JULY 2021 - ITI Mutual Fund

JULY 2021 - ITI Mutual Fund
JULY 2021
JULY 2021 - ITI Mutual Fund

CEO and CIO Insights           Page No.
CEO and CIO Insights              1
Equity Market Update              5
Debt Market Update                6
Equity Funds
ITI Mul Cap Fund                  7
ITI Long Term Equity Fund         8
ITI Large Cap Fund                9
ITI Mid Cap Fund                  10
ITI Small Cap Fund                11
ITI Value Fund                    12
Hybrid Funds
ITI Balanced Advantage Fund       13
ITI Arbitrage Fund                14
Debt Funds
ITI Overnight Fund                15
ITI Liquid Fund                   16
ITI Ultra Short Dura on Fund      17
ITI Banking & PSU Debt Fund       18
ITI Dynamic Bond Fund             19

Fund Performance                  20
Systema c Investment Plan
SIP Returns                       23
JULY 2021 - ITI Mutual Fund
A market downturn doesn't bother us. It is an opportunity to increase our
                                                  ownership of great companies with great management at good prices.”
                                                  Warren Buffe
       George Heber Joseph
                                                  Dear Partners/Investors,
           CEO & CIO
                                                  What does the proverb “Be er safe than sorry mean”?
                                                  If you say 'it's be er to be safe than sorry, you are advising someone to take ac on
‘‘We are cau   ous on markets from a near-term
                                                  in order to avoid possible unpleasant consequences later.
 perspec ve. Clearly, the market is looking
 beyond the near-term to price in the recovery    Global Economies are going through two dis nct phases. Right now, the restart of
                                                  economic ac vity is causing a spurt in growth. Eventually, we see this se ling into an
 post the second wave. There are benefits of a
                                                  expansion of growth. Beyond that point we see an unusually wide range of probable
 quick vaccina on programme that the              outcomes. Growth likely peaked in the second quarter and Emerging Markets PMI
 government has embarked upon. It is a            this year has trended lower toward 50 – a reading below which suggests stagna on
 posi ve scenario in terms of the investment      – reflec ng challenges in many EMs where renewed outbreaks threaten lockdowns
 cycle and cyclical sectors. That is why we are   and more dire public health outcomes. China's poten al slowdown, exacerbated by
 seeing commodi es, industrials, industrial       renewed outbreaks can also spill over to EMs, in our view. Over the long term, we
 products and select BFSI counters doing well     see a greater risk of permanent damages in some EMs due to slow vaccina ons and
                                                  more limited policy space.
 along with the money supply push. So
 investors are actually looking beyond the        China is the only major economy that has surpassed the pre-Covid projec ons of its
 near-term concerns to look at what can           growth trend. Consensus expecta ons see the US returning to trend in the fourth
                                                  quarter of 2021, and point to a return to pre-Covid trend by the end of 2022 for
 happen one or two years down the line.
                                                  Europe – with growth rates similar to those over the last decade. Even though the
 Whenever market starts looking 2 years and       pace towards a complete restart differs, we see some common drivers across
 beyond, the chances of disappointments in        Developed Markets, such as pent-up consumer demand, especially in the hardest-
 the near term are higher, so need to be          hit services sectors.
 cau ous in the near-term. So we are placed
                                                  The uneven pace of the restart is reflected in regional corporate earnings. Nearly
 defensive in our por olios, but since the        90% of S&P 500 companies have reported second-quarter results by August 6, and
 quality stocks have underperformed in the        87% of them had beat forecasts on both profit and sales – the highest since 2011. Yet
 last one month also our defensive posi oning     stocks that have beaten expecta ons have on average not been rewarded, while
 has not played in our favour ll date but         those that undershot have been punished. We see this as consistent with the restart
 believe this will benefit our funds in the long   dynamics: very strong earnings – but just for the dura on of the restart. About 90%
                                                  of MSCI Europe companies have reported earnings, with just over half of them
 run. We have lted our por olios to high
                                                  bea ng es mates. The unprecedented restart has also led to unusual supply and
 quality stocks where concentra on is not an      demand dynamics – and vola lity in growth and infla on data. This has manifested
 issue at all as we see the balance sheets are    in recent market behaviour, notably rising stocks and falling bond yields in the US.
 reasonably well managed, less leveraged          Record-high stocks may have priced in much of the powerful restart, and we believe
 and the stocks have underperformed well in       the current yield levels are too low given the strength of the restart. The mixed
 the last one to three years. Henceforth, in      market signals highlight a key ques on among investors: What lies beyond the
                                                  restart? We see an unusually wide range of poten al outcomes. Major central banks
 every equity fund of ours, we are planning to
                                                  are slower to respond to rising infla on than in the past, keeping nominal bond
 have maximum 40 stocks in the por olio           yields lower and real rates nega ve – a posi ve for risk assets.
 unless a deep correc ons is witnessed in the
 markets. We are extremely convinced of all       Worst would be the lockdown again coming through because of the new, more
                                                  contagious COVID-19 variants that are spreading, but the good news as of now is
 the stocks that we own in our funds and
                                                  that the ini al reports suggests the exis ng vaccines seem effec ve against these
 believe that we can poten ally generate          variants as well. This means the reopening should con nue across the major
 reasonably good returns in the next 3 to 5       developed economies through the second half of 2021. It also implies that the focus
 years which can be differen a ng as well.”        for markets has shi ed to the strength of the growth rebound, the implica ons for
                                                  infla on and the ming of central bank moves to taper asset purchases and
                                                  eventually raise interest rates.

JULY 2021 - ITI Mutual Fund
Our view is that the infla on spike is mostly transitory, a combina on of base effects—from when the Consumer Price Index (CPI) fell during
the ini al lockdown last year—and temporary supply bo lenecks. We expect it will take un l the middle of 2022 for the U.S. economy to
recover the lost output from the lockdowns and longer in other economies including India. Broad-based infla on pressures are unlikely un l
then. It also means that market expecta ons for U.S. Federal Reserve (Fed) li -off in 2022 are premature. As a base case, we expect the
Federal Reserve to commence tapering in 2022, with the second half of 2023 could be the likely ming for the first interest rate hike.
We remain construc ve on Indian economy as the restart gains pace. Economically sensi ve cyclical stocks have had a very strong run year-to-
date. We don't think their full poten al is exhausted, but we do see an opportunity to also turn a en on to quality stocks as the cycle's next
Our research shows quality stocks have underperformed since vaccine announcements in November'20, sending their valua ons lower.
Investors largely avoided or sold quality stocks in favour of riskier bets that has paid off in the early phases of the market upswing. This put
higher-quality stocks at their largest discount to the broad market since the dot-com bubble of the early 2000s. Last month again momentum
driven stocks did well compared to quality stocks, rather quality companies stocks fell during July'21 against the inferior momentum stocks.
We see high poten al for quality stocks to come back and generate returns for investors. As the cycle evolves, the market will look ahead to
more normalized growth rates, and investors are likely to grow more cau ous amid concerns around taxes, infla on and the ming of a Fed
policy shi .
We expect the economy to remain in a good up-cycle but we increasingly believe many of the easy early-cycle investment opportuni es have
been acknowledged and exploited. Stocks selling at the deepest discount, the highly levered names, have outperformed the most since
November'20. It may be me to pivot towards midcycle beneficiaries ― and best among them are quality stocks which are the beneficiaries of
a cyclical upturn. Our analysis of market cycles suggest that high quality stocks have significantly outperformed in midcycle periods.
How are you thinking of the markets when it is at near all- me high?
We are cau ous on markets from a near-term perspec ve. Clearly, the market is looking beyond the near-term to price in the recovery post
the second wave. There are benefits of a quick vaccina on programme that the government has embarked upon. It is a posi ve scenario in
terms of the investment cycle and cyclical sectors. That is why we are seeing commodi es, industrials, industrial products and select BFSI
counters doing well along with the money supply push. So investors are actually looking beyond the near-term concerns to look at what can
happen one or two years down the line. Whenever market starts looking 2 years and beyond, the chances of disappointments in the near term
are higher, so need to be cau ous in the near-term. So we are placed defensive in our por olios, but since the quality stocks have
underperformed in the last one month also our defensive posi oning has not played in our favour ll date but believe this will benefit our
funds in the long run.
How the commodity cycle is poised at this juncture?
We have been bullish on the commodity cycle since October'19 and during March'20, we were very op mis c about the refla on story and
specifically about recovery in commodity prices. We have seen a very strong leg of up-move in commodity prices across the world, which has
also benefited commodity companies in the country. They have seen fantas c improvement in profits, they are also using their cash flows to
deleverage their balance sheets and some of them are also looking to expand further.
There will be certain commodi es that benefit from supply constraints. The demand has been recovering well but there are pockets where
there are supply constraints. With normalisa on, we can expect some supply coming back and therefore some correc on could happen in
commodity prices. Overall, as the economic recovery picks up across the globe, the capex story in commodi es, metals in par cular, become a
very strong contender. Very high expecta ons are built into the price as of today, so we see no margin of safety in most of the commodity
stocks in general.
Whenever there is an up ck, small caps and midcaps get benefi ed more. They peaked around December 2017. From 2018 they were in a
bearish cycle ll about September 2019. We have been bullish on Mid & Small Cap space from October 2019 onwards. Since then, we have
been consistently communica ng the same thing and can be seen in our factsheet commentaries & also from the con-calls that we have done
with our partners. In March'20, we communicated to all of you through various formats to invest aggressively into equi es and infact we
published ar cles in Economic Times & other channels on 30th March 2020 men oning our posi ve views on equi es in the midst of extreme
scare & pessimism. Some midcaps performance were helped by government ini a ves like PLI and tax incen ves. They fell sharply during the
pandemic last year in March and April'20. Only in the last six months, we have seen midcaps and smallcaps do extremely well. The valua on
gap between Ni y and the midcap and smallcap indices have been filled in the last six months. It is a wide canvas and we need to be selec ve
from here on when inves ng in midcaps and smallcaps.
JULY 2021 - ITI Mutual Fund
We are quite posi ve on the market outlook from a long term perspec ve. Yes, there can be significant correc ons in the markets which are part and
parcel of a bull market. It is difficult to me them. But a er a big run up, generally market cools off and that can be brutal as well. So, currently we are in a
wait and watch mode.
We see a clear Capex revival opportunity in India a er a very long me. Most of the capex indicators had peaked between 2008 to 2010 period and have
been moving down. From here on, we expect a good improvement in capex from the government through infrastructure spending and also by the private
sector through the investments in manufacturing, whether it is related to PLI or commodity or cyclicals. We also expect a good pick up in real estate.
We believe all three engines of investment ie. government, private corporates and household sector will start firing in the next 2-3 years. That gives a very
good opportunity to pick up companies or sectors that are benefi ng from the capex cycle revival. So there could be companies in the commodity side,
cyclicals, industrial products or auto ancillaries. The valua ons are quite a rac ve there because people are s ll scep cal.
This me around the signs are quite strong with lower interest rates, be er capital markets and good availability of funding. I believe there will be a
fantas c pickup in the capex cycle in the country going forward. And these are the areas to look for stock picking, where growth is either underappreciated
or valua ons are a rac ve enough to deserve a rera ng.
What we have done in our equity funds?
Market situa on has changed drama cally in the last 1.5 years. All along we were fine to run a long tail por olio as the value was available across the board
in the cyclical sectors and stocks, but now, we can't see the same situa on in many stocks & sectors a er the massive run in the market. Lot of stocks are
fully valued from next 2 and 3 years perspec ve which adds more risk to the investment thesis. Especially the midcaps and small caps have done
exceedingly well in the last 8 months and many junk stocks are also flying these days. As informed to our investors in our last concall and factsheet
commentary we are cau ous on the markets in the near term and see a possibility of market cooling off. Therefore we have concentrated our por olios
considerably well, as we can see lesser and lesser opportuni es in the broader markets where we can put money to work and also that meet our unique
investment philosophy 'SQL'. We have lted our por olios to high quality stocks where concentra on is not an issue at all as we see the balance sheets are
reasonably well managed, less leveraged and the stocks have underperformed well in the last one to three year periods. In each equity fund, we will have
maximum 40 stocks henceforth and that is how we will be running all our equity funds unless a reasonably deep correc on is witnessed in the market. We
are extremely convinced of all the stocks that we own in our funds and believe can poten ally generate reasonably good returns in the next 3 years which
can be differen a ng as well.
Where to invest, which asset classes to bet on and what kind of asset alloca on makes sense ?
I strongly believe Mid Cap & Small Cap stocks could poten ally give excellent risk adjusted returns in the next 5 years. Our long term bullish views on
equi es remain intact even at this juncture but in the near term, we are reducing risk in our funds so as to protect the downside, provided there is a fall out.
This market situa on is quite different from that of what we have seen in the previous decade, mainly because corporate earnings growth accelera on is
kicking in a er almost 11 years. We currently have a nega ve view on the long dura on bonds or credit risk investments. So money making opportunity is
clearly lted towards equi es and short to medium dura on bonds.
In general parlance of risk tolerance, the alloca on could be 70% towards equi es and 30% towards bond funds (Dynamic Bond Funds, Short dura on
bond funds/BPSU funds). Within equi es, my preference would be towards Small Cap, Midcap and Large Cap funds in that order. I believe alloca on of
40% towards large cap and 30% each in mid & small cap funds would be good at this juncture. This alloca on can provide very decent blended returns in
the next 5 years and this is the same way we are managing our mul cap fund & Long Term Equity Fund (Tax Saving).
Our Investment Philosophy – SQL
Based on our combined investment learnings of more than 50 years, we have ins tu onalized very strong and unique investment philosophy SQL, this is
core to our fund management framework and approach to our por olios.
We strongly believe that good quality (Q), low leverage companies (L) and bought with a reasonable good margin of safety (S) makes the investment very
a rac ve and rewarding for our investors.

                             Investment Philosophy                          Equity                           Fixed Income

                                          S                             Margin of Safety                          Safety
                                          Q                          Quality of the Business              Quality of the Business
                                          L                              Low Leverage                            Liquidity

Our Risk Management Framework
Our risk management framework & our unique investment philosophy are well thought out and ins tu onalised to generate superior investment
performance and crea ng a smooth investment experience for all our investors. They are framed based on our own investment experience and also
imbibed learnings from some of the great investment houses and investment managers globally, which will stand the test of me and keep our investors
interest at high standards. We have put risk limits based on fund mandates, market cap segments, sectors and stocks.
JULY 2021 - ITI Mutual Fund
Equity Market Outlook
We look at markets in three parts - Defensives, Domes c Cyclical and Global cyclical stocks. A er the market run-up in the last one and half years we have
clearly lted the por olio towards high quality stocks which have underperformed since Nov'20. As the cyclical sectors correct, we will add other cyclical
stocks and thereby being more overweight in those sectors. Within Defensives, we like Pharmaceu cal sector. Within Domes c cyclical sectors, we are
bullish on most of the cyclical sectors (Cement, Capital Goods, Construc on, Auto & Auto Ancs, corporate banks and Engineering & Industrial Products,
Consumer Goods & services) and within that the Automobile sector, a er such a big underperformance in the previous 3 years vs the markets looks very
promising to invest into, and we treat this as a high quality stocks bucket.
Global investment managers are shi ing their focus & alloca ons from developed markets to Emerging markets a er so many years. This could be a
mul -year trend of USD deprecia on Vs. Asian currencies including INR. Current Covid-19 situa on can put a lid on the flows but as the cloud goes away,
FII flows can accelerate.
We see the global developments as of today and the India growth situa on very similar to the years 2000-2010. All major countries across the globe are
ge ng back to growth post the recent pandemic, infla on is coming back in full swing and cyclical sectors which were not doing well in the last decade
have started to come back into the limelight. With the economy on a path of sharp recovery, sectors and stocks with high elas city to the business cycle
and high opera ng leverage, are likely to exceed expecta ons.
Cyclical sector stocks are trading at very cheap valua on across market capitalisa ons where we see earnings growth to accelerate and valua on
mul ples to re-rate.
Vola lity is going to be there in the near-term as people are confused and emo onal swings will happen and that is part and parcel of the markets,
but the broad market trend is upwards with a 5 year view. In between, we may see air-pockets which will be opportuni es to invest aggressively.
Our message to all investors is that please don't miss this excellent opportunity to create long term wealth and invest in every big dip by way of
lumpsum. We urge all our partners to prac ce asset alloca on and systema c investment planning for the benefit of your investors' long term wealth
crea on.
At this current juncture, we believe that ITI Balanced Advantage Fund, ITI Mul Cap Fund, ITI Value Fund are suitable for LUMPSUM investments in
equity funds category. In ITI Mid Cap Fund and ITI Small Cap Fund we believe SIP/STPs route is the most logical approach to have. In debt category, we
think ITI Dynamic Bond Fund is more suitable for investors to park the money from a medium to long term perspec ve.
Dynamic Bond Fund category carries very high poten al to generate good risk adjusted returns in the long run if it is actually run in an ac ve &
dynamic manner. This debt category meets the need of a common man who wants to invest in a bond fund where he can invest any day of the year
without looking at the interest rate scenario in the country or other complexi es involved in debt fund investments, while maintaining a long term
Therefore, we believe ITI Dynamic Bond Fund is going to be an all-weather solu on to investors and stand “Mighty across in the ITI MF debt funds
Debt Market Outlook
Ÿ   US Fed’s benchmark policy rate was expectedly kept unchanged in the July 2021 FOMC mee ng with the Fed acknowledging that the
    economy had made progress towards goals laid out to tapering it’s quan ta ve easing (QE) programme. We see high likelihood of a formal
    taper announcement in either of the last 2 FOMC mee ngs (Oct or Dec) of 2021 and the reduc on in bond buying to begin in 1QCY2022.
Ÿ   In spite of the Fed’s median projec ons showing two rate increases by end-2023, the Fed’s “broad-based and inclusive” maximum
    employment goal as per its revised monetary policy framework remains the key for any poten al rate li -off. Thus the probable rate
    increase cycle in the US is likely to be quite shallow and prolonged, thereby giving markets enough me to adapt.
Ÿ   The European Central Bank (ECB) le its policy rate unchanged in July 2021, but revised its forward guidance based on the new infla on
    goal. We an cipate the ECB to keep its policy rate unchanged ll 2024.
Ÿ   Growth revival remains the priority of the RBI and we see no change to the policy repo rate ll Sep 2022. However, we believe that
    normalisa on process will likely begin before end 2021 with small increases to the reverse repo rate.
Ÿ   India’s central government (CG) budget deficit reached 18.2% of FY22 target and we do not foresee the risk of fiscal slippage related
    addi onal bond supply. Furthermore, RBI is expected to remain a significant buyer over coming quarters and will con nue to anchor bond
    yields. We expect the benchmark 10 year GOI bond to largely trade in the 6.0% - 6.30% range over the course of this year.
Ÿ   We like front end (2–4 year) sovereign/high grade bonds from a carry/accrual perspec ve. Government bonds in the 5-9 year maturity
    bucket too offer value from a medium term perspec ve.
Ÿ   Strategies with flexibility seem well poised to take advantage of the vola lity led opportuni es which we expect over the next couple of years.

JULY 2021 - ITI Mutual Fund
Market Review
July 2021

                                                                                                              Equity Market Update
  §       Cau on was the buzzword for both retail investors and FIIs. July saw a sell-off like                                            §        Q1FY22 results are underway with leading banks / NBFCs repor ng a dip in
          we haven’t seen since March 2020 under the shadow of all- me high valua ons                                                             performance with rise in underperforming assets and higher provisions.
          and third wave concerns.
                                                                                                                                         §        Indicators point towards a gradual progression towards recovery and to pre-
  §       India’s economic GDP forecast has been revised lower poin ng towards a sluggish                                                         Covid business ac vity levels in various sectors.
          revival owing to the disastrous second wave and sluggish vaccina on drive.
                                                                                                                ITI MF Equity Valua on Index
                                                                                                                                                                                       Very Expensive
60.0                                                                                                                         Expensive
50.0                                                                                                                         Moderate
                                                                                                                                                                                                              A rac ve
20.0                                                                                                                       Very A rac ve
      Jul-04        Jul-05         Jul-06        Jul-07         Jul-08        Jul-09         Jul-10        Jul-11          Jul-12       Jul-13           Jul-14        Jul-15          Jul-16        Jul-17      Jul-18   Jul-19     Jul-20    Jul-21
        ITI MF Equity Valuation Index considers price to earnings(P/E),Price to book (P/B) , Market Cap to Gross Domestic Product (GDP), GSEC*P/E, Equity Earnings Growth
       None of the aforesaid recommendations are based on any assumptions. These are purely for reference and the investors are requested to consult their financial advisors before investing

  Domestic Indices Performance
                                July                                  Change in %                                                       Nifty 50 - P/E
  Index                         2021            1M            3M          6M                1Y          3Y          5Y                            38
  S&P BSE Sensex               52586.84         0.20          7.80           13.61         39.96       11.82       13.38
  Nifty 50                     15763.05         0.26          7.74           15.61         42.49       11.55       12.77
  Nifty 200                    8396.15          0.85          9.27           18.64         47.05       11.65       12.88
  Nifty 500                    13664.25         1.42          10.51          20.90         51.40       12.29       13.25
  Nifty Mid Cap 100            27815.25         3.13          14.96          33.02         80.08       13.79       13.48
  Nifty Smallcap 100           10522.10         8.10          22.85          46.61         110.43      12.12       11.56
  Source: NSE & BSE                                                                                                                               22
  Global Indices Performance
                            July                                       Change in %
   Index                    2021                1M            3M          6M       1Y                   3Y          5Y                            14
                                                                                                                                                   Jul-16             Jul-17              Jul-18              Jul-19       Jul-20          Jul-21
   DJIA                    34936.13             1.26          3.13           16.52        32.29        11.19       13.63
                                                                                                                                         Source: Bloomberg data as on July 30, 2021
   S&P 500                 4395.26              2.27          5.12           18.34        34.47        15.99       15.10
   FTSE                    7032.30             -0.07          0.90           9.75         19.29        -3.18        0.90                 Nifty 50 - P/B
   DAX                     15544.39             0.09          2.70           15.72        26.32         6.67        8.49
   CAC                     6612.76              1.61          5.48          22.48         38.36         6.26        8.28                          3.90
   Nikkei                  27283.59            -5.24          -5.31          -1.37        25.75         6.55       10.48
   Hang Seng               25961.03            -9.94          -9.62          -8.21         5.57        -3.16        3.47
   KOSPI                   3202.32             -2.86          1.73           7.60         42.50        11.74        9.68                          3.20
   Shanghai                3397.36             -5.40          -1.44          -2.46         2.65         5.71        2.66
   MSCI EM                 1277.80             -7.04          -5.18          -3.89        18.49         5.52        7.90
   MSCI India              24.71                0.89          8.53          15.41         42.04         8.48        9.29                          2.50
   Source: Thomson Reuters Eikon
  Sectoral Performance
                                   July                                Change in %
   Index                           2021         1M            3M          6M       1Y                   3Y          5Y
                                                                                                                                                     Jul-16              Jul-17             Jul-18            Jul-19       Jul-20          Jul-21
   Nifty Auto                    10048.50      -5.21          4.23           2.40         38.16        -2.89        1.19
                                                                                                                                         Source: Bloomberg data as on July 30, 2021
   Nifty Bank                    34584.35      -0.54          5.50          13.15         60.02        7.60        12.77
   Nifty Energy                  18934.15      -4.48          5.01          17.17         23.75        7.71        15.23
                                                                                                                                        Net Institutional Flows - Equity (in Rs. Crore)
   Nifty FMCG                    36051.90      -0.11          7.22           8.85         16.83        5.15        10.14
   Nifty India Consumption       6372.35        0.67          9.17           9.53         28.94        6.68        10.40                     Net Flows                                FII Flows                                     MF Flows
   Nifty Infrastructure          4432.30        2.14          9.36          20.71         40.69        11.96        8.35
                                                                                                                                             1M                                        -11,308                                       19,716
   Nifty IT                      30480.05       4.50         18.76          23.67         68.90        27.84       22.78
                                                                                                                                             3M                                         2,953                                        26,629
   Nifty Metal                   5770.35       10.63         19.03          87.50         169.46       20.05       18.93
                                                                                                                                             6M                                         29,563                                       20,622
   Nifty Commodities             5387.05        4.83         14.62          45.00         78.66        13.95       12.88
                                                                                                                                             1Y                                        230,248                                       -77,437
   Nifty Pharma                  14425.30       0.81          7.10          18.53         29.48        16.26        4.28
                                                                                                                                             3Y                                        291,573                                       53,256
   Nifty PSE                     3584.95       -0.68         12.88          31.71         44.39        -0.24        0.92
                                                                                                                                             5Y                                        327,446                                       283,470
   Nifty Realty                  398.65        15.90         28.76          30.43         98.71        13.47       13.94
   Source: NSE                                                                                                                           Source: SEBI data as on July 30, 2021

JULY 2021 - ITI Mutual Fund
Market Review
July 2021

                                                                                           Debt Market Update
 §     Wholesale infla on (WPI) eased marginally to 12.07% YoY in June 2021 vis-à-vis                    §              India’s retail infla on (CPI) trended lower to 6.26% in June 2021 from 6.30% in
       1.81% in June 2020. WPI remains s cky at higher levels on account of the low                                    the previous month. This is the second consecu ve month CPI exceeded the
       base effect and rise in prices of mineral oils viz petrol, diesel (HSD), naphtha, ATF,                           central bank’s upper band of 6%, a ma er of some concern given that before this
       furnace oil and manufactured products like basic metal, food products, chemical                                 two-month interval, the CPI hovered at sub-6% levels for five consecu ve
       products vis-à-vis the corresponding period last year. However, WPI would have                                  months. Food infla on was the primary factor in keeping infla on at s cky highs,
       been higher had it not been for so ening of crude oil and food prices.                                          with the Consumer Food Price Index (CFPI) surging to 5.15% in June 2021 against
 §     The country’s factory output (IIP) registered growth of 29.3% (YoY) to 116.6 in                                 5.01% in May 2021.
       May 2021. IIP had crashed to -33.4% YoY to 90.2 in May 2020 owing to the                         §              India’s exports surged over 45% to USD22.5bn during July 1-21 on account of
       na onwide lockdown last year during the first wave of the pandemic. Over the                                     robust growth in gems and jewellery, petroleum and engineering. In a posi ve
       current fiscal (April-May 2021), IIP has witnessed an expansion of 68.8% vis-à-vis                               sign for the economy, imports rose 64.8% to USD31.8bn. The resultant trade
       -45.0% decline in the corresponding period last year. May 2021 IIP saw gains in                                 deficit was USD9.3bn.
       manufacturing (up 34.5%), electricity (23.3%) and mining (7.5%).                                 §              Output of eight core sectors expanded 8.9% YoY in June 2021 primarily due to a
 §     The country’s manufacturing sector slumped to an 11-month low in June 2021                                      low base effect and produc on gains in steel, coal, natural gas, and electricity.
       owing to pandemic and strict containment measures. New order growth that                                        Output had expanded 16.8% year-on-year in May 2021. In June 2020, it had
       started in August 2020 came to an end in June 2021, with the second wave                                        contracted by 12.4% owing to the lockdown during the first wave of the
       lockdown.                                                                                                       pandemic.

 Key Domestic Yield Indicators
                         July                                      Change in %                        India Yield Curve Shift (Year- on- Year)
                         2021           1M         3M        6M         1Y         3Y         5Y
                                                                                                                                              India Yield Curve Shi (Year on Year)
 10Y GSEC CMT            6.20           0.15      0.17       0.30       0.37      -1.57     -0.96
                                                                                                                        9.0                                                                                80
 10Y AAA CMT             6.75           -0.15     0.03       0.09       0.22      -1.91     -1.35
                                                                                                                        8.0                                                                                70
 10Y SPREAD*             0.55           -0.30     -0.15     -0.21      -0.15      -0.34     -0.39                                                                                                          60
                                                                                                           Yield (%)

 1Y CD                   3.98           -0.05     -0.15     -0.05      -0.30      -4.05     -3.25                                                                                                          50
 3M CD                   3.43           0.00      0.05      -0.05      -0.78      -3.63     -3.14                                                                                                          40
 1Y CP                   4.10           0.00      -0.20     -0.15      -0.13      -4.10     -3.33                       5.0
 3M CP                   3.53           0.00      0.02       0.02       0.02      -3.83     -3.43                       4.0                                                                                20
 Source: Bloomberg                                                                                                      3.0                                                                                10
                                                                                                                                 1 Yr         5 Yr             10 Yr             20 Yr        30 Yr
 Inflation Indicators                                                                                                                       Change in bps              Jul-21            Jul-20

                         June                                      Change in %                        Source: Thomson Reuters Eikon data as on July 30, 2021
                         2021           1M         3M        6M         1Y         3Y         5Y
 CPI                      6.26         -0.04      0.74      1.67        0.03      1.34       0.49
 FOOD & BEVERAGES         5.58          0.34      0.34      1.71       -2.34      2.47       -1.88    10-Yr Benchmark Gsec Bond
 FUEL & LIGHT             12.68         0.82      8.25      9.76       12.18      5.46       9.76
 HOUSING                  3.75         -0.11      0.25      0.54        0.20      -4.70      -1.71     8.0

 CORE CPI                 6.30          0.13      0.54      0.96        1.33      12.59      1.91      7.5
 Source: Bloomberg

 Key Indicators                                                                                        6.5

                     Month End                                     Change in %                         6.0
                       Value            1M         3M        6M         1Y         3Y         5Y
 US 10Y CMT YIELD        1.23          -24.20     -40.00    15.50      69.30     -173.60    -23.70
 US 2Y CMT YIELD         0.19           -6.47     2.55      7.88        7.88     -248.62    -47.52     5.0
                                                                                                              Jul-19            Nov-19      Mar-20          Jul-20              Nov-20      Mar-21          Jul-21
 USDINR                  74.39          0.04      0.33      1.44       -0.39      5.78      7.35
 Manufacturing PMI       55.30          7.20      -0.20     -2.40       9.30       NA        NA       Source: CCIL data as on July 30, 2021

 Service PMI             45.40          4.20      -8.60     -7.40      11.20       NA        NA
 IIP ^                   29.30         -105.30    32.70     30.90      62.70     25.50      22.00
 Brent                   76.33          1.20      9.08      20.45      32.81      2.08      32.80    Net Institutional Flows - Debt (in Rs. Crore)
                           Jan-Jun                                 Change in %
  US $ Billion                                                                                        Net Flows                                       FII Flows                                       MF Flows
                            2021         2020      2019      2018       2017      2016      2015
 Trade Deficit               -71.84      -92.24    153.30   182.69      147.59     97.46    125.76    1M                                                -782                                           15,393
 Net Oil Imports             -38.39      -16.29    84.64     92.34      64.89      47.37    57.63
                                                                                                      3M                                               -7,317                                          26,080
 Net Non-Oil Trade Deficit -33.45        -75.95    68.66     90.35      82.70      50.09    68.13
                                                                                                      6M                                              -20,415                                          71,492
 Net Gold Imports            -21.90      -15.39    19.68     24.10      29.22      4.64     20.19
                                                                                                      1Y                                              -18,371                                          201,802
 Trade Deficit ex Oil & Gold -11.55      -60.56    48.98     66.25      53.48      45.45    47.94
                                                                                                      3Y                                              -108,327                                        1,036,195
 NET of Principal Commodities -23.23     -39.32    44.93     49.61      45.54      34.69    34.52
 Electronic Goods                                                                                     5Y                                              -39,834                                         1,671,868
 ^ Data as of May 2021                                                                               Source: SEBI, NSDL data as on July 30, 2021

JULY 2021 - ITI Mutual Fund
JULY 2021 - ITI Mutual Fund
ITI Multi Cap Fund
(An open-ended equity scheme investing across
large cap, mid cap, small cap stocks)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   July 2021

   CATEGORY OF SCHEME: Multicap Fund
                                                                                                                                                                                                              % to              % to NAV                                                                                                                                                                                              % to                    % to NAV
                                                                              Name of the Instrument                                                                                                                                                                                   Name of the Instrument
                                                                                                                                                                                                              NAV              Derivatives                                                                                                                                                                                            NAV                    Derivatives
                                                                           Equity & Equity Related Total                                                                                                      97.84                                                                    Finance                                                                                                                                          12.32
   The investment objective of the Scheme is to
   generate long-term capital appreciation from a                          Auto                                                                                                                               6.46                                                                     Equitas Holdings Limited                                                                                                                                5.76
   diversified portfolio that predominantly invests
   in equity and equity-related securities of                              Eicher Motors Limited                                                                                                              6.46                                                                     Mahindra & Mahindra Financial Services Ltd 4.45
   companies across various market capitalisation.
   However, there can be no assurance that the                             Auto Ancillaries                                                                                                                   4.53                                                                     IDFC Limited                                                                                                                                            2.11
   investment objective of the Scheme will be
                                                                           Amara Raja Batteries Limited                                                                                                       4.53                                                                     Petroleum Products                                                                                                                                  4.65

   SCHEME DETAILS                                                          Banks                                                                                                                              19.69                                                                    Reliance Industries Limited                                                                                                                             4.65
   Inception Date                                                          HDFC Bank Limited                                                                                                                  6.75                                                                     Pharmaceuticals                                                                                                                                  20.26
   (Date of Allotment):           15-May-19
   Benchmark:                     Nifty 500 Multicap                       DCB Bank Limited                                                                                                                   4.06                                                                     Lupin Limited                                                                                                                                           8.00
                                  50:25:25 TRI                             City Union Bank Limited                                                                                                            3.15                                                                     Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited                                                                                                                   7.35
                                  (w.e.f December-2020)
   Minimum Application            Rs.1,000/- and in multiples              Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited                                                                                                        2.87                                                                     Alembic Pharmaceuticals Limited                                                                                                                         4.91
   Amount:                        of Rs. 1/- thereafter                    The Federal Bank Limited                                                                                                           2.85                                                                     Printing & Publication                                                                                                                              2.32
   Load Structure:                                                         Consumer Durables                                                                                                                  14.36                                                                    Navneet Education Limited                                                                                                                               2.32
   Entry Load:                    Nil                                      V-Guard Industries Limited                                                                                                         8.00                                                                     Software                                                                                                                                            0.86
   Exit Load:                     If units are redeemed
                                  /switched out within 12                  Whirlpool of India Limited                                                                                                         3.48                                                                     eClerx Services Limited                                                                                                                                 0.86
                                  months - 1%. Nil
                                  thereafter                               Johnson Controls - Hitachi Air                                                                                                     2.87                                                                     Short Term Debt & Net Current Assets                                                                                                                2.16

   Total Expense Ratio (TER):                                              Conditioning India Limited
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Top Ten Holdings
   Including Additional Expenses and Goods and Service                     Consumer Non Durables                                                                                                              12.40
   Tax on Management Fees
   Regular Plan: 2.64%                 Direct Plan: 0.49%                  ITC Limited                                                                                                                        6.33
                                                                           Godrej Consumer Products Limited                                                                                                   3.11
                                                                           Kansai Nerolac Paints Limited                                                                                                      2.96
   Mr. George Heber Joseph (Since 15-May-19)
   Total Experience: 17 years
   Mr. Pradeep Gokhale (Since 15-May-19)
   Total Experience: 24 years
                                                                    Fund vs Index Overweight / Underweight
   PORTFOLIO DETAILS                                                                40.00

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   NSE 500 Mul cap 50:25:25
   AUM (in Rs. Cr):                278.78

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ITI Mul cap
   AAUM (in Rs. Cr):               270.33

   % of top 5 holdings:            36.56%


   % of top 10 holdings:           62.73%                                           16.00
                                                                  % of Net Assets



   No. of scrips:                  22






















   RISK RATIO                                                                        0.00
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Publica on


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Construc on

                                                                                                                                                                                     Media, Entertainment &


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Paper And Jute
                                                                                                                                                                      Oil & Gas
                                                                                                                      Consumer Goods

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Cement & Cement Products

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Fer lisers & Pes cides


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Tex les
                                                                                               Financial Services

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Consumer Services

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Healthcare Services

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Industrial Manufacturing


   Standard Deviation^:            NA
   Beta^:                          NA
   Sharpe Ratio^*:                 NA
   Average P/B                     4.21
   Average P/E                     39.40
   Portfolio Beta                  0.91
   ^Computed for the 3-yr period ended July 30, 2021.
   Based on month-end NAV.
   * Risk free rate: 3.40 (Source: FIMMDA MIBOR)

   NAV as on July 30, 2021                                        Portfolio Classification by Net Assets (%)                                                                                                  Portfolio Allocation of other asset class (%)                                                                                                                                Market Capitalisation (% of allocation)

                                 Regular Plan       Direct Plan        Equity                                                                            97.84                                                 Term Deposits placed as Margins                                                                                                                                              Large Cap                                                         45.51
                                   (in Rs.)           (in Rs.)
   Growth:                         14.2250              14.9142        Equity Derivatives                                                                                                                      TREPS instruments                                                                             2.19                                                                           Mid Cap                                                           26.33
   IDCW:                           13.5880              14.2690
                                                                       Debt                                                                                                                                    Net Current Assets                                                                            -0.03                                                                          Small Cap                                                         26.00

   Ÿ Long-term capital growth
   Ÿ Investment in equity and equity-related securities of
     companies across various market capitalization

   ^Investors should consult their financial advisers if in                             Fresh, no legacy/no                                                                       SQL investment                                                                                        Smooth investing                                                                                                                    Long term wealth
   doubt about whether the product is suitable for them.                                baggage portfolio                                                                         philosophy                                                                                            experience for the investor                                                                                                         creation focus

                                                                                                                                                                                  Differently positioned as                                                                             When markets are expensive, the fund gener ally reduces risk and when
                                                                                        Strong expertise in                                                                       a flexi cap within the
                                  Mod                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   markets are undervalued fund increases the risk in the portf olio so that risk
                                                                                        equity research
                       de rate        erate                                                                                                                                       multicap segment                                                                                      adjusted return and investor experience becomes smooth and rewarding
                     Mo             High ly
            er o

                                                                  Please Refer Page No. 24 For IDCW History

          od t

         M Low

                                                    h             For scheme and SIP perf ormance refer page 15
                                                                  Face Value per Unit: Rs. 10 unless other wise specified; Data is as of July 30, 2021 unless other wise specified.


     LOW                                                HIGH
        Investors understand that their principal
                will be at Very High risk

ITI Long Term Equity Fund
(An open ended equity linked saving scheme with a statutory lock-in
of 3 years and tax benefit)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     July 2021

   CATEGORY OF SCHEME: ELSS Fund                                        PORTFOLIO
                                                                                                                                                                                                % to                        % to NAV                                                                                                                                                                                                  % to                % to NAV
                                                                            Name of the Instrument                                                                                                                                                                                                 Name of the Instrument
   INVESTMENT OBJECTIVE                                                                                                                                                                         NAV                        Derivatives                                                                                                                                                                                                NAV                Derivatives
    To provide long-term capital appreciation by                         Equity & Equity Related Total                                                                                          98.98                                                                                              Finance                                                                                                                                 5.52
    investing predominantly in equity and equity
    related securities. However, there is no assurance                   Auto                                                                                                                   7.88                                                                                               IDFC Limited                                                                                                                            3.25
    or guarantee that the investment objective of the                    Eicher Motors Limited                                                                                                   7.88                                                                                              Mahindra & Mahindra Financial Services Ltd 1.29
    Scheme will be achieved. The scheme does not
    assure or guarantee any returns.                                     Auto Ancillaries                                                                                                       4.86                                                                                               Equitas Holdings Limited                                                                                                                0.97
                                                                         Amara Raja Batteries Limited                                                                                            4.86                                                                                              Industrial Products                                                                                                                     1.04
                                                                         Banks                                                                                                                  16.83                                                                                              Supreme Industries Limited                                                                                                              1.04
   Inception Date
   (Date of Allotment):           18-Oct-19                              HDFC Bank Limited                                                                                                       8.32                                                                                              Petroleum Products                                                                                                                      6.12
    Benchmark:                    Nifty 500 TRI                          DCB Bank Limited                                                                                                       4.95                                                                                               Reliance Industries Limited                                                                                                             6.12
    Minimum Application           Rs. 500/- and in multiples
                                                                         Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited                                                                                            2.85                                                                                               Pharmaceuticals                                                                                                                     23.75
    Amount:                       of Rs. 500/- thereafter
                                                                         City Union Bank Limited                                                                                                0.71                                                                                               Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited                                                                                               10.27
    Load Structure:
                                                                         Construction                                                                                                           2.52                                                                                               Lupin Limited                                                                                                                           8.99
    Entry Load:                   Nil
    Exit Load:                    Nil                                    Ashoka Buildcon Limited                                                                                                2.52                                                                                               Alembic Pharmaceuticals Limited                                                                                                         2.89
                                                                         Consumer Durables                                                                                                      10.50                                                                                              Suven Pharmaceuticals Limited                                                                                                           1.60
    Total Expense Ratio (TER):                                           V-Guard Industries Limited                                                                                             4.62                                                                                               Printing & Publication                                                                                                                  2.20
    Including Additional Expenses and Goods and Service
    Tax on Management Fees                                               Johnson Controls - Hitachi Air                                                                                         3.01                                                                                               Navneet Education Limited                                                                                                               2.20
    Regular Plan: 2.58%                 Direct Plan: 0.38%               Conditioning India Limited                                                                                                                                                                                                Software                                                                                                                                1.23
                                                                         Whirlpool of India Limited                                                                                             2.88                                                                                               eClerx Services Limited                                                                                                                 1.23
                                                                         Consumer Non Durables                                                                                                  16.53                                                                                              Short Term Debt & Net Current Assets                                                                                                    1.02
                                                                         ITC Limited                                                                                                            9.55
    Mr. George Heber Joseph (Since 18-Oct-2019)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Top Ten Holdings
    Total Experience: 17 years                                           Kansai Nerolac Paints Limited                                                                                          3.22
    Mr. Pradeep Gokhale (Since 18-Oct-2019)                              Godrej Consumer Products Limited                                                                                       3.21
    Total Experience: 24 years
                                                                         Akzo Nobel India Limited                                                                                               0.55
    AUM (in Rs. Cr):               97.25
    AAUM (in Rs. Cr):              95.79                          Fund vs Index Overweight / Underweight
    % of top 5 holdings:           45.01%
    % of top 10 holdings:          68.81%

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        NSE 500

    No. of scrips:                 25                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ITI Long Term Equity Fund




    Standard Deviation^:           NA
                                                                  % of Net Assets



    Beta^:                         NA




















    Sharpe Ratio^*:                NA
    Average P/B                    4.59                                              0.00
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Publica on


                                                                                                                                                                                  Construc on

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Media, Entertainment &


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Paper And Jute
                                                                                              Consumer Goods

                                                                                                                                                                     Oil & Gas

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Cement & Cement Products

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Fer lisers & Pes cides


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Tex les
                                                                                                                                Financial Services

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Consumer Services

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Healthcare Services

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Industrial Manufacturing


    Average P/E                    42.32
    Portfolio Beta                 0.85
    ^Computed for the 3-yr period ended July 30, 2021.
    Based on month-end NAV.
    * Risk free rate: 3.40 (Source: FIMMDA MIBOR)

   NAV as on July 30, 2021

                                 Regular Plan       Direct Plan
                                   (in Rs.)           (in Rs.)
    Growth:                        14.3203              14.8912   Portfolio Classification by Net Assets (%)                                                                                    Portfolio Allocation of other asset class (%)                                                                                                                                Market Capitalisation (% of allocation)
    IDCW:                          13.6940              14.2566
                                                                    Equity                                                                           98.98                                       Term Deposits placed as Margins                                                                                                                                                        Large Cap                                                            57.19
                                                                    Equity Derivatives                                                                                                           TREPS instruments                                                                                                0.89                                                                  Mid Cap                                                              18.48

    Ÿ Capital appreciation over long term                           Debt                                                                                                                         Net Current Assets                                                                                               0.13                                                                  Small Cap                                                            23.31
    Ÿ Investment in equity and equity related securities

    ^Investors should consult their financial advisers if in
    doubt about whether the product is suitable for them.
                                                                                    Benefits of Investing
                           ate        erate
                        der         High ly
             er o

           od t

          M Low



                                                                  Please Refer Page No. 24 For IDCW History
     LOW                                                HIGH
                                                                  Face Value per Unit: Rs. 10 unless otherwise specified; Data is as of July 30, 2021 unless otherwise specified.
         Investors understand that their principal
                 will be at Very High risk

ITI Large Cap Fund
(An open ended equity scheme predominantly
investing in large cap stocks)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         July 2021

   CATEGORY OF SCHEME: Large Cap Fund                                 PORTFOLIO
                                                                                                                                                                                  % to             % to NAV                                                                                                                                                                                               % to                              % to NAV
                                                                           Name of the Instrument                                                                                                                                                 Name of the Instrument
   INVESTMENT OBJECTIVE                                                                                                                                                           NAV             Derivatives                                                                                                                                                                                             NAV                              Derivatives
   The investment objective of the Scheme is to                         Equity & Equity Related Total                                                                             97.82                                                           Gas                                                                                                                                                              1.48
   seek to generate long term capital appreciation
   by predominantly investing in equity and equity
                                                                        Aerospace & Defense                                                                                       1.47                                                            Petronet LNG Limited                                                                                                                                             0.94
   related securities of large cap stocks. However,                     Hindustan Aeronautics Limited                                                                              1.47                                                           GAIL (India) Limited                                                                                                                                             0.54
   there can be no assurance that the investment
   objective of the scheme would be achieved.
                                                                        Auto                                                                                                      3.89                                                            Insurance                                                                                                                                                        2.34
                                                                        Maruti Suzuki India Limited                                                                                2.00                                                           HDFC Life Insurance Company Limited                                                                                                                              1.40
                                                                        Eicher Motors Limited                                                                                      1.89                                                           SBI Life Insurance Company Limited                                                                                                                               0.94
   Inception Date
   (Date of Allotment):           24-Dec-20                             Banks                                                                                                     25.42                                                           Minerals/Mining                                                                                                                                                  1.48
   Benchmark:                     Nifty 100 TRI                         HDFC Bank Limited                                                                                          7.52                                                           Coal India Limited                                                                                                                                               1.48
   Minimum Application            Rs. 5,000/- and in multiples          State Bank of India                                                                                        5.93                                                           Petroleum Products                                                                                                                                               9.76
   Amount:                        of Re. 1/- thereafter
                                                                        Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited                                                                                5.26                                                           Reliance Industries Limited                                                                                                                                      8.87
   Load Structure:                                                      ICICI Bank Limited                                                                                         4.85                                                           Indian Oil Corporation Limited                                                                                                                                   0.89
   Entry Load:                    Nil
   Exit Load:                     If units are redeemed                 Axis Bank Limited                                                                                          1.85                                                           Pharmaceuticals                                                                                                                                                  8.17
                                   /switched out within 12              Cement & Cement Products                                                                                  3.02                                                            Lupin Limited                                                                                                                                                    6.06
                                   months - 1%. Nil
                                   thereafter                           Grasim Industries Limited                                                                                  3.02                                                           Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited                                                                                                                            2.12
                                                                        Construction Project                                                                                      5.09                                                            Power                                                                                                                                                            1.49
   Total Expense Ratio (TER):
   Including Additional Expenses and Goods and Service                  Larsen & Toubro Limited                                                                                    5.09                                                           NTPC Limited                                                                                                                                                     1.49
   Tax on Management Fees                                               Consumer Non Durables                                                                                     12.08                                                           Software                                                                                                                                                   15.22
   Regular Plan: 2.52%                 Direct Plan: 0.32%
                                                                        ITC Limited                                                                                                7.06                                                           Infosys Limited                                                                                                                                                  7.44
   FUND MANAGER                                                         Hindustan Unilever Limited                                                                                 2.73                                                           Tata Consultancy Services Limited                                                                                                                                4.44
   Mr. George Heber Joseph (Since 24-Dec-20)                            Godrej Consumer Products Limited                                                                           2.29                                                           HCL Technologies Limited                                                                                                                                         3.34
   Total Experience: 17 years
                                                                        Finance                                                                                                   4.54                                                            Telecom - Services                                                                                                                                               2.37
   Mr. Pradeep Gokhale (Since 24-Dec-20)
   Total Experience: 24 years                                           Housing Development Finance Corporation Ltd 4.54                                                                                                                          Bharti Airtel Limited                                                                                                                                            2.37
   PORTFOLIO DETAILS                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Short Term Debt & Net Current Assets                                                                                                                             2.18
   AUM (in Rs. Cr):                174.31                                                                                                                                                                                                         Top Ten Holdings
   AAUM (in Rs. Cr):               175.82
   % of top 5 holdings:            36.95%
   % of top 10 holdings:           62.63%                         Fund vs Index Overweight / Underweight
   No. of scrips:                  28

                                                                                    40.00                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   NSE 100

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ITI Largecap
   RISK RATIO                                                                       30.00
   Standard Deviation:             NA

   Beta:                           NA                                               20.00
                                                                  % of Net Assets



   Sharpe Ratio*:                  NA



   Average P/B                     4.58                                             10.00















   Average P/E                     29.25
   Portfolio Beta                  0.93                                              0.00
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Publica on

                                                                                                                                                                    Construc on



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Media, Entertainment &

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Paper And Jute
                                                                                                                                             Oil & Gas
                                                                                                                           Consumer Goods

                                                                                                                                                                                                   Cement & Cement Products


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Fer lisers & Pes cides

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Tex les
                                                                                             Financial Services

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Consumer Services

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Healthcare Services


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Industrial Manufacturing

   Computed for the 3-yr period ended July 30, 2021.
   Based on month-end NAV.
   * Risk free rate: 3.40 (Source: FIMMDA MIBOR)

   NAV as on July 30, 2021

                                 Regular Plan       Direct Plan
                                   (in Rs.)           (in Rs.)
   Growth:                         11.3206              11.4834
   IDCW:                           11.3206              11.4834   Portfolio Classification by Net Assets (%)                                                                      Portfolio Allocation of other asset class (%)                                                                                    Market Capitalisation (% of allocation)

   THIS PRODUCT IS SUITABLE                                        Equity                                                                   97.82                                  Term Deposits placed as Margins                                                                                                          Large Cap                                                                                                       95.41
   Ÿ Capital appreciation over long term
   Ÿ Investment in portfolio predominately consisting of           Equity Derivatives                                                                                              TREPS instruments                                                          1.24                                                          Mid Cap                                                                                                         2.41
     equity and equity related instruments of large cap
                                                                   Debt                                                                                                            Net Current Assets                                                         0.94                                                          Small Cap
   ^Investors should consult their financial advisers if in
   doubt about whether the product is suitable for them.

                                                                  Data is as of July 30, 2021 unless otherwise specified.
                       de rate        erate
                     Mo             High ly
            er o

          od t

         M Low



    LOW                                                 HIGH
        Investors understand that their principal
                will be at Very High risk

ITI Mid Cap Fund
(An open ended equity scheme predominantly
investing in Mid Cap stocks)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            July 2021

   CATEGORY OF SCHEME: Mid Cap Fund                                    PORTFOLIO
                                                                                                                                                                                                       % to         % to NAV                                                                                                                                                                            % to                        % to NAV
                                                                           Name of the Instrument                                                                                                                                                                                      Name of the Instrument
   INVESTMENT OBJECTIVE                                                                                                                                                                                NAV         Derivatives                                                                                                                                                                          NAV                        Derivatives
   The investment objective of the Scheme is to                         Equity & Equity Related Total                                                                                                  93.98                                                                          Gas                                                                                                                          4.81
   seek to generate long term capital appreciation                      Aerospace & Defense                                                                                                             2.19                                                                          Mahanagar Gas Limited                                                                                                        3.13
   by predominantly investing in equity and equity
                                                                        Bharat Electronics Limited                                                                                                      2.19                                                                          Gujarat State Petronet Limited                                                                                               1.68
   related securities of Mid Cap stocks. However,
   there can be no assurance that the investment                        Auto                                                                                                                            1.41                                                                          Industrial Capital Goods                                                                                                     1.74
   objective of the scheme would be achieved.                           Escorts Limited                                                                                                                 1.41                                                                          ABB India Limited                                                                                                            1.74
                                                                        Auto Ancillaries                                                                                                                7.03                                                                          Industrial Products                                                                                                          10.86
                                                                        MRF Limited                                                                                                                     3.60                                                                          Schaeffler India Limited                                                                                                     3.11
   Inception Date
                                                                        Amara Raja Batteries Limited                                                                                                    3.44                                                                          Polycab India Limited                                                                                                        2.95
   (Date of Allotment):    05-Mar-2021
                                                                        Banks                                                                                                                           8.42                                                                          Cummins India Limited                                                                                                        2.84
   Benchmark:              Nifty Mid Cap 100 TRI
   Minimum Application Rs. 5,000/- and in multiples                     City Union Bank Limited                                                                                                         3.35                                                                          Bharat Forge Limited                                                                                                         1.96
   Amount:                 of Re. 1/- thereafter                        The Federal Bank Limited                                                                                                        2.73                                                                          Insurance                                                                                                                    2.01
   Load Structure:                                                      Bank of Baroda                                                                                                                  2.34                                                                          Max Financial Services Limited                                                                                               2.01
   Entry Load:             Nil                                          Cement & Cement Products                                                                                                        3.65                                                                          Pesticides                                                                                                                   3.72
   Exit Load:             – If units are redeemed                       The Ramco Cements Limited                                                                                                       2.35                                                                          Bayer Cropscience Limited                                                                                                    3.72
                           /switched out within 12                      Dalmia Bharat Limited                                                                                                           1.30                                                                          Petroleum Products                                                                                                           1.89
                           months - 1%. Nil
                                                                        Chemicals                                                                                                                       1.73                                                                          Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited                                                                                      1.89
                                                                        Solar Industries India Limited                                                                                                  1.73                                                                          Pharmaceuticals                                                                                                              8.98
   Total Expense Ratio (TER):
   Including Additional Expenses and Goods and Service                  Construction                                                                                                                    1.56                                                                          Sanofi India Limited                                                                                                         3.39
   Tax on Management Fees                                               The Phoenix Mills Limited                                                                                                       1.56                                                                          Alembic Pharmaceuticals Limited                                                                                              2.82
   Regular Plan: 2.62%                Direct Plan: 0.32%                Consumer Durables                                                                                                               3.87                                                                          Suven Pharmaceuticals Limited                                                                                                2.77
                                                                        Whirlpool of India Limited                                                                                                      3.87                                                                          Power                                                                                                                        1.83
                                                                        Consumer Non Durables                                                                                                           8.72                                                                          Tata Power Company Limited                                                                                                   1.83
                                                                        Kansai Nerolac Paints Limited                                                                                                   2.62                                                                          Retailing                                                                                                                    1.59
   Mr. George Heber Joseph (Since 05-Mar-21)                            Akzo Nobel India Limited                                                                                                        2.14                                                                          Aditya Birla Fashion and Retail Limited                                                                                      1.59
   Total Experience: 17 years
   Mr. Pradeep Gokhale (Since 05-Mar-21)                                Godrej Industries Limited                                                                                                       2.04                                                                          Software                                                                                                                     6.29
   Total Experience: 24 years                                           Zydus Wellness Limited                                                                                                          1.92                                                                          L&T Technology Services Limited                                                                                              2.46
                                                                        Entertainment                                                                                                                   2.46                                                                          Oracle Financial Services Software Limited                                                                                   1.96
                                                                        Sun TV Network Limited                                                                                                          2.46                                                                          MphasiS Limited                                                                                                              1.86
   AUM (in Rs. Cr):               331.13                                Finance                                                                                                                         6.28                                                                          Telecom - Services                                                                                                           2.11
   AAUM (in Rs. Cr):              323.16                                Mahindra & Mahindra Financial Services Limited                                                                                  2.27                                                                          Tata Communications Limited                                                                                                  2.11
   % of top 5 holdings:           18.01%
                                                                        Aavas Financiers Limited                                                                                                        2.18                                                                          Textile Products                                                                                                             0.81
   % of top 10 holdings:          33.38%
                                                                        CreditAccess Grameen Limited                                                                                                    1.83                                                                          Page Industries Limited                                                                                                      0.81
   No. of scrips:                 40
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Short Term Debt & Net Current Assets                                                                                         6.02

   RISK RATIO                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Top Ten Holdings
   Standard Deviation:            NA
   Beta:                          NA
   Sharpe Ratio*:                 NA                             Fund vs Index Overweight / Underweight
   Average P/B                    5.56
   Average P/E                    41.84                                            30.00                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             NSE MC 100

   Portfolio Beta                 0.82                                             25.00                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ITI Mid Cap Fund

   Computed for the 3-yr period ended July 30, 2021.

   Based on month-end NAV.

   * Risk free rate: 3.40 (Source: FIMMDA MIBOR)                                   15.00




                                                                 % of Net Assets




   NAV as on July 30, 2021
















                                Regular Plan       Direct Plan
                                  (in Rs.)           (in Rs.)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Publica on


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Construc on

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Media, Entertainment &

                                                                                                                                                                                           Oil & Gas
                                                                                                                                                 Consumer Goods

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Fer lisers & Pes cides

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Cement & Cement Products

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Tex les
                                                                                             Financial Services

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Consumer Services

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Healthcare Services

                                                                                                                    Industrial Manufacturing


   Growth:                        11.4507              11.5598
   IDCW:                          11.4507              11.5598

   Ÿ Capital appreciation over long term
   Ÿ Investment in a diversified portfolio predominantly
     consisting of equity and equity related instruments
     of mid cap companies                                        Portfolio Classification by Net Assets (%)                                                                                        Portfolio Allocation of other asset class (%)                                                                                            Market Capitalisation (% of allocation)
   ^Investors should consult their financial advisers if in
   doubt about whether the product is suitable for them.           Equity                                                                                         93.98                                 Term Deposits placed as Margins                                                                                                      Large Cap                                                                              2.34

                                                                   Equity Derivatives                                                                                                                   TREPS instruments                                                                                      6.49                          Mid Cap                                                                                84.55
                          ate        erate
                       der         High ly
            er o

                                                                   Debt                                                                                                                                 Net Current Assets                                                                                                                   Small Cap

                                               H                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               -0.48                                                                                                                7.10
          od t

         M Low


                                                                 Data is as of July 30, 2021 unless otherwise specified.


    LOW                                                HIGH
        Investors understand that their principal
                will be at Very High risk

ITI Small Cap Fund
(An open ended equity scheme predominantly
investing in small cap stocks)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            July 2021

   CATEGORY OF SCHEME: SMALL CAP FUND                                PORTFOLIO
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    % to              % to NAV                                                                                                                                                                                 % to                   % to NAV
   INVESTMENT OBJECTIVE                                                  Name of the Instrument                                                                                                                                                                                                     Name of the Instrument
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    NAV              Derivatives                                                                                                                                                                               NAV                   Derivatives
   The investment objective of the Scheme is to                        Equity & Equity Related Total                                                                                                          93.70                                                                                 Consumer Non Durables                                                                                                          2.77
   generate capital appreciation by predominantly
   investing in equity and equity related securities of                Aerospace & Defense                                                                                                                          2.89                                                                            CCL Products (India) Limited                                                                                                   1.80
   small cap companies. However, there can be no                       Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers Ltd 2.89                                                                                                                                                                               Advanced Enzyme Technologies Limited                                                                                           0.98
   assurance that the investment objective of the
                                                                       Auto                                                                                                                                         1.31                                                                            Finance                                                                                                                   19.22
   scheme would be achieved.
                                                                       Force Motors Limited                                                                                                                         1.31                                                                            Equitas Holdings Limited                                                                                                       9.67
   Inception Date                                                      Auto Ancillaries                                                                                                                             1.51                                                                            Can Fin Homes Limited                                                                                                          5.30
   (Date of Allotment):           17-Feb-20                            Jtekt India Limited                                                                                                                          1.51                                                                            IDFC Limited                                                                                                                   3.37
   Benchmark:                     Nifty Smallcap 100 TRI
                                                                       Banks                                                                                                                                        5.57                                                                            Mas Financial Services Limited                                                                                                 0.89
   Minimum Application            Rs. 5,000/- and in multiples
   Amount:                        of Rs. 1/- thereafter                DCB Bank Limited                                                                                                                             5.57                                                                            Industrial Products                                                                                                            3.14
                                                                       Cement & Cement Products                                                                                                                     3.96                                                                            Timken India Limited                                                                                                           1.65
   Load Structure:
                                                                       Birla Corporation Limited                                                                                                                    3.96                                                                            Schaeffler India Limited                                                                                                       1.49
   Entry Load:                    Nil
   Exit Load:                      If units are redeemed               Chemicals                                                                                                                                    1.18                                                                            Leisure Services                                                                                                               4.39
                                  /switched out within 12
                                                                       INEOS Styrolution India Limited                                                                                                              1.18                                                                            Wonderla Holidays Limited                                                                                                      4.39
                                  months - 1%. Nil
                                  thereafter                           Construction                                                                                                                           12.19                                                                                 Pharmaceuticals                                                                                                                8.30
                                                                       Ashoka Buildcon Limited                                                                                                                      7.02                                                                            Alembic Limited                                                                                                                6.42
   Total Expense Ratio (TER):
   Including Additional Expenses and Goods and Service                 Indiabulls Real Estate Limited                                                                                                               4.16                                                                            Hester Biosciences Limited                                                                                                     1.88
   Tax on Management Fees
   Regular Plan: 2.57%            Direct Plan: 0.32%                   Ahluwalia Contracts (India) Limited                                                                                                          1.02                                                                            Printing & Publication                                                                                                         5.73
                                                                       Consumer Durables                                                                                                                      15.86                                                                                 Navneet Education Limited                                                                                                      5.73
   FUND MANAGER                                                        Johnson Controls - Hitachi Air                                                                                                               6.38                                                                            Software                                                                                                                       5.69
   Mr. George Heber Joseph (Since 17-Feb-20)                           Conditioning India Limited                                                                                                                                                                                                   eClerx Services Limited                                                                                                        5.69
   Total Experience: 17 years                                          V-Guard Industries Limited                                                                                                                   5.59
   Mr. Pradeep Gokhale (Since 17-Feb-20)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Short Term Debt & Net Current Assets                                                                                           6.30
   Total Experience: 24 years                                          Mayur Uniquoters Limited                                                                                                                     3.89
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Top Ten Holdings
   AUM (in Rs. Cr):               431.50
   AAUM (in Rs. Cr):              423.85                         Fund vs Index Overweight / Underweight
   % of top 5 holdings:           35.21%

   % of top 10 holdings:          61.75%                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             NSE SC 100
                                                                                   25.00                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ITI Small Cap Fund

   No. of scrips:                 25



   RISK RATIO                                                                      15.00

                                                                 % of Net Assets





   Standard Deviation^:           NA                                               10.00






   Beta^:                         NA












   Sharpe Ratio^*:                NA
   Average P/B                    3.41
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Publica on

                                                                                                                                       Construc on


                                                                                                                                                                                           Media, Entertainment &


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Paper And Jute
                                                                                                                    Consumer Goods

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Cement & Cement Products

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Fer lisers & Pes cides


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Oil & Gas

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Tex les
                                                                                             Financial Services

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Consumer Services

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Healthcare Services

                                                                                                                                                                Industrial Manufacturing


   Average P/E                    26.09
   Portfolio Beta                 0.95
   ^Computed for the 3-yr period ended July 30, 2021.
   Based on month-end NAV.
   * Risk free rate: 3.40 (Source: FIMMDA MIBOR)

   NAV as on July 30, 2021

                                Regular Plan       Direct Plan
                                  (in Rs.)           (in Rs.)    Portfolio Classification by Net Assets (%)                                                                                                         Portfolio Allocation of other asset class (%)                                                                                                           Market Capitalisation (% of allocation)
   Growth:                        15.9102              16.4279
   IDCW:                          15.9102              16.4279    Equity                                                                             93.70                                                           Term Deposits placed as Margins                                                                                                                              Large Cap

   FOR INVESTORS WHO ARE SEEKING^                                 Equity Derivatives                                                                                                                                 TREPS instruments                                                                             6.45                                                           Mid Cap                                                             1.49

   Ÿ Capital appreciation over long term
   Ÿ Investment in a diversified Portfolio which                  Debt                                                                                                                                               Net Current Assets                                                                            -0.15                                                          Small Cap                                                           92.21
     predominantly consists of equity and equity related
     instruments of small cap companies
                                                                 Face Value per Unit: Rs. 10 unless otherwise specified; Data is as of July 30, 2021 unless otherwise specified.
   ^Investors should consult their financial advisers if in
   doubt about whether the product is suitable for them.

                          ate        erate
                       der         High ly
            er o

          od t

         M Low



    LOW                                                HIGH
        Investors understand that their principal
                will be at Very High risk

ITI Value Fund
(An open-ended equity scheme following
a value investment strategy)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   July 2021

   CATEGORY OF SCHEME: Value                                         PORTFOLIO
                                                                                                                                                                                                     % to              % to NAV                                                                                                                                                                                            % to               % to NAV
                                                                          Name of the Instrument                                                                                                                                                                                          Name of the Instrument
   INVESTMENT OBJECTIVE                                                                                                                                                                              NAV              Derivatives                                                                                                                                                                                          NAV               Derivatives
   The investment objective of the scheme is to seek                   Equity & Equity Related Total                                                                                                 83.38                                                                               Industrial Products                                                                                                                   0.54
   to generate long term capital appreciation by
   investing substantially in a portfolio of equity and                Auto                                                                                                                          6.91                                                                                Schaeffler India Limited                                                                                                              0.54
   equity related instruments by following value                       Eicher Motors Limited                                                                                                         6.91                                                                                Leisure Services                                                                                                                      2.86
   investing strategy. However, there can be no
   assurance or guarantee that the investment                          Auto Ancillaries                                                                                                              4.89                                                                                Wonderla Holidays Limited                                                                                                             2.86
   objective of the scheme would be achieved.                          Amara Raja Batteries Limited                                                                                                  4.89                                                                                Petroleum Products                                                                                                                    19.56
   SCHEME DETAILS                                                      Banks                                                                                                                         13.65                                                                               Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited                                                                                                  6.78
   Inception Date                                                      HDFC Bank Limited                                                                                                             6.73                                                                                Reliance Industries Limited                                                                                                           6.75
   (Date of Allotment): 14-June-2021
   Benchmark:              Nifty 500 Value 50 TRI                      City Union Bank Limited                                                                                                       4.69                                                                                Indian Oil Corporation Limited                                                                                                        6.04
   Minimum Application Rs. 5,000/- and in multiples                    DCB Bank Limited                                                                                                              2.23                                                                                Pharmaceuticals                                                                                                                       20.16
   Amount:                 of Re. 1/- thereafter
                                                                       Consumer Durables                                                                                                             4.19                                                                                Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited                                                                                                 7.91
   Load Structure:
   Entry Load:             Nil                                         Whirlpool of India Limited                                                                                                    3.23                                                                                Lupin Limited                                                                                                                         6.71
   Exit Load:             – If units are redeemed                      V-Guard Industries Limited                                                                                                    0.78                                                                                Alembic Pharmaceuticals Limited                                                                                                       4.79
                           /switched out within 12
                           months - 1%. Nil                            Johnson Controls - Hitachi Air                                                                                                0.18                                                                                Alembic Limited                                                                                                                       0.75
                           thereafter                                  Conditioning India Limited                                                                                                                                                                                        Power                                                                                                                                 2.07
   Total Expense Ratio (TER):                                          Consumer Non Durables                                                                                                         7.28
   Including Additional Expenses and Goods and Service
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         NTPC Limited                                                                                                                          2.07
   Tax on Management Fees                                              ITC Limited                                                                                                                   7.04                                                                                Short Term Debt & Net Current Assets                                                                                                  16.62
   Regular Plan: 2.62%                Direct Plan: 0.32%               Kansai Nerolac Paints Limited                                                                                                 0.24
                                                                       Gas                                                                                                                           1.28                                                                               Top Ten Holdings
   Mr. Pradeep Gokhale (Since 14-Jun-21)                               Petronet LNG Limited                                                                                                          1.28
   Total Experience: 24 years
   Mr. Rohan Korde (Since 14-Jun-21)
   Total Experience: 17 years

                                                                 Fund vs Index Overweight / Underweight
   AUM (in Rs. Cr):               128.18                                           30.00                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         NSE 500 Value 50



   AAUM (in Rs. Cr):              127.99                                           25.00                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ITI Value Fund

   % of top 5 holdings:           35.38%                                           20.00



   % of top 10 holdings:          64.53%                                           15.00

   No. of scrips:                 21
                                                                 % of Net Assets











   RISK RATIO                                                                       5.00











   Standard Deviation:            NA                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Publica on


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Construc on


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Media, Entertainment &
                                                                                            Oil & Gas

                                                                                                                                                               Consumer Goods

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Cement & Cement Products

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Fer lisers & Pes cides


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Tex les
                                                                                                                         Financial Services

                                                                                                                                                                                 Consumer Services

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Healthcare Services


                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Industrial Manufacturing


   Beta^:                         NA
   Sharpe Ratio^*:                NA
   Average P/B                    2.79
   Average P/E                    23.69
   Portfolio Beta                 0.66
   ^Computed for the 3-yr period ended July 30, 2021.
   Based on month-end NAV.
   * Risk free rate: 3.40 (Source: FIMMDA MIBOR)

   NAV as on July 30, 2021                                       Portfolio Classification by Net Assets (%)                                                                                          Portfolio Allocation of other asset class (%)                                                                                                                Market Capitalisation (% of allocation)
                                Regular Plan       Direct Plan
                                  (in Rs.)           (in Rs.)      Equity                                                                      83.38                                                  Term Deposits placed as Margins                                                                                                                              Large Cap                                                                  56.93
   Growth:                        9.8511               9.8803
   IDCW:                          9.8511               9.8803      Equity Derivatives                                                                                                                 TREPS instruments                                                                                       16.66                                                Mid Cap                                                                    19.65

   FOR INVESTORS WHO ARE SEEKING^                                  Debt                                                                                                                               Net Current Assets                                                                                      -0.04                                                Small Cap                                                                   6.80
   Ÿ Capital appreciation over long term
   Ÿ Investments in portfolio predominantly consisting of        Data is as of July 30, 2021 unless otherwise specified.
     equity and equity related instruments by following a
     value investment strategy.

   ^Investors should consult their financial advisers if in
   doubt about whether the product is suitable for them.

                          ate        erate
                       der         High ly
            er o

          od t

         M Low



    LOW                                                HIGH
        Investors understand that their principal
                will be at Very High risk

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