Uncovering Potential. Building confidence. Developing life-long skills - ILIC Consulting Formation

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Uncovering Potential. Building confidence. Developing life-long skills - ILIC Consulting Formation
Uncovering Potential. Building confidence.
       Developing life-long skills.
Uncovering Potential. Building confidence. Developing life-long skills - ILIC Consulting Formation
Uncovering Potential. Building confidence.
                      Developing life-long skills.

 3      About ILIC
 4      Our Training Team

                Our Progammes 2021
 5-7     Negotiating Internationally – A Framework for Better Deals
  8      Assertive Communication – Stating Your Case
  9      Effective Business Networking – Broadening Your Scope
         Impactful Business Writing – Clear, Concise, Correct,
         Presenting with Impact – Storytelling for Memorable
 13      Training the Trainer – Effectively Transferring your Know-How
 14      Resolving Conflicts – Resolving Through Understanding
 15      Global Diversity and Inclusion - Vive La Difference!
 16      Managing Multiple Priorities – Improving your Effectiveness
 17      Becoming a Manager - Rising to the Challenge
 18      Improving Your Sales Performance – Adding Value
 19      Working Across Cultures – Breaking Down Barriers
 20      Managing Effective Meetings – Prepare, Participate, Perform
22-24    Professional Coaching
 26      Programme Price List
 27      Terms and Conditions
Uncovering Potential. Building confidence. Developing life-long skills - ILIC Consulting Formation
Uncovering Potential. Building confidence.
                           Developing life-long skills.

ILIC CONSULTING was founded in 1977 in Paris by Malcolm McCallum, a
Scotsman with a passion for training. From the outset, Malcolm’s focus was
on helping businesses increase their effectiveness and performance as well
as transitioning in change.
We have always worked in close partnership with our clients to gain in-
depth knowledge of their unique needs to co-develop the appropriate
action plans. This approach has also enabled us to foster longstanding
relationships as many of clients have worked with us since the 1970s and

In 2014, David Spiers, founder of AMBOS Business Associates, took over the
running of ILIC and continued to develop the ILIC programmes, adding new
modules such as cross-cultural management, assertive communication, and
global diversity and inclusion. Most recently, David recognised the need for
professional coaching to partner our training sessions. From launch, these
have been a real success with our clients.

We believe strongly that it is by doing that people learn. Our training and
coaching programmes are developed to give our clients simple, easy-to-use,
repeatable skill sets which will empower them in their personal and
professional lives.

We value people above all else and put them at the heart of all our training
courses. We embrace change and adapt our courses to make sure that the
needs of our clients remain constantly relevant and that our programmes
continue to help people in a rapidly changing business environment.

                                          David Spiers, Managing Director
Uncovering Potential. Building confidence. Developing life-long skills - ILIC Consulting Formation
Over 30 native English speaking trainers and coaches

    Singaporean, BA in
                                                                   JULIAN BOWERS
    and Media
                                                                   Canadian, expert in
    Management and
                                                                   international business,
    Master of Social Work,
                                                                   currently undergraduate
    Hamid was in charge of
                                                                   programme Director at
    PR programmes for the
                                                                   the NEOMA Business
    Civil Service before
                                                                   School. Julian has trained
    moving into corporate
                                                                   thousands of students
    training in 2012 where
                                                                   and professionals to
    his cross-cultural
                                                                   negotiate all around the
    communication and
    management skills            GERDI SERRER
    have been an asset for       Canadian, graduate
    ILIC and for our clients.    in psychology,
                                 professional coach,
                                 and Director of
                                 programmes at ILIC
                                 CONSULTING, Gerdi
                                 has been training and
                                 advising managers
                                 and consultants from
                                 major companies for
                                 over 20 years.

    American, international              DAVID SPIERS
    negotiation trainer and              Scottish, company
    consultant for over 20               Director and corporate
    years, Margaret, a                   training specialist for
    member of the                        more than 25 years,
    International Caoch                  David has not only
    Federation, has trained              negotiated for his own
    thousands of                         companies but has
    professionals from                   helped hundreds of
    major global                         others to improve their
    corporations to get the              international
    best out of their deals              negotiating skills.
Uncovering Potential. Building confidence. Developing life-long skills - ILIC Consulting Formation
 • The negotiating framework

 • The phases of negotiation

 • Preparation

 • Cultural considerations

 • Exploration

 • Bidding

 • Lateral v. Vertical & Bidding and Bargaining

 • Procedural Control

 • Haggling and Time

 • Bargaining and Settling

 • Relationships and Concessions
Uncovering Potential. Building confidence. Developing life-long skills - ILIC Consulting Formation

    A Framework for Better Deals

        NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS                                          WHO IS THIS TRAINING FOR?
        6 -10 people                                                    Business negotiators who need a clear, structured,
                                                                        repeatable negotiating framework for all types of
        2 days: 9.00 – 12.30, lunch with the trainer, 13.30 -           LEVEL OF ENGLISH REQUIRED
        17.00                                                           B2 minimum (CERL)

To make YOUR participation in negotiations more effective by:
➢    Helping you understand the PROCESS of negotiating better
➢    Helping you to CONTROL the process
➢    Developing your SKILLS in negotiating
➢    Improving your personal EFFECTIVENESS in communicating

                                                   SAMPLE PROGRAME
                                                  LEARNING OUTCOMES

Day 1                                                           Day 2

•   What is the Global Negotiating Model                        •   How to best prepare for a Negotiation
•   Understanding Other’s Needs – Personality                   •   What tactics are in your toolbox?
    Analysis                                                    •   Roleplay: The Pipeline Project (includes
•   How to create the Right Climate, Agreeing on                    feedback)
    Procedure                                                   •   Win-Win – Reaching the end of the process
•   Roleplay: The Software Project (includes                    •   How to follow up on negotiations
    feedback)                                                   •   Roleplay: The Department Store Project
•   How to prepare for a Negotiation                                (includes feedback)
•   What is the Negotiating Process?                            •   Selected Case Studies
•   Roleplay: Scrap Zinc (includes feedback)
•   Selected Case Studies

Uncovering Potential. Building confidence. Developing life-long skills - ILIC Consulting Formation

             A Framework for Better Deals

                 NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS                                                   WHO IS THIS TRAINING FOR?
                 6 -10 people                                                             Business negotiators who need a clear, structured,
                                                                                          repeatable negotiating framework for all types of
                 LENGTH OF COURSE
                 2 days: 9.00 – 12.30, lunch with the trainer, 13.30 -                    LEVEL OF ENGLISH REQUIRED
                 17.00                                                                   B2 minimum (CERL)

           To make YOUR participation in negotiations more effective by:
           ➢    Helping you understand the PROCESS of negotiating better
           ➢    Helping you to CONTROL the process
           ➢    Developing your SKILLS in negotiating
           ➢    Improving your personal EFFECTIVENESS in communicating

                                                                 SAMPLE PROGRAME

                                   Day 1                                                                       Day 2
    9.00    Negotiation questionnaire and discussion                            8.30     Review of the preparation checklist
    9.15    Review of the global negotiating model                                       Team negotiating
    9.30    Understanding others’ needs – personality analysis                           The tactics toolbox
   10.00    Creating the right climate                                          9.00     Roleplay 3: “The pipeline project”
            Agreeing on procedure                                                        Preparation; Filming of 45-min roleplay; 360° feedback
            Seating plans                                                       11.00    4-minute original video of “The Pipeline Project”
   10.15    Roleplay 1: The Software project                                             Feedback and international considerations
            Preparation; Filming of 45-min roleplay; 360° feedback              12.00                                LUNCH
   12.15    4-minute original video of “The Software Project”                   13.00    Review of following up on negotiations
            Feedback and international considerations                                    Consolidation of the global model
   12.30                                 LUNCH                                  13.30    Roleplay 4: “The Department Store project”
   13.30    Review of negotiation preparations A4/A5/A6                                  Preparation; Filming of 45-min roleplay; 360° feedback
            Opening statements and questions                                    15.30    Selected case studies
            Exploration, bidding, bargaining and settling                                Feedback and international considerations
   14.00 Roleplay 2: “Scrap Zinc”                                               16.15-   Case studies/Participant experiences: 40-minute session where
            Preparation; Filming of 45-min roleplay; 360° feedback              17.00    attendees look at case studies and discuss real-life negotiations
                                                                                         in the framework of the model taught. 5-minute summary of
   16.00 4-minute original video of “Scrap Zinc”
                                                                                         day 2
            Feedback and international considerations
16.15-17.00 Case studies/Participant experiences: 40-minute session where
            attendees look at case studies and discuss real-life negotiations
            in the framework of the model taught. 5-minute summary of
            day 1

Uncovering Potential. Building confidence. Developing life-long skills - ILIC Consulting Formation

               Stating your case

        NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS                                       WHO IS THIS TRAINING FOR?
        6 -10 people                                                 Anyone who needs to improve their ability to express
                                                                     their position/feelings/opinions with confidence
        2 days: 9.00 – 12.30, lunch with the trainer, 13.30 -        LEVEL OF ENGLISH REQUIRED
        17.00                                                        B2 minimum (CERL)

The aim of this course is to enable participants to develop the mindset, skillset and toolset to communicate in a
confident, assured, and high-impact manner.
It does this by:
• developing positive communication skills
• raising self-awareness
• helping to overcome misunderstandings and conflicts
• Improving interactive communication techniques

CONTENT                                                         TRAINING APPROACH

  Day 1
  • Assertiveness Quiz : how assertive are you?
  • What is assertiveness?
  • Reading signals in verbal and body language and
     personality types : assertive, passive, passive            •   Learning skills and mindset shifts
     aggressive, aggressive                                     •   Acquiring tools and practical techniques
  • Ineffective behaviour
                                                                    from case studies and exercises.
  • Context and opportunity : where, when and how to
     make your case.                                            •   Analysing video examples of assertiveness
                                                                    in different contexts.
                                                                •   Preparing roleplays with feedback from
  Day 2                                                             peers and the facilitator.
  • Understanding the stakes
  • Modeling Assertive Communication : Transactional
     Analysis and the power of ‘I’
  • Assess the importance of using Assertive
     Communication : the Art of Saying No
  • Dealing with complex and difficult issues
  • Experiential Learning & Feedback sessions
  • Recognise the top 10 do’s and don’ts

Uncovering Potential. Building confidence. Developing life-long skills - ILIC Consulting Formation

          Broadening your Scope

       NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS                                       WHO IS THIS TRAINING FOR?
        6 -10 people                                                Managers, consultants, salespeople and anyone in
                                                                    business who wants to develop their knowledge base,
                                                                    customer base, influence base.
        1 day: 9.00 – 12.30, lunch with the trainer, 13.30 -        LEVEL OF ENGLISH REQUIRED
        17.00                                                       B2 minimum (CERL)

 The aim of this course is to enable participants to develop the mindset, skillset and toolset to network effectively
 and efficiently.
 It does this by helping you:
 ▪    To develop the mindset, skillset and toolset to enable you to become a successful networker.
 ▪    To learn how to take a strategic approach rather than relying on chance to network successfully.
 ▪    To improve your ability to connect and leave a lasting impression.
 ▪    To learn how to grow your network - understand and motivate others.
 ▪    To learn how to stay in touch with contacts and develop lasting effective business relationships.
 ▪    To understand how to build sustainable relationships.

CONTENT                                                        TRAINING APPROACH

Day 1
• Networking Defined: Information, resources,
   support and access
• Fundamentals of Networking: Mapping and                      •   Learning skills and mindset shifts
   Common Misconceptions
• Why Network? Needs and Opportunities
                                                               •   Acquiring tools and practical techniques
• Motivational Analysis: Understanding Yourself and                from experience and exercises.
   Others                                                      •   Analysing the tools and methods to develop
• Preparing for Networking : taking stock and                      your network.
   analysing what you already have                             •   Preparing roleplays with feedback from
• Your Communication Style: Body Language, Voice,
   Building Rapport, Questioning and Listening
                                                                   peers and the facilitator.
• Sustaining Your Network

Uncovering Potential. Building confidence. Developing life-long skills - ILIC Consulting Formation

                  ✓      Clear
                  ✓      Concise
                  ✓      Correct
                  ✓      Captivating

        NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS                                          WHO IS THIS TRAINING FOR?
        6 -10 people                                                    Anyone wishing to improve the clarity and
                                                                        the impact of their writing in their professional life
        2 days: 9.00 – 12.30, lunch with the trainer, 13.30 -           LEVEL OF ENGLISH REQUIRED
        17.00                                                           B2 minimum (CERL)

The aim of this course is to improve YOUR business writing skills.
It does this by:
• helping you to write more quickly, clearly, correctly and efficiently
• identifying how to choose the right expressions and the appropriate register for your correspondence
• targeting the reader as well as the content

CONTENT                                                          TRAINING APPROACH

Day 1
• Document review and personal experience
• Analysing the structure and form of each type of
• Situational correspondence: choosing the right
   format                                                          •   Learning writing techniques through theory
• 12 basic tips                                                        and concrete examples
• Devising templates adapted to specific situations                •   Acquiring the language linked to different
• Analysing participants’ documents to highlight                       forms of writing through role-plays and
   strengths and weaknesses
• Chain writing exercise
                                                                       experiential learning
• Useful expressions and formulae                                  •   Analysing successful and less successful
• Respecting grammar rules                                             examples of correspondence
                                                                   •   Preparing and drawing up documents, with
Day 2                                                                  feedback from peers and the facilitator
• Feedback on individual work
• Choice of register: adapting to your correspondent?
• Executive summaries and reporting
• Structure and clarity
• Avoiding recurrent mistakes
• Adding nuance to your documents
• Practice through a chain writing exercise with


           Storytelling for memorable

         NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS                                       WHO IS THIS TRAINING FOR?
         6 -10 people                                                 Executives, managers, experts and anyone
                                                                      with a message which they want the audience
                                                                      to remember
         2 days: 9.00 – 12.30, lunch with the trainer, 13.30 -        LEVEL OF ENGLISH REQUIRED
         17.00                                                        B2 minimum (CERL)

The aim of this course is to improve YOUR SKILLS in public speaking.
It does this by:
• Helping you to discover reproducible techniques to transmit the message you want to give
• Developing the right speaking techniques to match the venues you present in – introductions, meetings,
apresentations, social events, etc.
• Practicing these techniques in a training environment
• Improving the effectiveness of your delivery
                                              LEARNING OUTCOMES
This course will analyse what makes a speaker sound dynamic and enthusiastic and
give you an opportunity to practice these skills. It will focus on the following points:

    Voice and Delivery. As a presenter, the                      Rhetorical Technique. Once you are in
    ability to pace your speech and use your voice               charge of your voice and your content you can
    to create impact is the single most important                start to think of how best to present your
    skill you need. You will be more effective if                subject. This course will look at the
    you are in control of your voice by your use of              techniques successful speakers use
    stress, pausing, intonation, volume, and                     automatically. You will have a chance to
    silence.                                                     practice these techniques and to choose the
    Content Language. You can not be a good                      techniques that suit you best. After that, you
    public speaker unless you have something to                  will have time to work on perfecting them.
    say. Being confident about your content is                   Question Handling. Perhaps the most
    crucial. This course will help you to identify               unpredictable part of any kind of public
    and organise all the key words and phrases                   speaking event is the question session. This
    you are likely to need and teaches you how to                may be after your talk or you may invite
    turn written English into spoken English for                 questions during it. We will teach you how to
    clear, powerful and memorable statements.                    field different types of questions and deal
                                                                 effectively with the subjects your audience
                                                                 may raise.


               Storytelling for memorable

          NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS                                        WHO IS THIS TRAINING FOR?
           6 -10 people                                                 Executives, managers, experts and anyone
                                                                        with a message which they want the audience
                                                                        to remember
           2 days: 9.00 – 12.30, lunch with the trainer, 13.30 -        LEVEL OF ENGLISH REQUIRED
           17.00                                                        B2 minimum (CERL)

 The aim of this course is to improve YOUR SKILLS in public speaking.
 It does this by:
 • Helping you to discover reproducible techniques to transmit the message you want to give
 • Developing the right speaking techniques to match the venues you present in – introductions, meetings,
 apresentations, social events, etc.
 • Practicing these techniques in a training environment
 • Improving the effectiveness of your delivery
     CONTENT                                                       TRAINING APPROACH

Day 1
• Structure- Preparation; Objective; the mental image of
   the structure; rhythm, shape and duration; Introduction
   – creating interest from the beginning; Hooking the
   audience                                                        •   Learning about storytelling presentation
• Language – Signposting: Marking the stages of the                    techniques through concrete theories and
   presentation; Repetition: techniques to get your                    examples.
   message across; Speed; The use of rhetorical questions;         •   Acquisition of language related to
   Other techniques; Tonic Accent, intonation and pauses;              presentations through role-playing and
   Body language and the importance of gesture: hands,                 staging.
   eyes, movement...; Avoiding the usual mistakes                  •   Analysis of presentations.
• Supports- Tips for successful presentations; How many            •   Preparation of presentations and filmed
   slides, how much text, how many images; Charts,                     practice
   trends, statistics; Video; Information v. Emotion
• Finishing the story : How to conclude
• Questions: How to deal with the issue of questions.
Day 2
Learning by doing. Working on your own presentations:
presenting, filming, analyzing, 360° feedback


           Effectively transferring
               your Know-How

         NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS                                           WHO IS THIS TRAINING FOR?
         6 -10 people                                                     Anyone who needs to acquire training skills to develop
                                                                          the knowledge and comptencies of other team-
                                                                          members, clients, suppliers, agents…
         2 days: 9.00 – 12.30, lunch with the trainer, 13.30 -            LEVEL OF ENGLISH REQUIRED
         17.00                                                            B2 minimum (CERL)

   The aim of this course is to improve YOUR SKILLS in training others.
   How do we help you?
   • By developing the skills needed to be a trainer (dynamic behavior, listening, dealing with conflict, creating involvement,
   transferring information in a clear and concise way, delivery)
   • By strengthening your training techniques and discovering techniques to get active participation and rapport
   • By transmitting the message you want to give and making sure it is remembered
   • By practicing these techniques and improving the effectiveness of communicative language in a training environment
   • By leading, controlling and motivating the group during training sessions

 CONTENT                                                            TRAINING APPROACH

Day 1
• Preparing for training: for whom, for what, how
• Training in English: basic rules for impact
• Body language, gestures and positioning
• The training room: what layout for what training                    •   Practice techniques for Training : applying
• Pedagogical principles: methods and unfolding                           Confucius and Pareto
• Setting goals
• Turning the objective into content
                                                                      •   Exercises to improve public speaking
• Training structure: how to maintain rhythm and keep                 •   Observing and reviewing role plays
   the pace                                                           •   Preparing support material
                                                                      •   Watching video training films
Day 2                                                                 •   Group Discussion
• The phases of the learning process
• Preparing educational materials
                                                                      •   Personal preparation
• Powerpoint, video, audio...
• Starting the training: introductions
• How to create and manage group interactivity
• Checking what has been learnt
• Evaluation methods during and after training
• Questions/answers


 Resolution through Understanding

        NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS                                            WHO IS THIS TRAINING FOR?
        6 -10 people                                                      Anyone who needs to improve their ability to resolve
                                                                          conflicts in a professional context
        2 days: 9.00 – 12.30, lunch with the trainer, 13.30 -             LEVEL OF ENGLISH REQUIRED
        17.00                                                             B2 minimum (CERL)

  The aim of this course is to improve your conflict resolution skills.
  It does this by:
  • increasing your understanding of the underlying sources of conflict
  • identifying the best strategies for handling and avoiding conflict
  • taking the helicopter view to see the big picture
  • taking emotional aspects into account to find win-win outcomes

CONTENT                                                           TRAINING APPROACH

Day 1
Sources of Conflict
• Types and sources of conflict
• Thomas-Kilmann conflict mode questionnaire
• The relationship between communication styles and                  •    Learning about conflict through theory and
   creation of conflict
                                                                          concrete examples.
Dealing with conflict
• 5 conflict management methods: avoiding,                           •    Acquiring the resolution/handling techniques
   accommodating, competing, compromising, and                            through role-plays and experiential learning.
   collaborating & Pros and Cons                                     •    Analysing successful and less successful
• Emotional intelligence                                                  examples of conflict resolution.
• Roleplaying and case studies
                                                                     •    Preparing and implementing strategies with
Day 2                                                                     feedback from peers and the facilitator.
• Approaches to conflict resolution - negotiation,
   third-party mediation, systematic conflict
   transformation and peacebuilding
Team Development
• The Bruce Tuckman Model
• What kinds of skills and competencies are necessary
   in order to manage a mixed group of native and
   foreign workers.
• Conflict prevention
• Roleplaying and case studies

                Vive la différence!

         NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS                                           WHO IS THIS TRAINING FOR?
         6 -10 people                                                     Anyone working in an organisation which values
                                                                          diversity as a driving force for performance
         2 days: 9.00 – 12.30, lunch with the trainer, 13.30 -            LEVEL OF ENGLISH REQUIRED
         17.00                                                            B2 minimum (CERL)

  The aim of this course is to give insights and understanding of the challenges and benefits of organizational diversity.
  It does this by:
  • helping you understand multiple perceptions, beliefs and attitudes
  • analyzing the filters through which we see others
  • identifying personal strategies for improving acceptance of differences
  • looking at strategies to deal with working relationships

CONTENT                                                            TRAINING APPROACH

• Ice-breaking - Changing perspectives
• Self-analysis test
• The challenges surrounding diversity: gender, sexual
   orientation, ethnicity, disability, age/generation, cultural
                                                                      •    Learning about diversity and inclusion
                                                                           through theory and concrete examples.
Cross-cultural awareness                                              •    Acquiring awareness of diversity and
• Discussion – what makes a culture?
• Group work : E.T. Hall, R.D. Lewis, Geert Hofstede
                                                                           inclusion strategies through case studies
• Presenting and comparing conclusions                                     and simulations.
• Cultural intelligence test                                          •    Analysing diversity policies in various
• Ineffective Responses to Cultural Differences
• Case studies
                                                                           contexts and organizations
                                                                      •    Preparing and implementing strategies with
DAY 2                                                                      feedback from peers and the facilitator.
• Dealing with unconscious prejudice
• Taboos, Political correctness and communication skills
• Generational differences : working with
• Discrimination in the workplace : handling issues raised by
• Case studies in major organizations
• Roleplay scenarios


    Improving your effectiveness

      NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS                                      WHO IS THIS TRAINING FOR?
      6 -10 people                                                Anyone who wants to boost their skills in managing
                                                                  time and priorities
      1 day: 9.00 – 12.30, lunch with the trainer, 13.30 -          LEVEL OF ENGLISH REQUIRED
      17.00                                                        B2 minimum (CERL)

 The aim of this course is to help participants improve their effectiveness in the organization of their work.
 It does this by
 • developing the mindset, skillset and toolset to enable you to manage priorities effectively
 • defining time management myths
 • raising awareness of effective priority management
 • learning how to take a strategic approach to time management
 • increasing your time management impact on others

CONTENT                                                      TRAINING APPROACH

Day 1
• Establishing your distraction management index
• Effective Time Management Defined                           •   Developing skills and mindset for time
• Predict external time wasters                                   management.
• Implement self-selected strategies                          •   Acquiring tools and practical techniques via
• Taking Stock: how you spend your time
• Model how to set priorities : SMART Goals
                                                                  case studies and experiential exercises
• Organize tasks by category : Effectiveness vs               •   Analysing different examples of prioritizing
   Efficiency                                                     techniques.
• Assess the importance of using a planning tool              •   Preparing strategies and implementing them
   : Eisenhower Matrix                                            with feedback from peers and the facilitator.
• Recognize the top 10 symptoms
• Schedule time appropriately


            Rising to the Challenge

         NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS                                            WHO IS THIS TRAINING FOR?
         6 -10 people                                                      Newly promoted managers or future managers
                                                                           needing to acquire solid management skills
         2 days: 9.00 – 12.30, lunch with the trainer, 13.30 -             LEVEL OF ENGLISH REQUIRED
         17.00                                                             B2 minimum (CERL)

   The aim is to help you improve your management skills with a practical, easy to use toolbox.
   How do we help you ?
   • By asserting yourself as a manager and motivating your team
   • By conducting your meetings and interviews efficiently and by managing conflict and crises
   • By identifying your management style, giving you delegating techniques to improve your performance

 CONTENT                                                           TRAINING

Day 1
Your management style
• Management styles in France and around the world
• What sort of manager are you? Brief personality test
• Creating and managing a team
• How to conduct interviews with your staff                          •    Learning management techniques through
• Non-verbal communication                                                theory and concrete examples
• Roleplays                                                          •    Acquiring self knowledge through exercises,
Management techniques                                                     role-plays and experiential learning
• Behavioural analysis. Adapting your behaviour                      •    Analysing case sudies of successful and
   depending on the personality and cultural concerns of
   your team.
                                                                          less successful examples of management
• How to motivate your team depending on their profiles              •    Roleplaying of meetings, interviews and
• How to delegate and make your team accountable for                      conflictual situations – filmed with 360°
   their actions.                                                         feedback from the participants and the
• Errors to avoid : Question/Answer session                               trainer
Day 2
Conflict management :
• The steps of the conflict management process :
   - Case studies.
   - Applying the steps through a series of examples
Managing meetings
• Why have a meeting? Organising successful meetings
• Basic rules for efficiency. Filmed roleplays and feedback


                     Adding Value

          NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS                                       WHO IS THIS TRAINING FOR?
          6 -10 people                                                 Anyone who requires a simple easy to use structure
                                                                       to develop sales: from the beginner to the
                                                                       experienced salesman who needs a refresher
          2 days: 9.00 – 12.30, lunch with the trainer, 13.30 -        LEVEL OF ENGLISH REQUIRED
          17.00                                                        B2 minimum (CERL)

To add value to your sales by adopting a structured approach.
➢    By focusing on the real value of what you’re selling
➢    By preparing a clear sales strategy
➢    By developing good sales and bargaining techniques
➢    By gaining better understanding of your clients
                                                                  TRAINING APPROACH
                          CONTENT                                              TRAINING APPROACH
Day 1
Your marketing strategy
•      What exactly are you selling ?
•      A SWOT analysis – identifying your strong points
•      Defining your targets
•      Defining your objectives                                    •   Learning sales techniques through theory
•      Defining your means of communication/selling                    and concrete examples
       tools.                                                      •   Acquiring the structural approach to deal
Sales techniques                                                       with different types of client through role-
•      Behavioural analysis. Understanding and adapting
                                                                       plays and experiential learning
       to others in view of their personalities and culture
       The buying/selling process.                                 •   Analysing successful and less successful
•      Common mistakes to avoid: Q/A session                           examples of sales
Day 2                                                              •   Preparing and drawing up sales strategies,
Bargaining                                                             roleplaying them with feedback from peers
•      The different stages of the sales/negotiating
                                                                       and the facilitator
       - Preparation, Climate, Setting your goals
       - Proposing and Convincing, Dealing with
       - Trading and haggling
       - Concluding.
          A series of role-plays in sales and negotiating
          filmed with analysis and feedback

          Breaking down Barriers

      NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS                                       WHO IS THIS TRAINING FOR?
      6 -10 people                                                 Anyone who works or needs to work with clients,
                                                                   team-members, suppliers from other cultures than
                                                                   their own.
      1 day 9.00 – 12.30, lunch with the trainer, 13.30 -          LEVEL OF ENGLISH REQUIRED
      17.00                                                        B2 minimum (CERL)

The aim of this course is enable participants to develop the mindset, skillset and toolset to interact successfully
with other cultures
It does this by helping you:
•Understand cross-cultural dimensions and influence
•Calculate your CQ (Cultural Intelligence) benchmark and your leadership style
•Develop strategies for working across cultures with skill and insight
•Identify success factors : manners, use of power, trust, perceptions of time, decisions process,
•Improve your impact: managing, collaborating, negotiating, avoid common pitfalls in global organisations
•Communicate effectively across cultures

CONTENT                                                     TRAINING APPROACH

 Day 1
 Cultural awareness questionnaire

 What makes a culture:
 • Three Levels of Human Mental Programming                   •   Learning skills and mindset shifts
 • Layers of Culture                                          •   Acquiring tools and practical techniques
 • Cultural Dimensions                                            from case studies and exercises.
 • Understanding other Cultures                               •   Analysing video examples of cross-cultural
 • Values and beliefs around the world
 • Video sequences and case studies of cultural gaffes
                                                                  communication in different contexts.
 • Social etiquette around the world                          •   Preparing roleplays with feedback from
 • France and the French : stereotypes and realities              peers and the facilitator.
 • Your experiences

 Business Impact
 • Management Styles
 • Multicultural Teams : managing advantages and
 • Communication Processes
 • Dealing with conflict


    Prepare - Participate - Perform

        NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS                                          TYPICAL PARTICIPANT
        6 -10 people                                                    People who need to acquire strategy and skills for
                                                                        improving the preparation, participation and follow up
                                                                        of their their meetings
        2 days: 9.00 – 12.30, lunch with the trainer, 13.30 -           LEVEL OF ENGLISH REQUIRED
        17.00                                                           B2 minimum (CERL)

  The aim of this course is to help you improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your meetings.

  How do we help you ?
  •By developing the skills you need to organize meetings and onboard relevant participants
  •By strengthening your facilitation techniques and helping you get active participation and build rapport
  •By improving your ability to transmit the message you want to give and making sure it is remembered
  •By practicing these techniques and improving the effectiveness of communicative language for meetings
  •By leading, controlling and motivating participants during effective meetings

CONTENT                                                          TRAINING APPROACH

Day 1
• Defining an effective meeting
• When to conduct a meeting
• Preparation : focus statement, agenda, choosing
   participants, code of conduct, documents…                      •    Practice techniques for preparing, leading
• Meeting Roles and Responsibilities                                   and participating in meetings
• The meeting room: what layout for what meeting                  •    Exercises to improve effective
• Meeting structure: how to maintain rhythm, interest                  communication
   and motivation
• Effective communication : speak, listen, perform
                                                                  •    Observing and feedback on role plays
• Body language, gestures and positioning                         •    Preparing and running meeting simulations
                                                                       with feedback
Day 2                                                             •    Watching training films
• Meeting Preparation Checklist                                   •    Group Discussion
• Taking and Respecting Time
• Participation : onboarding, motivating, structuring and
                                                                  •    Personal preparation
   fostering cooperation
• Minutes – making them visible
• Prototyping of meetings with experimentation of
   different roles and feedback
• Take aways and next steps
• Meeting Critique


 Helping you reach your Potential
      NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS                                WHO IS COACHNG FOR?
      6 -10 people                                          Executives, managers, experts who want to
                                                           maximize their personal and professional
GGGGG                                                       LEVEL OF ENGLISH REQUIRED
GGGGG                                                       B2 minimum (CERL)

                                  HOW WE OPERATE
    The ICF (International Coach Federation) defines Professional Coaching as:
    “Partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them
    to maximize their personal and professional potential”

    As ICF members, we adhere to this definition and are fully aligned with the core values
    of integrity, excellence, collaboration and respect.

    As coaches, we have a responsibility to:
    ➢ Provide time and space for our clients to work on their issues in all confidentiality
    ➢ Consider our clients as an expert on their situation
    ➢ Explore, clarify and align the coaching to client’s / organisation’s needs
    ➢ Encourage our client to use their creativity and internal resources
    ➢ Foster self-discovery through a creative, thought provoking process
    ➢ Facilitate the emergence of solutions and strategies as discovered by our client
    ➢ Hold our client accountable for finding their own solutions while respecting their
    ➢ Activate change, autonomy and resilience through a change of perspective

       Coaching dedicated to positive, long-term, measurable
            change for clients, teams and organisations
                  COACHING PROJECT
CONTEXT – following the merger of two medium-sized companies, a certain number of
issues were emerging : an internal audit highlighted the existence of competition
between teams leading to reduced margins, retention of information and a lack of
performance; management issues relating to trust and clarity of vision.

OBJECTIVE – to create a unique company culture with a clear business vision.

THE COACHING APPROACH – a general meeting to bring together the 10 managers of
the group involved in the project with the aim of producing a contract to be validated
by all parties (managers, HR, coach) defining the stakes, the challenges and the

INDIVIDUAL COACHING - for the General Manager and for two of the managers
identified as having specific issues to deal with.

GROUP COACHING - for the management group including the General Manager. A 2-
day session per month over a 3-month period to promote self-awareness, group
awareness and the new vision for the company ; to build new modes of communication
and group interaction ; to co-define the project and the contributions of each of the
actors to reach the strategic objectives of the company.

COACHING TOOLS – Neuroscience, Constructivism, Cognitivism, Emotional Intelligence,
Systemic approach… : a full range of tools adapted to the specific needs of the group
are used throughout the process to help the entire group fully exploit individual and
group potentials.

        Coaching dedicated to positive, long-term, measurable
             change for clients, teams and organisations
              WHO IS IT FOR?
Professional Coaching is applicable and adaptable to:

Coaching focused on the development of the individual’s potential:
increasing motivation, building confidence and credibility, job transitioning,
high potentials, managing stress, decisions making…

                                  Coaching focused on interpersonal skills:
                                  improving relationships with colleagues,
                                  team members, management, clients,
                                  emotional intelligence…

Coaching focused on management of team interaction: increasing team
effectiveness, dealing with conflict and competition, building new teams…

Coaching focused on executives: dealing
with dimensions of strategy, business
development, leadership posture, inclusion,
organisational complexity…

         Coaching dedicated to positive, long-term, measurable
              change for clients, teams and organisations
Uncovering Potential. Building confidence.
                                          Developing life-long skills.

   COURSE                                                                 INTER-COMPANY              INTRA-COMPANY
                                                                           PER INDIVIDUAL               PER GROUP
  NEGOTIATING INTERNATIONALLY                               2 days                  €900              Upon request

  ASSERTIVE COMMUNICATION SKILLS                            2 days                 €800                  €4,000

  EFFECTIVE BUSINESS NETWORKING                             1 day                  €400                  €2,000

  IMPACTFUL BUSINESS WRITING                                2 days                 €700                  €3,600

  PRESENTING WITH IMPACT                                    2 days                 €700                  €3,800

  TRAINING THE TRAINER                                      2 days                 €700                  €3,600

  RESOLVING CONFLICTS                                       2 days                 €800                  €4,000

  GLOBAL DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION                            2 days                 €800                  €4,000

  MANAGING MULTIPLE PRIORITIES                              1 day                  €400                  €2,000

  BECOMING A MANAGER                                        2 days                 €700                  €3,800

  IMPROVING YOUR SALES PERFORMANCE                          2 days                 €700                  €3,600

  WORKING ACROSS CULTURES                                   1 day                  €400                  €2,000

  MANAGING EFFECTIVE MEETINGS                               2 days                 €700                  €3,600
                                                                              Upon request            Upon request

* inter-company – participants from multiple companies intra-company – all participants from the same company

                           S.A.R.L. au capital de 10 000 €-R.C.S. Paris 503526444 –Code NAF: 8559A
Uncovering Potential. Building confidence.
                                       Developing life-long skills.

           For further information on our Training Programmes and
                          Coaching, please contact us.


   Our Training and Coaching programmes are held at our offices or at our clients’ offices in Paris.
                 Requests for Programmes outside of the Paris region are welcome.
Travel and accommodation for courses outside of the larger Paris area are not included in the Course
                                price and will be subject to location.

                    9 rue Ganneron, 75018 PARIS
                                                                                      CYNTHIA PARIZOT
                    +33 1 40 06 03 73                                                 Office manager, bilingual
                                                                                      French/English, Cynthia
                                                                                      is available to help you
                    info@ilic-formation.com                                           with all the organisation
                                                                                      and coordination of the
                                                                                      coaching sessions. She
                                                                                      has been the centralising
                                                                                      force, advising and
                                                                                      assisitng our clients for
                                                                                      over 10 years, making
                                                                                      sure you get the best
                                                                                      results from our

                        S.A.R.L. au capital de 10 000 €-R.C.S. Paris 503526444 –Code NAF: 8559A
Conditions Générales de Vente
Les présentes conditions générales de prestation de services ont pour objet de préciser l'organisation des relations contractuelles entre le Prestataire
et le Client, elles s'appliquent à toutes les formations dispensées par AMBOS, à l'exception de celles bénéficiant de contractualisation spécifique, et
complètent la volonté commune des parties pour tous les points où celle-ci n'aura pas été clairement exprimée.
Le terme "Prestataire" désigne : AMBOS : Siège social : 9 rue Ganneron, 75018 PARIS – info@ambosformation.com, S.A.R.L. au capital de 10 000 € -
R.C.S. Paris 503526444 – Code NAF : 8559A, représentée par toute personne habilitée.
Le terme "Client" désigne la personne morale signataire de convention de formation (au sens de l'article L.6353-2 du Code du Travail), ou la personne
physique signataire de contrat de formation ((au sens de l'article L.6353-3 du Code du Travail) et acceptant les présentes conditions générales, ou
encore les signataires de convention de formation tripartie (au sens des articles R.6322-32, R.6422-11 et R.6353-2 du Code du Travail).
Toutes autres conditions n'engagent le Prestataire qu'après acceptation expresse et écrite de sa part.
Les informations et/ou prix figurant sur les documents, catalogues, publicités, prospectus ou sites internet du Prestataire ne sont données qu'à titre
Le seul fait d'accepter une offre du Prestataire emporte l'acceptation sans réserve des présentes conditions générales.
Les offres du Prestataire sont valables dans la limite du délai d'option fixé à un (1) mois à compter de la date de l'offre, sauf stipulations contraires
portées sur celle-ci.
Les conditions générales peuvent être modifiées à tout moment et sans préavis par le Prestataire, les modifications seront applicables à toutes les
commandes postérieures à ladite modification.
Lorsqu'une personne physique entreprend une formation à titre individuelle et à ses frais, le contrat est réputé formé lors de sa signature, il est
soumis aux dispositions des articles L.6353-3 à L.6353-9 du Code du Travail.
Dans tous les autres cas, la convention, au sens de l'article L.6353-2 du Code du Travail, est formée par la réception, par le Prestataire, du bulletin ou
de tout autre courrier de commande signé par le Client, à l'exception de ceux bénéficiant de contractualisation spécifique.
Les formations proposées par le Prestataire relèvent des dispositions figurant à la VIe partie du Code du Travail relatif à la formation professionnelle
continue dans le cadre de la formation professionnelle tout au long de la vie.
Les documents régissant l'accord des parties sont, à l'exclusion de tout autre, par ordre de priorité décroissante :
•         Le Règlement Intérieur de formation du Prestataire, pris en application des articles L.6352-3 à L.6352-5 et R.6352-3 à R.6352-15 du Code du
          Travail relatif aux droit et obligations des stagiaires au cours des sessions de formation, et à la discipline et aux garanties attachées à la mise
          en œuvre des formations,
•         Le Règlement Intérieur de l'établissement accueillant les formations,
•         Les avenants éventuels aux conventions de formation professionnelle acceptées par les deux parties,
•         Les éventuelles conventions de formation professionnelle acceptées par les deux parties,
•         Les éventuelles conventions de partenariat de formation signées entre le Prestataire et le Client,
•         Les fiches pédagogiques des formations,
•         Les avenants aux présentes conditions générales,
•         Les présentes conditions générales,
•         Les offres remises par le Prestataire au Client,
•         La facturation,
•         Les cahiers des charges éventuellement remis par le Client au Prestataire,
•         Toutes autres annexes.
En cas de contradiction entre l'un de ces documents, celui de priorité supérieure prévaudra pour l'interprétation en cause.
Les dispositions des conditions générales et des documents précités expriment l'intégralité de l'accord conclu entre les parties. Ces dispositions
prévalent donc sur toute proposition, échange de lettres, notes ou courriers électronique antérieures à sa signature, ainsi que sur toute autre
disposition figurant dans des documents échangés entre les parties et relatifs à l'objet du contrat.
La convention n'est parfaitement conclue entre les parties que sous réserve de l'acceptation expresse de la commande.
Toute modification de la commande demandée par le Client est subordonnée à l'acceptation expresse et écrite du Prestataire.
La participation aux formations proposées par le Prestataire est conditionnée par le fait que la personne inscrite l'utilise au sein de son
environnement de travail.
De plus, la participation au cursus de formation n'est effective qu'après validation du dossier et à une procédure de sélection.
Toutes les phases de validation ou de sélection des participants à la formation relèvent de la décision du Prestataire.
Dans le cadre des conventions de formation professionnelle, le Prestataire se réserve expressément le droit de disposer librement des places
retenues par le Client en l'absence de règlement intégral de la facture.
Le prix comprend uniquement la formation, le support pédagogique et l’inscription et passage de tests. Les repas ne sont pas compris dans le prix du
stage, sauf avis contraire exprimé à l'inscription et option proposée par le Prestataire. Dans ce cas, ils sont facturés en sus et imputables sur la
participation de l'employeur dans la limite de cinq fois le minimum garanti par jour et par stagiaire (décret n° 2010-1584 du 17/12/ 2010 - JO du
18/12/2010). Les frais de déplacement et d'hébergement restent à la charge exclusive du Client.
5.1. Concernant les conventions de formation (financement entreprise)
A réception de l'inscription du Client, le Prestataire fera parvenir une convention de formation ou une facture valant convention simplifiée et précisant
les conditions financières.
5.2. Concernant les contrats de formation (financement personne physique à ses frais) uniquement
A compter de la date de signature du contrat de formation, le Client a un délai de 10 jours pour se rétracter. Il en informe le Prestataire par lettre
recommandée avec accusé de réception.
Dans ce cas, aucune somme ne peut être exigée du Client.
A l'expiration du délai, il ne peut être payé une somme supérieure à 30 % du prix (se reporter au contrat pour le montant précis). Le solde donne lieu à
échelonnement des paiements au fur et à mesure du déroulement de l'action de formation, comme stipulé au contrat de formation.
Les prix sont établis hors taxes. Ils sont facturés aux conditions de la convention de formation. Les paiements ont lieu en euros à l’ordre d’AMBOS dont
les coordonnées bancaires figurent sur la facture.
ATTENTION : Il vous appartient de vérifier l'imputabilité de votre stage auprès de votre OPCA, de faire votre demande de prise en charge avant la
formation et de vous faire rembourser les sommes correspondantes.
Si le Client souhaite que le règlement soit émis par l'OPCA dont il dépend, il lui appartient de faire une demande de prise en charge avant le début de la
formation et de s'assurer de la bonne fin de cette demande. Il appartient également au client de l'indiquer explicitement sur son bulletin d'inscription.
6.1. Modalités de paiement
Les paiements ont lieu à réception de la facture, sans escompte, ni ristourne ou remise sauf accord particulier. Les dates de paiement convenues
contractuellement ne peuvent être remises en cause unilatéralement par le Client sous quelque prétexte que ce soit, y compris en cas de litige.
En cas de subrogation de paiement conclu entre le Client et l'OPCA, ou tout autre organisme, les factures seront transmises par le Prestataire à l'OPCA,
ou tout autre organisme, qui informe celui-ci des modalités spécifiques de règlement.
Le Prestataire s'engage également à faire parvenir les mêmes attestations de présence aux OPCA, ou tout autre organisme, qui prennent en charge le
financement de ladite formation, attestations qui seront faites de façon mensuelle.
En tout état de cause le Client s'engage à verser au Prestataire le complément entre le coût total des actions de formations mentionné aux présentes et
le montant pris en charge par l'OPCA, ou tout autre organisme.
Le Prestataire adressera au Client les factures relatives au paiement du complément cité à l'alinéa précédent selon la périodicité définie à la
En cas de modification de l'accord de financement par l'OPCA, ou tout autre organisme, le Client reste redevable du coût de formation non financé par
ledit organisme.
6.2. Retard de paiement
Les pénalités de retard de paiement commencent à courir après mise en demeure par lettre RAR.
Les taux d'intérêt des pénalités de retard de paiement sera égal au taux d'intérêt appliqué par la Banque centrale européenne à son opération de
refinancement la plus récente majoré de 10 points de pourcentage.
Pour les Clients Entreprises (personnes morales) : Tout retard de paiement donnera lieu, en plus des pénalités de retard, au versement d'une indemnité
forfaitaire pour frais de recouvrement au profit du créancier, d'un montant de 40 €, conformément à l'article D.441-5 du Code du Commerce. Cette
indemnité sera due de plein droit et sans formalité par le professionnel, en situation de retard.
7.1. Modalités de déroulement de la formation
Les formations ont lieu aux dates et conditions indiquées sur le programme de formation.
7.2 Nature de l'action de formation
Les actions de formation assurées par le Prestataire entrent dans le champ de l'article L.6313-1 du Code du Travail.
7.3. Sanction de l'action de formation
Conformément à l'article L.6353-1 alinéa 2 du Code de Travail, le Prestataire remettra, à l'issue de la formation, une attestation mentionnant les
objectifs, la nature, la durée de formation ainsi que les résultats de l'évaluation des acquis de la formation en cas de demande de capitalisation. En tout
état de cause, la remise de tout certificat, attestation, ou titre certifié délivré en fin de formation ou sanctionnant la formation objet des présentes est
conditionnée au complet paiement du prix de la formation par le Client au Prestataire.
En cas de demande de capitalisation, l'attestation de suivi ne pourra être remise que si le participant a été assidu à l'ensemble des dates de formation
7.4. Lieu de l'action de formation
Pour les départements d’Ile de France, les modules de formation se déroulent aux locaux situés au 9 rue Ganneron 75018 PARIS. Le client peut
demander à ce que la formation se déroule dans ses locaux. Il s’engage dans ce cas à prévoir le niveau d’équipement et de sécurité exigé par le
Toutefois, le Prestataire pourra, à sa discrétion, organiser tout ou partie de la formation en tous lieux autres que ses locaux.
7.5 Assurance
Le Client s'oblige à souscrire et maintenir en prévision et pendant la durée de la formation une assurance responsabilité civile couvrant les dommages
corporels, matériels, immatériels, directs et indirects susceptibles d'être causés par ses agissements ou ceux de ses préposés au préjudice du
Prestataire. Il s'oblige également à souscrire et maintenir une assurance responsabilité civile désignant également comme assuré le Prestataire pour
tous les agissements préjudiciables aux tiers qui auraient été causés par le stagiaire ou préposé, et contenant une clause de renonciation à recours, de
telle sorte que le Prestataire ne puisse être recherché ou inquiété.
A défaut de précisions aux conventions ou contrats de formation, les conditions d'annulation de celles-ci par le Prestataire sont les suivantes :
Dans l'hypothèse où le nombre de stagiaires inscrits à cette formation serait inférieur au 2/3 de l'effectif minimum 10 jours avant la date de début
programmée, le Prestataire se réserve le droit d'annuler ladite formation sans qu'aucune pénalité de rupture ou de compensation ne soit due entre les
parties pour ce motif.
Toutefois, dans le cas où cette condition de nombre ne serait pas remplie, l'action de formation pourra être reportée à une date ultérieure qui sera
communiquée par le Prestataire.
Néanmoins, faute du report de la formation à une date ultérieure et de réalisation totale de la formation, le Prestataire procédera au
remboursement des sommes éventuellement perçues et effectivement versées par le Client.
En cours individuels, en cas de dédit à moins de 2 jours ouvrés francs avant le début de l’action de formation mentionnée à l’article 1 de la
convention de formation, ou abandon en cours de formation, l’organisme retiendra sur le coût total correspondant aux sommes qu’il aura réellement
dépensées ou engagées pour la réalisation de ladite action, conformément aux dispositions de l’article L. 6354-1 du Code du travail.
En cours collectifs, en cas de dédit à moins de 10 jours ouvrés francs avant le début de l’action de formation mentionnée à l’article 1 de la convention
de formation, ou abandon en cours de formation, l’organisme retiendra sur le coût total correspondant aux sommes qu’il aura réellement dépensées
ou engagées pour la réalisation de ladite action, conformément aux dispositions de l’article L. 6354-1 du Code du travail.
Dans les deux cas, les indemnités ne peuvent être imputées par l'employeur au titre de son obligation définie par l'article L.6331-1 du code du travail,
ni faire l'objet d'une demande de remboursement ou de prise en charge par l'OPCA.
Article 10 : ASSIDUITE
La participation à la totalité des cours organisés par le Prestataire dans le cadre de ses formations est obligatoire.
Toute absence à un cours doit être exceptionnelle et nécessitera un justificatif écrit.
Cependant, le manque d'assiduité du stagiaire, soit du fait du Client, soit du fait de ses préposés, sauf cas de force majeure, entraînera de plein droit
la facturation au Client par le Prestataire d'une indemnité à titre de clause pénale d'un montant égal à 100 % du prix de formation (au prorata
Cette indemnité ne peut être imputée par l'employeur au titre de son obligation définie par l'article L.6331-1 du code du travail, ni faire l'objet d'une
demande de remboursement ou de prise en charge par l'OPCA.
Tous les plans, descriptifs, documents techniques, rapports préalables, devis ou tous autres documents remis à l'autre partie sont communiqués dans
le cadre d'un prêt d'usage à seule finalité d'évaluation et de discussion de l'offre commerciale du Prestataire. Ces documents ne seront pas utilisés
par l'autre partie à d'autres fins.
Le Prestataire conserve l'intégralité des droits de propriété matérielle et intellectuelle sur ces documents. Ils seront restitués au Prestataire à
première demande.
Le Client s'engage à transmettre toutes informations utiles à la mise en œuvre du service demandé au Prestataire.
Chaque partie s'engage à considérer toutes informations techniques, pédagogiques, didactiques, éducatives, documentaires, financières,
commerciales et/ou juridiques, tout savoir-faire relatif à des études, des rapports, des produits ou des développements, des plans, des modélisations
etc... qui lui seront remis par une autre partie comme étant la propriété industrielle et/ou intellectuelle de celle-ci et en conséquent à ne le utiliser
que dans le cadre de l'exécution de la présent convention.
Ces informations ne pourront être communiquées ou rendues accessibles à des tiers, en tout ou en partie sans l'aval écrit préalable de son
Les parties ne s'opposeront aucun de leurs droits de propriété industrielle et/ou intellectuelle leur appartenant qui feraient obstacle à la mise en
l'œuvre de la commande.
Les parties peuvent être amenées à s'échanger ou à prendre connaissance d'informations confidentielles au cours de l'exécution des présentes.
14.1. Définitions
Sont considérées comme informations confidentielles toutes informations techniques, pédagogiques, didactiques, éducatives, documentaires,
financières, commerciales et/ou juridiques, tout savoir-faire relatif à l'enseignement, à sa mise en pratique, à des études, des produits ou des
développements, des plans, des modélisations et/ou produits couverts ou non par des droits de propriété intellectuelle, que ces informations soient
communiquées par écrit, y compris sou format de schéma ou de note explicative, ou oralement.
14.2. Obligations
Les parties s'engagent à considérer comme confidentielles l'ensemble des informations, telles que ci-dessus définies, communiquées volontairement
ou non par l'autre partie ou dont le cocontractant aurait pris connaissance à l'insu de son partenaire.
La partie ayant pris connaissance de ces informations confidentielles ne pourra les communiquer, sous quelque forme que ce soit à quiconque.
Les parties s'engagent à prendre toutes précautions utiles pour éviter toute divulgation ou utilisation non autorisée.
AMBOS est responsable des traitements de données.
Les informations recueillies font l'objet d'un traitement informatique destiné aux opérations de transaction et de transmission des informations et
documentations sollicitées, et de prospection pour des services analogues.
Les destinataires des données sont les chargés de la communication et du recrutement et le service commercial.
Vous êtes susceptibles de recevoir des offres commerciales d'autres écoles de notre groupe pour des services analogues.
Conformément à la loi "Informatique et libertés" du 6 janvier 1978 modifiée en 2004, vous bénéficiez d'un droit d'accès et de rectification des
informations qui vous concernent, que vous pouvez exercer en vous adressant à AMBOS, 9 rue Ganneron, 75018 Paris. Vous pouvez également, pour
des motifs légitimes, vous opposer au traitement des données vous concernant et disposez du droit de retirer votre consentement à tout moment en
vous adressant à : david.spiers@ambosformation.com ou info@ambosformation.com.
Les destinataires de ces données sont : l’équipe administrative d’AMBOS-ILIC – david.spiers@ambosformation.com; info@ambosformation.com . La
durée de conservation des données est de 10 ans.
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