Surface Changes in Mild Steel Coupons from the Action of Corrosion-Causing Bacteria

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APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY, Mar. 1981, p. 766-774                                        Vol. 41, No. 3

    Surface Changes in Mild Steel Coupons from the Action of
                  Corrosion-Causing Bacteria
 Departments of Microbiology,1 and Soil Science,2 University ofAlberta, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2E9; and
           Department of Biology, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta T2N 1N4,3 Canada

            Changes which occur on the surface of mild steel coupons submerged in cultures

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          of an Fe(III)-reducing bacterium, isolated from corroded pipe systems carrying
          crude oil, were studied microscopically to investigate the interaction between the
          corrosion-causing bacterium and the corroding mild steel coupon. Under micro-
          aerobic conditions and in the absence of the bacteria, a dense, crystalline,
          amorphous coat formed on the surface of the steel coupons. In the presence of
          bacteria the surface coat was extensively removed, exposing the bare metal to the
          environment. After about 2 weeks of exposure, the removal of the surface coating
          was followed by colonization of the metal surface by the bacteria. Colonization
          was mediated by fibrous, exopolysaccharidic material formed by the bacteria.
          Extension of studies to other bacteria isolated from crude oil and corroded pipes
          reveals that the formation of exopolysaccharide fibers and possession of adherent
          properties are common characteristics of bacteria from crude oil systems.

  Microorganisms, in particular the anaerobic,          mented (1, 11, 17, 21, 25) and possible mecha-
sulfate-reducing bacteria, have been implicated         nisms by which it occurs have been proposed (3,
in the corrosion of metals used in industry (1,         4, 10, 23, 25, 26), no systematic study of the
11, 21). Interest in this phenomenon has cen-           physical interaction between a corrosion-related
tered in the petroleum industry, as economic            bacterium and a metal surface has been re-
losses are more clearly defined in this industry.       ported. It would be interesting to see whether
Corrosion becomes a major problem when oil              the initiation and progression of the corrosion
fields have to be subjected to secondary recovery       process, as in bacterial animal infections (9, 18),
procedures, such as the use of injection waters,        are associated with adherent properties of bac-
to maintain oil flow. Such waters are often taken       teria.
from nearby sources such as streams and sloughs            This paper reports the results of microscopic
and used without sterilization so that the oil-         studies of the interaction under laboratory con-
bearing formations are inoculated with aquatic          ditions between some bacterial isolates from
bacteria. An example of an oil field in this stage      Pembina crude oil, produced water from the oil
of maturation is the Pembina field of north-            field, and corrosion products of failed pipes and
central Alberta, Canada, where a variety of aero-       mild steel coupons submerged in cultures of the
bic, facultative aerobic, and anaerobic bacteria        organisms.
are found. Representatives of these groups can
be readily isolated from oil, produced water, and                     MATERIALS AND METHODS
internal pipeline encrustations or "tubercles"                 Mild steel coupons. The corrosion test specimens
(Obuekwe, Ph.D. thesis, University of Alberta,              (coupons) were AISI 10-18 mild steel of dimensions
Edmonton, 1980). Among such bacteria were a                 5.0 by 1.2 by 0.1 cm obtained from Caproco Corrosion
group of facultative aerobes which were capable             Prevention Ltd., Edmonton. Each coupon was
under anaerobic conditions of reducing ferric to            punched out on a die from a sheared, cold-roller sheet
ferrous iron and reducing sulfite, thiosulfate, and         of the metal. A uniform bright finish was achieved by
elemental sulfur (but not sulfate) to sulfide along         blasting with powdered glass. Before submersion in
with the classical anaerobic sulfate reducers.              cultures of bacteria, each coupon was sterilized by
The result of the synergistic interaction of such           immersion in 70% ethanol for 10 min and degreased in
bacteria would be an increase in the concentra-             95% ethanol for 15 min and quickly dried under ultra-
tion of ferrous ions together with an enhanced              violet light in a stream of warm, sterile air.
                                                               Bacterial cultures. The bacteria were isolated
level of production of sulfide which result in the          from crude oil samples, produced water from oil wells,
sustained production of the potentially corrosive           and corrosion products of failed pipes. These orga-
ferrous sulfide (17). Whereas the role of bacteria          nisms were chosen for this work because of their
in the corrosion process has been well docu-                corrosive activities (Obuekwe et al., Abstr. Annu.
VOL. 41, 1981                                             CORROSION OF MILD STEEL COUPONS                  767
Meet. Can. Soc. Microbiol. 1979, p. 13). The organisms        metal, albeit rough, was clearly exposed. When
included a Pseudomonas sp. (isolate no. 200) (Ob-             immersed in either uninoculated Butlins or B10
uekwe, Ph.D. thesis) and other bacteria referred simn-        medium, however, the coupons were covered by
ply as isolates no. 2, 42, 66, 230, and 218.                  a crystalline or amorphous coating (or both).
   Short-term submersion (up to 2 weeks) of the mild          Such crystals appear very densely packed (Fig.
steel coupons to pure cultures of the organisms was           1B).
carried out in static cultures grown in stoppered 500-
ml Erlenmeyer flasks containing 400 ml of medium.                 In the uninoculated B10 medium (control)
Cultures for long-term (over 2 weeks) submersion of           after 6 days of immersion the coupon surfaces
coupons were cultivated in a continuous culture sys-          were completely obliterated by the closely
tem. Coupons were suspended in 500-ml Erlenmeyer              packed surface coat (Fig. 1C). This deposit was
flasks (fitted with an overflow arm) which were con-          thought to be a corrosion product which accu-

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tinuously fed sterile medium from a 44-liter reservoir        mulated on the metal surface. When the coupons
at a dilution rate of 0.012 h-', which would result in        were exposed to cultures of Pseudomonas sp.
microaerobic conditions. The media employed were as           isolate no. 200 in B10 medium, the surface coat-
follows. Modified Butlin medium contained (per liter):        ing was extensively removed, exposing the bare
K2HPO4, 0.5 g; NH4Cl, 1.0 g; Na2SO4, 2.0 g; MgSO4-
7H20, 0.1 g; sodium lactate (60%), 1.5 ml; and yeast          metal (Fig. 1D), with the surface coats or depos-
extract (Difco Laboratories, Detroit, Mich.), 1.5 g, at       its occurring only as isolated patches or eroded
a final pH of 7.2. B10 medium contained (per liter):           crystalline material surrounded by the exposed
K2HPO4, 0.8 g; KH2PO4, 0.2 g; Na2SO4, 0.4 g; MnSO4,            metal surface. A similar observation was made
0.001 g; NaMoO4, 0.001 g; yeast extract (Difco), 5.0 g;        in uninoculated Butlin medium (Fig. 2A, con-
peptone (Difco), 5.0 g; soluble FePO4 (City Chemical          trol) and in Butlin medium inoculated with iso-
Corp., New York, N.Y.), 4.7 g; and CaSO4 (saturated           late no. 200 (Fig. 2B). Thus, the presence of this
solution), 10 ml, at a final pH of 7.2.                       pseudomonad prevented the formation of a pro-
    Epifluorescence microscopy. Previously im-                 tective surface coat on the mild steel coupons.
 mersed coupons were rinsed in running distilled water            The nature of the coupon surfaces immersed
 (4 liters/min) and stained in acridine orange (10 mg/
 100 ml of distilled water) for 3 min. The dye solution        in cultures of this pseudomonad did not seem to
 was initially filtered through membrane filters (pore         differ markedly with time up to a period of 2
 diameter, 0.32 ,um; Millipore Corp., Bedford, Mass.) to       weeks. However, the degree of surface coating
 remove particulate matter. Coupons were destained             was less with extended exposure time. After 2
 with three changes of isopropanol and then air-dried.         weeks of exposure, bacteria-like structures ap-
 The specimens (coupons) were then examined with a             peared attached to the surfaces of the sub-
 standard Zeiss light microscope fitted with epifluoresc-      merged coupons. The demonstration by scan-
 ence illumination system, including a halogen lamp.           ning electron microscopy of attachment of this
    Transmission electron microscopy. Bacterial                pseudomonad after 2 weeks of submersion of the
 cells recovered by low-speed centrifugation (3,000 x g
 for 5 min) for ultrastructural studies were fixed with        coupons was not unequivocal; it was difficult to
 or without ruthenium red by the procedure of Patter-          differentiate amorphous inorganic deposits from
 son et al. (20), dehydrated and embedded in low-vis-          bacteria. However, epifluorescence microscopic
 cosity resin by the procedure of Spurr (24), and ex-          examination of coupons exposed for 2 weeks
 amined in an AE1 801 electron microscope.                     revealed the attachment or close association of
    Scanning electron microscopy. Freshly with-                bacteria with the coupon surface. Rinsing of the
 drawn coupons were rinsed in distilled water or 0.1 M          coupons in running distilled water (4 liters per
 cacodylate buffer, fixed in 5% (vol/vol) glutaraldehyde        min) did not dislodge the bacteria from the
 in cacodylate buffer (pH 7.0) with or without 0.025 M          metal surface. The quantitation of bacterial at-
 ruthenium red, washed, and postfixed in 0.5% glutar-
  aldehyde. The coupons were then dried in graded               tachment (cells per unit area) was not possible
  ethanol concentrations up to absolute ethanol, then           because many of the cells were embedded in the
  dried in graded Freon 113 concentrations made up in           uneven surface coat and could only be seen at
  absolute ethanol, and finally dried to the critical point     varied planes of focus.
  with Freon 113 as the desiccant. The dried coupons               After long submersion periods (up to 9 weeks),
  were coated with approximately 15.0 nm of gold film           this pseudomonad formed thick fibrous exo-
  sputtered in an Edmonds sputter-coater (Pirani Jen-           polysaccharidic material in which the cells were
  ning, Model 4) and examined with a Cambridge                  entrapped and attached to the metal surface
  Stereoscan Model S4 or a Hitachi 450 scanning elec-           (Fig. 3). Thin sections of the recovered, ruthe-
  tron microscope at an accelerating voltate of 20 kV.
                                                                nium red-stained portions of the 9-week culture
                        RESULTS                                 showed that the organism produced the exo-
     The typical scanning electron microscopy of                polysaccharidic material in the culture medium.
  the surface of a fine glass-blasted mild steel                Ruthenium red selectively stains acidic polysac-
  coupon before submersion in bacterial cultures                charides (13). The exopolysaccharide produced
  is shown in Fig. 1A. The metal surface was free               and surrounding and interconnecting the cells is
  of any surface deposit or coating, and the clean               shown in Fig. 4A. The exopolysaccharidic ma-
768     OBUEKWE ET AL.                                                        APPL. ENVIRON. MICROBIOL.

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   FIG. 1. Scanning electron micrographs of (A) the surface of fine glass-blasted, unimmersed, mild steel
coupon, x2,485; (B) densely packed crystalline surface covering of mild steel coupon incubated in B1O medium
for 6 days, x2,275; (C) mild steel coupon incubated for 6 days in uninoculated (control) B10 medium, x455;
and (D) mild steel coupon incubated for 6 days in B10 culture of isolate no. 200, X455. D, Densely packed
crystals; ES, exposed metal surface.
terial occurred as a loose to dense mat of fibers.       dense growth. Such adherence after 2 weeks of
Extension of these studies to other bacteria iso-        incubation in batch cultures is shown in Fig. 5A
lated from Pembina crude oil samples revealed            and B.
that these other bacteria readily formed exo-
polysaccharidic, fibrous material. These fibers                          DISCUSSION
occurred as a network of interconnecting fibers             Electron and epifluorescence microscopic
filling the intercellular spaces (Fig. 4B) or were       studies were undertaken to investigate the
condensed by dehydration and appeared as thick           changes on the surfaces of mild steel coupons
strands (Fig. 4C and D). Among the isolates              submerged in cultures of bacteria isolated from
obtained from Pembina crude oil were several             the corrosive environment of Pembina crude oil.
unidentified gram-negative bacteria that pro-            These surface changes arose from loss or depo-
duced extremely gummy colonies on solid agar             sition of corrosion products and from the attach-
media. These bacteria readily adhered to the             ment of the bacteria to the coupon surface.
surfaces of the mild steel coupons and formed            Exposure of the coupons to uninoculated me-
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   FIG. 2. Scanning electron micrograph of (A) mild steel coupon incubated for 6 days in uninoculated
(control) Butlin medium, x4,550; and (B) mild steel coupon incubated for 6 days in Butlin medium culture of
isolate no. 200, x4,550. D, Densely packed crystals; AS, amorphous surface covering; ES, exposed metal
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   FIG. 3. Scanning electron micrograph of a mild steel coupon incubated for 9 weeks in B10 culture of isolate
no. 200; x9,200. EP, Exopolysaccharidic fibers; BC, bacterial cells.
VOL. 41, 1981                                          CORROSION OF MILD STEEL COUPONS                     771

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   FIG. 4. Transmission electron micrographs of ruthenium red-stained, sectioned cells of (A) isolate no. 200
obtained from a 9-week B10 culture of the organism to which mild steel coupons were exposed, x40,000; (B)
18-h culture of isolate no. 2 and network of exopolysaccharide fibers, x37,500; (C) 18-h culture of isolate no.
218, x36,000; and (D) culture of isolate no. 230, x37,500. EP, Exopolysaccharide fibers.
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VOL. 41, 1981                                        CORROSION OF MILD STEEL COUPONS                         773
dium or medium inoculated with the Pseudo-            rides, whereas Jones et al. (12) described "poly-
monas sp. isolate no. 200 prevented or allowed,       saccharide-like" material by which slime-form-
respectively, the formation of surface coats on       ing bacteria attached to artificial surfaces in
the metal surfaces. The thick, densely packed         flowing streams. Other workers (6, 16, 20) have
crystalline surface coating would probably cre-       reported the mediation of exopolysaccharide
ate a barrier between the metal and its environ-      (slime) in bacterial attachment to rumen wall
ment. In the presence of the Fe(III)-reducing         and feed fibers, in freshwater and marine envi-
pseudomonad only minimal surface coating was          ronments (7, 15,27,28), and in industrial systems
evident. Thus, the activities of this isolate pre-    (5, 22). The true extent of the polysaccharide
vented the formation of the possibly protective       bacterial glycocalyx is not always seen in elec-
surface coating. Since these studies were con-        tron microscopy, because of the condensation of

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ducted under microaerobic conditions, the prod-       this very hydrated structure during dehydration.
uct of coupon corrosion, Fe(o) -- Fe(II) + 2e&,       The exopolysaccharide fibers are well main-
could be further oxidized by dissolved 02 to          tained when they are attached at multiple points
Fe(III). A ferric oxide (y Fe2O3) film has been       (Fig. 4A and B) or when they are stabilized by
previously implicated in the protection of metals     reaction with lectins or specific antibodies (14).
against corrosion (19). Since the observed sur-          Under natural conditions, this Pseudomonas
face coating was minimal in cultures of this          isolate would exist together with other bacteria
pseudomonad, which reduces Fe(III) to Fe(II),         in Pembina crude oil (Obuekwe, Ph.D. thesis).
it was inferred that these surface coats, which       Among these bacteria were those that produced
were Fe(III) compounds which became solubi-           very sticky colonies. Evidently, organisms which
lized to Fe(II), also occurred with the growth of     do not readily produce slime or possess any
this organism. Presumably, in the absence of          mechanism for adhesion would be easily entan-
isolate no. 200, the formation of a dense, crys-      gled in the masses of the slime-producing bac-
talline, insoluble surface coating would reduce       teria and thus bring them to close association
the contact between the metal and its environ-        with the metal surface.
ment and in this manner prevent or reduce                The relationship between bacterial attach-
corrosion. In contrast, the reduction of the gen-     ment to metal and the corrosion of such struc-
erally insoluble Fe(III) compounds to the soluble     tures is not known. However, the formation of a
Fe(II) forms by this pseudomonad [or any              dense mass of attached bacterial cells may cause
Fe(III)-reducing organism] would expose the           the development of concentration cells (electro-
metal to its harsh environment and lead to            chemical) due to differential aeration. Further-
greater corrosion. This interpretation is sup-        more, localization of bacterial activity to areas
ported by electrochemical data (Obuekwe, Ph.D.        surrounding their colonies on metal surfaces will
thesis).                                              cause discontinuity in the chemical environ-
   Micrographs revealed that attachment of            ment. Such differences on the metal surfaces
Pseudomonas sp. isolate no. 200 to the metal          may give rise to galvanic couples (dissimilar
surface occurred after about 2 weeks of exposure.     metal effect) and the attendant localized corro-
The inability of the running distilled water (used    sion. Presumably, for an organism to play a
for rinsing the coupons) to dislodge the bacteria,    significant role in the corrosion process, it should
as revealed by epifluorescence microscopy, led        be closely associated with the corroding surface.
to the conclusion that the association between         In the related phenomenon-ore leaching by
cells of isolate no. 200 and the coupon was strong     bacteria-attachment of the bacteria to the ore
enough to be considered an attachment.                 particles appears to be common (2). However,
   The production of exopolysaccharide fibers in       attachment was not a prerequisite for leaching
which the cells were entrapped mediated the            of ore material.
establishment and colonization of the metal sur-         The interaction of an Fe(III)-reducing Pseu-
face. The formation of exopolysaccharidic ma-         domonas bacterium with corroding mild steel
terials appeared to be a common characteristic        coupons occurred in two stages. The first phase
of the bacteria isolated from the corroding pipes     was an indirect effect which arose by the bacte-
and crude oil of the Pembina oil field. The role      rial modification of the physico-chemical envi-
of this commonly produced adhesive material           ronment of the metal, and the second phase
would be the establishment of these environ-          involved attachment to and colonization of the
mental organisms on the pipe surfaces. The me-        metal surface.
diation of exopolysaccharidic materials in the
attachment of bacteria to surfaces has been
widely reported. Geesey et al. (8) reported that                       ACKNOWLEDGMENT
microorganisms in an alpine stream were at-              This investigation was supported by the National Research
tached to surfaces by means of exopolysaccha-         Council (Canada) Operating Grant (no. A 3687) of D.W.S.W.
774       OBUEKWE ET AL.                                                                       APPL. ENVIRON. MICROBIOL.
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