Sphinx with Markdown Documentation - Release 0.1.0 Marijn van der Zee - cASTD

Page created by Alexander Stone
Sphinx with Markdown Documentation - Release 0.1.0 Marijn van der Zee - cASTD
Sphinx with Markdown Documentation
                           Release 0.1.0

                      Marijn van der Zee

                               Mar 23, 2021
Sphinx with Markdown Documentation - Release 0.1.0 Marijn van der Zee - cASTD

1   Install Java Development Toolkit                                                                                   3
    1.1 Linux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    3
    1.2 Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      3

2   Compile source code                                                                                                5

3   Run cASTD                                                                                                          7

4   cASTD architecture                                                                                                 9
    4.1 ASTD object model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        9
    4.2 IL model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    10
    4.3 Output structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    11

5   eASTD and cASTD integration                                                                                       13
    5.1 Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   13

6   Examples                                                                                                          17
    6.1 Run spec from eASTD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       17
    6.2 Run spec from command-line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        17

7   Technical documentation                                                                                           23

8   Slack channel                                                                                                     25

Sphinx with Markdown Documentation, Release 0.1.0

Unzip all files in the cASTD project. Next, execute the following commands.

CONTENTS                                                                                           1
Sphinx with Markdown Documentation, Release 0.1.0

2                                                   CONTENTS


                                             INSTALL JAVA DEVELOPMENT TOOLKIT

1.1 Linux

~#   sudo   apt-get install build-essential
~#   sudo   add-apt-repository ppa:openjdk-r/ppa
~#   sudo   apt-get update
~#   sudo   apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk
~#   sudo   update-alternatives --config java
~#   sudo   update-alternatives --config javac
~#   sudo   apt-get install ant

1.2 Windows

     • JAVA >= 1.8 : https://jdk.java.net/
     • GCC >= 7.0

Sphinx with Markdown Documentation, Release 0.1.0

4                                                   Chapter 1. Install Java Development Toolkit



~# ant

Sphinx with Markdown Documentation, Release 0.1.0

6                                                   Chapter 2. Compile source code


                                                                                             RUN CASTD

~# java -jar castd.jar -v -h
OS version: linux
Build version 1.21
usage: cASTD [-c] [-d] [-e] [-f ] [-h] [-I
       ] [-k] [-L ] [-m ] [-o
       ] [-s ] [-v]
               Options, flags and arguments may be in any order
 -c,--condition-opt                           Condition optimization
 -d,--debug                                   Activate the debug mode
 -e,--show-exec-state                         Show the execution state of
                                              the input ASTD
 -f,--format    Use shorthand event format
                                              or json event format or both
                                              in the compiled program
 -h,--help                                    Display cASTD arguments and
                                              their description
 -I,--include                   Include custom headers
 -k,--kappa-opt                               Kappa direct optimization
 -L,--lib                       Include external libraries
 -m,--main                         Name of main astd
 -o,--output                       The output source and
                                              executable code
 -s,--spec                          The input specification
 -v,--version                                 The cASTD version

cASTD is a tool that helps to generate source and executable code in C++ from ASTD specifications.

Sphinx with Markdown Documentation, Release 0.1.0

8                                                   Chapter 3. Run cASTD


                                                                          CASTD ARCHITECTURE

The compilation methodology is divided into 4 steps: parsing, translation from the ASTD language to the Intermediate
Model (IM), translation from the IM model to the target code, and code optimization. Several optimizations such as
removing redundant calculations are applied to the output code during the generation of the program.

                                             Fig. 1: castd_architecture

4.1 ASTD object model

The first step reads an ASTD specification in JSON and produces an ASTD object model.

Sphinx with Markdown Documentation, Release 0.1.0

                                                 Fig. 2: astd_object

4.2 IL model

The second step generates a program represented in an intermediate language. The last step translates an intermediate
model of the program into a concrete programming language like C++.

                                                  Fig. 3: il_model

10                                                                              Chapter 4. cASTD architecture
Sphinx with Markdown Documentation, Release 0.1.0

4.3 Output structure

cASTD takes a JSON spec and user files (e.g. *.cpp, *.h) as input, and generates a binary executable and C++
source code. For complex types and visualization of the execution state of the ASTD, you need a JSON library called
nlohmann. It is a sophisticated library to manipulate JSON documents. This library is automatically included when
using JSON event formats or types.

                                                   Fig. 4: castd

During the visualization of the execution state of an ASTD, with the option -e | -show-execution-state,
two other files are generated. The first one client.h allows sending the current execution state of an ASTD
to eASTD through a socket file. The second one exec_schema.h maps features in the JSON schema exec.
schema.json to their ID values.

4.3. Output structure                                                                                           11
Sphinx with Markdown Documentation, Release 0.1.0

12                                                  Chapter 4. cASTD architecture


                                                            EASTD AND CASTD INTEGRATION

The ASTD project is a composition 3 different projects:
Which can all be installed separately. Refers to the page for

   1. iASTD
   2. cASTD
   3. eASTD

5.1 Procedure

   1. Start by downloading the install script. *Right-Click,
      download. . . *. | install.py
   2. Now at this point you should know the path of the install.py file.
      If you don’t, it’s probably in your Downloads folder. I recommend you put the file where you want to install
      ASTD (i.e. Desktop). | Now copy the file from the download folder ( or wherever you saved it ) to the location
      you want.
   3. Open a terminal and navigate to that location.
   4. Launch the install script with python3.
      python3 install.py.
   5. If successful you should see this, if not refer to the trouble shooting version.
   6. You should by now have a folder (astd) that contains 3 folder
    • castd
    • eASTD
    • iASTD
   7. You can now launch eASTD

If you want castd to be functional with the editor you MUST put it

Sphinx with Markdown Documentation, Release 0.1.0

in the astd folder along with other tools (i.e., iASTD, eASTD).
     8. Load an ASTD example

                                               Fig. 1: castd_example

     9. Setup castd configuration from eASTD
 10. Run cASTD from the eASTD editor
 11. Visualize the execution state
cASTD can execute in interactive mode by manually entering events. It can also run from an event file.

14                                                                 Chapter 5. eASTD and cASTD integration
Sphinx with Markdown Documentation, Release 0.1.0

                 Fig. 2: eastd_config

5.1. Procedure                                                      15
Sphinx with Markdown Documentation, Release 0.1.0

                                       Fig. 3: castd_run

                                     Fig. 4: castd_kleene

16                                                         Chapter 5. eASTD and cASTD integration



6.1 Run spec from eASTD

   1. Load your *.eastd project or create a new spec in the eASTD editor.
   2. Configures the cASTD execution and save your configuration following instructions in Section eASTD and
      cASTD integration.
   3. Run your spec in interactive mode by clicking the green button |>.

6.2 Run spec from command-line

After editing your spec in the eASTD editor, export it to JSON. Now, open a command-line following instructions in
Section Installation.

6.2.1 ASTD execution

Let us consider the test case tests/testcases/specs/Flow_Automaton.

Interactive mode

To compile this test case, run command
~# java -jar castd.jar -s tests/testcases/Flow_Automaton/*.json -o tests/testcases/

[stage 1] Helper code generation succeeded ...
[stage 2] Main code generation succeeded ...
[stage 3] Makefile successfully generated ...
[Success] cASTD successfully generated code. Done !!!
~# ./main -h
This program has been compiled by cASTD.
./my_program [-i ] [-h]
    -i  Read an event file in Shorthand format.
                     If an event file is not given, it runs in interactive
                     mode from command line
    -h               Show this help
~# ./main
                                                                                              (continues on next page)

Sphinx with Markdown Documentation, Release 0.1.0

                                                                                        (continued from previous page)
Event is not recognized
Event is not executable

This command generates a program with the default input event format shorthandevents. Note that since the
option -m  is not specified, cASTD will execute the default astd MAIN.
To generate a program that can read a JSON event format, add the option -f json, i.e.
~# java -jar castd.jar -s tests/testcases/Flow_Automaton/*.json -o tests/testcases/
 ˓→Flow_Automaton/ -f json

[stage 1] Helper code generation succeeded ...
[stage 2] Main code generation succeeded ...
[stage 3] Makefile successfully generated ...
[Success] cASTD successfully generated code. Done !!!
~# ./main -h
This program has been compiled by cASTD.
./my_program [-i ] [-h]
    -i  Read an event file in JSON format.
                      If an event file is not given, it runs in interactive
                      mode from command line
    -h                Show this help
~# ./main -i input.json
Event is not recognized
Event is not executable

As you see, the compiled program can take an input event file.

Using an input event file

To generate a program that can read either the shordhand event format or the JSON event format, add the option -f
all, i.e.
~# java -jar castd.jar -s tests/testcases/Flow_Automaton/*.json -o tests/testcases/
 ˓→Flow_Automaton/ -f all

[stage 1] Helper code generation succeeded ...
[stage 2] Main code generation succeeded ...
[stage 3] Makefile successfully generated ...
[Success] cASTD successfully generated code. Done !!!
~# ./main -h
This program has been compiled by cASTD.
./my_program [-i ] [-f ] [-h]
    -i  Read an event file in JSON or Shorthand format.
                      If an event file is not given, it runs in interactive
                      mode from command line
    -f  Event format. It can be a JSON or Shorthand format
                                                                                              (continues on next page)

18                                                                                      Chapter 6. Examples
Sphinx with Markdown Documentation, Release 0.1.0

                                                                                        (continued from previous page)
   -h                    Show this help
~# ./main -i     input.json -f json
Event is not     recognized
Event is not     executable
~# ./main -i     input.txt -f shorthandevents
Event is not     recognized
Event is not     executable

6.2.2 If-fi optimization

To do if-fi optimization (see cASTD/doc), add argument --condition-opt | -c and run command

~# java -jar castd.jar -s tests/testcases/Flow_Automaton/*.json -o tests/testcases/
 ˓→Flow_Automaton/ -c

6.2.3 Kappa optimization

To do direct kappa optimization (see cASTD/doc), add argument --kappa-opt | -k and run command

~# java -jar castd.jar -s tests/testcases/Flow_Automaton/*.json -o tests/testcases/
 ˓→Flow_Automaton/ -c -k

Indirect kappa optimization is currently not supported.

6.2.4 Complex types

For complex types, the nlohmann JSON library automatically included (see Section cASTD architecture/Output struc-
ture). Let us consider the test case tests/testcases/Call. Run command

~# java -jar castd.jar -s tests/testcases/Call/*.json -o tests/testcases/Call/ -f json

It shows an example of network packet execution. The packet is encoded in JSON and it is decoded using the JSON
library during compilation.

~# java -jar castd.jar -s tests/testcases/Call/*.json -o tests/testcases/Call/ -f json

6.2.5 Visualization of the current state of an ASTD

To enable the visualization of the current state in the eASTD editor, add argument --show-state-activation
| -e in the command line.
Let us consider the test case tests/testcases/Automaton_Automaton. Run command

~# java -jar castd.jar -s tests/testcases/Automaton_Automaton/*.json -o tests/
 ˓→testcases/Automaton_Automaton/ -c -f all -m test -k -e

6.2. Run spec from command-line                                                                                   19
Sphinx with Markdown Documentation, Release 0.1.0

Then, execute the generated program with option -e and -v. The option -e allows one to send the current state of
the ASTD to eASTD using the socket file exectojson.sock. The option -v allows one to print out the current
execution state in JSON.

~# cat inputs.trace
~# ./test -h
This program has been compiled by cASTD.
./my_program [-i ] [-e ] [-v][-f ] [-h]
   -i  Read an event file in JSON or Shorthand format.
                     If an event file is not given, it runs in interactive
                     mode from command line
   -e  Socket file to send the execution state to eASTD
   -f  Event format. It can be a JSON or Shorthand format
   -v                Print the current execution state in console (verbose)
   -h                Show this help
~# ./test -i inputs.trace -f shorthandevents -e exectojson.sock -v
Connection succeeded !
Sent event: {
    "executed_event": "e1",
    "top_level_astd": {
        "attributes": [
                "current_value": 0,
                "name": "a",
                "type": "int"
        "current_state_name": "S1",
        "current_sub_state": {
            "attributes": [
                    "current_value": 0,
                    "name": "b",
                    "type": "int"
            "current_state_name": "SS0",
            "current_sub_state" : {
               "type" : "Elem"
            "name": "S0",
            "type": "Automaton"
        "name": "test",
        "type": "Automaton"
Event is not recognized
Event is not executable

In this case, Event e1(0) is executed but e2(1) and e1("test") is not accepted.

20                                                                                     Chapter 6. Examples
Sphinx with Markdown Documentation, Release 0.1.0

6.2.6 Execution on large specifications

Performance tests are located in the folder tests/perf.         Let us consider the case tests/perf/
flow+kleene+autx100 generated from eASTD.

                                Fig. 1: Screenshot_from_2020-09-11_02-40-20

Run the following command

~# java -jar castd.jar -s tests/perf/flow+kleene+autx100/*.json -o tests/perf/
 ˓→flow+kleene+autx100/ -c

Then, execute the compiled program

~# cat events.txt
~# cat a.cpp
#include "Code.cpp"
#include "helper.h"
#define stringify(name) # name
enum KleeneState
const char* kleeneState[] =
                                                                                    (continues on next page)

6.2. Run spec from command-line                                                                         21
Sphinx with Markdown Documentation, Release 0.1.0

                                                    (continued from previous page)
enum AutState
const char* autState[] =
struct TState_C_100
   AutState autState;

struct TState_B_100
   KleeneState kleeneState;
   TState_C_100 ts_C_100;

struct TState_C_99
   AutState autState;

~# ./a -i events.txt

22                                                  Chapter 6. Examples


                                                                TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION

The translation rules and the compilation approach are available here.

Sphinx with Markdown Documentation, Release 0.1.0

24                                                  Chapter 7. Technical documentation


                                SLACK CHANNEL

Join project discussions here

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