Page created by Marshall Sanders
1Q 2016

What We Need To Know About The
Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA)

AEC: Trade And Investment Opportunities

To The SDR And Beyond

Who Matters In 2016 FOMC?
     In Search Of Silver Linings
     Amidst A Cloudy Outlook


     What We Need To Know About The
     Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA)

15   ASEAN FOCUS                                    32   INDONESIA
     AEC: Trade And Investment Opportunities
                                                    33   MALAYSIA
     To The SDR And Beyond                          34   SINGAPORE

23   中国焦点                                           35   THAILAND
                                                    36   INDIA
     Who Matters In 2016 FOMC?                      37   CHINA

29   FX STRATEGY                                    38   HONG KONG
     A Preview Of Regional Currencies In 2016
                                                    39   JAPAN
     The Big Picture On 2016 SGS Auction Calendar   40   SOUTH KOREA

                                                    41   TAIWAN

                                                    42   EUROZONE

                                                    43   AUSTRALIA

                                                    44   NEW ZEALAND

                                                    45   UNITED KINGDOM

                                                    46   UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

                                                    47   FX TECHNICALS

                                                         Information as of 04 December 2015

                                                         Scan the barcode for a list of all our reports.
Executive Summary                                                                                      have been roiling financial markets
                                                                                                       from time and time are largely due to
In Search Of Silver Linings Amidst A Cloudy Outlook                                                    1) generally lack of comprehensive,
                                                                                                       quality and timely economic data (will
                                                                                                       be resolved over time after China
                                                                                                       subscribed to IMF’s Special Data
                                                                                                       Dissemination Standard – or SDDS –
Key Themes in 2016                                    too far ahead of themselves, asking              on 7 Oct 2015); 2) poor understanding
It is hard to be optimistic for 2016’s                too much of central bankers when                 of China’s economic/social/political
outlook. Back in late 2014, we projected              there is not that much left on the table         system (again, time is needed to as
that the lacklustre global growth story of            to be given.                                     China’s system opens up further);
2014 would extend into 2015. Indeed,                                                                   and 3) overly concerned of existing
global growth has been consistently             2.    Longevity Of The USD Strength                    economic/financial imbalances and
revised lower throughout 2015. Based                  And now with the Fed hike in sight,              the doubts that these problems could
on the latest IMF forecasts, global growth            the one question in investors’ mind              be resolved. While there are risks
is set to come in at 3.1% in 2015, down               is that whether and how far the                  and imbalances just like any other
from 3.4% in 2014. While IMF expects                  USD would continue to rally after                economies, it should be noted that
the pace to improve to 3.6% globally in               the first hike? Looking into the last            the authorities are taking steps to
2016, we think the risk of disappointment             2 tightening cycles of the Federal               address these issues and more by
remains high. A large part of the tepid               Reserve (1994 and 2004), it may                  liberalizations and reforms, and to
environment in 2015 is attributed to the              seem counter-intuitive but it turned             connect with the global system, with
emerging market economies, hurt by                    out that the US dollar fell and Asian            SDR being the latest example. Our
lower commodity prices, slower China                  currencies (collectively represented             view is that the probability is low for
growth and domestic currency volatility.              by ADXY) appreciated when Fed                    a China hard landing scenario and/
The continued slower global and Asian                 started hiking rates during the last two         or large scale RMB depreciation or
economic environment looks set to                     cycles. In the upcoming tightening               devaluation, as the implementation
remain true for 2016, driven by the key               cycle, the Fed’s dot plot chart indicated        of the new SDR basket will only take
themes set out below.                                 only 100bps of rate hikes in 2016 (as            place on 1 Oct 2016, among other
_________________________________                     of Sep 2015 FOMC) while the more                 factors.
                                                      skeptical market only priced in an
                                                      even more shallow trajectory of just        4.   Few Bright Spots
The continued slower global and                       50bps worth of hikes. We think that              For Commodity Prices
Asian economic environment                            this initial disparity in rate trajectory        Depressed commodity prices has been
looks set to remain true for                          expectation may be sufficient to                 the bane of many emerging markets
2016.                                                 sustain the US dollar strength in the            in 2015 because a huge chunk of
_________________________________                     first half of 2016. But once the Fed             their exports are commodity-based,
                                                      has effectively communicated its rate            and contributed to the weak growth
1.   Monetary Policy Divergence                       trajectory preference and the market             outcomes in these regions. Weather
     Taking Shape                                     crystalize these expectations, we                effects may work towards the favor
     Central banks all over the world                 anticipate the dollar rally petering out         of higher soft commodity prices
     (except Brazil) have adopted easier              by 2H2016 and the Asian currencies               in 2016 but industrial metals may
     monetary policies throughout 2015                ending the year on a firmer footing.             continue to endure another year of
     and even though the US Federal                   Thus, one should be prudent not                  weak prices as long as demand from
     Reserve was expected to normalize                to be overly positive on the USD or              China remains lackluster. We continue
     interest rates sometime in 2015, Fed             overly negative on Asian currencies,             to see crude oil market suffering
     Chair Janet Yellen has left it to late           although the abrupt move in the EUR/             from oversupply while the expected
     in the game at the 15/16 December                USD pair – which surged from 1.05                increase in global oil demand remains
     FOMC meeting for Fed rate liftoff                to nearly 1.10 – in a matter of hours            unable to match the supply glut and
     action. That has been a long period              in reaction ECB’s Dec policy decision            close up the imbalances of the market.
     of anticipation and (hopefully) finally,         on 3 Dec – is a clear reminder of the            We continue to expect US crude oil
     we will see monetary policy                      volatility that could erupt at the most          price to hover near the US$40 per
     divergence between the US and the                unexpected place.                                barrel but the risk is to the downside
     rest of the central banks getting                                                                 (at US$30-35).
     off the ground. That said, the clear       3.    Concerns Over
     emphasis on the shallow nature of                China’s Outlook and Currency                5.   Political And Geopolitical
     the Fed’s rate trajectory, coupled with          China was, and remains, to be a                  Factors Coming Into Play
     limited further easing from ECB and              crucial part of the equation about               Meanwhile, if we assume a moderate
     BOJ should imply a milder divide.                how we see the global economy                    US growth outlook in 2016 holds true,
     At the end of the day, it is all about           and financial markets will fare.                 then the focus for US in 2016 will be
     expectations and ECB’s December                  The unresolved concerns about                    all about year-end elections. In less
     monetary policy disappointment is a              China “hard landing” and CNY                     than 1 year, we will have a whole
     good reminder that markets may get               devaluation will linger on in 2016.              bunch of elections taking place on
                                                      These are persistent concerns that               8 Nov 2016, the most important one

                                                        Quarterly Global Outlook 1Q2016
                                                     UOB Global Economics & Markets Research
Executive Summary

    will of course be the US Presidential        of infrastructure development in ASEAN          hike). Based on the recent commentaries
    elections. We will definitely be getting     today remains the biggest challenge but         from the FOMC voters, if Fed Chair Janet
    a new US President as Obama                  also presents immense opportunities             Yellen chooses to propose a rate hike in
    (Democrat) fulfills his 2 terms and will     for foreign direct investment. With better      Dec 2015, she will be able to press ahead
    step down but it is unclear at this stage    infrastructure and facilities, higher levels    with majority support but she may not get
    whether the next President is going          of manufacturing and services activities        an unanimous agreement as there are 3
    to be Republican or Democrat. One            can be generated and that will bring forth      clear doves: Fed Board Governor Lael
    thing we are sure of is that in a US         increased trade volumes in goods and            Brainard, Fed Board Governor Daniel
    election year, 2016 will be free of          services for ASEAN members.                     Tarullo and Chicago Fed President,
    threats of government shutdowns,                                                             Charles Evans. Our base case scenario is
    debt ceiling negotiations and US             CHINA IN FOCUS:                                 7-3 votes in favor of a 25bps hike in Dec
    government default risks, and                To The SDR And Beyond                           2015 FOMC.
    that’s a relief. And in terms of global      As widely expected, IMF Executive
    geo-politics, the threat posed by            Board approved China’s RMB inclusion            Prior to 2008, both Fed Reserve Bank
    the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria          into the SDR basket of currencies at            Presidents and Fed Reserve Board
    (ISIS) will continue to weigh upon           its decision on 30 Nov, with a weight of        Governors dissented. But since 2008,
    the security issues for all parts of the     10.92%, effective from 1 Oct 2016. IMF          only Fed Reserve Bank Presidents
    world. And in 2016, we have two big          also implements a new weighting formula         dissented. That said, we may have come
    sporting events, the UEFA EURO               for the SDR, which means that China is          to an interesting juncture of Fed monetary
    football tournament in France (10            likely to stay on its market reform track to    policy-making especially into 2016 where
    Jun-11 Jul) and the 2016 Summer              improve its weightage, as it eyes capital       we may see more Fed Reserve Bank
    Olympics in Brazil (5-21 Aug). Expect        account and currency convertibility by          Presidents dissenting because they want
    to see heightened security concerns          2020. With the implementation of the            to see tighter monetary policy but at the
    as the games begin.                          SDR basket extending to Oct 2016 and            same time, we may also see the first Fed
                                                 also the 5-year review cycle of the SDR,        Reserve Governor dissent since 2008 in
    We wish all our readers happy                it is unlikely that China would pursue a        the upcoming December 2015 FOMC
    holidays and a good year in 2016!            weak currency or “currency war” to boost        because at least two Governors favor
                                                 exports or domestic growth, knowing full        easier policy for longer.
                                                 well the futility of such strategy. Measures
FOCUS I:                                         taken by the central bank since the 11          FX STRATEGY:
What We Need To Know About the Trans-            Aug central parity reform suggests that         A Preview Of Regional Currencies In 2016
Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA)             it is in fact concerned about excessive         Now, as we head into December where
The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement          expectations of RMB depreciation. While         the US Federal Reserve is expected to
concluded in late 2015 is one of the biggest     we see a low probability of large scale or      deliver the first rate hike since the Global
trade deals in the last two decades. The         sharp depreciation of the RMB in the next       Financial Crisis in 08/09, the one question
countries involved represent US$9.6tn or         1-2 years, the more important point which       in investors’ mind now is that whether
25% of total trade and close to 40% of           is often overlooked is that ongoing reforms     the USD would continue to rally after the
global GDP. The pact has the potential           and uncertainty in the global markets, as       first hike. To answer that, we did a study
to yield annual global income gains of           well as the end of one-way appreciation         of how Asian currencies collectively
US$295bn (including US$78bn for the              trend for the RMB would result in further       (ADXY) has fared in the last 2 tightening
US), and enhanced free trade flows in the        two-way moves and flexibility of the RMB        cycle of the Federal Reserve, namely in
Asia-Pacific to yield gains of US$1.9tn.         exchange rate. This means that risk             1994 and 2004. Counter-intuitively, the
The TPPA is as much about geopolitics            management/control and hedging is an            US dollar declined and Asian currencies
as it is about trade and economy, and with       increasingly important part of business         (represented by ADXY) appreciated when
the giant powers exert their influences,         operations.                                     the US Fed started hiking rates in 1994
ASEAN will be well placed to benefit in                                                          and 2004. In the upcoming tightening
trade and investment.                            US IN FOCUS:                                    cycle, the Fed’s “Dot Plot” only inked in
                                                 Who Matters In 2016 FOMC?                       one percent (100bps) of rate hikes in
ASEAN IN FOCUS II:                               Expectations are high that the US Fed           2016 while the more skeptical market
Trade And Investment Opportunities               Reserve will finally normalize its ultra-low    only priced in 50bps worth of hikes. With
In the first part of this series (published in   policy rates this December 2015, and thus,      the past history as reference and the
2015 Q4 Quarterly Report), we discussed          there will be a sharper intensity in market’s   gradual nature of the upcoming hikes,
the economic potential of ASEAN in view          Fed watching, not just the FOMC decisions       one should be prudent not to be overly
of the implementation of the ASEAN               and the minutes, but also Fed officials’        positive on the USD or overly negative on
Economic Community (AEC) at end-2015.            public commentary. The hawkish tone             Asian currencies, and volatility could be
We had also highlighted the favourable           in Fed Chair Janet Yellen’s testimony to        pronounced as both sides tussle it out.
demographic and income trends that               Congressional Joint Economic Committee
will promote ASEAN economies as one              on 3 December reaffirmed the December           RATES STRATEGY:
of the top regions to invest as a key            Fed liftoff expectations.                       The Big Picture
production base and as a large consumer                                                          On 2016 SGS Auction Calendar
market of 630mn population with a rising         In the 2015 FOMC so far, Jeffrey Lacker         The shift into a FED rate hike cycle
middle income/consumer class. In this            was the only dissenter in the September         externally and absence of positive growth
second part, we point out that the lack          and October FOMC (asking for 25bps              catalysts domestically will create an

                                                       Quarterly Global Outlook 1Q2016
                                                    UOB Global Economics & Markets Research
Executive Summary

environment that is tilted in favour of higher   Chinese outlook, which could persist into       SGD NEER unchanged at our estimated
short term interest rates in Singapore.          2016 as economic growth is likely to slow.      0.5% pa pace until their next April 2016
Thus, it is reasonable to expect that price      Pressure on the AUD could also grow as          meeting. We also rule out any possibility
appreciation for shorter maturity SGS            the tightening cycle of the Fed takes hold,     of another one-off policy action ala Jan
may face persistent headwinds in 2016.           although we think the appreciation in the       2015 surprise, and maintain our USD/
However, with sizeable maturities on tap,        USD could be limited.                           SGD forecast of 1.43/USD by end of 2015
we should be mindful that there remains                                                          and onto 1.46/USD by mid-2016, where
potential for significant counter trend          NZD/USD: NZD/USD returned to a                  the catalyst will come from the divergence
episodes in shorter maturity SGS prices.         depreciating trend in November following        in the monetary policies between the US
                                                 October’s appreciation following two            Federal Reserve (where we hold on to our
Global FX                                        consecutive Global Dairy Trade auctions         ‘rate hike in Dec’ view) and the MAS.
EUR/USD: Expectations of a big package           that resulted in dairy prices falling in
by the ECB have been running high ahead          the last weeks. This partially offset the       USD/IDR: We expect Indonesia’s current
of the December meeting. Instead, the            recovery that began in August. Still, the       account deficit to widen again in 2016
ECB disappointed. EUR/USD has spiked             NZD has been one of the strongest G10           with the export outlook clouded by global
sharply higher since. We think the latest        performers over the last quarter. Going         uncertainties and the persistent weakness
measures by the ECB were designed to             forward, the Kiwi remains highly attuned to     in commodities as well as an expected
strike a balance between the hawks and           central bank policies. Selling pressure will    increase in imports due to stronger
doves within the ECB governing council.          likely continue to swell as a dovish RBNZ       domestic demand and infrastructure
Whilst Draghi said there was a ‘clear            monetary policy announcement fuels rate         needs. The current account deficits, high
majority’ in favour of the latest decision, he   cut speculation even as bets on near-term       foreign holdings of the government bonds
admitted that they were not unanimous.           Fed tightening grow more confident. As          (37.1% of total outstanding in Oct) and
We continue to believe that the hurdle           such, the risk profile for the NZD/USD is       relatively thin reserve coverage to external
for further ECB stimulus is high, and            still soft for now.                             debt (0.4 in Jun) will expose Indonesia
following the December meeting, expect                                                           to greater risks from any liquidity jitters.
the ECB to maintain a status quo policy          USD/JPY: The yen endured a year of              While IDR has been surprisingly resilient
for some time. As such, although we may          significant volatility even as the BOJ          in October and November despite stronger
see some choppy moves into December              refrained from any new easing so far in         market conviction of a rate lift-off in the US
and early-2016, EUR/USD, in our view,            2015 with the USD/JPY pair trading from         this December, we think USD/IDR could
is unlikely to reverse significantly at this     the low of 115.86 (16 Jan) to the high of       head back above 14,000 by the early
point. We also think that the gradual path       125.86 (5 Jun) and is currently at the 122-     part of 2016. Our USD/IDR forecast is at
of monetary tightening by the Fed is likely      123 range (as of 26 Nov). We keep our           14,100 end-1Q16 and 14,300 end-2Q16.
to see any appreciation of the USD limited.      view for USD/JPY to push fresh multi-year
                                                 highs and to break conclusively above 125       USD/KRW:        USD/KRW      has     pulled
GBP/USD: Our confidence in the timing            when the Fed finally delivers the first rate    back after the pair rose above 1,200 in
of the first rate increase by the BoE has        action in Dec 2015. For 2016, the JPY           September. Despite the recovery, KRW
weakened, and until we see a greater             is likely to stay on weakening trend with       is still down by 5.1% YTD (as at 30-Nov).
dissent within the MPC, GBP could remain         more BOJ easing likely in 2H, driving the       While we expect USD strength to prevail in
at a risk of further downside on the back        USD/JPY to 129 by end-2016..                    1H16, an earlier top is possible if US Fed
of a delayed monetary policy tightening.                                                         is able to communicate a more gradual
Besides, political risk can be significant       Asian FX                                        rate normalization process. For now, we
for the sterling as the Scottish referendum      USD/CNY: The inclusion into SDR                 are expecting USD/KRW to rise towards
and UK general election earlier this year        (announced 30 Nov) could mean less              1,190 by end-1Q16 and top out at around
showed, with events like these holding the       intervention from PBoC but we do not            1,220 by end-2Q16.
potential to create market volatility. In this   see much convincing evidence for large
regard, the risk of an earlier referendum        scale or prolonged RMB depreciation/            USD/MYR: The Ringgit strengthened
on UK membership of the European                 devaluation in the next 1-2 years, whether      4.5% against the dollar since end-
Union continues to hang over the medium          it is from the angle of underlying domestic     September, marking the second best
term outlook for the GBP. That said, with        economic data, political stability, financial   performing currency in the region after
a good portion of advanced economies             market developments, or debt or capital         the Rupiah. We think higher US interest
looking to cut rates, the BoE stands apart       flows dynamics. Politically and from            rates as a driver of Ringgit weakness
with the next move on rates to be higher.        IMF’s standpoint, it is difficult for China     has largely played out. We have also
This creates a yield advantage that should       to return to the one way appreciation (or       ruled out another sharp bout of Renminbi
support the currency.                            depreciation) trend as it did in the past. As   devaluation. While markets continue to
                                                 such, we are keeping our RMB forecasts          watch domestic political developments,
AUD/USD: We do not see a strong                  for now, with end-2015 USD/CNY at 6.40,         there is growing consensus that the
recovery in the AUD from here, yet at the        end-2016 projection of 6.45, and to 6.36        current government administration is likely
same time, do not look for the currency to       at end-2017.                                    to remain until the next General Election
tumble significantly. We are thus looking                                                        in 2018. In any case, rating agencies do
for an end-1Q16 target of 0.7400, just           USD/SGD: We maintain our view that the          not expect politics to interfere with prudent
a tad above current levels; bearing in           Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS)           economic policy-making. Meanwhile plans
mind though that downside risks remain,          will keep the current policy stance of a        to resolve 1MDB’s debt via asset sales
including uncertainty regarding the              “modest and gradual appreciation” of the        is underway and we expect a conclusion

                                                       Quarterly Global Outlook 1Q2016
                                                    UOB Global Economics & Markets Research
Executive Summary

to the 1MDB chapter by early next year.           continued emphasis that their monetary          Reserve Bank of New Zealand: The
This leaves oil prices as the wild card           policy formulation is data-dependent.           RBNZ decided to keep the official cash
given its high correlation with USD/MYR.          And as there is a clear emphasis on the         rate at 2.75% at the October Interim
We continue to expect the USD/MYR to              shallow nature of the FFTR trajectory, we       Review. The central bank retained an
trend lower towards 3.96 by end-2016 with         may see further downside to the 2016 rate       explicit easing bias though. Whilst inflation
bouts of volatility through the year.             forecast via the Dec 2015 dot-plot chart.       remains low, the RBNZ seems to be
                                                                                                  confident that there will be some pickup
USD/THB: Volatility in the global financial       European Central Bank: Although the             in non-tradeables inflation from current
market is likely to persist in 2016. Despite      ECB eased at its final policy review for        low levels given continued economic
recent positive developments in the US, the       2015, the modest deposit rate cut and           expansion. We also believe the central
Fed is likely to raise the policy rates slowly.   lack of expansion in the pace of Asset          bank probably wants more time to observe
We maintain our view that there would be          Purchase Program (APP) undershot                the domestic housing market. That said,
downward pressure on THB going forward            expectations. What was surprising was           we are still expecting another cut at some
with Thailand’s interest rates expected to        also the fact that Draghi did not deliver       point, most likely at the 10 December
remain low going into 2016. For now, we           with his usual emphasis that there will be      meeting, although the fact that the RBNZ’s
expect THB to depreciate against USD              more measures to come. He did reiterate         announcement is scheduled before the
towards 36.2 at end-1Q16 from around              that the ECB remains willing to act with        Fed’s December announcement could
the 35.80 level currently.                        all its tools if needed, but he described       complicate matters.
                                                  the current level of the deposit rate as
USD/INR: The Reserve Bank of India                ‘adequate’, and refused to answer the           Bank of Japan: For 2016, the BOJ will
(RBI) had kept the policy rate unchanged          question of whether the new deposit rate        adopt a new monetary policy meeting
during the 1 Dec 2015 meeting, after a            represents a lower bound. As far as the         framework which reduces the number
four rate cuts (total of 125 bps) this year       APP is concerned, Draghi mentioned that         of meetings to 8 per year (from 14),
to stimulate investment. Although India’s         the size, composition and duration could        introduce quarterly outlook report (to
inflation rate had remained quite benign          be changed but mentioned that ‘if there         replace the current semi-annual outlook
for most part of 2015, the latest October         is ever any need to extend’. Given the          report known as The Bank’s View) and
inflation (5% y/y) showed that prices             downside risks to the near-term inflation       doing away with the monthly economic
could start moving higher due to higher           forecast (since November’s lower-than-          report. While all these look much like the
food prices. Going forward, the RBI will          expected inflation print was not factored       current FOMC framework (and also the
probably keep the current repurchase              into its December projection), speculation      ECB’s), the BOJ is going a step further
rates unchanged at least until 3Q 2016.           could rise again for further ECB easing         by releasing a document that contains
The INR had fallen 5.6% against the USD           next year.                                      summary of opinions presented at each
year-to-date, and should the US start their                                                       MPM in about a week after the meeting.
interest rate normalization in December,          Bank of England: The BoE gave no sign           It will also release each MPM member’s
the INR may weaken further and result             that it was in any hurry to raise interest      forecasts and risk assessments in addition
in higher capital outflows. We recall the         rates at its November Monetary Policy           to the publication of the forecasts for the
period of capital outflow and the quick           Committee (MPC) meeting, predicting             economy and prices of the majority of
depreciation of the INR during May 2013           near-zero inflation would pick up only          Policy Board members so as to increase
when the US Fed started the ‘taper talk’.         slowly even if borrowing costs stay on hold     transparency of BOJ’s MPM policy making
Any further RBI rate cuts will only worsen        all of next year. Indeed, the BoE had been      process. The important 2016 MPM
the outflow of capital. Even without any          expected to start raising borrowing costs       meetings will be 28/29 Jan, 27/28 Apr,
further rate cuts in our forecasts, our           in early 2016, but since the BoE published      28/29 Jul and 31 Oct/1 Nov which include
expectations of a stronger USD from the           its last outlook on the economy, markets        outlook reports.
US interest rates normalization will likely       have pushed back bets on the timing of
see the USD/INR trading at 69.5/USD by            a rate hike to late 2016, largely reflecting    In 1Q 2016, the key event that Kuroda will
the middle of 2016.                               British inflation falling back below zero. We   monitor closely that have a direct impact
                                                  have thus pushed back our expectations          on domestic inflation developments &
Global Interest Rates                             for the first rate hike to 3Q16 from 1Q16       BOJ policy direction will be Shuntō (the
Federal Reserve: We expect the first Fed          previously.                                     annual spring wage negotiations) which
rate hike to take place in the 15-16 Dec                                                          typically starts at the beginning of March.
2015 FOMC bringing the FFTR to 0.5%               Reserve Bank of Australia: As was               In addition, Japan PM Abe wants Japan to
by end-2015. The Oct FOMC minutes                 widely expected, the RBA refrained from         increase the minimum wage by 3% each
reinforced the notion that Dec FOMC               slashing the 2.00% cash rate at its final       year starting in FY2016 and eventually to
meeting is very live for policy action and        meeting of 2015, extending its interest-        JPY1000 per hour (from JPY780 in 2015).
the mostly hawkish comments by senior             rate pause for a seventh month now. The         Thus, we continue to expect the BOJ to
Fed officials recently.                           accompanying statement offered little           keep monetary policy in the current status
                                                  new. However, the RBA left the potential        quo mode for the last meeting of 2015 (18
In 2016, we expect the Fed to hike at a           for further easing intact. We continue to       Dec) and probably in 1H 2016 pending the
slow, gradual pace, likely with another           see the OCR remaining at 2.00% for now,         outcome of the 2016 Shuntō.
four 25bps hike in each quarter to bring          although we acknowledge that the risk
the FFTR to 1.5% by end-2016. That said,          of lower inflation, coupled with the weak       Going into 2H, the key consideration for
the Fed has provided many false dawns             investment outlook, could eventually force      BOJ may be the 2nd sales tax hike. In
on the rate normalization timeline and its        the hands of the RBA.                           late 2014, PM Abe deferred it to April 2017

                                                        Quarterly Global Outlook 1Q2016
                                                     UOB Global Economics & Markets Research
Executive Summary

as private consumption looked crippled          Bank Indonesia: As the monthly inflation                Bank Negara Malaysia: The central
by the first hike in 2014. A further delay      rate is set to drop further to around 3.5%              bank has maintained a neutral stance
in the 2nd sales tax hike may keep BOJ          y/y in December from peak of 7.3%                       on interest rates albeit cautioned against
from doing more in 2H 2016 because the          earlier this year, markets are watching                 high downside risks to growth at its final
government will be seen as not fulfilling its   out for potential rate cuts in Indonesia.               monetary policy meeting for the year.
promise of working towards fiscal balance.      Bank Indonesia’s (BI) move to reduce the                We see inflation edging higher next year
But conversely, an Abe promise to fulfill       primary reserve requirement for banks to                due to low base effects and cost related
the sales tax hike to 8% in Apr 2017 may        7.50% from 8.00%, effective 1 December,                 adjustments. However modest demand
be enough for BOJ to add more easing            shows the immense pressure to boost                     pressures are likely to keep inflation in
in late 2016, the question is what kind of      growth while remaining wary of the                      check. As such we continue to expect
stimulus?                                       risks of a policy divergence with the US.               the policy rate to remain on hold for
                                                Indonesia’s December monetary policy                    most of next year. The risk is tilted on the
Asian Interest Rates                            decision is scheduled a day after the US                downside but only if growth heads further
People’s Bank of China: PBoC last               FOMC decision and failure to lift-off will              south. We think BNM is unlikely to hike
changed policy on 23 Oct, the sixth             likely increase the probability of a rate cut           rates to defend the currency.
interest-rate cut in a year (depo rate          in Indonesia this December. However, we
1.50%; lending 4.35%), and the fourth           are maintaining our view that BI will be on             Bank of Thailand: The Bank of Thailand
reserve requirement ratio (RRR) cut this        hold at 7.50% in the next few months to                 (BoT) is likely to keep the policy rates
year (to 17.5%). We still see further room      avoid risks for the domestic economy as                 unchanged at 1.50% in 2016. Looking
for interest rate and RRR reductions ahead      US starts to normalize interest rates.                  forward, monetary policy stance should
into mid-2016, and are still expecting one                                                              continue to be sufficiently accommodative
final 25bps reduction in RRR before end-        Bank of Korea: As the economy continues                 to support Thailand’s economic recovery,
2015.                                           to recover, albeit at a slow pace, the Bank             while maintaining long-term economic and
                                                of Korea (BoK) will find less need, if any,             financial stability. Moreover, the limited
Monetary Authority of Singapore:                to loosen its monetary policy further. In               policy space should be preserved for
We maintain our view that the Monetary          fact, there is limited room to cut interest             future utilization as there remain downside
Authority of Singapore (MAS) will keep          rates as the base rate is already at record             risks to economic growth from both
the current policy stance of a “modest          low of 1.50% after the last 25 bps cut in               external and internal sources.
and gradual appreciation” of the SGD            June. With the improvement in growth and
NEER unchanged at our estimated                 higher inflation, we think that the BoK is              Reserve Bank of India: RBI had kept
0.5% pa pace until their next April 2016        likely more inclined to stay on hold at least           the policy rate unchanged during the 1
meeting. Although Singapore’s headline          in 1H16 given additional consideration of               Dec 2015 meeting, after a four rate cuts
inflation had contracted for the past 12        the high household debt which is expected               (total of 125 bps) this year to stimulate
months, core inflation remained steady          to increase as the real estate market                   investment. Although India’s inflation rate
and we think that there could be upside         recovers further. This can potentially                  had remained quite benign for most part
surprises in core inflation in 2016 from        become destabilizing when global interest               of 2015, the latest October inflation (5%
the low base effects of oil/commodity           rates rise. BIS data showed that South                  y/y) showed that prices could start moving
prices, the dissipation of base effects         Korea’s household debt at 84% of GDP in                 higher due to higher food prices. Going
from government’s healthcare subsidies,         2014, was well above the average of 73%                 forward, the RBI will probably keep the
as well as higher food inflation from the       for 26 developed countries.                             current repurchase rates unchanged at
El Nino impact on food supplies. We thus                                                                least until 3Q 2016, as any further RBI rate
rule out any possibility of another one-off                                                             cuts will only worsen the outflow of capital.
policy action ala Jan 2015 surprise, and
maintain our 3-month SIBOR forecast to                                              Real GDP Growth Trajectory
trend higher towards 1.50% by the end of
2016, on the back of the upward move in          y/y % change       2014    2015F     2016F    3Q15F       4Q15F    1Q16F    2Q16F    3Q16F    4Q16F
the USD LIBOR.                                   China               7.3      6.9       6.8      6.9         6.9      6.8      6.9      6.8     6.7
                                                 Eurozone            0.9      1.5       1.7      1.6         1.7      1.5      1.6      1.7     1.8
                                                 Hong Kong           2.5      2.6       2.3      2.3         2.9      2.1      2.3      2.1     2.8
                                                 Indonesia           5.0      4.8       5.4      4.7         4.9      5.4      5.5      5.5     5.3
                                                 Japan              -0.1      0.5       1.0      1.0         1.0      1.5      1.0      0.8     0.7
                                                 Malaysia            6.0      4.9       4.8      4.7         4.3      4.5      4.6      4.9     5.1
                                                 Philippines         6.1      5.7       6.2      6.0         5.8      6.5      5.7      6.3     6.2
                                                 India               6.9      7.4       7.7      7.3         7.5      7.8      7.9      7.7     7.8
                                                 Singapore           2.9      2.0       2.7      1.9         2.0      2.6      2.6      2.9     2.7
                                                 South Korea         3.3      2.6       2.9      2.6         2.9      2.9      3.1      2.8     2.8
                                                 Taiwan              3.9      1.2       1.8      -0.6        0.7      0.2      2.2      2.6     2.5
                                                 Thailand            0.9      2.7       3.2      2.9         2.1      3.0      3.1      3.3     3.2
                                                 US (q/q SAAR)       2.4      2.5       2.5      2.5         2.8      0.8      3.5      3.0     2.8
                                                 Source: CEIC, UOB Global Economics & Markets Research Estimates

                                                      Quarterly Global Outlook 1Q2016
                                                   UOB Global Economics & Markets Research
FX & Interest Rate Outlook

FX OUTLOOK                            As at 04 Dec      End 1Q16F        End 2Q16F       End 3Q16F     End 4Q16F

USD/JPY                                    122.7              126             127                128      129
EUR/USD                                    1.09               1.12            1.13           1.13        1.14
GBP/USD                                    1.51               1.50            1.51           1.54        1.56
AUD/USD                                    0.73               0.74            0.74           0.75        0.76
NZD/USD                                    0.67               0.65            0.65           0.66        0.67
USD/SGD                                    1.40               1.45            1.46           1.44        1.42
USD/MYR                                    4.22               4.18            4.15           4.06        3.96
USD/IDR                                   13,833             14,100        14,300           14,000      13,900
USD/THB                                    35.8               36.2            36.5           36.8        37.0
USD/PHP                                    47.1               47.5            48.0           47.0        46.0
USD/INR                                    66.9               68.0            69.5           68.0        66.0
USD/TWD                                    32.7               33.9            34.1           33.9        33.6
USD/KRW                                    1,157             1,190            1,220          1,180       1,160
USD/HKD                                    7.75               7.80            7.80           7.80        7.80
USD/CNY                                    6.40               6.45            6.51           6.47        6.45
Source: Bloomberg, UOB Global Economics & Markets Research

INTEREST RATE TRENDS                  As at 04 Dec           1Q16F         2Q16F            3Q16F       4Q16F

US    (Fed Funds Rate)                    0-0.25              0.75            1.00           1.25        1.50
EUR (Refinancing Rate)                     0.05               0.05            0.05           0.05        0.05
GBP (Repo Rate)                            0.50               0.50            0.50           0.75        1.00
AUD (Official Cash Rate)                   2.00               2.00            2.00           2.00        2.25
NZD (OCR)                                  2.75               2.50            2.50           2.50        2.50
JPY (OCR)                                  0.10               0.10            0.10           0.10        0.10
SGD (3-Mth SIBOR)                          1.07               1.20            1.25           1.35        1.50
IDR (BI Rate)                              7.50               7.50            7.50           7.50        8.00
MYR (Overnight Policy Rate)                3.25               3.25            3.25           3.25        3.25
THB (1-Day Repo)                           1.50               1.50            1.50           1.50        1.50
PHP (Overnight Reverse Repo)               4.00               4.00            4.00           4.00        4.00
INR (Repo Rate)                            6.75               6.75            6.75           6.75        7.00
TWD (Official Discount Rate)               1.75               1.50            1.50           1.50        1.50
KRW (Base Rate)                            1.50               1.50            1.50           1.50        1.75
HKD (Base Rate)                            0.50               1.50            1.50           1.50        1.50
CNY (1-Yr Working Capital)                 4.35               4.10            3.85           3.85        3.85
Source: Bloomberg, UOB Global Economics & Markets Research

                                                          Quarterly Global Outlook 1Q2016
                                                       UOB Global Economics & Markets Research
TPPA Focus                                                                                        the agreement is likely to be implemented
                                                                                                  gradually in order for countries to adjust
What We Need To Know About The                                                                    to the new rules. However the benefits
Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA)                                                        should progressively rise over the longer
                                                                                                  term. Trade and investment liberalization
                                                                                                  that accompanies these agreements
                                                                                                  would help to shift resources, capital and
It is one of the biggest trade deals signed    Latin American ones like Colombia. China           labour towards more productive firms and
in the last two decades. The countries         has said it will watch the development             industries as well as lift incomes. Ideally
involved include two of the world’s three      of the TPPA and is currently engaged               lowering of trade barriers (both tariff and
largest economies (US and Japan) and           in its own trade negotiations with Asia            non-tariff) and entry of new players will
10 Pacific Rim countries which together        including the Regional Comprehensive               inject competition in the local business
represent US$9.6tr or 25% of total trade       Economic Partnership (RCEP). Indonesia             environment and provide more options
and close to 40% of global GDP. Studies        has endorsed the TPPA and holds                    for consumers. This effectively raises the
show the TPPA has the potential to yield       intentions to join. Thailand is keen to            bar on product quality and lowers the cost
annual global income gains of US$295bn         enter the agreement amid concerns that             of goods and services. This means real
(including US$78bn for the Unites States)      it will lose out in the automotive sector.         wage gains and increased purchasing
and enhanced free trade flows in the Asia-     However countries that join later (not in          power which in turn elevates the quality of
Pacific to yield gains of US$1.9tr.            the original pact) will not have the flexibility   life.
                                               of negotiating the terms of the agreement.
In a nutshell, the competitive appeal of       Nevertheless the benefits of the TPPA will         ASEAN Benefits Especially
participating in these trade agreements        grow with more partners joining. Studies           Vietnam, Malaysia And Singapore
(TPPA or Asia-centric RCEP) are seen to        show that a larger participation of Asian          Export products that have high tariffs
generate large overall gains from trade        economies in the TPPA could triple the             levied by the US include garments and
and investment creation as opposed to          benefits.                                          clothes, tuna, electrical appliances,
diversion of flows that would imply a zero-                                                       vegetables and fruits, textiles, food
sum game. As more countries join in, the       The TPPA includes 30 chapters covering             preparations, footwear, and rubber
benefits are further enhanced. The gains       (1) initial provisions and general                 gloves. As such these sectors will benefit
appear to be largest for small, developing     definitions, (2) trade in goods, (3) textiles      once the TPPA is enforced. Vietnam will
economies like Vietnam and Malaysia.           & apparel, (4) rules of origin, (5) customs        gain significantly in the export sector
Ultimately the goal is for China and the US    administration and trade facilitation, (6)         particularly for agricultural goods, textiles
to consolidate the agreements that could       sanitary and phytosanitary measures,               and garments, footwear, and automotive
see income gains of more than US$2tr.          (7) technical barriers to entry, (8) trade         parts. Malaysia is expected to benefit in
                                               remedies, (9) investment, (10) cross-              exports of palm oil and rubber, plywood,
The TPPA is as much about geopolitics as       border trade in services, (11) financial           electronics, textile, automotive parts and
it is about trade. For the United States, it   services, (12) temporary entry for business        components. Singapore’s standing as a
means balancing out China’s increasing         persons,        (13)   telecommunications,         regional hub will be further enhanced as
dominance in the region in light of the        (14) e-commerce, (15) government                   more MNCs and foreign investors enter
“One-Belt-One-Road”, Asian Infrastructure      procurement, (16) competition policy,              the region. Singapore is already leading
Investment Bank (AIIB), and Regional           (17) state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and            the pack in terms of technology offerings
Comprehensive Economic Partnership             designated monopolies, (18) intellectual           that cuts across manufacturing, banking,
(RCEP).                                        property, (19) labour, (20) environment,           transportation,     logistics,   healthcare,
                                               (21) cooperation and capacity building,            education,       pharmaceuticals,       and
5 October 2015: TPPA Talks Concluded           (22) competitiveness and business                  biotechnology. Given its small domestic
After Seven Years Negotiation                  facilitation, (23) development, (24) small-        market size, the TPPA becomes a platform
The TPPA talks were concluded on 5             and-medium sized enterprises, (25)                 for locals to venture abroad and inbound
October 2015 whereby the trade ministers       regulatory coherence, (26) transparency            FDIs to grow.
from each member country reached an            and anti-corruption, (27) administrative
in-principle agreement but each country’s      and institutional provisions, (28) dispute         Hot Areas But Something’s Gotta Give:
legislature must now ratify the agreement      settlement, (29) exceptions, and (30) final        Intellectual Property, Pharmaceuticals,
before the TPPA can be implemented.            provisions (including procedures in which          Government Procurement, And State-
Optimistically the TPPA could come into        a party can withdraw from TPP).                    owned Enterprises (SOEs)
effect by 2018. This is also dependent on                                                         Other hotly debated areas include
whether the TPPA vote would be taken by        TPPA To Benefit Three Areas:                       Intellectual Property (IP) covering patents,
the US Congress by mid-2016.                   Exports, Imports And Investments                   trademarks, copyrights, industrial designs,
                                               As tariffs are reduced and the domestic            geographical indications, trade secrets,
The current 12 TPPA members are                regulatory environment reformed under              other forms of IP, and enforcement of
Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan,       the new agreements, this would impact              intellectual property rights that would
Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru,           foreign investment and on domestic                 allow foreign corporations to challenge
Singapore, the US and Vietnam. But in          industries.    It is possible that costs           decisions     by    governments      before
the line up to potentially join the TPPA are   outweigh benefits in the early stages amid         international arbitration panels. The IP
Asian economies such as South Korea,           the diversion of trade flows and FDI. Gains        chapter is supposed to make it easier
Taiwan, Thailand and the Philippines, and      in the early stages may also be small as           for businesses to search, register, and

                                                     Quarterly Global Outlook 1Q2016
                                                  UOB Global Economics & Markets Research
TPPA Focus

protect IP rights in new markets, which is     practices that result in forced labour.         of no more than 10 years to eliminate the
particularly important for small businesses.                                                   tariffs. Sensitive products like tobacco,
The chapter also covers pharmaceutical-        The deal does not include measures              alcohol, arms, steel and ammunition will
related provisions, protection for creative    that punish currency manipulation with          have a staging period of more than 10
works, performances, and phonograms            trade sanctions. However all parties have       years. Generally export-oriented firms (e.g.
such as songs, movies, books, and              pledged not to deliberately weaken their        textiles, automotive components, E&E)
software.                                      currencies in a declaration accompanying        will benefit from increased market access.
                                               the deal. Capital control measures              Firms in more liberalized sectors post-
Contrary to the original proposal for          are allowed under certain conditions            TPPA that will face increased competition
pharmaceuticals and biologic drugs to get      including a balance of payments crisis or       include oil & gas (O&G), construction, and
12 years of protection, the TPPA finally       exceptional circumstances of disruptive         retail. Meanwhile existing pharmaceutical
settled on at least five to eight years of     capital flows. However such measures            manufacturers will be minimally impacted
protection. Parties have agreed to strong      can only be for duration of 18 months with      by stronger intellectual property protection
enforcement systems and penalties for          one year extensions permitted and cannot        for drugs.
counterfeiting and copyright or related        be imposed on foreign direct investments.
rights piracy. However this should not be                                                      Enabling Higher Investments
something new to countries like Malaysia       Malaysia Makes Way For TPPA                     With Safeguards In Place
and Singapore as there are existing            The 11 TPPA members account for                 Malaysia being the third largest recipient
investor protection laws. For Vietnam that     MYR557bn (US$170bn) or 38% of                   of FDI in the ASEAN region will benefit
lacks clear investor protection schemes,       Malaysia’s trading value in 2014, and           from higher investments. It is estimated
it provides an added level of assurance        MYR260bn (US$79bn) or 18% of this               that investments will rise by US$136bn-
for investors that there is an avenue          was with three countries – the United           239bn over 2018 to 2027 with higher
for recourse. The only exception to the        States, Japan, and Canada. The TPPA             investment growth in textiles, construction
Investor-State dispute is if it concerns       states account for MYR78bn (US$24bn)            and distributive trade. Investment rules
challenging tobacco control measures of        or 41% of Malaysia’s foreign direct             have to be amended to make it easier for
the country.                                   investment flows. The TPPA will provide         foreign corporates and small and medium-
                                               local businesses with first-ever Free-          sized enterprises (SME) to operate in
Other contentious area pertains to opening     Trade Agreements between Malaysia               Malaysia. Despite the potential entry of
up government procurement and the              and the US, Canada, Mexico and Peru,            more foreign parties, more importantly are
status of state-owned enterprises (SOEs).      in addition to enhancing access to eight        that safeguards will be in place to ensure a
According to the World Trade Organisation,     other markets. It is estimated that the         level playing field. The SME Association of
government procurement accounts for            TPPA will contribute additional US$107bn-       Malaysia is proposing for the government
15% to 20% of GDP on average in TPPA           211bn (or 0.6%-1.15%) to GDP over 2018          to include a clause that Malaysian SMEs
countries. Under the agreement, parties        to 2027 largely due to a reduction in non-      must form part of the supply chain of
agree to open up government contracts          tariff measures. As such not participating      foreign companies venturing into Malaysia
by publishing relevant information on          in the TPPA will carry greater costs in         under the TPPA. There are currently about
a timely and non-discriminatory basis,         the long run as it may chip away existing       19% or 123,000 SMEs in the country
ensure open tenders and award contracts        market shares in its traditional strong hold    that are involved in exports and the other
on a fair and impartial basis with proper      sectors and limit Malaysia’s access to new      81% are involved in local business. A
justification. SOEs would be allowed to        products and markets.                           separate survey showed roughly 40% of
operate within a set of rules. For Vietnam                                                     Malaysian SMEs are involved in some
that is undergoing a privatization process     Lower Tariffs And                               form of cross-border and international
of its 432 SOEs in 2014-2015, participating    Simplify Trade Procedures                       trade. The enhancement of trade and
in the TPPA enforces strict reform             Counterparty nations will lower tariffs and     investment opportunities via TPPA and
procedures on the remaining state entities     simplify trade procedures that can facilitate   other trade agreements will go towards
while transparency and cleanliness would       exports of Malaysian manufactured               helping Malaysia realise the target of 42%
be improved. Countries like Singapore          products and services. Malaysia will also       contribution to GDP from SMEs by 2020
and Malaysia have negotiated for specific      eliminate tariffs and reduce non-tariff         from 36% in 2014.
country concessions from TPPA to protect       measures which enables procurement
national interests.                            of a broad spectrum of products and             With the removal of digital customs duties
                                               services more cheaply. The government           and localisation barriers under TPPA, this
Enforcing Worker Rights, Minimum               has proposed an eight-stage mechanism           will help Malaysia realize its ambitions to
Wages, And Environment Protection              – either eliminate duties on 10.397             become a high-tech hub in the region given
There are also rules on protecting workers’    products immediately on entry into force        its strengths in technology, e-commerce
rights and the environment. On protection      (EIF) or in stages ranging from three to 16     and financial services. Likewise, easing
of local jobs and hiring rules, officials      years. Majority of products or 84.71% of        of limitations on foreign firms’ participation
say the rules will vary by occupation,         total products fall under the EIF category.     in the financial sector empower Malaysian
source country and category of business        Commodities like crude palm oil, crude          banks in TPPA markets as they expand
person, including intra company transfers,     or refined palm are categorized in the          and seek opportunities in the region and
investors, professionals and technicians.      EIF basket with zero import duty. Some          beyond. However new licenses and up
However TPPA countries will be required        completely-knocked-down (CKD) vehicles,         to 100% foreign equity will be subject
to have minimum wages, occupational            plastic and rubber products, wood and           to the fulfillment of the “best interest of
safety and health, and enforce bans on         related products have a staging period          Malaysia” criteria. Meanwhile opening

                                                     Quarterly Global Outlook 1Q2016
                                                  UOB Global Economics & Markets Research
TPPA Focus

of sub-branches and ATMs is subject to
distributions ratios between the market        ASEAN, RCEP, & TPP Member States
center, urban and non-urban, as well as
                                               Source: AsiaFoundation.org
reciprocity from other respective TPPA

Stronger Standards Of                                                                   China
Investor Protection                                                                     India                                                            Japan
Since 1963 Malaysia has signed and                                                      South Korea                                                      Australia
                                                                                                                                                         New Zealand
ratified   64     Investment   Guarantee                                                                                                                                                  United States
Agreements (IGAs) with countries including                                                                                                                                                Canada
                                                                                      Laos PDR                                                                                            Chile
the US, Canada and Mexico, all of which                                               Myanmar                                                    Brunei                                   Peru
have provisions on investor settlement                                                Indonesia                                                  Malaysia                                 Mexico
                                                                                      Philippines                                                Singapore
disputes. As Malaysia is looking towards                                                                                                         Vietnam
enhancing its high-tech manufacturing                                                 Cambodia
industry, enhancing protection for patents
will help to strengthen Malaysia’s appeal                                                                        ASEAN
as an investment destination for research
and innovation. Meanwhile Malaysia’s                                                                                    RCEP                                                    TPP 12
non-participation in the TPPA could
accelerate a loss of competitiveness
especially in the E&E segment to Vietnam       Benefits Of TPPA vs. Asia Centric RCEP For Non Asia
and consequently affect the prospects          (% change in baseline GDP between 2015-2025)
of Malaysia’s smaller E&E suppliers and        Source: AsiaPacificTrade.org, UOB Global Economics & Markets Research
Negotiated Protection For                       2.0

Government Procurement And SOEs                                RCEP Members                                                                                           Non-RCEP Members
Contentious areas for Malaysia are
mainly protection of its Bumiputera              1.0
policy, government procurement, state-
owned enterprises (SOEs), and cost of
pharmaceutical products. It was mentioned        0.0
that Malaysia negotiated and received
special exemptions from TPPA to protect
                                                                                                                                 United States
                                                                                            New Zealand



such national interests. The government
procurement chapter does not include
items like public-private partnerships
including build-operate-transfer (BOT) and
                                                                                                                        TPP                                                             RCEP
public works concessions. To safeguard
the Bumiputera policy the Malaysian
government reserves the right to set aside
up to 30% of the total value of construction   Benefits Of TPPA vs Asia-Centric RCEP For Asia (Msia, Spore & Vietnam gain more from TPPA)
contracts and 40% of SOEs annual               (% change in baseline GDP between 2015-2025)
purchases for Bumiputeras. Petronas can        Source: AsiaPacificTrade.org, UOB Global Economics & Markets Research
continue to prioritise Malaysian enterprises
to supply goods and services up to
70% of its annual budget for upstream
businesses in the first year of TPPA and       20                                     Non-TPP Members                                                                                       TPP Members
thereafter progressively scaled down to        15
40% in the 6th year. For downstream and
non-O&G activities, domestic preferences       10

are capped at 40% of annual budgeted            5
spend upon entry into TPPA. Felda Global
Ventures (FGV) is also allowed certain
preferential treatment for goods produced      -5


                                                                    Hong Kong






by its members or settlers who participate
in the Felda schemes. Malaysia is also
allowed a higher threshold of entry for
foreign firm participation in Malaysian                                                                                 TPP                                                             RCEP
public construction. The nine countries set
the threshold at only SDR5million while
Vietnam has a threshold of SDR65million

                                                       Quarterly Global Outlook 1Q2016
                                                    UOB Global Economics & Markets Research
TPPA Focus

followed by Malaysia of SDR63million          Benefits Of TPPA For Primary Products By Country
(MYR377.17million).       Effectively  only   (% change from baseline)
0.7% of annual government contracts
                                              Source: AsiaPacificTrade.org, UOB Global Economics & Markets Research
would be affected by the TPPA threshold
of SDR63million upon entry, and 2.8%          %
by SDR14million after 20 years. The            4
thresholds will be lowered at a much           2
steeper rate for goods procurement             0
compared to services procurement.              -2
However when the threshold comes               -4
down, a separate measure known as the
margin of preference for local Bumiputera
companies will rise as such a certain level
of protection still remains.                                                                 TPPA Members                                                                                            Non-Members

SOEs including Permodalan Nasional            -14        Japan










Berhad (PNB), pilgrim’s fund Lembaga
Tabung Haji (LTH), and autonomous
agency MARA received exemptions from
TPPA obligations however sovereign
wealth fund Khazanah Nasional and state
energy firm Petronas are still subject        Benefits Of TPPA For Manufactured Products By Country
to certain obligations. In fact Malaysia      (% change from baseline)
is not unique in this as Singapore also       Source: AsiaPacificTrade.org, UOB Global Economics & Markets Research
included a clause which allows Temasek
Holdings (Private) Ltd and GIC Private Ltd     %
to exercise their voting rights in “any SOE   40
it owns or controls through ownership         35
                                                                                            TPPA Members                                                                                         Non-Members
interests in a manner not inconsistent with   30
the chapter.” However this would probably     25
have come at the expense of other terms       20
that were not revealed. Nevertheless          15
Malaysian companies would also have the       10
opportunity to participate in government       5
procurement in other TPPA member               0
countries with some level of appropriate











On pharmaceuticals, Malaysia’s current
period of data exclusivity on biologics
is five years while existing registered
biosimilars were registered between 6 to
13 years after the first marketing approval   Benefits Of TPPA For Services By Country
of their biologics counterpart. This is       (% change from baseline)
already aligned with the TPPA’s settled       Source: AsiaPacificTrade.org, UOB Global Economics & Markets Research
proposal of at least five to eight years of
protection and thus indicates that there        %

should be minimal impact on the prospects         20

of the biopharmaceutical manufacturing            15                                         TPPA Members                                                                                            Non-Members
industry as well as the public’s access to
cheaper alternatives. As such the price of
medicines should remain relatively stable           5
upon implementation.                                0














                                                       Quarterly Global Outlook 1Q2016
                                                    UOB Global Economics & Markets Research
TPPA Focus

                                         Comparison Of Various Multinational And Regional Initiatives

                                                         International Financial
-                         Trade Agreements                                                   Development Strategy               Regional Integration
                                                         Institutions/ Multilateral Bank
Initiatives               Trans Pacific Partnership      Asian Infrastructure Investment     One Belt, One Road (OBOR)          ASEAN Economic
                          Agreement (TPPA)               Bank (AIIB)                                                            Community (AEC)
Purpose                   Labeled a gold standard        Supporting infrastructure           Focuses on connectivity            To integrate the ASEAN
                          agreement to forge stronger    construction in the Asia-Pacific    and cooperation among              member states to create
                          trade and investment ties      region and for OBOR                 countries primarily in the “Silk   a single market and
                          between US & Japan and                                             Road Economic Belt” and            production base, enable
                          10 Pacific Rim countries                                           oceangoing “Maritime Silk          a highly competitive
                                                                                             Road”;                             economic region, create
                                                                                             China’s Silk Road Fund and         a region of equitable
                                                                                             AIIB to help fund projects in      economic development,
                                                                                             OBOR                               and a region fully
                                                                                                                                integrated into the global
Area of Coverage          Asia Pacific Rim (excludes     Asia, Europe (excludes US,          Asia, Europe, Oceania, East        ASEAN
                          China, India, South Korea)     Japan, and Canada)                  Africa
                          and North America
Countries                 12 in total US (leading),      57 in total                        Similar to the AIIB                 10 in total
                          Japan, Australia, New          China (founder), Australia,                                            Brunei, Cambodia,
                          Zealand, Brunei, Canada,       Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Brazil,                                        Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam,
                          Chile, Malaysia, Mexico,       Brunei, Cambodia, Denmark,                                             Singapore, Malaysia,
                          Peru, Singapore, and           Egypt, Finland, France, Georgia,                                       Indonesia, Philippines,
                          Vietnam                        Germany, Iceland, India,                                               and Thailand.
                                                         Indonesia, Iran, Israel, Italy,
                                                         Jordan, Kazakhstan, South
                                                         Korea, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan,
                                                         Laos, Luxembourg, Malaysia,
                                                         Kyrgyzstan, Maldives, Malta,
                                                         Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal,
                                                         Netherlands, New Zealand,
                                                         Norway, Oman, Pakistan,
                                                         Philippines, Poland, Portugal,
                                                         Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia,
                                                         Singapore, South Africa, Spain,
                                                         Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland,
                                                         Tajikistan, Thailand, Turkey, UAE,
                                                         UK, Uzbekistan, and Vietnam
Status                    Concluded on 5 October         Expected to start operations by     Deployed funds totaling            Deadline end-2015 but
                          2015;                          end-2015                            US$100bn via Silk Road             likely to spillover to 2016
                          Needs to be ratified by each                                       Fund (US$40bn), AIIB
                          country’s legislature;                                             (US$50bn), BRICS- led
                          Subject to US Congress                                             New Development Bank
                          approval (by mid-2016)                                             (US$10bn) ;
                                                                                             76% of China’s foreign state
                                                                                             lending to countries on the
                                                                                             OBOR route;
                                                                                             Loans for infrastructure
                                                                                             projects, including road, rail
                                                                                             and power schemes (52%
                                                                                             of loans), and trade finance
Population                805 million (11.2%)            4,880 million (67.7%)               Similar to the AIIB                620 million (8.6%)
(% of world population)
Nominal GDP               US$28tr (36.4%)                US$40.2tr (54.7%)                   Similar to the AIIB                US$2.5tr (3.2%)
(% of global GDP)
Total trade               US$9.58tr (25.1%)              US$29.3tr (77%)                     Similar to the AIIB                US$2.56tr (6.7%)
(% of global trade)
Parallels                 Regional Comprehensive         IMF, World Bank, Asian              China-Pakistan Economic            Eurozone (euro area),
                          Economic Partnership           Development Bank                    Corridor (CPEC),                   Common Market for
                          (ASEAN+6 RCEP), EU-                                                Bangladesh-China-India-            Eastern and Southern
                          ASEAN FTA                                                          Myanmar(BCIM) Economic             Africa (Comesa)
                          ASEAN-China (ACFTA)                                                Corridor
Source: Various Media, IMF, UNCTAD, UOB Global Economics & Markets Research

                                                            Quarterly Global Outlook 1Q2016
                                                         UOB Global Economics & Markets Research
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