Sales & Marketing Simplified Toolkit Iraq - Zaid Sami Oct 2020 - SPARK

Page created by Tyler Sullivan
Sales & Marketing Simplified Toolkit Iraq - Zaid Sami Oct 2020 - SPARK
Sales & Marketing Simplified Toolkit
              Zaid Sami
              Oct 2020
Sales & Marketing Simplified Toolkit Iraq - Zaid Sami Oct 2020 - SPARK
This toolkit was prepared by Zaid Sami for SPARK as a part of the Iraqi SMEs
COVID-19 Response under Jobs & Perspectives Programme.

The Programme is funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and aims
to accelerate economic development in Iraq.

SPARK provides access to higher education and supports entrepreneurship
development in fragile states so that young, ambitious people can lead
their societies into stability and prosperity.

SPARK provides a variety of full-service business and entrepreneurship
programmes in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. We believe that
sustainable, economic growth is essential for the alleviation of poverty. By
offering private-sector development services to young people in conflict-
affected regions, we believe that the potential for further conflict is
significantly reduced.

© 2021, SPARK All rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be
reproduced, duplicated, copied, sold without express written permission of

Designed by: Rami Shabarek
Sales & Marketing Simplified Toolkit Iraq - Zaid Sami Oct 2020 - SPARK
Country Review  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 4
      Current challenges (Political & security) .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  5
      Future projection .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  6
Sales Strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
      Knowing your Market .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  9
      Product positioning .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 11
Marketing Strategy .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  12
      Types of Marketing .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 12
      Marketing tactics .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 15
      Digital Marketing Tactics .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 18
      Social Media Marketing .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 18
      Search Advertising .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .23
      SEO .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .23
      Mobile Apps & SMS .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .24
      Case 1 .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .26
      Case 2 .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .27
Sales & Marketing Simplified Toolkit Iraq - Zaid Sami Oct 2020 - SPARK
Country Review
Sales & Marketing Simplified Toolkit Iraq - Zaid Sami Oct 2020 - SPARK
Current challenges
(Political & security)
• Since Oct 2019 Anti- corruption     • Under the street pressure the
  protesting started demanding          government changed and many
  for employment, better life           other structural changes started
  conditions & Infrastructure in        to follow.
  Central and southern cities of      • Although changes started to
  Iraq.                                 take place still, out of state
• Security deteriorated again           control armed groups remains a
  since the war against ISIS due to     concern for Iraq stability
  mainly out of the state control
  armed groups.
Sales & Marketing Simplified Toolkit Iraq - Zaid Sami Oct 2020 - SPARK
Current challenges (Covid                 continues decline
19 Pandemic)                            • Public sector represented by
                                          Employees salary is severally
• First cases emerged in Iraq in Mid-
                                          effected and Salary Cuts & delays
  March 20
                                          is Projected to take effect in Q4
• Daily cases increased rapidly in
  Sep averaging 4K cases daily
• Government imposed full curfew        Future projection
  several times and regulated new
                                        • Politically the current government
  precautions against people and
                                          is building positive trend in terms
  organization in Iraq including mid-
                                          state structural reforms, if this trend
  small businesses to minimize virus
                                          continues reforms would start in
                                          infrastructure development and
• Health system collapsing
                                          other vital projects in the country
  quickly due to lack of proper
                                          with in the coming 5 Years.
  development from the past
                                        • This wouldn’t happen if the
  government leaving the system
                                          security threats remains, this is
                                          why part of the government
• Later on The government decided
                                          commitment is to restrict the
  to open up with no further curfews
                                          arms with in the state, full security
  and Live on with the Pandemic
                                          recovery is projected in a matter
                                          of 2 years because of the
Economic Impact:
                                          continuous internal and external
• Many businesses slowed down/            stress.
  closed which they released            • Ending the Covid 19 pandemic is
  all/part of their employees &           projected to be mid-end of 2021,
  reducing their salaries                 several Vaccines and drugs are
• People became more                      being heavily tested to find the
  conservative in their spending          most proper solution, results are
  and started looking more value          promising and estimates made
  for money offers                        according to these results, Iraq
• Oil prices and Production also          is assigned for early Vaccine
  declined leaving Iraq Budget in a       supplies (MOH report).
Sales & Marketing Simplified Toolkit Iraq - Zaid Sami Oct 2020 - SPARK
Future projection
(Economic recovery)
Economies worldwide are                                 eventually reaching the baseline
projecting 2 types economic                             level of growth again.
recovery after the pandemic ends:                     For the Iraqi economy the trend is
• V Shape: A V-shaped recovery                        showing a U shaped recovery
  means that the economy                              where recovery could be seen
  bounces back quickly to its                         around the end of 2021
  baseline before the crisis, with no
  hiccups along the way.
• U Shape: Under this scenario,
  the economic damage lasts for
  a longer period of time before

          Overview                 Actual      Q4          Q1       Q2      Q3      2021

  GDP Annual Growth Rate (%)         4.40      -5           2        2       2        2

  Unemployment Rate (%)              7.90       8          8.3      8.3     8.3      8.3

  Inflation Rate (%)                  0.00      1.3         1.5      1.7     2.1      1.5

  Interest Rate (%)                  4.00       4           4        4       4        4

  Balance of Trade (USD Million)   41524.00   30259       30259   30259    30259   30259

  Current Account to GDP (%)        -1.20      -22         -14     -14      -14     -14

  Government Debt to GDP (%)        48.40      55          62       62      62       62

  Government Budget (% of GDP)      -0.90     -22.5       -12.5    -12.5   -12.5    -12.5

  Corporate Tax Rate (%)            15.00      15          15       15      15       15

  Personal Income Tax Rate (%)      15.00      15          15       15      15       15
Sales & Marketing Simplified Toolkit Iraq - Zaid Sami Oct 2020 - SPARK
I’m a business owner, how                 -   Minimize overall cost and
can survive all of this?!                     spending (If avoiding a specific
                                              spend will not kill your business
Main issue small businesses are
                                              then don’t spend it).
facing to keep business running
                                          -   Change employee’s dynamic,
is limited revenue due to shift in
                                              focusing on the outcome versus
consumer/costumer habits, tackling
                                              the routine.
this issue is not easy specially its
                                          -   Make sure you have positive ROI
more related to the overall situation
                                              (Return Of Investment) for any
& economic crises, but here are
                                              Investment you do.
some tips to help staying alive in this
                                          -   Try to learn the new sentiments
                                              and habits of your costumers
-   Shift the Business goals & plans
                                              and build your plans accordingly.
    to focus on Business continuity
                                          -   Have an Online presence
    rather than revenue, profitability,
                                              (Less cost and better return if
    Market share… etc.
                                              managed properly)
Sales & Marketing Simplified Toolkit Iraq - Zaid Sami Oct 2020 - SPARK
Sales Strategy                          Knowing your Market
                                        Giving the current situation and
In order to build the optimum
                                        declining economy, defining your
sales plan there are several points
                                        market   has    never     been     more
needs to be identified, for instance,
                                        important   than        now,   Knowing
understanding your market,
                                        the market means knowing your
customers and channels, are vital to
                                        customers including demography,
build your strategy.
                                        your competition and whereabouts
According to that you would have
                                        they   market   their    product   and
a better chance to optimize your
                                        their customer base, With a clearly
product journey according to the
                                        defined target audience, it is much
needs of the market, also drawing
                                        easier to determine where and how
your sales process starting from
                                        to market your company.
manufacturing/ sourcing your
product, positioning, & delivering to
end user.
Sales & Marketing Simplified Toolkit Iraq - Zaid Sami Oct 2020 - SPARK
Your product/ Service           Customers                                  Competition

                                 (Age/ sex/ location/
 Product Features                                                           Product features
                                 Income level/ Occupation/
                                 education …etc)

                                 Psychographic (Interest/ Per-
 Main advantages                 sonality/ Attitudes/ Life style/           Pricing
                                 Behaviors… etc)

 Added Value for your custom-
 ers (Product unique features,                                              Where do they sell?

 Cost structure/ Value Chain                                                How they sell?

                                                                            Promotion activities

Hints & Tips:
  •   My Own Top: Market visit,                                 product but competition as
      maybe theoretical study of                                well.
      the market is very good, But                         •    Surf the internet for data, it’s
      in Iraq to gain sharp insights                            for FREE!
      the best way is do it yourself,
      and go to the market, meet
      customers, meet end users
      and take notes, visit several
      regions and try to identify the
      differences between these
  •   Start with your customer
      base: If you already have
      a customer base even if it’s
      small, it would be great to
      gather their opinion and
      feedback, not only on your
Product positioning
What is product positioning?               -   Effective product positioning
                                               considers your target audience
-   Product positioning is where
                                               and their needs and how
    your product or service fits in
                                               your product can directly and
    the market. It highlights all of the
                                               effectively address those needs.
    features that make your product
                                           -   Product positioning for products
    unique and communicates how
                                               can be done without existing
    and why it’s better than other
                                               Market (product Innovation)
    products or solutions.
Marketing Strategy
Marketing is the process of getting people interested in your company’s
product or service. This happens through market research, analysis, and
understanding your ideal customer’s interests. Marketing pertains to
all aspects of a business, including product development, distribution
methods, sales, and advertising.

Types of Marketing
ATL (Mass Marketing)
TV/ Radio/ Billboard/ Newspaper

TTL (Online Marketing)
Social media/ e-mail/ PPC/ SEO/ content Marketing

BTL (Individual Marketing)
Trade/ sampling/ Discounts & Promotions/ Direct Selling events/
Guerilla Tactics
The very purpose of marketing is     suggests, it is a mix of many tactical
to make your promising customers     marketing tools. The role of the
aware of your products. A            marketing expert is to prepare the
marketing mix is the set of those    right combination to bring out the
factors which a company can          excellent synergy between the
leverage to make the consumer        product and the targeted audience
purchase its products. As the term

                 Channels                 Price strategy
                 Market coverage          Pricing
                 Assortment               Allowances
                 Location                 Discounts

 sales promotion                                                 Features
 advertising                                                     Quality
 public relations           place          Prıce                 Branding
 Direct marketing                                                Packaging

         promotıon                                         Product

SWOT Analysis
The SWOT analysis will help you                                                          It reveals your weaknesses and
understand the company’s position                                                        provides a chance to reverse
which will encourages ideas and                                                          them
decision-making on how to build                                                      • Explore Opportunities - It helps
on strengths, exploit opportunities,                                                     your to explore the opportunities
minimize weaknesses and protect                                                          that lies ahead. Using this you
against threats.                                                                         can draft your strategic growth
Benefits of SWOT:                                                                        plans based on your strengths
• Identify Core Strengths of your                                                        and weaknesses
     Organization- It provides a clear                                               • Recognize Potential Treats - It
     view of your core competencies,                                                     helps you analyze possible
     and allows you to build on them                                                     threats to your business, and
     to meet your business objectives                                                    you can subsequently make
• Identify Weaknesses -                                                                  necessary changes to the
     Recognizing your company’s                                                          business policies and necessary
     weaknesses is one of the first                                                      actions.
     steps to improving your business.

                               [what are your weaknesses?]
                               [what do your competitors do better than you?]         [what trends or conditions may positively impact you?]
                               [what can you inprove given the current situation?]    [what opportunities are available to you?]
                               [what do other perceive as your weaknesses?]

                                                                                                                [what trends or conditions may negatively impact you?]
 [what are your strengths?]                                          Weaknesses        Opportunities            [what are your competitors doing that may impact you?]
 [what do you do better than others?]                                                                           [Do you have solid financial support?]
 [what unique capabilities and resources do you possess?]                                                       [what impact do you weaknesses have on the threats to you?]
 [what do other perceive as your strengths?]

                                             Strengths                                                             Threats

Marketing tactics
Content Marketing                        PPC advertising offers marketers
                                         excellent opportunity to sell
The main idea behind content
                                         products directly to searchers.
marketing is creating content that
                                         It’s also great because it makes it
helps inform your audience and
                                         possible to see exactly how much
solve their problems. This achieves a
                                         you’re spending vs. how much
few important goals:
                                         revenue your advertising efforts are
• Building an audience.
• Establishing authority.
• Driving sales.                         Public Relations
Social Media Marketing                   Even in an era packed with new
                                         and flashy channels and tactics,
Organic reach on popular social
                                         good old-fashioned relationship-
networks is declining on popular
                                         building remains essential for
platforms like Twitter and Facebook,
                                         effective marketing. PR is all
but social media marketing is far
                                         about managing perceptions and
from dead. It’s effective for building
                                         relationships, ensuring people think
brand awareness, developing
                                         positively about your brand.
community, and getting your
content and products in front of         Influencer Marketing
new people.
                                         Why promote your products yourself
Guerrilla Marketing                      when you can have trusted people
                                         promote them for you, That’s the
This including On- Ground activities
                                         crux of influencer marketing, which
using human to human interactions
                                         involves working with popular
using promoters (Mall activations,
                                         people within a given niche or
Outdoor activations)
                                         industry to put your products in front
Advertising and Pay-Per-Click            of their audiences.
Have you ever seen those ads at
the top of search results? Those
are pay-per-click (PPC) ads,
Digital growth
                     Changes in key
                   indicators of digital

  Total                                        Active social
population                                     media users

 +2.3%                                           +9.8%
  JAN 2020
             Mobile phone          Internet       JAN 2020
  JAN 2019   connections             users        APR 2019

  +894                                            +1.9
Thousand       +2.6%                +55%
                JAN 2020            JAN 2020
                   vs                  vs
                JAN 2019            JAN 2019

JAN             +1.0
Digital usage in Iraq as per the research from Hootsuite shows great
potential, surpassing 55% growth in number of internet Users comparing
to 2019, this without considering the Pandemic effect which globally
increased the internet users more than average due to lockdowns and
staying at home, this once again shows the importance on digital presence
of any business regardless the product / service, having an online presence
in today’s businesses is a must.

What is Digital marketing?
Digital marketing is promoting or creating brand awareness for product or
service using internet and online technologies

Why Digital Marketing?



                 Cost                                   Data
              Efficient                                  Analysis
                                                         Social media
                                        Organic          Content marketing
   Object relational mapping                             E-mail marketing


                Mobile apps                             PPC
                SMS                  Mobile             Display ads
                                     Marketing          Social media
                                                        E-mail marketing

Digital Marketing

Social Media
In Iraq Social media usage is high,      the latest reports from company
almost having 21 Million Iraqis on       they have almost 11 Million users
several social media platforms           in Iraq. Such penetration made it
growing almost 10% comparing to          inevitable for all businesses Specially
last year, Most of these users are on    SMEs to exist on these platforms
platforms like Facebook. Youtube         in addition to its physical entity,
& Instagram, in addition to Instant      benefits of being on Social media
messaging platform like Viber &          as a Business can be summarized
Telegram, on Viber according to          with the below:
Increase brand awareness

                                   As the content clearly
                                   focusing on the Brand
                                   making such tactics as
                                   Brand awareness

Increase website traffic
Social media posts and ads are key ways to drive traffic to your website.
Sharing great content from your blog or website to your social channels is a
great way to get readers as soon as you publish a new post.

                                                      Any content that
                                                      promotes for website
                                                      click along with
                                                      incentive (Home
                                                      delivery) is considered
                                                      as Website traffic
Boost sales
No matter what you sell, social media can help you sell it. Your social
accounts are a critical part of your sales funnel—the process through which
a new contact becomes a customer.

                                       Pushing sales Ads with
                                       incentive like discount, Bundle,
                                       Free delivery ... etc
                                       Is promoted to increase and
                                       boost sales

Partner with influencers
Word of mouth drives 20 to 50 percent of purchasing decisions. When you
get people talking about your product or company on social media, you
build brand awareness and credibility, and set yourself up for more sales.
Promote content
Promoting your content on social channels is a great way to get your smart,
well-researched content in front of new people, proving your expertise and
growing your audience.

Learn more about your customers
Social media generates a huge amount of data about your customers in
real time. You can use this information to make smarter business decisions.
All of the major social networks offer analytics that provide demographic
information about the people interacting with your account. This can help
you tailor your strategy to better speak to your real audience.
Keep an eye on the                    Targeted advertising
competition                           Social ads are an inexpensive
It’s also important to know what      way to promote your business and
people are saying about your          distribute content. They also offer
competitors.                          powerful targeting options so you
For example, tracking mentions of     can reach the right audience and
your competitors might reveal pain    make the most of your budget.
points with their products that you
could reach out to address, winning
new customers in the process.
Search Advertising                          SEO
• Paid search advertising (also             What is SEO?
   known as sponsored ads,                  • SEO stands for “search engine
   search marketing, search-                  optimization.” It’s the practice of
   engine marketing, pay-per-click            increasing both the quality and
   marketing, and cost-per-click              quantity of website traffic, as
   marketing) is a technique that             well as exposure to your brand,
   displays ads in search-engine              through non-paid (also known as
   results whenever someone                   “organic”) search engine results.
   searches for the services or             • Search engines are answer
   products offered by the advertiser.        machines. They scour billions of
   In this way, the ad displayed              pieces of content and evaluate
   perfectly matches each query.              thousands of factors to determine
• Search advertising is very                  which content is most likely to
   effective; it is based on the explicit     answer your query.
   need of the users, rather than just      • Search engines do all of this by
   on implicit information about what         discovering and cataloguing all
   they might be after. This, naturally,      available content on the Internet
   increases the likelihood of clicks         (web pages, PDFs, images, videos,
   and conversion.                            etc.) via a process known as
• While the global search-engine              “crawling and indexing,” and then
   market is currently dominated by           ordering it by how well it matches
   Google with an 77% market share            the query in a process we refer to
   (and growing), it is impossible to         as “ranking.”
   ignore the audiences gathered by
   some of the other search runners-
1. Google (77.43%)
2. Baidu (8.13%)
3. Microsoft Bing (7.31%)
4. Yahoo (5.6%)
5. Ask (0.13%)
Mobile Apps & SMS                       •   Effective mobile advertising
                                            means understanding your
• Mobile marketing is a multi-              mobile audience, designing
  channel, digital marketing                content with mobile platforms
  strategy aimed at reaching                in mind, and making strategic
  a target audience on their                use of SMS/MMS marketing
  smartphones, tablets, and/                and mobile apps.
  or other mobile devices, via
  websites, email, SMS and MMS,
  social media, and apps.
• Mobile is disrupting the way
  people engage with brands.
  Everything that can be done
  on a desktop computer is now
  available on a mobile device.
  From opening an email to
  visiting your website to reading
  your content, it’s all accessible
  through a small mobile screen.
  •   80% of internet users own a
  •   Mobile platforms, such as
      smartphones and tablets,
      host up to 60% of digital media
      time for users in the U.S.
  •   Google anticipates search
      queries on mobile devices
      to surpass desktop searches by
      the end of 2015.
• In Iraq as per the research
  presented earlier, Every Iraqi has
  at least 1 Mobile phone
Developing a Marketing                   Understanding the
Strategy                                 Marketing Funnel
• Getting to Know Your Audience          When determining actions you want
First things first, companies exist to   your audience to take, it’s useful
serve customers.                         to understand how the marketing
Well, figuring out exactly who those     funnel works.
customers are, and what problems         Funnels help illustrate where
they need solved, is easier said than    customers are at in the buying
done.                                    process, from being unaware of a
• Figuring Out What You Want             product (or having a problem), to
   Them to Do                            researching different options, down
Once you’ve determined who               to making an actual purchase.
you need to reach, the next step
is figuring out what’s required to
move them toward a sale.
For some companies, this is simple:
convincing customers to grab a
product and buy it at the store. But,
there may be actions you drive
them toward before reaching that
step (such as getting in to a mailing
list or becoming a social media
For others (for example, service-
based companies), you might want
to get leads (potential customers) to
place a phone call for a demo or a
consultation before they commit to
Case 1                                   These people try to find help using
                                         Google search & Youtube tutorials
A small IT solution company that         The team work on a new strategy
consist of less than 10 employees        with the aim to acquire new
with 2 years record, economic            customers and recover the revenue
crises erupted that led to losing        to accommodate the cost required,
almost 50% of the customer base,         strategy summary:
the company revenue cuts to half         -   Utilize the team to put more time
while having the expenses at the             on the company Website aiming
same level of serving twice the              to improve its content & ranking.
current base, the owner doesn’t          -   Create relevant Video content
want to lose his employees neither           that amplify a clear value
the business and thinks of business          proposition.
continuity plan crossing the             -   Run 2 Digital campaigns
declining times and he decides the           targeting audience with interest
following:                                   near to what they provide (The
-   Stop all un necessary spend              first campaign is search Ad on
    & hold all planned Hiring &              Google, the Second campaign
    promotions                               Youtube Ad utilizing the video
-   Pick up the phone on the                 content they created)
    continued customers and ask          -   Both campaigns aim to increase
    them more about their current            the traffic on their website,
    needs and why they still pay for     Since the team also worked on
    the service                          developing the website with
-   Utilize the excessive time for       appealing content, some of the
    employees to conduct a               visitors contacted the company
    research for their target audience   asking about their services, with
    and how can they approach            in time the a percentage of the
    new potential costumers              interested visitors converted in to
After the research done some key         customers & revenue started to
points the team found as the below:      increase again due to focusing on
People who may need their services       relevant customer needs.
are still there and willing to pay
Case 2                               -   To start online learning for the
                                         technical team on content
Marketing Agency that operates           creation
to serve restaurants & Hotels with   -   Utilize experienced freelancer
5 employees, working with several        to help them build a marketing
accounts on retainer fees model, a       strategy for their services to
pandemic started causing closure         reach potential customers.
of all accounts.                     -   Run a targeted marketing
Immediately the team researched          campaign on specific channels.
the market and found a rising        After pushing the campaign
demand in marketing video            interested customers started to
content in specific sector, after    enquire about their services, after
running a SWOT analyses and brain    sometime with no conversions,
storm the team decides a strategy    the team pushes the campaign
focusing on revenue by acquiring     with special discount and start
new accounts, the strategy           converting customers bringing back
summary:                             the revenue stream.
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