SUPPORTING THE NEXT GENERATION OF LYMPHOMA SCIENTISTS - Proceedings from the 2018 Lymphoma Research Foundation Biden Cancer Community Summit

SUPPORTING THE NEXT GENERATION OF LYMPHOMA SCIENTISTS - Proceedings from the 2018 Lymphoma Research Foundation Biden Cancer Community Summit

Proceedings from the
2018 Lymphoma Research Foundation
Biden Cancer Community Summit
SUPPORTING THE NEXT GENERATION OF LYMPHOMA SCIENTISTS - Proceedings from the 2018 Lymphoma Research Foundation Biden Cancer Community Summit
Dear Colleague:

    On September 21, 2018, Vice President Joe Biden and Dr. Jill Biden hosted a         Heeding the call of the Biden Cancer        engaged in robust discussion as they
                                                                                        Initiative and its founders, Vice Presi-    considered the challenges that impede
    national Biden Cancer Summit to focus on every facet of cancer research, from       dent Joe Biden and Dr. Jill Biden, the      greater investment in training programs
                                                                                        Lymphoma Research Foundation hosted         as well as opportunities to diversify
    prevention through a cancer diagnosis, treatment, and survivorship.
                                                                                        a Cancer Community Summit in New            and expand such programming, so
                                                                                        York City this fall to discuss the future   they are able to keep pace with the
                                                                                        of cancer research. We were honored to      evolving scientific landscape. The
    This included an event in Washington, D.C., where the program highlighted and       serve as the Co-Chairs of this meeting.     Summit proceedings and specific
                                                                                            The Cancer Community Summit             recommendations derived from the
    discussed stories of heartache and triumph from the patient and caregiver
                                                                                        program represented more than 400           roundtable discussion are documented
    communities, the latest and most promising cancer research and technology           meetings which took place across the        within this monograph.
                                                                                        United States on September 21, 2018.            We are grateful to the program         Andrew D. Zelenetz , MD
    developments, transformative community-driven initiatives, and public and private   The only requirement for participation      participants for their expert testimony
                                                                                        was to focus on an element of scientific    and willingness to take part in the
    sector partnerships. But a conversation on the national stage is not enough.
                                                                                        discovery that the convening body           Summit, as well as the Biden Cancer
                                                                                        felt was critical to the future of cancer   Initiative for supporting the event.
                                                                                        research. In exploring possible themes      Motivated by our shared mission to
    The Biden Cancer Initiative aims to make this Summit relevant to the concerns       for the Foundation’s summit, we             eradicate lymphoma and serve those
                                                                                        determined that discussing the chal-        touched by this disease, we look forward
    of patients, families, and communities. It should resonate with scientists and      lenges faced by the next generation         to pursuing the Summit recommenda-
    entrepreneurs and health care providers. The aim is to make a difference in all     of scientists and clinicians was most       tions with the lymphoma and greater
                                                                                        important to our field.                     cancer communities.
    communities—our community. That is why the Lymphoma Research Foundation                 The Lymphoma Research Foundation
                                                                                        Summit convened an expert group of          Sincerely,
    answered the call to host a Biden Cancer Community Summit.                          lymphoma researchers, including both                                                   Meghan E. Gutierrez
                                                                                        Foundation Scientific Advisory Board
                                                                                        Members and grantees. The meeting
                                                                                        explored how best to advance early
                                                                                        career investigator programs which          Andrew D. Zelenetz, MD, PhD Memorial
                                                                                        train laboratory and clinical research-     Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
                                                                                        ers, foster collaboration and advance       Chair-Elect, Scientific Advisory Board
                                                                                        medical breakthroughs.                      Lymphoma Research Foundation
                                                                                            The Summit consisted of a roundta-
                                                                                        ble discussion divided into two sessions:
                                                                                        “Understanding the Experience and
                                                                                        Value of Early Career Scientists,” and
                                                                                        “Closing the Gap and Supporting the         Meghan E. Gutierrez
                                                                                        Next Generation of Lymphoma Clini-          Chief Executive Officer
                                                                                        cians and Researchers.” The panel           Lymphoma Research Foundation

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SUPPORTING THE NEXT GENERATION OF LYMPHOMA SCIENTISTS - Proceedings from the 2018 Lymphoma Research Foundation Biden Cancer Community Summit

    Biomedical research holds the promise                    for Cancer Research. Today, the average
    of discovering new treatments and                        age for receiving this level of indepen-
    someday curing many life-threatening                     dent funding is age 45 or older. The
    diseases, including cancers like                         percent of grant applications that the
    lymphoma. Such research includes                         NIH funds dropped by nearly half over
    basic research, which helps scientists                   the past decade, from 20.1 percent in
    better understand these diseases, as                     2007 to 11.7 percent in 2017.1
    well as clinical research, which seeks                       This gap in funding affects the field
    to develop new, more effective thera-                    far beyond individual early career
    pies. The National Institutes of Health                  investigators. These grants often fund
    (NIH) funds the majority of early stage                  mentoring programs and opportunities
    and translational research in the                        to learn from experienced expert cancer
    United States while pharmaceutical and                   researchers; without this support, there                  “Encouraging and
    biotechnology companies typically fund                   is little opportunity for young investiga-                 supporting the
    the late stage research that develops                    tors to coordinate research with other
                                                                                                                        next generation of
    new treatments, and then seek the                        laboratories and scientists. As a result,
    treatments’ approval by the U.S. Food                    early career scientists may be unable to
                                                                                                                        researchers is where
    and Drug Administration. In addition                     find a platform to study rare diseases                     LRF takes the lead.
    to serving as the hub of the nation’s                    like lymphoma. It also can impact the                      The time I spent
    scientific discovery, the NIH is also                    quality of their work: clinical research                   with my mentor
    responsible for supporting scientists                    mentoring programs support a mastery
    in the early stages of their career,                     of the scientific method, help solidify
                                                                                                                        has been invaluable.
    thereby ensuring that the next genera-                   disease-specific project goals, and                        More so than any
    tion of investigators are well trained                   guide the direction of a scientist’s                       grant I received.”
    and able to pursue a career in the field                 research for the rest of their career.                                    —Jonathon Cohen, MD
    of cancer research.                                      In addition, “high risk – high reward”                             LRF Clinical Research Grantee
        Unfortunately, only a fraction of the                science, the hallmark of translational
    grants submitted to the NIH receive                      research, is almost never funded by
    funding, and obtaining a research grant                  corporations and is most often pursued
    from the NIH is more challenging than                    by early career scientists and proves
    ever. Only 2 percent of researchers ages                 difficult – if not impossible – to pursue
    35 or younger currently receive inde-                    mid-career or later. A lack of funding for
    pendent research grants from the                         early career scientists risks losing this
    NIH, compared with 21 percent in 1980,                   vital sector of research contributions.
    according to the American Association

    1. F
        awcett, Nichole. Tight Federal Funding a Challenge and Opportunity for Cancer Research (March 30, 2018).
       Retrieved from

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SUPPORTING THE NEXT GENERATION OF LYMPHOMA SCIENTISTS - Proceedings from the 2018 Lymphoma Research Foundation Biden Cancer Community Summit
                                                             NEXT GENERATION OF LYMPHOMA CLINICIANS
                                                             AND RESEARCHERS

                                                             Post-graduate medical students                         pursue a career in clinical research,      multiple areas to fully address an issue.
                                                             typically match with a residency                       there is significant, independent          This requires a new culture of collabo-
                                                             program in their area of interest for                  evidence of the impact of such awards      ration across various disciplines.
                                                             two to four years. After this training is              outside of the direct grant monies,           With many researchers possessing
                                                             completed, those looking to work in                    including the fact that institutions and   niche knowledge, it becomes even more
                                                             specialized fields like lymphoma enter                 departments value a record of prior        important to convene those people who
                                                             into a fellowship that can last from one               funding, as well as the fact that such     might not otherwise have an opportunity
                                                             to three years. It is imperative that early
                                                             career researchers, in fellowships or                  With many researchers possessing niche knowledge, it becomes
                                                             the first few years of a faculty position,             all the more important to convene those people who might
                                                             have the opportunity to foster their                   otherwise not have the opportunity to discuss their ideas among
                                                             professional development as indepen-                   one another on a larger scale.
                                                             dent researchers in lymphoma and
                                                             chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) to                  grants provide independent endorse-        to discuss their ideas among one
                                                             ensure continued research in the field.                ment, support, and mentorship to           another on a larger scale. Supporting
                                                             Initial funding allows a researcher the                the grantee.                               early career investigators can help
                                                             invaluable experience of acting as the                    While it is acknowledged across         broaden collaboration by encouraging
                                                             lead, or principal, investigator on a                  industries that collaboration is a key     this type of work at a pivotal time in a
                                                             project, and provides crucial mentoring                ingredient of success, all too often       researcher’s career, establishing it as
                                                             and protected time for their own                       scientific research is conducted in        a staple of how they conduct research
                                                             research. This funding also enables                    a vacuum. Specifically in regards to       moving forward. Additionally, the pairing
                                                             early career researchers to focus on a                 research, there has been positive          of an early career researcher with an
                                                             specific disease state, such as lympho-                correlation shown between the number       established mentor is conducive to this
                                                             ma, establishing their expertise and                   of authors on a publication and the        culture of collaboration. Consortia and
                                                             commitment to studying this disease,                   impact of the study. The average           workshops that convene scientific
                                                             thereby supporting a new generation of                 number of authors per cited article by     experts from around the world, includ-
                                                             clinicians and scientists who will pursue              MEDLINE and PubMed has increased           ing these early career investigators,
                                                             research in this area for the remainder                from 1.5 in 1950 to 5.5 per publication    to share research findings and work
                                                             of their careers.                                      in 2015.2 Where previously researchers     together are a key mechanism in
“Understanding the path to success as a young                   Early career awards and grants                     with an expertise in an area may have      realizing the goal of advancing the most
                                                             targeting scientists who are launching                 been able to write a focused study         promising lymphoma and CLL research.
 researcher can be challenging. You need a mentor            their careers are an integral component                independently, now researchers are
                                                             of this training. For those who will                   increasingly looking for expertise in
 to see how you can really make a difference.”
                                        — Anita Kumar, MD
                             LRF Clinical Research Grantee

                                                             2. N
                                                                 umber of Authors per MEDLINE®/PubMed® Citation (June 8, 2018) Retrieved from

                                                                                                                                                                 Lymphoma Research Foundation 5
SUPPORTING THE NEXT GENERATION OF LYMPHOMA SCIENTISTS - Proceedings from the 2018 Lymphoma Research Foundation Biden Cancer Community Summit

                                                                 LYMPHOMA CLINICAL RESEARCH MENTORING PROGRAM
                                                                 The Lymphoma Clinical Research Mentoring Program (LCRMP) is an education and mentoring program for fellows and
                                                                 junior faculty with a focus in clinical lymphoma and CLL research. The goals of the LCRMP include:

                                                                 n Provide mentoring and education          n Assist in the development of a             n Provide continuing training, career
                                                                   to hematology/oncology fellows             specific clinical trial in patients with     development advice, and mentorship
                                                                   and junior faculty. The program            lymphoma and/or CLL and to set the           among trainees and experts in the
                                                                   emphasizes training in clinical            foundation for grant development             field and foster future participation
                                                                   research methods and design,               to support the trial. Study design           and collaboration within the LRF
                                                                   statistical analysis, pathology,           and implementation is discussed              through follow-up programming
                                                                   incorporating and interpreting             in a small group setting consisting          and activities.
                                                                   correlative studies into clinical          of experts in the field, statisticians,
                                                                   trials, and grant submission and           and other trainees in the program,
                                                                   funding. The program also aims             where information, ideas, guidance,
                                                                   to foster mentorship and research          support and connections are shared,
                                                                   collaboration among experts and            and where mentoring relationships
                                                                   trainees in the field.                     can be developed.

                                                                             379                              $60.2 million                                         of the current
                                                                                                                                                            LRF Scientific Advisory Board
                                                                          Total number of                           Total research funds
                                                                                                                                                            received an early career grant
                                                                          grants awarded                              awarded to date
                                                                                                                                                              from LRF at the beginning
                                                                                                                                                                   of their careers.

                                                                 LYMPHOMA FELLOWSHIP                        CAREER DEVELOPMENT AWARD
                                                                 n The LRF Postdoctoral Fellowship          n The LRF Clinical Investigator
                                                                                                                                                                       More than

“Through their paradigm of funding young
                                                                   Grant is designed to support
                                                                   investigators at the level of advanced
                                                                   fellow or postdoctoral researcher in
                                                                                                              Career Development Award (CDA)
                                                                                                              Program is designed to support
                                                                                                              physician investigators at the level
                                                                                                                                                               grantee papers have
 investigators and their unique ability to                         laboratory or clinic-based research.       of advanced fellow or junior faculty
                                                                                                                                                            collectively been cited over
                                                                                                              member who will contribute to the

                                                                 n This research must be clearly
 convene the best researchers in the field                         relevant to the treatment, diagnosis,
                                                                                                              development of new lymphoma
                                                                                                              therapies and diagnostic tools.
 around a single focus, LRF has the capacity                       or prevention of lymphoma.
                                                                   Areas of research may include,           n The goal of the program is to                   times in other academic
 to reengineer science.”                                           but are not limited to, etiology,          prepare physician investigators                   publications, a better
                                                                   immunology, genetics, therapies,           to design and administer clinical
                                             — Ari Melnick, MD                                                                                                measure of their impact
                                                                   and transplantation.                       research studies in lymphoma and
                         LRF Scientific Advisory Board Member                                                                                                      on the research
                                                                                                              assume primary responsibilities for
                                                                 n LRF Fellows must spend 80 percent
                                                                                                              clinical research with the potential            community than number
                                                                   of their time in research during the
                                                                   award period.
                                                                                                              to have significant impact on                     of publications alone.

                                                                                                                                                            Lymphoma Research Foundation 7
SUPPORTING THE NEXT GENERATION OF LYMPHOMA SCIENTISTS - Proceedings from the 2018 Lymphoma Research Foundation Biden Cancer Community Summit
                                                                  AND RECOMMENDATIONS
                                                                  The 2018 Lymphoma Research Founda-           specialized research. In the absence of        programs’ tremendous impact thus far.
                                                                  tion Summit explored numerous themes         these programs, many scientists would          Cementing collaboration and learning
                                                                  relevant to the crisis facing early career   be unable to establish themselves as           from peers and mentors as foundational
                                                                  scientists. Mentoring and grant pro-         lymphoma specialists and it is unlikely        practices early in an investigator’s
                                                                  grams that exist to support the next         that an opportunity would ever again           career, and modeling for them the
                                                                  generation of lymphoma scientists            present itself to recruit them to the field.   fulfillment that a career in specialized
                                                                  require adequate and consistent levels          In clinical research too, early career      research can bring, can have an expo-
                                                                  of funding to ensure the brightest minds     grant programs are critical to not only        nential impact. Early career grants
                                                                  in oncology research are drawn to the        identifying promising clinical scientists,     prepare investigators to bring their
                                                                  field. In addition, collaborative program-
                                                                  ming that integrates early career            Summit attendees concurred that programs like those supported
                                                                  scientists with the professional lympho-     by the Lymphoma Research Foundation are necessary to recruit
                                                                  ma community are critical.                   talented investigators early on to pursue a career in lymphoma
                                                                      Summit attendees concurred that          research and patient care.
                                                                  programs like those supported by the
                                                                  Lymphoma Research Foundation (LRF)           but also to pursuing the high risk-high        approaches to the broader scientific
                                                                  are necessary to recruit talented            reward research that is often the              community while diving into specialized
                                                                  investigators early on to pursue a career    hallmark of the studies supported by           subjects with a deeply-seeded commit-
                                                                  in lymphoma research and patient care.       such grants. Additionally, the influence       ment to advancing knowledge of
                                                                  Mentoring in particular was highlighted      of a mentor is hard to overstate. The          particular diseases.
                                                                  as fundamental to tracking early careers     panelists all agreed that finding some-           While the approach is successful,
                                                                  for success; Dr. Jonathon Cohen, LRF         one who can act in that role can not only      the barrier of funding such programs
                                                                  Scholar and CDA grant recipient, credits     enhance someone’s early career but             prohibits the extent of impact that the
                                                                  a mentorship in his first year of fellow-    also provide lifelong value through            panel would hope to see from these
                                                                  ship for changing the entire course of       continued collaboration and support.           grants. Additional public support through
                                                                  his career by assisting in research and      The programs that provide this require         philanthropic contributions to early
                                                                  helping him to recognize how exciting        significant resources for the grant,           career grant programs was identified
                                                                  a career in research can be. Programs        related studies, and the mentoring             as a key component to expanding their

“It is a direct benefit to patients to have                      like the Foundation’s Lymphoma Clinical
                                                                  Research Mentoring Program and
                                                                                                               required for each grantee.
                                                                                                                   Summit participants arrived at a
                                                                                                                                                              already impressive impact.
                                                                                                                                                                 At current funding levels, only a small
 enthusiastic, intelligent people drawn to a field                Postdoctoral Fellowship Program not          consensus that the specific approach           number of the highest quality applicants
                                                                  only provide this one-on-one support to      of the LRF’s early career grants, an           can receive grants, meaning that several
 where they can make progress. Having that                        early career investigators, but they also    approach that frames potential in terms        individuals with the potential to make
                                                                  provide a full network of proven experts     of future careers with endless possible        significant impact in the field of dis-
 intellectual capital focused on a combination                    and potential research leaders for           contributions to the field, rather than        ease-specific research may be falling
 of rare diseases makes all the difference.”                      collaborative learning, disease-specific     focusing on potential findings of single       away from the field due to insufficient
                                                                  knowledge, and professional support for      projects, is what has ensured the              support and direction. LRF Scientific
                                             — Sonali Smith, MD
                          LRF Scientific Advisory Board Member

                                                                                                                                                                Lymphoma Research Foundation 9
SUPPORTING THE NEXT GENERATION OF LYMPHOMA SCIENTISTS - Proceedings from the 2018 Lymphoma Research Foundation Biden Cancer Community Summit
Advisory Board (SAB) member Dr. Sonali      as a way to maintain a talent pipeline in    LRF Scholar Dr. Shalin Kothari, involved
Smith noted that given proper funding,      the field. Early exposure to the field can   the creation of a central repository of
the SAB would award 50-60% of the           foster interest at crucial junctures of      information about available early career
grants submitted for consideration.         professional discernment for young           grant mechanisms, allowing individuals
At current funding levels, the SAB can      people, even in high school. Dr. Lorena      associated with smaller institutions to                                                      “Pediatric oncology—all of oncology, really—
fund only 30%, meaning they are forced      Fontan, LRF Postdoctoral Fellowship          more easily gain knowledge of potential
to turn away high quality research with     grant recipient, has worked with several     funding sources.                                                                               is a field built entirely on a foundation of clinical
feasible aims. She worried that these       bright high school students in the lab in
                                            the last several years. “Their experience
                                                                                            Ensuring that sufficient mentors are
                                                                                         available to support young investigators
                                                                                                                                                                                        and translational research with decades of
investigators leave the field due to a
lack of available alternatives, to the      in the lab certainly influenced their        with both time and energy once they                                                            clinical trials informing everything we do today.
                                                                                         have entered the field also arose as a
Addressing career retention for mid- and late-career                                     potential roadblock. Dr. Justine Kahn,                                                         It is this commitment to research that allows
researchers, through further funding mechanisms or other                                 LRF Scholar and recipient of an LRF
innovative means of support, would ensure more mentors                                   Adolescent/Young Adult Lymphoma
                                                                                                                                                                                        me to look at parents and tell them that we
are available to support young investigators as they navigate                            Correlative Grant, explained, “For a                                                           know how to treat their child’s lymphoma. For
the path into a research career.                                                         junior investigator at the beginning
                                                                                         of his or her research career, there is                                                        me personally, this means everything—it feels
detriment of the entire research            decisions when planning their college        nothing more critical than having strong
community. Increasing funding would         career and hopefully will inspire them       mentorship. We rely heavily on our
                                                                                                                                                                                        impossible to be a part of this field without
help to ensure that all the brightest       to become great researchers,” said Dr.       mentors not only to introduce us to the                                                        actively taking part in moving it forward.”
minds can continue to pursue careers        Fontan. It was noted that currently,         clinical practice and science, but also to
in research.                                physicians are often the individuals most    help us navigate the world of academic                                                                                                               — Justine Kahn, MD
    Looking to past examples of philan-     interfacing with the public regarding        medicine. A good mentor devotes                                                                                                            LRF Clinical Research Grantee
thropic impact on the world of cancer       lymphoma treatment, as in programs           countless hours to teaching, advising,
research, Dr. Ari Melnick, also a           like LRF’s “Ask the Doctor About             guiding, and encouraging a mentee.
member of the SAB, described at the         Lymphoma.” Dr. Andrew Evens, SAB             Ensuring that our mentors have
summit how a single donor influenced        member and chair of the LCRMP,               protected time and adequate support—
the trajectory of mantle cell lymphoma      suggested placing researchers in similar     both to conduct their own research,          is the small size of the cohort gathered    opportunities for patients to access       challenges and continue to provide
(MCL) research by providing adequate        public-facing roles, allowing them to not    and to help us build ours—is an un-          at existing program events. To maintain     novel therapeutics.                        innovative programs that foster suc-
funding. “It reengineered the science       only provide a wealth of knowledge to        der-appreciated but absolutely critical      this advantage while increasing the             Increased overall funding for expan-   cessful careers in cancer and
world to think about MCL because there      the public at large, but also to inspire     part of advancing lymphoma research.”        number of individuals funded, Gutierrez     sion of the early career investigator      lymphoma-specific research. As we
were resources to study it,” Melnick        support of the often behind-the-scenes          Given additional funding for existing     suggested introducing multiple cohorts      program is paramount to providing          saw in this one-morning summit that
stated. He asserted that when equipped      work that makes treatments and patient       program models, panelists considered         to the programming rather than              better outcomes for those dealing          produced invaluable insight into the
with the right resources, LRF has the       care possible.                               how the grants could best maximize           expanding the size of the single cohorts    with a lymphoma diagnosis. In addition,    field and feasible ideas for addressing
capacity to similarly reengineer science,      Further, efforts could be developed       impact. Summit moderator Dr. Andrew          that now exist.                             broadening funding to include mid-         issues faced by young investigators,
lending a sense of optimism to the          to better support those already consid-      Zelenetz, chair-elect of the SAB, noted          When grant programs are expanded,       career investigators, focusing on          collaboration and an opportunity for
panel and summit attendees of the           ering a career in research. Access to        the use of telecommunications for            LRF Scholar and CDA grant recipient         creating a more public-facing role         discussion and ideas is vital for advanc-
potential for private investment in grant   information about grant opportunities        mentoring in similar programs, and           Dr. Anita Kumar recommended that they       for researchers, facilitating access to    ing in any field. LRF will continue to
programs to truly address the issues        and programs specifically aimed at           suggested that adopting a similar            include a focus on engaging patients in     grant opportunities, and increasing        seek ways to expand existing programs
faced by young investigators.               early career investigators can help          approach would allow LRF to expand           the design of trials to ensure treatments   engagement of the public in the            and incorporate the recommendations
    Additionally, further program growth    ensure that the maximum number of            mentorships across the country.              can be conducted for patients through-      design of clinical trials are all areas    of our esteemed panelists so that,
within a similar framework of increasing    promising professionals reach the entry      Meghan Gutierrez, Chief Executive            out the communities in which they live.     of potential focus.                        together, we can improve the lives
interaction between potential research-     point of grant applications for such         Officer of LRF, observed that part of        Trials for treatments that are limited to       The Lymphoma Research Foundation       of individuals facing lymphoma and
ers and leading experts was suggested       programs. One suggestion, offered by         what makes mentorships so powerful           a select few centers result in missed       is excited to grapple with these           other diseases.

10 Lymphoma Research Foundation                                                                                                                                                                                              Lymphoma Research Foundation 11
SUPPORTING THE NEXT GENERATION OF LYMPHOMA SCIENTISTS - Proceedings from the 2018 Lymphoma Research Foundation Biden Cancer Community Summit

Andrew D. Zelenetz, MD, PhD                               Justine M. Kahn, MD                                   The Lymphoma Research Foundation’s mission is to
Moderator                                                 Columbia University Medical Center
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center                    LRF Scholar and Adolescent/Young Adult Lymphoma   eradicate lymphoma and serve those touched by this disease.
Chair-Elect, LRF Scientific Advisory Board                Correlative Grant Recipient

Jonathon B. Cohen, MD, MS                                 Shalin Kothari, MD
Winship Cancer Institute at Emory University              Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center
LRF Scholar and CDA Grant Recipient                       LRF Scholar

Andrew M. Evens, DO                                       Anita Kumar, MD
Rutgers Cancer Institute                                  Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Member, LRF Scientific Advisory Board                     LRF Scholar and CDA Grant Recipient
Chair, LRF Lymphoma Clinical Research Mentoring Program
                                                          Ari M. Melnick, MD
Lorena Fontan, PhD                                        Weill Cornell Medicine
Weill Cornell Medicine                                    Member, LRF Scientific Advisory Board
LRF Postdoctoral Fellowship Grant Recipient
                                                          Sonali M. Smith, MD
Meghan Gutierrez                                          The University of Chicago
Chief Executive Officer                                   Member, LRF Scientific Advisory Board
Lymphoma Research Foundation                              Past Chair, LRF Lymphoma Clinical
                                                          Research Mentoring Program

12 Lymphoma Research Foundation
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