Think Helping Kids - Australian Skeptics

Think Helping Kids - Australian Skeptics
S K E PT I CI S M   .   S C I E N C E   .   S O C I E T Y

                                                                         Vol 39, No 3. September 2019


            +Diet - Carnivore v Vegan
                   Review: Mahogany Ship
                              Australian Skeptics           .

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Think Helping Kids - Australian Skeptics
The Skeptic   September 19

S kep t i c a l Gro u p s i n A u s tra l ia
NSW                                                                 VIC
Australian Skeptics Inc – Alethea Dean                             Australian Skeptics (Victorian Branch) Inc – Chris Guest                                                PO Box 5166, Melbourne VIC 3001
PO Box 20, Beecroft, NSW 2119                                      Tel: 0403 837 339
Tel: 02 8094 1894; Mob: 0432 713 195; Fax: (02) 8088 4735                                                Skeptics’ Café – third Monday of every month, with guest
                                                                   speaker, at the Dan O’Connell Hotel, 225 Canning St, Carlton.
Sydney Skeptics in the Pub – 6pm first Thursday of each            Meal from 6pm, speaker at 8pm sharp.
month at the Occidental Hotel, York Street in the city, near       More details on our web site
Wynyard Park (meeting second floor)
Dinner meetings are held on a regular basis.
                                                                   Ballarat Skeptics in the Pub
Hunter Skeptics – John Turner
Tel: (02) 4959 6286
                                                                   Gippsland Skeptics in the Pub
Occasional social meetings at the Cricketers Arms Hotel, Cooks   Interested parties contact Mark Guerin or Martin Christian Power
Hill. Those on the contact list will be sent details in advance. via the Gippsland Skeptics page:
Currently meeting at 12.30 on third Sunday of each odd-numbered groups/291929110900396/?ref=bookmarks
                                                                   Melbourne Eastern Hills Skeptics in the Pub
Blue Mountains Skeptics                                            Contact: Andrew Rawlings
See Facebook for details.                                          Tel: 0438 043 050
Coffs Coast Skeptics & Freethinkers
See Facebook for details.                                          Skeptics-in-the-Pub/19241290737690
                                                                   Meets second Monday of each month at The Knox Club,
                                                                   Wantirna South.
Canberra Skeptics – Lauren Kelly
PO Box 555, Civic Square ACT 2608                                  Melbourne Skeptics in the Pub Tel: 0410 382 306                      See Facebook for details. (general inquiries),                  Meets on the fourth Monday of every month from 6 pm at the (Canberra Skeptics in the Pub).             Mt View Hotel in Richmond.
A free monthly talk, open to the public - check website for details
Skeptics in the Pub gather at 1pm on the third Sunday of each       Mordi Skeptics in the Pub
month at King O’Malleys Pub in Civic. For up-to-date details: SocialSkepticsCanberra/                             Meets at 7.30pm on the first Tuesday of each month at the
                                                                    Mordialloc Sporting Club. ($4 to cover website costs)

                      For details on Skeptical groups in other states and territories, see inside back cover
Volume 39 • No 3 September 19
C ont e n t s
 Chiro Wars
 Ken McLeod
                                 9            9

 The Moral Argument             12

 Sue Knight

 While They’re Young            18
 Richard Saunders

 The Early Bird                 20
 Scott Lilienfeld

 Teach Your Children Well
                                           27            34
 Meat and Veg                   27
 Larsen, Noble, Joannes-Boyau

 Mahogany: Ship Ahoy            34
 Bob Nixon

 Mahogany: Divining             42
 Steve Hynes

 Mahogany: Conspiracy           46
 Denis Gojak

REGULARS                             54
 Editorial                       4
 Around the Traps                5

 Them!                          10
 Puzzles page                   16
 Logical Place                  45
 Book reviews                   49
 What Goes Around               54
 Forum                          56
 Letters                        59
 Quotable Quotes                62

    On your way to the shops
    C      ritical thinking is a fundamental
           aspect of science and skepticism.
    It is – or should be – the basis of
                                               probably think of a critical thinking
                                               aspect to every subject – some pretty
                                               mundane, such as which tool to use in
    scientific and skeptical method. In        woodwork, but certainly applicable.
    fact, some have suggested that “critical       And that’s the point. Critical
    thinking” might be a better term for       thinking is everywhere and it’s              ISSN 0726-9897
    what we currently call “skepticism”,       teachable, and it’s … well … critical.       Quarterly Journal of
    the latter having a lot of negative            Your editor has given talks to           Australian Skeptics Inc
    associations and misunderstandings.        groups of all ages on critical thinking      (ABN 90 613 095 379)
    (Consider an organisation, Australian      – school kids to senior citizens.            Editor
    Critical Thinkers – ACT now!)              Explaining to people that they use           Tim Mendham
        But what is often misunderstood        critical thinking every day, often
    about “critical thinking” is how           without thinking too much about it           Editorial Board
    intrinsic it is to everything we do.       being critical, is not as hard as it might   Steve Roberts
    Mention the term to some people,           sound, especially if you couch it in         Eran Segev
    and they imagine an esoteric branch        everyday situations.                         Martin Hadley
    of philosophy that will be full of             Deciding how to get to school or         Design Services
    technical jargon and academic terms        the senior citizens’ meeting is a matter     Nova Consulting P/L
    that are hard to understand and it’s       of weighing evidence, experience, and
    just for people in the ivory tower         efficacy – what does it cost, how long       All correspondence to:
    and how will it help me with the           will it will take, how close is the bus      Australian Skeptics Inc
    shopping.                                  stop/car park, are there things I can do     PO Box 20
        And that’s exactly the point.          on the way, should I be energetic or         Beecroft NSW 2119
        The special feature in this issue of   energy conservative (feet or wheels).        Australia
    The Skeptic covers various aspects             The same applies to buying a fridge
    of teaching critical thinking to kids.     – you make a decision on model,              Contact details
    How can you teach such an esoteric         capacity, brand, reliability, delivery,      Tel: +61 (0)2 8094 1894
    and academic topic to the littlies?        energy usage, even the colour and            Mob: +61 (0)432 713 195
    How well are they able to consider         whether you should have a freezer on         Fax: +61 (0)2 8088 4735
    an approach to thinking that will          the bottom or the top or the side. 
    help them to make sense of the world           This is critical thinking in the real
    and to make decisions? How is it           world, and when you demonstrate this
    associated with creative thinking and      to your audience, they get the point.        The Skeptic is published four times
    ethics? How young can you start?               The next step of the discussion is       per year by Australian Skeptics Inc.
    And what’s it like on the cutting edge,    where you don’t use critical thinking,       Views and opinions expressed in articles
    getting a bunch of fidgety kids to         and many (most?) people do not use           and letters in The Skeptic are those of
    put down their phones and watch a          critical thinking on their choice of         the authors, and are not necessarily
    demonstration of someone lying on a        religion. It’s often a matter of parental    those of Australian Skeptics Inc.
    bed of nails?                              influence, followed by a desire not          Articles may be reprinted with
                                                                                            permission and with due acknowledge-
        The point is, it can be done. And it   to think too critically if the beliefs
                                                                                            ment to The Skeptic.
    can be done in a school and it should      are challenged. Kids get this readily,
                                                                                            All effort is made to ensure correct
    be done in every subject at school.        almost begrudgingly. (Do I have to go
                                                                                            acknowledgement of all contributions.
        The Australian Curriculum lays out     to Sunday school?)
                                                                                            We are happy to update credit when so
    how critical thinking processes should         The point is that critical thinking
    be incorporated into virtually every       is real, everyday, teachable, and we are
    school lesson. Science, mathematics,       already doing it.
    English literature, and history are
    fairly obvious candidates, but what
    about languages, art and PE. If
                                               go to the shops.   .
                                                   Think about that the next time you       Editorial submission deadline
                                                                                            for the next issue:
                                                                                            November 1, 2019
                                                                - Tim Mendham, editor
    you put your mind to it, you could
NEWS                                                                                         The Skeptic   September 19

Around the traps...
Africa set to be declared polio free
AFRICA: Nigeria is set to mark three           around 20,000 cases every year at the
years since it saw its last case of polio      beginning of the millennium.
– an important landmark on the road                That just leaves two countries
to official eradication of this deadly         in the world where the disease
childhood disease.                             is still endemic – Pakistan and
    Nigeria is the last country in Africa to   Afghanistan. Afghanistan has made           security situation in Pakistan has
record wild poliovirus infections, but if      great strides in eliminating the disease    hampered eradication efforts and three
no more cases are found in the next few        with just 12 cases this year. However,      vaccinators were shot in April.
months the whole continent could soon          there has been a resurgence in                 Meanwhile, research on Ebola has
be declared polio free.                        Pakistan where there have been 53           identified a 100% effective vaccine
    Wiping out the disease in Africa
is a huge milestone as there were still
                                               cases of the disease so far this year,
                                               compared to just 12 last year. A poor                     .
                                                                                           and medications that produce a 90%
                                                                                           survival rate.

NHMRC releases draft homeopathy report                                                     Britt Hermes successful
AUS: The National Health & Medical             report had many issues with the studies     GERMANY: Britt Hermes has
Research Council is releasing an               it was using.                               been successful in the defamation
unfinished draft report of an overview            The statement by NHMRC contin-           law suit brought against her by US
of systematic reviews of homeopathy            ues: “To address this misinformation,       naturopath Colleen Huber. On May
that was started in 2012 as a part of          NHMRC is providing an anno-                 24, 2019, the District Court of
the Homeopathy Review, but never               tated version of the report. This shows     Kiel, Germany ruled against Huber
completed.                                     NHMRC’s concerns with the report            in the lawsuit that she had brought
    A statement says that “There have          and why it did not progress to be used      against Hermes in September 2017.
been a number of enquiries about the           in the Homeopathy Review that pro-             Hermes is a former naturopath
draft report and requests for its release.     duced the NHMRC Statement on Ho-            herself, whose investigations and
NHMRC’s Chief Executive Officer                meopathy and NHMRC Information              experience in the field led her to cast
[Prof Anne Kelso]                                                   Paper: Evidence of     serious doubt on much naturopathic
is aware of ongoing                                                 the effectiveness of   treatments. She has since written
community interest                                                  homeopathy for         extensively on the subject in her
in the content of this                                              treating health con-   blog, Naturopathic Diaries.
draft report, and that                                              ditions (2015).           She says that “I was able to
there is a substantial                                                 “The [2012]         stand up to Huber’s legal thuggery
body of information                                                 report was never       because the science and skeptic
about it.”                                                          completed and has      communities rallied around me. The
    The existence                                                   not undergone the      massive fundraising efforts, led by
and non-release of                                                  usual NHMRC            Australian Skeptics Inc, allowed me
the draft has been                                                  quality assurance      to cover my legal bills, so I could
the foundation of                                                   steps. The Council     continue my PhD studies and focus
conspiracy theories made by the pro-           of NHMRC has not considered it or           on my pregnancy and birth of a
homeopathy community, including                endorsed.”                                  healthy baby girl. (I actually found
a submission to the Commonwealth                  While the NHMRC recommends               out I was pregnant the same day I
Ombudsman by various homeopathy                interested parties seek out the 2015        learned of the lawsuit.)”
and CAM groups asking for its                  report, copies of the 2012 draft can be        Regular updates and background
release. These theories suggest that the       downloaded from        to the case have been posted on the
draft contained substantive proof of
homeopathy’s efficacy. Rather, the draft       medicine.   .
                                                                                           Australian Skeptics’ website over the
                                                                                           past two years.
                                                                                                                                     5 23

    Bent Spoon nominations for pharmacy                                                       Skepticon tickets
    group and Newcastle University                                                            available
    AUS: Good Price                                                       course mention      AUS: Skepticon 2019, the Australian
    Pharmacy has been                                                     naturopathy,        Skeptics National Convention, is on
    nominated for this                                                    iridology,          in December in Melbourne. Featured
    year’s Bent Spoon                                                     acupuncture,        international speakers include the
    for a magazine called                                                 reflexology,        whole Skeptics Guide to the Universe
    Natural Health                                                        kinesiology and     crew, and Wikipediatrician and
    Crusader which is in                                                  homeopathy (to      psychic buster Susan Gerbic.
    reality an advertising                                                name a few). The       Other speakers include Jo Thornely,
    channel for Caruso Natural Health             notes show that the course endorses         Professor Fiona Fidler, Dr Sue Ieraci,
    Products, including an interview “How         all these as being sound and even gives     Ross Balch, Dr Brad McKay, Tina
    Pete Evans Changed our Lives”.                references to papers.                       Hanigan, Brendan O’Brien, Matt
       A spokesperson for the pharmacy            Other nominations this year include:        Nurse and “Australia’s Honest Con
    chain said the group was “disappointed        • SBS for its Medicine or Myth series;      Man” Nicholas J Johnson.
    to hear of our nomination… and                • Dr Thierry Beths, head of
    feel this nomination is unwarranted.”             anaesthesia and pain management,        The convention schedule is:
    It wasn’t their fault if a supplier put           and Assistant Professor in Veterinary   • Thursday, December 5 – trivia night
    out a magazine with pseudomedicine                Anaesthesia and Analgesia at the        • Friday, December 6 – welcome
    and then the pharmacies gave it to                University of Melbourne, and the          event in the evening
    customers.                                        University itself, for promoting        • Saturday December 7 and Sunday
       “The magazine is not endorsed by               animal acupuncture and Traditional        December 8 – main convention
    Good Price Pharmacy Warehouse and is              Chinese Veterinary Medicine at the        (with the convention dinner on the
    not actively distributed”. It just happens        University of Melbourne’s U-Vet           evening of December 7).
    to be on the counter.                             Werribee Animal Hospital; and           Further information is available on the
       University of Newcastle has also been
    nominated for offering a course in com-
    plementary medicine for nursing degree
                                                  • Peter ‘The Rainmaker” Stevens for
                                                      his rainmaking device that uses
                                                      focussed mirrors, infrared energy
                                                                                              We look forward to seeing you there..
                                                                                              convention website -

    students (NURS2163 Complementary                  and magnets to “create an intense
    Therapies in Healthcare). This is being           warm section of air that charges
    taught as a second year elective course
    for nursing degrees alongside normal
                                                      particles in the atmosphere causing
                                                      clouds to form and rain”.
                                                                                              NZ Skeptics conference
    science-based courses, with aroma-                See more about this year’s Bent
    therapy, Reiki, meditation, and guided        Spoon nominations - and even add            NZ: The New Zealand Skeptics are
    imagery mentioned specifically in the         your own nomination – on the ASI            holding their annual convention
    course website.
       In addition, lecture slides used for the   spoon  .
                                                  website -    this year at Christchurch Art Centre
                                                                                              Great Hall from 29 November to 1
                                                                                                 Featured speakers include the hosts
                                                                                              of the Skeptics’ Guide to the Universe
                                                                                              podcast (with
    University to close TCM degree                                                            individual talks
                                                                                              by Dr Steven
    AUS: The University of Technology             complementary medicine.                     Novella and Cara
    Sydney intends to stop offering its degree    A review found that the course was          Santa Maria) as
    course in traditional Chinese medicine.       “no longer financially viable, did not      well as psychic-
    The course has been offered at the            produce enough research, and did            debunker and
    university for more than 25 years.            not fit with the ‘strategic direction’ of   guerrilla skeptic,
       The Sydney Morning Herald reports          the science faculty”.                       Susan Gerbic, and world-renowned
    that the move has angered students and        The university’s Chinese Medicine           mentalist Mark Edward.
    alumni who say “the quality of Sydney’s       Clinic, which offers low-cost                  Further information is available
    acupuncture and herbalist services will
    suffer”, and have suggested a bias against                        .
                                                  acupuncture and herbal treatments,
                                                  would also close.                                                 .
                                                                                              from the New Zealand website -
The Skeptic   September 19

Lab debunks claims                         Conspiracy theorists endorse
of painkiller in                           other unsubstantiated beliefs
animal’s scales
                                           USA: Probably not a surprising              crashed near Roswell, New Mexico
                                           finding, but according to new research      in 1947 and the US government has
                                           published in the journal Applied            covered it up.”
                                           Cognitive Psychology, people who               The latter category included popu-
                                           believe in conspiracy theories are also     lar but debunked conspiracy theories,
                                           more likely to believe in pseudoscience     conspiracies that were made-up by
                                           and paranormal phenomena. The               researchers, and conspiracies that have
                                           findings indicate that some people          been verified as true.
                                           appear to have a general susceptibility        Bensley and his colleagues found
                                           to believing unsubstantiated claims.        that participants who endorsed general
                                              In Skeptics’ experience, there is        conspiracist ideas also tended to believe
                                           also a propensity to move onto the          the debunked and fabricated conspiracy
                                           next thing as if nothing had happened       theories.
                                           when one theory is debunked.                   In addition, participants who be-
USA: Scientific tests at the National         The study by D. Alan Bensley, a          lieved the debunked and fabricated con-
Fish & Wildlife Forensics Laboratory       psychology professor at Frostburg State     spiracy theories also tended to believe in
in Oregon could be the antidote to         University in Maryland, surveyed 286        other non-conspiratorial unsubstanti-
pseudoscience making the rounds in         psychology undergraduate students           ated claims, including pseudoscience,
Asia that affects one of the world’s
most heavily poached animals.
   To test unsubstantiated reports
                                           regarding their paranormal beliefs,
                                           endorsement of conspiracies, factual
                                           knowledge about psychology, and
                                                                                       poorly-supported psychological prac-
                                                                                       tices, and paranormal phenomena.      .
circulating in Asia that a rare mammal     acceptance of pseudoscience.
known as a pangolin has scales with           The participants were asked
medicinal properties - they supposedly     to indicate how much they
contain a painkiller known as              agreed with general conspira-
tramadol - the lab completed extensive     cist ideas, such as “Technology
tests using new scientific methods.        with mind control capacities is
   The lab, the only one of its            used on people without their
kind in the world that specialises in      knowledge,” and how much
investigating crimes against wildlife,     they believed in 30 specific con-
found no evidence of the analgesic         spiracies, such as “Alien ships
in any of the 104 pangolin scale
samples it tested, according to a report
published in the journal Conservation
Science and Practice.                      Storming Area 51 taken seriously
   According to the International
Union for the Conservation of Nature,
two species of pangolin from Asia          USA: A Facebook event entitled “Storm        handle 30,000, but 100,000 might
are listed as critically endangered:       Area 51, They Can’t Stop All of Us” has      pose ‘serious challenges’. Additional
the Chinese pangolin and the Sunda         gone viral. Over two million people have     law enforcement will be available,
pangolin. It said a pangolin is snatched   indicated that they’re going to this joke    including the Nevada National Guard.”
from the wild every five minutes.          event at 3am on September 20 to stage            Some entrepreneurs are taking
   According to the Washington             a joint invasion of the military base and    advantage of the expected influx by
Post, inspectors recently stopped a        finally “see them aliens”.                   hosting two different festivals – one
shipment containing more than 14.2             Apparently hotels and Airbnbs in the     titled Alienstock – and a series of
tons of pangolin scales found in 230       area are fully booked.                       paranormal tours put on by Airbnb.
bags that originated in Nigeria and            Most people realise it’s a joke, but         By the time you read this, we might
were destined for Vietnam. According       no-one knows how many have taken             know how many actually turn up, but
to Singapore National Parks and            the invitation seriously. Forbes reports     someone is going to be making some
Singapore Customs, the record-setting      that “A commissioner for Lincoln             money out if it, though apparently

million.  .
shipment was valued at US$38.7             County, Nevada, whose population
                                           is 5000, says the area could probably                                  .
                                                                                        not the person who first posted the
                                                                                        joke item on Facebook.
                                                                                                                                    7 23

    Homeopathy News                                                                                  out prescriptions for
    France to end healthcare refunds                                                                   homeopathic treatments,
                                                                                                        which chief executive
                                                                                                        Simon Stevens described
    France will end social security               The decision                                          as “at best a placebo” and
    reimbursements for homeopathic drugs.      followed a damning                                       “a misuse of scarce NHS
    The new policy - which has drawn the       report on homeopathy                                    funds”.
    fire of alternative medicine advocates     by the national health                                   The UK Telegraph
    - will take full effect in 2021. With      authority published in June,                       reports that Agnes Buzyn,
    apparently 60% of French citizens          which concluded that there was                France’s health minister
    using homeopathy, with products on         not enough hard proof homeopathy           (above), said French social security
    sale in pharmacies, this is described as   worked.                                    reimbursement to patients for
    a bold move, and more than a million          The move comes two years after          homeopathic products, which currently
    people have signed a petition against
    the changes.
                                               NHS England issued guidance
                                               instructing doctors not to hand
                                                                                          stand at 30 per cent - will be cut to 15
                                                                                          per cent in 2020 and zero in 2021.      .
    German company                              UK pharmacy sells pills made from Berlin Wall
    takes legal action                          that can help patients “break down barriers”

    Hevert Pharmaceuticals, a German            Ainsworths pharmacy, based in             prices ranging from £20 for a 100g
    producer of homeopathic remedies,           Marylebone, London, is selling a          bottle of pills to £72 for a 100ml bottle
    is taking legal action against Dr           homeopathic product that uses little      of 96 per cent alcohol solution “in
    Natalie Grams.                              parts of the Berlin Wall.                 medicating potency”.
        Grams is a former homeopath                As The Times reports, the treatment,       Professor Edzard Ernst, noted
    who planned to write a book about           also known as Murus Berlinensis, “is a    campaigner against pseudomedical
    why critics of homeopathy were              heavily-diluted water and alcohol-based   products and co-author of the book
    wrong, but found out that they              solution based on minuscule fragments     Trick or Treatment, said “Homeopaths
    weren’t. (You can see a full story          from the wall. Homeopaths believe the     do not believe it is a pharmacological
    on her, including an interview and          treatment contains a ‘spiritual force’    action, but it is a sort of vital force that
    review of her tell-all book, in the         from the wall that can help people with   is acting. So the vital force, the spiritual
    March 2019 issue of The Skeptic.)           problems creating or breaking down        force that was in the Berlin Wall, the
        Hevert demanded that Grams              barriers in their lives.”                 intention that was in the Berlin Wall, is
    stop describing homeopathy as a                On Ainsworth’s website, the remedy     in the remedy.”
    placebo, and threatened to take her         costs £4.20 for a 1g vial of lactose          The Royal Family has long been
    and others to court. The company            tablets, and up to £120 for 1000ml        sympathetic to alternative medicine and
    did not expect the reaction it got          in liquid potency (23% alcohol), with     homeopathy in particular, medicines
    from the public, media, politicians,                                                                         made from plant,
    and even from other alternative                                                                              chemical, mineral
    medicine companies.                                                                                          or animal sources,
        The response has been anything                                                                           that are then highly
    but positive. Some have suggested                                                                            diluted. Ainsworths
    that other homeopathy companies                                                                              holds a Royal
    were waiting to see how Hevert’s                                                                             Warrant from
    action would go, but negative                                                                                the Queen and
    reaction to the mooted suit has                                                                              the Prince of Wales.
    meant that homeopathy’s lack of                                                                                  A spokesman
    efficacy has been highlighted more                                                                           for the firm accused
    than ever.                                                                                                   Prof Ernst of
        This is especially galling in                                                                            ignorance. They
    Germany, which is the birthplace                                                                             did not say if the

    Hahnemann in 1796.      .
    of the therapy, created by Samuel
                                                                                                                 product could cure
REPORT           Chiropractors                                                                    The Skeptic   September 19

Chiro Wars
 Ken McLeod asks questions on chiropractic, recent claims,
treating PTSD, a prestigious university, and what regulators
                                 are doing about it (or not).

W         hat is it with chiropractic
          that leads some practitioners
to believe that they can cure almost
                                               care professionals who have in the Code
                                               of Conduct issued by the Chiropractic
                                               Board: “Maintaining a high level of
anything? Where do they learn that             professional competence and conduct
they can treat life-threatening illnesses      is essential for the good practice of the
such as PTSD, along with the other             profession. Good practice [includes]
ailments that come with being human,           recognising and working within the
such as IBS, stress, ADHD, headaches,          limits of the chiropractor’s competence
migraines, bedwetting, osteoporosis,           and scope and area of practice.”
colic, ear infections, and chronic                 A study of Karitopolous’ website
fatigue?                                       reveals that: “Dr Anthony Karitopoulos
   And what makes chiropractors                is a graduate from RMIT University’s
think that they can improve immunity,          esteemed 5-year Chiropractic program.
longevity, and “sleep energy” (whatever        He is also a previous graduate from
that is)?                                      the University of Melbourne having
   And what makes chiropractors think          completed a Bachelor of Science. He
they can treat mythical conditions such        has gained experience working and
as “chiropractic subluxations” with            volunteering his skills at a variety
useless gadgets such as the chiropractic       of chiropractic clinics throughout
‘activator’?                                   Melbourne.”
   What stirred our curiosity, we hear you         There’s no mention of qualifications     risk having gone to see your friendly
ask? Well, it was a post on the Facebook       in psychiatry or psychology there.           chiropractor for an adjustment than
page Chiro Classifieds Australia, in which     We sent a query to him on 27 August          visiting your local general practitioner for
a woman said:                                  asking if he was qualified in psychiatry     a medical consultation.”
   “Have a 30yo male PTSD. 2 tours             or psychology but no response has been          So what do they teach at RMIT
Afghanistan. Lives in Carnegie – looking       received yet. It would be fair to say        University? In 2011 RMIT won the
for any options for helping that man.” No      that Karitopoulos is prepared to treat       Skeptics’ Bent Spoon award “for having
criticism intended here, the woman no          a veteran with a life-threatening illness    a fundamentalist chiropractic education
doubt means well for her friend and can’t      without being the least bit qualified to     program – if the word education can be
be expected to know that chiropractors         do so, in defiance of the Chiropractic       used in this way – and for endorsing the
are not real doctors, psychologists, or        Code of Conduct which requires him           practice by targeting children and infants
psychiatrists.                                 to work within his competence and            in their on-campus paediatric chiropractic
   But what we can criticise is the            scope of practice.                           clinics”.
response from Anthony Karitopoulos,                And he claims to treat all of the           And where is the regulator in all this?
chiropractor of Carnegie, Victoria, who        conditions listed above.                     Why should it be left to grumpy old men
responded with his web address carnegi-            Among various documents on his           to stumble upon this and report it? We can criticise him     website, Karitopoulos discusses “Why            It’s time for a thorough study of the
because our veterans who suffer PTSD           Chiropractic is Safe for Everyone”. He       chiropractic industry by the NHMRC, as
following their military service also suffer   says that “This is a question asked rarely   was done a few years ago for homeopathy
terrible rates of unemployment, alcohol-       of chiropractic procedures these days.       when it found there was no substance to
ism, drug addiction, broken relationships      One could just as easily ask ‘How safe       that therapy’s claims. Because everywhere
and suicides.                                  is it going to the gym?’ Or, ‘How safe is    we look we find quackery; a quackery that
   Veterans’ PTSD is no field for
amateurs, especially registered health
                                               indoor rock-climbing?’” He adds that
                                               “It has been shown that there is no more     taxpayers, and endangers lives. .
                                                                                            defrauds the public and the poor bleeding

     Readers’ indigestible
     Tim Mendham looks at those online places of note, where
     skepticism is not such a dirty word.

     L    istening to and reading about science can bring a plethora of interesting
          sources to the fore. Looking more specifically at skeptical podcasts, the history
     is full of successes and valiant efforts. Science magazines have a similar rich but
     chequered history. Finding the good stuff - and keeping it - is the hard bit.

         Ave Atque Vale                                                                             had a team of five presenters (“rogues”)
                                                                                                    since its launch, with only a few changes
                                                                                                    of face. But others are labours of love by
          AVE SKEPTICAL PODCASTS                        while technically it’s still current, the   a dedicated individual. While Saunders’
          Wikipedia lists 72 current skeptical          producers haven’t put out an episode for    weekly Skeptic Zone did have help from a
          podcasts*, plus more than 20 that             some time. Skepticality pipped Skeptics     couple of fellow skeptics in its early days,
          have ceased activity. Some of the latter      Guide to the Universe by one month, but     and ongoing semi-regular contributions
          closed after a decent period of time –        considering the consistent production of    from a range of reporters, as a largely
          up to eight years in some cases – while       the latter SGU would have to be seen as     solo effort it is no mean achievement
          others barely made it into 12 months.         the elder statesman of the genre.           considering it is now into episode 560+.
              60 of those existing podcasts are in          These were followed by: Point of           It is that drain on energy, persistence,
          English, with the other 12 being in           Inquiry (flagship podcast of the US         and the need to constantly find new
          various European languages. Of those          Center for Inquiry); Little Atoms (which    topics to discuss that means it is
          that have ceased, only three are non-         could be seen as much as an online radio    extremely difficult to produce a podcast
          English.                                      program as a podcast, as it sits within     on a regular basis, and particularly so
              Is this a cultural phenomenon?            the UK Resonance FM brand); Brian           when you are doing it alone.
          Are English-speaking skeptics more            Dunning’s Skeptoid, George Hrab’s              Obviously every tyro podcaster takes
          inclined to put themselves online,            Geologic, Conspiracy Skeptic (which has a   that first step with the best of intentions,
          or is this an artefact of Wikipedia’s         fairly irregular production). The Skeptic   to reach and grow an audience with
          contributors being more aware of              Zone, produced by Australian Skeptics       stimulating information, and maybe even
          English-language activities?                  life member and former president,           gain a little financial support along the
              As much as the skeptical                  Richard Saunders, has been going since      way (though anyone who thinks they are
          community might like to include               September 2008.                             going to retire on their Patreon income
          them, some of the listed podcasts are             The oldest of the non-English           will be sadly disabused of that dream).
          more science-based than skeptics-             language podcasts, the Dutch Kritisch       But time takes its toll – competing
          based, though they often have elements        Denken (Critical Thinking) started in       interests, employment (most podcasters
          of skepticism. These include two local        February 2009.                              have a ‘real job’), changes to personal
          efforts, Dr Karl’s Great Moments in               One of the UK’s leading podcasts,       circumstances such as ill-health or family
          Science and Ockham’s Razor (both ABC          Skeptics with a K, produced by              issues, reaching a dead end creatively,
          Radio). Others listed could also be seen      Merseyside Skeptics, has been around        the expense involved, getting bored,
          as leaning to the Rationalist side of the     for ten years this month (which is          or simply moving on to other areas of
          divide, but the intention and content is      September 2019 for slow readers).           activity, all play a part in the demise of
          much the same.                                    There are obviously many more,          what was once a noble dream.
              The oldest on the list is Skepticality,   some better known than others and              It is understandable when all-fired-up
          the official podcast of the US Skeptics       some with celebrity hosts, some that        podcasters suddenly realise it’s not as easy
          Society, publisher of the magazine            follow a regular production, and those      as they thought and quickly drop the
          with the same name as the one you’re          that only appear occasionally when the      project – some on the ‘expired’ list lasted
          reading (though we came first). It            muse strikes the producer. Many of          less than one year. But there are others
          first appeared in April 2005, and             them are group efforts – the SGU has        that lasted for years. Quackcast started

The Skeptic   September 19

in May 2006 and went into what host            advertising moving to those media, and       simply Australasian Science. Published
Mark Crislip called “probably permanent        an audience increasingly antipathetic to     by Control Publications and available
hiatus” in April 2017 (look up Crislip on      long-form content, preferring bite-sized     in newsagents, it was the only magazine
Wikipedia and you’ll understand all about      snippets in the age of Twitter.              dedicated to Australian and New
“competing interests”).                            With this in mind, for anyone with a     Zealand science.
   One of the nicest aspects of podcasters     leaning toward scientific subjects a visit      But despite its long heritage, and
and podcasts is how democratic they are        to your local newsagency is a sobering       patrons of the ilk of Nobel Laureate
– most offer their product for free, and       experience. There are more publications      Prof Peter C. Doherty and ABC
normally give access to all of their past      devoted to model railways and tattoos        broadcaster Robyn Williams, it finally
programs online. Monetising skeptical          (even specifically women’s tattoos) than     had to face the realities of publishing in
podcasts, whether it’s seeking patronage,      there are on science.                        the 21st century, and ceased production
sponsorship/ads, or selling content is not         To top it off, the range of locally-     following the July/August 2019 edition.
easy. Most podcasters come from scientific     produced science publications recently          That leaves only a handful of
or keen amateur backgrounds, and really        suffered one more departure from the         publications serving what should be
don’t have the runs on the board in the        field, that of Australasian Science.         a leading and vitally important area
world of marketing.                                Australasian Science was Australia’s     of interest. TV programs are sparse
   But we do suggest you give them a           longest-running scientific publication.      when it comes to locally-produced
go. It is unlikely you’ll be able to listen    First published in 1938 as The Australian    science shows, and general interest
to all of them, unless sleeping is not         Journal of Science by the Australian         magazines on science are no better.
a determinant, but take a sample and           National Research Council, which was            What can be done? Apart from
choose what tickles your fancy. Start          the forerunner of the Australian Academy     subscribing to all of them - Cosmos,
with the general ones – everyone would         of Science, it was transferred to the        Double Helix, Australian Geographic, the
say SGU, in Australia we’d say Skeptic         Australian and New Zealand Association       Australian editions of New Scientist and
Zone – and then move on to some which          for the Advancement of Science in 1954,      Science Illustrated, etc - if we knew the
are targeted more specifically (medicine,      and published as Search. Throughout this     answer to that one, then the entire print
cryptozoology, conspiracies, cults, etc).      time the journal published the research of   magazine publishing industry would
   We’d recommend you look at a site           eminent Australian scientists, including     breathe a sigh of relief and order some
such as        Sir Douglas Mawson and Sir Frank             more paper. Go digital-only, perhaps,
(a coincidental name, we assume) where         Macfarlane Burnet.                           and hope that some advertisers might
you can find links to the latest episodes of       The journal evolved considerably over    leak back from social media, or charge a
many different podcasts.                       the following decades, with ownership        modest paywall.
                                               transferring from ANZAAS to Blackwell           Australasian Science is a salutary
As the world of skeptical podcasts has its
ups and downs, so too does the world of
                                               Science in the 1980s and finally to
                                               Control Publications in 1992.
                                                   In 1998 Search merged with
                                                                                            warning to those involved and/or
                                                                                            interested in Australian science.  .
science magazines.                             Australasian Science Mag, a quarterly        For links to all of the podcasts mentioned,
   Everyone is aware that the publishing       science magazine published by the            we suggest you go to the Wikipedia page
industry is going through hard times.          University of Southern Queensland,           -
Competition from online sources, with          and the merged entity was published as       podcasts

F E AT U R E     Critical Thinking for Kids

     The Moral
         Argument                                                      Dr Sue Knight describes the primary ethics
                                                                         curriculum – helping kids to understand
                                                                                reason, logic, ethics and morality.

     W         e know that the processes
               of ethical reasoning are in
     part learned – this now seems to be
     beyond dispute thanks to the work
     of development psychologists. What’s
     more, we know that the learning starts
     early. Even very young children – as
     young as two-and-a-half – distinguish      REASON, LOGIC AND ETHICS                     to build upon children’s implicit and
     between moral rules on one hand and        The first and most obvious feature is        partial grasp of logical rules, and truth
     social conventions on the other. Most      that any curriculum aimed at developing      procedures, and help them develop these
     children know hitting is wrong, and        ethical reasoning must support the           intuitive understandings further.
     they know it is wrong even where           development of general reasoning skills,         In kindy, for example, we have a topic
     there is no rule forbidding it and even    also known as critical thinking skills or    called “How can we work out what’s
     if the hitting goes unobserved.            the skills of argument. Thinking well in     true”. Here we present scenarios in which
     But what sort of curricula, and what       any sphere involves searching for good       children try to work out what’s true using
     teaching approaches are most likely        reasons, formulating good arguments –        a number of different strategies. Some
     to be effective in developing children’s   arguments whose premises are true and        scenarios have children relying entirely on
     capacity to make well-reasoned             logically strong enough to support their     observation, and ending up with a lot of
     decisions about ethical issues?            conclusions.                                 false conclusions, while in others children
     The primary ethics curriculum, which          To think well we must have a grasp of     observe and then think carefully about
     was developed over seven years, is a       the rules of logic and be able and willing   what their senses tell them, and do a lot
     secular ethics curriculum that provides    to subject our premises to test the truth.   better. And then we present situations
     an alternative to scripture in NSW            The achievement of this aim, then,        in which children use their reasoning in
     public schools and which is now            requires teaching for the development        order to come to conclusions.
     accessed by more than 40,000 students      of the skills of argument, and for               For example, “This is Rosy. [Imagine
     from kindergarten to year 6.               the disposition to deploy those skills       a brown seven-week-old Staffordshire
     There are five features of the primary     judiciously and widely.                      puppy.] What colour is she? Rosy has
     ethics curriculum that, when taken            The primary ethics curriculum             three brothers. Rosy’s brothers are the
     together, give us the best chance of       includes a sequence of a dozen or so         same colour as she is. What colour are
     succeeding in developing children’s        reasoning skills topics, beginning in        her brothers?” Of course, the children
     ethical reasoning.                         kindergarten. In the early stages we aim     can infer that her brothers are brown, and
The Skeptic   September 19

then the question, how do you know if            to build-in the necessary background          severe punishment to the leader of the
you haven’t seen the brothers.                   knowledge.                                    hunt. Children have already discovered
   By the end of the topic, the children            An example from the year 3 topic           that the Inuit were scrupulous about
are clear that there are at last two different   entitled “Diversity and tolerance”: To        sharing food and other resources and how
ways that we can search for truth through        build children’s thinking about tolerance     little food is available in winter, and now
careful observation (which includes              and diversity, we must first build their      they are equipped to consider the idea
thinking carefully about what our eyes,          knowledge of diverse beliefs, cultures,       that the survival of the group might well
ears, etc tell us) and by inference from         values and circumstances and of the           depend on keeping the best hunter within
claims that are themselves true. In years        complex relationships between these           its fold. They’re equipped to discuss the
1 and 2, again using purpose written             factors. And of course we must also build     question, did the Inuit have less concern
scenarios, we look at the difference             their understanding of the fundamental        for fairness than we do or is it simply
between good and bad reasons, and ask            similarities that underlie such diversity.    that their circumstances force upon them
whether, and if so why, it’s important to           To put it another way, we must             choices that we do not have to make.
understand the reasons behind our own            encourage children to investigate the             Children will almost certainly disagree
beliefs as well as the reasons of others.        possibility that common moral principles      here, presenting arguments and counter-
   In years 3 and 4, we introduce a              or values can underlie quite different sets   arguments such as the importance of
number of topics distinguishing inductive        of moral rules.                               building in background information and
and deductive reasoning as well as                                                             of encouraging logical thinking.
arguments to the best explanation. And           CIRCUMSTANCES AND MORALITY                        But of course logic is not sufficient for
finally, in years 5 and 6, we encourage          We pursue these goals through an              thinking-well about ethical issues. For
students to identify a number of logical         extended example relating to the              good ethical thinking we need more. An
rules or patterns of reasoning.                  traditional Inuit life. Among other           example will make this clear. Suppose
   For example, to understand the                aspects of traditional Inuit life, we look    I say to a friend you shouldn’t tease Jen
important difference in the structures of        at the way the Inuit dealt with those         about her frizzy hair, it’ll make her feel
these two different arguments: Argument          who broke the rules. Surprisingly to          bad. You know she’s always worrying
1: All people who are lying sweat. Mike is       us, perhaps, if the lead hunter in the        about how it looks. My ethical judgment
lying, so he must be sweating. Argument          group is found guilty of stealing, even       “you shouldn’t tease Jen about her frizzy
2: All people who are lying sweat. Mike is       if it’s stealing hunting tools which is       hair” is based on two factual premises:
sweating so he must be lying.                    considered to be the most serious offence one that Jen worries about her hair, and
   Throughout the primary ethics                 normally punishable by                                                two that teasing
curriculum, logical skills are introduced
in the context of real-world controversial
                                                 expulsion, he will be given
                                                 a lesser punishment. This is    “     We can fairly easily people
                                                                                    run a truth test on
                                                                                                                              about things
                                                                                                                       they worry over will
issues. This approach is in line with            not the way our rules and                                             make them feel bad.
recent findings into meta-analysis of            laws work.                         the factual claims. But It’s also based on a
research into strategies for teaching                Suppose the best speller                                          moral principle that
critical thinking. The exposure of               in the class decides for           what about the moral we shouldn’t say or
students to authentic or situated
problems and examples was found to play
                                                 once to cheat in a spelling
                                                 test and that the teacher
                                                                                    principle?  ”                      do things we know
                                                                                                                       are going to make
an important role in promoting children’s        catches her. Will she be let                                          people feel bad.
reasoning skills.                                off lightly because she’s the best speller or     Taken together the moral principle
   In attempting to cultivate the                will she be given the same punishment         and the factual claims are logically strong
skills and dispositions that make for            that anyone else would be given in her        enough to support the moral judgment.
good ethical reasoning we must, at               circumstances? Presumably, as a matter        The logic is impeccable. The argument is
the same time, build in necessary                of fairness, she would have to be given       deductively valid.
background knowledge. One of the great           the standard punishment.                          But for us to have confidence in its
breakthroughs in the understanding of                Under our legal system if an elite        conclusion, the factual claims must be
development of children’s thinking is            sportsmen commits a crime he will be          true and we must have good reasons to
the recognition that, counter to Piaget’s        given the same penalty as anyone else         accept the moral principle. Using standard
influential views, children can engage           who has committed such a crime under          procedures we can fairly easily run a
in so-called “higher order thinking”             the same circumstances. In our society        truth test on the factual claims. But what
but only if they have the appropriate            this is what fairness or justice demands.     about the moral principle - how do we
background knowledge. Background                     Does it mean then that the Inuit have     determine whether or not we have good
knowledge is a necessary but not                 less regard for fairness than we have.        grounds for accepting it?
sufficient condition for enabling critical           On the back of their knowledge of             Our best bet, I would say, is to turn
thought within a given subject matter.           Inuit life we ask children to think about     to the long tradition of Western moral
   When writing a topic, then, we need           why the Inuit might have given a less         philosophy in the case of primary ethics
F E AT U R E      Critical Thinking for Kids

     The Moral                                      their reason, freedom or autonomy - their
                                                    dignity, we might say, for short. Morality,
                                                                                                   we use in the kindergarten topics.
                                                                                                      Our topics invite children to
     Argument                                       then, is grounded in these capacities
                                                    rather than in the capacity to suffer.
                                                                                                   think about whether we need to take
                                                                                                   circumstances into account when deciding
     Continued...                                   What’s more, the intention of the agent is     whether a particular act of lying is wrong
                                                    of overriding importance and that cannot       and whether, when deciding say whether
                                                    be morally right unless it is done out of a    to cheat in a test or a sporting contest, it’s
     curriculum (and the only reason for that       sense of duty rather than, say, selfishness.   important to ask the question what would
     is that I’m not familiar with anything             The third approach is known as virtue      happen if everyone in such a situation
     further afield). The curriculum is             ethics. On this approach the fundamental       acted like this.
     grounded in moral theories which for           ethical question is not what should I             We have a number of topics beginning
     over two-and-a-half thousand years             do but what sort of person should I            in kindergarten that help children to think
     have been and are still being questioned       be. According to virtue ethics there           carefully about their relationship with
     tested and modified through a process of       are certain ideals such as excellence or       their friends and to consider whether they
     rational argument and counter-argument.        dedication to the common good towards          care about their friends for their friends’
     I would argue that such theories provide       which we should all strive and which           own sake or whether they might be simply
     our best hope of making progress towards       allow us to flourish as human beings;          using a friend for their own ends, and if
     answers to the questions what makes an         virtues of character traits that enable        they are whether that’s okay.
     action morally right or morally wrong          us to pursue these ideals. Examples               Yet other topics, like courage greed and
     and what is it to live a morally good life.    include kindness, generosity, courage and      forgiveness, invite children to think about
         This is the case even though no one        honesty.                                       whether it’s important to be a good person
     of these theories is without its flaws. It         Although these moral theories differ       to lead a good life and if so what character
     seems to me that to have any claim to          from one another in various ways, they         traits we need to develop in pursuit of
     authenticity, a secular ethics curriculum      share a recognition of what we might call      this goal. And of course, as noted earlier,
     must be grounded in the normative              a common humanity, the idea that as            we want children’s thinking to be based
     ethical theories of moral philosophy. And      human beings we share the characteristics      on good reasoning, on arguments whose
     this is true even of an ethics curriculum      that make us worthy of moral concern.          premises are true and logically strong
     designed for very young children.              A capacity for suffering and well-being, a     enough to support their conclusions.
                                                    capacity for reason and autonomy, both
     THEORIES OF DECISION-MAKING                    of which we share to varying degrees with      REQUIRED SKILLS
     For the purposes of our curriculum we          other creatures, and a capacity for the        We need to identify the skills students
     identify three broad classes of theories,      development of good character. And this        require to manage all this. For example,
     three broad approaches to ethical              leads us to the notion of equal human          in order to understand the effects of their
     decision-making. Very roughly, one             worth, the idea that the good of each          actions on others, children need to be able
     approach, consequentialism or more             individual must be considered equally          to put themselves in another’s place and
     particularly universal utilitarianism,         important and proportionately to the           so we have a number of topics focused on
     directs us to look to the consequences         good of other conscious creatures.             the development of this skill.
     of our acts to the degree of suffering or          The ideal of equal human worth                We begin in year 1 by building on
     well-being that results. On this view lying    is embedded in the curriculum as are           children through the mentoring capacity
     cannot always be wrong because it’s clear      the elements of the three philosophical        to empathise. Here’s a segment from
     that there are circumstances in which          approaches and we encourage children           that first empathy topic: Imagine Jack,
     lying brings about more good than harm.        to think for themselves about the              he’s about 4 years old and he’s helping to
        The second approach - the so-called         strengths and limitations of these ideas.      make a very special cake. Of course, Jack
     act-oriented approach - has it that it’s       This doesn’t mean that we teach the            has washed his hands very carefully. Now
     not the consequences, or at least not          theories explicitly - what we aim to do        shut your eyes and imagine you are Jack.
     the consequences alone, that determine         is to encourage children to discover the       You’ve got your hands in the cake mixture.
     whether an action is right or wrong.           ideas and use them in their own moral          The mixture is really gooey, it’s squishing
     Some actions are right or wrong in             thinking and decision-making.                  through your hands and sticking to your
     themselves, intrinsically right or wrong.          Our 3 to 4 lesson curriculum topics        fingers. How does it make you feel? Let’s
     An example might be torture. On this           are designed to encourage children to          pretend we have our hands in sticky gooey
     approach torture might be held to be           think for themselves about, for example,       cake mix. Now look very carefully at Jack’s
     morally wrong no matter what, that is,         the extent to which the intention of the       face. How do you think he’s feeling?
     irrespective of the good that might come       agent is important when judging rightness         Over the course of the curriculum the
     from it. On this view we have moral            or wrongness of a particular action such       concept of empathy is revisited many
     duties to treat others in particular ways in   as breaking a promise or lying or making       times until in later years students come
     ways that do not infringe the exercise of      things up, which is a more neutral phrase      face-to-face with topics such as child
The Skeptic      September 19

labour and homelessness, topics that           write a story about wombats and bilbies.       them and we must support them in their
demand significant cognitive as well              We stay as true as we can to what is        efforts to think hard and for themselves
as emotional capacities, given that few        known of the behaviour of both wombats         in an attempt to resolve these puzzles.
students would have faced such situations.     and bilbies, but we do have to give each       One way to do this is to question in such
   This example illustrates a third feature    character a voice and we assign different      a way that we draw children’s attention
of the curriculum, its sequential and spiral   personalities and different character          to particular arguments or counter
form. Ideas are introduced in simple           traits to each of the bilby and wombat         arguments or facts or the need for facts
form in the early years and extended and       characters. This allows us to challenge        that are relevant to the issues at hand and
developed in ever greater complexity over      some of the stereotypical views students       which they may not have thought of.
the following years.                           might well have in relation to gender -            The second pedagogical component
   Why is this important? The sequential       that girls are shy and boys are not, that      comes from the Russian psychologist
part seems pretty obvious - if we’re after     boys are adventurous and girls are not         Vygotsky, the idea that learning is
moral development we need a program            - or perhaps more subtly that girls are        enhanced when children engage in
that builds skills and understandings in       more likely to be shy than boys are, that      dialogue with their peers. The dialogue
a sequential manner. And the spiral part?      boys are more likely to be adventurous         here is not mere talking, but talking that
I’m persuaded by the arguments of John         than girls are. We are able to address the     is shaped by the rules of logic and by a
Dewey, the great American psychologist         bilbies’ stereotypical view that wombats       shared interest of the question at hand.
and educator, who argues that in teaching      are slow and grumpy and that they bite             To sum up, I would argue that our
we must move back and forth between            and the equally stereotypical view the         education systems have an obligation to
what is known and what is problematic          wombats hold in relation to the bilbies        teach explicitly for the schools of ethical
in order to raise questions in the learner’s   that they are scaredy-cats, scared even        reasoning and that a secular curriculum
mind for it is puzzlement that motivates       when there’s no real danger and that they      with the features I’ve outlined, a curri-
us to think, and thinking is necessary         don’t make friends with other animals.         culum that employs a community of
for understanding, and understanding is           The story weaves together incidents         inquiry pedagogy, that is sequential and
what’s important.                              which show that members of different           spiral, grounded in the skills of reason
                                               groups – boys, girls, bilbies, wombats         evaluation, together with the theories of
MORAL DEVELOPMENT                              – may possess similar characters and           moral philosophy, and the findings of
Now for a fourth feature of the                personalities and that members of each         developmental psychology - that a secular
curriculum, namely its grounding in            group may possess attitudes that differ        curriculum with these features offers
the rich and rapidly expanding set of
empirical findings about children’s moral
development. The reason for this is pretty
                                               from those typically linked to that group
                                               by members of another. In this way we
                                               attempt to add to the development of
                                                                                              ethical reasoning.     .
                                                                                              our best chance of enhancing children’s

obvious - if we want to include a topic        what psychologists call “flexible thinking”.   This is an edited version of a presentation
on stereotyping, we need to know when                                                         given at the Australian Skeptics’ Skepticon
children begin to stereotype others (it        TEACHING METHODS                               convention in 2018.
turns out to be round about three years of     One last feature. I’m talking now about
age), in what areas a stereotype - gender      the teaching methodology, the pedagogy.        More information about the primary
and race - and when children begin to              We can point to two elements. One          ethics curriculum can be found at
become aware of other stereotypical beliefs    is Socratic questioning, the logically
from about age six. And so our topic on        structured an open-ended style of teacher
stereotyping comes in year 1 and focuses       questioning that’s been handed down
on gender and race.                            to us from Socrates the ancient Greek
   How do we write a topic on stereotyp-       philosopher. The idea here comes close                      About the author:
ing for such young children and how do         to juries. If we want children to think for     Dr Sue Knight holds a PhD in
we manage children’s sensitivities around      themselves we must give students ideas         philosophy and is the author of
this issue? The solution, we found, is to      to puzzle over, ideas which matter to           the primary ethics curriculum.
You can also read