The Influence of Gamification, E-Service Quality and E-Trust on Online Purchase Decision with Online Purchase Intention as Intervening Variable at ...

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International Journal of Research and Review
                                                                                                   Vol.8; Issue: 8; August 2021
Research Paper                                                                          E-ISSN: 2349-9788; P-ISSN: 2454-2237

  The Influence of Gamification, E-Service Quality
   and E-Trust on Online Purchase Decision with
  Online Purchase Intention as Intervening Variable
      at the Marketplace Shopee in Medan City
                                 Dita Aulia1, Endang Sulistya Rini2, Fadli3
                         Department of Management, University of Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia.
                                               Corresponding Author: Dita Aulia

ABSTRACT                                                          effect on online purchase decision with a
                                                                  significance of 0.721, e-trust has a positive and
This study aims to determine and analyze the                      significant effect on online purchase decision
effect of gamification, e-service quality and e-                  with a significance of 0.002 and online purchase
trust variables on online purchase decision                       intention has a positive and significant effect on
through online purchase intention at the Shopee                   online purchase decision with a significance of
marketplace in Medan City. This type of                           0.000. The path analysis test using the sobel test
research is using a quantitative approach. The                    shows that online purchase intention is able to
nature of this research is associative research                   mediate between gamification and e-trust with
and the data used are primary data and                            online purchase decision, but online purchase
secondary data obtained through documentation                     intention are not able to mediate e-service
and a list of questions that measure it using a                   quality with online purchase decision.
Likert scale. The sample in this study is the
community in Medan City at least 17 years old,                    Keywords: Gamification, E-Service Quality, E-
has a Shopee marketplace application and is a                     Trust, Online Purchase Intention and Online
consumer who has purchased and used the                           Purchase Decision
Shopee marketplace at least 1 time as many as
175 respondents. Researchers collected data by                    INTRODUCTION
distributing questionnaires to all respondents in                         The development of the industry is
this study. The data analysis method used                         growing      rapidly     along    with    the
descriptive statistical analysis and path analysis.               sophistication of technology from time to
Statistical results show that the majority of
                                                                  time so that it indirectly requires producers
respondents agree with all the statements shared.
The results of the research on the first                          or business companies to continue to
substructure show that gamification has a                         compete. Changes that occur in the current
positive and significant effect on online                         industrial revolution 4.0 are part of global
purchase intention with a significance of 0.000,                  changes that make every producer or
e-service quality has a positive and insignificant                business company to be able to keep up with
effect on online purchase intention with a                        existing developments by continuing to
significance of 0.836 and e-trust has a positive                  innovate. This can be seen from the rapidly
and significant effect on online purchase                         changing information technology so that it
intention with a significance of 0.000. The                       cannot be separated from daily life, both
results of the research on the second                             current needs and future needs. One of the
substructure show that gamification has a
                                                                  interesting developments in information
positive and significant effect on online
purchase decision with a significance of 0.031,                   technology in the current era is the
e-service quality has a negative and insignificant                emergence of the internet. One of the

                             International Journal of Research and Review (                                546
                                               Vol.8; Issue: 8; August 2021
Dita Aulia The influence of gamification, e-service quality and e-trust on online purchase decision with
online purchase intention as intervening variable at the marketplace shopee in Medan City.

industrial phenomena that is increasing in                internet users in Indonesia have shopped
the current era is the e-commerce industry.               online. With this service, it is certainly
E-commerce is one of the big industries that              easier for producers or business companies
is growing rapidly from time to time which                to carry out marketing strategies in addition
makes e-commerce something that is                        to being fast, easy and of course cheaper
considered important by everyone because it               costs. With all the convenience and
facilitates human activities which are slowly             efficiency of time in online shopping, this
replacing traditional (offline) stores.                   will attract consumers to buy online in
According to Turban et al. (2015) E-                      making online purchasing decisions using e-
commerce is the process of buying, selling,               commerce services.
or trading data, goods, or services via the                       One of the factors that can influence
internet. E-commerce is defined as a                      online purchasing decisions is online
commercial transaction involving the                      purchase intention. According to Kotler and
exchange of value conducted through or                    Keller (2016) Purchase intention is how
using      digital   technology      between              likely consumers are to buy a brand and
individuals (Laudon and Traver, 2017).                    service or how likely consumers are to
         E-commerce in Indonesia includes                 switch from one brand to another.
Shopee, Lazada, Tokopedia, Bukalapak and                  Consumers' online buying interest is
so on. Marketplace sites in Indonesia have                basically a supporting factor in making
actually been popping up for a long time,                 online purchasing decisions for a product.
but lately marketplace sites are increasing               High consumer buying interest will
because there are already many people who                 encourage consumers to buy a product, even
are interested in buying and selling online               these consumers can tell good things and
on the marketplace site. One type of                      recommend it to others. However, if the
marketplace that is quite popular today and               consumer's online buying interest is low, it
is in great demand in Indonesia is the                    will have an impact on consumers' online
Shopee marketplace. This can be seen in a                 purchasing decisions. This is in line with
survey conducted by The Asian Parent in                   research conducted by (Dewi et al., 2017;
December 2017 among consumers in                          Zatalini and Mudiantono, 2017; Rizki et al.,
Indonesia. The survey revealed that Shopee                2015)
is the first choice shopping platform for                         The next factor that can influence
mothers in Indonesia (73%), followed by                   online purchasing decisions is gamification.
Tokopedia (54%), Lazada (51%) and                         Research conducted by (Xu et al., 2020;
Instagram (50%). Shopee is a commercial                   Yang et al., 2019; Bittner and Schipper,
electronic site headquartered in Singapore                2014) found that the gamification element
under the auspices of the SEA Group,                      has a positive and significant effect on
previously known as Garena, which was                     online purchase intention. This research is
founded in 2009 by Forrest Li. Shopee was                 supported by research conducted by Canio
first launched in Singapore in 2015 and has               et al. (2021) who found that gamification
since expanded its reach to Indonesia,                    indirectly affects online shopping intentions.
Malaysia, Thailand, Taiwan, Vietnam and                           The next factor that can influence
the Philippines. In Indonesia, shopping                   online purchasing decisions is the quality of
online has become a habit for many people,                electronic services (e-service quality). E-
especially people in the city of Medan,                   service quality has an important role in
especially in the midst of the current Covid-             attracting consumers' online buying interest
19 pandemic, which makes e-commerce                       so that ultimately consumers make online
increase sharply because it requires people               purchasing decisions. Tjiptono (2014)
to buy and fulfill their needs online.                    defines e-service quality as the extent to
According to data from Hootsuite (We are                  which a site facilitates effective and
Social) in January 2020, around 88% of                    efficient shopping in terms of purchasing,

                       International Journal of Research and Review (                      547
                                         Vol.8; Issue: 8; August 2021
Dita Aulia The influence of gamification, e-service quality and e-trust on online purchase decision with
online purchase intention as intervening variable at the marketplace shopee in Medan City.

marketing and delivery. This is in line with              (Marczewski, 2013), but has become
research conducted by (Nasir, 2017; Kalia et              popular in the early 2010s (Deterding et al.,
al., 2016; Nikhashemi et al., 2012) which                 2011; Werbach and Hunter, 2012).
found that e-service quality has a significant            Gamification has been identified as the use
effect on purchase intention.                             of game design elements in non-game
        In addition to gamification and e-                contexts (Deterding, Khaled, Nacke and
service quality, electronic trust (e-trust) is            Dixon, 2011). As stated in the definition of
one factor that is no less important in                   Seaborn and Fels (2015), the purpose of
influencing online purchase decisions. Trust              gamification is to provide experiences but in
is a descriptive idea that a person has of                contexts other than games and to motivate
something (Setiadi, 2010). Trust is one of                behaviors or ideas that are relevant in the
the psychological factors in influencing                  real world. According to Owen (2017)
consumer behavior. The concept of this                    Gamification is a concept that applies game
theory is in accordance with research                     design to applications instead of games to
conducted by (Kaur and Quareshi, 2015;                    make them more fun and interesting.
Marriott and Williams, 2018) finding that                 Werbach and Hunter (2012) state that
the trust factor has a positive and significant           gamification is the use of game or game
effect on purchase intention.                             elements with game design techniques in
        Complaints that often occur when                  non-game contexts, where in this study the
shopping online are e-service quality that is             context in question is online business,
not as expected, such as products that do not             especially    marketplaces.     Gamification
match the photos displayed on the Shopee                  media can be used in all fields such as
application and the slow response in solving              medicine, health, government policies and
problems. In addition, consumers who make                 personal responsibility, communication
purchases online cannot directly see the                  media (J. Baran, 2015). There are two
products to be purchased or meet directly                 reasons why gamification media is such a
with sellers who offer their products. This               powerful tool. First, gamified media take
raises the perception of the risk of fraud in             advantage of the human desire to achieve
the minds of consumers when they will                     higher ideals and their accomplishments are
decide to make an online purchase. The                    recognized. Some users are motivated by
complaint is included in the variables of e-              the reward given and some users are
service quality and e-trust. The increasing               motivated by self-actualization. Second,
number of consumer complaints has become                  gamified      media       provide     strong
an input for Shopee companies to maintain                 accountability. Prizes are given when the
e-service quality and e-trust so that                     user has completed certain transactions, this
consumers feel comfortable and safe in                    concept requires careful calculations so as
shopping online in the Shopee marketplace.                not to experience losses in the middle of the
The results of this pre-survey are in                     road (Kotler, 2019). Both reasons are the
accordance with the theory according to                   same as the concept of sales promotion or
Krauter and Kaluschab (2003) which states                 sales promotion. Sales promotion are
that shopping through the internet has its                incentive tools used to stimulate purchases
own uniqueness compared to traditional                    or sales, these tools can be in the form of
shopping, namely in terms of uncertainty,                 coupons, gifts, or product samples.
anonymity, lack of control and potential in
taking opportunities.                                     E-Service Quality
                                                                 Tjiptono (2016) defines "service can
LITERATURE REVIEW                                         be viewed as a system consisting of two
Gamification                                              main     components,    namely      service
      The term gamification is an old                     operations which are often invisible or
term, emerged in the early 2000s                          unknown to customers (back office or

                       International Journal of Research and Review (                      548
                                         Vol.8; Issue: 8; August 2021
Dita Aulia The influence of gamification, e-service quality and e-trust on online purchase decision with
online purchase intention as intervening variable at the marketplace shopee in Medan City.

backstage) and service delivery which is                  business companies in running their
usually visible (visible). ) or known to the              business, especially marketplaces, where the
customer (often called the front office or                relationship that occurs is that producers or
frontstage)”. The traditional service quality             business companies can carry out their
measurement scale before the measurement                  obligations according to what is expected by
of electronic service quality was servqual.               consumers. According to Kartajaya (2011)
This measurement scale is more indicated                  customer trust arises from a long process. If
for traditional (non-electronic) customers,               customer trust has arisen between the
while for online customers it uses the e-                 customer and the company, it will be easier
service quality (e-servqual) measurement                  to build a cooperative relationship.
scale.                                                    According to Jasfar (2012) a good
        According to Tjiptono (2014) E-                   relationship is built when someone
service quality or also known as e-SQ, is a               experiences something interesting, unique,
development of the service quality                        or specific and the uniqueness and quality of
(servqual) model. In principle, the e-SQ                  the services provided is then maintained,
model is an adaptation and extension of the               even improved. So what is felt by
traditional servqual model into the context               consumers is not just a momentary
of online shopping. According to Tjiptono                 experience, but as an increase in consumer
(2014) defines e-service quality or                       confidence from previous experiences to be
electronic service quality as the extent to               continued in the future.
which the site facilitates effective and
efficient shopping in terms of purchasing,                Online Purchase Intention
marketing and delivery. Meanwhile,                                Tjiptono (2015) states that consumer
according to Bressolles and Durrieu (2011)                buying interest reflects the desire and desire
E-service quality is the extent to which a                of consumers to buy a product. If the
website facilitates shopping, purchasing and              benefits obtained are greater than the
delivery of products and services effectively             sacrifice to get it, the urge to buy is higher.
and efficiently.                                          Because, in fact, needs and desires are not
                                                          easy to measure and know. Consumers can
E-Trust                                                   change their minds at the last second.
        Kotler and Keller (2016) define trust             Therefore, to attract or grow consumer
as follows: “Trust is willingness of a firm to            buying interest, the first thing a producer or
rely on a business partner. It depends on a               business company must do is understand
number of interpersonal and inter-                        how consumers make online purchasing
organizational factors, such as the firms                 decisions.
perceived competence, integrity, honestly                         According to Kotler and Keller
and benevolence”. The meaning of this                     (2012) Purchase interest is part of the
definition is that trust is the company's                 component of consumer behavior in
willingness to rely on business partners.                 consuming attitudes, the tendency of
Trust depends on a number of interpersonal                respondents to act before the buying
and inter-organizational factors. Such as                 decision is actually implemented. Online
corporate competence, integrity, honesty                  purchase      intentions      represent     the
and kindness. According to Parastanti et al.              willingness and intention of consumers
(2014) Trust is the belief of certain parties             towards products to be purchased at a
towards others in conducting transactional                certain time or in certain situations through
relationships based on a belief that the                  online platform transactions (Lu et al.,
person they trust will fulfill all their                  2014). Purchase intention is closely related
obligations properly and as expected.                     to consumer purchasing decisions, intention
        E-Trust is a trust and consumer                   is used to predict a person's tendency to do
confidence built by producers or online                   or not to do buying behavior. According to

                       International Journal of Research and Review (                      549
                                         Vol.8; Issue: 8; August 2021
Dita Aulia The influence of gamification, e-service quality and e-trust on online purchase decision with
online purchase intention as intervening variable at the marketplace shopee in Medan City.

Sumarwan (2011) intention is a strong                     Medan City who had purchased and used
tendency or desire in individuals to perform              the Shopee marketplace at least once. The
certain behaviors. Intention is an indication             size of the population of this study is not
of how strong the individual's desire to                  known with certainty. So to determine the
realize a behavior is, in other words, the                sample size, it can be done using the
stronger the individual's desire, the more                formula according to Hair et al, (2010), the
likely a behavior is realized.                            sample size should be 100 or larger. As a
                                                          general rule, the minimum sample size is at
Online Purchase Decision                                  least five times more than the number of
        According to Kotler and Armstrong                 question/statement items to be analyzed and
(2018) states that: "Consumer buyer                       the sample size will be more acceptable if it
behavior refers to the buying behavior of                 has a ratio of 10:1. In this study there were
final consumers, individuals and households               35 statement items, so the numbers of
that buy goods and services for personal                  samples taken were:
consumption", which can be interpreted as                 Number of samples = Number of statements x 5
purchasing decision behavior refers to the                                   = 35 x 5
final buying behavior of consumers. , both                                  = 175 respondents
individuals and households that buy goods                         Based on these results, the number
and services for personal consumption.                    of respondents who will be sampled in this
Kotler and Keller (2016) define "The                      study is 175 respondents who are people
consumer forms preferences among the                      from 21 sub-districts in the Medan City area
brands in the choice set and may also form                who were selected according to the sample
an intention to buy the most preferred                    selection criteria in this study. The sampling
brand". The meaning of this expression is                 technique used in this study is the accidental
that consumers form preferences among                     sampling technique.
brands in the choice and can also form
intentions to buy the most preferred brand.               RESULT AND DISCUSSION
        According to Tjiptono (2014)                      1. The Effect of Gamification on Online
Purchasing decisions are a series of                      Purchase Intention
processes that start with consumers                               Based on the results of hypothesis
recognizing      the    problem,      seeking             testing, it shows that the gamification
information about a particular product or                 variable partially has a positive and
brand and evaluating the product or brand                 significant effect on the online purchase
how well each alternative can solve the                   intention variable. This is evidenced by the
problem, which then leads to a purchase                   path coefficient value of 0.268 with a
decision. Based on these definitions, it can              significant value for the gamification
be concluded that purchasing decisions are                variable of 0.000 with an alpha of 5%,
consumer behavior where the consumer                      namely (ρ = 0.000
Dita Aulia The influence of gamification, e-service quality and e-trust on online purchase decision with
online purchase intention as intervening variable at the marketplace shopee in Medan City.

in the framework of entertaining games so                 3. Effect of E-Trust on Online Purchase
that they can attract consumers' online                   Intention
buying interest. This study is in line with                       Based on the results of hypothesis
research conducted by (Xu et al., 2020;                   testing, it shows that the e-trust variable
Yang et al., 2019) which found that the                   partially has a positive and significant effect
gamification element had a positive and                   on the online purchase intention variable.
significant effect on online purchase                     This is evidenced by the path coefficient
intention. This research is supported by                  value of 0.408 with a significant value for
research conducted by Bittner and Schipper                the e-trust variable of 0.000 with an alpha of
(2014) which found that gamification has an               5%, namely (ρ = 0.000  0.05), meaning that e-                conducted by (Kaur and Quareshi, 2015;
service quality (X2) has a positive and                   Marriott and Williams, 2018) which found
insignificant effect on online purchase                   the trust factor to have a positive and
intention (Z). So the results of this                     significant effect on purchase intention.
hypothesis test indicate that the hypothesis
is rejected. As stated in theory according to             4. Effect of Gamification on Online
Bressolles and Durrieu (2011) E-service                   Purchase Decision
quality is the extent to which a website                          Based on the results of hypothesis
facilitates shopping, purchasing and                      testing, it shows that the gamification
delivery of products and services effectively             variable partially has a positive and
and efficiently. Because, the quality of                  significant effect on the online purchase
service that meets the needs and                          decision variable. This is evidenced by the
expectations of consumers will attract                    path coefficient value of 0.115 with a
consumers to buy online. On the other hand,               significant value for the gamification
if the quality of service provided does not               variable of 0.031 with an alpha of 5%,
meet the needs and expectations of                        namely (ρ = 0.031
Dita Aulia The influence of gamification, e-service quality and e-trust on online purchase decision with
online purchase intention as intervening variable at the marketplace shopee in Medan City.

selling transactions. This study is in line               Because, customers have a sustainable
with research conducted by (Gajanova and                  purchase intention when they trust the seller
Radisic, 2021; Tobon et al., 2019) which                  (Zhao et al., 2019).
found that there was a significant influence
between gamification media on consumer                    7. Effect of Online Purchase Intention on
online purchasing decision behavior                       Online Purchase Decision
                                                                  Based on the results of hypothesis
5. Effect of E-Service Quality on Online                  testing, it shows that the online purchase
Purchase Decision                                         intention variable partially has a positive
        Based on the results of hypothesis                and significant effect on the online purchase
testing, it shows that the e-service quality              decision variable. This is evidenced by the
variable partially has a negative and                     path coefficient value of 0.662 with a
insignificant effect on the online purchase               significant value for the online purchase
decision variable. This is evidenced by the               intention variable of 0.000 with an alpha of
path coefficient value of -0.018 with a                   5%, namely (ρ = 0.000  0.05), meaning that e-                decisions (Y). So the results of this
service quality (X2) has a negative and                   hypothesis test indicate that the hypothesis
insignificant effect on online purchase                   is accepted. According to Kotler and Keller
decision (Y). So the results of this                      (2016) Purchase intention is how likely
hypothesis test indicate that the hypothesis              consumers are to buy a brand and service or
is rejected. Service quality is how far the               how likely consumers are to switch from
difference between reality and customer                   one brand to another. Online purchase
expectations for the services they                        intentions represent the willingness and
receive/obtain. This is in accordance with                intention of consumers towards products to
the theoretical concept according to Kotler               be purchased at a certain time or in certain
and Armstrong (2012) which states that                    situations    through      online    platform
service quality is often interpreted as a                 transactions (Lu et al., 2014). Purchase
comparison between the expected service                   intention is closely related to consumer
and the actual service received.                          purchasing decisions.

6. Effect of E-Trust on Online Purchase                   8. The Effect of Gamification on Online
Decision                                                  Purchase Decisions Through Online
        Based on the results of hypothesis                Purchase Intentions
testing, it shows that the e-trust variable                       Based on the results of hypothesis
partially has a positive and significant effect           testing, it shows that gamification has a
on the online purchase decision variable.                 positive and significant effect on online
This is evidenced by the path coefficient                 purchase decisions through online purchase
value of 0.174 with a significant value for               intentions. This is evidenced by the path
the e-trust variable of 0.002 with an alpha of            coefficient value of 0.166 with a significant
5%, namely (ρ = 0.002 < 0.05), meaning                    value for the gamification variable of 0.000
that e-trust (X3) has a positive and                      with an alpha of 5%, namely (ρ = 0.000
significant effect on online purchase
Dita Aulia The influence of gamification, e-service quality and e-trust on online purchase decision with
online purchase intention as intervening variable at the marketplace shopee in Medan City.

the company's goals in running an online                  decisions      through    online      purchase
business, especially a marketplace that can               intentions. This is evidenced by the path
attract consumers' online buying interest in              coefficient value of 0.253 with a significant
making online purchasing decisions. This                  value for the e-trust variable of 0.000 with
study is in line with the research conducted              an alpha of 5%, namely (ρ = 0.000                   2. Gamification, E-Service Quality, E-
0.05), meaning that e-service quality (X2)                   Trust and Online Purchase Intention
has a positive and insignificant effect on                   simultaneously have a positive and
online purchase decisions (Y) through                        significant impact on Online Purchase
online purchase intention (Z). So the results                Decisions at the Shopee marketplace in
of this hypothesis test indicate that the                    Medan City.
hypothesis is rejected. This research is not              3. Gamification partially has a positive and
in line with research conducted by Sukron                    significant effect on Online Purchase
(2019) which found that e-service quality                    Intention on the Shopee marketplace in
has a positive and significant effect on                     Medan City.
purchasing decisions through buying                       4. E-Service Quality partially has a
interest as an intervening variable on                       positive and insignificant effect on
Tokopedia consumers. Based on the results                    Online Purchase Intention on the Shopee
of these studies, it can be concluded that                   marketplace in Medan City.
there is an indirect effect of e-service                  5. E-Trust has a positive and significant
quality on purchasing decisions through                      effect on Online Purchase Intention on
buying interest.                                             the Shopee marketplace in Medan City.
                                                          6. Gamification partially has a positive and
10. The Effect of E-Trust on Online                          significant effect on Online Purchase
Purchase Decisions Through Online                            Decisions on the Shopee marketplace in
Purchase Intentions                                          Medan City.
        Based on the results of hypothesis                7. E-Service Quality partially has a
testing, it shows that e-trust has a positive                negative and insignificant effect on
and significant effect on online purchase

                       International Journal of Research and Review (                      553
                                         Vol.8; Issue: 8; August 2021
Dita Aulia The influence of gamification, e-service quality and e-trust on online purchase decision with
online purchase intention as intervening variable at the marketplace shopee in Medan City.

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Conflict of Interest: None                                    Konsumen, Kemudahan dan Kualitas
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Source of Funding: None                                       secara Online dengan Minat Beli sebagai
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