The solar cell of the future - PNAS

The solar cell of the future - PNAS

                                                                                                                                                                                               NEWS FEATURE
                                      The solar cell of the future
                                      If the latest photovoltaic technologies can team up, they promise to capture the sun’s energy
                                      far more effectively than ever before.
                                      Stephen Battersby, Science Writer

                                      In principle, the deluge of energy pouring down on us           convert about 15 to 19% of the energy in sunlight into
                                      from the sun could meet the world’s power needs                 electricity (2). That efficiency is the result of decades of
                                      many times over. Already, in the United States, the             research and development. Further improvements are
                                      total power capacity of installed solar photovoltaic            increasingly hard to come by.
                                      (PV) panels is around 60 gigawatts, an amount                       Material shortages, as well as the size and speed of
                                      expected to double in the next 5 years, and China               the requisite investment, could also stymie efforts to
                                      increased its PV capacity by nearly 60 gigawatts in             scale up production of existing technologies (3). “If we
                                      2017 alone (1). Meanwhile, improvements in PV panel
                                                                                                      are serious about the Paris climate agreement, and we
                                      technology have driven down the price of solar elec-
                                                                                                      want to have 30% [of the world’s electricity supplied
                                      tricity, making it cost competitive with other power
                                                                                                      by] solar PV in 20 years, then we would need to grow
                                      sources in many parts of the world.
                                          That’s not a bad start. But to take full advantage of       the capacity of silicon manufacturing by a factor of
                                      that energy deluge and make a real impact on global             50 to build all those panels,” says Albert Polman,
                                      carbon emissions, solar PV needs to move into tera-             leader of the photonic materials group at the AMOLF
                                      watt territory—and conventional panels might strug-             research institute in Amsterdam. “It may happen, but
                                      gle to get us there. Most PV panels rely on cells made          in parallel we should think about ways to make solar
                                      from semiconducting silicon crystals, which typically           cells that take less capital.”

                                      Silicon solar panels have become cheaper and more efficient, but a slew of exotic materials and optical tricks promises to
                                      increase solar power’s potential far more in the coming years. Image credit: Shutterstock/Smallcreative.
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                                      Published under the PNAS license.

                                                                                      PNAS | January 2, 2019 | vol. 116 | no. 1 | 7–10
The solar cell of the future - PNAS
and there’s still room for improvement. For example,
                                                                                                                          the interface between a CdTe layer and the metal
                                                                                                                          conductor beneath it has defects that can help holes
                                                                                                                          and electrons recombine, and so prevent them
                                                                                                                          from contributing to the cell’s current. There is an
                                                                                                                          opportunity to reduce this source of inefficiency, says
                                                                                                                          Markus Gloeckler, chief scientist at First Solar Inc. in
                                                                                                                          Tempe, AZ, which makes most of the world’s CdTe
                                                                                                                          panels. But CdTe and CIGS both depend on rare
                                                                                                                          elements—tellurium and indium—and it may be
                                                                                                                          impossible to deploy these on terawatt scales (3).
                                                                                                                              So researchers are investigating a wealth of other
                                                                                                                          materials. Organic molecules such as polymers and
                                                                                                                          dyes, synthesized in bulk from simple ingredients, can
                                                                                                                          form the light-absorbing layer in a PV cell. “The mate-
                                                                                                                          rials we use are, in principle, extremely inexpensive,”
                                                                                                                          says Stephen Forrest, who leads an optoelectronics
                                                              Among the most promising of PV materials being
                                                              explored, perovskites all share the same crystal            research group at the University of Michigan in Ann
                                                              structure, shown here. Image credit: ScienceSource/         Arbor, MI. However, although organics are potentially
                                                              ELLA MARU STUDIO.                                           cheap, the cost of silicon continues to fall as well.
                                                                                                                          Forrest suggests that, rather than becoming direct
                                                                                                                          competitors with silicon, organics will fill a different
                                                                  A slew of new technologies is aiming to tackle the      niche. “They can do things that silicon can’t,” he says.
                                                              terawatt challenge. Some could be cheaply mass                  Unlike silicon, organic cells are flexible. So they can
                                                              produced, perhaps printed, or even painted onto             easily be rolled out on rooftops or stuck onto other
                                                              surfaces. Others might be virtually invisible, integrated   surfaces, without requiring heavy glass plates. Organic
                                                              neatly into walls or windows. And a combination of          cells can also be designed to absorb mainly infrared
                                                              new materials and optical wizardry could give us            light and remain fairly transparent to visible light,
                                                              remarkably efficient sun-traps. In different ways, all      which means they can be integrated into windows.
                                                              of these technologies promise to harvest much more          Forrest’s group, for example, has demonstrated or-
                                                                                                                          ganic PV cells with 7% efficiency that allow 43% of
                                                              solar energy, giving us a better chance of transforming
                                                                                                                          visible light to pass through (4). That might sound like
                                                              the world’s energy supply in the next 2 decades.
                                                                                                                          a dim and dingy window, but it’s comparable to
                                                                                                                          standard office windows with an antireflection coating.
                                                              Material Benefits
                                                                                                                          Transparent organics could also get an efficiency
                                                              Most PV cells work in basically the same way. A layer
                                                                                                                          boost from electrodes made of graphene—a thin,
                                                              of semiconductor material absorbs photons of light,
                                                                                                                          conducting, and transparent sheet of carbon atoms. In
                                                              generating electrons and positive charge carriers
                                                                                                                          2016, researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of
                                                              known as holes (vacancies where an electron would
                                                                                                                          Technology in Cambridge, MA, managed to glue a
                                                              normally be). The electrons are siphoned off to flow
                                                                                                                          graphene electrode onto experimental cells (5).
                                                              around a circuit and do useful work, before recom-
                                                                                                                              The most efficient organic PV cells have proved
                                                              bining with the holes at the other side of the cell.
                                                                                                                          susceptible to oxidation, giving them a relatively short
                                                                                                                          lifetime. But placing them inside a sealed double-
                                                                                                                          glazed window panel would protect them from dam-
                                                              “Organics have a real opportunity in                        aging oxygen and water. “Organics have a real oppor-
                                                              building-integrated solar cells.”                           tunity in building-integrated solar cells,” says Forrest.
                                                                                   —Stephen Forrest
                                                                                                                          Efficiency Drive
                                                                                                                          Organic solar cells may be cheap, but the price of a
                                                                  A silicon layer needs to be about 200 micrometers       cell is only one part of the economic equation. The
                                                              thick to absorb a good proportion of the light that hits    real bottom line is called the levelized cost of elec-
                                                              it. But other materials absorb more strongly and form       tricity (LCOE): its cost per kilowatt-hour, across the
                                                              effective light-collecting layers that are only a few       whole lifetime of an installation. That cost includes
                                                                                                                          equipment such as inverters, which turn a panel’s low-
                                                              micrometers thick. That makes cells based on these
                                                                                                                          voltage direct current into higher-voltage alternating
                                                              materials potentially cheaper and less energy inten-
                                                                                                                          current. Other costs include installing and eventually
                                                              sive to manufacture.                                        recycling the panels. Although super-cheap panels
                                                                  Some of these thin-film technologies are well           offer one route to low LCOE (Box 1), researchers are
                                                              established. Cadmium telluride (CdTe) and copper            also working to improve two other crucial economic
                                                              indium gallium selenide (CIGS) share about 5% of            inputs: the lifetime of a panel and its power efficiency.
                                                              today’s global PV market (2). Commercial CdTe panels            Perovskites are among the most promising of the
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                                                              have recently matched silicon’s efficiency and cost,        new PV materials. They all share the same crystal

                                      8 |                                                                                      Battersby
structure as a calcium titanium oxide mineral, the           carriers, internal resistance, reflection from the face of
                                      original perovskite that gives this family of materials      the cell, and other effects.
                                      its name. Different types of ion or molecule can oc-             But existing materials can do much better by com-
                                      cupy each of the three sites in this structure, meaning      bining forces. In tandem cells there are two semi-
                                      that perovskite chemistry can produce a panoply of           conductor layers: an upper layer with a wide bandgap
                                      different materials. Some of these, such as methyl-          can make the most of visible light, whereas most of the
                                      ammonium lead halides, form effective thin-film cells        infrared shines through so that it can be mopped up by
                                      with efficiencies recorded up to about 23% (6).              a second layer with a narrower bandgap. Tandem cells
                                          Perovskite cells have reached this impressive out-       are perfect for materials with bandgaps that are rela-
                                      put after barely a decade of research. “They are             tively easy to tune. Tinkering with chemistry makes this
                                      growing rapidly in efficiency in a way that no one           possible in organics and perovskites. So in a perov-
                                      expected,” says Francisco Garcı́a de Arquer at the
                                                                                                   skite–silicon tandem, the perovskite can be engineered
                                      University of Toronto in Ontario, Canada. One reason
                                                                                                   to have a bandgap of 1.7 electron volts, which provides
                                      for their high efficiency is that perovskites tend to have
                                                                                                   the best light-absorbing complement to silicon’s 1.1 elec-
                                      a low density of defects in their crystal structure, en-
                                                                                                   tron volts. The theoretical efficiency limit for these
                                      suring that relatively few electrons and holes are lost
                                                                                                   two bandgaps combined is 43%.
                                      to premature recombination. A recent study implies
                                                                                                       As ever, the real-world performance is not up to
                                      that the relatively flexible lattice is ineffective at re-
                                                                                                   that ideal. But in June 2018, spin-out company Oxford
                                      moving heat energy from charge-carrying electrons,
                                      which could help explain perovskite’s high efficiencies      Photovoltaics set a record efficiency of 27.3% for
                                      and promise further improvements (7). What’s more,           perovskite–silicon tandem cells (10). The company
                                      all the materials in perovskites are abundant, and the       says it is relatively simple to take existing silicon wafers
                                      solution-based methods used to make them are po-             and add the perovskite layer by using an electrically
                                      tentially cheaper than the high-temperature process-         conductive adhesive to stick them together. “We have
                                      ing needed for silicon cells.                                an almost commercially ready product,” says the
                                          But perovskites do have an Achilles’ heel or two.        company’s chief technology officer Chris Case. They
                                      They usually include lead, a toxic element that might        expect early versions of the product to have around
                                      hinder their commercialization, so several teams are         25 to 26% efficiency, improving to better than 30% in
                                      looking at nontoxic alternatives, such as tin (8). Pe-       the coming years. The company is also embarking on
                                      rovskites are also prone to degrade, especially in the       a project to build all-perovskite cells with two or more
                                      presence of moisture, giving them short lifetimes and        layers, targeting an eventual efficiency of 37%.
                                      therefore poor LCOE. Encapsulating them in plastic               Three layers would be better than two, and re-
                                      helps but adds cost. At the Swiss Federal Institute of       searchers are increasingly looking to nanostructured
                                      Technology in Lausanne, Switzerland, a team led by           materials to complete such a trio. Quantum dots, for
                                      Giulia Grancini has found another way around the             example, are tiny semiconductor particles that turn
                                      problem, which involves adding an extra surface layer        out to be particularly good at capturing photons, and
                                      of perovskite to the cell. This material uses the same       changing their size offers a straightforward way to tune
                                      ingredients as the PV perovskite below but has a dif-        their bandgap (See Core Concept: Quantum dots,
                                      ferent structure that is more resistant to moisture. This
                                      seals and protects the cell, which shows no loss in per-
                                      formance over 10,000 hours of operation, and should be
                                      a cheaper option than plastic encapsulation (9).
                                                                                                    Box 1
                                                                                                    The Power of Print
                                      Band Together
                                                                                                    For solar power to make a substantial contribution to the global power
                                      Despite the rising efficiencies of the perovskites and
                                                                                                    supply will require tens of thousands of square kilometers of solar panels.
                                      other new PV materials, they all face a fundamental
                                                                                                    Printing could enable makers to churn them out rapidly, without the need
                                      limit on their performance. This is set by their char-
                                                                                                    for enormous capital investment.
                                      acteristic bandgap—the energy needed to set free a
                                                                                                        At the University of Newcastle in Callaghan, Australia, Paul Dastoor’s
                                      bound electron so it becomes a charge carrier. In sil-
                                                                                                    team has developed printable PV that’s on the verge of commercial de-
                                      icon, this gap is 1.1 electron volts. Photons with less
                                                                                                    ployment. Their organic light absorber, a thiophene polymer, is prepared
                                      than that energy cannot generate a charge carrier, so
                                                                                                    in ink form and deposited by commercial printing presses, as is one of the
                                      they are wasted. Photons with more than that energy
                                                                                                    electrodes, by using silver-based ink.
                                      can generate carriers, but any energy above
                                                                                                        Last year, Dastoor’s team tested the system in a 100-square-meter
                                      1.1 electron volts is lost as heat. Given the spectrum of
                                                                                                    installation and reached an efficiency of around 1%, with a projected
                                      sunlight arriving at the surface of the Earth, it’s possi-
                                                                                                    lifetime of 1 to 2 years. That may sound poor, but because their cells are so
                                      ble to calculate what proportion of solar energy can
                                                                                                    cheap to manufacture and install, just 2% and 3 years would make them
                                      possibly be captured by a material, known as its
                                                                                                    cost competitive with other forms of PV, according to Dastoor’s economic
                                      Shockley–Queisser efficiency limit. For a bandgap of
                                                                                                    model (14). The panels can literally be rolled out and fixed down by Velcro.
                                      1.1 electron volts, the limit is about 32%. The ideal
                                                                                                    They would have to be replaced quite frequently, however, which makes
                                      bandgap of 1.34 electron volts does only a little
                                                                                                    recycling vital. “Early indications are that it is straightforward to separate
                                      better, with a limit of 33.7%. In practice, cell effi-
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                                                                                                    the components,” says Dastoor.
                                      ciency drops because of the recombination of charge

                                      Battersby                                                                                              PNAS | January 2, 2019 | vol. 116 | no. 1 | 9
A triple cell might have a perovskite layer tuned to               some of it passes through without being captured.
                                                              blue and green light, a silicon layer for red and near                 The nanocylinders have the right spacing to reflect this
                                                              infrared, and a quantum dot layer for the longest                      unabsorbed light back into the perovskite layer,
                                                              wavelengths. “This could add up to 6% power con-                       allowing it a second chance to be absorbed.
                                                              version efficiency with little addition in cost,” says                     In contrast, the longer-wavelength light can pass
                                                              Garcı́a de Arquer, part of a team developing quantum                   straight through the nanocylinder layer without being
                                                              dot PV systems (11).                                                   reflected so that it can reach the silicon beneath.
                                                                                                                                     Similar methods could improve light trapping in many
                                                              Tricks of the Light                                                    forms of solar cell, bouncing the light back and forth
                                                              Novel optics could conjure even more power from                        until it is absorbed.
                                                              sunlight. Nanostructured materials could provide better                    Spectrally selective reflectors such as these could
                                                              antireflection coatings, which allow more sunlight to                  also enable better tandem cells. Sticking one layer on
                                                              enter a solar cell. They could also be used to restrict the            top of another creates several problems, including
                                                              wasteful emission of radiation when electrons and holes                having to match the currents generated by each layer.
                                                              recombine. And electrodes made from a grid of nano-                    This is difficult enough for a two-layer tandem, never
                                                              wires can be almost perfectly transparent.                             mind three or more. “If light levels change, one of the
                                                                  In Amsterdam, Polman’s research group has found                    cells can generate less current, which draws down the
                                                              that nanocylinders can supercharge solar cell perfor-                  entire stack,” says Polman. So he is working with Harry
                                                              mance in several ways. Although superficially similar                  Atwater and his group at the California Institute of
                                                              to quantum dot arrays, nanocylinders are made from                     Technology in Pasadena, CA, to build a device that
                                                              an insulating material instead of a semiconductor.                     uses reflector layers to channel light into six cells, each
                                                              Rather than absorbing light, they simply have a dif-                   tuned to a different waveband and stacked side by
                                                              ferent refractive index than the surrounding material.                 side (12). The aim is to produce a device with an
                                                              As a result, certain wavelengths of light bounce off the               overall efficiency of 50%—and other optical enhance-
                                                              array, whereas others are transmitted.                                 ments could take this higher still (13).
                                                                  Polman is working on a reflector based on nano-                        It’s not yet clear which of these technologies will
                                                              cylinders of titanium oxide to boost the performance                   come together to form the super-cells of the future, but
                                                              of perovskite–silicon tandem cells. These nanocylinders                the momentum seems to be unstoppable. “PV is less
                                                              form a separate layer between the perovskite and                       expensive than fossil fuel almost everywhere in the
                                                              silicon. As light enters the cell, the perovskite layer                US,” says Forrest. And it’s only going to get cheaper.
                                                              absorbs most of the short-wavelength light—but                         “Things,” he says, “are moving fast.”

                                                               1 Solar Energy Industries Association (2018) Solar market insight report: 2018 Q3. Available at
                                                                 resources/solar-market-insight-report-2018-q3. Accessed December 1, 2018.
                                                               2 Philipps S, Warmuth W (2018) Fraunhofer ISE photovoltaics report. Available at
                                                                 documents/publications/studies/Photovoltaics-Report.pdf. Accessed December 1, 2018.
                                                               3 Feltrin A, Freundlich A (2008) Material considerations for terawatt level deployment of photovoltaics. Renew Energy 33:180–185.
                                                               4 Li Y, et al. (2017) High efficiency near-infrared and semitransparent non-fullerene acceptor organic photovoltaic cells. J Am Chem Soc
                                                               5 Song Y, Chang S, Gradecak S, Kong J (2016) Visibly-transparent organic solar cells on flexible substrates with all-graphene electrodes.
                                                                 Adv Energy Mater 6:1600847.
                                                               6 National Renewable Energy Laboratory (2018) Best research-cell efficiencies. Available at
                                                                 efficiency-chart.png. Accessed December 1, 2018.
                                                               7 Gold-Parker A, et al. (2018) Acoustic phonon lifetimes limit thermal transport in methylammonium lead iodide. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA
                                                               8 Pantaler M, et al. (2018) Hysteresis-free lead-free double-perovskite solar cells by interface engineering. ACS Energy Lett
                                                               9 Grancini G, et al. (2017) One-year stable perovskite solar cells by 2D/3D interface engineering. Nat Commun 8:15684.
                                                              10 Osborne M (2018) Oxford PV takes record perovskite tandem solar cell to 27.3% conversion efficiency. PVTECH. Available at https://
                                                        Accessed December 1, 2018.
                                                              11 Jo JW, et al. (2018) Acid-assisted ligand exchange enhances coupling in colloidal quantum dot solids. Nano Lett 18:4417–4423.
                                                              12 Atwater Research Group (2018) Photovoltaic materials and devices. Available at
                                                                 materials-and-devices/. Accessed December 1, 2018.
                                                              13 Polman A, Atwater HA (2012) Photonic design principles for ultrahigh-efficiency photovoltaics. Nat Mater 11:174–177.
                                                              14 Mulligan CJ, et al. (2015) Levelised cost of electricity for organic photovoltaics. Sol Energy Mater Sol Cells 133:26–31.
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                                      10 |                                                                                                       Battersby
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