Quality compressed air - Reliable. Efficient. Economical - KAESER KOMPRESSOREN

Page created by Roy Hodges
Quality compressed air - Reliable. Efficient. Economical - KAESER KOMPRESSOREN
A magazine for the production industry
                                                                    report                                  2/20

                             SIGMA AIR UTILITY:
    Quality compressed air
                    – zero investment
                                                           t. Ec o n o mi c a l .
                                         e . E ffi c i e n

Saving energy at fastening   ter Hürne – Compressed         Visiting the stargazers   All-in for a hole-in-one at
technology specialist SPAX   air in the flooring industry   of Hawaii                 a golf club in Australia
Quality compressed air - Reliable. Efficient. Economical - KAESER KOMPRESSOREN
Contents Issue 2/20                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Editorial

                                                                              3       Editorial

                                                                              4       From wine into water…
                                                                                      Rotary screw blowers for the wastewater treatment plant at
                                                                                      Neustadt an der Weinstraße
                                                                                                                                                           The day will come when all is resolved
                                                                              6       SPAX – Turning heads with innovation
                                                                                      A fastening technology specialist reaps significant energy savings
                                                                              8       Huge savings with KAESER boosters                                    After nine months of fighting the pandemic, the battle is
                                                                                      KAESER’s latest product solution for the beverages industry          unfortunately still not yet won. We remain in the midst of an
                                                                                                                                                           extremely serious and complex crisis that affects everybody           Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing.          Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing.
                                                                              10 The natural choice                                                                                                                              Thomas Kaeser                Tina-Maria Vlantoussi-Kaeser
                                                                                                                                                           and everything. We must not look away, but tackle the situation       Managing Board               Managing Board
                                                                                 Flooring specialist ter Hürne relies on quality air from KAESER
                                                                                                                                                           head on and do everything we can to defeat the pandemic with
                                                                              14 The sky’s no limit                                                        utmost care and caution.
                                                                                 Visiting the stargazers of Hawaii
                                                                                                                                                           Of the key objectives in overcoming the pandemic, the first –         Health and the economy go hand-in-hand: when things go
                                                                              17 All-in for a hole-in-one                                                  and most important – is to safeguard employees’ health and            wrong in the economy, this often has a negative impact on
                                                                                 Top-quality golfing with KAESER rotary lobe blowers
                                                                                                                                                           lives to the greatest extent possible. Therefore, in our pro-         health and prosperity. In the same way, when matters of
                                                                              20 Where snacks meet compressed air – or do they?                            fessional lives as in our private lives, this means maintaining       health are neglected, the economy tends to suffer.
                                                                                 Sandwiches, wraps, paninis and baguettes from QiZiNi                      physical distance, wearing masks where physical distancing
                                                                                                                                                           is not an option and accepting the tough restrictions placed          Entrepreneurial action based on solidarity, hope and
                                                                              22 Contracting for a sustainable future                                      on classroom trainings and meetings. These measures are               confidence in the future ultimately benefits everyone. Even
                                                                                 A reduction in CO2 emissions thanks to advanced compressor technology     essential to prevent further spread of the virus.                     if the situation is exceptionally challenging, worry and fear
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 solve nothing. It is not a matter of introducing ever more
                                                                                                                                                           The second objective is to maintain business operations. Even         interdictions, but of complying with sensible rules that help
                                                                                                                                                           if certain areas do not operate at peak performance, operability      to manage, and therefore reduce, risk.
                                                                                                                                                           of the company as a whole must be ensured, in the interests of
                                                                                                                                                           our customers, suppliers and every single employee.                   Future virus outbreaks are inevitable. Pandemics, on the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 other hand, can be prevented through swift communication,
                                                                                                                                                           Only in this way is the third objective, job security, possible and   global coordination and concerted discipline. However, this
                                                             17-19                                                                                         achievable.                                                           does not mean that we should cast our values aside; rather
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 than sacrificing them to the pandemic, we should treasure
                                                                                                                                                           When physical distancing is an absolute necessity, social             and live by them sustainably. Trust and solidarity have a
                                                                                                                                                           proximity becomes more important than ever.                           special role to play here. The more trust there is, the better
Published by:               KAESER KOMPRESSOREN SE, 96450 Coburg, Germany, Carl-Kaeser-Str. 26
                            Tel. +49 (0)9561 640-0, Fax +49 (0)9561 640-130, www.kaeser.com, E-mail: productinfo@kaeser.com
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 one’s life is at work and at home. People are less stressed,
Editorial office:           Petra Gaudiello (Editor), E-mail: report@kaeser.com                                                                            We must therefore strive to maintain even more meaningful             live healthier and are happier.
Layout:                     Sabine Deinhart, Sarah Müller
Photographs:                Marcel Hunger                                                                                                                  personal and substantive contact with each other and with all
Printed by:                 Schneider Printmedien GmbH, Weidhausen
                                                                                                                                                           of our partners, customers and suppliers, through telephone           Although life in the future may not look exactly the same in
                                                                                                                                                           calls, video conferencing and online workshops.                       every respect as it did before, it makes sense for all of us to
The editorial office cannot accept liability for any unsolicited manuscripts and photographs.
Reproduction, including excerpts, only with written authorisation.                                                                                                                                                               work together to ensure that our lives continue to be more
                                                                                                                                                           In these difficult times, we need to be there for one another and     conscious, sustainable and supportive even after the battle
VAT identification no.: DE 132460321
Register of companies: Coburg HRB 5382                                                                                                                     provide mutual support more than ever.                                against the pandemic has been won.

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You can refuse the use and storage of your data for marketing purposes at any time at: customer.data@kaeser.com.

2 | KAESER report                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    KAESER report | 3
Quality compressed air - Reliable. Efficient. Economical - KAESER KOMPRESSOREN
State-of-the-art rotary screw blowers for the wastewater treatment plant                                         on account of the need to procure regular         best suited for converting the tanks from
                                                                                                                                                     supplies of pure oxygen. Therefore, one           pure oxygen aeration to compressed air
                                    at Neustadt an der Weinstraße                                                                                    of the aims of the recent modernisation of        aeration, there were two choices in the

                                                From wine
                                                                                                                                                     the facility was to find a more cost-effective    running; turbo blowers and rotary screw
                                                                                                                                                     solution for the aeration processes, which        blowers would both be equally adept at
                                                                                                                                                     would ultimately mean replacing the blower        fulfilling the plant’s requirements. In terms
                                                                                                                                                     station.                                          of energy consumption, there was not much

                                                		into water…
                                                                                                                                                                                                       in it either. In the end, the decision came
                                                                                                                                                     A new brief                                       down in favour of rotary screw blowers on
                                                                                                                                                     2015 saw the implementation of a compre-          account of their superior controllability,
                                                                                                                                                     hensive, multi-stage renovation and reha-         which comes into play from being able to
                                                                                                                                                     bilitation project at Lachen-Speyerdorf. The      split the individual units and apply differ-    An aerial view of the facility at Lachen-
                                                                                                                                                     aim was to optimise the existing systems          ing flow rates. Hence, since the autumn of
                                                                                                                                                     and equipment, from refurbishing the con-         2019, the supply of air for the two 4m-deep
                                                                                                                                                     crete in the tanks to renewing the lines and      aeration tanks has been provided by a type
                                                For wastewater management companies located in Germany’s wine-                                       updating the electrical systems and soft-         DBS 220 L SFC 30 kW (max. pressure
                                                                                                                                                     ware. Not only this, but the project set out      differential 650 mbar, max. flow rate           sure differential 1100 mbar, max. flow rate
                                                lands, the beginning of the winemaking season in the autumn marks                                    to achieve clear cost savings and efficien-       23 m³/min) and two type EBS 380 L               22 m³/min) and two type EBS 380 M SFC
                                                their busiest time of the year by far. The introduction of lees, grape                               cy gains, whilst maintaining the facility’s       SFC 37 kW (max. pressure differential           45 kW (max. pressure differential 1100
                                                pomace, yeast and yeast residue, amongst other leftovers from the                                    impressively high cleaning performance of         650 mbar, max. flow rate 38 m³/min) rotary      mbar, max. flow rate 37 m³/min) machines,
                                                                                                                                                     around 96%.                                       screw blowers, each one equipped with a         also each with frequency converter. One
                                                wine industry, into the sewerage system represents a considerable                                                                                      frequency converter.                            of the two larger units is sufficient to cover
                                                challenge for local treatment facilities. Not so, however, for the waste-                            Increasing energy efficiency levels whilst                                                        the necessary redundancy to ensure that
                                                                                                                                                     simultaneously reducing costs happens             In addition to these units, further new ma-     the compressed air supply can still be cov-
                                                water treatment plant at Lachen-Speyerdorf, which recently benefited                                 to be KAESER’s core competency. It tran-          chines would be required for the purposes       ered in full when it comes to maintenance
                                                from the installation of an ultra-modern blower station – courtesy of                                spired that, having installed a
                                                KAESER KOMPRESSOREN.                                                                                 KAESER blower for supplying
                                                                                                                                                     oxygen to one of the nitrifica-

The wastewater treatment plant at Neu-          billions of microorganisms to convert dis-          organisms, which serve to reduce the
                                                                                                                                                     tion tanks back in 2003, the
                                                                                                                                                     operators at Lachen-Speyer-                      Our new rotary screw blowers deliver clear
stadt an der Weinstraße is owned and man-
aged by the town’s in-house waste disposal
                                                solved matter in the wastewater (organic
                                                carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus com-
                                                                                                    nitrate to elementary nitrogen.
                                                                                                    Matter contained within the untreated
                                                                                                                                                     dorf were already familiar with
                                                                                                                                                     the reliability and performance                    cost savings with superior efficiency.
operation (Eigenbetrieb Stadtentsorgung         pounds) into settleable solids – i.e. a bio-        wastewater provides a source of nourish-         of the products and services on
Neustadt an der Weinstraße, or ESN).            mass – by means of their metabolic activi-          ment for the bacteria in the activated sludge,   offer from the Coburg-based
Located in the district of Lachen-Speyer-       ty. The biological purification stage can be        thereby ensuring a constant regrowth. Their      systems manufacturer. Another
dorf, the facility was designed to provide      divided roughly into two separate process-          only other requirement is, of course, a          factor that stood out in their favour was the     of rehabilitating a 5.5m-deep nitrification     or repair work, or in cases of fluctuating air
water treatment services for 85,000 resi-       es: nitrification and denitrification. Nitrifica-   supply of oxygen. There are various ways of      availability of a full, 10-year service con-      tank, the aeration system for which had at      demand (such as occur during the grape
dents and handles around 4.25 million           tion is the biological oxidation of ammonia         achieving this. Back in 1994, a pure oxygen      tract.                                            some point previously been converted from       harvest). This new, state-of-the-art blower
cubic metres of wastewater per year; it         to nitrate, via the intermediate stage of           aeration system was installed for the bio-                                                         coarse-bubble disc diffusers to fine-pore       station easily fulfils all the technical pre-
serves every district in town, including        conversion to nitrite. This transformation is       logical purification stage – a decision taken    Turbo blowers or rotary screw                     membrane plate diffusers. Here again, cost      requisites necessary to guarantee peace
the town centre. By the parameters under        undertaken by aerobic bacteria. Sub-                on the basis of the prevailing circumstanc-      blowers?                                          savings and reliability of supply were the      of mind for the operators at the Lachen-
which it is monitored, the average cleaning     sequently, denitrification takes place by           es at the time. This, however, proved to         When considering which of KAESER’s                guiding principles and this time the solution   Speyerdorf treatment plant – even at the
performance stands at over 90%.                 means of introducing anaerobic micro-               be an expensive solution in the long run,        energy-efficient blower models would be           was a DBS 220 M SFC 30 kW (max. pres-           height of the winemaking season!

Staying ahead of the curve
Commissioning of the Lachen-Speyerdorf
treatment plant originally took place in two
distinct stages. Mechanical pretreatment
was available from inauguration in 1975,
whilst biological treatment in the form of an
activated sludge procedure followed a few
years later, in 1978.

In principle, the biological treatment stages
of a water purification plant function the
same way as does the organic self-clean-
ing process undergone by waters in
nature, albeit in a technically optimised and
considerably less time-consuming fashion.
Biological purification takes place after       The blower station at the Lachen-Speyerdorf wastewater treatment plant, with its high-efficiency                                                       The refurbished aeration tanks.
the mechanical pretreatment phase, using        rotary screw blowers from KAESER KOMPRESSOREN.

4 | KAESER report
Quality compressed air - Reliable. Efficient. Economical - KAESER KOMPRESSOREN
A fastening technology specialist reaps significant energy savings                                                                             It may not be possible to reinvent
                                                                                                                                               the wheel, but it seems the same
                                                                                                                                               cannot be said of the humble
                                                                                                                                               screw. In fact, that is exactly
                                                                                                                                               what engineers in Ennepetal did
                                                                                                                                               in 1967: in place of the conven-
                                                                                                                                               tional wood screw with a single
                                                                                                                                               slot, they developed a completely
                                                                                                                                               new type of screw. Featuring
                                                                                                                                               a pioneering new head design
                                                                                                                                               with a cruciform drive, it ensured

   SPAX –
                                                                                                                                               a perfect transmission of force
                                                                                                                                               and could be driven effortlessly
                                                                                                                                               through wood, thanks to its new
                                                                                                                                               shaft profile and innovative tip.
                                                                                                                                               This breakthrough represented

   Turning heads with innovation
                                                                                                                                               a genuine revolution in fastening
                                                                                                                                               technology and the beginning of
                                                                                                                                               a global success story.

SPAX International specialises in the latest fastening technologies.                                                                                                                                 Based in Ennepetal, the company produces up to 50 million screws per day.

The history of the screw goes back con-          highest quality. They began their first inter-   the addition of a SECOTEC TG 980 refrig-      and the distinctive SPAX screw head is            number of different smaller consumers,          of supply that goes hand-in-hand with a
siderably further than the “SPAX revolu-         national exports only a short while after, in    eration dryer from KAESER. This was in        pressed. Each machine or station in the           such as the tooling facility and the harden-    modern compressed air station.
tion”; its basic form has existed since the      1829. However, their major international         addition to the existing equipment of two     pressing plant operates to the same proce-        ing shop, where the blanks are heated up to
Bronze Age (c. 2500 BC). One of the most         breakthrough did not come until 1967, with       type DSDX 245 (8.5 bar) rotary screw com-     dure, the only variance being in the dimen-       940 °C before being doused in oil. It is this
famous screw designs of all time was the         the launch of their game-changing SPAX           pressors, a DSD 205 SFC (10 bar) peak         sions of the end product. Compressed air          procedure that endows the finished screws
“Archimedes screw” (250 BC), a tip-less          screw (the name is derived from the Ger-         load machine, two 5000-litre air receivers    has a variety of roles throughout, including      with their exceptional strength – by the time
screw used for conveying water and named         man term for “chipboard screw with X-slot”).     and a whole array of compressed air treat-    pressure shut-off and cylinder activation of      they have been cleaned and reheated in a
after the Greek mathematician who was its        SPAX today is a registered trademark, not        ment components and filters. The entire       the machines. One of its most important           tempering furnace, the surface tension of
alleged inventor. The principle of the screw     to mention a generic acronym widely used         station is monitored and controlled by a      uses, however, is as blow-out air for remov-      the blanks has been enhanced many times
thread was also harnessed by the ancient         for chipboard screws.                            SIGMA AIR MANAGER 4.0 master con-             ing the finished blank once it has been pro-      over.
Romans for a variety of purposes: for dis-                                                        troller for maximum energy efficiency, as     cessed.
tance-measuring instruments, wine and oil        Today SPAX International GmbH & Co. KG           evidenced by the extremely low idling rate                                                      Compressed air is of vital importance
presses, and fastening elements on items         provides jobs for 500 employees, produc-         of 1.8%.                                      The next highest level of air demand              to every station involved in the screw
of jewellery, medical devices and astro-         ing up to 50 million screws every single day.                                                  comes from the rolling area (30%), where          manufacturing process, but even small
nomical instruments. And let us not forget       Charmingly, this international success story     Compressed air required                       the threads are worked into the blanks.           fluctuations in the air supply can nega-        The SPAX screw with its distinctive

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Images: SPAX
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  cruciform drive.
Leonardo da Vinci (1452 – 1519), an all-         is still based at the site where it all began    As you might expect, compressed air           This is achieved by the movement of               tively affect availability. Before the recent
round genius who drew sketches of motion         back in 1823. This fact has both its advan-      demand is high throughout the screw           rollers across the length of the screw. In this   modernisation, fluctuating consumption
and fastening screws whilst conducting           tages – as manifested in pleasing architec-      manufacturing process. The greatest           section, compressed air is used as control        in the tooling facility occasionally made it
intensive investigations into the potential      tural details such as the splendid columns
applications of the thread.                      supporting the roof in some of the produc-
                                                 tion halls – and its disadvantages, such as
Made in Germany                                  the challenges associated with accommo-
Moving ahead to modern times, the earliest       dating a growing array of new systems and                   Of particular pride to the customer, the KAESER air station
screw forges in Germany appeared around          machines in a building almost two centuries
the end of the 17th century, in the Rhineland    old. Creative solutions have had to be found                boasts an exceptionally low idling rate of just 1.8%.
and Westphalia, followed around a hundred        quickly when it has transpired that a door-
years later by the first factories dedicated     way was simply too narrow for a compres-
to the wholescale industrial manufacture of      sor or refrigeration dryer to pass through it;
screws. One of the first of these was found-     at times this has involved breaking out the      requirement comes from the pressing           air for the vibrating conveyors, which serve      necessary to deploy additional machines
ed in Ennepetal in the year 1823 as Alten-       air hammers to create an extra half-metre        plant, at 45% of total demand. It is here     to ensure that a continuous stream of blanks      temporarily to cover demand. Such chal-
loh, Brinck & Co. and it was not long be-        of clearance.                                    that the threadless screw blanks are cut      is fed into the 85 processing machines            lenges now belong thankfully to the past
fore the abbreviated name of ABC became          The facility’s air station received its latest   from the raw material (using a so-called      operating there. The remaining 25% of             and SPAX is reaping the benefits of signif-
synonymous with fastening elements of the        upgrade as recently in March 2020, with          “wire feed” – metal wire drawn onto reels)    the air demand is accounted for by a              icant energy cost savings and the security

6 | KAESER report
Quality compressed air - Reliable. Efficient. Economical - KAESER KOMPRESSOREN
KAESER’s latest product solution for the beverages industry

Booster systems come into play when, for technical reasons, spe-
cific points in a production process require a pressure higher than
the existing network pressure. A good example of this scenario is in
PET bottle production, where it does not make economic sense to
configure the entire compressed air network to operate at a higher
pressure than is needed for most processes – boosters provide a
far more cost-effective solution. KAESER KOMPRESSOREN is
proud to open a new chapter in the story of booster technology with
the introduction of its innovative complete systems.

Huge savings with KAESER boosters

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Image: Fotolia
In the second half of 2020, KAESER                quite literally, to simply   mised cooling air flow and easy access for      stream treatment components. CNC series         Initial pressure is from 3 to 13 bar, final
KOMPRESSOREN is drawing considerable              “plug and play”.             maintenance and service work. Automatic         boosters are available in a variety of models   pressure from 10 to 45 bar. Frequency-con-
attention from customers and prospects in                                      belt tensioning and condensate removal          (CN 7 C, CN 11 C, CN 15 C and CN 22 C,          trolled and nitrogen versions are also avail-
the beverages industry with the launch of         Incredible space-            ensure that very little maintenance effort is   featuring respective motor capacities of 7,     able.
its CNC range of boosters. These innova-          saver                        required on the part of the operator, whilst    11, 15 or 22 kW) for a diverse number of
tive new models offer companies engaged                                        the energy-saving SIGMA CONTROL 2 in-           applications.
in applications such as PET bottle produc-        With a footprint less than   ternal controller ensures that CNC boosters
tion the opportunity to benefit from huge         half that of their prede-    are network-capable and fully compatible
savings.                                          cessor models, these         with Industrie 4.0 environments. What is
                                                  compact complete ma-         more, they are equipped with a full sound
CNC series boosters from KAESER                   chines offer everything      enclosure for outstanding levels of noise
In applications where certain points require      you could need from a        insulation.
process air at a higher pressure than that        modern booster system.
of the normal control and working air, it is      A new, cleverly designed     Wide range of applications
far more economical to use boosters than          layout ensures an opti-      CNC series boosters are twin-cylinder re-
to design the entire compressed air system                                     ciprocating compressors, a fact which po-
to operate at that higher pressure. Com-                                       sitions them below KAESER’s DNC range
bining a new CNC series booster system                                         of boosters in terms of performance. Au-
with, for example, a KAESER rotary screw                                       tomatic belt tensioning provides optimised
compressor allows for an energy-efficient                                      power transmission between motor and
design that can cater for diverse applica-                                     compressor block, whilst also reducing
tions up to 45 bar.                                                            the need for maintenance. A highly effi-
                                                                               cient aluminium-block cooler ensures that
CNC series boosters are delivered as turn-                                     these compact powerhouses can achieve

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Image: iStockphoto
key machines, meaning that remarkably lit-                                     extremely low compressed air discharge
tle effort or cost is required to install them.                                temperatures, thereby guaranteeing opti-
Their advanced design allows the operator,                                     mal temperature conditions for the down-

8 | KAESER report                                                                                                                                                                                         KAESER report | 9
Quality compressed air - Reliable. Efficient. Economical - KAESER KOMPRESSOREN
The naturalness and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                beauty of wood make
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                it a unique material,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                that creates endless
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                possibilities for a cosy,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                comforting and stylish
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                home – a fact not lost
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                on ter Hürne. This
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                family business, based
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                in the German state
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                of North Rhine-West-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                phalia, is celebrated
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                at home and abroad
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                for its innovative and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                attractive floorings of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                wood, laminate and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                vinyl. Over the course
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                of its 60-year history,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ter Hürne has establi-

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          All Images: ter Hürne GmbH & Co. KG
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                shed itself as a market

The natural choice
 Flooring specialist ter Hürne relies on quality air from KAESER                                                                                                                                                                                                leader in its field, both
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                on the national and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                international stages.

Otger ter Hürne established the company         and laminate flooring, and by the end of        ing is manufactured from genuine wood.          ophy pervades the entire business, from
that bears his name in the village of Süd-      the century this new segment account-           Not only that, a majority of the wood used      the quality of the end product to the
lohn (North Rhine-Westphalia) in 1959, at       ed for 70% of the company’s turnover.           for the core layer strips is sourced from the   employees’ working environment, the
the height of Germany’s economic miracle.       ter Hürne’s revolutionary “CLICKitEASY”         local area and natural materials, such as       production systems and the process-
In its early years, the company produced        joining technique laid the foundation for       finishing oil derived from linseed and wal-     es themselves. And it so happens that
door frames and panelling, but its founder      a completely new, world-leading type of         nut, are used for surface finishes. When        when a modern manufacturing operation
had ambitious objectives and a clear plan       flooring.                                       specially treated with oils, parquet remains    decides to overhaul its processes and
for how to achieve them. Intent on build-                                                       breathable, which is an important factor for    systems, the spotlight shines inevitably on
ing an industrial enterprise, he brought        Throughout these decades of change              a healthy environment.                          its compressed air supply. In the case of ter
these plans to fruition in the 1970s with the   however, one thing remains the same: the                                                        Hürne, an initial energy review highlighted
development of the company’s first export       family-owned company is dedicated to the        Ecology and efficiency                          potential savings that were nothing short
markets. Whereas throughout the 1980s           development of healthful products that set      ter Hürne is dedicated not only to produc-      of enormous. It transpired that the entire
the business’ core segment was con-             the very highest standards in functionality,    ing natural, intelligently conceived flooring   company was using 4.5 million kWh per
centrated around wall cladding and              aesthetics and sustainability, just as it did   solutions to German quality standards,          year of power, which was approximate-
panelling, in the 90s they branched out         60 years ago. This focus on healthy living      but also to maintaining a responsible           ly equivalent to the combined electricity
into the flooring market with the intro-        is clear when it comes to the selection of      operation by means of thinking and act-         consumption of 1000 four-person house-
duction of innovative veneered, parquet         raw materials – ter Hürne’s parquet floor-      ing sustainably at all times. This philos-      holds. The compressed air supply alone          Numerous machines throughout the production process rely on compressed air.

10 | KAESER report                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             KAESER report | 11
Quality compressed air - Reliable. Efficient. Economical - KAESER KOMPRESSOREN
accounted for 12% of total power con-
sumed, or to put it another way, 120 of
the 1000 households mentioned above.
These findings resulted in a project being
conceived under Energy Management Pro-
ject Leader Thomas Brüning and Mainte-

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            frequency converter combination, which
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            unites the benefits of both synchronous
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            and asynchronous motor technology in a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            robust and service-friendly drive system that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            provides exceptionally flexible control.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Meanwhile, a highly efficient, space-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            saving SX-6 rotary screw compressor
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            was procured to provide the air supply for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            the spark-extinguishing system and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            three energy-saving SECOTEC TF 230
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            refrigeration dryers were chosen to provide
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            compressed air drying. The star of the show
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            is the advanced SIGMA AIR MANAGER
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            4.0 master controller, which continuously
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            monitors and controls every component
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            in the air station to ensure perfectly coor-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            dinated interplay. Peak performance and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            efficiency are assured at all times through
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            calculation of optimal machine operation,
                                                                                                                                                       For their surface finishes, ter Hürne uses finishing oil             whilst predictive maintenance reduces
                                                                                                                                                       derived from linseed and walnut.                                     servicing costs and eliminates the need for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            superfluous inspections.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            The new compressor station and associat-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ed treatment equipment were installed with-
nance Manager Ferdinand Kremer, with the
objective of optimising energy usage
                                                          KAESER’s compressed air station                                                                                                                                   out a hitch during the holiday shutdown in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            2019. They have since gone beyond mere-
through the application of state-of-the-art               allowed us to achieve our holistic,                                                                                                                               ly meeting expectations – an energy con-
technology.                                                                                                                                                                                                                 sumption analysis for the months of August
                                                          ecological design concept.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Imagees: ter Hürne
They immediately set about the task                                                                                                                                                                                         and September reveals that the ambitious
of     procuring       particularly     energy-                                                                                                                                                                             target set for energy savings has not only
efficient, high-tech compressors and acces-                                                                                                                                                                                 been achieved, but comfortably exceeded.
                                                                                                   Thomas Brüning (Energy Management Project Leader)
sories, with a fivefold brief in hand: optimise
energy consumption, reduce maintenance
costs, provide seamless, round-the-clock          wood-scented building; visitors are left in        When it came to designing a new com-
compressed air availability, ensure the nec-      no doubt how integral a part of this oper-         pressed air station capable of providing
essary redundancy for maintenance and             ation compressed air truly is. The great-          a round-the-clock supply of quality com-
repair work to be carried out, whilst all the     est slice of total air demand is used by the       pressed air to all of the various applications,
time allowing for potential future expansion.     machines that process the flooring, which          the project team – under Thomas Brüning
                                                  include presses, forming systems, sanding          and Ferdinand Kremer – made the natural
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Above: Inside the modern, 45,000 m² production halls, natural and intelligently
High compressed air demand                        and lacquering machines, as well as control        choice and consulted KAESER. This result-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  conceived flooring solutions are produced to German quality standards.
A tour of the facility quickly reveals the        and processing technology. Compressed              ed in investment in two speed-controlled
extent to which the company relies on com-        air is also needed to clean and drive the          type CSD 105 SFC and two type CSDX
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Below: A reliable supply of compressed air is ensured by four KAESER rotary
pressed air. Step into the 45,000 m² pro-         machines and, last but not least, for some         140 rotary screw compressors to supply
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  screw compressors, whilst treatment is provided by three energy-saving
duction hall and you become immediately           of the building systems, such as those used        compressed air at 6.5 bar. This new gen-                                                                     SECOTEC refrigeration dryers.
aware of the various hissing and stamping         for filtering the ambient air and for opening/     eration of CSD/CSDX machines features
sounds from every corner of the pleasantly        closing doors.                                     a perfectly matched reluctance motor and

12 | KAESER report                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             KAESER report | 13
Quality compressed air - Reliable. Efficient. Economical - KAESER KOMPRESSOREN
The sky’s no limit
                     Visiting the stargazers of Hawaii                                     Initiated in 1979, CFHT is a joint research
                                                                                           facility which operates a telescope atop the
                                                                                           dormant volcano of Mauna Kea on Hawaii. A
                                                                                           collaboration between Canada’s Herzberg
                                                                                           Astronomy and Astrophysics Research
                                                                                           Centre, the Institut National des Sciences
                                                                                           de L’Univers in France and the University of
                                                                                           Hawaii’s Institute for Astronomy, the facili-
                                                                                           ty boasts a world-class, 3,6 metre optical/
                                                                                           infrared telescope that is mainly controlled
                                                                                           from the observatory’s headquarters in
                                                                                           the quaint little town of Waimea. Here, a
                                                         On the island of Hawaii, amid     team of over 40 engineers, technicians,
                                                         the vastness of the Pacific       astronomers and administrators now use
                                                                                           remote-operated Queued Service Observ-
                                                         Ocean, the Canada-France-
                                                                                           ing almost 100% of the time. While the pri-
                                                         Hawaii Telescope (CFHT)           mary mirror is relatively small, their use of
                                                         sits high atop Mauna Kea –        cutting-edge technologies – such as adap-
                                                                                           tive optics and wide-field imaging – achieve
                                                         the planet’s largest dormant      impressive results for the scientific com-
                                                         volcano. Situated at a height     munity. CFHT’s work aims to answer some
                                                                                           of the most perplexing questions facing
                                                         of almost 4200 metres, it is      astronomers today – what is dark energy,
                                                         one of thirteen telescopes in     are Earth-sized planets common in the uni-
                                                         the vicinity, all taking advan-   verse and finally, what is the ultimate fate of
                                                                                           the universe?
                                                         tage of the pristine conditions
                                                         for stargazing and marveling      Top of the World
                                                                                           The Mauna Kea and its Visitor Information
                                                         at the wonders of the cosmos.     Station, located at 2700 metres, are very
                                                                                           popular with tourists. It is not easy to get
                                                                                           here. The road past the Visitor Information
                                                                                           Station is rocky and uneven, meaning a
                                                                                           4WD vehicle is needed to reach the summit
                                                                                           facilities. The weather can change in an in-
                                                                                           stant without warning, impeding progress up
                                                                                           the steep mountain road. Altitude sickness
                                                                                           is a real problem and can strike even the
                                                                                                                    most experienced
                                                                                                                    visitor – including
                                                                                                                    staff members of
                                                                                                                    the observatory. Yet
                                                                                                                    despite this, people
                                                                                                                    are drawn to the
                                                                                                                    summit to get clos-
                                                                                                                    er to its fascinating
                                                                                                                    science and stark
                                                                                                                    beauty, as well as
                                                                                                                    its cultural signifi-
                                                                                                                    cance for the native

                                                                                                                    With the Canada-
                                                                                                                    telescope, the rese-
                                                                                                                    archers are looking
                                                                                                                    for answers to the
                                                                                                                    central questions of

14 | KAESER report                                                                                                    KAESER report | 15
Quality compressed air - Reliable. Efficient. Economical - KAESER KOMPRESSOREN
Top-quality golfing with KAESER rotary lobe blowers
                                                plete scientific observations that may be      purge air inside the various instrument cab-
                                                lost forever.                                  inets, in order to keep icing to a minimum.
                                                Compressed air also has a role to play         All CFHT’s instruments are cryo-cooled, as
                                                when it comes to protecting the telescope’s    condensation and ice can build up if humid
                                                mirrors. It is used to power special covers    air comes into contact with these extreme-
                                                which protect the mirrors from dust, debris    ly cold surfaces. The CFHT is a non-profit
                                                and falling objects. If these covers don’t     research corporation, so the procurement
                                                open properly, critical observation time can   costs of such projects are an important fac-
                                                be lost. “We need to ensure that all func-     tor. The same applies to running costs: in a
                                                tions are supported each and every night,      place where energy costs $ 0.31 per kWh,
                                                unmanned, without fail,” says Green. “We       the approximate 30% energy saving poten-
                                                are operating under very specific condi-       tial that KAESER products have to offer is
                                                tions. There are incredibly few compres-       a key consideration. Accordingly, KAESER
                                                sors that can operate at 4200 metres.          has designed the system to perform and
                                                Kaeser’s team of specialists were the only     provide longevity, durability and efficiency.
                                                ones willing and able to take the time need-   This is also important for a new project,
                                                ed to engineer the right solution: an AS 30    which aims to establish another 10-metre
                                                (US-market specific model) rotary screw        telescope within the next five years.
                                                compressor with add-on desiccant dryer,        Those approaching the traditional white
                                                customised to our exact needs.”                dome and emblematic retractable roof prob-
                                                In addition to standard applications, such     ably don’t know that without compressed
                                                as powering pneumatic tools in the ma-         air, capturing spectacular images of the
                                                chine shop, compressed air is used as          universe would simply not be possible.

The KAESER screw compressor AS 30 must
meet highly specific requirements at an
altitude of 4200 m.

                                                                                                                                                              All-in for a hole-in-one
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       The well-tended greens are the flagship feature of the Pennant Hills Golf Club.

Compressed air makes it all
The telescope’s primary mirror, made of
solid, thermally stable glass and weighing
in at 11,000 kg, features 24 flat pistons,
each about 31 cm in diameter and 5 cm
thick. These pistons are powered using
compressed air, which must not only be ex-
ceptionally clean and dry at a very precise
pressure. “The pressure required to sup-
                                                                                                                                                              Set amongst the picturesque green hills of Beecroft in the Australian state of New South Wales, the
port the pistons on this equatorial telescope                                                                                                                 Pennant Hills Golf Club is the fourth oldest golf club in the area. Founded in 1923, it still occupies its
must be controlled by a unique passive reg-                                                                                                                   original location in the Hills Shire district to the northwest of Sydney. Over recent years, a lengthy period
                                                                                                                                                              of drought caused by persistently high temperatures and strong winds across the whole of southern
                                                                                                                                                              Australia has turned the upkeep of its green areas into one of the greatest challenges facing the club
      The many spectacular insights we gain
      here into the depths of the universe are                                                                                                                                                                 Mention the words “golf course” and
                                                                                                                                                                                                               most people immediately bring to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         sure from growth and drought in the region,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         the time had clearly come for the club to
      only possible thanks to compressed air.                                                                                                                                                                  mind images of endless, lush green
                                                                                                                                                                                                               grass stretching far away into the dis-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         start looking at new solutions for an inde-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         pendent supply of its own.
                                                                                                                                                                                                               tance. Even in Australia, where large
                                                                                                                                                                                                               parts of the country has experienced      Groundbreaking sewer mining
                                                                                                                                                                                                               severe and long term drought, a lux-      project
ulation system to within 0,00069 bar over                                                                                                                                                                      urious growth of grass is an essential    Having taken the time to search for the right
two axes,” states Greg Green, Mechanical                                                                                                                                                                       prerequisite for any golf club. To keep   consultants, PHGC approached Permeate
Designer and Instrument Maker for CFHT.                                                                                                                                                                        its expansive turf areas well-groomed     Partners – a consultancy specialising in
The mirror must be supported 24 hours a                                                                                                                                                                        and healthy, the Pennant Hills Golf       the analysis, procurement, operation and
day, seven days a week without failure. A                                                                                                                                                                      Club (PHGC) needs to provide them         maintenance of water and wastewater in-
                                                                                                                                               Images: CFHT

single lost night of observation is valued at                                                                                                                                                                  with a constant supply of high quality    frastructure. Known for meeting the chal-
approximately $20,000 and, more impor-                                                                                                                        Rich in tradition, the Pennant Hills Golf Club   irrigation water. However, with the mu-   lenge of increasing water scarcity head-on
tantly, could represent a window to com-                                                                                                                      was founded in the 1920s.                        nicipal water supply also under pres-     with innovative solutions, “recycling” is the

16 | KAESER report                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  KAESER report | 17
Quality compressed air - Reliable. Efficient. Economical - KAESER KOMPRESSOREN
Our COMPACT rotary lobe blowers have proven their
                                                                                                                                                                    reliability – still running perfectly after over 12 years
                                                                                                                                                                    of operation.

                                                                                        The Pennant Hills Water Reclamation Plant commenced               The innovative solution from Permeate
                                                                                          operation over 12 years ago and is capable of produ-        Partners was to use treated wastewater for
                                                                                         cing up to 650,000 litres of high-quality recycled water                     the purposes of irrigation.
                                                                                              per day, which is used to irrigate the golf course.

                                                                                                   For this procedure to be effective, a de-        Years of satisfaction
                                                                                                   pendable source of low-pressure process          The wastewater treatment plant at Pennant
                                                                                                   air is needed. Two compact, type BB 88 C         Hills was commissioned around 12 years
                                                                                                   rotary lobe blowers (15 kW, max. usable          ago and has been providing up to 650,000
                                                                                                   flow rate 8.2 m³/min) from KAESER provide        litres of high-quality, recycled water per day
                                                                                                   the biological reactors with oxygen aeration     ever since. Approximately 98 % of the water
                                                                                                   for the microorganisms active within. Two        sourced from the sewer system is recycled
Four COMPACT-series rotary lobe blowers from KAESER are used to deliver pro-
                                                                                                   further KAESER rotary lobe blowers – this        for the purposes of irrigating the greens,
cess air for the membrane bioreactor.                                                              time 7.5 kW BB 88 C (max. usable flow rate       with the remaining 2 % flowing back into the
                                                                                                   4.7 m³/min) – serve to aerate the mem-           sewers as activated sludge.
                                                                                                   branes, which prevents any suspended
watchword for these water industry ex-            question, which would prove the perfect          solids from sticking to their outer surfaces.    Kurt Dahl, Managing Director at Permeate
perts. According to their calculations, the       location to construct the new recycled water                                                      Partners, sums up his satisfaction with the
most cost-effective solution for irrigating the   plant.                                           Rotary lobe blowers from KAESER’s                four rotary lobe blowers: “In operation now
green areas of the golf club was to recycle                                                        BB-series are compact complete machines          for over 12 years, they have proven their re-
wastewater sourced from the nearby sew-           Low-pressure process air                         featuring OMEGA Profile rotors. Delivered        liability and are still running perfectly. As the
ers, using a technique called sewer mining.       At the heart of the wastewater treatment         ready for connection, including a full set       plant is nestled within the course, it was im-
State-of-the-art technology would then be         process lies a membrane bioreactor. In this      of sensors, star-delta starter (or frequency     portant that we selected equipment with low
brought to bear, so as to ensure that the         system, the treated water from the biologi-      converter) and complete CE and EMC-certi-        noise levels and the KAESER blowers have
wastewater is sufficiently treated to meet        cal reactor is drawn through the surface of      fication, they considerably reduce both the      certainly proven to be quiet operators, con-
the necessary quality levels. This is where       a membrane, which serves to remove any           workload and expenditure associated with         tributing to the overall whisper-quiet sound
the rotary lobe blowers from KAESER               remaining solids and pathogens. When             planning, assembly, certification, docu-         level of the plant.”
come into play; blowers are a key compo-          the suspended solids are rejected from the       mentation and commissioning. As with all
nent of any wastewater treatment facility         membrane surface, they are returned to           KAESER products, they are designed for
and the water recycling plant at PHGC is          the start of the biological reactor. The water   maximum levels of efficiency, reliability and
no exception. Fortunately, the premises at        which passes through the membrane can            durability and, thanks to minimal mainte-
Pennant Hills included a patch of unused          then be reused following further disinfection    nance and service requirements, guarantee          The water recycling plant supplies the club
land situated just 100m from the sewer in         via UV and chlorine.                             lowest possible life-cycle costs.                      with its own source of irrigation water.

18 | KAESER report
Sandwiches, wraps, paninis and baguettes from QiZiNi

          Where snacks meet
          compressed air – or do they?
 When you decide to treat yourself to a sandwich at a service station, or when you are served
 a wrap or panini whilst cruising through the air at 10,000 metres, there is a good chance
 that it originated in QiZiNi’s creative kitchens – this Dutch company, which produces more                                                                                    In the food industry, it is absolutely vital that
 than 200,000 fresh wraps, burritos, paninis and luxury sandwiches a day at two sites in the
 Netherlands, counts service station operators and several airlines amongst its customers.                                                                                     compressed air meets the highest standards
 As you would expect, a clean supply of food-grade compressed air plays a key role in their production                                                                         of quality and purity.
 processes. So when it came to selecting the compressors for those two production facilities, it was only
 natural that they should turn to KAESER…

                                                                                                                                                QiZiNi’s smoky bacon and egg sandwiches are especially popular.

                                               as paninis and burritos to be warmed up        enormously in shape, weight and individual        Energy-optimised                                 the whole air station. “Because maximising
                                                  later at home. Customers include su-        characteristics. This makes it difficult to use   The machine room at QiZiNi is equipped           our energy savings is an issue close to our
                                                     permarket chains, petrol stations,       robots or other machines for such purpos-         with a frequency-controlled rotary screw         hearts, we opted for compressors equipped
                                                       catering companies and airlines,       es as putting together rolls, or packaging.       compressor plus two type ASD 50 fixed-           with a heat recovery system. We are plan-
                                                        principally in France, Germany        Things are easier when it comes to apply-         speed rotary screw compressors from              ning a special project to determine how
                                                         and the Benelux countries –          ing sauces or dressings, because here an          KAESER, all of which are controlled via a        best to harness the potential this offers us.”
                                                          where their products can be         automatic dosing system can be used.”             KAESER SIGMA AIR MANAGER master                                                                   The production of sandwiches, paninis and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  wraps is principally a manual process and is
                                                           found under both the QiZiNi                                                          controller for maximum energy efficiency.        Rapid service                                    difficult to automate.
                                                            and Natsu brand names,            Super-clean compressed air                        The unique 3-D Advanced Control continu-         Asked why both QiZiNi facilities chose to go
                                                            amongst others. The com-          QiZiNi’s facility in Losser covers an area        ously analyses the relationship between in-      with KAESER compressors, Henk Blanken-
                                                             pany’s two Dutch production      of 5000 m² and contains a broad range of          dividual parameters (e.g. switching vs con-      stijn replies: “KAESER is a supplier we feel
                                                             facilities in Alphen aan den     processing and packaging machines. Com-           trol efficiency) and predictively calculates     we can always depend on. Reliability is a
                                                             Rijn and Losser provide          pressed air plays an important part in the        the most energy-efficient operation from         hugely important factor for us; that’s why we
                                                             jobs for more than 250 peo-      production process – for controlling the ma-      the many options available, thereby taking       opted for a redundant compressor configu-
                                                             ple.                             chines by means of pneumatic cylinders,           into account not only the number of starts       ration, because it leaves us the option of ex-
                                                                                              for example, and for cleaning the machines        and stops, but also idling and frequency         panding it further later on. We have always
                                                             Freshly handmade –               and processing tables.                            converter losses and pressure flexibility.       had positive experiences when it comes to
                                                             every day                        “The compressed air never comes into di-          This serves to optimise the pressure per-        dealing with KAESER. They offer a profes-
                                              According to Head of Maintenance Henk           rect contact with the product itself,” explains   formance of the entire compressed air sys-       sional service organisation and their prod-
                                              Blankenstijn, responsible for all the pro-      Henk Blankenstijn. “But it is used to clean       tem and reduce the average pressure level,       ucts are extremely durable. All in all, we are
                                              duction machines and technical systems in       machines and surfaces that do, so we have         whilst guaranteeing the energy efficiency of     very satisfied indeed.”
For its diverse selection of wraps, QiZiNi    operation at QiZiNi’s site in Losser, turning   to ensure that the air meets the strictest
uses only the best, freshest ingredients.     out such a wide variety of products quickly,    food-grade quality standards. In practice,
                                              efficiently and safely is a major challenge.    this means it must comply with the specifi-
                                                                                                                                                On the right are the two ASD 50 rotary screw
                                              “Despite the fact that a lot of our work has    cations laid down in ISO 8573-1, which are          compressors from KAESER. To the left of
QiZiNi was founded in the Netherlands in      to be done manually, we are trying to auto-     1.2.1”.                                           each compressor (left side of image) stands
2011 as a joint venture between Johma         mate as many stages as possible, because        Achieving this level of purity – which de-               a KAESER DC 50 desiccant dryer and
Sandwiches and Greencore Niederlande.         efficient production processes are an im-       mands a pressure dew point of -40 °C – re-                       ACT 50 activated carbon filter.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Images: QiZiNi Group B.V.
Part of Germany’s Natsu Foods Group           portant factor for remaining competitive        quires the use of a desiccant dryer with oil/
                                                                                                                                                     “Reliability and durability are important
since 2015, its specialities include fresh-   in this market,” he explains. “But automa-      water separator and activated carbon filter,       factors for us when it comes to purchasing
ly prepared wraps, sandwiches and ba-         tion is a big challenge in this industry. We    not to mention various other KAESER Filter             new compressors,” says Head of Main-
guettes for immediate consumption, as well    are working with fresh produce that varies      products as well.                                                   tenance Henk Blankenstijn.

20 | KAESER report                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          KAESER report | 21
compressed air equipment. When, in 2019,         Following a comprehensive ADA (Air              Officer Peter Bley had another choice to
     A reduction in CO2 emissions thanks to advanced compressor technology                                                                        the time came to replace their ageing,           Demand Analysis) and consultation with          make: outright purchase or contracting?
                                                                                                                                                  energy-hungry compressors with a modern          KAESER field representatives, three type        The advantages of KAESER’s contracting
                                                                                                                                                  compressed air station, PRETTL GmbH              ASD 50 rotary screw compressors (flow           concept, SIGMA AIR UTILITY, are clear:

                                   Contracting for a
                                                                                                                                                  Magnet- und Schaltertechnik sought to find       rate 4.58 m³/min, max. gauge pressure           with this model, the user purchases a con-
                                                                                                                                                  high-efficiency products that would from the     8.5 bar, air-cooled with integrated heat        tractually agreed volume of compressed air,

                                   sustainable future
                                                                                                                                                  outset offer clear reductions in both energy     recovery) were installed, which – thanks        treated to a predefined quality level, direct-
                                                                                                                                                  costs and emissions in comparison to the         to their SIGMA PROFILE rotors and inno-         ly from the supplier and therefore does not
                                                                                                                                                  outgoing machinery. They also wanted to          vative drive concept – deliver improved         have to be concerned about any of the costs
                                                                                                                                                  install a heat recovery system, so as to be      performance, reliability and energy effi-       and inconvenience associated with repairs,
                                                                                                                                                  able to reuse heat energy from the com-          ciency. Two highly efficient TE 142 refrig-     service and maintenance, etc. – these as-
                                                                                                                                                  pressors for heating their office spaces.        eration dryers were selected to provide the     pects are taken care of by the operator. This
                                                                                                                                                                                                   necessary compressed air treatment and          was ultimately the path chosen by PRETTL.
                                                                                                                                                  Wanted: Reliability with flexibility             the complete ensemble is controlled and         In addition to the cost benefits associated
                                                                                                 “Ecology is the future” is the                   At the PRETTL GmbH Magnet- und Schal-            monitored by a SIGMA AIR MANAGER                with opting for a contracting model, there
                                                                                                 simple, yet positive and op-                     tertechnik plant, where over 40 interlinked      master controller.                              are also clear environmental benefits to be
                                                                                                                                                  production systems operate in production                                                         gained from permanent monitoring of effi-
                                                                                                 timistic guiding principle that                  halls with a combined area of 3000 m², each      The question of space                           ciency, which is continuously optimised to
                                                                                                 motivates the PRETTL Group.                      of the processes involved requires com-          Space restrictions meant that the compres-      achieve best possible performance.
                                                                                                 It is a maxim that this family-                  pressed air to drive pneumatic elements          sor station could not be installed inside any
                                                                                                                                                  and cylinders. Availability issues are not an    of the production halls, which led manage-      Peter Bley and Jochen Dümmler are more
                                                                                                 run group of companies from                      option for this automotive supplier, accord-     ment to opt for a containerised solution,       than satisfied with the new air station, which
                                                                                                 the historic German region of                    ing to Project Engineer Jochen Dümmler,          located outdoors. Not only the compres-         supports their drive for sustainability and
                                                                                                                                                  since such problems would impact upon            sors, but also the SIGMA AIR MANAGER            environmental protection through the appli-
                                                                                                 Swabia takes very seriously,                     them all the more severely for their systems     4.0 were installed in this fashion. By means    cation of advanced technology. “Our latest
                                                                                                 implementing their sustain-                      being interlinked. It also had to be borne in    of remote monitoring, the master control-       energy-related KPIs show us that, thanks
                                                                                                 ability activities on a global                   mind that strong fluctuations were an intrin-    ler ensures the highest possible level of       to the new air station, our power consump-
                                                                                                                                                  sic feature of their compressed air demand,      compressed air availability; it also serves     tion for compressed air generation is now
                                                                                                 level across multiple branches                   since numerous systems and machines are          to conduct efficiency analyses and initiate     80, 000 kWh lower than it was the previous
                                                                                                 and individual companies.                        only operated temporarily in the halls for the   service requests.                               year – which equates to a CO2 reduction of
                                                                                                                                                  purposes of testing, after which they are                                                        48 tonnes.”
                                                                                                 With a comprehensive energy                      then transferred to other locations. It was      Purchase or contracting?
                                                                                                 management system first                          therefore important for the new systems to       Once the decision had been made to
                                                                                                                                                  offer a high degree of flexibility.              choose KAESER, Energy Management
                                                                                                 introduced in 2016, the holding
                                                                                                 company has been working
                                                                                                 towards the ambitious goal of
                                                                                                 achieving CO2 neutrality, which
                                                                                                 it plans to roll out on a group-
                                                                                                 wide basis over the coming                                                                                                                                                 KAESER
                                                                                                 years.                                                                                                                                                                     Service Centre
This automotive supplier manufactures customised vehicle electrical systems, coils, valves
and control elements.

The cornerstone of the PRETTL Group             half of the group’s turnover is generated in    employ professional methods and strate-                                                                                                                      Compressed air station
was established in the Swabian town of          the automotive sector, where firms such         gies for analysing and evaluating the overall
Pfullingen in 1953, with the founding of the    as PRETTL GmbH Magnet- und Schalter-            energy consumption of the PRETTL Group
Franz W. PRETTL metalworking company.           technik – or in English, PRETTL Magnetic        – with the aim of reducing this to sustaina-
Today, the group of businesses gathered         and Switching Technology Ltd – specialise       ble levels within a calculable period of time,”
under the umbrella of PRETTL Production         in the manufacture of customised vehicle        declares Peter Bley, PRETTL’s Energy Man-
Holdings, PRETTL Investment Holdings            electrical systems, injection systems, coils,   agement Officer. “Our goal over the coming
and PRETTL Industrial Holdings accounts         valves, control elements and sensors.           years is to achieve CO2 neutrality, for which                                                                                      Our two main objectives were
for 10,000 employees across 40 individ-
ual companies and spreads across the            KPIs for sustainability
                                                                                                we have adopted the slogan PRETTL GO
                                                                                                ZERO ”.                                                                                                                             sustainability and flexibility.
entire globe. Now run by third-generation       The energy management system was first
shareholders Willi and Johannes Prettl, the     introduced in 2016, with the aim of creating    The first step towards realisation of their
PRETTL Group is active in the fields of auto-   a sustainable and environmentally friendly      new sustainability goals began with the
motive, electronics, energy, components &       operation. “In creating this system, we laid    procurement of energy-efficient machines          The three ASD 50 rotary screw compressors are installed in a container, along with a SIGMA AIR MANAGER 4.0 master controller, which
systems and strategic acquisitions. Around      the foundations necessary to allow us to        and systems. Naturally, this included the         controls the entire station at the highest levels of efficiency and in constant contact with the KAESER Service Centre.

22 | KAESER report                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            KAESER report | 23
                                              P.O. Box 21 43 – 96410 Coburg – GERMANY
                                              Tel.: +49 9561 640-0 – Fax: +49 9561 640130
                                              www.kaeser.com – e-mail: productinfo@kaeser.com

The new EBS 410 rotary screw blower
Maximum efficiency, minimal space requirement
Flow rate 10 to 41 m³/min, pressure differential up to 1.1 bar

                                                      High-performance and ready-to-run
             Slip-free                                Complete machine including controller and
   synchronous reluctance motor                        frequency converter or star-delta starter       Compact footprint
                                                                                                   With a compact footprint of only
      Combines all the advantages of
                                                                                                   2.2 m2 (C version), units can be
 high-efficiency permanent magnet motors
                                                                                                        installed side-by-side
 with the benefits of robust, maintenance-
       friendly asynchronous motors

                                                                                                       Maximum efficiency
                                                                                                     Up to 35% more efficient than
                                                                                                    conventional rotary lobe blowers,
        SIGMA PROFILE                                                                              thanks to Sigma Profile rotors and
  World-renowned rotary screw                                                                        high-efficiency IES2 / IE4 drive
 technology from KAESER now                                                                                       motors
  available for the low-pressure

     KAESER KOMPRESSOREN – More compressed air for less energy
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