Using Mobility to Elevate Warehouse Management

Page created by Jorge Gonzales
Using Mobility to Elevate Warehouse Management
• Cognizant 20-20 Insights

Using Mobility to Elevate Warehouse
Enterprise mobility promises to infuse warehouses with greater agility
and nimbleness, but getting there requires that manufacturers take a
phased approach, dissecting every operational function and identifying
key imperatives and process enhancements along the way.

      Executive Summary                                    business value. It is a key enabler of warehouse
                                                           efficiency, flexibility and nimbleness, allowing
      Without a proper dose of automation, warehouse
                                                           manufacturers to live the future of work, today.
      managers are unable to achieve the operational
      performance and cost efficiencies needed to          This white paper explores areas where mobility
      contribute to the greater good of the manufac-       can be utilized and the key considerations for
      turing enterprise. This is particularly important    deploying mobility in a typical warehouse.
      in materials handling, where the slightest inef-
      ficiency can lead to operational slowdowns and       Mobility in Warehouse Management
      reputational damage with business partners and
                                                           Adopting mobility can boost the number of orders
      customers. To meet the requirements of increas-
                                                           and packages processed daily by facilitating the
      ingly demanding customers — where doing more
                                                           whole range of warehouse functions from picking,
      with less is a business imperative — warehouse
                                                           put away, packaging, labelling and shipping,
      managers are laser focused on IT-enabled process
                                                           through receiving and cross-docking. For example,
      changes that drive operational nimbleness and
                                                           in the receiving area a warehouse operator can
      flexibility, with continuous focus on improving
                                                           scan and identify incoming shipments and then
      efficiency and productivity in significant ware-
                                                           reroute, inspect or relabel them. Similarly, in the
      housing tasks such as picking, put away, shipping,
                                                           shipping area an operator can scan outgoing
      cross-docking, etc.
                                                           packages to ensure order accuracy and can route
      Enterprise mobility, according to both IDC1 and      them accordingly to the correct dock door or
      Gartner,2 is among the “four forces” shaping busi-   carry out any required value-added services as
      ness-IT transformational decisions by delivering     prompted on the mobile device.
      exponential productivity gains and incremental

      cognizant 20-20 insights | march 2013
Using Mobility to Elevate Warehouse Management
Enabling the Mobile Warehouse

                                                    Management & Supervisory Functions

                Real-Time Approvals               BI and Reporting               System Administration             Ad-hoc Label Printing

              Material                                                                                                         Inventory
             Processing                       Directed Put Away                       Inventory Transactions                  Management

                                 Material Inspection                                                 Purchase Requisition

                  Material Receiving                                                                           On-Demand Stock Information

           Inbound Scheduling                                                                                             Cycle Counting

           Fleet Management                                                                                               Physical Inventory Counting

           EPOD/EPOC                                                                                                      Stock Management

           Shipment Tracking                                                                                              Job Scheduling

                Packing, Loading and Shipping                                                        Replenishment Transactions

                          Dispatch Planning                                                   Consigned Inventory / VMI

                                        VAS/Kitting/De-kitting                       Material Allocation
                  Processing                                      Directed Picking

Figure 1

Figure 1 offers a high-level overview of the                                   organizational needs (which are beyond the scope
functions that mobility can support in a typical                               of discussion here).
                                                                               Core Functions
Once the contours of where mobility can help in                                Inbound Materials Processing
warehouse operations are defined, warehouse
                                                                               The processes involving the receipt of goods into
managers can delve deeply to obtain a detailed
                                                                               the warehouse can greatly benefit from the use
understanding of how ground-level functions
                                                                               of mobility. Figure 2 (on page 3) illustrates how
can actually be mobile-enabled and explore the
                                                                               mobility can be integrated with inbound materials
benefits that can and should be derived from
                                                                               processing along with the benefits of doing so.
such initiatives.
                                                                               Inventory Management
The functions outlined in Figure 1 can be executed
using different types of handheld mobile devices,                              Inventory management is a core area within
including scanners, mobile computers and vehi-                                 warehouse management where mobility can
cle-mounted devices, or a combination of these.                                bring high levels of efficiency. Figure 3 (on page
The selection of these devices for each function                               4) shows how mobility can be integrated with
depends on parameters ranging from the ware-                                   inventory management functions along with the
house’s physical environment, the materials it                                 associated benefits.
deals with, Cap-Ex availability and other specific

                                 cognizant 20-20 insights                       2
Mobility’s Inbound Materials Processing Benefits
    Function                       How to Enable Mobility                                   Benefit
                  Real-time updates can be exchanged using mobile devices       Reduction in waiting time for
                  between incoming shipments and the warehouse to facilitate    vehicles at the receiving dock.
                  efficient inbound scheduling. Based on these updates, the
   Scheduling     dock door assignments can be created and altered on a
                  real-time basis.
                  Inbound materials can be scanned, verified and received       Flexibility at the floor level
   Materials      in the warehouse using a mobile device. The mobile device     along with real-time updates.
   Receiving      can be used to update the receipt status in the enterprise
                  system in real time or in batches.
                  Based on preconfigured quality plans within the enterprise    Reduction in overall time and
                  system, inbound materials inspection can be carried           hence cost of quality assurance
                  out and the data can be entered for comparison against        activities.
                  approved specifications using mobile devices. This can
   Inspection     direct the warehouse worker to take the necessary action
                  for inspection results based on pre-configured rules in the
                  enterprise system.
               Mobile devices can provide real-time visibility to orders        Reduction in time and effort
               requiring cross-docking and suggest suitable inbound             needed to match inbounds and
 Cross-Docking shipments for fulfilment. Material can be allocated to these     outbounds for cross-docking.
  Suggestions orders on the mobile device and shipped directly without          Possibility for enabling cross-
               having to be routed through the warehouse’s inventory.           docking in warehouses that are
                                                                                unable to use this best practice.
                  Spot suggestions of locations for put away of materials can   Saves time and effort for
                  be displayed on mobile devices based on custom logic and      material consolidation while
                  rules depending on warehouse layout, location of existing     improving concurrent informa-
  Directed Put    items, item type and other parameters. Suggestion-based       tion availability.
      Away        put away using mobility will enable easy consolidation of
                  material in the warehouse based on any chosen parameter.
                  In addition, mobility can enable scanning as opposed to
                  manual key-in and real-time update of inventory records.
Figure 2

Outbound Material Processing                               engagement. Irrespective of the approach taken,
In many businesses, a warehouse’s efficacy is              deploying mobility in a warehouse requires special
determined by how well it is able to process               care across numerous aspects due to its process-
outbound orders. Figure 4 (on page 5) highlights           intensive nature, coupled with the fact that it is
how mobility can be integrated with functions              a core component of the manufacturing value-
of outbound material processing along with the             delivery mechanism. Thus, it is imperative that the
associated benefits.                                       deployment blends in smoothly with day-to-day
                                                           activities and causes minimal disruption. Figure
Management and Supervisory                                 6 (on page 6) lays out our recommendations for
Functions                                                  a seamless deployment of mobility across the
Besides the core warehousing functions, there              warehouse functions.
are various management and supervisory
                                                           Objective Definition
functions performed by warehouse managers
                                                           In this stage, the general approach will involve
and shop floor supervisors that mobility can ben-
                                                           identifying the strategic or tactical objectives that
eficially transform. Figure 5 (on page 6) reveals
                                                           drive the introduction of mobility in warehouse(s).
how mobility can help such functions along with
                                                           For example, the objectives can be improving
the benefits.
                                                           inventory management, bringing down costs
Mobility Deployment Considerations                         without impacting service, improving worker
in a Warehouse                                             safety and/or achieving regulatory compliance.

Deploying mobility in a warehouse requires a dis-          Balance Top Floor and Shop Floor Goals
ciplined approach to achieve its full potential. The
                                                           Management buy-in for the mobility program will
deployment can either be a part of the organiza-
                                                           ensure tight alignment of the technology with
tion’s overall IT strategy or a warehouse-focused

                       cognizant 20-20 insights            3
Mobility’s Inventory Management Benefits
     Function                      How to Enable Mobility                                     Benefit
                   Purchase requisitions can be raised right at the point of      Reduction of purchase lead
                   source of demand in shop floors and warehouses using           time.
    Requisition    mobile devices.
                   Basic inventory transactions such as issue, receipt,           Improving concurrent informa-
                   transfer of goods, etc. can be carried out using mobile        tion availability and eliminating
     Inventory     devices. The mobile application can provide information        additional effort for maintaining
   Transactions    about the current location of materials, destination of        updated information.
                   materials, handling instructions and all other related data
                   so the user can carry out the specific transaction.
                   Real-time information regarding availability of stock and      Improving concurrent infor-
   On-Demand       other stock-specific information can be made available on      mation availability for faster
  Stock Informa-   mobile devices from anywhere, anytime. Information can         decision-making.
       tion        be queried via different methods (e.g., item-based inquiry,
                   location-based inquiry, etc.).
                   Cycle count orders can be executed by scanning items           Reduction in counting effort
                   planned for count at any location using a mobile device.       and enforcement of better
 Cycle Counting    The mobile application can keep track of the count and         operational discipline.
                   pending items while it can also require users to verify item
                   and lot information.
                   Physical counting of all items in particular inventory         Reduction in counting effort
     Physical      locations can be handled using a mobile device. The appli-     and concurrent update of
    Inventory      cation can keep track of the counts and also allow entry       information
    Counting       of items which did not have system records and hence for
                   counts that were not generated.
                   Mobile applications can be used for stock management           Reduction in stock management
                   including updating the stock quantities, stock condition,      effort with concurrent informa-
  Management       location, pack details, registering stock relocations, etc.    tion availability.
                   Real-time notification of job and flow scheduling can          Better availability of concurrent
                   be sent to shop floor workers on mobile devices. Also,         information.
 Job Scheduling
                   dynamic status updates on work orders and assembly
                   completion can be propagated using mobile applications.
                   Inventory levels can be managed using the enterprise           Reduction in time and effort for
                   system’s planning and replenishment features (e.g.,            carrying out replenishments,
 Replenishment     min-max, Kanban, etc.) that includes generating preap-         thus increasing material avail-
  Transactions     proved move orders. These move orders can be effectively       ability.
                   tracked and transacted using a mobile device on the shop
                   Rule-based material allocations created by the enterprise      Time savings by providing
                   system for different kinds of move orders such as              ground level flexibility in
                   outbound orders, issues to shop floor, inventory transfers,    handling material allocations.
                   etc. can be viewed and managed using mobile devices. In
    Allocation     cases where these need modification, such requests can
                   be initiated, reviewed and approved by appropriate users
                   based on configured workflow using their mobile devices.
  Consigned/       Consigned or vendor-managed inventory can be received          Effort reduction in consignment
    Vendor         on a mobile device using a single receipt transaction to       inventory management.
                   create the order line and receive the goods in a single
                   step by pre-configuring the rules for order and line
   Inventory       creation.

Figure 3

                      cognizant 20-20 insights              4
Mobility’s Outbound Materials Benefits

    Function                          How to Enable Mobility                                      Benefit
                  Pick lists generated by the enterprise system and assigned to          Time and hence cost
                  specific users based on business rules can be viewed by warehouse      savings in one of the
                  workers on their mobile devices. These tasks are then executed by      most significant ware-
                  the user, based on directions provided by the mobile application       housing processes —
    Picking       that optimizes the task at every point based on material avail-        order picking.
                  ability, route and other variables. The mobile application can also
                  update the system concurrently with the current task status.
                  Tasks related to containerization, labeling, loading and shipping      Time and cost savings
    Packing,      can be administered and executed using mobile devices. Specific        through efficient
                  instructions can be transmitted to workers carrying out these tasks    execution of packing
  Loading and
                  in the form of mobile notifications. Additional information such as    and shipping process.
   Shipping       cost items for shipping charges, outside service tracking numbers,
                  etc. can be captured at this level using a mobile device.
                  Dispatches can be prioritized and hence accelerated by providing       Time savings and
                  the dispatch planning system, real-time mobile updates on the          accuracy of dispatches
    Dispatch      readiness of shipments and other delivery requirements. Pre-           by priority and delivery
    Planning      dispatch tasks can be tracked through mobile devices and the           requirements.
                  information can be constantly fed to the dispatch planning system
                  in real time to enable this.
                  Tasks for value-added transactions such as packing material as         Increased efficiency and
  Value-Added     per delivery requirements, gift wrapping, etc. along with specific     accuracy in executing
   Services/      instructions can be dispatched through mobile devices based on         value-added services.
    Kitting,      requirements recorded in the system. Tasks such as kitting and
   De-kitting     de-kitting before dispatch can also be administered and executed
                  through mobile devices.
                  Real-time information can be effectively tracked on delivery, stops,   Enhanced tracking
                  diversions and breakdowns by shipment handlers using mobile            efficiency and greater
   Shipment       devices to provide updates and even request service. Tracking          customer satisfaction.
   Tracking       information at this level can help by providing customers with
                  exact information on the status of shipments, which is important
                  for B2C companies.
                  Dynamic optimization can be achieved in fleet utilization by           Cost reduction through
                  receiving location and status updates of vehicles in real time         efficient fleet utilization
                  using mobile devices. Also, dispatches can be consolidated and         and management.
                  optimized based on concurrent information. Route optimization
  Management      can be achieved based on real-time information being received
                  from mobile-enabled vehicles to enable traffic updates, weather
                  conditions and other geo-relevant information.
   Electronic     Electronic proof of delivery/collection along with signature capture   Time savings in
    Proof of      can be implemented using mobile devices. The delivery person can       obtaining proof of
                  use a specialized mobile device to record the acknowledgement          delivery and updating
                  from customer and to concurrently update status.                       delivery status.

Figure 4

the organization’s overall strategic objectives.           Put Numbers to Objectives
This approach will help ensure the organization            It is a good practice to calibrate objectives with
achieves synergistic benefits over the long term.          numerical targets where quantitative measure-
On the other hand, it is also imperative that              ments are feasible. This will help justify the invest-
these objectives address key and significant pain          ments needed for the deployment as well as make
points of the warehouse workforce, as well as the          it easy to measure the results post-deployment.
function. This will drive active participation and         It may be difficult to assign exact numerical
wholehearted adoption of mobility solutions by             targets in most cases, so ballpark objectives can
key stakeholders.                                          be set. For example, if inventory reduction is an

                       cognizant 20-20 insights             5
Mobility’s Supervisory Benefits
      Function                                       How to Enable Mobility                                                      Benefit
                              Real-time approvals can be provided by supervisors and                            Time savings leading to
                              administrators for all warehouse processes using mobile                           cost savings through faster
     Real-Time                applications. When an activity requiring approval is                              execution of processes.
     Approvals                recorded, notifications are received by the supervisor(s)
                              (based on pre-configured workflows), who can review and
                              approve/reject the request concurrently from his device.
                              Business intelligence and analytical tools can be used to                         Faster and effective access
                              generate ad hoc reports with interactive charts and layouts                       to intelligent information and
  Business Intel-             on mobile devices that can be accessed from anywhere,                             analysis leading to efficient
   ligence and                anytime. This can take advantage of information updates                           decision-making.
    Reporting                 provided through mobile devices in near-real time, thus
                              giving scope to execute and track key warehousing aspects
                              such as predictive replenishments, hours accounting, etc.
                              Some basic system administration functions such as user                           Time savings through ease of
                              administration, device administration and parameters                              configuration management.
                              administration can be made accessible through mobile
 System Adminis-
                              devices to administrators who work in distributed environ-
      tration                 ments (e.g., modifying user access to specific functions,
                              changing device configurations, changing parameter values
                              of system parameters, etc.).
                              Ad hoc label printing requests can be made through mobile                         Time savings through ease of
   Ad Hoc Label
                              devices from any point in the warehouse whenever needed                           making print requests from
     Printing                 by any user who has access to the specific function.                              anywhere.

Figure 5

objective, then mobility deployment can target a                                 flow and the other objectives already defined.
7% to 10% reduction in inventory.                                                The underlying focus will be to integrate mobility
                                                                                 into the host of activities needed to maximize
Process Evaluation                                                               deployment benefits.
This requires an intensive evaluation of the
warehouse processes in light of the objectives                                   Mobility for Business Goals, Not Vice Versa
defined in the previous stage. Evaluation and                                    It is important to keep in mind that the objectives
analysis of key processes should result in reen-                                 of deploying mobility, which were identified in
gineering for improved execution efficiency in                                   the first stage, were to help attain business goals
terms of cost reduction, speed, error reduction,                                 rather than deployment of a mobility strategy
productivity improvement, agility of information                                 and devices. For example, suppose the existing

Key Considerations for Successful Warehouse Mobility Deployments

      Objective              Process               Solution              Build           Pilot Testing       Deployment             Support &
      Definition            Evaluation            Designing                                                                          Scale-up

    Balance Top Floor     Mobility for         Design for a          Choose Vendors     Measure the          Deploy Warehouse     Set Up a
    & Shop Floor Goals.   Business Goals.      Phase-Wise            for Solution.      Business, Not Just   by Warehouse.        Centralized
    Put Numbers to        Evaluate Warehouse   Implementation.       Follow Iterative   the System.          Train Optimally.     and Remote.
    Objectives.           Environment &        Take the “App-Way.”   Builds.            Choose the Right                          Management
                                                                                                             Evaluate a Remote
                          Usability.                                                    Warehouse for                             Infrastructure.
                                               Involve End Users.                                            Setup Option.
                          Keep the Techno-                                              Pilot.
                                               Minimize Design
                          Functional View.     Complexities.

Figure 6

                                 cognizant 20-20 insights                         6
way of working involves inbound material put          Design for a Phase-Wise Implementation
away and inventory consolidation as two separate      An effective approach for implementing mobility
processes and one of the objectives is to optimize    in a warehouse is to create a phased implemen-
inventory handling costs. The reengineered            tation plan based on criticality of functionalities,
process should involve mobility-enabled directed      possibility of disruptions of critical processes,
put away which handles consolidation automati-        availability of resources and
cally rather than keeping put away and consoli-       budget constraints. This step
dation as two separate processes and mobile-          kicks off the phased plan
                                                                                       An effective approach
enabling each process individually.                   because at this point, a more for implementing
                                                      complete view of the process mobility in a warehouse
Evaluate Warehouse Environment and Usability
                                                      level requirements, techno-
It will be comparatively easier to assess the         functional needs, environ-
                                                                                       is to create a phased
environmental conditions in this stage while          mental needs and usability implementation plan
evaluating the processes. Detailed notes can be       requirements is available. based on criticality
made here regarding circumstances such as dust        On the other hand, the con-
exposure, extreme temperatures, possibility of        siderations of a phased
                                                                                       of functionalities,
contact with liquids and chemicals, possibility of    plan can be more easily possibility of
drops and wash-downs and other such conditions        absorbed in the technical disruptions of critical
experienced across various processes. Notes           design, functional design,
should also be taken for possible usability details   procurement needs, setup
                                                                                       processes, availability
such as the need for scanners, keyboards, touch-      and installation needs, etc. of resources and
enabled interfaces, cameras or other such needs       — which will be challenging budget constraints.
for the activities being chalked out. These will      once the design is finalized.
form valuable inputs while deciding the hardware
features and form-factor requirements of the          Take the ‘App-Way’
solution.                                             An app-based approach rules the world of mobility
                                                      today and is expected to prevail for the foresee-
Keep the Techno-Functional View
                                                      able future due to key benefits such as the ease
The other key imperative is to determine techno-      of deployment and maintenance, scalability and
functional requirements such as flow of informa-      flexibility it provides. (A detailed discussion on
tion, workflow needs, communication enhance-          this topic is beyond the scope of this white paper.)
ment needs, etc. while evaluating and redesigning     Designing the warehouse mobility solution on
processes. This ensures more integrated brain-        an app-based architecture will help in leveraging
storming and eliminates the need to evaluate          those benefits. Each function can be deployed as
these activities at a later stage.                    a separate app, installable from an organization
                                                      wide “app-store.” Users can have access to apps
Solution Designing
                                                      based on their roles and the functions they execute
The next stage involves detailing the complete        on the ground. (For more insights on this subject,
solution by integrating both hardware and             see our white paper “Enterprise Mobile Apps: How
software design requirements. The hardware            Role-Based Apps Will Drive Productivity and Trans-
design will contain details of the kinds of mobile    formation in Manufacturing Companies.”) Some
devices required along with their expected            obvious benefits of this would be efficient access
features and functionalities, device form factors,    control, better supportability and maintainability,
communication protocols, network requirements         easier collection of feedback and issue tracking,
and other hardware and infrastructure needs. This     efficient scalability, etc. Ideally, the apps should be
should also take into account the environmen-         designed to handle broader functions end to end;
tal and usability needs detailed in the previous      however, if functional interdependencies cannot
stage. The software design will detail the mobili-    be completely eliminated, they can be addressed
ty-driven functional model required in the system     by creating app dependencies requiring installa-
to enable reengineered process flows from the         tion of all interdependent apps.
previous stage. This should also detail the data
flow, computational needs and algorithms, state       Involve End Users
diagrams, user interfaces and system interfaces       At this stage, it is possible to get carried away by
of the solution based on techno-functional needs      the expertise of architects and solution designers
identified in the previous stage.                     while ignoring the actual end users who will use

                       cognizant 20-20 insights       7
the system at the ground level. It is imperative to   Follow Iterative Builds
                verify the design aspects that directly affect the    A significant consideration at this stage will be to
                end users within a chosen sample of users. For        go for an iterative build to deliver on the phased
                example, a picker’s input is important in deciding    plan diagrammed in the previous stage. This will
                whether the mobile devices used for picking           be more streamlined if the phased plan had been
                should have touch-based interfaces or physical        created with the necessary considerations incor-
                keypads. Again, these inputs need to be properly      porated in the design. Also, an app-based design
                moderated in light of technical feasibility and       will be helpful here to build/enhance a set of apps
                budget constraints. In the end, it is good to know    in each phase. This will ensure better cost and
                what can and cannot be provided instead of not        time controls during the build stage, with clear
                providing something that could have been done         milestones and deliverables.
                with ease.
                                                                      Pilot Testing
                Minimize Design Complexities
                                                                      At this stage, a small-scale pilot is deployed to
            The tendency to increase system complexity, in            test the mobility solution with end users. This is
            the design stage, for rare exceptional situations         where the solution deployment steps, installation
                            needs to be curbed to prevent             and go-live sequences and considerations are
   A picker’s input time           and cost overruns and
                            ensure a more manageable
                                                                      tested before carrying out actual user acceptance
                                                                      testing. This is also the best time to conduct all
    is important in and supportable solution. For                     necessary measurements for studying the effect
  deciding whether example, ingress protection (IP)                   of deploying mobility in a warehouse once user
the mobile devices sealing          levels of devices should
                            be in tune with the current and
                                                                      testing has started.

   used for picking predictable future environ-                       Measure the Business, Not Just the System
should have touch- ment of operations rather than                     It is very important to perform measurements
based interfaces or making          it too future-proof based
                            on unpredictable changes in the
                                                                      focused on the business objectives identified
                                                                      in the first stage of deployment rather than
  physical keypads. work environment. Similarly, it is                merely measuring the performance of the new
                            not advisable to build a complex          system. For example, if inventory reduction was
            feature into the software that will be needed only        a strategic objective of this deployment, there
            in very rare and unpredictable situations without         should be some measure to monitor the inventory
            exploring the existence of potential workarounds.         levels before and after deployment. It is best to
                                                                      not get carried away by measures of how fast the
                                                                      system is responding and how many defects are
                This stage is where the solution is developed by      present in the software although they too are sig-
                procuring the hardware, developing the software       nificant measurements to be carried out in this
                and installing the infrastructure. As a prerequi-     phase. This is where a real advantage of phased
                site, the organization must evaluate each vendor      building and implementation can be felt. If the
                and make hardware, software and infrastructure        measurement results don’t live up to the targets
                selections based on the organization’s procure-       when the first phase is pilot tested, subsequent
                ment processes and the resource base.                 phases can include the necessary fine-tuning to
                                                                      correct course.
                Choose Vendors for Solution,
                Not Just Products                                     Choose the Right Warehouse for Pilot
                In the vendor selection phase, it is important to     It is crucial for pilot testing to choose a represen-
                choose vendors that can provide solutions for         tative warehouse that covers the orhanization’s
                warehouse mobility deployment — and preferably        core functions and processes. On the other hand,
                have experience doing so. Like all enterprise         it is also imperative to not choose a warehouse
                products, taking a product-specific approach may      for the pilot test that is critical to the business —
                not prove to be effective in attaining end-busi-      one where disruptions would affect an important
                ness objectives. Thus, a vendor that understands      market significantly. Balancing these criteria is key.
                the specifics of the organization’s business, and
                hence its warehousing needs, is typically a more      Deployment
                reliable partner than the one with the lowest-cost    At this stage, the solution is deployed in the
                or most feature-rich product.                         planned warehouses and used to carry out
                                                                      day-to-day business. In the case of a phased

                                       cognizant 20-20 insights       8
implementation, this stage will go live with just       tion, as discussed in the solution designing stage,
the first set of functionalities initially, with more   the support and scale-up of the deployed phases
functionality added at subsequent stages based          continue in parallel to the implementation of the
on the plan created in the solution designing           later phases.
stage. User training is a key activity to be carried
out before going live.                                  Set Up a Centralized and Remote
                                                        Management Infrastructure
Deploy Warehouse by Warehouse                           The costs of support and scale-up can be pro-
It is a good practice to deploy warehouse by            hibitive if it is managed and administered
warehouse. It ensures that the specialists who          locally. It is important to centralize the support
are needed for the go-live can focus on one             of mobile devices and the related infrastruc-
warehouse at a time, thus reducing the total            ture, including the wireless network. Scaling
headcount needed. This also ensures that lessons        up activities executed occa-
learned during previous deployments can be              sionally also needs to be In a phased
carried over.                                           seamlessly deployed to ensure
                                                        the least possible disruption
Train Optimally                                         to warehouse operations. as discussed in the
To train all users equally in something as resource     Thus, consider a support and solution designing
intensive as a warehouse can be costly and time-        maintenance       infrastructure
                                                                                            stage, the support
consuming. Instead, it may be optimal to subject        that is centralized and can be
all warehouse workers to a basic training, then         remotely managed. Here, an and scale-up of
provide specialized training that is functionally       app-based implementation, as the deployed
based and focused on key responsibilities, and          mentioned earlier, can prove
                                                                                            phases continue
then handpick a few across all the functions for        very useful since it makes
in-depth training. Those who receive in-depth           maintenance and pushing of in parallel to the
training can then help to train the others when         upgrades far easier and less implementation of
needs arise.                                            intrusive compared to a more
                                                                                            the later phases.
                                                        aggregated system.
Evaluate a Remote Setup Option
The initial setup and installation of mobile devices    Looking Forward
is a time-consuming and costly affair. In most          As IT advances, mobile devices are moving toward
cases, however, it is possible to do this remotely      greater levels of integration with human activity.
from a central location using a staging solution.       Enterprises are using this to their advantage by
The required setup can be pushed to devices on          deploying smart mobile devices and apps that
the ground with little or no end-user involvement.      increase process efficiency and thus enhance
Hence, it is advisable to evaluate a remote setup       productivity by enabling new ways of working.
option wherever feasible.
                                                        Enterprise mobility is the most significant step
Support and Scale-Up                                    in this direction. Successful organizations are
After successful deployment, a continuous               those that use their power to build, operate and
process of support and scale-up of the solution         extend new-age warehouses today. Due to the
is initiated. The deployed solution needs to be         immense benefits, the warehouses of tomorrow
administered, managed and supported actively.           will evolve with tightly interwoven mobility. It is
It is also necessary to scale up the solution from      just a question of which organizations can move
time to time by introducing enhancements in the         fast and are able to differentiate themselves at
form of new functionality, advanced technology          the onset, leaving laggards to play catch-up with
and platform upgrades. In a phased implementa-          market leaders.

    IDC Manufacturing Insights: “Predictions 2012: Manufacturing.”
    Gartner Predicts 2012: “Four Forces Combine to Transform the IT Landscape,”

                        cognizant 20-20 insights        9
About the Authors
Shreejit Mitra is a Consultant with Cognizant Business Consulting and is a member of its Manufac-
turing and Logistics Practice. His areas of expertise are in supply chain functions such as warehouse
management and field service management. He is currently advising clients on ways to leverage
disruptive technologies such as mobility in their supply chain functions. Shreejit has an M.B.A. from XIM,
Bhubaneswar, and a B.Tech. in computer science and engineering. He can be reached at Shreejit.Mitra@

Ganesh Iyer is a Consulting Manager with Cognizant Business Consulting and is a core team member
of the Manufacturing and Logistics Practice. His primary areas of expertise include supply chain
management and business process harmonization. He has extensive experience advising companies on
ERP selection and implementation issues across manufacturing industries. Ganesh has an M.B.A. from
NITIE, Mumbai, and a B.E. in mechanical engineering. He can be reached at

About Cognizant
Cognizant (NASDAQ: CTSH) is a leading provider of information technology, consulting, and business process out-
sourcing services, dedicated to helping the world’s leading companies build stronger businesses. Headquartered in
Teaneck, New Jersey (U.S.), Cognizant combines a passion for client satisfaction, technology innovation, deep industry
and business process expertise, and a global, collaborative workforce that embodies the future of work. With over 50
delivery centers worldwide and approximately 156,700 employees as of December 31, 2012, Cognizant is a member of
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