representa-
2, which may result from three aspects: 1) our pre-            tion in VAE, discrete categorical variables are also
training is carried out with the datasets of Reddit            utilized for interpretable generation (Zhao et al.,
and Twitter, which are closer to human conversa-               2018). Additionally, multiple mapping modules
tions as compared with general text; 2) in the pre-            as latent mechanisms are introduced for diverse
training, we adopt more flexible attention mecha-              generation (Chen et al., 2019), where accurate
nisms to fully leverage the bi-directional and uni-            optimization is carried out via posterior mapping
directional information within the context and re-             selection. However, due to the small scale of
sponse. 3) our model has effectively modeled the               annotated conversation data and limited capacity
one-to-many relationship with discrete latent vari-            of generation network, it remains challenging for
able, whose effect has been verified in Table 2.               these methods to balance the diversity and fluency
during response generation.                               Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pages
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