UAE Aerospace: An Inspiring Model

Page created by Steve Clarke
UAE Aerospace: An Inspiring Model
A Specialised Journal on Military & Strategic Affairs - 47 th Year - Issue No. 561 October 2018

                             UAE Aerospace:
                             An Inspiring Model

                                                              Mohamed bin Zayed:
                                                              Protectors of the Nation
                                                              Exemplify Loyalty and Courage
Issue No. 561 October 2018

                                                                                             Rafale Takes Over
                                                                                             La Fayette

                              Safran Tests Hybrid Electric
                              Propulsion System
UAE Aerospace: An Inspiring Model
UAE’s Defense
              Industries Champion
                Working in partnership with the UAE Armed Forces,
                          EDIC is harnessing synergies to serve the
                            country’s short and long term Defense
                                             Industrial requirements
UAE Aerospace: An Inspiring Model

                                                        At the beginning of his visit, the Chief of Staff of the UAE Armed
                                                        Forces conveyed the greetings and appreciation of the wise
                                                        leadership to our heroes in Yemen for their role in providing help
                                                        to the brotherly Yemeni people. This has highly raised their morale
                                                        and strengthened their determination.
                                                        This visit stresses the importance of continuous interaction and
 An Important                                           communication with the heroes of our Armed Forces in the
                                                        battlefield. This helps to crystallise the necessary strategic vision
 Visit at a Critical                                    into operational plans and decisions based on real facts and solid
                                                        calculations. This is a general principle established by His Highness

 Time                                                   Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi
                                                        and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, who
By:                                                     is always keen to communicate with the military commands and
Staff Lieutenant Colonel /                              closely follows up the plans for development and modernisation of
Yousef Juma Al Haddad                                   the Armed Forces.
Editor in Chief                                         The timing of the visit of Lt. Gen. Hamad Mohammed Thani Al                                       Rumaithi is highly important as it sends a clear message that the
                                                        UAE is moving forward in its heroic and historic role of standing by
                                                        the brotherly people of Yemen against the terrorist Houthi militia
 The visit of His Excellency Lieutenant General         and its foreign supporters. These militias have wrongly imagined
 Hamad Mohammed Thani Al Rumaithi, Chief of             that the support of the UAE and Saudi Arabia for a political solution
 Staff of the UAE Armed Forces, to the fighting         to the Yemeni crisis means abandoning the military option and that
 fronts in Hodeidah, Yemen, accompanied by a            they are now in a stronger position to impose their agenda on the
 number of senior officers of the Armed Forces,         Yemeni government and people in any negotiating process. Hence,
 highlights the exceptional care given by our wise      this visit is a strong response to the Houthi illusions.
 leadership to the heroes of our Armed Forces.          The visit of the Chief of Staff of the UAE Armed Forces to the fighting
 Continuous communication with them translates          fronts in Hodeidah, accompanied by a number of senior officers of
 the value assigned by our leadership to these          the Armed Forces, confirms that the Saudi-led Arab alliance didn’t
 valiant men, who have responded to the nation’s        abandon the military option at any time. It has always allowed
 call of duty and offered great sacrifices to support   opportunities for the political solution led by Martin Griffith, the
 our brothers.                                          UN envoy to Yemen, in the hope of re-launching a political process
                                                        leading to the solution of the Yemeni crisis.
                                                        In conclusion, the visit of Lt. Gen. Hamad Mohammed Thani Al
                                                        Rumaithi to the fighting fronts in Hodeidah reinstates the military
                                                        option once again after Saudi Arabia and the UAE have been able
                                                        to expose to the whole world the reality of the Houthi terrorist
                                                        militia. This militia only understands the language of force and is
                                                        always proficient in tricks of evasion and manipulation. As such, this
                                                        visit, to keep in touch with the reality of military preparations and
                                                        logistics, is in fact a qualitative support for the process of liberation
                                                        of Hodeidah and its strategic seaport. This is clearly confirmed by
                                                        the field victories achieved during the past few days by the Yemeni
                                                        armed forces, backed by the Coalition in support of legitimacy, amid
                                                        the collapse and large losses in the ranks of the Houthi militias.
UAE Aerospace: An Inspiring Model
Issued By UAE Armed Forces.
     Established In August 1971.
                         A Specialised Journal on Military & Strategic Affairs - 47 th Year - Issue No. 561 October 2018

    UAE Aerospace:
    An Inspiring Model

                                     Mohamed bin Zayed:
                                     Protectors of the Nation
                                     Exemplify Loyalty and Courage

                                                                    Rafale Takes Over
                                                                    La Fayette

     Safran Tests Hybrid Electric
     Propulsion System
                                                                                                                                           Mohamed bin
                                                         561                                                                               Zayed: Protectors
General Supervisor
                                                                                                                                           of the Nation
Chairman of the Administrative
Council                                                                                                                                    Exemplify Loyalty
Staff General\
Salem Saeed Ghafan Al Jaberi
Vice Chairman of the Administrative
                                                                                                                                           and Courage

Brigadier General\ Dr. Abdulla Rashid
Al Neyadi
Editor in Chief
Staff Lieutenant-Colonel \
Yousef Juma AL Haddad
Editorial Manger
Major \ Jamil Khamis Al Saadi
Editorial Secretary
                                                                                                                                           Elettronica Wins
Husain Al Mannaee
Layout & Design
                                                                                                                                           ICCS Business
Moza Al Ali
Ahmed Mahmmoud
                                                                                                                                           Award 2018
Ismael Mohammed Alblooshi
Sakha Pramod

O   The views expressed in Nation                                                                                                           29 ELETTRONICA
    Shield Journal are not necessar-                                                                                        IFC EDIC        35 SNSR
    ily shared by, nor should they                                                                                          13 SAAB         49 INDODEFENCE
    be taken as the views of Nation                                                                                         27 SAFRAN
    Shield Journal.
O   The publication of advertise-
    ments does not in any way im-
    ply endorsement by the Nation
    Shield Journal.
O   All rights reserved.
UAE Aerospace: An Inspiring Model
32      “KC-46A” Record Boeing-USAF Partnership

40                ‘Made in
                                   UAE Aerospace:
                  Gowind           An Inspiring
                  Corvette         Model

Innovative Solution for
ISR Missions              64
                          Military Radars to Meet

              52          Global Demand
UAE Aerospace: An Inspiring Model
6                ISSUE 561 OCT 2018      Events

Mohamed bin Zayed Confers Emirates Military Order on
Mohamed bin Zayed: Protectors of the
H   is Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin          bin Zayed expressed his pride in the       military tasks.
Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu        protectors and heroes who exemplify        Addressing the heroes, Sheikh Mo-
Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Com-               the values of loyalty, faithfulness and    hamed bin Zayed said: “You are the
mander of the UAE Armed Forces,             courage through their heroic actions       stronghold of the nation with your
decorated a number of command-              in various fields of honour and glory.     sacrifices and heroic attitudes in the
ers, officers and members of the UAE        He prayed to the Almighty God to           various tasks assigned to you, both at
Armed Forces, Ministry of Interiors         help and support them in the service       home and abroad; they are a source of
and police with the Emirates Military       of their country.                          pride for all Emiratis.”
Order in recognition of their heroic ac-    He commended the heroes' leader-           His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin
tions and attitudes while performing        ship skills and military capabilities in   Zayed Al Nahyan awarded the medal
their duties.                               the field and their accomplishment of      of the Emirates Military Order to Staff
During the meeting, Sheikh Mohamed          the plans and strategies set for their     Brigadier Ali Al Nuaimi, Staff Brigadier
UAE Aerospace: An Inspiring Model

 Members of the Armed Forces and Police Officers
Nation Exemplify Loyalty and Courage
Sultan Al Habsi, Staff Brigadier Saif Al-                       The ceremony was attended by H.H.
Yamahi, Staff Brigadier Ali Al Kaabi,                           Sheikh Mohammed bin Saud bin
Staff Brigadier Musallam Al Rashedi            “You are the     Saqr Al Qasimi, Crown Prince of Ras
and Staff Brigadier Nasser Al Otaibi,                           al-Khaimah; H.H. Sheikh Hamdan bin
Corporal Saeed Al-Dhanhani from             stronghold of the   Zayed Al Nahyan, Ruler's Representa-
the Armed Forces, Col. Mubarak Al-                              tive in Al Dhafra Region; Lt. General
Darmaki and Col. Sultan Al-Raisi from       nation with your    Hamad Mohammed Thani Al Rumai-
the General Directorate of Abu Dhabi
Police, while Brigadier Khalid Al Shehi
                                              sacrifices and    thi, Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces,
                                                                and a number of senior commanders
received the Order on behalf of his
brother, martyr Tareq Al Shehi, from
                                            heroic attitudes“   of the units and military formations,
                                                                in addition to a number of Sheikhs
the Ministry of Interior.                                       and senior officials.
UAE Aerospace: An Inspiring Model
8               ISSUE 561 OCT 2018      Events

UAE to Showcase Security
Solutions at SNSR
As part of the recently announced                                                    presence of HRH Prince Abdul Aziz bin
‘UAE-Saudi Strategy of Resolve’, the                                                 Saud bin Nayef bin Abdulaziz Al Saud,
two countries are creating a distinc-                                                the Minister of Interior of the King-
tive model of strategic partnerships in                                              dom of Saudi Arabia.
the Arab region and will be cooperat-                                                The participation of Emirati firms in
ing in projects encompassing various                                                 the expo is expected to enhance the
fields. The partnership has been de-                                                 security cooperation between the
signed to protect the two nations’ in-                                               UAE and Saudi Arabia by facilitating
terests and create opportunities in re-    and knowledge axis, and the political     the exchange of security expertise
sponse to regional geopolitical shifts.    and security axis.                        and showcasing the latest develop-
Announced at the inaugural meet-           This joint focus on security is under-    ments in the security industry pro-
ing of the Saudi-Emirati Cooperation       lined by the UAE’s participation in the   vided by more than 30 of the UAE’s
Council in June, the plan identified       upcoming Saudi National Security          most prominent companies special-
three main axes of cooperation for         and Risk Prevention (SNSR) Expo set       ised in national security-related prod-
the two nations’ shared vision of the      to take place in Riyadh from Novem-       ucts and services, including armoured
future: the economic axis, the human       ber 4 to 6, under the patronage and       vehicles, aerospace, ammunition
UAE Aerospace: An Inspiring Model

systems, naval vessels, telecommu-
nications, maintenance and repair
operations, cybersecurity, logistical
support, and technical development.
Major General Abdulrahman Al Hu-
sayni, Civil Defense’s assistant direc-
tor-general for safety, said: "As nation-
al security represents a top priority for
the Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, represent-
ed by the Ministry of Interior (MOI),
actively looks to attract international
companies, which are interested in
investing in potential future projects
and provide innovative security solu-
tions to enhance the security sector.
The strong interest exhibited by com-
                                             More than 30 Emirati firms will be exhibiting at SNSR
panies in participating in this impor-
tant event and discussing future proj-
ects reflects these efforts.”               systems, naval vessels, telecommu-            yond, but also underscores the ever-
One of the main topics that will be         nications, maintenance and repair             expanding collaboration between the
discussed at the expo is the role           operations, cybersecurity, logistical         UAE and Saudi Arabia in national se-
of disruptive innovation in national        support, and technical development.           curity matters.”
security. Plus, the SNSR Innovation         Saif Ali Al Marzooqi, Director of Corpo-      Below is a look at some of the com-
Awards will be open to all exhibitors       rate Branding and Communication at            panies that will be promoting their
and is the perfect platform that aims       Tawazun Economic Council said: “Our           products and technologies at the UAE
to find disruptive technologies that        participation in the SNSR Expo 2018           pavilion:
strengthen national security with the       not only enables us to proudly pres-          Tawazun Economic Council: The
goal of reshaping how Saudi govern-         ent the state-of-the-art ‘Made in UAE’        Council was founded to fulfil the vi-
ments, entrepreneurs, and industry          national security solutions to leading        sion of comprehensive and sustain-
experts work together to find cutting-      stakeholders from the region and be-          able economic and social develop-
edge solutions for current and future
security threats. Nominees will be
selected by a committee of indus-
try experts representing prestigious
organisations and will be led by the
Saudi MOI.
Presenting ‘Made in UAE’ Security
Sponsored by Tawazun Economic
Council and organised by the Emir-
ates Defense Companies Council
(EDCC), the UAE pavilion at SNSR
Expo will cover 1,200 sqm of exhibi-
tion floor, and feature 20 of the UAE’s
prominent companies specialised in
national security-related products
and services, including armoured
vehicles, aerospace, ammunition              Nation Shield, the official journal of UAE Armed Forces will attend ISNR
UAE Aerospace: An Inspiring Model
10                ISSUE 561 OCT 2018       Events

ment within the UAE. It is responsible
for the Tawazun Economic Program,
formerly known as the UAE Offset Pro-
gram, which was established to diver-
sify the UAE’s economy and create new
ventures in various sectors through
partnerships with international de-
fence contractors. Since its establish-
ment, the Council enabled creation of
more than 90 companies and invest-
ment vehicles, covering 11 sectors, in-
cluding defence manufacturing.
NIMR: Part of the Emirates Defence
Industry Company (EDIC), the com-
                                              NIMR delivers highly capable military vehicles designed for the harshest environments
pany delivers highly capable wheeled
military vehicles that are designed for
the harshest environments, across            cision guided bomb kit systems for          first UAE-based companies to provide
a diverse scope of mission require-          the UAE Armed Forces.                       a comprehensive range of services to
ments. NIMR’s range of battle proven         ADASI: Abu Dhabi Autonomous Sys-            cover all types of autonomous sys-
4x4 and 6x6 vehicles is available in         tems Investments (ADASI) is one of the      tems. The company’s scope of activity
armoured or non-armoured configu-
rations, with modular configurable
crew capacity and payload, where
protection and mobility is the focus
of its design activities.
Advanced        Pyrotechnics      (APT):
Launched in 2016, the company sup-
ports Armed Forces/Law Enforcement
Agencies, from its premises within the
Tawazun Industrial Park in Abu Dhabi.
APT supports customers in upholding
safety and security, and invests in the
newest technologies for production
by installing the latest devices in or-
der to guarantee competitiveness on
the highest level of safety for environ-
Barij Dynamics: The company is a
UAE-based Joint Venture (JV) be-
tween EDIC and South Africa’s De-
nel. The JV was created to serve the
Precision Guided Munitions (PGM)
industry. Barij Dynamics designs, as-
sembles and manufactures guidance
kits for airborne munitions in the UAE
through collaboration with local and
international suppliers. Its vision is to                               Caracal International, partof EDIC, is the region’s leading
develop and produce a family of pre-                                    original equipment manufacturer small arms producer

includes the acquisition, operation,                                           for multiple national security models.
and maintenance of autonomous sys-                                             Its mission is to provide fully inte-
tems for air, land and sea use, as well                                        grated, turn-key solutions for the na-
as their modification and systems in-                                          tion’s security. The company is leading
tegration, including the addition of                                           the way as it has recognised the need
alternative payloads.                                                          to combine long-term strategy with
International Golden Group (IGG):                                              tactical-solutions, which led to the
The Abu Dhabi-based firm specialises                                           establishment of Etimad Holding to
in providing high-end security and                                             integrate the common-functions en-
defence solutions to the UAE Gov-                                              abling each of its operational compa-
ernment including the UAE Armed                                                nies to focus on its core-competency.
Forces, UAE Ministry of Interior, and                                          Tasleeh: The UAE-based company
other security authorities. The com-                                           brings high quality weaponries to
pany is known for building long- term                                          the capital from Italian manufactur-
strategic business alliances with local                                        ers Tanfoglio and Sabatti s.p.a., along
and international companies by ex-                                             with a comprehensive collection of
ecuting solution-driven projects and                                           tactical gears.
integrated defence systems. IGG is                                             Al Marakeb Manufacturing Boats Co
                                          “Our participation in the SNSR Expo
also exploring areas such as manufac-                                          Est: The company has a decade of ex-
                                          2018 not only enables us to proudly
turing, system integration and, assem-                                         pertise in the maritime sector building
                                           present the state-of-the-art ‘Made
bly in order to become a leading re-                                           both high-performance GRP vessels
                                           in UAE’ national security solutions
gional supplier for land, air and naval                                        as well as marine autopilots and USV
                                              to leading stakeholders from
defence, and security equipment and                                            solutions, under its MAP Tech division,
                                            the region and beyond, but also
services, and is aiming to contribute                                          for numerous civil and defence appli-
                                            underscores the ever-expanding
towards the development of the lo-                                             cations. The UAE-based company has
                                          collaboration between the UAE and
cal defence community through the                                              reached remarkable growth, fuelled
                                            Saudi Arabia in national security
transfer of technology and know-how.                                           by constant research and develop-
Etimad: The company is a leading UAE                                           ment based on buyer’s trends, market
holding, combining and governing           Saif Ali Al Marzooqi                competition, technology forecasts,
operating companies and competen-          Director of Corporate Branding      and by providing reliable and relevant
cies that together provide an end-to-      and Communication at Tawazun        maritime solutions.
end fulfilment, control and assurance      Economic Council                    Siham Al Khaleej Technology (SAKT)
                                                                               LLC: The organisation is a growing
                                                                               UAE company focused on the military
                                                                               naval domain operating in the MENA
                                                                               Region, based in Al Sadr Port, in the
                                                                               Al Taweelah area of Abu Dhabi. SAKT
                                                                               has been established and approved
                                                                               as certified supplier by UAE Armed
                                                                               Forces GHQ to have the capability to
                                                                               design, assemble, manufacture, in-
                                                                               stall, integrate, test, commission, and
                                                                               maintain various components of the
                                                                               military and maritime defence, and
                                                                               security systems.
                                                                               Al Fattan Ship Industry: The company
                                                                               is an established shipbuilding and
Etimad Holding is a leading UAE company                                        repair company based in Abu Dhabi.
12                ISSUE 561 OCT 2018       Events

 The participation of Emirati firms in the expo is expected to enhance the security cooperation between the UAE and Saudi Arabia

Its core business is constructing metal     curity solutions and innovations on a        will help participants get first-hand
ships, manufacturing, fabrication, re-      9,500 sqm space, the SNSR will be the        knowledge of the challenges and best
pairs, offshore, and onshore services,      first event of its kind in the Kingdom       practice by bringing industry lead-
and maintenance of aluminium ma-            to welcome over 100 exhibiting com-          ers, including experts, consultants,
rine vessels as well as fiberglass boats.   panies representing the national secu-       regional and international companies
Its product portfolio includes inter-       rity industry from 16 countries includ-      of security solutions and risk man-
ceptors, landing crafts, patrol boats,      ing Sweden, Turkey, China, Cyprus,           agement professionals under one
and training vessels.                       the Czech Republic, Denmark, France,         roof to discuss the future landscape
Landscape of National Security              Italy, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, South Ko-       of national security. It will feature a
An interactive platform to showcase         rea, Spain, UAE, UK, and U.S.                two-day programme of keynotes and
the industry's latest cutting-edge se-      The event will host workshops that           workshops by subject matter experts
                                                                                         on the future landscape of several key
                                                                                         issues, including: border security, Hajj
                                                                                         security, smart and safe cities, coun-
                                                                                         terterrorism, critical infrastructure
                                                                                         protection, and cybersecurity.
                                                                                         In the light of Vision 2030, the security
                                                                                         industry is identified as a foundational
                                                                                         pillar in delivering a solid socio-eco-
                                                                                         nomic strategic progress in Saudi Ara-
                                                                                         bia. SNSR Expo aims to create a highly
                                                                                         profitable business environment for
                                                                                         state-of-the-art security products
                                                                                         and service providers. The strong in-
                                                                                         terest and level of participation that
                                                                                         the SNSR Expo has witnessed so far
                                                                                         affirms Saudi Arabia’s emergence as a
                                                                                         hub for the development and knowl-
                                                                                         edge exchange of national security-
                                                                                         related solutions.

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                                               With an advanced, constantly evolving Electronic Warfare systems
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SAAB 0250 A   N ti   Shi ld 195 260   i dd 1                                                                         2018 09 26 15 50
14                ISSUE 561 OCT 2018       Events

                        l i S h ow :
                 ai H e
Dub            t o n  E m  e rg i n g
S p o t l i g h                t i o n s
                  d I n n ov  a
     n  d   s a n

 The Dubai HeliShow 2018 will be              Navigation Services, emphasised
 held from November 6 to 8, under the         that supporting the Dubai HeliShow
 patronage of H.H. Sheikh Mohammed            reflects the Authority’s keenness to
 in Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President         strengthen the fruitful cooperation
 and Prime Minister of the UAE and            frameworks with the aviation industry
 Ruler of Dubai. The Royal Pavilion at        stakeholders, in the interest of achiev-
 Al Maktoum International Airport in          ing security and sustainability, region-
 Dubai South will be hosting the event,       ally and globally.                          tices in the helicopters sector, which
 which is held every two years. The           Ahmad Abulhoul, Managing Director,          is crucial to various fields such as tour-
 Dubai Civil Aviation Authority (DCAA)        Domus Group, organisers of Dubai            ism, oil industry, medical emergency
 is a strategic partner of the exhibition,    HeliShow, said: “The exhibition is very     services, law enforcement authorities,
 which provides an ideal platform to          significant as it is a strategic platform   transport and others.”
 identify the emerging trends and to          that attracts the elite of decision and     Conference Agenda
 learn about the latest technological         policy makers, senior government of-        The event will feature two confer-
 innovations related to commercial he-        ficials and representatives of the most     ences “Helicopter Technology and Op-
 licopters and in areas of civil defence.     prominent security authorities and en-      erations Conference” and the “Military
 H.E. Mohammed Abdulla Ahli, Director         tities in the region and the world. They    and Homeland Security Conference”.
 General – Dubai Civil Aviation Author-       all will come to review the latest and      These aim to highlight important top-
 ity and Chief Executive Officer, Dubai       international technologies and prac-        ics such as how to empower police

forces with Internet of Things (IoT),
Robotics, Artificial Intelligence (AI),
autonomous vehicles, and advanced
helicopters into their operations; the
role of women in homeland security;
application of robotics in security and
helicopters; tackling new patterns in
narco-terrorism by integrating intel-
ligence, forensics and response op-
erations; best practices to boost joint
inter-agency cooperation between
armed forces and homeland security
agencies among many others.
The ‘Military and Homeland Security
                                                                        Over 60 exhibitors and visitors coming from more than
Conference’ will engage attendees                                       30 countries are expected to participate this year
from a range of sectors including cus-
toms, armed forces, border guards,         in search and rescue missions, oil and      said: “In the defence sector, thermal
police, homeland security, airports        gas and critical infrastructure monitor-    imaging is mostly associated with
and ports, industrial security from the    ing will be under the spotlight.            ‘seeing the enemy.’ The technology is
Middle East and beyond in the discus-      Furthermore, the event will focus on        now widely used by government test
sion of roadmaps, regulations and pol-     a number of other topics, including         labs; military test range applications;
icies required to effectively improve      the development of aircraft repair and      and aerospace and astronomy appli-
homeland security capabilities.            maintenance centres in the region, as       cations to include tracking, target sig-
Other key focus areas of the confer-       well as improved operational efficien-      nature, laser designation and scoring,
ence will include combatting of trans-     cies in command and control, smart          munitions testing, adaptive optics,
national crimes through exchange of        computing, surveillance, recovery and       technical surveillance and counter-
intelligence; inter-agency cooperation     e-defence capabilities.                     measures. With the information pro-
for mega world events such as the up-      Aside from DCAA, the exhibition is also     vided by thermal imaging, researchers
coming EXPO 2020; ways to enhance          supported by a number of key govern-        can characterize objects in the ther-
joint security operations in the Mid-      ment entities notably the Ministry of       mal spectrum to identify and improve
dle East; best practices in airline and    Defence, UAE Airforce, Dubai Airports,      their designs. Visit us at the Dubai
aviation security; and optimisation of     Dubai Police, and Dubai South.              Helishow 2018 to learn more about
search and rescue operations using         Fostering Future Partnerships               thermal imaging and its wide variety
helicopters.                               Over 60 exhibitors and visitors com-        of applications.”
The ‘Helicopter Technology & Opera-        ing from more than 30 countries are         On the other hand, Steve Ghaleb, vice
tions Conference’, will provide a plat-    expected to participate this year. The      president of commercial operations at
form for industry stakeholders to net-     three-day event will feature leading        DART Aerospace said: “Attending this
work and build new business partner-       global speakers and top companies           show as a networking exhibitor and
ships. In addition to a range of panel     from Hungary, U.S., Canada, Australia,      sponsor is another great stepping-
discussions and keynote sessions that      Italy, Lithuania, Egypt, Russia, Bahrain,   stone towards having a stronger pres-
focus on the region’s helicopter in-       Switzerland, Romania, Lebanon, France,      ence in the region. Especially with the
dustry including heliports standards       United Kingdom, Ukraine, Korea, Co-         high demand for our AW139 Emer-
in the UAE; spectrum regulations for       lombia and UAE to showcase their            gency Flotation System with Integrat-
commercial helicopters in the UAE; and     products, services and technologies for     ed Liferaft, we are glad to be offering
overcoming challenges for helicopter       defence, homeland security, commer-         aerospace mission-critical equipment
modifications, the conference will also    cial and military helicopter sectors and    of the highest value to aircraft OEM
examine the importance of electronic       explore future partnerships.                and operators within the UAE.”
warfare in a disrupted world. Further-     Jalaal Abu Hassan, regional sales man-      Reference Text/Photo:
                                           ager, instruments – ME, FLIR Systems
more, the role of multi-role helicopters
16                  ISSUE 561 OCT 2018         Events

MSPO 2018
                            AN UNRIVALLED
Paris, London and Kielce, Poland - three European defence industry exhibitions to
mention in one breath across the world and brought under the banner of MSPO,
Europe’s third-largest trade show.
MSPO was organised by the Ministry of National Defence (MND) on the 4th-9th Sep-
tember, in partnership with Targi Kielce and government/private sector stakeholders
to promote the Polish defence and security sectors. MSPO has been a showcase of
the Polish industry for over 25 years as a venue for presentations of the global de-
fence sector proving the best way to promote native Polish companies.

The 26th MSPO brought together 624              museum exhibits, including Leopard 2
exhibitors from 31 countries, with Po-          tanks, Rosomak armoured vehicles, RAK
land represented by 328 companies and           self-propelled mortar and a KRAB self-
complemented with the simultaneous-             propelled gunner.
ly-held LOGISTYKA, the 24th Internation-        The helicopters used for the show
al Logistics Fair. As 2018 lead-nation, visi-   were W-3WA Sokol and W-3 AE (aero-
tors were able to see the Polish Armed          evacuating machine) with outdoor dis-
Forces celebrate the 100th anniversary          plays of the Apache AH-64, Mi-8MSB,
of Polish Independence across 27,000            Mi-2, Black Hawk, Capercaillie, SW-4 Solo
square metres in the 7 exhibition halls of      Ruas and the Guimbal Cabrio G2.
the Kielce Exhibition and Congress cen-         Significant U.S. Presence
tre and outdoor expo grounds under the          With rising tensions along the Poland-
Honorary Patronage of the President of          Russia border, U.S. aerospace, defence      hibitors Black Diamond, Colnatec and
the Polish Republic, Andrzej Duda.              and security companies exhibited            Hydronalix and Protonex.
With the Polish Armaments Group as              critical technologies and equipment         Northrop Grumman Showcases
Strategic Partner, MSPO 2018 hosted             to strengthen connections with buy-         AARGM Missile
over 50 official foreign delegations and        ers and decision-makers involved in         Northrop Grumman displayed its AGM-
exhibitor presentation platforms from           the modernisation of Poland’s defence       88E Advanced Anti-Radiation Guided
Australia, China, Canada, Finland, France,      forces. This support for Poland and         Missile (AARGM) that provides the U.S.
the Netherlands, Japan, Great Britain, It-      NATO allies saw more than 30 U.S.-based     Navy, U.S. Marine Corps and Italian Air
aly and Germany amongst others.                 companies at MSPO, including Boeing,        Force an advanced weapon system for
Record-breaking Helicopter Displays             Lockheed Martin, Motorola Solutions,        engaging and destroying enemy air de-
The “Defence-Cooperation-Efficiency”            Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, Harris          fences and time-critical, mobile targets.
theme encompassed 30 units of the               Corp., General Atomics Aeronautical, L3     AARGM is a supersonic, medium-range,
Polish Armed Forces General Com-                Technologies, Cubic, SRC, Corfin, Otis      air-launched tactical missile compatible
mand and 380 units of equipment and             Technologies, and state of Arizona ex-      with U.S. and allied strike aircraft, includ-

ing all variants of the F/A-18, Tornado,    enhances aircraft and missile tracking      land’s future defence partnership, coop-
EA-18G, F-16, EA-6B, and F-35 (external).   and improves the ability of combatant       eration with Polish industry and partner-
The company also displayed its Bush-        commanders and air defenders to make        ship with the local communities. Below
master Chain Guns and medium calibre        critical decisions within seconds. While    are some of the solutions showcased by
ammunition, and demonstrated inte-          SHORAD capabilities protect U.S. and al-    the company:
grated air and missile defence (IAMD)       lied forces from a range of manned and      Patriot: Poland and 15 other countries
and short-range air defence (SHORAD)        unmanned air and missile threats. The       have entrusted the anti-aircraft and anti-
capabilities.                               capabilities utilise sensors, weapons and   missile defence mission to the combat-
The IAMD Battle Command System              command control to acquire, track, veri-    tested Patriot system. Not only Poland,
(IBCS) is a command-and-control system      fy, engage, and defeat incoming threats.    but also Sweden and Romania have
developed to deliver a single, unam-        Raytheon Displays Wide Range of             joined the Patriot fellowship last year.
biguous view of the battlespace, as re-     Products                                    Now Switzerland is also considering the
cently demonstrated over vast distances     Raytheon focused on the three main          possibility to acquire the Patriot system.
via the multi-node distributed test. This   areas of its cooperation with Poland: Po-   Recently, Raytheon also announced the
18               ISSUE 561 OCT 2018      Events

                                                                    launch of work on its all-around omni-
                                                                    directional Patriot radar based on gal-
                                                                    lium nitride technology.
                                                                    SkyCeptor: The missile can eliminate
                                                                    92 per cent of ballistic missiles, which
                                                                    pose a global threat. About 50 per cent
                                                                    of the missile can be possibly produced
                                                                    in Poland.
                                                                    ELCAN Specter DR: It is an optical
                                                                    sight used by the U.S. special forces
                                                                    command, British Ministry, and NATO
                                                                    countries’ forces. It increases soldiers’
                                                                    safety owing to the ability of dual view
Boeing and PGZ are developing opportunities to integrate            switching with the throw of a lever. The
unique Polish systems on the AH-64 Apache                           two have been combined into a single
                                                                    sight unit.
                                                                    The Multimedia Monitoring System
                                                                    (M3S): It is designed to process various
                                                                    types of media available in many lan-
                                                                    guages, such as online media, tradition-
                                                                    al media, YouTube, Twitter or Facebook
                                                                    videos as well as structured information
                                                                    that can then be browsed, searched and
                                                                    shared. Raytheon also cooperates with
                                                                    the Copernicus Science Centere in War-
                                                                    saw as the sole partner of FabLearn Lab,
                                                                    Poland’s first educational workshops.
                                                                    Visitors can design and manufacture
                                                                    their own models with the used of digital
                                                                    production devices, such as 3D printers,
MSPO has been a showcase of the Polish industry for over 25 years   plotters, digital cutters and hand tools.
                                                                    Raytheon is also the exclusive sponsor
                                                                    of the centre’s robotics workshops.
                                                                    Boeing and PGZ Collaborate on KRUK
                                                                    Attack Helicopter Programme
                                                                    Boeing and Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa
                                                                    (PGZ) have signed an agreement to part-
                                                                    ner on a range of business opportunities
                                                                    for the AH-64 Apache in support of the
                                                                    KRUK Attack Helicopter Programme.
                                                                    The AH-64 Apache is under consider-
                                                                    ation by the Government of Poland for
                                                                    its attack helicopter requirement. As
                                                                    part of this effort, Boeing and PGZ are
                                                                    developing opportunities to support,
                                                                    sustain and upgrade defence systems;
                                                                    integrate unique Polish systems on the
57 Mk3 Naval Gun System                                             AH-64 Apache; strengthen manufactur-

ing capabilities; incorporate PGZ com-
panies in Boeing’s supply chain; pursue
development of advance defence in-
dustrial capabilities and other activities
as mutually agreed.
The AH-64E Apache is one of the most
advanced combat helicopters in produc-
tion today for the U.S. Army and a grow-
ing number of international defence
forces. Currently operated by 16 coun-
tries, the Apache provides unmatched
capability, interoperability, readiness
and the lowest operating costs.
Thales Demonstrates Hawkei 4x4
Vehicle                                      Scorpene 2000 SSK Model
Thales company presented the Hawkei
4x4 vehicle in four-door, left-hand-drive
configuration for European markets. The
vehicle can be offered for Polish WPWS
Pegaz programme. The displayed
Hawkei was configured with Polish ZMT
unmanned turret, WB Group Topaz fire
control system, PCO OBRA-3 laser warn-
ing system, and Radmor comms.
Hawkei is a seven-tonne, 4x4, new gen-
eration, protected vehicle with a three-
tonne payload, designed to meet the
demanding requirements of land forces
worldwide. Hawkei delivers class-lead-
ing protection, mobility and payload
with unparalleled levels of blast and bal-
                                             JELCZ high mobility truck
listic protection.
HGH Infrared Systems Exhibits Latest
Thermal Sensors
HGH Infrared Systems recently launched
new technologies to support the mod-
ernisation of the defence industry: CY-
CLOPE 5.0, the Tracking in Staring mode
feature, and the award-winning V-LRF
option. At the show, the 360-degree°
thermal sensors SPYNEL-C and SPYNEL-
M, respectively used for FOB protection
and by Special Forces, was presented.
SPYNEL-C, one of HGH’s key products,
has been improved with the latest soft-
ware innovations.
One of the prominent innovations at the
show was CYCLOPE 5.0’s Alarm Manage-
                                             The 26th MSPO brought together 624 exhibitors from 31 countries
20               ISSUE 561 OCT 2018       Events

                                                                                       Polish company MESKO produces
Delegates from UAE Armed Forces at the event                                           weapons and ammunition

ment Module, enabling to automatically     manoeuvrable vehicle and its serial pro-    Inzynieryne S.A. has launched a mul-
distinguish between a threat and an        duction is being expected from 2019.        titask UAV-UTV buggy presented as a
authorised intrusion, by analysing the     WB GROUP Advances TOPAZ and                 dual-use vehicle, available for both mili-
behaviour of the target. In the event of   WARMATE 2                                   tary and civilian use. It is fully integrated
a confirmed threat, SPYNEL’s integrated    WB Group announced the evolution of         with an UAV, which uses the buggy roof
software CYCLOPE 5.0 automatically         its TOPAZ software system from only         as its landing platform. The buggy has a
alerts the hypervisor, creates a visual    a fire control software system to a fully   tubular structure, which encompasses
alarm, sends an email or even sends a      integrated combat management sys-           seating for five people.
screenshot to the user.                    tem (ICMS) for military users providing     The cargo compartment can carry a pay-
HGH also presented the V-LRF option for    a comprehensive suite of tools for com-     load of maximum 300 kg. The vehicle
Spynel-X and Spynel-S, which consists in   manders to enable quicker decision          empty weight nears 1,000 kg. Airborne
adding a Visible Channel and/or a laser    making and reaction.                        and Special Forces are targeted as pri-
range finder to the sensor for a better    WB Group’s engineering team has cre-        mary customers but border forces and
recognition.                               ated TOPAZ ICMS to accelerate decision      other security units may be interested
Soucy Defense Highlights CRT System        making with high levels of accuracy and     in this vehicle. The range of weaponry
Soucy Defense exhibited the Composite      work with other technologies for surveil-   adaptable on it is wide, from machine
Rubber Track (CRT) system, at the show.    lance, command and communications,          guns to antitank missiles, but would
The CRT technology was showcased in        fire control and strike. TOPAZ ICMS fa-     require appropriate structure reinforce-
partnership with Huta Stalowa Wola         cilitates an adaptive workflow drawing      ments and brackets.
(HSW), on the new Borsuk IFV vehicle.      upon the core elements in battle: over-     At MSPO, the buggy was covered with a
The Borsuk IFV has been developed for      watch/observation, management/logis-        high-tech camouflage net lowering the
the Polish Army and the version dis-       tics and strike.                            IR/thermal signature.
played on the PGZ stand had a com-         The company also launched its               Spotlight on Rosomak 8x8 Armoured
posite rubber track system from Soucy      WARMATE 2 Loitering Munition System,        Vehicle
Defense. The company’s CRT system          a new member of WB GROUP’s loitering        The Polish Company Rosomak S.A., a
consists of a continuously cased rubber    munition systems family – WARMATE.          subdivision of the Polish armaments
band structure, reinforced with a range    The much bigger WARMATE 2 adds              industry PGZ, presented a new version
of composite materials and steel cord,     more impact power and longer flight         of the Rosomak 8x8 armoured vehicle
weighing up to 50 per cent lighter than    endurance to the precision and swift-       in Command Post variant. The Rosomak
comparable steel track. This has enabled   ness of WARMATE.                            8×8 multi-role armoured vehicle pro-
the vehicles weight to be reduced. The     Polish Multitask UAV Buggy Unveiled         duced in Poland by Rosomak S.A., is a
Borsuk IFV is an amphibious and rapid      The Polish company Wojskowe Zaklady         variant of the Patria AMV manufactured

                                             Rosomak 8x8 armoured vehicle

under license in Poland. The new Com-          TUR V 4x4 Multi-Purpose Armoured             erations is a reality today, as all the UAVs
mand Post vehicle is designed to offer         Vehicle Launched                             can carry surveillance cameras or a brick
communication and coordination cen-            The Polish Company AMZ, manufac-             of powerful explosives.
tre to military units commanders during        turer of combat and armoured vehicles,       The new LANCA 2.0 was developed to of-
combat operations in static position or        unveiled a new version of the TUR V,         fer a modular architecture allowing the
on the move. The Rosomak Command               which is designed as a multi-purpose         possibility to expand the product and cre-
Post provides large interior space to sup-     armoured vehicle. According to the Pol-      ate new configuration. It has a wide range
port the commanders with all the equip-        ish Defense Industry, the new TUR V was      of operating frequencies able to neutralise
ment and electrical power required to          developed for the Pegaz programme of         drones at a maximum range of 1,000 m.
manage the battlefield, with the same          the Polish Army.                             LACROIX & NYLONBOR Strengthen
proven survivability and force protection      The design of the new TUR V is divided in    Partnership
as the standard Rosomak 8x8 Armoured           three main parts with the engine at the      LACROIX and NYLONBOR announced
Personnel Carrier (APC).                       front, a double crew cab in the middle,      and officialised the signature of a Letter
The Rosomak Command Post is                    and an open-top cargo compartment            of Intent as the companies pursue their
equipped with different types of com-          at the rear. The roof of the vehicle has a   cooperation in regard to the integration
munications systems including comput-          single hatch that can be used to put a re-   of LACROIX spectral flares and GALIX mu-
ers and software able to send classified       motely operated turret on a ring mount.      nitions in Poland. At the show, LACROIX
data including NATO secret information.        The armoured crew cabin of the new           and NYLONBOR showcased and jointly
Ctrl+Sky Products Provide Umbrella             TUR V offers ballistic protection and mine   promoted Chaff and Flares for the Polish
Protection                                     protection and can accommodate up to         Armed Forces, along with vehicle surviv-
Ctrl+Sky Vehicle Mounted is a mobile           four military personnel, including driver    ability solutions for Land Forces.
system for UAV detection and neutrali-         and commander. An optional armour            Also showcased were the GALIX AOS (Au-
sation mounted on a vehicle. The sys-          protection can be fitted on the vehicle to   tomated Obscuration System) and Am-
tem ensures protection of mass events,         increase the protection to Level 3.          munition that offers a range of solutions
borders and other airspace against             Polish-made C-UAS Offers Robust              right from detection to reaction, using
unseemly or hostile use of drones, day         Solutions                                    green NT8 munition, to protect all types
and night, in any weather conditions.          Polish Company Wojskowe Zakłady Elek-        of land platforms. GALIX is particularly
The Ctrl+Sky provides an umbrella-like         troniczne (WZE) presented its new coun-      adapted for T72 MBT retrofit programme.
protection without blind zones and en-         ter UAV system, LANCA 2.0, designed          Reference Text/Photo:
ables effective detection of small drones      to neutralise small flying objects. The,
at a distance of up 2000 m, with minimal       potential threat from small UAVs in the,
false alarms.                                  hands of terrorists or during combat op-
22                 ISSUE 561 OCT 2018         News

Safran’s Electro Optic Sensor for
Australia’s SEA1180
s         aab Australia recently selected
          Safran Electronics & Defense
          Australasia to provide the elec-
          tro optic sensor as part of the
situational awareness system for the 12
                                               high-quality images, ease of use,
                                               compact design, is lightweight, and
                                               offers easy integration. More than 300
                                               Vigy Engage systems have been sold
                                                                                             tinue to reinforce its footprint in Aus-
                                                                                             tralia and to continue building its team
                                                                                             through local employment.

Offshore Patrol Vessels (OPVs) SEA1180         Capable of detecting long range targets,
Project. This electro optic sensor is the      Vigy Engage will provide a decisive ad-
Vigy Engage system in its latest version.      vantage to the Royal Australian Navy
Developed and produced by Safran               (RAN) in the asymmetrical environ-
Electronics & Defense, Vigy Engage is          ments: protection of ports and infra-
a light, panoramic, multi-sensor ship-         structures, maritime police, anti-terrorist
board electro optic system. It includes a      and anti-piracy combat. It also provides
cooled infrared imager, video channels         assistance in missions designed to pro-
and a laser rangefinder. Employing ad-         tect fishing and economic zones, navi-
                                                                                             VIGY ENGAGE
vanced stabilisation techniques, it pro-       gation aid, and assistance to ships and
vides clear images day or night, includ-       crews at sea.
ing in rough seas and at high speed.           This new success will enable Safran
Vigy Engage is robust, and provides            Electronics & Defense Australasia to con-

MQ-25 Contract goes to Boeing
B     oeing will build the U.S. Navy’s first
operational carrier-based unmanned
aircraft, the MQ-25 aerial refueler,
through an $805 million contract award-
ed recently.
The aircraft manufacturing company
was awarded the engineering and
manufacturing development contract
to provide four aircraft. Boeing plans to
                                                MQ-25 is designed to provide the U.S. Navy
perform the MQ-25 work in St. Louis,            with a much-needed refuelling capability
“As a company, we made an investment           understands the Navy and their need           the range of deployed Boeing F/A-18
in both our team and in an unmanned            to have this important asset on carrier       Super Hornet, Boeing EA-18G Growler,
aircraft system that meets the U.S.            decks around the world.”                      and Lockheed Martin F-35C aircraft. MQ-
Navy’s refuelling requirements,” said Le-      MQ-25 is designed to provide the U.S.         25 will also seamlessly integrate with a
anne Caret, president and CEO, Boeing          Navy with a much-needed refuelling ca-        carrier’s catapult and launch and recov-
Defense, Space & Security. “The fact that      pability. According to the U.S. Navy, the     ery systems. Boeing has been providing
we’re already preparing for first flight       MQ-25 Stingray will allow for better use      carrier aircraft to the U.S. Navy for more
is thanks to an outstanding team who           of combat strike fighters by extending        than 90 years.

ST Engineering Signs MRO
Agreement with Jet Airways
S   ingapore Technologies Engineer-          As part of the contract, ST Engineering      we are happy to extend our relationship
ing Ltd (ST Engineering) recently an-        will provide an integrated suite of en-      through 2024. Over the past decade we
nounced that its Aerospace sector has        gine MRO solutions, including off-wing       have built a trusting relationship with
signed an agreement to provide CFM56-        engine maintenance support, on-wing          ST Engineering and we look forward to
7B engine maintenance, repair and            services as well as technical support.       our continued association with them for
overhaul (MRO) services for the Boeing       These services will be provided over a       many years to come.”
737NGs belonging to Jet Airways and its      period of six years starting from 2019 at
subsidiary, JetLite.                         ST Engineering’s engine MRO facilities
This agreement is an add-on to an earli-     located in Singapore and Xiamen, China.
er contract announced on 18 June 2015,       This contract is not expected to have
which initially covers only a portion of     any material impact on the consolidated
the airlines’ 737NG fleet. With the latest   net tangible assets per share and earn-
agreement, Jet Airways’ and JetLite’s en-    ings per share of ST Engineering for the
tire fleet of 80 737NGs will be covered,     current financial year.
upping the contract value from the ini-      Vinay Dube, CEO of Jet Airways, said:
tial US$350m (approximately S$478m)          “Jet Airway’s partnership with ST Engi-
to a total of about US$700m (approxi-        neering’s Aerospace sector dates back        ST Engineering’s engine
                                                                                          maintenance shop
mately S$957m).                              to 2009. Through this new agreement,

Otokar Wins Deal for                                                                      of Otokar’s vehicles has always been a
                                                                                          reference for new orders. We are proud

Armoured Vehicles                                                                         that this new order was awarded by an
                                                                                          existing user of the armoured vehicles.
                                                                                          The company has also started to stand
O    tokar, one of the leading suppli-       Our military vehicles serve almost 50 dif-   out in global scale not just for its prod-
ers of the Turkish Military and Security     ferent end users in over 30 countries.”      ucts with fully-owned intellectual prop-
Forces for wheeled tactical vehicles, was    Görgüç added: “Otokar continues to in-       erty rights, but also with its know-how,
awarded a US$28.9 million contract for       crease its armoured vehicle deliveries in    engineering, R&D and technology trans-
its tactical wheeled armoured vehicles.      line with user expectations. The success     fer capabilities.”
The delivery of the vehicles will be com-
pleted in the first quarter of 2019. The
contract also includes spare parts and
training services.
Highlighting Otokar’s success at glob-
al markets, General Manager Serdar
Görgüç said: “Our strength in the de-
fence industry is driven by our experi-
ence, engineering and R&D capabilities,
and successful use of technology. Today,
over 30,000 Otokar military vehicles are
in service in many different parts of the    The delivery of the vehicles will be
world with an outstanding performance.       completed in the first quarter of 2019
24               ISSUE 561 OCT 2018       News

Billion Dollars to General Dynamics
for off-the-shelf IT Products
G    eneral Dynamics Missions Systems      are acquired through the contract               Additionally, the contract provides for
was awarded a contract for the Com-        from General Dynamics Mission Sys-              technical assistance support services
mon Hardware Systems-5 (CHS-5)             tems and its partners, which includes           and logistics support for a wide range
Program from the U.S. Army Contract-       dozens of small and large businesses.           of services, from the rapid repair and
ing Command at Aberdeen Proving            The contract contains a robust tech-            replacement of equipment at strategi-
Ground, Maryland. The indefinite           nology-insertion process ensuring               cally located Regional Support Cen-
delivery, indefinite quantity contract     the CHS-5 hardware baseline lever-              ters to the deployment of field service
consists of a three-year base contract     ages the most current commercial                personnel to CHS-5 user locations
with two one-year options, for a maxi-     technology and industry investments.            worldwide.
mum potential contract ceiling of $3.9
CHS is a “one-stop shop” for tactical IT
hardware solutions supporting more
than 120 Army and U.S. Department
of Defense programme offices (includ-
ing the Navy and the Marine Corps) for
the rapid acquisition (orders typically
on contract in 90 days or less) and de-
livery of commercial-off-the shelf IT
hardware and services. Approximately
                                           The off-the-shelf IT products deal has a ceiling of $3.9 billion
75,000 to 100,000 pieces of hardware

                                           ready users of the RBS 70 system and      ground based air defence missile

Lithuania                                  are now acquiring improved capabil-
                                           ity with greater range, higher altitude
                                                                                     systems comprises of the RBS 70 and
                                                                                     the further enhanced RBS 70 NG. The
                                           coverage and an enhanced effect           RBS 70 system has an impressive track
Upgrades to                                against armoured targets as well as
                                           nighttime capability.
                                                                                     record on the market. Nineteen coun-
                                                                                     tries have procured more than 1,600

Saab’s BORC                                “We welcome the decision by the
                                           Lithuanian Armed Forces to continue
                                                                                     RBS 70 systems, including more than
                                                                                     18,000 missiles.
                                           investing in the RBS 70 system. By
Night Sight                                adding BORC sights to
                                           the country’s current
                                           inventory, Lithuania
Saab recently received two orders          gets an even more ca-
from the Ministry of National Defence      pable system with the
Republic of Lithuania for improved         additional ability to
missiles and BORC night-capability         operate in darkness,”
sights for the RBS 70 system. The or-      says Görgen Johans-
der value amounts to approximately         son, head of Saab busi-
SEK 100 million and deliveries are ex-     ness area Dynamics.
pected to take place starting in 2019.     The Saab portfolio
The Lithuanian Armed Forces are al-        of very short-range         BORC night-capability sights for the RBS 70 system

USAF and Lockheed Martin
Collaborate on Hypersonic Weapon
T  he U.S. Air Force has awarded a sec-   sponse Weapon (ARRW, pronounced             The Air Force said the latest award
ond contract to Lockheed Martin to        “Arrow”). The rapid prototyping effort,     remains an undefinitized contract to
develop a new hypersonic weapon           made possible through authorities in        allow Lockheed to begin work “be-
that would move five times the speed      the fiscal 2016 National Defense Au-        fore reaching a final settlement on
of sound. The contract is not to exceed   thorization Act, “will provide the criti-   contract terms and conditions.” The
$480 million and the company will         cal design review, test and production      final price and negotiated terms will
begin designing a second hypersonic       readiness support” for the project. The     be met within 180 days of the award.
prototype, according to a release.        Air Force hopes to achieve a capable        The second contract award comes
Leaders from the Defense Department,      weapon by 2021.                             after Pentagon officials said in recent
Missile Defense Agency, Air Force, Navy   The Air Force first awarded Lockheed        months they fear the U.S. may be lag-
and Army signed a memorandum on           Martin a contract in April to develop       ging behind in hypersonics, while
June 28 to cooperate and help develop     a prototype hypersonic cruise missile,      rivals Russia and China have created
“hypersonic boost glide” technology.      the Hypersonic Conventional Strike          national programmes of record and
As part of a rapid prototyping scheme,    Weapon (HCSW). That project could           reported recent advances. Hyper-
the Air Force is working with Lockheed    cost as much as $928 million over the       sonic technology offers supersonic
to develop the Air-Launched Rapid Re-     course of its lifetime.                     speeds of Mach 5 or above.

T  hales Alenia Space, the joint ven-
                                          Thales Alenia Space
ture between Thales (67 per cent)
and Leonardo (33 per cent), recently
signed contracts with the European
Space Agency (ESA) for the Phase A/
                                          Reaches for the Moon
B1 studies of two elements of LOP-G       for I–HAB (International – Habitat).        of knowledge, capability and oppor-
(Lunar Orbital Platform - Gateway),       The I-HAB is a pressurised element          tunities in the vicinity of the moon, at
formerly known as the Deep Space          with habitability and life support func-    the same time paving the way for the
Gateway.                                  tions, implementing docking capabili-       preparation of the future human mis-
The Gateway is a planned lunar-orbit      ties to provide interfaces and resourc-     sions to deep space and Mars.
infrastructure that will have a power     es to visiting vehicles. While ESPRIT is
and propulsion system, utilisation        a system, planned to be launched with
and crew habitation modules with          the first Utilization Module (a U.S. sup-
docking capability, scientific and EVA    plied pressurized expansion module).
airlocks, and logistics modules. The      It includes propellant (Xenon and
development is led by the current In-     Hydrazine) storage and refuelling sys-
ternational Space Station partnership:    tems for the Power Propulsion Element
NASA, ESA, Roscosmos, JAXA and CSA,       (the first USA element of the gateway),
for construction in the 2020s.            communication systems with the
Thales Alenia Space will lead in one of   moon, interface points for external
the parallel studies for ESPRIT (Euro-    payloads and a scientific airlock.
pean System Providing Refuelling, In-     Thanks to these contracts Thales Ale-
frastructure and Telecommunications)      nia Space will bring its expertise to
with OHB as major subcontractor and       cooperate in expanding the frontiers
26               ISSUE 561 OCT 2018       Reports

Safran Tests Hybrid
Electric Propulsion System
T  he recently concluded first ground      of tests, with the electric motors pow-   Stéphane Cueille, senior executive vice
test of a distributed propulsion sys-      ered only by batteries or by a combina-   president for R&T and innovation at
tem, was a major milestone for Saf-        tion of batteries and turbo-generator.    Safran.
ran in its hybrid electric propulsion      The system generated 100 kW of elec-      Jean-Baptiste Jarin, Safran Helicopter
roadmap. The test run took place at a      trical power.                             Engines Vice President, Hybrid Propul-
Safran Helicopter Engines test facility    Safran Helicopter Engines, Safran Elec-   sion System Program, added: "This test
near Pau-Pyrenees Airport, France.         trical & Power, and Safran Power Units    marks a major step forward in dem-
In a distributed hybrid electric propul-   conducted the demonstration, in con-      onstrating our ability to offer hybrid
sion system for aircraft, a turbo-gener-   junction with Safran Tech, the Group's    propulsive solutions for tomorrow's
ator (a gas turbine driving an electri-    research and technology centre. The       aircraft. We are on track to meet our
cal generator) is coupled to a bank of     test was carried out in accordance with   goal of testing a more powerful system
batteries. This system powers multiple     Safran's roadmap for the development      in the near future."
electric motors turning propellers to      of hybrid propulsion solutions.           Hybrid propulsion systems should con-

                                                                                                                                PUCK L’AGENCE - Photo : Getty Images – Stone
provide propulsion. The power is effi-     "Following the recent announcement        tribute to the emergence of new VTOL
ciently distributed by a new-genera-       of our partnership with Bell concern-     (vertical takeoff and landing) and STOL
tion power management system, and          ing ‘mobility on demand', this latest     (short takeoff and landing) aircraft, by
the motors are controlled by a fully       milestone clearly reflects Safran's de-   enhancing their flight capabilities and
integrated, smart power, electronics       termination to invest in the develop-     expanding their range of missions.
assembly.                                  ment of hybrid electric propulsion        Safran's hybrid electric propulsion
Several operating modes were tested        systems, which will be the foundation     roadmap is focused on bringing such
and validated during this first series     of future propulsion solutions," said     technologies to the market by 2025.

Hybrid Distributed Propulsion System


                                                                                                        BOOST YOUR
                                                                                             OPERATIONAL FIREPOWER
PUCK L’AGENCE - Photo : Getty Images – Stone

                                               Safran Electronics & Defense AFV Solutions: Paseo
                                               Your armored fighting vehicles deserve state-of-the-art combat
                                               capabilities. Relying on its unique expertise in inertial and IR
                                               technologies, Safran Electronics & Defense designed Paseo, the
                                               latest-generation of advanced sight to improve the survivability
                                               and fighting capabilities of CRV and IFV vehicles. Paseo is
                                               perfectly suited for Situation Awareness and Targeting on
                                               medium caliber turrets, as well as for Artillery Designation for
                                               Joint Fire applications, proven by an already order backlog of
                                               2,000 systems. Thanks to its innovative day and night sectorial
                                               and panoramic real-time scanning and true “fire-on-the-
                                               move” capabilities, Paseo provides a true surveillance of the
                                               battlefield with a high first-round hit probability, whether on
                                               static or moving targets. When you choose Safran Electronics &
                                               Defense’s specialized solutions, you maximize your fire power.                     : @SafranElecDef

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