Sleep Support for Adolescents - Sleep Scotland

Page created by Jack Warner
Sleep Support for Adolescents - Sleep Scotland
Sleep Support for

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Sleep Support for Adolescents - Sleep Scotland

                  What is Sleep?			                                  2   Good Bedtime Practice 	  7

                  The Body Clock			  3                                   Support					 

                  What might be stopping
                  your child from sleeping?	  5 

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Sleep Support for Adolescents - Sleep Scotland
What is sleep?
Sleep is...                                                          What does sleep look like?                    During non–REM sleep – shown in blue,
                                                                                                                   even though at times we may be in our
•   A natural behaviour – sleep is part of                           Sleep patterns are shown as                   deepest sleep, our bodies will still be
    everyone’s life. Eventually no matter how                        hypnograms – a hypnogram shows                working hard releasing hormones and
    hard we fight it we will want to sleep                           what our sleep looks like and the different   renewing and repairing tissues.
    for at least part of every 24 hours.                             types of sleep being experienced. The
                                                                     hypnogram below is one for a 14 year old      REM sleep – shown in red, happens
•   A reversible state of reduced                                    needing to sleep 8-10 hours.                  increasingly through the night. This is
    awareness – to our environment                                                                                 when we do our memory consolidation
    and surroundings.                                                It is important to know that our bodies       and is often when we dream.
                                                                     and brains are doing very specific things
•   Dynamic – we do not turn off                                     at different times during the sleep cycle.    At various points during the sleep cycle
    completely during sleep. There are lots                          Each cycle is comprised of both non–REM       we may wake. This may only be for
    of important processes occurring during                          and REM sleep.                                the briefest moment and we may
    sleep that are vital to our existence.                                                                         not remember in the morning.

    All animals sleep in response to
    natural rhythms. Human beings are
                                                                      14 year old
    the only animals that deliberately                                adolescent
    change the amount of sleep they have                              9 hours sleep
    and their sleep patterns. Our sleep
    is getting worse in the 21st century
    due to our 24/7 lifestyles.

                                                                      14 year old
                                                                      9 hours sleep

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The Body Clock

Virtually every animal has a body clock                              Our body clock prompts the release of                      Cortisol – often called the ’stress
that governs their circadian rhythm – Our                            two hormones which affect our sleep:                       hormone’ because it wakes us up in the
body clocks are affected by external factors                                                                                    morning. Our bodies also create cortisol
which, in turn, affect our internal rhythm,                          Melatonin – often called the ‘sleepy                       when we are stimulated. This can be from
such as light, temperature, meal times and                           hormone’ because its release is one of                     stress, anxiety or when we are excited.
social activities. These are all important                           the triggers that tells the body that it is                For children, lots of activities can create
for keeping our body clock in rhythm and                             time to prepare for sleep. Melatonin                       cortisol in the body such a playing with
letting our body know when it is time to                             is released in response to the change                      friends, watching TV or exercising. If we
do different functions such as sleep, eat                            from light to dark.                                        have too much cortisol in our bodies
or be alert and able to concentrate.                                                                                            before bed, it will stop us falling asleep.

It is as a result of our circadian rhythm
that we are most likely to want to sleep                                                   Cortisol                                 Melatonin
during the dark hours of the late evening                                                             Highest alertness

and early morning.

Our body clock manages:

    Release of certain hormones

                                                                                                      Best coordination

    Kidney function
                                                                                                                                                Body Temperature
                                                                          7am                                             7pm                                      7am

                                                                                            AWAKE                                          ASLEEP
    Muscle response

                                                                                                                                                    More on next page...
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The Body Clock (continued)
Disruption to the body clock, or the jet                             Impacts on your sleep                              Sleep and Wellbeing
lag effect, is created when a change occurs
to your body’s settling and waking times.                            •   Difficulty falling asleep – by trying          As your teen grows and goes through
This can often happen at the weekend if                                  to sleep when your body clock is not           the stages of development, it is crucial
an individual goes to bed much later on                                  expecting to, and it is still set on ‘wake’.   they are getting enough sleep to support
a Friday and Saturday night and rises                                    This can be especially pronounced on           them. Sleep not only refreshes your teen’s
much later on a Saturday and Sunday.                                     Sunday night and continue for a few            mind and body but also enhances their
                                                                         days until your body clock resets itself.      body functions.
The result can be equivalent to travelling
across a different time zone and forcing                             •   Reduced sleep time – changes in your           Benefits of a good night’s
your body to wake and sleep at a different                               body clock can disrupt sleep and lead          sleep for your adolescent:
time than your body clock expects.                                       to reduced sleep. If it takes you longer
This change occurs again come Monday                                     to fall asleep, but you have to wake at
                                                                                                                           Boosts immunity
morning when the individual’s waking                                     a set time, it will reduce your sleep time,
and settling times are brought forward.                                  leading to sleep deprivation and
                                                                         associated health problems.                      	 
                                                                                                                           Improves memory
This jet lag effect can make us feel groggy
and tired during the day. Mental and                                 •   Difficulty waking in the morning –
physical performance will also be reduced.                               if your body clock is set to ‘sleep’ and         	 
                                                                                                                           Assists learning
                                                                         you are forcing it to wake up in order to
                                                                         get ready for school or work, you may
                                                                         feel groggy, have a headache, feel easily        	 
                                                                                                                            Maintains physical and
                                                                         upset or angry, and nauseous.                      emotional health

                                                                     These effects may last for a few days
                                                                     before your body clock resets itself. If an          	 
                                                                                                                           Helps the body to repair itself
                                                                     individual changes their sleeping and
                                                                     waking times every weekend, it means
                                                                     that they may experience prolonged sleep             	 
                                                                                                                           Promotes growth
                                                                     disruption and sleep deprivation due to
                                                                     constant jet lag effect. This may result in
                                                                     long–term mental and physical health                 	 
                                                                                                                           Supports a healthy weight

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What might be stopping your teen from sleeping?

Their Routine                                                        Their Environment                             Lights & Electronics
To make sure their bodies are creating                               Many teens spend a lot of time in their       If your teen is interacting with anything
melatonin and reducing cortisol at the                               bedrooms during the day, but it’s             that produces light before bed, this could
right times, children need to have a                                 important that bedrooms become quiet,         be keeping them awake. While phones,
consistent routine which signals to their                            calm and dark before bedtime. Any             TVs or tablets may seem to have a calming
body that it’s time to sleep. Changes in                             stimulation before bed may keep your          influence, the blue light emitted by
bedtime routine or exciting activities                               child awake. This could include sleeping      screens is likely to prevent their bodies
just before bed can stop children from                               in the same room as siblings, or spending     creating melatonin and the interaction
sleeping.                                                            time on electronic devices before bed.        can increase cortisol levels.

•   Make sure there is time to go outside                            •   Where possible, try to ensure your        •   Avoid activities which use screens an
    and be active during the day, ideally                                teen has a quiet, calm, dark bedroom          hour before bed and keep screens
    before dinner. Getting daylight in the                               to sleep in.                                  out of their bedroom. This will likely
    morning is helpful.                                                                                                need some negotiation!
                                                                     •   Make sure your teen understands the
                                                                                                                                     More on next page...
•   Try to avoid your teen having a nap                                  importance of switching off electronics
    after 2pm. This includes falling asleep on                           in the hour before bed.
    the bus or in front of the TV. Many teens
    spend a lot of time in their room, and a
    falling asleep after school is common.

•   Avoid stimulating activities which
    are loud or energetic in the hour
    before bed. Instead encourage your teen
    to have wind down activities, such as
    drwing, reading, or listening to music or
    audio books.

•   Ensure your teen understands the
    importance of going to bed and waking
    up at the same time every day – even at
    the weekends!

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What might be stopping your teen from sleeping? (continued)

Their Diet                                                           Anxiety                                         Changes In Their Life
Without regular meal times, your teen’s                              There’s lots of things that may make our        This could be things such as leaving
body clock can struggle to regulate sleep                            young people anxious and this creates           school, bereavement, or parents
consistently. Stimulants such as sugar                               cortisol in their bodies before bed.            separating. Big changes in life
and caffeine, especially in the evening will                         Some are anxious about school, exams,           may make it hard for your teen to relax
prevent sleep. Snacks less than an hour                              relationships, and even not being able to       before bed or may make their routine
before bedtime may also disrupt their                                fall asleep. Encourage your teen to express     inconsistent, which could disrupt
sleep.                                                               how they are feeling and talk about what        their body clock.
                                                                     is making them feel this way. Do this
•   Avoid any stimulating food or drinks                             earlier in the day, so they don’t bring those   •   Do what you can to give your teen
    including chocolate, coffee, tea, or cola                        feelings to the bedroom.                            as much consistency as possible, and
    in the late afternoon or evening.                                                                                    encourage them to take charge and do
                                                                     •   Find ways to relax together using               the same.
•   If they want a snack after dinnertime, try                           relaxation techniques, yoga or
    milk, toast or a banana, and have this is                            mindfulness.                                •   Reassure them that they can talk about
    at least an hour before bed.                                                                                         their thoughts and feelings during
                                                                     •   Try to stay calm around bedtime                 transitional times.
                                                                         to support your child to feel
                                                                         the same.

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Good Bedtime Practice

Example of a good bedtime routine for a                              Average Sleep Needs                        Before Bed:
14 year old who is getting up around 7am.
This can be used as a rough guide, but you
                                                                                                                •   Avoid sleeping after 2pm

might want to adjust timings and activities
                                                                      Age             Recommended               •   No TV etc. an hour before bed
to suit your family. Create the plan with                             Early           9 to 11 hours             •   Quiet, wind down time
your teen so they can take charge of their
own sleep. Remember that consistency is
                                                                      secondary–                                •   Snack if required, e.g. toast,
                                                                      aged children                                 cereal, milky drink
key!                                                                  11–13 years
                                                                                                                •   Avoid sweets/ biscuits, fizzy drinks,
                                                                      Teenagers       8 to 10 hours                 tea, coffee, hot chocolate
A Good Bedtime Schedule
                                                                      14–17 years
                                                                                                                •   An hour before bed, aime to leave the
 Time                Activity                                         Young adults    7 to 9 hours                  day behind and prepare for sleep onset
                                                                      18–25 years
 4:00pm              After school clubs / time                                                                  Bedtime:
                     with friends                                    Based on recommendations by
                                                                     the National Sleep Foundation. These are
                                                                                                                •   Consistent bedtime and wakening
 5:30pm              Evening meal
                                                                     guidance, but everyone is different. Use   •   Carry out steps in same order each night
 6:00pm              Stimulating activity -                          a school holiday for your teen to sleep    •   Have a bath, wind down, chill out
                     exercise, screen time,                          as long as they need to, to find out how
                     complete homework                               much sleep they need.
                                                                                                                •   Read, or listen to relaxing music
                                                                                                                •   Try a relaxation technique to help drift off
 8pm                 Snack/supper, if needed
                                                                                                                •   Keep bedroom dark and cool
 8:30pm              Wind down activity
                                                                                                                •   Use subdued lighting
 9:00pm              Relaxing bath
                                                                                                                Crucial elements
 9:30pm              Read or listen to music or an
                     audio book                                                                                 •   Consistency           •   Exercise

 9:45pm              Lights out
                                                                                                                •   Timing                •   Daytime
                                                                                                                •   Diet                      behaviour

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Supporting every
              child to get a good
              night's sleep

              Sleep Scotland Face to                                 Sleep Support Line                Get in touch
              Face Sleep Counselling                                 Our trained sleep counsellors     0131 258 1258
              See our website for your local area                    are available to offer advice
              sleep counselling provision.                           and guidance on your child
                                                                     or teenager’s sleep issues.
                                                                     0800 138 6565
                                                                     Monday to Thursday, 10am to 4pm


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