Soybean- and Castor-Oil-Based Thermosetting Polymers: Mechanical Properties

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Soybean- and Castor-Oil-Based Thermosetting Polymers:
Mechanical Properties

E. Can,1 R. P. Wool,2 S. Küsefoğlu3
  Department of Materials Science and Engineering and Center for Composite Materials, University of Delaware,
Newark, Delaware 19711-3144
  Department of Chemical Engineering and Center for Composite Materials, University of Delaware, Newark,
Delaware 19711-3144
  Department of Chemistry and Polymer Research Center, Bogaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey

Received 10 August 2005; accepted 25 February 2006
DOI 10.1002/app.24423
Published online in Wiley InterScience (

ABSTRACT: Maleic anhydride modified soybean- and                  The polymers prepared from castor oil exhibited signifi-
castor-oil-based monomers, prepared via the malination of        cantly improved modulus, strength, and Tg values when
the alcoholysis products of the oils with various polyols,       compared with soybean-oil-based polymers. These novel
such as pentaerythritol, glycerol, and bisphenol A pro-          castor and soybean-oil-based polymers show comparable
poxylate, were copolymerized with styrene to give hard           properties to those of the high-performance unsaturated
rigid plastics. These triglyceride-based polymers exhibited      polyester (UP) resins and show promise as an alternative
a wide range of properties depending on their chemical           to replace these petroleum-based materials. Ó 2006 Wiley
structure. They exhibited flexural moduli in the 0.8–2.5          Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 102: 1497–1504, 2006
GPa range, flexural strength in the 32–112 MPa range,
glass transition temperatures (Tg) ranging from 72 to            Key words: thermosets; renewable resources; resins; struc-
1528C, and surface hardness values in the 77–90 D range.         ture–property relations; mechanical properties

                     INTRODUCTION                                the presence of boron triflouride diethyl etherate as
                                                                 the initiator.1–3 Epoxidized vegetable oils were
There is a worldwide potential demand for replacing
                                                                 photo-polymerized in the presence of cationic initia-
petroleum-derived raw materials with renewable
                                                                 tors to prepare fiberglass-reinforced composites by
plant-based ones in production of valuable polymeric
                                                                 Crivello et al.4 Plant oils are not reactive in radical
materials. Plant oils, which are found in abundance in
                                                                 polymerization; however, various functional groups
all parts of the world and are easily replenished annu-
                                                                 that are reactive in radical polymerization can easily
ally, have the potential to replace petroleum as a
                                                                 be attached to the triglyceride structure making
chemical feedstock for making polymers. In the major-
                                                                 them ideal crosslinking monomers for thermosetting
ity of the prior work with plant oil triglycerides, tri-
                                                                 liquid molding resins. This way plant oils can par-
glycerides were used as the minor component of the
                                                                 tially replace petroleum to make thermosetting poly-
main polymer matrix to improve the properties of the
                                                                 mers. Using this approach, our group has developed
main matrix and the polymers derived from triglycer-
                                                                 a number of chemically modified triglycerides to
ides were low molecular weight and lightly cross-
                                                                 prepare rigid thermosetting polymers.5–8 As a part
linked materials with no significant structural strength.
                                                                 of this research, malinated soybean oil monoglycer-
Within the past few years, there has been growing in-
                                                                 ides (SOMGMA) were prepared and copolymerized
terest to use the triglycerides as the basic constituent of
                                                                 with styrene,7 neopentyl glycol, and bisphenol A
thermosetting polymers with the necessary rigidity,
                                                                 maleate half esters.8 The plasticizing effects of the
strength, and glass transition temperatures required
                                                                 fatty acids in the SOMGMA monomers that do not
for engineering applications.
                                                                 participate in polymerization decrease the modulus
   Li et al. reported the preparation of polymers
                                                                 and Tg of the resulting polymers.
ranging from rubbers to hard plastics by cationic poly-
                                                                    To reduce this plasticizing effect, castor oil was
merization of a variety of oils: fish, tung, and soy-
                                                                 used instead of soybean oil in alcoholysis reactions
bean oil with petroleum-based comonomers such as
                                                                 with both aliphatic alcohols such as glycerol, pentae-
styrene, divinyl benzene, and dicyclopentadiene in
                                                                 rythritol, and an aromatic alcohol bisphenol A pro-
                                                                 poxylate. The resulting alcoholysis products were
    Correspondence to: R. P. Wool (
                                                                 then reacted with maleic anhydride to form maleate
Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol. 102, 1497–1504 (2006)   half esters. Castor oil was directly malinated as well
C 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.                                   to see the effect of the alcoholysis step on the proper-
1498                                                                               CAN, WOOL, AND KÜSEFOĞLU

ties of the resins. Soybean oil pentaerythritol glyceride   basic constituents of these triglyceride-based mono-
maleates were also prepared for a direct comparison         mers: (a) soybean oil pentaetythritol glyceride maleates
of the properties of the castor- and soybean-oil-based      (SOPERMA), (b) castor oil pentaerythritol glyceride
resins. Figure 1 shows the chemical structures of the       maleates (COPERMA), (c) castor oil monoglyceride

Figure 1 The chemical structures of the basic constituents of the (a) SOPERMA, (b) COPERMA, (c) COGLYCMA,
(d) COBPAPRMA, and (e) COMA monomers.
CASTOR- AND SOYBEAN-OIL-BASED POLYMERS                                                                       1499

maleates (COGLYMA), (d) castor oil bisphenol A pro-        Characterizations
poxylate maleates (COBPAPRMA), and (e) castor oil
                                                           Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) was conducted
maleates (COMA). The synthesis of these triglyceride-
                                                           in three-point bending geometry on a Rheometrics
based monomers was reported and their copolymer-
                                                           Solids Analyzer II (Rheometric Scientific). The dy-
ization with styrene was analyzed via time resolved
                                                           namic temperature ramp default test was performed
FTIR analysis in a previous work.9 This study presents
                                                           on samples with dimensions of 57  10  2.6 mm3.
the thermal and mechanical properties of these soy-
                                                           The temperature ramps were run from 25 to 2008C, at
bean and castor-oil-based polymers. The effect of
                                                           a ramp rate of 58C/min with a frequency of 1 Hz and
chemical structure of the triglyceride-based mono-
                                                           a strain of 0.01%. The flexural tests were conducted in
mers and comonomer styrene content on the mechani-
                                                           accordance with ASTM D790 on an Instron model 4484
cal properties is also presented. To our knowledge, tri-
                                                           operating at a constant cross-head speed of 1.27 mm/
glyceride-based thermosetting resins based on the
                                                           min. The specimens were in 65  12.7  3.17 mm3 in
above-mentioned synthetic route have never been
                                                           dimension. Surface hardness was determined using a
prepared before. Therefore, the polymers reported in
                                                           307L Type D durometer. For the determination of the
this work are completely new and original.
                                                           polymer densities, samples prepared for DMA analy-
                                                           sis were used. The mass of the polymer samples were
                                                           measured using a digital balance capable of measuring
                                                           to the nearest 0.0001 g. The dimensions of the samples
The soybean- and castor-oil-based monomers used            were measured using a caliper capable of measuring to
in this study were prepared by the alcoholysis reac-       the nearest 0.01 mm in three different positions on the
tions of the oils with the specific polyol followed by      sample and the average value was used for the volume
malination of the alcoholysis products with maleic         calculations. The densities of the polymer samples
anhydride, according to the procedures described in        were then determined using the mass and the volume
reference.9 The chemical structures of the basic con-      of each sample.
stituents of these soybean- and castor-oil-based mono-
mers are shown in Figure 1.
                                                                      RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

Polymerization (curing) of the resins                      Dynamic mechanical analysis

For all the maleic anhydride modified soybean- and          The typical DMA behavior of the SOPERMA–styrene
castor-oil-based monomers whose chemical struc-            polymer (40 wt % styrene) is shown in Figure 2. All
tures are shown in Figure 1, a similar curing proce-       the other polymers based on modified castor oil and
dure was employed. The maleic anhydride modified            styrene showed similar DMA behavior. A distinct
oil was first heated to a temperature around 60–708C        feature for all the triglyceride-based polymers is that
to reduce the viscosity and then mixed with the            these polymers show a very broad transition from
specified amount of styrene. The styrene used was           glassy to rubbery state. At room temperature these
obtained from Aldrich Chemicals and was 98% pure.          polymers are already in transition from the glassy
After completely mixing, tert-butyl peroxy benzoate        region to the rubbery plateau. Most common ther-
was added as initiator. The amount of initiator used       moset polymers show a distinct glassy region in
was 2% of the total resin weight for the SOPERMA,          which modulus is independent of temperature. This
COMA, and the COBPAPRMA resins and 1.5% for
the COPERMA and the COGLYCMA resins. Nitro-
gen gas was then passed through the resins for  5
min to remove residual oxygen. The resins were
then poured into the appropriate molds. The resin-
filled molds were placed in an oven at 308C. For the
SOPERMA, COMA, and the COBPAPRMA resins,
the temperature was increased to 1208C at the rate
of 58C/min and the resin was cured at this tempera-
ture for 3 h and postcured at 1608C for 1 h. For the
COPERMA and the COGLYCMA resins, a slower
curing cycle was employed. The resins were heated
to 908C at a heating rate of 28C per minute, cured at
this temperature for 2 h, and then postcured at 1208C
for 1 h and at 1608C for 1 h. The polymer samples          Figure 2 Typical DMA behavior of the SOPERMA–
were then polished to the desired dimensions.              styrene polymer (40 wt % styrene).
1500                                                                              CAN, WOOL, AND KÜSEFOĞLU

Figure 3 The change of storage modulus values with temperature for the (a) SOPERMA and (b) COPERMA polymers at
increasing styrene concentrations.

is not observed for these triglyceride-based poly-         drastically broadens with the addition of small
mers. Because of this broad transition, these poly-        amounts of plasticizers to polymers.11
mers do not show a clear peak in the loss modulus
E@. Thus the tan d curve is also very broad. One pos-
sible effect that results in this broad glass transition   The effect of styrene concentration on mechanical
behavior is the formation of triglyceride-rich and sty-    properties of the SOPERMA and COPERMA
rene-rich regions with variable compositions in the
polymer, spanning the range of the different phase         The effect of comonomer styrene concentration on the
transitions. This behavior is commonly observed for        properties of the SOPERMA and COPERMA poly-
interpenetrating polymer networks.10 Another effect        mers was explored, and a comparison of the proper-
that may result in a broad glass transition is the         ties of the two polymers was made. The change in
plasticizing effect of the fatty acids present in these    storage modulus with temperature in changing sty-
triglyceride-based monomers. These long alkyl chains       rene concentrations as determined by DMA for the
act as plasticizers for the polymer network. This          SOPERMA and COPERMA polymers is given in
effect should be more pronounced for the SOPERMA           Figure 3(a,b) respectively. As described above, at
polymers in which the fatty acid chains do not par-        room temperature, both the SOPERMA and the
ticipate in polymerization. For the castor-oil-based       COPERMA polymers are already in transition from
polymers that have polymerizable maleate function-         the glassy region to the rubbery plateau. This behavior
ality on C-12 position, the rest of the fatty acid chain   is consistent in all the styrene concentration range
that is six carbons long should still have a plasticiz-    studied. For both of the polymers, the room tempera-
ing effect. The transition from glassy to rubbery state    ture storage modulus values increase as the styrene

Figure 4 The change in the flexural modulus and flexural strength of the (a) SOPERMA and (b) COPERMA polymers
with increasing concentrations of styrene.
CASTOR- AND SOYBEAN-OIL-BASED POLYMERS                                                                           1501

                                                           temperatures (20–308C above Tg), thermoset polymers
                                                           behave as rubbers and the rubber elasticity theory can
                                                           be applied. At small deformations, the rubber elastic-
                                                           ity theory predicts that the modulus E, of an ideal
                                                           elastomer with a network structure is proportional to
                                                           the crosslink density u, the average number of cross-
                                                           links per unit volume, according to the following

                                                                             E ¼ 3vRT ¼

                                                           where R is the gas constant, T is the temperature, d is
Figure 5 The crosslink densities of the SOPERMA and        the density of the polymer, and Mc is the effective mo-
COPERMA polymers at increasing styrene concentrations.     lecular weight between crosslinks. Using this equation
                                                           and the value of E in the rubbery region as deter-
concentration increases. For the COPERMA polymer,          mined by the DMA analysis, the crosslink densities of
the polymer containing 20% styrene by weight shows         the SOPERMA and COPERMA polymers at different
a considerably lower modulus than the polymer con-         styrene concentrations were determined. Figure 5
taining 30% styrene by weight. The increase in styrene     shows the crosslink densities (u) of the SOPERMA
concentration above 30% has a less pronounced effect       and COPERMA polymers at increasing styrene con-
on the modulus. For the SOPERMA polymer, the               centrations. For the COPERMA resin, which has much
room temperature storage modulus values show a             higher maleate content per triglyceride than the
continuous increase with the increase in styrene con-      SOPERMA resin, at 20% styrene, the styrene concen-
centration. The change in flexural modulus and flex-         tration is too low to incorporate all the maleates into
ural strength of the SOPERMA and COPERMA poly-             polymerization, since the maleates do not homopoly-
mers at increasing styrene concentrations is shown in      merize.13 Thus, the 20% styrene COPERMA polymer
Figure 4(a,b) respectively. The increase in flexural        has the lowest crosslink density. At 30–40% styrene,
modulus and strength with styrene concentration fol-       the styrene–maleate copolymerization reaches its opti-
lows a similar trend as observed for the storage mod-      mum value, and after this point, the increase in sty-
ulus. To explain the effect of styrene concentration on    rene concentration decreases the crosslink density as
the mechanical properties of these polymers, it is use-    the increase in styrene concentration increases the
ful to determine the crosslink densities of the poly-      length of the linear segments between the crosslinks.
mers at different styrene concentrations. It is possible   Thus, at this point it is the effect of the rigidity of the
to calculate the crosslink density, u, and the effective   styrene molecules that increases the modulus and
molecular weight between crosslinks, Mc, from exper-       strength. For the SOPERMA polymers, which show
imental data using rubber elasticity theory. At higher     considerably lower crosslink densities than the

Figure 6 The change of tan d values with temperature for the (a) SOPERMA and (b) COPERMA polymers at increasing
styrene concentrations.
1502                                                                                          CAN, WOOL, AND KÜSEFOĞLU

                      TABLE I                                      up to 40% styrene. After this point, the increase in
    The Mechanical Properties of the COPERMA and                   styrene concentration decreases the crosslink density
        SOPERMA Polymers at 30 wt % Styrene
                                                                   and the Tg starts to decrease again.
       Property            COPERMA               SOPERMA
Flexural strength (MPa)   104.23 (64.2)        43.86 (63.1)        Comparison of the mechanical properties of the
Flexural modulus (GPa)      2.16 (60.008)        1.1 (60.056)      COPERMA and SOPERMA–styrene polymers
Tg (8C)                         144                  135
Storage modulus (GPa)       2.88 (60.01)        1.24 (60.001)      Table I shows the properties of the 30% styrene
                                                                   SOPERMA and COPERMA polymers for a direct
                                                                   comparison. It can be seen that the modulus values
COPERMA polymers, the crosslink density continu-                   nearly double, and the flexural strength even shows
ously decreases as styrene concentration increases.                a larger increase with the change from soybean oil
Thus, the room temperature modulus and strength of                 to castor oil. The glass transition temperature of the
the SOPERMA polymers increase considerably with                    COPERMA polymer is about 98C higher than that of
increasing styrene concentrations despite the decrease             the SOPERMA polymer. The incorporation of the
in crosslink density. The introduction of the rigid aro-           fatty acid chains into polymerization both increases
matic rings of the styrene comonomer into the                      the crosslink density and reduces the plasticization
SOPERMA monomer with long flexible fatty acid                       effect of the fatty acid chains in the COPERMA poly-
chains results in a net increase in both the modulus               mer that in turn leads a considerable increase in modu-
and strength of the network. This effect is less pro-              lus, strength, and Tg when compared with those of the
nounced for the COPERMA polymers, since the fatty                  SOPERMA polymer.
acids present in the COPERMA monomer are func-
tionalized and incorporate in polymerization.
   The tan d, which is a measure of the internal fric-             The mechanical properties of castor-oil-based
tion or damping in the material is very sensitive to
crosslink density. The tan d curves for the SOPERMA                The increase in styrene concentration generally
and the COPERMA polymers at different styrene                      improves the mechanical properties of these triglyc-
concentrations are shown in Figures 6(a) and 6(b)                  eride-based polymers. One can choose the right con-
respectively. For the SOPERMA polymer, the 50%                     centration based on the necessary requirements for
styrene polymer has the narrowest tan d peak, at the               the targeted application using these resins. However,
lowest temperature. The tan d maximum shifts to                    since the scope of this research is to keep the renew-
higher temperatures, the peaks broaden and the val-                able content of these new materials high, we used
ues decrease as styrene concentration is decreased.                33 wt % styrene concentration for the other castor-
The increase in crosslink density with the decrease                oil-based polymers. This concentration gives opti-
in styrene concentration increases the Tg and broad-               mum properties for the COPERMA polymer, and it
ens the tan d curve. The increased crosslink density               gives us a chance to compare the properties of these
is known to decrease the tan d value and have a                    materials to the commercially available unsaturated
broadening effect on the tan d curve.11 Another pos-               polyesters (UPs), which use similar formulations.
sible effect for the decrease of the width of tan d                   The storage modulus values at 308C and the Tgs,
curves with increasing styrene content can be the                  as determined from DMA as well as the flexural
better solubilization of the malinated glycerides in               modulus, flexural strength, and the surface hardness
styrene that should lead into the formation of a less              values of the castor oil polymers are given in Table II.
heterogenous system. For the COPERMA polymers,                     The styrene content of each resin is 33% by weight. The
this trend is more complex. The 20% styrene poly-                  mechanical property, hardness, is the ability of the ma-
mer with the lowest crosslink density shows the tan                terial to resist scratching, abrasion, cutting, and pene-
d maximum at the lowest temperature, and the tan d                 tration.11 This property may be important for struc-
maximum shifts to higher temperatures with increases               tural materials, which require a high resistance to

                                                       TABLE II
                                   The Mechanical Properties of the Castor Oil Polymers
       Resin type         E’ (308C) (GPa)    Tg (8C)   Flexural modulus (GPa)    Flexural strength (MPa)   Surface hardness (D)
COPERMA (1 : 2 : 10.7)     2.94   (60.02)      149          2.17   (60.070)           104.6(63.1)              89.3 (60.40)
COGLYMA (1 : 2.2 : 9.2)    2.40   (60.01)      124          1.76   (60.076)           78.89(62.74)             86.1 (60.45)
COBPAPRMA (1 : 2 : 6.7)    2.69   (60.01)       86          2.19   (60.072)           83.20(63.76)             88.5 (60.58)
COMA (1 : 3)               1.15   (60.005)      72          0.78   (60.059)           32.83(61.64)               77 (60.71)
Ortho-UP                           –         100–130               3.45                    80                        –
Iso-UP                             –         100–130               3.59                   100                        –
CASTOR- AND SOYBEAN-OIL-BASED POLYMERS                                                                             1503

indentation or abrasion. The hardness of a polymer
reflects, all or in part, other qualities such as resilience,
durability, uniformity, strength, and abrasion resist-
ance. As can be seen in Table II, the surface hardness of
the castor-oil-based polymers changes proportionally
with the strengths of the polymers. The observed me-
chanical properties of the castor-oil-based polymers
can be explained in terms of both the crosslink density
and the chemical structures of the polyols used. Table
III shows the crosslink densities of the castor-oil-based
polymers, which are determined using the value of E
in the rubbery region of the polymers as determined
by DMA. The effective molecular weight (Mc) values
were calculated using the polymer densities (d) deter-
mined as described in the experimental section. The            Figure 7 The tan d values of the castor oil polymers as a
COPERMA has the highest crosslink density, followed            function of temperature.
d values of the castor oil polymers as a function of tem-
                                                               polymer, although its crosslink density is slightly lower
perature as determined by DMA is shown in Figure 7.
                                                               than these two polymers. The aromatic structure of the
As mentioned above, the damping is a sensitive indica-
                                                               bisphenol A propoxylate moiety brings both rigidity
tor of crosslinking. As crosslink density increases, the
                                                               and strength to the polymer network. Thus, this resin
tan d maximum shifts to higher temperatures, the peak
                                                               shows both high modulus and strength with a reasona-
broadens and a decrease in the tan d value is ob-
                                                               ble Tg despite its lower maleate content, which is bene-
served.11 These effects reflect themselves on the tan d
                                                               ficial for the formulation, since it decreases the nonre-
curves of the castor oil polymers. Thus, the COPERMA
                                                               newable content of the polymer. The COMA polymer,
polymer with the highest crosslink density shows the
                                                               on the other hand shows the lowest modulus, strength,
broadest peak at the highest temperature with the low-
                                                               surface hardness, and Tg values due to its low crosslink
est tan d value. The broadening of the tan d curves as
                                                               density and also showing that a multifunctional unit at
going from COMA to COPERMA polymer can also be
                                                               the center of the triglyceride monomer structure is
attributed to the increasing maleate content of the
                                                               essential for improved properties for these polymers.
resin. The system should become more heterogeneous
                                                               Table II also shows the mechanical properties of two
with the increasing maleate content of the resin. The
                                                               common use UP resins: Orthophthalic (Ortho-UP) and
COBPAPRMA shows the lowest crosslink density,
                                                               Isophthalic (Iso-UP) UP resins. As can be seen, the
which can partially be attributed to the bulkiness of the
                                                               properties of castor-oil-based polymers are in a compa-
bisphenol A propoxylate moiety. It shows the highest
                                                               rable range with those of the commercially successful
tan d values as expected; however, its tan d max tem-
                                                               UP resins.
perature is about 148C above than that of the COMA
polymer. The higher Tg observed for the COB-
PAPRMA may be explained by the presence of the
rigid aromatic backbone of bisphenol A propoxylate
when compared with the aliphatic fatty acid backbone           Polymers based on malinated soybean and castor oil
of the COMA polymer. The same effect reflects itself            alcoholysis products were prepared using styrene as
on other mechanical properties. The COPERMA poly-              the comonomer. The formulations contained both ali-
mer with the highest crosslink density exhibits the            phatic alcohols such as glycerol, pentaerythritol, and
highest modulus, strength, and Tg. The COBPAPRMA               an aromatic alcohol bisphenol A propoxylate. These
polymer’s modulus, strength, and surface hardness              triglyceride-based polymers exhibited a wide range
values are higher than those of both COMA and                  of properties. They exhibited flexural moduli in the
COGLYMA polymers and approach those of COPERMA                 0.8–2.5 GPa range, flexural strength in the 32–112
                                                               MPa range, Tg ranging from 72 to 1528C, and surface
                                                               hardness values in the 77–90 D range. The mechani-
                       TABLE III
     Crosslink Densities of the Castor Oil Polymers
                                                               cal properties of the polymers were significantly
                                                               influenced by the type of the oil and the alcohol as
 Resin type             Mc (g/mole)            v (moles/m3)    well as the styrene content. The effect of styrene
COPERMA                     314                    3621        concentration on the properties of SOPERMA and
COGLYMA                     681                    1654        COPERMA polymers was explored. The mechanical
COMA                        732                    1511
                                                               properties of both of the polymers generally improved
COBPAPRMA                   753                    1474
                                                               with increasing concentrations of styrene; however, for
1504                                                                                    CAN, WOOL, AND KÜSEFOĞLU

the COPERMA polymer, it was found out that the sty-       petroleum-based materials. Their thermal and mechan-
rene concentration should be in the 30–40% range to       ical properties are compared with those of many other
reach optimum properties. The COPERMA polymers,           bio-based composites resins in reference.14
which showed higher crosslink densities than the
SOPERMA polymers, exhibited superior properties
when compared with the SOPERMA polymers due to            References
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