Responses to Late Comments Received on the Final EIR

Page created by Elizabeth Herrera
Responses to Late Comments Received on the Final EIR
Responses to Late Comments
Received on the Final EIR
Responses to Late Comments Received on the Final EIR
Comment Letter 53

            P.O. Box 475 Descanso, CA 91916                      P.O. Box 779 Descanso, CA 91916


       December 9, 2021

       SANDAG Board of Directors
       401 B Street, Suite 800
       San Diego, CA 92101

              Re:     2021 Regional Plan and Environmental Impact Report

       SANDAG Board Members:

               Save Our Forest and Ranchlands (SOFAR) and the Cleveland National Forest Foundation
       (CNFF), two organizations dedicated to progressive land use planning and the protection of vital
       natural resources, submit this letter in connection with the 2021 Regional Transportation Plan
       (Plan or RTP) and its Environmental Impact Report (EIR).

                San Diego faces a triple emergency: a climate crisis, a housing crisis, and an ecological
       crisis all at once. We need to change the way we’ve done things in this county, and we need to
       do it now. It is for this reason that CNFF and SOFAR have been vehemently advocating for a
       sea change in the region’s approach to transportation. With each iteration of the RTP over the
       last twenty years, we have offered alternative approaches to transportation, explaining that we
       cannot respond to this emergency without a dramatic and immediate shift to public
       transportation. The 2021 RTP offers a step in the right direction but it is not enough to address
       the unprecedented crisis we are facing.

               When SANDAG was preparing its transportation network scenarios for the 2021 RTP,
       we prepared an alternative to the RTP. (See May 26, 2021 letter to the Board of Directors). We
       requested that SANDAG evaluate the merits of this alternative—referred to as the Climate,
       Housing, and Transit (CHT) Alternative—because it is capable of meeting the region’s housing,
       vehicle miles traveled (VMT) and greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction goals that have been set
       collectively by the state of California, the City of San Diego, and SANDAG. (See October 7,
       2021 letter to SANDAG). Critically, the CHT Alternative would also reduce the RTP’s
       significant and unavoidable VMT and GHG-related impacts. Rather than seriously study its
       merits, the DEIR and the FEIR mischaracterize key components of the Alternative. Like every
       other alternative SOFAR and CNFF have presented to SANDAG over the last two decades,
       SANDAG has rejected the CHT Alternative from serious consideration.
SANDAG Board of Directors
        December 9, 2021
        Page 2

                For the reasons discussed in our prior letters and as we explain below, SANDAG’s
        refusal to consider the CHT Alternative is both improper and unsupported. Moreover, because
        the EIR fails to include an alternative that would result in a meaningful reduction in VMT, the
        FEIR fails to remedy the deficiency identified by the California Court of Appeal in Cleveland
        National Forest Foundation v. San Diego Association of Governments. (17 Cal.App.5th 413,
        435-437 (2017)). For these reasons, the FEIR fails to comply with the California Environmental
        Quality Act (CEQA).

        The FEIR Fails to Adequately Analyze the CHT Alternative and Therefore Lacks a Legal
        or Factual Basis For Rejecting This Alternative.

                The FEIR rejects the CHT Alternative claiming that the proposed Plan and Alternative 3
        (All Growth in Mobility Hubs and More Progressive Value Pricing and User Fee Policies) align
        with many of the elements of the CHT Alternative. (FEIR, p. P1-6). The FEIR further asserts
53-2    that the CHT Alternative would achieve commensurate reductions in VMT and GHG emissions
        compared to Alternative 3. (FEIR, pp. P1-396; P1-408). This is incorrect. In reaching this
        determination, the FEIR purports to have relied on “data from model runs.” (FEIR p. P1-396).
        The FEIR does not identify the model, disclose its technical assumptions, or describe the “model
        runs.” Nor does the FEIR include the modeling output data. Without any of this information,
        neither the public nor decisionmakers can verify the accuracy of the FEIR’s conclusory

                 In addition, it seems implausible that Alternative 3 could achieve reductions in VMT and
        GHG emissions equivalent to those of the CHT Alternative. The CHT Alternative is premised
        on building a regional mobility system, beginning with a foundational first-phase area-complete
        transit, bike, and walk system in the urban core that is competitive with the automobile (i.e., that
        achieves at least a 50% transit, bike, and walk mode share in the urban core area). Although the
        EIR does not identify mode share statistics for the urban core or within Mobility Hubs, and it is
        therefore impossible to conduct a direct comparison of the Plan, Alternative 3 and the CHT
        Alternative, it seems evident that neither the proposed Plan nor Alternative 3 would achieve
        anything close to the mode share statistics identified in the CHT Alternative. This is because the
        Plan would achieve a modest 5% transit mode share in 2050, while Alternative 3 would achieve
        a 6% transit mode share. (DEIR Appendix T (Table T6: Supporting Measure) and FEIR, Table
        O-2, Appendices A-O, p. 687 of 3384).

                Moreover, as we have explained, the CHT Alternative does not include any roadway or
        freeway projects because building a real regional transit network will require all the region’s
        transportation investment dollars for the foreseeable future. Unlike the CHT Alternative, the
        proposed Plan and Alternative 3 include an identical transportation network, which calls for a
        massive increase in road and freeway projects. The FEIR would have us believe that the Plan’s
        freeway projects are limited to Managed Lanes and that these Managed Lanes will not be new
        lanes, but rather will convert General Purpose lanes and shoulders to facilitate additional transit
        and HOV travel. (FEIR p. P1-391 (response 35-3)). Based on this assumption, the FEIR goes
        so far as to state that in 2050 there would be more lane miles of General Purpose lanes under the
        CHT Alternative than under the proposed Plan. (FEIR p. P1-403 (response 35-14)). This
        conclusion is preposterous.
SANDAG Board of Directors
        December 9, 2021
        Page 3

                As transportation expert Norm Marshall explains, the FEIR misrepresents the proposed
        Plan. (See Memorandum from Norman Marshall, Smart Mobility (“Smart Mobility Memo”) to
        D. McFetridge, December 7, 2021, p. 1, attached). The FEIR clearly shows that there would be
        no reduction in General Purpose lanes under the proposed Plan. In fact, the Plan would result in
        an increase in General Purpose lanes. (See Smart Mobility memo, p. 1, citing to FEIR Table A.1
        (Revenue Constrained Projects), Volume 2, Appendix A (Transportation Projects, Costs, and
53-4    Phasing), pdf p. 702 of 3384).
               Moreover, as we explained above, and as the FEIR clearly acknowledges, the CHT
        Alternative includes no roadway improvements. (FEIR, p. P1-403). Therefore, the number of
        General Purpose freeway lanes under the CHT Alternative should be equal to the number of
        General Purpose lanes in the existing transportation network. If the CHT Alternative network
        was modeled with more General Purpose lanes than the proposed Plan’s roadway network—as
        implied by the FEIR—the modeling is invalid and the conclusion that the CHT Alternative
        would result in equivalent VMT and GHG reductions to the proposed Plan is also invalid.
        (Smart Mobility Memo, p. 2).

        Neither the RTP Nor its Alternatives Result in a Substantial Reduction in VMT.

                The FEIR, like the DEIR, fails to consider an alternative that substantially reduces VMT.
        The FEIR states that it is “infeasible” for SANDAG to reduce VMT below existing levels. (See
        Response 35-12, p. P1-400). The document lacks sufficient factual support for this claim. The
53-5    FEIR asserts that reducing VMT would require State and federal legislative changes, including
        changes in state road pricing policy, land use policies and parking policies. (FEIR p. P1-400).
        The FEIR never discloses the specific legislative changes that would be required to produce a
        plan that reduces VMT. Nor does the FEIR explain any action that SANDAG has taken to
        pursue these legislative changes. The FEIR also does not identify the specific land use policies
        or parking policies that would be required to result in a reduction in VMT. Nor does it provide
        any explanation as to whether SANDAG has taken any action to advocate for such policy

                The FEIR also asserts that there are regulatory constraints on directing roadway funds to
        transit. (FEIR pp. P1-400, P1-401). Once again, the document fails to identify the specific
        regulatory changes that would be required to produce a transportation plan that substantially
        reduces VMT. For example, if there are funding restrictions that prevent major shifts in funding
        from highway projects to transit, the FEIR must provide detail regarding these restrictions. Here,
        the FEIR simply mentions certain funds that are purportedly restricted (e.g., SHOPP funds), but
        it does not describe the nature of these funds nor their restrictions. Nor does the document make
        any attempt to explain whether SANDAG has made any effort to investigate other sources of
        funding that could facilitate increasing transit in the region.
                Again, the reason that neither the RTP nor Alternative 3 results in a substantial reduction
        in VMT is because both call for $50 billion in roadway expenditures. As SANDAG is well
        aware, projects that increase roadway capacity will continue to exacerbate far-flung sprawl
        development, which in turn will increase VMT. Alternative 3 calls for more progressive value
        pricing and user fee policies (DEIR, p. 6-7), yet its transportation network is identical to that of
SANDAG Board of Directors
        December 9, 2021
        Page 4

        the proposed Plan. SANDAG certainly could have crafted Alternative 3 to use those progressive
53-6    funding sources to fund transit rather than highways. Similarly, Alternative 3 could have
        assumed that SANDAG passes a sales tax revenue measure that earmarks substantially more
        dollars to transit than roadway projects.

        Constructing the Managed Lanes Component of the RTP Will Likely Make It Impossible
        to Achieve the Plan’s VMT Goals.

                The FEIR asserts that the RTP proposes a land use scenario that accommodates the
        Regional Housing Needs Assessment and, when combined with the transportation system, would
        allow the region to meet its SB 375 GHG reduction target. (FEIR, Response 35-3. p. P1-393).
        We applaud SANDAG for its use of an RTP land use scenario that relies on the Series 14
        Regional Growth Forecast. The Series 14 Growth Forecast involves a major shift of planned
        housing units from rural to urban areas. (FEIR, p. P1-70).

                Despite its forward-thinking land use scenario, however, the RTP’s proposed roadway
        network continues to be auto-dominated as is evidenced by its reliance on Managed Lanes.
        SANDAG asserts that these Managed Lanes are critical because they support transit. (FEIR, p.
        P1-46). However, constructing roadway projects that may serve transit is clearly not as
        beneficial as directly funding transit infrastructure and transit operations. As the Smart Mobility
        Memo explains, the RTP’s emphasis on Managed Lanes is nothing more than an outdated
        enormous road construction plan that will result in increases in VMT and GHG emissions.
        (Smart Mobility Memo, p. 4). This is because Managed Lanes will induce additional auto-based
        travel. Mr. Marshall determined that the RTP’s Managed Lanes could generate an additional
        4,300 million VMT per year. (Smart Mobility Memo, p. 4). This equals 13% of the total
        regional VMT that the FEIR estimates for 2050 with the proposed Plan. Id. Thus, constructing
        the Managed Lanes component of the RTP would likely make it impossible for the region to
        achieve the RTP’s VMT reduction goals. (Id.)

                SANDAG could help municipalities achieve the Series 14 allocations by shifting all
        transportation spending towards transit and non-motorized (walk and bike) infrastructure. This
        is precisely what the CHT Alterative does.

        SANDAG Can and Should Do More Regarding Land Use.

                 While we understand that SANDAG does not have land use authority and that local
        jurisdictions are responsible for decisions regarding development projects, there are actions
        SANDAG can and should take to ensure that the RTP achieves substantive VMT reductions.
        First, there are tremendous opportunities associated with the Series 14 Forecasts. While some
53-8    jurisdictions rely on Series 14, others do not. For example, had San Diego County relied on the
        Series 14 Forecasts, it would have used reduced growth predictions for ongoing community plan
        updates. If the County continues to approve massive increases in residential development in
        remote areas, there is no chance the region will be able to achieve the RTP’s targeted VMT
        reductions. Shifting population growth to the cities in the County would not just shift VMT from
        one place to another, it would reduce total VMT because of the lower average VMT per
        household in cities.
SANDAG Board of Directors
        December 9, 2021
        Page 5

                 Consequently, in order to achieve real VMT and GHG reductions, there are several
        actions SANDAG must take. First, SANDAG must convince jurisdictions of the importance of
        adopting the Series 14 Forecasts. To this end, SANDAG could limit or restrict altogether
        funding for local jurisdictions’ transportation projects unless these jurisdictions have adopted and
cont.   are using the Series 14 Forecasts to guide their land use planning. Relatedly, SANDAG intends
        to embark on developing a Regional Housing Incentive Program that will support jurisdictions in
        the development and adoption of policies to accelerate housing production in urbanized locations
        in the County. (FEIR, p. P1-10). As part of this Program, SANDAG should provide grant
        funding only for those jurisdictions that use the Series 14 Forecasts. Moreover, because it is
        critical to focus growth in Mobility Hubs, SANDAG should withhold grant funding for any
        transportation projects located outside of Mobility Hubs.

        The FEIR Fails to Resolve the RTP’s Reliance on Speculative Funding Sources.

                In our previous letter, we criticized the RTP’s reliance on speculative funding sources,
        explaining that there was no assurance that the Plan’s transit projects would be funded. The
        FEIR responds by stating that the State is currently studying implementation of a road user
        charge and that it would be unreasonable for SANDAG to disregard the State’s actions. (FEIR p.
        P1-397). Now, just days before the RTP is slated for consideration by the SANDAG Board of
53-9    Directors, the Board is being “asked to consider whether to direct staff to immediately begin
        evaluation of a potential update to the 2021 Regional Plan for Board consideration, including
        evaluating alternatives to the regional road usage charge program in light of the availability of
        new federal transportation funding.” (Board December 10, 2021 Agenda, p. 3). Any decision to
        revise a key funding component after approval of the RTP makes the funding for the RTP even
        more speculative and uncertain. In our view, road usage fees could be implemented more
        equitably and effectively than gas or sales taxes. The Board should resist this proposal to
        immediately start undermining the mix of funding sources for the Plan, which is already
        speculative enough.

53-10            For the reasons discussed above, the FEIR improperly rejects the CHT Alternative and
        fails to set forth an alternative that substantially reduces VMT. For these reasons, the FEIR fails
        to comply with CEQA.


        Duncan McFetridge
        Director, CNFF
        President, SOFAR

        Attachment: Smart Mobility Memorandum
        To:      Duncan McFetridge, CNFF and SOFAR
        From:    Norman Marshall
        Subject: SANDAG 2021 Regional Plan FEIR
        Date:    December 8, 2021

        I have reviewed key aspects of SANDAG’s 2021 Regional Plan Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR)
        response to SOFAR’s and CNFF’s Climate, Housing, Transit (CHT) Alternative and conclude:
            1) The FEIR misrepresents the number of freeway general purpose lanes in both the proposed Plan
               and the SOFAR/CNFF alternative – therefore the modeling comparison is invalid.

            2) The FEIR indicates that the proposed Plan would result in a reduction in vehicle miles traveled
53-12          (VMT) per capita of 15.4% in 2050 relative to the base year 2016. However, these reductions are
               predicated on an assumed major shift towards compact walkable urban development that the
               proposed Plan undermines by continuing a failed policy of highway expansion.

            3) Constructing the managed lanes in the proposed Plan would increase regional VMT and
53-13          greenhouse gas emissions by at least 10% relative to an alternative without the managed lanes
               program. If the SANDAG model does not show this; the model has significant problems.

        The FEIR states:

                    Where possible, rather than adding new roads, the proposed Plan repurposes general
                    purpose lanes or shoulders to create Managed Lanes. (Appendix P, p. P1-403)

      This statement misrepresents the proposed Plan. In the Managed Lanes/Toll Lanes Projects section of
      the Revenue Constrained Projects list (Appendices A-O p. 702 of 3384), there are no road segments
      where there is a reduction in general purpose lanes. Therefore, the statement that general purpose
      lanes are repurposed is simply wrong. There are, in fact, three segments with increases in general
53-14 purpose lanes in addition to the managed lanes:

                   I-5 between SR 54 and SR 15 increasing from 8 to 10 general purpose lanes,
                   SR 15 from I-5 to SR 94 increasing from 6 to 8 general purpose lanes, and
                   SR 125 from SR 94 to I-8 increasing from 8 to 10 general purpose lanes.

        The statement that shoulders are repurposed is misleading. Many of the projects add four managed
        lanes which clearly goes beyond shoulder conversion and adds significant width. Even in those projects
        where shoulder lanes are converted, added width is necessary to meet minimal safety requirements.
        The actual cross sections for these managed lanes will not be known until designs are completed. The
        FEIR assumes a standard cross section of 12-foot shoulders on both sides plus a 4-foot buffer lane for
        calculating impacts. (p. 4.2-19 – 4.2-20) This represents an additional 32 feet of pavement width with
        two managed lanes and an additional 54 feet of pavement width with four managed lanes.

        Regarding SOFAR’s comment letter, the FEIR states:

                    In 2050, under the proposed Plan, the region has 2,122 miles of general-purpose
                    freeway lanes (including auxiliary lanes) due to existing lane conversions. In 2050, under
                    SOFAR’s proposed Climate, Housing and Transit Alternative, which includes no roadway

        1446899.1                                                                                                1
improvements, the region has 2,352 miles of general-purpose freeway lanes (including
                    auxiliary lanes). (Appendix P, p. P1-403)

        The FEIR gives these numbers for general-purpose freeway lanes:

                   2016: 2,415 (Table 4.16-6, p. 4.16-33)
                   2025: 2,438 (Table 4.16-6, p. 4.16-33)
                   2035: 2,223 (Table 4.16-10, p. 4.16-38)
                   2050: 2,122 (Table 4-16-14, p. 4.16-42)

        The 2050 number (2,122) matches the number in the excerpt above. However, it makes no sense given
        that no general-purpose lanes are converted, and shoulders are not counted as lanes. The FEIR appears
        to imply that the reduction is caused by converting auxiliary lanes to managed lanes despite never
        stating this anywhere. The FEIR defines auxiliary lanes as “extra lane constructed between on- and off-
        ramps that allows drivers a safe way to merge into traffic while also preventing bottlenecks caused by
        drivers attempting to enter or exit the freeway. Auxiliary lanes are short. It is impossible to eliminate
        hundreds of miles of auxiliary lanes from the network that would be required to make the FEIR math
53-15   work. In any case, these auxiliary lanes will still be required for safety if the managed lanes are
cont.   constructed and will be in the final designs – whether SANDAG modeled them or not.

        A more plausible explanation is that the 2,122 number is simply wrong. In addition to the added general-
        purpose lanes in the three managed lanes projects listed above, he FEIR Revenue Constrained Project
        list includes seven other freeway expansion projects that would each add to the regional total of
        freeway general purpose lanes: (Appendices A-O, p. 702 of 3384)

                   I-8 from 2nd Street to Los Coches from 4/6 lanes to 6 lanes,
                   SR-52 from I-5 to I-805 from 4 lanes to 6 lanes,
                   SR 52 from Mast Blvd. to SR 125 from 4 lanes to 6 lanes,
                   SR 56 from I-5 to I-15 from 4 lanes to 6 lanes,
                   SR 94 from SR 125 to Avocado Blvd. from 4 lanes to 6 lanes,
                   SR 125 from San Miguel Rd. to SR 54 from 4 lanes to 8 lanes, and
                   SR 125 from SR 905 to San Miquel Rd. from 4 toll lanes to 8 freeway lanes.

        In the excerpt above, the FEIR acknowledges that the Climate, Housing and Transit alternative includes
        “no roadway improvements.” Therefore, the number of general-purpose freeway lanes should be equal
        to the existing network, i.e., somewhere in the range of the numbers give above for 2016 and 2025. As
        the number given, 2,352, is lower than either the 2016 number or the 2025 number, it also appears to
53-16   be wrong. Obviously, the “no-roadway improvements” Climate, Housing and Transit alternative
        transportation network includes significantly fewer general purpose lane miles than the proposed Plan
        roadway network. If the Climate, Housing and Transit alternative network was modeled with more
        general-purpose lanes than the proposed Plan roadway network as implied by the FEIR excerpt, the
        modeling is invalid and the conclusion that the CHT alternative would result in more VMT than the
        proposed Plan also is invalid.

        1446899.1                                                                                                   2
The FEIR states that one of the objectives of the RTP is to: “Meet greenhouse gas emissions targets
        established for the San Diego region by the California Air Resources Board and the SANDAG Board of
        Directors. (p. ES-1) This objective is to be realized, in part, through another of the EIR’s objectives:
        “Provide transportation investments and land use patterns that reduce vehicle miles traveled and
        improve air quality.” (p. ES-1)

        A CARB 2019 report sets a target of reducing VMT by14.3% by 2050. The FEIR uses this value as a
        threshold to evaluate whether this objective is met. (p. 4-16-47) FEIR Table 4.16-19 (p. 4.16-54) shows a
        reduction of 15.4% per capita between 2050 and 2016, and this reduction would meet the required
        threshold by a very small margin.

        However, the most important reasons for the modeled reduction in VMT per capita in the proposed Plan
        are two other EIR objectives: “Focus population and employment growth in mobility hubs and existing
        urban areas to protect sensitive habitat and natural resource areas” and “Provide transportation
        investments and land use patterns that reduce vehicle miles traveled and improve air quality.”

        The Series 14 housing and employment allocations are a positive step. However, in the past, the
        allocations have been aspirational but not enforced. The FEIR acknowledges that:

                    Mitigation regarding inducement of substantial unplanned population growth by the
                    proposed Plan was found to be infeasible. As described in Section 4.14, SANDAG has no
                    control over the amount of growth the region would experience during the
                    implementation of the proposed Plan. For the same reasons, mitigation to reduce
                    population growth in Southern California and northern Baja would also be considered
                    infeasible. (p. 5-59)
        SANDAG can help the municipalities achieve the Series 14 allocations by shifting all transportation
        spending towards transit and non-motorized (walk and bike) infrastructure. Freeway investment,
        including managed lanes projects, undermines the positive effects of the non-auto investments.

             Compact                               Transit, Walk                  Highway
           Walkable Mixed                            and Bike
             Land Use                              Investments                   Expansion

        1446899.1                                                                                                  3
The FEIR fails to analyze induced travel that would result from freeway construction, including managed
        lanes. It states:

                    The proposed Plan includes 821 miles of HOV/Managed Lanes, which SOFAR
                    inaccurately suggests will continue to contribute to substantial increases in VMT and
                    GHG emissions. (Appendix P, p. P1-403)

        The managed lanes represent an outdated enormous road construction plan that would certainly cause
        significant increases in VMT and GHG emissions. The California Office of Planning and Research
        published a Technical Advisory on Evaluating Transportation Impacts in CEQA (December 2018). This
        document recommends applying an Induced Travel Calculator developed at the National Center for
        Sustainable Transportation at the University of California Davis.1 Applying this calculator to the SANDAG
        region, 821 lane miles of freeway would add 5700 million additional VMT per year.

        There has not been enough research yet to determine whether adding managed lanes results in less
        induced travel than adding the same number of general-purpose lanes, but it is plausible that there
        would be some reduction – perhaps 25% less. In this case, the added VMT would be 4300 million per
        year. This equals 13% of the total regional VMT that the FEIR estimates for 2050 with the proposed plan.
        Numerous comments on the EIR were made about induced travel. The FEIR response is that induced
        demand was dealt with in Regional Transportation Plan Appendix D Attachment 3. This 5-page
        document claims that induced VMT was estimated by a procedure that includes the SANDAG regional
        model (ABM2) in combination with the Induced Demand Calculator discussed above. However, the
        documentation is very questionable; it appears a series of assumptions were made including a critical
        one that managed lanes do not induce much travel. The document also suggests that much of the
        managed lanes system will be repurposed from existing general-purpose lanes which is inconsistent with
        the FEIR as is discussed above. The inventory of lane miles includes only 301 managed lane miles which
        is inconsistent with the 821 miles of HOV/managed lanes in the FEIR. The resulting estimate of induced
        travel is much too low – apparently due to a combination of applying too small an increase in lane miles
        and undocumented assumptions including managed lanes produce little induced travel.

        Constructing the managed lanes program likely would make it impossible for the region to achieve the
        VMT reduction goals set out in the RTP. Although there is some uncertainly about the magnitude of the
        VMT induced by the managed lanes, it would be greater than 10% of forecast regional VMT. The
        assertion in the FEIR that the increase in induced VMT would not be “substantial” is preposterous.
        Adding managed lanes would divert traffic from congested general-purpose lanes and the general-
        purpose lanes would fill with traffic until they were congested again. Otherwise, there would be no
        reason for travelers to pay to travel in the managed lanes. If the SANDAG modeling fails to show such
        increases in VMT, this is just evidence of serious problems in the SANDAG modeling.


        1446899.1                                                                                               4
Comment ID   Response to Comment
   53-1      As explained in Master Response 1, the EIR does evaluate a reasonable range of alternatives that achieve most of the basic
             project objectives, that are potentially feasible, and that reduce environmental impacts. The discussion also explains why the
             EIR was not required to consider SOFAR’s proposed Climate, Housing and Transit Alternative in detail. See responses to
             SOFAR’s October 5, 2021 Draft EIR comment letter, starting on p. P1-389 of the Final EIR, as well as Section 6.5.5 of the EIR,
             for additional discussion of the reasons for rejecting SOFAR’s proposed Climate, Housing and Transit Alternative from detailed

             Additional discussion regarding SOFAR’s additional concerns is provided below.
   53-2      The Final EIR accurately states that the Climate, Housing, and Transit Alternative would achieve commensurate
             reductions in VMT and GHG emissions compared to Alternative 3. The analysis that supports this determination relied
             upon data from the ABM2+ model (version 14.2.2), which was run for the CHT Alternative analysis for forecast years 2025
             (Scenario ID 481), 2035 (Scenario ID 483), and 2050 (Scenario ID 484). Land Use Pattern Series 14 ID 38, referred to as the SCS
             build land use pattern, was used for the analysis. In configuring the network for the CHT analysis, highway networks were
             kept the same as the 2021 Regional Plan no build, except for general purpose lane reductions due to Rapid bus service on
             transit-only links. The transit networks used for the CHT model run analysis were the same as the 2021 Regional Plan build
             scenario, with the addition of the accelerated completion of the Miramar Tunnel by 2035. Active transportation networks
             used for the CHT model run analysis were the same as the 2021 Regional Plan build scenario. Transportation policies and
             programs for the CHT model run analysis were set the same as the 2021 Regional Plan build scenario.

   53-3      Please refer to previous response to comment SOFAR 35-22, starting on p. P1-414 of the Final EIR, regarding this comment. As
             stated, by 2035, about 30.4 percent of the region’s population is projected to be living within a half-mile of a Rapid transit
             stop. For those living further from Rapid transit stops, the proposed Plan investments in Flexible Fleets will allow for more
             options to facilitate first mile/last mile connections with solutions that can be customized for different communities
             (microtransit, ridesharing, bikeshare, etc.).

             The proposed Plan also includes a land use pattern that focuses growth in Mobility Hub areas to align with transportation
             investments and facilitate more bikeable and walkable communities. SANDAG is working closely with the City of San Diego to
             ensure that the proposed Plan complements the City’s efforts to achieve the mode share goals of its Climate Action Plan.

             That said, with implementation of the proposed Plan, the transit mode share for all work trips increases to 11.7 percent in
             2035 and 13.2 percent in 2050. However, since SANDAG is unable to confirm the metrics used in SOFAR’s original comment
Comment ID   Response to Comment
             are feasible, the claim that 50 percent transit mode share can be achieved remains unsubstantiated, and therefore a 50
             percent transit mode share was not modelled.
   53-4      As shown in Table 4.16-14 of the FEIR, the proposed Plan will result in 2,122 general purpose lanes, a reduction of 293 general
             purpose lane miles by Year 2050 when compared to baseline conditions. As stated in response to comment SOFAR 35-14
             (starting on Final EIR p. P1-403), general purpose lane conversions to Managed Lanes contribute to these reductions. Thus
             substantial evidence supports the EIR’s statements that general purpose lane miles under the proposed Plan. Under SOFAR’s
             proposed CHT Alternative, which includes no roadway improvements, the region has 2,415 miles (the mileage of 2,352 miles
             stated in the previous response was an error) of general purpose freeway lanes (including auxiliary lanes). To state it clearly,
             since the proposed Plan results in the conversion of some general purpose lanes to Managed lanes while the CHT Alternative
             does not, it makes mathematical sense that the CHT Alternative has more general purpose lane miles than the proposed Plan.
             For a detailed discussion regarding the comments related to conversion of general purpose lanes, refer to the response to
             comment SOFAR 53-14.
   53-5      Response to comment SOFAR 35-12 starting on Final EIR p. P1-400, as well as Final EIR Master Response 1, present detailed
             reasons why SANDAG did not consider an alternative that would substantially reduce VMT below existing levels. The
             comment letter does not provide any evidence that SANDAG could feasibly implement further measures that could achieve
             substantial reductions in VMT. SANDAG will continue to coordinate with applicable State, regional, and local agencies,
             organizations, and stakeholders to further measures that would substantially reduce VMT, but it is well beyond the
             jurisdiction of SANDAG to propose or implement these alone.

             Among the five reasons mentioned in Master Response 1 is that SANDAG cannot control the total regional population growth
             that is the main cause of total VMT increases. As SANDAG modeling indicates, population growth is the main driver of future
             VMT growth. Alternative 3 would result in VMT per capita of 15.6 (home-based) compared to the proposed Plan VMT per
             capita of 16.03 in 2050. Alternative 3 would result in a total VMT increase of 2,756,715 miles per day in year 2050, which is
             approximately 39 percent lower than the proposed Plan (total VMT increase of 4,519,230 miles per day in year 2050).
             Population growth under the proposed Plan, however, increases by 13 percent. Even with decreases in driving per capita,
             under Alternative 3 total VMT still increases by 3.2 percent compared to 2016 because population growth outpaces driving
             reductions. As courts have noted, “CEQA is not intended as a population control measure” (Center for Biological Diversity v.
             Department of Fish & Wildlife (2015) 62 Cal.4th 204, 220).

             With the proposed Plan, SANDAG has included multiple policies to reduce VMT, including the development of Mobility Hubs
             that focuses land use growth around transit centers and has developed a Parking Strategies for Smart Growth guide that
             provides example policies on how jurisdictions can implement smart growth parking policies and programs.
Comment ID   Response to Comment

   53-6      Refer to response to comment SOFAR 53-5 above.

             Regarding SHOPP funds, it was stated in response to comment SOFAR 35-16 in the Final EIR that those funds are used for
             safety, operations, and rehabilitation projects on the state highway system by Caltrans. As such, they cannot be reallocated
             for transit projects. In addition, Transit Leap services are substantially supported by Managed Lanes in the proposed Plan, and
             consequently any reallocation of resources away from highway investments would severely limit the ability to provide quality
             high speed transit services on those corridors.

             The State is currently studying implementation of a road user charge, and it would be unreasonable for SANDAG to disregard
             the actions at the State-level that would directly impact anticipated revenue during the period covered by the proposed Plan.
             The proposed Final Plan now assumes collection of both the State and regional road usage charges would begin by 2030. As a
             near-term action, SANDAG will launch a study in FY 2022 to evaluate different transportation funding sources, and a working
             group would oversee the development of a comprehensive value pricing and user fee implementation strategy that supports
             the goals of the proposed Plan.

   53-7      Please refer to response to comments SOFAR 53-4 and 53-6 for responses regarding the Managed Lanes and funding
             comments, respectively.

             For a detailed response to the comments regarding induced demand, refer to response to comment SOFAR 53-19 below.
             Regarding VMT reduction goals, refer to response to comment SOFAR 53-5 above.
   53-8      While land use authority is reserved to local jurisdictions—the 18 cities and the County—SANDAG will work closely with
             jurisdictions to incentivize building of housing in the Mobility Hub areas. SANDAG has no authority to force local jurisdictions
             to implement the Series 14 Growth Forecast that serves as the basis for the Regional Plan’s Sustainable Community Strategy.
             Nothing in SB 375 requires a city’s or county’s land use policies and regulations to be consistent with the regional
             transportation plan.
   53-9      No changes to funding sources are proposed to what has been presented in the proposed Final Plan to be considered for
             adoption on December 10,2021, including the road user charge. For response to comments related to speculative funding,
             refer to response to comment SOFAR 35-8 in the Final EIR. SOFAR/CNFF concerns are noted and will be considered by the
             SANDAG Board.
   53-10     Thank you for SOFAR/CNFF’s participation in the environmental review process. SOFAR/CNFF concerns are noted and will be
             considered by the SANDAG Board. For the reasons stated in these responses to comments, the EIR meets CEQA requirements
             notwithstanding allegations made in this comment letter.
Comment ID   Response to Comment
   53-11     For response to comments related to alleged misrepresentation of general purpose lanes, refer to response to comment
             SOFAR 53-4, as well as responses to comments 53-14, 53-15, and 53-16.
   53-12     As indicated in response to comment SOFAR 35-12 in the Final EIR, the proposed Plan’s land use pattern focuses growth and
             development in the mobility hub areas. This was modeled in conjunction with proposed Plan’s transportation network
             improvements to arrive at the reductions in VMT per capita. The Regional Plan does not “continue a failed policy of highway
             expansion.” As such, the commenter’s assertion that the transportation network improvements undermine the reduction of
             VMT per capita is unfounded.
   53-13     Refer to response to comment SOFAR 53-19 for discussion regarding this asserted 10 percent increase in VMT and GHG.
   53-14     Regarding the assertion that “…there are no road segments where there is a reduction in general purpose lane”, SANDAG
             would like to clarify that by 2050, 404 total lane miles would be converted from general purpose lanes to Managed Lanes. The
             proposed Plan also includes 301 miles of new Managed Lanes construction. By comparison, the proposed Plan would add a
             maximum of 13 miles new general purpose lane mileage and 52 new lane miles of auxiliary lanes.

             Regarding the three segments listed in the comment with alleged increases in general purpose lanes, these projects are not
             included in the proposed Plan.
   53-15     The reason that there are more general purpose lanes in the CHT alternative is because none of the managed lanes projects
             that include general purpose lane conversions are included in the CHT alternative.

             Refer to response to comment SOFAR 53-14 for further discussion regarding the conversion of general purpose lanes to
             managed lanes versus the minimal construction of general purpose lanes and auxiliary lanes in comparison. As such, the 2,122
             number is correct and is not wrong as asserted by the commenter.

             Regarding the projects listed by the commenter, none of the projects apart from the SR-52 project from Mast Boulevard to SR
             125 is included in the proposed Plan (all projects were instead a part of the 2015 Regional Plan). Even then, the general
             purpose lanes added would subsequently be converted to managed lanes as a part of Project ID CC031 listed in Appendix B of
             the EIR.
   53-16     The previously stated the 2,352 number was cited in error, and should have been 2,415, which is consistent with the 2016
             numbers presented in Section 4.16 of the EIR.
             Please refer to response to comment SOFAR 53-4 regarding discussion regarding the asserted discrepancy in general purpose
Comment ID   Response to Comment
   53-17     The comment does not raise any concerns regarding EIR adequacy. However, further discussion regarding the proposed Plan’s
             VMT reductions is provided under Impact TRA-2 in Section 4.16 of the EIR.
   53-18     Refer to response to comment SOFAR 53-6 for a response to the comment related to the proposed Plan’s transportation
             network improvement investments.
   53-19     The University of California Davis’ documentation of the Induced Travel Calculator clearly states the following on their
                 - “The calculator is limited to use for capacity expansions (lane additions, roadway lengthening, and new facility
                     construction). It cannot be used to estimate VMT effects of capacity reductions or lane type conversions…..”
                 - “The calculator is conservatively limited to use for additions of general-purpose, high-occupancy vehicle (HOV), and
                     high-occupancy toll (HOT) lanes. It should not be used for additions of pure toll lanes (where all users, even HOVs, must
                     pay a toll). Hundreds of both general-purpose and HOV lane mile additions were included in the two principal studies
                     used to derive the elasticities for the calculator (Duranton and Turner, 2011; Cervero and Hansen, 2002; Legislative
                     Analyst’s Office, 2000). While few HOT lanes had been added to publicly owned roadways before the end of the data
                     collection periods for those two studies, studies using data from more recent periods (after more HOT lanes had been
                     opened) have estimated similar induced travel elasticities (e.g. Hymel, 2019; Graham et al., 2014; Melo et al., 2012).
                     Furthermore, because HOT lanes allow more vehicles than HOV lanes (high-occupancy vehicles plus drivers willing to
                     pay to use the lane), they would logically have at least as large induced travel effects as HOV lanes……”
                 - “Knowledge of local conditions can help contextualize the calculator’s estimates.”

             It seems that the commenter ascribed total Managed Lane mileage (not newly constructed) to the calculator and also applied
             the 821 lane miles entirely in FHWA Class 1 facility type, which would be an incorrect use of the calculator. It appears that the
             commenter incorrectly ascribed Managed Lane mileage as general purpose lanes, inputted an incorrect amount of additional
             managed lane mileage, incorrectly assigned all to FHWA Class 1 facility types, and used an incorrect base year (2019 instead of
             2016). All of these factors contribute to the higher VMT estimate asserted by the commenter.
             For additional context, there are not 821 miles of newly constructed managed lanes under the proposed Plan by 2050. Of that
             mileage, only 301 lane miles are new lanes. The rest include 116 of existing high occupancy vehicle/managed lane mileage and
             404 miles of converted general purpose lanes.

             Finally, the SANDAG induced demand off-model methodology adds additional VMT to the model run which is already
             accounting for portions of both short and long run induced demand. The methodology accounts for all additionally
             constructed lane mileage on the region’s highway network, including all general purpose lanes, auxiliary lanes, managed
             lanes, toll lanes, and toll lanes converted to general purpose lanes. The methodology uses 2016 as the base year and correctly
             inventories additional constructed lane mileage by facility type and FHWA class type. The SANDAG methodology also utilized
Comment ID   Response to Comment
             “bespoke ABM testing” to calculate the elasticity of pricing, land use, parking, and other fee-based policies in the proposed
             Plan, all of which was included in induced demand estimation. As such, SANDAG’s VMT calculations and its inclusion of
             induced travel demand are reasonable and supported by substantial evidence; there is no substantial evidence supporting e
             commenters assertion that the magnitude of the VMT induced by managed lanes would be “greater than 10% of forecast
             regional VMT.”
Comment Letter 54

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UC Davis
Policy Briefs

Environmental Reviews Fail to Accurately Analyze Induced Vehicle Travel from Highway
Expansion Projects


Volker, Jamey
Lee, Amy
Handy, Susan

Publication Date

10.7922/G21N7ZF7                               Powered by the California Digital Library
                                                                University of California
Environmental Reviews Fail to Accurately Analyze Induced
               Vehicle Travel from Highway Expansion Projects
               Jamey Volker, Amy Lee, and Susan Handy
               Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis                                   January 2021

               Issue                                                          five highway expansion projects in California
                                                                              that had gone through environmental review
               Induced travel is a well-documented effect in
                                                                              within the past 12 years. They then compared
               which expanding highway capacity increases
                                                                              their estimates with the induced travel
               the average travel speed on the highway,
                                                                              analysis completed for the projects’ actual
               which in turn reduces the perceived “cost”
                                                                              environmental impact assessments. The five
               of driving and thereby induces more driving.1
                                                                              projects include (1) the U.S. Highway 101 High-
               This increase in vehicle miles traveled (VMT)
                                                                              Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Widening (Marin-
               increases congestion (often back to pre-
                                                                              Sonoma Narrows), (2) the State Route 1 Corridor
               expansion levels) and air pollutant emissions,
                                                                              Analysis of HOV Lanes (Santa Cruz), (3) the
               reducing or eliminating the purported benefits
                                                                              State Route 210 Mixed-Flow Lane Addition
               of the expansion (Figure 1). Yet highway
                                                                              (San Bernardino), (4) the State Route 99 South
               expansion projects continue to be proposed
                                                                              Stockton Six-Lane Project, and (5) the Interstate
               across California, often using congestion
                                                                              405 HOV Widening.
               relief—and sometimes greenhouse gas
               reductions—as a justification for adding lanes.                 Key Findings
               These rosy projections about the benefits
                                                                              Environmental reviews of highway expansion
               of highway expansion projects indicate that
                                                                              projects include inconsistent, if any, analysis
               the induced travel effect is often not fully
                                                                              of induced vehicle travel. The environmental
               accounted for in travel demand models or in
                                                                              analysis documents for the five projects varied
               the projects’ environmental review process.
                                                                              wildly in their discussion of induced vehicle
               With this problem in mind, researchers at the                  travel impacts. Two documents did not discuss
               University of California, Davis developed an                   the induced travel phenomenon at all. And the
               online tool to help agencies estimate the VMT                  only two documents to analyze it in detail did
               induced annually by adding lanes to major                      so in responses to comments, not in the original
               roadways in California’s urbanized counties.                   analysis. Even when the documents did analyze
               The Induced Travel Calculator estimates                        induced travel in detail, the discussion of the
               project-induced VMT using the project length                   effect was contradictory within the documents
               (in lane miles) entered by the user, lane-mile                 and inconsistent with the induced travel
               and VMT data from Caltrans, and estimates                      literature.
               of elasticities (the percentage change in VMT
                                                                              Projects’ environmental review documents
               that results from a 1% increase in lane miles)
                                                                              underestimate induced vehicle travel. Only
               from peer-reviewed studies.
                                                                              three of the five documents reported estimates
               The researchers also applied the calculator                    of induced VMT. All three estimates were lower
               to estimate the vehicle travel induced by                      than what the researchers estimated using the

               Figure 1. Induced vehicle travel effect of highway capacity expansions

                                                                                      National Center for Sustainable Transportation • 1
Induced Travel Calculator. In two of the three cases, the               More Information
    estimates were an order of magnitude lower (Figure 2).
                                                                            This policy brief is drawn from “Induced Vehicle Travel
    Policy Implications                                                     in the Environmental Review Process,” a paper in
                                                                            the Transportation Research Record: Journal of the
    The results provide additional evidence that
                                                                            Transportation Research Board by Jamey M.B. Volker,
    environmental analyses often fail to consistently and
                                                                            Amy E. Lee, and Susan Handy of the University of
    accurately discuss—let alone estimate—the induced
                                                                            California, Davis. The article is available at https://ncst.
    travel effects of highway capacity expansion projects.
    Going forward, the Induced Travel Calculator can help
    agencies consistently quantify induced travel by using
    elasticity-based estimates of VMT levels derived from                   NCST’s Induced Travel Calculator can be accessed at
    the project’s lane-mile changes. Indeed, Caltrans’ 2020       
    Transportation Analysis Framework recommends that                       travel-calculator.
    the Induced Travel Calculator be used where possible                    For more information about the findings presented
    to estimate or at least benchmark induced VMT for                       in this brief, please contact Jamey Volker at
    California state highway system projects.                     

    Figure 2. Comparison of induced VMT estimates in highway expansion project environmental analyses versus the Induced
    Travel Calculator (analyses for the State Route 99 and Interstate 405 projects did not estimate induced travel)
     Handy, S. (2015). Increasing Highway Capacity Unlikely to Relieve Traffic Congestion. UC Davis: National Center for Sustainable

    Research presented in this policy brief was made possible through funding received by the University of California Institute of Transportation
    Studies (UC ITS) from the State of California through the Public Transportation Account and the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017
    (Senate Bill 1). The UC ITS is a network of faculty, research and administrative staff, and students dedicated to advancing the state of the
    art in transportation engineering, planning, and policy for the people of California. Established by the Legislature in 1947, the UC ITS has
    branches at UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UC Irvine, and UCLA.

        The National Center for Sustainable Transportation is a consortium of leading                                        Visit us at
        universities committed to advancing an environmentally sustainable transportation                     
        system through cutting-edge research, direct policy engagement, and education of
        our future leaders. Consortium members: University of California, Davis; University                                  Follow us:
        of California, Riverside; University of Southern California; California State University,
        Long Beach; Georgia Institute of Technology; and the University of Vermont.

2 • National Center for Sustainable Transportation                                                                     DOI:10.7922/G21N7ZF7
Comment ID   Response to Comment
   54‐1      SANDAG appreciates the comments received and the concerns noted in this letter will be considered by the SANDAG Board.
             Please see the following responses for the specific comments provided in this letter.
   54‐2      The issues raised in this comment is similar to the issue raised in Chatten‐Brown comment letter received on the Draft EIR.
             Please see response to comment Chatten‐Brown 34‐1 of the Final EIR. In addition, please see the following for responses to
             specific comments raised regarding the GHG mitigation measures in the EIR.
   54‐3      The Final EIR correctly states that reducing regional GHG emissions to below the regional 2030, 2045, and 2050 reference
             points based on SB 32 (40% below 1990 levels by 2030), EO S‐3‐05 (80% below 1990 levels by 2050), and EO B‐55‐18 (carbon
             neutrality as soon as possible and no later than 2045), is well beyond the scope and jurisdiction of SANDAG alone, and will
             rather required a coordinated effort by State, regional, and local agencies. The Final EIR presents several examples of the
             types of actions that local, State, and federal governments, the private sector, and individuals will need to take to achieve
             statewide GHG reduction goals that are outside the jurisdiction of SANDAG. (Final EIR page 4.8‐54).

             Moreover, the Final EIR provides a detailed discussion of SANDAG’s role in planning for GHG emissions reductions, which
             includes achieving SB 375 targets for passenger vehicle GHG emissions and other plans and programs that SANDAG
             proactively prepares and implements to reduce GHG emissions (Final EIR pp. 4.8‐41 to 4.8‐45). In Impact GHG‐2 the Final EIR
             shows that implementation of the proposed Plan would meet and exceed the region’s SB 375 targets Final EIR (pp. 4.8‐27 to

             The Final EIR does address the additional actions referenced in this comment, namely electrification of the transportation
             sector, investment into healthy soils, decarbonization of new construction, and carbon dioxide removal strategies. Strategies
             in the proposed Plan to increase use of electric vehicles and remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store it in soils
             and vegetation through land management strategies that increase the rate of carbon sequestration are described on Final EIR
             pp. 4.8‐42 to ‐45. The Final EIR also identifies mitigation measures that would result in further electrification of the
             transportation sector (Mitigation Measure GHG‐5b) and removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere using nature‐based
             climate solutions (Mitigation Measure GHG‐5c). Final EIR Mitigation Measures GHG‐5e and 5‐f state that transportation
             projects developed by SANDAG shall, and that land use development projects and transportation projects for which cities, the
             County government, or other project sponsors are the lead agency can and should, require transportation electrification
             measures, carbon sequestration measures, and zero‐net energy buildings and infrastructure. The comment does not specify
             any specific examples of electrification of the transportation sector, investment into healthy soils, decarbonization of new
             construction, or carbon dioxide removal strategies that should be incorporated into the Regional Plan or included as
             mitigation measures in the Final EIR.
Comment ID   Response to Comment
             This comment also asserts that more compact land use patterns and policies to reduce transit fares, increase parking prices,
             and establish road user fees as described and included in Alternative 3, should have been included as mitigation measures in
             the proposed Plan. As the comment notes, these Plan‐level measures were included as components of project alternatives in
             Final EIR Chapter 6, and evaluated for their ability to reduce the proposed Plan’s significant GHG emissions impact. In
             addition, Mitigation Measures GHG‐5e and GHG‐5f includes measures to achieve more compact land use patterns, decreased
             transit fares, increased parking prices, and require fees for driving.

             The commenter’s suggestion to require all transportation projects that tier from the Final EIR to achieve net zero emissions is
             not feasible. SANDAG does not have the authority require that all transportation projects meet such a standard because many
             transportation projects are implemented by other agencies, such as Caltrans, MTS, and NCTD. Additionally, the comment
             does not address how such a "net zero" standard would be defined, or what types of GHG emissions from transportation
             projects would be included as part of the commenter’s request for “GHG analysis that mitigates for the true lifetime of the
             project.” In addition, at this program level of analysis it is not possible to know whether there will be adequate availability of
             local off‐site mitigation opportunities to help such projects meet a net‐zero standard, or if available, if it would be feasible for
             all transportation projects to pay for such off‐site mitigation opportunities.

             Regarding the consideration of placement of a road user charge on non‐electric commercial freight trucks, SANDAG will
             launch a study in the next year to further study the potential of usage‐based fees and their capabilities in addressing various
             goals, including equity and GHG emissions reduction. SANDAG staff will work with Board Members, stakeholders, and
             community members to develop implementation strategies for a road usage charge, including high level constructs of the
             program, such as who will pay, the fee structure, and the distribution of revenues. SANDAG is committed to developing a
             carefully constructed program that will ensure that no particular group, such as those driving fuel‐powered vehicles, are
             paying more than their fair share.

             Finally, regarding projects that increase goods movement, “Second‐tier projects” that would be implemented as a part of the
             proposed Plan will be subject to separate project‐specific CEQA reviews and mitigation as applicable.
   54‐4      This comment generally alleges that the Final EIR fails to include mitigation measures with adequate performance criteria. See
             responses below for detailed responses to specific concerns regarding each mitigation measure.
   54‐5      Refer to response to comment Chatten‐Brown 34‐2 in the Final EIR addressing how measure GHG‐5a would result in
             additional annual GHG emissions reduction and cumulative GHG emissions reductions during the proposed Plan horizon.
             Generally, implementing a GHG‐reducing program earlier rather than later will naturally result in more GHG reductions.
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