Successful communication during the Corona crisis #2 The effects of the Corona crisis on consumers - Düsseldorf, March 2020

Page created by Roger Barnett
Successful communication during the Corona crisis #2 The effects of the Corona crisis on consumers - Düsseldorf, March 2020
Successful communication
      during the Corona crisis

    The effects of the Corona crisis
            on consumers
               Düsseldorf, March 2020

Successful communication during the Corona crisis #2 The effects of the Corona crisis on consumers - Düsseldorf, March 2020
The general living situation has
changed radically for many consumers.

            I avoid personal social   I wash/disinfect my hands       I pay more attention to my
                   contacts                  more often                        health

          I spend more time with my                                       I worry more about my
                                          I work from home
                   family                                                     family/ friends

22                                                  Source: [m]Science Germany March 2020
Successful communication during the Corona crisis #2 The effects of the Corona crisis on consumers - Düsseldorf, March 2020
The majority of consumers in Germany are therefore
particularly concerned when it comes to Corona



           35%                35%


          Fear   Concern   Frustration   Confusion         Rest       Confidence         Hope

33                                               Source: [m]Science Germany March 2020
Successful communication during the Corona crisis #2 The effects of the Corona crisis on consumers - Düsseldorf, March 2020
Mobility behavior is also significantly
influenced by Corona

                    3%                  1%                   15%                        2%

                    30%                 19%                  22%                        14%

     Public transport     Rail travel         Car (rental)                Coaches                    More frequent use
                                                                                                     Less frequent use

                    12%                 31%                  2%                         1%

                    11%                 12%                  9%                        20%

          Bike            Walking             E-Scooter                     Plane

44                                                           Source: [m]Science Germany March 2020
Successful communication during the Corona crisis #2 The effects of the Corona crisis on consumers - Düsseldorf, March 2020
Digression: What we can learn from the Chinese data:
what are people doing at home during the crisis?

55                                    Source: Kantar A cross industry view of the impact of Covid / 2020
Successful communication during the Corona crisis #2 The effects of the Corona crisis on consumers - Düsseldorf, March 2020
Precaution, fear and boredom are also
strong drivers for purchased product groups

       Pharma/ Health                                                                Travel/ Tourism
       Retailers of disinfectants and protective clothing also                       Due to travel bans and partial closure of borders,
       benefit, including pharmacies, but also drugstores                            the travel and tourism industry is certainly one of
       such as dm and Rossmann.                                                      the hardest hit by the crisis.

       Cleaning                                                                      Entertainment
       The most obvious beneficiaries: manufacturers of                              COVID-19 has hit the entertainment industry
       disinfectants: The products are in such high                                  particularly hard. Cinemas are closed, concerts
       demand that they are sold out in many places.                                 are cancelled without exception.

       Food/ Beverage                                                                Gastronomy
       The fear drives many Germans to hoarding.                                     According to Dehoga, almost 73% of
       In food retailing, for example, sales of ready-made                           restaurants, 85% of caterers and 83% of hotels
       soups have increased by 112%.                                                 reported sales losses.

       Digital Entertainment                                                         Luxury
       Besides the classic streaming providers (e.g. Netflix),                       In times of crisis, the demand for luxury goods is
       sectors such as mobile games, e-sports and video                              lower. The epidemic is likely to cost the luxury
       conferencing providers (e.g. Zoom) also benefit.                              goods industry up to € 37 billion in sales (BCG).

66                                                               Source: GroupM Italy – GfK – Spiegel: Welche Branchen unter Corona leiden - und
                                                                 welche profitieren (3/2020)
Successful communication during the Corona crisis #2 The effects of the Corona crisis on consumers - Düsseldorf, March 2020
The research results from [m]Science also show a
prioritization of hygiene and pharmaceutical products

     2%    4%    3%    3%    3%
                                   11%   9%    11%   12%         13%   13%   14%               11%   12%   12%
                                                           16%                     19%   15%

           87%   88%   88%   89%
                                   81%   86%   85%   85%   81%   84%   84%   83%
                                                                                   78%   83%   87%   86%   86%       Bought less frequently
                                                                                                                     No change
                                                                                                                     Bought more frequently
           9%    9%    9%    8%    8%    5%    4%    3%    3%    3%    3%    3%    3%    2%    2%     2%    2%

77                                                                           Source: [m]Science Germany March 2020
Successful communication during the Corona crisis #2 The effects of the Corona crisis on consumers - Düsseldorf, March 2020
Data from Kantar Research indicate a
similar prioritization of product groups

     Z                          N                            S
     U                          E                            E
     W                          U                            N
     A                          T                            K
     C                          R                            U
     H                          A                            N
     S                          L                            G

88                                         Quelle: Kantar Research 2020
Successful communication during the Corona crisis #2 The effects of the Corona crisis on consumers - Düsseldorf, March 2020
The current purchasing behavior in Germany
has changed significantly in four areas:

            I pay more attention to          I do the shopping for
            hygiene in the supermarket       other people

             I shop outside the main       I buy in less frequented
             shopping hours                shopping areas

99                                       Source: [m]Science Germany March 2020
Successful communication during the Corona crisis #2 The effects of the Corona crisis on consumers - Düsseldorf, March 2020
...yet most consumers remain
loyal to their preferred brands

             I continue to buy my       I increasingly buy
             preferred brands           cheaper food

              I'm stockpiling more     I avoid visiting
              food supplies            grocery stores

10                                   Source: [m]Science Germany March 2020
Preventive measures also lead to
a lasting change in purchasing behavior

 The uncertainty about the new Coronavirus is breaking normal shopping behavior, retail
 researcher Eva Stüber summarized the results of a study by the Cologne IFH Institute. "Older
 people in particular are now becoming aware of online retail, including food. That will remain.
 People get used to it and notice: It works."

     hellofresh     REWE online     getnow                  PicNic               Bringmeister

 "Current           "We are            “Flaschenpost    "We are              "We are                  "Processing       "Increased
 demand is 60%      experiencing a     registers        booked up -          currently                time of four to   demand may
 above pre-crisis   significant        significantly    sometimes            experiencing an          six days is       result in a longer
 levels"            increase in        higher           seven days in        increase in              currently         processing time"
                    order intensity    demand"          advance"             demand of                standard"
                    in online                                                almost 50
                    trading"                                                 percent"
11                                                             Source: Desk research, IFH Study „Onlinehandel“
This also includes trying new,
digital services

     Medical online
                                                                                                  of consumers in
      counseling            education        software          entertainment
                                                                                                  China have tried at
                                                                                                  least one digital
                                                                                                  service for the first
                                                                                                  time during the crisis
          21%                 18%              14%                   13%
     Live streaming of      Social e-      Online Indoor      Online banking
           events        commerce groups   fitness classes       services

12                                                           Source: Kantar _A cross industry view of the impact of Covid / 2020
Please stay healthy and
     look after yourselves.

And when you need help – regardless
     of the topic – you can contact your
     MediaCom Team at any time.

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