Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy with a laser pointer light source and miniature spectrometer1

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Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy with a laser pointer light source and miniature spectrometer1

                  Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy with a
                  laser pointer light source and miniature
                  Matthew A. Young, Douglas A. Stuart, Olga Lyandres, Matthew R. Glucksberg,
                  and Richard P. Van Duyne

                  Abstract: The initial steps toward a miniature, field portable sensor based on surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy
                  (SERS) are presented. It is demonstrated that a low-cost miniaturized Raman system can be used in place of a larger,
                  higher-cost conventional Raman system. This system was developed by sequentially replacing components of a labora-
                  tory scale Raman spectroscopy system with smaller, lower-cost, commercially available components. For example, a
                  green laser pointer was used as the excitation source, a reflectance probe fiber-optic cable was used for laser delivery
                  and collection, and a compact card-based spectrometer was used for dispersion and detection. Spectra, collected with
                  the laser pointer Raman system, are presented of a resonant (Rhodamine 6G) and a non-resonant (trans-1,2-bis(4-
                  pyridyl)ethylene) molecule as well as a self-assembled monolayer (1-decanethiol). Small, low-cost sensors are in de-
                  mand for a variety of applications, and SERS is positioned to contribute significantly with its remarkable sensitivity
                  and molecular specificity.
                  Key words: Raman, SERS, fiber-optics, sensor.
                  Résumé : On présente les étapes initiales dans le développement d’une sonde miniature, à base de spectroscopie Ra-
                  man de surface améliorée (SERS), qui serait utilisable sur le terrain. On a démontré qu’un système Raman miniaturisé
                  et peu coûteux pourrait être utilisé à la place d’un système Raman conventionnel, plus volumineux et de coût plus
                  élevé. Ce système a été mis au point en remplaçant successivement des composants d’un système de spectroscopie Ra-
                  man normal de laboratoire par des composants plus petits et moins coûteux et commercialement disponibles. Par
                  exemple, on a utilisé un laser vert pointeur comme source d’excitation, un câble en fibre optique d’une sonde de ré-
                  flectance pour distribution et la collection du laser ou un spectromètre compact à base de carte pour la dispersion et la
                  détection. Utilisant le système Raman à laser pointeur, on a recueilli les spectres de molécules résonante (Rhodamine
                  6G) et non résonante [trans-1,2-bis(4-pyridyl)éthylène] ainsi que d’une monocouche autoassemblée (décane-1-thiol).
                  Les petites sondes peu coûteuses sont très en demande pour un grand nombre d’applications et la technique SERS est
                  en bonne position pour faire des contributions importantes en raison de sa sensibilité remarquable et de sa spécificité
                  Mots clés : Raman, SERS, fibre optique, sonde.
                  [Traduit par la Rédaction]   Young et al.    1441

Introduction                                                              Unfortunately, Raman spectroscopy is limited in its applica-
                                                                          bility to sensing schemes that require trace analysis because
   In the past few years, surface-enhanced Raman spectros-                of the inefficiency of the Raman scattering process. Since
copy (SERS) has generated significant interest as a method                1977, it has been known that significant enhancement of the
for various sensing applications (1–10). Most chemical sen-               Raman scattering, and subsequent improvement in the detec-
sors rely on properties such as mass, fluorescence, or refrac-            tion, can be realized from molecules adsorbed on specifi-
tive index, which are often not specific for the substance in             cally roughened metal surfaces (11), and tremendous effort
question. In contrast, Raman spectroscopy offers rich molec-              has been expended to explore and exploit this property. Gen-
ular information, and thus often provides unequivocal identi-             erally, in ensemble averaged systems, SERS enhancement
fication of chemical and biological materials of interest.                factors as large as 108 have been realized (12). Under certain

   Received 19 March 2004. Published on the NRC Research Press Web site at on 21 October 2004.
   M.A. Young, D.A. Stuart, and R.P. Van Duyne.2 Department of Chemistry, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208-3113,
   O. Lyandres and M.R. Glucksberg. Department of Biomedical Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208-3113,
       This article is part of a Special Issue dedicated to the memory of Professor Don Irish.
       Corresponding author (e-mail:

Can. J. Chem. 82: 1435–1441 (2004)                            doi: 10.1139/V04-098                                      © 2004 NRC Canada
1436                                                                                                Can. J. Chem. Vol. 82, 2004

Fig. 1. Experimental set-ups. (a) Conventional Raman system        sensing, and environmental sampling. Several small Raman
and (b) miniaturized system assembled with available lab equip-    systems have been recently developed to address these is-
ment. Most of the cumbersome and expensive elements have           sues. These include systems from InPhotonics (Norwood,
been replaced with compact, off-the-shelf components to realize    Mass.), Digilab (Randolph, Mass.), Enwave Optronics
a savings in cost, size, and weight.                               (Irvine, Calif.), and Delta Nu (Laramie, Wyo.). Towards this
                                                                   same end, the present work focuses on decreasing the cost
                                                                   and size of the typical Raman setup. Replacing many of the
                                                                   classic elements of the Raman setup listed above with
                                                                   smaller, lower-cost alternatives will be an important step in
                                                                   the realization of simple, field-worthy spectrometers and
                                                                   sensors based on the SERS phenomenon.
                                                                      The work presented in this paper describes the first steps
                                                                   towards replacing the most cumbersome and costly elements
                                                                   of a traditional Raman system with significantly smaller and
                                                                   cheaper components (Fig. 1b). AgFON surfaces are used as
                                                                   SERS active substrates because they have been shown to be
                                                                   reproducible and stable in electrochemical, ultrahigh
                                                                   vacuum, and ambient experimental conditions (30, 32, 33)
                                                                   Thus, AgFONs are well-suited to the wide range of environ-
                                                                   ments in which SERS sensors would be deployed. This work
                                                                   adds substantially to the growing literature demonstrations
                                                                   that SERS is feasible utilizing low-cost, compact, and
                                                                   readily available components while retaining the necessary
experimental conditions, enhancement factors of ~1014 have         sensitivity for sensing applications.
been achieved (13, 14), making SERS the only vibrational
spectroscopy capable of both detecting and identifying             Experimental
single molecules under ambient conditions. With this en-
hancement, SERS provides exquisite sensitivity, which is           Materials and equipment
complemented by the molecular specificity inherent to vi-             Ag wire (99.99%, 0.04′′ diameter (1 inch = 25.4 mm))
brational spectroscopy. SERS has been employed in the de-          was purchased from D.F. Goldsmith (Evanston, Ill.). The Ag
velopment of a myriad of sensors, including those detecting        disk electrodes consisted of a Ag rod sealed with an epoxy
chemical and biological agents (15–18), explosives (19, 20),       (Torr Seal, Varian) into a Teflon® frame. The glass sub-
glucose (9, 10, 21), aromatics (22, 23), proteins (24, 25), and    strates were 18 mm diameter, No. 2 cover slips from Fisher
DNA (26–29).                                                       Scientific (Pittsburgh, Penn.). Pretreatment of glass sub-
   In addition to being highly sensitive and selective, attrac-    strates required H2SO4, H2O2, and NH4OH, all purchased
tive properties for sensors include rapid response, ease of        from Fisher Scientific (Pittsburgh, Penn.). Surfactant-free
use, reliability, and low cost. Raman spectroscopy has taken       white carboxyl-substituted polystyrene latex nanospheres
several steps in this direction. The developments of sensitive     with diameters of 410 nm were obtained from Interfacial
charge-coupled device (CCD) detectors and holographic              Dynamics Corp. (Portland, Ore.). Tungsten vapor deposition
notch filters have allowed the rapid and facile implementa-        boats were purchased from R.D. Mathis (Long Beach,
tion of Raman spectroscopy in a range of applications. The         Calif.). Rhodamine 6G (98%) was purchased from Sigma
development of the silver film over nanosphere (AgFON)             (St. Louis, Mo.) and was used as received. trans-1,2-Bis(4-
surface (30, 31), with reproducible nanoscale roughness fea-       pyridyl)ethylene (97%), 1-decanethiol (96%), and benzene
tures, has enabled stable and consistent SERS measurements         (99%) were purchased from Aldrich (Milwaukee, Wis.) and
to be taken. In addition, Ag colloids have proven to be reli-      used as received.
able SERS active substrates and are used by a large number
of researchers. Thus, SERS has become a relatively fast,           AgFON surface preparation
simple, and reliable spectroscopy.                                    AgFON surfaces were fabricated with the use of a modi-
   There remains a major limiting factor for the implementa-       fied Consolidated Vacuum Corporation vapor deposition sys-
tion of Raman spectroscopy to widespread sensing applica-          tem. The steps included: (1) polishing an electrode surface
tions. This drawback is that for Raman (and SERS)                  with 0.3 and 0.05 µm alumina; (2) coating the smooth elec-
experiments, large and expensive equipment is required. The        trode surface with 410 nm diameter surfactant-free white
major components of a typical Raman instrument are the la-         carboxyl-substituted polystyrene latex nanospheres and al-
ser, the delivery optics, the sample, the collection optics, the   lowing to dry; (3) masking off the area where deposited
spectrograph, and the detector (Fig. 1a). Each component           metal is not desired; (4) depositing 200 nm Ag; and (5) re-
can take up significant space, be extremely expensive, and         moving the mask after metal deposition. When glass was
be difficult to assemble, align, and maintain. These factors,      used instead of the electrode surfaces, the same procedure
particularly the physical dimensions and cost, are important       was followed, but without the polishing and masking. The
obstacles for the realization of Raman spectroscopy for use        glass also required a pretreatment consisting of: (1) piranha
in critical routine situations such as blood glucose monitor-      etch, H2SO4 – 30% H2O2 (3:1) at 80 °C for 1 h to clean the
ing, drinking water testing, forensics, remote field defense       substrate; and (2) base treatment, H2O – NH4OH – 30%

                                                                                                              © 2004 NRC Canada
Young et al.                                                                                                                           1437

Table 1. Comparison of cost, size, and weight between the conventional and miniaturized Raman systems.
                              Cost                                                  Weight
Component                     (US dollars)             Size (cm)                    (kg)          Manufacturer             Model No.
  Ion laser                   50 000                   150×25×25                    45            Spectra Physics          2060
  Optics                      200                      10×6                         0.3           Edmund                   —
  Notch filter                895                      2.5×35                       0.1           Semrock                  NF01-532U-25
  Spectrograph                15 000                   55×40×40                     23            Acton                    VM-505
  CCD                         34 000                   20×10×5                      2             Roper Scientific         Spec-10:400B
  Computer                    600                      50×50×20                     4             Dell                     —
  Monitor                     100                      30×30×20                     9             Dell                     —
  Total                       100 795                  250 810 cm3                  83.4          —                        —
  Laser pointer               99                       15×1.5                       72            JD Photonics             Green-GLP
  Fiber probe                 549                      1000×0.5                     100           Ocean Optics             R200-REF
  Long pass filter            420                      2.5×0.35                     25            Semrock                  LP01-532RU-25
  Spectrometer                2 000                    14.1×10.49×4.09              390           Ocean Optics             SD2000
  CCD                         Integrated               —                            —             —                        —
  PDA                         600                      13.8×8.4×1.59                200           HP                       iPAQ n5555
  Total                       3 668                    1313 cm3                     787           —                        —
  Note: The miniaturized system is about 4% the cost and 0.5% the size of the standard system.

H2O2 (5:1:1) with sonication for 1 h to render the surface                   Results and discussion
                                                                                Clearly, experimental Raman spectroscopy has tradition-
Raman spectroscopy                                                           ally been an expensive endeavor. In addition to being costly,
   Sequential instrumental configurations were implemented                   the large components have prevented an easily portable sys-
to evaluate the efficiency and performance characteristics of                tem. Figure 1 depicts our miniaturized (and lower cost)
the miniature Raman system. A variety of molecules were                      Raman setup and compares it to a traditional system. Table 1
probed to establish the applicability and utility of the instru-             summarizes the approximate cost, size, and weight of the
ment to the detection of molecules differing in chemical                     components for both the conventional and miniature Raman
structure and scattering cross sections. In the first series of              instruments. This does not depict the lowest-cost or highest-
experiments, the AgFON substrates were incubated in both                     cost systems that one could construct. It is an estimate based
resonant and non-resonant molecules. The first instrumental                  on the systems used in our lab. Readily available compo-
configuration closely approximates that used in conven-                      nents have been used to demonstrate the feasibility of
tional, lab-scale Raman spectroscopy. The first step taken in                performing SERS experiments with a small and relatively in-
this work was to replace the excitation Argon ion laser                      expensive setup. Obviously, conventional setups have many
(Spectra-Physics, Mountain View, Calif.) with an inexpen-                    advantages (e.g., wavelength selection, more power, higher
sive CW green laser pointer (JD Photonics, Renton, Wash.).                   sensitivity, and high resolution) over the presented low-cost
The battery powered green laser pointer consists of a high                   prototype. However, for many applications this approach
power IR laser diode at 808 nm pumping a tiny block of                       presents an attractive alternative. The significant savings in
Nd:YVO4, which generates light at 1064 nm. This feeds a                      resources and space generously offsets the compromise in
KTP intracavity frequency doubling crystal to produce the                    resolution and sensitivity. Additionally, a miniaturized sys-
green beam at 532 nm. The Raman instrument was further                       tem will increase the use of Raman and SERS for portable
modified by replacing the bulky collection and focusing op-                  environmental testing and in undergraduate teaching labora-
tics with a low profile 200 µm core reflection fiber-optic                   tories.
probe (Ocean Optics, Dunedin, Fla.). Raman spectra for the                      We have used an aufbau approach to demonstrate the con-
resonant and non-resonant molecules were collected by fo-                    cept of an economical, miniaturized SERS instrument. We
cusing the output of the fiber onto the entrance slit of the                 have systematically built up this system by consecutively re-
large scale Acton VM-505 dispersion spectrograph (Acton,                     placing components of a conventional system with lower-
Mass.) with a Roper Scientific (Trenton, N.J.) Spec-10:400B                  cost, smaller items. The project began with the replacement
liquid N2 cooled CCD detector. Finally, we evaluated the use                 of the traditional excitation source (Ar+, Ti:S, HeNe, or dye
of a compact, off the shelf, card-based, USB interface Ocean                 laser) with a simple green laser pointer (GLP), λ ex =
Optics (Dunedin, Fla.) model SD2000 spectrometer as a re-                    532 nm. Figures 2 and 3 show the applicability of the GLP
placement for the critical dispersion and detection compo-                   as a SERS excitation source for both resonant and non-
nents. The dual channel spectrometer is configured with a                    resonant molecules. While Rhodamine 6G (R6G) is resonant
600 lines mm–1 grating and a 1200 lines mm–1 grating. Con-                   at 532 nm, trans-1,2-bis(4-pyridyl)ethylene (BPE) is not.
veniently, the fiber-optic bearing the Raman scattered light                 BPE is a relatively strong Raman scatterer and it has been a
can be coupled directly into this spectrometer, allowing for                 molecule of interest for many SERS studies (34–38). For the
quick and simple alignment.                                                  R6G experiment, the AgFON on a polished electrode was

                                                                                                                        © 2004 NRC Canada
1438                                                                                                 Can. J. Chem. Vol. 82, 2004

Fig. 2. SER spectrum of R6G on a AgFON electrode (dry).            Fig. 3. SER spectrum of BPE on a AgFON electrode in flow
λ ex = 532 nm (GLP). (a) P = 0.25 mW, acquisition time =           cell. λ ex = 532 nm (GLP). (a) P = 1.5 mW, acquisition time =
300 ms. (b) Laser delivered and collected with reflectance probe   5 s. (b) Laser delivered and collected with reflectance probe
fiber-optic. P = 10 µW, acquisition time = 10 s.                   fiber-optic. P = 0.25 mW, bin 3, acquisition time = 40 s.

incubated in 2.4 µmol L–1 R6G solution for 10 min., then           be removed by background subtraction since they are con-
rinsed carefully with water and allowed to dry. In the case of     stant at a given excitation power.
BPE, a 0.5 mmol L–1 solution was introduced into a flow               In addition to strong scatterers such as R6G and BPE, it is
cell containing a AgFON on a polished Ag electrode. Fig-           important to demonstrate the acquisition of spectra of mole-
ures 2a and 3a show high quality SER spectra acquired us-          cules with smaller Raman scattering cross sections. Many
ing the GLP as the excitation source. The spectra exhibit          analytes of interest in sensing applications are not strong
intense, well-defined peaks characteristic of the given mole-      scatterers. Figure 4 depicts an SER spectrum with a laser
cule.                                                              pointer utilizing a self-assembled monolayer (SAM) of 1-
   A second set of experiments was conducted to determine          decanethiol (1-DT). SAMs have generated enormous interest
the effect of altering the collection optics and light delivery    in many areas of chemistry, including SERS; and they are
of the system. Figures 2b and 3b show the case where the           vital for many sensing applications including their use as
light delivery, focusing, and collection optics are replaced by    species selective partition layers (9, 10, 27, 39–42). 1-DT is
a fiber-optic probe. The light was delivered from the GLP to       a relatively poor Raman scatterer, but a SER spectrum was
the sample through the probe, and the scattered light was          readily obtained using the GLP as the excitation source.
collected by the probe and focused onto the slit of the Acton         The final components to be replaced in the conventional
spectrometer. The spectra compare quite favorably to those         Raman apparatus are the spectrograph and detector. We re-
using conventional delivery and collection optics. In the case     placed these components by coupling the collection fiber di-
of R6G, little to no signal intensity is lost with the fiber-      rectly into an SD2000 spectrometer from Ocean Optics.
based delivery and collection. For BPE, the signal is slightly     Because these spectrometers are designed for UV–vis spec-
attenuated, but an ample amount of Raman scattered light is        troscopy, it was necessary to determine if the sensitivity of
transmitted back through the fiber to generate a strong SER        the detector would be adequate for the low level of radiated
spectrum in a short collection time. The broad featureless         photons generated by SERS and if the grating would provide
peaks on the right side of the BPE spectrum (~1225, ~1075,         sufficient dispersion to adequately resolve the narrow Raman
and ~840 cm–1) are due to Raman scattering generated in-           peaks. While small laser diodes are available with adequate
side the fiber itself. Altering the filter design of the fiber-    power (e.g., >10 mW), the GLP used in the above experi-
optic probe can eliminate these broad peaks. They could also       ments supplies only 3 to 4 mW. Therefore, for this experi-

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Young et al.                                                                                                                       1439

Fig. 4. SER spectrum of 1-DT on a AgFON on clean glass                 Fig. 6. Raman spectrum of neat benzene recorded with SD2000
(dry). λ ex = 532 nm (GLP). P = 0.5 mW, acquisition time =             spectrometer. λ ex = 632.8 nm. Acquisition time = 30 s. S/N ~ 7.
60 s.

                                                                       lines. It is clear that grating 2 has significantly higher resolu-
                                                                       tion. Following Sommer and Stewart (43), band fitting of
Fig. 5. Mercury emission lines recorded with SD2000 spectrome-         the 577 and 579 emission lines of the Hg lamp gave values
ter. (a) Grating 1 (600 lines/mm) and (b) grating 2 (1200 lines/mm).   of 0.32 nm and 0.37 nm at FWHM. These values were used
                                                                       to determine that the spectral resolution of this instrument is
                                                                       ~10 cm–1 at 632.8 nm excitation. Although the spectrometer
                                                                       was not originally optimized for the high resolution gener-
                                                                       ally demanded for Raman spectroscopy, it gives sufficient
                                                                       resolution for identification of Raman signatures. This is
                                                                       clearly demonstrated in Fig. 6, which shows a normal
                                                                       Raman spectrum of benzene, with an estimated signal-to-
                                                                       noise ratio of ~7. While this is certainly less than ideal
                                                                       relative to spectra obtained on a commercial FT-Raman in-
                                                                       strument, it is a positive step in the development of the min-
                                                                       iaturized system. The measurement of a Raman spectrum of
                                                                       neat benzene is, however, substantially different than in a
                                                                       typical SERS experiment, in which the concentration of the
                                                                       analyte is significantly lower. Figure 7 directly compares
                                                                       SER spectra collected with the Acton spectrograph and the
                                                                       SD2000 spectrograph with R6G on a dried AgFON as the
                                                                       analyte. Figure 7a corresponds to the SER spectrum re-
                                                                       corded on the Acton and Fig. 7b to the SER spectrum
                                                                       recorded on the SD2000 spectrograph. The intensity of the
                                                                       7a spectrum was significantly reduced so that 7a and 7b
                                                                       could be on the same scale. The spectra compare quite fa-
                                                                       vorably. While there is much room for improvement, this
                                                                       demonstration of SERS utilizing such a small and low-
                                                                       resolution piece of equipment is significant. The signature of
                                                                       R6G is clear and represents a considerable step towards the
                                                                       miniaturization of SERS instrumentation.

                                                                          Here, we demonstrated that a low-cost miniaturized
                                                                       Raman system could be used in place of a larger, higher-cost
ment ~20 mW of laser light was coupled into the fiber using            conventional Raman system. There are clearly several ad-
a Coherent (Santa Clara, Calif.) model 590 dye laser operat-           vantages that remain with the larger and more expensive
ing at λ ex = 632.8 nm. This was done simply to allow more             components of a Raman setup. In addition, the components
power to be coupled into the fiber, and to decrease the ac-            that have been used in this work as a technology demonstra-
quisition time. The SD2000 spectrometer used here is con-              tion test-bed are far from optimized. While the ability to ob-
figured with two different gratings. Figure 5 shows a                  tain adequate SERS spectra with small and cheap equipment
comparison of the two gratings using mercury emission                  has been clearly shown, the components used were selected

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