The Future of the Gaia Universe - Anthony G.A. Brown Leiden Observatory, Leiden University - Zenodo

Page created by Dan Oliver
The Future of the Gaia Universe - Anthony G.A. Brown Leiden Observatory, Leiden University - Zenodo
The Future of the Gaia Universe
             Anthony G.A. Brown
       Leiden Observatory, Leiden University

The Future of the Gaia Universe - Anthony G.A. Brown Leiden Observatory, Leiden University - Zenodo
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The Future of the Gaia Universe - Anthony G.A. Brown Leiden Observatory, Leiden University - Zenodo
Gaia instruments and measurements

                                    ESLAB #53 - 2019.04.12 - 3/12
The Future of the Gaia Universe - Anthony G.A. Brown Leiden Observatory, Leiden University - Zenodo
Gaia EDR3/DR3 schedule

 l Gaia EDR3 in third quarter of 2020
 l Gaia DR3 second half 2021
 l Both releases based on same input data and same source list
      I 34 months of input data

(E)DR3 contents on following slides are subject to successful processing and validation.
Source numbers are preliminary estimates!

                                                                                       ESLAB #53 - 2019.04.12 - 4/12
The Future of the Gaia Universe - Anthony G.A. Brown Leiden Observatory, Leiden University - Zenodo
Contents of Gaia EDR3

 Data Product                           No. of sources   Comments
 Astrometry                             ∼ 1.8 billion    including new quality indicators:
                                                         RUWE, source image descriptors
 Integrated G, GBP , GRP photometry     ∼ 1.8 billion    with corresponding passbands
 QSO host and galaxy morphological      ∼ 3 million      based on input list
 Cross-match with external catalogues
 DR2-to-DR3 match table

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The Future of the Gaia Universe - Anthony G.A. Brown Leiden Observatory, Leiden University - Zenodo
New in Gaia EDR3: extended sources

                                                                          Figure credits: DPAC-CU4/C. Ducourant

l ‘Stacking’ of multiple transits across extended source
     I detection of extended components
l   Galaxy morphology, bulge/disk ratio, basic disk parameters
l   QSO host galaxy morphology, ratio QSO to host intensity, offsets between the two
l   Based on input list of ∼ 1.9 million galaxies and ∼ 1.6 million QSOs
l   NOTE: Stacked images are not released
                                                                                           ESLAB #53 - 2019.04.12 - 6/12
The Future of the Gaia Universe - Anthony G.A. Brown Leiden Observatory, Leiden University - Zenodo
Contents of Gaia DR3
 Data Product                          No. of sources          Comments
 Repeat of EDR3 contents
 Source Classification and             & 300 million           based on the BP/RP spectra,
 astrophysical parameters                                      magnitude limit TBD
 Radial velocities                     ∼ 30 million            GRVS . 14
 Mean BP/RP/RVS spectra                TBD subset of sources
 Photometric variability               ∼ 7 million             eclipsing, (MS) pulsating,
 characterization, classification,                             transients, spotted, flaring, evolved
 light curves                                                  pulsators, and quasars
 Solar system objects epoch            ∼ 100 000               including orbit solutions
 Solar system objects mean BP/RP       ∼ 5000
 reflectance spectra
 Catalogue of astrometric,             TBD                     Combined solutions where possible
 spectroscopic, eclipsing non-single
                                                                                           ESLAB #53 - 2019.04.12 - 7/12
The Future of the Gaia Universe - Anthony G.A. Brown Leiden Observatory, Leiden University - Zenodo
New items in Gaia DR3
Astrometric non-single star solution types
 l acceleration, 7 and 9 parameters
 l orbital solutions, 12 parameters
 l stochastic solutions
                                                               Mean BP/RP/RVS spectra
      I single star source model or basic binary star model
        does not fit                                            l For subset of sources only
 l NOTE: no epoch astrometry or epoch radial                    l Tool to handle BP/RP spectra will be
   velocities will be released as part of Gaia DR3                provided

Astrophysical parameters based on BP/RP/RVS spectra            Solar system objects
 u Teff , AG , E(GBP − GRP ), log g, metallicity,               u Orbits
     abundances, distances, radii, masses, activity index       u Reflectance spectra
      I solutions from multiple algorithms will be provided
      I rotational velocity for bright subset of stars (TBC)
 u Extinction map
 u Source classification (star, binary, galaxy, . . . )
                                                                                         ESLAB #53 - 2019.04.12 - 8/12
The Future of the Gaia Universe - Anthony G.A. Brown Leiden Observatory, Leiden University - Zenodo
Gaia DR4
 l Final release for the nominal mission
      I 60 months input data; schedule TBD
 l Foreseen data products
      I Full astrometric, photometric, and radial-velocity
      I All variable-star and non-single-star solutions
      I Source classifications (probabilities) plus multiple
        astrophysical parameters (derived from BP/RP, RVS,
        and astrometry) for stars, unresolved binaries,
        galaxies, and quasars
      I Catalogue of binaries and exo-planets
      I Image reconstruction results
      I All epoch and transit data for all sources, including all
        BP/RP/RVS spectra

Overall gain in precision for DR3 and DR4: factors 1.2
and 1.7 with respect to DR2
 u proper motions improve by factors 1.9 and 4.5                    Image credits: ESA/Gaia/DPAC, Mowlavi et al.
                                                                                                             ESLAB #53 - 2019.04.12 - 9/12
The Future of the Gaia Universe - Anthony G.A. Brown Leiden Observatory, Leiden University - Zenodo
Gaia extension
l Nominal Gaia mission ends mid-2019 after 5 years of measurements
l Hardware in good shape, only limiting factor is micro-propulsion fuel
     I mission can continue to end-2024 (±0.5 yr)
l Proposal submitted to ESA for 5 year extension
     I approved to end 2020, preliminary approval to end 2022, submit proposal for 2023–2024 in 2020

10 year mission
 u Parallaxes, photometry, radial
   velocities improve by factor 1.4 with
   respect to DR4
 u Proper motions improve by factor of
   2.8 with respect to DR4
      I Improvement of more complex
        motions (e.g., planets) up to factors
                                                                                   Accuracy of Gaia reference frame
        of 20                                                                      vs. time (F. Mignard)

 u Accurate tangential motions over
   22.6× larger volume
                                                                                                    ESLAB #53 - 2019.04.12 - 10/12
Gaia extension

 l Larger volume reached throughout
   the halo at given proper motion
 l Uncover more streams
 l Probe young and unmixed debris
   located beyond 20–30 kpc
 l Calibration of spectrophotometric
   distance indicators on nearby
   samples ⇒ full gain in tangential
   motion performance

                                       ESLAB #53 - 2019.04.12 - 11/12
Your papers are the best argument for an extended Gaia mission


l Please acknowledge the work by DPAC and ESA in your papers!
    I helps us argue the case for continued funding of the data processing
l Communicate your Gaia results
                                                                              ESLAB #53 - 2019.04.12 - 12/12
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