Symbols of The Deathly Hallows in J.K. Rowling's "Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows"

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Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 20, Nomor 1, April 2020, pp. 29 - 36
p-ISSN 1412-0712, e-ISSN 2527-8312, doi:

          Symbols of The Deathly Hallows in J.K. Rowling’s
             “Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows”
                      Mardiyanah Nasta, Hasriani G., & Asriati
                             Universitas Negeri Makassar

How to cite (in APA Style): Nasta, M., Hasriani, G., & Asriati. (2019). Symbols of The Deathly
Hallows in J.K. Rowling’s “Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows”. Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan
Sastra, 20(1), 29-36. DOI:
Article History: Received (01 March 2020); Revised (26 March 2020); Accepted (01 April 2020)
Journal homepage:

Abstract. This research aimed to describe what the Deathly Hallows symbolized in J.K.
Rowling’s “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows”. This was a qualitative content analysis
with hermeneutic approach. The primary data was from the novel of Harry Potter and the
Deathly Hallows. The results of this research were the Deathly Hallows symbolized the
thirst of the greatest power which could make the owner immortal, but for Harry Potter
they symbolized a test, which tested his mission to defeat Voldemort. The Hallows
themselves consisted of three objects which were the Elder Wand, the Resurrection Stone,
and the Invisibility Cloak. Each of the Hallows also symbolized different things. The Elder
Wand symbolized a wizard’s desire for power, the Resurrection Stone symbolized deep
longing towards the loved one who had died, and the Invisibility Cloak symbolized
Keywords: symbol; Harry Potter; the deathly hallows; hermeneutic approach

               Symbols of The Deathly Hallows in J.K. Rowling’s
                  “Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows”
Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan simbol dan makna dari the
Deathly Hallows (Relikui Kematian) dalam novel J.K. Rowling “Harry Potter and the
Deathly Hallows”. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis isi kualitatif dengan pendekatan
hermeneutik. Data utama adalah novel J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Deathly
Hallows. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan Relikui Kematian menyimbolkan keinginan akan
kekuatan yang bisa membuat pemilik Relikui ini menjadi makhluk abadi. Akan tetapi bagi
Harry Potter, relikui ini menjadi sebuah ujian bagi misinya dalam mengalahkan Voldemort.
Relikui Kematian terdiri dari tiga benda yaitu Tongkat Elder, Batu Kebangkitan, dan Jubah
Gaib. Masing-masing benda menyimbolkan hal yang berbeda. Tongkat Elder merupakan
simbol dari keinginan penyihir untuk memiliki kekuatan, Batu Kebangkitan merupakan
simbol dari kerinduan yang mendalam terhadap orang yang dicintai yang telah tiada, dan
Jubah Gaib adalah simbol dari perlindungan.
Keywords: simbol; Harry Potter; relikui kematian; pendekatan hermeneutik

           Copyright ©2020 Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. All rights reserved.              29
Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 20, Nomor 1, April 2020, pp. 29-36

                                                 meaning in certain works (Kirszner &
                                                 Mandell, 2009). In a literary work, a symbol
Literature is human work in which authors        is usually found in the form of object,
express what they hear, see, or feel about       character, setting, and action (Kennedy &
the world through language. As the main          Gioia, 1995).
media to express the idea, language plays                 A symbol can be identified
important role in literary work. An author       throughout the story. It can start to appear
may use either literal or metaphorical           in the title and reappears in different parts
language with some symbols in his or her         of the story. It strongly related to the
work (Khan, 2017; Khumaira, Samad, &             theme and it plays a significant role for the
Silviyanti, 2019).                               readers to find the value of the story. It
          Symbols in literary work gave          should represent something different from
chance for reader to think deeply and            its class or type. The meaning is not literal
enrich their emotion related to the story.       but is always controlled, established, and
They need to be thoughtful to understand         supported by the context which means its
or interpret a symbol because it indicates       meaning is from inside of the story.
something that is still unknown, or ideas        (Kennedy & Gioia, 1995; Reuben, 2019;
that cannot be precisely depicted (Chang, et     Kirszner & Mandell, 2009).
al., 2013). A watch, for example, is not                  Harry Potter and the Deathly
merely an object which informs time. It          Hallows was the last novel of the Harry
may serve deeper meaning for a character         Potter series by J. K. Rowling, and it was
in a story as the only memory of him with        rewarded as the fastest-selling fiction book
his beloved one.                                 in 24 hours (Suggit, 2018). This novel
          Perrine defined symbol           as    concluded Harry’s journey to face and to
something which means more than what it          defeat Voldemort, the villain in the story. It
literally show in the story (Maisarah, 2013).    was not a smooth adventure as he lost
A symbol is an object, a sign, or a word         many companions throughout the journey.
used to recognize each other and                 In this seventh novel, the main focus of
understand their meaning (Dillistone,            Harry, Ron, and Hermione pursuit was to
2002). It is not abstract as truth or love       thwart Voldemort’s plan in dominating
(Kennedy & Gioia, 1995).                         wizarding world by finding and destroying
          Symbols appear in literary works in    his Horcruxes. The information about
many forms. First, universal or archetypal       Horcrux was previously explained in the
symbol has universal meaning. It happens         sixth book, Harry Potter and the Half-
with repetitious pattern in many works, so       Blood Prince. However, the existence of
it     collectively    and     unconsciously     another artifact was informed in the last
recognized by people (Kirszner & Mandell,        story of this series. It was the Deathly
2009). In literature, character the Hero is      Hallows. The information of the Hallows
known as character with a task to complete       was given to Harry and his friends together
and he always defends justice. Second,           with Dumbledore’s last will. With all the
conventional or traditional symbol’s             puzzles about the Hallows, Harry and his
meaning, idea, or concept understood by a        friends were struggling to finish the
group people who share common cultural           mission left to them.
understanding. Patriotism for Americans is                Harry Potter series have been
seen in the stars and stripes in American        analyzed by many researchers, one of them
flag while Indonesians see patriotism in the     is about the spiritual value Rowling put in
red color of their national flag. Literary       it. Although this series told about magical
symbol could be both universal and               world, but the spiritual value was clearly
conventional symbols. It gives additional        seen in her seven books. Rowling focused

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Nasta, Hasriani G. & Asriati, Symbols of the deathly hallows in J.K. Rowling’s …

the series on ‘death’ and how to not fear of         novel and the secondary data were any
death (Park, 2017). Also, although the               resources which supported the analysis.
theme of the series is categorized as ‘dark’,        Perrine stated that the meaning of a
many children still constantly read the              symbol was supported and established by
story until its last book (Suljic, 2013).            the context of the story (Maisarah, 2013),
Other analysis focused on the characters in          and in interpreting the symbols, based on
the novel in terms of their educational              Ricoeur’s Theory of hermeneutic approach
value (Puspitawati, Emzir, & AKhadiah,               it started with uncovering, deciphering, and
2017) or focused only on certain                     understanding (Itao, 2010).
substantial character in the story such as
Dumbledore (Aristo & Sijono, 2018) or the            RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
main villain, Lord Voldermort (Darmawan,             The Deathly Hallows was the name of
2017; Fitri, 2018).                                  three objects mentioned in a tale in the
         Analysis on symbols in Harry                children’s book given to Hermione – The
Potter has also been conducted by some               Tale of Beedle the Bard. This book was in
researchers whether on the characters or             the wills inherited from Dumbledore and it
objects. Harry Potter as the main character          was particularly given to her. The three
symbolized hero which was similar to the             objects cited in the story were the Elder
tradition in myth or fantasy. He also                Wand, the Resurrection Stone, and the
symbolized on hope for triumph and                   Invisibility Cloak. They were gifts from
meaning (Black, 2003). Rowling’s allegory            Death to three brothers who could across
was seen her two characters, McGonagall              a river kept by the Death.
and the owl, which were inspired by                           “Those are the Deathly Hallows,” said
ancient Greek myth (Jensby, 2019).                            Xenophilius.
Another symbol analyzed was the wands of                      He picked up a quill from a packed table
Harry Potter and Voldemort which                              at his elbow, and pulled a torn piece of
revealed the personality of the two                           parchment from between more books.
characters and the destined connection                        “The Elder Wand,” he said, and he
between them (Damayanti & Soelistyo,                          drew a straight vertical line upon the
2016).                                                        parchment. “The Resurrection Stone,” he
         Different from the researches                        said, and he added a circle on top of the
above, this research focused to analyze                       line. “The Cloak of Invisibility,” he
symbols in the form of objects. This                          finished, enclosing both line and circle in
research aimed to find out what the                           a triangle, to make the symbol that so
Deathly Hallows which was the key objects                     intrigued Hermione. “Together,” he said,
in the last series of Harry Potter                            “the Deathly Hallows.”. (Page 332)
symbolized in J.K. Rowling’s “Harry Potter
and the Deathly Hallows”.                                   The researcher decided that the
                                                     Deathly Hallows symbolized something
                                                     else as they were mentioned repeatedly in
                                                     the novel, even in the title of the novel
This research was a qualitative content              (Kennedy & Gioia, 1995) and they were
analysis with hermeneutic approach.                  the crucial parts related to the plot of the
Hermeneutic approach is an approach to               story (Reuben, 2019). The H allows were
understand the deeper meaning of a text,             originally created by Paverells’ family and
including interpreting symbols (Vieira,              the last descendent of the family was Harry
2017). This research aimed to to analyze             Potter. The existence of the Hallows, then,
symbols of the Deathly Hallows in J.K.               distracted Harry from his main missions
Rowling’s “Harry Potter and the Deathly              left by Dumbledore which were to find
Hallows” novel. The primary data was                 and to destroy Voldemort’s Horcruxes.
“Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows”

            Copyright ©2019 Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. All rights reserved.                31
Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 20, Nomor 1, April 2020, pp. 29-36

The Meaning of the Symbols of the                     Gindelwald, agreed to conquer death by
Deathly Hallows in J.K. Rowling’s                     acquiring the Hallows.
“Harry Potter and the Deathly                               Harry himself almost got tempted
Hallows” novel                                        when he finally found out about the
    The Deathly Hallows was first                     Hallows. He hesitated because at that time
mentioned in this series through a                    he still needed to find three more
children’s tale. Merely few wizards believed          Horcruxes which he did not know where
on their existence and considered them                to find; while for the Hallows, he had
only as a myth. However, the others                   already two of them in his possession, the
believed them as a powerful magical object            Stone and the Cloak. He needed only the
which might make the possessor                        Elder Wand to obtain the greatest power
conquered death.                                      to destroy Voldemort. He knew that
         “That is a children’s tale, told to amuse    Voldemort wanted to have it too, and he
         rather than to instruct. Those of us who     already knew where the wand was.
         understand these matters, however,                   “Harry hesitated. He knew what hung
         recognize that the ancient story refers to           on his decision. There was hardly any
         three objects, or Hallows, which, if                 time left; now was the moment to decide:
         united, will make the possessor master of            Horcruxes or Hallows?”
         Death.”                                                                         (Page 392)
                                       (Page 333)     These showed that the Deathly Hallows
This power tempted many wizards to hunt               together symbolized the thirst of the
them, including young Dumbledore and                  greatest power which could make the
his friend, Grindelwald.                              owner immortal. For Harry himself, the
         … “Yet I too sought a way to conquer         Hallows symbolized as a test, whether he
         death, Harry.”                               would turn out to be like Dumbledore and
         “Not the way he did,” said Harry. After      or any other wizards who wanted to master
         all his anger at Dumbledore, how odd it      the Hallows for personal gain or he would
         was to sit here, beneath the high, vaulted   focus on completing his missions which
         ceiling, and defend Dumbledore from          were finding and destroying Voldemort’s
         himself. “Hallows, not Horcruxes.”           Horcruxes.
         “Hallows,” murmured Dumbledore, “not               The description below elaborates
         Horcruxes. Precisely.”                       what the Hallows were and interpret what
                                       (Page 571)     each of the Hallows symbolized.
                                                      1. The Elder Wand
        “… “Grindelwald was looking for them                    In the The Tale of Beedle the
        too?” he asked.                                  Bard, after successfully crossing the
        Dumbledore closed his eyes for a moment          river kept by the Death, the Death
        and nodded.”                                     allowed the three brothers to as for a
                                     (Page 572)          gift each. The oldest brother requested
       From the quotations it was known                  a wand which could win him any duel.
that there were two ways to conquer death                Therefore, the Death gave him the
in Harry’s world. They were Horcrux and                  Elder Wand which was made from a
Hallows. Voldemort decided to use                        branch of an elder tree. Elder tree itself
Horcrux where he split his souls and put                 was a rare material for a wand and very
them in seven different media. When the                  powerful (Rowling, 2015).
media remained untouched, the wizard                          “‘So the oldest brother, who was a
would never die (Rowling, 2015).                              combative man, asked for a wand more
Therefore, Voldemort gave the best of his                     powerful than any in existence: a wand
protection to all his Horcruxes. In                           that must always win duels for its owner,
contrast, Dumbledore and his friend,                          a wand worthy of a wizard who had
                                                              conquered Death! So Death crossed to an

32          Copyright ©2019 Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. All rights reserved.
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     elder tree on the banks of the river,           might give the owner an unbeatable
     fashioned a wand from a branch that             power but it could also make the
     hung there, and gave it to the oldest           owner murdered as to seize the wand
     brother.”                                       from its previous owner, murderer was
                                   (Page 331)        most likely the best way.
Voldemort knew about it, and he                           “Whether it needs to pass by murder, I
tracked down the location of the                          do not know. Its history is bloody, but
powerful wand from wizard to wizard.                      that may be simply due to the fact that it
     “The Dark Lord no longer seeks the                   is such a desirable object, and arouses
     Elder Wand only for your destruction,                such passions in wizards…”
     Mr. Potter. He is determined to possess it                                        (Page 402)
     because he believes it will make him truly   2. The Resurrection Stone
     invulnerable.”                                         The Resurrection Stone was not
                                   (Page 401)        the only and the first stone with
The quotation above was from                         magical power in Harry Potter series.
Ollivander, the wandmaker. He                        In the first book, there was a sorcerer’s
mentioned Voldemort with different                   stone which was sought by Voldemort
name which was the Dark Lord. He                     to acquire (Rowling, 1998). This stone
told Harry that the reason Voldemort                 was different function from the
wanted to possess the wand was not to                Resurrection Stone as Sorcerer’s Stone
destroy Harry anymore, but to be the                 promised immortality.
most powerful wizard.                                       The Resurrection Stone was the
       Voldemort was not the only                    gift given to the second brother who
wizard who was tempted by the power                  requested a power to recall the dead.
of the wand. Another wizard named                    He asked because he had longed his
Grindelwald also had a chance to                     dead girlfriend and he still wanted to
possess the wand and while seizing it,               be with her in the living world.
he became uncontainably powerful.                         “‘Meanwhile, the second brother
     “And Grindelwald used the Elder                      journeyed to his own home, where he lived
     Wand to become powerful. And at the                  alone. Here he took out the stone that
     height of his power, when Dumbledore                 had the power to recall the dead, and
     knew he was the only one who could stop              turned it thrice in his hand. To his
     him, he dueled Grindelwald and beat                  amazement and his delight, the figure of
     him, and he took the Elder Wand.”                    the girl he had once hoped to marry,
                                   (Page 404)             before her untimely death, appeared at
Seeing the reason of the wizards who                      once before him.’”
wanted to have the wand, it can be                                                     (Page 331)
concluded that the Elder Wand was the                However, the stone did not really bring
symbol of a wizard’s desire for power.               back his girlfriend alive in her solid
This was similar to the result of                    feature. As a result, the second brother
Damayanti and Soelistyo (2016) who                   was still suffering from the misery of
stated in their research that a wand                 missing her girlfriend and eventually
could reveal the owner’s character.                  died.
       Elder tree was sacred for Celts as                   Harry who got the stone from
it can protect them from Devil, and                  one of the Dumbledore’s wills, at the
Druids used it as a place of judgment,               end used the stone in the Forbidden
but Christians labeled it as ‘unlucky’ for           Forest.
it was believed as the place where the                    “And again Harry understood without
traitor Judas Iscariot hanged himself                     having to think. It did not matter about
(Knowles, 2008; Rowling, 2015; &                          bringing them back, for he was about to
Barton, 2019). It has similar story with                  join them. He was not really fetching
Elder Wand in Harry Potter series as it                   them: They were fetching him.

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Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 20, Nomor 1, April 2020, pp. 29-36

        He closed his eyes and turned the stone           “‘And then Death asked the third and
        over in his hand three times.”                    youngest brother what he would like. The
                                 (Page 559-560)           youngest brother was the humblest and
          On the quotation above Harry                    also the wisest of the brothers, and he did
   used the stone and brought all his                     not trust Death. So he asked for
   loved but dead ones back to                            something that would enable him to go
   accompany him walking in the                           forth from that place without being
   Forbidden Forest to sacrifice his life to              followed by Death. And Death, most
   Voldemort. He called his parents and                   unwillingly, handed over his own Cloak
   two of his father’s best friends whom                  of Invisibility.’”
   one of them was his god-father.                                                        (Page 331)
          There was another story related                 “‘But though Death searched for the
   to this stone. The stone was once a                    third brother for many years, he was
   Horcrux         made      by Voldemort.                never able to find him. It was only when
   Dumbledore who figured out that it                     he had attained a great age that the
   was also a Hallow was drowned by his                   youngest brother finally took off the
   longing to his sister, Ariana, whose                   Cloak of Invisibility and gave it to his
   death had given him a great remorse.                   son. And then he greeted Death as an old
   He forgot that the Stone was still a                   friend, and went with him gladly, and,
   Horcrux and touched it in the hope                     equals, they departed this life.’”
   that he would see her again. As a result,                                              (Page 332)
   an ultimate dark curse attacked him
   and endangered his life (Rowling,                       In real life, the Invisibility Cloak
   2005).                                             really existed like other two Hallows
          Those descriptions above showed             and it had been in Harry’s possession
   that the Resurrection stone brought                since his first year in Hogwarts. It was
   back the dead ones although it did not             his father’s legacy which was given to
   really bring them back alive. They                 him in his first Christmas at Hogwarts
   appeared as the symbol of deep                     (Rowling, 1998). Harry had been using
   longing towards the loved one who                  it all year in Hogwarts, mostly for
   had died. However, regardless its                  doing many forbidden activities as it
   power, the second brother and Harry                could make him invisible from human
   proved that those who had deceased                 sight. The Cloak was also very
   could never come back alive. The                   beneficial      in      many       critical
   second brother who could not accept                circumstances.
   became more depressed and eventually                     In this novel, Harry particularly
   took his own life, while Harry who                 used the Cloak the most frequently as
   could accept that fact was able to stay            he became the most wanted person by
   wise and even had a chance to express              Voldemort and his followers. So he
   his apology once again to them.                    and his two best friends could move
        “I didn’t want you to die,” Harry said.       undetectably under the cloak in order
        These words came without his volition.        that they would not be seen by anyone
        “Any of you. I’m sorry —”                     including Death Eaters.
                                       (Page 561)
3. The Invisibility Cloak                                “Please, Harry, get that Cloak on!”
          The Invisibility Cloak was the                 Harry threw the Invisibility Cloak
   third Hallow given by the Death to the                around his shoulders and pulled it up
   youngest of the three brothers.                       over his head, vanishing from sight.
   Different from two previous gifts, the                                              (Page 136)
   Death reluctantly gave this gift to him            The dialogue above happened on
   as it prevented the Death to discover              Ron’s brother’s wedding. Harry, Ron,
   him for a very long time.                          and Hermione had to run away from

34         Copyright ©2019 Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. All rights reserved.
Nasta, Hasriani G. & Asriati, Symbols of the deathly hallows in J.K. Rowling’s …

   the wedding because of the arrival of                  by JK. Rowling. Journal of English
   Death Eaters who desperately wanted                    Educational Study, 1(2), 50-57
   to arrest Harry. Therefore, they used            Barton, K. S. (2020). Portal to Tree/Wood
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CONCLUSION                                                Harry Potter Series. Kata Kita: Journal
This research analyzed the meaning of the                 of Language, Literature, and Teaching,
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Rowling’s “Harry Potter and the Deathly             Darmawan, R. (2017). The Analysis of
Hallows” novel. The symbols analyzed                      Lord Voldemort’s Character in J.K.
were the literary symbol in the form of                   Rowling’s Harry Potter And The Half
object. The results on the discussion found               Blood Prince. Jurnal STBA Technocrat
that the Deathly hallows symbolized the                   Online. Retrieved at 10th January 2020
thirst of the greatest power which could                  from
make the owner immortal. Each of the            
Hallows itself symbolized different thing.                =46
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desire for power, the Resurrection Stone                  Simbol (The Power of Symbols)
symbolized deep longing towards the loved                 (Terjemahan: A. Widyamartaya).
one who had died, and the Invisibility                    Yogyakarta: Kanisius.
Cloak symbolized protection. As this                Fitri, N. (2018). The Characterization of
research focused to analyze the symbols of                Lord Voldemort in Novel Harry
the Deathly Hallows J.K. Rowling’s “Harry                 Potter and The Half-Blood Prince by
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