Remote Learning & School Learning - Week 7 Some highlights.

Page created by Lorraine Norton
Remote Learning & School Learning - Week 7 Some highlights.
Stocksbridge Nursery Infants

Remote Learning &
 School Learning
          Week 7
         Some highlights.

                   Your name
Remote Learning & School Learning - Week 7 Some highlights.
Key words
Well done Rhys for
practising your
keywords. Keep it up
Remote Learning & School Learning - Week 7 Some highlights.
Sequencing the
More great work
from Harley Tollan.
He’s been a trouper
through this
Remote Learning & School Learning - Week 7 Some highlights.
Shape work…
On the carpet, with
your pencils. Brilliant.
Remote Learning & School Learning - Week 7 Some highlights.
Great Science
No test tubes or
chemicals needed.
Just a stone and a
beady eye! Well done
on the bug hunting
Remote Learning & School Learning - Week 7 Some highlights.
This is Ruby’s amazing
digital drawing. Well
done Ruby.
Remote Learning & School Learning - Week 7 Some highlights.
Team work
They had great fun
making an ant hill. Look
at the concentration on
their faces.
Remote Learning & School Learning - Week 7 Some highlights.
Holiday baking.
This looks delicious. I
think we have a
master baker in our
Remote Learning & School Learning - Week 7 Some highlights.
Well done Nova
She did some beautiful
writing about Bog
Baby. Super neat
handwriting Nova!
Remote Learning & School Learning - Week 7 Some highlights.
Super proud
A little girl thrilled to
get her Mathletic
Lots of
…about fair trade on
Wednesday. She put
some wonderful,
thoughtful comments
on Seesaw.
Kira Fulcher is a
fantastic artist. She
has produced some
amazing art over this
Super effort
James does great
learning when he’s in
school and great
learning at home too.
James again….
His efforts have been
noticed twice this
week by different
adults. Well done
A little boy after
my own heart
Another lover of music
and singing! Yeahhh!
Maths Whizz
Someone proud of all
the maths they’ve done
this week. Well done
A little teacher
Someone did their
work on the
whiteboard this week.
Great idea.
Very thoughtful
Emily made a get well
picture for Mrs.
Merryman. What a
lovely thing to do.
More baking
Sure they will be yummy.
It looks like you know
exactly what you’re
Super effort
This young man has
tried hard with his
learning even on days
when he didn’t really
want to. Well done
This little girl made pizza
this week, from scratch.
Well done you. It looks
This little girl acted out
the story of Bog Baby
using props. What a
great idea. Well done.
Using Numicon
Working hard to make
number bonds to 10!
Super maths
Look at the wonderful
numbers bonds she’s
written and how neat
her number formation
is! Well done.
of the owl from the
shared reading this
week. Mason has tried
so hard with his home
If one kind of PE
…try another. Great
karate moves!
Wow! Wow!
What a busy girl –
making beanstalks,
amazing writing, and
growing beans.
Super Learning
George has practised
his learning every
single day.
Great writing
from Summer.
She joins in the
phonics zooms every
Live chicks…
….in a phonics lesson.
Thanks Lacey-Mae. It
was great for
practising ck and ch!
Fun with
In the spring sunshine.
What could be better?
Two friends working
Lovely flower
Making pictures with
shapes in Nursery and
can you see those
seed heads on the
window sill too.
Wow! What a great week of learning.
Well done to children, parents and staff for a brilliant week
of learning.
Only one more to go and we’ll all be back together.
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