Scientific instruments of Rosetta's Philae lander

Page created by Julia Frazier
Scientific instruments of Rosetta's Philae lander
Scientific instruments of Rosetta's Philae
23 September 2014, by Tim Reyes, Universe Today

                                                            functioned as constraints on the instrument
                                                             selection that could be packed and carried along on
                                                             the journey. There was a maximum weight,
                                                             maximum volume, and power. The final mass of
                                                             Philae is 100 kg (220 lbs). Its volume is 1 × 1 × 0.8
                                                             meters (3.3 × 3.3 × 2.6 ft) about the size of a four
                                                             burner oven-range. However, Philae must function
                                                             on a small amount of stored energy upon arrival:
                                                             1000 Watt-Hours (equivalent of a 100 watt bulb
                                                             running for 10 hours). Once that power is drained, it
                                                             will produce a maximum of 8 watts of electricity
                                                             from Solar panels to be stored in a 130 Watt-Hour

                                                            Without any assurance that they would land
                                                            fortuitously and produce more power, the Philae
Rosetta’s Philae lander includes a carefully selected set   designers provided a high capacity battery that is
of instruments and is being prepared for a November         charged, one time only, by the primary spacecraft
11th dispatch to analyze a comet’s surface. Credit:
                                                            solar arrays (64 sq meters) before the descent to
ESA, Composite – T.Reyes
                                                            the comet. With an initial science command
When traveling to far off lands, one packs carefully.       sequence on-board Philae and the battery power
What you carry must be comprehensive but not so             stored from Rosetta, Philae will not waste any time
much that it is a burden. And once you arrive, you          to begin analysis—not unlike a forensic analysis—to
must be prepared to do something extraordinary to           do a "dissection" of a comet. Thereafter, they utilize
make the long journey worthwhile.                           the smaller battery which will take at least 16 hours
                                                            to recharge but will permit Philae to study
What will the lander do once it arrives and gets            67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko for potentially
settled in its new surroundings? As Henry David             months.
Thoreau said, "It is not worthwhile to go around the
world to count the cats in Zanzibar." So it is with         There are 10 science instrument packages on the
the Rosetta lander Philae. With the stage set – a           Philae lander. The instruments use absorbed,
landing site chosen and landing date of November            scattered, and emitted light, electrical conductivity,
11th, the Philae lander is equipped with a carefully        magnetism, heat, and even acoustics to assay the
thought-out set of scientific instruments.                  properties of the comet. Those properties include
Comprehensive and compact, Philae is a like a               the surface structure (the morphology and chemical
Swiss Army knife of tools to undertake the first on-        makeup of surface material), interior structure of
site (in-situ) examination of a comet.                      P67, and the magnetic field and plasmas (ionized
                                                            gases) above the surface. Additionally, Philae has
Now, consider the scientific instruments on Philae          an arm for one instrument and the Philae main
which were selected about 15 years ago. Just like           body can be rotated 360 degrees around its Z-axis.
any good traveler, budgets had to be set which              The post which supports Philae and includes a

Scientific instruments of Rosetta's Philae lander
impact dampener.                                          and make Philae possible and, together with
                                                          Rosetta, fit within payload limits of the launch
CIVA and ROLIS imaging systems. CIVA                      vehicle, power limitations of the solar cells and
represents three cameras which share some                 batteries, limitations of the command and data
hardware with ROLIS. CIVA-P (Panoramic) is                system and radio transmitters.
seven identical cameras, distributed around the
Philae body but with two functioning in tandem for        APXS. This is a Alpha Proton X-ray Spectrometer.
stereo imaging. Each has a 60 degree field of view        This is a near must-have instrument of the space
and uses as 1024×1024 CCD detector. As most               scientist's Swiss Army Knife. APXS spectrometers
people can recall, digital cameras have advanced          have become a common fixture on all Mars Rover
quickly in the last 15 years. Philae's imagers were       missions and Philae's is an upgraded version of
designed in the late 1990s, near state-of-the-art,        Mars Pathfinder's. The legacy of the APXS design
but today they are surpassed, at least in number of       is the early experiments by Ernest Rutherford and
pixels, by most smartphones. However, besides             others that led to discovering the structure of the
hardware, image processing in software has                atom and the quantum nature of light and matter.
advanced as well and the images may be
enhanced to double their resolution.                      This instrument has a small source of Alpha particle
                                                          emission (Curium 244) essential to its operation.
CIVA-P will have the immediate task, as part of the       The principles of Rutherford Back-scattering of
initial autonomous command sequence, of                   Alpha particles is used to detect the presence of
surveying the complete landing site. It is critical to    lighter elements such as Hydrogen or Beryllium
the deployment of other instruments. It will also         (those close to an Alpha particle in mass, a Helium
utilize the Z-axis rotation of the Philae body to         nucleus). The mass of such lighter elemental
survey. CIVA-M/V is a microscopic 3-color imager          particles will absorb a measurable amount of
(7 micron resolution) and CIVA-M/I is a near infra-       energy from the Alpha particle during an elastic
red spectrometer (wavelength range of 1 to 4              collision; as happens in Rutherford back-scattering
microns) that will inspect each of the samples that       near 180 degrees. However, some Alpha particles
is delivered to the COSAC & PTOLEMY ovens                 are absorbed rather than reflected by the nuclei of
before the samples are heated.                            the material. Absorption of an Alpha particle causes
                                                          emission of a proton with a measurable kinetic
ROLIS is a single camera, also with a 1024×1024           energy that is also unique to the elemental particle
CCD detector, with the primary role of surveying          from which it came (in the cometary material); this
the landing site during the descent phase. The            is used to detect heavier elements such as
camera is fixed and downward pointing with an f/5         magnesium or sulfur. Lastly, inner shell electrons in
(f-ratio) focus adjustable lens with a 57 degree field    the material of interest can be expelled by Alpha
of view. During descent it is set to infinity and will    particles. When electrons from outer shells replace
take images every 5 seconds. Its electronics will         these lost electrons, they emit an X-Ray of specific
compress the data to minimize the total data that         energy (quantum) that is unique to that elementary
must be stored and transmitted to Rosetta. Focus          particle; thus, heavier elements such as Iron or
will adjust just prior to touchdown but thereafter, the   Nickel are detectable. APXS is the embodiment of
camera functions in macro mode to                         early 20th Century Particles Physics.
spectroscopically survey the comet immediately
underneath Philae. Rotation of the Philae body will       CONSERT. COmet Nucleus Sounding Experiment
create a "working circle" for ROLIS.                      by Radio wave Transmission, as the name
                                                          suggests, will transmit radio waves into the comet's
The multi-role design of ROLIS clearly shows how          nucleus. The Rosetta orbiter transmits 90 MHz
scientists and engineers worked together to overall       radio waves and simultaneously Philae stands on
reduce weight, volume, and power consumption,             the surface to receive with the comet residing

Scientific instruments of Rosetta's Philae lander
between them. Consequently, the time of travel           SD2 Sample Drill and Distribution device will
through the comet and the remaining energy of the        penetrate the surface and subsurface to a depth of
radio waves is a signature of the material through       20 cm. Each retrieved sample will be a few cubic
which it propagated. Many radio transmissions and        millimeters in volume and distributed to 26 ovens
receptions by CONSERT through a multitude of             mounted on a carousel. The ovens heat the sample
angles will be required to determine the interior        which creates a gas that is delivered to the gas
structure of the comet. It is similar to how one might   chromatographs and mass spectrometers that are
sense the shape of a shadowy object standing in          COSAC and PTOLEMY. Observations and analysis
front of you by panning one's head left and right to     of APXS and ROLIS data will be used to determine
watch how the silhouette changes; altogether your        the sampling locations all of which will be on a
brain perceives the shape of the object. With            "working circle" from the rotation of Philae's body
CONSERT data, a complex deconvolution process            about its Z-axis.
using computers is necessary. The precision to
which the comet's interior is known improves with        COSAC Cometary Sampling and Composition
more measurements.                                       experiment. The first gas chromatograph (GC) I
                                                         saw was in a college lab and was being used by
MUPUS. Multi-Purpose Sensor for Surface and              the lab manager for forensic tests supporting the
Subsurface Science is a suite of detectors for           local police department. The intent of Philae is
measuring the energy balance, thermal and                nothing less than to perform forensic tests on a
mechanical properties of the comet's surface and         comet hundred of million of miles from Earth. Philae
subsurface down to a depth of 30 cm (1 foot).            is effectively Sherlock Holmes' spy glass and
There are three major parts to MUPUS. There is           Sherlock is all the researchers back on Earth. The
the PEN which is the penetrator tube. PEN is             COSAC gas chromatograph includes a mass
attached to a hammering arm that extends up to           spectrometer and will measure the quantities of
1.2 meters from the body. It deploys with sufficient     elements and molecules, particularly complex
downward force to penetrate and bury PEN below           organic molecules, making up comet material.
the surface; multiple hammer strokes are possible.       While that first lab GC I saw was closer to the size
At the tip, or anchor, of PEN (the penetrator tube) is   of Philae, the two GCs in Philae are about the size
an accelerometer and standard PT100 (Platinum            of shoe boxes.
Resistance Thermometer). Together, the anchor
sensors will determine the hardness profile at the       PTOLEMY. An Evolved Gas Analyzer [ref], a
landing site and the thermal diffusivity at the final    different type of gas chromatograph. The purpose
depth [ref]. As it penetrates the surfaces, more or      of Ptolemy is to measure the quantities of specific
less deceleration indicates harder or softer             isotopes to derive the isotopic ratios, for example, 2
material. The PEN includes an array of 16 thermal        parts isotope C12 to one part C13. By definition,
detectors along its length to measure subsurface         isotopes of an element have the same number of
temperatures and thermal conductivity. The PEN           protons but different numbers of neutrons in their
also has a heat source to transmit heat to the           nuclei. One example is the 3 isotopes of Carbon,
cometary material and measure its thermal                C12, C13 and C14; the numbers being the number
dynamics. With the heat source off, detectors in         of neutrons. Some isotopes are stable while others
PEN will monitor the temperature and energy              can be unstable – radioactive and decay into stable
balance of the comet as it approaches the Sun and        forms of the same element or into other elements.
heats up. The second part is the MUPUS TM, a             What is of interest to Ptolemy investigators is the
radiometer atop the PEN which will measure               ratio of stable isotopes (natural and not those
thermal dynamics of the surface. TM consists of          affected by, or that result from, radioactive decay)
four thermopile sensors with optical filters to cover    for the elements H, C, N, O and S, but particularly
a wavelength range from 6-25 µm.                         Carbon. The ratios will be telltale indicators of
                                                         where and how comets are created. Until now,

spectroscopic measurements of comets to                     compartment showing the location of COSAC, PTOLEMY,
 determine isotopic ratios have been from a distance         the CONSERT antennas, the SESAME dust sensor and
 and the accuracy has been inadequate for drawing            ÇIVA cameras. Philae is about the size of a dishwasher
                                                             or four burner oven. Credit: “Capabilities of Philae, the
 firm conclusions about the origin of comets and
                                                             Rosetta Lander, J. Biele, S. Ulamec, September 2007
 how comets are linked to the creation of planets
 and the evolution of the Solar Nebula, the
                                                            Next is the SESAME/PP detector – the Permittivity
 birthplace of our planetary system surrounding the
                                                            Probe. Permittivity is the measure of the resistance
 Sun, our star. An evolved gas analyzer will heat up
                                                            a material has to electric fields. SESAME/PP will
 a sample (~1000 C) to transform the materials into
                                                            deliver an oscillating (sine wave) electric field into
 a gaseous state which a spectrometer can very
                                                            the comet. Philae's feet carry the receivers –
 accurately measure quantities. A similar instrument,
                                                            electrodes and AC sine generators to emit the
 TEGA (Thermal Evolved Gas Analyzer) was an
                                                            electric field. The resistance of the cometary
 instrument on Mars Phoenix lander.
                                                            material to about a 2 meter depth is thus measured
                                                            providing another essential property of the comet –
SESAME Surface Electrical Sounding and
                                                            the permittivity.
Acoustic Monitoring Experiment This instrument
involves three unique detectors. The first is the
                                                            The third detector is called SESAME/DIM. This is
SESAME/CASSE, the acoustic detector. Each
                                                            the comet dust counter. There were several
landing foot of Philae has acoustic emitters and
                                                            references used to compile these instrument
receivers. Each of the legs will take turns
                                                            descriptions. For this instrument, there is, what I
transmitting acoustic waves (100 Hertz to KiloHertz
                                                            would call, a beautiful description which I will simply
range) into the comet which the sensors of the
                                                            quote here with reference. "The Dust Impact
other legs will measure. How that wave is
                                                            Monitor (DIM) cube on top of the Lander balcony is
attenuated, that is, weakened and transformed, by
                                                            a dust sensor with three active orthogonal (50 × 16)
the cometary material it passes through, can be
                                                            mm piezo sensors. From the measurement of the
used along with other cometary properties gained
                                                            transient peak voltage and half contact duration,
from Philae instruments, to determine daily and
                                                            velocities and radii of impacting dust particles can
seasonal variations in the comet's structure to a
                                                            be calculated. Particles with radii from about 0.5 µm
depth of about 2 meters. Also, in a passive
                                                            to 3 mm and velocities from 0.025–0.25 m/s can be
(listening) mode, CASSE will monitor sound waves
                                                            measured. If the background noise is very high, or
from creaks, groans inside the comet caused
                                                            the rate and/or the amplitudes of the burst signal
potentially by stresses from Solar heating and
                                                            are too high, the system automatically switches to
venting gases.
                                                            the so called Average Continuous mode; i.e., only
                                                            the average signal will be obtained, giving a
                                                            measure of the dust flux." [ref]

                                                            ROMAP Rosetta Lander Magnetometer and
                                                            Plasma detector also includes a third detector, a
                                                            pressure sensor. Several spacecraft have flown by
                                                            comets and an intrinsic magnetic field, one created
                                                            by the comet's nucleus (the main body) has never
                                                            been detected. If an intrinsic magnetic field exists, it
                                                            is likely to be very weak and landing on the surface
                                                            would be necessary. Finding one would be
                                                            extraordinary and would turn theories regarding
                                                            comets on their heads. Low and behold Philae has
                                                            a fluxgate magnetometer.
Side view schematics of the inner structure of the lander

The Earth's magnetic field surrounding us is             kind of like a white sheet draped over a Halloween
measured in the 10s of thousands of nano-Teslas           trick-or-treater but without eye holes.
(SI unit, billionth of a Tesla). Beyond Earth's field,
the planets, asteroids, and comets are all immersed      So at P67's surface, Philae's ROMAP/SPM
in the Sun's magnetic field which, near the Earth, is    detector, electrostatic analyzers and a Faraday Cup
measured in single digits, 5 to 10 nano-Tesla.           sensor will measure free electrons and ions in the
Philae's detector has a range of +/- 2000                not so empty space. A "cold" plasma surrounds the
nanoTesla; a just in case range but one readily          comet; SPM will detect ion kinetic energy in the
offered by fluxgates. It has a sensitivity of 1/100th    range of 40 to 8000 electron-volts (eV) and
of a nanoTesla. So, ESA and Rosetta came                 electrons from 0.35 eV to 4200 eV. Last but not
prepared. The magnetometer can detect a very             least, ROMAP includes a pressure sensor which
minute field if it's there. Now let's consider the       can measure very low pressure – a millionth or a
Plasma detector.                                         billionth or less than the air pressure we enjoy on
                                                         Earth. A Penning Vacuum gauge is utilized which
                                                         ionizes the primarily neutral gas near the surface
                                                         and measures the current that is generated.

                                                         Philae will carry 10 instrument suites to the surface
                                                         of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko but altogether the
                                                         ten represent 15 different types of detectors. Some
                                                         are interdependent, that is, in order to derive
                                                         certain properties, one needs multiple data sets.
                                                         Landing Philae on the comet surface will provide
                                                         the means to measure many properties of a comet
                                                         for the fist time and others with significantly higher
                                                         accuracy. Altogether, scientists will come closer to
                                                         understanding the origins of comets and their
                                                         contribution to the evolution of the Solar System.
Philae’s APXS – Alpha Proton X-Ray Spectrometer.
Credit: Inst. for Inorganic Chemistry & Analytical
Chemistry, Max-Planck Institute for Chemistry            Source: Universe Today

Much of the dynamics of the Universe involves the
interaction of plasma – ionized gases (generally
missing one or more electrons thus carrying a
positive electric charge) with magnetic fields.
Comets also involve such interactions and Philae
carries a plasma detector to measure the energy,
density and direction of electrons and of positively
charged ions. Active comets are releasing
essentially a neutral gas into space plus small solid
(dust) particles. The Sun's ultraviolet radiation
partially ionizes the cometary gas of the comet's
tail, that is, creates a plasma. At some distance
from the comet nucleus depending on how hot and
dense that plasma is, there is a standoff between
the Sun's magnetic field and the plasma of the tail.
The Sun's B field drapes around the comet's tail

APA citation: Scientific instruments of Rosetta's Philae lander (2014, September 23) retrieved 18 May 2015

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