Scientific Feature - CSMLS

Page created by Suzanne Lawrence
Scientific Feature - CSMLS
Feature                        Performance Evaluation of a Third Party Enzymatic Total
                               Bile Acid Assay for use on the Roche Integra 800 Analyzer

                        Development of a Risk Assessment Program of Potential Serious
                        Laboratory Non-Conforming Events (NCEs)

                                                                                  Official publication of:

                                                                                          PM #40063021
 Fall 2017
           | Vol
             | Vol
Scientific Feature - CSMLS
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Scientific Feature - CSMLS

           in focus                      scientific                        society news

       Message from the
                                              17                                    31
     Chief Executive Officer        Performance                            Celebrating 80 years

                                Evaluation of a Third
   Message from the President
                                Party Enzymatic Total
                                 Bile Acid Assay for
               7                  use on the Roche
The most important piece of     Integra 800 Analyzer
 the learning puzzle: You.       by Jianing Chen, Hilary Smith,
        by Michele Perry             Heather Tarr, Yu Chen

                                              23                    Board of Directors Election Results
        perspectives              Development of a
                                                                            2017 AGM Minutes
                                  Risk Assessment
  Starting to Find Light:       Program of Potential                                33
A Reflection of Knowledge        Serious Laboratory                    Welcoming Maria Klement:
                                                                       2018 CSMLS Vice-President
   Gathering Efforts on           Non-Conforming
Indigenous People in Our
        Profession                 Events (NCEs)                                    34
                                        by Andrea Park                        IFBLS and You
    A Healthcare Perspective
        by Laura Zychla                                                             35
                                                                         Newly Certified Graduate
                                                                           Employment Survey

                                                                           Position Statements

                                                                           CSMLS Announces:
                                                                           Shorter MLT Exams
               12                                                          Mentorship Program
  Talent Management 101
      A Career Perspective                                        Canadian Pathologists’ Assistants (PA)
         by Ashley Rego                                                   certification process

               13                                                                   38
Three Ways New Graduates                                                   New Strategic Plan
   Can Contribute in the                                                            39
    Medical Laboratory                                            CSMLS – The National Voice of Canada’s
        Profession                                                   Medical Laboratory Profession
   A New Graduate Perspective
       by Maria Roussakis

   Breaking the Chain of
Infection in the Laboratory
      A Safety Perspective
        by Eoin O’Grady                                             English Edition | fall 2017

Scientific Feature - CSMLS

                                Progress or
                                Pandora’s Box

                                         he Works and Days is an ancient           ability to correctly interpret their results in
                                         Greek poem. If you haven’t read it,       isolation of patient history and other health
                                         I don’t blame you. It’s 800 lines long.   factors. On the other hand, patients taking a
                                Written around 700 BCE by Hesiod, the              proactive role in managing their own health
                                poem is probably most famous for its telling       sounds like a positive step. If arming patients
                                of the myth of Pandora. According to the           with more data leads them to make healthier
Christine Nielsen               myth, before Pandora – the first woman on          lifestyle choices, what's the harm? It is their
Chief Executive Officer         Earth – man lived a life free of illness, evil     data after all.
                                and toil. (No misogynistic undertones here!)           A while back, a member of the CSMLS
                                Later, Pandora opens a jar, or box depending       staff volunteered to be a guinea pig and take
                                on your translation, which releases all the        part in a 23andMe test. The idea was to see
                                evils of the world. This is where the phrase       how a member of the lay-public would feel
                                “Opening Pandora’s Box” comes from,                having sudden access to a vast amount of
                                signifying a small or innocent action that         genetic data. Would they be ill-prepared to
                                turns out to have severe and broad negative        respond to the results? We chronicled that
                                consequences. The phrase has been used             story in an earlier issue of the CJMLS (see
                                when describing the potential effects of           Winter 2015). It’s definitely worthy of a read
                                genetic testing and patients taking a more         if you missed it. (He still hasn’t unlocked his
                                direct role in the ordering of diagnostic tests.   results for Parkinson’s disease.)
                                   Genetic testing is proliferating at a               The debate over whether consumer access
                                tremendous rate. 69,000+ genetic testing           to genetic testing is good or bad is irrelevant.
                                products are on the market and it is estimated     The testing is here. Innovative companies
                                that 10 new tests are developed every day.         will continue to find ways to make more and
                                Whether through their health care provider         more testing available directly to patients.
                                or through direct-to-consumer products like        This will be the reality we all will have to
                                like 23andMe and, patients now         accept; some of us begrudgingly.
                                have access to a ton of data about themselves          The benefits of genetic testing and the
The debate over whether         and their health. Technology has enabled this      implications for personalized medicine
consumer access to genetic      and has opened Pandora’s proverbial box.           are incredible. Revolutions in disease
                                Much like Pandora, you can’t simply put the        management and patient care are coming
testing is good or bad is       evils back in the box once opened. They’re         and the lab has a front row seat for the show.
irrelevant.                     out there. Now, should patients have access        There will be ethical concerns and dilemmas
                                to this potentially volatile information?          that we will have to confront for sure. But we
The testing is here.               You can argue both sides of this debate.        should embrace this future with open minds
                                There are valid concerns about a patient’s         as well as open eyes.

4   CJMLS Fall 2017
Scientific Feature - CSMLS

                       Building a Solid
                       Foundation for a
                       Successful Future

                               here is a time in everyone’s life where   new Strategic Plan and the four strategies
                               they have to rely on the help of          that will be put into place beginning in 2018.
                               others. I was reminded of this when          We recognize that the CSMLS faces an
                       early this year the CSMLS Board of Directors      environment where many elements are
                       headed into Strategic Planning. This was by       uncertain and ambiguous. Some are just
                       no means a solo endeavour for anyone. We          plain challenging. Nobody has a crystal
                       relied heavily not just on each other, but on     ball. However, by working together on the
Mary Costantino        many other people.                                same path we can look to the future with
2017 CSMLS President      We leaned on the expertise within the          confidence.
                       CSMLS office. Their guidance and advice as           CSMLS is recognized as a leader with
                       we prepared to map the future of the Society      many strengths and assets already in place.
                       was incredibly important. So was the voice        This strategic plan will help us continue as
                       and opinions of the stakeholders within the       that leader, and support future success; not
                       medical laboratory community. We listened         just for the Society, but for everyone in the
                       to everyone; regulators, provincial societies,    medical lab community, including you.
                       educators, students, current members and
                       retired members.
                          Once we had all this information
                       gathered, it was under the facilitation of our
                       consultant, Meredith Low, that we were able
                       to start sorting and sifting through it all. I            For those of you who have
                       was so impressed by her ability to help us
                       not just see the forest, but the trees, leaves               participated in strategic
                       and roots too. Although, at the onset, all that    planning processes, the outcome
                       information was overwhelming, common
                       themes began to emerge and we used them            is more than a mere set of bullet
                       to guide us in setting the strategies for the        points on a page. We aimed to
                       future of the Society.
                          For those of you who have participated          create an integrated framework,
                       in strategic planning processes, the outcome              where the vision, mission,
                       is more than a mere set of bullet points on
                       a page. We aimed to create an integrated            strategies, tactics and activities,
                       framework, where the vision, mission,                   all flowed from and support
                       strategies, tactics and activities, all flowed
                       from and support one another. Take a look                                one another.
                       on Page 38 for the full explanation of the

Scientific Feature - CSMLS

The Inbox
The Inbox is meant to provide a public forum for us to address questions, concerns                           editorial and business office
or issues that are raised by members. CSMLS receives feedback through written                                    33 Wellington Street North
                                                                                                                    Hamilton, ON L8R 1M7
correspondence, email and through our various social media portals. If you have a                          Phone: 905-528-8642 Fax: 905-528-4968
question or comment you would like to have addressed in an upcoming issue, talk to                                 Email:
us on Facebook, Twitter (@csmls) or through email at                                Editorial Team Cathy Bouwers
                                                                                                     		              Michael Grant
                                                                                                     		 Christine Nielsen
“I found it very difficult to choose              work in is the dollars that can be made while               Scientific Editor    Maurice Goulet
between all of the sessions at LABCON             taking call, but with budget cuts in health
                                                                                                      Contributors Jianing Chen
this year. There were so many I wanted            care, and having more Point of Care (POC)          		 Yu Chen
to attend that were happening at the              equipment in emergency, the dollars to be          		 Eoin O’Grady
                                                                                                     		 Andrea Park
same time. I’m not sure if it’s possible          made do not match what it costs to live here.      		 Michele Perry
but isn’t there a better alternative                  The hospital also pays the X-ray techs $5      		 Ashley Rego
to how the sessions are organized?”               an hour more. We could never figure out            		 Maria Roussakis
                                                                                                     		 Hilary Smith
There is a lot of preparation and consideration   why. With the lab accreditation requirements       		 Heather Tarr
when it comes to planning the sessions            now, the tasks and paperwork have increased        		Laura Zychla
for LABCON. Our aim in having multiple            to ridiculous proportion.
concurrent sessions is to provide a variety of        The personal conflict in the lab was                                Published by:
topics for our members and to ensure that         momentous, a controlling power-hungry
there is something for everyone. Sessions are     supervisor who barked orders, insulted
divided based on their topics. Those topics       people and made offhand snide comments.
are then captured in specific categories and      Swift and hard condescension for not doing
                                                                                                                 Dovetail Communications Inc.
each time block of concurrent sessions offers     12 things at once and zero support for the                 30 East Beaver Creek Road, Suite 202,
a session from each category.                     harassment of a co-worker.                                  Richmond Hill, ON Canada L4B 1J2
    We also realize that not everyone can             I will never work in another lab as long as                    Phone: 905-886-6640
attend all of the sessions at LABCON, or even     I live. I am so done with politics and egos and
attend LABCON at all. However, we continue        ridiculous workloads.                                        Executive Editor      Theresa Rogers
to find ways to bring learning opportunities to       I am now working at my second career                         Art Director      Katrina Teimourabadi
our members. Beginning at LABCON2016,             that I had on hold for a while and even                  Associate Publisher       Chris Forbes
CSMLS now records select sessions to offer        though I feared it would take too long to          Director, Sales Operations      Beth Kukkonen
as webinars for those who were interested but     build a clientele, I would rather starve than       V.P. Production Services       Roberta Dick
weren’t able to attend. There are new webinars    spend another day in that lab.                       Production Coordinator        Stephanie Bellows
available from LABCON2017. View our full          Thanks. – Anonymous                                               Dovetail Communications
list of webinars at                                                                            Susan A. Browne, President
    Keep an eye out for our other upcoming        On behalf of CSMLS, we are saddened to hear              publisher’s statement and policy
in-person learning events such as Dinner &        stories such as this. However, we are aware that
                                                                                                     The editorial team determines and edits content for the
                                                  they exist. We are committed to creating and
Dialogue and save the date for LABCON2018         implementing resources to help our members.
                                                                                                     Canadian Journal of Medical Laboratory Science. Contributors
                                                                                                     include staff, partners and CSMLS members. Although
in Windsor, Ont. from May 25 - 27, 2018.          Most recently, CSMLS launched the Mental           CSMLS encourages the sharing of various opinions and
                                                  Health Toolkit – an online resource to provide     perspectives in an effort to promote thoughtful discourse,
                                                  members and organizations with the means           contributors’ views do not necessarily reflect the views of
Letter to the CEO                                 to identify, monitor and implement change          the Society. We reserve the right to edit all submissions for
                                                  for the betterment of the medical laboratory       length and clarity. Contents may be reproduced only with
Dear Christine,                                   profession. You and your organization do not
   I can’t begin to tell you how much I           stand alone in trying to work through mental       Scientific papers are accepted by the Canadian Journal of
                                                                                                     Medical Laboratory Science on the understanding that they
appreciated your message in the Spring 2017       health issues in the workplace. The CSMLS
                                                                                                     have not been published elsewhere.
journal.                                          Mental Health Toolkit can be a starting point
                                                  in obtaining information, support services         The Journal is a quarterly publication and is owned and
   I recently officially retired. I too had                                                          published by the Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory
                                                  and treatment for mental health issues for
reached the point of no return. There was         individuals, employers and organizations.
                                                                                                     Science (CSMLS). Canada Post Publications Mail Agreement
nothing left of me to defend myself or to care
                                                                                                     For subscription information contact
that I was being beaten down daily.               -Christine Nielsen, CSMLS CEO
   The main draw to the remote community I        Learn more at              Advertising inquiries can be sent to
                                                                                                                  Return Postage Guaranteed

                                                                                                                           ISSN 1207-5833
6    CJMLS Fall 2017                                                                                                      Printed in Canada
Scientific Feature - CSMLS
The most important piece
of the learning puzzle: You.
           earning seems like it should be a fairly simple thing. We’ve been doing it all of our lives   traction over the last decade. Treat your
           from the moment we were born, we’ve been learning. We learned to eat, walk, talk              body well and your mind will function
           and play with our friends but then, things got formal. School started and the learning        better too. Strengthen your learning
continued, even if we didn’t really want to participate. Now we’re adults and the learning is            goals by eating nutritious foods, sleeping
still continuing. Spoiler alert: It never ends. So we better get used to it, right?                      enough and exercising. There are foods
     A learning provider does many things when putting together a course, seminar or                     that claim to improve memory and
presentation; they research, write learning objectives and hopefully use sound learning                  cognition such as foods rich in omega
techniques to make sure you get everything you should out of your learning experience.                   3 fatty acids (found in fish, flax seeds
Despite all this, you can still walk away never having learned a thing, or at least not as much          and nuts) and flavonoids (found in dark
as you should have or expected to. It turns out meaningful learning requires effort.1 This               chocolate, green tea and wine). Sleep
means that you can’t just show up. You need to be engaged, motivated and disciplined.2 Think             helps to move new information into your
back to your best learning experience. Did you just show up and all the knowledge landed in              long-term memory. Exercise can boost
your head or did you have to put some effort into it?                                                    the oxygen flow to the brain and in turn
     So how can you become a better and, more importantly, an engaged, motivated and                     boost cognitive function. So go for a walk,
disciplined learner?3                                                                                    enjoy a glass of wine, eat your chocolate
1. Adopt an attitude of learning. This is especially important if you’re learning something             covered almonds and go to bed early all in
    that has been mandated and it’s not your subject of choice or if the subject will be quite           the name of being a better learner!
    challenging for you. Embrace a positive attitude and an open mind or even adopt a “fake
    it until you make it” attitude and remind yourself of it every time you open the course              Five simple concepts to becoming a better
    material.                                                                                            learner. I’m excited to give these a try the
2. Take notes. There has been research conducted on note-                                               next time I dive into a new subject. We
    taking and it reveals that your notes should be organized,                                           will also do our best to remind you of
                                                                                                         these before you start your next course

    reviewed many times, re-stated in your own language,
    reflected on and connected to your existing knowledge.                           Detailed            or webinar. Do you have tips to be a
    One simple approach to note-taking is the Cornell                                 Notes              better learner? I would love to hear them.
    method. Simply divide your page into three sections:                                                 Send me a quick message via email at
       • The area on the right is to take detailed notes.                                       or on Twitter
       • The narrow area on the left is to note keywords and                                            @micheleaperry.
          phrases as you review your notes.                                    Summary
       • The bottom area is to write a brief summary of the
3. Ask questions. If you don’t understand a concept, ask. Chances are you aren’t the only one           ReferenceS
    wondering. As my father always says, “The only stupid question is the one you don’t ask.”             1

    It’s a phrase I’ve repeated many times during my career, especially while training someone.             episode-53-learner-responsibility/
                                                                                                          2
    If you’re too afraid to ask a facilitator in person, you can always do a little research to try to      episode-53-learner-responsibility/
    understand the concept and ask later.                                                                 3 10 Ways To Be a Better Learner, Jeff Cobb,
4. Practice. Perhaps you’ve heard of Malcolm Gladwell’s “10,000 Hour Rule”. The notion is                  2012
    that to achieve greatness you need 10,000 hours of practice. While this may seem like an
    extraordinary amount to practice for a simple professional development course, it drives
    home the idea that you can’t just sit and learn about a concept and expect to be able to
    execute it immediately. Remember how nervous you were the first time you collected                              Michele Perry
    blood? Think of how much you improved once you had 50 “pokes” under your belt? You                              Manager, Learning Services
    can apply the same principle to learning just about anything.                                                   CSMLS
5. Take care of yourself. This isn’t a new concept but certainly one that has gained some

Scientific Feature - CSMLS
The Perspectives section of the Canadian Journal of Medical Laboratory Science (CJMLS) seeks to provide thoughts, insights, and opinions from
individuals with different points of views. We hope that as this section evolves, it allows us to present a broader array of topics that reflect the
varied careers and experiences of our members. If you are interested in contributing to the Perspectives section, email us at
Scientific Feature - CSMLS
A health care Perspective

Starting to Find Light:
A Reflection of Knowledge Gathering Efforts on
Indigenous People in Our Profession

    have to admit, I didn’t realize how much I didn’t know.
    Please be kind as I stumble to find the right words and if
    I approach sensitive subjects in an awkward way. Think
of me as reaching my hand out to you for support. It is only
through your experience and knowledge that I will truly
comprehend the intricacies of our nation’s indigenous story –
past and present.
   This is my story of the first steps taken to understand the
landscape and I hope it helps others who are standing in the
shadows. I am far from knowing it all, but am are willing to
learn and support the Canadian government’s call to help
others grasp the situation with greater conviction.1
   I had heard news broadcasters talk about the struggles of
indigenous communities over the years and recognized the
diagnostic and testing connection to our profession – greater
health disparities, lower socioeconomic status, lack of health
care professionals to support reserves and remote areas, impact
of climate change on health, etc. “Medical laboratory assistants
are on the front line taking samples from patients and it is
important that they be equipped to manage themselves with
all cultures, respecting individuality and personal customs,”
noted Brenda Lee Senecal MLT, Diagnostic Services Manitoba.
Colleges and Institutes Canada2 had previously distributed a
series of environmental scans (2005, 2010) that highlighted
the significant reliance of indigenous people on Canada’s
publicly-funded colleges, institutes, polytechnics, cégeps and
universities with a college mandate to obtain education as well
as the barriers for their recruitment and retention, the main
environment in which our medical laboratory professionals are
   With the change in government, Christine Nielsen, CSMLS
CEO, and I knew it was the right time to shine light on the lack
of information our organization and profession seems to have
on the topic. One of our first steps was to attend the “Working
With Aboriginal People: Recruiting and Retaining” education
session in April 2017, held by Winston McLean, President
of Iron Wolf Consulting and Lionel Laroche, President of
Multicultural Business Solutions. I also wanted to reach out
                                                                   Top and middle: Audience participates in “Working with Aboriginal People:
to our members as well and hear their stories so a call for        Recruiting and Retaining” education session. Photo: W. McLean
information was made in the CSMLS eNews. Christine was
able to attend the Research Canada’s Health Research Caucus        Bottom: Winston McLean hosts “Working with Aboriginal People:
Reception at Parliament Hill on Indigenous Health Research         Recruiting and Retaining” education session. Photo: W. McLean

Scientific Feature - CSMLS

in Canada (June 2017), a knowledge and advocacy event featuring scientists, researchers,            programs, including increased social
members of parliament and senators.                                                                 and technical support for high school
    I started asking in-depth, potentially intrusive and even cliché questions about indigenous     graduation rates that include mathematical
people because I needed somewhere to start. I stripped away the years of muffled broadcaster        and science requirements, cultural supports
words which had downplayed the truth and minimized the gravity of the situation. It’s hard          for indigenous students from remote areas
to ask tough questions about a vulnerable population, especially as an outsider. I also know        who attend post-secondary programs
it’s hard for people to tell their stories – it’s a sensitive and potentially politically charged   in large cities and cultural awareness
conversation but an important one to have.                                                          courses for students on the expectations
    My heart broke as I heard some of the realities of indigenous students in medical laboratory    of the professional workplace. Senecal also
programs, the lack of support for those who come to our labs and the lasting effects of the         suggested encouragement for using cultural
Indian Residential Schools. However, I also had conversations that were uplifting and               languages in the clinical settings to support
intriguing – stories about strength, willpower and cultural unity in the face of political and      communication with indigenous elders.
societal turmoil, a fact that shouldn’t be forgotten.                                               I believe it is important that government
    McLean described a historical event that hit everyone in attendance. There wasn’t a dry eye     funding is streamlined and available to assist
to be seen. But this isn’t about how we felt, it’s about what happened. McLean taught us about      indigenous students.
the approximately, 150,000 indigenous children who were removed from their families and                In addition, we have to recognize the needs
communities and forced to attend residential schools.                                               of instructors and administrators who may
    By the mid-1970s the majority of the 139 Indian Residential Schools had been closed, the        not be familiar with the indigenous culture
last closing in the mid-1990s. It wasn’t until 2007 that the implementation of the Residential      or the requirements to foster retention of
School Settlement Agreement began with the aim of bringing a fair and lasting resolution.4          indigenous students. Noelle Cater, MLT,
                                                                                                    CAE, Instructor for Red River College,
     “This morning our elders held a condolence ceremony for those who never heard an               described this concept, “Indigenous students
     apology, never received compensation, yet courageously fought assimilation so that we          tend to have many issues to overcome just
     could witness this day. … Never again will this House consider us the Indian problem           to make it into a structured program. From
     just for being who we are.”                                                                    my experience teaching them, they also tend
     ~ Chief Phil Fontaine, National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations5                        to have daily struggles that influence their
                                                                                                    ability to succeed. In this respect, I think
    Coincidentally, a few weeks later I was reintroduced to the concept of intergenerational        that instructors need more training to assist
trauma, when serious trauma affects the children and grandchildren of those who had the             them in mentoring and counselling when
first-hand experience. This time, the world had started to unfold the biological science behind     needed, such as cultural training and crisis
the concept. My thoughts flashed back to the Indian Residential Schools.                            management.”
    Researchers at Mount Sinai hospital in New York, studied the genetics of Jewish people             Where does the information gathering
who had experienced the horrors of the Nazi regime and compared their family genetics to            go from here? I am going to talk more with
those who had not been in Europe at the time. “To our knowledge, this [study] provides the          members about the needs of the indigenous
first demonstration of transmission of pre-conception stress effects resulting in epigenetic        patient population and write a follow-up
changes in both the exposed parents and their offspring in humans,” Rachel Yehuda, team             article. In the meantime, each of you can
lead, was quoted.6 According to the American Indian and Alaska Native Genetics Research             contribute to the conversation and if you
Guide created by the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI), studies have shown that          haven’t already, begin thinking about how
various behaviour and health conditions are due to inherited epigenetic changes.7                   you can advocate too.
    As a health care profession, we can support indigenous communities as our nation rectifies
the past and looks toward improving the future. For example, I learned about the importance         • Share your story – reach out to
of medical laboratory academic programs incorporating indigenous cultural training and the   
creation of programs focused on the needs of indigenous students. It was recognized that a          • Learn more about the history of indigenous
more flexible and personalized approach to education would be needed. According to Tricia              communities to develop a foundation of
VanDenakker, BSc, ART, MLT, Deputy Registrar at CMLTM and former Manager for Training                  understanding for the culture.
and Staff Development, Diagnostic Services Manitoba, “I believe it is rare to have a program              - Attend a cultural training session
available specifically for indigenous students, but such programs can help provide jobs on                - Follow governmental news stories
reserves and improve the access to and quality of health care on reserves. I feel it is important   • Contribute to data collection efforts that
for existing programs to reserve spots specifically for indigenous applicants. This is key to         help clarify health disparities and target
ensuring equity for the indigenous populations in the existing education systems.”                    support
     VanDenakker highlighted some of the critical components to achieving high-quality              • Examine your academic program’s cultural

10    CJMLS Fall 2017
content and discuss gaps with                ReferenceS
                                                                                                                                                                                                         2017 from
  administrators                                1 Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada
                                                  (2017). Truth and Reconciliation Commis-
   I couldn’t conclude this article                                                                                                                                                                     6 Church D. (2015). Genetic tags can pass
                                                 sion of Canada. Last retrieved Jun 19 2017
better than with these words by                                                                                                                                                                           trauma from one generation to the next.
Cater: “With politics focusing more                                                                                                                                                                       HuffPost. Last retrieved un 19 2017
on the social determinants of health            2 Previous known as the Association of Cana-
and programs favouring equity and                dian Community Colleges
justice, maintaining medical laboratory         3 Association of Canadian Community Colleges
                                                                                                                                                                                                        7 Pember MA. (2015). Trauma may be woven
                                                  (2010). Colleges Serving Aboriginal Learners
programs that include the indigenous                                                                                                                                                                      into DNA of Native Americans. Indian Coun-
                                                  and Communities 2010 Environmental Scan.
peoples are tantamount, whether they                                                                                                                                                                     try Today. Last retrieved Jun 19 2017 from
                                                  Last retrieved Jun 28 2017 from http://www.
be centered on our students or on our   
patients. There is a very significant need      4 Indigenous and Northern Affairs
in the Canadian population today to               Canada (2017). Indian Residential
incorporate more programs that give               Schools. Last retrieved Jun 19 2017
indigenous peoples the opportunity to
fully participate in society. I believe that    5 Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada                                                                                                                        Laura Zychla
this would serve our profession well              (2010). Indian Residential Schools Statement                                                                                                                    Researcher, CSMLS
and make us a stronger, healthier, more           of Apology - Phil Fontaine, National Chief, As-
cohesive country.”                               sembly of First Nations. Last retrieved Jun 19

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A career Perspective

Talent Management 101
          s a leader or manager in your lab, your initial game plan when it comes to recruiting
          employees is to hire the best talent in the industry. But hiring the best of the best isn’t
          all there is to it. It’s about hiring, training and retaining top performing employees and
building a solid team for your lab. This is called talent management.
     “Talent management is about engaging the appropriate workforce,” says Kris Bailey,
Chief Executive Officer at In-Common Laboratories in Toronto, ON. During her session at
LABCON2017, Bailey spoke on the subject of talent management and explained that it is more
than just recruiting the best people for the job. “It’s about challenging and engaging people and
it’s about how you work as a manager or leader in the organization,” she explains. “When you
link all of those pieces together, it’s talent management.”
     During her session, Bailey touched on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, which is a motivational
theory in psychology comprised of a five tier model of human needs1. Maslow stated that                    When you’re looking for staff, you’ll want
people are motivated to achieve certain needs and that some needs take precedence over others.          to make sure you have all of these in play.
The Hierarchy of Needs was used in the presentation to define the types of employees you will           You can’t have a functioning team that is too
encounter and how their needs differ from one another. According to Bailey, to make up the              heavy in each tier than the other. “You want
best team, you’re going to want a mix of people from each tier of the model.                            a few ‘A’ players,” says Bailey. “Some that like
                                                                                                        to be thanked for the work, the cheerleaders,
Physiological Needs                                                                                     and then you’ll want the ones that come
A human being’s most basic need is for physical survival. Food, water, shelter and clothing all         in and do a great job but that’s all they can
land within the need to simply live. These are the types of employees who go to work because            give…for now.”
they simply need the paycheque                                                                             Talent management is more than just
                                                                                                        hiring a good team of individuals. You need
Safety Needs                                                                                            to be able to retain them. “So many people I
In the absence of economic safety, due to economic crisis or lack of work opportunities, safety         hear have problems related to the retention
and security needs include job, personal and financial security which consist of benefits,              of staff,” Bailey explains. “I often hear, ‘I can
pensions, safe work environments and fair work practice. These are the employees who go to              recruit them but I can’t retain them’.”
work because they simply feel a sense of security where they are.                                          It also takes asking yourself, “What can
                                                                                                        I do as a leader to keep my staff motivated
Social Belonging Needs                                                                                  and engaged?” Bailey’s suggestion is to
Humans have a need to maintain emotionally significant relationships and to feel a sense of             bring excitement to the table and be able
belonging, whether it be with large or small groups. For example, some large social groups              to communicate effectively. Identify what
include relationships with co-workers or professional associations. Small social groups include         is important to them as a team and as
relationships with mentors, colleagues and confidants. It is important for employees to feel            individual members of each tier and make
socially accepted with their co-workers. They simply appreciate going to work because they              sure to recognize them when they’ve gone
enjoy the people they work with and the relationships they’ve made.                                     above and beyond. With all these factors of
                                                                                                        talent management in play, you, your team
Esteem Needs                                                                                            and your lab are sure to achieve success.
All humans have a need to have self-esteem and feel respected. They want to be desired, accepted
and valued by others. People often engage in a specific profession to gain recognition whether           ReferenceS
it is through a job title or prestigious job assignments. Typically these employees go to work            1
because they like the work, they’re good at it and they like to be recognized or thanked for it.            encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-
Self-Actualization Needs
This level of need is described as a person’s desire to accomplish everything that they can and                      Ashley Rego
reach their full potential. These are the types of employees who not only need to achieve their                      Marketing and Communications
goals, but also master their responsibilities. They are the type to take on challenges, to be the                    Associate
subject matter experts, to join every committee, to better themselves and ultimately want more                       CSMLS
in life.

12    CJMLS Fall 2017
A new graduate Perspective

                                                                                              Three Ways
    t seems wild to think that only a year ago,

                                                        New Graduates Can Contribute in
    I graduated from the Medical Laboratory
    Sciences program at the University of
Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT).
Since graduating and successfully completing
the CSMLS exam, I have been utilizing my
                                                       the Medical Laboratory Profession
laboratory skills and knowledge by working in
the core laboratory of a community hospital,
as well as a larger hospital corporation. I                                                           to become a better laboratory professional.
have greatly enjoyed rotating between the            Many hospitals have                              Continuing education need not be expensive
disciplines of chemistry, hematology and             opportunities for                                either, as there are many opportunities
transfusion medicine, as this has allowed                                                             available for free professional development.
me to gain further knowledge and keep my             employees to complete                            Many professional societies offer free courses
varied skills up to date. At the start of anyone’s                                                    and webinars to their members, such as
career, gaining as much clinical experience          research within their                            CSMLS, CAP, etc. In addition, many hospitals
as possible is crucial, in order to actively
work in the profession to serve patients and
                                                     field or to participate in                       host Grand Rounds in which staff members
                                                                                                      can attend. I had the pleasure of attending
community members. It is very easy to get            validation studies.                              a Transfusion Medicine Grand Rounds
too caught up in the daily bench work to                                                              during my clinical practicum that was very
think of anything else. However, there are                                                            educational and broadened the scope of my
other ways new graduates can contribute to           eligible to retire and many jurisdictions        knowledge on the subject. Finally, for those
the profession.                                      in Canada are already facing shortages.          with irregular schedules or where location
                                                     For this reason, promoting the laboratory        is an issue, several websites offer online
Participating in projects and research:              profession to potential students is crucial      webinars and virtual conferences that you
While it may seem like a big responsibility          and it involves being active within the          can attend free of charge. An example of
to take part in projects or clinical research,       wider community outside the lab. The             such a website is, which offers
new graduates should take advantage of               CSMLS has an Ambassador program where            webinars and trending articles on innovative
these opportunities. Many hospitals have             volunteers give presentations to schools         research in the laboratory. The medical
opportunities for employees to complete              and community groups about the medical           laboratory profession is constantly changing
research within their field or to participate        laboratory profession. Another way that          due to various advances in technology and
in validation studies. Performing research           laboratory professionals can promote their       diagnostics leaving a great deal of opportunity
or special projects within the laboratory            profession is during the annual National         for new graduates to learn and grow.
is beneficial to one’s career, since valuable        Medical Laboratory Week in which they can           As you begin your journey in your new
knowledge and experience is gained that can          increase the public’s understanding of their     career, you should always think about what
help you stand out when applying for more            work. These can be through initiatives at the    you can do next to advance yourself both
senior positions. Once these studies have been       organizational level, such as informational      personally and professionally. Make your
completed, opportunities for publication are         booths about the laboratory’s role in health     mark and find a place for yourself as you enter
available in several Canadian and American           care, or as social media initiatives, such as    into the field. Show that you are eager to be a
clinical laboratory journals, such as the            taking pictures or sharing information online    part of the medical laboratory community.
Canadian Journal of Medical Laboratory               about the laboratory. This past April, I had     Being a keen professional is beneficial to your
Science by CSMLS, Laboratory Medicine by             the opportunity to take part in organizing the   professional growth and there is a great deal of
the American Society for Clinical Pathology          Lab Week festivities at my organization and      opportunity just waiting to be discovered.
(ASCP), or the Clinical Laboratory Science           it was a very rewarding and fun experience.
Journal by the American Society for Clinical
Laboratory Science (ASCLS), to name a few.           Always keep learning: Even though it is a                     Maria Roussakis
                                                     professional practice requirement of many                     Medical Laboratory
Promote the profession: It’s been said that          regulatory colleges to maintain continuing                    Technologist,
within the next 10 years, half of the medical        education, it should not merely be looked at                  William Osler Health System
laboratory profession in Canada will be              as an obligation, but rather an opportunity


A safety Perspective

Breaking the Chain of
Infection in the Laboratory
    n 2016, the Public Health Agency of Canada received forty-seven        necessarily physical contact. Indirect transmission requires a vector,
    notifications of exposures or laboratory-acquired infections.1         such as an animal or insect.
    Receipt of these notifications occurred as part of the federal
reporting system under the Human Pathogens and Toxins Regulations.2        Portal of Entry. Entry of the infectious agent can take place in one of
Laboratory-acquired infections (LAIs) are measured as all infections       three ways: penetration, inhalation, or ingestion. The level and severity
that arise through laboratory or laboratory-related activities,            of an infection may depend on the depth of penetration.
regardless of whether they are symptomatic or asymptomatic in
nature. As we know, you and your colleagues handle various biological      Susceptible Host and all laboratory workers are included in this
hazards on a daily basis in the laboratory. It’s important to understand   link. Once in the new host, various factors influence the severity of
the mechanisms by which biological hazards can be transmitted              infection, including the status of the immune system. Immune status
from patients to workers, as well as between laboratory personnel.         is influenced by conditions such as pregnancy, a pre-existing medical
Understanding the concepts and employing simple techniques                 condition or medications.
will contribute to a safer and healthier working environment for all           Fully understanding the chain of transmission is important so that
laboratory staff.                                                          you are ready to break a link in the chain. Each link has a unique role
   The transmission of biological hazards and subsequent infection         in the chain, and each link can be broken through various means.
within a laboratory setting may be represented by a “chain” with each      Breaking the chain requires specific action against any of the links in
“link” in the chain representing a factor related to the spread of these   the chain (Figure 1). You are in control of some of the most effective
biological hazards. The chain of transmission is a stepwise process        ways to break the chain of transmission. Protecting yourself involves
where all six of the “links” are required for transmission to occur        referring to a written hazard assessment and using effective controls,
(Figure 1).                                                                such as Routine Practices. The idea for Routine Practices comes from
   The links are Infectious Agent, Reservoir, Portal of Exit, Mode of      the view that all laboratory samples are potentially infectious, even
Transmission, Portal of Entry and Susceptible Host.                        when they come from asymptomatic patients. A simple method to
                                                                           care for yourself is to ensure you use proper handwashing techniques.
Infectious Agent. This is the disease-causing organism or pathogen.        Handwashing must be performed after handling biological hazards,
For many illnesses and diseases, the pathogen is a virus or a bacterium.   removing gloves, and before leaving the laboratory. These small
                                                                           steps are part of a hand hygiene program that removes infectious
Reservoir. The infectious agent requires this natural
environment for survival. Reservoirs can be a person, an
animal, or an environmental component, such as soil or

Portal of Exit. This infectious agent depends on this link
to escape the reservoir. If the reservoir is a human, then
the portal of exit may be any one of the samples found in a
clinical laboratory. These samples include blood, as well as
secretions and excretions such as saliva, feces, and nose or
throat discharges.

Mode of Transmission. Transmission of the infectious
agent occurs either directly or indirectly. Direct transmission
requires close association with the infected host, but not

14    CJMLS Fall 2017
Figure 1. The Chain of Transmission. This image was adapted with the permission of Public Health Ontario. Public Health Ontario assumes no
responsibility for the content of any publication resulting from adaptation of PHO documents by third parties3.

agents. Handwashing is so effective because it can break three links in
                                                                             1 Public Health Agency of Canada. Laboratory Biosafety and Bios-
the chain of infection. Other ways to interrupt transmission include          ecurity [Internet]. 2017 [cited 21 June 2017]. Available from: http://
effective immunization programs, safety-engineered sharps, training,
disinfection practices and personal protective equipment. It’s also worth    2 Public Health Agency of Canada. Notifications [Internet]. 2017

mentioning the need to cover any broken skin, securing long hair, and          [cited 21 June 2017]. Available from:
the importance of never touching your face or mucous membranes with            lab-bio/notifications-declarations/index-eng.php
                                                                             3 Routine Practices and Additional Precautions In All Health Care
potentially contaminated materials.4                                           Settings, 3rd ed. Toronto: Public Health Ontario; 2017.
   Preventing transmission of infectious agents to laboratory staff is       4 Canadian Biosafety Standard. 2nd ed. Ottawa: Public Health
an occupational health and safety issue. Both the employer and the             Agency of Canada; 2015.
employee have responsibilities under workplace health and safety
legislation. Understanding the chain of transmission helps identify                     Dr. Eoin O’Grady, PhD, CRSP
where biological hazards come from; controlling those biological                        Manager of Occupational Health
hazards requires a conscious effort to break the chain of transmission to               and Safety, University Biosafety Officer
protect oneself and others.                                                             University of Calgary


Performance Evaluation of a Third Party
Enzymatic Total Bile Acid Assay for use
on the Roche Integra 800 Analyzer pg.17-21

Development of a Risk Assessment
Program of Potential Serious Laboratory
Non-Conforming Events (NCEs) pg.23-28
Performance Evaluation of a Third Party
Enzymatic Total Bile Acid Assay for use
on the Roche Integra 800 Analyzer

Jianing Chen, MD candidate1,2, Hilary Smith, MLT1, Heather Tarr, MLT1, Yu Chen, MD, PhD1,3
 Department of Laboratory Medicine, Dr. Everett Chalmers Regional Hospital, Horizon Health Network, Fredericton, NB, Canada

  School of Medicine, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland
  Department of Pathology, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada

ABSTRACT                                                                Introduction
Objectives: Serum total bile acid (TBA) is the most sensitive and       The intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP) is the most common
specific biomarker for diagnosis of intrahepatic cholestasis of         pregnancy-specific liver disease that typically presents in the third
pregnancy, the most common pregnancy-specific liver disease.            trimester. With a reported incidence between 0.2–2%, it is most
There is an increasing clinical demand for a significant reduction      prevalent in Northern European and South American countries1,2.
of testing turn-around time to support the care of pregnant women.      As a reversible condition in later pregnancy, its severity varies1,2.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the analytical performance of     Several pedigree studies have demonstrated the familial clustering
a third party enzymatic TBA assay (Diazyme Laboratories) for use        of ICP3. ICP appears to have an autosomal dominant, sex-limited
on the Roche Integra 800 analyzer so that it could be performed in      inheritance pattern which is linked with the ATP binding cassette
house.                                                                  subfamily B member 4 (ABCB4) gene for up to 14% of cases in
                                                                        the UK who have a positive family history1-7. Nonetheless, other
Methods: The Diazyme total bile acid assay was evaluated using          genes, ABCB11 and ATPase phospholipid transporting 8B1
the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) evaluation       (ATP8B1), also show some linkages to ICP7-9. Sex hormones are
protocols. Split patient samples were compared with the Bio Quant       also thought to be related with ICP. Estradiol-17β-D-glucuronide,
total bile acid kit (supplied by Diazyme Laboratories) on Integra       a type of estrogen metabolite found to be cholestatic in animals,
400 (n=48), and the LC-MS/MS assay (n=30).                              is suggestive as a contributing factor10. In addition, sulphated and
                                                                        glucuronidated progesterone metabolites are increased in ICP
Results: Within-run and total imprecision were 1.0% and 2.5% at         patients, which may play a role in its pathogenesis10.
10.8 µmol/L, 0.5% and 1.0% at 30.7 µmol/L, and 0.5% and 1.1%
at 111.4 µmol/L respectively. There was no sample carry-over.           Pruritus especially on palms and soles commonly appears
Compared to the Bio Quant total bile acid kit, the Diazyme total bile   in the third trimester but it can also develop in the first or
acid assay demonstrated an R2 value of 0.9908, with an average bias     second trimester1,10. Steatorrhea, increased aminotransferase,
of 2.4%. Compared to LC-MS/MS, the Diazyme total bile acid assay        malabsorption of fat-soluble vitamins, and weight loss are other
demonstrated an R2 value of 0.9904, with an average bias of -8.3%.      symptoms of ICP. Clinical features such as pruritus, abnormal
                                                                        liver function, and raised serum total bile acid (TBA) usually
Conclusions: The Diazyme enzymatic total bile acid assay for use        resolve rapidly after delivery. Although ICP is considered a benign
on the Roche Integra 800 analyzer is an acceptable routine method       condition for the mother, poor fetal outcomes such as premature
for clinical laboratories.                                              birth, fetal distress and intrauterine fetal death can occur. The
                                                                        common management of ICP is to treat with ursodeoxycholic
Key Words: Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy, total bile acid,      acid (UDCA), which is effective in significantly decreasing
enzymatic assay, LC-MS/MS, method evaluation; comparison study          TBA, aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase,


and bilirubin levels, and moreover reducing the symptom of                 known concentrations. They are categorized in levels of low, medium,
pruritus11-13. Although it is indicated that UDCA may reduce the           and high. Each sample pool was run in replicates of 10 on a single day.
risk of adverse fetal outcomes such as preterm labor, respiratory          The total CVs were determined using the same three sample pools run
distress, and neonatal hospitalization, there is no large scale study      in singleton for 10 days.
to establish the beneficial effect of UDCA on poor fetal outcomes
and its mechanism of action is yet to be defined11. A recent study         Sample carry-over
suggests UDCA with rifampicin may be more effective on patients            It was assessed by assaying 3 replicates of a high concentration
who do not respond to UDCA alone14.                                        sample (sample a), and immediately followed by 3 replicates of a
                                                                           low concentration sample (sample b). Two different sets of samples
The diagnosis of ICP can be confirmed by the abnormal liver                were evaluated. Through the calculation by using the equation,
function tests and elevated TBA. It is proven that the risk of             k = (b1 - b3) / (a3 – b3), the carry-over k was determined as we described
fetal complications is linked with maternal serum TBA level,               previously26,27.
and greater risk is associated with mothers having more severe
cholestasis15-19. TBA is the most sensitive and specific marker for        Method comparisons
diagnosis1. Some clinicians may conduct elective early delivery at         Remnant anonymous patient samples stored as frozen aliquots and
37 weeks of gestation in pregnancies complicated by ICP when               previously tested and collected at Mount Sinai Hospital Laboratory
TBA reaches a certain threshold, e.g. 40 µmol/L2. Some studies             (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) and Mayo Medical Laboratory (Rochester,
indicate that fetal complications may happen above that cut-off2,18.       Minnesota, USA) were used. The method comparison study included
                                                                           the Bio Quant total bile acid kit (supplied by Diazyme Laboratories)
Currently, the TBA testing is sent out of the province of New              on Integra 400 (n=48), and the LC-MS/MS assay (n=30). The Bio
Brunswick with a long turn-around time of 2-3 weeks. There is              Quant total bile acid kit was run by Mount Sinai Hospital Laboratory,
an increasing clinical demand for a significant improvement to             whereas the LC-MS/MS assay was run at Mayo Medical Laboratory.
support the care of pregnant women. The aim of this study was              The samples were run in singleton in a single run with the Diazyme
to evaluate the analytical performance of a third party enzymatic          total bile acid assay on the Integra 800. All types of assays were run
TBA assay for use on the Roche Integra 800 analyzer so that it             according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
could be performed in house.
                                                                           Assay accuracy
Materials and Methods                                                      Nine College of American Pathologists proficiency testing samples
The Diazyme total bile acid assay (Poway, California, USA) was             (TBLA 2015-2016) samples were used and run in singleton to
set up on the Roche Integra 800 analyzer (Indianapolis, Indiana,           evaluate the Diazyme total bile acid assay accuracy.
USA), and evaluated using the CLSI evaluation protocols for
testing precision (EP5)20, accuracy (EP15)21, bias (EP9)22, and            Statistical methods
estimating total analytical error (EP21)23. The method comparison          Statistical analysis was carried out using Microsoft Excel. Regression
study included the the Bio Quant total bile acid kit (San Diego,           analysis was used to evaluate method correlations, and Bland–
California, USA) and LC-MS/MS (reference method) assays.                   Altman plots were constructed to assess systematic bias between
In addition, nine College of American Pathologists’ proficiency            methods.
testing samples were used to evaluate assay accuracy.
Diazyme total bile acid assay                                              Assay imprecision study
The Diazyme total bile acid assay uses an enzymatic principle: in          The Diazyme total bile acid assay on the Integra 800 demonstrated
the presence of Thio-NAD and excess NADH, 3-α-hydroxysteroid               clinically acceptable precision for all concentrations. Within-run
dehydrogenase converts bile acid to 3-keto steroids and Thio-NADH.         and total CVs were 1.0% and 2.5% at 10.8 µmol/L, 0.5% and 1.0% at
The rate of formation of Thio-NADH is measured at 405 nm. The              30.7 µmol/L, and 0.5% and 1.1% at 111.4 µmol/L respectively (Table 1).
measuring range is 0 to 180 µmol/L.
                                                                           Table 1: Imprecision study of the Diazyme total bile acid assay on
                                                                           Integra 800.
Bio Quant total bile acid kit
In the Bio Quant total bile acid kit which is supplied by Diazyme           CV (%)                    Within-run (n=10)           Total (n=10)
Laboratories, the reagent composition of R1, R2, and calibrator, are the    Levels
same as the Diazyme total bile acid assay24,25.                                  10.8 µmol/L                  1.0                     2.5
                                                                                 30.7 µmol/L                  0.5                     1.0
Assay imprecision
                                                                                111.4 µmol/L                  0.5                     1.1
The within-run CVs were determined using three sample pools of

18    CJMLS Fall 2017
Sample carry-over study
The sample carry-over equation presumes that any differential
between each of the three high samples and each of the three low
samples should be attributable only to within-run variability if
there is no carry-over. In this carry-over study, the first trial gave
the value of k to be -0.0001439 and the second trial showed k=0,
which indicates that the sample carry-over is negligible (Table 2).

Table 2: Carry-over study of the Diazyme total bile acid assay on
Integra 800.

     High value, a                Low value, b
       (µmol/L)                     (µmol/L)

   141, 139.5, 141.4              2.3, 2.5, 2.5        -0.0001439
  149.3, 151.9, 149.6             2.4, 2.2, 2.4               0

Assay accuracy study
The Diazyme total bile acid assay on the Integra 800 differed from
the assigned College of American Pathologists’ proficiency testing
samples (peer group means from 15-19 participating laboratories
on TBLA 2015-2016 survey, n=9) by -2.2% to -9.5%, with an average
bias of -6.4% (Table 3).

Table 3: Accuracy study of the Diazyme total bile acid assay on
Integra 800. CAP, College of American Pathologists.                          Fig. 1: Comparison of the Diazyme total bile acid on Integra 800 with
                                                                             the Bio Quant total bile kit (supplied by Diazyme Laboratories) on
                        CAP group       Measured                             Integra 400 (n=28).
 CAP survey                                          Bias
                       mean values        value                   % Bias
 specimen #                                        (µmol/L)
                         (µmol/L)       (µmol/L)
 2015 TBLA-01             147.6            136.9    -10.7          -7.2    Discussion
 2015 TBLA-02              7.3              6.9      -0.4          -5.3    In this study, the Diazyme total bile acid assay demonstrated to be an
 2015 TBLA-03             39.0              37.6     -1.4          -3.6    agreeable routine assay to be used in clinical laboratories. This assay
 2015 TBLA-04             40.3              37.6     -2.7          -6.7
                                                                           manifested acceptable precision and negligible sample carry-over.
                                                                           It also correlated well with LC-MS/MS assay with the correlation
 2015 TBLA-05              7.6              6.9      -0.7          -8.9
                                                                           coefficient R close to 1. This assay demonstrated small biases in the
 2015 TBLA-06             143.0            134.2     -8.8          -6.1    accuracy and comparison studies (Table 3 and Fig. 1 and 2). The
 2016 TBLA-01             33.1              30.3     -2.8          -8.3    acceptable analytical performances (total allowable errors, TEa)
 2016 TBLA-02             96.5              94.4     -2.1          -2.2    for TBA is not specified by the Clinical Laboratory Improvement
 2016 TBLA-03             18.3              16.6     -1.7          -9.5    Amendments requirement or the College of American Pathologists.
                                                                           TEa is recommended as 23% for veterinary (cats) diagnosis 28 and as
                                                                           30% in a recent study on human and mice 29.
Method Comparison                                                          ICP, a reversible cholestasis condition, is one of the hepatic diseases
Compared to Bio Quant total bile acid kit, the Diazyme total bile          specific to pregnant women that could appear in subsequent
acid assay demonstrated an R2 value 0.9908, with an average bias of        pregnancies. It may increase the risk of having other hepatobiliary
2.4% (Fig. 1).                                                             diseases for example gallstones and cholecystitis1,30,31. The majority
                                                                           of patients (up to 80%) present with the disease after 30 weeks of
In comparison to LC-MS/MS, the Diazyme total bile acid assay               gestation1,10,32. Although this is a benign condition for the mother,
demonstrated an R2 value 0.9904, with an average bias of -8.3% (Fig.       which resolves after delivery, poor fetal outcomes including
2). Interestingly, the Diazyme total bile acid assay correlated well       premature birth (up to 60%), fetal distress (61%), and stillbirth
with LC-MS/MS on samples significantly containing UDCA (≥ 1                (1.6%) can occur2. In addition to pruritus, clinical presentations also
µmol/L) with an R2 value 0.9894 and an elevated average bias of            include the rising of maternal serum TBA, alanine aminotransferase,
-17% (Fig. 2).                                                             aspartate aminotransferase, and bilirubin, etc.

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