Utilizing BERT Intermediate Layers for Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis and Natural Language Inference

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Utilizing BERT Intermediate Layers for Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis and Natural Language Inference
Utilizing BERT Intermediate Layers for Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis
                                                            and Natural Language Inference
                                                        Youwei Song, Jiahai Wang ∗, Zhiwei Liang, Zhiyue Liu, Tao Jiang
                                                                     School of Data and Computer Science
                                                                            Sun Yat-sen University
                                                                              Guangzhou, China

                                                                  Abstract                     the fine-grained and coarse-grained attention to
                                                                                               make LSTM treasure the aspect-level interactions.
                                             Aspect based sentiment analysis aims to iden-
                                             tify the sentimental tendency towards a given
                                                                                               However, the biggest challenge in ABSA task is
arXiv:2002.04815v1 [cs.CL] 12 Feb 2020

                                             aspect in text. Fine-tuning of pretrained BERT    the shortage of training data, and these complex
                                             performs excellent on this task and achieves      models did not lead to significant improvements
                                             state-of-the-art performances. Existing BERT-     in outcomes.
                                             based works only utilize the last output layer       Pre-trained language models can leverage large
                                             of BERT and ignore the semantic knowledge         amounts of unlabeled data to learn the universal
                                             in the intermediate layers. This paper explores   language representations, which provide an effec-
                                             the potential of utilizing BERT intermediate
                                                                                               tive solution for the above problem. Some of the
                                             layers to enhance the performance of fine-
                                             tuning of BERT. To the best of our knowledge,     most prominent examples are ELMo (Peters et al.,
                                             no existing work has been done on this re-        2018), GPT (Radford et al., 2018) and BERT (De-
                                             search. To show the generality, we also apply     vlin et al., 2018). BERT is based on a multi-
                                             this approach to a natural language inference     layer bidirectional Transformer, and is trained on
                                             task. Experimental results demonstrate the ef-    plain text for masked word prediction and next
                                             fectiveness and generality of the proposed ap-    sentence prediction tasks. The pre-trained BERT
                                                                                               model can then be fine-tuned on downstream task
                                         1   Introduction                                      with task-specific training data. Sun et al., (2019)
                                                                                               utilize BERT for ABSA task by constructing a
                                         Aspect based sentiment analysis (ABSA) is an im-      auxiliary sentences, Xu et al., (2019) propose a
                                         portant task in natural language processing. It       post-training approach for ABSA task, and Liu et
                                         aims at collecting and analyzing the opinions to-     al., (2019) combine multi-task learning and pre-
                                         ward the targeted aspect in an entire text. In the    trained BERT to improve the performance of vari-
                                         past decade, ABSA has received great attention        ous NLP tasks. However, these BERT-based stud-
                                         due to a wide range of applications (Pang et al.,     ies follow the canonical way of fine-tuning: ap-
                                         2008; Liu, 2012). Aspect-level (also mentioned as     pend just an additional output layer after BERT
                                         target-level) sentiment classification as a subtask   structure. This fine-tuning approach ignores the
                                         of ABSA (Pang et al., 2008) aims at judging the       rich semantic knowledge contained in the inter-
                                         sentiment polarity for a given aspect. For exam-      mediate layers. Due to the multi-layer structure
                                         ple, given a sentence “I hated their service, but     of BERT, different layers capture different levels
                                         their food was great”, the sentiment polarities for   of representations for the specific task after fine-
                                         the target “service” and “food” are negative and      tuning.
                                         positive respectively.                                   This paper explores the potential of utilizing
                                            Most of existing methods focus on designing        BERT intermediate layers for facilitating BERT
                                         sophisticated deep learning models to mining the      fine-tuning. On the basis of pre-trained BERT, we
                                         relation between context and the targeted aspect.     add an additional pooling module, design some
                                         Majumder et al., (2018) adopt a memory network        pooling strategies for integrating the multi-layer
                                         architecture to incorporate the related information   representations of the classification token. Then,
                                         of neighboring aspects. Fan et al., (2018) combine    we fine tune the pre-trained BERT model with this
                                                 The corresponding author.                     additional pooling module and achieve new state-
Utilizing BERT Intermediate Layers for Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis and Natural Language Inference
of-the-art results on ABSA task. Additional ex-                   Class Label
periments on a large Natural Language Inference
                                                                 FC + Softmax
(NLI) task illustrate that our method can be eas-
ily applied to more NLP tasks with only a minor                     LSTM          Trm

                                                                    LSTM          Trm
   Main contributions of this paper can be summa-
rized as follows:                                                   LSTM          Trm
                                                                  Pooling         E[CLS]   E1                EN     E[SEP]   E1’             EM’
    1. It is the first to explore the potential of utiliz-
                                                                                                   ...                                ...
       ing intermediate layers of BERT and we de-                                 [CLS]    Tok1              TokN   [SEP]    Tok1            TokM

       sign two effective information pooling strate-                                           Sentence 1                          Sentence 2

       gies to solve aspect based sentiment analysis
       task.                                                 Figure 1: Overview of the proposed BERT-LSTM
                                                             model. Pooling Module is responsible for connect-
    2. Experimental results on ABSA datasets show            ing the intermediate representations obtained by Trans-
                                                             formers of BERT.
       that our method is better than the vanilla
       BERT model and can boost other BERT-                  LSTM-Pooling Representation of the hidden
       based models with a minor adjustment.                 states hCLS is a special sequence: an abstract-to-
                                                             specific sequence. Since LSTM network is inher-
    3. Additional experiments on a large NLI                 ently suitable for processing sequential informa-
       dataset illustrate that our method has a cer-         tion, we use a LSTM network to connect all inter-
       tain degree of versatility, and can be easily         mediate representations of the [CLS] token, and
       applied to some other NLP tasks.                      the output of the last LSTM cell is used as the final
                                                             representation. Formally,
2     Methodology                                                                  −−−−→ i
                                                                       o = hL
                                                                            LSTM = LSTM(hCLS ), i ∈ [1, L]
2.1     Task description
                                                             Attention-Pooling Intuitively, attention opera-
ABSA Given a sentence-apsect pair, ABSA                      tion can learn the contribution of each hiCLS . We
aims at predicting the sentiment polarity (positive,         use a dot-product attention module to dynamically
negative or neural) of the sentence over the aspect.         combine all intermediates:

NLI Given a pair of sentences, the goal is to pre-                              o = WhT sof tmax(qhTCLS )hCLS
dict whether a sentence is an entailment, contra-
                                                             where WhT and q are learnable weights.
diction, or neutral with respect to the other sen-
                                                               Finally, we pass the pooled output o to a fully-
                                                             connected layer for label prediction:
2.2     Utilizing Intermediate Layers: Pooling                                    y = sof tmax(WoT o + bo )
                                                             3       Experiments
Given the hidden states of the first token (i.e.,
[CLS] token) hCLS = {h1CLS , h2CLS , ..., hL    CLS }        In this section, we present our methods for BERT-
from all L intermediate layers. The canonical                based model fine-tuning on three ABSA datasets.
way of fine-tuning simply take the final one (i.e.,          To show the generality, we also conduct experi-
hLCLS ) for classification, which may inevitably lead        ments on a large and popular NLI task. We also
to information losing during fine-tuning. We de-             apply the same strategy to existing state-of-the-
sign two pooling strategies for utilizing hCLS :             art BERT-based models and demonstrate the ef-
LSTM-Pooling and Attention-Pooling. Accord-                  fectiveness of our approaches.
ingly, the models are named BERT-LSTM and
BERT-Attention. The overview of BERT-LSTM                    3.1        Datasets
is shown in Figure 1. Similarly, BERT-Attention              This section briefly describes three ABSA datasets
replaces the LSTM module with an attention mod-              and SNLI dataset. Statistics of these datasets are
ule.                                                         shown in Table 1.
Utilizing BERT Intermediate Layers for Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis and Natural Language Inference
Dataset       #Train #Dev #Test #Label                  Domain                         Laptop      Restaurant      Twitter
                                                              Methods                     Acc.    F1    Acc.    F1    Acc.     F1
       Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis (ABSA)                 BERTBASE                    74.66 68.64   81.92 71.97   72.46 71.04
      Laptop         2.1k   0.2k 0.6k        3                BERT-LSTM                   75.31 69.37   82.21 72.52   73.06 71.61
                                                              BERT-Attention              75.16 68.76   82.38 73.22   73.35 71.88
      Restaurant     3.2k   0.4k 1.1k        3                BERT-PT (Xu et al., 2019)   76.27 70.66   84.53 75.33     -       -
      Twitter        5.6k   0.6k 0.7k        3                BERT-PT-LSTM                77.08 71.65   85.29 76.88     -       -
                                                              BERT-PT-Attention           77.68 72.57   84.92 75.89     -       -
            Natural Language Inference (NLI)
      SNLI           549k   9.8k 9.8k        3               Table 2: Accuracy and macro-F1 (%) for aspect based
                                                             sentiment analysis on three popular datasets.
Table 1: Summary of the datasets. For ABSA dataset,
we randomly chose 10% of #Train as #Dev as there is          we are not going to compare our models with non-
no #Dev in official dataset.                                 BERT-based models. The 10-fold cross-validation
                                                             results on ABSA datasets are presented in Table 2.
ABSA We use three popular datasets in ABSA
                                                                The BERTBASE , BERT-LSTM and BERT-
task: Restaurant reviews and Laptop reviews from
                                                             Attention are both initialized with pre-trained
SemEval 2014 Task 4 1 (Pontiki et al., 2014), and
                                                             BERTBASE (uncased). We observe that BERT-
ACL 14 Twitter dataset (Dong et al., 2014).
                                                             LSTM and BERT-Attention outperform vanilla
SNLI The Stanford Natural Language Inference                 BERTBASE model on all three datasets. Moreover,
(Bowman et al., 2015) dataset contains 570k hu-              BERT-LSTM and BERT-Attention have respec-
man annotated hypothesis/premise pairs. This is              tive advantages on different datasets. We suspect
the most widely used entailment dataset for natu-            the reason is that Attention-Pooling and LSTM-
ral language inference.                                      Pooling perform differently during fine-tuning on
                                                             different datasets. Overall, our pooling strategies
3.2    Experiment Settings                                   strongly boost the performance of BERT on these
All experiments are conducted with BERTBASE
(uncased) 2 with different weights. During train-               The BERT-PT, BERT-PT-LSTM and BERT-
ing, the coefficient λ of L2 regularization item is          PT-Attention are all initialized with post-trained
10−5 and dropout rate is 0.1. Adam optimizer                 BERT (Xu et al., 2019) weights 3 . We can
(Kingma and Ba, 2014) with learning rate of 2e-5             see that both BERT-PT-LSTM and BERT-PT-
is applied to update all the parameters. The max-            Attention outperform BERT-PT with a large mar-
imum number of epochs was set to 10 and 5 for                gin on Laptop and Restaurant dataset 4 . From the
ABSA and SNLI respectively. In this paper, we                results, the conclusion that utilizing intermediate
use 10-fold cross-validation, which performs quite           layers of BERT brings better results is still true.
stable in ABSA datasets.
                                                             3.3.1    Visualization of Intermediate Layers
   Since the sizes of ABSA datasets are small and
there is no validation set, the results between two          In order to visualize how BERT-LSTM 5 bene-
consecutive epochs may be significantly different.           fits from sequential representations of intermedi-
In order to conduct fair and rigorous experiments,           ate layers, we use principal component analysis
we use 10-fold cross-validation for ABSA task,               (PCA) to visualize the intermediate representa-
which achieves quite stable results. The final re-           tions of [CLS] token, shown in figure 2. There
sult is obtained as the average of 10 individual ex-         are three classes of the sentiment data, illustrated
periments.                                                   in blue, green and red, representing positive, neu-
   The SNLI dataset is quite large, so we simply             ral and negative, respectively. Since the task-
take the best-performing model on the develop-               specific information is mainly extracted from the
ment set for testing.                                        last six layers of BERT, we simply illustrate the
                                                             last six layers. It is easy to draw the conclusion
3.3    Experiment-I: ABSA                                    that BERT-LSTM partitions different classes of
Since BERT outperforms previous non-BERT-                        3
                                                                   Since our evaluation method is different from Xu et al.,
based studies on ABSA task by a large margin,                (2019), we post the results based on our experiment settings.
                                                                   Experiments are not conducted on Twitter dataset for Xu
    The detailed introduction of this task can be found at   et el., (2019) does not provide post-trained BERT weights on
http://alt.qcri.org/semeval2014/task4.                       this dataset.
  2                                                              5
    https://github.com/huggingface/                                BERT-LSTM is more suitable for visualizing intermedi-
pytorch-pretrained-BERT.                                     ate layers.
Utilizing BERT Intermediate Layers for Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis and Natural Language Inference
Figure 2: Visualization of BERT and BERT-LSTM on Twitter dataset with the last six intermediates layers of BERT
at the end of the 1st and 6th epoch. Among the PCA results, (a) and (b) illustrate that BERT-LSTM converges faster
than BERT after just one epoch, while (c) and (d) demonstrate that BERT-LSTM cluster each class of data more
dense and discriminative than BERT after the model nearly converges.

       Model                         Dev     Test          sistent with those on ABSA. From the results,
       GPT (Radford et al., 2018)     -     89.9∗
       Kim et al. (2018)              -     90.1∗          BERT-Attention and BERT-LSTM perform bet-
       BERTBASE                     90.94   90.66          ter than vanilla BERTBASE . Furthermore, MT-
       BERT-Attention               91.12   90.70          DNN-Attention and MT-DNN-LSTM outperform
       BERT-LSTM                    91.18   90.79
       MT-DNN (Liu et al., 2019)    91.35   91.00          vanilla MT-DNN on Dev set, and are slightly in-
       MT-DNN-Attention             91.41   90.95          ferior to vanilla MT-DNN on Test set. As a
       MT-DNN-LSTM                  91.50   90.91          whole, our pooling strategies generally improve
                                                           the vanilla BERT-based model, which draws the
Table 3: Classification accuracy (%) for natural lan-      same conclusion as on ABSA.
guage inference on SNLI dataset.           Results with
“*” are obtained from the official SNLI leaderboard           The gains seem to be small, but the improve-
(https://nlp.stanford.edu/projects/snli/).                 ments of the method are straightforwardly reason-
                                                           able and the flexibility of our strategies makes it
data faster and more dense than vanilla BERT un-           easier to apply to a variety of other tasks.
der the same training epoch.

3.4   Experiment-II: SNLI
                                                           4   Conclusion

To validate the generality of our method, we               In this work, we explore the potential of utiliz-
conduct experiment on SNLI dataset and apply               ing BERT intermediate layers and propose two ef-
same pooling strategies to currently state-of-the-         fective pooling strategies to enhance the perfor-
art method MT-DNN (Liu et al., 2019), which                mance of fine-tuning of BERT. Experimental re-
is also a BERT based model, named MT-DNN-                  sults demonstrate the effectiveness and generality
Attention and MT-DNN-LSTM.                                 of the proposed approach.
   As shown in Table 3, the results were con-
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