Prezi: Presenting With Style

Page created by Karl Riley
Prezi: Presenting With Style
                           Presenting With Style

                               Instructor: Kyle W. Culpepper

                                          Media Center

          Here you will learn how to:
o   Setup a Prezi account
o   Basic layout
o   Keyboard shortcuts
o   Zoom in & out through canvas
o   Add text
o   Add frames
o   Move frames/text/images
o   Edit time line
o   Insert YouTube Video
o   Insert Audio to frame or whole production
o   Add and customize themes
Prezi: Presenting With Style
Table of Contents:

Setup a Prezi account ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 1 -2

Basic layout ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page 3-6

Keyboard shortcuts --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 7-8

Zoom in & out through canvas ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 9

 Add text ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 10

Add frames ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 11-12

Move frames/text/images --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 13

Edit time line --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 14-15

Insert YouTube Video --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 16-17

Insert Audio to frame or whole production ------------------------------------------------------- Page 18-19

Add and customize themes -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 20-22
Prezi: Presenting With Style
Prezi Quick Reference Guide
                                              Setup Prezi Account

                     Steps                                 What You See

Go to:

Click: Sign up now

Click: Student & Teacher Licenses option

You will be directed to a better set of deals for
your future Prezi use

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Prezi: Presenting With Style
Click: Anywhere on the Enjoy Edu licensing

Note: You can upgrade at a later time to the
Pro Edu

Type: Your VSU email

Click: Continue

You will receive the following prompt

Go to: Your VSU email and follow the
directions provided via the Prezi email

Type: Your information

Click: The checkbox next to “I agree to the
terms of use.”

Click: Sign up

Note: You will be directed into your Prezi

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Prezi: Presenting With Style
Prezi Quick Reference Guide
                                        Opening a New Prezi

                     Steps                            What You See

After logging into your prezi account at

Click: Your Prezis

Click: The blue New prezi button

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Prezi: Presenting With Style
Choose a template or blank prezi:

Templates can be used to give your
presentation guidance

For this guide we will use Resume, any option
will work fine to follow along

Click: Resume (or an alternate template
option) to highlight it

Click: Use Template


Click: Start blank prezi to let your creative
imagination flow

Welcome to your Prezi

Note: Depending on what template chosen
will determine what you will see

Note: If you chose the blank prezi option,
then you will see just a blank screen with all
of the features I will present in this section of
the guide

Brief Layout of Prezi Creation/Edit mode:

The window is your workspace, here you
will be able to drag, drop and add as you
please. This offers a what you see is what
you get feel. This mode allows you to see
the full span of what your whole

Note: Prezi will use the Pan and Zoom
technique for all transitions

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Prezi: Presenting With Style
Located on the left is a timeline.

Note: The order of each image represents the
flow of your presentation, top being first and
bottom being the last slide transition

Note: This is in reference to the Auto play
feature: There is not a way to control the
number of seconds per slide before the next
transition occurs. However, adding voice over
to each slide or adding a new transition to the
same location will further increase the
duration spent on that particular slide

Typical slide duration is 4 seconds if watching
presentation in auto play mode.

Edit Timeline: The pencil icon         if
clicked allows you to edit the direction your
transitions will flow


Located on the top left

Present: Will allow you to watch from where
you are located

Preview window: At the top of the time line.      Preview window
The yellow box shows what part of your
project you are zoomed in at

Undo: Allows you to undo your mistakes

Save: Here you can manually save your work
or if you forget then auto save will work as it
will every minute your project is open

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Prezi: Presenting With Style
Tools: Located In the middle at the top, this
area offers three drop down menus

Frames & Arrows: Frames can be inserted
onto your workspace, which will
automatically be added to the time line as a
zoom in transition point. Arrows can help
direct the path a transition will go to, direct
where your text is pointing out, etc.

Insert: Attach files such as, images, videos
from YouTube, Background Music, PDF’s,
and etc.

Themes: Here you can either develop your
own custom theme for background, font text,
and other color schemes


Options Tab: Here is a dropdown menu for
helpful resource material on how to use and
develop prezi material. Also, the ability to
change the final products screen ratio to be
used, plus the ability to turn on or off
keyboard shortcuts

Share: Here you can share your presentation
with others live using the Online presentation
option, download your presentation to bring to
your meeting as a backup if you cannot go
online, or work with a team of people to
accomplish one presentation

Exit: If you click this option then your prezi
will leave edit mode and send you to the link
your presentation is located at

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Prezi: Presenting With Style
Prezi Quick Reference Guide
                                               Keyboard Shortcuts

The following keyboard shortcuts will work if you have enabled
Editing Shortcuts
  •   F - Draw frame, press again to change frame type (bracket, circle, rectangle or hidden)
  •   L - Load a file on your canvas (image, pdf, video, swf)
  •   S - Draw a shape, press again to change shape type (arrow, line, rectangle, circle, triangle)
  •   P - Go to Path mode
  •   1 - Zoom in
  •   2 - Zoom out
  •   3 - Rotate clockwise
  •   4 - Rotate counter clockwise
  •   Delete, Backspace - Delete selected object(s)
  •   Left, Right, Up, Down - Move the selection 1 pixels
  •   SHIFT + Left, Right, Up, Down - Move the selection 10 pixels
  •   CTRL + S - Save prezi
  •   CTRL + Z - Undo last action
  •   CTRL + Y - Redo last undone action
  •   CTRL + D - Duplicate selected object(s)
  •   CTRL + C - Copy selected object(s)
  •   CTRL + V - Paste copied object(s)
  •   CTRL + SHIFT + M - Toggle screen ratio between the values: 4:3, 16:9, and off.
  •   CTRL + SHIFT + C - Opens the Prezi CSS editor.
  •   Esc (Escape key) - Finish current action or close open dialog
  •   Space - Enters Present mode

Presenting Shortcuts
  •   Right, Left - Move Forward and Back along the Path
  •   Up, Down - Smart Zoom in or out
  •   B - Blackout the screen (move your mouse or press any other key to go back to presenting)
  •   Space - Advance along the path (only in Present mode fullscreen)
  •   HOLD X - When holding down the X key, you can pan around the canvas without clicking
  •   HOLD Z - When holding down the Z key, you can zoom in and out by moving the mouse up and
  •   PageUp, PageDown - Move Forward and Back along the Path (not in full screen)
  •   Escape - End presentation

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Prezi: Presenting With Style
Steps              What You See

To enable keyboard shortcuts:

Click: Options tab

Select: On while inside of the Enable
shortcuts field

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Prezi Quick Reference Guide
                                Zoom In/Out & Moving Around Canvas

                   Steps                             What You See

To zoom in and out simply:

Scroll: Your mouse back (zoom out) and
forward (zoom in)


Mouse Over: The right side of your
presentation while in edit mode to have the
following icons appear

   : The plus magnifying glass zooms in
while the negative signed magnifying glass
zooms out.

   : The home icon will carry you to the
complete scale view of your work

   : The lock screen icon keeps you from
zooming in and out.

Click & Hold: Point on canvas

Drag & Release: Mouse over desired location
to move too

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Prezi Quick Reference Guide
                                                      Add Text

                        Steps                                  What You See

Click: Somewhere on the canvas

Note: A text box will appear with edit tools
above it

                            These are quick ways
                            to control font size
                            and color, which is
                            based on your base
                            theme being used

             : Alters font size of all text in the
text box

          : Alters text color of highlighted text

         : Shows more text editing options such
     •     Textbox highlights
     •     Bullets
     •     Text alignment
     •     Text wrap

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Prezi Quick Reference Guide
                                              Add Frames

                   Steps                                What You See

Frames help to make structured points in your
presentation become more focused. Also,
adding a frame will make a new transition

Scroll: Down or up to the zoomed in location
you wish for your frame to appear

Click: Frames & Arrows tool

Select: Draw Circle Frame

Note: Your cursor will have a circle appear
above it

You can choose any of the Draw ___ Frame
options to do this

Click: Once to mark one point of your frame

Drag: Out a line in the direction you would
like your shape’s diameter to grow out too

Click: Again to mark the end point and create
your new frame

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After its creation it will default as a blank

Click: The frame you just created from the
time line located on the left

You will be zoomed into that frames location

Note: Each frame has a designated number
assigned to it if located in the time line. When
you select a particular frame in this manner
more options will appear at the bottom of your

                 •   Alter the style of your
                     frame using these

                 •   Quickly add a new
                     frame inside of your
                     frame using this option

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Prezi Quick Reference Guide
                                        Move Frames/Text/Images

                    Steps                                What You See

To move a set of items:

Click: Once while zoomed out of a frame
containing a set of items you wish to move

Note: This will highlight the frame selected in
blue and a central option will appear that
looks like a hand with a + and – icon floating
around it

Click + Hold + Drag: The hand icon to any
location on the canvas

To move an individual item:

Click: Once on item you wish to move around

Note: Again this will cause the object to
appear highlighted with a central hand icon

Click + Hold + Drag: The hand icon to any
location on the canvas

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Prezi Quick Reference Guide
                                                Edit Time Line

                     Steps                                 What You See

The timeline is located on the left side of the

Each transition is given a numerical value
ordering from first to last/ top to bottom

To change the order of the transition:

Click: The edit icon

Drag: The slide you wish to reorder and place
in a separate location in the time line

Click: The edit icon to leave edit mode

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Note: While working in edit mode you will
see something much like the following:
An intricate network of one line flowing from
one frame/picture/video to the next.

It is simple to add a new path line to your

Click: On the item you wish to transition to
next (This includes: Images/Frames/Text)

Note: This selected item will then become the
last transition in your time line

Reorder the step in which you transition to
that point by following the steps above

When finished selecting items:
Click: The edit icon again to go out of edit

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Prezi Quick Reference Guide
                                        Insert YouTube Video

                    Steps                              What You See

When you have selected a location that you
would like to insert your YouTube video at

Click: Insert tab

Select: YouTube video….

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Copy & Paste: URL into text box that

Click: Insert

Drag: Video to desired location by using the
hand icon

Note: Be sure to add video into the time line
in order for this to auto play

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Prezi Quick Reference Guide
                            Insert Audio to Frame or Whole Presentation

                    Steps                             What You See

Audio can be added to the whole prezi
presentation or segments can be added to
individual frames inside your presentation

To Insert Audio Segment to A Frame:

Click: The slide you would like to have audio
be played over inside the time line

Click: Insert tab

Click: Add Voice-over to Path Step #....

Find: The audio file on your computer to

Click: Open when you have selected the file
you wish to upload

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Note: You will see your audio file show up
next to the path step in your time line you
have added it to

Click: Done when finished


Click: The trash icon if you wish to remove
the audio file

To Insert Audio To Whole Project:

Note: The audio you add to your presentation
will go in a continual loop. It will fade out
when you have path step audio clip setup on a
frame and fade back in after the clip has
finished playing. The audio will stop playing
for YouTube videos added to your

Click: Insert tab

Select: Add Background Music….

Find & Select: the Audio File you wish to use

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Prezi Quick Reference Guide
                                          Customize Themes

                    Steps                              What You See

Click: Themes tab

There are several base themes you may
choose from. The Customize Current Theme
allows you to insert a 3D background for your
project to lay on top of.

Click: Customize Current Theme…

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Theme Wizard Window:

The top area displays all the settings you
alter from below

Change settings here

Background: This will change the canvas
layers color based on the pallet option you
click on

3D Background: Note this is not a needed
field, however, if used can make for a really
neat fly in effect during your presentation

Custom Logo: This will appear when viewing
the Prezi through present mode

Note: The recommended logo size is 250x100

Click: Next to view more settings

Title 1: Represents the heading of your

Title 2: Represents your subheading of your

Body: Is the general text that you will use
anywhere else in your Prezi

Click: On any of the titles or body to have a
drop down menu appear and change font style
for that body of text throughout your

Click: Next

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Note: For the shapes menu you can only alter
the color that the shape will come out as
throughout your entire presentation

Click: Done when you are finished selecting
your look

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You can also read