RETURN TO CAMPUS GUIDE - The Working Capitol

Page created by Johnnie Terry
RETURN TO CAMPUS GUIDE - The Working Capitol
RETURN TO CAMPUS GUIDE - The Working Capitol

       Looking forward. Together.

The Working Capitol team will welcome our members back to Campus on Tuesday, 2nd June
 2020. We have taken some time to put together a guide on how we can all use the space
                                together upon our return.

 This guide is meant to walk you through our Campus procedures, get you comfortable with
coming back to work, and inform you about the improvements we have made to the space to
             put your safety, experience, and well-being ahead of everything.
RETURN TO CAMPUS GUIDE - The Working Capitol
What to expect

 You know that feeling you get on the first day of school or first
  day at a new job? Nerves, anticipation, fear of the unknown

We wanted to address this feeling and put our members at ease –
scoping out what you can expect when engaging with the space,
  as we move forward together to face this state of new normal.

We also hope that this guide helps serve as a resource and tool to
         further aid in the readjustment back to Campus.
RETURN TO CAMPUS GUIDE - The Working Capitol

                                                                             To be enforced throughout the
          Safe Distancing                                                    space according to Government

                                                                             Equipped with sanitizer solution
          Sanitization Stations
                                                                             and disinfectant wipes

                                                                             TWC to provide each member
          PPE Provisions
                                                                             with a reusable mask

          Cleaning                                                           Increase in frequency and scope

                                                                             Installation of touch-free soap
          Touch-Free Tools
                                                                             dispensers in each bathroom

                                                                             Revised single Entry/Exit point
          Entry Points
                                                                             access for 1KS

                                                                             All cleaning staff have gone
          New Trainings                                                      through    mandatory  hygiene

From 2nd June 2020, all safety features will be available throughout the Campus. Due to delays in shipping, select items such as the reusable
masks and stational dispensers may arrive later in the month. In the meantime, temporary items will be provided to ensure full safe functionality
of the space.
RETURN TO CAMPUS GUIDE - The Working Capitol

                  1 Keong Saik

Access Points
Entry and exit for the 1 Keong Saik (1KS) building will be
restricted to the main entrance (formerly café entrance) on the
corner of Neil Road & Keong Saik Road. As all members and
guests are required to comply with use of SafeEntry and TWC
entry protocols, it is imperative that all traffic flows through a
single entry point. This will aid in accurate contact tracing and
recording purposes. All other access points to the building will be
restricted until further notice.

Normal access to 1KS will resume from 2nd June 2020 onwards.
Our reception will be open Monday to Friday, 8:30am-6pm. For
members accessing the building outside of front desk reception
hours, please note that checking in and out via the SafeEntry
system is still necessary but will remain the responsibility of
individual companies/members.
RETURN TO CAMPUS GUIDE - The Working Capitol

    3 KS | 120 NR | 89 NR

Access Points & Check-In
Normal access will resume for members working out of these
addresses from 2nd June 2020 onwards. At these properties, use
of SafeEntry procedure will be the responsibility of individual
companies/members. QR codes to check-in/check-out will be
posted for members’ reference. We kindly remind members of
these properties to have your visitors check-in at 1KS main
reception on Level 2 during office hours (Monday to Friday,

Lift Access
Lift access at 89 Neil Road will remain open for use for members
occupying Levels 2 & 3 as well as your visitors.     Due to safe
distancing restrictions, the maximum capacity for the lift is four
people. As an alternative, your access cards now also provide
you with access to the stairs. Please bear with us to comply to
these measures for the safety of our community.
RETURN TO CAMPUS GUIDE - The Working Capitol

                  Wear your mask.
                  Display your pass.

          If there are only two rules you remember, let it be these two!

1. While on Campus, it is imperative that members and visitors wear a mask at all
       times. This is to comply with Government regulations and ensure we all
                        maintain access to our workplaces.

  2. As an additional safety precaution, members are required to display your
   access passes at all times so we can identify members and guests accordingly
RETURN TO CAMPUS GUIDE - The Working Capitol

As per Government regulation, we will be implementing mandatory signing in via the
 SafeEntry check-in system. The QR code will be displayed around our Campus and
               will also be available via the Nexudus Passport app.

        Members are also encouraged to download the TraceTogether app.
RETURN TO CAMPUS GUIDE - The Working Capitol

1. SCAN                                 2. FILL OUT

Scan the QR code provided on            Select your company and fill in
signage throughout the space or         your particulars accordingly. If you
via the link through the Nexudus        are at 1KS - please display your
Passport    app   to   check-in   via   SafeEntry check-in screen to our
SafeEntry                               front desk staff


Our TWC Staff can assist you at         At the end of your visit to Campus,
the front desk. For other locations,    do remember to check-out via the
please take your own temperature.       same process
Companies are required to keep a
record of temperatures which they
can give access to upon request
RETURN TO CAMPUS GUIDE - The Working Capitol
         Visitors to all TWC properties will need to check-in at 1KS
       reception on Level 2. We kindly ask that members inform your
                                guests accordingly


Please ask all guests or visitors to        Visitors will be asked to provide
report to L2 of 1KS Front Desk              your photo ID for scanning and
Reception and proceed to have               entry into the SafeEntry system
your    temperature    checked     and

3. DECLARATION FORM                         4. GUEST PASS

Visitors will be required to fill out a     Upon completion of all previous
declaration form available via iPad         steps, visitors will be given a TWC
or QR code                                  guest pass which will need to be
                                            worn throughout your visit to the

         For visits outside of reception hours, members will need to
       notify Front Desk to arrange remote pre-registration of guests

         Visitors are kindly reminded to return their Guest Pass upon
         check-out from the TWC Campus as well as scan their photo
                            ID to facilitate check-out

                                   Before returning to Campus, our
HYGIENE TRAINING                   cleaning crew have all undergone
               & PPE               new hygiene training in order to
                                   familiarize       themselves      with
                                   increased     standards.   They   have
                                   also been trained in PPE and
                                   procedural processes to ensure our
                                   community’s safety

We have stepped the frequency of
cleaning and disinfection

                                   Cleaning schedules will also be
         SCHEDULE                  displayed in common spaces so
         DISPLAYED                 members can be assured of the
                                   space’s cleanliness

              SAFE DISTANCING

Our Facilities and Operations Teams have been working hard through the
Circuit Breaker period to ensure that we all have ample space and clear
      visual cues to respect Government required social distancing.

                            You will notice:

    STICKERS              MEETING ROOM                LIFT CAPACITY

  Stickers in the          Decreased number            Max capacity
  common areas             of people permitted         displayed in the lift
  demarcating where        in the meeting              (for 89 NR)
  to stand and which       rooms
  seats can be used

                 BE A PART OF THE

It’s up to each of us to do our part to ensure the safety of the community. Giving
each other space is a key factor in ensuring each other’s health and well-being.
As we all have our own level of comfort these days, the TWC team is providing
           lots of visual markers to help keep people’s minds at ease.

      Common Areas
Cups & Utensils

• We have removed shared communal cups and utensils until
  further notice
• We kindly ask that members bring your own cups and
  utensils for your own personal use
• Members may approach Front Desk if you forget to bring
  your own cups / utensils

Updated Snacks

• In order to keep our snacks low-touch and safe for
  consumption, we have swapped out our breads and
  spreads for cereal
• Individually packaged teas are also being provided

Water Dispenser Etiquette

• To ensure hygiene, members will need to wash the lips
  of your cups and containers before using water
• We realize this is a pain, but if we all do our part we
  can ensure a safe experience for the entire community

Social Distancing

• In order to keep everyone well spaced out, we’ve
  reduced the number of spots to eat in the pantry areas
  and balconies
• Please refer to safe distancing stickers for visual cues
  on where to sit!
• As part of Government regulations, social interaction
  (even between members of the same team) should be
  minimised as much as possible

SPACE PER PAX                       BE A GOOD NEIGHBOUR

We are the leader when it comes     Be mindful of your neighbours
to space allocation per person so   when travelling throughout the
there will be plenty of space for   space. This means giving way,
everyone                            practicing safe distancing and
                                    respecting each others’ space. We
                                    all can be a part of the solution!

SKIP A SEAT                         KEEP IT CLEAN

Skip a seat and follow our safe     Do your part in helping to keep
distancing stickers. They will be   our common spaces clean and
prominent throughout our common     sanitary. There will be wipes
WorkSpot areas and provide          available at the sanitization
guidance in line with regulatory    stations throughout the space –
safe distancing measures            you can use them to wipe down
                                    your space after use!


Please respect the new capacity      Additional cleaning procedures
guidelines displayed in the          have been added between each
Nexudus app and in meeting           booking. We’ve also added a time
rooms. It is also recommended that   buffer to ensure there’s enough
meeting times be reduced to ensure   time for cleaning to be done
safety of participants


Try out our new member’s app for
all your meeting room booking

       When in doubt, give space.

    Please be mindful and give way to others during encounters on Campus
stairways. We all have different levels of sensitivity and comfort when it comes to
                 close encounters so when in doubt, give space.
                 SPOTS: DOORS

              Try our “Clean Key”

All members returning back to Campus will be given a “clean key” tool to aid
  you in minimizing contact with common touchpoints throughout the space.

 o These tools can be used for doors and are highly encouraged for use on
     door exit buttons (in WorkSpaces as well as staircases) and screens

     o Helpful Reminder: Be sure to sanitize after trips to the bathroom
For members working out of WorkSpaces, we highly encourage teams to take the
                             chance to let some fresh air in

  CIRCULATION                                        LET IN FRESH AIR

   Air circulation and access to fresh                Unlike traditional office buildings,
   air are both key in preventing                     our heritage properties have
   transmission of viruses                            dozens of windows and close
                                                      access to green spaces – let’s
  OPEN DOORS                                          take advantage of this! Talk to
                                                      your colleagues and make sure
   Workspace members are also                         everyone is comfortable
   encouraged to keep your doors                      temperature wise.
   open to aid in airflow

WE’LL PROVIDE                           DO YOUR PART

We will be providing disinfectant       Members are kindly encouraged to
wipes for members to use on             wipe down printer screens and
shared spaces, this includes printers   buttons before/after use. For an
                                        added safety measure, wash your
                                        hands before touching your face


Ensure your documents are              The complimentary service
delivered safe and on time via our     provided during the Circuit Breaker
local (same day) or international      period will be suspended once
courier service. Tracking number       TWC resumes operations on 2nd
will be provided. FedEx pickups        June. Should you wish to continue
are also facilitated                   to have your mail/packages
-----                                  couriered to your personal
Courier Services will be added on      addresses, please do get in touch
to monthly invoices.                   with us at
Members can approach front desk
with recipient details & to schedule
your pickup

           We got your stationary.

        Conveniently order your office supplies with next day delivery.
Choose from a large variety of office supplies including pens, stationery, pantry
                             items, sanitisers, etc.
                 Stationery brochure is available at front desk
                         $30 minimum for free delivery

               On pause, for now.

Oh how we would love nothing more than to pack into our beer garden and
share a drink with you all. Alas, this will have to wait as we will be pausing
                 our community events until further notice.

  Until then, we will be organizing digital gatherings and programming to
         engage the community and interact from a safe distance.

               SMO 1


               SMO 2

              Wei Han

               SMO 3


                   Be responsible.

This means wearing your mask at all times on Campus until restrictions are
lifted. It also means staying home if you are unwell, and encouraging your
                       colleagues to do the same.

For the latest Government requirements for safe office standards
      please feel free to refer to the official website here

  To download the Nexudus Passport app, please scan these
                           QR codes:

                 iOS                           Android

        You can download the TraceTogether app here
                        ( Android | iOS )

   The Working Capitol is committed to helping our members
   navigate the post-covid business landscape. Check out our
                       resources toolkit at:


If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to our team at:
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