The HERMES Story Shedding light into the deep sea

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The HERMES Story Shedding light into the deep sea
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                          The HERMES Story                                           H

                                                                  Hotspot Ecosy

                               Shedding light into the deep sea

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The HERMES Story Shedding light into the deep sea
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                                         The HERMES Story
                                           Shedding light into the deep sea
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                                                                                 Hotspot Ecosy


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        United Nations Environment Programme                                    HERMES (Hotspot Ecosystem Research on the Margins of
        P.O. Box 30552, Nairobi 00100, Kenya                                    European Seas) is an interdisciplinary research programme
        Tel: +254 (0) 20 7621234                                                involving 50 leading research organizations and business
        Fax: +254 (0) 20 7623927                                                partners across Europe. Its aim is to understand better the
        Email:                                                 biodiversity, structure, function and dynamics of ecosystems
        Website:                                                   along Europe’s deep-ocean margin, in order that appropriate
                                                                                and sustainable management strategies can be developed
        © UNEP, April 2009                                                      based on scientific knowledge.

        Prepared for                                                            For more information, please visit
        The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in
        collaboration with the HERMES project.                                  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
                                                                                The HERMES project, EC contract no GOCE-CT-2005-
        AUTHORS                                                                 511234, was funded by the European Commission’s Sixth
        Philip Weaver, Caspar Henderson, Stefan Hain                            Framework Programme under the priority ‘Sustainable
                                                                                Development, Global Change and Ecosystems’. Thanks also
        CITATION                                                                to our project partners for supplying images and graphics.
        Weaver, P., Henderson, C. and Hain, S. The HERMES Story,
        UNEP, 2009.                                                             For all correspondence relating to this report please contact

        Front cover: ROV image based on a NOAA Ocean Explorer                   A Banson production
        photo, and (clockwise from top right) JAGO (IFM-GEOMAR);                Design and layout Banson
        NERC-NOCS; MARUM/MPI; JAGO (IFM-GEOMAR); University                     Printed in the UK by The Lavenham Press
        of Aberdeen; JAGO CSIC. Title page: IFREMER/MEDECO.

                                                                                                                                                      UNEP promotes
        The contents of this report do not necessarily reflect the views or
                                                                                                                                             environmentally sound practices,
        policies of UNEP or contributory organizations. The designations
                                                                                                                                          globally and in its own activities. This
        employed and the presentations do not imply the expressions of                                                                     report is printed on FSC paper, using
        any opinion whatsoever on the part of UNEP or contributory                                                                        vegetable-based inks and other eco-
        organizations concerning the legal status of any country, territory,                                                            friendly practices. Our distribution policy
        city or area and its authority, or concerning the delimitation of its                                                           aims to reduce UNEP’s carbon footprint.
        frontiers or boundaries.
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                                                                             The HERMES Story


     PREFACE                                                                               5

     MAN’S DEEPEST ADVENTURE, AN URGENT CHALLENGE                                          7

     GETTING UNDER WAY                                                                     9
     HERMES objectives, goals and aims                                                     9
     HERMES work packages, the work package leaders and their institutions                11
     The HERMES consortium                                                                14
     HERMES science panels and science-policy interfaces                                  16
     HERMES study areas                                                                   20

     WORKING TOGETHER                                                                     21

     WHAT DID WORK... AND WHAT DID NOT                                                    27

     LIMITATIONS AND NEW OR UNANSWERED QUESTIONS                                          31
     Top tips if you want to set up something like HERMES                                 34
     HERMES facts and figures                                                             34

     1 Open slope systems                                                                  8
     2 Cold-water corals and carbonate mound systems                                      10
     3 Cold seep systems                                                                  12
     4 Anoxic microbial systems                                                           18
     5 Canyon systems                                                                     22
     6 HERMES GIS                                                                         24
     7 Ecosystems modelling                                                               26
     8 Sustainable management and policy advice                                           28
     9 Data management                                                                    30
     10 Education and outreach                                                            32

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                                                                                                                 The HERMES Story


               Y NAME IS PHILIP WEAVER. I am Director of the            open a small window for the reader onto these dark and
               Natural Environment Research Council’s Strategic         unknown areas of our planet, and the diverse seascapes,
               Research Division at the National Oceanographic          habitats and organisms found there. It should demonstrate
     Centre in Southampton (NOCS), UK, and coordinator of               the importance of understanding the processes, functions
     the interdisciplinary EU deep-sea research project Hotspot         and services of the deep sea, which are essential for the
     Ecosystem Research on the Margins of European Seas                 marine environment and for life on Earth. It should also
     (HERMES).                                                          inform about the threats and impacts that deep-sea
                                                                        ecosystems are facing as a result of human activities and
     If you have flicked through this publication, you might            climate change, and the need for policies and management
     have noticed that the main text – excluding the boxes – is         measures to address and reduce these. Above all, it should
     written in a narrative, personal style, which is unusual for       inspire people to initiate or engage in future research,
     this kind of report. Let me explain the background and             especially in the 90 per cent of the deep sea for which we
     rationale for presenting it this way. At the 2008 Annual           have as yet no information at all.
     Meeting of HERMES, I discussed with the HERMES partners
     the preparation of the final project report, which we had to       Having agreed on these ambitious objectives, we wondered
     submit to the European Commission (EC), our major funder,          how best to achieve them. Policy and decision makers are
     at the end of the project in March 2009. Taking into account       busy people with very little time and few opportunities to
     the wealth of data and information gathered over the four          concentrate on any one thing. They are bombarded with
     years of HERMES, it was clear that this final report would be      documents, reports and publications – so how could we get
     a substantive, if not voluminous, piece of work. It seemed a       them to read this one, and not just flick through and file it?
     shame for it to be submitted to Brussels just for the benefit of   We decided on an unusual approach: to write the main text
     a few EC officials. Stefan Hain, who represents the United         of the report in the style of an informative, interesting – if not
     Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in HERMES, pro-               entertaining – personal story. The onus of telling The HERMES
     posed that we consider publishing a kind of ‘illustrated           Story fell on me as the coordinator, with help from Caspar
     executive summary’ as a product for wider circulation, not         Henderson, an Oxford-based journalist and writer, and many
     only within Europe but also globally.                              other HERMES colleagues.

     In the subsequent months, we discussed this proposal further.      If you continue reading – and remember The HERMES Story
     We agreed that the product should be suitable for policy and       in your future work – we have achieved our objective.
     decision makers with a view to informing them about the
     main results, discoveries, lessons learned and highlights of
     the research. But not only that: we also wanted to share with
     this target group some of our passion and fascination for the
     deep oceans. Deep-sea researchers are among the few
     fortunate people who have access to the largest, most remote
     and most ‘alien’ environment on Earth, and the report had to                                             Professor Philip Weaver

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        The HERMES Story

                        The dredging and sounding arrangements on board HMS Challenger. NOAA Photo Library

                   RV Polarstern on a HERMES cruise in the Arctic. Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Germany

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                                                                                                            The HERMES Story

                                                               Man’s deepest adventure,
                                                                    an urgent challenge

    H       uman curiosity about the deep sea goes way back.
            Some 2,400 years ago, Aristotle was dissecting crea-
     tures dragged up from the depths of the Aegean. But it was
                                                                     mation to determine whether and what the effects and
                                                                     repercussions will be. In addition, we do not know the
                                                                     impacts and consequences of climate change on the deep-
     really in the 19th century that systematic study began with     sea environment. If current predictions and models come
     expeditions like that of HMS Challenger (1872-1876),            true and major ocean currents are altered, decrease or stop
     which studied deep-sea life in all the world’s oceans. Some     altogether, what does this mean for the deep-sea ecosystems
     of the traditional instruments and sampling devices – such      and species that depend on them? Even without such
     as dredges and nets – have changed little over time and are     dramatic and catastrophic events, we know from obser-
     still in use today. In more precise areas of marine science,    vations of shallow-water communities such as tropical reefs
     enormous progress was achieved only with the develop-           that climate change weakens their resilience and acts in
     ment of new technology, especially in the second half of        synergy with more local anthropogenic impacts, often exa-
     the 20th century. Satellites enabled vessels to navigate with   cerbating the effects. This is a particular concern for fragile
     high accuracy, even in remote parts of the oceans. By com-      and vulnerable deep-sea ecosystems and biodiversity.
     bining Global Positioning System (GPS) navigation with
     detailed bathymetric maps, we can now find submarine            Scientists have found proof that life and processes in the
     features quickly, and can revisit interesting locations for     deep sea are – in general – much more diverse, complex
     repeat measurements. Another huge leap for deep-sea             and fragile than originally thought. Nevertheless, there is
     science was the development of remotely operated vehicles       still a common misconception that the oceans, and the deep
     (ROVs) in the late 1980s, which for the first time allowed      sea in particular, are so vast that disturbances here and there
     scientists to actually see and observe the sea floor in order   do little harm. Only 100 years ago, the Amazon rainforest
     to guide research and sampling strategies.                      was perceived as so large that no human activity could
                                                                     threaten it. Today, we have already lost over 20 per cent of
     Despite all the technological advances, however, over 90        its previous extent. The same can easily happen with deep-
     per cent of the deep sea is still unexplored, and it remains    sea environments and ecosystems, with one important
     the largest and perhaps the strangest environment on Earth.     difference: we cannot see changes in the deep sea directly.
     We are only just beginning to understand the physical           Unless we act now, it may be too late to rectify adverse
     and biological processes that take place there, so increasing   changes by the time we recognize them.
     our knowledge is a matter of real importance and urgency.
     With the depletion of resources such as oil and gas reserves    Continued investment in deep-sea science is absolutely vital
     on land and fish stocks in shallow waters, pressure on          for making informed and solid decisions on how best to
     the deep sea is rising. Technological advances enable           protect, manage and utilize the resources and functions of
     today’s trawlers to fish at depths of 1,500 metres or even      our oceans in a sound and sustainable manner. The work
     more, and permit exploration for oil and gas at 3,000           we have done together in HERMES has made several out-
     metres. Other industrial activities, such as deep-sea mining    standing contributions to scientific knowledge, but not only
     and carbon dioxide sequestration to combat climate              that: HERMES has also helped advance the way in which
     change, are on the horizon. The potential and resources of      science can be used by decision makers and the wider
     the oceans are tremendous, but poorly managed exploration       public for sustainable development. With HERMES, we
     may lead to disaster. At present, many activities are being     seem to have ‘got it right’, and I hope that our results and
     carried out in areas for which we have little or no infor-      experience will provide useful guidance for others.

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        The HERMES Story

                                                                                                           Nordic margin

                                                                                                                     Black Sea
                                                                            Catalan                                  margin

                                                                                         Sicily                     margin
               HERMES open slope study sites on the European margins


            Continental slopes connect shelf areas and the deep sea:        areas along the European margins, using consistent
            all exchanges of matter and energy between these two            protocols. The investigations into the number of
            major marine environments occur across the continental          meiofaunal taxa and nematode species richness –
            slope. Open slopes constitute only 20 per cent of the           nematodes account for 80-90 per cent of total faunal
            world’s oceans, but the biogeochemical and ecological           abundance in deep-sea sediments – show, inter alia, that
            processes that take place there are essential for the           slopes can be considered hotspots of benthic bio-
            functioning of our biosphere. Several goods, including          diversity. Slopes are optimal systems for investigations
            biomass, bioactive molecules, oil and gas, and services         into large-scale and bathymetric distribution patterns,
            such as climate regulation, nutrient regeneration and           which could potentially guide the planning of biodiversity
            food production, provided by deep-sea ecosystems are            conservation in deep-sea areas.
            produced and/or stored along the open slopes of                     Latitude and longitude do not necessarily influence
            continental margins. Global-scale studies indicate that         distribution: it seems that the spatial variability of
            the functioning and efficiency of deep-sea and slope            food sources and quality is a more important driver of
            ecosystems increase exponentially where there is higher         large-scale species distribution and biodiversity along
            biodiversity, which suggests a positive interaction be-         open-slope systems. Biodiversity patterns also depend
            tween deep-sea benthic species. This has important              on specific topographic and ecological features, as well as
            implications: open slopes host a large proportion of            water depth, accentuating the need to investigate further
            the Earth’s as yet undiscovered biodiversity, and a loss        the link between deep-sea biodiversity and geosphere
            of 20-30 per cent of deep-sea biodiversity can result in a      characteristics. Biodiversity turnover, i.e. beta diversity, in
            50-80 per cent reduction in the key processes of deep-          open-slope systems is extremely high, leading to an
            sea ecosystems.                                                 elevated regional (i.e. gamma) diversity. Most samples
                 HERMES provided the opportunity to test several            contained a different set/composition of species. There
            hypotheses and enigmas surrounding deep-sea and                 are indications that this reflects high substrate hetero-
            open-slope biodiversity. For the first time, a large number     geneity and topographic complexity, a postulate that will
            of samples were taken and analysed from various slope           have to be examined further.

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                                                                                                            The HERMES Story

                                                                              Getting under way

     T   o help the reader understand and value what HERMES
         has achieved, I would like to outline where we have
     come from. As recently as two decades ago, deep-sea
                                                                     BENGAL, ENAM and STEAM in the mid-1990s followed
                                                                     by ACES, ANAXIMANDER, CORALMOUND, COSTA,
                                                                     ECOMOUND, EUROSTRATFORM, PROMESS and
     scientific research was mostly carried out by small, national   METROL, amongst others. Such projects brought together
     teams at marine research institutes and universities. Even      leading experts from across Europe, and in doing so helped
     the largest research projects typically involved fewer than     to build trans-European communities of researchers in the
     a dozen experts, mostly representing a narrow range of          respective disciplines. But with the exception of OMEX, few
     expertise. In the 1990s, that started to change. In Europe,     of these projects had a significant interdisciplinary element.
     under earlier Framework Programmes for research, the            In general, the groups involved in one of these projects did
     European Commission (EC) funded a number of inter-              not talk very much to those involved in another.
     national research projects and partnerships to study the
     oceanography, geology, geochemistry and biology of the          Several of us recognized that while we were gaining
     European margins and deep seas. These included OMEX,            knowledge in different, sometimes quite specific fields, the


       HERMES was designed to gain new insights into the             catastrophic events and to global change, and because
       biodiversity, structure, function and dynamics of marine      man’s exploitation of the deep European margin is
       ecosystems along Europe’s deep-ocean margin. It rep-          progressing rapidly.
       resented the first major attempt to investigate and               Some of the societally relevant questions that
       understand deep-water ecosystems and their environ-           HERMES set out to answer were:
       ment in an integrated way by bringing together expert-          • What is the likely effect of global change on an
       ise in biodiversity, geology, sedimentology, microbiology,        ecosystem’s ability to provide ‘goods and services’
       physical oceanography and biogeochemistry. Study sites            and on our attempts to manage them?
       extended from the Arctic to the Black Sea and included          • To what extent do human activities, such as fish-
       open slopes as well as biodiversity hotspots such as cold-        ing or hydrocarbon extraction, interfere with
       water coral reefs and carbonate mounds, cold seeps,               ecosystems?
       canyons and anoxic environments.                                • How vulnerable are ecosystems to man’s intrusions
            In addition to improving knowledge about the                 and how quickly are they able to recover?
       generic relationship between environmental parameters,          • How can we mitigate the negative environmental
       biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, the aim of the            impacts of man’s activities and reach a sustainable
       project was to provide a framework for integrating                balance in accord with the European Union’s
       science, environmental modelling and socio-economic               commitment to sustainable development and
       indicators in ecosystem management. There is great                international treaties?
       pressure to improve understanding of deep-water eco-            • What is the likely effect of global change on an
       systems because of their possible biological fragility,           ecosystem’s ability to provide ‘goods and services’
       global relevance to carbon cycling and/or susceptibility to       and on our attempts to manage them?

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        The HERMES Story

             Left: The coral community at the Tisler Reef, off Sweden. T. Lundalv
             Right: Lophelia pertusa and Madrepora oculata in the Sicily Channel, central Mediterranean. MARUM/University of Bremen


          Cold-water corals thrive in all oceans at depths of                  At the Tisler Reef, located in the Skagerrak at the
          around 200-4,000 metres. They are known to occur off             border between Norway and Sweden, benthic landers –
          the coasts of more than 40 countries, a number which is          metal frameworks equipped with an array of sensors –
          steadily increasing as new discoveries are made. One of          were deployed to study the (tidal) flow of water masses
          the best-known cold-water coral areas is the North-East          over the reef, and whether the corals change the quality,
          Atlantic. Here, the ‘white’ coral species, Lophelia pertusa      quantity and composition of suspended particles and
          and Madrepora oculata, can build complex, three-                 particulate organic matter (the ‘reef effect’). The results
          dimensional structures (‘reefs’; see picture above left),        show a preferential removal of nitrogen, indicating
          which form part of a cold-water coral belt stretching            that cold-water coral reefs have an impact on the bio-
          along the East Atlantic continental margins from                 chemistry of the environment, and are hotspots of
          northern Norway to the southern tip of Africa.                   mineralization activity in the ocean.
              The HERMES studies in the North-East Atlantic bene-              The Mediterranean is known for its wealth of fossil
          fited from the results of the Atlantic Coral Ecosystem           cold-water communities, but has very few locations
          Study (ACES), which was funded by the European                   with small, living coral colonies (see picture above
          Commission under the Fifth Framework Programme. This             right). Using state-of-the-art mapping combined
          meant that in this area, research under HERMES could             with observations by remotely operated vehicles,
          concentrate on more detailed investigations of the               HERMES cruises discovered numerous new coral sites
          genesis, build-up and demise of deep-water coral com-            during inspections of shelves (which are much narrower
          munities over time, the environmental conditions under           than in the Atlantic), seamounts and often steeply
          which Lophelia reefs flourish, and the ecological func-          inclined or overhanging canyon walls and escarpments.
          tions these reefs have for other species and biodiversity.       Measurements of the environmental conditions at
          In situ research was supported by laboratory studies             these sites indicate that the ‘white’ corals in the
          on corals: Lophelia spawned in temperature-controlled            Mediterranean are living close to their ecological limit,
          aquaria, allowing documentation of the larva of this             but nonetheless are not as isolated and rare as was
          species for the first time.                                      previously thought.

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                                                                                                                                                            The HERMES Story

     lack of collaboration across disciplines meant that we                                              research, and feed these into the EC in the hope that
     were missing opportunities. Often, the reason or explana-                                           some of them would later appear in the call (the EC receives
     tion for a certain scientific finding, such as the behaviour                                        suggestions from a wide range of sources in the lead up
     of a fish or the existence of a cold-water coral reef at a                                          to a call). In the end the call was published in 2003 and it
     certain location, cannot be explained purely by biological                                          did indeed ask for a large ‘Integrated Project’ involving
     investigations. Information and input from oceanographers,                                          biology, microbiology, geology, geochemistry and physical
     geologists and others is needed to answer these and further                                         oceanography.
     complex questions.
                                                                                                         FIRST STEPS IN PREPARATION
     THE CALL                                                                                            It fell to me to coordinate our group and the preparation of
     During the build-up to the European Union’s Sixth                                                   a project proposal – but it could just as well have been one
     Framework Programme for Research and Technological                                                  of the others. They comprised some of the most outstanding
     Development it became apparent that the EC would include                                            scientists in each field and, without doubt, could have done
     large multidisciplinary projects in the call it sent out to                                         an excellent job. We thought long and hard about how we
     Europe’s ocean science community. So a number of us                                                 could meet the challenges set out by the Commission:
     began a series of meetings to establish how we could work                                              • how to break the work down into a series of work
     together. One task was to identify the key areas that needed                                              packages;


      The HERMES project is structured around 10 work packages: five focused on specific ecosystems, and five devoted
      to themes that underpin the work on ecosystems and translate the resulting data into usable products.

                                                                                           Prof. Phil Weaver, NOCS

                                                                                           Steering Committee

                                                                        Project management                         Scientific
                                                                         Dr Vikki Gunn, NOCS                   management board
                                                                                                                                                                                                    WP7 Ecosystems modelling

                                                          WP1                WP2
                                                                                                                                                                   Dr Karline Soetaert, NIOO-CEME

                                                                                                   WP3                   WP4
            WP9 Data management

                                                       Open slope         Corals and                                                         WP5
                                                                                                Cold seep               Anoxic
                                                        systems           carbonate                                                        Canyon
                                  Dr Ingo Shewe, AWI

                                                                                                 systems               microbial
                                                        Prof. Roberto      mound                                                           systems
                                                                                                Dr Jean-Paul           systems
                                                         Danovaro,         systems               Foucher,                               Prof. Paul Tyler,
                                                       CoNISMa-ULR                                                    Prof. Dr Antje     NERC-NOCS
                                                                            Prof. André          IFREMER              Boetius, MPG
                                                          Ancona          Freiwald, UERL

                                                                                           WP6 HERMES GIS
                                                                                           Prof. Miquel Canals, UB

                                                         WP8 Sustainable management                            WP10 Education and outreach
                                                               Dr Anthony Grehan, NUIG                               Prof. Laurenz Thomsen, JUB

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        The HERMES Story

                                                                                     Upper left: Sampling chemosynthetic fauna
                                                                                        in the central Nile Deep Sea Fan, eastern
                                                                                                  Mediterranean. IFREMER/MEDECO
                                                                                Upper right: Macrofauna at home on authigenic
                                                                                 carbonate crust near cold seeps in the Storegga
                                                                                     region on the Nordic margin. IFREMER/Viking
                                                                                Lower left: Anemones and basket stars colonize
                                                                                     the carbonate crust near Storegga, Nordic
                                                                                                            margin. IFREMER/Viking


          Cold seeps are areas on the ocean floor where                  concentrations of chemical compounds around seeps as
          water, minerals, hydrogen sulphide, methane or other           an energy source.
          hydrocarbon-rich fluids, gases and muds leak or                    The Håkon Mosby mud volcano is one of the largest
          are expelled through sediments and cracks by gravita-          on the European margin, measuring more than a
          tional forces and/or overpressures in often gas-rich           kilometre across. Active mud expulsion occurs at its
          subsurface zones. In contrast to hydrothermal vents,           centre and this is surrounded by an area of deformed
          these emissions are not geothermally heated and are            older mud flows, which indicate periodic mud expulsion
          therefore much cooler, often close to the surrounding          caused by temporal variability in the strength of the
          seawater temperature. Cold seeps are numerous in               geochemical processes. The release of methane often
          European waters and can form a variety of small- to            leads to the construction of authigenic carbonate crusts,
          large-scale features on the sea floor, including mud           pavements or slabs.
          volcanoes, pockmarks, gas chimneys, brine pools and                Most seeps studied under HERMES along the
          hydrocarbon seeps.                                             European margin display a biological zonation, with
              All these features are geologically driven ‘hotspots’ of   bacterial mats covering part of the sea floor in the active
          increased biological activity. The seeps feed microbial        centre, and larger animals occurring (often in dense
          communities as well as specialized metazoan ecosystems         patches) on the surrounding, older structures. However,
          dominated by a few taxa, for example tubeworms and             communities on different cold seeps were often found
          bivalves with symbiotic bacteria, which occur in large         to differ in terms of species composition, which indicates
          numbers of individuals. These chemosynthetic biota are         a high variability of ecosystem processes and associated
          adapted to low oxygen levels and utilize the elevated          biodiversity at different spatial scales.

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                                                                                                              The HERMES Story

       • how to study individual ecosystems;                           in our research proposal. This was, I think, one of the first
       • how to integrate results between ecosystems;                  times this had been done with regard to a marine scientific
       • how to create an interdisciplinary project where              research project on such a scale, certainly with regard to the
         biologists, geologists and physicists could work              deep seas.
       • how to make strong connections with policy makers             THE PARTNERS
         and provide them with the information and data                One of the critical things learnt from previous projects is
         they needed;                                                  that you must be absolutely confident of the quality of your
       • how to provide training opportunities for as many             partners. First-class scientific capabilities are essential, of
         students as possible; and                                     course; but on their own they are not enough. What we
       • how to publicize the results of the project as widely         needed for HERMES to succeed was a will for the partners
         as possible.                                                  to work together by sharing data, integrating their work
                                                                       with that of other scientists from both their own and other
     Considerable effort went into formulating our proposal            disciplines, and taking on board the policy aspects of the
     and we met in a series of locations. One of the earliest          work. Partners must also be highly competent managers,
     meetings took place in a remote, snow-bound hunting               with excellent financial management skills and the ability
     lodge in Switzerland. Another was held in March 2003 at an        to deliver on time. Without the right management skills
     old waterfront hotel in Buckler’s Hard near Southampton           even the best projects can founder. Another important
     in England.                                                       consideration for HERMES was the ability of partners to
                                                                       provide ship time and access to specialist equipment.
     The EC wanted to support research into the marine                 I was confident that we had the nucleus of an outstanding
     environment through one of the ‘instruments’ of the Sixth         team thanks to our long experience and the many dis-
     Framework Programme. These instruments – or funding               cussions that had already taken place. The HERMES
     mechanisms – were designed either to facilitate a ‘Network        scientists were all – and still are – leaders in their fields,
     of Excellence’ or an ‘Integrated Project’. A Network is           extremely organized, and well versed in what is required
     intended to bring together a large number of scientists to        for EC-funded programmes and projects. Equally important,
     provide a durable structure for European research with much       they came from many of the key laboratories and insti-
     of the research being funded by the individual countries of       tutions across the continent involved in deep-sea research,
     Europe. An Integrated Project, by contrast, is created to do      and so provided our group with the beginnings of a
     new research, new science. At one stage it looked as if the       representative and balanced pan-European enterprise.
     EC favoured a Network. Many of us in the scientific               The work package leaders were chosen from this initial
     community, however, believed the case for an Integrated           set of key partners. In a project as large as HERMES, these
     Project was very strong. We knew that there was an urgent         leaders would become critical – firstly to form the manage-
     need for more research on the European continental margins        ment team to guide the overall project and secondly to lead
     and deep seas, and we were confident that we could do it.         their respective areas of research or activity.
     A good example of a knowledge gap that needs to be filled
     is the impact on cold-water corals of bottom trawling for fish:   We also recognized that in order to meet our aims it
     we did not know how long the corals take to recover (if at        was essential to include other players too – partners who
     all), the extent to which they are part of a large ecosystem      could contribute specific skills or expertise to the project –
     complex that is important for fish reproduction, and so on.       though of course we had to be careful to limit the number
     HERMES had the potential to go a long way towards                 of partners to a manageable level. Before long we reached
     answering questions like these. Not only that: as an              45, and as the coordinator I was getting worried: 35 would
     Integrated Project it would help build a strong community         have been the preferred maximum from the point of view
     and partnership of scientists, with valuable benefits beyond      of manageability. Even with 45, some good groups were
     the lifetime of the project itself. The EC came to share this     left out – not because we did not need them but because
     view. At this stage in the process, we were also making a         the size of the consortium had to match the budget
     special effort to incorporate studies into the social and         available. (See box overleaf for a full list of the HERMES
     economic issues relating to hotspots and European margins         partners.)

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        The HERMES Story


         Partner                                                  Partner
         No. Name (acronym and country)                           No. Name (acronym and country)
          1     Natural Environment Research Council –            25     University of Birmingham (UNI BHAM, UK)
                National Oceanography Centre Southampton          26     Netherlands Institute of Ecology
                (NERC-NOCS, UK)                                          (NIOO-CEME, Netherlands)
          2     Institut Français de Recherche pour               27     University of Aberdeen (UNIABN, UK)
                l'Exploitation de la Mer (IFREMER, France)        28     University of Liverpool (ULIV, UK)
          3     Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research      29     Doyuz-Eykul University Institute of Marine
                (NIOZ, Netherlands)                                      Sciences and Technology, Izmir Group
          4     University of Barcelona (UB, Spain)                      (IMST, Turkey)
          5     Hellenic Centre for Marine Research               30     Scottish Association for Marine Science
                (HCMR, Greece)                                           (SAMS, UK)
          6     Leibniz-Institut für Meereswissenschaften         31     University of Aveiro (U.Aveiro, Portugal)
                (IFM-GEOMAR, Germany)                             32     National Institute of Marine Geology and
          7     Consiglio Nazionale della Richerche                      Geo-Ecology (GeoEcoMar, Romania)
                (CNR-ISMAR, Italy)                                33     Intergovernmental Oceanographic
          8     Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und                   Commission of UNESCO (IOC, France)
                Meeresforschung (AWI, Germany)                    34     Université Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris
          9     University of Tromsø (UiT, Norway)                       (UPMC, France)
         10     National University of Ireland, Galway            35     Université de Bretagne Occidentale
                (NUIG, Ireland)                                          (UBO, France)
         11     Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-          36     Université Mohammed V, Institut Scientifique
                Nürnberg (UERL, Germany)                                 (ISRabat, Morocco)
         12     Gent University (UGent, Belgium)                  37     Challenger Oceanic Systems and Services
         13     Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas          (COSS, UK)
                (CSIC-ICM, Spain)                                 38     Volcanic Basin Petroleum Research
         14     Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per               (VBPR, Norway)
                le Scienze del Mare                               39     Praesentis (PRA, Spain)
                (CoNISMa-ULR Ancona, Italy)                       40     MEDIAN (MEDIAN, Spain)
         15     The Max Planck Society, Institute for Marine      41     MMCD Multimedia Consulting GmbH
                Microbiology (MPG, Germany)                              (MMCD, Germany)
         16     Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique      42     Olex A/S (Olex AS, Norway)
                (CNRS-CEFREM/LSCE, France)                        43     ArchimediX (ArchimediX, Germany)
         17     Instituto Hidrográfico (IH, Portugal)             44     Proteus (Proteus, France)
         18     Jacobs University Bremen GmbH                     45     Jobin Yvon (JY SAS, France)
                (JUB, Germany)                                    46 * Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas
         19     University of Bremen (RCOM, Germany)                     (IBSS, Ukraine)
         20     University of Wales, Cardiff (UWC, UK)            47 * P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology
         21     Institute of Marine Research (IMR, Norway)               (IORAS, Russia)
         22     University of Gothenburg, Tjarno Marine           48 * Odessa National University (ONU, Ukraine)
                Biological Laboratory (UGOT, Sweden)              49 * Lomonosov Moscow State University
         23     University of Southampton, School of Ocean               (MSU, Russia)
                and Earth Science (USOU, UK)                      50 * United Nations Environment Programme
         24     Instituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e                    (UNEP, Kenya)
                di Geofisica Sperimentale (OGS, Italy)            *     became a HERMES partner in October 2006

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                                                                       The HERMES Story

     As for the commercial sector, we identified the key busi-
     nesses that would do a good job for us – a number of small
     and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with competence in
     biotechnology, the development and manufacture of
     specialist equipment such as remotely operated vehicles
     (ROVs), and leading providers of economic and social
     analysis, outreach and education work. So we did achieve
     something of a balance between big labs, small labs and
     commercial partners. We were also able to welcome five
     additional partners in October 2006 by utilizing a special
     call from the EC for targeted third countries to join existing
     research projects such as HERMES.

     The proposal was written in two stages. The first submission
     was made in October 2003 and was limited to 20 pages.
     It provided the structure of the project and an outline of
     the research, but not the full details. We heard that it had
     been successful on 2 December 2003 and then had just six
     weeks to produce the full proposal, something that – given
     the scale, complexity and demands of each of the work
     packages that we envisaged – presented a real challenge to
     timing and coordination. I would like to take a moment to
     describe how we went ahead: writing a successful proposal
     is not an easy thing to do and our experience may be useful
     for others.

     First, I called a meeting for the whole partnership – the first
     time we had met collectively – on 17-19 December at the
     Royal Holloway University of London, and 90 scientists
     turned up. This venue was inexpensive, close to Heathrow
     airport and therefore easily accessible. At the meeting we
     went through in detail how we would achieve our project
     goals and what each partner would contribute. It was an
     intense but rewarding experience because we all began
     to realize the benefits of working across the various scien-
     tific disciplines. The research of one partner provides the
     basis for further investigations by another, like a jigsaw
     puzzle fitting together. I made the mistake of programming
     parallel sessions so that we could get through more work,
     but it soon became apparent that many partners wanted

           Upper: A multi-armed brisingid sea star at a depth of
                    800 metres in the Lisbon Canyon. NERC-NOCS
            Middle: Crinoids in the Whittard Canyon. NERC-NOCS
     Lower: The echinothurid sea urchin Calveriosoma hystrix at
       a depth of 1,321 metres in the Nazaré Canyon. NERC-NOCS

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        The HERMES Story


          Human activities impacting or threatening deep-sea         composed of key European and international policy
          ecosystems are rapidly increasing and require a policy     makers, stakeholders from industry, NGOs and inter-
          response. To facilitate this, HERMES developed inter-      national institutions, and leading scientists. The SPP’s
          faces to enhance connectivity between research and         objective was to establish a strategic dialogue between
          policy, and to ensure that stakeholders engaged in the     the spheres of research and policy in order to develop
          development of global, regional and national policies      or improve mechanisms by which science was made
          have effective and prompt access to HERMES results         available to support and guide the agenda and priorities
          and products.                                              of international deep-sea policy debates. The SPP
              The Science Implementation Panel (SIP) was made        (pictured) met three times: in 2006 to discuss critical
          up of seven members representing the key potential end-    scientific, socio-economic, governance and manage-
          users of HERMES results, including representatives         ment issues for the deep sea; in 2008 with a focus on
          from the European Commission (DG Environment, DG           how deep-sea research can support ocean governance;
          Maritime Affairs and Fisheries), the United Nations        and at the end of the project in 2009 to present the main
          Environment Programme, non-governmental organi-            results and products achieved under HERMES, as well as
          zations (NGOs), the hydrocarbon industry (StatoilHydro)    the future work of the follow-up projects HERMIONE
          and the Census of Marine Life. SIP members attended        ( and CoralFISH (
          the annual HERMES science meetings in order to interact under the European Union’s Seventh
          with the HERMES community and advise on key political      Framework Programme.
          and societal developments, issues and milestones that          In addition to the work of SIP and SPP, HERMES
          might have had a bearing on the project’s research         experts had ad hoc meetings with policy makers and
          activities and data collection. The SIP also made sug-     formed partnerships with relevant authorities at the
          gestions to the HERMES Steering Committee about            national and regional level. They engaged in and pro-
          potential adjustments to the work plan in order to focus   vided input to the discussions of numerous international
          research efforts in areas with the most relevance to       fora, including the International Seabed Authority (ISA),
          pressing or emerging policy issues.                        the International Council for Exploration of the Seas
              The high-level Science Policy Panel (SPP) was          (ICES), and the OSPAR and Barcelona Conventions.

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                                                                                                            The HERMES Story

     to work in more than one research area and most of them         habitats and variations in food supply, which govern
     wanted to understand the whole project, which of course is      the distribution of organisms and ecosystems. What should
     crucially important.                                            also not be forgotten is that not all environmental factors
                                                                     and conditions can actually be measured, especially in the
     Following this meeting, I cleared my diary and dedicated        deep sea. So we had to find modellers who were able to
     all my time to coordinating the proposal writing. Typically,    bridge this gap.
     I would draft a ‘ghost’ section or ‘straw-man’ outline for
     each work package and send it to the respective work            We also made special efforts from the outset to reach out
     package leader for comment and rewriting. They would            and link our project results to organizations and institutions
     send the section back to me, vastly improved of course. But     beyond the scientific community. Environmental non-
     often it would be over-length too (each section had a           governmental organizations (NGOs), for example, are
     particular page limit and consisted of components from          always calling for more research. Why not invite them to
     several work packages), and I would edit (or ask other          engage with HERMES from the beginning? Similarly for
     colleagues to edit) quite ruthlessly. This process of writing   industry: why not work with them to understand their needs,
     and re-writing would happen two or three times, and             concerns and priorities? A process like this that tries to take
     colleagues in my own lab helped with the editing. While         account of the interests and concerns of government,
     waiting for changes to come back on one section I would         industry and civil society at the foundation stages needs
     be working on another. We did have to be quite hard on          careful preparation and dedicated mechanisms. We decided
     the writing in order to achieve a balance, especially since     to have two HERMES working groups: a Science Policy Panel
     the work package leaders were world experts in their            and a Science Implementation Panel. As I envisaged it, the
     field, and this led to some lively discussions about how        Science Policy Panel, or SPP, would provide a high-level
     and what could be fitted in. We also had to balance the         forum where HERMES scientists could discuss issues with
     volume of work to match the length of the project, the          policy makers, industrial users of the oceans and NGOs.
     budgets available and the expertise of the partners. Each       The SPP would meet just three times during the course of
     partner had been allocated an indicative budget, though it      HERMES: once at the beginning to discuss what we were
     was already apparent at the writing stage that partners were    going to do, once in the middle of the project, and again at
     willing to contribute additional efforts and assets from        the end to show what we had achieved. The smaller Science
     national resources, such as ship time and studentships. In      Implementation Panel, SIP, would attend our annual science
     the end the writing went well because people had faith in       meetings where the SIP members could comment on the
     the coherence of the overview.                                  value of the work we had completed and make suggestions
                                                                     to keep upcoming work focused on the key issues. This SPP
     At the same time, we kept trying to think of how we could       and SIP approach was quite innovative, I think.
     break new ground. One of the key things we had to do
     was create an interdisciplinary project where biologists,       Another innovation was that from the beginning we took
     geologists and physicists would share data and work to-         outreach to education and media seriously via a dedicated
     gether to understand ecosystems in the context of their         work package. Our outreach work included, amongst other
     physical environment. A good example of this is mud             activities, a media strategy and the development of a
     volcanoes, in which fluids are generated in the rocks           separate part of the HERMES website with a wealth of
     hundreds of metres below the sea floor by geological            material produced specifically for schools. We also decided
     processes and then migrate to the seabed where they feed        that it was important to take teachers and students out to
     biological communities. To understand how mud volcanoes         sea: a hands-on approach to get them involved in our
     work and what they mean for the deep-sea environment,           research and give them a sense of ownership. After all, the
     geologists and biologists have to work together. Another        work should deliver benefits for the next generation, not just
     good example is the study of submarine canyons, which           for today. In one sense we were working for them. Through
     requires expertise in geology, oceanography and biology.        working with UNEP we were able to contribute to a TV
     These canyons were cut into the continental margins by          documentary on cold-water corals that was broadcast
     geological processes and today capture sediment according       every day for a week on the BBC World Service, thus
     to the prevailing ocean currents, which they then channel       spreading word of our discoveries to over 163 million
     to the deep sea. These processes create a wide variety of       homes in 200 countries.

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        The HERMES Story

             Sampling microbial carbonate chimneys in the Black Sea. MARUM/MPI


          Anoxic microbial ecosystems are found in areas devoid       consumption, petroleum degradation and microbial
          of oxygen, which precludes the existence of higher life     calcification.
          forms and hence grazing of microorganisms. Resembling           By quantifying the biomass and distribution of
          the conditions on early Earth, such ecosystems are found    microbes in situ and linking these results to geological,
          at and below the ocean floor, extending several kilo-       geochemical, physical and biological measurements,
          metres below the seabed, limited only when tempera-         HERMES scientists provided for the first time answers to
          tures reach above 120°C. It was estimated that about a      some key questions such as:
          third of all biomass on Earth thrives in such anoxic          • What are the characteristics (e.g. ecosystem struc-
          ecosystems. Hotspots of anoxic microbial life occur espe-       ture, energy budget) and driving forces (e.g. fluid
          cially at localized features such as hydrocarbon- and           flow from gas hydrate dissociation) of active
          cold-seep systems, where fluids and gases (e.g. methane)        geological structures harbouring anoxic microbial
          are released from the sea floor. The permanent absence          ecosystems?
          of oxygen in the Black Sea basin provides a natural           • Are there unique key microorganisms and biogeo-
          laboratory, enabling HERMES scientists to study anoxic          chemical pathways involved in this biosphere-
          microbial processes, including the formation of massive,        geosphere coupling?
          10-centimetre-thick microbial mats and the development        • How resilient are these geo-ecosystems, how do
          and structure of carbonate build-ups and microbial reefs        they respond to external forces, and what is their
          associated with methane seepage.                                global significance, e.g. as sinks and sources in car-
               Anoxic habitats hold a great diversity and biomass         bon cycling and gas emission to the hydrosphere?
          of bacteria and archaea, many of which are still to be
          discovered, especially in deep subsurface sediments.        The large-scale integration of European expertise and
          HERMES investigated and visualized the interaction          laboratories under HERMES, combined with advanced
          between selected geological structures (e.g. cold seeps     underwater technology and modern tools of molecular
          and mud volcanoes) forming habitats for anoxic life, and    geochemistry and biology, enabled the detailed des-
          microbial communities that impact these structures          cription and more holistic understanding of the bio-
          through their activities, such as gas production and        diversity and function of anoxic marine ecosystems.

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                                                                       The HERMES Story

     All of this, and more, was in the proposal we submitted to the
     EC. The reviewers gave us a score of 29 out of 30 – an
     approval rating so high that it was almost unheard-of for any
     European project. At least one reviewer said it represented
     ‘tremendous value for money’. The Commission would
     provide EUR20 million, but together with all the co-
     investments from partners and Member States (e.g. ship time,
     equipment and laboratory use), the overall project value
     would be nearer EUR60-70 million. We were delighted, of
     course, only to be all the more dismayed when we learned
     that the EC had decided to cut its contribution from EUR20
     million to EUR15 million. The cuts were made for budgetary
     reasons, against the advice of the reviewers. Many people
     were upset and in disbelief. We considered two options to
     manage this cut: reducing the time we spent on the project
     from four years to three, or trying somehow to deliver the
     programme with three quarters of the funding that we
     believed was necessary. We decided on the latter: the budget
     for each work package was cut by an average of 25 per cent.

     Apportioning the potential budget is always difficult when
     writing a proposal. We did it according to the amount of
     work each partner was expected to achieve (for example,
     how many scientists and how many disciplines), the value
     of the equipment they could provide, the amount of ship
     time they could bring to the project and whether or not they
     had a management role. Of course this is not an exact
     science, but it is essential to provide indicative budgets
     early to each partner so that their aspirations are kept within
     reasonable bounds. I also tried to build the concept that we
     should be linking national programmes via this project so
     that partners would be able to add nationally funded efforts.
     This concept worked spectacularly well. The project, once
     it started, was so large that it captured people’s imaginations
     and they wanted to maximize their participation. In a kind
     of ‘snow-ball’ effect, more PhD studentships, ship time and
     personnel were added during the life of the project, all paid
     for by national resources.

       Upper: A scorpion fish at a depth of 1,268 metres in the
                        Whittard Canyon off Ireland. NERC-NOCS
       Middle: The common mora, photographed at a depth of
        981 metres in the Porcupine Seabight. Oceanlab Aberdeen
          Lower: A redfish (Sebastes viviparus) resting below a
             colony of the reef-building coral Lophelia pertusa
                    at the Tisler Reef, northeast Skagerrak, at a
                                    depth of 99 metres. T. Lundalv

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        The HERMES Story


                                                                              Svalbard margin



                                                                                                  Black Sea

                        Gulf of Cadiz/
                        Southern Portugal                                                    Eastern Mediterranean

                                                     Mediterranean     Central

                                                                                     HERMES study areas
                                                                                     Coral       Areas of mud mounds
                                                                                     Landslide   Cold seep sites

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                                                                                                                 The HERMES Story

                                                                                       Working together

     W        e finally started work in April 2005. Notwithstanding
              the size of our project, I was absolutely determined
     that we would build a sense of shared ownership, a real
                                                                          want to be in the middle of nowhere because people need
                                                                          to escape in the evenings in smaller groups. You also need
                                                                          good facilities and transport connections. That combination
     team of which everyone felt genuinely a part from the very           is rare. For us, out of season in Rhodes, Majorca and the
     beginning. To make this happen, it was important that we             Algarve turned out to be ideal. Our first annual meeting took
     organized our yearly meetings appropriately. From the first          place in 2006 after the first year of scientific research, and
     kick-off meeting, which took place on the island of Rhodes           it was also the first time for the Science Implementation
     in April 2005, our meetings consisted of plenary sessions –          Panel (SIP) to meet and comment on our research plans. This
     everybody together: no hiving off into working groups – at           was a learning curve for us all, but the SIP worked really
     which the different work package teams presented their               well. With the SIP experience, we arranged meetings with
     work, and those from other groups listened and interacted.           policy makers in Brussels to explain more details of our
     We had so much to get through at the annual meetings that            research, and to follow up their queries, such as how to
     they usually lasted for five days, but with hindsight it was         define areas for conservation in the deep sea.
     time well spent, and we did take a mid-week break with a
     field trip. This had the benefit of allowing the scientists to get   The community spirit that began to build at annual meetings
     to know each other. This is very important when dealing              was strengthened by encouraging researchers from different
     with a team of up to 150 scientists, many of whom did not            institutions to join research cruises organized by others.
     know each other at the outset of the project.                        On one, for example, we had people from Southampton,
                                                                          Aberdeen, Cardiff, Liverpool, Ancona, Aveiro, Barcelona,
     A number of people have said that they would much rather             Cork, Ghent and Texel. Marine research, particularly in the
     go to a HERMES meeting than one of the other big interna-            deep oceans, can take you to sea for three or four weeks at
     tional scientific meetings with multiple parallel sessions. At       a time. This is long enough for people to get to know each
     HERMES, everyone is together for all sessions, everyone is           other properly. Some of the trips were specifically designed
     interested in everything that is going on, and there is a great      to cover a wide range of research, bringing several partners
     deal of interaction between senior and younger scientists.           together. This was not only so that we could share sophis-
     The way to get people working together is to start from where        ticated equipment to achieve things jointly that we would
     they feel ‘comfortable’ and to explore common interests –            not otherwise have been able to do; it also gave us a lever for
     for example, spectacular physical and biological phenomena           generating coverage in national and international media –
     such as cold-water corals and deep underwater canyons –              they were ‘showcase cruises’, where the public could get a
     and carry people along from there to the wider issues and            view of some of the best European marine science in action.
     questions that affect these most remarkable systems.                 These cruises used remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) that
                                                                          are tethered to the ship with a cable, but are self-powered so
     It really helps to have a good location for your meeting. You        that they can descend to the seabed and make very detailed
     ideally need a reasonably comfortable hotel because you              maps, carry out experiments, collect specimens and take
     are going to be there for quite a few nights, and people do          numerous photos and videos.
     not work well unless they can sleep well. The hotel should
     be reasonably cheap because you want to get as many                  THE HERMES PROJECT MANAGER
     students to attend as possible. For preference, it will be in a      The importance of a good project manager cannot be
     small town so that there are few distractions. But you do not        overstated. It is a crucial position, and in no small part

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        The HERMES Story

                                                                            Adapted from CEFREM CNRS-University of Perpignan/University of
                                                                                           Barcelona, Fugro Survey Ltd and AOA Geophysics

                                                                                 Dense water cascading

                                                                                                       Canyon axis          - 100 m

                                                                 Giant furrows

              Bathymetric image of the Cap de Creus Canyon in the northwest Mediterranean,
              showing the mechanism for dense water cascading                                                               - 800 m


          Submarine canyons are major geomorphologic features             heterogeneous array of large- to small-scale habitats.
          extending for tens to hundreds of kilometres offshore,          HERMES scientists discovered that the upper and middle
          and just as impressive and spectacular as their counter-        parts of the canyon have a rugged topography with steep
          parts on land. Underwater, they dissect the world’s             scarp slopes, overhangs, gullies and sediment-covered
          continental shelves and slopes, connecting shallow              terraces, indicating that particularly the upper part of
          coastal areas with the deep abyssal plains. In certain          the canyon is subject to strong currents, high turbidity
          locations they are associated with episodic events known        and sediment transport along the canyon floor. The
          as ‘dense water cascading’, transporting huge water             lower part of the canyon, some 120 kilometres from the
          masses from shallow areas into the deep sea – vital for         canyon head, is at present a markedly lower-energy
          the health of fish stocks and ecosystems in both areas.         environment, although coarse gravel layers indicate a
              Although the location of submarine canyons is quite         much more active past with catastrophic processes
          well charted, until recently they were difficult to study       capable of transporting boulders up to a metre across.
          because of their sinuous shape, steep walls and narrow              The great variation in morphology and physical con-
          channels, which made it difficult to navigate observation       ditions in canyons is reflected in their variety of eco-
          and sampling devices. Dynamic ship positioning and re-          systems and biodiversity. In the Nazaré Canyon certain
          motely operated vehicles now make it possible to enter          groups, such as sea lilies and gorgonians, tend to be found
          and see the canyons for the first time. Under HERMES, a         on exposed, rocky surfaces, while infauna and large,
          number of canyons were investigated, including the              shelled protozoans (xenophyophores) dominate the
          Nazaré Canyon off Portugal. Named after the nearby              muddy sediments at a depth of 3,400 metres. Diversity
          town, this canyon is not linked to a river system. It begins    tends to decrease with depth, and the biodiversity of any
          close to the beach and extends to a depth of 5,000              given small habitat may be low; however, due to the sheer
          metres some 210 kilometres to the west, providing a             number and heterogeneity of habitats and communities
          major pathway for the transport of sediment, nutrients          over its whole length and depth, the Nazaré Canyon is
          and pollution into the deep sea.                                a magnificent biodiversity hotspot in need of further
              Along its route, the Nazaré Canyon provides a vast,         research and careful, sustainable management.

You can also read