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• •T                    •            ^SPA^                 *
       Vol. 2, No. 21                  Friday, April 23, 1965
 Area Residents                                                                                                 Sixtieth Anniversory Event
 Donate $832,000
 To University                                                                                         *&>             W. R. Beach to Review
     Mr. and Mrs. Earl S. Webb of
  San Bernardino have given the
  University an estate valued at
                                                                                                                       Church's Health Work
  approximately $832,000 to cli                                                                                        "The Outreach of the Church's Health Emphasis" is the title
  max more than 40 years of                                                                                      of Walter R. Beach's address Wednesday, April 28, in a special con
  friendship toward the institu                                                                                  vocation designated as the April event commemorating the sixtieth
  tion, says University President                                                                                anniversary of the founding of Loma Linda University. The program
  Godfrey T. Anderson.                                                                                           will begin at 7 p.m. in the University Church.
     A life income may be paid to
  the donors of such gifts. At the                                                                                                                                         Mr. Beach is
  termination of the life income                                                                                  Annual Field Day                                       secretary of the
                                                                                                                                                                         General    Con
  agreement the funds may be         THIS TOWERING GIANT is a German-made 800-B "climbing                         Set for April 25                                       ference of Sev
  used to further the University's   crane" that will be used for all major vertical lifting tasks in the
  progress.                                                                                                         Students from both the Los                           enth-day    Ad-
                                     construction of the University's Medical Center. The crane, which                                                                   ventists and is
     The Webbs were named Uni        has a lifting capacity of 11 tons, is 65 feet above the basement floor.     Angeles and the Loma Linda
  versity Associates in a cere-      As the construction progresses upward, extensions will be added to          campuses will participate Sun                           a member of
^nony during a recent meeting                                                                                    day, April 25, in the student                           the University's
                                     the crane's legs to make it even taller, says a spokesman for L. C.                                                                .Board of Trus
  of the Board of Trustees. A        Havstad-Pel E. Webb Corporation, contractors for the facility.              field day events. The tradition
                                                                                                                                                          Mr. Beach tees. After 27
 plaque presented to the couple                                                                                  al athletic contests will begin
  by Maynard V. Campbell,                                                                                        with tennis at 9:30 a.m A vol-                          years of for-
 chairman of the board, cited        Mrs. Paul Carlson                    Danish Scientist                       leyball game is scheduled from eign mission service in the
                                                                                                                                                       Southern European Division he
 them for "their commitment to                                                                                   11 a.m, to 12 noon.
  the common good, their wit         To Speak at White                    Will Lecture Here                         The Junior Dental Auxiliary accepted his present position in
  ness to the worth of man's free       In her first major speaking         The director of the depart           will sell food between 12 and 1954.
  spirit, and their substantial                                                                                  12:30.                                  He received his BA degree
                                     engagement since the murder         ment of neuroradiology at
 personal investment in the ad       of her husband late last year       Aarhus University Hospital in              Most of the games will be in 1923 from Walla Walla Col
 vancement of higher educa           in the African Congo, Mrs. Paul     Denmark, Dr. Erling Ratjen,             played with medical students lege, Washington. The Sor-
 tion."                              Carlson will speak at the Cam       will speak on campus May 3.             on one team and with students bonne in Paris granted him the
     The title is awarded in rec     pus Fellowship on the Los An        Dr. Ratjen will discuss con             from the Graduate School, Master of Arts degree in 1927.
 ognition of outstanding assist                                                                                  School of Dentistry, and the an       His alma mater awarded him
                                     geles campus'May 7.                 cepts of neuroradiology as they                                                   honorary Doctor of Laws
 ance to the University by              She will illustrate her talk     are related to anatomy at the           School of Physical Therapy on degree          in 1954.
 monetary contributions, per         with the family's collection of     anatomy seminar in Shryock              the other. A faculty team will
                                                                                                                 oppose an "all-star" student            His most recently published
 sonal service, or both.             slides and pictures of her hus      Hall at 12:10 p.m.
     Mr. Webb's career in the San    band's work. The program be            He will also conduct a two-          group in a volleyball game at books are Light from God's
                                                                                                                 1:30 p.m.                            Lamp (1960) and Dimensions
 Bernardino valley has been de       gins at 8 p.m. in the White         day seminar May 3 and 4 on                                                   in Salvation (1963). He and his
 scribed as "a classic Horatio       Memorial Church.                    the technical and medical as               The annual softball game will wife,      the former Gladys lola
 Alger story."                          Mrs. Carlson and her two         pects of laminagraphy for the           begin at 2:30 and is expected
                                                                                                                 to last until 4:30. An evening marriedare          the parents of three
     Arriving in the city in 1923    children, Wayne, age 10, and        School of Dentistry. Dr. Rat                                                            children.
  with total assests of Jess than    Lynette, age 7. reside in Al-       jen has a broad background of           game of basketball will con
                                                                                                                 clude the day's activities.             The program wiH be- the
 $100 he established a small ad-     hambra with Mr. and Mrs. Gust       experience and research in this
  hesives plant, mixing his first    Carlson, parents of the slain       field, particularly in the head            Coordinating the field day fourth in a series of sixtieth
  "batch" of material in a quart     missionary.                         and neck area, says Jess                events are Walter B. Clark, anniversary celebrations. Next
                                                                                                                 dean of students; Gayle H. Nel        month on Founder's Day, May
 jar. The business rapidly en                                            Hayden, Jr., DMD, PhD, asso
 larged and at the time of its                                           ciate professor of anatomy.             son, PhD, associate professor of 26, Francis D. Nichol, editor of
                                                                                                                                                       the Review and Herald, will be
 sale in 1961 to the Plough Cor      Computer Course                        In addition to his post at           anatomy; and "Charles E. Win          the speaker.
 poration of Memphis, Tennes                                             Aarhus University Hospital, Dr.         ter, PhD, professor of micro
                                     Begins April 27                                                             biology.                                Other anniversary events
 see, it had the capacity for                                            Ratjen is chairman of the de
 daily production of 1,500 gal                                           partment of oral radiology at              "All students and interested have featured Dr. Paul Tillich
                                        An advanced course in For                                                community residents are in            (January), the State of the
 lons. Branch plants were oper                                           the Royal Dental College in                                                  University
 ated in Toronto and Atlanta.
                                     tran, the computer language
                                                                         Aarhus.                                 vited to attend the activities," Godfrey T.address         by President
                                                                                                                                                                     Anderson (Febru
                                     used in the University's Scien                                              says Dean Clark.
 The annual volume of this busi      tific Computation Facility, will                                                                                 ary), and the Medical Mission
 ness, at wholesale levels, had      begin Tuesday evening, April                                                                                      ary     Convocation - Banquet
 risen to approximately $1 mil       27. Three other one and one-         Medical Education                       Dr. Schultz Awarded (March). The series will end
     Along the way Mr. Webb
                                     half hour lectures are sched
                                                                          Anniversary Noted                      $20,960 Study Grant with                   a gala anniversary day and
                                                                                                                                                      graduation exercises on June 6.
                                     uled for the course on April 29,
 dramatically exemplified rug        May 4, and May 6 in the Risley                                                 Robert L. Schultz, PhD, as
 ged American individualism                                                 The two-hundredth anniver
                                     Hall amphitheater at 7:30 p.m.                                              sociate professor of anatomy,
                                                                                                                 has been awarded a research Women's Club Votes
 and enterprise, President An                                             sary .of medical education in
                                        The non-credit course is open     the United States was observed
 derson states.                      to individuals who completed                                                grant totaling $20,960. The Medical Center Gift
    In 1931 he was sued by a                                              at the University Thursday eve
                                     the beginning course taught          ning, April 8.                         money will be given by the
-large corporation for alleged       last October and again earlier                                              Division of Neurological Dis            The Business and Profes
  sifringement of patents they                                                                Wm. Frede-         eases and Blindness, National sional Women's Club of Loma
                                     this month.                                         j rick Norwood,
 held on a plastic wood mate            A laboratory of actual com                                               Institutes of Health, United Linda recently voted to furnish
 rial. Previously the corpora                                                            I PhD, nationally       States Public Health Service.
                                     puter usage will be offered con                     1 recognized au-                                             a patient's room in the new
 tion had successfully filed simi    currently with the course. It                                                  Dr. Schultz will use the medical center to the extent of
 lar suits against 36 other firms,                                                       I thority on the        money to support electron mi- $1,000.
                                     will be scheduled at a time con                     (history of med-
 including some of the largest       venient to the members of the                                             . croscopic investigations of the         The money will be accumu
 national manufacturers of plas                                                          Jicine,     was         central nervous system, says a lated through gifts from the
                                     class, says programming ana                         (scheduled to
 tics, paints, and adhesives.        lyst Milton E. Barber, the in                                               recent statement issued by the members and payable at the
                                                                                         I speak in Bur-         United States Department of time the medical center is
          To page 2, col. 1          structor.                              Dr. Norwood den Hall at 8            Health, Education, and Wel           opened, says Miss Elsie D.
                                                                                           p.m. on the           fare.
                                                                         subject, "The Causal and Cas                                                 Wendth, president of the group.
                                                                         ual in American Education,
                                                                            Dr. Norwood is currently pro
                                                                         fessor of cultural medicine and
                                                                         chairman of the department of
                                                                         legal and cultural medicine in
                                                                         the School of Medicine. He also
                                                                         serves the school as assistant
                                                                         dean and chairman of the divi
                                                                         sion of continuing education,
                                                                         with his principal office in Los
                                                                            In the 1950's he was one of
                                                                         five staff personnel who con
                                                                         ducted a survey of medical edu
                                                                         cation for the Council on Medi
                                                                         cal Education and Hospitals of
                                                                         the American Medical Associa
                                                                         tion and the Association of
                                                                         American Medical Colleges.
                                                                            He is the editor of Medical
                                                                         Arts and Sciences, a journal
                                                                         published by the School of Med
                                                                         icine, and is the author of a
                                                                         text on medical history. Med
                                                                         ical Education in the United
                                                                         States before the Civil War.          NIELS B. JORGENSEN, DDS, (right), professor of oral surgery,
MR. AND MRS. EARL S. WEBB of San Bernardino are named                       Dr. Norwood received his           displays the grand award which he won for the dental teaching film
University Associates in an award presented by Maynard V. Camp           AM and PhD degrees from the           entered in international competition judged by the Paris Society of
bell (left), chairman of the Board of Trustees. Photo by Robert          University of Southern Califor        Dental Surgery. Edward N. Hamilton, director of Audiovisual Serv
Kreuzinger.                                                              nia.                                  ice which produced the film, is at left. Photo by Ellis Rich.
Smoking and Health
                                                                        Dietetics News

    "Cigarette smoking is causally related, to lung cancer," said
                                                                          ESTHER WANG LAU, '58,
                                                                        received her master's degree in
                                                                        nutrition from the University
the Surgeon General's report on Smoking and Health in January           of California at Berkeley in                           By Deryck R. Kent, EdD
1964. Furthermore "it is ... more prudent to assume that the            1960. An article decribing re                          Director, Division of General Studies
established association between cigarette smoking and coronary          search of her thesis, directed           The Feminine Mystique (Norton, 1963) by Betty Friedan is an angry,
disease has causative meaning than to suspend judgment until no         by Dr. Bessie Cook, was printed     thoroughly documented book that in one way or another is going to provoke
uncertainty remains."                                                   in the 1963 issue of the Journal    the daylights out of almost everyone who reads it.
     In spite of the report some 511 billion cigarettes were sold and   of Nutrition.
                                                                          Since 1961 she has been liv                                                 Why is this book so provoking
smoked in the United States last year, according to statistics of
the Department of Agriculture. Although this figure is about 2V2 %
                                                                        ing in Lexington, Kentucky,         Officers to Answer                     and why is it one of today's best
                                                                        where her husband is getting                                               sellers? The answer lies partly in
less than the record of 524 billion in 1963, most of the decline        his PhD in microbiology at the      Student Questions                      the startling truth uncovered and
came in the first few months after the Smoking and Health report        University of Kentucky. She is                                             partly in the fact that the authoress,
was issued.                                                                                                   A University Forum is being          Betty Friedan, is a crusader a wom
                                                                        teaching nutrition and diet         created to provide a direct line
    In fact, cigarette sales during the last three months of 1964       therapy at the Good Samaritan                                              an with a mission. It is because this
                                                                                                            of communication between stu           book has been written with such a
were higher than for the same period in 1963. It is reasonable to       Hospital School of Nursing.         dents and University adminis
assume that another sales record would have been set in 1964 had                                                                                   passionate drive that it is captivating
                                                                           KATHY RUF, '58 and '59,          trators.                               and even devastating.
the government report not been issued.                                                                        The president and vice pres
                                                                        lives in Scottsbluff, Nebraska,     idents plan to meet with groups           The Feminine Mystique is an in
    Because of the increasing numbers of smoker deaths due to           and teaches nutrition and diet
lung cancer, coronary artery disease, and other disorders, it is im                                         of students on both campuses,          dictment of the "pressures which
                                                                        therapy to student nurses. She      says Robert E. Cleveland, PhD,         have caused a harmful discrepancj
perative that warning labels be placed on all cigarette packages.       works two days per week and
The Federal Trade Commission plans to require that the packages                                             vice president for academic af         between what women really are ani
                                                                        must travel 130 miles round         fairs.                                 what they are told they should be."
state that cigarette smoking is hazardous to- health. This proposal,    trip both days. Her two chil          "The forum sessions will not         Dr. Friedan's theme is that the cult
though perhaps too mild, is worthy of support.                          dren, Dena, age 4, and David,       merely be administration re            of feminism has replaced individual
    President Johnson has declared April to be Cancer Control           age 2, absorb most of her time      ports to students," Dr. Cleve          ism and humanism in women.
Month. Looking specifically at lung cancers associated with cigar
                                                                        and interest now. She has been      land stresses, "but they will          Woman are being sold on the idea
                                                                        actively helping with evangel       give the students a 'Chance to         by tested commercial interests, thai
ette smoking, it would seem that warning labels are not adequate        istic meetings. In June she
and that efforts to conquer the curse are directed in at least three                                        ask questions and to discuss           complete fulfillment is to be founc
                                                                        plans to visit Loma Linda.          problems."                             only in a husband, a home, and a
channels: (1) Young people are being encouraged to refrain from
                                                                           GRACE MURPHY, '58, who             Specific dates and meeting           family and that to have and to hold
starting to smoke; (2) Smokers are being encouraged to quit; (3)                                            places for students in the vari        requires that she use more face,
Specific cancer-causing agents, cures, and better treatment meth        works part-time as a therapeu                                              hand, and feet lotions, drink more
                                                                        tic dietitian at Kettering Me       ous schools will be announced
ods are being sought. Prevention is a key word in conquering many                                           soon.                                  Metrecal, and generally appear mor<
diseases including those associated with cigarette smoking and
                                                                        morial Hospital in Dayton,                                                 alluring than the next woman.
                                                                        Ohio, is moving to a new house.
smokers will respond to an offer of help.                                                                                                             One of man's basic and mor<
    In one New England city where the Seventh-day Adventist                GEORGE CUMMINGS, '61,            Alumnus Elected                        powerful urges is that of securitj
Church sponsored an anti-smoking clinic, the response was so-           is in charge of food service at     To Society Position                    seeking. According to the author
overwhelming that a national TV network and a wire service car          Atlantic Union College, where                                              women seek security and satisfaction
ried the story to thousands of viewers and readers throughout the       several young men are inter            Edison D. Fisher, SM '36,           not in intellectual pursuits or ir
                                                                        ested in majoring in foods and      clinical professor of neurology,       professional development, but rathei
nation and the world. Clippings of the report have been received                                            has been re-elected chairman
from places as far away as Japan, says the church pastor.               nutrition. The Cummings' 10-                                               in a husband and a home. It is
                                                                        month-old baby girl Darlene "is     of the medical advisory com            nowhere suggested that this ii
     Still other programs related to the smoking problem are in the     a doll' 1 according to her proud    mittee for the Southern Cali           wrong or undesirable, but when il
planning stages now.                                                    father. Another child, Stevie,      fornia chapter of the National         is assumed to be the exclusive meanr
    Loma Linda University is glad to have a part in training men        completes the family.               Multiple Sclerosis Society.            of security and of fulfillment, and K
and women to assume positions of leadership in the important field                                             Other University alumni or          sought solely or primarily for thai
of preventive medicine and public health education.                        PATRICIA TRENT CAL-              faculty members serving on the         purpose, then it is damaging to the
                                                                        VERT, '62, is a part-time die       committee include Cyril B.             individual and to society.
                                                                        titian at the Good Samaritan        Courville, SM '25, professor of
                                                                                                            neurology, and Dr. A. Estin                The qualities that form a flexible
Area Residents                      Dr. Nelson to Join                  Hospital in Portland, Oregon.
                                                                        She enjoys news notes from          Comarr, associate clinical pro          critical, and creative intellect are
      Continued from page 1                                                                                                                         hard to live with, and in womer
                                    Chemistry Staff                     everyone.                           fessor of urology, who was re-
                                                                                                                                                    they are practically intolerable
   He challenged the corpora                                                                                elected secretary.
                                                                          MYE OCHO, '62, has re                Multiple sclerosis, a myster         Women retain the approval of so
tion and emerged victorious at         Dr. George J. Nelson, for        turned to the United States                                                 ciety and the love of men by theii
the end of a six-year legal bat     merly research associate in the                                         ious neurological disease which
                                                                        after visiting her homeland,        strikes young adults, still baf         willingness to modify and mute
tle fought all the way to the       Division of Natural Products,       Japan. She plans to attend                                                  these qualities in themselves. Few
United States Supreme Court.        has been appointed associate                                            fles medical science. "Until a
                                                                        Woodbury College in Los An          cure is found, our medical              can differentiate between the tire
He was able to demonstrate, as      professor of chemistry. He will     geles.                                                                      some garrulity of a woman preoc
a result of world-wide patent       join the department of chemis                                           group intends to maintain high-
                                                                                                            level standards in the diagnosis,       cupied with her affairs, and the
research, that the product in       try in the Graduate School on         CAROL PETERS, '62, is                                                     purely abstract passion of a worn
question had, in fact,-been pat     a full-time basis effective July    working for the Lone Star Gas       medical treatment, and clinical
                                                                                                            investigation of patients with          an concerned with the process of
ented in the United States 84       1, says Maurice E. Mathisen,        Company in Texas. Her hus                                                   thought.
years before that corporation's     PhD, chairman of the depart         band will graduate in August        multiple sclerosis," Dr. Fisher
patent, which was therefore in      ment.                               with a major in industrial arts     says.                                      Basically, according to Friedan,
valid.                                                                  education.                                                                  an individual's prior need to be
                                       Dr. Nelson earned his Bach                                                                                   loved, and since many women think
   During his business career       elor of Science degree from                                             Redlands Resident
Mr. Webb also founded the In                                               KATHLEEN GRAHAM                                                          that intelligence is a deterrent to
                                    Andrews University. He re           HUFF, '60 and '64, underwent
land Warehouse and Trucking         ceived his'master's degree in       a major operation last fall but
                                                                                                            Gives Cash Gift                         love, they voluntarily restrict or
                                                                                                                                                    deny their intelligence their ability
Company of San Bernardino           1939 and the Doctor of Philos
and developed substantial real                                          is recovering satisfactorily. She     Nina L. Garlock, 1120 W.              to think. They know that most men
                                    ophy degree in physical organic     hopes to get back into the field    Crescent Ave., Redlands, has            react negatively to an intellect that
estate holdings. He is listed in    chemistry with minors in            of nutrition soon.                                                          challenges their own, the author
Who's Who- in American Com                                                                                  made a $500 cash gift to Loma
                                    c h e m ic a 1 engineering and                                          Linda University. The gift, ac          believes.
merce and Industry.                 mathematics from the Univer            MALINI CHETTY, '64, is           cepted by University President             Facts and figures are used exten
   He is a past president of the    sity of Colorado in 1947.           working as a therapeutic and        Godfrey T. Anderson, will be
Argonauts Club of San Ber-                                              administrative dietitian at                                                 sively to support the hypotheses pre
                                       After coming to the Univer                                           recognized by a formal certifi          sented.
nardino-. He was for 30 years a     sity in 1955 he worked under        Grace New Haven Community           cate of appreciation which is
member of the American Le           a grant from the US Army            Hospital, a 1,000-bed institu       being sent to Mrs. Garlock, ac
gion, having served in the avia     Chemical Corps Research and         tion in New Haven, Connecti         cording to Dr. Anderson.
tion section of the US Army         Development Command to sup          cut.                                  The gift is being applied to
Signal Corps, forerunner of the     ply the deadly poison tetrodo-         "I'm really glad I interned at   a student aid fund to assist
Air Force, during World War I.      toxin from the puffer fish to       Loma Linda University," she         deserving students with schol
   He is a life member of the       researchers at Harvard Univer       says. Although she enjoys the       arships and loans.
Braille Institute of America        sity. Isolating quantities of the   beautiful New England snow,
                                                                        she has not yet adjusted to the                                                   Published by Loma Linda
and has been chairman of the        substance which occurs in con                                                                                      University, an educational in
institute's   San    Bernardino     centrations of one to two parts     cold weather which is so dif        WEDDINGS                                   stitution operated by the Gen
County Board of Trustees. He        per million seemed to- be a         ferent from her native India.                                                  eral Conference of Seventh-
                                                                                                            TANJI, Georgia L., SN '65,                 day Adventists, as a non
was largely responsible for es      Herculean task.                                                                                                    profit organ.
tablishing the Lighthouse for                                             SHIRLEY WETTSTEIN, '64,           married Ernest Matsuda No                     Circulation: 17,000.
the Blind in San Bernardino,           Harvard's work in determin       is the therapeutic dietitian at     vember 12, 1964 at Las Vegas,                Frequency of publication:
                                    ing the chemical structure of       Branson Memorial Hospital in        Nevada.                                    Alternate Fridays.
and the United Cerebral Palsy                                                                                                                             Offices are located in the
Association of San Bernardino       the poison would have been im       Ontario, Canada. She is very                                                   University library building.
County, of which he is current      possible without Dr. Nelson's       happy and satisfied with her job.   McELROY, Tommie J., dietetic
                                    contribution, says Dr. R. B.                                            intern, married John A. Calle-             Regular subscription rate:
ly vice president.                                                        CLYDE SAMPLE, '64, is a                                                      $3.00 per year; 10 cents
                                    Woodward of the chemistry                                               gari December 20, 1964 at Los
   For the past 30 years he has     department at Harvard Uni           relief dietitian at Kettering       Angeles.                                   per copy.
been a Rotarian and was re          versity.                            Memorial Hospital, Dayton,
cently cited for three decades                                          Ohio. He has also been assist                                                  MANAGING EDITOR:
of perfect attendance.                 Dr. Nelson and his wife Char                                         SMITH, Marcia J., SN '65,
                                                                        ing with food demonstrations        married Fred Teichman De                    JOHN E. CROWDER
   A transplanted Georgian, Mr.     lotte reside at 11414 Loma Vista    in a local church.
                                    Drive in Loma Linda.                                                    cember 21, 1964 at Los An                  Contributing Editors:
Webb has devoted much of his                                              LINDA BAIRD, '64, works           geles.                                      Alice E. Gregg,
adult life to the interests of                                                                                                                          John Parrish
the Republican Party in Cali                                            as a therapeutic dietitian at
                                    Barnes Visits St. Helena            Kettering Memorial Hospital.        PHILLIPS, Donna S., SN '66,
 fornia. He is a past president                                                                             married W. Theodor Steudel,                 Alumni News Editors:
 of the San Bernardino County                                             ROGER AND PEGGY                   SM '66 December 27, 1964 at                   Catherine Graf, Nurs
Republican Assembly and was            Roger W. Barnes, MD, dis         GREENLEY, '64, with their           Auburn, Washington.                           ing; Alton E. Libby,
 the Party's nominee for Con        tinguished service professor of     small son Bill are at Takoma                                                      Physical Therapy, Hugh
gress for the 21st Congression      urology in the School of Medi       Park, Maryland. Peggy teaches       McDUNNAH, Priscilla A., SN                    C. Love, DDS, Dentistry
al District in 1944.                cine, addressed a dinner meet       nutrition, advanced nutrition,      '65, married Robert D. Huse,
   Mrs. Webb is the former Va-      ing at St. Helena Sanitarium                                                                                         Advertising in University
                                                                        experimental cookery, and diet      SM '65, December 31, 1964 at               SCOPE must be University or
 lah Dillen of Altoona, Pennsyl     and Hospital on March 30.           therapy in the department of        San Diego.                                 church oriented" and must
vania. After her graduation            The occasion for the dinner      home economics at Columbia                                                     meet standards of church-
with a major in English from        was the announcement of plans       Union College. Roger is in          MADURA, M. Theresa, SN '63,                affiliated higher education.
Union College, Lincoln, Nebras                                                                                                                         The University advertising
                                    to construct a 4-story $1 mil       charge of the cafeteria and         married Charles Gideon, MD,                committee reserves all rights
 ka, she taught in San Bernar       lion structure to replace old       teaches a class in food prep        January 4, at Bidar, South In              to accept or reject advertis
 dino schools for many years.       facilities.                         aration.                            dia.                                       ing. Rate cards are available.
 She has been active in the Sor-                                                                                                                       Direct communication about
                                                                           MARLENE ELLSTROM, '64,                                                      news, advertising, and sub
 optimist Club. The couple, now
retired, have been married since                                        teaches full time in the schools     BIRTHS                                    scriptions to Editorial Offices,
                                                                                                            STREET, Jeffrey Wade born                  University SCOPE, Loma Lin
 1918, and make their home in                                           of professional and practical                                                  da, California 92354. Call 796-
 North San Bernardino.                                                  nursing at Hinsdale Sanitarium      March 12 to Claude D. Street,              0161, ext. 283, area code 714.
   Both Mr. and Mrs. Webb                                               and Hospital. Her class in nu       LLU employee, and Karen
were associated with the Sev        For advertising in University       trition and diet therapy in         Street.
enth-day Adventist church in        SCOPE, write to: Advertising        cludes practical experience in      NOBUHARA, Lawrence Ken
 their early years and have long    Manager, University SCOPE,          menu marking and tasting the        born March 14 to Timothy No-
 maintained an interest in its      Loma Linda University, Loma         food prepared for different         buhara, LLU employee, and                  University SCOPE, Page 2
 activities.                        Linda, California, 92354.           diets.                              Irene Nobuhara.                               Friday, April 23,1965
                                                                             Friday, April 23
                                                                             HILL CHURCH          No MV meeting
                                                                             tonight.                                          A    Loma     Linda      University          Service
                                                                             SWING AUDITORIUM, San Ber-
                                                                             nardino      Opening program of         Dentists, General Practice               MCKINLEYVILLE: Want physi
                                                                             Southeastern California Conference                                               cian for growing community. All
                                                                             camp meeting. R. R. Bietz, pres         CALIFORNIA                               medical work is done is Arcata
                                                                             ident of the Pacific Union Confer        BAKERSFIELD:           Twenty-year
                                                                                                                      practice, in modern building, with      SUSANVILLE: Leading physician
                                                                             ence, is the speaker: 7:15 p.m.                                                  ill. Partner sought
                                                                                                                      equipment for sale__________
                                                                             UNIVERSITY CHURCH                        BALDWIN PARK:           Three Ad-       YUCCA VALLEY: Hospital look
                                                                                                      No Cam                                                  ing for GP for staff_________
                                                                             pus Fellowship meeting tonight.          ventist physicians desire two den
                                                                                                                      tists to complete medical-dental       COLORADO
                                                                             Saturday, April 24                                                               BOULDER: Need for GP in med
                                                                                                                      team____________________                ical group
                                                                                                                      COACHELLA:         Dentist needed
                                                                             HILL CHURCH           No services to     immediatley. Office available           COLORADO SPRINGS: Advent-
                                                                             day.                                     EL MONTE: Office suite avail            ist GP asks for another as asso
 EDWARD C. WAGNER, PhD (right), associate professor of mi                                                                                                     ciate or solo practice. Excellent
 crobiology, is pictured with Dr. Jaime Mendiola, professor of bio           SWING AUDITORIUM, San Ber                able____________________                practice for sale replace physi
 chemistry at the Universidad Autonoma de Guadalajara. Dr.                   nardino     The camp meeting con         HANFORD: New dental suite in            cian. Immediate
                                                                             tinues with Sabbath School begin         medical-dental building located in
 Wagner returned recently from the Mexican institution where he                                                       medical-dental area                     DELTA:      Excellent office and
                                                                             ning at 9 a.m.                                                                   practice for sale. Physician leav-
 lectured to medical students and worked on special assignments                                                       HIGHLAND: Office in medical-            ing for residency training
~'pr Dr. Guellermo Santoscoy, director of the Institute for Bio-             UNIVERSITY CHURCH           No serv      dental building____________
                                                                             ices today.                                                                      FLAGLER:         Sears,   Roebuck
 icgical Sciences.                                                                                                    LOS ANGELES:           Replacement      Foundation has built beautiful
                                                                                                                      needed for retired dentist_____         facility now empty. No physi
                                                                             WHITE MEMORIAL CHURCH
                                                                             Hour of worship, Pastor Donald G.        WILLETS:       Area needing one         cian for 2,500 miles. Urgent
                                                                             Reynolds, "Weighed and Found             dentist and two physicians. Ad
        Teachers Wanted                      BUILDING DESIGNS                Worthy": 11 a.m.                         ventists desired                       Physicians, Specialists
                                                                                                                      WOFFORD HEIGHTS: Commu-                SURGEON: Libby, Montana. Fast
   Southwest, entire West,                 Offices, convalescent             BURDEN HALL           Film, The In       nity seeks dentist. Office available
   and                                     homes, commercial struc                                                                                            growing area. Desperately need
          Alaska.   Salaries                                                 credible Journey, benefit program       COLORADO                                 surgeon to care for the industrial
   $5,400 up. FREE regis                   tures, apartments, resi           for the Junior Dental Auxiliary.         CEDAREDGE: Only dentist is to           surgical cases
   tration. Southwest Teach                dences. Contact C. P.             Admission fee, adults, 75c; children,    be replaced immediately due to
                                           Christianson,   A.I.B.D.,         50c: 7 p.m.                              illness                                Radiologic Technologists
   ers Agency, 1303 Central
   Ave., N.E. Albuquerque,                 796-2021. 25257 Cottage,          Sunday, April 25
                                                                                                                      CRAIG: Immediate, great need
                                           Loma Linda.                                                                for dentist________________
   N.M.                                                                                                                                                       ARTESIA: Technician who can
                                                                             LOMA LINDA CAMPUS         Student        GRAND JUNCTION: Urgent and              type the x-ray reports needed.
                                                                             Field Day. Activities begin at 9         immediate need for one or more          Will work under radiologist
                                                                             a.m.                                     dentists. Adventist dentist seeks
                                                                                                                      another                                 CLEARLAKE HIGHLANDS: Re^
                                                                                                                                                              lief for three weeks, sometime
                                                                             LA SIERRA ACADEMY, Multi-pur             YUMA: Immediate, urgent need            between the middle of July and
            Moving, cAcroAA the Street                                       pose Building   Biennial Session of
                                                                             the Southeastern California Confer
                                                                                                                      for dentist in midst of rich agri-
                                                                                                                      cultural area___         ___
                                                                                                                                                              end of August, preferably first
                                                                                                                                                              three weeks in August
                                                                             ence: 9:30 a.m.                         OREGON
             or c4croM tine ^Nation?                                         Monday, April 26
                                                                                                                      DAYS CREEK: Local dentist de
                                                                                                                                                             Personnel Seeking Positions
                                                                                                                      sires Adventist dentist to locate in
                                                                                                                      solo or associate practice (130
                                                                             UNIVERSITY CHURCH           Convo        church members, 2-teacher mod          Dental Assistants
                                                                             cation, Walter R. Beach, secretary       ern church school)
                                                                             of the General Conference of Sev                                                    1. Experienced. Wishes Oregon,
                                                                             enth-day Adventists: 8:10 a.m.                                                      Washington or California. Avail
                                                                                                                     Medical Technologists                       able July 1
                                                                             Wednesday, April 28                     CALIFORNIA
                                                                                                                      CLEARLAKE HIGHLANDS: Re                Dentists, General Practice
                                                                             HILL CHURCH           See University     lief for three weeks, sometime
                                                                             Church.                                  between middle of July and end             1. Desires Santa    Ana      area
                                                                                                                      of August. Preferably first three          Orange County
                                                                             UNIVERSITY CHURCH           April        weeks in August
                                              THE LOMA LINDA WAREHOUSE       convocation commemorating the six                                               Medical Technologists
                                                                             tieth anniversary of Loma Linda          BRUNSWICK : Technologist                   1. Wishes northern      California
     TURNER MOVING & STORAGE                                                 University, Walter R. Beach: 7
                                                                                                                      needed at Parkview Memorial
                                                                                                                                                                 with Adventist clinic
     The moving company with 18 years of service to con                      Friday, April 30                        OREGON
                                                                                                                      PORTLAND AREA: In two-doc                  1. Would like something in tri-
     ferences, institutions and church members.                              HILL CHURCH          No meeting to       tor clinic                                 county area in private doctor's
     Box 226, St. Helena                       Box 201, Loma Linda           night.                                                                              office, preferably Loma Linda
     Phone WO 3-2701                               Phone PY 6-0228           UNIVERSITY CHURCH           No          CALIFORNIA                              Nurse Anesthetist and
                                                                             meeting tonight. MV retreat at           HANFORD: Need for two nurses           Administrator
                                                                             Pine Springs Ranch.                      on p.m. shift on OB and medical-
                                                                                                                      surgical floor at the Community            1. Male. Available July 1.    Pre
                                                                             Saturday, May 1                          Hospital_________________                  fers southeast
             Plan your career away from the city at suburban
                                                                             HILL CHURCH        Hour of wor           MODESTO: For nursing home-             Physical Therapists
               HINSDALE SANITARIUM AND HOSPITAL.                                                                      convalescent hospital. Desire only
                                                                             ship. Pastor Wilbur K. Chapman,
                                                                             "A Sermon from the Orchard": 8:10        RN. Permanent position as su               1. Wishes northern California,
                                                                             and 10:55 a.m.                           pervisor-director of entire nurs           southern Oregon, or southern
                                                                                                                      ing staff. 25 beds now, will be 60.        Washington
                                                                             UNIVERSITY CHURCH          Hour of       Salary Tiegotiable___-'
                                                                             worship, Walter R. Beach, secretary     OREGON                                  Physicians, Specialists
                                                                             of the General Conference: 8:15 and      SILVERTON: Needed in nursing
                                                                             10:55 a.m.                               home                                       1. RADIOLOGIST. Available in
                                                                                                                                                                 July. Will consider any state
                                                                             WHITE MEMORIAL CHURCH                   Physicians, General Practice                2. SURGEON.      Wishes    West
                                                                             Hour of worship: 11 a.m.                                                            Coast
                                                                                                                     BRITISH COLUMBIA
                                                                                                                      SIDNEY: Physician needed on            Kadiologic Technologists
                                                                             Monday, May 3                            staff of Adventist-owned Rest-
     Needed Now: Registered nurses, registered occupational thera                                                     haven Hospital_____________                1. Would like night work in area
                                                                             UNIVERSITY CHURCH        Convo                                                      where it would be possible to at
              pists (male or female).                                        cation, Pastor Paul C. Heubach:         CALIFORNIA
     Facilities: Attractive and modern community hospital in quiet                                                    HIGHLAND: Office in medical-               tend college
                                                                             8:10 a.m.
              suburb. Positions now open include orthopedic and inten                                                 dental building___________
              sive care.                                                                                                                                     Secretaries
                                                                             SHRYOCK HALL          Anatomy se         LA HABRA: Need for a GP. Of-
     Advantages: A new 70-unit staff-housine building in completion          minar, Dr. E. Ratjen from the de         fice available in medical-dental
              stages will be completely equipped and ready for occu                                                                                              1. Part-time secretarial work in
              pancy in July. Good salary and benefits, located just out      partment of neuroradiology, Aarhus       building                                   the Glendale-Burbank area
              side Chicago with excellent commuting system to major          University, Denmark, "Concepts of
              attractions.                                                   Neurology as Related to Anatomy":
     Write or Call: Guy Stewart, Personnel Director, 120 North Oak           12:10 to 1 p.m.
              St., Hinsdale, Illinois 60521, 323-2100, area code 312.                                                     LLU PHYSICIAN                            HOUSE FOR SALE
                                                                             Wednesday, May 5
                                                                                                                             NEEDED                               Three bedrooms, 2 baths,
                                                                             HILL CHURCH       Midweek service,         Immediately in Beaver                     family room, 2 years old.
                                                                             J. C. Michalenko, "The Sanctuary           City, Nebraska.      SDA                  1 mile from campus. Re
                                                                             Teaching Today"- 7:30 p.m.                 church in town, 3 hospi                   frigerated air, large gar
      DENTIST NEEDED                             URGENTLY                    UNIVERSITY CHURCH             Pastor       tals nearby. Modern, fully                age, w-w carpets, 2 fire
                                                  NEEDED                     Paul C. Heubach: 7 p.m.                    equipped clinic. Net an                   places, landscaped, and
   Immediate opening for                                                                                                nual income over $25,000.                 sprinklers. Modern kit
   full-time dentist at San                                                                                             For information, contact                  chen appliances, fenced
                                           Male and female regis                                                                                                  back yard. Contact Rich
   Bernardino       Children's             tered nurses to join a                                                       George W. Shafer Jr.,
   Dental Health Center.                                                                                                                                          ard Paul, MD, LLU Med
                                           beautiful 400-bed hospi                Specialists Needed                    president, First State                    ical Center, or see at
   Salary $900 per month                   tal nestled in the hills                                                     Bank, Beaver City, Neb                    10659 Elm Ave., Loma
   with one-year contract.                 and dales of Soul Invest-            Internist,      pediatrician            raska.                                    Linda. 796-0840.
   For     information,   call             ern    'Ohio.    Excellent           needed to associate with
   TUrner 6-3211, Dr. Alex                 working        conditions.
                                           Please contact Personnel             SDA surgeon and GP in
   Sabo, Ch., 1811 N. Wa                   Department, 3535 Sonth-              new clinic and confer
   terman, San Bernardino,                 ern Boulevard, Ketter-               ence-operated hospital in
   California.                             ing, Ohio 45429.                     all-new medical center                                   Desperately Needed
                                                                                now under construction.
                                                                                Population area of 20,000
                                                                                                                        Second general practice physician to associate with
                                                                                with 10 GP's now in area.               new, modern, brick, 24-bed general hospital complete
                                                                                $18,000 assured first year              ly air conditioned with all equipment needed for gen
                                             OPPORTUNITIES                      to interested physician.                eral surgery, OB, and general practice. Town has
         WANTED                           Excellent opportunities in            Church      and    10-grade             1,500 residents with drawing area of 7,500. Present
   General practitioner in                British    Columbia    for            church school. Contact                  doctor seeing 30 to 70 outpatients and 10 to 20 in-
                                          physicians and dentists.              Fred Murray, Adminis                    patients daily. Fantastic opportunity. $1,500 per
   Lyons Falls, New York.                                                       trator, Santa Anna Medi
   Area population 2,500.                 Conference eager to as                                                        month guaranteed. Contact: Victor Ralph Lee, MD,
                                                                                cal Center, Santa Anna,
   Fully accredited hospital              sist. Kindly contact med
                                                                                Texas.     Telephone:     FI
                                                                                                                        Merryville, Louisiana 70653. Telephone: 2601, area
   with 108 beds, modern                  ical secretary, Reuben                                                        code 318.
                                                                                8-3131, area code 915.
   facilities, 15 miles away.             Matiko, MD, Box 10, Mis
   Four-bedroom home with                 sion City, BC, Canada.
   office, waiting room, 2
   treatment rooms, 2-car
   garage, offered rent free.
   School, village and town
   health officer positions                         WANTED
                                                                                       FOR SALE                                          IVERSITY REALTY
   available. Excellent                                                        Twenty acres orange trees                           Across from Post Office              796-0156
   schools and recreational               Registered nurse for Golden          on Lawton Ave., 2 miles
                                                                                                                                            1, 2, 3, 4, 5 bedroom houses
   facilities. Inquire: Stan              Years Nursing Home and Con           to hospital. 1,500 trees
                                                                                                                                            '.7;i. tri, 4-plexes
   ley Wheater, Georgia-Pa                valescent Hospital. Permanent        1, 2, and 3 years old.
                                                                                                                                            '; ^onably priced lots
   cific Corporation. Gould               position as supervisor-director      Makes excellent tax cred
                                          of entire nursing staff. 25 beds     it plus depreciation on                                              '- jut property
   Paper Division, Lyons                                                                                                                                i ives
   Falls, New York, 13368.                now, will be 60. Salary nego         older trees. Will divide
                                          tiable. J. I. McMillin, 1344         into 5-acre parcels. G. C.
                                          East Orangeburg Ave., Mod»s-         Smith, 11031 Hole, La
                                                                                                                                                         ,ER, BROKER
  University SCOPE, Page 3                to, Calif. LAmbert 9-0755.           Sierra. OV 9-0200.                          IF ITS FOIi                     RENT WE HAVE IT.
     Friday, April 23,1965
MAYBERRY REALTY                                                 A PIANO TO
         New office at 24887 Taylor Street, Loma Linda,
           across from the motel. Phone: 796-9590.
                                                                      MATCH HER                                             24867 Central Ave. (between Frank's
                                                                                                                             Barber Shop and the Book Store)

                                                                           DREAM                                                Loma Linda, Phone: 796-0242
                                                                                                                  New 2-bedroom deluxe apartments. Now $85, reduced
                                        MAYBERRY                                                                from $115. One-year lease available. Water, garbage, and
                                                                                                                yard cared for by owner. These apartments with 1,000
                                             BROKER                                                             square feet of luxurious living are going fast. See them
                                 Residence: phone: 796-0314                                                     today.
                                                                                                                  Ranch-type 5-bedroom home on view property for sale.
                                                                                                                Three additional lots. Only $32,500.
   Kenneth Mayberry                                                                                               Interested in a duplex ? Why not see the two houses we
        Broker                                                                                                  have on one lot ? Just $18,750.
                                                                                                                  Two-bedroom house with den on large lot. Double gar
                                                                                                                age, fruit trees. $2,000 down.
                                                                                                                  Perfect retirement home near market. Let us show it to
                                     ALBERT EVANS                                                                 Two houses on % acre in Grand Terrace. Swimming
                                     SALESMAN, NOTARY                                                           pool, workshop, fruit and shade trees. $19,950.
                                     Residence phone: 796-4344
                                                                                                                  We have a special package policy which we recommend
                                                                                                                to homeowners in this area. Call and ask for Carlton
                                                                                                                Wical to discuss this with you. Remember, credit can be
                                                                                                                given for existing insurance.
      Albert Evans
        Salesman                                                                                                     Ask about our Property Management Program
                                                                                                                     Serving Loma Linda for over 30 years

          frHOMES                                                                                                             NEAR LOS ANGELES CAMPUS
                *A C R E A G E
                        ^ RENTALS
                                                                      YAMAHA                                                               Brand New
                                                                                                                                    PARKVIEW TOWERS
                                                                                                                                    47 Luxury Apartments
                                                                      Give your gifted child the piano                     ELEGANT LIVING!             FROM $115.
                *INCOME                 PROPERTY
                                                                      that matches his sensitivity-the              - 1 and 2 bedrooms          furnished or unfurnished
          ^ ORANGE               GROVES                               piano chosen by the world's great                                 ADULTS ONLY
                                                                                                               Lovely recreation area with pool        Air conditioning        Built-
                                                                      est artists.                             ins     Parking      Beautiful drapes and carpets.
  List your property with us for immediate action.                                                             2 blocks from L.A. County Hospital    (2 blocks soutK of Valley Blvd.)

    HOMES: $6,900 to $79,000.
                                                                                                               Phone 223-2056                               1420 San Pablo St.
    RENTALS: New 2-bedroom apartments $85 per month
  and up. Carpets, drapes, stove, refrigerated air condition                                                        Trailer For Sale
  ing.                                                                                                                                                    DENTAL OPENING
                                                                             435 E. Holt Blvd.
                                                                                                                                                       In Denver, Colorado. Busy
    Three-bedroom house, $175.                                             POMONA, CALIFORNIA                  8' x 33', clean, with ca                office, established practice
                                                                          Phone: (714) 623-5525                bana. Mrs. E. Wickerd,                  for sale. Convenient loca
    ACREAGE FOB SALE: One acre, $6,750.
                                                                                                               Janzen Trailer Park, 22                 tion, good business and re
    Fifty-six acre ranch, $89,000. 29% down, 10 years on                                                       Grube St., Loma Linda.                  sidential area, reasonable
  balance at 6%.                                                                                                                                       rent. Completely equipped
                                                                                                                                                       including nearly new Web
    Many other parcels. Orange groves and ranches up to                                                                                                er x-ray and compressor
  600 acres.                                                                                                                                           for     operating1   Border
                                                                                                                                                       handpiece, two operator-
    INCOME PROPERTY: 4-plex, almost new. $32,500.
  Others up to 24 units.                                                           La Sierra College                                                   ies, laboratory, reception
                                                                                                                                                       room, business office, fur
                                                                                                                                                       niture, all records. Near
                                                                              announces the offering of a complete 12-week                             Porter Hospital, South
                                                                                                                                                       SDA Church, academy,
                                                                           Real Estate Law and Marketing                                               conference office. Selling
                                                                                                                                                       for health reasons. Avail
                                                                                       Course                                                          able immediately. H. C.
                                                                        The course will cover all aspects of Real Estate                               McKelvey. DDS, 1700 So.
                                                                                                                                                       Harlan, Denver, Colo.
                                                                        Law and Practice, training the participants for                                80226.
                                                                        Real Estate Licensing, Marketing and Salesman
                                                                        ship.                              '
                                                                            ENTIRE COST OF THE COURSE $36.00
  Lease the new car of your choice                                                                                                                         OPPORTUNITIES
  ... with confidence                                                        Starts Wed., May 5, 7-9 p.m.                                                 For LLU Graduates
                                                                             QUALIFIED PERSONNEL WILL BE GIVEN                                           Medical     suites still
                                                                                     POSITION REFERRALS                                                available in large medi
   You have undoubtedly considered the possibility of leasing                                                                                          cal center. Great need
   your next car instead of purchasing it. If you haven't done          Mail Coupon to La Sierra College, Riverside, Calif., OV                        for ophthal., internist, gp,
   anything about it because you still question the advantages          9-4321                                                                         ob-gyn., pedodontist, or-
   of leasing. .. now is the time to get that question answered         I am interested in enrolling in your Real Estate Law and                       thodon., oral snrgeon and
                                                                        Marketing Course. Please send information and enroll                           general dentist. Excel
   to your complete satisfaction. Our highly trained staff takes
                                                                        ment forms.                                                                    lent opportunity for new
   a professional approach to leasing that will surprise and                                                                                           comer in prestige area
   please you. We're leasing experts, dedicated to serving our          NAME________________________________                                           Contact: C. G. Byson,
   customers in a manner that gives them complete confidence            ADDRESS________________________________                                        1141 N. Garey, Pomona,
   in any business transaction they have with us. We're not                                                                                            Calif. Telephone: (714)
   willing to stretch the truth, even a little, just to lease you a                                                                                    623-4624.
   car. If you're interested in doing business with professionals,
   we're interested in you. Call us... or just drop in, and let's
   get acquainted.
                                                                      Saturdaynite                                                                                               *v
                NEW, INC.
   736 North Glendale Avenue
   Gfendale 6. California
   Citrus 6-1781 or CHapman 5-7716
                                                                        made QUICK and EASY with
                                                                        Joma Jinda Jinketts
                                                                        Barbequed, broiled, or quick fried in

                                                                        party batter, they're a big hit for any

                                                                        occasion. Serve Linketts with hot

                                                                        buns and let everyone add his

                                                                        own fixin's. Sizzling satisfaction I


University SCOPE, Page 4
   Friday, April 23, 1965
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