RIO GRANDE CATHOLIC Bishop, Preists of Diocese Recieve COVID-19 Vaccines - Diocese of El Paso

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RIO GRANDE CATHOLIC Bishop, Preists of Diocese Recieve COVID-19 Vaccines - Diocese of El Paso

Vol. 30, No. 2                                          Celebrating 30 Years serving the Diocese of El Paso                                                            February 2021

Bishop, Preists of Diocese Recieve COVID-19 Vaccines
By Fernie Ceniceros
Editor, Rio Grande Catholic

   El Paso county will soon hit its
first milestone of vaccinating 10%
of its population, making it the
first urban county in Texas to hit
the milestone as El Paso struggles
to contain the spread of the Coro-
navirus in El Paso County.
   Almost 63,000 El Pasoans
have received with the Pfizer or
Moderna COVID-19 vaccinations
since their initial emergency FDA
approval in December of 2020.
   Several Priests over the age of
65 and Bishop Mark Seitz have
received their first dose of the
COVID-19 Vaccination. As of the
writing of this article, 4 of the 5
priests ministering to COVID-19
patients have been fully vaccinat-
ed against the novel coronavirus.
   “I am grateful to God that I and
several of our priests have been
able to receive their vaccines,”
Bishop Mark Seitz said. “This
will make us more able to bring
the Sacraments to the sick without
as great a danger of inadvertently
spreading the virus or catching it
   We join our hopes with all the
members of our community that
the availability of the vaccine will
mark the beginning of the end of
this terrible Pandemic,” he added.
   On the day he received the
vaccine Bishop Seitz also sent
a letter to the CEO of Moderna,
the maker of the vaccine. He
expressed his gratitude for their
work to find a cure for this virus,
but he also urged that in the future
vaccines would be developed that
do not make use of tissues gained       El Paso county will soon hit its first milestone of vaccinating 10% of its population, making it the first urban county in Texas to hit the
from the violent and inhuman act        milestone as El Paso struggles to contain the spread of the Coronavirus in El Paso County. Photo Courtesy University Medical Center
of abortion.
   The Vatican’s Congregation for
the Doctrine of the Faith, con-

                                        Obispo, Sacerdotes Reciben Vacunas de COVID-19
cluded “it is morally acceptable to
receive COVID-19 vaccines that
have used cell lines from aborted
fetuses” in the research and pro-
duction process when “ethically         Por Fernie Ceniceros                 to de escribir este artículo, 4 de         El día que recibió la vacuna, el   subrayó que el uso “lícito” de
irreproachable” vaccines aren’t         Editor, Rio Grande Catholic          los 5 sacerdotes que atienden a los     obispo Seitz también envió una        tales vacunas “no implica ni debe
available to the public. But it                                              pacientes de COVID-19 han sido          carta al director general de Mod-     implicar en modo alguno que
stressed that the “licit” use of such      El condado de El Paso pron-       completamente vacunados contra          erna, el fabricante de la vacuna.     haya un respaldo moral al uso de
vaccines “does not and should not       to alcanzará su primer hito de       el nuevo coronavirus.                   Expresó su gratitud por su trabajo    líneas celulares procedentes de
in any way imply that there is a        vacunar al 10% de su población,         “Estoy agradecido a Dios             para encontrar una cura para este     fetos abortados”, afirmó.
moral endorsement of the use of         convirtiéndose en el primer con-     porque yo y varios de nuestros          virus, pero también instó a que en       “Animo a los católicos de
cell lines proceeding from aborted      dado urbano de Texas en alcanzar     sacerdotes hemos podido reci-           el futuro se desarrollen vacunas      nuestra diócesis a ser conscientes
fetuses,” it stated.                    el hito mientras El Paso lucha por   bir las vacunas”, dijo el obispo        que no utilicen tejidos obtenidos     de los orígenes de estas vacunas
   “I encourage Catholics in our        contener la propagación del Coro-    Mark Seitz. “Esto nos hará más          del acto violento e inhumano del      en lo que respecta al uso de líneas
diocese to be mindful of the ori-       navirus en el condado de El Paso.    capaces de llevar los sacramentos       aborto.                               celulares procedentes de fetos
gins of these vaccines in regards          Casi 63.000 habitantes de El      a los enfermos sin tanto peligro           La Congregación para la Doc-       abortados”, dijo el obispo Seitz.
to the use of cell lines from abort-    Paso han recibido con las vacunas    de propagar inadvertidamente el         trina de la Fe del Vaticano, con-     “Animo a todos los católicos de
ed fetuses,” Bishop Seitz said. “I      de Pfizer o Moderna COVID-19         virus o de contagiarnos nosotros        cluyó que “es moralmente acept-       nuestra diócesis a seguir rezando
encourage every Catholic in our         desde su aprobación inicial de       mismos.                                 able recibir vacunas COVID-19         por el fin del aborto y a rezar para
diocese to continue to pray for an      emergencia de la FDA en diciem-         Unimos nuestras esperanzas           que han utilizado líneas celulares    que las empresas farmacéuticas
end to abortion and to pray that        bre de 2020.                         a las de todos los miembros de          de fetos abortados” en el proceso     cambien la forma de desarrollar
pharmaceutical companies change            Varios sacerdotes mayores de      nuestra comunidad para que la di-       de investigación y producción         las vacunas en el uso de líneas
the way vaccines are developed in       65 años y el obispo Mark Seitz       sponibilidad de la vacuna marque        cuando las vacunas “éticamente        celulares de fetos abortados”,
the use of cell lines from aborted      han recibido su primera dosis de     el principio del fin de esta terrible   irreprochables” no están dis-         finalizó el obispo Seitz.
fetuses,” Bishop Seitz ended.           la vacuna COVID-19. Al momen-        pandemia”, añadió.                      ponibles para el público. Pero
RIO GRANDE CATHOLIC Bishop, Preists of Diocese Recieve COVID-19 Vaccines - Diocese of El Paso
2 - The Rio Grande Catholic                                                   Editor’s Column                                                                  February 2021

  Editor’s Note / Nota del Editor
             Hello Faithful reader. In 2021, we    tributor. This month I am pleased to       Hola, fiel seguidor. En 2021, esta-     este periódico. Este mes me complace
          are celebrating our 30th anniversary     welcome back Nancy Ramos, Editor        mos celebrando nuestro 30º aniversa-       dar la bienvenida a Nancy Ramos, ed-
          and as we move into our 30th faithful    of the Rio Grande from 2016-2018.       rio y al entrar en nuestro 30º año fiel,   itora del Río Grande de 2016 a 2018.
          year, I have invited your former         Thank you Nancy for your faithful       he invitado a sus antiguos editores y      Gracias Nancy por tu fiel servicio a la
          editors and contributors to the Rio      service to the people of our diocese.   colaboradores del Rio Grande Catho-        gente de nuestra diócesis.
          Grande Catholic, to join us to give an                                           lic, para que se unan a nosotros para
          insight into their time serving you as     - Fernie Ceniceros                    dar una visión de su tiempo sirviendo        - Fernie Ceniceros
          this newspaper’s editor and con-           Editor, Rio Grande Catholic           a usted como editor y colaborador de         Editor, Rio Grande Catholic


                                                              Labor of Love
    t was a Labor of Love and                                            the love of Christ. Being a part      an extraordinary curation of             For 30 years the RGC has
    the popular sentiment “if                                            of the RGC allowed me to bear         content. The current RGC staff        ensured the Catholic tradi-
    you love what you do, you’ll                                         witness to this essential work        and communications team have          tion, experiences and views of
never work a day in your life.”                                          that unites us. It also allowed       broadened their reach and pivot-      catholics in our region continue
Those were my first thoughts                                             me to work at being a better          ed remarkably into new delivery       to be a part of our dialog. The
when asked to write this                                                 Catholic.                             platforms.                            RGC makes sure that Catholics
month’s Editor’s Column about                                               Today the diocese is celebrat-       As Catholics, now more than         in this diocese remain visible to
what the Rio Grande Catholic                                             ing Catholic faith digitally and      ever, it is important that we         history. This newspaper is not
has meant to me and to so many                                           safely. Church volunteers, cate-      celebrate and document our            just a collection of stories about
over the last 30 years. 2021                                             chists, candidates, catechumen,       labors as wins towards spread-        our catholic communities, it is
marks a pearl anniversary for            Nancy Ramos                     ministry and parish staff have        ing Christian love. Just as John      a tangible chronicled record of
the RGC and I am blessed to be                                           embraced working remotely.            13:35 indicates “This is how all      who and what we faithful are
able to celebrate it with you, its   was taking place at our parishes    Parish priests are telling stories    will know that you are my dis-        and what we aspire to be. The
readers!                             and centers. I felt privileged to   of their own every Sunday in          ciples, if you have love for one      RGC is the permanent record
   My memories of working on         deliver the stories being lived     live Facebook homilies. El Paso       another”, today’s global com-         of what this part of the world
the issues of the Rio Grande         out in our diocesan ministries.     TV delivers Bishop Seitz into         munity is depending on us to          will know about us long after
Cathloic every month are some        It was an honor to share the        our homes weekly. Regardless          love our neighbor as we should.       we leave. I am grateful the Rio
of the fondest memories I have       experiences of our seminarians      of pandemic restrictions we find      Our human race is facing great        Grande Catholic allowed me to
of working at the El Paso Dio-       and the journeys of our religious   ways to celebrate and contin-         adversity but our vibrant com-        have my little part in it.
cese. As the Communications          sisters. Every RGC news story       ue the work of the faithful.          munities and parish ministries           Happy Anniversary Rio
Director and Editor of the RGC       written then and now carries        The evolution of the RGC into         highlighted monthly in the Rio        Grande Catholic and thank you
I had the responsibility of pro-     within it the love of so many       video storytelling and social         Grande Catholic remind us that        for continuing to tell our catho-
viding all our readers intimate      disciples in our Church com-        media from its original news-         ours is the Kingdom and sharing       lic story.
insight as to what good news         munities laboring tirelessly for    paper page beginnings has been        our faith is our duty.

                                                   Un Trabajo De Amor
       ue un trabajo de amor y
       el sentimiento popular “si
       amas lo que haces, nunca
trabajarás un día en tu vida”.
Esos fueron mis primeros pens-
amientos cuando me pidieron
que escribiera la Columna del
Editor de este mes sobre lo
que el Rio Grande Catholic ha
significado para mí y para tantos
en los últimos 30 años. El 2021
marca un aniversario de perlas
para el RGC y tengo la bendi-
ción de poder celebrarlo con
ustedes, sus lectores.
   Mis recuerdos de trabajar en
los números del Rio Grande
Cathloic cada mes son algunos
de los recuerdos más gratos que
tengo de trabajar en la Diócesis
de El Paso. Como Directora de
Comunicaciones y Editora de la
RGC tenía la responsabilidad de
proporcionar a todos nuestros
lectores una visión íntima de las
buenas noticias que ocurrían en
nuestras parroquias y centros.
Me sentí privilegiada de entre-
gar las historias que se viven en
nuestros ministerios diocesanos.
Fue un honor compartir las           los catecúmenos y el personal       dinaria curación de contenidos.       debido. Nuestra raza humana se        Este periódico no es sólo una
experiencias de nuestros semi-       del ministerio y de la parro-       El personal actual de la RGC          enfrenta a una gran adversidad,       colección de historias sobre
naristas y los viajes de nuestras    quia han adoptado el trabajo a      y el equipo de comunicaciones         pero nuestras vibrantes comuni-       nuestras comunidades católi-
religiosas. Cada noticia de la       distancia. Los sacerdotes de las    han ampliado su alcance y han         dades y ministerios parroquiales      cas, es una crónica tangible de
RGC escrita entonces y ahora         parroquias cuentan sus pro-         pivotado notablemente hacia           destacados mensualmente en el         quiénes y qué somos los fieles y
lleva dentro el amor de tantos       pias historias cada domingo en      nuevas plataformas de difusión.       Rio Grande Catholic nos recu-         qué aspiramos a ser. El RGC es
discípulos de nuestras comu-         homilías en directo a través de        Como católicos, ahora más          erdan que el nuestro es el Reino      el registro permanente de lo que
nidades eclesiales que trabajan      Facebook. El Paso TV lleva al       que nunca, es importante que          y que compartir nuestra fe es         esta parte del mundo sabrá de
incansablemente por el amor de       Obispo Seitz a nuestros hogares     celebremos y documentemos             nuestro deber.                        nosotros mucho después de que
Cristo. Formar parte de la RGC       cada semana. Independiente-         nuestras labores como victo-            Durante 30 años la RGC se           nos vayamos. Estoy agradecido
me permitió dar testimonio de        mente de las restricciones de la    rias hacia la difusión del amor       ha asegurado de que la tradición      de que Rio Grande Catholic me
esta labor esencial que nos une.     pandemia, encontramos formas        cristiano. Tal y como indica          católica, las experiencias y los      haya permitido tener mi pequeña
También me permitió trabajar         de celebrar y continuar el tra-     Juan 13:35 “Así es como todos         puntos de vista de los católicos      parte en ello.
para ser un mejor católico.          bajo de los fieles. La evolución    sabrán que sois mis discípu-          de nuestra región sigan forman-          Feliz Aniversario Rio Grande
   Hoy la diócesis celebra la fe     de la RGC hacia la narración en     los, si os amáis los unos a los       do parte de nuestro diálogo.          Catholic y gracias por seguir
católica de forma digital y segu-    vídeo y los medios sociales des-    otros”, la comunidad global           La RGC se asegura de que los          contando nuestra historia católi-
ra. Los voluntarios de la Iglesia,   de sus inicios en la página del     de hoy depende de que amem-           católicos de esta diócesis sigan      ca.
los catequistas, los candidatos,     periódico ha sido una extraor-      os a nuestro prójimo como es          siendo visibles para la historia.
RIO GRANDE CATHOLIC Bishop, Preists of Diocese Recieve COVID-19 Vaccines - Diocese of El Paso
The Rio Grande Catholic                                                        Bishop’s Column                                                               February 2021 - 3

                          The Long (and Fruitful) COVID Lent
        he New Year 2021 is         Church.                                insights that could be very bene-
        progressing quickly and        Now with the advent of the          ficial to us:
        now we find ourselves       vaccine we can begin to see the           1. Human beings on this plan-
in its second month, February.      light at the end of the tunnel,        et are deeply interconnected and
Within weeks, on February           but it is also becoming clear that     interdependent. Property lines
17th, we will enter our second      this virus will continue to be a       and borders are useful tools for
COVID Lent. For many of us it       concern for a good while into          marking off areas of particular
may feel like we have marked        the future. However successful         responsibility, but they do not
one long Lent since last March      we are here in this country in         signify the ends of our involve-
when COVID began impact-            vaccinating a large percentage         ment or concern. Technology,
ing the way we live here in the     of the population, other parts of      the economy, migration, travel,
Borderland.                         the world will lag well behind.        communications: all of these                           Bishop Mark J. Seitz
   I can certainly identify with    That means that the virus will         factors bring us closer as a hu-
those feelings. It has been a       continue to mutate and threaten        man race than ever before. What       dertaking that follows the neat       calling us to a love that abounds
long year of living in fear of      the effectiveness of our vac-          St. Paul points out in I Corinthi-    confines of a six-week season.        beyond the narrow human lim-
unseen pathogens, a long year       cines. The battle will continue        ans 12 couldn’t be more true to-      The truth of life is that suffering   itations we tend to place on it.
of anxiety for those who were       until the world, poor countries        day: “So if one member suffers,       is part of it. Frailty and trials     And God is inviting us to unite
sick, a long year of mourning       as well as wealthy ones, are able      all the members suffer with it; if    are not temporary or under our        ourselves with the One who
our beloved dead, a long year       to mount an effective response.        one member is honored, all the        control. This world is broken         turns suffering into longing for
of separation from family and          There are many lessons we           members rejoice with it.” We          and no science, as impressive         the Kingdom, defeat into victo-
friends, a long year of very        can derive from this experience.       need to care for those beyond         as it may be; no technology as        ry, death into resurrected life!
limited travel, a long year of      I certainly believe that God has       the comfortable confines of our       rapidly advancing as it is, will         Let us embrace this time of
financial woes. Many have suf-      a way of bringing good out of          artificial divisions if we all hope   change the basic foundational         Lent. God’s best work unfolds
fered with depression and other     our struggles. So, if we come          to be well.                           reality that this life is passing     when we open our eyes to the
psychological challenges. Many      to a clearer understanding of             2. The Pandemic has chal-          and, while it continues, it will      truth and, by our prayer and
have felt disconnected from God     the truths of our life, due to         lenged our unconscious illusions      involve suffering and trials.         penance, unite ourselves with
due to the inaccessibility of the   this Pandemic, we will have            about life in this world. We have        Don’t let these truths discour-    Christ in his passage.
Sacraments and their inability      gained a great deal from these         expected that the penance of          age you! For a Christian it is
to participate in the life of the   trials. Allow me to suggest two        Lent would be a short-term un-        really Good News! The Lord is

        La Larga (Y Provechosa) Cuaresma De COVID
       l nuevo año 2021 avan-       han sufrido con la depresión y            Hay muchas lecciones que           nos acercan más que nunca             Este mundo está roto y ninguna
       za rápidamente y ahora       otros problemas psicológicos.          podemos extraer de esta expe-         como raza humana. Lo que San          ciencia, por muy impresionante
       nos encontramos en su        Muchos se han sentido de-              riencia. Ciertamente creo que         Pablo señala en I Corintios 12 no     que sea; ninguna tecnología, por
segundo mes, febrero. Den-          sconectados de Dios debido a la        Dios tiene una manera de sacar        podría ser más cierto hoy: “Así,      muy rápida que sea, cambiará
tro de unas semanas, el 17 de       inaccesibilidad de los Sacramen-       lo bueno de nuestras luchas.          si un miembro sufre, todos los        la realidad fundamental de que
febrero, entraremos en nuestra      tos y a su incapacidad para par-       Por lo tanto, si llegamos a una       miembros sufren con él; si un         esta vida es pasajera y, mientras
segunda Cuaresma COVID.             ticipar en la vida de la Iglesia.      comprensión más clara de las          miembro es honrado, todos los         continúe, implicará sufrimiento
Para muchos de nosotros puede          Ahora, con la llegada de la         verdades de nuestra vida, debido      miembros se alegran con él”.          y pruebas.
parecer que hemos marcado una       vacuna, podemos empezar a              a esta pandemia, habremos             Tenemos que cuidar a los que             No dejes que estas verdades te
larga Cuaresma desde el pasado      ver la luz al final del túnel, pero    ganado mucho de estas pruebas.        están más allá de los cómodos         desanimen. Para un cristiano son
mes de marzo, cuando COVID          también está claro que este virus      Permítanme sugerir dos puntos         confines de nuestras divisiones       realmente buenas noticias. El
comenzó a impactar la forma en      seguirá siendo una preocupación        de vista que podrían ser muy          artificiales si esperamos estar       Señor nos llama a un amor que
que vivimos aquí en la Frontera.    durante un buen tiempo en el           beneficiosos para nosotros:           todos bien.                           abunda más allá de las estrechas
   Ciertamente puedo identifi-      futuro. Por mucho éxito que ten-          1. Los seres humanos de este          2. La pandemia ha desafiado        limitaciones humanas que sole-
carme con esos sentimientos. Ha     gamos aquí en este país a la hora      planeta están profundamente in-       nuestras ilusiones inconscientes      mos ponerle. Y Dios nos invita a
sido un largo año de vivir con      de vacunar a un gran porcentaje        terconectados y son interdepen-       sobre la vida en este mundo. He-      unirnos a Aquel que convierte el
miedo a los patógenos invisibles,   de la población, otras partes          dientes. Las líneas de propiedad      mos esperado que la penitencia        sufrimiento en anhelo del Reino,
un largo año de ansiedad para       del mundo se quedarán muy              y las fronteras son herramientas      de la Cuaresma sea una empresa        la derrota en victoria, la muerte
los que estaban enfermos, un        atrás. Esto significa que el virus     útiles para delimitar áreas de        a corto plazo que se ajuste a los     en vida resucitada.
largo año de luto por nuestros      seguirá mutando y amenazando           responsabilidad particular, pero      pulcros límites de una tempora-          Abracemos este tiempo de
queridos muertos, un largo año      la eficacia de nuestras vacunas.       no significan el fin de nuestra       da de seis semanas. La verdad         Cuaresma. La mejor obra de
de separación de la familia y los   La batalla continuará hasta que        participación o preocupación.         de la vida es que el sufrimiento      Dios se desarrolla cuando abri-
amigos, un largo año de viajes      el mundo, tanto los países pobres      La tecnología, la economía, la        forma parte de ella. La fragilidad    mos los ojos a la verdad y, con
muy limitados, un largo año de      como los ricos, sean capaces de        migración, los viajes, las comu-      y las pruebas no son temporales       nuestra oración y penitencia, nos
problemas financieros. Muchos       montar una respuesta eficaz.           nicaciones: todos estos factores      ni están bajo nuestro control.        unimos a Cristo en su paso.


         RIO GRANDE CATHOLIC                                                               Celebrating 30 Years serving the Diocese of El Paso
                      499 St. Matthews St.                               THE RIO GRANDE CATHOLIC (ISSN#1079-9621) is published monthly for $12.00 per year
                       El Paso, TX 79907                                 by the Office of Communications, Diocese of El Paso, 499 St. Matthews St., El Paso, TX
                     Phone: (915) 872-8414
                      Fax: (915) 872-8435                                79907, Phone: (915) 872-8414, Fax: (915) 872-8435. “PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID AT
                                                                         EL PASO TX.” POSTMASTER: Send changes of address to: THE RIO GRANDE CATHOLIC,
            Publisher: Most Rev. Mark J. Seitz, D.D.
                    Twitter: @BishopSeitz
                                                                         499 St. Matthews St., El Paso TX, 79907

                    Editor: Fernie Ceniceros                             THE RIO GRANDE CATHOLIC is a monthly newspaper assisting the Bishop of the Diocese
                   Twitter: @FCenicerosphoto                             of El Paso by communicating the events and themes of the faith life of the local and univer-
                                                                         sal church through news reports, features, columns and photographs. Articles and photo-
             Advertising Manager: Norma Muñoz                            graphs become the property of THE RIO GRANDE CATHOLIC. If photos are on loan to the
                                                                         newspaper, please enclose a stamped self-addressed envelope for their return.
            Spanish Translation: Fernie Ceniceros                        Printer - PDX Printing.
                 Contributors: Janet M. Crowe,
                       Fr. Wilson Cuevas,

                             © 2020 by
                   THE RIO GRANDE CATHOLIC
                        All rights reserved                               @DioceseofElPaso                       @ElPasoDiocese                         @ElPasoDiocese
RIO GRANDE CATHOLIC Bishop, Preists of Diocese Recieve COVID-19 Vaccines - Diocese of El Paso
4 - The Rio Grande Catholic                                                   Diocesan News                                                                               February 2021

Deacon Candidate and EPFD Chaplain Dies from COVID-19
By Fernie Ceniceros                                                                                                missed not only in our diocese but        full color guard honors at Mt.
Editor, Rio Grande Catholic                                                                                        also to the greater El Paso Com-          Carmel Cemetery on January 20,
                                                                                                                   munity,” Bishop Seitz said.               2021. His graveside service was
   The Diocese of El Paso and the                                                                                     Lt. Flores was administered the        broadcast via the El Paso Fire
El Paso Fire Department Mourn-                                                                                     Sacrament of the Anointing of             Department’s Facebook page.
ed the loss of Deacon Candidate                                                                                    the Sick prior to his death by Fr.        They expressed their deep and
and Retired Fire Department                                                                                        Ivan Montelongo, one of the three         profound loss on the El Paso Fire
Chaplain, Ruben Flores as a result                                                                                 priests assigned to the COVID-19          Department’s twitter account.
of COVID-19 in January of 2021.                                                                                    ministry by Bishop Seitz in De-              “Today, we bid farewell to
   Flores was a parishioner of Mt.                                                                                 cember of 2020.                           EPFD Lt. And Chaplain Ruben
Carmel Parish and decided to con-                                                                                     “Lt. Flores had a firm faith           Flores. May you rest in peace,
tinue helping out as the chaplain                                                                                  in God during his ordeal with             sir. We thank you for 25 years of
for the El Paso Fire Department                                                                                    COVID-19, Fr. Ivan Montelongo             outstanding service to El Paso and
while 5 years into his studies for                                                                                 said. “I am happy that I was able         for being an inspiration to us all.
the permanent diaconate for the                                                                                    to be with him toward the end of          May you rest in peace.”
Diocese of El Paso.                                                                                                his journey and that I was able to           Since Lt. Flores’ passing, the
   “It saddens me to here of the                                                                                   administer the Sacrament of the           Diocese of El Paso has lost 2
                                     Deacon Candidate and Retired Fire Department Chaplain, Ruben
loss of one of our deacon can-                                                                                     Anointing of the Sick just before         priests along with Lt. Flores to the
                                     Flores died as a result of COVID-19 in January of 2021. Photo by Al
didates, Ruben Flores,” Bishop                                                                                     he passed.” Montelongo said.              novel coronavirus.
                                     Baeza, Special to The Rio Grande Catholic.
Mark Seitz said. “He will be truly                                                                                    Lt. Flores was laid to rest with

 Candidato a diácono y capellán de la EPFD muere por COVID-19
By Fernie Ceniceros                  el Sacramento de la Unción de
Editor, Rio Grande Catholic          los Enfermos antes de su muerte
                                     por el P. Iván Montelongo, uno
   La Diócesis de El Paso y el       de los tres sacerdotes asignados
Departamento de Bomberos             al ministerio COVID-19 por el
de El Paso están de luto por la      Obispo Seitz en diciembre de
pérdida del candidato a diácono      2020.
y capellán retirado del Depar-          “El Lt. Flores tenía una fe
tamento de Bomberos, Rubén           firme en Dios durante su calvario
Flores, como resultado del           con el COVID-19, dijo el P. Iván
COVID-19 en enero de 2021.           Montelongo. “Estoy feliz de
   Flores era feligrés de la         haber podido estar con él hacia
Parroquia del Monte Carmelo y        el final de su viaje y de haber
decidió seguir ayudando como         podido administrar el Sacramen-
capellán del Departamento de         to de la Unción de los Enfermos
Bomberos de El Paso mientras se      justo antes de que falleciera”.
duro cinco años de estudio para      dijo Montelongo.
el diaconado permanente de la           El Lt. Flores fue enterrado con
Diócesis de El Paso.                 todos los honores de la guardia
   “Me entristece la pérdida de      de color en el cementerio del
                                                                          Candidato a diácono y capellán jubilado del Cuerpo de Bomberos, Rubén Flores falleció a consecuencia
uno de nuestros candidatos al        Monte Carmelo el 20 de enero
                                                                          del COVID-19 en enero de 2021. Foto por cortesía del EPFD.
diaconado, Rubén Flores”, dijo el    de 2021. Su servicio de sepultura
Obispo Mark Seitz. “Se le echará     fue transmitido a través de la
mucho de menos no sólo en            página de Facebook del De-
nuestra diócesis, sino también en    partamento de Bomberos de El           “Hoy despedimos al teniente y          vicio excepcional a El Paso y por         Teniente Flores, la Diócesis de El
la gran comunidad de El Paso”,       Paso. En la cuenta de twitter del    capellán del EPFD Rubén Flores.          ser una inspiración para todos            Paso ha perdido dos sacerdotes
dijo el obispo Seitz.                Cuerpo de Bomberos de El Paso        Que descanse en paz, señor. Te           nosotros. Descanse en paz”.               junto con el Teniente Flores por
   El Lt. Flores fue administrado    expresaron su profunda pérdida.      agradecemos por 25 años de ser-            Desde el fallecimiento del              el nuevo coronavirus.

                                                                                                        Diocese offers assistance for victims of sexual abuse
                                                                             Bishop Mark J. Seitz invites anyone who has been a victim of sexual abuse by a priest, deacon, religious, or any
                                                                             minister of the church, to contact the Victim’s Assitance Coordinator, Mrs. Susan Martinez LCSW, at (915)
                                                                             872-8465 or the Office of the Chancery, (915) 872-8407. The Church desires the healing of anyone that has been
                                                                                                  La diócesis ofrece asistencia a las víctimas de abusos sexuales
                                                                             El Obispo Mark J. Seitz invita a cualquier persona que haya sido víctima de abuso sexual por parte de un
                                                                             sacerdote, diácono, religioso o cualquier ministro de la iglesia, a contactar a la Coordinadora de Asistencia a las
                                                                             Víctimas, la Sra. Susan Martínez LCSW, al (915) 872-8465 o a la Oficina de la Cancillería, (915) 872-8407. La
                                                                             Iglesia desea la curación de cualquiera que haya sido dañado.

                                                                                                                             PDX Printing proud printer
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, FATHER!                                                                                                      of the Rio Grande Catholic
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RIO GRANDE CATHOLIC Bishop, Preists of Diocese Recieve COVID-19 Vaccines - Diocese of El Paso
The Rio Grande Catholic                                                           Diocesan News                                                               February 2021 - 5

                                 Observing Lent in a Time of Pandemic
By Rev. Marcus McFadin, D.Min                                                                                                                           hands, puts on a face mask and
Director, Office of Worship                                                                                                                             distributes the ashes to those
                                                                                                                                                        who come to him or, if appro-
   You are merciful to all, O Lord,                                                                                                                     priate, he goes to those who are
   and despise nothing that you                                                                                                                         standing in their places. The
have made.                                                                                                                                              Priest takes the ashes and sprin-
   You overlook people’s sins, to                                                                                                                       kles them on the head of each
bring them to repentance,                                                                                                                               one without saying anything.
   and you spare them, for you                                                                                                                            If you have watched an Ash
are the Lord our God.                                                                                                                                   Wednesday liturgy presided by
   (Entrance Antiphon for Ash                                                                                                                           the popes over the past several
Wednesday, Roman Missal, 3rd                                                                                                                            years, it is very similar. Also,
edition)                                                                                                                                                Ash Wednesday is not a day of
   We will soon begin the annual                                                                                                                        obligation and no one is obliged
pilgrimage through Lent in                                                                                                                              to get ashes. It is an outward
which we look to transform                                                                                                                              symbol, a sacramental. Conver-
ourselves because God is love                                                                                                                           sion of heart, a renewed relation-
and desire that we live lives that                                                                                                                      ship with Christ, participation
reflect we are his adopted sons                                                                                                                         in the Sacrament of Penance,
and daughters.                                                                                                                                          anything that makes us a better
   We should think of Lent as a                                                                                                                         Christian is the importance of
journey, 40 days of conversion                                                                                                                          Lent.
and renewal, such as the 40                                                                                                                               An additional change will be
days of Noah’s flood when evil                                                                                                                          before Lent, the Memorial of St
drowned and the earth washed                                                                                                                            Blaise, Feb 3. The traditional
clean. We fast for 40 days just                                                                                                                         blessing of throats with crossed
like Moses, Elijah and Jesus,                                                                                                                           candles is also not permitted. The
as they prepared themselves to                                                                                                                          priest is to follow the alternate
fulfill their missions. We fast for                                                                                                                     blessing as found in the Book of
40 days to renew ourselves for                                                                                                                          Blessings. He will simply extend
Christian witness.                                                                                                                                      hands over the assembly at the
   Lent is also about baptism.        over you? Do you renounce              were not under the restrictions of      The Priest says the prayer for     end of the Prayer of the Faithful
On the First Sunday of Lent,          Satan, the author and prince of        the pandemic and observed Ash         blessing the ashes. He sprin-        and proclaim the blessing with-
catechumens preparing for             sin? Just those three questions        Wednesday as always. This year        kles the ashes with holy water,      out candles.
Baptism will celebrate the Rite       guide us in our Lenten journey to      will be different. Less people        without saying anything. Then he       As the Congregation for Di-
of Election as the enter the final    examine our lives and to reflect       allowed to attend, and even the       addresses all those present and      vine Worship and the Committee
phase of preparation to receive       upon our faith. It is more than        distribution of ashes will be done    only once says the formula as it     on Divine Worship for the United
the Easter Sacraments. The            saying I believe, it is about a life   differently. The Congregation         appears in the Roman Missal,         States Conference of Catholic
Baptized prepare to renew their       that witnesses to that profession      for Divine Worship and the            applying it to all in general:       Bishops issue instructions for
Baptismal Promises: Do you            of faith.                              Discipline of the Sacraments has      “Repent, and believe in the          Holy Week these will be also be
renounce sin, so as to live in the      With this in mind I want to          issued the following instructions     Gospel” or “Remember that you        implemented with explanation in
freedom of the children of God?       explain how our traditional            for the distribution of ashes with-   are dust, and to dust you shall      the Diocese of El Paso.
Do you renounce the lure of evil,     practices will be different this       in the context of Mass or the rite    return.”
so that sin may have no mastery       year. Last Ash Wednesday we            found in the Book of Blessing.          The Priest then cleanses his

               Observar La Cuaresma En Tiempos De Pandemia
Por Rev. Marcus McFadin, D.Min        quedó limpia. Ayunamos durante         de algo más que decir “creo”, se      los presentes y dice una sola vez    de la Penitencia, todo lo que nos
Director, Oficina de Alabanza         40 días como Moisés, Elías y           trata de una vida que dé testimo-     la fórmula tal como aparece en       haga ser mejores cristianos es la
                                      Jesús, cuando se preparaban para       nio de esa profesión de fe.           el Misal Romano, aplicándola a       importancia de la Cuaresma.
   Tú eres misericordioso con         cumplir sus misiones. Ayunamos            Con esto en mente, quiero          todos en general: “Arrepiéntete y       Un cambio adicional será antes
todos, oh Señor                       durante 40 días para renovarnos        explicar cómo nuestras prácticas      cree en el Evangelio” o “Recu-       de la Cuaresma, la Memoria de
   y no desprecias nada de lo que     para el testimonio cristiano.          tradicionales serán diferentes        erda que eres polvo y al polvo       San Blas, el 3 de febrero. Tam-
has hecho.                               La Cuaresma también tiene           este año. El pasado Miércoles         volverás”.                           poco se permite la tradicional
   Pasas por alto los pecados de      que ver con el bautismo. El            de Ceniza no estábamos bajo              A continuación, el Sacerdote      bendición de gargantas con velas
la gente, para llevarlos al arre-     primer domingo de Cuaresma,            las restricciones de la pandemia      se limpia las manos, se pone una     cruzadas. El sacerdote seguirá
pentimiento                           los catecúmenos que se prepa-          y observamos el Miércoles de          mascarilla y distribuye la ceniza    la bendición alternativa que se
   y los perdonas, porque eres el     ran para el bautismo celebrarán        Ceniza como siempre. Este año         a los que se acercan a él o, en      encuentra en el Libro de Bendi-
Señor nuestro Dios.                   el Rito de la Elección al entrar       será diferente. Se permitirá la       su caso, se dirige a los que están   ciones. Simplemente extenderá
   (Antífona de entrada del Miér-     en la fase final de preparación        asistencia de menos personas,         de pie en su lugar. El Sacerdote     las manos sobre la asamblea al
coles de Ceniza, Misal Romano,        para recibir los Sacramentos de        e incluso la distribución de la       toma la ceniza y la esparce sobre    final de la Oración de los Fieles
3ª edición)                           la Pascua. Los bautizados se           ceniza se hará de forma difer-        la cabeza de cada uno sin decir      y proclamará la bendición sin
   Pronto comenzaremos la             preparan para renovar sus prome-       ente. La Congregación para el         nada.                                velas.
peregrinación anual a través de       sas bautismales: ¿Renuncias al         Culto Divino y la Disciplina de          Si ha visto una liturgia del         A medida que la Congregación
la Cuaresma en la que buscamos        pecado para vivir en la libertad       los Sacramentos ha publicado          Miércoles de Ceniza presidida        para el Culto Divino y el Comité
transformarnos porque Dios es         de los hijos de Dios? ¿Renun-          las siguientes instrucciones para     por los papas en los últimos         para el Culto Divino de la Con-
amor y desea que vivamos vidas        cias a la atracción del mal, para      la distribución de la ceniza en el    años, es muy similar. Además,        ferencia de Obispos Católicos
que reflejen que somos sus hijos      que el pecado no tenga dominio         contexto de la Misa o del rito que    el Miércoles de Ceniza no es un      de los Estados Unidos emitan
e hijas adoptivos.                    sobre ti? ¿Renuncias a Satanás,        se encuentra en el Libro de la        día de obligación y nadie está ob-   instrucciones para la Semana
   Debemos pensar en la Cuares-       autor y príncipe del pecado? Sólo      Bendición.                            ligado a recibir la ceniza. Es un    Santa, éstas también se imple-
ma como un viaje, 40 días de          esas tres preguntas nos guían en          El sacerdote reza la oración de    símbolo externo, un sacramental.     mentarán con una explicación en
conversión y renovación, como         nuestro camino cuaresmal para          bendición de la ceniza. Rocía las     La conversión del corazón, una       la Diócesis de El Paso.
los 40 días del diluvio de Noé,       examinar nuestra vida y reflex-        cenizas con agua bendita, sin de-     relación renovada con Cristo, la
cuando el mal se ahogó y la tierra    ionar sobre nuestra fe. Se trata       cir nada. Luego se dirige a todos     participación en el Sacramento
RIO GRANDE CATHOLIC Bishop, Preists of Diocese Recieve COVID-19 Vaccines - Diocese of El Paso
6 - The Rio Grande Catholic                                     Diocesan Migrant and Refuge Services                                                                   February 2021

                                                                   Barbara’s Story
By Sandra Ramirez                       threatened. One of the beatings       experience to deliver the baby on         Barbara not only feared con-        migrants that come to this country
Communications Direcror, DMRS           was so bad, Barbara suffered a        the dirt floor of a nearby hut. The    tracting the virus as she suffers      are fleeing misery, crime, violence
                                        miscarriage. She and her husband      baby was named at Darien, after        from asthma and other health con-      and authoritarian governments.
   The shortest route for migrants      decided they had no choice but to     the dangerous wilderness that          ditions, but she also feared being     I will always be thankful,” said
leaving Cuba trying to reach the        leave Cuba.                           showed no mercy to his mother.         deported to her home country.          Barbara.
United States is only 90 miles            The route Barbara traveled             Barbara continued on her               “I lived with the constant fear        Diocesan Migrant and Refugee
across the Florida Straits, typically   took her through the Darien Gap       journey and spent some time in         that I would be deported to Cuba.      Services offers free and low-cost
in boats and rafts. Since the U.S.      along the border of Colombia and      Mexico before finally reaching         Every day I lived with the fear that   legal immigration services in El
ended its “wet-foot, dry-foot”          Panama. This dense and danger-        the U.S. Mexico Border in Ciudad       the judge wouldn’t believe me,”        Paso, Texas. Our services also in-
policy in 2017, the route many          ous area of the jungle is known to    Juarez. Barbara and her husband        said Barbara.                          clude Naturalization, Adjustment
asylum seekers choose is an 8,000       asylum seekers as the “Ruta de la     entered the United States and             DMRS Attorney Marysol               of Status, DACA applications,
mile journey through Guyana,            Muerta,” or the death route. Bar-     were taken into custody by U.S.        Castro represented Barbara and         services for crime victims, and
Brazil, Colombia and much of            bara was joined by a large group      Border Patrol agents and placed        worked tirelessly until Barbara        many more services.
South America to eventually enter       of asylum seekers. As they trekked    in separate immigration detention      was finally released on parole and        Contact our office at 915-532-
the U.S. through Mexico.                through the jungle during a treach-   centers. Barbara’s husband was         reunited with her husband and          3975 for questions about your
   Barbara is one of the Cubans         erous rainstorm, a pregnant wom-      released within a few days, while      other relatives.                       immigration situation.
who took this dangerous journey.        an from Colombia went into labor.     Barbara remained in custody for           “I want to thank the association
Barbara spoke out against the Cas-      Barbara had worked as a nurse in      several months during the height       very much for helping me get out
tro Regime in Cuba and as a re-         Cuba, and used her education and      of the coronavirus pandemic.           of the detention center. Many im-
sult, she was beaten, tortured and

                                                      La Historia de Barbara
By Sandra Ramirez                       del régimen de Castro en Cuba         Cuba y aprovechó su formación y        plena pandemia de coronavirus.         que vienes aquí a este país, están
Communications Direcror, DMRS           y, como resultado, fue golpeada,      experiencia para dar a luz al bebé        Bárbara no sólo temía contraer      huyendo de la miseria, la dilin-
                                        torturada y amenazada. Una de las     en el suelo de tierra de una cabaña    el virus, ya que padece asma y         cuencia, la violencia y los gobi-
   La ruta más corta para los           palizas fue tan fuerte que Barbara    cercana. El bebé fue bautizado         otros problemas de salud, sino que     ernos autoritarios. Siempre estaré
migrantes que salen de Cuba y           sufrió un aborto. Ella y su marido    en Darién, en honor a la selva         también temía ser deportada a su       my agradecida,” dijo Bárbara.
tratan de llegar a Estados Unidos       decidieron que no tenían otra         peligrosa que no tuvo piedad de        país de origen.                           Servicios Diocesanos para
es de solo 90 millas a través del       opción que abandonar Cuba.            su madre.                                 “Vivía con el temor constant        Migrantes y Refugiados (DMRS)
Estrecho de Florida, normalmente           La ruta que siguió Bárbara            Bárbara continuó su viaje y         que me regresaran a Cuba. Cada         ofrece servicios legales de inmi-
en botes y balsas. Desde que Esta-      la llevó a través del Tapón del       pasó algún tiempo en México            día vivía con el temor de que el       gración gratuitos y de bajo costo
dos Unidos puso fin a su política       Darién, en la frontera entre          antes de llegar finalmente a la        juez no me diera el creíble,” dijo     en El Paso, Texas. Los servicios
de “pies secos, pies mojados” en        Colombia y Panamá. Esta densa         frontera con Estados Unidos en         Bárbara.                               también incluyen la Natural-
2017, la ruta que eligen muchos         y peligrosa zona de la selva es       Ciudad Juárez. Bárbara y su mari-         La abogada de DMRS, Marysol         ización, el Ajuste de Estatus, las
solicitantes de asilo es un viaje de    conocida por los solicitantes de      do entraron en Estados Unidos y        Castro, representó a Bárbara y         solicitudes de DACA, los servicios
8.000 millas a través de Guyana,        asilo como la “Ruta de la Muerte”.    fueron detenidos por los agentes       trabajó incansablemente hasta que      para las víctimas del crimen, y
Brasil, Colombia y gran parte de        A Bárbara se le unió un numeroso      de la Patrulla Fronteriza estadoun-    Bárbara fue finalmente liberada        muchos más servicios.
Sudamérica para acabar entrando         grupo de solicitantes de asilo.       idense y puestos en centros de         en libertad condicional y se reunió       Comuníquese con nuestra
en Estados Unidos a través de           Mientras caminaban por la selva       detención de inmigrantes sepa-         con su marido y otros familiares.      oficina al 915-532-3975 si tiene
México.                                 durante una traicionera tormenta,     rados. El marido de Bárbara fue           “Tengo much que agradecerle         preguntas sobre su situación de
   Bárbara es una de las cubanas        una mujer colombiana embaraza-        puesto en libertad a los pocos días,   a la asociación que me ayudaron        inmigración.
que emprendió este peligroso            da se puso de parto. Bárbara había    mientras que Bárbara permaneció        para poder salir del centro de de-
viaje. Bárbara habló en contra          trabajado como enfermera en           detenida durante varios meses en       tención. Mucho de los migrantes
RIO GRANDE CATHOLIC Bishop, Preists of Diocese Recieve COVID-19 Vaccines - Diocese of El Paso
The Rio Grande Catholic                                                              Special Column                                                                 February 2021 - 7

                                                        World Marriage Day 2021
By Deacon Frank Segura                                                                                                                                       my life”.
Director, Mairage and Family Life                                                                                                                               These past and present months
                                                                                                                                                             have truly been a tough and differ-
   My wife and I, and our 4                                                                                                                                  ent challenge. We can always look
children, attended our first World                                                                                                                           forward and be thankful for every
Marriage Day mass at St. Patrick’s                                                                                                                           day that we have, seek peace and
Cathedral in February, 1982. At                                                                                                                              forgiveness at all times. We pray
that time, we had been married 8                                                                                                                             for the grace to be kind and loving,
years. We’re going on 47 years                                                                                                                               especially when challenged. Our
now!                                                                                                                                                         hearts are truly broken when we
   The excitement was contagious!                                                                                                                            hear or learn of a precious one that
About 200 couples and their fam-                                                                                                                             is lost to this virus and we pray and
ilies filled the church, and couples                                                                                                                         hope for their surviving spouse and
spilled out to the front stairs as                                                                                                                           families. Our hearts and prayers go
we greeted each other with joyful                                                                                                                            out to you and yours.
smiles. It felt like we all had a                                                                                                                               “May the Lord hold all His
secret to wedded bliss, and it was                                                                                                                           precious ones close to His Sacred
this joy from the Father that over-                                                                                                                          Heart; may he bless us all and
flowed in our hearts. It was the joy                                                                                                                         comfort us. Give us the grace ,
of God in our midst, and his holy                                                                                                                            Lord, to walk ever more closely
presence in our lives!                                                                                                                                       with You.”
   During mass, we thanked God                                                                                                                                  This year, we will celebrate
for our marriages and families,                                                                                                                              World Marriage Day in your honor
and especially thanked God for his                                                                                                                           through your own parishes, if
love and guidance. At one point,                                                                                                                             appropriate.
we renewed our wedding vows.             World Marriage day mass at St. Patrick Cathedral in February 2019. Photo by Fernie Ceniceros                           The Marriage and Family Life
Our children watched, witnessed                                                                                                                              Office will gladly produce a beau-
the celebration with excitement                                                                                                                              tiful certificate commemorating
too, as they also felt affirmed and                                                                                                                          your anniversary.
blessed by God for his love and                                                                                                                                  Please call our office to register
blessings in our lives!                                                                                                                                      and sign up at 915-872-8401
   God bestows many blessings               World Marriage Day is a             one man and one woman; and we           wedding vows, that special day, or
upon us throughout our lives, and        celebration of the sacrament of        commit before the Lord to lay our       even remembered the day she said . The
one of the powerful ways he bless-       Holy Matrimony, and the graces         lives down for our spouse and our       “yes”. I remember my promise to      certificate will be mailed to you.
es us is through our marriages. In       we receive as we learn to live out     marriage, as did Jesus as a symbol      be true to my wonderful spouse in       Paz y Bien…
wedded life, we learn about God’s        a sacramental life. It celebrates      of His love for the Church (Ephe-       good times and in bad, I sickness       We thank God for all of you and
gifts of joy, love, forgiveness, char-   the Roman Catholic teaching that       sians 5:21-33).                         and in health. I promised to “love   your commitment to marriage.
ity and holiness.                        marriage is a covenant between            Of course, we remembered our         you and honor you all the days of    Peace be with you.

                                         Dia De El Matrimonio Mundial 2021
Por Diacono Frank Segura                 tal. Celebra la enseñanza católica
Director, Matrimonios y Vida Familiar    romana de que el matrimonio es
                                         un pacto entre un hombre y una
   Mi esposa y yo, y nuestros 4          mujer; y nos comprometemos ante
hijos, asistimos a nuestra primera       el Señor a dar nuestra vida por
misa del Día Mundial del Ma-             nuestro cónyuge y nuestro matri-
trimonio en la Catedral de San           monio, como lo hizo Jesús como
Patricio en febrero de 1982. En ese      símbolo de su amor por la Iglesia
momento, llevábamos 8 años casa-         (Efesios 5: 21-33).
dos. ¡Vamos a cumplir 47 años!              Por supuesto, recordamos nues-
   La emoción fue contagiosa!            tros votos matrimoniales, ese día
Aproximadamente 200 parejas y            especial, incluso recordamos el día
sus familias llenaron la iglesia, y      en que ella dijo “sí”. Recuerdo mi
las parejas se derramaron hacia las      promesa de ser fiel a mi maravil-
escaleras delanteras mientras nos        loso cónyuge en las buenas y en
saludamos con sonrisas alegres. Se       las malas, en la enfermedad y en la
sentía como si todos tuviéramos un       salud. Prometí “amarte y honrarte
secreto para la felicidad conyugal,      todos los días de mi vida”.
y fue este gozo del Padre lo que se         Estos meses pasados y​​ presentes
desbordó en nuestros corazones.          han sido realmente un desafío difí-
¡Fue el gozo de Dios en medio de         cil y diferente. Siempre podemos
nosotros y su santa presencia en         mirar hacia adelante y estar agra-
nuestras vidas!                          decidos por cada día que tenemos,
   Durante la misa, agradecimos a        buscar la paz y el perdón en todo      que conmemora su aniversario.           or .         Damos gracias a Dios por todos
Dios por nuestros matrimonios y          momento. Oramos por la gracia de          Llame a nuestra oficina para           El certificado le será enviado     ustedes y su compromiso con
familias, y especialmente agradeci-      ser amables y amorosos, espe-          registrarse e inscribirse al 915-872-   por correo.                          el matrimonio. La paz sea con
mos a Dios por su amor y guía. En        cialmente cuando se nos desafía.       8401            Paz y Bien…                        vosotros.
un momento, renovamos nuestros           Nuestros corazones se rompen
votos matrimoniales. Nuestros            realmente cuando escuchamos o
niños vieron, presenciaron la cel-       nos enteramos de un ser precioso
ebración con entusiasmo también,         que se ha perdido a causa de este
ya que también se sintieron afir-        virus y oramos y esperamos por su
mados y bendecidos por Dios por          cónyuge y familias sobrevivientes.
su amor y bendiciones en nuestras        Nuestros corazones y oraciones
vidas.                                   están con ustedes y los suyos.
   Dios nos concede muchas ben-             “Que el Señor mantenga a todos
diciones a lo largo de nuestra vida,     Sus seres preciosos cerca de Su
y una de las formas poderosas en         Sagrado Corazón; que nos bendiga
que nos bendice es a través de           a todos y nos consuele. Danos la
nuestros matrimonios. En la vida         gracia, Señor, de caminar cada vez
matrimonial, aprendemos sobre            más cerca de Ti. ”
los dones de Dios de gozo, amor,            Este año, celebraremos el Día
perdón, caridad y santidad.              Mundial del Matrimonio en su
   El Día Mundial del Matrimonio         honor a través de sus propias par-
es una celebración del sacramento        roquias, si corresponde.
del Santo Matrimonio y las gracias          La Oficina de Matrimonio y
que recibimos a medida que apren-        Vida Familiar con mucho gusto
demos a vivir una vida sacramen-         producirá un hermoso certificado
RIO GRANDE CATHOLIC Bishop, Preists of Diocese Recieve COVID-19 Vaccines - Diocese of El Paso
8 - The Rio Grande Catholic                                                                                                                                         February 2021

                                                                        Say What?
                                       As he started to rise, the man                                                                                     of many who spread that mes-
                                       took a deep breath, and said,                                                                                      sage to others. However, it didn’t
                                       “But, Lord, after you mix them                                                                                     stop there because He also called
                                       all together and bake them in a                                                                                    together a group of followers to
                                       hot oven, I just love biscuits.”                                                                                   learn His recipes and to share His
                                          Lifting his head to look around                                                                                 love with others. Jesus sent His
                                       at the people gathered in the                                                                                      followers out two by two, know-
                                       church, he said, “I’m not very                                                                                     ing they were stronger when they
 Janet M. Crowe                        good at doing stuff by myself.                                                                                     worked together, supporting one
                                       All alone, I can’t make this world                                                                                 another as well as helping those
                                       a better place for my children                                                                                     they met along the way.
                                       and grandchildren.” Then he                                                                                           Think of how much greater
   Recently, I found a feel-good       raised his eyes and continued,                                                                                     good we can do when we work
story circulating on social media      “And, Lord, I don’t rightly                                                                                        together with others to help those
that, like so many of these            understand why some things hap-                                                                                    who need our talents, our time,
stories, made me chuckle at the        pen. I don’t know what it is You                                                                                   our resources. I might be the lard
humor and insight of the story         are doing or even what You ex-                                                                                     and you might be the flour, but
and its author. However, the           pect from me, but I do know that                                                                                   we still need the buttermilk to
more I reflected on this particular    I might be able to do more when                                                                                    make those biscuits.
little tale, the more wisdom and       I work together with other folks.                                                                                     This Lent, let’s reach out to
depth I discovered within it.          When we follow Your recipe of                                                                                      others – safely, of course – and
   The story goes something like       loving one another, even praying                                                                                   find ways to work together to
this. A preacher asked one of the      for each other, and we take the                                                                                    bring God’s love to those around
elders of the church to lead the       time to blend together who we                                                                                      us. To a woman experiencing a
gathering in an opening prayer.        are and what we have to give,                                                                                      crisis pregnancy, we might be
The man rose, faced the congre-        then we know that You will take                                                                                    the one person who offers her the
gation, and then bowed his head        our offerings of love and hard                                                                                     kind word or helping hand she
and simply stated, “Lord, I hate       work and bake up something                                                                                         needs that will literally save two
buttermilk.”                           mighty fine – even better than        I can help. Yes, those may be         people’s hearts are touched to         lives – rescuing the life of her
   The people looked at one an-        biscuits. Amen.”                      small actions on my part, but my      do the same for others. That one       unborn child and saving her from
other in confusion. After a slight        Just a cute story? Or maybe a      small act of kindness or offer to     kind action ripples out to touch       a lifetime of grief and regret.
pause, the man firmly declared,        little more.                          help may make a huge difference       the lives of numerous others.          Join 40 Days for Life this Lent
“Lord, I really hate lard.”               Mother Teresa said, “We            in the life of the person who         Remember, both kindness and            by calling Southwest Coalition
   Whispers could be heard from        cannot all do great things. But       receives these small acts of love.    grumpiness will ripple outward         for Life at 833-388-5433 or
various corners of the church.         we can do small things with great     Alone, I can do small things with     toward others. We just have to         contact Guiding Star at 915-544-
The man didn’t seem to hear any        love.”                                great love.                           choose which behavior we want          9600 for other ways to help out.
of them. His head still bowed, he         Alone I can make small chang-         Of course, we also must not        to promote. I can do small things      Share God’s recipe of love with
continued, “And, Lord, I don’t         es by the way I treat people, in      forget the ripple effect. One         with great love that will multiply     those who need your help.
much care for plain old flour          the assistance I offer to someone     smile or kind word spoken             outward.                                  Be the buttermilk and create
either.”                               in need, and by not shying away       affects the life of the person who       Jesus was one person. His           something wonderful.
   Now the preacher was wonder-        from doing a little bit more each     receives it as well as those near-    message rippled amongst His
ing how he was going to politely       time I see and hear of a way          by who witness it. Then those         listeners, taking root in the hearts
end these unseemly utterances.


        Vaccines and Other Entanglements with Abortion
                                       urging them to discontinue their      you carry out. Please understand      we engage in on a regular basis,       make a difference when it comes
                                       use of abortion-derived cell lines.   that as one of your potential         such as doing business with the        to scaling back the support
                                       If they do so, we should also         customers, I am very concerned        many companies that donate             mechanisms that Planned Parent-
                                       thank them.                           about these issues. It is my          money directly or indirectly to        hood and other abortion-minded
                                          We can similarly initiate dis-     understanding that alternative,       Planned Parenthood, including          organizations rely on.
                                       cussions with friends or relatives    non-abortion-derived cell sources     Nike, Heinz, Energizer, Clorox,           As the Vatican emphasized in
                                       who work in research labs about       are available or could be made        Facebook, JPMorgan Chase,              its recent “Note on the Morality
                                       whether their company or uni-         available. It is important for all    Bank of America, CVS, Walmart,         of Using Some Anti-Covid-19
 Fr. Tad Pacholczyk                    versity uses cells derived from       of us to show our respect for the     Liberty Mutual, Aetna, and hun-        Vaccines,” the reception of an
                                       abortions.                            remains of those children whose       dreds of others.”                      inoculation made from abor-
                                          One of the “silver linings”        lives were taken prematurely,            To put it another way, each         tion-derived cells “does not in
   As the new COVID-19 vac-            of the COVID-19 pandemic is           and one way we can do this is by      time we purchase Tostitos/Frito        itself constitute a legitimation” of
cines are being rolled out, several    that it affords us the opportunity    avoiding these cell lines in scien-   Lay products, fill our gas tank        the practice of abortion. Receiv-
people have told me, “I don’t          to raise awareness about these        tific research and pharmaceutical     with ExxonMobil gas or buy             ing the stick of the needle today
want a vaccine with any connec-        moral concerns and improve the        development. Thank you.”              Pepsi products, our contribution       does not mean we are somehow
tion to abortion.”                     way that biomedical research is          Archbishop Joseph Naumann,         to the continuation of abortion        cooperating in an abortion that
   This is a valid sentiment that      conducted by scientists.              Archbishop of Kansas City and         is significantly more direct than      occurred decades ago and for
most of us would likely echo. At          As one bishop I was speaking       Chairman of the USCCB Com-            when we receive a vaccine man-         reasons independent of vaccine
a minimum, it should serve as          with reminded me recently: “We        mittee on Pro-Life Activities, has    ufactured with abortion-derived        production.
an important “call to action” for      need to teach, educate and con-       also prepared a more detailed         fetal cell lines. Each of these           Each of us has a serious obli-
each of us during the course of        front this issue more widely. It’s    letter (available at: https://www.    large consumer-oriented corpo-         gation to witness to the inviola-
this pandemic. Even if we decide       everyone’s duty.” Such efforts        rations make large financial con-      bility of human life. We need to
to get inoculated with a vaccine       will help build real momentum         FDA-urging-ethical-COVID-             tributions to Planned Parenthood,      take the time to speak up so that
that was produced using abor-          for change.                           vaccines.pdf) that addresses the      which promotes and directly            future vaccines and medicines
tion-derived human cell lines —           I’m often asked whether sam-       need to develop vaccines free of      performs the killing of unborn         will be developed without any
which for a serious reason and in      ple letters are available to help     entanglements with abortion.          children in the United States and      reliance on abortion-derived
the absence of alternatives would      with writing to vaccine manufac-         While such entanglements           in other countries.                    materials.
not be unethical — we still face a     turers who use abortion-derived       remain a significant concern, we         Widespread corporate col-              Rev. Tadeusz Pacholczyk,
real duty to push back and make        cell lines. An example would be:      also need to be aware how some        lusion in the evil of abortion         Ph.D. earned his doctorate in
known our disagreement with the           “I am writing in regard to your    of our daily activities may have a    does not, of course, mitigate the      neuroscience from Yale and did
continued use of these cells by        COVID-19 vaccine. It is my un-        much more direct connection to        ethical concerns about using cell      post-doctoral work at Harvard.
researchers in the pharmaceutical      derstanding that a cell line orig-    the abortion industry.                lines taken from fetal cadavers to     He is a priest of the diocese of
industry and academia.                 inally derived from an abortion          Dr. Melissa Moschella recently     produce vaccines. But it is does       Fall River, MA, and serves as
   We can do this in several ways.     is being used in the production       observed how getting a vaccine        represent another important area       the Director of Education at
   We can write a letter to the edi-   of your vaccine. I am contacting      made with the help of an abor-        where letter-writing, board-           The National Catholic Bioeth-
tor to heighten public awareness,      you to request that your com-         tion-derived cell line has “less      room votes, boycotts, and other        ics Center in Philadelphia. See
or contact the pharmaceutical          pany stop relying on these cells      connection to the ongoing evil        focused efforts by stockholders, and www.
companies that make vaccines,          in the pharmaceutical work that       of abortion than other actions        employees and customers can  
RIO GRANDE CATHOLIC Bishop, Preists of Diocese Recieve COVID-19 Vaccines - Diocese of El Paso RIO GRANDE CATHOLIC Bishop, Preists of Diocese Recieve COVID-19 Vaccines - Diocese of El Paso
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