The rise of esports investments - A deep dive with Deloitte Corporate Finance LLC and The Esports Observer

The rise of esports investments - A deep dive with Deloitte Corporate Finance LLC and The Esports Observer
The rise of esports
A deep dive with Deloitte
Corporate Finance LLC and
The Esports Observer

April 2019
The rise of esports investments - A deep dive with Deloitte Corporate Finance LLC and The Esports Observer
The rise of esports investments | Contents


                                                                          Image - TEO

Page 06                                      Page 22              Page 28

                                                                  Executive summary

This publication contains general information only and Deloitte
Corporate Finance LLC and The Esports Observer are not, by
means of this publication, rendering accounting, business,
financial, investment, legal, tax, or other professional advice
or services. This publication is not a substitute for such
professional advice or services, nor should it be used as a       Leveling up: the rise of
basis for any decision or action that may affect your business.   esports investment
Before making any decision or taking any action that may
affect your business, you should consult a qualified              Esports investment has made
professional advisor.                                             significant strides in recent years
                                                                  as traditional investors join
Deloitte Corporate Finance LLC and The Esports Observer
                                                                  venture capital in exploring many
shall not be responsible for any loss sustained by any person
who relies on this publication.                                   of the diverse investment
                                                                  opportunities across the industry’s
Copyright © 2019 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights             diverse ecosystem.

The rise of esports investments - A deep dive with Deloitte Corporate Finance LLC and The Esports Observer
The rise of esports investment | Contents


Page 32                                Page 34                                Page 38

25                                     29                                     34
The value of an esports                Why Modern Times Group                 The rising power (and risk) of
investment: an investor view           made two of esports' best              influencers in esports
                                       investments to-date
Many investors will find the strong    By recognizing the shifting media      As esports influencers continue to
expected growth trajectory of the      environment early and putting its      gain larger followings built on the
industry, potential for                key investments into a position to     social aspects of their
diversification, and unique            capitalize on growth, MTG has          entertainment value, the
customer base intriguing as they       solidified its position as a major     recognition of their brands in their
increasingly explore potential         player within the rising esports       own right may lead them away
esports investment opportunities.      industry.                              from the structure of traditional
                                                                              esports team organizations.

26                                     31                                     39
The value of an esports                Late to the party: learning            Dynamics of esports
investment: an investee view           from the history of Heroes of          Investments
                                       the Storm’s esports initiatives
As the esports industry grows,         Establishing a successful esports      In order to best position
companies that invest in strategic     league can offer its challenges,       themselves to maximize potential
partnerships can obtain access to      and these challenges are not the       investment dollars, esports
a variety of tangible and intangible   exclusive issue of the developer.      companies should understand the
benefits that can help to fuel         Industry players further               different investors in the industry
growth, establish operational          downstream who invest time and         and the key questions they will
efficiencies, and drive market         capital to participate can also face   ask.
positioning.                           significant risk.

The rise of esports investments - A deep dive with Deloitte Corporate Finance LLC and The Esports Observer
The rise of esports investments | Executive summary

Executive summary

                                                                              70                                  68

USD invested                                                                  60

                                                      Number of investments
in 2018                                                                       50


         12%                                                                              20     19
                                                                              20                                                       16
                               56%                                                                                          14

     Venture Capital        Family Office                                          2014   2015   2016   2017     2018   Jan. - Feb. Jan. - Feb.
                                                                                                                           2018        2019
     Private Equity         Strategic
                                                      Number of investments in esports, 2014 – February 2019.(2)
Breakdown of esports investments
in 2018 by investor type.(1)

                                                                 hile popular streamers such             were only nine disclosed
                                                                 as Tyler “Ninja” Blevins                investments into esports
                                                                 have dominated the public               businesses from private equity
                                                         discourse on esports and gaming                 firms, relative to the eleven that
                                                         over the past year, an indication of            took place in 2018.(4)
                                                         the staying power of the industry
                                                         and its future potential is the                 Interest among traditional
                                                         underlying story of investment                  investors to explore different ways
                                                         dollars into the space.                         to gain exposure to the industry is
                                                                                                         indicative of the maturation of the
                                                         For esports, 2018 was a record                  industry and its growing
                                                         year in both number of                          mainstream appeal from an
                                                         investments and investment                      investor perspective.
                                                         dollars. Over $4.5B USD was
                                                         invested into the industry in 2018              The esports ecosystem offers a
                                                         alone.(3) While this headline                   variety of different investment
                                                         number is certainly significant, it             opportunities across a range of
                                                         is the composition of these                     subsectors. Some are unique to
                                                         investors that also offers                      the industry, such as team
                                                         interesting insights.                           organizations, while others hold
                                                                                                         similarities to other traditional
                                                         For the first time, traditional                 industries, such as consumer
                                                         private equity investors have                   products and event planning,
                                                         gotten involved in a meaningful                 which could be more palatable to
                                                         way. From 2014 to 2017 there                    investors entering the space for

The rise of esports investments - A deep dive with Deloitte Corporate Finance LLC and The Esports Observer
The rise of esports investment | Executive summary

the first time.                       an investor lens with a focus on
                                      several key specific valuation
A key merit of the industry is the    considerations.
core demographics. In 2018 the
esports industry had a global fan     The potential rewards (and
base of 380M with 37%                 risks) of an investment
representing males aged 21 to 35,
and 16% representing females          After establishing the investment
ages 21 to 35.(5) In addition, in     landscape in the prior section, this
the U.S., 61% of esports viewers      section explores the potential
earn more than $50,000 per            benefits and hazards of
year.(6) Investment offers            partnerships for both investors
exposure to this demographic that     and companies alike.
is increasingly averting its
attention away from traditional       Through a series of articles written
media.                                by The Esports Observer
                                      contributors, this section presents
With increasing focus by investors    examples of some of the nuanced
and an attractive industry profile,   issues to consider as one explores
this thought leadership seeks to      esports for investment potential.
explore the current state of the
industry from an investor             Dynamics of esports
perspective.                          investment

In doing so, this paper is divided    Finally, the publication offers
into three parts: the rise of         companies in the space an
esports investment, the potential     overview of the positives and
rewards (and risks) of investment,    negatives of partnering with
and the dynamics of an esports        different investor types and a
investment.                           breakdown of key questions and
                                      diligence areas they should
The rise of esports investment        consider exploring before agreeing
                                      to a deal.
The first section examines the
history of investment into the        Overall, as the industry continues
industry up to today. More            to grow and mature, investment
specifically it explores how          interest from outside players is
different investor types have         expected to be in lockstep. The
engaged with the industry, such       goal of this thought leadership is
as venture capital and private        to provide a starting point for the
equity, before ultimately analyzing   discussion; offering both
the current state of the industry     traditional investors exploring the
through five major subcategories.     space for the first time, and
                                      esports companies that are
These subcategories (team             considering raising capital or
organizations, developers, event      exploring a sale, some factors to
coordinators, media platforms &       consider when contemplating an
advertising, and consumer             investment in this dynamic, fast-
products) are examined through        growing industry.

The rise of esports investments - A deep dive with Deloitte Corporate Finance LLC and The Esports Observer
The rise of esports investments | Leveling up

Leveling up: the rise of
esports investment
Esports investment has made significant strides in recent
years as traditional investors join venture capital in
exploring the diverse investment opportunities across the
industry’s ecosystem.

     he esports industry attracted              Right now, there are uncertainties
     over $4.5B USD in disclosed                over the long-term viability of
     investment in 2018, up from                certain esports competition series,
$490M from the previous year.(7)                and the revenue potential of lower
Interest is likely to increase with             valued teams could stifle future
the introduction of more                        investment into the space. That
franchise-style leagues, the                    said, by far the most capital
centralization of esports teams                 intensive entities are those
(including management and                       building the infrastructure behind
support staff), and continued                   the industry: game developers,
growth in the esports audience—                 live streaming services, and
the latter in particular driven by a            ancillary services (for in-game
greater awareness of esports and                communication, player data, etc.).
other forms of live videogame
entertainment, within the popular

The rise of esports investments - A deep dive with Deloitte Corporate Finance LLC and The Esports Observer
The rise of esports investment | Leveling up

The rise of esports investments - A deep dive with Deloitte Corporate Finance LLC and The Esports Observer
The rise of esports investments | Leveling up

 The esports gold rush years                        This greatly incentivized publishers   venture capital firms. The high-
                                                    to support a competitive scene, and    growth potential, limited operating
 Competitive show matches have                      to develop professional esports        history, and early instability of the
 been part of gaming since its early                competitions as marketing              industry led to cautioned interest
 days, but the onset of online and                  extensions of their products. “Free-   from larger conglomerates.
 local area network (LAN) support                   to-play” games, which originated in
 began with packet-based computer                   Asia and were popularized in the       There are a few key examples of
 networking in the 1970s. Once                      west by League of Legends, largely     mergers and acquisitions within the
 further developed, this allowed for                replaced the subscription model        last decade that have had a
 higher simultaneous player counts                  (used in games like World of           measured impact on esports’
 and team play, dedicated servers,                  Warcraft), and allowed developers      acceleration:
 and persistent user information (i.e.              to justify the need to keep a game
                                                                                           ▪   In February 2011, Chinese tech
 win/loss records, rankings). Esports               running for years, potentially
                                                                                               conglomerate Tencent Holdings
 through the 2000s remained a high-                 decades—provided revenue remains
                                                                                               Limited (Tencent) paid $232M
 cost consumer hobby, with the                      consistent.
                                                                                               USD for a 93% stake in League
 global financial crisis, in particular,
                                                                                               of Legends developer and
 limiting spending on PC gaming                     The simultaneous emergence of
                                                                                               publisher Riot Games, Inc. (Riot)
 hardware.(8) At this time, options for             dedicated online streaming services
                                                                                               —later acquiring the totality of
 broadcasting competitions were also                allowed esports to expand its
                                                                                               the company for an undisclosed
 extremely limited, and monetization                audience and support regularly
                                                                                               amount.(10) The game’s
 was restricted to small batches of                 scheduled broadcasts. The resulting
                                                                                               professional competition in China
 ticket and merchandise sales at live               consumer brand interest in pro
                                                                                               is run as a joint venture between
 events, which were held                            gaming competitions allowed a
                                                                                               Tencent and Riot. Tencent is also
 infrequently.                                      number of tournament operators to
                                                                                               an owner or investor in multiple
                                                    scale into sustainable enterprises.
                                                                                               esports game publishers,
 The 2010s saw a growth in both                     This spawned a number of
                                                                                               including Supercell, Activision
 online viewership and prize money                  tournament brands, many of which
                                                                                               Blizzard, Inc. (Activision
 for esports.(9) If one imagines all                were financially backed by global
                                                                                               Blizzard), and Epic Games, Inc
 the stakeholders in the industry as                “tech giants.” Examples included
 “planets,” then this was a period of               Samsung’s World Cyber Games, the
 near perfect alignment. Game                       Boost Mobile-sponsored Major           ▪, Inc. (Amazon)
 publishers began to transition from                League Gaming circuit, and the             acquired Twitch Interactive, Inc.
 cyclical game releases to the                      Intel Extreme Masters.                     (Twitch) on Aug. 25, 2014, for
 “games as a service” (GaaS) model,                                                            $970M.(11) This followed months
 where revenue is generated                         Early team organizations,                  of reporting that Google LLC
 continuously from                                  competition organizers, and                (Google) had reached a
 microtransactions, rather than one-                software developers were, and still        preliminary deal to acquire
 time physical and digital sales.                   largely are, backed by                     Twitch through its YouTube
                                                                                               subsidiary, for $1B.(12) In
                                                                                               subsequent years, Amazon’s
 Target               Investor/Acquiror          Year     Amount           Category            subscriptions services and
                                                           (USD)                               payment methods have been
 Riot                 Tencent Holdings           2011       $93            Developer           integrated into Twitch. The latter
 Games(10)                                                                                     is used in microtransactions,
 Twitch(11)           Amazon                     2014      $970            Streaming           allowing esports operators as
                                                                                               well as individual streamers to
 ESL(12)(13)          MTG                        2015       $78              Events
                                                                                               monetize their content.
 MLG(19)              Blizzard                   2015       $46              Events
                      Entertainment                                                        ▪   In July 2015, Swedish media firm
                                                                                               Modern Times Group (MTG)
 Astro(14)            Logitech                   2017       $85        Consumer Products
                                                                                               acquired a majority stake in
 Cloud9(15)           Valor Equity               2018       $50              Teams             esports competition organizer,
                                                                                               content producer, and services
 Discord(16)          Tencent Holdings           2018      $150            Streaming
                                                                                               provider Turtle Entertainment
 Roccat(17)           Turtle Beach               2019       $19        Consumer Products       (ESL) for $87M (it currently owns
                                                                                               82.48%).(13) In November of that
Notable transactions in the esports industry over the last decade ($ in millions)              same year, MTG fully acquired
                                                                                               gaming festival company
The rise of esports investments - A deep dive with Deloitte Corporate Finance LLC and The Esports Observer
The rise of esports investment | Leveling up



Number of investments



                                                   20                                  19
                        20                                                                                                                                           16


                                  2014            2015                                2016            2017                2018            Jan. - Feb.          Jan. - Feb.
                                                                                                                                             2018                 2019
Number of investments in the esports industry, 2014 - Feb. 2019.(21)

                        DreamHack AB (DreamHack),                      recognized the maturation of the                               the predominate driver of
                        which also runs a series of                    esports industry and its potential for                         investment within the esports
                        esports competitions.(18) At the               growth. While the highest individual                           industry over the last several years.
                        time these were among the                      investments in 2018 were raised by
                        largest investments by a                       private game publishers, streaming                             2018 was a record year for venture
                        traditional media company into                 platforms, and software developers,                            capital investment, with 49
                        esports and signified the firm’s               individual team organizations                                  investments, double the number of
                        commitment to gaming as a                      (which typically recruit player                                investments in 2017.(20) In terms of
                        staple online video category.                  rosters across multiple games) also                            subindustries, venture capital was
                                                                       raised significantly higher capital                            largely focused among media
▪                       In December 2015, game                         than in previous years, with the top                           platforms & advertising (45%),
                        publisher Activision Blizzard                  five highest valued teams                                      developers (31%),
                        acquired “substantially all” assets            collectively raising over $150M in                             and team organizations (18%).(24)
                        of esports competition organizer               disclosed funding rounds.(23)
                        and broadcasting network Major                                                                                This is likely due to the pre-revenue
                        League Gaming (MLG), for                       Venture capital                                                nature of many types of
                        $46M.(19) MLG continues to                                                                                    investments. These are largely tech
                        organize and broadcast                         As expected in any nascent                                     focused investments with unique
                        competitions for Activision                    industry, venture capital has been                             concepts, such as BITKRAFT Esports
                        Blizzard game titles. In 2018, the
                        company created its own
                        Activision Blizzard Esports                                   60
                        Leagues division to
                                                                                      50                                                                                    49
                                                              Number of Investments

                        commercialize its esports
                        properties, such as the                                       40
                        Overwatch League and Call of
                        Duty World League.(20)                                        30

                                                                                      20                                                                                    15
With maturation comes
expanded interest                                                                     10

In the period following these high-                                                   0
                                                                                              2014             2015               2016              2017               2018
value acquisitions, many investors
from industries adjacent to                                                                  Venture Capital          Family Office        Private Equity            Strategic
esports/gaming (i.e. sports teams
and entertainment companies) have                                      Esports investment breakdown by investor type, 2014-2018.(22)

The rise of esports investments - A deep dive with Deloitte Corporate Finance LLC and The Esports Observer
The rise of esports investments | Leveling up

Venture’s investment into,             in a series A round at the end of         developers (27%).(29)
a digital trading card platform for             2018.(27)
esports.(25)                                                                              Private equity
                                                Family office
Among developers, analytics has                                                           The esports industry experienced a
been a key focus area among                     Similar to venture capital, in the        significant increase in private equity
venture capital investors with over             early stages of an industry, such as      investment in 2018.
40% of investments within this                  esports, family offices also provided
subcategory.(26) A unique                       significant investment.                   Private equity groups made 11
component of esports is the                                                               investments in 2018, two more
inherent ability to track a variety of          Family offices include high net-          investments than made over the last
data from games played.                         worth individuals or investment           four years combined.(30) Unlike
                                                vehicles that invest on behalf of an      venture capital or family offices,
This data could be leveraged by                 individual or family. As they are         private equity will typically require a
teams, looking to gain an                       investing their own money, family         level of maturation in the underlying
advantage in competitive play, or               offices typically have more               business before investing.
among a game’s casual player base               flexibility to take greater risk than
to beat their friends.                          traditional private equity investors.     This can be seen in the types of
                                                                                          investments that private equity
One such example is the artificial              Family office investments in esports      made. The major categories of
intelligence (AI) analytics company,            more than doubled in 2018, from 6         investment were Media Platforms &
Visor, a support tool for Overwatch             investments in 2017 to 15.(28)            Advertising (36%), Event
that can analyze gameplay in real               In 2018, family office investments        Coordinators (27%) and Team
time and provide in-game tips to                were mostly made into team                Organizations (18%).(31) Within
players. The company raised $4.7M               organizations (33%) and                   these categories, there was a

Changing esports league structures may entice investors
The adoption of “franchises” and similar league structures may offer esports teams protection
from new entrants and investors comfort regarding their potential investment.
By Graham Ashton, The Esports Observer
Consulted by Tobias Seck, The Esports Observer

In the U.S., investors typically                performance-based financial benefit     introduced revenue sharing models,
make one of three plays: 1) private             models for teams.                       or provided stipends for participants.
equity investments in an existing                                                       Growing sports property, and a team
esports team organization and/or                League of Legends has integrated a      brand that is appreciating in value, is
ownership group; 2) developing an               partner team model into four            one model traditional sports
esports division out of a pre-                  professional circuits (China, North     investors are well used to. Cloud9, a
existing sports franchise; or 3)                America, Europe, and Turkey), with      multi-game esports organization
establishing an entirely new esports            the prices and processes for entry      with teams in both the Overwatch
team brand, usually as part of a                differing between regions. The          League and League of Legends
franchise league.                               Overwatch League has pulled in          Championships series raised $50M in
                                                franchise fees ranging from a           its Series B funding round.(36) For
In 2018, multiple esports                       reported $20M-$60M for its first        comparison, the average franchise
competition organizers either                   two years of operation and intends      deal for a National Basketball
restructured their existing leagues             to expand its team count from the       Association (NBA) team during the
or built entirely new closed circuit            current global 20 to an eventual        1980s was $58.25M.(37)
competitions.(34) Not all of these              28.(35)
competitions are “franchised” in the            Competitions in lower-tier titles,      While the viability of esports leagues
strict sense of granting partners the           such as the Clash Royale League,        as 10, or 20-year ventures is
right to own/operate teams in a                 Paladins Pro League, or national        untested, the entry cost is so
specified location, but all feature             PLAYERUNKNOWN’s                         comparatively low, and the target
buy-in fees, preclude any kind of               BATTLEGROUNDS leagues have              audience value so high, that dozens
promotion-relegation system, and                either offered slots with               of traditional investors have taken
introduce revenue sharing and                   comparatively lower entry fees,         the bet.
The rise of esports investment | Leveling up

                    $800                                                               Developers
                                                                                                  Media Platforms&


Investment Amount




                           0                      5                10                    15                  20                            25
                                                                   Number of Investments

    2018 esports investment breakdown by category ($ in millions). (38)

    Note: In order to avoid skewing the                  an average 6 investments per            a breakdown of the five
    data the chart above does not                        year.(33)                               primary categories of esports
    include the transactions listed                                                              investment opportunity:
    below:                                               Strategics have explored
                                                         investments in the space as a
    ▪               Tencent investment of $632M          means to expand their presence or
                    into Douyu TV and $461M into         capitalize on a growing market.                       Team organizations
                    Huya TV.(39)
                                                         Today’s esports investment
    ▪               Epic’s capital raise of $1.3B.(40)   ecosystem
    consistent story of later stage                      In 2018, the esports industry
    investments into established                         reached $4.5B USD in disclosed
    names, such as Greenoaks Capital                     funding across a broad array of                       Third-party event
    investment into Discord Inc., a free                 companies.(41) From startups to                       coordinators
    voice and text chat app for gamers,                  established companies entering the
    and ICONIQ Capital’s participation                   space, the esports ecosystem is
    in Epic’s, the creator of Fortnite,                  filled with investment opportunities                  Media platforms &
    $1.25B capital raise.(32)                            of every shape and size.                              advertising

    Strategics                                           With so many different ways to
                                                         invest in the space, it can be
                                                                                                               Consumer products
    Strategic companies have been                        difficult to identify where an
    consistently involved in esports                     investor’s capital may be well
    M&A over the last five years, with                   placed. To that end, the following is
The rise of esports investments | Leveling up

       Team organizations                        Team organizations investment snapshot

 Just like in traditional team sports,
competition within esports takes                  Investment in esports
place between players representing                teams has increased
a specific organizational brand. The              significantly over the                 13%                    Venture
difference in competitive gaming,                 last several years.                                           Capital
however, is that most prominent                   While this investment                                         Family Office
team brands have diversified across               has been driven                 31%              56%
multiple games. Think of it as                    largely by venture                                            Private Equity
though the Washington Capitals,                   capital, it has been
Washington Wizards, Washington                    largely deployed to
Mystics, and Baltimore Brigade all                the major teams.
wore the same jersey sporting the
logo of their ownership group:                   2018 team organization investments by investor type.(43)
Monumental Sports Entertainment.
                                                  ($ in millions)
Major esports organizations like
                                                  16                                                                      $250
Cloud9 or Team Liquid compete                                                                            $193
across anywhere from five to 12
different games with varying levels                                                                      14               $200
of success and scale. This
diversification allows a single                                                                                           $150
organization to reach a much                       8
broader audience (creating more
value for its sponsors) and helps to                                              $65
protect against the risk of any one                4
game losing its value either due to                                                4                                      $50
poor performance by the team, or
reduced support from the developer.                0                                                                      $0
                                                                2016              2017                   2018
However, casting such a wide net
                                                                               Count           Amount
can create substantial added costs
for an organization as it must pay
                                                  Team organization investments over time, 2016-2018.(42)
salaries for each extra player, coach,
and support staff member. The
turnover in game popularity outside             A potential exception comes in the
of the big three (League of Legends,            form of single-game organizations
Dota 2, Counter-Strike: Global                  which are involved in franchised
Offensive) is often so quick that               leagues. Teams such as the
teams should consider broadening                Overwatch League’s Boston Uprising,       When making an
their scope to remain relevant,                 owned by the Kraft Group, will not be
which can also result in a net loss             able to diversify into any other          investment into a
from games which never take off                 games due to league rules.(44)            team organization
enough to generate revenue for the              Similarly, Clutch Gaming was
organization.                                   founded by the Houston Rockets            investors should
                                                ownership group, and controls a
                                                                                          identify a company
When making an investment into a                franchise spot in the League of
team organization investors should              Legends Championship Series.(45) In       that has consistently
                                                both cases, the added revenue
identify a company that has
                                                sharing opportunities for league
                                                                                          made smart decisions
consistently made smart decisions
when choosing which games to                    sponsors and media rights can make        when choosing which
invest in, and has also shown a                 investing in these single-game
willingness to cut its losses in failing        organizations attractive. However,
                                                                                          games to invest in.
titles.                                         such an investment likely carries

The rise of esports investment | Leveling up


20.0x                                                                                                                     19.0x

15.0x     14.1x                               13.6x
                                  11.8x                 13.0x                               13.1x

                      10.0x                                        10.9x                                       Median: 13.1x
10.0x                                                                           9.2x


          Cloud9      Team       Team     Echo Fox      OpTic      Fnatic     Gen.G G2 Esports Immortals                  Envy
                     SoloMid     Liquid                Gaming                 Esports                                    Gaming

2018 estimated revenue multiples for top 10 team organizations.     (49)

substantially more risk, as the
                                          Of the $234M USD in                          ▪       International expansion,
brand could lose significant value if                                                          with teams either recruiting
that league or game were to               investments made to                                  game rosters or building
collapse.                                                                                      subsidiary team brands in
                                          team organizations in the                            Latin America, Southeast Asia,
With the industry experiencing            last two years, over 50%                             and the Asian Pacific regions.
significant growth over the past few
years, esports teams have enjoyed
                                          has gone to the top                          ▪       Stronger merchandising
strong growth multiples, as seen          10.(46)                                              arms and retail presence.
above. Growth multiples such as                                                                In the League of Legends
these are largely driven by the                                                                Championship Series (LCS),
expectation of strong future              ▪      Dedicated training facilities                 for example, nearly all teams
performance. For esports teams,                  are replacing the long-used                   have an ongoing apparel
this is the expectation that the                 “gaming house.” For                           partnership with brands
industry will continue its strong                organizations, this can offer                 including Puma SE and
growth trajectory and the given                  revenue potential in the form                 Champion Athletics.(47)
esports team will remain a major                 of naming rights, on-site
brand in the ecosystem.                          activations, and content              The result of these trends is that
                                                 creation. In addition, it allows      newly formed teams may have
However, as the industry matures,                consolidation of staff and            difficulty when exploring investment
investors will likely expect these               players, with management              options. They may also have limited
teams to achieve operational                     and talent working under the          ability to achieve the scale required
efficiencies as they determine and               same roof.                            for operational efficiencies.
develop their core competencies.
Rather than attempting to be a            ▪      Recruitment of high-                  As a result, while investment for
“one-stop shop” of all things esports            quality management and                team organizations has increased,
(such as teams, media, analytics,                sales teams, typically with           the focus of this investment has
consumer products, etc.), many                   professional experience wholly        historically been towards making
teams are narrowing their focus to               outside the esports and               the strong stronger. Of the $258M
the development of winning rosters               gaming industries.                    USD in investments made to team
for the games they are in.                                                             organizations in the last two years,
                                          ▪      Talent development and                over 50% has gone to the top
Based on market activity by some of              youth outreach, including             10.(48)
the highest valued esports teams,                academy or secondary teams
the following appear to be the most              for tier-one esports titles, and
likely sources of expenditure over               seasonal competitions for
the next two to three years:                     college students.
The rise of esports investments | Leveling up

      Developers                                Valuation considerations                   The development of a video game
                                                                                           by a developer often takes several
Developers are the core difference
                                                Unlike the other subsectors of the         years and requires significant
between esports and traditional
                                                esports ecosystem, developers              capital outlay to complete. Having
sports. If the National Basketball
                                                represent a more mature industry           multiple studios under a developer
Association (NBA) was to disband,
                                                with several major developers              working on different games all at
you could still get a group of
                                                attaining market capitalizations well      once allows developers to have a
people together to play basketball
                                                into the billions.                         greater opportunity of creating a
whenever you wanted. New groups
                                                                                           blockbuster title while also
could form to organize professional
                                                These larger developers consistently       spreading revenue throughout the
play for the sport. The success or
                                                dominated the market, with the top         year.
failure of that game is not
                                                25 companies accounting for 77% of
dependent upon the ability of a
                                                the total global game market in            These developers can also leverage
single governing body to generate
                                                2017.(54)                                  their economies of scale for
                                                                                           production and distribution.
                                                The dominance of the space by this
This is not the case in esports. In
                                                smaller subset of developers is due in     When examining investments over
order to play League of Legends,
                                                part as a hedge against the inherent       the last several years, one can see
even at the amateur level, Riot
                                                risk of video game development.            how the strong developers have
must continually spend resources
and capital maintaining the game.
If the company shut down its
                                                 Developers investment snapshot
servers, the entire League of
Legends esports ecosystem would
                                                  Investment in
immediately collapse.
                                                  developers has
                                                  continued to grow
With the exception of some fighting
                                                  over the past several
games, every single prominent                                                                                   Analytics
                                                  years. While the space
esport played today relies on the                                                               35%
                                                  is dominated by the           41%
active support of the game’s                                                                                    Software
                                                  largest developers,
developer.(53)                                                                                                  Developer
                                                  there remains
                                                  opportunities for                                             Game
Not only that but in many cases                                                                                 Developer
                                                  smaller investments in
today the developer is also the                                                           24%
                                                  fledgling subsectors
primary source of that esport’s
                                                  such as analytics or
infrastructure and prize money.
                                                  early stage game
The modern esports ecosystem is
                                                  developers.            2018 investments in developers by     subcategory.(52)
heavily reliant on the success and
sustainability of its most prominent
developers.                                       ($ in millions)
                                                  20                                                                   $800
That said, the industry is constantly
evolving. Many of the biggest                     16
esports titles today have come
from developers who were not                      12
players in the space just two years                                                                                    $400
ago. Whether it’s a well-established               8

company maintaining its big                                                                     $123                   $200
esports games, or a smaller                                $12         $27          $37
company developing the next big                    0                                                                   $0
thing, there are investment                                2014        2015         2016        2017         2018
opportunities available with                                                     Count       Amount
developers at every level.
                                                  Developer investements over time, 2014-2018.(50)

                                                  For comparison purposes, This table does not include Epic Games
                                                  $1.25B capital raise in 2018.(51)
The rise of esports investment | Leveling up


 Enterprise Value/EBITDA





                              Jan-2016   May-2016   Sep-2016   Jan-2017   May-2017   Sep-2017   Jan-2018    May-2018     Sep-2018       Jan-2019

                                                                 Game Developer Index       S&P 500 Index

Index of game developer EV/EBITDA multiples compared to the S&P 500 from 2016-YTD 2019. (Game Developer
Index includes Electronic Arts (EA), Activision Blizzard (ATVI), Take-Two Interactive Software Inc. (TTWO), NetEase,
Inc. (NTES), and Nintendo (NTDOY).

been getting stronger.                                          per year in the future.(59) Another         developer multiples seen above.
                                                                trend has been the emergence of
Since 2015, the major investments                               micro-transactions. Micro-                  While this subsector is dominated
among game developers have been                                 transactions consist of smaller in-         by the major developers, there
with the larger developers.(55) This                            game items that a player can                continues to be investment
would include major activity such                               purchase to enhance their in-game           opportunities among smaller start-
as Activision Blizzard’s acquisition                            experience.                                 up developers with unique
of Limited, the creator of                                                                         concepts or gameplay.
the popular Candy Crush mobile                                  Micro-transactions have benefited
game, for $5.9 billion in 2015 and                              developers as they can have lower           This includes the largest
NetEase Inc.’s (NetEase)                                        development costs and allow them            investment of 2018, the $1.25B
investment of $100M into Bungie                                 to maintain consistent revenue              capital raise of Epic.(61)
Inc., the creator of popular titles                             streams from the same player base.
such as Halo and Destiny, in                                                                                In addition to game developers,
2018.(56)(57)                                                   While this trend has been a boon            other developers have also seen
                                                                for many developers, in the past            significant investment interest.
Compared to the S&P 500, these                                  year there has been increasing              Particularly among venture capital
investments appear to be paying                                 player pushback on this over                investors and analytics companies.
off. Game developers have                                       monetization. In addition, one              These developers typically seek to
consistently outperformed the S&P                               particular type of microtransaction,        harness the underlying data within
500 when comparing EV/EBITDA                                    the “loot box”, where players pay           video games to enhance the
multiples. Multiples for game                                   for a randomized set of in-game             player experience whether
developers reached a high in                                    items of varying quality, is facing         through improving their gameplay
January 2018 of 25.5x.(58)                                      greater scrutiny from governments           or providing meaningful analysis
                                                                that consider it a form of gambling.        for competition. Since 2016 there
This performance has been largely                               For instance, in 2018 the                   has been over $35M invested in
driven by several positive trends                               Netherlands and Belgium                     analytics developers alone.(62)
that have been favorable for these                              determined that some loot boxes
developers. These trends include                                violated their gambling laws.(60)           Overall, while the space is
the rise of mobile gaming,                                                                                  dominated by major developers,
particularly in Asia, where demand                              Increasing pressure on micro-               there remains opportunities for
for mobile games is expected to                                 transaction revenue could be                investments of all sizes.
drive revenue growth by 10-15%                                  contributing to the declining

The rise of esports investments | Leveling up

         Third-party event coordinators                 Operate small weekly tournaments           Not only can these companies
                                                        such as the Connecticut-based              diversify into a wide range of
While many of the most prestigious                      Great Value Smash.(63)(64)                 tournament products and
esports tournaments are operated                                                                   organization services, but
by developers, there is an entire                       In addition to running their own           organizers at every level have the
ecosystem of third-party event                          self-branded events, many event            potential to scale almost infinitely.
coordinators operating throughout                       coordinators also run white label          DreamHack
the world. From international                           tournaments for various clients.           has expanded into India, Spanish
championships to high school                            Some also offer on-demand online           organizer LVP works with Riot to run
leagues, third-party organizers play                    tournament services which allow            a U.K. league, and Chinese
a critical role in the industry and are                 amateur players to experience a            company Mars Media will soon
often contracted by developers to                       tournament environment.                    operate a Dota 2 Major in
operate regional leagues and select                     Additionally, third-party organizers       France.(65)(66)(67) Successful third-
events within a tournament circuit.                     generate revenue through ticket            party organizers can expand not
                                                        sales, sponsorships, media rights,         only the size and scope of an
Event coordinators vary greatly in                      and merchandise.                           individual tournament, but
scale from major names like ESL                                                                    continually move into new
and DreamHack that operate events                       Perhaps the most appealing thing           territories to work with new
for thousands of attendees across                       about third-party organizers to a          partners.
the world, to regional groups that                      potential investor is their scalability.
                                                                                                   Valuation considerations

                                                                                                   As event coordinators become
                                                                                                   increasingly important in the
 Event coordinators investment snapshot
                                                                                                   esports industry and the landscape
                                                                                                   grows more competitive,
     Event coordinator                                                                             coordinators are looking for ways to
     companies                                                                                     differentiate themselves. Without a
                                                20%                          Venture Capital
     experienced a                                                                                 unique and scalable platform, many
     significant increase                                                                          coordinators are unlikely to
                                                                      47%    Family Office         succeed.
     in both number of
     investments and
     dollars invested in                20%                                  Private Equity        One manner in which event
     2018. These                                                                                   coordinators are differentiating
     investments were                                                        Strategic             themselves is through the
     also well diversified                            13%                                          development of their own facilities.
     across the range of                                                                           At the inception of the industry
     investor types.                                                                               coordinators would utilize existing
                                       2018 event coordinator investments by                       spaces that could offer reasonable
                                       investor type.(72)                                          accommodations for tournaments
                                                                                                   and events. However, as the
                                                                                                   industry has grown so has the
  ($ in millions)                                                                                  demand for events with hyper-
  10                                                                                     $250      specific offerings.(68) This had led to
                                                                                                   the development of dedicated
     8                                                                                   $200
                                                                                                   esports arenas, training facilities,
     6                                                                                   $150      and venues across the globe.(69)
     4                                                                                   $100
                                                                                                   The rationale for the continued
     2                                                                                   $50       investment in the space has varied
                                                                                                   depending on the stage of the
     0                                                                                   $0        company and type of investor. The
               2015                  2016                   2017            2018
                                                                                                   recent investment into N3rd Street
                                            Count            Amount
                                                                                                   Gamers by SeventySix Capital and
  Event coordinator investments over time, 2015-2018.(71)                                          Comcast Sports Ventures (Comcast
                                                                                                   Spectacor) was meant to help
The rise of esports investment | Leveling up

     Russia                                  Denmark                                  South Africa
#1                                   #5                                          #9
                   $200,000,000                           $24,575,000                                         $570,000

   United States                              China                                      Germany
#2                                   #6                                          #10
                   $114,700,000                            $15,430,000                                        $127,200

     Sweden                                   France
#3                                   #7
                    $54,590,239                            $3,400,000

     Canada                               Netherlands
#4                                   #8
                   $26,400,000                             $1,600,000

Cumulative event coordinators investment by country (2015 – 2019).(73)

facilitate growth in pursuit of a       Top investments by country               $11M to help local esports fans
national expansion strategy.(70)                                                 create their own tournaments.(81)
                                        As the data above suggests, Russian- works to create smaller
In a similar fashion, the               based companies have received the        events from the ground up –
investment by Creandum and              largest amount of capital in the event   enabling fans to take organizing into
Sunstate into RFRSH                     coordinators space.(76) These            their own hands.(82)
Entertainment was to expand the         investments are directly tied to the
brand by bringing competitions to       funding and subsequent sale of           Sweden-based event coordinators
three new locations in 2019: Sao        ESforce Holdings.(77) In 2015, the       have received $54.6M in capital
Paulo, Brazil; Miami, United            company held its first funding round,    since 2015, with the most recent
States; and Madrid, Spain.(74) The      receiving $100M in its Series A.(78)     investment of $1.3M into
investors hope to establish the         Only three years later the company       Challengermode.(83)(84) Similar to the
company on a mainstream level,          would be acquired for $100M, the         rationale of investment into RFSH
in leagues with NBA, UFC, football      exact amount it had previously           Entertainment, Challengermode
and online entertainment in             raised.(79)                              sought to achieve their next phase
general.(75)                                                                     of growth by going mainstream.(85)
                                        In comparison, the investments
Notable investments that work to        within the United States are more        This continued alignment in
establish brands on a mainstream        diverse with a total of 10               investment thesis supports the
level help strengthen the               investments, into 5 different            notion that as capital flows into
industry’s credibility. This            companies, since 2015.(80) One of        event coordinators and
additional awareness may even           the most noteworthy investments          demonstrates its viability,
serve to direct more capital into       into a U.S.-based esports event          incremental funds will follow.
the space.                              coordinator was’s raise of                                                  16
The rise of esports investments | Leveling up

          Media platforms &                            investor.(86) Excluding significant      income. In the U.S., 61% of
          advertising                                  outlier investments by Tencent into      esports fans over the age of 18 are
                                                       Douyu TV and Huya TV for $632.0M         earning more than $50,000 a
Media platforms & advertising                          and $462.0M respectively, the            year.(89) Many fans are increasingly
encompasses a variety of different                     average investment size was just         shifting away from traditional forms
categories that are focused on fan                     under $10.0M.(87)                        of media and are instead engaging
engagement. This ranges from                                                                    with streaming platforms such as
advertising agencies that support                      With an actively engaged and             Twitch and YouTube. In 2018 the
nonendemic brands seeking to gain                      growing demographic, the esports         average concurrent viewer count
exposure within the space to                           industry will likely see an increasing   for Twitch was around 1.1
companies exploring new ways to get                    number of nonendemic brands              million.(90)
viewers more engaged with the                          explore different ways to engage
influencers and teams they watch on                    with the space. For many brands,         Both endemic and nonendemic
a regular basis through different                      the underlying demographics of           brands will increasingly be drawn to
streaming services.                                    esports are appealing. Esports has       these underlying dynamics, and as
                                                       an estimated global fan base of 380      a result, the need for advertising
From an investment perspective, this                   million and this is largely comprised    support is expected to remain. In
category remains in its infancy. Of the                of millennials between the ages of       fact, according to a SuperData
15 investments into media platforms                    21 and 35.(88) Not only are these        research report, by 2020
& advertising companies in 2018, all                   viewers young, they also represent       advertising and sponsorship will
but three had a venture capital                        expendable                               account for 60% of the industry’s
                                                                                                overall revenue.(91)
 Media platforms & advertising investment snapshot
                                                                                                Brand engagement could take a
     Largely dominated by                                                                       variety of paths. For example,
     smaller venture capital                                                                    some can take a traditional
     investments, the                                                                           sponsorship route, such as Audi
     category has                                     23%                                       Denmark’s $750,000 partnership
     experienced steady                                                        Venture          deal with popular Danish esports
     investment growth over                                                    Capital          team Astralis for branding on
     the last few years as                                                     Private          Astralis jerseys.(92) Engagement
     investors increasingly                                                    Equity           can also take other forms, such as
     recognize the value of                                      77%
                                                                                                KFC Corporation’s partnership with
     the esports fan base                                                                       notable Twitch streamers of the
     demand for greater                                                                         game PLAYERUNKNOWN’S
     engagement.                                                                                BATTLEGROUNDS, such as DrLupo,
                                            2018 media platforms & advertising                  where if the streamer won a game
                                            investments by investor type.(97)                   viewers could post a KFC emoji into
                                                                                                the stream’s chat for a chance to
                                                                                                win a $5 KFC gift card.(93)
  ($ in millions)
     25                                                                 $689       $800
                                                                                                No matter the form that
     20                                                                                         engagement takes, nonendemic
                                                                                                brands will rely on advertisers with
                                                                                   $400         an understanding of the underlying
     10                       $226                                                              demographics of the industry and
                                                                                   $200         effective ways of engaging. This
     5        $35                               $19                                             creates an opportunity for investors
     0                                                                             $0           to capitalize on this trend.
             2014             2015              2016        2017        2018
                                           Count        Amount                                  An example of this is the
                                                                                                September 2018 $3.6M Series A
 Media platforms & advertising investments over time, 2015-2018.(95)                            capital raise for Upfluence, an
 For normalization, this table does not include Amazon’s $970M acquisition                      influencer focused marketing
 of Twitch in 2014 or Tencent’s investment into two streaming platforms                         agency with an emphasis on
 for $1.0B in 2018.(96)                                                                         offering brands support in working
                                                                                                with Twitch influencers.(94)
The rise of esports investment | Leveling up

                                                                                Services              $135M

                                                                                News Agencies

Networking & Social Media                                                       Advertising                            $6M
Breakdown of media platforms & advertising investments in 2018 by subcategory. (99)

Note: this table does not include Tencent’s investment into two streaming platforms for $1.0B in 2018. (98)

As noted above, the use of               An example would include                  Discord has grown quickly over its
streaming services has increased         StreamElements, a “full-stack”            three years of existence as users
rapidly over the last several years.     platform that supports streamers          have used its voice and text
For example, for Twitch, average         in broadcasting their gameplay.           communication services to talk
daily concurrent viewer count has        The company raised $11.3M in              with teammates and friends during
grown from a little over 100,000 in      Series A funding in 2018.(102)            and outside of gameplay. (104) By
2012 to 1.1 million viewers in                                                     May 2018, Discord had 130 million
2018.(100)                               In addition to these software tools       registered users, tripling its user
                                         that assist creators in their             base since 2017.(105)
Viewers are engaging both with           production
presentations of competitive play        of streaming content, other media         Other examples within this space
and popular influencers. As larger       platforms & advertising companies         include Taunt, a social
streaming services, such as Twitch       have focused on enhancing the             engagement platform for fans that
and YouTube, compete for                 viewer experience through various         allow viewers to compete against
viewers, an industry has emerged         applications that add an additional       each other by predicting the
for tools that support and enhance       layer of connectivity with other          outcome of games they are
the streaming experience for             fans or the creators themselves.          viewing. The company raised
content creators and fans alike.                                                   $3.0M in 2018 from The Foundry
                                         One of the larger investments in          Group.(106)
Investments into streaming               2018 within the media platforms &
services and social media                advertising category relates to this
engagement has increased by over         engagement. Discord, a popular
200% from 2017 to 2018.(101)             gaming chat application, raised
These investments have largely           $150.0M in 2018 at a $2.05B
consisted of capital raises by           valuation.(103)
venture capital firms into early
stage startups.

The rise of esports investments | Leveling up

      Consumer products                         Valuation considerations(108)

One of the most attractive esports
segments for traditional private equity
and strategic buyers continues to be
                                                                                          •    Strategic Range of Assets
consumer products. These companies
typically offer consistent revenue                                  Astro                 •    Ability to Target Millennial
streams with a strong runway for
                                                                                          •    Growth, Strong Operating
growth, which can make for a well-                                                             Performance
suited partner and investment                                       Jaybird               •    Strong Product Offering

opportunity. This thesis aligns with the                                                  •    Near-Term Growth
figure presented on page 20, which
shows large strategic investors
(namely Logitech and Foxconn)
directing capital into consumer                                     Roccat
                                                                                          •    Mature Company
technology products.
                                                                                          •    Evolving Growth Story

For the apparel segment of consumer
                                                                    Corsair               •    Mixed Operating Performance
                                                                                          •    Less Branded Portfolio Mix
products, there has been rapid growth
in the west, with dedicated streetwear                              Saitek
brands competing with merchandise
designed by team organizations.(107)

Case study: Logitech acquires ASTRO Gaming
Tapping into a popular esports headset brand offers significant opportunity to major
computer peripherals player.
With esports rising popularity,                 trend due to a combination of factors         ASTRO also gave Logitech access
peripheral brands are seeking ways              including market saturation,                  to higher margin products with
to resonate within the space. One               extended replacement cycles, and              retail values between $200 and
example of this dynamic is the                  competition from other consumer               $300.(116)
acquisition of ASTRO Gaming                     devices.(114)
(“ASTRO”) by Logitech International                                                           The result for Logitech was a
(“Logitech”) for $85M USD in July               By contrast, the esports hardware             significantly stronger brand
2017.(109) With an expected revenue             market, however, has been able to             presence in the esports industry
of $35M in 2017, this purchase price            insulate itself from some of these            commanding the attention of
implies a multiple of 2.4x                      trends, due in part to the promotion          major influencers in the space –
revenue.(110)                                   of products by influencers and                specifically with those already
                                                teams. Similar to a basketball fan            gaming with ASTRO headsets,
In the years leading up to the                  wanting to get the signature shoe of          such as Nick “NICKMERCS”
transaction, Logitech was                       their favorite player, esports fans are       Kolcheff and Brett “Dakotaz”
experiencing fairly flat annual                 motivated to get the hardware they            Hoffman.(117) As of today, ASTRO
revenue growth of (0.15%) from                  see their favorite players using.             and/or Logitech constitute a piece
2014 to 2015 and 0.69% from 2015                                                              of the gaming setups of more
to 2016. (111) By comparison, overall           The industry has shown to be a                than 60% of the top
esports revenue grew 67.52% and                 revenue generating avenue and as              streamers.(118)
51.69%, respectively.(112)                      gamers demand more customization
                                                the hardware manufacturers are                For Astro, the transaction offered
Additionally, the acquisition of                driven to offer these options with the        a great opportunity to leverage
ASTRO was an opportunity to further             latest high-performance processors            the capabilities of one of the
diversify in an increasingly                    and graphics cards.(115)                      largest players in the technology
competitive hardware market that                                                              hardware industry.
has faced headwinds in recent                   As such, the acquisition of ASTRO
years.(113) Worldwide PC shipments              offered the opportunity to further            While ASTRO’s operations were
have sharply declined, and peripheral           expand Logitech’s product portfolio           previously limited to the United
hardware has followed a similar                 within the esports industry.                  States, the acquisition offered the
19                                                                                                     (Continued on next page)
The rise of esports investment | Leveling up

ability to expand sales globally.(119)            Previously, ASTRO’s flagship                Although the total revenue of
                                                  headset product line was limited to         ASTRO only contributed 2% to
In fact, one of Logitech’s first steps            three SKUs due to high R&D costs.           total net sales growth, the guiding
following the acquisition was to                  Post-acquisition, capital was               strategy of diversification into
capitalize on the new product line                invested into the development of            esports was likely a significant
by making them available outside                  new high-margin product lines,              success factor for the 57% growth
the United States.(120)                           increasing the total number of              experienced in the gaming
                                                  SKUs.(122)                                  segment of Logitech.(124)
This acquisition also provided
ASTRO access to a vast network of                 The years following the transaction         Following this acquisition Logitech
distributors and suppliers, which                 Logitech experienced revenue                continues to build a diverse
could be leveraged to reduce costs                growth far in excess of the years           business that incorporates esports
and increase efficiencies.(121)                   preceding, at 10.08% from 2016 to           and gaming peripherals.
                                                  2017 and 15.55% from 2017 to

Consumer product enterprise value to revenue multiples



               2.0x                                                                                                         1.8x

                          1.0x                    1.1x                                         1.1x
                                                                                                                        Median: 1.1x


                      Roccat (125)            Corsair(126)           Astro (127)            Saitek (128)               Jaybird(129)

         Close            March 2018              July 2017             July 2017              Sep. 2016                   April 2016

  Acquiror                Turtle Beach         EagleTree Capital        Logitech                Logitech                    Logitech

Size(1) $MM:                 $19.2                 $525.0                 $85.0                  $13.0                       $50.0

                                                                       Designs and             Designs and
                                                 Manufactures                                                        Designs, develops,
                                                                   manufactures video         manufactures
                         Manufactures            and markets                                                          and manufactures
                                                                   gaming equipment,      consumer electronics
                           computer           high-performance                                                            Bluetooth
  Target                                                             such as, wireless      products, such as
                        components and        PC peripherals and                                                       headphones and
Description                                                           and Bluetooth         computer games
                      accessories, such as   components, such as                                                     activity trackers for
                                                                    headsets for Xbox,      accessories, input
                      keyboards and mice.     cases, keyboards,                                                       sports and active
                                                                   PlayStation, PC, and    devices, and audio
                                                PCs, and fans.                                                             lifestyles.
                                                                     mobile systems.            products.

                           Germany                  Global            United States              Global                      Global

The rise of esports investments | Leveling up


Ultimately, the esports ecosystem
is vast and growing every day.
Making sound investments in the
space requires significant
research, and likely partnering
with a group or advisor who has
an intimate knowledge of the
industry. However, by
understanding the basic structure
of esports, you will be better
equipped to begin asking the right
questions, identifying where your
investment can have the most
impact, and yield the greatest
potential return.

The rise of esports investment | Rewards (and risks)

Potential rewards (and
risks) in esports investing
As the esports industry becomes increasingly more
appealing as an area for investment, investors and
companies alike should understand the potential benefits,
and risks, of exploring partnerships.

ESL IEM Katowice 2019 (Copyright: ESL | Adela Sznajder).

The rise of esports investments | Rewards (and risks)


                                                        This section begins with two brief   DreamHack.
     nvestment interest in the esports
                                                        primers on the potential benefits
     industry is increasing.(130)
                                                        of an investment in esports.         Late to the party: learning
Investments, measured by                                                                     from the history of Heroes of
number of deals and amount                              For investors, esports offers        the Storm’s esports initiatives
invested were larger in 2018 than                       access to a fast growing industry
any year prior.(131) In addition to                     highlighted by a youthful            The second examines some of the
this general increase in deal flow,                     demographic.                         potential challenges of developing
the types of investors considering                                                           an esports league and the
investments has also grown.                             For esports companies, in addition   challenges this can have for not
                                                        to investment proceeds, investors    only developers, but also team
2018 was a record year for private                      can offer business expertise and     organizations and other groups
equity investment into esports,                         credibility as these esports         that are vested in the leagues
and as the industry continues to                        companies aim to capitalize on       success.
grow these traditional investors                        near and long term opportunities.
will continue to look for ways to                                                            The rising power (and risk) of
explore potential                                       This section then highlights some    influencers in esports
opportunities.(132) For traditional                     of the nuanced challenges and
investor groups, entering a new                         considerations an investor should    The final article considers the rise
industry for the first time,                            consider when exploring              of influencers and the potential
understanding the key benefits,                         investment options. Through a        challenges their popularity poses
and perhaps more importantly,                           series of articles written by The    to the existing team organization
key challenges is critical.                             Esports Observer, major topics       structure.
                                                        and trends within the industry are
This section seeks to address                           presented and discussed from an      The core focus of these articles is
these considerations for a                              investor perspective.                to demonstrate that while the
traditional investor considering                                                             industry has experienced
esports investments. Through a                          Why Modern Times Group               significant notoriety over the past
series of short articles, this section                  made two of esports' best            several years, there are nuanced
highlights some of the potential                        investments to-date                  considerations that will require in-
advantages and risks of                                                                      depth diligence.
investment for both investors and                       The first article highlights the
companies operating within                              successes of MTG’s two
esports looking for investments.                        investments into ESL and

The rise of esports investment | Investor view

The value of an esports
investment: an investor view
Many investors will find the strong expected growth trajectory
of the industry, potential for diversification and hedging, and
unique customer base intriguing propositions as they explore
new opportunities within the esports ecosystem.

      hile endemic brands and          Diversification opportunity              Access to key demographic
      investors already involved in
      esports can already see its      Due to the uniqueness of the             In 2018 the esports industry had a
value, outside investors will likely   industry, traditional investors may      global fan base of 380M with 37%
be drawn by several potential          also view esports investments as a       representing males aged 21 to 35,
benefits and considerations.           means of diversification.                and 16% representing females
                                                                                ages 21 to 35.(134) In addition, in
Although each subsector of the         Unlike more mature industries that       the U.S., 61% of esports viewers
esports ecosystem will have            may have a more limited growth           earn more than $50,000 per
nuances that can add further           profile, the esports industry is still   year.(135)
benefits depending on an               in its nascent stages and offers
investor’s current portfolio;          exposure to trends that are not          The industry offers access to a
overall, the strong performance of     wholly reflected in other                unique demographic that is
the industry to-date and its           industries. As such, an investment       increasingly turning away from
unique customer base are driving       in esports could offer strong            traditional media.(136)
factors in its appeal.                 hedging implications.
                                                                                By investing into this space,
Industry with strong growth                                                     investors can gain access to this
profile                                                                         demographic. Whether this would
                                                                                be nonendemic brands attempting
With $869M of revenue in 2018                                                   to increase awareness among this
and an expected CAGR of 34.9%                                                   demographic, or traditional private
over the next four years, the                                                   equity investors seeking to
esports industry is an attractive                                               leverage access to cross-sell
market.(133) In addition, the                                                   products and services from
disruptive nature of the space and                                              ancillary industries within their
its impact on traditional media                Diversification                  portfolio.(137) No matter intent,
and sports, will likely appeal to
                                                                                the industry’s unique fan base
investors looking to get in on a                                                would likely be a key investment
“the next big thing.”                                                           highlight.

                            Strong growth                               Access to key
                                profile                                 demographics

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