Vision Media-Documentation 2023 - New Business Verlag

Page created by Ronald Hart
Vision Media-Documentation 2023 - New Business Verlag
Media-Documentation 2023        contents | themes | formats | prices | contact

                                                                                                                                         Nr. 3/ Mai 2021

                                                                Europe Businessmagazin für Breitband, IPTV, Kabel und Satellit
                                                                Mit Internationalem
                                                                 Supplement zur                                        | Helltec Engineering AG:
                                                                    ANGA COM                                      Ihr Partner für Glasfasernetze

                                                                | ropa: Vertrieb ist        | WISI: Medienversorgungs-     | Starke Verbindung: DOCSIS
                                                                 Partnerschaft für Erfolg    lösung für Deutschlandradio    und Remote-CCAP
© Okea -

                                              Magazine for Digital Infrastructures
                                              Fiber Optic | Cable | Satellite | IPTV
Vision Media-Documentation 2023 - New Business Verlag
Content and Target Group | Topics and dates                                                                                Europe
                                                                                                                                                  I N T E R N AT I O N A L
                                                                                                                                    Magazine for Digital Infrastructures
                                                                                                                                    Fiber Optic – Cable – Satellite – IPTV

Cable!Vision Europe – the business magazine for broadband,             vance for the housing industry, network operators and technicans
IPTV, cable, fiber and satellite                                       for household networks with a broadband or satellite connection.
Cable!Vision Europe reports on technical trends in the digi-           The latest news can be found at as
tal cable-, fiber-, broadband and satellite market, analyzes the       well as in the form of a free weekly online newsletter to which
competition and provides an ongoing overview of developments           interested parties can subscribe.
affecting companies, programs, legal aspects and media policy.         A magazine for decision-makers in the world of digital
The German-language versions of the magazine are targeted at
                                                                       Cable!Vision Europe is the specialist journal covering broadband
Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
                                                                       cable and satellite communications for network operators, con-
It is published six times a year, including an English-language sup-   tent providers, components suppliers, service providers and the
plement in the run-up to ANGA COM targeted at an international         housing industry. Published bi-monthly, it reaches over 5,000
market. A further supplement entitled Smart Home/Building tracks       decision-makers, purchasers and technicians.
trends, technical developments and products which are of rele-

 Recipient analysis                                                                    Recipient structure                %
                                                                                       Cable network operator/           71
 With a circulation of 5,800 copies, Cable!Vision Europe is sent to decision-          satellite/broadband/urban
 makers in broadband cable and satellite communications via subscription and           networks/utilities
 through controlled circulation
                                                                                       Housing companies                 12
  Recipients (by country)                                                              TV companies                        7
  German edition                                                                       Consultants                         4
  Germany 4,230                                                                        Playout centers, service            1
  Austria/Switzerland 1,570
                                                                                       Technology/hardware and             2
  International edition (English)                                                      software
  Eastern Europe, Scandinavia,                                                         Others (regulators/investors/       3
  Benelux 1,902                                                                        legal advisors)
Vision Media-Documentation 2023 - New Business Verlag
Content and Target Group | Topics and dates                                                                            Europe
                                                                                                                                              I N T E R N AT I O N A L
                                                                                                                                Magazine for Digital Infrastructures
                                                                                                                                Fiber Optic – Cable – Satellite – IPTV

Publication cycle:
DIN A4; 6 times p.a. (once a year incl. english supplement; two times a year incl. topic-home reports)
Topics + Dates

  No.            Date of                Topics                                              Closing date for   Closing date for
                 Publication                                                                advertising        printing material

  1/2023         20.02.2023              State-sponsered broadband expansion                16.01.2023         03.02.2023
                                         Mobile radio
                                         Active and passive network technology
                                         Broadband expansion projects
                                         Focus Topic
                                         Smart Building: Solutions and technology for
                                         the NE4 and 5

  2/2023         03.04.2023              Sustainability                                     27.02.2023         17.03.2023
                                         Measurement technology, monitoring,
                                         network planning
                                         Active and passive network technology
                                         Broadband expansion projects
                                         Focus Topic
                                         Regional focus: State of Lower Saxony,
                                         Hamburg, Bremen
Vision Media-Documentation 2023 - New Business Verlag
                                                                                                                              I N T E R N AT I O N A L
                                                                                                                Magazine for Digital Infrastructures
                                                                                                                Fiber Optic – Cable – Satellite – IPTV

Themen + Termine

 No.           Date of       Topics                                          Closing date      Closing date for
               Publication                                                   for advertising   printing material

  3/2023       15.05.2023     TV trends: Broadcast, IPTV, platforms          11.04.2023        26.04.2023
                              Satellite technology
                              Active and passive network technology
                              Broadband expansion projects
                              Focus Topic
                              Trends and innovations for ANGA COM
                              Special Edition
                              English language Edition for ANGA COM

  4/2023       11.08.2023     Public utilities and digital infrastructures   03.07.2023        20.07.2023
                              Active and passive network technology
                              Broadband expansion projects
                              Focus Topic
                              Country focus: Austria
Vision Media-Documentation 2023 - New Business Verlag
                                                                                                                              I N T E R N AT I O N A L
                                                                                                                Magazine for Digital Infrastructures
                                                                                                                Fiber Optic – Cable – Satellite – IPTV

Themen + Termine

 No.           Date of       Topics                                          Closing date      Closing date for
               Publication                                                   for advertising   printing material

  5/2023       23.10.2023     Active and passive network technology          18.09.2023        06.10.2023
                              Broadband expansion projects
                              Focus Topic
                              Country focus: Switzerland
                              Smart Building: Solutions and technology for
                              the NE4 and 5

  6/2023       08.12.2023     Measurement technology, monitoring,            04.11.2023        23.11.2023
                              network planning
                              Active and passive network technology
                              Broadband expansion projects
                              Focus Topic
                              Regional focus: State of Brandenburg, Berlin
                              Smart City Solutions
Vision Media-Documentation 2023 - New Business Verlag
Advertising – prices, sizes, discounts                                                                                                                  Europe
                                                                                                                                                                               I N T E R N AT I O N A L
                                                                                                                                                                 Magazine for Digital Infrastructures
                                                                                                                                                                 Fiber Optic – Cable – Satellite – IPTV

Border trim format + 3-5 mm bleed at each outside edge                                  Type area Special sizes inserts on request

1/1 page        1/2 page          1/2 page           1/3 page        1/3 page    1/1 page           1/2 page            1/2 page      1/3 page          1/3 page
                landscape         portrait           landscape       portrait		                     landscape           portrait      landscape         portrait
210 x 297 mm    210 x 143 mm      107 x 297 mm       210 x 103 mm    75 x 297 mm 175 x 247 mm       175 x 128 mm        87 x 247 mm   175 x 87 mm       55 x 247 mm

Job offers                                                                                               Advertorials

                                                                                                      1/1 page
                                                                                                      2/1 page
                                                                                                                                                        1/4 page
                                                                                                      Special size on request                           landscape
                                                                                                                                                        175 x 65 mm

1/1 page           1/2 page            1/2 page        1/3 page          1/4 page
                   landscape           portrait        landscape         portrait
175 x 247 mm       175 x 128 mm        87 x 247 mm     175 x 87 mm       65 x 147 mm

Printing material                                Loose or bound inserts/stickers        Delivery address for inserts                  Contact
High resolution pdf file (stored for             are possible up to A4                  Lehmann Offsetdruck GmbH                      Fon +49 6201 9860001
pre-press) or complete eps file with                                                    Gutenbergring 39                    
enclosed text or data carrier (each              Special sizes and inserts on request   22848 Norderstedt
with a reliable colour proof)                                                           Phone: +49 40 3085800-0
                                                                                        Delivery note:
                                                                                        „Cable!Vision Europe“
Vision Media-Documentation 2023 - New Business Verlag
Advertising – prices, sizes, discounts                                                                                                                                       Europe
                                                                                                                                                                                                    I N T E R N AT I O N A L
                                                                                                                                                                                      Magazine for Digital Infrastructures
                                                                                                                                                                                      Fiber Optic – Cable – Satellite – IPTV

Advertising rates              No. 11, valid from January 2023 (prices in euros)

Size                                                 Price                                         Type area                                    Border trim format
                                                                                landscape                             portrait          landscape                       portrait
1/1 page                                           3.950,-               175 mm x 247 mm                    175 mm x 247 mm          210 mm x 297 mm           210 mm x 297 mm
1/2 page                                           2.650,-               175 mm x 128 mm                       87 mm x 247 mm        210 mm x 143 mm           107 mm x 297 mm
1/3 page                                           2.350,-               175 mm x 87 mm                        55 mm x 247 mm        210 mm x 103 mm             75 mm x 297 mm
1/4 page                                           1.950,-               175 mm x 65 mm                                  –           210 mm x 82 mm                          –
Cover page                                         4.450,-                              –                                –           210 mm x 297 mm           210 mm x 297 mm
Front page promotion                               6.550,-                              –                                –                  –                                –

Price list for job vacancies                    No. 4, valid from 1 January 2023 (prices in euros)                                           Discounts
                                                                                                                                             with purchase within one year
Size                                             Price                                           Type area
                                                                                                                                                         Volume discount
                                                                              landscape                               portrait
                                                                                                                                                   2 pages                            5%
1/1 page                                        2.750,--              175 mm x 247 mm                       175 mm x 247 mm
                                                                                                                                                   4 pages                       10%
1/2 page                                        1.850,-               175 mm x 128 mm                         87 mm x 247 mm
                                                                                                                                                   6 pages                       15 %
1/3 page                                        1.550,-               175 mm x 87 mm                                     –
                                                                                                                                             No discounts available for job vacancies
1/4 page                                        1.350,-                             –                         45 mm x 247 mm

Guide-entry (price in euros):              500,- per entry                                  Advertorials (price in euros)
(700 characters incl. spaces + adress + logo)
                                                                                                     size                    price          Conditions of payment
                          6 Issues
                                                                                                1/1 page                  2.450,-           After publication, net.
                          2.400,-                                                                                                           Subject to VAT at the applicable
                                                                                                2/1 page                  3.850,-           rate
                                                                                            Special size on request
Online-advertising Homepage                                                                                                       Europe
                                                                                                                                                             I N T E R N AT I O N A L
                                                                                                                                               Magazine for Digital Infrastructures
                                                                                                                                               Fiber Optic – Cable – Satellite – IPTV

Our performance online (Sep. 2021 – Sep. 2022)
Visits per month Ø 2.791 page impressions per month Ø 4.221 (the figures are based on etracker web analysis))

Online-advertising Homepage - rates No. 10, valid from January 2023 (prices in euros)
Advertising                                 Position                Specification/Placement                                 Size      Price per week

Super-Banner                                                        Above head, rollover all sites                        960x100px   Euro 1.100,-

Top-Banner/Billboard                                                Above Top News as well as on all editorial subpages   630x100px    Euro 900,-

                                                                    Home page, pulled through above two news, best
                                                                    possible placement
                                                                    Booking at specific place/position = 10 per cent
XL-Banner                                                                                                                 630x60px     Euro 700,-
                                                                    price surcharge
                                                                    Booking with overheight up to a maximum of 80 px
                                                                    possible = 10 per cent price surcharge

                                                                    Home page, centrally above two news, best possible
Banner                                                                                                                    300x60px     Euro 390,-
                                                                    Booking with overheight up to a maximum of 80 px
                                                                    possible = 10 per cent price surcharge
Online-advertising Homepage                                                                          Europe
                                                                                                                               I N T E R N AT I O N A L
                                                                                                                 Magazine for Digital Infrastructures
                                                                                                                 Fiber Optic – Cable – Satellite – IPTV

Advertising                  Position   Specification/Placement                              Format     Price per week

                                        Best possible sidebar (right frame)
                                        Sidebar is visible on all editorial subpages
Banner                                                                                      300x60px    Euro             600,-
                                        Booking with overheight up to a maximum of 80 px
                                        possible = 10 per cent price surcharge

Skyscraper                              Right side outer, rollover all sites                160x600px   Euro 1.030,-

                                        Homepage, best possible placement in editorial
Sticky-Ad oder Halfpage-Ad                                                                  300x424px    Euro 950,-
                                        Booking at a specific place/position: 10 per cent
                                        price surcharge

                                        Best possible sidebar (right frame)
Sticky-Ad oder Halfpage-Ad                                                                  300x424px   Euro 1.050,-
                                        Sidebar is visible on all editorial subpages
Online-advertising Homepage                                                                                                                   Europe
                                                                                                                                                                         I N T E R N AT I O N A L
                                                                                                                                                           Magazine for Digital Infrastructures
                                                                                                                                                           Fiber Optic – Cable – Satellite – IPTV

Advertising                                 Position                 Specification/Placement                                        Size               Price per

                                                                     Homepage, best possible placement in editorial
                                                                     environment                                              200 characters
Text ad + logo/image                                                                                                                              Euro 1.050,-
                                                                     Booking at a specific place/position: 10 per cent          maximum
                                                                     price surcharge

                                                                     Consisting of a skyscraper on the right and left side
Wallpaper                                                                                                                                          Euro 2100,-
                                                                     and a super banner

                                                                     Consisting of a skyscraper on the right side and a
Hockeystick                                                                                                                                       Euro 2.050,-
                                                                     super banner

Discounts for purchase within one year
   From 4 weekly placements onwards            5%                                    From 20 weekly placements onwards           15 %
   From 10 weekly placements onwards           10 %                                  From 30 weekly placements onwards           20 %
   Intermediary commission: 15 %

Technical formats:
All advertising material for the homepage can be delivered as gif, jpg, png or html. Data delivery no later than 2 working days before the start of the place-
ment. Other special advertising formats available on request.
Newsletter                                                                                                        Europe
                                                                                                                                         I N T E R N AT I O N A L
                                                                                                                           Magazine for Digital Infrastructures
                                                                                                                           Fiber Optic – Cable – Satellite – IPTV

                                     Our performance (Updated 30/10/2022)
              Headbanner             750 newsletter subscribers
              468 x 60 px
                                     Frequency: Once a week

                                     Online-advertising Newsletter
                Banner               (price-list No. 15, valid from 1. January 2023, price in euro zzgl. USt.)
              468 x 60 px            Newsletter                                   Size (pixel)                   Price per week
                 Advertorial         Advertorial                                max. 8 lines 70                        330,-
                max. 8 lines         Advertorial + Logo                         characters each                        500,-
             70 characters each      Banner                                        468 x 60                            485,-
                                     Headbanner                                    468 x 60                            600,-
                                     Content-Ad                                    300 x 250                         1.100,-
             Advertorial with logo
                max. 8 lines         discounts with purchase within one year
             70 characters each               4 circuits         5%
                                             10 circuits 10 %
                                             20 circuits 15 %
                                             30 circuits 20 %
                                            Commission: 15 %
             300 x 250 px
                                     Technical formats:
                                     All promotional material for the website can be delivered as GIF, JPG, Flash or
                                     HTML. Data delivery at least 2 working days prior to placement. Other special
                                     advertising formats available on request.
Online guide and schedule entry                                                                                             Europe
                                                                                                                                                   I N T E R N AT I O N A L
                                                                                                                                     Magazine for Digital Infrastructures
                                                                                                                                     Fiber Optic – Cable – Satellite – IPTV

Online guide                                                          Events

The Cable!Vision Europe Guide presents your portfolio in a parti-     You can enter your seminars and workshops on relevant industry
cularly attractive way: decision-makers, technicians and purchasers   topics in our event overview.
from the broadband cable and satellite communications sector as
                                                                      “Basic” package
well as network operators, content providers, component suppliers,
                                                                      n Free publication of event
service providers and the housing industry can see your services at
                                                                      nE ntry showing the organiser/provider with the name, date and
a glance. The showroom complete with project, application and
                                                                        location of the event directly in the form
product examples highlights your most important services.
                                                                      n Review by the publisher
The entry includes                                                    n Activation one month before the start of the event
Company profile with contact details, logo, up to five images
                                                                      “Basic+” package
and/or a video in MP4 format, YouTube or Vimeo and a personal
                                                                      n Attract added attention to events in the 3-month online package
photo. The logo is displayed alternately on the cablevision-europe.
                                                                      nU pgrade of the basic online entry to up to 1,500 characters of
de landing page.
                                                                        text plus banner and/or logo
Price for 12 months: EUR 2,400                                        n Activation up to three months before the event
                                                                      n Additional flash dispatch to all newsletter subscribers
                                                                      Available at a price of EUR 240.00
Contact | publishing details                                                                                         Europe
                                                                                                                                            I N T E R N AT I O N A L
                                                                                                                              Magazine for Digital Infrastructures
                                                                                                                              Fiber Optic – Cable – Satellite – IPTV

Your contacts                     Publisher

Advertising sales services
Silke Reyher-Timmann              Editor/Publisher: Peter Strahlendorf                Phone +49 40 609009- 0
Phone +49 40 609009-54, Fax -55   New Business Verlag GmbH & Co. KG                   Internet          Nebendahlstraße 16, 22041 Hamburg                   E-Mail
                                  (Postfach 70 12 45, 22012 Hamburg)
Product management
Anja Kruse-Anyaegbu
Phone +49 40 609009-95            Publication cycle                                   Printing method             6 times p.a. (once a year incl. engl. supplement;   sheet-fed offset, coloured advertisement
                                  two times a year incl. with topic-home reports)     based on European scale
Sales marketing                   18th year
Birgit Jessen                                                                         Printing material
Phone +49 40 609009-62, Fax -66   Circulation                                         High-resolution pdf file (stored for pre-            5.800                                               press) or complete eps file with enclosed
                                                                                      text or data carrier (each with a reliable
                                  Bank account                                        colour proof)
                                  Hamburger Sparkasse
                                  IBAN: DE74200505501217131323                        Conditions of payment
                                  BIC/SWIFT: HASPDEHHXXX                              After publication net.
                                  IBAN: DE07200400000482282100                        Not including VAT at the applicable rate
                                  BIC/SWIFT: COBADEFFXXX
Standard Terms                                                                                                                                                                                                            Europe
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 I N T E R N AT I O N A L
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Magazine for Digital Infrastructures
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Fiber Optic – Cable – Satellite – IPTV

Standard Terms and Conditions of Business for advertisements and advertising supplements in newspapers and magazines

1. For the purposes of these Standard Terms and Conditions of Business, the term “advertising booking” shall               Customer may demand a discount or rescind the contract. Claims for damages as a result of a breach of
be defined as the contract for the publication of one or more advertisements placed by an advertiser or other              an obligation despite performance, fault in conclusion of a contract and liability for torts shall be excluded,
party for the purposes of distribution in a printed document.                                                              it being agreed that this shall also apply to bookings placed over the telephone; claims for damages for
                                                                                                                           impossibility and default shall be confined to compensation for foreseeable loss and the consideration rende-
2. For the avoidance of doubt, advertisements shall be published within one year of the contract being signed.
                                                                                                                           red for publication of the advertisement or supplement in question. This shall not apply to willful misconduct
If the contract provides for multiple individual advertisements to be published, the booking shall be executed
                                                                                                                           and gross negligence on the part of the Publisher, its statutory representative and its servants. This shall not
within one year of the date on which the first advertisement is published provided that such first advertisement
                                                                                                                           prejudice the Publisher’s liability for loss caused by the absence of guaranteed characteristics. In commercial
is published within the period specified in Sentence 1.
                                                                                                                           business relations, the Publisher shall not be liable for gross negligence on the part of its servants; in all other
3. Upon the contract being signed, the Customer may have further advertisements published beyond the num-                  cases, liability towards commercial entities for gross negligence shall be limited to the foreseeable loss up to
ber referred to in the booking within the agreed period or the period referred to in No. 2.                                a maximum equaling the consideration rendered for the publication of the advertisement. Any complaints shall
4. If the advertising booking is not fulfilled for reasons beyond the Publisher’s control, the Customer shall              be submitted within four weeks of receipt of the invoice and sample copy, it being agreed that this shall not
reimburse the Publisher for the difference between the discount actually received and the discount to which it             apply to invisible faults.
is entitled for the actual number of advertisements published, it being agreed that this shall not prejudice any           11. Proofs shall be provided only at the Customer’s express wish. The Customer shall be responsible for any
other legal remedies which may be available. There shall be no right to claim reimbursement if failure to fulfil           errors or omission in the returned proofs. The Publisher shall incorporate all corrections of which it is notified
the advertising booking is due to force majeure occurring within the Publisher’s sphere of risk.                           within the period specified when it sends the proofs to the Customer.
5. For the purposes of calculating the quantities sold, text-millimeter lines shall be converted into advertising-         12. In the absence of any particular preferences with respect to size, the calculation shall be based on the
millimeters in accordance with the price.                                                                                  actual print height customary for the type of advertisement in question.
6. Bookings for advertising and advertising supplements which are expressly to be published solely in certain              13. Except where the Customer remits payment in advance, the invoice shall be due for payment immediately,
volumes, issues or positions within the publication must reach the Publisher in sufficient time to ensure that             however no later than 14 days after publication of the advertisement. In the absence of any agreement to the
the Customer can be notified before the copy closing date if the booking cannot be fulfilled in this manner.               contrary concerning the payment period or except where payment in advance has been agreed, the invoice
Classified advertisements placed under the applicable heading notwithstanding the absence of any express                   shall be payable within the period which is specified in the price list and which shall commence on the date
agreement to this effect.                                                                                                  on which the invoice is received. Any discounts for early payment shall be granted in accordance with the
7. Text section advertisements shall be any advertisements bordered by editorial copy on at least three sides              terms specified in the price list.
and not by other advertisements. Advertisements which are not readily identifiable as such on account of                   14. Interest and collection costs shall be charged in the event of default or deferment of payment. In the event
their editorial appearance shall be duly designated by the Publisher through the inclusion of the word “Ad-                of default, the Publisher may defer continued fulfilment of the current booking pending receipt of payment
vertisement”.                                                                                                              and request payment in advance for the remaining advertisements. If there are any justified doubts as to the
8. The Publisher reserves the right to reject advertising bookings - including individual advertisements under the         Customer’s solvency, the Publisher may make publication of any further advertisements contingent upon receipt
contract - and supplements on account of the content, origin and technical form in the light of the Publisher’s            of advance payment of the amount owed and settlement of all outstanding invoice amounts regardless of any
uniform and objectively justified principles if the content is in breach of statutory provisions or administrative         prior agreement concerning the payment period.
rules or the Publisher cannot be reasonably expected to publish the advertisement in question. This shall also             15. On request, the Publisher shall enclose with the invoice a copy of the advertisement. Depending on
apply to bookings placed with the Publisher’s offices, agencies or representatives. Bookings for supplements               the type and scope of the advertisement booking, extracts from the advertisement, sample pages or entire
shall not be binding on the Publisher until it has received and approved a sample of the supplement in question.           sample issues shall be supplied. If it is no longer possible for a copy of the advertisement to be obtained, the
Supplements whose format or design are liable to lead the reader to assume that they form part of the newspa-              Publisher shall instead provide legally binding confirmation that the advertisement has been duly published
per or magazine or which contain third-party advertising shall not be accepted. In this case, the Publisher shall          and distributed.
notify the Customer without delay.
                                                                                                                           16. The cost of preparing the printing material and drawings ordered and any substantial changes to the
9. The Customer shall be responsible for ensuring that the advertising copy, error-free printing materials or sup-         originally finalized versions which are requested by or fall within the responsibility of the Customer shall be
plements are submitted in good time. The Publisher shall immediately request replacements for printing materials           for its account.
which are visibly unsuitable or damaged. The Publisher undertakes to achieve the printing quality customary                17. In the case of a booking for multiple advertisements, the Customer may claim a lower price in the event of
for the publication in question to the extent that this can be achieved with the printing materials provided.              any reduction in circulation if the total average for the year in which the first advertisement is published drops
10. If the advertisement in its printed form is illegible, incorrect or incomplete either in part of in full, the Custo-   below the average circulation specified in the price list or elsewhere or - if no circulation is quoted - the average
mer shall be entitled to demand a discount or a replacement advertisement free of any imperfections, however               number of copies sold (or the average number of copies actually distributed in the case of specialist journals)
only to the extent that the purpose of the advertisement has been adversely affected. If the Publisher fails to            for the previous calendar year. A reduction in circulation shall be deemed to constitute a breach giving rise to
do this within a reasonable period set for it or if the replacement advertisement still exhibits imperfections, the        the right to claim a lower price only if the reduction is 20% in the case of a circulation of up to 50,000 copies,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       I N T E R N AT I O N A L
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Magazine for Digital Infrastructures
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Fiber Optic – Cable – Satellite – IPTV

15% in the case of a circulation of up to 100,000 copies, 10% in the case of a circulation up to 500,000             catalogues and parcels shall not be forwarded or accepted. However, an exception may be made to this rule
copies or 5% in the case of a circulation over 500,000 copies. Otherwise, price reductions on bookings shall         provided that the Customer agrees to pay the resultant costs/fees.
be excluded if the Publisher informs the Customer of the reduction in circulation with sufficient warning as to
                                                                                                                     19. The printing material shall only be returned at the Customer’s express request. If the Publisher voluntarily
allow the Customer to cancel the booking before the advertisement is published by the Publisher.
                                                                                                                     retains the advertising material, it shall do so for a maximum of three months.
18. In the case of box-number advertisements, the Publisher shall apply reasonable care in storing the offers
                                                                                                                     20. Credits and backcharges for discounts shall not take effect until the end of the advertising year.
and releasing them to the Customer in good time. Registered and express letters received in response to
box-number advertisements shall be forwarded only by normal mail. Responses to box-number advertisements             21. Placement confirmations shall be non-binding and may be subject to modification for technical reasons.
shall be held for four weeks. Any letters not collected during this period shall be destroyed. The Publisher shall   The Publisher shall not be held liable in such cases.
return any valuable documents without any obligation to do so. In accordance with the terms of an individual         22. The place of fulfillment shall be Hamburg. Any disputes shall be referred to the competent courts of law
contract, the Publisher may be authorized as a representative to open such offers in lieu and on behalf of the       of the City of Hamburg.
Customers. Letters exceeding the customary DIN A4 format (weight of 50g) as well as merchandise, books,
Publishing program New Business Verlag

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Nr. 7 / Juli 2022

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Nr. 2 / Juni-Juli 2022

                                                                                                                           6                                               DAS MAGAZIN FÜR MARKENFÜHRUNG

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Jahrgang 17                                                                         powered by Healthcare Marketing

                11 business                                                                                               2022

                14.3.22           Das Magazin für Kommunikation und Medien
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Healthcare Marketing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Das Fachmagazin für Gesundheitsmarken
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Dental Marketing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Das Fachmagazin für Dental-Marken

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  Foto: Martin Kroll

                                                                                                                                  Zukunft des Digitalmarketings                                                                                                     TranslaTion

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                       TV-WERBEMARKT                                                          DATENSCHUTZ
                                              BVDW KREATIV-RANKING
 2021 stiegen die TV-Spendings
 wieder an. Einen wesentlichen                 Serviceplan/ verweist
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                                                                                        zeigt Wege auf, wie der Einsatz
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Die Sprache als Schlüssel zur Community
     Anteil daran hatte die                   die Konkurrenz zum dritten Mal              von Google Analytics künftig             Emotional Branding:              Transformation: Die Marke         Oetinger Verlag: Bedürfnisse
      Healthcare-Branche                           in Folge auf die Plätze               rechtskonform gelingen kann
                                                                                                                                   Gefühlvolle Markenführung        als Change-Treiber                der Zielgruppe kennen

The magazine for                                                                                                          The magazine for                                                                                                             The decision-magazine                                                                                  The magazine for dental                                                                                 The magazine for
communication and media                                                                                                   brand management                                                                                                             for pharmaceutical marketing                                                                           marketing                                                                                               content marketing                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

 Nr. 4/22                                                                     
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Nr. 03 / September 2022

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      68. Jahrgang

 public marketing                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            M
                                                                                                                                                        Zeitschrift für Kommunikation und Markenmanagement

                                                                                                                                                                  Schwerpunkt                                                                                 Perspektiven der digitalen Transformation

                                                                                                                                                      KI in der Kommunikation
                                                                                                                                                      und im Markenmanagement
                           Bürgernähe als                                                                                                                                                           Warum wir nicht nur von Künstli-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Der Werbemarkt in Bewegung
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Forcierter Digitalshift im Bewegtbildwerbemarkt durch Corona

                           neuer Maßstab
                                                                                                                                                                                                    cher Intelligenz sprechen sollten
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Ein differenzierter Blick ist notwendig                    Christian Zabel, Technische Hochschule Köln
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Frank Lobigs, Technische Universität Dortmund
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Ethik im Umgang mit KI
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Explainable AI als Herausforderung

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Optimierungspotentiale bei komplexen Fernsehproduktionen
                                                                                                                                                                                                                KI-basierte Ökosysteme
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Die nächste Disruption in                      Eine Methodik zur Optimierung im Zeichen der digitalen Transformation

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Wirtschaft und Marketing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Christiane Janusch, Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   KI und Markenstimme
                                                                                                                                                                                                         KI als Zuhörer, Sender und Gesprächs-
                                                                                                                                                                                                        partner zur Stärkung der Markenstimme                         Standpunkte zur staatlichen Medienförderung
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Christian-Mathias Wellbrock: Konzepte zur Förderung des Journalismus
                                                                                                                                                                                                           KI-gestützte Chatbots in der
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Kundenkommunikation                                   Thomas Breyer-Mayländer: Vom Zeitungsverlag zum subventionierten Medienhaus?
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Ergebnisse einer Online-Befragung                        Paul Murschetz: Warum Deutschland staatliche Presseförderung braucht
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Stefan Graeser: Filmförderung in Deutschland – weiterhin ein Erfolgsmodell?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      In der Rubrik Praxisstudien
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Global Entertainment & Media Outlook 2021–2025
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Eine Analyse von PricewaterhouseCoopers
                                                                                                                                                                                    Die Verwendung des Begriffs
                                                                                                                                                                                    „Wissenschaftlichkeit“ in der Praxis
                                                                                                                                                                                    Anstoß einer Diskussion zwischen Forschung und Praxis
                                                                                                                             Gesellschaft e.V.

                                                                                                                             DWG                                                                                                    ISSN: 1436-798-X

The magazine for                                                                                                          Journal of Advertising,                                                                                                      Journal of Media                                                                                                                Connecting Creative
communication in                                                                                                          Communications and                                                                                                           Management and                                                                                                                  Professionals
public sector                                                                                                             Brand Management                                                                                                             Communication Economics                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

                                              New Business Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, Nebendahlstraße 16, 22041 Hamburg (Postfach 70 12 45, 22012 Hamburg)
                                              Fon +49 40 609009-0, Fax +49 40 609009-15, Internet, E-Mail
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