The Trestleboard - Sun City Lodge #72

Page created by Lois Cohen
The Trestleboard - Sun City Lodge #72
                                  APRIL 2022

                           Initiation ceremony
                          Bro. James Contreras

                                March 24th 2022

                           A publication of
         Sun City Lodge # 72
 “Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the
places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as you can.” -
The Trestleboard - Sun City Lodge #72
Sun city lodge n0 72
        3rd Degree ceremony
            March 17th 2022

Bro John Christopher Carnelia 3rd degree ,
             together with
BRO Walter Detrinidad on his proficiency.
         the wm and his officers
The Trestleboard - Sun City Lodge #72
From The East

Greetings Brethren,

March was another active month for our Lodge. We raised more brothers to the sublime degree of Master
Mason and also started a brother on his first step in Masonry initiating him as an Entered Apprentice
Mason. In addition we had an official visit to Valley of the Sun DeMolay for their semi-annual installation
of officers where we enjoyed some outstanding ritual work by our youth, had an educational visit from the
new Master Councillor, Marshal Cantrell, had a Lodge official visit to Acacia Lodge for a third degree, and
saw many improvements to the lodge. Special thank you goes to our Brother Ron Hudson for getting the
new ice machine installed.

In the upcoming month I am sure that we will stay quite busy. The month will start with a very fun activity
in our Festive Board. Thank you to the planning committee led by WB Barry and the contributions of the
members like Jim Denzien, Rob Truax, and Matt Link. Our stated meeting is on the 14th. On April 23rd we
will host another art encampment put on by the Art of Love Charity and we look forward to hosting the
under-served youth in our community. Please consider making additional art supply donations to the
collection box or donating of your time on the date. Please keep Brother Matthew informed of your
intentions so that he can coordinate.

I am anticipating second degrees and first degrees through the month of April. Please watch your email
and the Lodge Facebook page for these announcements as we don't have any confirmed dates as of this

Thank you for all that you do for the good of Masonry in General and this Lodge in particular.


Marcus Hensley
WM SC 72
The Trestleboard - Sun City Lodge #72
From The WEST

Greetings to the Brethren and Extended Masonic Family!
I was thinking about what to share this month, and I could not help but to think of all of the people whom make this
Lodge such a wonderful place, and wanted to share some congratulations to the many Brothers and friends whom
have accomplished something in the past month.
I want to congratulate the Brothers who recently received their degrees in Masonry. Congratulations to Brother Jim
Contreras on earning his first degree and Brother John Carnelia on receiving his third degree. Also, it was a pleasure
to see Brother Walter Detrinidad on completing his third degree proficiency in outstanding form in open Lodge.
What a pleasure to see!
I also wanted to thank those who have volunteered for the Art of Love event coming up on 4/23/2022. If there is
anyone else who would like to sign up for any activities at the last minute, please let me know right away. Although
the donations have been picked up, any last minute donations of art supplies would certainly be welcome.
I certainly want to congratulate Worshipful Brother Matt Link on his recent advancement to being the newly
appointed DDGM of our Lodge. I cannot imagine anyone else who fits the ability to approve proficiency and train
Brothers on fine ritual work than someone with his skills.
Lastly, I wanted to congratulate Worshipful Brother Barry White and the committee associated with putting
together the Festive Board. I am excited to participate at the event, and hope to see the tables filled with Brethren
from all over the valley and the State.
We have many wonderful things happening at the Lodge, and I hope to see more Brothers at the degrees, at the
events being held at the Lodge, and at the dinners for fellowship.
Thank you for all who have been attending the meetings lately, and being there for the newest members joining the
Hope to see you all in April!
Matthew Lawrence
Senior Warden
The Trestleboard - Sun City Lodge #72
From The south

Greetings Brethren, Prospects for Lodge Membership and Members of the Larger Masonic Family,

With gratitude for the confidence shown in me by my brethren in Sun City Lodge 72, I begin with thanks to them for my recent
election as our Lodge’s Junior Warden. It is with pleasure that I look forward to my role in this capacity during the remainder of
our current Masonic year, one that in retrospect will no doubt be seen as having been a busy and productive period for our Lodge.
To make my point, let me elaborate.

It would be hard to draw any other conclusion as we swing into this first full month of Spring, a season traditionally associated
with growth and renewal. Our membership, for example, is expanding and we take special pride in meeting the men of diverse
backgrounds who have expressed their interest in joining our ranks, many of whom are beginning to get acquainted with us by
regularly attending the dinners that precede our various gatherings. As Junior Warden, the Lodge officer responsible for arranging
these dinners, I take special pleasure in seeing their names being added one by one to the Lodge’s calendar for conferral of the
First Degree of Masonry. Indeed, over the coming months the Lodge calendar is likely to be filled with degrees so I encourage the
brethren to stay abreast as they are announced. Should you wish to attend dinner before any of them, as well as before our
regularly scheduled Stated Meetings, I would be very grateful for your RSVP as we will want to be sure that nobody is foreclosed
from enjoying a meal because the supply has been exhausted.

The dinners just mentioned are part of a long tradition by which Masons have enjoyed opportunities to gather over food, revel in
each others’ company, develop relationships with prospects for membership and relish the common values uniting them that
make such gettogethers possible. An even grander occasion for doing so will be our Lodge’s first-ever Festive Board, a black tie
event (for Masons only) on April 2 featuring a catered meal to begin at 5:00 P.M. with other activities unfolding thereafter until
9:00 P.M. Masons who would like to attend but who have yet to register are hereby asked to do so by contacting Worshipful
Brother Barry White ( since seating is limited.

Consistent with our values as Masons, our Lodge is also pleased to sponsor outreach events in service to the larger communities
of which we are a part. An outstanding example will occur later this month, April 23 to be precise, when we will for the second
time host a charitable event in cooperation with ‘The Art of Love,’ an organization whose Mission specifically supports the positive
growth and development of children in foster care by engaging them in artistic expression. On that day you will find young people
at our Lodge painting, drawing, dancing, acting, singing, playing musical instruments and working in potentially other art forms as
well. Any of you with artistic interests or an artistic talent at any level are especially encouraged to come by the Lodge to join in
the activities. Contributions of any kind of art supply, as well as monetary support directly payable to ‘The Art of Love,’ will, of
course, also be most welcomed. There are collection bins just inside the Lodge lobby for this purpose.

In closing, I once again welcome you to Spring 2022 at Sun City Lodge 72 and wish you the very best in this joyous month of



Douglas C. Peck

Junior Warden
The Trestleboard - Sun City Lodge #72
FROM THE Secretary’s Desk
                             For your kind attention

                Secretary’s Report as of March 25, 2022:

Sun City Lodge has 195 members.
Growth-wise, we are doing VERY well, with eight Entered Apprentices, three
Fellowcrafts, one candidate for the degrees, and two petitioners for membership
(degrees). That totals 14 new members in the “works”! Additionally, we have about
ten serious candidates for joining our Lodge, either by petition or affiliation!
The average age of our membership is 69.39 years. The Fellowcrafts average 60.38
years old, and the Entered Apprentices average 45.63 years old.
The upcoming meetings are:
  Thursday, April 14, 2022 – Stated Meeting
DUES, DUES, DUES!! Good news – We’re down to having only 12 of our 160
dues-paying members who have NOT paid their 2022 dues. PLEASE remit your
dues as soon as possible in order to remain a member in good standing.

Fraternally in Peace and Harmony,

                       Gary A. Loeb, PM
                       623-972-2217 (mobile – 484-354-9063)
The Trestleboard - Sun City Lodge #72
                           Your Lodge at a Glance for 2022

Worshipful Master Marcus Hensley                   619-208-8986
Senior Warden            Matthew Lawrence 623- 986-4824
Junior Warden           Doug Peck          330-289-1544     
Secretary                Gary Loeb         484-354-9063     
Treasurer                George Walton (pro term)
Chaplain                 Arizona Milke
Senior Deacon            Tom Dawson
Junior Deacon            Bryan Young
Senior Steward           Randy Gyoffry
Junior Steward           Ron Hudson
Marshal                  Joe Gonzalez
Tyler                    Matt Link

Building Manager: Pat Hayes PM, 623-972-2217
Banquet / Event Coordinator: Pat Hayes PM,
Candidate Mentoring: Pat Hayes PM
Lodge Trustees - Chairman, Robert Meizinger 623-518-2868
Members: Gary Fullington Earl Paasch PM, Robert Cole, Jan Lilley PM
Trust Fund Trustees—Chairman, Hal Knowlton, 714-343-4322
Members Dave Miller PM. Randall Sturdevant, Roger Tricco and Harold Vandenberg.
Trial Commissioners: Arizona Milke, Richard Flinton, Hal Knowlton, Matthew Lawrence and Jim Denzien
Audit Committee: Matthew Lawrence and Doug Peck
Lodge Ritual Director: Pat Hayes PM.
Masonic Education: Matthew Lawrence 623-986-4824
Masonic Funeral Coordination: David Miller PM. 602-317-6136
Membership Retention: Pat Hayes PM.
Sickness and Distress: Barry White PM. 602 903 0468
                           Razvan Dumitru 602-292-8855
Trestleboard Editor / Publisher: Barry White PM. 602-903-0468
Webmaster: Matthew Link
The Trestleboard - Sun City Lodge #72
Masonic Anniversaries
         Brother              Date         Years of Membership
Robert W. Wright           4/9/1960                 62
Roger D. Flowers           4/27/1973                49
William L. Strickland      4/25/1974                48
Harold G. Knowlton II      4/28/1975                47
Gordon M. Petersen         4/9/1979                 43
Craig G. Montgomery        4/21/1984                38
Kevin D. Baver             4/17/1985                37
Larry L. Coppi             4/29/1986                36
Richard J. Hoffer          4/2/1991                 31
Samuel B. Garrison         4/18/1998                24
John C. Van Epps           4/18/1998                24
Sean J. Shelton            4/13/2002                20
Gary G. Johnson            4/28/2005                17
Shawn M. Barker            4/15/2008                14
Joe V. Gonzalez Jr.        4/22/2008                14
Gerald T. Larson           4/21/2009                13
Ricky L. Rencher           4/30/2009                13
Jeffrie L. Sanzi           4/24/2012                10
David H. Rehkopf           4/2/2013                  9
Alejandro C. Felix         4/30/2015                 7
Bruce A. Kather            4/23/2015                 7
Royce D. Kidd              4/28/2016                 6

                  Happy Birthday to All!

                 Brother               Birthday
        Allen F. Wilcox                  Apr 2
        Steven M. Clifton                Apr 4
        W. Elliot Kleinman               Apr 5
        Willotte D. Medow                Apr 6
        Roger W. Hall                   Apr 10
        Eric J. Meyers                  Apr 11
        Mark A. Nelson                  Apr 13
        Larry A. Gorelick               Apr 19
        Charles J. Cheetham             Apr 27
        David C. Hermundson             Apr 27
        John C. Hohlfeld Jr             Apr 27
        Frank P. Visceglie              Apr 27
        Gerard T. Lyle Jr               Apr 28
        Earl K. Paasch                  Apr 28
        Douglas S. Robertson            Apr 28
        Gary W. Williams                Apr 29
The Trestleboard - Sun City Lodge #72

 As our beloved brothers pass to the Celestial Grand Lodge
above, we will remember them in our hearts and in our pray-
       ers, may the G.A.O.T.U look after them. R.I.P.

       Bro. Harold Carl Jensen (d. 3/7/2022) – age 91
The Trestleboard - Sun City Lodge #72

                             In operative masonry, a Lewis is a simple but ingenious device employed by
                             operative masons to raise heavy blocks of dressed stone into place.

                             In speculative Freemasonry, a Lewis is the son of a Freemason who joins the frater-
                             nity. As an analogy, it is commonly meant that the father raised the son into position
                             to take his place as part of the structure of Freemasonry. The Masonic Lewis Jewel
                             has been adopted by many Masonic Jurisdictions to identify those Masons who are
                             sons of Masons in good standing.

The Masonic Lewis Jewel normally consists of two or more bars connected by chains,

   •   The lowest bar showing the name of the wearer and date of his Initiation.

   •   The upper bar shows the name of the wearer’s father and date of his Initiation.

   •   Additional upper bars can sequentially show a continuous father-to-son ancestry over many generations.

The Sun City Lodge Past Masters Fellowship is developing plans for a special recognition of those members of
Sun City Lodge who are a Lewis (sons of Masons). The Past Masters Fellowship is in the process of purchasing a
special plaque on which will be recorded the name of those Sun City Lodge members who are Lewis
Masons. Besides the name of the Lewis Mason, the number of generations of direct male         descendants who
preceded the him will be identified.
Those Brothers interested in being recognized on the plaque should make contact with the Sun City Lodge
Secretary to provide the information necessary to confirm eligibility for Lewis Mason recognition.
Additionally, the Secretary can provide information and assistance to those sons of Masons who wish to purchase
their own Masonic Lewis Jewel. (The prices are amazingly reasonable!)

The Past Master’s Fellowship (PMF) of Sun City Lodge is scheduled to next meet on Thursday, 14 April
2022 beginning at 5:00 PM in the Jackson Room of the Sun City Masonic Center.

At the April gathering, we will be completing discussion of candidates for the Silver Trowel and Beehive
Recognitions. The group’s efforts continue regarding the PMF support for the Lewis Jewel recipients who are
members of Sun City Lodge.

At the March Stated Meeting of Sun City Lodge, Worshipful Brother Matt Link was recognized by the Past
Master’s Fellowship for his service as Worshipful Master with the presentation of the Square he wore during
his term of office in the East. In the photo below, Pat Hayes and Worshipful Master Marcus Hensley make the
presentation. Worshipful Brother Link was also recognized during the meeting as the newly appointed District
Deputy Grand Master for Sun City Lodge No 72.

There will be a ZOOM Session for this gathering. Contact Dave Miller (602.317.6136,
for specific information involving the ZOOM Session connectivity.

The Past Master’s have set up collection barrels for the recycling of aluminum cans and clear plastic bot-
tles. These collection barrels are located in the South entranceway for the Sun City Masonic Center. Everyone
using the Center is encouraged to bring these used items that they have available for recycling and deposit the
items in the designated barrel. Proceeds from the collected items assist the Past Master’s Fellowship to support
various Sun City Lodge activities and recognitions.

For additional information, contact Matt Link at 303.590.4192 or


                                                   April 2022

                             May your Easter be happy, may your day be bright
                                May you enjoy the treats and sweet delights.
                              But remember the meaning, remember God’s gift,
                              Remember the resurrection, may your soul uplift.

Dear Sun City Nile Club Ladies,
Our next meeting will be on April 4 at 1030am followed by a luncheon.
Remember that we had our elections, so now this meeting will be our officer installation.
Those that can, please be careful watching out for that other driver
Be safe, be well, as we meet again with friends.
Yours truly, Pr Dora Nickell, President

                          New Horizon Court #12                      Order of the Amaranth

                                                     April 2022

                                                    Happy Easter
                                          May the renewal of life at Easter
                                     Bring new blessings of love, hope, peace,
                                Good health & happiness to you ad your loved ones
                                            Embrace the renewal of life.

Well we have one initiation done and soon will have another initiation done with 2 new members from each of
these initiations. That has put us at initiating 6 new members and doing 1 reinstatement for this term. Thank you
one and all for being present at these initiations as well as finding our new members.

April is fast approaching in a lot of ways for New Horizon. Not only will we be doing elections on April 11 for a
new term of officers, but also getting our new members into some vacant positions that we hope we can fill for this
new term. It is always a treat to look out and see how many of our newest members are doing and also hoping that
they are receiving all the guidance that they hope and need to be able to fulfill their expectations of doing a
wonderful and valuable job for our court.

We have had to postpone our Hobo Tea to the following term as there is not enough time to get it rescheduled on
the lodge calendar. In case you have not been in the lodge office to view this calendar, it is one very busy aspect of
a lodge and our wonderful lodge officer manager, Pat Hayes, deserves a lot of credit in keeping it up to
date.    Currently there are approximately 16 organizations that meet in the lodge plus all the requests that may
come in for use of the lodge for special events. Sun City Lodge is a very popular spot for events.

The court did the first reading of changes to our court rules and regulations at our February 14 meeting and now the
court has completed the task of doing the second reading and voting on those changes at our March 14
meeting. Now these changes will go before the grand court rules & regulations committee for subordinate courts.

Our March 8 initiation and advance night was done wonderfully by our upcoming officers, HL Patricia Tomlin,
Associate Matron and SK Paul Zimmerman, Associate Patron. Now as soon as we have our elections on April 11,
the court will fill the elected positions and then HL Patricia might announce as to whom her appointed officers will
be. I can let you know that the planned date for Installation of Officers will be on May 22, 2022. Details will
follow at a later date.

HL Pat Zimmerman, Secretary

       Sir Knights of St Andrew Commandery

The April 2022 meeting of St Andrew Commandery will be held on Saturday, 09 April 2022.

Education will be a part of the conclave scheduled for opening at 9:00 AM. Coffee and donuts are
will be available prior to the opening of the conclave. After the April Conclave, the Sir Knights, their
Ladies, and friends will join in a celebration of Easter with a special meal and ceremony. RSVP to
Pat Hayes for a meal reservation.

The April Conclave will include election of Commandery Officers for the next term.

We are developing information exploring the opportunity to sponsor a Drill Team.
Interested Sir Knights should contact the Recorder, Pat Hayes, for additional information.

Contact Pat Hayes (602.570.5684, for additional conclave information.

                              For additional conclave information.
                  Contact Pat Hayes (602.570.5684,
VALLEY OF THE SUN DEMOLAY                                                            ,

On Saturday, March 5, Valley of the Sun DeMolay Chapter installed a new Corps of Officers. Additionally, a
new Chairman of the Chapter Advisory Board was installed - Steve Dilda. Steve Dilda currently serves
Phoenicia Lodge as Worshipful Master. The installation ceremonies concluded the term of David Zaucha as
Chairman of the Chapter Advisory Board. His years of service to the Chapter and DeMolay is appreciated by
many. Below is a photo of Dad Dilda with the DeMolay State Master Counselor (notice all the DeMolay
Merit Bars Dad Dilda was awarded in his youth as a DeMolay!!). Also below is a photo of Dad Zaucha with
his son, Dawson, a Past State Master Counselor and a newly initiated Entered Apprentice Mason.

The newly installed Master Counselor of Valley of the Sun DeMolay Chapter, Marshall Cantrell, took time to
visit Sun City Lodge on Thursday, 9 March, prior to the opening of the Stated Meeting. The Sun City Lodge
Worshipful Master praised the Master Councilor and his Corps of Officers for a fine installation and for the
Chapter’s assistance with the recently completed Pancake Breakfast sponsored by the Lodge and the Sun City
West High 12 Club.

Valley of Sun Chapter DeMolay is a Masonic youth organization for young men. To be eligible to join
DeMolay, three simple requirements need to be met by the applicant:

+ You are a young man between the ages of 12 and 21;
+ You are of good moral character; and,
+ And you believe in a supreme being (all religions welcome).
The members engage in a variety of service and fun activities. Service events include working with adult
Masonic groups and working in local community charity events. DeMolay members enjoy social activities
with members of locally Masonic sponsored Rainbow Girl Assemblies and Job’s Daughter Bethels, as well as
recreational events involving sports and electronic game challenges. The Chapter events and meetings are
planned and run by the youth Chapter officers with guidance from the Dad Advisor.
                 Valley of the Sun Chapter regularly meets at the Sun City Masonic Center.
                          The Chapter meets the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month.
                               Refreshments at 3:00 PM. Meeting at 4:00 PM.

Local Master Masons serving on the Valley of the Sun Chapter Advisory Council include: Steve Dilda; Bryon
Howe; Steve Liguori; Matt Link; and David Zaucha.
For further information about becoming a member of DeMolay or how to become a member of the Advisory
Council, contact Steve Dilda at

                                     PEORIA CHAPTER #59
                                       Order of the Eastern Star
                                   Meets 2 and 4 Wednesday at 7:30 PM
                                           nd      th

  Peoria Chapter held another successful steak fry on March 13 at the Lodge. We had many helpers from the
Chapter attend to assist with setup, cooking, serving and of course, the dreaded clean-up activities! It is true
that “many hands make light work.” The Chapter was also blessed to have in attendance many Chapter
members, including some who have been unable to attend the regular meetings. It is always wonderful to
catch-up with those we haven’t seen in a while. It was also nice because we had the opportunity to
communicate with families of small children and observe the rapid growth of their offspring. We had visitors
from several other Chapters, including Flagstaff #7, Chandler #18, Sunnyslope #47, Sun City #66, and
Glendale #20. Three members of the church who meet at the Lodge also stayed after their services to
partake in our steak, sides and goodies! We also thank the local Masons who supported our event. It was a
beautiful day to grill the steaks outside and a fabulous day of friendship inside. We appreciate the support of
everyone who came!

  On March 23, Worthy Matron Pat Peterson, Grand Conductress, honored the fifty-year plus members with a
lovely program and welcome. Peoria is honored to have so many longtime members.

 April 13 will be a busy meeting for the Chapter as we anticipate performing the Initiation ceremony for two
candidates. Also, that night, Worthy Matron Pat will honor Sister Sue Peterson, PGM, for her dedication and
assistance to Peoria for serving as our District Instructor this year. Sue is extremely knowledgeable and
helpful in her instruction. She really kept us on track and “up to snuff” this year.

  Chapter elections are on the horizon and a new corps of officers is being assembled. It is an exciting time
around Peoria #59.

                   Sun city west High Twelve club

Sun City Lodge and Sun City West High 12 Club members were involved in the preparations and delivery of the
breakfast meal at the Saturday 12 February Pancake Breakfast at the Sun City Masonic Center. Below is a picture of
(from Left) Glynn Ley, Jeff Samuelson, and Marcus Hensley attending to pancake and French Toast preparation.

The Annual Pancake Breakfast was a successful fundraising activity co-sponsored by the Sun City West High 12
Club and Sun City Lodge No 72. Proceeds from the breakfast were shared with Valley of the Sun DeMolay
Chapter; Bethel No 19; the Glendale Assembly No 8; the Boy Scouts; Art of Love; as well as the Sun City Lodge
and Sun City West High 12 Club.

At the March meeting, Sun City Lodge member Randall Sturdevant discussed the current investment environ-
ment. Randall is associated with Edward Jones Investments with an office in Peoria. Below is a picture of Club
President Jeff Samuelson with Randall Sturdevant at the conclusion of the presentation.

The Sun City West High 12 Club will next meet on Friday, 08 April 2022 at 8:00 AM at the Royal Café Restaurant
in Sun City. The program for the meeting includes a presentation on the Easter celebration. At the April meeting,
there will also be discussion of the Summer Luncheon locations. The Summer Lunch program begins in May and
continues through September.

The Sun City West High 12 Club meets on the second Friday of the month at 8:00 AM (October through April) at
the Royal Café Restaurant, 10793 W Grand Avenue (US Route 60) in Sun City. For additional information, contact
Club President Jeff Samuelson at 623.876.8911 or
Stewart Council No 16 Cryptic Masons
               Meets at Sun City Lodge N0 72

The March 2022 meeting of Stewart Council was held on Friday, 28 March 2022. This was the
Annual Table Council.

The April 2022 meeting of Stewart Council will be held on Friday, 25 April 2022. Pot Luck dinner
begins at 6:30 PM. Education follows at 7:00PM and the monthly meeting begins at 7:30 PM. The
April meeting will include the election of officers for the coming term.

Contact Pat Hayes (602.570.5684, for additional information.
Oasis Chapter # 15 † Stewart Council # 16 † St. Andrew Commandery # 17
                                        Pat Hayes, Secretary and or Recorder
                                                10318 W. Garnette Dr.
                                              Sun City, AZ 85373-1653

The April 2022 meeting of Oasis Chapter will be held on Friday, 15 April 2022. Pot Luck dinner begins at
6:30 PM. Education follows at 7:00PM and the monthly meeting begins at 7:30 PM.

The Chapter enjoyed a Corned Beef and Cabbage Dinner on Friday, 18 March thanks to Richard
Young. There was also a rehearsal of the Most Excellent Degree that evening prior to the March Oasis
Chapter meeting.

On Friday, 29 April 2022, Oasis Chapter will confer the Most Excellent Master Degree on two candi-
dates. The degree conferral will begin at 6:00PM at the Sun City Masonic Center. There is no dinner prior to
the conferral.

Contact Pat Hayes (602.570.5684, for additional information and to confirm Zoom
arrangements for the April 2022 activities.
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