A Comparative Study of Deep Learning Models for Doodle Recognition - sersc

International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
 Vol. 29, No. 7, (2020), pp. 12077 - 12083

 A Comparative Study of Deep Learning Models for Doodle Recognition
 Ishan Miglani1, Dinesh Kumar Vishwakarma2
 Deptment of Information Technology, Delhi Technological University, New Delhi, India
 miglaniishan@gmail.com, dinesh@dtu.ac.in

 Recent advancements in the field of Deep Neural Networks have led researchers and
 industries to challenge the boundaries between humans and machines. Computers are
 advancing at great speed in this age. If they have the ability to understand our doodles or
 quick line drawings, it will allow for much more advanced and simplified forms of
 communication. This has a major effect on handwriting recognition and its important
 applications in the areas of OCR (Optical Character Recognition), ASR (Automatic Speech
 Recognition) and NLP (Nature Language Processing). This paper aims to implement various
 techniques of deep learning to efficiently recognize labels of hand-drawn doodles. In this
 study, the Google Quick Draw dataset has been used to train and evaluate the models.
 Various state-of- the-art transfer learning approaches are compared, and the traditional
 Convolutional Neural Network approach is also examined. Two pre-trained models -
 VGG16, and MobileNet are used. We have compared these models using various metrics
 such as top 3 accuracy percentage on training and validation data and also Mean Average
 Precision (mAP@3). The result shows that the Transfer Learning model with VGG16
 architecture outperforms the other methods, giving an accuracy of 93.97% on 340
 Keywords: Deep Learning, Pictionary, Games, Transfer Learning, Convolutional Neural Network,
 VGG16, Doodle

 1 Introduction:

 Drawing and understanding images is a way of communication when words fall short or language is
 inadequate due to different cultural and literacy levels. When successful, this method can be applied for a
 variety of applications such as an application for mute people to interact with other people about their
 demands or an interface where a person can communicate their needs by doodles. People learning new
 languages can also draw doodles and get translations. All these applications require computers to
 understand our doodles or quick line drawings. This paper aims to build such models that can efficiently
 recognize user drawn doodles that can be used for a variety of purposes, and then compare their

 This issue, which we aim to examine, is a challenging task to determine the label of an item in a doodle
 using only the visual indications. In this paper, we have experimented to find the efficiency of 2 main
 techniques - Convolution Neural Networks (CNN) and Transfer Learning to understand the results of
 different types of architectures on the problem. Transfer learning is a deep learning technique that
 transfers knowledge learned from a source field to a target field. Many Researchers have previously
 addressed the problem of Image Recognition, with and without transfer learning extensively such as in
 [1]. Other Deep Learning techniques have proven to be very useful in the past as is discussed in [2][3].
 Even though in Transfer Learning pre-trained ImageNet models have been widely used for other image
 classification tasks, they have not been commonly used for hand-drawn images. In the ImageNet

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST 12077
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
 Vol. 29, No. 7, (2020), pp. 12077 - 12083

 competition [4] in the past few years winners have been using deep learning techniques mostly CNNs.
 These factors bear favourably for our analysis and were important factors in deciding the relevant models
 for experimentation.

 The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Section II gives a detailed study on the various works
 done in the related

 Field. Section III consists of the proposed framework of our model. In section IV the implementation and
 experiment details are discussed. Section V describes the evaluations performed and the results obtained.
 The last section VI, concludes the research work with a detailed insight into its future scope.

 2 Related Work:

 The idea of labelling doodles is a very important benchmark. Multiple systems have been proposed for
 Sketch classification, in [8] the authors aim to implement an embedded system. Various datasets have
 been proposed, the WORDGUESS-160 dataset (Pictionary-style word-guessing on hand-drawn object
 sketches: dataset, analysis, and deep network models) is one such example, the MNIST dataset [19] has
 also been used in research for handwriting recognition. We use QuickDraw dataset [5] provided by
 Google. It contains more than 50 million sketch pictures, including 340 categories, and thus provides
 enough complexity for a fair comparison on CNN, MobileNet, and Transfer Learning approaches.

 The aim of transfer learning can be seen in [9] where the pre-trained VGG 16 model was used to classify
 brain images. This was also the case in [10] where multiple ImageNet based Models were used for the
 classification of flowers. Therefore Transfer Learning is a very beneficial method for improving the
 performance of a model as the knowledge that the pre-trained model contains can be applied to the model
 as is summarized in [11] and [12]. MobileNet is a very new and efficient CNN architecture model and
 was proposed in [6]. What makes MobileNet so special is that it requires very low computational power
 without sacrificing much on the accuracy of results. So it is very easy to apply transfer learning to such a
 model and run it. MobileNet has a very lightweight architecture as the job of many convolutional layers is
 being done by depth wise separable convolutions. This architecture is very useful in creating efficient
 models as is seen in [13] and [14] where the existing MobileNet architecture is modified to achieve
 models with higher accuracy and efficiency.

 Figure 1. CNN Architecture

 3 Proposed Methodology:

 In our study, we examined 2 main approaches - traditional Convolutional Neural Networks and various
 transfer learning models. We used VGG16 and MobileNet pre-trained archi- tectures to experiment with

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST 12078
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
 Vol. 29, No. 7, (2020), pp. 12077 - 12083

 transfer learning approaches. We used VGG16, due to the simplicity of data, and MobileNet due to the
 competitive advantage of its size, that will enable our model to be used on a variety of devices.


 We use a CNN, to create a benchmark as it is a natural candidate for image recognition, as the concept of
 dimensionality reduction suits the huge number of parameters in an image and it has previously been
 successfully used in image classification problems [17],[18]. We train a CNN with 3 Convolutional layers
 and 2 Dense layers interspersed with Max Pooling layers, to extract features and then classify images.
 The detailed architecture used is shown in Fig. 1.

 Figure 2. A sketch of Transfer Learning with VGG16 Architecture


 With transfer learning, we gain an advantage using the process of generalisation by beginning from
 patterns learned for a different task. Effectively, instead of starting the process of learning from scratch, it
 allows us to start from patterns discovered to solve a different but related task. Thus, increase- ing the
 adaptability and flexibility of the model by reusing the existing deep learning models. The transfer
 learning block diagram is shown in Fig. 2. This technique is particularly helpful when data of sufficient
 size is not available. We use this design model of transfer learning in the 2 different ways

 – Strategy 1: The first strategy was to define 2 models, with the same architectures as the pre-
 trained models VGG16 [15] and MobileNet [6]. We discarded the weights of every layer from the pre-
 trained models and re-trained the models on QuickDraw dataset from scratch.

 – The second strategy was to perfect or fine-tune the pre- trained models. The lower layers focus on
 the most basic information that can be extracted from the data and hence this could be used as it is on
 another problem, as often the basic level information would be the same. So all the layers remain
 unfreezed and the model was then trained.

 – Strategy 2: freezing up the layers up to several convolutional blocks.

 – Strategy 3: fine-tuning all the layers of CNN to update the weights of the pre-trained model to
 better fit our specific problem.

 4 Experimental Setup:

 A. Dataset

 We use - Google’s QuickDraw Dataset [5] - It is the largest dataset in the world, consisting of 50 million

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST 12079
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
 Vol. 29, No. 7, (2020), pp. 12077 - 12083

 images across 340 categories. All the images are collected as user drawn doodles as part of their
 QuickDraw Experiment. This dataset is highly suited to our needs, as doodles are an accurate
 representation of what human-to-human interaction may look like when we will need to communicate
 something quickly via image. We used the comma-separated value (CSV) files of the dataset that is
 offered publicly by Google. The images in these files are stored as JSON arrays and have been simplified
 by uniformly scaling the drawing and resampling the strokes present. Each drawing was in a 256 x 256
 raw pixel region with values between 0 and 255. All the classes from the overall pool of classes were used
 and stayed constant throughout our experiment. The total number of images used were 50 Million. For
 each class the data was split in the ratio 80:10:10 for the training, validation, and test sets. Some examples
 of the dataset images are shown in Fig. 3.

 Figure 3. Examples of the doodles available in the Quick Draw Dataset

 B. Data Preprocessing

 The data for drawings of each class label exists in the form of separate CSV files. We firstly shuffled the
 CSVs, generating 100 new files with data from all classes to make sure that the model receives a
 random sample of images as input and removed bias. We used greyscale / color-coded processing to
 capture this data to take advantage of the RGB channel while building the CNN, so that the model could
 understand differences between different strokes. We also modified the images by randomly flipping,
 rotating, or blocking parts to help put noise into the images and improve the model’s ability to overcome

 C. Experimental Object

 The GPU used in this experiment is NVIDIA Tesla P100 with 30 GB RAM and deep learning framework
 is TensorFlow, configured with CUDA Toolkit 10.0. In these experiments, we used Google’s QuickDraw
 Dataset, consisting of 50 million images from 340 class labels

 D. Model Description and Training Settings

 In the VGG16 model and MobileNet model, firstly the mod- els were retrained on Google QuickDraw
 Dataset. Secondly, in VGG16 all the layers except the last 2 convolutional blocks were freezed and the
 model was trained. After which we added a global spatial average pooling layer over the existing
 architecture and two dense layers of 512 units with ‘relu’ activation which were both followed by
 Dropout of 0.3 and finally a SoftMax function for classification. We used an Adam optimizer [16].
 Thirdly, in VGG16 all layers were unfreezed and the weights were updated. The learning rate used for all
 3 approaches was 0.0001, for 70 epochs with a batch size of 400 images.

 5 Result and Analysis:

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST 12080
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
 Vol. 29, No. 7, (2020), pp. 12077 - 12083

 As explained in section 4.1, In our study, 64 x 64 RGB images were used for training and validation. In
 particular, 80% for testing, 10% for validation and 10% for testing. For the same dataset, different Deep
 Learning architectures are tested and the results are given in the subsections.

 A. Performance Evaluation Criteria

 Model evaluation was performed by calculating validation top3 accuracy, top3 accuracy and MAP@3.
 Top N accuracy is the measure of how often your predicted class falls in the top N values of your softmax
 distribution. For instance, in a top-3 accuracy for an image dataset, the correct class only needs to be in
 the top three predicted classes to count as correct. Top 3 accuracy means that the predicted correct class
 should be in the Top-3 probabilities respectively. Validation top3 accuracy is the top3 accuracy calculated
 on the validation set. The average of the different precisions at the positions where a relevant image exists
 is called the Average Precision (AP).
 = ∑ ∗ @i (1)

 mAP is the mean AP across all of the queries, where the number of queries is M. For mAP@i, the order
 of the recommendation is important, as the precision@i is the percentage of correct items in the first k
 recommendations. This metric gives "partial credit" to predictions that are almost correct. Specifically,
 the 3 most probable guesses per sample can count for the score (with 1, 1/2 and 1/3, respectively).
 = ∑ 
 =1 (2)

 B. Results

 Table 1 summarizes the performance of our proposed models in Doodle classification. In terms of
 top_3_accuracy the VGG16 model where all the layers of the pretrained network were retrained
 performed the best and gave us an accuracy of 93.97 with val_top_3_accuracy as 93.89 and a MAP@3
 score of 0.87.This was closely followed by the VGG16 model with the second strategy where only a part
 of the layers of the pretrained network were trained again. This model showed promising results but was
 outperformed when all the layers of the network were retrained. The models where only the existing
 architectures without the pretrained weights were used also performed well with the VGG16 Model
 giving a top_3_accuracy of 91.99, a val_top_3_accuracy of 92.41 and a MAP@3 value of 0.85 while the
 MobileNet Model gave us a top_3_accuracy of 92.67, a val_top_3_accuracy of 92.69 and a MAP@3
 value of 0.86. All of these models outperformed the CNN Model that was used as a baseline model. The
 results of the best performing model are highlighted in bold in Table 1.


ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST 12081
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
 Vol. 29, No. 7, (2020), pp. 12077 - 12083

 6 Conclusion:

 In this paper, we proposed and compared five different models for recognition of labels for doodles in
 Google's Quick Draw Dataset. The five proposed models are a CNN model trained from scratch, two
 transfer learning models built with pre-trained CNN models: VGG16, and MobileNet, in two ways -
 Using the architecture of the pre-trained network without using the pretrained weights and the other
 where the network with pretrained weights is used. In the second method two variations were used -One
 where all the layers of the network are retrained and the other where only part of the layers of the network
 remain unfreezed and those are retrained. Among the models discussed in this paper, the VGG16 model
 where all layers are retrained achieved the best results with a validation accuracy of 93.89 and a MAP@3
 of 0.87, outperforming all other models. In the future, combining the transferred features of multiple
 CNNs could further improve the accuracy of the classification. The precision of the classifier can be
 improved by adding the drawing stroke order. Some more memory-saving models, such as shallower or
 faster architectures, may be considered for embedded devices.


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ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST 12083
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
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