Summer Fun 2019 Summer Camp Guide 704-341-5361 - Mysteries & Adventures Mysteries and Adventures! - Calvary Child Development Center!

Page created by Tyrone Fields
Summer Fun 2019 Summer Camp Guide 704-341-5361 - Mysteries & Adventures Mysteries and Adventures! - Calvary Child Development Center!
Mysteries & Adventures

   Registration Date: March 4 | CCDC Preschool Office

             Mysteries and Adventures!

     Summer Fun 2019
Registration begins: March 4, 2019 | Calvary CDC preschool office

                     Summer Camp

Summer Fun 2019 Summer Camp Guide 704-341-5361 - Mysteries & Adventures Mysteries and Adventures! - Calvary Child Development Center!
     loving,                                     TABLE OF
                                                 Summer Fun Program

          and always

                                                 Twos Program Details     2

                                                 Threes Program Details   3

                                                 Fours Program Details    4

                                                 TK-2nd Grade Half-Day    5
                                                      Program Details

                                                 TK—2nd Grade Full-Day    6
                                                      Program Details


5801 Pineville-Matthews Road | Charlotte, NC 28226         704.341.5361
Summer Fun 2019 Summer Camp Guide 704-341-5361 - Mysteries & Adventures Mysteries and Adventures! - Calvary Child Development Center!
Summer Fun Program Facts
General Information                                            How to Register
Students must fit in the following age ranges to be eligible   Enrollment is first come, first served
to attend our summer program, and the program is open to       until all classes are filled.
include children who do not attend Calvary Child
Development Center during the regular school year.             For the 9am—1pm programs,
                                                               a completed registration form and full
Ages: 2s through completed 2nd graders                         tuition payment secures your child’s spot.
Time: 9AM—1PM or 7AM—6PM                                       For the 7am—6pm program,
Dates: Varies according to program selected                    a completed registration form & the
                                                               registration fee secures your child’s spot.
Lunch                                                          Weekly or full summer tuition payments
Optional hot lunches are available for $4.                     can be made.
Milk is available for $.30. Tickets may be purchased at the
first floor preschool office. Menus are available online at    There will be NO REFUNDS of payments (Our Full-Day program                for withdrawal of your child from the
includes a hot lunch & 2 snacks in the tuition)                program.
                                                               NO CHANGES of any kind will be made
Extended Care                                                  after registration, please choose carefully.
Extended Care is ONLY available for children when families
express a pre-scheduled need at the time of registration.      Registration Dates
Extended care is available to children who have completed a    Registrations will be taken at the
2018-2019 three-year old program or older from 7AM –9AM        preschool office on the first floor
and from 1PM—6PM. The fee is $12 per hour.                     beginning 3/4/2019.

Summer Fun 2019 Summer Camp Guide 704-341-5361 - Mysteries & Adventures Mysteries and Adventures! - Calvary Child Development Center!
                                                               This is a SEVEN WEEK SESSION
                                                           There is no option to select individual weeks.

Week 1 • June 17–21                    Week 5 • July 15–19                       IMPORTANT DETAILS
Dora the Explorer                      Commotion in the Ocean
                                                                                 *Age Cutoff:      2 by 8/31/18
Follow Dora as she explores the        Dive into an underwater
library, the farm, the park, a water   adventure learning about sea life.
                                                                                 PROGRAM DATES & TIMES
pool and picnics all day!              Build sandcastles and have some
                                       good beach fun!                              June 17 – August 2, 2019
Week 2 • June 24–28                                                                         9am-1pm
Diggin’ Dinosaurs                      Week 6 • July 22–26
Become a junior paleontologist at      Camping We Will Go!
                                                                                      WEEKLY OPTIONS
“Jurassic Calvary” and dig those       Join us by the campfire as we
                                                                                   2-Day T/TH          3-Day MWF
dinosaur bones.                        learn about camp life—
                                       flashlights, hiking, fishing, and
Week 3 • July 1–5                                                                              FEES
(No Classes 7/4)                                                                      Program Session Fees
Red, White, and Blue                   Week 7 • July 29–August 2
                                       V’room, V’room! Beep!                        2–Day          $700/Session
It’s all about fireworks, flags,       Planes, trains, boats, & more! So            3–Day         $1020/Session
parades and a cookout.                 many ways to travel both near &
                                       far. In the air and water, & even
Week 4 • July 8–12
                                       on land—we will explore the
It’s a Bug’s Life
                                       wonderful world of
“Bee”ing busy is fun! Come buzz
around as we learn about insects
along with the always thrilling
reptiles and amphibians!

Summer Fun 2019 Summer Camp Guide 704-341-5361 - Mysteries & Adventures Mysteries and Adventures! - Calvary Child Development Center!
                                          *Extended Care ONLY available for a pre-scheduled need at time of registration.
                                                                 3s Must Be Potty-Trained
                                              Select weeks that work for your schedule!

Week 1 • June 17–21                     Week 4 • July 8–12                                 IMPORTANT DETAILS
One, Two, Let’s go to the ZOO!          To Space & Beyond!
                                                                                           *Age Cutoff:      3 by 8/31/18
We must care for the planet’s           What mysterious wonders exist in
animals! Being a part of the Zoo Crew   Outer Space? We will discover
will be an interesting endeavor —       moons, planets, stars and more as                  PROGRAM DATES & TIMES
zipping around the zoo we’ll learn      we zoom out into our solar system                     June 17 – August 2, 2019
how to feed, bathe, and interact with   & beyond! The heavens declare His                             9am-1pm
the animals.                            Glory!

Week 2 • June 24–28                     Week 5 • July 15–19                                     WEEKLY OPTIONS
Keys to the Castle!                     Deep Sea Diving!                                     3-Day MWF           5-Day M-F
The Enchanting Kingdom is full of       We will have a “fin”tastic time as
fun for kings and queens, knights       we scuba down for an underwater                                   FEES
and fire-breathing dragons. We will     journey. What new marine life will
                                                                                                  Registration Fees
have a jolly good time exploring the    we encounter on our exciting Eco-
“days of yore.”                         Adventure?                                        1-4 Weeks • $35   5-7 Weeks • $50
                                                                                                Program Weekly Fees
Week 3 • July 1–5                      Week 6 • July 22–26
(No Classes 7/4)                        ”Toad”ally Awesome Animals!                       3 day • MWF $160 a week +
                                                                                              registration fee per number
God Bless, America!                     Leaping lizards! Hop on in as we
                                                                                              of weeks attending
It’s a celebration! We declare that a   ‘pond’-er facts about reptiles and
playful week of marching &              amphibians. We will examine some                  5 day • M-F $260 a week +
singing, and crafting & creating is     cool creepy crawlies!                                 registration fee per number
                                                                                              of weeks attending
in order to properly wish America a
                                        Week 7 • July 29–August 2
Happy Birthday!
                                        Desert X-Treme
                                        It gets mighty hot and awfully cold
                                        all in a single day in the desert! We
                                        will learn about the animals and
                                        plants God has created to live in
                                        this amazing habitat!

Summer Fun 2019 Summer Camp Guide 704-341-5361 - Mysteries & Adventures Mysteries and Adventures! - Calvary Child Development Center!
                                         *Extended Care ONLY available for a pre-scheduled need at time of registration.

                                             Select weeks that work for your schedule!

Week 1 • June 17–21                    Week 5 • July 15–19                                IMPORTANT DETAILS
The Greatest Show on Earth!            Footprints in the Sand
                                                                                           Age Cutoff:       4 by 8/31/18
“Come one, Come All!” The circus has   We are going to the beach to
come to CCDC and there are Lions,      explore the seashore! It’s a time to
and Tigers, and BEARS! Oh, my!         ride the waves, search for natural                 PROGRAM DATES & TIMES
We’ll learn to tame the wild beasts    riches, and listen to the soothing                    June 17 – August 2, 2019
while we’re clowning around!           sounds of the surf. Who wouldn’t
                                       rather be at the beach?
Week 2 • June 24–28
Silly Stories, Fables, & Tall          Week 6 • July 22–26                                     WEEKLY OPTIONS
Tales                                  Hidden in the Secret Garden
                                                                                            3-Day MWF           5-Day M-F
From Aesop’s Tortoise and the          Unique flora and fauna, birds,
Hare to the more contemporary          insects, mice and more can be
                                       found hidden in a garden! Which of                                FEES
Giant Jam Sandwich children
delight in weaving through the         God’s special treasures will we find                       Registration Fees
pages of great stories!                as we study the garden?
                                                                                         1-4 Weeks • $35   5-7 Weeks • $50
Week 3 • July 1–5                     Week 7 • July 29–August 2
                                                                                                Program Weekly Fees
(No Classes 7/4)                       Riding the Range
                                       Cowboys & Cowgirls, pack up your                  3 day • MWF $160 a week +
Stars & Stripes!                                                                             registration fee per number
Fireworks, marching bands, the         saddle and head for the trail! We
                                                                                             of weeks attending
red, white & blue! We’ve prepared      have quite a trek ahead of us this
                                       week as we camp under the dark &                  5 day • M-F $260 a week +
a joyful week of jubilation as we
                                       starry sky!                                           registration fee per number
celebrate patriotic style!
                                                                                             of weeks attending
Week 4 • July 8–12
Dinosaur ROAR!
A journey back in time will lead us
to the “Jurassic’ era, where we’ll
investigate some of the greatest
creatures that have ever lived.

Summer Fun 2019 Summer Camp Guide 704-341-5361 - Mysteries & Adventures Mysteries and Adventures! - Calvary Child Development Center!
TK – 2nd Graders | Half-Day
                                            *Extended Care ONLY available for a pre-scheduled need at time of registration.
                                                                           Place Holder
                                                Select weeks that work for your schedule!

Week 1 • June 17–21                         Week 5 • July 15–19                              IMPORTANT DETAILS
The Amazing Rainforest                      In the Ocean Blue
                                                                                                               *5 by 8/31/18
Unique plants and animals live in the       Ocean life is fascinating! As we
                                                                                             *Age Range:      thru completed
different layers of the rainforest! We’ll   delve deep down into the seas’
                                                                                                                 2nd Grade
find out how there are multiple             multifaceted layers, what
habitats within a rainforest that help      mysteries will we see that thrive in             *Must have completed at least a TK
                                                                                               (not a JK) program in 2018-19.
many exceptional species thrive!            the salt water & sand?
                                                                                             PROGRAM DATES & TIMES
Week 2 • June 24–28                         Week 6 • July 22–26
Pet Detectives                              Project Lego                                        June 17 – August 2, 2019
Pets can be furry, scaly, feathery,         Welcome to Lego Land! Come build                             9am-1pm
and FUN! Join us as we learn                houses, towers, & spaceships… we
about all types of creatures and see        are limited only by our                               WEEKLY OPTIONS
which ones can live comfortably             imaginations! Using studs, bricks,                 3-Day MWF          5-Day M-F
with us!!                                   baseplates, & more, we’ll shape our
                                            imaginings into masterpieces!                                  FEES
Week 3 • July 1–5
(No Classes 7/4)                            Week 7 • July 29–August 2                                Registration Fees
America, The Beautiful                      CCDC Top Chef                                   1-4 Weeks • $35   5-7 Weeks • $50
From Sea to Shining Sea, this week          Scoop, measure, stir, bake! We’ll
                                                                                                       Weekly Fees
is about celebrating our country’s          speak kitchen lingo, explore how
patriotic pride! Through arts,              restaurants work, and learn all we                 3 day • MWF $160 a week +
                                            ’knead’ to know about the basics in                  registration fee per number
crafts, stories & songs, we will
                                            the kitchen!                                              of weeks attending
learn about the traditions &
landmarks that symbolize America.                                                               5 day • M-F $260 a week +
                                                                                                  registration fee per number
Week 4 • July 8–12                                                                                    of weeks attending
Dr. Seuss is on the LOOSE!
Look who’s knocking on Calvary
CDC’s door… it’s the Cat in the
Hat! Join the fun with the Cat in

Summer Fun 2019 Summer Camp Guide 704-341-5361 - Mysteries & Adventures Mysteries and Adventures! - Calvary Child Development Center!
TK – 2nd Graders | Full-Day
                                                  Select weeks that work for your schedule!

Week 1 • June 3–7                           Week 6 • July 8–12                       IMPORTANT DETAILS
Ready, Set, Draw! (Directed                 Dr. Seuss is on the Loose!                                     *5 by 8/31/18
Drawing)                                    Look who’s knocking on Calvary            *Age Range:        thru completed
What fun we’ll have drawing in this         CDC’s door… it’s the Cat in the Hat!                            2nd Grade
amazing class! You might be                 Join the fun with the Cat in the tall
                                                                                     *Must have completed at least a TK
surprised at the level of hidden talent     silly hat and his many friends.
                                                                                       (not a JK) program in 2018-19.
in our budding artists!
                                            Week 7 • July 15–19                       PROGRAM DATES & TIMES
Week 2 • June 10–14                         In the Ocean Blue
                                                                                         June 3 – August 15, 2019
Father’s Day                                Ocean life is fascinating! As we delve
We want to celebrate YOU, Dad! And          deep down into the seas’ multifaceted                7am-6pm
with your guidance, we’ll make sure         layers, what mysteries will we see
we celebrate in ways that show how          that thrive in the salt water & sand?                           5-Day M-F
                                                                                        Options               ONLY
important ALL kinds of different
                                            Week 8 • July 22–26
families are to a child’s life!
                                            Project Lego                                            FEES
Week 3 • June 17–21                         Welcome to Lego Land! Come build         Due weekly or may be paid in full.
The Amazing Rainforest                      houses, towers, & spaceships… we are     All full-day tuition payments cover
Unique plants and animals live in the       limited only by our imaginations!        lunch & snacks. Weekly fees due
different layers of the rainforest! We’ll   Using studs, bricks, baseplates, &             Mon. of week attending.
find out how there are multiple             more, we’ll shape our imaginings into
                                                                                            Presently Enrolled
habitats within a rainforest that help      masterpieces!
                                                                                      (No Registration Fee Required)
many exceptional species thrive!
                                            Week 9 • July 29–August 2                      TK              $300/Week
Week 4 • June 24–28                         CCDC Top Chef                             Kindergarten         $310/Week
Pet Detectives                              Scoop, measure, stir, bake! We’ll
                                            speak kitchen lingo, explore how              Not Presently Enrolled
Pets can be furry, scaly, feathery, and
FUN! Join us as we learn about all          restaurants work, and learn all we              TK—2nd Graders
types of creatures and see which ones       ’knead’ to know about the basics in       $310/week + $50 Registration
can live comfortably with us!!              the kitchen!

Week 5 • July 1–5                          Week 10 • August 5–9
(No Classes 7/4)                            Things That Go “BUMP” in the
America, The Beautiful                      Night!
From Sea to Shining Sea, this week is       Nocturnal Animals are such unique
about celebrating our country’s             creatures! We’ll investigate these
patriotic pride! Through arts, crafts,      special bats, owls, and more! Whoo-
stories & songs, we will learn about        Whoo is out there?
the traditions & landmarks that
                                            Week 11 • August 12–15
symbolize America.
                                            (No Classes Friday, 8/16)
                                            Games Galore (Recycle & Reuse)
                                            Using recyclable objects we’ll create
                                            our own games. One child’s trash can
                                            become another child’s treasure!

Summer Fun 2019 Summer Camp Guide 704-341-5361 - Mysteries & Adventures Mysteries and Adventures! - Calvary Child Development Center! Summer Fun 2019 Summer Camp Guide 704-341-5361 - Mysteries & Adventures Mysteries and Adventures! - Calvary Child Development Center!
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