Page created by Ray Lucas

To read more about GE’s view on climate change

Addressing                                     GE also believes that
                                               decarbonization actions will
climate change                                 be determined locally, based
                                               on resource availability, policy,                               GE believes that
must be an urgent                              current infrastructure, and                                   the accelerated and
global priority,                               demand for power. There are many                            strategic deployment of
                                               regions in which gas power can be a key                   renewables and gas power
requiring global                               enabler to further renewables penetration,
                                               specifically in regions with high current gas
                                                                                                          can change the trajectory
action, national                               capacity and/or substantial dependence
                                               on coal. In those regions, gas power can
                                                                                                              for climate change

commitments, and                               serve as a backbone for greater renewables
                                               penetration and accelerate the retirement of
consistent policy                              coal assets, both of which will have significant
                                               positive impact on overall emissions.
and regulatory                                                                                    New sources of abundant and
                                               Renewables are the fastest                         affordable natural gas have
frameworks.                                    growing source of new power                        driven the economic shift of
                                               generation capacity and                            coal-to-gas switching in several
Too often, the dialog around climate change
can be mired in defining and debating an       electricity. This dramatic growth                  regions. With less than half the
ideal future state and the timeline by which   has been propelled by a combination of             CO2 of coal generation, natural
                                               factors including public awareness about
society would achieve that end-state. In                                                          gas is contributing significantly
the meantime, insufficient global progress     climate change, steep cost declines,
                                               advances in wind and solar technologies,           to decarbonization in these
is being made with each passing day.
Paraphrasing an old adage, “Perfection         and favorable policies that incentivize            regions. Yet globally, coal still accounts
                                               investment in renewable technologies.              for nearly 40 percent of electricity generated
is the enemy of progress.”
                                               Yet despite the progress, today wind and           and it is expected to remain the largest
Decarbonization* of the power sector           solar together account for just 8 percent          single source of electricity generation for
and electrification of energy-use sectors      of global electricity generation and with          decades to come unless significant changes
(e.g., transportation, industry and heat)      all renewables considered (predominantly           in the power sector fuel mix occur.
as quickly as possible will have the most      hydropower) it grows to nearly 27 percent.1
substantial impact on global carbon                                                               Viewed separately, renewables and
emissions. Based on our extensive              To put the challenge of relying solely on          gas generation technologies each have
analysis and unique experience across the      increased deployment of wind and solar PV          merits and challenges as a means to
breadth of the global power industry,          to combat climate change into perspective,         address climate change and optimum
                                               in the International Energy Agency’s (IEA)         solutions will differ regionally. Such
GE believes that accelerated                   Stated Policies Scenario, their reference          solutions will depend upon factors such
and strategic deployment of                    scenario, wind and solar account for nearly        as fuel availability and security, land use
renewables and gas power                       75 percent of global net capacity additions        constraints, renewable resource availability,
can change the trajectory                      between now and 2040. This results in more         and the emphasis a particular region is
                                               than a 3X increase in wind, and 6X increase        placing on climate change. Together, their
for climate change, enabling                   in solar installed capacity. Despite the rapid     complementary nature offers tremendous
substantive reductions in                      growth and significant investment in wind          potential to address climate change with
emissions quickly, while in                    and solar PV postulated in this scenario,          the speed and scale the world requires.
parallel continuing to advance                 their combined generation contribution only        Key attributes of these technologies are
                                               increases to 28 percent of the global total in     summarized on the following page.
the technologies for low or near               2040 and they are roughly on par with coal at
zero-carbon power generation.                  22 percent and gas power at 21 percent.2
                                                                                                  *Decarbonization in this paper is intended to mean the reduction
                                                                                                    of carbon emissions on a kilogram per megawatt hour basis.

                                Accelerated Growth of Renewables and Gas Power Can Rapidly Change the Trajectory on Climate Change                                    2

    T A B L E 1 : The complementary attributes of renewables and gas power

                              WIND, SOLAR & STORAGE                                                     GAS POWER
                                                                                          Flexible, dispatchable power whenever needed,
  FUEL                             Limitless, free fuel that is variable
                                                                                         utilizing abundant & affordable natural gas or LNG
                                                                                             Less than half the CO2 of coal generation
                                                                                            with a pathway to future conversion to low
  CO2                                   Carbon-free generation
                                                                                              or near-zero carbon with hydrogen and
                                                                                             Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS)
                           Competitive Levelized Cost of Electricity (LCOE)                    Competitive LCOE with lowest CAPEX,
                            with no lifecycle uncertainty (mostly CAPEX)                     providing affordable, dependable capacity

                                    Dispatches first in merit order…                         Most affordable dispatchable technology…
                                      extremely low variable cost                                     fills supply/demand gap

                            Battery storage economical for short duration                Gas economical for longer-duration peaking needs
                              peaking needs (90% capacity factors when needed,
  FACTORS                      (wind and solar often complementary)                       runs less based on variable costs & renewables

                             Utilizes abundant land with good renewable
                                                                                              Very small physical footprint for dense
  LAND                            resources (multi-purpose land use);
                                                                                               urban areas with space constraints
                                 Offshore wind is not land constrained

  HYBRID                             Extends renewable energy to                            Carbon-free spinning reserve peaking plants
  SOLUTIONS                            align with peak demand                                      using onsite battery storage

Technologies other than wind, solar,               not an either/or                                         We have been a key player
battery storage and gas will contribute            proposition                                                 in the power industry
                                                                                   Attributes of
as well to the longer-term power mix, but          between
                                                                              renewables    and  gas            since its inception and
the focus of this whitepaper                       renewables
                                                   and natural            power are complementary,               have a suite of complementary
is to elevate the emphasis on                                               making them a powerful               renewable, gas-fired, nuclear,
                                                   gas, but
renewables and gas power as                                                 combination to address               grid and digital technologies
                                                   rather a
                                                                                climate change                  needed   for the transformation
an urgently needed solution                        multi-pronged
                                                                                                               to a decarbonized energy
to change the near-term                            approach to
                                                                                                             future. This industry experience
trajectory on climate change.                                                                             coupled with technological know-
                                                   with renewables
                                                                                                       how enables GE to help policy makers
                                                   and natural gas power
The power industry has a responsibility, and                                                       to make effective decisions that deliver
                                                   at its core. GE as a company is
the technical capability to take significant                                                       the desired decarbonization results while
                                                   uniquely positioned to play a role through
steps to quickly reduce greenhouse gas                                                             avoiding unintended consequences.
                                                   its scale, breadth, and technological depth.
emissions and help address climate change
at scale. The solution for the power sector is

                                 Accelerated Growth of Renewables and Gas Power Can Rapidly Change the Trajectory on Climate Change           3
FRAMING THE CLIMATE                                Emission reductions are needed across             Continuing these energy efficiency efforts
CHALLENGE                                          all sectors, but the power sector can             will help to reduce the need for additional
                                                   and should make whatever reductions               generation across the power sector.
There is broad scientific consensus that the       it can by deploying as much renewables            The “Future is Electric” scenario from the
concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere is          as possible supported by a combination            IEA’s 2018 World Energy Outlook4 postulates
increasing, that the increase is due primarily     of coal-to-gas switching, deployment of           that widespread deployment of currently
to anthropogenic (man-made) sources, and           new gas-fired power plants and efficiency         available technologies could take the
that the higher concentration is causing an        upgrades to existing gas-fired plants.            proportion of electricity in final energy use
increase in global average temperatures.                                                             from 19 percent to a maximum technical
Although other greenhouse gases (GHGs)             Another method for reducing power sector          potential of around 65 percent. This would
including methane, nitrous oxide, and              emissions is through reduced electricity          happen, for example, if heat pumps become
fluorinated gases are also contributing to         consumption. Demand-side energy efficiency        widespread in industry and buildings, if
the increase in global temperatures, CO2 is        is sometimes called the first fuel, or the fuel   electric vehicles (EVs) become the vehicle of
the largest single contributor, accounting for     you don’t need to use, and is often expressed     choice, if induction stoves become the sole
more than 75 percent of all GHGs.                  in terms of electrical intensity. This metric     choice for cooking, and so on. The potential
                                                   is defined as the amount of electricity           for higher electrification therefore is very
                                                   consumed per unit of gross domestic product       large, even though around 35 percent of final
                                                   (GDP), and it has been on a steady global         consumption would still require other energy
                                                   decline for several decades due to things such    sources, including most shipping, aviation
                                                   as more efficient home appliances, LED light      and certain industrial processes.
                                                   bulbs, and energy conservation measures.
Forty one percent (13.7                                                                              Electrification by itself will not deliver on
Gigatonnes or Gt) of the                                                                             sustainability goals. Although switching from
global CO2 emissions from fuel                                                                       combustion of fuels to electricity has clear
combustion are attributable                             CO2 Emissions by Sector                      environmental advantages at the point of
                                                                                                     use due to reduced emissions of local air
to the electricity and heat                                  (33.7 Gt Total)
                                                                                                     pollutants, the overall environmental impact
production sector. This is followed by                                                               needs to be considered at the system level.
the industry and transport sectors, with 26                                                          Simply shifting from tailpipe
percent and 25 percent respectively.3 See
Figure 1. Although there has been significant
                                                                                                     emissions from an internal
attention, and some progress addressing                                                              combustion engine to smokestack
CO2 emissions in the power sector, there has              25%                                        emissions from a coal power
not been as much focus or progress in other                                                          plant providing electricity to an
sectors. As an example of non-power sector
initiatives, GE supports the aviation industry’s
                                                                                                     EV does not necessarily reduce,
plan to achieve a net reduction in aviation                                                          and in some locations could
CO2 emissions of 50 percent by 2050, relative                        26%                             increase, system CO2 emissions.
to 2005 levels. GE invests $1 billion annually                                                       For electrification to be most effective at
to accelerate technology innovations needed                                                          reducing CO2 emissions there needs to be
to drive reduction in carbon emissions that                     Power        Transport               a concurrent shift in the makeup of the
help make flying increasingly sustainable.                      Industry     Buildings               fuel sources of the power sector such as
                                                                                                     coal-to-gas switching immediately and
If power sector CO2 emissions                                                                        continuing the pursuit of low or zero-carbon
                                                                                                     sources. This concurrent shift, combined
could somehow be brought                               F I G U R E 1 : The power sector
                                                                                                     with electrification, would then enable
immediately to zero—an                                 produces the largest amount of CO2
                                                                                                     significant reductions across the largest CO2
impossibility—that would not                           emissions, but all sectors need to
                                                                                                     emitting sectors of the economy, namely
                                                       address CO2 emissions.
realize the COP 21 Paris Agreement                                                                   power, transportation, and industry.
goal of keeping the global average
temperature increase to less than 2ºC.

                                 Accelerated Growth of Renewables and Gas Power Can Rapidly Change the Trajectory on Climate Change              4
AFFORDABLE, RELIABLE                                                                            and the power density of gas power makes
AND SUSTAINABLE ENERGY                                                                          it well suited to providing power at scale, in
IS A BASIC HUMAN RIGHT                                                                          close proximity to demand. As people join
                                                           Energy Trilemma                      the middle class, they purchase more energy
Access to affordable, reliable, and sustainable       ELECTRICITY GENERATION,                   intensive products such as air conditioners,
energy is critical to growing economies and                                                     refrigerators and other home appliances,
is fundamental to the quality of life in the
                                                      DELIVERY & CONSUMPTION
                                                                                                thereby increasing electricity demand. The IEA
modern world. According to the IEA, roughly                                                     projects that total electricity demand will rise
770 million people lack access to reliable                                                      globally by nearly 50 percent through 2040.7
electricity, and more than 2.6 billion do not
have access to clean cooking fuel, relying                                                      The most effective way to ensure
primarily on biomass (wood, charcoal, dung,
etc.). Universal access to modern energy by
                                                                                                power system reliability and
2030, including electricity and clean cooking,                                                  energy security is through a mix of
is one of the key pillars of the United Nations’                                                generation sources. No single form of
Sustainable Development Agenda (SDG 7).5                                                        power generation is optimal in every situation
See Figure 2.                                                                                   or economy. For example: wind and solar
                                                                                                are variable but consume no fuel and emit
In addition to the challenge of addressing                                                      no CO2; natural gas-fueled generation emits
basic energy access, the global middle                   RELIABLE        SUSTAINABLE            CO2 but is dispatchable (i.e., has output that
class is now more than half of the world’s                                                      can be readily controlled between maximum
total population—more than doubling since                                                       rated capacity or decreased to zero) to help
2010—and is expected to reach 5.3 billion           F I G U R E 2 : The energy trilemma         balance supply and demand; hydro power
by 2030. Most of this growth is expected to         is the challenge of providing affordable,   often requires dedicating significant amounts
occur in Asia.6 The continent has some of the       reliable and sustainable energy.            of land area but is zero-carbon, renewable
most densely populated cities in the world,                                                     and dispatchable, and can provide long-term,
                                                                                                low-cost energy storage.

                                         A mix of
                                   generation sources
                                  is the most effective
                                 way to provide system
                                      reliability and
                                     energy security

                                 Accelerated Growth of Renewables and Gas Power Can Rapidly Change the Trajectory on Climate Change           5

Renewable power is carbon-free, uses an                     energy. In some locations with abundant        Global installed capacity of
infinite supply of free fuel that is not subject            wind and solar resources, renewable            renewables has grown from
to price fluctuations, and produces very low                technologies have become cost-advantaged
cost electricity. These attributes make the                 relative to thermal power generation on an     approximately 1 GW of solar PV
deployment of renewables the core element                   LCOE basis. The biggest perceived drawback     and 17 GW of wind in 2000 to
in combatting climate change, leading to                    of wind and solar, the fact that they are      approximately 650 GW of each
tremendous growth in capacity additions                     variable, is mitigated by the fact that with
                                                                                                           today.8 2019 was an unprecedented
since the turn of the century—especially in                 modern weather forecasting methods they
                                                                                                           year for global renewable capacity orders,
wind and solar PV. This explosive growth                    are largely predictable.
                                                                                                           eclipsing the 200 GW mark for the first
has been driven primarily by reductions in                                                                 time.9 The cumulative effect of nearly two
cost, technology advancements to improve                                                                   decades of renewables orders growth
capacity factors, favorable policies and                                                                   resulted in 27 percent of global electricity
positive public sentiment around zero-carbon
                                                                               Despite                     supply coming from renewable sources in
                                                                                                           2019.10 This growth is expected to continue
                                                                        massive renewables
                                                                          investment, coal
                                                                      generation is down only
                                                                     ~10% and gas generation
    CAPACITY ADDITIONS                                                  is up ~33% through
                                                                                2040.                          ~40,100 TWh
                                      ~5,900 GW
                                                                                                                                     47% Renewables
                                                                                                                                     28% Wind + Solar
                                                                                             ~26,900 TWh

                                                                          27% Renewables
                                             Solar                         8% Wind + Solar

             85% Renewables
             74% Wind + Solar

                                                                                                  23%                 21%
                                                                                                  Gas                 Gas

                                            Hydro                                                 37%                 22%
                                                           Nuclear                                Coal                Coal

                                             Coal                                                2019                2040
                             Net Capacity Additions
                                                                                                  Electricity Generation
    F I G U R E 3 : Net capacity additions and resulting change in electricity generation 2019 to 2040...despite aggressive
    renewables net additions, they are insufficient to result in a meaningful reduction in absolute global coal generation by 2040.
    Source: IEA World Energy Outlook 2020 Stated Policies Scenario

                                      Accelerated Growth of Renewables and Gas Power Can Rapidly Change the Trajectory on Climate Change                  6
LCOE reductions
                                                              The cost drivers behind the rapid growth                          at up to 35 percent capacity factor and new
       in wind and solar are                                  in renewables deployment are expected to                          offshore wind farms at up to 55 percent
       expected to continue,                                  continue. Figure 4 demonstrates how the                           capacity factor.13
           driven by lower                                    LCOE of onshore wind and utility scale solar
       CAPEX and improved                                     PV are expected to continue to drop between                       Offshore wind energy holds the promise of
                                                              2020 and 2040. As examples, the LCOE for                          significant environmental and economic
          capacity factors                                    onshore wind in Brazil is expected to drop                        benefits. It is an abundant, low-carbon energy
                                                              31 percent during this period and solar PV                        resource located close to major coastal
                                                              in Germany is expected to drop 50 percent.                        load centers, and in many cases provides an
                                                              In fact, the average reduction in onshore                         alternative to long-distance transmission
                                                              wind LCOE for the five diverse countries                          or development of electricity generation in
and accelerate, with solar PV capacity                        shown is 32 percent, and for solar PV it is 49                    these land-constrained regions. Moreover,
growing approximately 6X to more than                         percent.12 A main driver for these reductions                     offshore wind LCOE keeps dropping yearly,
3,600 GW, and wind capacity more than                         in LCOE is a reduction in CAPEX as supply                         with GE’s most efficient designs achieving a
3X to 1,900 GW by 2040, according to the                      chains benefit from increasing scale and an                       capacity factor of 63%.
IEA’s reference Stated Policies Scenario. An                  accelerating learning curve. A key outcome
additional two decades of renewables growth                   of the reduction in CAPEX is the ability to                       Offshore wind is an affordable, renewable
will result in more than a 2.6X increase                      accelerate renewables deployment because                          source of energy that can be deployed at a
in electricity generation from renewable                      a fixed amount of investment purchases                            scale capable of providing as much capacity
sources, accounting for 47 percent of the                     more capacity.                                                    as thermal and nuclear power plants. The IEA
total global electricity supply in 2040.11                                                                                      has highlighted its almost limitless potential,
                                                              Advances in technology have also                                  and the Ocean Renewable Energy Action
Yet despite wind and solar
                                                              contributed to the reduction in LCOE. Wind                        Coalition (OREAC) estimates the world can
accounting for nearly 75% of                                  turbines are getting more efficient at low                        deploy 1.4TW by 2050.14 Offshore wind is
global net capacity additions                                 wind speeds. The towers are getting taller                        an undeniable pillar in the energy mix, a
between now and 2040, the                                     and blade diameters larger, enabling them                         here-and-now technology contributing to
                                                              to produce more energy from a given piece                         decarbonization and limiting increases in
industry needs to do more to
                                                              of land. Capacity factors are also improving,                     global average temperatures.
reduce global generation from                                 with new onshore wind farms now operating
coal to meet decarbonization
goals. See Figure 3.

                        Onshore Wind LCOE,                                                                          Solar PV Utility Scale LCOE,
                       $/MWh, 2018 Real USD                                                                           $/MWh, 2018 Real USD
  70                                                                                            140

  60                                                                                            120

  50                                                                                            100

  40                                                                                             80

  30                                                                                             60

  20                                                                                             40
  10                                                                                             20
   0                                                                                               0
       2015          2020            2025           2030            2035            2040               2015          2020           2025            2030         2035   2040

                                                          United States           Brazil         Germany            India          Egypt

   F I G U R E 4 : LCOE of Onshore Wind and Utility Scale Solar PV are expected to continue to drop.
   Source: IHS Markit, Global Renewable Levelized Cost of Electricity Outlook Part 1, February 2020. ©2020 IHS Markit. All rights reserved. The use of this
   content was authorized in advance. Any further use or redistribution of this content is strictly prohibited without prior written permission by IHS Markit.

                                        Accelerated Growth of Renewables and Gas Power Can Rapidly Change the Trajectory on Climate Change                                     7
Strong grids and energy storage systems                                     The CAPEX of Li-ion batteries has                the sun is shining but demand is low to a
are key to compensating for the variable                                    come down substantially in recent                weekday when demand is higher will reduce
nature of wind and solar generation.                                                                                         the number of charge/discharge cycles over
Although in some locations wind and solar
                                                                            years and this cost reduction                    which to monetize the battery CAPEX. The
generation are complementary, i.e., solar                                   trajectory is expected to continue.              relationship of CAPEX to the Levelized Cost
generation is available during the day                                      See Figure 5. Utility-scale battery systems      of Storage (LCOS) is such that if the number
and wind generation is more prevalent                                       have benefited from the massive build-up         of charge/discharge cycles is cut in half, the
at night, modern power systems must                                         of battery capacity to support the electric
                                                                                                                             LCOS doubles. Battery storage will
match supply and demand in real time and                                    vehicle market, and the CAPEX of a 4-hour
                                                                            BESS is expected to drop an additional 50        not be competitive on an LCOS
provide 24/7/365 reliability.
                                                                            percent between 2020 and 2040.15                 basis for durations greater than
Very high penetration of renewables                                                                                          8 hours until there is a significant
generation could lead to system                                             Li-ion battery storage has become an
                                                                                                                             technology breakthrough
instability if grid operators don’t                                         attractive and economical approach for
                                                                            intra-day (typically
COAL IS DOWN,                                            part to utilities responding to the negative                       Coal in 2040: 22% of total
BUT NOT OUT                                              public perception of coal, and reductions in
                                                         available sources of finance from entities
                                                                                                                            global electricity and 68%
As the international community moves                     such as export credit agencies, pension funds,                     of power sector CO2
toward a decarbonized future, the ideal                  and private equity. Despite the retirements
generation mix will depend on an individual              and recent orders slowdown, there remains                          SOURCE: IEA WEO 2020
country’s available fuel resources, its point            a large installed base of coal power plants
in the journey to a decarbonized future,                 globally and it is expected that there will
and the often-competing goals of providing               still be nearly 2,000 GW of coal plants in
reliable, affordable and sustainable energy              operation at the end of this decade.17                         China and the rest of the world (ROW),
to a growing population that aspires to                                                                                 however, have experienced increases in coal
improved standards of living.                            Global CO2 emissions from coal power                           power CO2 emissions since 2010. Coal power
                                                         has been increasing for decades, but                           CO2 emissions in China are up approximately
Coal is the largest fuel source                          with a leveling off of coal power generation                   44 percent since 2010 and the ROW is up 27
                                                         due to coal-to-gas switching, increased                        percent. Coal power emissions are expected to
for electricity generation in the
                                                         renewables generation, reduced operation                       level off in China and ROW near the end of this
world today, accounting for 37 percent                   and retirement of coal power plants, policy                    decade, leaving both with enormous potential
of the total.16 Despite well publicized                  mandates, and the impact on demand due                         to further reduce CO2 emissions from coal.
retirements of coal-fired capacity in the                to the COVID-19 pandemic, global coal
United States and Western Europe,                        power CO2 emissions likely have already                        Looking out a decade further, to 2040, coal
there are still more than 2,000                          reached their peak. Since 2010, coal power                     power is expected to provide 22 percent
GW of coal power plants                                  CO2 emissions have come down more than                         of global electricity generation and be
                                                         46 percent, and 31 percent in the USA and                      responsible for 68 percent (8.5 Gt) of power
installed globally, making up
                                                         Europe, respectively. See Figure 6. These                      sector CO2 emissions, according to the IEA.19
nearly 30 percent of global                              trends are expected to continue, and in the
installed capacity, and nearly                           IEA’s Stated Policies Scenario the USA’s coal
                                                                                                                        Emissions from coal at this
400 GW in the United States                              power CO2 emissions come down 77 percent
                                                         by 2030 relative to the 2010 baseline year and                 level are inconsistent with
and Western Europe alone.
                                                         Europe’s come down 74 percent.18 Despite the                   achieving the goal of reducing
Approximately 1,400 GW of new coal-fired
                                                         gains in these regions, there is the potential to              global warming and more
power plants have been put on order globally
                                                         reduce coal power CO2 emissions even further
since the turn of the century, mostly in China                                                                          aggressive actions are needed,
                                                         by running the installed gas power fleet more
during the 2000-2010 timeframe. In recent                                                                               including deployment of carbon capture,
                                                         and strategic deployment of new gas power
years there has been a dramatic slowdown in                                                                             utilization and storage (CCUS) at coal power
                                                         and renewables.
orders for new coal power plants due in large                                                                           plants, increased utilization of existing gas
                                                                                                                        power, and increased deployment of new gas
                                                                                                                        power and renewables.


                                                                                                                   5%     -2%
                                                                                                                                                      -4%   5%
                  1,858 Mt CO2                          1,131 Mt CO2                          3,402 Mt CO2                         2,551 Mt CO2 27%
                          -46%                                                                                      ~5,000 Mt                           ~3,300 Mt
                                                                                                                    additional                          additional
            50%                                                          -32%                                        potential                           potential
                                  -22% -9%
                                       435 Mt                                292 Mt
                                 additional potential                  additional potential
                   2010 2019 2025 2030                     2010 2019 2025 2030                       2010 2019 2025 2030                 2010 2019 2025 2030

                          USA                                   Europe                                       China                              ROW

      F I G U R E 6 : The USA and Europe are on a trajectory to reduce coal power CO2 emissions significantly through retirements and
      decreased operation, but there is an opportunity for further reductions. China and ROW are still on a trajectory of increasing coal
      power emissions and need to reverse course. Source: IEA World Energy Outlook 2020 Stated Policies Scenario

                                     Accelerated Growth of Renewables and Gas Power Can Rapidly Change the Trajectory on Climate Change                              9
The world is
                                                                                                            better served by
                                                                                                       accelerating renewables
                                                                                                         deployment, running
                                                                                                       existing gas plants more,
                                                                                                         and adding new gas
                                                                                                       capacity as the industry
                                                                                                              reduces coal


GE believes in and promotes                    IEA, given the time it takes to build up          The United States is a powerful
additional renewables capacity,                new renewables and to implement energy            example of the pace and scale
                                               efficiency improvements, coal-to-gas
augmented where needed with                    switching represents a potential quick win
                                                                                                 that renewables and gas power
natural gas generation to provide              for emissions reductions. There is potential in   can lead to decarbonization of
system flexibility and dependable              today’s power sector to immediately reduce        a power sector that was heavily
                                               up to 1.2 Gt/yr of CO2 emissions by running
capacity, as the most effective                                                                  dependent on coal. Since the peak
                                               existing gas-fired plants harder and reducing     in 2007, power sector CO2 emissions in the
near-term action to decarbonize                coal use commensurately. There is additional      United States have dropped 33 percent while
the energy sector. Despite the massive         opportunity to reduce coal emissions              total electricity generation remained fairly
deployment of wind and solar capacity in       by retiring existing coal-fired capacity          constant at approximately 4,300 TWh. During
recent years, increases are not occurring      and replacing it with new, high efficiency        this time, coal generation dropped roughly in
at the pace or scale needed to decarbonize     combined cycle capacity. Doing so would           half, from 50 percent to 24 percent, while gas
the electricity sector and meet the goals      almost immediately bring down global power        generation increased from 20 percent to 37
of the Paris Agreement. According to the       sector emissions by 10 percent and total          percent, and wind and solar grew from less
                                               energy-related CO2 emissions by 4 percent.20      than 1 percent to 9 percent.21 The emissions
                                                                                                 reduction attributed to coal-to-gas switching
                                                                                                 was greater than that from any other fuel
                                                                                                 source. See Figure 7 on the following page.
    Given the time it takes to deploy new renewables and to implement
    energy efficiency improvements, coal-to-gas switching represents a
    potential quick win for emissions reductions.

                               Accelerated Growth of Renewables and Gas Power Can Rapidly Change the Trajectory on Climate Change            10
US POWER SECTOR CO2 (Million Metric Tons)

              2,500           Total US CO2 Emissions                                                 33% reduction in CO2

                                                                                                                  ~30% Other sources
                                                                                                                       of reduction
                                                                                                                       Gas enabled
              2,000                                      Oil                                                      ~40% net reduction
                                                                                                     CO2 from        Renewables
                                                         Coal                                        renewables ~30% contribution


              1,000             US power sector CO2 ↓ 33% from Peak:

                                Coal: From 50% of TWh to 24%

                  500           Gas: From 20% of TWh to 37%

                                Wind + Solar: From 2% to 9% of TWh                                      Source: US Energy Information
                                                                                                        Administration, Monthly Energy
                                                                                                        Review, June 2020
                        ‘91      ‘95      ‘99      ‘03          ‘07         ‘11      ‘15       ‘19

   TWh by Fuel                                                                                                         TWh Total US

    2,500                                                                                                                     5,000
                                                                                  Total US Generation                         4,500

    2,000                                                                                                                     4,000
                                                                                  Coal                                        3,500

    1,500                                                                                                                     3,000

    1,000                                                                                                                     2,000

                                                                                  Nuclear                                     1,500

     500                                                                                                                      1,000
                                                                                  Other Wind                                  500
       0                                                                                                                      -
            ‘91                  ‘96             ‘01                  ‘06                ‘11               ‘16

                                                                                                        Source: GE Gas Power Global Power
                                                                                                        Outlook 2020

F I G U R E 7 : Coal-to-gas switching is contributing more to power sector carbon
reduction in the US than any other generation technology.

                              Accelerated Growth of Renewables and Gas Power Can Rapidly Change the Trajectory on Climate Change            11
           BY USING RENEWABLES PLUS GAS POWER                                                         CO2 Reduction Potential


           Reduces 100% of the carbon… 25–45% of the time…
           coal must run when wind and sun are not available based on average capacity factors


           Reduces 50–60% of the carbon…100% of the time…
           gas runs base load and the coal plant can be shut down


           Renewables reduce 100% of the carbon...25–45% of the time...
           and gas reduces 50–60% of the carbon the rest of the time.

           COAL         WIND + SOLAR PV        BATTERY         COMBINED
                                                               CYCLE GAS                                      68–80%

           Renewables plus 4-hr batteries reduce 100% of the carbon...35–50% of the time...
           and gas reduces 50–60% of the carbon the rest of the time

     F I G U R E 8 : Replacing baseload coal with a combination of renewables and gas yields the quickest carbon reduction at
     scale. Note that CAPEX and required land are not addressed in the above analysis.

On a global scale, replacing coal                approximately 25–45 percent of the coal CO2      cycle gas turbine plants making up any
with a combination of variable                   emissions. That said, the coal plant would       remaining energy needs. This results in
                                                 still need to provide energy, and thereby emit   approximately a 62–78 percent reduction
renewables and batteries                         CO2, when wind and solar are not available.      in overall system CO2.
plus dispatchable gas yields
greater carbon reduction than                    Replacing the coal plant with base load          Replacing the coal plant with a
renewables alone. An analysis                    natural gas alone would reduce CO2               complementary mix of wind, solar, and
done by GE and summarized in Figure 8            emissions by approximately 50–60 percent         4-hour batteries, plus natural gas enables
considers the real-time balancing of power       for 100 percent of the time due to the lower     the wind and solar to provide zero-carbon
supply and demand using a hypothetical           CO2 intensity of natural gas.                    energy for 35–50 percent of the time, with
base loaded coal plant as an example.                                                             combined cycle gas turbine plants making up
                                                 Replacing the coal plant with a                  any remaining energy needs. This maximizes
Because of the variable nature of wind and       complementary mix of wind and solar plus         the energy from the renewables sources and
solar energy, and lower capacity factors for     natural gas, however, enables the wind           results in approximately a 68–80 percent
these technologies, a direct replacement of      and solar to provide zero-carbon energy          reduction in overall system CO2.22
coal with wind and solar would eliminate         whenever they are available, with combined

                                Accelerated Growth of Renewables and Gas Power Can Rapidly Change the Trajectory on Climate Change          12
ENABLES MORE                                        Average Dependable Capacity                   Typical CAPEX Cost $/kW

RENEWABLES                                           Gas       84%                                 Gas – CC          ~$700–$1,200
                                                     Coal      78%                                 Coal              ~$5,000
                                                     Nuclear   92%                                 Nuclear           ~$8,000
                                                     Hydro     63%                                 Onshore Wind ~$1,500

Natural gas-fired power generation is flexible       Wind      14% Onshore, 27% Offshore           Solar PV          ~$1,250
and dispatchable. Plants can come online             Solar     20–40%                              Battery           ~$1,200/kW (4-hour)
quickly, adjust power output level, and turn
down to a very low output level to balance
                                                     F I G U R E 9 : Average dependable            F I G U R E 1 0 : Gas power is the
supply and demand as needed. They can
                                                     capacity of various generation                lowest cost generation technology
deliver more power or less as supply and
                                                     technologies.23                               on a $/kw basis.24
demand for electricity vary throughout the
day, over the course of a week or month,
and seasonally—whenever required. This
flexibility is especially important to maintain   to illustrate the ability of a technology     Gas power is affordable due to its low
grid stability as more non-dispatchable wind      to reliably produce electricity during        CAPEX requirements and the availability of
and solar resources are deployed.                 summer or winter daytime and nighttime        abundant, cost competitive natural gas. In
                                                  peaks considering nameplate capacity,         fact, it is currently the lowest cost generation
Gas-fired power plants are                        degradation due to ambient temperature        technology on a $/kW basis. This is especially
available regardless of the time                  effects, and the coincidence of a renewable   important when access to capital is
                                                  generation source to peak demand. The         constrained or project financing is required.
of day or weather conditions,
                                                  values shown are global averages.             See Figure 10.
providing dependable capacity
as long as needed, whether for                    Nuclear remains an important part of          Gas can provide affordable
minutes, hours, days or weeks                     the power generation landscape and is         baseload power in developing,
at a time. Wind and solar power are               contributing to the transition to cleaner     high-growth regions, and then
                                                  energy as the most dependable source of
available when the wind is blowing or the                                                       transition to economic and
                                                  CO2-free power. Today nuclear power delivers
sun is shining. The availability of the wind                                                    complementary cyclic or peaking
                                                  approximately 10% of the world’s electricity
and solar resources does not always coincide
                                                  with more than 400 GW in the global           power as needed to accommodate
with demand. Because electricity supply
and demand must always be in balance,
                                                  installed base. While there are plans         future renewables growth.
                                                  to phase out nuclear power in some
renewables require dispatchable backup
                                                  countries, forecasts show around
power such as natural gas power plants
                                                  10 GW/yr of future demand
or batteries to ensure system reliability.
                                                  for new nuclear plants
The Dependable Capacity metric shown
                                                  although the timing
in Figure 9 has been developed by GE
                                                  is uncertain.                           Gas power is
                                                                                   affordable, efficient
                                                                                    and dispatchable
                                                                               as a means to complement
                                                                               renewables, with less than
                                                                                50% of the CO2 emissions
                                                                                    compared to coal

                                 Accelerated Growth of Renewables and Gas Power Can Rapidly Change the Trajectory on Climate Change           13
LAND USE IS AN                                  land uses. Using the United States as an            Significantly less space is required
IMPORTANT FACTOR                                example, the relatively densely populated           for gas-fired generation, enabling
                                                east and west coasts make locating utility
Modern society requires vast amounts            scale onshore wind farms a challenge, but in
                                                                                                    natural gas power plants to
of electricity to function, and one of the      the less populated central plains (e.g., Iowa)      be deployed closer to demand
greatest challenges we face today is            this is less of an issue. Similarly, solar PV       centers and possibly avoiding
providing electricity that is affordable,       can be located in the desert southwest (e.g.,
                                                                                                    the need for an investment in
reliable and sustainable on a planet with       Arizona) where the solar resource is abundant
a growing population that requires more         and vast tracts of land are available with little   transmission infrastructure. Figure
                                                                                                    11 demonstrates the amount of land needed
land. Land is an increasingly scarce            or no competing uses. In both examples the
                                                transmission of the electricity from where it is    to provide 1,000 MW of power generation
global resource that is subject                                                                     capacity using different technologies.26
                                                generated to where it is consumed needs to
to competing pressures from                     be considered and new infrastructure such as
agriculture, human settlement,                  high-voltage direct current transmission lines      Available land could become a barrier to
and energy development.                         may be required.                                    a 100 percent renewable power sector in
                                                                                                    certain locations, particularly major cities,
Renewables sources such as wind
                                                Offshore wind has the potential to address          and will become increasingly challenging
and solar PV are less power dense               land use challenges in some regions. A recent       as the world’s population grows. A more
than natural gas power, meaning                 analysis by the IEA examined the technical          practical approach is to strategically deploy a
that they require more land per unit of         potential of all marine areas within 300            combination of wind, solar PV, batteries and
installed generating capacity or unit of        kilometers of shore using the newest turbine        natural gas-fired power plants that enable
electricity produced.                           designs. Tapping just the most attractive sites     decarbonization at a pace and scale greater
                                                in near-shore shallow waters could provide          than can be achieved by renewables alone,
The low power density of wind, solar PV and     nearly 36,000 TWh of electricity, nearly 90         while minimizing the amount of valuable
battery storage is not an impediment in parts   percent of the total global electricity demand      land required.
of the world where land is plentiful and the    expected in 2040. Realizing this potential,
demand for electricity is in relatively close   however, will require trillions in investment
proximity to the renewable supply. Where        dollars, careful planning, efficient supply
this is not the case, there can be a conflict   chains, and transmission infrastructure
between electricity production and other        capable of bringing the electricity onshore.25

    BOSTON, MA, USA                                                                  ARIZONA AND IOWA, USA

                                                         600 ACRES:
                                                      BATTERY STORAGE
                                                          50,000 ACRES:

                                                     13 ACRES: COMBINED
                                                         CYCLE PLANT

                                                          5,000 ACRES:
                                                           SOLAR PV

                                                         F I G U R E 1 1 : Land requirements for 1,000 MW of capacity: gas generation
                  QUINCY                                 requires a small fraction of the space per MW compared with renewables
                  MARKET                                 and battery storage. The green and blue boxes on the left and right show
                                                         approximately equivalent areas for wind and solar PV in the Boston area and
                                                         less populated regions.

                                 Accelerated Growth of Renewables and Gas Power Can Rapidly Change the Trajectory on Climate Change             14
Gas power can
                                                            be deployed quickly
                                                                and at scale

NATURAL GAS IS                                                                                       RENEWABLES AND GAS
ABUNDANT, AVAIL ABLE                                                                                 POWER CAN BE DEPLOYED
AND AFFORDABLE                                                                                       QUICKLY

Natural gas availability has increased            nearly 10 percent in global capacity.28 In fact,   The key to combatting climate change in
dramatically with the advent of new methods       the IEA expects globally traded LNG to grow        the power sector is to make significant
for oil & gas production and a sharp increase     nearly 80 percent by 2040.29                       changes to the generation mix toward
in global gas liquefaction and regasification                                                        renewables and gas power quickly and at
capacity. The IEA projects that                   At the onset of 2020, the International Gas        scale. Natural gas power plants can
                                                  Union reported that there were 120 Mtpa of
global natural gas production                     regasification capacity under construction,
                                                                                                     be deployed more quickly than
could increase nearly 30 percent                  which will add about 15 percent to global          any other form of dispatchable,
by 2040 from 2019 levels and that                 capacity. When these facilities become             utility scale power. A trailer mounted
USA wholesale prices remain                       operational, the number of countries with          aeroderivative gas power plant rated at 30
                                                  regasification capacity will exceed 42.30          MW can be deployed anywhere in the world
below $4.20 ($2019) throughout
                                                                                                     in a manner of weeks to months to address
the period.27                                     The result of the new gas production               emergency needs. Simple cycle gas power
                                                  methods and expansion of both liquefaction         plants can be in commercial operation 6–12
According to IHS Markit, 2019 was a record        and regasification capacity is a natural gas       months after notice to proceed is received.
year for global liquefied natural gas (LNG) on    fuel resource that is expected to be available     Combined cycle power plants rated at 1GW
several fronts. Arguably, the most important      at relatively low and stable prices for the        or more take 24–36 months to be brought
of these is the amount of liquefaction            foreseeable future.                                into commercial operation. Wind and solar
capacity that was sanctioned in 2019,                                                                power can also be deployed quickly, typically
reaching a Final Investment Decision (FID).                                                          generating power in as little as 6–12 months
70.4 Mtpa (millions of tons per annum)                                                               from notice to proceed.
reached FID compared to the prior all-time
high of 20 Mtpa in 2005. Most of this new             Globally traded LNG is                         These short deployment times mean that
liquefaction capacity will be in the US, Russia                                                      renewables and gas can be contributing to
and Mozambique. Similarly, a record 38.8              expected to grow nearly                        CO2 reductions quickly and at scale, while
Mtpa of new liquefaction capacity reached                                                            generating revenue, and less capital is tied up
commercial operation in 2019, an increase of
                                                      80% by 2040.
                                                                                                     during the construction phase of a project.
                                                      SOURCE: IEA WEO 2020

                                 Accelerated Growth of Renewables and Gas Power Can Rapidly Change the Trajectory on Climate Change              15
                                                                                                                                            and future gas
GAS TURBINES HAVE A PATHWAY TO                                                                                                            power plants can be
                                                                                                                                        decarbonized and avoid
LOW OR ZERO-CARBON EMISSIONS                                                                                                             CO2 “lock-in” by using
                                                                                                                                         hydrogen as a fuel or
                                                                                                                                           employing carbon

Natural gas-fired combined
cycle power plants are the
lowest emitting fossil fuel power
                                                                           Pathway to Low or Near-Zero Carbon with Gas Turbines

                                                      Carbon Emissions Intensity (g/kWh)
plants, whether measured
based on CO2, SOx, NOx,                                                                                           CAPABLE TODAY

particulate matter, or mercury.                                                                                               RETROFITTABLE IN THE FUTURE
Going forward, however, there will be a need
to reduce CO2 emissions further and there is                                                ~1,000
a concern that deploying new gas generation
capacity will “lock in” CO2 emissions for the
lifetime of the power plant. Gas turbines
currently in operation or yet to be deployed                                                                                                 97%
have a pathway to enabling decarbonization                                                 COAL      GAS                                                    100%

and avoiding lock in of CO2 through utilization                                                                   HA          HA        HA Combined     HA with
                                                                                           Global    Global
of hydrogen as a fuel or through carbon                                                    Average   Average   Combined    Combined      Cycle with     100% H2
capture technologies. See Figure 12.                                                                             Cycle     Cycle with   90% Carbon
                                                                                                                            50% H2        Capture

One method to reduce CO2 emissions from
gas turbines is to mix hydrogen with natural         F I G U R E 1 2 : Gas turbine decarbonization opportunity
gas. “Green” hydrogen, which generates
no carbon emissions, is produced by
electrolyzing water using renewable energy
                                                  specific energy of hydrogen, a 50/50 mixture                            Future cost and technology breakthroughs
as the energy source. The hydrogen produced
                                                  of hydrogen and natural gas by volume only                              may make hydrogen competitive as a
in this manner serves effectively as an energy
                                                  reduces CO2 emissions by approximately                                  zero-carbon dispatchable fuel source to
storage mechanism enabling the renewable
                                                  25 percent relative to a gas turbine                                    complement renewables. Policies and
energy to be stored in the form of hydrogen
                                                  without hydrogen blended with natural                                   incentives are being implemented in several
for later use in a gas turbine.
                                                  gas. To achieve a 50 percent reduction in                               countries to foster development of hydrogen
                                                  CO2 would require approximately a 75/25                                 infrastructure and drive down costs. These
Gas turbines have been running                    hydrogen/natural gas mixture by volume.31                               have the potential to significantly increase
for decades on high hydrogen/                                                                                             the availability and affordability of hydrogen,
low Btu gases. State-of-the-art HA gas                                                                                    similar to what the wind and solar PV
                                                  A potential benefit of using hydrogen as a fuel
turbines are currently capable of burning                                                                                 industries experienced through targeted
                                                  in gas turbines, either as a blend with natural
up to 50 percent hydrogen by volume                                                                                       policies and incentives.
                                                  gas or at 100 percent hydrogen, is that it can
when blended with natural gas, and work           be accomplished either as a new build or on a
is underway to develop capability for 100                                                                                 Another pathway to net-zero carbon
                                                  retrofit basis, with relatively minor changes to
percent hydrogen in these machines by                                                                                     emissions for a gas turbine is through the
                                                  the gas turbine and plant auxiliary equipment.
the end of the decade. It should be noted                                                                                 use of either liquid or gaseous biofuels. Gas
                                                  Therefore, the decision to build a gas-fired
that mixing hydrogen and natural gas at a                                                                                 turbines are capable today of burning a wide
                                                  power plant today does not necessarily lock
50/50 volume ratio does not result in a 50                                                                                variety of these carbon-neutral fuels.
                                                  in CO2 emissions at the original level for the
percent reduction in CO2 emissions. In fact,      entire life of the power plant.
because of the lower density and lower

                            Carbon capture or using hydrogen as a fuel are currently viable methods
                            to decarbonize existing and future gas turbine power plants.

                                Accelerated Growth of Renewables and Gas Power Can Rapidly Change the Trajectory on Climate Change                                     16
CCUS also has the potential to
significantly reduce CO2 emissions
from all fossil fuel burning                                                                                     Land Surface

power generation and industrial
processes. The Amine process is the                               Non-associated                                        Coalbed Methane
most mature CCUS technology, with the                                  Gas
capability to remove up to 90 percent of the                                                                                                Conventional
                                                                                                                                           Associated Gas
CO2 from an exhaust stream. Pilot projects
are in operation today. Drawbacks include
a near doubling of the upfront CAPEX of a                                                                        Seal                               Oil
power plant, additional space requirements,
and a reduction in generation efficiency of                                                      Sandstone
                                                                                                                          Tight Sand Gas
almost 10 percentage points. Factoring in
the additional cost and reduced efficiency
results in an increase in LCOE of 30 percent                                                                 Gas-Rich Shale
                                                        U.S. Energy Information Administration
to 50 percent.32 Efforts are underway to
optimize the power plant and CCUS thermal
needs such that the impact on efficiency              F I G U R E 1 3 : Geologic formations have stored gaseous natural gas, CO2 and other
is reduced, and a price on carbon could               hydrocarbons for hundreds of millions of years and may be feasible for safe and permanent
make CCUS an economic option even                     CO2 sequestration (image courtesy of the US Energy Information Administration).
with the increase in LCOE. Again, targeted
CCUS policies and incentives, or a price
on CO2 emissions, could be the catalyst
                                                   with them. Public perception and political                38 percent. Total oil and gas (O&G) related
needed to foster technological innovation
                                                   sentiment are real, however, and need to be               methane emissions are about 70 million
leading to reduced costs and widespread
                                                   addressed before carbon sequestration is                  metric tons per year, and are attributed
deployment of CCUS technologies.
                                                   employed on a large scale. See Figure 13.                 to a combination of intentional venting,
                                                                                                             incomplete combustion of flared gas, and
Merely separating CO2 is insufficient to reach                                                               leaks in the production, processing and
deep decarbonization goals. It must be either      METHANE EMISSIONS...                                      distribution of O&G. Natural gas-related
used or stored safely and permanently.             AN OPPORTUNITY FOR
                                                                                                             methane emissions alone are 42 million
Public perception that captured CO2 cannot                                                                   metric tons per year, but only about 40
be sequestered permanently is one of the                                                                     percent of global gas consumption is used
                                         A concern often raised about natural gas
biggest impediments to CCUS. Based on                                                                        in the power sector. Gas power sector
                                         power generation is that it is responsible for a
parallels to fossil fuel extraction technologies
                                         significant increase in global methane (natural
there is a strong technical basis that the
                                                                                                             methane emissions, at 17 million
                                         gas or CH4) emissions. Methane is about 25X                         metric tons per year,33 therefore
Earth has the capacity to store          more potent as a greenhouse gas than CO2 on
more CO2 than humans can                                                                                     account for just 3 percent of total
                                         a pound-for-pound basis. Nearly 600 million
produce, and there                               metric tons per year of methane                             global methane emissions.
                                                        are emitted globally, of which
is very strong                                                                                               The IEA estimates that O&G sector methane
                                                             40 percent are naturally
evidence that                                                  occurring and 60 percent                      emissions can be reduced by about 70
we can safely                                                     are anthropogenic.                         percent by deploying available abatement
                                                                                                             technologies and practices, and about ten
store the CO2                 Technology is                        Methane accounts
                                                                    for 16 percent of                        percent of that reduction is possible with no
underground                available and should                                                              incremental net cost (i.e., the value of the
for hundreds               be deployed to cost                      greenhouse                               methane recovered is greater than the cost of
of millions                 effectively reduce                      gases on a CO2-                          the abatement technology.)34 The amount of
                                                                                                             no net cost reductions is heavily dependent
of years. Every            methane emissions                        equivalent   basis,
                                                                   while  CO   accounts                      on prevailing natural gas prices and also on
CO2 molecule                                                                 2
                                                                 for 76 percent. Twenty                      regional costs for labor and material. GE
emitted began its
                                                               percent of total methane                      is supportive of policy that would require
journey underground,
                                                           emissions    are attributed to                    the power and O&G sectors to implement
so the challenge is to put
                                                      fossil fuels, of which   coal is 36                    available methane abatement technologies
them back when we are done
                                              percent, oil is 26 percent, and gas is                         and practices.

                                 Accelerated Growth of Renewables and Gas Power Can Rapidly Change the Trajectory on Climate Change                         17

A key element of decarbonization of the power           Cost reductions in renewables and advances in digital technologies
sector will be to ensure the entire system,
                                                        are opening huge opportunities for energy transitions, while
including generating assets, the grid, and loads
are integrated efficiently in order to optimize         creating some new energy security dilemmas.
electricity generation and thereby minimize
carbon emissions. This is where digital                 SOURCE: IEA WEO 2019
technologies can play an important role.

System operators will need to integrate
and optimize dispatch of all assets after          climate change and take actions and invest in
factoring in wind and solar resources              a sustainable low carbon future. In alignment
days or weeks ahead, while considering
                                                   with the Paris Agreement, some states,
the actual cost of each generation source          municipalities, and utilities have also adopted
                                                                                                              reform is needed to
including maintenance costs. Gas power             zero-carbon or carbon-neutral pledges.                    establish a framework
plant component life is largely dictated by                                                                     for making long-
thermal consumption of parts, whereas wind         Meeting the targets of the Paris Agreement
components are driven more by mechanical
                                                                                                               term power sector
                                                   requires investment in new and upgraded
wear, solar plants by output degradation, and      technologies. Companies and innovators
battery systems on the number of charge/           around the world are developing new
discharge cycles. All these factors can be         technologies and solutions at an exciting
optimized digitally to ensure the lowest           pace. There is a range of decarbonization
carbon/least cost generation solution is           solutions that address the differences
achieved in real- time.                            countries and regions experience in their             of technologies that are complementary
                                                   energy needs. Governmental policies that              in nature, provide energy security, and
Digital technologies can enable                    define the objectives and foster innovation           drive the greatest carbon reductions
                                                   should help advance the goals of the Paris            in an affordable and practical way.
generation optimization to be
                                                   Agreement.                                        •   Reward R&D, innovation,
coupled with grid optimization
                                                                                                         and private risk taking.
and a real-time understanding of
                                                   To achieve these goals, GE                        •   Encourage the free flow of goods and
demand to enable a system that
                                                   supports policies that:                               ideas consistent with the principles
works seamlessly across multiple                                                                         of the World Trade Organization.
                                                   •   Measure and incentivize reductions in
generation sources, an intelligent                     power sector carbon intensity (tons of        •   Reflect national and local circumstances.
grid, and varying demand, to                           CO2 per MWh) with an emphasis on both
                                                                                                     •   Set realistic timelines for reduction efforts
maximize system efficiency,                            near-term actions that drive the greatest
                                                                                                         with periodic reviews as knowledge of the
minimize CO2 emissions,                                reductions sooner, and a longer-term
                                                                                                         science evolves and technology improves.
                                                       vision of ambitious carbon reductions
and ensure reliability.                                leading to deep decarbonization in the
                                                       coming decades.                               	GE has set its own goal to
                                                                                                       become carbon neutral in its
POLICY: THE                                        •   Are transparent and predictable, allowing
MISSING PIECE                                          lifecycle economics to drive investment         facilities and operations by
                                                       decisions factoring in a cost of carbon in      2030. GE’s goal focuses on its
GE supports the science and goals expressed            some form vs. generic mandates picking          over 1,000 facilities across the
in the Paris Agreement and the United                  one technology over another.
                                                                                                       globe, including factories, test
Nations Framework Convention on Climate            •   Establish market structures that value
Change. The Paris Agreement was a landmark                                                             sites, warehouses, and offices.
                                                       energy, flexibility and dependable capacity
effort by 196 nations to agree to combat               separately to encourage the optimum mix

                                 Accelerated Growth of Renewables and Gas Power Can Rapidly Change the Trajectory on Climate Change                18

Addressing                                        Renewables and gas power have
                                                  the capability to quickly make
                                                                                                     value energy, flexibility and dependable
                                                                                                     capacity separately in order to encourage

climate change                                    meaningful and long-lasting
                                                                                                     the optimum mix of technologies

                                                  reductions to CO2 emissions from
must be an urgent                                 the power sector. Neither will be as
                                                                                                   •	Increase funding in Research and
                                                                                                      Development and incentive mechanisms

global priority,                                  effective alone at decarbonization at the pace
                                                  and scale needed to avoid raising average
                                                                                                      to: 1) continue the cost decline and
                                                                                                      performance improvements in renewables,

requiring global                                  global temperatures by less than 2ºC as
                                                  outlined in the COP 21 Paris Agreement.
                                                                                                      2) develop renewables hybrid and storage
                                                                                                      technology, and 3) accelerate cost effective

action, national                                  The power industry has a responsibility, and
                                                                                                      CCUS, hydrogen, small modular reactors,
                                                                                                      and other potential low or zero-carbon

commitments, and                                  the technical capability, to take significant
                                                  steps to quickly reduce greenhouse gas
                                                                                                      technologies for dependable capacity to
                                                                                                      complement renewables

consistent policy                                 emissions. The solution for the power sector
                                                  is not an either/or, renewables or natural       •	Advocate for producers and users of
and regulatory                                    gas proposition. It requires a multi-pronged
                                                  approach to decarbonization with renewables
                                                                                                      methane to employ the best available
                                                                                                      methane capture technology
frameworks.                                       and natural gas power at its core.
                                                                                                   •	Encourage cross-sectoral cooperation for
                                                                                                      CO2 emissions reductions such as providing
Solving the climate change                                                                            green hydrogen produced from zero-carbon
                                                  Recommended steps for the
challenge requires cooperation                    power industry include:
                                                                                                      energy for use in the transportation sector
across national boundaries,
                                                  •	Invest in a combination of wind,
across sectors of the economy,                                                                     Addressing climate change will
                                                     solar, batteries and gas-fired power
and across the political spectrum.                   at scale and with urgency                     require government and consumer
As stated by Fatih Birol, Executive Director of                                                    action. GE as a company is
the International Energy Agency, it calls for a   •	As coal-fired generation declines,            uniquely positioned to play a key
“grand coalition encompassing governments,           replace this capacity with renewables
                                                                                                   role through its scale, breadth,
investors, companies and everyone else who           supported by gas power
                                                                                                   and technological depth. We have
is committed to tackling climate change.”
                                                  •	Advocate for policies that align with the     been a key player in the power
According to IHS Markit, “gas plants are             goals of the Paris Agreement to reduce        industry since its inception and
highly reliable—able to fill in long gaps in         CO2 emissions, while ensuring a safe,         have a suite of complementary
renewable production in ways that today’s            affordable and reliable electricity sector.
                                                                                                   technology including gas-fired
energy storage technologies cannot—and               Such policies should: 1) incentivize
flexible enough to ramp up and down quickly          reductions in power sector carbon intensity   power, onshore and offshore
depending on the needs of the system, with           with an emphasis on both near-term            wind, hydro, small modular
the potential to run on low-carbon gas in the        actions that drive the greatest reductions    reactors, battery storage, hybrids
future. As the value of these characteristics        sooner, and a long-term vision of ambitious
                                                                                                   and grid solutions needed for
grows over time, new gas plants could                carbon reductions, 2) are transparent
be an increasingly attractive option as a            and predictable, and allow lifecycle          the energy transformation.
complement to intermittent renewables.”35            economics to drive investment decisions,
                                                     and 3) promote market structures that

                                  Accelerated Growth of Renewables and Gas Power Can Rapidly Change the Trajectory on Climate Change             19
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