Research Innovations Technologies 2022

Page created by Peter Spencer
Research Innovations Technologies 2022
Research Innovations Technologies 2022
                                                 The “Research Innovations Technologies 2021” catalogue
                                                 is the next edition of the publication presenting
                                                 the technological offerings of the Warsaw University
             zdjęcie: kolaż z technologii albo   of Technology (WUT). It is aimed at the business community
             z PW                                and entrepreneurs looking to improve their competitive
                                                 potential on the market by using innovative solutions
                                                 developed by scientists.

                                                 The Warsaw University of Technology is home to a large
                                                 number of robust and young, but also highly experienced
                                                 research teams. The diversity of the technologies showcased
                                                 in this Catalogue provide ample proof of the Warsaw
                                                 University of Technology’s huge potential to cooperate
                                                 with business.

                                                 Each item, in addition to a description of the technology itself, also contains information
                                                 on the current technology readiness level (TRL), which makes it possible to determine
                                                 the stage of its development and the expenditures still needed to see it through to implementation.
                                                 In addition, the provided description of market maturity facilitates estimating the innovation
                                                 and implementation potential of the presented technologies.

                                                 Feel invited to approach the Warsaw University of Technology to take advantage of our
                                                 technological offerings.

                                                 Professor Adam Woźniak, PhD, DSc
                                                 Vice-Rector for Development

ISBN: 978-83-963784-6-0
DOI: 10.32062/20220201
Research Innovations Technologies 2022
HOW TO READ THE LABELS                                                   DISCOVER WUT’S SOLUTIONS
    the level of advancement of a technology is defined using                         MECHANICAL OSCILLATOR FLOW METER                                        10
    the technological readiness level (TRL):
                                                                                      ANGULAR MICRO-DISPLACEMENT SENSOR                                       12
     1   starting scientific research
                                                                                      LASER DIODE INTERFEROMETRIC MEASUREMENT SYSTEM                          14
     2   finding potential applications
                                                                                      MECHANICAL TESTING USING MINIATURE SAMPLES                              16
     3   proof-of-concept study
     4   laboratory verification
                                                                                      GAN-ON-SI HEMT POWER AMPLIFIERS FOR AVIONICS SYSTEMS                    18
     5   tests in simulated real-world conditions                                     ELECTRIC DRIVE SYSTEM WITH A SWITCHED RELUCTANCE MACHINE                20
     6   prototype tests in close real-world conditions                               IMRPOVING THE USE VALUE OF WOOD THROUGH INTERGRATION WITH ELECTRONICS   22
     7   prototype tests in operating conditions
                                                                                      NANOSTAL – A NEW GENERATION OF HEAT TREATMENT OF STEEL                  24

     8   demonstration of the final form of the technology
                                                                                      SYSTEM OF OPTIMIZATION AND DESIGN IN AEROSPACE – SODA                   26
     9   technology ready for implementation
                                                                                      DIGITAL RAILWAY. DIGITAL TWIN OF AN ETCS APPLICATION                    28
    competition                                                                       MINIATURE RADAR SYSTEM FOR DETECTION, TRACKING, AND IMAGING             30
    the number of entities on the market providing similar solutions
    as WUT
                                                                                      MATERIALSCARE – 3D PRINTING IN MEDICINE                                 34
                                                                                      TECHNOLOGY FOR THE PRODUCTION OF NEW GENERATION TITANIUM IMPLANTS       36

    type of entities being the potential target group of the solution
    provided by the team                                                              VIDO – DIAGNOSTICS AND TREATMENT OF VISUAL IMPAIRMENTS                  38
    market maturity                                                                   ARTIFICIAL BLOOD VESSELS                                                40
    the level of market maturity
Research Innovations Technologies 2022
            AN INTEGRATED CIRCUIT TO MONITOR HUMAN HEALTH                            42                            SMART PARTICULATE MATTER SENSOR                                               72
            A BIO-IMPLANT TO REGENERATE BONE TISSUE                                  44                            HABITARS – TELEDETECTION FOR ECOLOGY                                          74
            THE PRODUCTION OF A DYNAMIC SUBSTITUTE FOR CANCELLOUS (SPONGY) BONE      46                            REWARD – REMOVAL OF DETERGENTS FROM WATER                                     76
            T-SKIN – DETECTION OF SKIN CANCER                                        48                            GRAPHENE INFRARED RADIATION SHIELDING                                         78


            POCT (POINT-OF-CARE TESTING) DEVICES AND AUTOMATED DIAGNOSTIC TESTS      50                            SAFEDAM – PREVENTION OF FLOOD HAZARD                                          80
            POLY(GLYCEROL SUCCINATE) PRODUCTION METHOD                               52                            ICESURFER – PROTECTION OF SURFACES FROM ICING                                 82

                                                                                                                   FAST AND ACCURATE DETECTION OF HIDDEN INFORMATION SOURCES IN A COMPLEX

                                                                                          STREAMLINING PROCESSES
            BIOCIDAL NANOCOMPOSITE PARTICLES WITH A BROAD SPECTRUM OF ACTION         56                            NETWORK                                                                       86
            ULTRASONIC ATOMISER RESEARCH PLATFORM – REPOWDER                         60                            BALTICLSC: COMPUTATION POWER FOR SMES                                         90

            MICROBIOLOGICAL COSMETIC MATERIALS                                       64                            HERITAGE IMAGING – AUTOMATING 2D/3D DIGITISATION                              94
            TECHNOLOGY FOR AMBER WASTE MANAGEMENT                                    66                            INTERNET OF THINGS – FROM PHOTOS TO CUSTOM CLOTHING                           96
            SMART FLUID – SHEAR THICKENING FLUIDS                                    68                            SUSTAINABLE INDUSTRY 4.0 – ADVISORY MODEL                                     98
Research Innovations Technologies 2022
zdjęcie: kolaż z technologii albo
z PW

Research Innovations Technologies 2022
Discover WUT’s solutions                                                                                                                                                                     Badania
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           2021 2022
                                                                       Technology creators:
                                                                       » prof. Mateusz Turkowski, PhD, DSc
                                                                            (Institute of Metrology and Biomedical

MECHANICAL                                                             »
                                                                            Engineering, Faculty of Mechatronics, WUT)
                                                                            Maciej Szudarek, PhD

                                                                            (Institute of Metrology and Biomedical
                                                                            Engineering, Faculty of Mechatronics, WUT)
                                                                       »    Grzegorz Rosłonek, PhD (PGNiG S.A.)
METER                                                                  »
                                                                            Adam Bogucki, PhD (PGNiG S.A.)
                                                                            consortium: PW, PGNiG S.A., Centralne
This solution is a product innovation.                                      Laboratorium Pomiarowo-Badawcze
                                                                            (Central Laboratory for Measurement and
Applications                                                                Research)

Mechanical oscillator flow meters are designed for the
measurement of liquids and gases. They have been
widely tested under industrial conditions, for such                the body. Volume flow rate is determined on the basis
liquids as cold and hot water, paraffin, aviation fuel,            of the frequency of the impulse signal coming from the
sewage (pre-treated), liquid sulphur and other liquids             flow meter.
present in the technological processes of the chemical             Basic metrological parameters
and food industries. They are also widely used in the                                                                                                                                                     TECHNOLOGICAL LEVEL
                                                                   Thanks to the special structure of the bearings, which                                                                                 stage 5: TRL 7-9
measurement of gases and gas mixtures, such as air,
                                                                   largely allows self-cleaning, the flow meter sensor is re-
oxygen, nitrogen, acetylene, hydrogen. In special
                                                                   sistant to mechanical pollution. Uncertainties of measu-
versions, they are used for a non-standard liquids, such
                                                                   rement depend on the diameters of the sensor and the
as liquid nitrogen, oxygen, liquefied natural gas, biogas.
                                                                   measured liquid, as well as the desired ranges.                                                                                        COMPETITION
How it works?                                                      0.5-1.5% for liquids and 1.5 to 2-times higher for gases.    Features which make this solution stand out from                          strong competition
The mechanical oscillator flow meter consists of a flow            With the non-linearity correction function, it is possible   competing solutions                                                       (a large number of entities)
meter, the size and measuring range of which depends               to reduce uncertainties to 0.3%.
                                                                                                                                •   universality – the flow meter has been tested in both
on the diameter of the pipeline and the universal signal                                                                            high and low temperature conditions,
booster. The liquid flowing through the flow meter is
split by the flow splitter into two flows, which act on the
                                                                                                                                •   durability – the proposed solution features a knife                   MAIN USERS
                                                                                                                                    bearing, which provides higher durability than the                    large enterprises
oscillator, which features self-aligning bearings.
                                                                                                                                    sensitive bearings of turbine flow meters,                            international corporations
The oscillator has a magnet attached to it, which, as it
vibrates with the oscillator, induces an alternating elec-                                                                      •   price – structural simplicity could translate into af-
tromotive force in the inductor located on the outside of                                                                           fordable price when compared to the competition.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          MARKET MATURITY
                                                                                                                                                                                                          the market is at a mature
                                                                                                                                                                                                          stage of development
                                                              10                                                                                                                                                                       11
Research Innovations Technologies 2022
Discover WUT’s solutions                                                                                                                                                             Research Innovations Technologies 2022

                                                                 Technology creator:
                                                                 » prof. Marek Dobosz, PhD, DSc                           Sensor models were created for measurement in a single

MICRO-DISPLACEMENT                                                   Institute of Metrology and Biomedical
                                                                     Engineering, Faculty of Mechatronics, WUT)
                                                                                                                          plane and three-dimensional measurement versions, and
                                                                                                                          versions for use in a stabilisation system for beam axis
                                                                                                                          direction were evaluated.

SENSOR                                                                                                                    Basic features and metrological parameters
                                                                                                                          •   The sensor features both firmware and software.
How it works?                                                                                                             •   Its advantage is small size, 50x35x30 mm (with elec-
Two-beam interferometers, in which the incoming                  interfering beams by the same angle value, but in        •   The sensor is characterised by an extremely
beam is first split into two beams running along the two         opposite directions. This way, the interference an-          high resolution of up to 25 nrad. The accuracy is
arms of the device, are widely known. The laser beam             gle changes, causing a change in the period of the           ±0.5µrad±0.005α (α – the measured angle). The me-
in each interferometer arm is usually directed through           observed interference fringes. The creators of the           asuring range is ca. 360 µrad.
several reflecting surfaces to the other (outgoing) beam         sensor have developed a photodetection system and
splitter. This beam splitter then combines both beams to         algorithms for the analysis of signals from individual
cause their interference. If the beam entering the inter-        photodetectors, to determine the change of period                                                                              TECHNOLOGICAL LEVEL
ferometer (i.e. the beam falling on the incoming beam            of the fringes and to convert it into a change in the                                                                          stage 4: TRL 4-6
splitter) is deflected by a small angle in the interferome-      interference angle, and eventually into a change in
ter plane, and there is the same number of reflections           the angular position of the incoming interferometer
in both interferometer arms (in general, if there is an          beam.
even or odd number of reflections in both arms), then
                                                                 The creators suggested a remarkably simple techni-
the two interfering outgoing beams become deflected                                                                                                                                             no competition
                                                                 cal implementation of the said method in the form
by the same angle and in the same direction, witho-
                                                                 of an integrated optical system consisting of a single
ut impacting the interference effect in the form of the
                                                                 beam splitter cube with two prisms fixed to it with an
analysed interference pattern, which is advantageous in
                                                                 adhesive, a rectangular one and a corner cube one.
interferometric systems that count the moving fringes.
                                                                 Thanks to this structure, an exceptional sensitivity
                                                                                                                                                                                                MAIN USERS
Features which make this solution stand out from                 to the angle deflections of the laser beam has been
                                                                                                                                                                                                small and medium-sized
competing solutions                                              achieved with minimal size of the measuring system.                                                                            enterprises
The creators of the discussed sensor have proven (the            The developed angular micro-displacement sensor
description can be found in scientific publications) that        is a globally unique device in terms of its manner of
if the number of beam reflections in both arms of the            operation and metrology and utility parameters in a                                                                            MARKET MATURITY
interferometer differs by an odd number, then the in-            selected plane.                                                                                                                the market is being
coming beam deflection will cause the deflection of                                                                                                                                             created
                                                         12 12                                                                                                                                                           13
Research Innovations Technologies 2022
Discover WUT’s solutions                                                                                                                                                                   Research Innovations Technologies 2022

LASER DIODE                                                               Technology creator:

INTERFEROMETRIC                                                           » prof. Marek Dobosz, PhD, DSc
                                                                               (Institute of Metrology and Biomedical

                                                                               Engineering, Faculty of Mechatronics, WUT)

Interferometer system units constitute one of several             Features which make this solution stand out from
optical configurations that allow the measurement of li-          competing solutions
near and angular displacements. While these configura-
tions are widely known and used in coordinate metrolo-            The developed laser head feeding the measurement in-
gy, thanks to the use of a small-diameter beam (4 mm),            terferometer is a completely original device containing a
the size of the components of the measurement system              number of patented solutions, which uses an affordable
are about twice smaller than in commercially available            laser diode as a light source. To stabilise the laser frequ-
devices. The developed measurement system allows                  ency (which is necessary for measurement purposes), the
the verification of positioning and rotational errors of          creators developed a new method involving the use of li-
coordinate machines, CNC machines and all devices                 ght interference generated as a result of reflections of the   Basic metrological parameters
performing precise movements. The system contains:                beam going through an optical wedge made of a specially
a laser head with an interference-stabilised laser diode,         selected material. The laser head also includes an inno-       •   The measuring ranges of linear and angular
                                                                                                                                     displacements are 3.5m and ±5°, respectively.
optical measurement units, fringe counting and interpo-           vative system developed by the creators for receiving in-                                                                           TECHNOLOGICAL LEVEL
lation circuit card, environmental compensator, softwa-           terference fringes with a finite period using a small-sized    •   The maximum resolutions of linear and angular                    stage 3: TRL 1-3
re, mechanical mounting and adjusting units.                      integrated photodetector. It consists of 13 photo sensors          displacements are 0.3nm and 0.5”, respectively.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      stage 4: TRL 4-6
                                                                  appropriately distributed with the use of new signal pro-      •   Relative vacuum wavelength instability over 8h: ca.
How it works?                                                     cessing algorithms, which ensures that the measurement             5*10-8 (average relative displacement).
                                                                  error is minimised.
A beam emitted by the laser head is introduced into                                                                              •   Relative measurement uncertainty for linear
the measurement interferometer unit, in which one of                                                                                 displacements: 10-6.                                             COMPETITION
the elements is a measuring reflector. After reception                                                                                                                                                little competition
in the head by the photodetection system, the interfe-
rence signal is converted into appropriate electrical si-
gnal, which is then passed to the meter and interpolator                                                                                                                                              MARKET MATURITY
system, which in turn converts it into information about                                                                                                                                              the market is being
reflector displacement. This information is provided to                                                                                                                                               created
the user on a personal computer.
                                                            214                                                                                                                                                             15
Research Innovations Technologies 2022
Discover WUT’s solutions                                                                                               Research Innovations Technologies 2022

                                                                 Technology creators:

MECHANICAL                                                       » prof. Zbigniew Pakieła, PhD, DSc
                                                                 » Rafał Molak, PhD
TESTING USING                                                    » Tomasz Brynk, PhD

                                                                 » Barbara Romelczyk-Baishya, MSc
                                                                 » Kamil Majchrowicz, MSc

SPECIMENS                                                        » Monika Wieczorek, MSc
                                                                 (Division of Materials Design, Faculty of Materials
                                                                 Science and Engineering, WUT)

What is it about?                                          Application
The concept is a process innovation involving conduc-      This method allows determining the mechanical proper-
ting a research procedure to determine the mechanical      ties of materials that may be collected in a very limited
properties of structural materials present in a limited    amount from an operating installation or materials which
volume which precludes the preparation of specimens
with standard-compliant sizes.
                                                           are available for testing only in low volumes. Potential
                                                           users include the chemical and petrochemical, power, ae-
                                                                                                                                  TECHNOLOGICAL LEVEL
                                                                                                                                  stage 4: TRL 4-6
                                                           rospace, automotive and nuclear industries and science
Another application area of miniature specimens is in
                                                           laboratories developing new materials.
situations where tests must be non-destructive to (or
have a minimal destructive effect on) the analysed de-
vice or structure. In such cases, a small amount of the
                                                           Features which make this solution stand out from                       COMPETITION
                                                           competing solutions
material can be collected and is sufficient to carry out                                                                          little competition
mechanical tests using miniature specimens and deter-      This solution facilitates determining the mechanical
mine the mechanical properties of the material of the      properties of materials available in limited quantities.
device or structure in a non-destructive manner (having    The typical procedures used in practice and provided                   MAIN USERS
a minimal destructive effect).                             by laboratories are based on the requirements set out                  small and medium-sized
                                                           in standards, which require a relatively high specimen
                                                                                                                                  large enterprises
                                                                                                                                  international corporations

                                                                                                                                  MARKET MATURITY
                                                                                                                                  the market is developing

                                                      16                                                                                                       17
Research Innovations Technologies 2022
Discover WUT’s solutions                                                                                                                                                                    Badania
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          2021 2022

                                                                    Technology creators:

GAN-ON-SI HEMT                                                      » Wojciech Wojtasiak, PhD, DSc,
                                                                       Associate Professor

POWER AMPLIFIERS                                                        (Institute of Radioelectronics and
                                                                        Multimedia Technology, Faculty of

                                                                        Electronics and Information Technology,
                                                                    »   Daniel Gryglewski, PhD
                                                                        (Institute of Radioelectronics and
                                                                        Multimedia Technology, Faculty of
                                                                        Electronics and Information Technology,

A trend to move away from gallium arsenide to wide-           Application
-bandgap semiconductors has long been observed in
                                                              The primary idea is to use a more affordable GaN/
the production of transistors and integrated circuits
                                                              Si technology in less demanding systems (with lower
for radar systems. Currently, it is known that the GaN
                                                              power density requirements). Such systems include
HEMT technology will form the basis for manufacturing
active microwave devices for radiolocation. For various
                                                              secondary surveillance radars, including IFF and DME                                                                                       TECHNOLOGICAL LEVEL
                                                              subsystems. The idea is justified by low operating
reasons, the predominant substrate for GaN epitaxy in                                                                                                                                                    stage 3: TRL 1-3
                                                              frequencies up to 3.5 GHz and pulse operation with
GaN-based high-power microwave devices is SiC. Ho-
                                                              a small duty cycle.
wever, devices of this type are very expensive.
What is the innovation?                                       Features which make this solution stand out from                                                                                           COMPETITION
                                                              competing solutions                                        Firstly, the transistor life span is reduced when operating at                  no competition
An alternative solution involves GaN HEMT transistors                                                                    channel temperatures close to the maximum allowable value.
on silicon wafers, which can be purchased for half the        The main innovation of the amplifier involves the use
                                                              of more affordable GaN transistors on an Si substrate      Secondly, the parameters of the transistor (both DC and RF)
price. Currently, the GaN on Si technology is rarely
used in GaN HEMT production for RF and microwave              in the structure of power amplifiers (to be used in less   indicate a significant dependence on the temperature of its                     MAIN USERS
                                                              demanding systems).                                        active region.                                                                  small and medium-sized
Our solution also covers the construction of power            However, the application of this solution requires         The results indicate that the use of this GaN “on” Si transistor                enterprises
                                                                                                                         for the production of microwave power amplifiers is
blocks, which provides polarisation signals for GaN/Si        consideration during the circuit design dynamic                                                                                            large enterprises
microwave transistors and controls amplifier operation.       temperature distributions of active elements.              economically viable.
The units contain high-performance AC/DC and DC/DC            The channel temperature value under normal operating
converters based on GaN/Si HEMT transistors, which            conditions of the transistor significantly affects its                                                                                     MARKET MATURITY
allow power supply from AC 110-230V and DC 24-30V \.          performance.                                                                                                                               the market is at a mature
                                                                                                                                                                                                         stage of development

                                                     18 218                                                                                                                                                                          19
Discover WUT’s solutions                                                                                                                                                                     Badania
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           2021 2022

                                                                Technology creators:
                                                                » Krzysztof Jackiewicz, MSc                              Broad application

                                                                     (Institute of Control and Industrial Electronics,   Drives based on the SRM can be used in electric vehicles, belt
                                                                     Faculty of Electrical Engineering, WUT)
                                                                                                                         conveyors, pump and fan drives, as well as in places with spe-
                                                                »    Bartłomiej Ufnalski, PhD, DSc
                                                                                                                         cial requirements, such as explosion hazard areas, completely
                                                                     (Institute of Control and Industrial Electronics,   submerged areas or elevated temperature areas.
                                                                     Faculty of Electrical Engineering, WUT)

RELUCTANCE                                                                                                               Features which make this solution stand out from
                                                                                                                         competing solutions

                                                                                                                         A traditionally controlled SRM is characterised by a significant
                                                                                                                         torque ripple level, which results in excessive noise and
                                                                                                                         vibration, reducing the life span of the whole device. Research
                                                                                                                         work made it possible to develop a control system that
The work conducted by a team from the Faculty of Elec-     multi-oscillation controller has been synchronised with       dramatically reduces torque ripple. It is particularly noteworthy
                                                                                                                         that the developed solution involves the appropriate control
trical Engineering of the Warsaw University of Techno-     the angular position of the machine shaft. This solution
                                                                                                                         of the machine’s phase currents, and does not require any
logy as part of the TECHMATSTRATEG project entitled        allows an effective reduction of torque ripples and
                                                                                                                         physical intervention in the drive system.
“Technologies of semiconductor materials for high-po-      angular velocity of a drive system in both steady and
wer and high-frequency electronics” allowed the de-        dynamic states. An additional advantage is that the           Opportunities
velopment of an electric drive system with a switched      operating effectiveness is independent of operating                                                                                            TECHNOLOGICAL LEVEL
reluctance machine (SRM) based on transistors made of      conditions, which allows the use of this solution in          The SRM is characterised by:                                                     stage 5: TRL 7-9
gallium nitride (GaN). The team developed a complete       variable-frequency drives.                                    •   simple, durable and affordable structure,
power electronic converter along with a dedicated con-                                                                   •   capability to operate under special conditions
                                                           The SRM is made of electrical steel and copper winding
trol system.
                                                           located solely on a stator, which makes it inexpensive            (no permanent magnet or sparking components),                                COMPETITION
How it works?                                              to produce, simple and, as a result, extremely durable        •   high torque overload factor.                                                 not defined
                                                           and resistant to damage. The SRM does not contain a           An innovative control algorithm allows a significant reduction
This solution involves providing a special reference       mechanical commutator or moving parts other than              of the disadvantageous properties of the SRM involving torque
signal to the phase current control system of the          bearings. No rare-earth elements are required to              ripples. The developed control system is an invention and is
                                                                                                                                                                                                          MAIN USERS
machine. The signal is selected in such a way as to        produce the SRM, which makes it more attractive in the        currently patent pending (application No. P.432816).
                                                                                                                                                                                                          small and medium-sized
compensate torque ripples in the system. The reference     context of the rare-earth-free concept. The structure                                                                                          enterprises
signal shape is calculated in real time using a multi-     of the SRM and the converter makes it possible                                                                                                 large enterprises
resonant current controller in the angular velocity        to continue operation even if the winding is partly
                                                                                                                                                                                                          international corporations
control loop. The innovation involves a different          damaged. The SRM is characterised by a high torque
approach to sampling parts of the machine angular          overload factor.
velocity controller connected with the multi-oscillation
controller. In the developed approach, sampling of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                          MARKET MATURITY
                                                                                                                                                                                                          the market is at a mature
                                                                                                                                                                                                          stage of development
                                                      20                                                                                                                                                                               21
Discover WUT’s solutions                                                                                                                                                                   Research Innovations Technologies 2022

IMRPOVING                                                              Technology creators:
                                                                       » Agnieszka Łękawa-Raus , PhD, Eng.
THE USE VALUE OF                                                            (Institute of Metrology and Biomedical
                                                                            Engineering, Faculty of Mechatronics, WUT)

WOOD THROUGH                                                           »    Damian Łukawski
                                                                            (Institute of Metrology and Biomedical

INTERGRATION                                                           »
                                                                            Engineering, Faculty of Mechatronics, WUT)
                                                                            Alina Dudkowiak

WITH ELECTRONICS                                                       »
                                                                            (Institute of Metrology and Biomedical
                                                                            Engineering, Faculty of Mechatronics, WUT)
                                                                            Prof. Małgorzata Jakubowska, PhD,
Europeans value wood products, and Poland in one of                         DSc, Eng.
the leading manufacturers in Europe. Poland has high-                       (Institute of Metrology and Biomedical
-quality raw material, in quantities which meet market                      Engineering, Faculty of Mechatronics, WUT)
needs, and we can manage wood in a reasonable way.                     »    Daniel Janczak, PhD, Eng.; Tomasz
Despite huge progress in material engineering which                         Bohun                                             Features which make this solution stand out from
                                                                                                                                                                                                     TECHNOLOGICAL LEVEL
has taken place over hundreds of years, wood is still                       (Institute of Metrology and Biomedical            competing solutions
                                                                                                                                                                                                      stage 4: TRL 4
one of the main building material used in structural ele-                   Engineering, Faculty of Mechatronics, WUT)                                                                                (completed)
ments and finishing works. Manufacturers of windows,                                                                          •   the technology will allow the extended functiona-
furniture, doors, or floors value such properties of wood                                                                         lities of wood as a structural and finishing material,
as durability, heat properties, and effects on acoustics.                                                                     •   structural wood or wood for finishing purposes
                                                                 How it works?
What if we provided one more functionality to this ma-
                                                                 A simple and inexpensive way to give wood-based com-
                                                                                                                                  will be equipped in a physical condition detection
                                                                                                                                  system, e.g., long-term stress,
                                                                 posite materials additional functionalities, such as buil-   •   the possibility to control the condition of wood,                   no competition
What is it about?                                                t-in physical condition detection, or the possibility to         e.g. temperature or humidity,
                                                                 control temperature, for example, will find application      •   the possibility to respond to sudden threats,
The technology being developed allows the increase
                                                                 in smart buildings, interior design and furniture produc-        e.g. fire or flooding.
in its value by integrating electronics based on carbon
                                                                 tion.                                                                                                                               MAIN USERS
nanomaterials. This idea was born at the Faculty of
                                                                 The addition of a new functionality is likely to result in
                                                                                                                                                                                                      large Polish and international
Mechatronics of the Warsaw University of Technology.
Integrating wood with electronics has become a factor            creating a range of new products for the construction                                                                                enterprises
which can boost the attractiveness of wood.                      industry, such as self-drying or self-heating structural
                                                                 and interior-design elements, construction panels for
The subject-matter of the invention includes functional          smart buildings which provide information about the                                                                                  Market maturity
wood-based materials or pure wood integrated with                condition of the structure, e.g. the condition of pressu-
                                                                                                                                                                                                      the market is being
recyclable electronic components based on carbon                 re values, humidity, or fire hazards, etc.
nanomaterials – graphene (Gr) and carbon nanotubes
                                                            22                                                                                                                                                                   23
Discover WUT’s solutions                                                 Technology creators (NanoStal team):                                                                                               Research Innovations Technologies 2022
                                                                                                                                    Nanocrystalline steel is not only characterised by high strength

                                                                         »   Wiesław Świątnicki, PhD, DSc, Associate                and crack resistance, but also by:
                                                                                                                                    •   reduced frictional wear,
                                                                         »   Emilia Skołek, PhD, Eng.
A NEW GENERATION                                                         »   Adam Gołaszewski, MSc, Eng.
                                                                                                                                        increased fatigue strength,
                                                                                                                                        reduced quenching distortion of steel elements during heat

                                                                         »   Szymon Marciniak, MSc, Eng.                                treatment.
                                                                         »   Krzysztof Wasiak, MSc, Eng.                            The implementation of new technology in the production cycle in

                                                                                                                                    an industrial enterprise is facilitated by the following factors:
                                                                         »   Kamil Wasiluk, MSc, Eng.
                                                                                                                                    •   the nanostructuring process can be performed in heat treatment
                                                                         (Division of Surface Engineering, Faculty of Materials         furnaces available on the market,
                                                                         Science and Engineering WUT and NanoStal Sp. z o.o.)
The developed, innovative process consists of a forma-                                                                              •   the process is conducted on ready-made component of any
tion of nanocrystalline structure in steel using phase                                                                                  shape and size, without changing the remaining phases of the
                                                                   The duration and temperature of individual stages of the             production cycle,
transformations taking place during a properly desi-               process depend on the chemical composition of steel and
gned heat treatment. Conventional heat treatment of                                                                                 •   nanostructuring can be applied for numerous standard steel
                                                                   austenitisation conditions. For that reason the heat treatment       grades.
steel consisting of martensitic quenching and tem-                 parameters are precisely selected on the basis of experimental
pering does not allow obtaining high strength of steel             phase transformation diagrams for a given type of steel,         Application
without reducing its ductility. The process, developed
by scientists in the NanoStal team overcomes this con-
                                                                   taking into account specific requirements related to the final   Steel subjected to nanostructuring receive unique properties,                     TECHNOLOGICAL LEVEL
tradiction, allowing to achieve both high strength and
                                                                   properties of treated element.                                   impossible to obtain with the use of conventional heat treatment                   from TRL 4 to TRL 7
                                                                   Scientists from the NanoStal team developed several variants     technologies. In collaboration with manufacturers representing
high ductility of steel, as well as increased resistance to
                                                                   of the nanostructuring process, i.a., two-step bainitizing,      various sectors, NanoStal co. produced a number of prototype
cracking. The nanocrystalline structure improves also
                                                                   as well as complex heat treatments, including Q&P, B-Q&P,        structural elements and tools using this new technology, e.g.
a number of service properties, which extends the lifeti-
                                                                                                                                    • gears for high-load planetary gear systems used in mining.
me and operational safety of steel products.                       B-Q&T, which use the following stages: nanobainitizing (B),
                                                                                                                                         The works were performed as part of IE OP application project
                                                                   martensitic quenching (Q), partitioning (P) or tempering (T).                                                                                       low competition
                                                                                                                                         called “Nano4Gears”. High-load gears are very demanding
The unique properties of nanostructured steel come                 Hybrid treatment methods have also been developed,                    elements. They must have a durable, and crack resistant core
from its microstructure which consists of alternately ar-          combining nanostructuring processes with surface                      transmitting load and a very hard and wear resistant surface.
ranged layers of bainitic ferrite and austenite of nano-           engineering(carburizing, nitriding, boronizing). They allow to        The gears manufactured in the new technology are characterised
metric thickness. A ductile austenitic phase and the lack          combine the high hardness of the surface layer (up to 1500HV)
of cementite precipitates contribute to the increase of            and the advantages of the nanocrystalline core of steel
                                                                                                                                         by higher resistance to tooth breakage than the ones                         MAIN USERS
                                                                                                                                         manufactured with the use of conventional technologies,
ductility and fracture toughness. Carbon-supersatura-              element.                                                                                                                                            micro-enterprises, small
                                                                                                                                    • coining punches which are subject to high and cyclic loads.
ted bainitic ferrite and strong grain refining of both pha-
                                                                                                                                         Such punches emboss coin images on thousands of metal discs.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       and medium-sized enterprises
ses ensure high strength of nanostructured steel.                  The developed technologies are the outcome of research
                                                                   conducted at the WUT Faculty of Materials Science and                 If their lifetime is short, it can result in production downtime              large companies
                                                                   Engineering (WIM), and demonstrate a technology readiness             and the need to provide new tools. Nanostructural steel punches               international corporations
What is the process of nanostructuring of steel?                                                                                         are characterised by a longer lifetime, and also allow the
                                                                   level (TRL) of 4 to 6. In order to implement the technology
The nanostructuring process involve the following                  in industrial practice scientists from WIM, together with the         elimination of harmful chromium (VI) coatings, and to replace
stages: austenitisation, cooling to the lower                      Applied Research Institute - Warsaw University of Technology          them with safe nitrided surface layers,                                       Market maturity
temperature range of the bainitic transformation,                  (IBS PW), established the NanoStal sp. z o.o. company which      • long-life concrete bolts,                                                        the market is at a mature
isothermal holding at this temperature and cooling                 tests and refines the technologies at TRL 6 and 7.               • knives and blanking dies with increased wear resistance,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       stage of development
down to room temperature.                                                                                                           • stamping dies characterised by high dimensional stability.
                                                              24                                                                                                                                                                                   25
Discover WUT’s solutions                                                                                                      Research Innovations Technologies 2022

                                                                      Technology creators:
                                                                      » prof. Tomasz Goetzendorf-Grabowski,
                                                                         PhD, DSc
OPTIMIZATION                                                              (Institute of Aeronautics and Applied Mechanics,
                                                                          Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering

AND DESIGN IN                                                         »
                                                                          Jacek Mieloszyk, PhD

                                                                          (Institute of Aeronautics and Applied Mechanics,
                                                                          Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering

In terms of individual analyses, there are numerous               What is the innovation?
computational tools for designing aerial vehicles, but
                                                                  The presented solution involves the creation of an inte-
they are not connected into a coherent design and
                                                                  grated system for the design and optimisation of aerial
optimisation system.
Competition                                                       The team has long been working on numerical tools for
There are only a few research projects (members of the            designing and optimising aerial vehicles, which are suc-
Team participated in one of them) in the field of inte-           cessfully used in its own projects. Currently, individual              TECHNOLOGICAL LEVEL
grated design and optimisation intended for specialised           elements of the system, as well as example integrations,               stage 5: TRL 7-9
support for aerial vehicles and one commercial solution           are available. However, expenditures for tighter system
dedicated for aerospace applications. Numerical tools of          integration, creating a user-friendly interface and deta-
this type are also used by the major aerospace compa-             iled user documentation are still needed.                              COMPETITION
nies, such as Airbus, Boeing, Lockheed-Martin, Northrop                                                                                  little competition
Grumman, which do not share their software. Only the US           Features which make this solution stand out from
company DARcorporation provides its clients with such             competing solutions
solutions.                                                        In a lot of cases, the analyses used for design and opti-              MAIN USERS
Demand                                                            misation in the WUT team are more advanced than the                    natural persons
                                                                  competing solutions.                                                   microenterprises
The rapid development of the unmanned aerial vehicles
sector holds promise for potential market interest in this                                                                               small, medium-sized and large
type of product.                                                                                                                         enterprises
                                                                                                                                         international corporations

                                                                                                                                         MARKET MATURITY
                                                       1                                                                                 the market is developing
                                                             26                                                                                                     27
W ostatnich latach można zauważyć znaczny wzrost zainteresowania koncepcją cyfrowego bliźniaka. Gartner, wiodą-
                                                                                                                                     ca globalna firma badawcza doradcza, określiła cyfrowego bliźniaka jako jeden z dziesięciu najważniejszych strategicznych tren-
Discover WUT’s solutions                                                                                                             dów technologicznych w 2019 r. Jednocześnie Grand View Research prognozuje,  że rynek
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Research      CB wzrośnie
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Innovations   doTechnologies
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             27,06 mld
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Technologie        USD 2022
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    2021   do 2025 r.,
                                                                                                                                     c o       s t a n o w i   o k o ł o     d z i e s i ę c i o k r o t n y    w z r o s t      z       2 , 2 6     m l d     U S D
                                                                                                                                     w 2017 r.

DIGITAL RAILWAY.                                                   Technology creator:
                                                                   » Andrzej Kochan, PhD

DIGITAL TWIN OF AN                                                     (Centre for Transport Certification, Division of Traffic
                                                                       Control and Transport Infrastructure, Faculty of Transport,


“Digital railway” is a framework project – an initiative           How it works?
responding to the digitalisation processes in rail traffic
                                                                   The Digital Twin of the ETCS application (CBAE) creates
control, which can be observed at the European level
                                                                   a digital representation of the real-world system instal-                Application
(e.g. the Digital Rail for Germany programme). The
                                                                   led on the railway line. It constitutes the main compo-
main driver of these processes is the implementation                                                                                        In recent years there has been a noticeable increase in in-
                                                                   nent of CBAE infrastructure, which is accompanied by
across Europe of the automatic train control system                                                                                         terest in the digital twin concept. Gartner, a leading rese-
                                                                   CBAE monitor components and the Virtual Laboratory.
ERTMS/ETCS as a significant element of the                                                                                                  arch and consulting company, has referred to the digital
                                                                   The monitor allows ongoing analysis of the represented
interoperability of the European railway system.                                                                                            twin as one of the ten most important strategic technolo-
                                                                   system, while the Virtual Laboratory is a space for con-
What is it about?                                                  ducting research on the real-world system. At the Virtu-                 gical trends in 2019. At the same time, Grand View Rese-
                                                                                                                                            arch forecasts that the DT market will reach the value of
A Digital Twin is a representation of a real-world system
                                                                   al Laboratory, thanks to the use of an innovative design
                                                                   method, virtual prototyping, the user can quickly and                    USD 27.06 billion by 2025, which is roughly a tenfold incre-                      TECHNOLOGICAL LEVEL
in virtual form, which involves data structures and algo-
                                                                   interactively create various ETCS application configu-                   ase over 2017’s USD 2.26 billion.                                                 stage 2: finding potential
rithms.                                                                                                                                                                                                                       applications
                                                                   rations, which are verified in terms of design principles                The solution is intended for the transport industry and is in
It consists of three fundamental elements:                         in real time. The constructed models can be further te-                  the early implementation stage.
                                                                   sted by simulating operating scenarios, which is the se-
•   the space of the real-world system,
                                                                   cond major service provided by the Virtual Laboratory.                   Features which make this solution stand out from
•   the space of digital representation,                                                                                                                                                                                      little competition
•   a link ensuring data flow between both spaces.                 Operating scenarios are well established in the railway                  competing solutions
                                                                   industry as a method of verifying the correctness of
The real-world system is equipped with sensors, recor-                                                                                      The concept presented by our team combines knowled-
                                                                   cooperation between the ETCS system elements and
ders, which collect information on its status and the              its environment. This functionality makes it possible to
                                                                                                                                            ge of information technologies with the knowledge of a
                                                                                                                                            transport engineer, including a designer, producer and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              MAIN USERS
events occurring within it. Via a data link, the collected         verify and validate the real-world system, which is im-                                                                                                    large companies
information reaches the digital twin, where it is gathe-                                                                                    user, as well as expert in the formal and legal domain.
                                                                   possible using dynamic tests and real-world trains. All                                                                                                    international corporations
red. It describes both the current state and the history of        configuration and operational data appearing in the
operation of the real-world system. The algorithms im-             CBAE infrastructure are recorded in the archive, which
plemented by the digital twin environment process the
accumulated data using simulation and data analysis
                                                                   is a source of information for analyses that provide new
                                                                   knowledge about the real-world system.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              MARKET MATURITY
techniques. The foreground knowledge obtained on the                                                                                                                                                                          the market is at a mature
real-world system then comes back to its space, where                                                                                                                                                                         stage of development
it is used for optimising selected aspects of its structure
and operation.                                                28                                                                                                                                                                                           29
Discover WUT’s solutions                                                                                                                                                                       Research Innovations Technologies 2022
                                                                      Technology creators:                                      The system, consisting in a miniature radar head,
                                                                                                                                additionally allows access to raw radiolocation data,
                                                                      » Piotr Samczyński, PhD, DSc, Eng.,
                                                                                                                                which improves its feasibility in educational applica-

                                                                         Associate Professor
                                                                           (Institute of Electronic Systems, Faculty            tions.
                                                                           of Electronics and Information Technology)

RADAR SYSTEM                                                          »    Prof. Krzysztof Kulpa, PhD, DSc, Eng.
                                                                           (Institute of Electronic Systems, Faculty

FOR DETECTION,                                                        »
                                                                           of Electronics and Information Technology)
                                                                           Jacek Misiurewicz, PhD, DSc, Eng.,
                                                                                                                                The offered radar sensor may be used in numerous
                                                                                                                                industries, i.a. automotive industry, military sector, or in

                                                                                                                                transport or sports infrastructures.
                                                                           Associate Professor
                                                                           (Institute of Electronic Systems, Faculty            Example usage:

                                                                           of Electronics and Information Technology)
                                                                                                                                •   detection of small flying objects,
                                                                      »    Mateusz Malanowski, PhD, DSc, Eng.,
                                                                           Associate Professor                                  •   protection and monitoring of critical infrastructure,
                                                                           (Institute of Electronic Systems, Faculty
The industrial revolution taking place in front of our
                                                                           of Electronics and Information Technology)           •   detection of changes to building infrastructure
eyes has brought into our lives a multitude of sensors
                                                                      »    Damian Gromek, PhD, Eng.                                 (monitoring of bridges/buildings),
whose goal is to automatically detect changes to the
surroundings. In order to ensure safe transport, the traf-                 (Institute of Electronic Systems, Faculty                                                                                     TECHNOLOGICAL LEVEL
                                                                                                                                •   traffic monitoring, detection of approaching
fic of various transport modes is thoroughly monitored                     of Electronics and Information Technology)                                                                                     stage 4: TRL 9
                                                                                                                                    vehicles, adaptive traffic-light system control,
- including both vehicles driven by people and unman-                 »    Krzysztof Stasiak, MSc, Eng.
ned vehicles. Sensors are also used for other purposes,                    (Institute of Electronic Systems, Faculty            •   safe level crossings - detection of approaching train
e.g. to measure contestants’ results during a sports                       of Electronics and Information Technology)
event, or to visualise the course of team games. Vario-               »    XY-Sensing Sp. z o. o. (WUT’s spin-off)
                                                                                                                                •   radar imaging,                                                        Competition
us types of electronic solutions are applied to this end,                                                                       •   “Sense and Avoid” applications.                                       low competition
and the most popular one is monitoring with the use of
                                                                    in two ISM bands. The device can detect, track, and pro-    The most important features which make this
optical or thermal imaging cameras. The weak point of
                                                                    vide an image of objects within the range of hundreds       solution stand out from competing solutions
traditional optical solutions is their susceptibility to the
time of day and weather conditions, and no possibility
                                                                    of meters as well as sub-meter resolution.                                                                                           MAIN USERS
                                                                    XY-Sensing was founded by scientists from the Faculty       •   miniature size,                                                       small and medium-sized
to measure direct distance and speed. Radar sensors re-                                                                         •   low power consumption,
                                                                    of Electronics and Information Technology, dealing with                                                                               enterprises, large companies
move these limitations. The contemporary scale of the                                                                           •   direct measurement of distance and speed,
                                                                    radiolocation for over thirty 30 years. The offered solu-                                                                             international corporations
integration of electronic systems allows us to offer mi-                                                                        •   operation in all weather conditions.
                                                                    tion allows work in difficult weather conditions, and is
niature devices with a growing number of capabilities,                                                                                                                                                    non-governmental organisations
                                                                    characterised by low weight - only 0.5 kg, and low po-
at lower prices.
                                                                    wer demand - below 40 Watt.                                                                                                           central and local government
                                                                    The parameters facilitate automated and simultaneous                                                                                  bodies, EU authorities
What is it about?
                                                                    detection and imaging to numerous objects on a conti-
XY-Sensing Sp. z o.o., a spin-off company established at            nuous basis.
the Warsaw University of Technology, addresses today’s              The developed miniature radar sensor is currently at                                                                                  Market maturity
challenges and caters for the needs of the market, thro-            the final testing phase. Technological Readiness Level 9                                                                              the market is developing
ugh its miniature radar (12cm x 15cm x 6cm) operating               has been achieved, which means that it is ready to use.
                                                               30                                                                                                                                                                    31
zdjęcie: kolaż z technologii albo
z PW

Discover WUT’s solutions                                                                                                                                                                  Research Innovations Technologies 2022
                                                                       The team working on the project:                      How it works?

MATERIALSCARE                                                          » Bartłomiej Wysocki, PhD, Eng.
                                                                            (legal and financial aspects)
                                                                                                                             Personalised medical instrumentarium is produced
                                                                                                                             with the use of the 3D print method based on light-

– 3D PRINTING                                                          »    Agnieszka Chmielewska, MSc, Eng.
                                                                                                                             cured resins with a CE marking. Materials used by
                                                                                                                             MaterialsCare may be sterilised in an autoclave.

IN MEDICINE                                                            »    Paweł Pacek, MSc, Eng.
                                                                            (production and sterilisation)
                                                                                                                             Bone resections are performed using standard surgical
                                                                                                                             tools under an appropriate angle, and consistent in
                                                                       »    Maciej Rysz, MD, PhD                             cut planes with the models produced on the basis on
3D printing of personalised medical instruments. 3D                         (medical consultations)                          virtual planning of surgical procedures. Virtual operation
printing has transformed the quality and the process of                                                                      assistance based on physical models contributes to
                                                                       »    Prof. Wojciech Święszkowski, PhD,
treatment of humans by providing new medical instru-                                                                         improved facial symmetry, and better final functional
                                                                            DSc, Eng. (scientific consultations)
ments to doctors, and implants to patients.                                                                                  and aesthetic effects in patients.
                                                                       »    MaterialsCare Sp. z o.o.
What is it about?                                                                                                            Based on the comparison of the results of surgical
MaterialsCare designs and manufactures personalised                                                                          procedures conducted with the use of standard
medical instruments used for optimising surgical pro-                                                                        methods, and computer-assisted procedures, it can be
cedures. Virtual planning of operations on the basis of                                                                      said that the team is able to achieve better outcomes                  TECHNOLOGICAL LEVEL
                                                                                                                             in nearly every aspect. The increased costs of virtual
computed tomography imaging facilitates the produc-                                                                                                                                                  stage 5: TRL 8
tion of personalised instruments using the 3D printing                                                                       planning and models are in a large extent mitigated
method.                                                                                                                      by the reduced duration of procedures and less
Surgical templates designed and produced by Material-                                                                        complications. The advantages of computer-assisted
                                                                 Surgical templates, individually designed and produced      operations have contributed to a substantial increase in
sCare improve the accuracy of facial bone reconstruc-
tion while the time of the surgical procedure is shorte-
                                                                 by MaterialsCare, allow the performance of bone cuts        the popularity of this type of procedures worldwide.                    Competition
ned. The scope of resection of soft tissue and bones,
                                                                 in the planned location and under the right angle. By                                                                               low competition
                                                                                                                             MaterialsCare proposal for medicine
                                                                 using a set of try-in models for tumour resection and
and the precise location of dental implants is defined on
                                                                 adjustment of bones with which the mandible is to be        • Preparation of virtual and physical pre-operative
the a basis of imaging tests during a consultation with a
                                                                 reintegrated, it is possible to match bone elements like    models,
                                                                 a key to a lock. Virtual planning of surgical procedures,
                                                                                                                             • 3D printing of templates for surgery, with particular                MAIN USERS
                                                                 supported by surgical templates, reduces the risk of hu-                                                                            public healthcare sector
                                                                                                                             attention to maxillofacial surgery,
The most frequent surgical procedures using the sup-             man error.
                                                                                                                             • Design and characterisation of polymer and metal
                                                                                                                                                                                                     private clinics
port of virtual planning and surgical templates include                                                                                                                                              individuals
                                                                 Other types of personalised medical instrumentarium         materials for medical purposes,
mandibular reconstruction and orthognathic surgery.
Our portfolio also includes the planning of eye socket           include matrices for the personalised shaping of tita-      • Veterinary implants produced with the use of 3D
reconstruction surgeries or the reconstruction of tem-           nium mesh or phantoms used for the bending of tita-         printing technology based on plastic materials and
poromandibular joints. The implemented projects are              nium plates or micro-plates. It is also possible to plan    titanium,                                                               Market maturity
most of all aimed to serve patients – to improve the             and print 3D objects which facilitate bone positioning                                                                              the market is developing
                                                                 during operations – dilation and shift of the jaw/mandi-    • R&D cooperation on medical and veterinary projects
effects of surgical treatment, increase precision of mat-
                                                                 ble.                                                        with the use of 3D printing.druku 3D.
ching bone splinters, which contributes to a better qu-
ality of life after the treatment is completed.
                                                            34                                                                                                                                                                  35
Discover WUT’s solutions                                                                                                                                                                     Research Innovations Technologies 2022

                                                                       Technology creators:
                                                                       » Michał Gloc, PhD, Eng.                              Planowane je zastosowanie rozwiązania w medycynie.

FOR THE PRODUCTION                                                          (Division of Materials Design, Faculty of
                                                                            Materials Science and Engineering, WUT)
                                                                                                                             Plans have been made to apply the solution in medicine.
                                                                                                                             Literature on the subject reports numerous cases of

                                                                                                                             allergic reactions to titanium implants; nonetheless, we
                                                                       »    Sylwia Przybysz-Gloc, PhD, Eng.
                                                                                                                             need to take into account that implanted materials are
                                                                            (Institute of High Pressure Physics, Polish
                                                                                                                             not made of pure titanium, but of an alloy of numerous

                                                                            Academy of Sciences - PAS)
                                                                                                                             metallic elements. The quality of the materials which
                                                                       »    Marcin Wachowski, PhD, Eng.                      are currently used in medicine creates a need to refine
                                                                            (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering - Military    the biomaterials in use today, and to make attempts
                                                                            University of Technology)
                                                                                                                             to introduce new materials into medical practice. By
What is it about?
                                                                                                                             inserting an implant into human organism, it is assumed
It entails the development of a unique technology for            Accelerated osseointegration process (connection be-        that it will fulfil its function in a long-term perspective.
the production of new generation titanium implants               tween the implant and the bone) reduces the risk of         A good fixation of the bone with an implant, an
used for fixating bone fractures, in which the key ele-          septic inflammation (bacterial infections) which may oc-    appropriate implant shape, the load taking into account
ment is the production of biocompatible fixation plates          cur during or after the implantation procedure.             the stress distribution at the contact point of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                       TECHNOLOGICAL LEVEL
and rods made of pure titanium (Ti-CP) used for the                                                                          implant and the bone tissue, and the provision of a rigid
                                                                                                                                                                                                        stage 5: currently TRL 6
                                                                 How it works?
reconstruction of bones, with the use of the unique and                                                                      fixation of the implant in the bone for the entire period
innovative method of explosive working. Thanks to the            Pure titanium is not characterised by high strength.        it is placed in the organism, will facilitate the creation of
applied technology, the developed medical products               Its strength is lower than, for example, that of surgical   such conditions as the ones which accompany normal
will be characterised by a unique biocompatibility, no           steel. Titanium can be strengthened by way of plastic
alloy elements, high mechanical strength, and reduced            working. Explosive working is currently one of the most
                                                                                                                             bone fracture healing process.
weight. The use of titanium (Ti-CP) in which strength            modern and innovative metal working methods used
                                                                                                                             Features which make this solution stand out from                           low competition
                                                                                                                             competing solutions
properties will be obtained without the need to use alloy        in practice. This innovative technology allows obta-
elements, is due to reduce the costs of materials thanks         ining materials with unique properties, both in terms of    The solution consists in the development of technology
to eliminating the need to use expensive, deficit and cy-        strength and resistance to degradation. The unique na-      for the production of biocompatible implants worked
totoxic elements, such as aluminium, niobium, tantalum           ture of the solution consists in the development of pure    with the use of explosive methods. This unique
or zirconium, which will at the same time improve the            titanium (Ti - CP) explosive working method, aimed at       technique allows the production of formed isotropic
                                                                                                                                                                                                       MAIN USERS
performance properties such as biocompatibility. The             obtaining a material which has a much higher mecha-         materials with excellent strength parameters. The
increased strength obtained by way of explosive wor-             nical strength than the currently used alloys. This will    explosive method is a relatively simple, inexpensive                       small and medium-sized
king will contribute to the reduced diameter of bolts,           allow the elimination of currently used alloy additives     and fast metal working method. The development of                          enterprises, large companies
and thus the holes drilled in bones, needed to fix the           used with pure titanium, such as aluminium (6%), nio-       pure CP titanium working technology will facilitate the                    international corporations
implants. This will minimise bone damage and improve             bium (5%) or zirconium (2%) which, while stabilising the    production of working-strengthened plates and rods
its stability and regeneration speed, where temporary            β phase, reduce the biocompatibility, which is essential    made of pure titanium. The proposed development
implants are used.                                               in the said applications.                                   activities allowed the selection of optimum explosive                      Market maturity
                                                                                                                             working parameters, needed to produce biocompatible
                                                                                                                                                                                                        the market is developing
                                                                                                                             and durable components with a high mechanical
                                                                                                                             strength, which will initially be used in veterinary
                                                            36                                                               practice, and ultimately in humans.                                                                   37
Discover WUT’s solutions                                                                                                                                                                             Research Innovations Technologies 2022
                                                                                                                                  This has already been demonstrated by the composition of
                                                                            The team working on the project:                      the team whose members include, i.a., an ophthalmolo-
                                                                            » Karol Kakarenko, PhD, Eng.                          gist, an IT expert, an optician, a psychologist, and a business

VIDO – DIAGNOSTICS                                                               (The Faculty of Physics, WUT, project leader,
                                                                                 module constructor, and vision optics expert)
                                                                                                                                  analyst. Some functionalities of the device will be more use-
                                                                                                                                  ful in clinical ophthalmology while others in technological

AND TREATMENT                                                               »    Izabela Ducin, PhD, Eng.
                                                                                 (Faculty of Physics, WUT, projection systems
                                                                                                                                  laboratories. However, with a view to optimising the price
                                                                                                                                  of the finished device, and thus improving its availability, we

                                                                                 expert)                                          are considering the possibility to limit certain features for
                                                                            »    Anna Byszewska, MD, PhD                          specified recipients. The authors also try to ensure that the
                                                                                 (Department of Ophthalmology, Military           equipment will not considerably differ in terms of size and
Accurate examinations, automated selection of vision                             Institute of Medicine in Warsaw,                 operation from the solutions known to potential users. The
correction methods and testing of new solutions, witho-                          human-subject research expert)                   first business partners are already expressing their interest
ut the costly production of trial glass or contact lenses –                 »    Jan Bolek, MSc, Eng.                             in cooperation. The VIDO project team is working in the new
these are just a few of the advantages of a device which                         (Faculty of Physics, WUT, automation             Perception Research Laboratory, which is a joint project of
is the focus of works as part of the VIDO project. Project                       and robotics expert)                             the Physics Department and the Research and Analysis De-
called “VIDO – Improving the quality of vision through                      »    Dariusz Parzych, MSc                             partment of the Centre for Innovation and Technology Trans-
dynamic optics” is financed by the National Centre for                           (Centre for Innovation and Technology            fer Management.
Research and Development as part of the LIDER IX pro-                            Transfer Management of the Warsaw
gramme (LI- DER/15/0061/L-9/17/NCBR/2018 in the pe-                              University of Technology, market research        Features which make this solution stand out from                             TECHNOLOGICAL LEVEL
                                                                                 and commercialisation expert)                    competing solutions                                                           stage 2: Proof of concept
riod between 1 January 2019 and 31 December 2022.
                                                                            »    Krzysztof Petelczyc, PhD, Eng.                   At present, none of the devices present on the market offer
What is it about?                                                                (Faculty of Physics, WUT, promotion expert)      all the capabilities arising from the project implemented
                                                                                                                                  by the scientists from the Faculty of Physics. However,
The objective of the project is to create a device which
will be able to provide new data, and transform the ef-                                                                           they are aware of the market competition. That is why the
fects of patient examination process, without any per-
                                                                      especially given that some solutions, once verified using
                                                                                                                                  project team monitor customer needs and functionalities
                                                                                                                                                                                                                high competition
                                                                      our device, might not qualify for the implementation
ceptible modifications made to testing. The device au-                                                                            of commonly available solutions on an ongoing basis. In
                                                                      stage at all. The outcomes of the works are to support
tomatically and extremely accurately “measures” the                                                                               particular, they pay special attention to the Spanish VAO
                                                                      ophthalmologists and patients, and facilitate scientific
eye, and then generates any kind of a corrective device
                                                                      and industrial research.
                                                                                                                                  device, created under the direction of Prof. Pablo Artal, as the             MAIN USERS
on a special display, virtually placing it in or on the ey-                                                                       one that most resembles their project. The difference is that                 everyone – starting from individuals
eball. Patients will be able to see as if they were wearing           The marketing of the device will allows the production      the said device works in a closed field, which means that the                 who will be tested with the use of the
a given device, but the need to produce and apply the                 of personalised correction devices, without the need        patient looks at optotypes with digits and letters displayed on               device, to corporations which can
actual device is eliminated at this stage. For instance,              to rely on already produced lenses. The solution will       screen. With the device we are developing, we want patients                   purchase production rights
before a surgery, the doctor will be able to demonstrate              also contribute to conducting scientific research, and      to see a broad field, not just the optotypes, but also their
several options to the patient, helping them with the de-             to extending its range. It will also be possible to check   natural surroundings. This way, it will be possible to test near
cision about the treatment method.                                    whether accurate vision correction will be accepted by      and distance vision in real-life conditions. The fundamental
Application                                                           the patient’s brain.                                        value of the device will be that it will integrate multiple
                                                                                                                                  functionalities into a single algorithm.
Virtual corrective lenses will not only allow the optimisa-           The scholars devote a lot of attention to adapting the      Most of those functionalities already exist in the form of                    Market maturity
tion of cost-intensive technological production proces-               devices to the needs expressed by the recipients – ma-      separate devices. In our opinion, however, their full potential               the market is developing
ses, but are also likely to greatly facilitate clinical trials        inly ophthalmologists and medical companies.                will not be achieved until they are combined in a single
prior to the approval of actual devices for use,                                                                                  system. Moreover, the dynamic generator of corrective
                                                                 38                                                               devices will be a certain innovation.                                                                         39
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