The light-weight electric driven propulsion system for low-noise ships: RENK AED Advanced Electric Drive - Schiff & Hafen

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The light-weight electric driven propulsion system for low-noise ships: RENK AED Advanced Electric Drive - Schiff & Hafen
№ 3 | 2016                                             Market overview:

                              March | April                     LNG as fuel 10
                                                                Retrofitting: Current activities
                                                                and orders 20

                                                                Maritime 4.0: Navigating the
                                                                digital world 36


        The light-weight electric driven propulsion system for low-noise ships:
        RENK AED© Advanced Electric Drive
The light-weight electric driven propulsion system for low-noise ships: RENK AED Advanced Electric Drive - Schiff & Hafen
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The light-weight electric driven propulsion system for low-noise ships: RENK AED Advanced Electric Drive - Schiff & Hafen

                                             Dr.-Ing. Silke Sadowski
                                                      Editor in Chief

Sustainable investments
Shipyards worldwide are still suffering from overcapacities and         this year, the stage will most likely be set for the convention to
going through tough times. Those specialising in retrofitting and       finally take effect in 2017.
conversion might see a silver lining, though.                                To help our readers keep abreast of these complex develop-
    Retrofitting existing vessels remains a valuable option despite     ments, this issue of Ship&Offshore details current retrofitting
the current low oil prices. Needless to say, today’s payback pe-        activities by shipyards and suppliers (starting on page 20) along
riods for refitting sustainable technologies are a lot longer than      with the growing importance of LNG propulsion systems (page
those just two years ago. But projects such as retrofitting bulbous     10) – both for newbuildings and retrofits.
bows, optimising rudders and propellers, and raising deckhouses              There’s more in our Shipbuilding & Equipment section, of
have proven to bring solid fuel savings. A German shipowner re-         course. Against the background of the advances outlined above
cently even reported savings of up to 25% by implementing the           – especially in green ship technology – we’ve spoken with Claus
aforementioned measures (see page 24).                                  Ulrich Selbach, business unit director of SMM and WindEnergy
    What’s more, reducing fuel consumption decreases a vessel’s         at Hamburg Messe und Congress GmbH, about the new Hall A5
environmental footprint. In light of the results of December’s          being erected to showcase innovative green propulsion technolo-
UN conference on climate change in Paris (COP 21), it’s only a          gies at this year’s SMM trade fair (page 31).
matter of time before the shipping industry will face even stricter          Another article in the section deals with the much-discussed
rules on greenhouse gas emissions. Retrofitting ships with new          topic of future container ship size. The study presented here
technologies to lower their overall environmental footprint could       found that the main particulars of next-generation ultra-large
help combat climate change by improving the efficiency of wa-           container ships (ULCSs) will be seriously affected by size limita-
terborne transportation. It’s expected that the meeting in April of     tions imposed by the Suez Canal. See page 26.
the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) Marine Envi-                 Starting on page 36, a special section dubbed Maritime 4.0
ronment Protection Committee (MEPC69) will address specific             delves into the rapidly increasing digitalisation of the shipping
steps to demonstrate the shipping industry’s commitment to help         industry. Among the topics covered are “big data” analytics, the
curb global warming.                                                    Internet of Things, the hyperconnectivity of mobile devices, digi-
    Besides efficiency-enhancing measures, the IMO’s roadmap            tal twin technology, 3D printing, remote container management
for reducing emissions of sulphur and nitrogen oxides (SOx and          and cyber security.
NOx) is spurring retrofits of other kinds as well. To meet the               We also look at digitalisation in our Ship Operation section
limits in Emission Control Areas (ECAs), for example, shipping          with a piece on an ongoing European research project aimed at
companies are increasingly looking at LNG propulsion technol-           harmonising sea traffic and maritime data interchange. Turn to
ogy, scrubbers and even NOx catalysts.                                  page 62.
    Further environmental regulations are also forcing shipyards             Our Offshore & Marine Technology section may be small in
to demonstrate their skills – above all the IMO’s Ballast Water         this issue, but an excellent article starting on page 54 describes
Management Convention. Belgium has just ratified it, leaving the        a marine design approach to bridge layout and crew transfer in
treaty just 0.18% short of the 35% of world tonnage required for        regard to wind farm support vessels (WFSVs), taking the needs
entry into force. Since Panama has signalled its intention to ratify    of end users as well as stakeholders into account.

                                                                                                                 Ship&Offshore | 2016 | Nº 3   3
The light-weight electric driven propulsion system for low-noise ships: RENK AED Advanced Electric Drive - Schiff & Hafen

                                                                                                                                                                    10                                      54

    Shipbuilding &                                                                                                                        Shipbuilding &                              Offshore &
    Equipment                                                                                                                             Equipment                                   Marine Technology
   LNG as Fuel                                                                               Retrofitting                                                                            Offshore Wind
10 Gas engines for the shipping                                                           24 Multi-technology ship retrofit                                                       54 A marine design approach to
   industry: a market overview                                                               expected to slash fuel use by 25%                                                       bridge layout development and
                                                                                          25 Refit project for DFDS Seaways                                                          crew transfer
   LNG | Green Ship Technology                                                                                                                                                    59 Last cable installed
16 Government funding goes to                                                                Classification & Consulting                                                          59 World’s largest wind farm
   cleaner power for berthing                                                             26 Possible growth limited by                                                              jack-up mobilised
   container ships                                                                           Suez Canal
17 Expansion of test centre for LNG                                                                                                                                                  Industry News
   and alternative fuels                                                                     Interview with                                                                       60 Experts team up to
                                                                                             Claus Ulrich Selbach                                                                    launch fibre-rope crane
   Green Ship Technology                                                                  31 New hall for innovative green                                                        60 Emphasis on OSV fuel
18 Finland’s first battery-powered                                                           propulsion technologies                                                                 management performance
   ferry is milestone in clean                                                                                                                                                    60 Liftboat ready for delivery
   shipping                                                                                  Piping Systems | HVAC                                                                61 Site investigations at wind farm
                                                                                          32 Caution advised amid R-22                                                               zone have started
   Retrofitting                                                                              phase-out                                                                            61 Substantial savings on DP trials
20 Fuel-saving potential and
   tightening regulations boost                                                              Industry News
   business                                                                               34 Innovative tank skimming
24 Upgrade of largest private                                                                equipment launched
   residential ship

Professional Publications for Shipping, Marine and Offshore Technology
                                                                                                                                                                  NO 30
                                                                                                                                                                 20 JULY

                                  date +++ worldwide +++ exclusive +++ up-to-date +++ worldwide +++ exclusive +++ up-to-date +++worldwide +++ exclusive +++ up-to-date +++ worl

                                                                                 PROSPECTS AND ORDERS
                                  exclusive +++ up-to-date +++ worldwide +++ exclusive +++ up-to-date +++ worldwide +++ exclusive +++ up-to-date +++worldwide +++ exclusive +++

                                          NETHERLANDS       Dutch yard Bodewes has a contract for a water injection vessel/boat plough. | The vessel
                                                            will be completed in 2016. Contact: Royal Bodewes, Werfkade 22, 9601 LG Hoogezand, The Netherlands.
                                                            Tel. ++31 598 39 31 31. Email Web

                                                            German towage company Bugsier-, Reederei- & Bergungs-Gesellschaft said it has ordered
                                                            two tug newbuildings, one from Dutch yard Damen and one from Turkish yard Bogazici.
                                                            They will be delivered in spring and summer 2016. The tug from Bogazici is designed by Cintranaval of
                                                            Spain. It will be 32m long and will have an open stern for anchor handling duties. The propulsion system
                                                            of two Schottel SRP 4000 units will be powered by two ABC 12 DZC-1000-168A engines, providing two
                                                            times 2,500 kW with a bollard pull of at least 80 tonnes. The new tug will be equipped with a FIFI 1 fire
                                                            fighting system and two Kraaijeveld double drum winches, fitted forward and aft, for offshore, salvage and
                                                            fire fighting services. Damen has an order for a pure harbour tug of type ASD 2411. The tug will be 24.5 m
                                                            long and will have an approximate bollard pull of 65 to 70 tonnes. Two Caterpillar 3516C main engines
                                                            have an output each of 2,100 kW which will bring the power to two Azimuth propulsion units of type
                                                            RRUS255. Contact: Bogazici Denizcilik Sanayi Ve Ticaret A.S, Rihtim cad. Nemlizade sok. NO:1/10 Kadiköy
                                                            34716 Istanbul, Turkey. Tel. ++90 216 414 37 84. Fax ++90 216 337 92 56. Email info@bogazicishipping.
                                                            com Web Contact: Damen Shipyards Group, Head Office, Industrieterrein,
                                                            Avelingen West 20 4202 MS Gorinchem, The Netherlands. Tel. ++31 183 63 99 11. Fax ++31 183 63 21 89.
                                                            Email Web

                                                            Dutch offshore yard Heerema Zwijndrecht, one of the yards of Heerema Fabrication Group
                                                            (HFG), has a contract from Dutch energy company Oranje-Nassau Energie for the procure-
                                                            ment and construction of a topside and jacket for an offshore production platform. | The
                                                            contract is for an unmanned and sustainable satellite platform for the P11-E field, located near the Dutch
                                                            coast. The topside will measure 31 m by 25m, have a height of 13m and will weigh 500 tonnes. The jacket
                                                            will have a height of 49m with a footprint of 20m by 20m and a weight of approximately 1,000 tonnes.
                                                            The project has a challenging schedule. The first cut of steel is scheduled for September 1, 2015, and the
                                                            unit must be ready for sail away by end April 2016. The unmanned platform and will be operated from a
                                                            central station on the Dutch coast. There is a helicopter landing deck for maintenance or when the platform
                                                            must be reached quickly in an emergency. In addition, the topside is self-sufficient in electricity generation
                                                            thanks to solar panels and wind turbines. It is expected that in the near future more unmanned stations will
                                                            be installed in the North Sea. Oranje-Nassau Energie was founded in 2008 and is one of the largest private
                                                            Dutch exploration and production companies in oil and gas sector. Contact: Heerema Fabrication Group SE,
                                                            Noordweg 8, 3336 LH Zwijndrecht, The Netherlands. Tel. ++31 78 625 04 25. Fax ++31 78 619 40 69. Email

                                                NORWAY      Norwegian yard Kleven has signed a contract to build two stern trawlers for customer
                                                            DFFU, a subsidiary of Icelandic seafood company Samherji. | The vessels of Rolls-Royce’ NVC
                                                            374 WP design will be delivered from Kleven’s Myklebust Verft in Gursken, Norway, in February and June
                                                            2017. The vessels will be 80m long with hulls of ICE 1A class, and will be equipped with a wide range of
                                                            Rolls-Royce equipment, including B33:45 main engines, thrusters, automation, winches and a fuel effi-
                                                            cient wave piercing design. In June this year, Kleven announced a contract for a live fish carrier for Nor-
                                                            wegian shipowner Solvtrans. Contact: Kleven Maritime AS, Mr Tore Roppen, The Director Supply Chain,
                                                            N-6065 Ulsteinvik, Norway. Tel.: +47 91 59 99 25. Email Web www.

The light-weight electric driven propulsion system for low-noise ships: RENK AED Advanced Electric Drive - Schiff & Hafen

    In Focus:                                                                   Operation
                                                                              Navigation & Communication
    Maritime 4.0                                                           62 Validation phase for sea traffic
                                                                              management concept
                                                                           64 Mobile communication for
    36 Navigating the digital world                                           commercial vessels
                                                                           64 API enables exchange of data
    41 Automation and the need for cyber security                          66 Position reference system
                                                                              integrates all available GNSS
    42 Top ten cyber security vulnerabilities in the                          services
       oil and gas industry                                                66 ICS publishes new bridge
                                                                              procedures guide
    43 Best practice in additive manufacturing

    44 Digital transformation for marine and
       offshore companies

    44 Steps to future-proof the shipping industry                              Regulars
                                                                           3    Comment
                                                                           6    News & Facts
                                                                           45   Buyer‘s Guide
                                                                           67   Imprint

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The light-weight electric driven propulsion system for low-noise ships: RENK AED Advanced Electric Drive - Schiff & Hafen

                                                                                                                    Tor E. Svensen
                                                                                                                    DNV GL | Tor E.
                                                                                                                    Svensen, group
                                                                                                                    executive vice
                                                                                                                    president      at
                                                                                                                    DNV GL, has
                                                                                                                    decided to re-
                                                                                                                    tire from his Tor E. Svensen
                                                                                                                    position with leaves DNV GL
The new deepwater dive support vessel for Shanghai Salvage Bureau                Impression: Wärtsilä Ship Design   effect from Au-
                                                                                                                    gust 1st 2016. He will continue
New type of deepwater dive support ves-                                                                             to work in the maritime indus-
                                                                                                                    try and, among other things,

sel to be designed                                                                                                  take up a role as professor at
                                                                                                                    the University of Strathclyde in
                                                                                                                    Glasgow, focusing on education
SSB | Wärtsilä says it has signed a contract with       erations for 24 divers using two diving bells. All of       and research related to safety at
Shanghai Bestway Marine Engineering Design              the design features are based on a single platform          sea. Svensen’s career at DNV GL
Co, Ltd to design a new type of deepwater dive          operating with DP3, the highest class of dynamic            spanned more than 20 years and
support vessel. The ship is to be built for the         positioning. When built, it will be the world’s first       saw him lead the maritime busi-
state-owned Shanghai Salvage Bureau (SSB), one          SAT diving support vessel with multi-lay and ul-            ness for more than a decade.
of the largest professional salvage companies in        tra-deepwater construction capabilities, accord-            “Tor has made an outstanding
China.                                                  ing to Wärtsilä.                                            contribution to the company
The Wärtsilä design features what the Finnish           The contract with SSB covers initial and basic              over these past 23 years, through
company describes as a unique combination of            design of the ship, meaning that class- and flag-           a transformative period for both
capabilities, including deepwater (6,000m) sal-         authority-related drawings for the purpose of               our industry and DNV GL,” said
vage operations, deepwater pipe-laying and con-         finalising the necessary approvals and certifica-           Remi Eriksen, group president
struction work, and saturation (SAT) diving op-         tions will be supplied.                                     and CEO of the DNV GL Group.

                                                                              Order for VLECs
                                                                              UEC | China’s JHW Engineer-           constructed to date. Each ves-
                                                                              ing & Contracting has ordered         sel will be powered by a single
                                                                              five very large ethane carriers       MAN B&W 6G60ME-GI main
                                                                              (VLECs) for a joint venture           engine.
                                                                              called UEC (United Ethane             Dalian Shipbuilding Indus-
                                                                              Carriers) between Jaccar              try Offshore Co, Ltd (DSIC)
                                                                              Holdings of Luxembourg and            will build the vessels in China,
Magne Viking complies with the Polar Code        Photo: Viking Supply Ships   Germany’s Hartmann Group.             while the engines will be built
                                                                              At 85,000m3, the vessels, for         in South Korea by Hyundai
First vessel to comply with Polar Code                                        which long-term charters have         Heavy Industries (HHI). Deliv-
                                                                              already been secured, will            ery of the first carrier is sched-
Magne Viking | DNV GL and           ice-classed AHTS vessel capable           be the largest ethane carriers        uled for the middle of 2017.
the Danish Maritime Authority       of operations in harsh-environ-
have confirmed that the anchor      ment offshore regions, as well as
handling tug supply (AHTS)          Arctic/sub-Arctic operations.
vessel Magne Viking, owned by       “As this vessel was already winter-
Viking Supply Ships, is the first   ised and built for operation in cold
vessel to be in compliance with     climates, most of the additional
the new IMO Polar Code. The         requirements in the Polar Code
Polar Code is mandatory for all     were already fulfilled before we
SOLAS vessels entering Arctic       started the implementation pro-
and Antarctic waters from Janu-     cess,” said Andreas Kjøl, project
ary 1st 2017. Magne Viking is an    director at Viking Supply Ships.          Sketch of the new VLEC

6   Ship&Offshore | 2016 | Nº 3
The light-weight electric driven propulsion system for low-noise ships: RENK AED Advanced Electric Drive - Schiff & Hafen
Genting Group acquires Nordic Yards                                                                               > IN BRIEF
                                                                                                                  Online magazine | Bremerhav-
New focus | Malaysia’s Gent-                                                                                      en-based German Dry Docks
ing Group has acquired Nordic                                                                                     has launched an online maga-
Yards, which the Germany-                                                                                         zine. Divided into the sections
                                                                                                                  “People & Pacemakers”, “Ships
based shipbuilder said ensured
                                                                                                                  & Projects”, “Technology & Ser-
the future of its shipyards in                                                                                    vices” and “Tradition & Innova-
Wismar, Rostock-Warnemünde                                                                                        tion”, the repair yard’s magazine
and Stralsund. The takeover                                                                                       presents current projects and
contract was signed earlier this                                                                                  the people behind the scenes.
month in Hamburg. After the                                                                              

applicable checks by authori-                                                                                     Ratification | As the 48th flag
ties in the coming weeks, Nor-                                                                                    state, Belgium has ratified the
dic Yards said, the takeover will                                                                                 Ballast Water Management
become final and business op-                                                                                     Convention. The required 35%
erations transferred to the Gen-    Nordic Yards will now focus on cruise ships             Photo: Nordic Yards   of world tonnage for entry into
ting Group.                                                                                                       force has not yet been reached,
Genting, a conglomerate that        technology vessels for Arctic de-     Star Cruises, the world’s third-
operates worldwide, acquired        ployment and logistics, Nordic        largest cruise operator, as well as     Rebranding | The commercial
all the shares in Bremerhaven’s     Yards said its new focus would        Dream Cruises, Crystal Cruises          satellite communication division
Lloyd Werft at the start of the     be on cruise ships in response to     and Norwegian Cruise Line are           of Airbus Defence and Space has
year, so it will now own four       stagnating or even declining de-      all part of the Genting Group.          been rebranded as Marlink. All
                                                                                                                  maritime and enterprise satcom
shipyards in northern Germany.      velopments in the fields of off-      According to Nordic Yards,
                                                                                                                  activities will be grouped under
Traditionally a specialist in the   shore wind, offshore oil and gas,     none of its workers face redun-         this brand. The look and feel of
design and construction of high-    as well as in the Russian market.     dancy.                                  the new Marlink brand identity
                                                                                                                  has been completely overhauled
                                                                                                                  to mark a fresh start. The new
                                                                                                                  visual identity will help Marlink
                                                                                                                  to differentiate itself in the mar-

Steel-cutting for                   RINA expands marine                                                           ket and to further strengthen
                                                                                                                  and unite as one global team

World Dream                         offering in Germany                                                           around a single identity to serve
                                                                                                                  its global customers even better.

                                                                                                                  Anniversary | Sanmar Denizci-
Dream Cruises | The first piece     New office | The classification       ple ambition: to make RINA a
                                                                                                                  lik, Turkey’s renowned tugboat
of steel has been cut at the        society RINA has opened a new         reference partner for the Ger-          builder and operator, is celebrat-
Meyer Werft shipyard in Pap-        office in Hamburg’s Hafen City.       man market,” said Volta on the          ing its 40th anniversary this year.
enburg, Germany, for Dream          Led by Massimo Volta, general         occasion of the recent official
Cruises’ second ship, World         manager for Europe at RINA            opening of the office.                  Acquisition | V.Group has acquired
Dream. Meyer Werft held the         Services, the new office will con-    In Germany, RINA has recently           Bibby Ship Management, part of
                                                                                                                  the Bibby Line Group. The combi-
steel-cutting ceremony for the      tinue to service foreign clients,     strengthened its plan approval          nation of Bibby Ship Management
first, Genting Dream, in Febru-     and the classification society will   centre and launched a new busi-         and V.Group is said to strengthen
ary 2015. Dream Cruises, the        use the expansion to support its      ness assurance office that has          V.Group’s overall position in ship
first-ever Asia-based premium       growing portfolio of German           hired four local team members           management and maritime servic-
cruise line brand, was recently     and North European clients.           in the last two months. This            es as well as the offshore market.
launched by cruise and resort       “RINA has grown its Ger-              has allowed RINA to support
                                                                                                                  Transaction | Kito Europe GmbH
operator Genting Hong Kong.         man-classed fleet to 75               its German clients with new             has announced the establish-
Delivery of World Dream is          ships, accounting for nearly          specialist expertise, including         ment of Kito Chain Italia Srl by
planned for fall 2017, a year af-   2,000,000gt, and has an order         asset integrity management and          its parent company, Tokyo-based
ter that of its sister ship. Both   book of ten ships account-            technology qualification.               Kito Corporation, and the acqui-
of the vessels, 325m in length      ing for a further 1,500,000gt.                                                sition of the assets of the former
                                                                                                                  Weissenfels Tech Chains Srl, lo-
and 39.7m in breadth, will          Among them are the first-ever                                                 cated in Fusine, Italy.
have a gross tonnage of about       LNG-powered cruise ships for
151,000, a cruising speed of        Carnival built by Meyer Werft.                                                Partnership | Falck Safety Ser-
about 23 knots and capacity         We plan to increase our Ger-                                                  vices and VIKING Saatsea have
for more than 3,300 passen-         man-classed fleet by a further                                                signed a preferred partnership
                                                                                                                  agreement to offer unique blend-
gers.                               25% in 2016 and expand our
                                                                                                                  ed-learning STCW refresher train-
They are designed for the fast-     manufacturer portfolio well be-                                               ing that combines onboard online
growing Chinese cruise mar-         yond the 500 clients served so        Massimo Volta (right) will lead         theoretical and practical exercises
ket.                                far in Germany. We have a sim-        the new Hamburg office                  with practical onshore training.

                                                                                                                        Ship&Offshore | 2016 | Nº 3   7
The light-weight electric driven propulsion system for low-noise ships: RENK AED Advanced Electric Drive - Schiff & Hafen

Disney expands its fleet of cruise ships                                                                      Portfolio
                                                                         and each is currently planned
                                                                         to include about 1,250 guest         Specialised vessels | Norwegian
                                                                         staterooms. Design plans, ship       shipbuilder Vard Holding said it
                                                                         names and itineraries are still in   aimed to expand into construc-
                                                                         development.                         tion of specialised vessels in the
                                                                         Disney Cruise Line was estab-        offshore wind and aquaculture
                                                                         lished in 1998 to provide a set-     markets and could also expand
                                                                         ting, in the words of the Walt       into passenger vessel construc-
                                                                         Disney Company, “where fami-         tion. This is part of a strategy to
                                                                         lies can reconnect, adults can       reduce the yard’s dependency
                                                                         recharge and kids can immerse        on the offshore oil and gas sec-
                                                                         themselves in worlds of fantasy”.    tor during the downturn in the
                                                                         With the launch of the Disney        oil industry after Vard reported
                                                                         Dream and Disney Fantasy in          heavy losses. “The group’s ef-
The Walt Disney Company will add two cruise vessels to its fleet         2011 and 2012, the company           forts to diversify are well under
                                                                         introduced what it said were         way, and we believe that we are
Meyer Werft | The Walt Dis-           The schedule calls for the ships   several firsts for the industry,     on the right track to recovery,”
ney Company has announced             to be completed in 2021 and        including a water coaster at sea     said Vard’s CEO Roy Reite.
plans to build two additional         2023.                              (AquaDuck) and virtual port-         Geographically, Vard will also
cruise ships showcasing fam-          Each new ship will be approxi-     holes in interior staterooms         increase its focus on the Mid-
ily entertainment, saying it has      mately 135,000gt – slightly        (Magical Portholes) that pro-        dle East region, where it expects
entered into a memorandum             larger than the newest Disney      vide real-time views of the sea      comparatively strong demand
of agreement with the Meyer           Cruise Line ships, the Disney      as well as sightings of animated     for offshore support vessels and
Werft shipyard in Germany.            Dream and Disney Fantasy –         Disney characters.                   other specialised craft.

Float-out of                          Design contract for research vessel
luxury cruise ship                    TORI | Netherlands-based Off-
                                      shore Ship Designers (OSD-
Seabourn Encore | The Seattle-        IMT) says it has been con-
based luxury cruise line Sea-         tracted to design an IMT2001
bourn has celebrated the float-       scientific research vessel for
out of its new Seabourn Encore        the Taiwanese Ocean Research
from its dry dock to its outfit-      Institute (TORI). The vessel
ting dock at Fincantieri’s Mar-       will be used to support long-
ghera shipyard in Italy, where it     term oceanographic observa-
will undergo final construction       tion programmes, including
until delivery at the end of 2016.    the operation of unmanned
The ship will expand the line’s       ROVs, terrain survey and map-
Odyssey-class ships, which            ping, seismic pattern detec-
were introduced between 2009          tion, long-core sampling, com-
and 2011. Seabourn said the           piling diagrams of topology        Sketch of the research vessel
Seabourn Encore would main-           and stratum, and performing
tain the line’s high ratio of space   real-time data processing and      ing down to 200m below the           equipped with diesel-electric
per guest, enabling highly per-       sampling within its onboard        seafloor and be fitted with a        power generation, two main az-
sonalised service by close to         laboratory facilities.             range of different deck equip-       imuth propulsion thrusters and
one staff member for each guest       The IMT2001 will be fit-           ment spreads.                        two bow tunnel thrusters with
on board.                             ted with two A-frames, two         With a length of 76m and             the dynamic position notation
The 40,350gt ship will be con-        deck cranes, an ROV launch         breadth of 16m, the vessel will      DP-1.
figured with one additional           and a recovery A-frame with        have accommodation for 43            The vessel will be built by
deck and new expanded public          umbilical winch, streamer          persons (crew and scientists)        Triyards Shipyard in Ho Chi
areas, and is expected to carry       winch and gun array and an         and be classed by the Taiwanese      Minh City, Vietnam, and is
just 600 guests, based on dou-        MEBO200 seabed drilling rig        Classification Society (CR) for      scheduled for delivery in Au-
ble occupancy.                        that can conduct core drill-       worldwide operation. It will be      gust 2017.

8   Ship&Offshore | 2016 | Nº 3
The light-weight electric driven propulsion system for low-noise ships: RENK AED Advanced Electric Drive - Schiff & Hafen
Just add water
                                                                           GEA BallastMaster
Sketch of the new cargo carrier                  Source: NSK Ship Design

LNG propulsion for fish food carrier
NSK Shipping | Rolls-Royce          which was the world’s first
says it has signed a USD 6.5        LNG-powered cargo vessel
million contract with Tersan        and which was delivered from
Shipyard in Turkey to supply        Tersan Shipyard in 2012. Both
an LNG propulsion package           ships are designed by NSK
for a cargo carrier designed by     Ship Design.
NSK Ship Design for Norwe-          The LNG propulsion system
gian shipowner NSK Shipping.        comprises one eight-cylinder
The vessel will deliver fish food   Bergen C26:33 natural gas en-
on behalf of Denmark’s BioMar       gine rated at 2160 kW, Promas
Group.                              combined rudder and propeller
The new cargo carrier, expect-      system, one tunnel thruster in
ed to be delivered in 2017, will    the bow and one in the aft, and
be a slightly larger sister ship    a Rolls-Royce automation and
to NSK Shipping’s Høydal,           DP system.

Launch of mega-yacht
Kleven | Norwegian shipbuild-       ship design company Marin
er Kleven says it has launched a    Teknikk in cooperation with
116m-long expedition support        naval architect Kyle Dick of
vessel (ESV), the second me-        New Zealand-based Oscar
ga-yacht from Kleven to New         Mike Naval Architects. Spe-
Zealand businessman Graeme          cially designed for long ex-
Hart. The first, the 107m-long      peditions in rough waters, it          With the BallastMaster, it is very simple to ensure
Ulysses, was delivered in 2015      blends a robust, hard-working          that there is only water in your ballast tanks – with
and is now on its first cruise in   character with luxurious added         no harmful organisms such as plankton, bacteria or
the Mediterranean.                  extras, Kleven says. The vessel        viruses. Everything beneath the waves is under
The high-specification ves-         will accommodate 66 people
                                                                           control, so you don’t have to worry about it.
sel is of type MT 5006 MKII         and is to be delivered in July
ESV, designed by Norwegian          this year.

                                                                           GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH
                                                                           Werner-Habig-Straße 1, 59302 Oelde, Germany
                                                                           Phone: +49 2522 77-0,

Image of the expedition support vessel

                                                    Photo: Berge Myrene
                                                                           engineering for a better world
The light-weight electric driven propulsion system for low-noise ships: RENK AED Advanced Electric Drive - Schiff & Hafen
SHIPBUILDING & EQUIPMENT                           LNG AS FUEL

The world’s first LNG-powered container ship:
Isla Bella from TOTE Maritime
                                   Photo: TOTE Maritime

Gas engines for the shipping
industry: a market overview
ALTERNATIVE FUELS In light of the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) roadmap for reducing
emissions of sulphur and nitrogen oxide caused by maritime shipping, as well as the additional environmental
regulations expected to be introduced in the coming years, use of LNG as a fuel for ships is – alongside exhaust
gas cleaning systems – gaining significance

     xhaust gas emissions can be reduced considerably using      nated coastal areas off the United States and Canada) and the
     engines that run on natural gas. When compared with         United States Caribbean Sea area (around Puerto Rico and the
     engines that use diesel as their fuel, such engines have    United States Virgin Islands). Engines operated with gas have
shown a 20-25% reduction in CO2 emissions, negligible levels     been developed, constructed and deployed in large numbers
of particle and sulphur emissions (SOx), and about 92% less      for stationary plants for many years. Based on this, the industry
nitrogen oxide (NOx). This is currently particularly relevant    has been developing engines that can be run on gas stored on
for existing Emission Control Areas (ECAs) such as the Baltic    board in its liquefied form, as LNG, for the last few years. These
Sea, the North Sea, the North American area (covering desig-     include both “pure gas” engines and what are known as “dual

10   Ship&Offshore | 2016 | Nº 3
fuel” (DF) engines, which can be operated using either lique-             tion air before reaching the combustion chamber. The air and
fied (heavy oil or marine diesel oil) or gaseous fuel.                    gas mixture (Otto principle) is fed into the engine and com-
    Initial applications date back to 2010, when the first LNG            pressed. Because the natural gas does not ignite independently,
tankers to use the boil-off gas created in the storage tanks as a fuel    even under the high compression of a diesel engine, standard
for running modified diesel engines were put into operation. To-          diesel (1% - 20% of the volume of natural gas) is injected, and
day, use of gas engines as propulsion systems in LNG tankers is           ignites (diesel principle). These engines have largely been mod-
well established.                                                         ified from series-produced diesel engines with the addition of a
    Due to stricter emission limits, engine manufacturers have            natural gas supply.
been driving forward the further and new development of gas en-
gines through research and heavy investment. Similarly, retrofit-         Two-stroke engines
ting packages have been developed for upgrading diesel engines            Low-speed two-stroke engines are available when greater power
that are already in use to allow these to also run on gas.                is required. Engine makers have developed two different types,
    There is now virtually no limitation in regard to the use of the      which operate according to either the mixed Otto diesel princi-
engines – as is evidenced by the contracts received by all well-          ple (low-pressure introduction of gas) or the purely diesel-based
known engine manufacturers. The newbuildings include special              principle (high-pressure injection of gas).
offshore vessels, ferries, bulk carriers, container ships, gas tankers,       In both cases the engines are essentially diesel engines that are
and even cruise liners. Many shipowners have also been making             run on heavy fuel oil or gas.
use of the retrofitting option.                                               The difference between the two methods is the way in which
    Of the some 30 engine manufacturers around the world that             the fuel “gas” is fed in. In DF engines that use a mixture of the
develop ship propulsion systems, a third are currently able to            Otto and diesel principles, a lean gas and air mixture is introduced
offer gas engines that are suitable for use as the vessel’s main or       into the working cylinder, where it is compressed and ignited
auxiliary system. The range on offer spans from relatively small          upon the injection of a small quantity of diesel. In gas operation,
high-speed four-stroke engines with outputs of a few hundred              a lean-burn Otto combustion method is used.
kilowatts to the largest low-speed two-stroke engines. Regard-                The two-stroke DF diesel engines developed by Wärtsilä are
less of the combustion methods that the engines use, when run             based on this principle.
on gas, all are capable of complying with IMO Tier III emission               With the second method, the combustion process is based
requirements.                                                             on the diesel principle, even in gas operation. This is a low-
                                                                          speed DF diesel engine with gas injection through a high-
Working principle of gas engines                                          pressure gas supply system. The highly compressed natural
High- and medium-speed four-stroke engines and low-speed                  gas (approximately 250 bar) is fed directly into the engine’s
two-stroke engines that are suitable as ships’ propulsion systems         combustion chamber by a second injection nozzle. Pilot fuel
have been taken to series maturity from existing ship engine con-         (marine gas oil or heavy oil) is also injected into the chamber,
cepts and developments in gas engine construction.                        initialising combustion. In LNG operation, injection of the
    Engine concepts for LNG-based marine propulsion can be                igniting fuel (pilot fuel) and the gas into the engine’s combus-
split into two groups: pure gas engines (mono-fuel engines),              tion chamber must be ensured through the various valves >
which are run exclusively on gas, and DF engines, which can al-
ternate between running on diesel and gas.
    Engine manufacturers are taking different routes in the (fur-
ther) development of gas engines for use in ships. The engines
are essentially based on three different (or complementary) func-
tional principles:
   > gas engines based on the Otto principle,
   > gas engines based on a mixture of the Otto and diesel
   > gas engines based on the diesel principle.
Four-stroke engines
The majority of gas engines on ships today are medium-speed
four-stroke engines, which operate according to either the Otto
principle (pure gas engines) or a mixture of principles (dual-fuel
engines). The output of these engines can be between approxi-
mately 500 kW and 8,000 kW, depending on the type of engine.
    In the case of gas engines that work according to the Otto
principle, a compressed gas and combustion air mixture is spark-
    In larger gas engines, the gas is generally ignited with the help
of pilot fuel (approximately 1% - 5% diesel injection). These en-
gines exclusively use natural gas as their fuel.
    In the case of dual-fuel engines based on a mixture of Otto           Caterpillar’s dual-fuel engine MaK 12 M46D is based on the
and diesel principles, the natural gas is mixed with the combus-          MAK-M-43-C engine

                                                                                                                    Ship&Offshore | 2016 | Nº 3   11

in the cylinder head. The principle of a DF two-stroke diesel       not yet complete. The range that is currently available encom-
engine has been developed by MAN Diesel & Turbo.                    passes the DF engines of the DZD series, with outputs from
                                                                    720 to 2,670 kW. These are medium-speed inline engines with
The market situation                                                six and eight cylinders and V engines with twelve and 16 cyl-
Not all gas engines introduced in recent years are currently se-    inders.
ries-ready and fully classified. Engine manufacturers often keep
their options open in terms of the direction in which they will     Caterpillar Corporation
develop their engines for this segment, in order to be able to      Having taken over MWM GmbH in Mannheim, Germany,
react flexibly to the requirements of the market, i.e., the needs   Caterpillar had access to a range of gas Otto engines from three
of shipowners. If fuel flexibility is required due to alternating   series, with the basic engines all fully classified in the diesel
routes, the engines have to be switchable and able to change        version.
from liquefied to gaseous fuel – and vice versa – during ongoing         In the version for the maritime sector, the engines bear the
operation.                                                          series designation CG 132. The 16-cylinder engine is currently
    If ships are constructed exclusively for operation in ECAs,     available as a power system for onboard units, with an output
pure gas (Otto) engines offer an economic advantage in that the     of 800 kW at a speed of 1,500 or 1,800 min-1. The series also in-
total costs of investment and running of the vessel are consider-   cludes eight- and twelve-cylinder engines, all in the V-type design
ably lower than for DF engines that alternate between fuels.        with a cylinder output of 50 kW. Classification is currently being
    Below is a description of what the international manufactur-    prepared. Market launch is planned for 2017.
ers are offering, in alphabetical order.                                 The power generation units of a ferry are already being run
                                                                    by twelve-cylinder engines from the 3500 C series, which have
Anglo Belgian Corporation                                           been converted to the pilot fuel injection method. These engines
When it presented its brand new engine series D 36 at SMM           are currently undergoing a series of tests in preparation for clas-
2012 in Hamburg, Belgian engine manufacturer Anglo Belgian          sification.
Corporation (ABC) also announced that it would be develop-               The stationary gas Otto engines from the same basic series
ing the engines for gas operation; however, this development is     are considerably more advanced. Adapted for the maritime sec-
                                                                    tor and equipped with case-by-case approval from Bureau Veri-
                                                                    tas, these are used as generator drives on Becker Marine Systems’
                                                                    LNG hybrid barge Hummel. Full certification is expected to be
                                                                    received in the course of further projects. Caterpillar offers gas
                                                                    Otto engines with a power range of 143 to 4,300 kW produced in
                                                                    the United States.
                                                                         Two series have become available in the course of the further
                                                                    development of medium-speed diesel engines from the brand
                                                                    MaK (series M 20 to 43) for alternating operation using liquefied
                                                                    or gaseous fuels: the M 34 DF series, developed based on the M
                                                                    32 series, and the M 46 DF series, which was developed from the
                                                                    M 43 series. This covers the power range of 3,000 to 15,400 kW.
                                                                    It is expected that the M 25 series will also be modified, which
                                                                    will lead to creation of the M 27 DF series through the increase in
                                                                    stroke. Market launch is expected to take place in 2017, rounding
                                                                    the power range down to 1,800 kW.
                                                                         Caterpillar states that the MaK gas engines are – and the fu-
                                                                    ture pilot fuel injection engines based on the 3500 C series will
                                                                    be – optimised for direct use as a main propulsion system, while
                                                                    the gas Otto engines from Germany and the USA will be used
                                                                    primarily for powering onboard units.

                                                                    Daihatsu Diesel Mfg Co
                                                                    Daihatsu presented two new series for the power range of 1,800
                                                                    to 5,620 kW in 2014. The DE 28 DF series covers a power range
                                                                    of 1,800 to 4,800 kW with six- and eight-cylinder inline engines
                                                                    and twelve- and 16-cylinder V engines, while the MD 36 DF se-
                                                                    ries starts at 2,935 kW with a six-cylinder engine and goes up to
                                                                    5,629 kW with the twelve-cylinder engine. As is the case for most
                                                                    diesel engines modified for DF operation, these are medium-
                                                                    speed engines with speeds of between 600 and 750 min–1.
MAN’s ME-GI dual-fuel engine 8S70ME-C8.2-GI for Crowley             Kawasaki Heavy Industries
Maritime’s first LNG-powered container ship recently passed its
factory acceptance test at the Tamano Works of Mitsui               Kawasaki announced at SMM 2012 that it planned to also apply
Engineering & Shipbuilding Co Ltd in Japan                          its extensive experience in stationary gas Otto engines to the >

12   Ship&Offshore | 2016 | Nº 3
Service with passion.

Marine Engines & Systems Power Plants Turbomachinery After Sales


                                                                      The 35/44 DF series underwent important testing by all well-
                                                                      known classification societies in Augsburg, Germany, and Fred-
                                                                      erikshavn, Denmark, last year, as a prerequisite for the powering
                                                                      of onboard units and ships with controllable pitch propellers.

                                                                      Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
                                                                      Mitsubishi’s range includes a series of high-speed Otto engines
                                                                      with a six-cylinder inline engine, twelve- and 16-cylinder V en-
                                                                      gines and a long-stroke six-cylinder engine, with outputs of be-
                                                                      tween approximately 300 and just under 1,600 kW. However,
                                                                      these outputs can only be used for a limited period.
                                                                          Mitsubishi supplied four gas Otto engines, each with an
                                                                      output of 675 kW, for the first RoRo ship using gas engines, the
                                                                      Norwegian ferry Glutra. The ferry was put into operation back
                                                                      in 2000.
                                                                          The ferry Ostfriesland is equipped with two Mitsubishi
                                                                      onboard units (six-cylinder engines), each with an output of
                                                                      370 kW, for which individual approval has been issued according
                                                                      to DNV GL.
Demonstration of the W6X72DF, the first two-stroke                    Niigata Power Systems
engine of the Wärtsilä-X-DF-series, at its Japanese licensee
Diesel United                                                         When it unveiled its new diesel engine series 28 AHX in 2014,
                                                                      Niigata also presented the DF engines developed on the basis of
                                                                      the new medium-speed diesel engines.
maritime sector. The range comprises inline engines with five to      While the diesel engine series includes V engines as well as inline
nine cylinders and V engines with twelve and 18 cylinders for a       engines, currently only inline engines with six, eight and nine cyl-
total power range of 2,225 to 7,800 kW.                               inders are intended for DF operation. Due to the identical stroke,
                                                                      the outputs are about 7% lower than for purely diesel-based op-
MAN Diesel & Turbo                                                    eration, at 1,920 to 2,880 kW.
MAN caused quite a stir when it presented its high-pressure               The engines in the 28 AHX-DF series are suitable as a main
method for gas operation of engines on the test bench with            propulsion system with fixed pitch propellers.
a low-speed two-stroke test engine in Copenhagen in 2011.
The reason for this was not just the technical solution, which        Rolls-Royce
is based on the aforementioned technique of high-pressure gas         Medium-speed Rolls-Royce engines for marine applications, sup-
injection, but also the statement that all two-stroke engines in      plied by Bergen Engines AS, are approved for all kinds of marine
the range would be immediately available with this technology         propulsion systems. They are not only suitable for running power
under the ME-GI series designation. This range comprises 19           generation units at a fixed rotational speed, but are also suitable as
series with piston diameters of 350 to 950mm and outputs of           a direct mechanical main propulsion system.
2,650 to 82,440 kW. There is no limitation to the performance             There are two series available for the power range of 1,460
of the engines in gas operation using primarily methane-based         to 5,700 kW continuous output. The C 26:33 L series offers
natural gas. The ME-GI engine represents an efficient, flexible       six-, eight- and nine-cylinder inline engines, the capacity of
solution for propulsion systems, which can also be retrofitted in     which ranges from about 1,460 kW to 2,430 kW with a cylinder
all existing ME engines.                                              output of 243 to 270 kW. They are at the upper end of medium-
American shipping company TOTE awarded the world’s first              speed engines in terms of their speeds of 900 and 1,000 min-1,
contract for container ships with LNG propulsion systems to the       respectively.
NASSCO shipyard in San Diego back in December 2012. The                   The second series, B 35:40, encompasses both inline engines
ships, the first two of which have already been put into operation,   with eight and nine cylinders and a V engine with twelve cylin-
each have an 8L70ME-GI dual-fuel engine.                              ders. This provides continuous outputs of 3,500 to 5,700 kW.
     In addition, MAN Diesel & Turbo has expanded the range           The nominal speed is 750 min-1.
so that all two-stroke engines are being, or have already been,           At SMM 2014, the company also announced that it was devel-
developed to run on ethane (designation ME-GIE), methanol             oping corresponding gas engines based on the MTU 4000 engine
(ME-LGIM) and LPG (ME-LGIP). The injection concept was                series. These are fast-speed engines that work according to the
successfully demonstrated in Japan in mid-2015 by licensee            Otto method. Reverse stern drive (RSD) tugs to run on natural
Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding, with the first engine to           gas, developed by Damen for Danish towage company Svitzer, are
be run on methanol destined for a customer. A seven-cylinder          the first vessels that are equipped with two 16-cylinder engines
engine from the basic series S 50 B 9.3 was used in this dem-         with an output of 2,000 kW each at a speed of 1,800 min-1 .
     With its four-stroke engine range, MAN is able to offer me-      Wärtsilä
dium-speed DF engines from four series, with drive outputs of         Wärtsilä said very early on that gas was the fuel of the future for
625 to 18,000 kW. The speeds are between 500 and 900 min-1.           shipping, and has aligned its four-stroke cylinder engine range

14   Ship&Offshore | 2016 | Nº 3
to take account of this. Today Wärtsilä is able to offer outputs of     Wärtsilä was able to announce its first contract for the propulsion
1,110 to 63,840 kW with its four- and two-stroke engines that are       of two large LNG tankers (each 180,000m3) using these engines
suitable for gas operation.                                             (each tanker with two six-cylinder engines from the X 62 DF se-
    The Wärtsilä 34DF engine comes in a six-, eight-, nine-,            ries) in autumn 2014.
twelve- and 16-cylinder configuration. It can be run on LNG,
marine diesel fuel (MDF), biofuel and heavy fuel oil. After intro-      Conclusion
ducing two versions under the 46 DF series for four-stroke en-          It is clear that suitable engine technology for the use of LNG is
gines in 2014, the company added the 31 DF series in 2015. This         available on the market. Both versions – exclusively gas-based
provides closely stepped medium-speed engines for outputs of            operation and DF engines – are tried and tested and have been
1,110 to 17,550 kW.                                                     in operation for years. When it comes to engine technology, the
    Two versions were developed under the 46 DF series; they            major manufacturers are each focusing on a single approach and
were optimised in terms of either output (1,145 kW per cylinder)        driving its technological progress. A transitionary period is ex-
or efficiency (100 kW lower cylinder output). With inline and V         pected for the next few years, with experts predicting greater use
engines with six to 16 cylinders, this series offers outputs of 6,270   of DF systems due to their key advantage of flexibility. A ship
to 18,320 kW. The new 31 DF series exclusively covers V engines         operator’s decision to use diesel or gas as a fuel may depend on
with eight to 16 cylinders, for outputs of 4,400 to 9,760 kW.           the volatile development of demand and prices, available bun-
    Wärtsilä reported successful gas operation tests with a two-        kering capacity (on board) and the area in which the ship is to
cylinder DF engine at the end of 2013, simultaneously announc-          be used.
ing that the first series-ready engine would be dispatched just a            The option of retrofitting also speaks in favour of DF systems.
year later. The first engine was a model from the RT-flex 50 DF         Meanwhile, proponents of pure gas systems highlight that these
series. The subsequent further developments in gas operation ex-        should always be considered in terms of efficiency and perfor-
clusively concerned engines from the new X series.                      mance, as they are designed to use a single fuel and are therefore
    At the end of 2015, the range comprised six series: the afore-      optimised for that fuel. In comparison, they state, DF engines are
mentioned RT-flex 50 DF series and the new X 52, 62, 72, 82 and         a technical compromise with corresponding losses. Further, they
92 DF series. In gas operation, they all run as Otto engines with       add, the flexibility of the dual-fuel engine is no longer relevant if
low quantities of pilot fuel. The outputs of these six series range     it is clear which routes the ship will take and if bunkering oppor-
from 4,775 to 63,840 kW, at speeds of between 65 and 124 min-1.         tunities can be planned accordingly.

                                                                                                                  Ship&Offshore | 2016 | Nº 3   15

Government funding goes to cleaner power
for berthing container ships
LNG POWERPACS® | The Ger-           environmentally friendly, safe       “The energy requirements of
man government is funding           and economical option for sup-       container ships depend on the
LNG-fuelled electricity for         plying power based on LNG to         size of the vessel and the length
berthing container ships. In        container ships during layovers      of time they spend at port,”
mid-February, the German            at port.”                            noted Max Kommorowski, co-
Federal Ministry of Trans-          The company describes the            director of Becker Marine Sys-
port and Digital Infrastructure     LNG PowerPac® as a compact           tems’ LNG hybrid project.
(BMVI) presented Hamburg-           unit the size of two 40ft con-       Fellow co-director Ralf-Thom-
based Becker Marine Systems         tainers, intelligently combining     as Rapp added: “An LNG Pow-
GmbH & Co KG with a seven-          a gas-powered generator with         erPac® is equipped with a 20ft      The LNG PowerPac® container
figure grant for the supply of      an output of 1.5 MW and an           LNG ISO tank. The quantity
alternative energy to container     LNG tank in a limited amount         of 8.2 tonnes of LNG provided
ships at ports. Becker Marine       of space. Once a container ship      in this way enables an efficient    ment is promoting the use of
Systems said the energy would       is moored, the LNG Power-            supply of energy on board for       LNG as an alternative fuel at sea-
come from LNG PowerPacs®,           Pac® is placed on board via the      up to 30 hours.”                    ports. We are thus implement-
“the world’s first special con-     port terminal’s locally available,   For ships spending a longer         ing the recommendations of
tainers of their kind”, installed   standardised loading equip-          time at port in Hamburg there       the federal government’s mobil-
on the vessels.                     ment (such as gantry cranes,         is a cascading option, i.e., two    ity and fuel strategy,” remarked
“During layovers at port, the       ship-to-shore cranes, van car-       tank containers arranged on         Enak Ferlemann, parliamentary
power for container ships is        riers) to provide energy to the      top of each other for each LNG      secretary at the BMVI. “The
currently being supplied by on-     onboard power supply during          PowerPac®. This ensures a con-      idea is to make apparent the ad-
board auxiliary diesel engines      the vessel’s layover at port. This   tinuous supply of power for         vantages of the fuel of the future,
using fuel oil (marine gas oil).    brings a “decisive” reduction in     up to 60 hours. However, two        liquefied natural gas – or LNG
As a result, ships account for      energy consumption compared          LNG PowerPacs® can also be          – across systems in selected re-
the majority of harmful emis-       with operation of the ship’s aux-    operated in tandem on board a       gional demonstration and pilot
sions at ports,” said Henning       iliary engines, Becker Marine        ship. Tandem operation means        projects. By using LNG, the
Kuhlmann, managing director         Systems said.                        that two LNG PowerPacs® ar-         emission of nitrogen oxide can
of Becker Marine Systems, a         As part of the planned pilot         ranged side by side are able to     be almost completely eliminated
specialist in high-performance      project and for the first time       supply up to 3 MW of electric-      when compared with conven-
rudders and energy-saving           ever, container ships will be        ity to ships with a greater de-     tional diesel engines. With re-
maritime manoeuvring tech-          supplied with power from LNG         mand for power.                     spect to greenhouse gases, LNG
nology. “With LNG Power-            PowerPacs® during layovers at        “By funding the LNG Power-          also has a significantly smaller
Pacs® we are creating a modern,     the port of Hamburg.                 Pac® project, the federal govern-   footprint.”

16   Ship&Offshore | 2016 | Nº 3
Expansion of test centre for                                              Leading in development and manufacturing of oil mist
                                                                          separators for combustion engines and turbines.
LNG and alternative fuels
                                                                          Emission reduction &
ALFA LAVAL | The Alfa Laval          cut greenhouse gas emissions         increased efficiency
Test & Training Centre in Aal-       by 20% overall. However, as
borg, Denmark, will soon be          Nielsen pointed out, “advanced       by the use of highly efficient oil mist separators
expanded to five times its cur-      technology is a prerequisite for     at crankcase and lube oil tank ventilation.
rent size and focus on LNG           making the switch.”
and other alternative fuels,         The challenges involved with
the Swedish developer of heat        gas are nearly as great as the
transfer, separation and fluid       benefits, Alfa Laval said. LNG
handling technologies an-            poses additional environ-
nounced. It said the expansion,      mental difficulties due to the
supported by the Danish Mari-        methane and other greenhouse
time Fund, would create the          gases that evaporate from it, no
world’s most advanced test cen-      matter how it is stored or trans-
tre for environmental and com-       ported. Moreover, all gas fuels
bustion technology – regardless      are a serious explosion hazard,
of fuel type – and address new       requiring sophisticated equip-
challenges and possibilities for     ment for safe handling and
marine customers as they strive      treatment. At the Alfa Laval
to meet environmental and en-        Test & Training Centre, exist-
ergy targets.                        ing solutions to these challeng-
Opened nearly two years ago, the     es will be refined – and new
Alfa Laval Test & Training Cen-      ones developed.
tre currently has 250m2 of test-     “There are key processes that
                                                                                                                     ´ s onl ith
                                                                                                                  ld           w
                                                                                                              wor arator al
ing space, where a 2-MW diesel       become significantly more
engine and equipment from all        complex when LNG is in-                                                e
                                                                                                         Th sep prov
of Alfa Laval’s marine product       volved, which means the tech-                                            t
groups create the closest pos-       nologies on board must be even                                    i l mis ype ap
                                                                                                     o         t
sible simulation of a full-sized     more advanced,” remarked Lars                                         GL            t 9
commercial vessel. It will be ex-    Skytte Jørgensen, vice president                                              w.u
panded by 1,100m2 dedicated          of Alfa Laval’s Product Centre                                             ww
to environmental and combus-         Boilers. “The Alfa Laval Test
tion technology in burners and       & Training Centre ensures that
heating systems for vessels using    our diesel-related equipment is      Benefits of UT99 oil mist separators
LNG and other alternative ma-        the most proven on the market,
                                                                          •   Emission reduction, even to obtain EPA Tier 4 final
rine fuels. The enlarged centre is   and with the new expansion, it
expected to begin operations at      will do the same for our gas-re-     •   Reliable increase of efficiency at gas / dual-fuel engines
the turn of the year 2016-2017.      lated solutions.” Alfa Laval said    •   No deposits on turbocharger
As Peter Leifland, head of Alfa      the expanded facility would be
                                                                          •   No leakage of oil and oil mist
Laval’s Marine & Diesel divi-        the only one of its kind where
sion, noted, an estimated 7,000      environmental technologies for       •   Long-lasting operational reliability
vessels will be sailing with LNG     all types of fuels could be test-
in just 15 years, compared with      ed. Moreover, it will promote
                                     development from a range of
                                                                          Key features of UT99 oil mist separators
500 today.
“This is a remarkable change,        perspectives. As in the existing     •   For engines from 50 kW to 100 MW
driven in part by the succes-        diesel testing space, interactions       and turbines up to 2000 MW
sive tightening of NOx and           and synergies between process
                                                                          •   For closed (CCV) / open (OCV) crankcase
SOx regulations by IMO,” said        lines will be explored in the gas
Bodil Nielsen, manager of the        testing area. “While the gases           and lube oil tank (OTV) ventilation
Test & Training Centre. “LNG         have to be burned to minimise        •   Residual oil amount < 1 mg / m³ guaranteed
is an attractive solution because    environmental impact, we will        •   ATEX (ex-proof) approved design available
it reduces NOx by 85-90% and         develop the best technology for
virtually eliminates SOx.”           doing it safely – and for using
                                                                          Long-term supplier for many well-known
By moving from petroleum-            the energy to provide heat and
                                                                          engine, turbine and power plants
based fuels to LNG, vessels can      propulsion,” he said.

Finland’s first battery-powered ferry
is milestone in clean shipping
FINFERRIES | Siemens has been commis-            Archipelago. It will be approximately 90m      the propellers and an integrated alarm and
sioned to provide the complete elec-             long and 16m wide with a capacity for a        monitoring system. FinFerries will benefit
tro-technical solution for Finland’s first       maximum of 90 cars. Operation on the           from lower operational costs, maintenance
battery-powered car ferry. The Finnish           1.6km-long route will begin in summer          and repair cost savings as well as improved
shipping company FinFerries has ordered          2017.                                          control and safety through its energy man-
the newbuilding from the Polish shipyard         The ferry will be equipped with the Sie-       agement and thruster control systems, Sie-
CRIST SA. The environmentally friendly           mens electric propulsion system BlueDrive      mens said. The complete electro-technical
ferry will improve the transport options         PlusC. It includes an energy storage sys-      solution includes the remote access moni-
between Nauvo and Parainen in the Turku          tem, variable speed drive technology for       toring system EcoMain. Siemens will also
                                                                                                be supplying a WiFi solution to connect
                                                                                                with the shore-based charging stations con-
                                                                                                trolled by the ferry’s energy management
                                                                                                system to secure automated fast charging.
                                                                                                The ship’s energy storage system is charged
                                                                                                at each side of the crossing, with a shore
                                                                                                connection to the local grid. Due to the
                                                                                                harsh winter conditions in Finland, the fer-
                                                                                                ry will be capable of utilising a diesel engine
                                                                                                to support the onboard batteries, which
                                                                                                will serve as an extra boost when breaking
                                                                                                and travelling through ice. The ferry is then
                                                                                                operated as a plug-in hybrid vehicle.
                                                                                                Based on positive experience gained with
                                                                                                the world’s first battery-powered car ferry
                                                                                                Ampere, Siemens has tailor-made a suitable
                                                                                                technical solution for Finland’s first emis-
                                                                                                sion-free ferry. Ampere was put into opera-
                                                                                                tion in Norway in May 2015. It uses only
                                                                                                150 kWh per route, and with the change
The Finnish shipping company FinFerries has opted for environmentally friendly technology
                                                                                                from diesel propulsion to battery, ship-
by ordering the country’s first battery-powered car ferry. Pictured above is a part of the      owner Norled says it has reduced the cost
1.6km-long Parainen–Nauvo route, where operation will begin in the summer of 2017               of fuel by 60%.

New electrochemical wastewater treatment plant
ORCA IV | Evac has unveiled its new elec-        new ships, according to Evac. It operates
trochemical wastewater treatment plant           on a continuous basis, is fully automatic in
designed to treat black- and greywater           normal operation and requires low main-
aboard multiple vessel types, such as            tenance only once every three months.
yachts and navy vessels, as well as on off-      The hydraulic load for black and grey
shore platforms and other marine-type            vacuum wastewater treatment ranges from
applications. Called Orca IV, it’s a purely      1,500 to 70,000 litres per day, depending
electrolytic wastewater treatment plant          on the model. Evac said the system didn’t
that fulfils the requirements of IMO             require chemicals and that there was no
MEPC 227 (64), the Finnish company               need for a separate sludge tank.
said.                                            The Orca IV has a low installation cost,
The compact and modular design of the            offers high efficiency and is suitable for
Orca IV makes it ideal for retrofitting to ex-   small and narrow spaces, the company
isting vessels, as well as for installation on   added.                                         The Orca IV wastewater treatment plant

18   Ship&Offshore | 2016 | Nº 3
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