Page created by Jeremy Blair
10-19 March 2023


                                                 ACTIVITY PACK
                                                 A range of activities to be
                                                 run with pupils aged 5-11


Delivered by                Supported by

10-19 March 2023

This activity pack is a one-stop
shop to support you during
British Science Week, and you
can use it all year!

         hen developing this pack,          Share your brilliant activities, vlogs
         we looked for activities           or images on social media! Join
         which promote cross-               the conversation or see what’s
curricular learning and break down          happening during the Week by
the stereotypes surrounding science,        tagging British Science Week on
technology, engineering and maths           Twitter (@ScienceWeekUK ) and
(STEM). We therefore encourage you          using the hashtag #BSW23.
to use British Science Week as an
                                                                                     Find an activity near you
opportunity to link STEM to other           All activities (excluding links) have
curriculum subjects and to your pupils’     been health and safety checked           Last year more than 100,000 people
own backgrounds, lives and interests.       and include a list of ‘Watch out’        participated in activities around the
                                            instructions for pupils to follow.       UK. Help us make British Science
We have included activities for pupils to   Find out more information at:            Week 2023 even bigger and better!
complete in any setting, whether that’s        Visit     to find
their school, a club, an organisation or    activities/activity-packs .              science activities in your local area.
at home with their families.


BRITISH SCIENCE WEEK 2023 PRIMARY                                                                                             2
We want to hear from you!
                                                     Tell us what you think of the
2023                                                 activities using our survey…


4        Introducing the theme
5        Making the most of volunteers
6        British Science Week at home
7        Gathering resources for classroom or home
8        Beyond the Week
9        Unlocking skills
10       Bridge blunder
11       Take it home: Fantastic fingerprints
12       Protecting habitat connections
14       Making a moon dial
17       Plant your pants!
19       Invent like a Victorian
20       Yeast growth and temperature
21       Sustainable soap
22       Noisy neighbours
23       Good vibrations
25       Build your own barometer
27       See & eat vegetables
29       Nature connections
32       UNBOXED: Draw a scientist
35       Immunotherapy darts
37       Build a penetrometer
39       Poster competition                             CONNECTIONS

BRITISH SCIENCE WEEK 2023 PRIMARY                                                      3



      he theme this year for British    Try a game, give an audio-visual      Here are some other ideas to
      Science Week is ‘Connections’!    presentation, explore a mystery       include at the beginning of British
      Introduce the theme to pupils     or special object or create a pop-    Science Week:
in a fun, imaginative way to get them   up display which communicates
excited about the Week ahead. You       the theme of ‘Connections’. These        Tell pupils about the plan for
can check out some ideas on how to      activities are great to use as fun       the Week and give them a
do this below:                          warm-ups, and are a fantastic            challenge related to the theme.
                                        way to start British Science Week.       If you are sending home a family
   Ask pupils to design a poster                                                 experiment, maybe you could
                                        Engage pupils by discussing how
   based on this year’s theme                                                    introduce or demonstrate it at
                                        connections are made between
   and enter it into our poster                                                  your school first.
                                        people, plants, animals, materials,
   competition for the chance to
                                        countries and other things in their      Connections are all around
   win some fabulous prizes. Some
                                        everyday lives. What are good            us. Where has the topic of
   of the activities in this pack can
                                        examples of connections?                 connections been in the news
   provide inspiration, simply look
                                                                                 or your local area? What are
   out for the activities marked        Invite a special guest or someone
                                                                                 examples of good and bad
   with the paintbrush symbol           from the school community to
                                                                                 connections? Is there any way
   shown below! The theme for           share with pupils their own
                                                                                 you can encourage conversations
   this year’s poster competition       experience of connections
                                                                                 about this with pupils?
   is ‘Connections’, and you can        (for example, how they have
   find more information on how         made connections with other
   to enter on page 39        and       scientists and learned from
   at           them), showing how connections
   plan-your-activities/poster-         between people can help the
   competition .                        study of connections in science.
                                        See page 5 for information on
                                        how to get volunteers.


BRITISH SCIENCE WEEK 2023 PRIMARY                                                                                   4


Face-to-face engagement is a great
way to get pupils involved and excited
about a volunteer speaker and their
topic, but don’t forget that there are
still opportunities to get volunteers and
presenters to engage with pupils online.

      TEM Ambassadors are volunteers     You could also try some of the               a difference in the world, or an
      who offer their time and           following things:                            anecdote of a science activity
      enthusiasm to help bring STEM                                                   they loved to do as a child.
                                            Schedule two or three different
subjects to life, and to demonstrate
                                            guests for careers talks during           Book your visitors early (as many
their value to young people. It is now
                                            the Week, if possible, to get pupils      speakers get booked up during
possible to request both in-person
                                            anticipating who the next guest will      British Science Week). Have a
and remote STEM Ambassador
                                            be and what they do. These sorts          clear idea of what you want them
support, meaning that Ambassadors
                                            of experiences can inspire pupils to      to do and communicate this with
from across the UK can inspire young
                                            think about what they want to be          them ahead of time.
people wherever they are.
                                            in the future. Remember, they are
                                                                                   Volunteers come from a range
                                            never too young to explore their
Find out more and make a request                                                   of careers and experiences, from
                                            career options!
for STEM Ambassador support here:                                                  engineers, designers and architects               Where available, choose                to scientists and technicians, so
find-a-stem-ambassador .                    volunteers/Ambassadors who             get pupils looking forward to
                                            challenge stereotypes about            inspirational career talks which
You can also look for presenters and        scientists the pupils might            broaden their choices and develop
volunteers via Science Live                 have absorbed, and promote             their job interests!
( ) or ask parents           positive attitude towards science,
and carers if they work in STEM-            like female engineers. Let             Visit the Inspiring the Future website
related jobs to describe what they do       the volunteers/Ambassadors             ( ) for
in more detail.                             share how their job is making          some helpful ideas for using volunteers.

BRITISH SCIENCE WEEK 2023 PRIMARY                                                                                         5


Do you want to help pupils carry on
participating in British Science Week at home,
but are not sure how? Here are our top tips for
engaging parents and carers with the Week.
   Make the most of parent              Get parents and carers thinking      Send an experiment idea home
   newsletters, the Parent-Teacher      about how their own jobs might       during the Week to perhaps spark
   Association (PTA), chat group and    link to STEM subjects and            mealtime discussions around
   text messaging services, if you      encourage them to chat with          science. Try to make it as low-
   have them. Let all the parents       their children about this. You       resource as possible. It can help if
   and carers know at least a month     could do this via a newsletter or    it’s something the pupils have tried
   in advance of the Week what you      send pupils home with activities     or seen at school first so that they
   have planned, and how you’d          they can do with their families,     feel like the ‘experts’ when they
   like them to be involved. They       which may then lead onto further     do it at home with family, allowing
   might be able to collect or donate   conversations.                       them to lead the learning. Some
   materials for use during the                                              of the activities in this pack have
                                        Encourage exploring outdoors, in
   Week, and if you want them to                                             been adapted to be easily run at
                                        the community or in local cultural
   get involved in any experiments                                           home, so they are a great place
                                        spots. This could be anything from
   at home they may need time                                                to start! There are also a range
                                        going on a nature walk around
   to plan and collect materials                                             of science-based home activities
                                        local parks, to spotting STEM
   themselves. The PTA may be able                                           requiring few resources in the
                                        in action on the streets around
   to support you financially to run                                         CREST Home learning collection:
                                        children’s houses. You might want
   activities during the Week or help                              
                                        to check out the free resources
   to drum up parent volunteers.                                             crestawards-low-resource .
                                        available through CREST Awards.
                                        The Star and SuperStar activities
                                        have been designed for primary
                                        school pupils and many can be
                                        done in an outdoor setting. Check
                                        out the CREST primary challenges
                                        collection: primarylibrary.

BRITISH SCIENCE WEEK 2023 PRIMARY                                                                              6


                                       f you can, try to collect materials       Take photographs when out and
                                       throughout the year for use during        about and share these with the
                                       British Science Week. Alternatively,      pupils to foster discussion and
                                    check to see whether there is a              raise their level of understanding
                                    scrap shop/store/club open in                about the connections happening
                                    your local area. These places are            all around us, in plants, building
                                    often membership based and can               structures and so on. The more
                                    be a brilliant, inexpensive or free          colourful, the better! The photos
                                    resource for card, fabric and other          can be a reference point for future
                                    bits of material. Salvaged materials         activities, for example a version of
                                    can be turned into spaceships, trees,        the guessing game ‘I spy’, where
                                    sea creatures and more; you name             you can describe your observation
                                    it - the kids will think of it! Look at      of a connection and the pupils can
                                    to find   attempt to guess it.
                                    a UK directory of scrap stores.
                                                                                 Collect story books and reference
                                                                                 books around the theme of
                                                                                 ‘Connections’ to create a
                                                                                 themed library.

BRITISH SCIENCE WEEK 2023 PRIMARY                                                                                       7


Exploration and curiosity don’t have to end once
British Science Week is over!

     ome of the following ideas could       Consider sharing your British Science
     help you to expand the learning        Week learnings by running a Continuing
     beyond the Week.                       Professional Development (CPD) session
                                            for other teachers in your school or,
Have pupils take part in a CREST            where relevant, academy chain. Think
Award. CREST is a scheme that               about incorporating the Science Capital
encourages young people to think and        teaching approach into your methods:
act like scientists and engineers. Pupils
can complete eight activities to achieve    centres/departments/education-
a Star or SuperStar Award, which will       practice-and-society/science-capital-
see them receive a certificate and          research/science-capital-teaching-
badge. Older pupils could also work         approach .
towards a higher-level CREST Award.
Take a look at the different primary        If you have the opportunity, consider
CREST challenges here:                      running a STEM club or curiosity lab. .            You can find supporting resources at

                                            Look out for the ‘Inspired? Find out
                                            more about CREST’ logo, shown
                                            below, on some of the activities in
                                            this pack. This logo indicates that
                                            this activity is a perfect jumping off
                                            point for designing your own CREST
                                            Awards project!

                                                                 OUT MOR

BRITISH SCIENCE WEEK 2023 PRIMARY                                                     8

2023                                                           Observant


A fantastic way to encourage pupils to take an
interest in STEM is to introduce transferable skills
used by those working in STEM-related jobs.

      hese skills will strengthen          Get pupils leading the way                      Ask pupils to research how
      positive attitudes and reduce                                                        connections have influenced the
                                           A great way to encourage STEM
      stereotypes of those working in                                                      way we live our lives today and
                                           interest in young people is by letting
the field.                                                                                 then write a report for the school
                                           them lead the way. Here’s how you
                                                                                           newsletter or website.
                                           can help them along:
You could, for example, engage pupils
                                                                                           Encourage pupils to design and
in this STEM Person of the Week
                                              Encourage pupils to run their                create their own display, such as
activity from NUSTEM at Northumbria
                                              own activities during British                a display of scientists through
University. Ask pupils to identify what
                                              Science Week. They could either              time. This could be a photo exhibit
attributes people working in STEM
                                              run activities for other members             that emphasises the diversity
need. These might include being
                                              of the class or run some CREST at            of scientists, and which helps to
observant, creative, patient, good at
                                              home activities with their family,           overcome the ‘scientist in a white
communication, or curious. Look out
                                              taking photos to present back to             lab coat’ stereotype.
for the skills unlocked tags for each
                                              their class. Check out the CREST
activity in this pack.
                                              SuperStar activities for inspiration:
See the table below for the complete
                                              crestawards-superstar-                              Collaborative
list of skills developed by NUSTEM
                                              homelearning .
to use as a talking point or to share
with other teachers. Or, as a little bit      Get pupils to run their own
of motivation, why not award each             CREST projects and then use
of the students with a certificate for        them as inspiration for a mini
a STEM skill which they demonstrate           science fair in class. There are
very well during the Week?                    lots of handy CREST resources
                                              on the website:

       Observant               Open-minded              Committed                     Curious                 Logical
        Creative                Imaginative               Patient                Self-motivated            Collaborative
        Resilient             Communicator              Passionate               Hard-working               Organised

BRITISH SCIENCE WEEK 2023 PRIMARY                                                                                           9

This activity is designed to get you thinking about the
connections between weights, forces and measures.
Check out our video demonstration here:                                                                       10

Can you build a model bridge
that supports heavy weights?
   45 – 60 minutes
Skill set: Creative, Imaginative, Logical

       Kit list                    Instructions                                        Watch out
                              You are going to test the best design for a            Avoid weights falling from a height.
  A4 paper                    bridge. Think about which shapes are the
                                                                                     If bridges are high, you will need a bucket
  Weights or other                                                                   of sand or cardboard box filled with
  equipment to act                                                                   crumpled paper underneath to catch
                              1   Using paper and a small amount of tape,
  as ‘weights’ (like                                                                 falling weights.
                                  make your bridge. You can cut, roll, or fold
  coins, blocks)                  the paper if you wish. This is not your final
                                  bridge, just a way to try out your ideas!            Next steps
  Blocks or similar
  to create the gap           2 Test your bridge with weights. Think              This activity is one of the CREST SuperStar
  for the bridge – or           about how to make this a fair test; does it       challenges. Why not try some of the other fun
  gap between chair             matter where you put the weights?                 activities here: primarylibrary.crestawards.
  and tables                                                                      org/#SuperStar .
                              3 Record the maximum weight your bridge
                                could hold. What could you change to
                                                                                  If you are an adult wanting to run CREST Awards
  Sellotape                     make the bridge stronger?
                                                                                  with your pupils, visit the website for advice on
                              4 Using your findings from the first test,          how to get started: .
          E O AV
      VID        A              make one final model and test with the
                                weights again.

                                                                                       At home
                     A B LE

                              5 Show your bridge to the rest of the class.
                                                                                  What did people in ancient times use to build
                                You could take pictures and add notes
                                                                                  bridges? How does this compare to bridges
                                about what you think might make your
                                                                                  built today?
                                bridge stronger and more stable.

                                                                                       Career options
                                                                                     Architects design bridges and buildings, if
                                                                                     you are creative this could be the job for you!
                                                                                     Engineers work out how to bring these
                                                                                     designs to life. This could be a great
                                                                                     career if you like problem solving and
                                                                                     are good at making things, such as the
                                                                                     models in this activity.

 BRITISH SCIENCE WEEK 2023 PRIMARY                                                                                                10

Take it home:
This activity is designed to get you thinking about
fingerprints. Check out the video demonstration here:
Find out if everyone’s fingerprints really are different.
   45 – 60 minutes
Skill set: Curious, Observant, Patient

       Kit list                      Instructions                                          Next steps
                                You will be comparing different fingerprints and    This activity is one of the CREST SuperStar
  Dust (flour, chalk,
                                seeing if you can identify any patterns. What do    challenges. Why not try some of the other fun
  talcum powder,
                                you know about fingerprints? Look at your own       activities here: primarylibrary.crestawards.
  cocoa powder)
                                fingerprints using a magnifying glass.              org/#SuperStar .
  Soft pencils
                                1   Now you are going to take your fingerprints.    If you are an adult wanting to run CREST
  Blank paper (white                Rub a pencil onto a piece of paper or           Awards with your pupils, visit the website
  paper for pencil                  sprinkle a small amount of dust on a table.     for advice on how to get started:
  and cocoa prints;                                                        .
                                2 Now put your thumb on the pencil
  black paper for                 rubbing or in the dust. Then place your
  white powder                    thumb firmly on the sticky side of a piece               At home
  prints)                         of sellotape.
                                                                                    Look for fingerprints on surfaces such
  Sellotape                     3 Stick your sellotape onto a piece of paper.       as glass (e.g. drinking glasses, mirrors or
                                  You should be able to see your fingerprint.       windows). Can you identify who made them?
  Scissors                        Experiment to see what works best to get
                                  clear prints.                                     Can you find out other ways of identifying
  Magnifying glasses                                                                individuals?
                                4 Look at your fingerprints, are the patterns
            E O AV                like the ones at the top of the page?
      VID          A                                                                       Career options
                                5 Compare your prints with other people.
                       A B LE

                                  Are they all different? Can you work out                Forensic scientists will collect evidence
                                  which are yours?                                        from crime scenes and take it to a
                                                                                          laboratory for testing. These tests, like the
                                6 Can you find other ways to collect
                                                                                          activity you have just done, help police
                                                                                          identify who committed the crime. If you
                                                                                          have a lot of patience and like solving
                                     Watch out                                            problems, this could be a career for you!
                                Check if anyone has wheat or nut allergies
                                before using flour and cocoa.

                                Remember to keep fingers out of your mouth
                                and eyes during this activity and to wash
                                your hands thoroughly at the end of the
                                session. Do not use permanent markers.

 BRITISH SCIENCE WEEK 2023 PRIMARY                                                                                                   11

Why do scientists wait around in old buildings in the
middle of the night? They are protecting the connections
in a food web which keep the habitat around the building
healthy. In this activity you will explore what happens if
these connections are broken.
   30 minutes
Skills unlocked: Observant, Patient, Organised

       Kit list                Instructions

2 species sheets         What do you know about food chains and
(see next page)          food webs? BBC Bitesize has a good video
                         and quiz to jog your memory!
Large piece of paper
                         articles/z3c2xnb .
                         1   Cut out the species cards.
Access to the
internet or              2 Write FARM at the top of your poster
reference books            paper.                                            Watch out
                         3 How many different food chains can you       Use scissors safely.
Pen or pencil              make? Draw arrows between the species
                           to show the connections. You may need to
Lined paper                                                                  Next steps
                           look some up.
                                                                        Research how scientists are protecting these
                         4 Which species fit into more than one
                                                                        habitat connections.
                           food chain?
                         5 Can you make a food web?                     Note to teachers: The Bat Conservation Trust
              OUT MOR
         FIND            6 Barn owls and bats roost in an old barn
                                                                        has lots of information about bats here:

                           on the farm. What will happen to them if
                           the barn is knocked down?
                                                                             At home
                         7 Remove the bats and barn owls from your
                           food chains or food web.                     Find out what a bat surveyor does. Draw a
                                                                        picture of a bat surveyor at work. What times do
                         8 Write a short letter to the farmer to tell
                                                                        they work? What equipment are they using?
                           them what will happen on the farm if
                           the barn is knocked down. What should
                           they do?                                          Career options
                                                                           Ecologists study how animals and
                                                                           plants interact with their environment,
                                                                           investigating the connections between
                                                                           species in a habitat, and helping
                                                                           to protect the environment and
                                                                           natural resources.

BRITISH SCIENCE WEEK 2023 PRIMARY                                                                                     12

Apple tree                           Barn owl     Hawk        Beans

     Bee                              Farmer     Ladybird      Cow

   Clover                             Sheep        Oats       Midges

    Moth                              Beetle      Grass     Grasshopper

     Bat                             Blue tit     Sheep       Aphid

Earth worm                           Blackbird   Cabbages

 BRITISH SCIENCE WEEK 2023 PRIMARY                                        13

In this activity you will be finding a book about
the moon, then making your own moon dial to
track the phases of the moon. You can use your
school library, or go to your public library and ask
a librarian to help you find the right book.
   1 hour
Skills unlocked: Curious                                                      14

     Kit list                   Instructions                                   Next steps
A copy of the moon         1   Find a book about the moon. This could     At Reading Sparks, they love making
dial discs printed             be a picture, non-fiction (information)    connections between books and STEM. Some
onto thin card                 or story book. You might find a book on    Reading Sparks groups of young people have
(see next 2 pages)             space with a chapter about the moon.       been making films about books they read.
                               Have a browse and see what you can find.   Have a look and find out more at:
A paper split pin
                           2 Read the book and see if you can find a
Scissors                     picture of the moon in the book. Was it a
                             full, quarter or crescent moon? Use Disc 1        At home
A pencil and some
                             (see next page) to help you decide.
modelling clay                                                            Some people talk about “the man in the
(to make a hole)           3 You can now make your own moon dial          moon”, others see a rabbit. What shape(s) can
                             to help you track through the different      you see on the surface of the moon?
Access to a library          phases of the moon.
                           4 Cut out Discs 1 and 2                             Career options
                             (see next 2 pages).
                                                                          Books are a great way to share your ideas
                           5 Place some modelling clay under each of      and stories. People involved in creating
                             the blue dots then use a pencil to push      books include:
                             through and make a hole.
                                                                             authors who write
                           6 Place Disc 2 on top of Disc 1 and put
                                                                             illustrators who draw
                             the paper split pin through the holes to
                             secure the discs together. You can now          publishers who make everything
                             track the phases of the moon!                   into a book for us to read
                                                                             librarians who help make these books
                                                                             freely available for you to enjoy!
                                Watch out
                               Take care when you are pushing the paper
                               split pin through the card.
                               Use scissors safely.

BRITISH SCIENCE WEEK 2023 PRIMARY                                                                                     14
Moon Dial Template (Disc 1)
            MAKING A MOON DIAL
            MOON DIAL DISC 1
                                                First Quar ter
                             ous                                                              xin
                           bb                                                                    g
                        G i                                                                             C





                                                                                                                          New Moon
Full Moon



                  G       g                                                                          re
                                 n                                                                     s

                                     Wa                                                          t
                                                              Thi r

                                                                                               YOU CAN
                                                                                              KEEP ME!
                                                  © 2021 The Reading Agency. Registered charity number 1085443 (England & Wales)

            BRITISH SCIENCE WEEK 2023 PRIMARY                                                                               15
Moon Dial Template (Disc 2)

                                                                                    YOU CAN
                                                                                   KEEP ME!
                                       © 2021 The Reading Agency. Registered charity number 1085443 (England & Wales)

   BRITISH SCIENCE WEEK 2023 PRIMARY                                                                             16

PLANT YOUR PANTS!                                                                 Watch out
                                                                                Ask for permission before you dig up
Humans are connected to soil. We depend on soil for                             lawns and playing fields.
food (for us and other animals), plant-based fibres like
                                                                                Dig carefully. Look out for any
cotton and linen, for some building materials and even for
                                                                                litter, glass or sharp items in the soil.
medicines. Healthy soil locks up carbon, holds water and
is full of life. Use your senses to explore soil and discover                   Wash your hands carefully after
what it can do!                                                                 touching soil.
     30-45 minutes, plus follow up in 8 weeks                                   Once you have dug up your underpants at
                                                                                the end of the 8 weeks, dispose of in non-
Skills unlocked: Observant, Curious, Patient
                                                                                recycling rubbish.

                                                                                  Next steps
                                                                           To find out how to record and share
            Kit list            Instructions                               your findings, when to dig up your pants,
                                                                           and other ‘plant your pants’ worksheets
                           1   Choose 2 locations with different soil.
                                                                           and activities, go to
 Spade or trowel               • Use a trowel/spade to remove the .
 Tray                            surface layer of soil and then lift a
                                 spadeful of the soil underneath into             At home
 “Hands in the                   the tray.
 Soil” sheet                                                               Find food or clothes that started their lives
                               • Inspect the soil, using the “Hands in     in soil. Look in ingredient lists and clothes
 (see next page)
                                 the Soil” sheet.                          labels. What would life be like without soil?
                           2 Soil-dwelling creatures digest food (other
                                                                                  Career options
 2 pairs of clean            creatures and plant matter) in the soil.
 cotton underpants or        Good soil has more life in it. To find out         Soil scientists study how soil impacts our
 other 100% natural          how much life there is in your 2 soils, you        lives including: food production, water
 fibre clothing or           are going to bury some cotton pants!               storage, nutrient cycles, carbon capture
 material                                                                       and waste disposal.
                               • Describe and draw what you are
 Colouring pencils               burying; think about their colour,             Agronomists work with farmers to help
                                 texture and weigh them.                        them grow healthy crops.
 Weighing scales
                               • Bury pants in each location. Put a             Wildlife and Environment Officers look
                                 marker in the soil so you can find them        after wild plants and animals.
             OUT MOR
                                 later!                                         Horticulturists grow food, flowers and
                               • You are going to leave the pants for 8

                                 weeks. Predict what might happen. Will
                                 they have changed? How?

                           3 After 8 weeks dig up your pants. Were
                             your predictions correct? Why might they
                             have changed?

BRITISH SCIENCE WEEK 2023 PRIMARY                                                                                           17

Soil is a mixture of rock minerals, fungi, millions of tiny         Think about which locations a farmer might prefer to
living creatures (from bacteria to earthworms), dead                grow crops and why.
and decaying organic matter, air and water. Different
                                                                    Which location do you think has the better quality soil?
soils have different amounts of each of these. Get your
hands in the soil and explore it with your senses to see            What do you think humans can do to change the
if you can work out what makes soil good and healthy.               soil quality?

                                                  Soil location 1                              Soil location 2

 Describe the location
 Is it sheltered or in the
 open? Is anything growing
 there? Do people regularly
 tread on it?

 Colour in the box to show the
 colour of the soil.

 What is in the soil?
 e.g. roots, stones, minibeasts,
 earthworms, leaves, pine
 needles, seeds

 e.g. fresh, damp, sweet, sour,
 mouldy, earthy

 e.g. gritty, clumpy, fine, coarse,
 lumpy, stony, shiny, dry, wet,
 sparkly, soft, hard

 Rub a little of the soil between
 your fingers next to your ear.
 e.g. silent, quiet, gritty,
 squeaky, loud, crunchy

 Add a little water and roll the
 soil into a ball.
 e.g. sandy, clay, chalky, spongy,
 slippery, soapy

 BRITISH SCIENCE WEEK 2023 PRIMARY                                                                                         18

The Victorians were keen inventors. Everyday people
used their own life experiences to design new
inventions. Connect to these inventors and ideas from
the past and develop your creativity and problem-
solving skills. Channel your inner inventor and design
something to make life at home easier.
     1 hour
Skills unlocked: Creative, Observant, Imaginative

        Kit list               Instructions
                         1   Create a mind map of problems you
 Coloured pencils            may have in your own home that could
 or pens                     be solved by an invention. These could
                             be related to cooking, cleaning, heating,
 Paper                       sleeping, getting dressed, getting out of
                             bed, gardening, losing things etc.
                         2 Visit The National Archives’ webpage
             OUT MOR
                           on some of the weird and wonderful
                           inventions designed by ordinary people

                           in the Victorian era that were intended
                           for use in the home and garden:
                           of-invention-in-the-victorian-home/ .
                         3 Inspired by these Victorian designs, use
                           coloured pencils or pens to draw an
                           invention to solve a problem in the home.
                           Draw in as much detail as you want!
                         4 Don’t forget to include views from
                           the front, rear and side, as well as
                           measurements, materials and colours.
                         5 Include a sentence about what your
                           invention does, why it is unique and why
                           you decided to design it.
                                                                               Career options
                               Next steps                                     The inventors whose ideas are captured
                         Submit your design online for the chance to          in the design registers used their
                         have your design displayed in ‘The Spirit of         imaginations to solve problems in their
                         Invention’ exhibition at The National Archives, or   own lives and work.
                         even brought to life by a talented maker!
                                                                              They were surgeons, gardeners, farmers,
                                                                              tailors and veterinarians. Lots of STEM
                                                                              careers require the creativity and
                                                                              problem-solving skills used in this activity,
                                                                              not just inventing and engineering!

BRITISH SCIENCE WEEK 2023 PRIMARY                                                                                        19

When baking bread, yeast is added to dough as a raising
agent to make it rise. The ‘bubble’ structure that can be seen
in cooked bread is caused by a gas (carbon dioxide) that yeast
produces as it consumes sugar and grows. This activity tests at
which temperature yeast grows best.
     1 hour
Skills unlocked: Observant

        Kit list                Instructions                                   Watch out
(per experiment)           1   Weigh 30g yeast and 30g sugar and place       A mixture of hot and cold water is needed
                               in a bottle.                                  to obtain the correct water temperature.
 90g dry yeast
                                                                             You should not work with water over 45°C.
                           2 Repeat step 1 for the other 2 bottles.
 90g sugar                                                                   To avoid this risk, ask a teacher/adult if
                           3 Measure 30ml of water using a mixture of        they can prepare flasks of water for you.
 3 small plastic bottles     hot and cold water. Use a thermometer to
                                                                             Be careful not to get any of the yeast
 with lids                   obtain 3 different temperatures for each
                                                                             mixture in your mouth or eyes. If you do,
                             bottle: 15°C, 30°C and 45°C.
 3 water containers                                                          rinse immediately with water.
                           4 Add the water to the mixtures of yeast
                                                                             Do not store beyond the end of the
 3 balloons                  and sugar in the 3 bottles.
                                                                             lesson, pour yeast/sugar/water mixtures
 Weighing scales           5 Put the lids back on bottles and shake all      down the drain with lots of water.
                             3 bottles to mix.
                           6 Take lids off the bottles and attach              Next steps
 Flexible tape               balloons to the top of each bottle
                                                                          Head to the BBC Teach website to see a short
 measure                     immediately.
                                                                          film about this investigation:
                           7 Leave each bottle for 10 minutes.  
             OUT MOR
                                                                          grow-the-most-video-demo .
                           8 Use a tape measure to measure around
                             the widest part of each balloon.

                                                                               At home
                           9 Record the results in a table that shows
                             the water temperature and circumference      Find out what yeast needs to grow. Why
                             of each balloon.                             do bakers need to check their yeast is alive
                                                                          before they use it in baking?
                           10 The larger the balloon, the more gas is
                              being produced and the more the yeast
                              has grown.                                       Career options
                                                                             Bakers and chefs need to understand how
                                                                             yeast grows to help their baking and cooking.
                                                                             Fermentation scientists study
                                                                             fermentation (which involves yeast) and
                                                                             use this knowledge in food and medicines.
                                                                             Chemists explore how different chemicals
                                                                             react when mixed together and under
                                                                             different conditions.
BRITISH SCIENCE WEEK 2023 PRIMARY                                                                                        20

In this activity you will compare solid and liquid
soaps. You will think about whether they are both as
effective at washing hands, and whether one is more
environmentally friendly.
                                                                              Watch out
    1.5-2 hours, plus 4 weeks of observation
                                                                            Mould spores can exacerbate lung
Skills unlocked: Curious, Patient                                           conditions such as asthma. Once the
                                                                            bread is sealed in the bag do not open it
                                                                            Once the investigation is complete, seal
                                                                            all of the bags of bread in another sealed
                                                                            bag before disposing in the the non-
                                                                            recycling rubbish.
        Kit list               Instructions                                 Do not store bread beyond 4 weeks.
                         1   Get into a group of 3.
                                                                            Adults may need to warn colleagues that
 Fresh white bread       2 One person will wash their hands with the        you are deliberately growing mould so that
 Clear new                 liquid soap, one person will use the bar of      the investigations are not thrown away too
 sealable bags             soap, and one person will not wash their         soon.
                           hands.                                           File/P006-Growing-fungi-on-food.pdf .
                         3 Each group member should pick up and
 Liquid hand wash          handle a piece of bread.
                                                                              Next steps
                         4 Next, seal your piece of bread in a clear
 Bar of soap                                                             This activity is taken from CIEC’s ‘Sustainable
                           plastic bag. Label your bag to show which
                                                                         stories and solutions for our planet’ resource.
 Access to hand            type of soap was used.
                                                                         CIEC would like to thank Innospec for adding
 washing facilities      5 Put the sealed bags of bread somewhere        new activities in 2022, and to Thomas
                           warm and dark. Make sure that they don’t      Swan and Co. Ltd for funding the initial
                           get too hot, or they will dry out.            development of this publication, which can be
             OUT MOR                                                     downloaded free of charge at
        FIND             6 Look at the bread through the bag every
                           few days and record what happens.
                                                                         sustainability.html .

                           After a while you should see mould
                           start to grow.                                     At home
                         7 Do you notice any differences between         Have you ever thought about how much more
                           the amount of mould growing on the            volume there is in a bottle of hand wash
                           bread? What does this tell you about the      compared to a bar of soap?
                           importance of handwashing? What does it
                           tell you about how well different types of    What other liquid products do you have at
                           soap work?                                    home? How many of them do you think
                                                                         would work in a solid formulation?

                                                                              Career options
                                                                         Companies like
                                                                         are helping us to live more sustainably by
                                                                         developing a wider range of solid products,
                                                                         such as shampoo.

BRITISH SCIENCE WEEK 2023 PRIMARY                                                                                       21

This activity explores how sounds travel and begins
with an everyday common experience.
This is then followed up with hands on activities so you
can experience hearing sounds in different ways.
   15 minutes to 3 hours
Skills unlocked: Creative, Communicator, Collaborative

     Kit list                  Instructions                                    Watch out
                         1   Discuss the following questions in groups:      Be careful when poking holes in
Paper                                                                        the paper cups.
                             • Have you ever heard your neighbours
Metal coat hangers             in the next house or flat?                      Next steps
                             • Was the door or window open?               Extend this activity by using different
2 pieces of
60cm string                  • How do you think the sounds travel         lengths of string.
                               from your neighbour to your ear?
Paper cups                                                                Note to teachers: This activity is based upon
                         2 Draw labelled diagrams of how you heard        the primary science capital approach, which
20m of string (kite        your neighbour(s), indicating all the          uses children’s experiences to enhance their
string/fishing line        different materials the sound had to travel    learning and enables them to become the
is best)                   through to get to your ears.                   experts. Further information can be found
                                                                          here: .
                         3 Tie one piece of 60cm length string to
A compass                  one side of a metal coat hanger and the
                           second piece to the other side of the               At home
                           hanger. Wrap the other end of each piece
                                                                          Why do some animals have larger ears than
                           of string around each forefinger and then
                                                                          others? Find out by making a cone with A3
                           put your forefingers in each ear. Listen
                                                                          paper. Try listening with and without a cone.
                           as you gently swing the coat hanger so
                           it hits an object like a desk. How did the
                           sound travel to your ears? How does the
                           sound differ when you repeat this without           Career options
                           putting your fingers in your ears?
                                                                             Sound is everywhere. Sound engineers
                         4 Investigate string telephones – poke              and technicians are needed to ensure
                           a hole in the bottom of 2 paper cups,             good sound quality at concerts. They help
                           threading a piece of string 20m long              make TV and radio programmes, design
                           through each cup, and knotting the                quieter machines and buildings, as well as
                           ends to stop it pulling through the cup.          voice-activated devices.
                           Ensuring the string is taut, get a partner
                                                                             Audiologists test people’s hearing and fit
                           to talk into the cup whilst you listen. What
                                                                             hearing aids.
                           can you hear?

BRITISH SCIENCE WEEK 2023 PRIMARY                                                                                     22

In 2020, most countries imposed a lockdown. It was
difficult for people to connect with others and less
movement made the world quieter. This was good
for scientists investigating connections between
underground vibrations (seismic waves, similar to
sound waves). Learn how scientists measure seismic
vibrations by making a simple seismometer.
    45 minutes
Skills unlocked: Curious, Collaborative, Resilient

        Kit list               Instructions                               Watch out
                          1   Look at the diagram on the                Take care when making holes in the box
 A cardboard box              following page.                           and the cup. You might want an adult to
 (a shoe box is ideal)                                                  do this for you. You might prefer to use
                          2 Remove the lid of a shoe box.
                                                                        tape to attach the different parts.
 A paper or
                          3 Make slits on opposite sides of the
 plastic cup                                                            Paper will need to be pulled slowly
                            box, so paper can be threaded slowly
                                                                        through the box.
 A felt tip pen             through at the bottom.
                          4 Make one hole in the bottom of the            Next steps
                            cup and push the tip of a felt tip pen
                                                                     To find out more about seismic activity, you
 String                     through this hole.
                                                                     might like to read PSTT’s I bet you didn’t
                          5 Make 2 holes on opposite sides of        know… article, ‘What happens underground
                            the rim of the cup and tie some string   when humans stay indoors’. You might like
 A long strip of paper      to each hole.                            to try other related activities described in the
                                                                     associated Teacher Guide. Both can be found
                          6 Attach the other end of each string to
                            the top of the box so that the cup is
             OUT MOR        dangling inside the box and the pen is
        FIND                resting on the paper strip.
                                                                     schools .

                          7 Now you are ready to measure seismic
                                                                          At home
                            events. Remember - the larger the
                            movement of the box (caused by           Where can you see or feel vibrations in your
                            seismic activity), the larger the pen    home? What causes them? Can you record
                            scribble.                                these vibrations using your seismometer?
                          8 You could investigate seismic activity
                            created through jumping on a PE               Career options
                            mat. Which types of jumps create the
                                                                        Seismologists measure vibrations
                            greatest seismic activity?
                                                                        travelling underground to help to find
                          9 Have someone slowly pull the paper          out where there is significant seismic
                            through the bottom of the box, whilst       activity and to predict where potential
                            you jump on the mat.                        earthquakes might happen.
                                                                        You could visit PSTT’s resource - A
                                                                        Scientist Just Like Me – to find out about
                                                                        other science-related jobs:
                                                                        resources/curriculum-materials/ASJLM .

BRITISH SCIENCE WEEK 2023 PRIMARY                                                                                   23


                                                                              A cardboard box
                                                                              (a shoe box is ideal)

                                                             A felt tip pen

                                                          A paper or
                                                          plastic cup

                         A long strip of paper

BRITISH SCIENCE WEEK 2023 PRIMARY                                                                     24

Antartica is like the Earth’s barometer: what happens
there tells us how the world’s climate will change in the
future. A barometer is used to measure atmospheric
pressure. This influences rainfall, temperature, winds
and storminess. In this activity you will make your own
                                                                                 Watch out
barometer to measure the atmosphere around you.
                                                                               Take care when using materials,
    1 hour
                                                                               particularly when cutting the plastic bottle
Skills unlocked: Observant, Creative, Collaborative                            and using glues and tapes.
                                                                               Ensure the equipment you make is used
                                                                               safely and responsibly.
        Kit list               Instructions
                                                                               Store somewhere secure and not liable to
                         1   To build your own barometer:                      being knocked over.
 A 2-litre see-through
 plastic water bottle        • Cut off the curved upper part and neck          In the interest of hygiene, choose one
 (empty)                       of the bottle.                                  person to suck water through the tube
                                                                               rather than passing this around.
 Clear plastic tubing        • Fix the ruler on the inside with the
 (approx. 50cm)                numbers going up.                                 Next steps
 Ruler and pen               • Tape the tube inside the bottle a few        The UK Antarctic Heritage Trust (UKAHT) is
                               centimetres from the bottom to allow         a unique charity working to help everyone
 Sticky tape and               water to be sucked through it. Secure        discover, understand, value and protect
 blu tack                      the tube near the top of the bottle          Antarctica. They care for 6 historic bases
                               using tape, making it in line with the       on the Antarctic Peninsula representing the
 Water                                                                      birthplace of British climate science on the
                               ruler. The rest can be left to hang loose.
 Food colouring                                                             continent. Find out more at
                             • Fill the bottle up to the halfway mark .
 Scissors                      with water and add food colouring to
                               make it easier to see.
                                                                                 At home
                             • Suck water halfway up the tube and
             OUT MOR                                                        You can make your own barometer and carry
        FIND                   trap it with your tongue. Use blu tack
                               to seal the end of the tube and lock the
                                                                            out your own weather monitoring at home.

                                                                            Do you get different measurements at home
                               water in. You are now ready to measure!      compared to school?
                         2 The water level will rise and fall depending
                           on the air pressure. When there is higher             Career options
                           pressure, the water will rise. This means
                                                                            Lots of different types of people are needed
                           there is increased chance of clear weather.
                                                                            to monitor and protect the climate in
                           When air pressure lowers, the water
                           will fall. This means there is increased
                           likelihood of clouds and rain.
                                                                               Biologists, geologists and meteorologists
                         3 Monitor the changes for a set period of             collect and study data.
                           time – this could be a week, a month or
                                                                               Conservators, carpenters and electricians
                           a whole term. Make a note of what the
                                                                               look after the historic bases.
                           weather was like following the reading.
                           How good is your barometer at predicting            Architects, engineers and inventors design
                           changes in the weather?                             new buildings and equipment.

BRITISH SCIENCE WEEK 2023 PRIMARY                                                                                          25

 Blu tack

 Clear plastic tubing (approx. 50cm)

                               Sticky tape
                                               A 2-litre see-through plastic
                                               water bottle


                                             Water with food colouring

BRITISH SCIENCE WEEK 2023 PRIMARY                                              26

SEE & EAT                                                                       Watch out

VEGETABLES                                                                    Please follow your school’s guidelines
                                                                              when using electronic devices for the
                                                                              research activity.
In this activity, you will explore the connection between
                                                                              Use scissors carefully.
how vegetables grow and how they end up on your
dinner plate. You will see the field to fork journey of one
                                                                                Next steps
vegetable – broccoli – and create your own storyboard
about a different vegetable, showing the different                         Visit    for more activities to
stages of its journey from field to fork.                                  help you learn about vegetables and where
                                                                           they come from. Download the See & Eat
   1+ hours
                                                                           vegetable ebooks or use the Our Story 2 app
Skills unlocked: Observant, Creative, Curious                              to make your own ebook about a vegetable’s
                                                                           field to fork journey.

                                                                           Plant vegetables in the school’s garden and
       Kit list                Instructions                                use these for cooking activities.
                         1   Look at the activity template (see next
Paper/card                   page) that shows the 6 steps of broccoli’s
                                                                                At home
                             field to fork journey: growing, harvesting,
Pencils or paint             shopping, preparing, cooking and eating.      Why not visit a farm to see how vegetables
                                                                           grow, or go to the supermarket to see all the
Scissors                 Optional for teachers: Visit
                                                                           different shapes, sizes and colours vegetables
                         to see broccoli’s field to fork journey in
                                                                           can be?
Glue                     pictures and share this using your interactive
Craft materials                                                                 Career options
(e.g. junk, felt,        2 Choose another vegetable and research
foam, tissue, clay,                                                           This activity teaches you how to find and
                           its field to fork journey:
lolly sticks, paper                                                           use relevant information to learn more
plates, wool, foil)          • How does it grow?                              about the world. This is a key skill used by
                                                                              all scientists.
Activity template            • How does it get to the supermarket?
(see next page)                                                               The See & Eat books were created by
                             • How do you prepare and cook it?                psychologists interested in how we can
Optional: computer,          • What might you serve it with for               help people choose healthy foods to eat.
iPad or tablet to              dinner?
look at See & Eat
resources                3 Make a storyboard of your vegetable’s
                           field to fork journey using paper and
                           colouring pencils or craft materials. Try to
                           include each of the key stages.
                         4 Share what you have discovered with the
                           rest of your group or class.

BRITISH SCIENCE WEEK 2023 PRIMARY                                                                                        27
Please go to the end of this pack for an A3 version with cutting guide.

                   1. Growing                                             2. Harvesting

                  3. Shopping                                             4. Preparing

                    5. Cooking                                              6. Eating

 BRITISH SCIENCE WEEK 2023 PRIMARY                                                        28

CONNECTIONS                                                     CATERPILLAR                                  OAK TREE

Ecosystems are communities of living and non-living
things in an environment. They can include things like
animals and plants as well as water and soil. This fun
activity shows you how everything in an ecosystem is            EARTHWORM                                     BLUE TIT
interdependent, and that the loss of one connection
has knock-on effects…
     20 minutes
Skills unlocked: Collaborative, Observant, Imaginative

       Kit list                Instructions                                        Next steps
Scissors (to cut out     1   Everyone forms a circle and chooses one          Conduct a nature survey around school and
ecosystem elements,          ‘ecosystem element’.                             replicate this activity with the wildlife you
see next page) OR                                                             find! You need to find 12 different animals,
white boards and         2 One player holds the string and tells the
                                                                              plants, or resources. You can use the Seek
board pens (to write       group their ecosystem element. If you
                                                                              app to help identify wildlife
out ecosystem              have a connection to this element, explain
elements)                  why. The player with the string decides
                           which connection best fits and lets out
                                                                              Find further resources on nature, climate
Ball of string             the string to that player.
                                                                              change and sustainability at
                         3 The next player does the same. As the     .
                           game progresses a web of ecosystem
             OUT MOR       connections will form.                             Check out this biodiversity video:
        FIND             4 Keep strings tight and stop when you run

                           out of connections or string!
                                                                                   At home
                         5 Now, choose one human action
                           (e.g. climate change) and think about              Why not help to improve habitats for local
                           how it might impact your ecosystem.                nature around your home by making an apple
                           Tell the group if you think your ecosystem         bird feeder to feed local birds?
                           element would be affected. The group     
                           decides which is most affected and that            WWF_Apple_Feeder_Activity_Sheet_0.pdf .
                           player leaves the circle dropping their
                                                                                   Career options
                         6 As each player leaves, what happens?
                                                                                 Ecologists advise construction companies
                           As you lose connections, how will
                                                                                 on where they can build so they don’t
                           the remaining plants and animals be
                                                                                 disrupt important habitats.
                                                                                 Environmental policy advisors give expert
                                                                                 advice to the government and other
                               Watch out                                         organisations on issues like climate
                                                                                 change and habitat loss.
                             Be careful not to trip over the string it or
                             tangle anyone up in it.                             Sustainability officers work to make their
                                                                                 organisations more environmentally
                              Use scissors safely.

BRITISH SCIENCE WEEK 2023 PRIMARY                                                                                         29

                              Blackbird                  Blue tit
                              Eats earthworms,           Eats caterpillars, fruits
                              caterpillars, spiders,     and seeds
                              fruits and seeds

                              Earthworm                  Oak tree
                              Eats soil, rotting         Needs sunlight, water and
                              leaves and roots           nutrients from the soil

                                                         The leaves and branches
                                                         provide food for many

                              Slug                       Brambles
                              Eats leaves. Can be        Animals can eat the
                              found in damp, dark        leaves or berries of the
                              places                     bramble plant.

                              Spider                     Tawny owl
                              Eats insects               Eats small birds
                                                         and mice

                              Centipede                  Common frog
                              Eats insects, likes dark   Eats insects, worms
                              damp places                and slugs

BRITISH SCIENCE WEEK 2023 PRIMARY                                                    30

                              Wood pigeon                 Red fox
                              Eats seeds and fruits       Eats mice, rabbits, slugs,
                                                          frogs, fruits and berries

                              Dandelion                   Hedgehog
                              Needs sunlight, water and   Eats slugs, worms,
                              nutrients from the soil     insects and berries

                              The leaves are eaten by
                              animals and bees get
                              nectar from the flowers.

                              Caterpillar                 Grey squirrel
                              Eats fresh green leaves     Eats acorns and
                                                          other nuts

                                                          They make their homes
                                                          in trees, piles of leaves
                                                          or in buildings.

                              Woodlouse                   Honeybee
                              Eats rotting leaves and     Drinks nectar and eats
                              fungi, likes dark damp      pollen from flowers

                              Water                       Soil
                              Plants and animal need      Plants need water and
                              water to survive. Frogs     nutrients in the soil to
                              and newts lay eggs in       grow. Worms eat soil
                              water.                      and live in it.

BRITISH SCIENCE WEEK 2023 PRIMARY                                                      31

Growing up you will learn and develop lots of new skills. Whilst
some jobs, like a bus driver and a dentist, are very different to
each other, you will find that many skills needed are the same.
In this activity you will explore the skills and creativity in STEM.
    30–45 minutes
Skills unlocked: Open-minded, Collaborative

        Kit list               Instructions                                    Next steps
                         1   Look at the job profiles of the different    This activity is part of the UNBOXED
 Plain A3 paper
                             scientists involved in UNBOXED               Creations CREST Discovery Award.
 or a couple of
                             (see next page).                             View the full resource here:
 sheets of A4
                         2 In the middle of your paper, draw a
 Pencils                   scientist. Be as creative as you want!
                                                                          If you want to investigate more scientists
                           Remember, all scientists look different and
 Crayons                                                                  and the skills they use, check out the
                           do different jobs.
                                                                          ‘Smashing Stereotypes’ webpage:
 Job profiles            3 Next, think about what skills your scientist
 (see next page)           needs to do their job. Write these around      activities/smashing-stereotypes .
                           your drawing. Try to think of as many
 Optional: ruler           skills as possible.
                                                                               At home
                         4 Now think about an artist. What skills do
                                                                          Discuss at home what skills your parents,
             OUT MOR       they need? Put a tick by the skills you
        FIND               think an artist also has.
                                                                          carers or other people you know have.
                                                                          Do they have to be creative in their jobs?

                         5 Did you list ‘creativity’? Both scientists     Do they have to work with people with
                           and artists need to think creatively.          different skills?
                           Discuss why that may be.
                         6 In a different coloured pen/pencil, put             Career options
                           another tick by the skills that you have.
                                                                             UNBOXED: Creativity in the UK saw STEM
                         7 If you are doing this activity at school          and arts professionals working together
                           or in a group, you could all share your           to create 10 exciting projects across the
                           pictures. Are there similarities between          UK. This included a magical forest-garden
                           the skills you all listed?                        in Birmingham city centre and an art
                                                                             sculpture of a SEE Monster in the sea!
                                                                             Skills learnt in these STEM subjects can
                                                                             be applied to many different jobs.

BRITISH SCIENCE WEEK 2023 PRIMARY                                                                                      32

   Name                                  Name                                  Name
   Dev Joshi                             Leah Gowing                           Annabelle Ohene

   Job title                             Job title                             Job title
   Technical Director                    Architectural Trainee                 Engineer

   What is my job?                       What is my job?                       What is my job?
   I work on the technology of the       An architect’s job is to notice       I worked on bringing together
   Dreamachine. This project is a        tiny details, and make sure           the technology to create
   magical experience that uses light    everything is built correctly.        Geolights. These are a type
   and music to let visitors ‘see’ a     For the Polinations project (a        of rechargable, handheld LED
   wonderful, colourful world in their   man-made city-centre forest) I        light which can be controlled
   mind. We created Dreamachine          created computer images of it to      remotely, depending on where
   to stimulate people’s brains,         see how it would look in real life.   it is located, to change colour.
   allowing every person to use their    I also get involved in the building   The technology included: real-
   brain and conjure up their own        and decorating.                       time location tracking (like the
   world of colour.                                                            maps on a smartphone) and
                                         How is my job                         battery charging.
                                         linked to creativity?
   How is my job                         I needed to think creatively when     How is my job
   linked to creativity?                 designing the Polinations forest.     linked to creativity?
   I make sure the light and sound       I had to ask myself, how can I        Artists who work on large-scale
   do the right thing, which is to       design a structure that fits in       outdoors exhibitions and events
   make visitors’ brains conjure         with the surroundings, but is also    will use Geolights, so I had to
   up wonderful images that they         beautiful like a forest?              understand their ideas and use
   ‘see’ with their eyes closed. We                                            creative problem solving to
   test these and come up with                                                 create working light designs.
   different combinations of sound
   and light too.

BRITISH SCIENCE WEEK 2023 PRIMARY                                                                                 33
UNBOXED: DRAW A SCIENTIST                                                OUR PLACE IN SPA

   Name                                     Name                                  Neptune

   Luke Blakely                             Nicole Stott                                      Uranus

   Job title                                Job title
   Educator/Performer                       Astronaut, Aquanaut
                                            and Artist

   What is my job?                          What is my job?
   I do a number of things! I run           I have been lucky enough to
   circus workshops but also work           explore both outer space and the
   as a street theatre performer,           deep oceans. I study the areas,
   which can be science themed.             and conduct experiments too.
   I try to make science as fun             I take things from Earth, and
   and magnificent through stunts           find out how they act in space,
   and tricks.                              where the surroundings are
                                            different. I also study the marine
   How is my job                            environment.
   linked to creativity?
   I combine performing and                 How is my job
   science, which means I have to           linked to creativity?                Jupiter
   constantly think of new, exciting,       I’m an artist too! So I love using
   creative and unique ways to              the beauty of space and sights
   ‘show’ science with my voice,            beneath the sea as inspiration
   gestures and body. I am always           for artwork that I do such as
   thinking about the connections           paintings or making jewelry.
   between what I can physically
   perform and science, to do this.

                                                 The Moon



                                                  The Sun

BRITISH SCIENCE WEEK 2023 PRIMARY                                                                      34

IMMUNOTHERAPY                                                                     Watch out

DARTS                                                                           Make sure the dartboard is secure and
                                                                                won’t fall when hit with darts. Make sure
                                                                                you do this activity in a safe area where
This activity demonstrates how cancer immunotherapy                             you can’t hit anyone or anything which
works. Immunotherapy is a treatment that uses the body’s                        might be knocked over! Ensure no one is
immune system to prevent, control and get rid of cancer.                        standing near the dartboard when darts
Immunotherapy targets cancer cells by taking advantage                          are being thrown.
of how the immune system recognises different cells in the
                                                                                Use scissors carefully.
body through different shaped molecules on their surface.
   30 mins
                                                                                  Next steps
Skills unlocked: Patient
                                                                             If you enjoyed this activity, take a look at
                                                                             some other activities:
                                                                             org-related-activities .
     Kit list                   Instructions
                           1   Print off the worksheet. Cut out the cells         At home
Magnetic dartboard/            and stick them to your dartboard. Healthy
                                                                             Do you know that cells of the immune system
noticeboard                    cells (pink) should be evenly spread
                                                                             interact with many other diseases? Can you
                               across the dartboard. Cancer cells (green)
Magnetic darts                                                               find out more about the immune system and
                               are found less frequently and are harder
                                                                             these diseases?
                               to hit. Cancer cells should be placed close
Different cells of
                               to healthy cells.
different shapes
made of paper stuck
                                                                                  Career options
                           2 Use the darts to try and hit as many
on the dartboard/            cancer cells as you can. But watch out, if         Immunologists study the immune system,
noticeboard                  you hit healthy cells, you’ll lose points.         which helps us understand how to treat
(see next page)                                                                 lots of different health issues. Many
                           3 Cancer cells are worth 100 points, healthy
                                                                                immunologists work in a laboratory
Double sided tape            cells are -20 points. Make sure you keep
                                                                                focusing on research, such as developing
or blu tack                  score and add up your points at the end
                                                                                immunotherapies against cancer, and
                             of your turn.
A way of keeping                                                                others are “clinical immunologists”
score                      4 Did you find that hard or easy? We can             – doctors who diagnose and manage
                             boost our immune system through                    diseases of the immune system.
Scissors                     immunotherapy. Move closer to the board
                             and try again. Does that make it easier?

BRITISH SCIENCE WEEK 2023 PRIMARY                                                                                           35


How connected are you to the ground beneath your feet?
The food we eat is reliant on the soil it is grown in. If the
soil is too squashed, or compacted, plants will struggle to
grow. You are going to build a penetrometer to measure soil
compaction and compare soils in different locations.
     1 hour
Skills unlocked: Observant

        Kit list               Instructions
                         1   On a hard surface, use a permanent marker
 A knitting needle or        to draw a line on the knitting needle at the
                                                                                 Next steps
 skewer                      same height as the top of the cotton reel.     Visit
                                                                            to take part in the ‘Engineering Educates:
 Cotton reel             2 Wrap a rubber band around the top of the
                                                                            Farmvention Challenge’ and discover how you
 Rubber band                                                                can use your STEM skills to design a farm of
                         3 Put the needle inside the cotton reel and        the future.
 Permanent marker          slide the rubber band to the top of the
                           cotton reel.                                     Sign up for Science Farm LIVE!, engaging live
 Ruler                                                                      lessons that will be beamed from the farm to
                         4 Choose a range of soil locations around
                                                                            the classroom during #BSW23:
                           the school – which do you think will have
                           the most compacted soil and why?
             OUT MOR
        FIND             5 At each location, place your penetrometer
                           and carefully push the needle into the
                                                                                 At home

                           ground. Once you can no longer push              Compacted soil stops plant roots from
                           the needle into the ground, remove the           growing properly, meaning farmers have
                           needle from the spool and measure the            fewer crops. Can you design an invention to
                           distance between the line and the rubber         solve this real-life problem?
                           band with a ruler.
                         6 Record the reading at each location. The              Career options
                           smaller the distance, the more compacted
                                                                               Agronomists advise farmers on what to
                           the soil.
                                                                               grow and where to grow it. They are soil
                                                                               experts and tools, such as penetrometers,
                                                                               help them to do their jobs.
                               Watch out
                                                                               Lots of professionals use penetrometers
                             Remember that the end of the needle/
                                                                               to help them investigate how machinery
                             skewer is sharp. Keep the sharp end
                                                                               affects soil including:
                             away from your face and never point it at
                             anyone else.                                      • soil scientists
                             Be very careful when pushing your                 • engineers
                             needle/skewer into the ground. Do not
                             apply excessive force.                            • farmers.

                             Wash hands thoroughly after handling soil.

BRITISH SCIENCE WEEK 2023 PRIMARY                                                                                         37
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