The Future of Retail Space - The role of physical space in the digital-first retail future - Insider Trends

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The Future of Retail Space - The role of physical space in the digital-first retail future - Insider Trends
The Future
of Retail Space
The role of physical space
in the digital-first retail future

              In association with
The Future of Retail Space - The role of physical space in the digital-first retail future - Insider Trends
2   The Future of Retail Space


    		 n an age of unprecedented
           change and disruption, much has
    		 been said about the future of
    		 physical retail. Naysayers see this
    as a battle between bricks-and-mortar
    and online retail as though there can
    only be one winner in the battle for
                                                 literally ‘thinking outside the box’. They
                                                 use innovative and creative strategies
                                                 to produce positive and memorable
                                                 interactions that drive transactions
                                                 across all channels.
                                                     This report showcases the latest,
                                                 most original and inventive use of retail
    survival. In reality, we live in an omni-    space that meets the demands of
    channel environment, where both the          today’s consumer: convenience, service
    physical and digital are intertwined –       and experience. It highlights the key
    when retailers invest in brick-and-          factors that you should consider in
    mortar stores, their online                  order to make the most of your retail         Insider Trends focuses on the future
    presence thrives and vice versa.             space.                                        of retail. It helps clients such as Nike,
        But there’s another important                The case studies and views of             Chanel, Galeries Lafayette, Unilever
    dimension of retail success that’s a         industry insiders that feature in this        and Lego understand what is coming
    direct result of retailers’ physical         report not only demonstrate that the          next in retail and how they can take
    retail ventures: brand perception and        future of physical retail is far from over,   advantage of it.
    awareness. Physical locations are places     but also highlight the imaginative way            Its Head of Trends, Cate Trotter,
    where brands can make genuine                in which the industry is embracing and        has consistently been named one of
    connections with consumers who               adapting to the new digital era. Retail       the world’s top influencers in retail.
    are more engaged and informed than           spaces are evolving at a rapid rate to
    ever before.                                 meet consumers’ changing needs and
        Consumers still want and need            desires and, alongside a complementary
    physical stores, however, they have          mix of other uses, it will remain a
    become increasingly 'channel agnostic'       fundamental element of successful
    – they expect a consistent experience        places in the future.
    across every possible touchpoint. As a
    result, retailers can no longer look at      Join us as we make this journey into
    their online and store operations in silo.   ‘Retail 2.0’ together.
        Brands and landlords alike are
    embracing these challenges and are                                                         Cate Trotter Head of Trends
                                                                                               Insider Trends
                                                             In association with
    Tokyu Plaza Omotesando Harajuku Tokyo

                                                                                               The role of physical space in the digital-first retail future   3
The Future of Retail Space - The role of physical space in the digital-first retail future - Insider Trends
4   The Future of Retail Space

    What we think about                                                                                           In 2021, over                    Ecommerce is now driving

    when we think about retail                                                               2.14bn   people worldwide
                                                                                                                                                               90%of growth in
                                                                                                   are expected to buy                                   American FMCG sales.
                                                                                              goods and services online,                                                       Nielsen June 2017

                                                                                                 up from 1.66bn global
                                                                                                 digital buyers in 2016.

                                                                                                                          Statista 2017
                                             hen you think about your retailing, what pops
                                             into your mind first? Do you think about your
                                             stores? Do you think about your website or

                                                                                                         76%                                                     67%
                                             app? If you think your retail business only
                                     revolves around one part, we'd like to invite you to
                                     think differently.
                                         As this guide will show, retail is fundamentally
                                     changing. Retail can now be everywhere in the world           of American shopping                        of global ecommerce brands
                                     around us. Yes, it’s in our pockets, on our phones,      journeys now begin online.                            that received funding of
                                     but retail can now be much more intuitive than that.
                                         Retailers can scan our bodies over the internet,
                                                                                              IRI, Consumer Connect Survey January 2018              over $6 million opened
                                     we can tap a billboard with our phone to buy, we                                                                 a physical store within
                                     can scan any image or object to buy. Digital channels                                                               the last 36 months.
                                     now offer immersive experiences, sophisticated                                                                                                     Hero 2017
                                     personalisation, enhanced recommendations and
                                     discovery opportunities. Physical retail is here to
                                     stay, but retail now goes much further than the four
                                     walls of the store.

                                     So, when
                             shopping can be
                                                   To answer this question, we drew on
                                                   the latest research and thinking, as
                                                   well as interviewing some of the
                                                   world’s leading authorities on the
                                                                                                          of shoppers feel
                                                                                                                                                         of shoppers globally
                                                                                             stores are important as they                           say an enjoyable in-store
                                 in the world      future of retail space.
                                                                                               allow people to see, touch                         atmosphere is a key factor
                                   around us,
                                                                                                       and feel a product.                        in their decision to choose
                              what is the role
                                of the store?
                                                                                                                       Mindshare 2017              in-store over ecommerce.
                                                                                                                                                                               Mood Media 2019

                                                                                                                                          The role of physical space in the digital-first retail future   5
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6    The Future of Retail Space

     The digital-first
     What it is, and why leading
     retailers are thinking this way.


                                                oes ecosystem sound more              solutions are offered to retailers.          a completely personalised hair product
                                                rainforest than retail to you? An         Most importantly, digital                model à la the US’s Function of Beauty.
                                                ecosystem is just a network of        interactions are radically changing.             Likewise, the US-based online custom
                                                interacting elements that             They no longer need to be flat, silent,      menswear company MTailor uses digital
                                        together create something beyond any          catalogue-style experiences. Through         to offer perfectly tailored clothes to
                                        one part. If you think about it, the store,   geolocation, augmented reality and           customers shopping at home. Using just
                                        the website, the app, the chatbot...          scannable images, chips and codes,           their smartphone they can be measured,
    “The high street isn’t              they’re all components of the much            new types of immersive shopping              customise their clothing and have it
                                        larger idea of retail.                        experiences can be created. And with         sent to them. From an ecosystem
     dead – it’s just
                                            The very best brands think of their       connected objects and trackable apps,        perspective that data could be used to
     different. Retail isn’t            retail channels in this way, with each        brands can understand and serve              enhance a complementary in-store
     dead – it just needs               channel playing to their strengths and        customers better than ever before.           experience of click-and-collect, fabric
     to be different.                   working together. Retail is now about so          The great thing is that an               choosing and repairs.
     It needs to adapt                  much more than the store – it’s about         ecosystem approach can naturally
     to the changing                    seeing the store as one of many               build relationships with customers.
     world around it.                   different channels. These channels all        Take L’Oreal’s smart hairbrush, for
     I don’t think retail               interconnect with and feed one another        example. It connects to a partner app
                                        as different touchpoints in the shopping      to analyse your hair type and condition.
     can be just looked                 journey.                                      It then uses this information to
     at as retail now,                      There’s no getting away from the          recommend the best
     it’s actually a                    fact that this ecosystem is digitally-led.    products in its range for         Digital-first interactions
     combination                        Some of the world’s most forward-             your specific needs.              don’t have to rival the
     of so many                         thinking retailers are now seeing 50% of          Naturally, L’Oreal
     different things.”                 their sales come through digital. This is     can also harvest this             physical space. Instead, they
                                        only going to increase.                       information about users’          can redefine and reimagine
    Tor Burrows Director of
                                            It will increase as customers become      hair to direct its product        physical retail, opening up
    Placemaking, Grosvenor, UK          more confident buying online and as           development. In the
                                        more tried-and-tested ecommerce               future it could even offer        incredible new opportunities.
     Niketown London

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8   The Future of Retail Space

                                                                                                                What does your brand’s
                                                                                                                digital-first ecosystem
                                                                   Nike House of Innovation New York
                                                                                                                look like?
    “The high street                                               These new channels let brands engage
     shouldn't be afraid                                           customers in space whilst thinking           An informal
                                                                   beyond the store. Nike has shown the
     of online. We really                                          world how spaces such as a park,
                                                                                                                workshop task.
     need to push the                                              restaurant or gig venue can become a
     digital high street                                           store. It has utilised geolocation and       Now retailing is       • Invite your team to come together over lunch,
     forward to attract a                                          augmented reality technology in its          changing so            		 pizza and/or beer. Provide them with flipchart
     younger shopper                                               apps to turn new product drops into          fundamentally, we      		 paper and fat markers.
     profile, and that has                                         real-life treasure hunts, and to launch      often suggest the
     to be a key element                                           product at concerts.                         following process to   •		 Dream up your digital-first ecosystem.
                                                                       New technologies mean that               our clients:             - How would you sell and communicate with
     of any strategy for
                                                                   touchpoints such as billboards can now                              		 customers if money was no object?
     any town centre                                               become interactive and shoppable,                                     - How would you get to know them better and
     now.”                                                         helping customers discover new                                      		 sell in more intuitive ways, through apps,
                                                                   products and offer a level of                                       		 connected objects, geolocation, connected
    Dr. Steve Norris Head of                                       convenience to rival the store.                                     		 billboards and more?
    Regeneration, Lambert Smith
                                                                       Solutions like Israeli tech-company                               - How can these touchpoints learn about
                                                                   Syte’s AI-powered image recognition                                 		 customers’ body shapes and preferences,
                                                                   tech means that all of the images we                                		 tailor products to them and let them sample
                                                                   see – in print, online and on social                                		things virtually?
                                                                   media – can now be shoppable. In the
                                                                   future, this could extend to any visual                             •    Sit back and look at what you’ve devised.
    Syte AI-powered image recognition app
                                                                   content anywhere with everything from                               		   Consider what your new ecosystem CAN’T do.
                                            Image: courtesy Syte

                                                                   adverts to films and TV shows becoming                              		   What customer needs and desires can’t be
                                                                   easily shoppable                                                    		   fulfilled by these touchpoints?
                                                                       As we all know, the store isn’t dying.
                                                                   But brands would be wise to explore                                 •		 Brainstorm and sketch out physical space to
                                                                   what they can do with digital                                       		 address these remaining customers needs and
                                                                   interactions and experiences first.                                 		desires.
                                                                   They can then use this to rethink what
                                                                   physical retailing means. This may well                             • Reflect on how your thinking has changed
                                                                   involve the store, but it may also                                  		 during this exercise and what you might like
                                                                   involve a myriad of other physical                                  		 to do differently going forward.

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10                                 The Future of Retail Space

                                         What’s the store’s role
                                         in a digital-first                                                                    important as all the other elements that
Image: courtesy Checkland Kindleysides

                                                                                                                               make up the experience."
                                         ecosystem?                                                                                 When asked if the role of the store
                                                                                                                               has changed much, Raj Wilkinson,
                                                                                                                               Creative Director of JHP Design, noted:
                                                                                                                               “It hasn't really. Before, you had a space
                                         “We all have                                                                          that was well designed and created an
                                          different tastes,                                                                    environment that was engaging and

                                          styles and body                                                                      enticing and attractive to consumers.
                                          types. You cannot                             o, as digital-first retail becomes     That hasn't changed. It's just the means
                                                                                        more intuitive and compelling,         by which you do it that has changed.”
                                          make something to                                                                         Paul West, Strategy Director at UK
                                                                                        how can physical stores and
                                          fit the entire mass                           spaces support this ecosystem in       experience agency Dalziel & Pow,
                                          market. Consumers                     the most effective way?                        points out that as brands change,
                                          are now more than                         The Boston Consulting Group found          spaces need to, too: “How has the
                                          ever looking for the                  that the brands that engage customers          purpose of the brand changed? The role
                                          experience. They                      emotionally are able to both charge            of the store should be a reflection of that
                                          want to feel special,                 customers more, and sell more. By              shift in purpose. I think the store can be the
                                          be doted on and                       engaging all five senses, and bringing         most fundamental part of an ecosystem,
                                                                                the brand to life through staff and            but it can also be a complementary part
                                          entertained or go to                  service, physical spaces will always be        depending on the business model and the
                                          a new unique place                    king of the emotional connection.              purpose of the brand. There will be
                                          and have fun.”                            Way back in 2001, Apple rewrote            different ways of treating these channels
                                                                                the rules of retailing by creating a new       to play to their strengths.”
                                         Jessica Sarkissian Principal Planner   retail format that drew its inspiration             Jeff Kindleysides, Co-founder of
                                         The Planning Center, US                                                               UK-based design consultancy
                                                                                from a library. It invited customers in to
                                                                                spend time, experience and play. By            Checkland Kindleysides agrees:
                                                                                putting selling second, it created a           “There’s no one approach – but one thing
                                                                                space with one of the world’s highest          is for sure it now must be about more
                                                                                sales per square foot.                         than a straight forward transaction.”
                                                                                    As Steve Collis, Strategic Director             Going to a store to stock up on
                                                                                of UK-based retail design agency JHP           essentials is now less of a necessity.
                                                                                                                                                                                    From top: Alexander McQueen London; 10 Corso
                                                                                Design, says: "If someone asks what makes      But shopping as a form of social                     Como New York; Starbucks Reserve New York
                                                                                an Apple store an Apple store, it’s the fact   interaction, of entertainment, as a way
                                                                                that you can touch and play with every         of discovering something new, is very
                                                                                product and the fact that you can pay any      much thriving. It’s one of the reasons
                                                                                way without having any cash desks. That        experience has become the go-to
                                         Adidas Originals London                is a business shift. Those two things are as   buzzword for the retail industry.

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12   The Future of Retail Space

                                                   “Those very functional transactional
                                                   journeys are the things that are reducing,
                                                   but people will absolutely keep going for
                                                   emotional reasons,” agrees Kathryn
                                                   Malloch, Head of Customer Experience
                                                   at UK property developer and operator

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Images: courtesy Gentle Monster
                                                       Chris Dewar-Dixon, Co-founder of
                                                   UK graphic and interior design agency                                         Gentle Monster stores in
                                                   Studio Four IV, thought similar.                                              various cities
     Gucci SoHo New York                           “The experience of a store is absolutely
                                                   paramount. People are fighting for           The brand understands
                                                   individuality and to really own the          that Gentle Monster’s
                                                   experience across every single touchpoint    physical spaces aren’t
     “ The way the                                 – from customer service to how you pay.”     about fulfilling orders
       consumer makes a                                Jeff Kindleysides goes further,          – they’re about bringing
       decision on where                           inviting us to think about the store         its brand to life. The
       to buy something                            differently:                                 spaces create the desire
       is they intuitively                                                                      to purchase in the first place.
                                          "It’s thinking about    Gentle Monster is a               This is very much something that
       think about time,                                                                        Ted Galperin, Senior Interior Designer
       touch and money.                       what ‘fulfilment’   leader in using its stores
                                                                  to create a brand             of design and branding studio Partners
       ‘How quickly do I                      means – people
                                                                  experience. The spaces        & Spade in New York, is exploring when
       need it? ‘Do I need              go to the store to be     from this South Korean        it comes to the future of retail space.
       to touch it and                  fulfilled in some way     eyewear brand have more       		 “I really enjoy pushing clients and
       experience it?’                   or another; it might     in common with art            brands to find the minimal number of
       ‘How much am I                  be to take something       galleries than they do        objects needed to define a 'store'. There
                                                                  stores.                       really is an opportunity where retail is not
       willing to spend?’                    away with them,         Although sales per         just the act of buying, but a way of
       I look at every                   or just to touch and     square foot seem to be        creating a memory,” he notes. “For me,
       individual shopping                 try something on."     the last thing on Gentle      that’s the ideal place that retail is going. I
       centre or retailer                                         Monster’s mind, it is         liken it to running a marathon and
       and then I’ll try to                                       continuing to open new        someone handing me a water. It's part of
       put myself in the                                          stores – it started in        your journey. It's not a destination. I think
       shoes of their                                             South Korea in 2011,          retail can do the most good when it
       target consumer                                            opened stores                 focuses on adding value, rather than trying
                                                                  throughout Asia, opened       to be the whole purpose.”
       and answer those                                           New York and London
       questions.”                                                branches in 2016 and
                                                                  2018, and there are
     James Cook Americas Director of                              more to come.
     Retail Research, JLL, US

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14   The Future of Retail Space

                                                                                                                                 “ Digital has been
                                                                                                                                   a substantial
                                                                                                                                   disruptor; however,
                                                                                                                                   research shows
                                                                                                                                   that 90% of retail
                                                                                                                                   transactions touch
                                                                                                                                   a store in some way.
                                                                                                                                   For in-store,
                                                                                                                                   experience is
                                                                                Gucci SoHo New York
                                                                                                                                   king and services
                                                                                                                                   necessary, giving
                                    Shoppable apartments are also a twist       Muji’s locations in Shenzhen and Beijing           consumers a
                                    on the experience model. Rather than        in China, work on the basis that living            compelling reason
     RH New York                    just placing clothes on a rail or plates    with the products for a few nights will
                                    on a stand, the shoppable apartment         be inducement enough to buy. There’s
                                                                                                                                   to visit and drawing
     “ Retailers that are           places them in situ in a covetable living   no better way to experience a                      in shoppers who are
       still doing well             environment. The store behaves like a       toothbrush, for example, than using it             in ‘discovery’ mode.”
       have proactively             walk-in magazine. Rather than visiting      and if you love it why shouldn’t you be
       invested in their            with a specific purpose in mind,            able to buy it?                                  Kyle Monk Head of Insight
                                                                                                                                 New West End Company, UK
       stores in the last           customers visit for inspiration and end         Experience sells because if we enjoy
                                    up buying something they weren’t even       ourselves, if we are entertained, if we
       5-10 years to make
                                    aware they wanted.                          are inspired, then we want to capture
       them engaging,                   It’s made even more compelling by       that feeling. We’re willing to buy into a
                                                                                                                                 Adidas Originals London

       interesting                  the fact that the environment looks like    brand, or product, that makes us feel
       experiences that             the customer’s dream home. Logically,       that way.
       people will want to          customers know that buying a set of
       visit and spend time         plates won’t turn their home into this

                                                                                        Image: courtesy Checkland Kindleysides
       and money in.”               gorgeous Instagrammable paradise, but
                                    that won’t stop them buying.
                                        Meanwhile the shoppable hotel,
     Adam Bunn Associate Director
     Urban Shape, UK                such as Japanese homewares retailer

     Bless Berlin                   Maison Sarah Lavoine Paris

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16                                     The Future of Retail Space

                                                                             Experiences don’t get much bigger than                                                                           Do your spaces
                                                                             Tommy Hilfiger’s Tommyland, which ran                                                                            sell more by
                                                                             in February 2017 in California, US. This                                                                         putting experience
                                                                             multi-day funfair, music festival and
                                                                             catwalk show couldn’t feel less like a         He reiterates the point that a store has                          before sales?
                                                                             store if it tried and yet all of the catwalk   to be fully connected to the brand and
                                                                             designs were instantly shoppable via a         its experience across all touchpoints:                            The retail industry is
                                                                             smartphone. The event sold a                                                                                     at an interesting point
                                                                             perception of the brand first and its                       "For us, experience isn't                            currently - everyone
                                       Tommy Hilfiger Tommyland California
                                                                             products off the back of that.                              something that is layered into                       is talking about
                                                                                 The pictures and video captured
                                                                                                                                         existing stores; it's everything                     experience, yet few
     Images: courtesy Tommy Hilfiger

                                                                             during visits also form a social currency                                                                        retailers are actually
                                                                             that can be shared with others. The                         a brand does to connect                              doing it well. You can
                                                                             focus is on spending time with the                          with a customer.”                                    ask yourself the
                                                                             brand, which creates the kind of                                                                                 following questions
                                                                             relationship that keeps customers                                                                                to see if your spaces
                                                                             returning.                                                                                                       truly offer a
                                                                                 However, Dalziel & Pow’s Paul West                                                                           compelling, brand-
                                                                             notes that a store experience isn’t just                                                                         building experience:
                                                                             about a big flagship production.
                                                                             “Experience is often seen to be something                                                                        • Would someone
                                                                             that has to all-encompassing, super                                                                                pay to come into
                                                                             engaging, shareable, original, but it can                                                                          your space?
                                                                             also be something that's incredibly simple
                                                                             and convenient as well."                                                                                         • Do customers take
                                                                                                                                                                                                photos in your

                                                                                                                                                                                              • If your family had
                                                                                                                                                                                                the opportunity
                                                                                                                                                                                                to visit your space
                                                                                                                                                                                                or go to the cinema,
                                                                                                                                                                                                what would they

                                                                                                                                                                                              • Which features of
                                                                                                                                                                                                the space make
                                                                                                                                                                                                customers want to
                                                                                                                                                                                                come back again
                                                                                                                                                                                                and again?

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18   The Future of Retail Space

                                                                                                                                             Image: courtesy Checkland Kindleysides
     Good things
     in small packages

                                    B        ig experiences aren’t the only
                                             way to make use of physical
                                             space though. We don’t always
                                             want this slower, wow offering
                                    when we’re shopping. Sometimes we
                                    want to just get the job done. In these
                                    cases we may turn to physical retail as a
                                                                                  thousands of commuters and travellers
                                                                                  who pass through the station.
                                                                                      It’s worth noting that the UK’s
                                                                                  Network Rail reported a 2.3% increase
                                                                                  in train station retail sales over the
                                                                                  2018 festive period. The vast numbers
                                                                                  of people who pass through transport
                                                                                                                                                                                      Joseph Cheaney Coal Drops Yard, London

                                                                                                                                                                                                     “ The smallest space
                                                                                                                                                                                                       with the biggest
                                                                                                                                                                                                       message can
                                    faster option to online, which still has to   hubs make them more consistent in                                                                                    become the
                                    factor in delivery, for convenience or        terms of footfall than the high street
                                    because we need something that’s not          and therefore a great opportunity for                                                                                loudest voice.”
                                    easily catered to online.                     the right retail offering.
                                        Micro spaces are a fantastic way for          American high-end department                                                                                   Jeff Kindleysides Co-founder
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Checkland Kindleysides, UK
                                    retailers to balance having a physical        store retailer Nordstrom
                                    presence with something sustainable           is also experimenting

                                                                                                            Image: courtesy Dalziel & Pow
                                    long-term. Not every town or city needs       with smaller spaces via
                                    a large-scale, experience-heavy format.       Nordstrom Local. Instead
                                    By combining smaller spaces that focus        of stocking inventory,
                                    on services with these rich flagship          these small-scale spaces
                                    experiences retailers can create an           are packed with services
                                    offering that serves customers needs          from on-site repairs and
                                    on a day-by-day basis.                        alterations to click-and-
                                        Some brands are already putting this      collect to personal
                                    into practice. John Lewis is well known       stylists to manicures. It’s
                                    for its large-format department stores,       about creating a single
                                    but the brand has also opened micro           place for customers to
                                    spaces in key locations like London’s         come and have their
                                    St Pancras train station. While the store     needs met locally.
                                    does stock some product lines, it acts
     John Lewis London St Pancras   as a useful click-and-collect point for                                                                                                           Argos is a brand making great use of small spaces.

                                                                                                                                            The role of physical space in the digital-first retail future                                  19

20   The Future of Retail Space

                                   In Thailand, fashion retailer Pomelo Pin
                                   is using small spaces for pick-up and
                                   discovery. A curated range of products
                                   are held in-store which customers can
                                   try on and then order digitally for
                                                                               your micro-retail
                                   collection or delivery. Customers can
                                   also shop online and collect from
                                   Pomelo Pin. The space acts as an easy
                                   physical returns point as well.
                                        Swedish furniture and homeware
                                   giant IKEA is another brand that has
                                   downsized its large-scale out-of-town

                                   stores in order to reach city dwelling      We believe that            •    Which locations might be best for your
                                   audiences. Starting with London, the        micro-stores are the       		   micro-retail spaces? Consider areas that are
                                   Planning Studio model lets customers        future. You can start to   		   currently not served by your stores, transport
                                   design their perfect IKEA spaces and        dream up your brand’s      		   hubs and other places that your target
                                   shop products for delivery to their home.   micro-stores by            		   customers spend time, such as football
                                        The company is already planning to     discussing the following   		   stadiums, gyms, creches etc.
                                   expand the model to New York this           with your team:
                                   year. IKEA is taking a localised approach                              •		 How might different spaces be tailored to
                                   to each Studio to ensure the offering                                  		 different local audiences?
                                   fits in with local demand. It’s a smart
                                   concept that sees IKEA breaking away                                   • What kind of technologies would help you do
                                   from selling £4 chopping boards bought                                 		 more from a smaller space?
                                   on impulse to engaging high-income
                                   but time-poor customers on big ticket                                  •		 What services might you offer or sell to
                                   purchases.                                                             		 customers, in or from the space?
                                        If IKEA can break away from an
                                   approach to retail that has worked for it                              • How would your micro-spaces and larger,
                                   for decades then you might be able to                                  		 traditional spaces interact? What would be
                                   do the same.                                                           		 the role of each?
                                        As our lives get busier and our time
                                   seems more squeezed, we’re looking for                                 •    Has your brand invested enough in digital
                                   ever more convenience. Brands that fit                                 		   and logistics to support a network of micro-
                                   in with us, rather than expecting us to                                		   stores? If not, what are the most important
                                   fit in with them, will have the edge.                                  		   investments and changes to make?

     IKEA Planning Studio London

                                                                                                                        The role of physical space in the digital-first retail future   21
22   The Future of Retail Space

                                              physical retail

                                                                                                                                                                             Images: courtesy Nike
                                                                                                                                               The better you know
                                                                                                                                               your target customer,
                                                                                                                                               and the customers
                                                                                                                                               around you, the better
                                                                                                                                               your physical stores can
                                                                                                                                               cater to them. Brands’
                                                                                                                                               insatiable thirst for data
                                                                                                                                               is another reason why
                                                                                                                                               they are investing in

                                                                                                                                               digital-first ecosystems.
                                                                                                       lthough data-driven retail              Customers who interact
                                                                                                       certainly isn’t new, its potential is   and buy via digital
                                                                                                       increasing all the time. When data      provide more data,
                                                                                                       equals insight, and insight             possibly at lower prices
                                                                                              minimises risk, every retailer should be         than paying an external
                                                                                              embracing data. Leading retailers are            agency.
                                                                                              now using data, not just to decide where              Nike’s investment in
                                                                                              to sell, but what to sell. This comes from       ecommerce and apps
                                                                                              knowing what’s going on outside the              have given it huge
                                                                                              store – who lives in a certain area, how         amounts of data to mine
                                                                                              they move around, how much money                 for Nike by Melrose –
                                                                                              they have to spend, what they do                 its new, optimised store
                                                                                              socially and more.                               concept in Los Angeles.
                                                                                                                                               It’s called that because
                                                                   “The first step is to use data to truly understand                          the company considers          Nike by Melrose
                                                                     what's the best experience that you can build                             the space to have been         Los Angeles
                                                                                                                                               ‘shaped’ by the local
                                                                           for a specific location. In a sense, data is
                                                                                                                                               NikePlus members. Nike used insights
                                                                          actually defining the format and the type                            into their behaviour to not only choose
                                                                       of physical spaces that brands are building,”                           where to locate the store, but also what
                                                                                                                                               products and services to provide.
                                                                                              says Rafa Pulido, Senior VP of                        That product range changes
                                                                                                                                               regularly based on localised buying data
Image: courtesy Checkland Kindleysides

                                                                                              Product & Growth at Spanish location
                                                                                              intelligence company Geoblink.                   – particularly that which comes via its
                                                                                              "That’s a big shift because it's not just        app. Suddenly, it’s no surprise that Nike
                                                                                              expanding for the sake of expanding. It's        is putting its app at the heart of a lot of
                                                                                              more about understanding the location            its new store developments including
                                                                                              and the customer."                               the Houses of Innovation in Shanghai
                                              AE Studio New York                                                                               and New York.

                                                                                                                                                                                                     The role of physical space in the digital-first retail future   23
24   The Future of Retail Space

                                                                              Image: courtesy Partners & Spade
                                  In a similar approach, Chinese
                                  ecommerce giant Alibaba's Home
                                  Times furniture stores use information
                                  about the best selling products within
                                  five miles of the store to decide what
                                  to stock. It’s a smart way of using
                                  limited in-store space by ensuring that
                                  the people who are most likely to go
                                  into the store can find what they want.
                                  The whole product range is available
                                  to order in-store for fast delivery
                                  should they need anything else.                                                                                   Data provides a real opportunity to
                                       Meanwhile Amazon has used data                                                                               look at each store on a case-by-case
                                  from across its entire ecommerce                                                                                  basis and how it can be tweaked to
                                  empire to determine the stock for its                                                                             maximise value to customers.
                                  series of Amazon 4-Star stores in the                                                                             		 “It’s not only about the location, the
                                  US. As the name suggests, the stores                                                                              consumers, their behaviour and what's
                                  only stock products that have been                                                                                happening around the area. It's also
                                  rated four stars or higher, are a top                                                                             taking into account how big the store is,
                                  seller or trending on Amazon’s website.                                                                           what’s the set-up of the space, what are
                                  The space aims to offer customers an                                                                              the products, what are the marketing
                                  opportunity to discover new products,                                                                             campaigns etc,” notes Geoblink’s Rafa
                                  while having the confidence that                                                                                  Pulido.
                                  they’ll be of a certain level of quality.                                                                         		 “By taking those business insights
                                  It’s an interesting use of review data                                                                            and the location insights and crossing
                                  that may well be employed by others                                                                               them, you are in a much better position
     Amazon 4-Star New York       in different models.                                                                                              to tell what the drivers of your success
                                       Locating and stocking stores using                                                                           are. Then you can make decisions on
                                  data is particularly important for                                                                                how to optimise that.”
                                  retailers who will mix a network of
                                  smaller stores with a few big flagships.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Warby Parker Century City, Los Angeles
                                  Endless aisle technologies and mobile
                                                                                                                 Image: courtesy Partners & Spade
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Another brand using data to help make
                                  web mean that once someone is in a                                                                                                                                                       decisions when opening new stores.
                                  store you can fulfil most of their needs,
                                  even if the product physically isn’t
                                  stocked. Getting them through the door
                                  is the first piece of the puzzle and a
                                  localised approach is a good way of
                                  doing that.

                                                                                                                                                                               Warby Parker Seattle

                                                                                                                                                                                                      The role of physical space in the digital-first retail future   25
26   The Future of Retail Space

     But what if I have
     a 20 year lease?                                                                 The idea of placemaking is likely to
                                                                                      only become more important in the
                                                                                      future as Jeff Kindleysides of Checkland
                                                                                      Kindleysides notes: “Retail is the last
     “ Before you can                                                                 bastion of some form of community.
       design something,                                                              There’s collectively a bigger thing to be
       you need to think                                                              thought about there in terms of shops as
       about its intended                                                             places in our lives.”

                                                                                          Pop-ups or in-store concessions can
       purposes and how it                       s the world speeds up, it gets       be a great way to inject new life into a
       can be used if things                     harder and harder to find any        space while also sharing some of the
       change. We need to                        retailer to disagree with Tina       risk. Getting the right new brand in can
       create designs that                       Qiu’s statement (left). But          be a big attractor. You can also benefit
       adapt to a faster,                knowing what to do is one thing.             from seeing how customers respond to
                                         Making a success of yesterday’s              them which may then guide your
       more agile and                    decisions is quite another. Some             thinking on new products and services
       efficient lifestyle.”             traditional retailers have a large network   in the future.
                                         of stores and a series of multi-decade           While UK department store chain
     Tina Qiu Senior Associate Partner   leases left to run.                          House of Fraser may not be flying high
     PLP Architecture, UK                    If you’re one of these retailers,        right now, the company did have some
                                         knowledge is power. Before you do            good ideas like working with Popertee
                                                                                                                                                                            Louis Vuitton New York
                                         anything, you need to be aware of what       to select great pop-ups through AI and
                                         you physically can and cannot do under       location intelligence. In House of

                                                                                                                                   Image: courtesy Checkland Kindleysides
                                         the terms of your lease. That way,           Fraser’s case it was perhaps too little,
                                         you’re having practical discussions rather   too late, but its loss could be your gain.
                                         than blue sky conversations.
                                             Think of your space not as a store
                                         but as a place. What can you do to
                                         make it somewhere people would like
                                         to come and spend time? Could you
                                         add in a food and beverage element?
                                         Could you run classes where customers
                                         can get hands-on and make things
                                         themselves? It could be as simple as
                                         putting a few nice seating areas around
                                         the store where customers can stop
                                         and relax.
                                                                                                                                                                            American Eagle Las Vegas

                                                                                                                                               The role of physical space in the digital-first retail future   27
28   The Future of Retail Space

                                                                             If you’re really struggling, you could also
                                                                             consider whether parts of your store
                                                                             could be used to better serve the
                                                                             ecommerce side of your business.
                                                                             Partners & Spade’s Ted Galperin
                                                                                            "A lot of our clients are looking at ‘dark stores’ –
                                                                                            mini non-customer facing distribution centres
                                                                                            that allow for an incredible amount of
                                                                                            inventory to be nearby so they can replenish
                                                                                            the store if they need to but are also able to
                                                                                            take on more interesting retail."

                                                                                 Other retailers have found
                                                                             opportunity in giving over some of
                                                                             their space to other methods of driving
                                                                             footfall such as gyms and flexible
                                  Last year US department store chain        working spaces. A bar might suit your
                                  Macy’s launched a pop-up marketplace       customers or an in-store hairdresser or
                                  concept called The Market @ Macy’s in      fitness class.
                                  a number of its locations. Brands are          Could you offer some added value
                                  given a pod of space on the retailer’s     services like personal shopping,
                                  ground floor in exchange for a fee, with   jewellery cleaning, dry cleaning,
                                  Macy’s staff running the spaces and        product demonstrations? Aftercare
                                  selling product.                           often provides a lot of opportunity.
                                      Interestingly Macy’s also partnered        For example trainer fans are so           10 Corso Como New York
                                  with Facebook over the Christmas           passionate about their purchases and
                                  period to bring 100 digitally-native       looking after them that a number of
                                  brands to The Market. The featured         companies have opened up spaces for
                                  brands were all successful sellers via     cleaning, refreshing and protecting their
                                  Facebook and Instagram. Partnerships       beloved shoes. But this could easily be
                                  like this could be one way that you        part of the shoe brands’ own in-store
                                  could benefit from the masses of data      offering. Consider the success of
                                  generated online as well.                  Apple’s tech support Genius bar and
                                                                             training model in giving existing
                                                                             customers a reason to return.

     The Market @ Macy's US                                                                                                Gucci SoHo New York

                                                                                                                           The role of physical space in the digital-first retail future   29
30   The Future of Retail Space

     What does
     the shopping centre
     of the future
     look like?


                                          o put it in its simplest terms,
                                          the shopping centre of the future
                                          is a space that people will visit.
                                          “Why would someone come
                                  here?” This is the question kicking off
                                  strategy sessions for town centres,
                                  shopping centres and landlords. People
                                                                                There are a few ways of doing this:

                                                                                Westfield’s OneMarket concept is one
                                                                                example of this. Having begun life within
                                                                                                                               Hammerson’s Kathryn Malloch also
                                                                                                                               believes that innovation doesn’t require
                                  spend money in places they spend time in.     Westfield, last year it was spun out as        huge time and money investments.
                                  		 “It’s almost a case of reverse             its own business which aims to create a        She advises an iterative test-and-learn
                                  engineering it,” says Alfred Bartlett         collaborative network around data and          approach. “I think there's a lot of fear that
                                  partner at UK property and planning           tech.                                          you can only take a finished product to
                                  consultancy Rapleys. “It’s about asking           As a result, OneMarket has                 your customer."
                                  “what is the goal for this centre?”, “what    developed a number of products                 		 "Actually they love to test new
                                  type of customers do you want to attract?”,   including engagement platform Hadley           technology, they like to give you opinions
                                  “what type of brands do you want to see       and co-marketing platform Shopper              and they like to be involved and I think
                                  here?” and then building a case that          Exchange.                                      too many companies are scared about
                                  informs the design, layout and mix of             The traditional process involves           that and not getting the benefit of that
                                  operators in the scheme.”                     retailers spending large amounts of time       test-and-learn approach.”
                                      JHP Design’s Steve Collis agrees.         and money trying and testing different
                                  “We have a lot of friends in the              tech, before finding out that different
                                  architectural world who build shopping        systems don’t play nicely in a live store
                                  centres from scratch who have never really    setting. By contrast, Westfield has done
                                  understood what makes a customer go           all of this hard work once, letting it offer
                                  into a store and pick a product up. We        clients options that actually work.
                                  start with what people put in the bag.
                                  Once you understand that it's easy to
                                  design the store and the building to put
                                  the stores in.”
     Zeilgalerie Frankfurt

                                                                                                                               The role of physical space in the digital-first retail future   31
32   The Future of Retail Space

                                                                                            More to discover
                                                                                            The soon-to-open new 720,000 sq ft          It’s an approach that Sean Prigmore,
                                                                                            mall at the Hudson Yards development        National Head of Retail at UK-based
                                                                                            in Manhattan is taking an interesting       commercial property consultancy
                                                                                            approach to up-and-coming online            Lambert Smith Hampton, sees
                                                                                            brands by dedicating a floor to them.       opportunity in. “One of the trends we
                                                                                            The spaces are bigger and the leases        may see going forward is if landlords are
                                                                                            are longer than the standard pop-up-        going to let shops or shopping centres they
                                                                                            in-a-shopping-centre offering. Others       almost have to give a turnkey option for
     Fünf Höfe         More efficient interactions                                          are also looking to these ecommerce         those start-up businesses.”
     Munich                                                                                 companies to bring something new to              Fourpost is a store-within-a-store
                       Alibaba Group’s first brick-and-mortar                               their spaces.                               concept at Minneapolis’ Mall of America
                       shopping centre, the five-storey More                                    The 13,000 sq ft Neighborhood           - the US’s largest mall at nearly 5 million
                       Mall in Hangzhou, China, is uniquely                                 Goods in Texas is more of a                 sq ft and owned by MOAC Mall
                       built around the company’s business                                  department store than a shopping            Holdings LLC. Brands rent space within
                       ecosystem. The stores have unmanned                                  centre, but its model could easily be       the unit on a monthly basis with the mix
                       checkouts that use its Alipay payment                                scaled into a larger space. Created by      of brands on offer carefully curated to
                       service and offer deliveries using                                   entrepreneur Matt Alexander, the            create a place to go and discover. Plus,
                       Alibaba’s logistics network. It’s the sort                           company uses its physical space to          the space hosts regular events. The
                       of neat, one-stop-shop service that few                              host an ever-changing series of brands      concept is also coming to the 5.3 million
                       companies can natively offer, but                                    and experiences in order to drive visits.   sq ft West Edmonton Mall in Canada
                       perhaps the shopping centres of the                                      Each featured brand is able to          this year.
                       future will leverage a similar centralised                           curate the experience of their pop-up,      		 Whether it’s a shopping centre or a
                       system for certain tasks like payments.                              but Neighborhood Goods handles all          town centre, having the right mix is
                           For any sort of shopping centre,                                 the staffing, fit-out and tech. There’s     essential. Sometimes brilliant insights
                       offering value-added services is also                                also a communal space for events and        around that can come from retailers
                       vital. Done right, these can be a                                    installations, plus a bar and restaurant.   themselves, via things like contingent
                       win-win for both operator and customer                               Neighborhood Goods also has an              lettings, as Rapley’s Alfred Bartlett
                       as UK planning consultancy Urban                                     interesting app component that lets         explains: “We ask a retailer ‘who do you
                       Shape’s Director Caroline Marginson                                  you learn about the brands, message         want to sit by?’ ‘Who acts as a generator
                       notes: “When you have a managed indoor                               staff, get products brought to you          for your offer?’ We then use this to build
                       shopping centre you could use one of the                             and, of course, buy.                        the mix and offer lettings dependent on
                       vacant units for click-and-collect where                                                                         securing other complementary brands."
                       customers can buy online, get it delivered
                       to that unit, try it on and either take it
                       home or return it."                          Zeilgalerie Frankfurt

                                                                                                                                        The role of physical space in the digital-first retail future   33
34   The Future of Retail Space

     Laser-like focus
     There’s also something to be said about
     shopping centres that serve a niche.
     The 450,000 sq ft open-air Bal Harbour
     Shops in Miami is one of the most
     successful shopping centres out there.
     Still family-owned by the Whitman
     family, Bal Harbour targets the luxury
     end of the market and is one of the                                                       More experience and leisure
     most productive shopping centres in
     the world.                                    entertainment offering. The Sport Society   If experience, leisure and discovery lie
          It not only has a 340,000 sq ft multi-   will have three floors covering an area     at the heart of physical space, it makes
     million expansion underway, but also a        equivalent to 12 football pitches and       complete sense that they also lie at the
     waiting list of brands who want to get        host various sports events and activities   heart of the shopping centre’s future.
     inside it. Bal Harbour is successful          within the space.                               The proposed Miami supermall from
     because it’s focused on serving a                 Creating a place that caters to a       Triple Five, American Dream Miami, is
     certain type of customer. In this case it’s   specific interest or way of life may be a   taking its leisure offer to the extreme
     the deep pocketed, but there are a            way for shopping centres to secure          with an amusement park, water park
     myriad of other niches that could be          their future.                               and indoor ski slope among the
     catered to.                                                                               entertainment offering. Early plans
          The 286,000 sq ft Life Time Center                                                   allowed for 1.5 million sq ft for              Posnania Poznań
     in Boston, owned by The Bulfinch                                                          entertainment and 3.5 million sq ft for
     Companies, Inc., has pivoted to become                                                    retail. However, those positions have
     a successful health, wellness and                                                         now been reversed to give more room
     fitness-focused centre. An upcoming                                                       to entertainment. These sorts of
     new shopping centre in Dubai from Viva                                                    developments mean that we may
     City is going to be dedicated solely to                                                   choose to spend a day at a shopping
     sports, both in terms of the retail and                                                   centre over a theme park in the future.
                                                                                                   It also shows that retail alone isn’t
                                                                                               always considered enough to get
                                                                                               people to make a trip to the shopping
                                                                                               centre any more. Gyms, co-working
                                                                                               spaces, offices, hotels, dining, residential
                                                                                               and health and beauty services are all
                                                                                               among the new shopping centre mix.
                                                                                                                                              The Bowl at Selfridges London

     Zeilgalerie Frankfurt

                                                                                                                                              The role of physical space in the digital-first retail future   35
36   The Future of Retail Space

                                      What should
                                      you do?
Image: courtesy Gentle Monster

                                                                                                                      be original, they have to be informative
                                                                                                                      and fulfilling, they have to be connected to
                                                                                                                      the ecosystem of the full brand offer,” Paul
                                                                                                                           An exciting new future also opens
                                                                                                                      up, as immersive digital interactions
                                                                                                                      change the location for physical retail.
                                                                                                                      Shopping can exist inside AND outside

                                                                                                                      the four walls of the store, spreading
                                                                             hysical retail isn’t dead!’ cries just   anywhere and everywhere into the
                                                                             about every speaker at pretty            world around us. Stores may be dotted
                                                                             much every retail conference.            around the world, but space is
                                                                             And the whole room sighs with            everywhere – in shops, pop-ups, the
                                                                    relief. The statement may be true, but            atrium of shopping centres, bus stops,
                                                                    the reaction deeply concerns us.                  parks, transport hubs, forests, mountain
                                                                         Physical retail ISN’T going away.            ranges… With this, everything can
                                                                    But physical retail is going to look              become a shop, and shopping can be
                                                                    radically different, very soon. We worry          much more intuitively integrated into
                                                                    that retailers take too much comfort in           our lives.
                                                                    the fact that physical retail isn’t going              JHP Design’s Steve Collis puts it
                                                                    away, and overlook the change they                brilliantly:
                                                                    need to undergo to survive and thrive.
                                                                         The key may lie in ceasing to think
                                                                                                                                     “Be prepared for everything to break down
                                                                    about the STORE, and starting to focus                           a bit. Expect the definition of the difference
                                                                    on SPACE instead.                                                between the place that you go to buy and
                                                                         The term ‘space’ encompasses two                            where you utilise what you have bought to
                                                                    key changes – function and location.
                                                                         Dalziel & Pow’s Paul West observes                          dissolve and all worlds to become one.
                                                                    that the space will do a lot more than                           There's going to be a great breaking down
                                                                    selling. “The space of the future will have                      of barriers because that's how we live
                                                                    a range of jobs to do – from instant
                                                                    fulfilment and convenience to full                               our lives."
                                                                    experience, education and community.”
                                                                         And, of course, these physical
                                                                    spaces and experiences will connect
                                                                    with the brand’s offerings in other
                                                                    channels. “What will tie them all together
                                      Gentle Monster Los Angeles    is that they have to be smart, they have to

                                                                                                                                                                     The role of physical space in the digital-first retail future   37

38   The Future of Retail Space

                                                In conclusion

                                                Having interviewed         •		 Run the exercise on digital-first (page 9).
                                                all our experts and        		 What kind of physical store ecosystem
                                                considered numerous        		emerges?
                                                world-leading examples,
                                                here are some questions    •		 What kind of changes and investment do you
                                                you could explore with     		 need to make to support this ecosystem?
                                                your team to stay ahead:   		 What are the top priorities?

                                                                           •		 What services and leisure experiences could
                                                                           		 you offer from your spaces to break down the
     As these barriers break down, it may                                  		 boundaries between selling and experience?
     get a little messy. The way forward may
     not always be crystal clear. But we now                               •		   What can you do to make your physical
     know where to start, and action always                                		    spaces rival other leisure experiences to keep
     brings insight.                                                       		    customers coming back?
         Any which way, our retail spaces,                                   -   It may help to imagine that your space wasn’t
     and our retail experiences, are about to                              		    allowed to sell a single product. How would
     become much more rewarding and                                        		    you bring your brand to life and keep
     exciting.                                                             		    customers coming back?
     		                                                                      -   How would you link the physical experience
         Enjoy the mess and the adventure.                                 		    with digital to encourage online buying?

                                                                           •		 What can you do to ensure every part of your
                                                                           		 space is as profitable as possible? Who might
                                                                           		you partner with?

                                                                           •		 How can you start to embrace the retail
                                                                           		 space that exists beyond the four walls of
                                                                           		your stores?
                                                                             - What is the smallest, lowest-risk experiment
     Citadium Paris
                                                                           		 you could run?

                                                                                          The role of physical space in the digital-first retail future   39
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