PRODUCT RECALLS Identification of unsafe product issues April 2018 - Helmsman Quality & Technology Services - HQTS

Page created by Clifford Fischer
PRODUCT RECALLS Identification of unsafe product issues April 2018 - Helmsman Quality & Technology Services - HQTS
      Identification of unsafe product issues
                                April 2018

                 Helmsman Quality & Technology Services
                   152 North Jianxin Road, Fuzhou, Fujian, China
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PRODUCT RECALLS Identification of unsafe product issues April 2018 - Helmsman Quality & Technology Services - HQTS
EU    The recalled products quantity in Apr. 2018 is 97 of 12 categories. The top three categories with the most recalled products are Childcare Articles & Children's Equipment and Toys
      (34), Chemical Products (16), and Cosmetics and Personal Care Products (11). Most of the products come from China (53). And the main risks are chemical, electric shock, and
      choking. More risk analysis and the percentage of each product category are shown in the below statistical charts.

                       EU - Major Reason Analysis - Apr. 2018                                          EU - Percentage of Each Product Category
         50.00% 47.4%
                                                                                                                                                          Childcare Articles and Children’s
                                                                                                            2.1%      2.1%   1.0%                         Equipment and Toys
         45.00%                                                                                                                              1.0%         Chemical Products
         40.00%                                                                                                              1.0%
         35.00%                                                                                                2.1%                                       Cosmetics and Personal Care Products
         30.00%                                                                                                                                           Lighting Equipment
         25.00%     18.6%                                                                                                              35.1%              Electrical Appliance and Equipment
         20.00%         15.5%13.4%13.4%                                                                   8.2%
         15.00%                                                                                                                                           Clothing, Textiles and Fashion Items
         10.00%                        5.2%                                                             11.3%
                                            2.1% 1.0%1.0%1.0%1.0%               Percentage                                                                Machinery
          0.00%                                                                                                    11.3%         16.5%                    Hobby/Sports Equipment


                                                                                                                                                          Pressure Equipment/Vessels

                                                                                                                                                          Protective Equipment

                                                                                                                                                          Construction Products

USA   The recalled products quantity in Apr. 2018 is 18 of 7 categories. The categories with the most recalled products are Electrical Appliance and Equipment (6) and Machinery (5). Most
      of the products come from China (11). And the main risks are fire, burns and injuries. More risk analysis and the percentage of each product category are shown in the below
      statistical charts.

                                                                                    2| of 42 P a g e
PRODUCT RECALLS Identification of unsafe product issues April 2018 - Helmsman Quality & Technology Services - HQTS
US - Major Reason Analysis - Apr. 2018                                             US - Percentage of Each Product Category
       30.00% 27.8%                                                                                                                                     Electrical Appliance and
       25.00%      22.2%                                                                                        5.6%   5.6%
       20.00%              16.7%                                                                         5.6%

       15.00%                                                                                                                            33.3%          Childcare Articles and Children’s
                                 11.1%11.1%                                                               11.1%                                         Equipment and Toys
                                           9.0% 9.0% 9.0% 9.0% 9.0%
       10.00%                                                                                                                                           Clothing, Textiles and Fashion
        5.00%                                                                   Percentage                11.1%                                         Items
                                                                                                                                                        Lighting Equipment
        0.00%                                                                                                                    27.8%
                                                                                                                                                        Hobby/Sports Equipment

                                                                                                                                                        Protective Equipment

CAN Summary
    The recalled products quantity in Apr. 2018 is 18 of 5 categories. The categories with the most recalled products are Childcare Articles & Children's Equipment and Toys (6) and
    Electrical Appliance and Equipment (5). Most of the products come from China (8). And the main risks are choking, burns and injuries. More risk analysis and the percentage of major
    product categories are shown in the below statistical charts.

                    CAN - Major Reason Analysis - Apr. 2018                                            CAN - Percentage of Each Product Category
                  29.4%                                                                                                   5.9%                             Childcare Articles and Children’s
                                                                                                                                                           Equipment and Toys
       25.00%               23.5%
                                                                                                                  11.8%                                    Electrical Appliance and
       20.00%                        17.6%      17.6%
                                                                                                                                                           Hobby/Sports Equipment
       15.00%                                            11.8%       11.8%        Percentage
       10.00%                                                                                                               29.4%                          Cosmetics and Personal Care
                                                                                                                                                           Protective Equipment
                 Choking    Burns    Injuries    Fall     Fire      Infection

                                                                                    3| of 42 P a g e
PRODUCT RECALLS Identification of unsafe product issues April 2018 - Helmsman Quality & Technology Services - HQTS
AUS   The recalled products quantity in Apr. 2018 is 16 of 7 categories. The categories with the most recalled products are Communication and Media Equipment (5) and Electrical
      Appliance and Equipment (4). And the main risks are fire, injuries and electric shock. More risk analysis and the percentage of major product categories are shown in the below
      statistical charts.

                       AUS - Major Reason Analysis - Apr. 2018                                         AUS - Percentage of Each Product Category
         50.00%      43.8%
                                                                                                                                                          Communication and Media
         45.00%                                                                                                                                           Equipment
         40.00%                                                                                                       6.3%                                Electrical Appliance and Equipment
         30.00%              25.0% 25.0%                                                                                               31.3%              Childcare Articles and Children’s
         25.00%                                                                                    6.3%                                                   Equipment and Toys
         15.00%                                    12.5%                                                                                                  Machinery
                                                                               Percentage                  18.8%
         10.00%                                            6.3%    6.3%
          5.00%                                                                                                                   25.0%                   Clothing, Textiles and Fashion
          0.00%                                                                                                                                           Items

                                                                                                                                                          Hobby/Sports Equipment

                                                                                                                                                          Food Contact Materials

                                                                                    4| of 42 P a g e
EU - Monthly Overview Report - Apr. 2018
      Submitted        Alert
No.                               of      Product                                                      Risk                                         Measures
          By       Number
1     Germany     A12/0494/    China      Leather handbag               Chemical                                                           Measures taken by
                  18                      Type / number of              The amount of chromium (VI) in the leather is too high             economic
                                          model: Article No:            (measured value: 13.6 mg/kg).                                      operators: Recall of the
                                          62159-9900; colour            Chromium (VI) is sensitising and may trigger allergic reactions.   product from end
                                          Black                         The product does not comply with the REACH Regulation.             users (By: Importer)
                                          Batch number /
                                          Barcode: 400228210482
2     France      A12/0499/    Vietnam    Children’s jacket             Strangulation                                                      Measures taken by
                  18                      Type / number of              The cord in the neck area is too long.                             economic
                                          model: 1) 8364292 , 2)        It may become trapped during various activities of a child,        operators: Recall of the
                                          8364291                       leading to strangulation.                                          product from end
                                          Batch number /                The product does not comply with the relevant European             users (By: Distributor)
                                          Barcode: Unknown              standard EN 14682.
3     Bulgaria    A12/0504/    China      Children's coat               Injuries                                                           Measures ordered by
                  18                      Type / number of              The drawstrings in the waist area are too long.                    public authorities (to:
                                          model: index:                 They can become trapped during various activities of a child,      Retailer): Withdrawal of
                                          KY952-55X-104 (varies         leading to injuries.                                               the product from the
                                          depending on the size)        The product does not comply with the relevant European             market
                                          Batch number /                Standard EN 14682.
                                          Barcode: 590209429275
                                          8 (varies depending on
                                          the size)
4     Greece      A12/0485/    Greece     Soaps                         Chemical, Choking                                                  Measures ordered by
                  18                      Type / number of              Due to their characteristic form, appearance, colour and size,     public authorities (to:
                                          model: 1) Homemade            these products may be mistaken for a foodstuff and attract the     Manufacturer): Ban on the
                                          Gourmet Soaps 2)              curiosity of children.                                             marketing of the product
                                          Ekmek Kataif Soap 3) Fig      Small parts can be easily detached from the product and this       and any accompanying
                                          Soap 4) Leto Soap             may lead children to put them in the mouth and choke.              measures
                                                                   5| of 42 P a g e
      Submitted        Alert
No.                                of     Product                                                     Risk                                       Measures
          By       Number
                                          Batch number /               The product does not comply with the cosmetics Regulation and
                                          Barcode: Unknown             with the requirements of the Food imitating Products Directive.
5     Greece      A12/0486/    Greece     Soap                         Chemical, Choking                                                 Measures ordered by
                  18                      Type / number of             Due to their characteristic form, appearance, colour and size,    public authorities (to:
                                          model: Ice Cream Soap        this product may be mistaken for a foodstuff and attract the      Manufacturer): Ban on the
                                          Batch number /               curiosity of children.                                            marketing of the product
                                          Barcode: Unknown             Small parts can be easily detached from the product and this      and any accompanying
                                                                       may lead children to put them in the mouth and choke.             measures
                                                                       The product does not comply with the cosmetics Regulation and
                                                                       with the requirements of the Food imitating Products Directive.
6     Estonia     A12/0495/    Ukraine    Skin cream                   Chemical                                                          Measures taken by
                  18                      Type / number of             The cream contains a mixture of methylisothiazolinone and         economic
                                          model: Unknown               methylchloroisothiazolinone (MI/MCI) (measured value:             operators: Withdrawal of
                                          Batch number /               0.0003%).                                                         the product from the
                                          Barcode: 482014705163        Dermal contact with MCI and MI containing products can            market (By: Importer)
                                          7; best before:              provoke allergic contact dermatitis to sensitised persons.
                                          17.07.2019; date of          The product does not comply with the Cosmetic Products
                                          production: 17.07.2017       Regulation.
7     Germany     A12/0501/    Togo       Skin lightening cream        Chemical                                                          Measures ordered by
                  18                      Type / number of             The product contains hydroquinone (measured value 3.1% by         public authorities (to:
                                          model: Unknown               weight).                                                          Importer): Destruction of
                                          Batch number /               Hydroquinone can cause skin irritation and dermatitis.            the product
                                          Barcode: 005474              The product does not comply with the Cosmetic Products
8     Germany     A12/0502/    Nigeria    Skin lightening cream        Chemical                                                          Measures ordered by
                  18                      Type / number of             The product contains hydroquinone (measured value 2.4% by         public authorities (to:
                                          model: Unknown               weight).                                                          Importer): Destruction of
                                          Batch number /               Hydroquinone can cause skin irritation and dermatitis.            the product
                                          Barcode: Unknown             The product does not comply with the Cosmetic Products

                                                                  6| of 42 P a g e
      Submitted        Alert
No.                                of     Product                                                       Risk                                        Measures
          By       Number
9     Lithuania   A12/0503/    India      Hand and body lotion          Chemical                                                           Measures ordered by
                  18                      Type / number of              The cream contains methylchloroisothiazolinone (MCI) and           public authorities (to:
                                          model: Unknown                methylisothiazolinone (MI).                                        Distributor): Withdrawal
                                          Batch number /                Dermal contact with MCI and MI containing products can             of the product from the
                                          Barcode: 1) Cosmetic          provoke allergic contact dermatitis to sensitised persons.         market
                                          product set No. 56915,        The product does not comply with the Cosmetic Products
                                          barcode                       Regulation.
                                          5414666014816,, 2)
                                          Hand and body lotion:
                                          BO05-5, barcode
10    Germany     A12/0508/    Ivory      Skin-lightening product       Chemical                                                           Measures taken by
                  18           Coast      Type / number of              The product contains kojic acid (measured value: 0.95% by          economic
                                          model: Unknown                weight).                                                           operators: Withdrawal of
                                          Batch number /                Kojic acid can induce skin sensitisation.                          the product from the
                                          Barcode: 618110023174         The product does not comply with the Cosmetics Regulation.         market (By: Retailer)
                                          8, Lot GPS FAB: 09/15
11    Germany     A12/0509/    China      Badminton set                 Chemical                                                           Measures taken by
                  18                      Type / number of              The handles of the rackets contain di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate     economic
                                          model: Sort No 741 01         (DEHP) (measured value: 17.4% by weight).                          operators: Withdrawal of
                                          470                           This phthalate is toxic to reproduction.                           the product from the
                                          Batch number /                                                                                   market (By: Importer)
                                          Barcode: 402249863071
12    Czech       A12/0506/    China      Plastic doll                  Chemical                                                           Measures ordered by
      Republic    18                      Type / number of              The plastic material of the doll contains bis (2-ethylhexyl)       public authorities (to:
                                          model: Item no:               phthalate (DEHP) (measured value 16.14% by weight).                Retailer): Withdrawal of
                                          L4359/96/150                  This phthalate may harm the health of children, causing possible   the product from the
                                          Batch number /                damage to the reproductive system.                                 market
                                          Barcode: 860396155446         The product does not comply with the REACH Regulation.
                                                                   7| of 42 P a g e
      Submitted        Alert
No.                                of     Product                                                      Risk                                        Measures
          By       Number
13    Poland      A12/0507/    China      Plastic doll                 Chemical                                                           Measures taken by
                  18                      Type / number of             The plastic material of the doll contains bis (2-ethylhexyl)       economic
                                          model: NO.LY-1911 (on        phthalate (DEHP) (measured value 21.1% by weight).                 operators: Withdrawal of
                                          packaging) C5153 (on         This phthalate may harm the health of children, causing possible   the product from the
                                          attached label)              damage to the reproductive system.                                 market (By: Importer)
                                          Batch number /               The product does not comply with the REACH Regulation.
                                          Barcode: EAN:
14    Finland     A12/0510/    Poland     Wooden car                   Choking                                                            Measures ordered by
                  18                      Type / number of             The wheels and axle of the toy car can be easily detached,         public authorities (to:
                                          model: Art 46770             generating small parts.                                            Retailer): Ban on the
                                          Batch number /               A small child may put the small parts in the mouth and choke on    marketing of the product
                                          Barcode: EAN                 them.                                                              and any accompanying
                                          5906554246770, LOT/DT        The product does not comply with the requirements of the Toy       measures, Recall of the
                                          031116                       Safety Directive and the relevant European standard EN 71-1.       product from end users
15    Hungary     A12/0533/    Hungary    Children’s bicycle           Injuries                                                           Measures ordered by
                  18                      Type / number of             The stabiliser wheels are too close to the frame.                  public authorities (to:
                                          model: 1280361; BMX          On uneven ground, this may cause the child to lose balance and     Manufacturer): Recall of
                                          12" lány                     fall.                                                              the product from end
                                          Batch number /               The product does not comply with the relevant European             users, Withdrawal of the
                                          Barcode: 599823030966        standard EN 8098.                                                  product from the market
16    Romania     A12/0541/    Turkey     Children's sweatshirt        Choking                                                            Measures ordered by
                  18                      Type / number of             Small rhinestones can easily detach from the sweater.              public authorities (to:
                                          model: Unknown               Young children may put them in the mouth and choke.                Retailer): Withdrawal of
                                          Batch number /                                                                                  the product from the
                                          Barcode: Unknown                                                                                market
17    Ireland     A12/0550/    China      Cushions                     Fire                                                               Measures taken by
                  18                      Type / number of             The material of the cushions is flammable.                         economic
                                          model: Product               The cushions can ignite if exposed to an ignition source for an    operators: Recall of the
                                          Numbers: No. 167401          extended period of time.                                           product from end
                                                                  8| of 42 P a g e
      Submitted        Alert
No.                                of     Product                                                      Risk                                          Measures
          By       Number
                                          No. 4467201 No.              The product does not comply with the relevant national               users (By: Distributor)
                                          4467701 No. 5912001          standard.
                                          No. 5512101-03 No.
                                          97528 No. 4727601 No.
                                          8191201-02 No.
                                          0822101-03 No.
                                          4467001-02 No.
                                          0608803-07 No.
                                          8167401 No. 9752802,
                                          Batch number /
                                          Barcode: Unknown
18    Spain       A12/0523/    Spain      Skin-care product            Microbiological                                                      Measures ordered by
                  18                      Type / number of             The product contains mesophilic aerobic bacteria (measured           public authorities (to:
                                          model: CN. 154186.4          quantity: more than 105 cfu/ml).                                     Manufacturer): Withdrawa
                                          Batch number /               If used on damaged skin or if it comes into contact with the eyes,   l of the product from the
                                          Barcode: 842773400376        the product may cause infection or irritation.                       market
                                          3 , Lots manufactured        The product does not comply with the Cosmetic Products
                                          after July 2017.             Regulation.
19    Poland      A12/0539/    China      Hairdryer                    Electric shock                                                       Measures taken by
                  18                      Type / number of             The rated current of the plug is not sufficient.                     economic
                                          model: ES-1100-CC            The current drawn by the hairdryer could damage the plug             operators: Recall of the
                                          Batch number /               causing live parts to become accessible.                             product from end
                                          Barcode: 489513920646        The product does not comply with the requirements of the Low         users (By: Distributor)
                                          3                            Voltage Directive and the relevant European standard EN 60335.
20    United      A12/0545/    United     Travel plug adaptor set      Electric shock                                                       Measures taken by
      Kingdom     18           States     Type / number of             Live pins may be accessible during use.                              economic
                                          model: Type: 19508           The user could touch the live pins and receive an electric shock.    operators: Recall of the
                                          Batch number /               The product does not comply with the relevant national               product from end
                                          Barcode: 025732 044757       standard.                                                            users (By: Importer)

                                                                  9| of 42 P a g e
      Submitted        Alert
No.                                of     Product                                                         Risk                                        Measures
          By       Number
21    Lithuania   A12/0546/    China      Power supply                    Electric shock                                                      Measures ordered by
                  18                      Type / number of                The plastic housing is not heat resistant.                          public authorities (to:
                                          model: DE90G7450                The plastic housing could deform leaving live parts accessible to   Importer): Ban on the
                                          Batch number /                  the user.                                                           marketing of the product
                                          Barcode: 695175837021           The product does not comply with the requirements of the Low        and any accompanying
                                          8                               Voltage Directive and the relevant European standard EN 60950.      measures
22    Hungary     A12/0547/    China      UV nail lamp                    Electric shock, Fire                                                Measures ordered by
                  18                      Type / number of                The PVC insulated wiring may overheat and the plastic casing is     public authorities (to:
                                          model: Type:                    not resistant to heat. Accessible metal parts are separated with    Importer): Recall of the
                                          SM/FMD-909, Ref.:               only basic insulation from live parts.                              product from end users,
                                          NA661001; 909                   The plastic casing could melt catch fire. The user could receive    Withdrawal of the product
                                          Batch number /                  an electric shock from accessible metal parts.                      from the market
                                          Barcode: 5 998603               The product does not comply with the requirements of the Low
                                          363330                          Voltage Directive and the relevant European standard EN 60335.
23    Poland      A12/0531/    Portugal   Bicycle                         Injuries                                                            Measures taken by
                  18                      Type / number of                There may be a defect with the frame.                               economic
                                          model: 520, size M,             The frame could break causing the user to fall.                     operators: Recall of the
                                          colour: black, ref. no.:                                                                            product from end
                                          1864811, 520, size M,                                                                               users (By: Manufacturer)
                                          colour: dark blue, ref.
                                          no.: 2002104, 540, size
                                          M, colour: grey, ref. no.:
                                          1864082 , 540, size XL,
                                          colour: grey, ref. no.:
                                          Batch number /
                                          Barcode: Bicycles sold
                                          between 07.07.2017 and

                                                                     10| of 42 P a g e
      Submitted        Alert
No.                                of     Product                                                    Risk                                          Measures
          By       Number
24    Finland     A12/0526/    Bulgaria   LED floodlight             Electric shock                                                       Measures ordered by
                  18                      Type / number of           The electrical insulation of the power supply is insufficient.       public authorities (to:
                                          model: Light: VT-4822.     The user could receive an electric shock from accessible parts.      Distributor): Recall of the
                                          Power supply:              The product does not comply with the requirements of the Low         product from end users
                                          S005ANV0500100             Voltage Directive and the relevant European standard EN 60598.
                                          Batch number /
                                          Barcode: 380015760351
25    Hungary     A12/0534/    Unknown    LED floodlight             Electric shock                                                       Measures ordered by
                  18                      Type / number of           The external wires are PVC-insulated.                                public authorities (to:
                                          model: R1658 (TD 5581)     Due to the aging of the PVC insulation in the open air, live parts   Retailer): Recall of the
                                          Batch number /             may become accessible                                                product from end users,
                                          Barcode: Unknown           The product does not comply with the requirements of the Low         Withdrawal of the product
                                                                     Voltage Directive and the relevant European standard EN 60598.       from the market
26    Hungary     A12/0535/    Unknown    LED floodlight             Electric shock                                                       Measures ordered by
                  18                      Type / number of           The external wires are PVC-insulated.                                public authorities (to:
                                          model: R1704               Due to the aging of the PVC insulation in the open air, live parts   Retailer): Recall of the
                                          Batch number /             may become accessible                                                product from end users,
                                          Barcode: Unknown           The product does not comply with the requirements of the Low         Withdrawal of the product
                                                                     Voltage Directive and the relevant European standard EN 60598.       from the market
27    France      A12/0538/    Germany    Vehicle lift               Injuries                                                             Measures taken by
                  18                      Type / number of           The locking device on the arms can break under load.                 economic
                                          model: TP 16-3.2T-H        The vehicle could fall from the lift crushing the operator.          operators: Withdrawal of
                                          Batch number /             The product does not comply with the requirements of the             the product from the
                                          Barcode: Unknown           Machinery Directive and the relevant European standard EN            market (By: Manufacturer)
28    Denmark     A12/0549/    India      Scooter grip               Chemical                                                             Measures ordered by
                  18                      Type / number of           The plastic material of the product contains di-(2-ethylhexyl)       public
                                          model: Grip soft, super    phthalate (DEHP) (measured value: 11.2% by weight) and               authorities: Withdrawal of
                                          bike                       diisobutyl phthalate (DIBP) (26.2 % by weight).                      the product from the
                                          Batch number /             These phthalates are toxic to reproduction.                          market
                                                                11| of 42 P a g e
      Submitted        Alert
No.                               of      Product                                                   Risk                                            Measures
          By       Number
                                          Barcode: 570575516352
29    France      A12/0522/    Hong       Whipping siphon            Injuries                                                              Measures taken by
                  18           Kong       Type / number of          The pressure-relief valve on the head of the whipping siphon is        economic
                                          model: 136010             defective.                                                             operators: Recall of the
                                          Batch number /            The valve could be ejected from the siphon causing injuries to         product from end
                                          Barcode: 356023890522     the user.                                                              users (By: Importer)
                                          7/ M08698 and M09042,     The product does not comply with the requirements of the
                                          3560238905234/            Pressure Equipment Directive.
                                          M08698 and M09042,
                                          3560239259503 /
                                          M08698 and M09042,
30    Finland     A12/0524/    Unknown    Children's play helmet    Injuries                                                               Measures ordered by
                  18                      Type / number of          The shock-absorbing capacity is not sufficient.                        public authorities (to:
                                          model: Play helmet 215    Consequently, the helmet does not provide sufficient protection        Distributor): Recall of the
                                          Batch number /            in case of an impact and the user might suffer from head               product from end users,
                                          Barcode: Manufactured     injuries.                                                              Withdrawal of the product
                                          01/2011 or later          The product does not comply with the requirements of the               from the market
                                                                    Personal Protective Equipment Directive and the relevant
                                                                    European standard EN 1080.
31    France      A12/0517/    China      Plastic toys              Chemical, Choking, Suffocation                                         Measures taken by
                  18                      Type / number of          The product contains diisobutyl phthalate (DIBP) (measured             economic
                                          model: Unknown            value 18.7% by weight) and small parts can easily be detached          operators: Recall of the
                                          Batch number /            from the toy.                                                          product from end
                                          Barcode: Unknown          This phthalate is toxic to reproduction. Small children may put        users (By: Distributor)
                                                                    the small parts in the mouth and choke.
                                                                    Moreover, the plastic of the packaging is too thin: If a child plays
                                                                    with it, the plastic might cover the nose and mouth, causing the
                                                                    child to suffocate.
                                                               12| of 42 P a g e
      Submitted        Alert
No.                               of      Product                                                    Risk                                          Measures
          By       Number
                                                                     The product does not comply with the requirements of the Toy
                                                                     Safety Directive and the relevant European standard EN 71-1.
32    Germany     A12/0518/    China      Fidget spinner             Chemical                                                            Measures taken by
                  18                      Type / number of           The battery compartment can easily be opened without use of         economic
                                          model: Art.No. 6286        any tools and the button cell batteries inside are easily           operators: Temporary ban
                                          Batch number /             accessible.                                                         on the supply, offer to
                                          Barcode: 401384006286      Children might put them in the mouth and swallow them,              supply and display of the
                                          8                          causing damage to their gastrointestinal tract.                     product (By: Retailer)
                                                                     The product does not comply with the requirements of the Toy        Measures ordered by
                                                                     Safety Directive and the relevant European standard EN 62115.       public
                                                                                                                                         authorities: Temporary
                                                                                                                                         ban on the supply, offer to
                                                                                                                                         supply and display of the
33    Denmark     A12/0525/    China      Expandable toy             Choking, Injuries                                                   Measures taken by
                  18                      Type / number of           Small parts can be easily torn from the toy dinosaur and may be     economic
                                          model: Unknown             put into the mouth and swallowed by children.                       operators: Withdrawal of
                                          Batch number /             This could cause the child to choke. As the toy expands, it can     the product from the
                                          Barcode: 730000949104      also cause fatal occlusion of the respiratory track or intestinal   market (By: Retailer)
                                          9                          blockage of children.
                                                                     The product does not comply with the requirements of the Toy
                                                                     Safety Directive and the relevant European standard EN 71-1.
34    Poland      A12/0527/    China      Plastic doll set           Chemical                                                            Measures taken by
                  18                      Type / number of           The doll's head contains bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP)        economic
                                          model: DAH797517;          (measured value: 27.6 % by weight).                                 operators: Withdrawal of
                                          NO.231                     This phthalate may harm the health of children, causing possible    the product from the
                                          Batch number /             damage to the reproductive system.                                  market (By: Importer)
                                          Barcode: 699120797517      The product does not comply with the REACH Regulation.

                                                                13| of 42 P a g e
      Submitted        Alert
No.                               of      Product                                                      Risk                                             Measures
          By       Number
35    Hungary     A12/0532/    China      Toy robot                    Damage to hearing                                                       Measures ordered by
                  18                      Type / number of             The sound level is too high.                                            public authorities (to:
                                          model: Item No.              If used over a long period of time, the toy could cause damage to       Distributor): Withdrawal
                                          110006A                      hearing.                                                                of the product from the
                                          Batch number /               The product does not comply with the requirements of the Toy            market
                                          Barcode: 803201400600        Safety Directive and the relevant European standard EN 71-1.
36    Sweden      A12/0537/    China      Baby toy                     Choking, Injuries                                                       Measures taken by
                  18                      Type / number of             The screw for the cover of the battery compartment is too short.        economic
                                          model: K16560/S16560         As a result, the cover could fall off, leaving the button cell          operators: Recall of the
                                          S16560-30022                 batteries accessible.                                                   product from end users,
                                          Batch number /               A young child could put the button cell batteries in the mouth.         Withdrawal of the product
                                          Barcode: 813653867198        This could lead to the child choking or, if the button cell batteries   from the market (By:
                                          6, Batch no 02-160718        were swallowed, damage to the gastrointestinal tract.                   Distributor)
                                                                       The product does not comply with the requirements of the Toys
                                                                       Directive and the relevant European standard EN 62115.
37    Czech       A12/0540/    China      Plastic doll                 Chemical                                                                Measures ordered by
      Republic    18                      Type / number of             The plastic material of the head of the doll contains                   public authorities (to:
                                          model: LG6272                di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) (measured value: 33.6 % by           Retailer): Withdrawal of
                                          Batch number /               weight).                                                                the product from the
                                          Barcode: 800100210310        This phthalate may harm the health of children, causing possible        market
                                          4                            damage to the reproductive system.
                                                                       The product does not comply with the REACH Regulation.
38    Poland      A12/0542/    Poland     Toy kick scooter             Injuries                                                                Measures taken by
                  18                      Type / number of             The handlebar of the kick scooter may break, leaving sharp              economic
                                          model: Unknown               edges accessible.                                                       operators: Withdrawal of
                                          Batch number /               A child riding the scooter might lose balance and fall to the           the product from the
                                          Barcode: 590825810365        ground or fall on the sharp edges of the broken handlebar,              market (By: Manufacturer)
                                          6, Placed on the market      leading to injuries.
                                          between 13.10.2017 and       The product does not comply with the requirements of the Toy
                                          17.02.2018.                  Safety Directive and with the relevant European standard EN
                                                                  14| of 42 P a g e
      Submitted        Alert
No.                               of      Product                                                    Risk                                         Measures
          By       Number
39    Czech       A12/0543/    China      Plastic doll                Chemical                                                           Measures ordered by
      Republic    18                      Type / number of            The plastic material of the product contains di-(2-ethylhexyl)     public authorities (to:
                                          model: NO. MS-6             phthalate (DEHP) (measured value: 16% by weight).                  Retailer): Withdrawal of
                                          Batch number /              This phthalate may harm the health of children, causing possible   the product from the
                                          Barcode: 4-576-24.8,        damage to the reproductive system.                                 market
                                          8594576259549 , ITEM        The product does not comply with the REACH Regulation.
                                          NO: TB-2755
40    Poland      A12/0544/    China      Plastic doll                Chemical, Choking                                                  Measures taken by
                  18                      Type / number of            The battery compartment can easily be opened without use of        economic
                                          model: art#8099A;           any tools and the button cell batteries inside are accessible.     operators: Withdrawal of
                                          NO.8099                     A child might put them in the mouth and swallow them, causing      the product from the
                                          Batch number /              choking or damage to the gastrointestinal tract                    market (By: Importer)
                                          Barcode: 590100200347       The product does not comply with the requirements of the Toy
                                          9                           Safety Directive and with the relevant European standard EN
41    Lithuania   A12/0548/    China      Toy with sweets             Choking                                                            Measures ordered by
                  18                      Type / number of            A sticker with a plastic film can detach easily from the toy       public authorities (to:
                                          model: Unknown              generating small parts.                                            Distributor): Withdrawal
                                          Batch number /              A small child may put them in the mouth and choke.                 of the product from the
                                          Barcode: 868116144065       The product does not comply with the requirements of the Toy       market
                                          6                           Safety Directive and the relevant European standard EN 71-1.
42    Lithuania   A12/0551/    China      Bath toy                    Choking                                                            Measures ordered by
                  18                      Type / number of            A small part (wind-up mechanism) can easily be detached from       public authorities (to:
                                          model: Art. No. 011         the toy.                                                           Importer): Ban on the
                                          Batch number /              A small child may put this small part in the mouth and choke.      marketing of the product
                                          Barcode: 481250113813       The product does not comply with the requirements of the Toy       and any accompanying
                                          9                           Safety Directive and the relevant European Standard EN 71-1.       measures

                                                                 15| of 42 P a g e
      Submitted        Alert
No.                                of     Product                                                 Risk                                          Measures
          By       Number
43    Lithuania   A11/0029/    China      Electric heater          Burns, Electric shock                                                Measures ordered by
                  18                      Type / number of         The electrical insulation is inappropriate. The product overheats.   public authorities (to:
                                          model: QH-80C            Live parts can become accessible. The user can receive burns         Importer): Ban on the
                                          Batch number /           from hot surfaces.                                                   marketing of the product
                                          Barcode: 000001149817    The product does not comply with the requirements of the Low         and any accompanying
                                          9                        Voltage Directive and the relevant European standard EN 60335.       measures
44    France      A11/0028/    Spain      Vehicle lift             Injuries                                                             Measures ordered by
                  18                      Type / number of         The teeth of the locking device can break under load.                public authorities (to:
                                          model: AA-2PCF 50        The vehicle could fall from the lift crushing the operator.          Importer): Ban on the
                                          Batch number /           The product does not comply with the requirements of the             marketing of the product
                                          Barcode: Year of         Machinery Directive and the relevant European standard EN            and any accompanying
                                          manufacture 2013         1493.                                                                measures
45    Sweden      A12/0563/    United     Tattoo ink               Chemical                                                             Measures taken by
                  18           States     Type / number of         The product contains the aromatic amine                              economic
                                          model: Unknown           4-methyl-m-phenylenediamine (measured value 4.3 mg/kg).              operators: Withdrawal of
                                          Batch number /           4-methyl-m-phenylenediamine may cause cancer, is suspected of        the product from the
                                          Barcode: Best by         causing genetic defects and damaging fertility.                      market (By: Importer)
                                          07/30/17                 The Council of Europe Resolution ResAP (2008)1 on
                                                                   requirements and criteria for the safety of tattoos and
                                                                   permanent make-up, recommends that aromatic amines with
                                                                   carcinogenic, mutagenic, reprotoxic or sensitizing properties
                                                                   should neither be present in tattoos and permanent make-up
                                                                   products nor released from azo-colorants.
                                                                   The product does not comply with the national legislation
46    Sweden      A12/0564/    United     Tattoo ink               Chemical                                                             Measures taken by
                  18           States     Type / number of         The product contains the aromatic amines aniline (measured           economic
                                          model: Unknown           value 2.3 mg/kg) and 4-methyl-m-phenylenediamine (measured           operators: Withdrawal of
                                          Batch number /           value: 275 mg/kg).                                                   the product from the
                                          Barcode: LOT 9RM         Aniline is suspected of causing cancer and genetic defects.          market (By: Importer)
                                                                   4-methyl-m-phenylenediamine may cause cancer and is
                                                                   suspected of causing genetic defects and damaging fertility.
                                                              16| of 42 P a g e
      Submitted         Alert
No.                                 of     Product                                                  Risk                                      Measures
              By    Number
                                                                      The Council of Europe Resolution ResAP (2008)1 on
                                                                      requirements and criteria for the safety of tattoos and
                                                                      permanent make-up, recommends that aromatic amines with
                                                                      carcinogenic, mutagenic, reprotoxic or sensitizing properties
                                                                      should neither be present in tattoos and permanent make-up
                                                                      products nor released from azo-colorants.
                                                                      The product does not comply with the national legislation.
47    Italy        A12/0565/    United     Tattoo ink                 Chemical                                                        Measures ordered by
                   18           States     Type / number of           The product contains the aromatic amine toluidine (measured     public authorities (to:
                                           model: Unknown             values: 29 mg/kg).                                              Importer): Ban on the
                                           Batch number /             Aromatic amines can cause cancer, cell mutations and affect     marketing of the product
                                           Barcode: Batch: 17.12.14   reproduction.                                                   and any accompanying
                                           THE PRODUCT MAY BE         The Council of Europe Resolution ResAP (2008)1 on               measures
                                           COUNTERFEIT                requirements and criteria for the safety of tattoos and
                                                                      permanent make-up, recommends that aromatic amines with
                                                                      carcinogenic, mutagenic, reprotoxic or sensitising properties
                                                                      should neither be present in tattoos and permanent make-up
                                                                      products nor released from azo-colourants.
                                                                      The product does not comply with the national legislation.
48    Italy        A12/0566/    United     Tattoo ink                 Chemical                                                        Measures ordered by
                   18           States     Type / number of           The product contains the aromatic amines toluidine and          public authorities (to:
                                           model: Unknown             anisidine (measured values: 23 mg/kg and 24 mg/kg               Importer): Ban on the
                                           Batch number /             respectively).                                                  marketing of the product
                                           Barcode: WFGWY             Aromatic amines can cause cancer, cell mutations and affect     and any accompanying
                                           161804                     reproduction.                                                   measures
                                                                      The Council of Europe Resolution ResAP (2008)1 on
                                                                      requirements and criteria for the safety of tattoos and
                                                                      permanent make-up, recommends that aromatic amines with
                                                                      carcinogenic, mutagenic, reprotoxic or sensitising properties
                                                                      should neither be present in tattoos and permanent make-up
                                                                      products nor released from azo-colourants.
                                                                17| of 42 P a g e
      Submitted        Alert
No.                                of     Product                                                   Risk                                       Measures
         By        Number
                                                                      The product does not comply with the national legislation.

49    Sweden      A12/0567/    Unknown    Tattoo ink                  Chemical                                                         Measures taken by
                  18                      Type / number of            The product contains polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH),     economic
                                          model: Unknown              including benzo(a)pyrene (measured value: benzo(e)pyrene:        operators: Withdrawal of
                                          Batch number /              0.02 mg/kg, total of PAHs: 1.46 mg/kg) and barium (measured      the product from the
                                          Barcode: Unknown            value: 660 mg/kg).                                               market (By: Distributor)
                                                                      Some PAHs are carcinogenic, including benzo(a)pyrene. Salts of
                                                                      barium can be absorbed from the tattoo ink and have toxic
                                                                      The Council of Europe Resolution ResAP (2008)1 on
                                                                      requirements and criteria for the safety of tattoos and
                                                                      permanent make-up, recommends that the level of
                                                                      benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) does not exceed 0.005 mg/kg and the
                                                                      total amount of PAHs does not exceed 0.5 mg/kg . It also
                                                                      recommends that the level of barium not exceed 50 mg/kg.
                                                                      The product does not comply with national legislation.
50    Sweden      A12/0568/    United     Tattoo ink                  Chemical                                                         Measures taken by
                  18           States     Type / number of            The product contains the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)   economic
                                          model: Chukes Vol 1:        naphthalene (measured value: 1.88 mg/kg)                         operators: Withdrawal of
                                          Seasonal spectrum           Naphthalene may cause cancer.                                    the product from the
                                          Batch number /              The Council of Europe Resolution ResAP (2008)1 on                market (By: Distributor)
                                          Barcode: LOT 10-10-14       requirements and criteria for the safety of tattoos and
                                                                      permanent make-up recommends that the total amount of PAHs
                                                                      do not exceed 0.5 mg/kg.
                                                                      The product does not comply with national legislation.
51    Sweden      A12/0569     United     Tattoo ink                  Chemical                                                         Measures taken by
                  /18          States     Type / number of            The product contains the aromatic amines aniline (measured       economic
                                          model: Unknown              value: 6.1 mg/kg) and 4-methyl-m-phenylenediamine (measured      operators: Withdrawal of
                                          Batch number /              value: 396 mg/kg)                                                the product from the
                                          Barcode: LOT 16446          Aniline may cause genetic defects and cancer and allergic skin   market (By: Distributor)
                                                                 18| of 42 P a g e
      Submitted        Alert
No.                                of     Product                                                 Risk                                     Measures
         By        Number
                                                                   reactions. 4-methyl-m-phenylenediamine may cause cancer.
                                                                   The Council of Europe Resolution ResAP (2008)1 on
                                                                   requirements and criteria for the safety of tattoos and
                                                                   permanent make-up, recommends that aromatic amines with
                                                                   carcinogenic, mutagenic, reprotoxic or sensitising properties
                                                                   should neither be present in tattoos and permanent make-up
                                                                   products nor released from azo-colourants.
                                                                   The product does not comply with the national legislation.
52    Sweden      A12/0570/    United     Tattoo ink               Chemical                                                        Measures taken by
                  18           States     Type / number of         The product contains the aromatic amine                         economic
                                          model: Unknown           4-methyl-m-phenylenediamine (measured value 2.0 mg/kg).         operators: Withdrawal of
                                          Batch number /           4-methyl-m-phenylenediamine may cause cancer.                   the product from the
                                          Barcode: X-142           The Council of Europe Resolution ResAP (2008)1 on               market (By: Distributor)
                                                                   requirements and criteria for the safety of tattoos and
                                                                   permanent make-up, recommends that aromatic amines with
                                                                   carcinogenic, mutagenic, reprotoxic or sensitizing properties
                                                                   should neither be present in tattoos and permanent make-up
                                                                   products nor released from azo-colorants.
                                                                   The product does not comply with the national legislation.
53    Sweden      A12/0571/    United     Tattoo ink               Chemical                                                        Measures taken by
                  18           States     Type / number of         The product contains polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH)s,   economic
                                          model: Premium tattoo    including benzo(a)pyrene (measured values: benzo(a)pyrene:      operators: Withdrawal of
                                          ink                      0.06 mg/kg; total of PAHs: 13.47 mg/kg)                         the product from the
                                          Batch number /           Some PAHs are carcinogenic, including benzo(a)pyrene.           market (By: Distributor)
                                          Barcode: LOT 04/07/17    The Council of Europe Resolution ResAP (2008)1 on
                                                                   requirements and criteria for the safety of tattoos and
                                                                   permanent make-up, recommends that the level of
                                                                   benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) does not exceed 0.005 mg/kg and the
                                                                   total amount of PAHs does not exceed 0.5 mg/kg.
                                                                   The product does not comply with national legislation.

                                                              19| of 42 P a g e
      Submitted        Alert
No.                               of      Product                                                Risk                                          Measures
         By        Number
54    Sweden      A12/0572/    China      Tattoo ink              Chemical                                                             Measures taken by
                  18                      Type / number of        The product contains arsenic (measured value: 8.0 mg/kg),            economic
                                          model: 215              cobalt (26 mg/kg), lead (13 mg/kg) and zinc (200 mg/kg).             operators: Withdrawal of
                                          Batch number /          Arsenic is carcinogenic. Exposure to lead is harmful for human       the product from the
                                          Barcode: Exp            health and can cause developmental neurotoxicity.                    market (By: Distributor)
                                          2019/12/08              The Council of Europe Resolution ResAP (2008)1 on
                                                                  requirements and criteria for the safety of tattoos and
                                                                  permanent make-up recommends that the levels of arsenic and
                                                                  lead in tattoo inks do not exceed 2 mg/kg, the levels of cobalt in
                                                                  tattoo inks do not exceed 25 mg/kg and the levels of zinc in
                                                                  tattoo inks do not exceed 50 mg/kg.
                                                                  The product does not comply with national legislation.
55    Sweden      A12/0573/    China      Tattoo ink              Chemical                                                             Measures taken by
                  18                      Type / number of        The product contains the aromatic amine aniline (measured            economic
                                          model: Unknown          value 9.5 mg/kg).                                                    operators: Withdrawal of
                                          Batch number /          Aniline may cause genetic defects and cancer and is toxic in case    the product from the
                                          Barcode: #6358Z         of contact with skin.                                                market (By: Distributor)
                                                                  The Council of Europe Resolution ResAP (2008)1 on
                                                                  requirements and criteria for the safety of tattoos and
                                                                  permanent make-up, recommends that aromatic amines with
                                                                  carcinogenic, mutagenic, reprotoxic or sensitizing properties
                                                                  should neither be present in tattoos and permanent make-up
                                                                  products nor released from azo-colorants.
                                                                  The product does not comply with the national legislation.
56    Sweden      A12/0574/    China      Tattoo ink              Chemical                                                             Measures taken by
                  18                      Type / number of        The product contains arsenic (measured value: 8.1 mg/kg), lead       economic
                                          model: M323             (measured value: 24 mg/kg) and zinc (measured value: 170             operators: Withdrawal of
                                          Batch number /          mg/kg).                                                              the product from the
                                          Barcode: Unknown        Arsenic is carcinogenic. Exposure to lead is harmful for human       market (By: Distributor)
                                                                  health and can cause developmental neurotoxicity.
                                                                  The Council of Europe Resolution ResAP (2008)1 on
                                                             20| of 42 P a g e
      Submitted        Alert
No.                                  of    Product                                                Risk                                        Measures
         By        Number
                                                                   requirements and criteria for the safety of tattoos and
                                                                   permanent make-up recommends that the levels of arsenic in
                                                                   tattoo inks do not exceed 2 mg/kg, the levels of lead in tattoo
                                                                   inks do not exceed 2 mg/kg and the levels of zinc in tattoo inks
                                                                   do not exceed 50 mg/kg.
                                                                   The product does not comply with national legislation.
57    Sweden      A12/0575/    Bosnia      Tattoo ink              Chemical                                                           Measures taken by
                  18           and         Type / number of        The product contains cadmium (0.36 mg/kg), lead (24 mg/kg)         economic
                               Herzegovi   model: M501             and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons including benzo(a)pyrene      operators: Withdrawal of
                               na          Batch number /          (0.08 mg/kg; total of PAHs: 20.62 mg/kg).                          the product from the
                                           Barcode: A01151         Cadmium accumulates in the body and can cause damage to            market (By: Distributor)
                                                                   bones and kidneys if absorbed from the tattoo. Exposure to lead
                                                                   is harmful for human health and can cause developmental
                                                                   The Council of Europe Resolution ResAP (2008)1 on
                                                                   requirements and criteria for the safety of tattoos and
                                                                   permanent make-up, recommends that the level of
                                                                   benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) does not exceed 0.005 mg/kg and the
                                                                   total amount of PAHs does not exceed 0.5 mg/kg. It also
                                                                   recommends that the levels of lead in tattoo inks do not exceed
                                                                   2 mg/kg and the levels of cadmium in tattoo inks do not exceed
                                                                   0.2 mg/kg.
                                                                   The product does not comply with national legislation.
58    Sweden      A12/0576/    United      Tattoo ink              Chemical                                                           Measures taken by
                  18           States      Type / number of        The product contains polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH)s       economic
                                           model: Unknown          including benzo(a)pyrene (measured values: benzo(a)pyrene:         operators: Withdrawal of
                                           Batch number /          0.04 mg/kg; total of PAHs: 19.22 mg/kg).                           the product from the
                                           Barcode: LOT 006        Some PAHs are carcinogenic, including benzo(a)pyrene.              market (By: Distributor)
                                                                   The Council of Europe Resolution ResAP (2008)1 on
                                                                   requirements and criteria for the safety of tattoos and
                                                                   permanent make-up, recommends that the level of
                                                              21| of 42 P a g e
      Submitted        Alert
No.                                  of    Product                                                  Risk                                          Measures
          By       Number
                                                                     benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) does not exceed 0.005 mg/kg and the
                                                                     total amount of PAHs does not exceed 0.5 mg/kg.
                                                                     The product does not comply with national legislation.
59    Bulgaria    A12/0554/    Turkey      T-shirt for men           Chemical                                                            Measures ordered by
                  18                       Type / number of          The T-shirt contains azo dyes releasing the aromatic amine          public authorities (to:
                                           model: Unknown            3,3'-dimethoxybenzidine (measured concentration: 157.8              Importer): Import rejected
                                           Batch number /            mg/kg).                                                             at border
                                           Barcode: Unknown          When the product is in direct and prolonged contact with the
                                                                     skin, the aromatic amine may be absorbed by the skin.
                                                                     Aromatic amines can cause cancer, cell mutations and affect
                                                                     The product does not comply with the REACH Regulation.
60    Germany     A12/0557/    The         Suede skirt               Chemical                                                            Measures taken by
                  18           Netherlan   Type / number of          The amount of chromium (VI) in the leather skirt is too high        economic
                               ds          model: Article No:        (measured value: 24.2 mg/kg).                                       operators: Recall of the
                                           151631011                 Chromium (VI) is sensitising and may trigger allergic reactions.    product from end users,
                                           Batch number /            The product does not comply with the REACH regulation.              Withdrawal of the product
                                           Barcode: 123451064444                                                                         from the market (By:
                                           0                                                                                             Distributor)
                                                                                                                                         Measures ordered by
                                                                                                                                         public authorities (to:
                                                                                                                                         Distributor): Ban on the
                                                                                                                                         marketing of the product
                                                                                                                                         and any accompanying
61    Hungary     A12/0581/    China       Portable radio            Electric shock, Fire                                                Measures ordered by
                  18                       Type / number of          The electrical insulation is inadequate. The cross-sectional area   public authorities (to:
                                           model: FM-737U            of the conductors in the mains cable is too small.                  Distributor): Recall of the
                                           Batch number /            Touchable metal parts may become live while charging the radio.     product from end users,
                                           Barcode: 8 094012         The cable could overheat.                                           Withdrawal of the product
                                           001355                    The product does not comply with the requirements of the Low        from the market
                                                                22| of 42 P a g e
      Submitted        Alert
No.                               of      Product                                                  Risk                                        Measures
          By       Number
                                                                   Voltage Directive and the relevant European standard EN 60065.
62    Bulgaria    A12/0556/    Greece     Adhesive                 Injuries                                                            Measures taken by
                  18                      Type / number of         The adhesion is insufficient.                                       economic
                                          model: MKW 136           Due to the poor adhesion to the substrate, heavy plates glued       operators: Withdrawal of
                                          Batch number /           with the adhesive can separate from the façade.                     the product from the
                                          Barcode: 2387 LT 2497    The product does not comply with the Construction Products          market (By: Manufacturer)
                                          GREY                     Regulation and the relevant European Standard EN 12004.
63    United      A12/0555/    China      Power inverter           Electric shock                                                      Measures taken by
      Kingdom     18                      Type / number of         There is no separation between the primary and secondary            economic
                                          model: Type: 1000W and   circuits. The protective shutters on the outlet socket are          operators: Recall of the
                                          2000W                    insufficient and allow access to live parts.                        product from end
                                          Batch number /           The user could receive an electric shock from accessible parts.     users (By: Importer)
                                          Barcode: Unknown         The product does not comply with the requirements of the Low
                                                                   Voltage Directive and the relevant European standard EN 62368
                                                                   and the relevant national standard.
64    Hungary     A12/0560/    China      Lighting chain           Electric shock, Fire                                                Measures ordered by
                  18                      Type / number of         The wires are too thin. The wire ends soldered to the LEDs are      public authorities (to:
                                          model: WT-LED1-100C ;    not adequately protected against pulling and twisting. The          Importer): Recall of the
                                          Ref.: 1200737            socket outlet allows the single-pole insertion of a plug.           product from end users,
                                          Batch number /           The wires could overheat leading to a fire. Live parts can become   Withdrawal of the product
                                          Barcode: 8 024012        accessible.                                                         from the market
                                          007378                   The product does not comply with the requirements of the Low
                                                                   Voltage Directive and the relevant European standard EN 60598.
65    Hungary     A12/0561/    China      Lighting chain           Electric shock, Fire                                                Measures ordered by
                  18                      Type / number of         The wires are too thin. The wire ends soldered to the LEDs are      public authorities (to:
                                          model: WT-LED1-100C ;    not adequately protected against pulling and twisting.              Importer): Recall of the
                                          REF: 1200743             The wires could overheat leading to a fire. The cable could         product from end users,
                                          Batch number /           detach leaving the live conductors accessible.                      Withdrawal of the product
                                          Barcode: 8 022012        The product does not comply with the requirements of the Low        from the market
                                          007435                   Voltage Directive and the relevant European standard EN 60598.

                                                              23| of 42 P a g e
      Submitted        Alert
No.                               of      Product                                                       Risk                                          Measures
          By       Number
66    Luxembour   A12/0553/    China      Fancy-dress accessory        Chemical                                                             Measures taken by
      g           18                      Type / number of             The product contains di (2-ethylhexyl) phtalate (DEHP)               economic
                                          model: 55050                 (measured value: 22% by weight).                                     operators: Warning
                                          Batch number /               This phthalate may harm the health of children, causing possible     consumers of the risks
                                          Barcode: 871236455050        damage to the reproductive system.                                   Measures ordered by
                                          4                            The product does not comply with the REACH Regulation.               public authorities (to:
                                                                                                                                            Manufacturer): Ban on the
                                                                                                                                            marketing of the product
                                                                                                                                            and any accompanying
                                                                                                                                            measures, Temporary ban
                                                                                                                                            on the supply, offer to
                                                                                                                                            supply and display of the
67    France      A12/0558/    China      Toy slime                    Chemical                                                             Measures taken by
                  18                      Type / number of             The migration of boron from the yellow gel is too high               economic
                                          model: reference GP074       (measured value: 520 mg/kg).                                         operators: Recall of the
                                          Batch number /               Ingestion or contact with an excessive quantity of boron may         product from end
                                          Barcode: 503783230865        harm the health of children by damaging the reproductive             users (By: Distributor)
                                          8                            system.
                                                                       The product does not comply with the requirements of the Toy
                                                                       Safety Directive and the relevant European standard EN 71-3.
68    Poland      A12/0562/    China      Toy police set               Choking                                                              Measures taken by
                  18                      Type / number of             The plastic whistle (part of the set) fits entirely into the small   economic
                                          model: Item no: 77742        part cylinder.                                                       operators: Withdrawal of
                                          Batch number /               Children might put the whistle into the mouth and choke on it.       the product from the
                                          Barcode: EAN:                The product does not comply with the requirements of the Toy         market (By: Importer)
                                          5902082910213                Safety Directive and the relevant European standard EN 71-1.
69    Poland      A12/0577/    China      Bouncing ball                Chemical                                                             Measures taken by
                  18                      Type / number of             The plastic material of the ball contains 2-ethylhexyl phthalate     economic
                                          model: D25119                (DEHP) (measured value: 31,7 % by weight).                           operators: Withdrawal of
                                          Batch number /               This phthalate may harm the health of children, causing possible     the product from the
                                                                  24| of 42 P a g e
      Submitted        Alert
No.                               of      Product                                                   Risk                                          Measures
          By       Number
                                          Barcode: EAN:              damage to the reproductive system.                                  market (By: Importer)
                                          5900733466409              The product does not comply with the REACH Regulation.
70    Germany     A12/0578/    China      Toy shopping basket        Chemical                                                            Measures taken by
                  18                      Type / number of           The textile fabric of the shopping basket contains                  economic
                                          model: 4090.6              bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) (measured value: up to           operators: Other,
                                          Batch number /             2.68%).                                                             Withdrawal of the product
                                          Barcode: 4 007464          This phthalate may harm the health of children, causing possible    from the market (By:
                                          040906                     damage to the reproductive system.                                  Importer)
                                                                     The product does not comply with the REACH Regulation.
71    Poland      A12/0580/    China      Plastic dolls set          Chemical, Environment                                               Measures taken by
                  18                      Type / number of           The plastic material of the doll contains 2-ethylhexyl phthalate    economic
                                          model: Art#.9224-3         (DEHP), dibutyl phthalate (DBP), di-isononyl phthalate (DINP)       operators: Withdrawal of
                                          Batch number /             (measured values: 23.9%, 0.7% and 3,51% by weight                   the product from the
                                          Barcode: EAN:              respectively).                                                      market (By: Importer)
                                          5901002004537              These phthalates may harm the health of children, causing
                                                                     possible damage to the reproductive system.
                                                                     The product also contains short-chain chlorinated paraffins
                                                                     (SCCPs) (measured value: 3100 mg/kg). SCCPs persist in the
                                                                     environment, are toxic to aquatic organisms at low
                                                                     concentrations and bioaccumulate in wildlife and humans,
                                                                     posing a risk to human health and the environment.
                                                                     The product does not comply with the REACH Regulation and
                                                                     the Regulation on persistent organic pollutants (POP Regulation).
72    Cyprus      A12/0593/    China      Glue                       Chemical                                                            Measures ordered by
                  18                      Type / number of           The glue contains chloroform (measured value: 24.3 % by             public authorities (to:
                                          model: Unknown             weight).                                                            Importer): Withdrawal of
                                          Batch number /             Chloroform in high doses causes skin irritation and can damage      the product from the
                                          Barcode: 590202309500      health if inhaled or swallowed.                                     market
                                          9                          The product does not comply with the REACH Regulation.

                                                                25| of 42 P a g e
      Submitted        Alert
No.                                  of    Product                                                       Risk                                          Measures
          By       Number
73    Hungary     A12/0582/    Italy       Child’s bicycle seat        Injuries                                                            Measures ordered by
                  18                       Type / number of            The fixing system is inadequate.                                    public authorities (to:
                                           model: Bike-GP              As a result, the seat may not remain correctly in place on the      Distributor): Recall of the
                                           Batch number /              bicycle leading to an accident.                                     product from end users,
                                           Barcode: Unknown            The product does not comply with the relevant European              Withdrawal of the product
                                                                       standard EN 14344.                                                  from the market
74    Spain       A12/0598/    The         Soother holder              Strangulation, Suffocation                                          Measures ordered by
                  18           Netherlan   Type / number of            The ventilation holes of the garment fastener are inadequate        public authorities (to:
                               ds          model: ref. 501789          and the fabric strap is too long.                                   Distributor): Withdrawal
                                           Batch number /              A child playing with the soother holder could put the garment       of the product from the
                                           Barcode: 932110486342       fastener into the mouth, where it could get stuck and lead to       market
                                           3                           suffocation or the strap could wrap around the child's neck while
                                                                       The product does not comply with the relevant European
                                                                       standard EN 12586.
75    Germany     A12/0604/    India       Hair colouring product      Chemical                                                            Measures taken by
                  18                       Type / number of            The amount of the hair dye precursor p-phenylenediamine (PPD)       economic
                                           model: Unknown              is too high (measured value: 7.9% by weight) in relation to the     operators: Other,
                                           Batch number /              coupler substances resorcinol and sodium perborate.                 Withdrawal of the product
                                           Barcode: 815865000412       PPD can trigger allergic contact dermatitis.                        from the market (By:
                                           ; Batch 3486 (Prod. date    The product does not comply with the Cosmetics Regulation.          Retailer)
                                           11/2016, Exp. date
76    Czech       A12/0606/    Poland      Hair gel                    Chemical                                                            Measures ordered by
      Republic    18                       Type / number of            The cosmetic product contains the preservative MCI/MI.              public authorities (to:
                                           model: Expiry date:         Dermal contact with products containing MCI/MI can provoke          Retailer): Withdrawal of
                                           12.2019                     allergic contact dermatitis, especially for sensitive consumers.    the product from the
                                           Batch number /              The product does not comply with the Cosmetic Products              market
                                           Barcode: 04160226,          Regulation.

                                                                  26| of 42 P a g e
      Submitted        Alert
No.                               of      Product                                                      Risk                                       Measures
          By       Number
77    Czech       A12/0607/    Poland     Hair gel                    Chemical                                                           Measures ordered by
      Republic    18                      Type / number of            The cosmetic product contains the preservative MCI/MI.             public authorities (to:
                                          model: Expiry date:         Dermal contact with products containing MCI/MI can provoke         Retailer): Withdrawal of
                                          06.2019                     allergic contact dermatitis, especially for sensitive consumers.   the product from the
                                          Batch number /              The product does not comply with the Cosmetic Products             market
                                          Barcode: 12166747, 5        Regulation.
                                          904215 406747
78    Cyprus      A12/0597/    China      Electric blender            Electric shock                                                     Measures ordered by
                  18                      Type / number of            The electrical insulation is insufficient.                         public
                                          model: MD8200D              As a consequence, the user may receive an electric shock.          authorities: Withdrawal of
                                          Batch number /              The product does not comply with the requirements of the Low       the product from the
                                          Barcode: 520296306093       Voltage Directive and with the European Standard ΕΝ 60335.         market
79    Cyprus      A12/0600/    China      Novelty lighter             Fire                                                               Measures ordered by
                  18                      Type / number of            The lighter is appealing to children.                              public authorities (to:
                                          model: Unknown              Children may play with it and cause a fire.                        Retailer): Withdrawal of
                                          Batch number /              The product does not comply with the relevant European             the product from the
                                          Barcode: Unknown            standard EN 13869.                                                 market
80    Cyprus      A12/0602/    China      Novelty lighter             Fire                                                               Measures ordered by
                  18                      Type / number of            The lighter is appealing to children.                              public authorities (to:
                                          model: Unknown              Children may play with it and cause a fire.                        Retailer): Withdrawal of
                                          Batch number /              The product does not comply with the relevant European             the product from the
                                          Barcode: 300000000006       standard EN 13869.                                                 market
81    Hungary     A12/0587/    China      Lighting chain              Electric shock, Fire                                               Measures ordered by
                  18                      Type / number of            The cable is not properly anchored, accessible wires have only     public authorities (to:
                                          model: WT-LED1-140C ;       basic insulation and the cable is too thin.                        Distributor): Recall of the
                                          REF: 74431                  The basic insulated cable could detach or be damaged leaving       product from end users,
                                          Batch number /              the live conductors accessible which could lead to an electric     Withdrawal of the product
                                          Barcode: 9 005781           shock. The cable could overheat leading to a fire.                 from the market
                                          744311                      The product does not comply with the requirements of the Low
                                                                 27| of 42 P a g e
      Submitted        Alert
No.                               of      Product                                                       Risk                                         Measures
         By        Number
                                                                        Voltage Directive and the relevant European standard EN 60598.
82    Hungary     A12/0608/    China      Lighting chain                Electric shock, Fire                                                Measures ordered by
                  18                      Type / number of              The cable is not properly anchored, the accessible wires have       public authorities (to:
                                          model: CE-WTK-100C;           only basic insulation and the cable is too thin.                    Importer): Recall of the
                                          REF: 1200730 (on a            The basic insulated cable could detach or get damaged, leaving      product from end users,
                                          label); REF: 1200729 (on      the live conductors accessible and, as a result, the user could     Withdrawal of the product
                                          the box)                      receive an electric shock. The cable could also overheat leading    from the market
                                          Batch number /                to a fire.
                                          Barcode: 8 014212             The product does not comply with the requirements of the Low
                                          007308 (on a label), 8        Voltage Directive and the relevant European standard EN 60598.
                                          014212 007292 (on the
83    Hungary     A12/0609/    China      Lighting chain                Electric shock, Fire                                                Measures ordered by
                  18                      Type / number of              The cable is not properly anchored, the accessible wires have       public authorities (to:
                                          model: CE-WTK-240C;           only basic insulation and the cable is too thin.                    Distributor): Recall of the
                                          NO:651-1 / 1200362 (on        The basic insulated cable could detach or get damaged, leaving      product from end users,
                                          a label); REF: 80633 (on      the live conductors accessible and, as a result, the user could     Withdrawal of the product
                                          the packaging)                receive an electric shock. The cable could also overheat leading    from the market
                                          Batch number /                to a fire.
                                          Barcode: 8 032012             The product does not comply with the requirements of the Low
                                          003627 (on a label); 9        Voltage Directive and the relevant European standard EN 60598.
                                          005781 806330 (on the
84    Hungary     A12/0610/    China      Lighting chain                Electric shock, Fire                                                Measures ordered by
                  18                      Type / number of              The cable is not properly anchored, the accessible wires have       public authorities (to:
                                          model: CE-WTK-360C;           only basic insulation and the cable is too thin.                    Importer): Recall of the
                                          NO:651-1 / 1200364 (on        The basic insulated cable could detach or get damaged, leaving      product from end users,
                                          alabel); REF: 80634 (on       the live conductors accessible and, as a result, the user could     Withdrawal of the product
                                          the packaging)                receive an electric shock. The cable could also overheat, leading   from the market
                                          Batch number /                to a fire.
                                          Barcode: 8 048012             The product does not comply with the requirements of the Low
                                                                   28| of 42 P a g e
      Submitted        Alert
No.                               of      Product                                                       Risk                                         Measures
          By       Number
                                          003642 (on a label); 9        Voltage Directive and the relevant European standard EN 60598.
                                          005781 806347 (on the
85    Hungary     A12/0611/    China      Lighting chain                Electric shock, Fire                                                Measures ordered by
                  18                      Type / number of              The cable is not properly anchored, the accessible wires have       public authorities (to:
                                          model: L5 LED                 only basic insulation and the cable is too thin.                    Distributor): Withdrawal
                                          (XM-LED-150)                  The basic insulated cable could detach or get damaged, leaving      of the product from the
                                          Batch number /                the live conductors accessible and, as a result, the user could     market, Withdrawal of the
                                          Barcode: 9 796104             receive an electric shock. The cable could also overheat, leading   product from the market
                                          579054                        to a fire.
                                                                        The product does not comply with the requirements of the Low
                                                                        Voltage Directive and the relevant European standard EN 60598.
86    Germany     A12/0599/    China      Desk lamp                     Fire                                                                Measures taken by
                  18                      Type / number of              The product overheats easily.                                       economic
                                          model: LED - 636              As a consequence it could cause a fire.                             operators: Withdrawal of
                                          Batch number /                The product does not comply with the requirements of the Low        the product from the
                                          Barcode: Unknown              Voltage Directive.                                                  market (By: Retailer)
87    Spain       A12/0584/    China      Toy dinosaur                  Choking                                                             Measures ordered by
                  18                      Type / number of              The stickers on the toy can easily detach.                          public authorities (to:
                                          model: Model 628A, ref.       A young child may put these small parts in the mouth and choke.     Importer): Withdrawal of
                                          JU10508                       The product does not comply with the requirements of the Toy        the product from the
                                          Batch number /                Safety Directive and the relevant European standard EN 71-1.        market
                                          Barcode: 843523510508
                                          4, Batch ER4724/16;
88    Denmark     A12/0585/    China      Toy musical instrument        Choking                                                             Measures taken by
                  18                      Type / number of              A switch on the keyboard detaches easily, generating a small        economic
                                          model: 31132                  part.                                                               operators: Recall of the
                                          Batch number /                A child may put the small part in the mouth and choke on it.        product from end
                                          Barcode: 344532,              The product does not comply with the requirements of the Toy        users (By: Importer)
                                          8711252311326                 Safety Directive and the relevant European Standard EN 71-1.

                                                                   29| of 42 P a g e
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