Trichothecene Production in Liquid Stationary Cultures of Fusarium tricinctum NRRL 3299 (Synonym: F. sporotrichioides): Comparison of Quantitative ...

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APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY, Sept. 1985,        p.   656-662                                                       Vol. 50, No. 3
Copyright X3 1985, American Society for Microbiology

Trichothecene Production in Liquid Stationary Cultures of Fusarium
tricinctum NRRL 3299 (Synonym: F. sporotrichioides): Comparison
 of Quantitative Brine Shrimp Assay with Physicochemical Analysis
                         W. W. A. BERGERS,l* J. G. M. M. VAN DER STAP,1 AND C. E. KIENTZ2
           Medical Biological Laboratory' and Prins Maurits Laboratory,2 TNO, 2280 AA Rijswijk, The Netherlands
                                             Received 1 April 1985/Accepted 18 June 1985

              Stationary liquid cultures of Fusarium tricinctum NRRL 3299 (synonym: F. sporotrichioides) produce T-2

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           toxin, neosolaniol, diacetoxyscirpenol, and HT-2 toxin when cultured on peptone-enriched Czapek Dox
           medium. At 15 and 27°C, maximum T-2 toxin yield (265 and 50 ,ug/ml) was found after 10 to 14 and 7 days,
           respectively. The T-2 toxin in the culture medium was metabolized rapidly at 27°C and slowly at 15°C. Addition
           of 0.025% (wt/vol) sorbic acid to the medium resulted in an increased production of trichothecenes at 15°C (400
           ,ug of T-2 per ml after 14 days). Trichothecenes in the culture liquid were determined by the brine shrimp
           bioassay and physicochemical analysis. The brine shrimp assay was improved by using modern bioassay
           equipment, including tissue culture trays and multipipettes, and by a standardized approach with positive and
           negative controls. The physicochemical analysis was based on adsorption of the trichothecenes onto Amberlite
           XAD-2 columns, derivatization with trifluoroacetic anhydride followed by capillary gas chromatography, and
           identification by mass spectrometry (as many as 17 trichothecenes were detected in the culture medium). The
           brine shrimp assay offers an interesting monitoring system for the quantitation of T-2 toxin and should be
           useful for studies on production of this toxin in culture. Specific information on less toxic trichothecenes,
           however, requires a more time-consuming chemical analysis.

   Severe epidemics afflicting cattle and humans have been                               MATERIALS AND METHODS
ascribed to mouldy foods (17). Toxigenic Fusarium strains
are believed to play a major role as causative agents since                Stationary cultures of F. tricinctum NRRL 3299. Spores of
they produce a specific range of toxic trichothecenes when               F. tricinctum NRRL 3299 (originating from freeze-dried
grown on various natural substrates, e.g., rice, corn, and               spores obtained from the Northern Regional Research
grains. In the laboratory, trichothecenes are usually pro-               Center, Peoria, Ill.) were seeded on potato glucose agar plates
duced on solid substrates, such as autoclaved rice, by                   and grown for 7 days at 27°C. Spores were harvested from 10
long-term (3 to 4 weeks) incubation at either low (10°C) or              plates by gently scraping the surface with cotton sticks which
relatively high (25 to 27°C) temperatures (1, 3, 10). However,           were then suspended in 50 ml of sterile distilled water
Fusarium strains can also be cultured in liquid semisynthetic            (concentration, 107 spores per ml) and stored at -80°C. Glass
media as stationary surface cultures or as shaken submerged              tissue culture flasks (4.8 by 4.8 by 11 cm) containing 40 ml of
cultures (5, 13, 19, 21). Toxic trichothecenes can also be               Czapek Dox medium (Oxoid Ltd., London) supplemented
produced under these conditions, although often in much                  with 1% casein peptone (Oxoid) were inoculated with 6 x 105
lower quantities. The advantages of liquid media over solid              spores. Sorbic acid (0.025%, wt/vol) was sometimes added to
substrates are obvious: the composition of a culture liquid              the medium. The liquid cultures were incubated at 15 or 27°C
can be easily varied, and analysis of trichothecenes requires            for 3 weeks. Evaporation losses were less than 10%. At
fewer purification steps. Furthermore, the filtered culture              regular intervals, samples of about 1 ml of the culture liquid
medium can be used as an inexpensive source of tri-                      were collected with sterile Pasteur pipettes with a bent end (to
chothecenes for toxicity studies.                                        prevent disturbance of the mould layer). The samples were
   Although several studies of trichothecene production by               sterilized by filtration (Millipore filter; pore size, 0.22 ,um) and
Fusarium tricinctum NRRL 3299 (synonym: F. sporo-                        stored at 4°C until tested. Growth characteristics were
trichioides) (1, 4, 5, 11) have been made, information about             followed visually during the culture period.
liquid cultures is still scanty. In addition, methods of chem-              Brine shrimp test. Brine shrimp (Artemia sp.) eggs were
ical analysis of trichothecenes are complex, and therefore               bought in a tropical fish shop (distributed by San Francisco
usually only a few culture parameters are studied. In this               Bay, Far East, Ltd., Hong Kong) and stored at -20°C. A
study, liquid stationary cultures of F. tricinctum NRRL 3299             quantity of 25 mg of eggs was suspended in 25 ml of brine
were investigated for trichothecene production and metabo-               shrimp medium in a 50-ml plastic tissue culture flask. Brine
lism at 15 and 27°C on standard Czapek Dox liquid medium
with and without sorbic acid (7). The performance of a rapid             shrimp medium was composed of 3 g of dipotassium
bioassay was compared with a comprehensive chemical                      glycerophosphate, 30 g of NaCl, 0.3 g of CaC12 * 2H20, 0.5 g
analysis based on direct adsorption of the trichothecenes in             of MgSO4 * 7H20, 1.5 g of MgCl2 * 6H20, 0.8 g of KCI, 0.1
the culture liquid onto XAD-2 columns, derivatization, gas               g of MgBr2 * 6H20, 6 g of glycine, and distilled water to
chromatography, and identification by mass spectrometry.                 make 1,000 ml. The pH was adjusted to 6.5 with HCl before
                                                                         the medium was autoclaved for 15 min at 121°C (8). Penicillin
                                                                         G (10,000 U) and streptomycin (0.01 g; Gist Brocades, Delft,
                                                                         The Netherlands) were sterilized by filtration and added
      Corresponding author.                                              after the medium was autoclaved. The flask was placed on a
VOL. 50, 1985                                         BIOASSAY AND CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF TRICHOTHECENES                          657

shaker (18 times per min) in an incubator at 30°C with 1,000        (VG Lab Systems, Altrincham, England), based on peak
lx of illumination.                                                 area, with docosane as an internal standard. Pure
   After the eggs were hatched for 24 h, empty shells floating      trichothecenes were used as reference standards (recoveries
on the surface of the medium were sucked off. The nauplii           on application of the total analytical procedure were esti-
clustering at the bottom of the flask were pipetted off in 5 ml,    mated to be 100% for T-2 toxin, HT-2 toxin, DAS,
while the nonlarviparous eggs stayed on the bottom of the           neosolaniol, and 50% for T-2 tetraol). Identification was
flask. The clustered nauplii were diluted with 15 ml of fresh       carried out on a VG 7070 F mass spectrometer combined
brine shrimp medium to 200 to 300 nauplii per ml, and 0.1 ml        with a Varian 1400 gas chromatograph. Samples were in-
was pipetted with a 12-channel pipette into each well of a          jected by a solid injector onto a CP Sil 8 CB column (50 m by
96-well tissue culture tray (Costar, Cambridge, Mass.).             0.32 mm [inner diameter]). The temperatures of the injection
Before incubation with the toxic culture filtrates, dead            port and ion source were 300 and 200°C, respectively. The
nauplii were counted under a stereomicroscope (magnifica-           oven temperature was programmed from 180 to 300°C at 8°C
tion, x 18). At least three dilutions of culture filtrates in the   per min. A VG 2050 data system was used for data acquisi-
range of 12.5 to 1,600 times, causing 5 to 100% mortality,          tion.
were made with brine shrimp medium, and 25-,u volumes                  Chemicals. All chemicals used were of the highest purity

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were quadruply added to the wells. The nauplii were incu-           available. The mycotoxin standards-T-2 toxin, HT-2 toxin,
bated for 24 h at 30°C in the dark, and dead nauplii were           T-2 tetraol, neosolaniol, DAS, and deoxynivalenol-were
thereafter counted. Viable nauplii were subsequently killed         supplied by Makor Chemicals (Jerusalem, Israel). Nivalenol
by adding 10 ,l of 37% Formalin per well, and the total             and fusarenon-X were generous gifts from C. J. Mirocha,
number of dead nauplii was counted. Each series of tests            University of Minnesota, St. Paul.
included negative controls (brine shrimp medium only) and
two positive controls, namely, potassium dichromate and                                        RESULTS
pure T-2 toxin. The concentrations that killed 50% of the
nauplii (LC5os) were determined from the linear response by            Toxicity of culture filtrates in the brine shrimp test. The
Finney log probit analysis (6) or estimated from log probit         toxicities of liquid cultures of F. tricinctum NRRL 3299
paper by connecting points above and below the 50% mor-             grown at 15 and 27°C, expressed as T-2 toxin equivalents,
tality level. The death rate of control nauplii was 0 to 5% in      are shown in Fig. 1. At 27°C the toxicity of the culture
all experiments. The hatching rate of the eggs was unaffected       medium increased steadily for 7 days, followed by a decline
during a year of storage (an average of 80% of the eggs             during 3 days. Addition of sorbic acid caused a slower onset
hatched).                                                           of the production of toxic compounds, accompanied with
   Physicochemical analysis. (i) Isolation and derivatization.      growth inhibition; the maximum level reached after 7 days
Trichothecenes were isolated from liquid cultures by adsorp-        was slightly higher. At 15°C the culture showed a later onset
tion onto purified (12) Amberlite XAD-2 columns (Rohm and           of the production of toxic compounds, increasing rapidly
Haas Co., Philadelphia, Pa.). After dilution (one to four           between days 4 and 14, whereas after reaching the maximum
times) of the culture liquid with distilled water, 1 ml was         level almost no decline in toxicity was ~een. With sorbic acid
transferred to a glass column (250 by 15 mm) packed with 5          in the medium, a similar picture was obtained, but the onset
g of XAD-2. The resin was washed with 50 ml of distilled            of production of toxic compounds was delayed and a higher
water and dried by a flow of air through the column for 15          maximum level was reached.
min. The trichothecenes were extracted with three 10-ml                Chemical analysis of trichothecenes in culture tiftrates. The
portions of acetonitrile-water (9:1). The eluates were com-         results of the gas chromatographic analysis are shown in
bined and concentrated to 4 ml under a flow of nitrogen in a        Tables 1 and 2. During the first week of the stationary culture
laboratory-made Kuderna-Danish apparatus at 70°C; 1 ml of           at 27°C (Table 1), the concentrations of the trichothecenes
the concentrated eluate was evaporated and derivatized with         T-2 toxin, HT-2 toxin, DAS, and neosolaniol increased,
0.5 ml of trifluoroacetic anhydride (Pierce Chemical Co.,           whereas after day 7 T-2 toxin, DAS, and neosolaniol disap-
Rockford, Ill.) in the presence of 10 mg of sodium hydrogen         peared rapidly from the culture medium and increasing
carbonate. After 30 min at 80°C, 100 RI of hexane containing        quantities of T-2 tetraol were formed. During the first 10
3.9 ,ug of docosane as internal standard was added, and             days, the stationary cultures at 15°C (Table 2) showed an
excess trifluoroacetic anhydride was evaporated at 50°C             increase of T-2 toxin, neosolaniol, and DAS, whereas after
under a gentle flow of nitrogen. The residue was extracted          day 10 the decrease of T-2 toxin was accompanied by an
for 1 min with 300 RI of toluene followed by 0.5 ml of water        increase of HT-2 toxin, followed by an increase of T-2
to dissolve the residue of sodium hydrogen carbonate. After         tetraol.
mixing, 100 RI of the toluene layer was transferred with a             Figure 2 shows isometric plots of the gas chromatograms
syringe to a dry reaction vial (Pierce) containing anhydrous        of the acetylated trichothecenes. In addition to T-2 tetraol,
sodium sulfate. A sample of 1 ,ul was injected onto the gas         many intermediary metabolites, which were identified by
chromatographic column.                                             mass spectrometry, were found (Table 3). These metabolites
   (ii) Gas chromatographic analysis and identification. A          were deacetylated or hydrolyzed forms of T-2 toxin and
Carlo Erba 5300 Mega gas chromatograph, equipped with a             DAS.
flame ionization detector and an on-column injection system,           Comparison of the brine shrimp assay with chemical anal-
was used. The separation was carried out on a wall-coated,          ysis. LC50s for T-2 toxin, HT-2 toxin, DAS, neosolaniol, and
open, tubular, fused-silica column (50 m by 0.32 mm [inner          T-2 tetraol can be obtained from the log probit data of the
diameter], CP Sil 8 CB; Chrompack, Middelburg, The Neth-            pure compounds shown in Fig. 3. T-2 toxin showed the
erlands). A temperature program from 120 to 190°C at 15°C           lowest LC50. The completely deacetylated compound T-2
per min and from 190 to 260°C at 3°C per min was used, with         tetraol had the lowest toxicity. The toxicity of a 1:1 mixture
the detector temperature adjusted to 300°C. Quantitation            of T-2 and HT-2 toxins was compared with that of the pure
was achieved by the internal standard quantitation program          compounds. The mixture gave an LC50 of 72 ng/ml (95%
of the interfaced DEC PC 3501VG Minichrom data system               fiducial limits, 67 and 78 ng/ml, respectively), whereas on the
658      BERGERS,     VAN DER     STAP, AND KIENTZ                                                                             APPL. ENVIRON. MICROBIOL.

                         E      300-

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                                      0                      5                  10                      15                   20
                                                                                                                d ays
  FIG. 1. Brine shrimp toxicity of the culture liquid of stationary cultures of F. tricinctum NRRL 3299 grown at 15 and 27°C (expressed as
T-2 toxin equivalents in micrograms per milliliter). A, 15°C, Czapek Dox peptone medium; B, 15°C, Czapek Dox peptone medium plus 0.025%
(wt/vol) sorbic acid; A', 27°C, Czapek Dox peptone medium; B', 27°C, Czapek Dox peptone medium plus 0.025% (wt/vol) sorbic acid. Data
of the duplicate cultures A and B were evaluated statistically by the Welch test. The T-2 toxin equivalents at 7, 14, 18, and 21 days were
significantly different (P = 0.027, 0.013, 0.009, and 0.023, respectively). The estimated values at 10 days were not evaluated.

basis of the separate compounds an LC50 of 86 ng/ml (95%                             maximum toxicity, obtained after 7 days of culturing at 27°C,
fiducial limits, 68 and 120 ng/ml) was calculated. That these                        is equivalent to 63 ,ug of T-2 toxin per ml. This result can be
values are not significantly different indicates that the toxic-                     compared with the 50 p.g/ml found by chemical analysis
ity of culture liquids measured in the brine shrimp test is the                      (Table 1). The toxicity remaining after 18 to 21 days of
sum of the separate trichothecene toxicities; i.e., it is di-                        culturing is possibly due to T-2 tetraol, which has a lower
rectly comparable with the results of the chemical analysis.                         intrinsic toxicity than T-2 toxin. From the brine shrimp data
   From the brine shrimp data in Fig. 1 it appears that the                          for the culture at 15°C, a maximum toxicity was observed

   TABLE 1. Concentrations of several trichothecenes in the                              TABLE 2. Concentrations of several trichothecenes in the
 medium of a F. tricinctum NRRL 3299 stationary surface culture                       medium of a F. tricinctum NRRL 3299 stationary surface culture
                     during 3 weeks at 27°C                                                               during 3 weeks at 15°C
                     Concn (,ug/ml) of following compound':                                               Concn (pLg/ml) of following compound":
No. of        T-2        HT-2                                           T-2          No. of      T-2       HT-2                                  T-2
 days        toxin       toxin            Neosolaniol        DAS      tetraol         days         toxin       toxin       Neosolaniol      DAS    tetraol
   4          35            b                 25                                       4           _h
   7          50          15                  35                 10     25             7           120                            25         5      -
  10          15          10                  20                        75            10           265           5                35        15
  14                      10                  10                       145            14           185          80                35        10       25
  18                      10                                           165            18           125          85                25         5       45
  21                      10                                           200            21           140          90                30         5       65
  "Minor quantities of other trichothecenes are not given.                            a Complete   chemical analyses are given in Fig. 2.
  b _, Concentration of trichothecene below 5      jig/ml.                            b_, Concentration of trichothecene below 5 pg/ml.
VOL. 50, 1985                                          BIOASSAY AND CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF TRICHOTHECENES                               659

           -. 0 _



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                                                                                               time   (min )


          E          80

                     60                          IJ                                                                         f
                     40                                                                                                     d
                     20                                                                                                     b
                                                                                                 time (min)
  FIG. 2. Isometric plots of gas chromatograms of the acetylated trichothecenes from the culture liquid of a stationary culture of F.
tricinctum NRRL 3299 at 15C during 21 days. a, b, c, d, e, and f, 4, 7, 10, 14, 18, and 21 days, respectively. The numbers of the peaks at
chromatogram f correspond with the numbers of the trichothecenes in Table 3; the major peak C-22 is the internal standard docosane. The
minor peak 6 belongs to chromatogram e.

after 10 days, which is equivalent to 255 p,g of T-2 toxin per         method employed by us was suited to detect B-type
ml. By chemical analysis, 265 ,ug/ml was found (Table 2).              trichothecenes, such as nivalenol, as well (17). However,
                                                                       these were not present in the culture filtrates. In addition to
                        DISCUSSION                                     the derivates which are thought to be derived from the T-2
                                                                       toxin or DAS molecule, minor quantities were found with
  Abbas et al. (1) recently demonstrated that T-2 toxin,               slightly different side chains (Table 3). The detection of these
neosolaniol, HT-2 toxin, and T-2 tetraol, as well as five              new trichothecenes was a result of the high resolution of the
related metabolites, are formed by the same strain on rice.            gas chromatographic analysis.
With the exception of acetyl T-2 the same trichothecenes,                 Cullen et al. (5), who studied T-2 toxin production in liquid
together with DAS and several additional metabolites, were             medium by the same strain and a related F. tricinctum strain,
found in our liquid cultures. The less water-soluble acetyl            detected DAS and HT-2 toxin in addition to T-2 toxin. They
T-2 toxin, although intracellularly present, may not be                reported that surface cultures of F. tricinctum NRRL 3299
excreted into the culture medium. Ichinoe and Kurata (9)               produce 52.5 mg of T-2 toxin per liter in Czapek Dox
applied the Booth system of classification to toxigenic                medium supplemented with peptone. Although our concen-
strains. The Fusarium strain NRRL 3299, originally identi-             trations are much higher than those found by these authors,
fied as F. tricinctum and later characterized as F. poae, was          their figures for liquid cultures with vermiculite (14 days at
identified by them as F. sporotrichioides, a major producer            19°C) are in the same range. Differences between these
of T-2 toxin. According to their data, these strains produce           results may result from differences in temperature or time
only A-type trichothecenes such as T-2 toxin, HT-2 toxin,              regime or both, surface-to-volume ratio of the liquid cul-
DAS, and neosolaniol (Fig. 4). The gas chromatographic                 tures, or the type of peptone used. The increased production
660       BERGERS, VAN DER STAP, AND KIENTZ                                                                                APPL. ENVIRON. MICROBIOL.

                TABLE 3. Trichothecenes identified in the culture medium of stationary cultures of F. tricinctum NRRL 3299a
                      Compound                                    Rl                          R2                            R3
 1.   T-2 tetraol                                                OH                          OH                             OH
 2.   15-Acetyl-T-2 tetraol                                      OH                       OCOCH3                            OH
 3.   15-Monoacetoxyscirpenol                                    OH                       OCOCH3                             H
 4.   8-Acetyl-T-2 tetraol                                       OH                          OH                           OCOCH3
 5.   4-Acetyl-T-2 tetraol                                    OCOCH3                         OH                             OH
 6.   15-Isovaleryl-T-2 tetraol                                  OH                  OCOCH2CH(CH3)2                         OH
 7.   8-Isovaleryl-T-2 tetraol                                   OH                          OH                      OCOCH2CH(CH3)2
 8.   Neosolaniol                                             OCOCH3                      OCOCH3                            OH
 9.   DAS                                                     OCOCH3                      OCOCH3                             H
10.   4,8-Diacetyl-T-2 tetraol                                OCOCH3                         OH                           OCOCH3
11.   8-Butyryl-15-acetyl-T-2 tetraol                            OH                       OCOCH3                      OCO(CH2)2CH3
12.   HT-2 toxin                                                 OH                       OCOCH3                     OCOCH2CH(CH3)2
13.   8-Isovaleryl-4-acetyl-T-2 tetraol                       OCOCH3                         OH                      OCOCH2CH(CH3)2
14.   8-Butenecarbonyl-15-acetyl-T-2 tetraolb                    OH                       OCOCH3                         OCOC4H7

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15.   8-Butyryl-4,15-diacetyl-T-2 tetraol                     OCOCH3                      OCOCH3                      OCO(CH2)2CH3
16.   T-2 toxin                                               OCOCH3                      OCOCH3                     OCOCH2CH(CH3)2
17.   8-Butenecarboxyl-4,15-diacetyl-T-2 tetraolb             OCOCH3                      OCOCH3                         OCOC4H7
  a The position of the R groups is represented in Fig. 4. The trichothecenes 1, 8, 9, 12, and 16 were identified by comparison with the mass spectra of the
trifluoroacetylated reference compounds. The identification of the other trichothecenes was based on interpretation of their mass spectral fragments.
    The 8-butenecarbonyl side chain is presumably a decomposition product of 3'-hydroxyisovaleryl caused by the acetylation method used (14).

of trichothecenes when sorbic acid is added to the culture                      duced 3-acetyldeoxynivalenol is transformed into deoxy-
seems to parallel the effect of sorbic acid on the production                   nivalenol. They demonstrated also that, of three Fusarium
of T-2 toxin by F. acuminatum, as found by Gareis et al. (7).                   species, the growing mycelium of F. solani (synonym: F.
  Kotsonis and Ellison (13) studied the production of T-2                       sporotrichioides) most efficiently converted added 3-
and HT-2 toxins in liquid cultures of F. poae (synonym: F.                      acetyldeoxynivalenol into deoxynivalenol. We described the
sporotrichioides) (9). They found that T-2 toxin was pro-                       course of production of several trichothecenes in liquid
duced before HT-2 toxin and that hexadeuterio-T-2 toxin                         cultures of F. tricinctum NRRL 3299 at 15 or 27°C; similarly,
was converted by the culture to trideuterio-HT-2 toxin.                         we found a transient increase of T-2 toxin, DAS, and
Further, Yoshizawa and Morooka (21) found that, in a                            neosolaniol which was accompanied by an increase of HT-2
stationary liquid culture of F. roseum, the previously pro-                     toxin, T-2 tetraol, and intermediates. Our data could be



                                                             /C       /                          /e
                               I            I            I             I                                                    I

                              25          50           100           200          400     800     1600   3200
                                                                                    trichothecenes ng/ml
  FIG. 3. Log probit data of the mortality of brine shrimp (24 h exposition at 30°C) caused by several trichothecenes found in stationary
cultures of F. tricinctum NRRL 3299. a, T-2 toxin; b, HT-2 toxin; c, DAS; d, neosolaniol; e, T-2 tetraol. The LC50 of potassium dichromate
was 30 jig/ml.
VOL. 50, 1985                                            BIOASSAY AND CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF TRICHOTHECENES                          661

H3C                                                                of the culture filtrates, as assayed with the brine shrimp test.
                                                                   The brine shrimp assay therefore offers an interesting mon-
                                                                   itoring system for the quantitation of toxic trichothecenes in
                                                                   liquid cultures.

                                                                     We thank E. R. J. Wils and A. G. Hulst for their help in
                                 cH3                     I         trichothecene identification by mass spectral analysis. We further
                                                       Rl          acknowledge the skillful technical assistance of J. van der Berg in
                            R2                                     analytical determinations. Finally, we thank J. L. F. Gerbrandy and
                                                                   A. Verweij for helpful criticism.
         FIG. 4. Structural diagram of A-type trichothecenes.
                                                                                          LITERATURE CITED

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explained by assuming that the previously produced T-2              1. Abbas, H. K., C. J. Mirocha, and W. T. Shier. 1984. Mycotoxins
                                                                       produced from fungi isolated from foodstuffs and soil: compar-
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diates during prolonged culturing. These transformations are           Environ. Microbiol. 48:654-661.
clearly dependent on culture aging, which proceeds faster at        2. BUI, J., D. Dive, and C. van Peteghem. 1981. Comparison of
27°C than at 15°C. It is somewhat surprising, furthermore,             some bioassay methods for mycotoxin studies. Environ. Pollut.
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27°C seemed to increase with time. Additional studies are              mycotoxins (Zearalenone, Trichothecenes and Moniliformin) by
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tricinctum at different temperatures and found that as much         5. Cullen, D., E. B. Smalley, and R. W. Caldwell. 1982. New
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   Several authors have used the brine shrimp test as a                Stimulation of aflatoxin B, and T-2 toxin production by sorbic
qualitative screening test for the detection of toxigenic              acid. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 47:416-418.
Fusarium strains (8, 18). This test has also been compared          8. Harwig, J., and P. M. Scott. 1971. Brine shrimp (Artemia salina
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We likewise found a wide range of toxicities for A-type                biological and toxicological aspects. Elsevier/North-Holland
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toxin, however, enables the use of the brine shrimp test as a      10. Ishii, K. 1983. Chemistry and bioproduction of non-macrocyclic
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