Solar Under Storm Select Best Practices for Resilient Roof-Mount PV Systems with Hurricane Exposure - The Clinton Foundation

Solar Under Storm Select Best Practices for Resilient Roof-Mount PV Systems with Hurricane Exposure - The Clinton Foundation


  IN           IN
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Solar Under Storm
Part II
Select Best Practices for Resilient Roof-Mount PV Systems with Hurricane Exposure

Solar Under Storm Select Best Practices for Resilient Roof-Mount PV Systems with Hurricane Exposure - The Clinton Foundation
AUTHORS                                                    ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
Christopher Burgess, Rocky Mountain Institute              This report was made possible by The Clinton
Sanya Detweiler, Clinton Climate Initiative                Climate Initiative’s funding from the Norwegian
Chris Needham, FCX Solar                                   Agency for Development Cooperation, the Nationale
Frank Oudheusden, FCX Solar                                Postcode Loterij, and the players of the People’s
                                                           Postcode Lottery.
* Authors listed alphabetically

Joe Cain, Solar Energy Industries Association
John Doty, UL
James Elsworth, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Joseph Goodman, Rocky Mountain Institute (previously)
David Kaul, Salt Energy
Marc Lopata, Solar Island Energy
Dana Miller, ATEC Energy BVI
Fidel Neverson, Energy Solutions, Inc.
Edward Previdi, EP Energy
Carlos Quiñones, CJQ Engineering
Kevin Schnell, Caribbean Solar Company
Otto VanGeet, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Angel Zayas, AZ Engineering

* Contributors listed alphabetically

Christopher Burgess
Sanya Detweiler,

Burgess, C., Detweiler, S., Needham, C., Oudheusden,
F., Solar Under Storm Part II: Select Best Practices
for Resilient Roof-Mount PV Systems with Hurricane
Exposure, Clinton Foundation, FCX Solar, and Rocky
Mountain Institute, 2020.
under-storm/ and

Cover image courtesy of Sanya Detweiler, Clinton
Solar Under Storm Select Best Practices for Resilient Roof-Mount PV Systems with Hurricane Exposure - The Clinton Foundation



        STIT UTE

Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI)—an independent nonprofit founded in 1982—transforms global energy use to
create a clean, prosperous, and secure low-carbon future. It engages businesses, communities, institutions, and
entrepreneurs to accelerate the adoption of market-based solutions that cost-effectively shift from fossil fuels to
efficiency and renewables. RMI has offices in Basalt and Boulder, Colorado; New York City; the San Francisco Bay
Area; Washington, D.C.; and Beijing.

The Clinton Foundation convenes businesses, governments, NGOs, and individuals to improve global health
and wellness, increase opportunity for girls and women, reduce childhood obesity, create economic opportunity
and growth, and help communities address the effects of climate change. The Clinton Climate Initiative (CCI)
collaborates with governments and partner organizations to increase the resilience of communities facing climate
change while reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

FCX Solar is an engineering consultancy and intellectual property development company focused on the PV
industry. It was founded in 2016 by Frank Oudheusden and Chris Needham, who together have a combined 25+
years in the PV industry. FCX Solar provides solar power developers and racking manufacturers with a wide range
of engineering services. FCX Solar has developed several products in the solar structure space and has a passion
for solving unique issues for its clients and partnerships.
Solar Under Storm Select Best Practices for Resilient Roof-Mount PV Systems with Hurricane Exposure - The Clinton Foundation

   06                                   08                                  12                                   15                                  18

PREFACE................................................................................................................................................................ 06

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.................................................................................................................................... 08
Summary of Findings.....................................................................................................................................................09

1: INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................................12
Approach....................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Organization.................................................................................................................................................................. 14

2: ROOT CAUSE IDENTIFICATION.................................................................................................................15

3: FAILURE MODE AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS ...........................................................................................18
The Additional Cost to Increase Resiliency................................................................................................................... 20
Solar Under Storm Select Best Practices for Resilient Roof-Mount PV Systems with Hurricane Exposure - The Clinton Foundation
26                                  32                                   37                                 39                                    47

4: TECHNICAL DISCUSSION...........................................................................................................................26
Three-Rail Systems....................................................................................................................................................... 27
Joint Loosening / Top Down Clip Failure Analysis.......................................................................................................... 28
Modules Overhanging the Roof Edge........................................................................................................................... 29
Topographic “Speed-Up” Effects for Determination of Design Wind Speed................................................................... 31

5: CONCLUSION..................................................................................................................................................32
Recommendations........................................................................................................................................................ 34
Specifications................................................................................................................................................................ 34
Collaboration................................................................................................................................................................ 35
Energy Storage Systems for Resilience......................................................................................................................... 35

RECOMMENDED REFERENCES..................................................................................................................... 37

APPENDIX A................................................................................................................................................................. 40
APPENDIX B.................................................................................................................................................................. 41
APPENDIX C................................................................................................................................................................. 44
APPENDIX D................................................................................................................................................................. 45

ENDNOTES............................................................................................................................................................ 47
Solar Under Storm Select Best Practices for Resilient Roof-Mount PV Systems with Hurricane Exposure - The Clinton Foundation
Solar Under Storm Part II is a response to the          High wind speeds increase risk factors for solar
overwhelming reception of the original report, which    projects tremendously, but many solar installation
provided best practices for ground-mount solar          companies inadvertently overlook or incorrectly apply
photovoltaic (PV) projects. It is also a response to    low-wind speed designs (borrowed from Europe or
stakeholder requests for a rooftop-focused report for   the United States) for projects in high-wind zones
the growing commercial and residential solar industry   like the Caribbean. These low-wind mistakes become
in the Caribbean and other vulnerable geographies       catastrophic in high-wind events.
with exposure to high-wind events.

Image courtesy of Rocky Mountain Institute
Solar Under Storm Select Best Practices for Resilient Roof-Mount PV Systems with Hurricane Exposure - The Clinton Foundation
Solar PV failure reporting is needed because some              aimed at increasing the resilience of current and future
failures are highly visible while others are not,              rooftop PV systems. This report will touch upon flat-
either because they are infrequent in occurrence or            roof and pitched-roof PV power systems containing
because they are privately dealt with and not publicly         flat-mounted, tilt-mounted, fully ballasted, and hybrid
published. Showcasing a wide range of failures has             ballasted/penetrating systems. It excludes canopy PV
multiple benefits:                                             systems and ground-mounted systems (both fixed and
                                                               tracking) as the recommendations for rooftop projects
• It provides proof to designers, installers, and              are specific to their application. Canopy and tracking
  customers that solar PV system resilience matters            systems may be addressed in future versions of the
                                                               report if interest persists. Ground-mounted systems
• Ramifications for product and project design, vendor         were addressed in the original Solar Under Storm
  selection, installation, and maintenance become              report, which is still available from Rocky Mountain
  real because they are tangibly connected to real-            Institute (RMI).1
  world failures
                                                               This report is organized into five sections:
• It helps solar professionals learn from past mistakes,       1. Introduction
  which is critical as repeating mistakes damages the          2. Root cause identification methodology and
  reputation and credibility of the solar industry                findings
                                                               3. Failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA)
                                                               4. Technical discussion
Like the first version, this report provides an opportunity    5. Conclusion
to address resilience for both a general and technical
audience. The report disseminates technical information        The intended audience for Sections 2, 3, 4, and the
to non-technical readers and creates a more informed           Appendix is engineering professionals responsible
solar professional, regulator, government official, utility,   for PV system design, PV system specifications, and/
and customer. A well-informed customer base will               or PV system construction oversight and approval.
systematically strengthen the PV industry by requiring         Sections 1 and 5 are intended for a more general
vendors to incorporate resilience guidelines into their        audience of customers, governments, utilities,
projects. In an industry that has experienced drastic          regulators, developers, and PV system installers who
cost reductions year after year, in the “race-to-the-          are interested in improving PV system survivability to
bottom” aspect of project and product design, it is            intense wind-loading events.
critical for customers to understand best practices and
not accept low-cost shortcuts that could jeopardize            Solar Under Storm Part II was developed with direct
project life or energy production. Supplying the               feedback from solar companies in the Caribbean that
customer with a minimum set of guidelines raises the           learned lessons in solar project resilience firsthand
bar, and those guidelines can only be improved through         during and after Hurricanes Irma, Maria, and Dorian.
innovation and definitive testing, which in turn creates a     Continuous feedback from the solar installer community
stronger industry.                                             is vital to the success for solar PV resilience. Thus, RMI
                                                               and the Clinton Foundation’s Clinton Climate Initiative
The purpose of this document is to respond to the              will host workshops and other opportunity for on-going
growing needs of the solar industry and combine field          communication on this topic—notably through the forum
observations, photographic evidence, and expert                of the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) Action Network on
analysis to provide actionable recommendations                 Post-Disaster Recovery.2

                                                                                               SOLAR UNDER STORM PART II – 7
Solar Under Storm Select Best Practices for Resilient Roof-Mount PV Systems with Hurricane Exposure - The Clinton Foundation

       Image courtesy of FortisTCI, Turks and Caicos
Solar Under Storm Select Best Practices for Resilient Roof-Mount PV Systems with Hurricane Exposure - The Clinton Foundation
The 2017 hurricane season was one of the most                 guide combines photographs from immediately after
active in history.3 Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria        storms along with expert analysis to deliver actionable
caused widespread destruction throughout the                  recommendations for increasing resilience with rooftop
Caribbean. In 2019, Hurricane Dorian decimated the            solar PV installations.
northern Bahamas bringing historic winds, rainfall, and
unprecedented destruction to the electricity system
and other critical infrastructure.4 In addition to the        SUMMARY OF FINDINGS
emotional toll these severe storms had on people              Expert structural engineers reviewed over 500 photos
in the region, the disruption of critical infrastructure      from over 25 systems across five islands which were
left many communities without such basic services             taken by solar professionals and system owners
as electricity for prolonged periods of time. Over the        immediately after the 2017 and 2019 hurricanes. The
past decades, electricity in the Caribbean has been           same structural experts from the first Solar Under Storm
primarily generated centrally by fuel oil or diesel-fired     report evaluated these photographs to uncover several
engines and distributed across the island by overhead         root causes of partial or full rooftop PV system failures.
lines. However, in recent years, electricity has been
supplemented by solar photovoltaics (PV) on homes,
businesses, industries, government facilities, and now,       RECOMMENDATIONS
as a growing part of utility generation. In fact, over half   The key output of this paper is a list of recommendations
of Caribbean electric utilities already own or operate        for building more resilient rooftop solar PV systems. The
solar PV as part of their generation mix. Over 571 MW         recommendations are organized into two categories:
of solar are installed across rooftops, parking canopies,     1) specifications and 2) collaboration.
and large tracts of land.5 Solar PV is the most rapidly
growing source of power for many Caribbean islands.6          1. Specifications
                                                              The following specifications list is intended as a resource
Despite the record sustained wind speeds of over              for anyone who can influence project design.
180 miles per hour, many rooftop solar PV systems
in Puerto Rico, British Virgin Islands, the US Virgin         • If top-down clamps are required, use clamps
Islands, The Bahamas, and Dominica survived and                 that hold modules individually or independently.
continued producing power. In contrast, other systems           Alternately, specify through-bolting of modules.
in the region suffered major damage or complete
failure with airborne solar modules, broken equipment,        • Specify bolt hardware that is vibration-resistant and
and twisted metal racking.                                      appropriate for the environment and workforce.

Generating energy with solar PV is a cost-effective           • Do not use self-tapping screws for structural
and reliable solution for power generation in the               connections.
Caribbean. Incorporation of the best available
engineering, design, delivery, and operational                • Specify a project QA/QC process including
practices can increase the reliability and survival rates       items like bolt torqueing, ballast placement, and
from extreme wind loading. Given the variability in             mechanical attachment quality.
wind speed, wind direction, wind duration, topography,
design, and construction, along with limited data,            • Pitched-roof systems should only have modules
there is not an overarching statistical conclusion              installed within the envelope of the roof structure (no
to explain survivorship versus failure. Instead, this           overhanging modules over the roof edges) and should

                                                                                              SOLAR UNDER STORM PART II – 9
Solar Under Storm Select Best Practices for Resilient Roof-Mount PV Systems with Hurricane Exposure - The Clinton Foundation

     EXHIBIT 1
     Similarities of Systems

             Similarities of Failed Systems          Similarities of Surviving Systems

            Top-down or T-clamp cascading            Appropriate use/reliance on ballast
            failure of module retention              and mechanical attachments

            Lack of vibration-resistant              Sufficient structural connection
            connections                              strength

            Corner of the array overturned due       Through-bolted module retention or
            to incorrect design for wind             four top-down clips per module

            Insufficient structural connection
            strength                                 Structural calculations on record

            Roof attachment connection failure       Owner’s engineer with QA/QC

            System struck by debris/impact           Vibration-resistant module bolted
            damage, especially from liberated        connections
            (dislodged) modules

            Failure of the structural integrity of
            the roof membrane

            PV module design pressure too low
            for environment


  be limited to installation only within wind zones one     2. Collaboration
  and two (see Section 4: Technical Discussion).            Collaboration recommendations identify opportunities
                                                            to increase the resilience of the entire value chain and
• Ballasted-only systems are not recommended due to         life cycle of solar PV projects. This requires longer-
  the high risk of cascading failure modes. All systems     term multi-party consideration and action intended to
  should have positive mechanical attachments to the        level up the current solar industry standard.
  building structure that meet the minimum mechanical
  attachment recommendation (see Appendix B).               • Collaborate with the installer to implement and
                                                              continuously improve full QA/QC and operation and
• Require structural engineering be performed in              maintenance (O&M) processes throughout the life of
  accordance with ASCE 7 and site conditions, with            the project.
  sealed calculations for wind forces, reactions, and
  attachment design.                                        • Collaborate with professional engineers of record on
                                                              calculation best practices and intent.
• Confirm with racking vendor and project engineer
  that actual site conditions comply with their base        • Collaborate with racking suppliers to carry out
  condition assumptions from wind-tunnel testing.             full-scale and connection tests representative of
                                                              ASCE 7 3-second design wind speeds (Saffir
• Confirm with the project engineer that design best          Simpson Category 5). Specifically including wind
  practices are met relating to worst-case joist loading,     tunnel testing review and rigidity assessment.
  base velocity pressure, rigidity assessment, area
  averaging, and minimum mechanical attachment              • Collaborate with roofers, roofing manufacturers, and
  scheme (see Appendices B and C).                            insurance companies to maintain roof warranty and
                                                              roof integrity.
• Require roof pre-inspections be performed to verify
  that the roof conditions are acceptable and match the     • Collaborate with equipment suppliers to document
  assumptions in the structural design (see Appendix D).      material origin and certificate of grade and coating
                                                              consistent with assumptions used in engineering
• Specify high-load (target 5,400 Pa front load rating)       calculations.
  PV modules, based on structural calculations; these
  are currently available from a number of Tier-1           • Collaboration between installers and module
  module manufacturers and tend to have more robust           suppliers/distributors to ensure local availability of
  frames.                                                     specified modules.

• Specify all hardware be sized based on 25 years (or
  project life) of corrosion.

                                                                                            SOLAR UNDER STORM PART II – 11
1             INTRODUCTION

Image courtesy of Edward Previdi, EP Energy
Solar photovoltaic (PV) systems have proliferated         During the last three years (2017–2019), the North
throughout the Caribbean and other island                 Atlantic region saw 11 major hurricanes (Category 3 or
communities over the past several years. Solar is         higher); most notably in the Caribbean were Harvey,
now competitive with traditional fossil fuel generation   Irma, Maria, and Dorian. The solar PV failures seen
and in some cases has become the primary energy           from these events were well documented by the solar
source for island power systems.7 Rooftop solar has       industry and serve as a continuous learning platform
also demonstrated an ability to withstand major wind      on which the industry’s resilience movement stands.
events despite well documented failures.                  The survival and failure of ground-mounted solar

Guiding Principles and Process

                Guiding Principles                                    Guidelines Process

       Collaborate across organizations                       Conduct failure analysis of sites
       and integrate local experience and                     impacted by the hurricane seasons
       expertise.                                             from 2017 through 2019.

       Address observed failure modes                         Engage experts responsible for
       and lurking failure modes                              managing or analyzing historical
       (ones that did not occur only because                  failures of solar projects.
       something else failed first).
                                                              Identify and prioritize root causes
       Plan for advancement of hardware,                      through collaborative completion of
       reliability statistics, and expert                     a “fishbone” tool.
                                                              Complete a failure mode and effects
       Provide performance-based                              analysis (FMEA) for the prioritized
       recommendations where possible                         root causes.
       to allow for innovative solutions.
                                                              Synthesize recommendations
       Limit recommendations to only                          from the FMEA for communication
       those that provide a risk-adjusted                     and consideration.
       economic benefit.
                                                              Seek and incorporate ongoing
       Ensure guidelines are executable                       feedback.
       with currently available solutions.

       Use a risk-conscious framework for

                                                                                       SOLAR UNDER STORM PART II – 13

     PV systems in hurricanes was documented and well            ORGANIZATION
     received in the first Solar Under Storm report. Following   This document is organized to present readers
     the first publication, there were significant requests      with each of the major analysis steps in order of
     to report on the resilience of roof-mounted systems.        completion. Section 2 presents the root cause
     However, given the variability in wind speed, direction,    identification methodology and findings, along with
     roof type, roof orientation, roof pitch, solar design,      recommendations for using the findings and the
     and construction, one overarching conclusion cannot         method. Section 3 utilizes the root causes identified in
     be made to explain the diversity of outcomes from           an failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA). The output
     these major wind events. Instead, this report combines      of this analysis includes potential mitigation actions that
     photographs from immediately after the storms with          are evaluated by cost and impact. Section 4 synthesizes
     expert analysis to deliver actionable recommendations       mitigation actions identified in the FMEA into a list
     for increasing resilience among retrofit and new            of recommendations for ease of communication and
     construction solar PV rooftop installations.                consideration by the reader.

     Our approach to increasing the ability of PV systems to
     withstand hurricane winds utilizes design-for-reliability
     principles and methods.

     Image courtesy of David Kaul, SALT Energy


Hurricane Dorian September 2019. Image courtesy of NOAA
     The rise in hurricane intensity in the region in              manufacturing, procurement, delivery, installation, and
     conjunction with the increased installed base of              operations of a rooftop solar power plant, along with
     solar PV has provided an initial body of evidence for         the operational use case. The most urgent causes
     developing resilience guidelines for future projects.         of failure are in bold text. The current fishbone draft
     However, development of hurricane resilience                  is limited by the data set, authors’ expertise, and
     guidelines based on observed failure modes alone              current technology; consequently, this analysis should
     has limitations. The observed failure modes may have          be updated to incorporate new data, expertise, and
     served as a “mechanical fuse” relieving forces from the       technology. Future solar PV project teams are invited
     system. If future systems only address the observed           to utilize Exhibit 3 (and add additional categories as
     failure modes, forces may precipitate additional failure      necessary) as a facilitation tool to explore project-
     modes. To address both observed and potential                 specific opportunities to eliminate causes of failure in
     failure modes, we took a classic reliability engineering      response to extreme wind or other hazards.
     approach to design for reliability. Exhibit 3 illustrates a
     common reliability tool for systematic cause and effect
     identification called a fishbone diagram. The diagram
     shows the supply chain responsible for design,

    Image courtesy of Carlos Quiñones, CJQ Engineering


Fishbone diagram


                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Roof Features &

                                                                                                    Equipment                                                                                   Stakeholders
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Roof Properties


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Roof Age
                                                                              Load Rating                                                                     Management                      O&M Provider

                                                                                            Module Hardware                                          Documentation                              Asset Owner

           Metal Grade                                                                              Design Life                                           Training                                Developer                        Building Properties

             Coatings                                                                                                   Reliability Testing                    Means & Methods                      Local Inspectors


                         Certifications                                                                                       Warranty                                    Management                  Installer / EPC

                                                                                                                                                              HURRICANE FAILURE
                     Corrosivity                                                                                                 Roof Wind Zones                          Code Enforcement            Transaction                                         System Grounding
                                                                                                                        Worst Case                             Component                            Construction                                Electrical
            Topography                                                                                                  Joist Loading                          Certifications                       Agreement                                   Connectors
                                                                                                    Layout                                                                                                                             Electrical Wire
       Wind                                                                                         Obstructions                                                                                 Service Agreement                     Management


                                                                                                Wind Tunnel Test


                                                                                                Report                                                                                          Process

                                                                              Placement (4)                                                        System Certifications
                                                    Member &                                                                                                                                     Business Model
                                                                                                                                                     ASCE 7

                                                    Connection Sizing
                                                     Mechanical Attachments
                                                                              Effective Wind Area
                                                                                                    Ballast Placement

                                                                                                                          Roof Wind Zone


                                                                                                                                                     Codes and

                                                   System Design

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  SOLAR UNDER STORM PART II – 17

       Image courtesy of of Carlos Quiñones, CJQ Engineering
Improving the ability of PV systems to withstand              1. Top-down clip failure (all projects)
hurricane winds requires not only identification of failure   2. Debris/impact failure (all projects)
modes but also a cost-effective mitigation action. The        3. Corner overturn failure (ballasted/mechanically
failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) framework               attached hybrid flat roof)
was utilized to identify practical mitigation actions. This   4. Racking connection failure (all projects)
assessment is a culmination of two markers: expected
upfront material cost to implement the mitigation actions     Debris/impact failure was largely a secondary failure
and the impact this mitigation will have on total cost of     mode caused by clip failures. Eighteen projects
ownership (TCO). TCO reductions are driven through            (70%) experienced debris/impact failures while only
a reduction in total economic                                                        two of those projects (8%)
damage or a reduction in the           Out of this data set, “top-                   experienced impacts from
frequency of individual failure                                                      objects other than liberated
modes. Reduction in total                down clip failure” was                      modules. Mitigating the
economic damage directly                 observed on 21 out of                       cascading failure mode by
improves long-term asset
                                       22 projects that utilized                     solving the “top-down clip
values by minimizing material                                                        failure” largely eliminates this
replacements. Reduction in              top-down clips (96% of                       failure mode as well.
frequency of failures improves            applicable projects).
PV plant up-time by minimizing                                                         Corner overturning was
the time spent fixing minor                                                            only present on ballasted/
issues, especially cascading issues that could lead to        mechanically attached hybrid flat-roof projects. However,
major, expensive failures if not immediately addressed.       it was present on three of the four projects within the
                                                              data set (75%). Due to the limited number of ballasted/
The synthesis of the FMEA presented below is                  mechanically attached hybrid projects (four), it is difficult
designed to teach a user the current practices and            to extrapolate these failure modes past the observed
associated limitations of the most relevant failure modes     portfolio. However, the root causes in these photos are
and to provide a cost-effective mitigation action. The        evident and are supported by the FMEA activities.
table is organized by subsystems and assemblies.
                                                              Racking connection failures speak to the compromised
In addition to the FMEA work, we performed a                  structural integrity of the racking system itself. It
statistical analysis on a limited data set (26 total          occurred on 6 out of 26 projects (23%), including the
rooftop projects) of available failure images. Projects       3 projects which experienced corner overturning
included sloped pitched-roof structures (11 projects),        failures. Only on a single occasion was a racking
elevated rail system flat-roof structures (11 projects),      connection failure deemed to be a primary failure
and ballasted/mechanically attached hybrid flat-roof          mode. Mitigating the cascading failure mode by
structures (4 projects). Four major failure modes             solving the “corner overturning failure” largely
presented themselves within this data set. They are           eliminates this failure mode as well.
listed in order of decreasing occurrence:

                                                                                              SOLAR UNDER STORM PART II – 19

     EXHIBIT 4
     Cost/Impact Key

                                                             Total Cost of Ownership
                                 Cost ($/watt)*
                                                             (TCO) Impact


Failure Mode and Effects Analysis—Buildings

 Failure Modes            Current Practice      Limitations              Potential Mitigation                  Cost/TCO

 Incorrectly calculated   ASCE 7-16             Relies on project        Third party review of the ASCE        Low/High
 velocity pressure                              engineer to properly     7-16 velocity pressure calculation.
                                                capture project-
                                                specific factors.
 Roof structural          Project engineer      Requires correct         Require “worst-case joist loading”    Low/Med
 member failure           checks dead loading   identification of        be checked in addition to “array
                          against available     governing load cases     area averaging” (see Appendix C).
                          capacity.             and roof capacity.
 Wind acceleration in     • Racking vendor      Racking vendor           • Adopt minimum mechanical            Med/High
 specific wind zones        specifies wind      analysis can be a          attachment specification (see
                            loading.            “black box” to project     Appendix B).
                          • ASCE 7-16           engineer.                • Must be considered in wind
                                                                           tunnel testing for flat-roof
                                                                         • Require installation of modules
                                                                           only in Zones 1 and 2 for
                                                                           pitched-roof systems (see
                                                                           Section 4: Technical Discussion).

All Images courtesy of Carlos Quiñones, CJQ Engineering

                                                                                                SOLAR UNDER STORM PART II – 21

    Failure Mode and Effects Analysis—PV Racking

      Failure Modes           Current Practice          Limitations                Potential Mitigation                  Cost/TCO

      Cascading failure of    • Module top-down         Shared (middle)            • Use top-down clips that do not      Low/High
      top-down clips             clips are designed     module top-down clips        retain more than one module
                                 to retain groups of    lose capacity with           per clip to avoid cascading
                                 modules with end       loss of one module           failures.
                                 and mid (shared)       and allow liberation of    • Alternately, specify module
                                 clamps.                adjacent module.             frames to be through-bolted in
                              • Caribbean regional                                   accordance with manufacturing
                                 solution of a three-                                specification for the design wind
                                 rail system has been                                speed.
      Fastener self-          Racking vendor            Wind vibrations can        • Require vibration-resistant         Low/High
      loosening               selects the hardware      loosen hardware over         fasteners.
                              in the design.            time.                      • Ensure proper QA/QC during
                                                                                   • Verify tight fasteners during
                                                                                     annual O&M activities.
      Roof to racking         Racking vendor            • Incorrect loading        • Verify racking vendor meets         Low/High
      mechanical              performs structural         assumed (effective         recommended analysis
      attachment failure      calculations                wind area) invalidates     and minimum mechanical
                                                          calculations.              attachment scheme
                                                        • Improper installation.     (see Appendix B).
                                                                                   • Proper installation QA/QC is
      Self-tapping screw      Racking vendor            • Subject to improper      • Avoid self-tapping screws for       Low/Med
      corrosion and failure   selects the hardware        installation.              structural loading in the design.
                              in the design.            • Corrosion happens
                                                          over time.
    All Images courtesy of Carlos Quiñones, CJQ Engineering


Failure Mode and Effects Analysis—PV Racking

 Failure Modes            Current Practice          Limitations              Potential Mitigation                Cost/TCO

 Corner overturning       Racking vendor            Incorrect loading        • Verify racking vendor meets       Med/High
 failures                 performs structural       assumed (effective         recommended analysis
                          calculations              wind area) invalidates     and minimum mechanical
                                                    calculations.              attachment scheme (see
                                                                               Appendix B).
 Racking uplift or        Racking vendor            Incorrect loading        • Verify racking vendor meets       Med/High
 sliding failures         performs structural       assumed (effective         recommended analysis
                          calculations              wind area) invalidates     and minimum mechanical
                                                    calculations.              attachment scheme (see
                                                                               Appendix B).
 Incorrectly calculated   Racking vendor            Racking vendor           • Adopt minimum mechanical          Med/High
 module-specific wind     specifies wind loading.   analysis can be a          attachment specification (see
 loads                                              “black box” to project     Appendix B).
 Dynamic excitation—      Racking vendor or         High difficulty in       • Adopt minimum mechanical          Med/Med
 “Walking” of the         project engineer          designing a purely         attachment specification (see
 ballasted rack           performs calculations.    ballasted racking          Appendix B).
                                                    system around            • Project engineer should review
                                                    dynamic wind               structural elements for thermal
                                                    considerations.            expansion considerations and
                                                                               seismic loading.
 Wind deflector           Specific to racking       • Vulnerable to          • Install positively retained       Low/High
 liberation               design.                     installation errors.     wind deflector with vibration-
                                                    • Vulnerable to impact     resistant solution.
                                                      damage.                • Proper QA/QC at installation
                                                    • Vulnerable to          • Verification during annual O&M
                                                      improper design.         activities

All Images courtesy of Carlos Quiñones, CJQ Engineering

                                                                                                   SOLAR UNDER STORM PART II – 23

     EXHIBIT 7
     Failure Mode and Effects Analysis—Electrical

      Failure Modes             Current Practice          Limitations              Potential Mitigation                    Cost/TCO

      Wire pull out or          Specification             Terminal                 Specify QA/QC procedure and             Low/Low
      terminal damage           for each                  torque values            documentation for terminal
                                electrical                unchecked in             torques.
                                Component (e.g., UL,      field.
                                NEC, TUV, etc.).
      Wire sheath chafing       NEC or IEC conductor      Wires sag and subject    • Evaluate racking structures for       Low/Low
      (ground fault)            management and            to gyration based on       inclusion of wire management
                                support specifications.   field installation.        solutions.
                                                                                   • Proper QC of field electrical
                                                                                   • Specify wire management
                                                                                     practices, including support
                                                                                     schedule and sag tolerance.
                                                                                   • Specify stainless-steel or heavily
                                                                                     galvanized wire clips or PVC-
                                                                                     coated stainless-steel cable
                                                                                     clamps instead of plastic zip ties.
      Rain intrusion            NEC - NEMA                Hurricane force wind     • Verify water sealing method           Low/Low
                                specification             can drive rain.            effective at the project design
                                                                                     wind speed.

      Wind load on electrical   ASCE/NEC/UL Codes         Combiner boxes,          • Have the project engineer             Low/Med
      components                                          inverters, and other       analyze electrical components
                                                          equipment are              and their structural mounting
                                                          exposed to wind loads      to resist applicable project
                                                          but rarely analyzed or     environmental loads.
                                                          properly secured.

     All Images courtesy of Carlos Quiñones, CJQ Engineering


Failure Mode and Effects Analysis—PV Modules

 Failure Modes             Current Practice          Limitations                 Potential Mitigation                Cost/TCO

 Frame bolt hole failure   UL1703 certification of   Module back-side            • Specify engineer calculations     Low/Low
                           module testing.           (uplift force) rating may     for module connection
                                                     not be adequate for           hardware, including frame
                                                     local loads.                  where used.
                                                                                 • Collaborate with module
                                                                                   manufacturers to improve
                                                                                   supply chain.
                                                                                 • Engineer of record for the
                                                                                   project should request
                                                                                   and approve engineering
                                                                                   connection calculations.
 Laminate impact           UL 1703 hail impact       Hurricane debris can        • Specify that site prep and        Low/Med
 damage                    tests and ASCE wind       be large compared to          clean-up shall include removal
                           prone debris.             hail.                         or securement of all foreign
                                                                                   objects (debris).
                                                                                 • Execute proper failure mode
                                                                                   mitigations for module
                                                                                   liberation, especially top-down
                                                                                   clips and vibration-resistant

All Images courtesy of Carlos Quiñones, CJQ Engineering

                                                                                                     SOLAR UNDER STORM PART II – 25

Image courtesy of Pura Energía

Pitched-roof system designers in the region have                         loss of any corner clip would result in wind pressures
often utilized a “three-rail system” as a viable solution                overstressing remaining clips. The cascading failure
against module liberation on pitched-roof systems.                       mode mitigation recommendation of moving away from
This is driven by a requirement for 5400 Pa front load                   shared top-down clips is still a valid recommendation as
rated modules. Module manufacturers that offer such a                    additional clips don’t solve the root problem.
warrantied rating do so by often requiring six module
fasteners instead of the existing requirement of four.                   The six-fastener requirement of module manufacturers
The additional two fasteners require an additional rail                  to obtain a 5,400 Pa rating is an externalization of cost
for mounting.                                                            onto the projects of the Caribbean region. Material
                                                                         cost increases incurred by simply supplying a heavier
Anecdotally, designers have cited benefits of a three-                   module frame would certainly be lower than a 50%
rail system being used to obtain a reduction in vibratory                increase in project racking material and mechanical
forces in the module leading to less chance of module                    attachments. Module frame manufacturing is done via
liberation as well as providing added structural strength                aluminum extrusion, which is a very materially efficient
toward resisting extreme wind forces. Top-down clips in                  process, especially at high volumes.
this application have also performed better at retaining
modules during hurricanes.                                               Thus, a three-rail system represents a significant cost
                                                                         increase for projects in the region (50% increase in
Although three-rail systems do provide these benefits,                   racking structure and roof attachments) while aiming
they solve module liberation issues that are rooted                      to solve problems that would be better solved with
in other failure modes. Addressing the root cause of                     appropriate fastener selection. Some of this is driven
the failure is important. For example, hardware that                     by module manufacturers requiring higher sales
vibrates loose should be replaced by vibration-resistant                 volumes for high-wind zone projects to invest in a
hardware and not simply additional hardware. Top-down                    dedicated 5,400 Pa rated frame. But some of it is
clips perform better because the root cause of their                     rooted in racking manufacturers selling additional
failure is vibratory. It is more effective to solve the root             racking rather than selecting new hardware. Owners
cause in a cost-efficient way than to invest in material to              and project engineers should be selective in this
reduce the vibration in the system. In fact, the structural              regard, scrutinizing hardware selection and pushing
calculations on a six-fastener system show that the                      for the most cost-efficient solutions.

Three-rail system on St John, St. John, US Virgin Islands. Image courtesy of Caribbean Solar Company

                                                                                                       SOLAR UNDER STORM PART II – 27


     Most structural failures of PV systems originate at            load tension is reduced. A third mode of joint loosening
     the connections. As highlighted in several examples            is when transverse vibration causes joint loosening
     in the FMEA analysis above, loosening of joints is             by rotation of a nut or other fastener. This mode has
     often a contributing factor to connection failure. The         gained the most attention, as it is easiest to observe by
     probability of joint loosening can be reduced by               visual inspection. Joint loosening caused by transverse
     proper selection, specification, and installation of           vibration can be simulated with the Junker vibration test.
     fasteners, to avoid loss of pre-load tension (clamping         Some forms of lock nuts or lock washers that have been
     force). There are a few common failure modes to be             trusted for years in multiple industries can be shown
     considered. When selecting and specifying fasteners,           to spin off during the course of a Junker transverse
     bear in mind three primary concerns. Select fasteners          vibration test, while a certain type of two-piece stepped
     that will maintain their pre-load tension; the fasteners       washer performs well in the test. It is important to
     must have adequate corrosion protection to survive             recognize that transverse vibration is only one mode
     the life of the PV system; and they must be compatible         of concern, and each installer should perform their
     with electrical bonding and grounding concerns. As             own due diligence on final solutions for selection and
     there are multiple criteria for selection of fasteners,        specification of fasteners in high-wind installations.
     we recommend that no substitutions be allowed in
     the field once fasteners are specified without express         During installation, if a telltale mark is added to
     written consent for an alternative specification from          fasteners after initial torque setting, then O&M
     the structural engineer of record.                             personnel can visually observe whether the marks
                                                                    continue to align or if the joint has experienced rotation.
     There are at least three modes that can contribute to
     loss of pre-load tension and associated joint loosening.
     The first mode of concern is “pre-load scatter,” which
     refers to an unintentional variation in initial torque of
     fasteners. While several references will recommend that
     all fasteners be individually set with a torque wrench,
     it is more likely that large quantities of fasteners will be
     installed with a calibrated, torque-controlled driver. To
     minimize pre-load scatter, a quality assurance program
     could include a data-logging torque-controlled driver,
     such that a record of initial torque is created and
     maintained with operations and maintenance (O&M)
     personnel. A second mode of concern is embedment
     of lock washers in the base material. For example, a
     common, low-cost star washer is likely a poor choice for
     bonding and grounding, as repeated vibration cycles
     can cause additional embedment in the base metal,
     causing a loss of pre-load. In this case, connections can
     experience joint loosening without any turn of a nut.
     Joint loosening caused by additional embedment after           Image courtesy of Christopher Burgess, Rocky
     initial torque can lead to further loosening after pre-        Mountain Institute



Installing modules over the edges of roofs is another       Fire codes typically require rooftop setbacks and
regional practice often encountered. This maximizes         access pathways for rooftop operations for fire
the array size for the customer, offsetting greater         fighters. For commercial buildings with low-slope
consumption and lowering the total cost of the project      roofs, these fire setbacks are often 4 feet or 6 feet
(on a per-watt basis). However, these modules are almost    from roof edges, depending on the size of the
universally missing post-hurricane. The mitigation isn’t    building. For high-slope roofs, fire setbacks and
just rooted in common sense, but also in building code.     access pathways are often 3 feet from ridges and
                                                            gable ends but could be as little as 18 inches or not
For rooftop PV systems, the proximity of the PV panels      required at all, depending on configuration of the
to roof edges is of primary concern. As wind flows          roof and requirements of a local fire service. For
toward a building and is obstructed by the building,        PV systems installed parallel to a roof, ASCE 7-16
it must travel around the wall corners and up over          requires a setback from all roof edges that is at least
the roof. As wind travels over the roof edge, it can        twice the height of the PV panels above the roof. For
“detach” from the roof, resulting in a large negative       example, if a PV system is installed 5 inches above
(uplift) pressure near the roof edge. For large buildings   and parallel with a high-slope roof, it must be set
with low-slope roofs, the wind pattern reattaches           back at least 10 inches from all roof edges. To reduce
to the roof at some point farther downwind. As the          probability of failure owing to unanticipated wind
highest uplift wind pressures occur near roof edges,        uplift pressures, PV system layout should avoid any
the design layout should consider some setback of PV        overhangs above a roof ridge and should be set back
modules from roof edges.                                    from all roof edges.

Modules Overhanging the Roof Edge. Image courtesy of Marc Lopata, Solar Island Energy

                                                                                         SOLAR UNDER STORM PART II – 29

     EXHIBIT 9
     Wind Loads—Components and Cladding

     Exhibit 9 shows a relatively lower pressure region      ASCE) due in part to Hurricanes Irma and Maria. Any
     (green - Zone 1), medium pressure regions (yellow -     modules within the envelope of Zones 1 and 2 should
     Zone 2), and high pressure regions (red - Zone 3).      have the appropriate code-provided wind pressures
                                                             applied and professional engineers should check that
     PV array designs should stay within the envelope of     the structural stability of the system and its connection
     the roof boundaries, but they should also universally   to the roof is adequate. Modules within Zone 3 would
     stay away from installation in Zone 3. The wind         receive such catastrophically high wind pressures
     pressure in this zone is significantly higher (~50%)    that the cost of installing them appropriately for these
     than in Zone 2. This is especially true in design       loads would be universally untenable.
     wind speeds of 120 mph and above, which many
     municipalities of the Caribbean are rated at (or soon
     will be upon the latest release of wind maps from



Determination of the correct design wind speed is        Rico in ASCE 7-16 still show the “old” maps with only
fundamental to calculating design wind pressures         a few contours. The Applied Technology Council
using ASCE 7-16. When wind speed increases with          (ATC) tool for Puerto Rico is now online and is critically
changes in topography, it can have a strong influence    important to use. (Do not use the maps in ASCE 7-16
on design wind pressures. Forensic studies in Puerto     for Puerto Rico.) It is important to note that the ATC
Rico after Hurricanes Irma and Maria determined          online tool for Puerto Rico (only) includes wind speed-
some failures were partially attributed to absence of    up effects, so the topographic factor is already built
consideration of topographic effects in determination    in. For determination of design wind pressures other
of design wind pressures.                                than for Puerto Rico, it is important to calculate the
                                                         topographic factor. (This method is being revised
After Hurricanes Irma and Maria, FEMA funded a           during the development of future ASCE 7-22, so
wind-speed study for the entire island of Puerto Rico,   sophisticated readers might want to look at the in-
with a goal of providing a more-accurate wind speed      progress changes.) At the time of writing this paper, a
map and an online tool for determination of design       similar wind speed study is being conducted for the
wind speed, similar to the effort for the islands of     US Virgin Islands.
Hawaii years ago. The wind speed maps for Puerto

                                                                                        SOLAR UNDER STORM PART II – 31
5              CONCLUSION

Image courtesy of FortisTCI, Turks and Caicos
Generating energy with solar PV is a cost-effective         its ability to be omniscient of all failure modes and all
and reliable solution for power generation in the           corrective actions and cannot guarantee the efficacy
Caribbean. Incorporation of the best available              of any recommended action. However, it provides
engineering, design, delivery, and operational              a set of best practices regarding specifications of
practices can increase the reliability and survival rates   equipment and procedures along with a framework for
from extreme wind loading. This paper is limited in         continued collaboration.

Similarities of Systems

        Similarities of Failed Systems                        Similarities of Surviving Systems

       Top-down or T-clamp cascading                            Appropriate use/reliance on ballast
       failure of module retention                              and mechanical attachments

       Lack of vibration-resistant                              Sufficient structural connection
       connections                                              strength

       Corner of the array overturned due                       Through-bolted module retention or
       to incorrect design for wind                             four top-down clips per module

       Insufficient structural connection
       strength                                                 Structural calculations on record

       Roof attachment connection failure                       Owner’s engineer with QA/QC

       System struck by debris/impact                           Vibration-resistant module bolted
       damage, especially from liberated                        connections
       (dislodged) modules

       Failure of the structural integrity of
       the roof membrane

       PV module design pressure too low
       for environment

                                                                                          SOLAR UNDER STORM PART II – 33

     The key output of this paper is a list of recommendations     • Confirm with racking vendor and project engineer
     for building more resilient rooftop solar PV systems. The       that actual site conditions comply with their base
     recommendations are organized into two categories:              condition assumptions from wind-tunnel testing.
     1) specifications and 2) collaboration.
                                                                   • Confirm with the project engineer that design best
                                                                     practices are met relating to worst-case joist loading,
     1. Specifications                                               base velocity pressure, rigidity assessment, area
     The following specifications list is intended as a resource     averaging, and minimum mechanical attachment
     for anyone who can influence project design.                    scheme (see Appendices B and C).

     • If top-down clamps are required, use clamps                 • Require roof pre-inspections be performed to verify
       that hold modules individually or independently.              that the roof conditions are acceptable and match the
       Alternately, specify through-bolting of modules.              assumptions in the structural design (see Appendix D).

     • Specify bolt hardware that is vibration-resistant and       • Specify high-load (target 5,400 Pa front load rating)
       appropriate for the environment and workforce.                PV modules, based on structural calculations; these
                                                                     are currently available from a number of Tier-1
     • Do not use self-tapping screws for structural                 module manufacturers and tend to have more robust
       connections.                                                  frames.

     • Specify a project QA/QC process including                   • Specify all hardware be sized based on 25 years (or
       items like bolt torqueing, ballast placement, and             project life) of corrosion.
       mechanical attachment quality.

     • Pitched-roof systems should only have modules
       installed within the envelope of the roof structure (no
       overhanging modules over the roof edges) and should
       be limited to installation only within wind zones one
       and two (see Section 4: Technical Discussion).

     • Ballasted-only systems are not recommended due to
       the high risk of cascading failure modes. All systems
       should have positive mechanical attachments to the
       building structure that meet the minimum mechanical
       attachment recommendation (see Appendix B).

     • Require structural engineering be performed in
       accordance with ASCE 7 and site conditions, with
       sealed calculations for wind forces, reactions, and
       attachment design.


2. Collaboration
Collaboration recommendations identify opportunities
to increase the resilience of the entire value chain and
life cycle of solar PV projects. This requires longer-
term multi-party consideration and action intended to
level up the current solar industry standard.

• Collaborate with the installer to implement and
  continuously improve full QA/QC and operation and
  maintenance (O&M) processes throughout the life of
  the project.

• Collaborate with professional engineers of record on
  calculation best practices and intent.

• Collaborate with racking suppliers to carry out
  full-scale and connection tests representative of
  ASCE 7 3-second design wind speeds (Saffir
  Simpson Category 5). Specifically including wind
  tunnel testing review and rigidity assessment.

• Collaborate with roofers, roofing manufacturers, and
  insurance companies to maintain roof warranty and
  roof integrity.

• Collaborate with equipment suppliers to document
  material origin and certificate of grade and coating
  consistent with assumptions used in engineering

• Collaboration between installers and module              Image courtesy of Fidel Neverson, Energy Solutions, Inc.
  suppliers/distributors to ensure local availability of
  specified modules.

                                                                                        SOLAR UNDER STORM PART II – 35

     While this paper is focused solely on solar PV systems,    this additional resilience can ensure continued critical
     it is worth adding that PV systems combined with a         services to the community such as communications,
     battery storage system can continue to deliver power       water treatment and pumping, medical operations, and
     to a home, business, or critical facility, even during a   refrigeration for food and medicine storage.
     grid outage. Most grid-connected PV systems without
     battery storage will shut down when a grid outage is       By pairing batteries with a resilient solar PV system,
     detected, to avoid back-feed to the grid and to ensure     facilities can count on uninterrupted power even after
     safety of the system and utility personnel. A PV system    the most severe storms. Additional discussion on the
     with a multi-mode inverter, transfer switch, battery       many benefits of solar coupled with battery energy
     storage system, and other appropriate components           storage can be found on RMI’s blog post “Critical
     can be disconnected (“islanded”) from the grid during      Facilities: Where Government and Utility Services
     a power outage. During extended power outages,             Redefine Resilience.”8

     Image courtesy of The Solar Foundation


Image courtesy of Rocky Mountain Institute
     FEMA Advisory: Rooftop Solar
     USVI - RA 5 - Rooftop Solar Panel Attachment: Design,
     Installation, and Maintenance

     FEMA P-2021 | Mitigation Assessment Team
     Report: Hurricanes Irma and Maria in the U.S.
     Virgin Islands

     FEMA P-2054 | Mitigation Assessment Team
     Compendium Report

     ATC Wind Hazard Tool

     Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria
     for Buildings and Other Structures (ASCE/SEI 7-16)

     Solar Photovoltaic Systems in Hurricanes and
     Other Severe Weather, US Department of Energy

                                                             Image courtesy of Caribbean Solar Company

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